#cw whbmchate
jazeswhbhaven · 18 days
Man Hell standards must be super low if this idiot of an MC can charm all of them without any charisma whatsoever outside of: "They're disgustedly obscene." I mean send us all the hell if that's how low the expectations are, goddang
Like sorry, Foras' confession was SUPER sweet but it falls short because I don't believe in love at first sight, but of all of the humans to fall in love with? This MC? Really? hell even Obey me!MC used their contract to make Mammon sit when he was being sassy with them, and then drag him along to help them when he refused. I'm talking about early OG game Mammon too, pact was made and they put it to use.
Awh not my babies, but Solomon did call everyone little dum dums in the beginning when he spoke to MC sooooo idk ;w; I'm too biased to call them dumb in the attraction department, for me it's like they can't help it.
I do find it odd sometimes that's there's pretty much an instant form of attraction to MC for nearly everyone. I think the exceptions main story wise outside of the chats/unholy boards are Leviathan, pretty much hated MC and didn't trust them. Glas had to get used to them first, but Barb and Foras seemed to be on that love train immediately. The Gehenna bois aside from Astaroth because they haven't met yet were already smitten with MC. Bimet ofc did not like MC because they didn't own Mammon just yet, he only likes people who have wealth. Valefor the sweetie was very much wanting to be close to MC. NOW when it comes to the side stories in the Unholy Board, Beel was teasing MC mostly and wasn't feeling it at first until MC pretty much demanded they be taken seriously which is cute to Beel (selfie story), Belphegor kinda likes MC, he just wanted to see what was up and why everyone was trying to get them. I think MC has to work for his attention, Beleth is a hopeless romantic I believe, a proper southern gentleman so we already know he would be down.
But I digress. This is getting long lmao
When it comes to pacts, so far I think MC only has one with Satan, Leviathan, and Foras wants to have one too. I'm not quite sure what it does, but it seems to limit their powers substantially which isn't doing much for this war they're having with the angels. I don't particularly compare WHB with OM only because the stories are vastly different even in theme, but I feel SheepMC especially in the comics is very outspoken and very much "wtf pls don't do that" when having a firm hand. I like that. (but I also dislike when everyone is mean to OM Mammon for no reason too)
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
Wish good health and positive vibes to that salt anon, bless their salty heart.
With the MC stuff going down I think I felt I identified a few things. We know what happened with MC's parents but it's never been touched at all and I think PB made a huge mistake. Because that part is probably a good start to give some flesh on that bone that does nothing but bone every devil. Hence why people are complaining that MC is horny...yes it's a horny game but MC's only personality is that and that can fall short without any substance, or clash with the story.
The real questions that need to be ask is: What is WHB MC doing in the story to give them any merit? The answer is: not much. We could give them merit during the end of Chapter 3-4 with Nina and Leamas...but then the dildo thing ruined it. And speaking from the narrative...what else do we know about the MC? They're Solomon's descendant, and for the devils, Solomon was the big deal and very dear to them. But again, this is where the writing falls short. I remembered there was an argument about if the devils even value MC because they're MC and not Solomon's descendant but I won't touch on that we know the devils like MC and it's really just plot armor. I shouldn't be sitting here reading and wondering what EXACTLY makes the devils LIKE MC? Because MC barely has done a lick of anything than sit there and watch, oogles devils, gets kidnapped, gets hanged, etc etc. I guess for me, MC isn't impressive which I expect from a faceless character, they're frustrating because all they have going for them is their horny thoughts but they're ragdolled throughout the chapters and haven't done anything useful even though they're the key for this war deal going on(I swear if chapter 6 makes them a joke again I'm killing everyone in the room), and honestly any sort of situations that's meant to be funny isn't funny to me unless it's just the devils interacting. Then again I enjoy taking a backseat and watching characters interact than any MC in any game.
On a lighter note: if someone as useless as MC can have 6(7) kings and that many devils wanting their dick/cooch then please open the gates and ship all of us to Hell. Unlike MC who dawdles there, we're ALL willing.
Dialing back to answer some old inbox asks before all the new stuff happened (phewihavealottocatchupon)
But yes anon, I wonder though if your opinion on MC is the same after chapter 6 if you've finished it? I'd like to hear your thoughts now that we've seen a bit of push back from MC and them at least vocalizing things this time around.
Now since I don't know if you've finished the chapter, I won't go into too much detail but they DID slip up and it made me shake my head. But at the same time...they're human and perhaps that slip up was bond to happen. (if you did finish it and you know what I'm talking about feel free to chime in on that)
Without getting into Chapter 6, I feel that MC is indeed not giving me much to go on for the valid reason of their plot armor. I'm sure they can help with the entire underground lab thing that's going on, but from what I gather...chapter 7 is probably going to piss off most of us when it gets down to the wire of what MC needs to do.
But that's just my early predictions, I already feel my dread coming from that cliffhanger....
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
Holy shit you actually read my post thank you. And sorry for what I will throw out here:
Hello again! I guess I should use some label but I always forget. Let's just go with 💭 anon because I think way too much for anyone's liking. And Yes, I did finish Chapter 6.
So Chapter 6 actually gave a LOT of information for us and yes MC finally did stuff that actually helped them gain some merit. Their abilities still feel pretty dormant, I guess they wanted to show off just a small taste of what MC could be capable of in the near future. Hopefully. If they don't relapse back. Your move PB and you don't have a lot going for you atm.
But...that's about it. I think after this many chapters and most of the summaries of the L card stories...I don't really have a lot of expectations. In fact anything with the MC is very low expectations for me. But I say I will give them a slightly lighter sentence for CH6, only a smidge but I'm just that hard to please. In the end, I still don't see why the devils like MC. Like I get the devils have no shame and stuff but if the MC is supposed to represent like "us," then it's not really like, blank slatey enough for me to want to make an MC OC because it's like the game tells you that you have to be a frigging pervert which to each their own, I don't really function that way enough to want to fuck every single devil. If I want to make someone crazy I'd make a demon instead. Heck a powerful demon MC makes more sense than a rando human watching porn who happens to be the descendant of someone important? I mean I expect more to their background but it's "descendant of Solomon this and that." Too much emphasis on the Solomon part(be quiet, Sitri) too.
And honestly agree with you when they decided to go gaga over the angel. Heck during the Foras confession bit I'm just going. "Foras you're so sweet, but..seriously? -scoots him over to Astra/OCs- You can do better." I guess PB is making them consistent of them going stupid over any pretty face, and honestly I think everyone's gonna have to just deal with(and I'm sure they are) MC being...well MC I guess.
I accepted it, but I won't like it. It gets tiring when I have to go: "Oh they did a cool thing good for them--aaaaannnnnd we're back to them being a perverted degenerate. Great. Moving on."
Props to PB making a H game and all that, but maybe I'm silly and want to some more meat on those bone(rs). I don't even bother with the unholy boards anymore because I reading the first parts I'm not really invested to throw in all those candies.
I'll let you in on my inbox strategy 💭 anon. There's literally no organized way I answer asks. I do in fact read every single one, and see if my brain has an answer for it, if I do and I can churn it out without getting distracted it gets posted quickly. If not it takes a few days 😭 (or longer as most of ya'll can clock) So yes! very slow reply rate, but I do read every single one at least once so I can keep track of what I need to answer when I get to it.
SO YES glad you finished chapter 6 so we can talk about this better.
MC really made me wanna smack them when they were doubting the devils because I'm like, hello??? the only good angel you've seen is Leamas and even then he was lying to you for his and Nina's benefit while almost getting ya'll killed in the process. Plus, Gabriel killed your bestie/future husband if he has anything to say about it, every devil's backstory should have you convinced, especially Belial's. His damn vocal cords are damaged, you think he did that on purpose?
"I only heard one side" true. But the angels haven't really given you any reason (main story wise) to believe that they should be trusted and shortly after Camael definitely proved that point by getting frustrated when they wouldn't believe him.
There was also that point where they attacked poor Ppyong, so it's clear that they haven't gotten to that level of being able to handle all of the kings powers. Nor be able to take on multiple contracts.
I love how you mentioned scooting Foras over to other OCs, but yes Foras please look elsewhere.
And to brag about Astra for a bit, if you don't mind me doing so, while Astra does have the "hot girl summer, th0t" personality it's literally because she's allowed to do so in Hell, so why not? back with Minhyeok she doesn't want to further embarrass him by acting out, saves that energy for her job, and comes back home and chills out with him. But also, there's a sense of "I have to fight with them otherwise what I am here for?" which is why she tried to beat up Gabriel when she was attacked by him in the first place lol I had to put that for her because I was like, nah we're not gonna have a character that doesn't fight that doesn't sit right with me.
And other's OCs also seem to have their amazing personalities and some are even fixed on one devil and that's it. I love how realistic that can be, and how everyone's characters differ from MC. That's also why I agree that while they aren't blank-slate enough for self-insert, they are made to where we all can just insert our own characters in place and it would still work to some degree.
And for making a demon OC, I'm starting to think I should bring mine over. Nova is half-demon, but I think my demon OC would fit here too (couldn't really figure out how to get him to fit in the OM universe)
I know there's some MC fans out there that don't really see anything wrong with them, (which is why I have my tag on here) but sorry ya'll MC just ain't doin' it for me. Male MC acting this way too just makes me feel like I'm reading this one BL that I won't mention or we'll be here all damn night....lmao
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
I want to add to MC hate, there is a chat with a Belial where he complains about jjyu misbehavior and MC suggested to "spank him with love"?????
That's not how you change problematic behavior!
They have pulled same shit with Rara in the Christmas card with that "instructor love punch" EEW
Jjyu is a bad little thing, I think the last time he punished him was to let him suffer the consequences of his actions so he learns to stop mouthing off lol it was very simple as taking him off his horn and putting him down on the ground to let the devil he was mouthing off to handle him
spanking??? oh come on lol as if Gehenna devils respond to that anyway when they have a king that literally kicks them around for stress relief and as a "punishment" but they all enjoy it ├┬┴┬|•⊖•)├┬┴┬|
Anyways but yeah in Rara's card I didn't like the punching too much in a sexual sense. He did need to get punched though for causing problems lmao like he threw hands first by fucking up Dre's family lets go (well only the audience knows that)
When it comes to MC and their suggestions for things I'm just like ???? but at least there ARE times where MC makes sound decisions.
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
With the greatest respect, I usually don’t read much into people’s OCs since I don’t know the person behind those characters to be invested.
But WHB is the first where I’m just not a fan of the mc at all. So much that other ocs end up being more interesting. I’m not sure how to explain that but I guess the community here just writes scenarios and blurbs better. PB just chucks mildly different scenarios of the same thing: MC gets dragged into something cause king is horny, then mc gets horny, then they frickle frack and usually it’s written so bad AND for science I keep profile as male(I’m female) and they still word scenarios with the female in mind. Like even if this was a last minute change at least make an effort for the male players too.
People probably think I hate this game. I really don’t at least not on a creator level. I don’t like the tower defense and the event stories are fun to read(mainly no mc). I’ll keep playing until something in the stories really turn me off, if they start doing mandatory monthly sub payments to play the game
I totally understand what you mean 💭 anon.
Honestly, with how some heavily critique things including myself others would also assume that I don't enjoy it as much as I'm showing I do. For me it's literally the company more so not being transparent to warn me ahead of time of changes and what and which cards are going to be paid only.
Story wise, I'm just wanting to know more about what's going to happen once MC breaks everyone's contracts, the H-scenes are okay but some of them are not phenomenal whatsoever (gosh I wish they would have done Foras first like I feel they did him wrong personally)
A couple of folks have been voicing their issues with how male!mc is written still with female terms and phrasing and I haven't seen any improvement on that other than them at least making the art for him look more masculine.
When it comes to them building plot with MC I'm just wondering....will it ever change up? I think I'm looking for a moment where MC sides with the angels..or MC can't handle their powers and ends up injuring one of the devils so badly they're in critical condition and everyone is now questioning whether or not Solomon's descendant is on their side.
So far there hasn't been any kind of conflict like that. I also feel as if I went off tangent here lol so my apologies.
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jazeswhbhaven · 24 days
New anon here! Lmao
Anyway, been lurking around your blog and noticed you compared WHB MC to Eiden from Nu:Carnival. And as an Eiden stan I cannot STAND FOR THAT. My man's SUPERIOR than whatever bs WHB MC is on.
Like my man knows the right and not right time to think of sexy times, while in the middle of a fight, MC just thinks of horny stuff, like hello??? You're in a life or death situation??? GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS.
When Eiden IS in sexy times, HE instigates unlike the WHB MC, who's doing the whole "oh my god wait, sex???? With these hot men??? 🥺😱😳👉👈". Like even the way they react to the deed is different! WHB MC does this whole like, oddly puritan and embarrassed schtick ALL THE TIME, while Eiden only did that at the VERY FIRST CHAPTER, then got used to it and now instigates!!
The ONLY time I liked the MC in an H chapter was with Leviathan, and it was mainly because of Levi absolutely not entertaining pussy behavior! AND I HATE LEVIATHAN.
Hey new anon!!! So I finally got to this ask and WELL I am also a big Eiden stan so when I do compare him to WHB MC it's only just to show how I prefer his reaction to things much better. Sorry it if came off as something else 😭
Eiden's got that charm, that feigned innocence just to be funny about it, and then the genuine surprise moments of what he didn't expect. PLUS he designs sex toys. That's already a cool little factoid I like about him. Also, he looks damn good in every single event outfit, even the one where it was pretty much his alter ego.
I wish I could be friends with him tbh because those hoe stories would be crazy and I just wanna hear more about suddenly being isekied to a fantasy realm. That's exactly how I treat NuC, as if I'm listening to a friend talk about his adventures and romance in a different world.
if I try to be Ra-On's (MC) hypeman I would just be like 'OMG JUST DO ITTTTTT" lmao THEY ARE LITERALLY THROWING THEMSELVES AT YOUUUU
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 months
My wrath and hatred have...borne fruit??? All cuz I couldnt hold em in anymore??? Oh boy Im so fuckin glad and proud seein other anti mc peeps Im glad I spoke up🍍
And listen guys if Im gonna be famous in this fandom I wanna earn fame for being that one anon who is enraged by mc even if they do nothin but breathe. That one anon ex player who STILL rampages over mcs bullshit. That one anon who wants to jump into the Whb universe, bang mcs head on a table to get em unconscious, and ship their horny ass to gabriel and / or michael with the cheapest shipping option possible. No shipping em to rara cuz hes gonna buckle when plz I just want mc to perish without a trace like their handsome great grandpa did but I just know theyll horny their way thru it unfortunately cuz history sure as hell aint gonna repeat itself..
But if I get the rank and title of "mcs number one hater" stamped to my big oily forehead my pillow will always stay cool on both sides
🧂 anon it seems your opinions on MC has caught so much traction I have a tag now for it (which I don't mind btw because yeah some folks don't wanna see this kind of discussions too often and it seems I yap too much since I appear often in the algorithm) But I give you 🧂 anon the number 1 MC hater title lol
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 months
the shrimp is (kinda) back!
and im tryna catch up on the whb goodness but the asks/posts about Ra-on (the defaul mc) and their attitude,,,,,
from my perspective, it seems that the fandom is more chill about the various kinks/idiosyncrasies of the devils than MC's nastiness
which is funny as fuck to me
- 🦐
🦐 henlo!!!!!
No like it's wild to me too. Like MC is out here doin' the most and it's like "ew what?" and then there's the bois doing much worse like Naberius liking hair in his spaghetti and Bael liking armpits iirc and let me see there's someone else who does something weird but idk there's too many to name lmao
Not to mention Glas' and Paimon's kink too OH and before I forget, Dre licking eyeballs lmao (I think that's his kink because that's what I remember)
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