#4. Registration process
adeelseo · 6 months
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pocketramblr · 5 months
AU where both Izuku and Bakugou are rejected from UA Hero Course.
And to make it juicy. The reason for the rejections is the suicide baiting incident being known by UA. While Bakugou is rejected for obvious reasons. Izuku is rejected for his ‘own safety’ and because they won’t trust his psyche went unscathed.
1- The thing about Bakugou is that he was not particularly well liked by his classmates at Aldera. Oh, he had friends, and no one was willing to stand up to him, but plenty of students had grudges about how he acted. They rolled their eyes when Bakugou went on a rant about being the only one who could make it to UA, or his lackeys hyped him up, but then they'd look away without a word when he caught them and glared. No one was going to say he wasn't powerful and couldn't do it, just like they weren't going to say Deku had any chance. Sometimes, capable people are also very annoying, and you just have to deal with that, so the kids did. And if a few were in a small group chat that would sneak pictures or videos to show the kids not in their class and complain, well, that's what the kids did. And then one day, one filmed the conversation after school, after Bakugou threw out the notebook, and posted it publicly, as well as in the chat.
2- nothing came of this. Izuku had either blocked or been blocked by a lot of his classmates online, and hadn't really bothered to look for most of them anyway, so neither he nor Bakugou are aware of the video. The sludge villain sort of happened an hour later, and that's what got the big media buzz- the news couldn't publish the names of the teens involved if they ever even had them, but locally, people at Aldera knew who the kids on tv were.
3- the next year, UA has its recommendation exams. Every student is meticulously background checked before even being accepted as an potential for the exam and interview. A couple weeks later, they have the standard exam. The background checks will happen after this- UA after all has a very prestigious image. Bakugou wasn't wrong that if he took his lackey's cigarette and UA found out, his chances would be gone. Unfortunately for him, the video was still online. Mostly forgotten about... Until it contained not one but two potential UA students.
4- Nedzu and the six hero course homeroom teachers are on the board of student admissions, but so are two others each from administration, public relations, the school board, and the heroics commission. The top fifty scorers are ruthlessly picked through. The video is watched. Some want to exclude Izuku, some Bakugou, some both. Nedzu would prefer to have them both enrolled in separate classes, but is outvoted. He doesn't warn the board this will mean All Might will not be staying on to teach - he really can't, without telling secrets, but he does warn All Might the next night, and gracefully accepts his resignation.
5- a week after the exams, acceptance and rejection letters are sent. These are simply written on paper. Apparently neither of them are a good fit for the school. No further reason is given. Bakugou spends one day in his room, quieter than ever, then rush applies to other schools. Shiketsu is supposed to be UA's equal. Perhaps their admissions process will be less rigid. Or perhaps his rise to number one is "supposed" to come from humble starts, and Aldera Middle School wasn't that, but some mid rank hero school is. Meanwhile, on the beach, All Might tells Izuku that he actually ended up with the most rescue points in the exam, and his score was high enough to place him in top ten... It was just the screenings afterwards that did it. Perhaps the school was concerned about his health, with him breaking nearly every limb. Or perhaps his incorrect quirk registration was a red flag- either way, it's things All Might blames himself for, Izuku is the one who passed the test, and with only a few hours of having OfA too. So All Might asks Izuku what he wants to do- try for another hero school nearby? Toshinori probably can't get a job there on short notice without being suspicious, but he'll work to train him every day after, and come up with some other excuse for why he's in the field less. Or, should he reach out to I-island? Toshinori's even willing to see about setting up a personal internship with himself or Gran Torino, though he really kinda hopes Izuku doesn't pick that one. Izuku bursts into tears and apologies, having only held them back this long out of shame, they hug, and Toshi tells Izuku to take his time deciding, it'll be all right, because Izuku is here and he has full faith in him, regardless of what UA admissions thinks.
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porcupine-girl · 2 months
Reminder to everyone who teaches students age 18+ in the United States:
It is NOT LEGAL to offer ANY INCENTIVE for a person to either vote or register to vote in an election with any federal positions on the ballot. I don’t know if it’s actually been tested in court, but this is generally assumed to include offering extra credit!
Do not offer extra credit for voting or registering to vote (and definitely don’t require it)!
HOWEVER. Things that ARE totally legal that I encourage you to do:
Remind your students of registration, absentee, and early voting deadlines.
Provide links to the necessary sites to do these (and warn against fake links).
Be available to answer questions about the registration or voting processes
Don’t have anything due on Election Day (and maybe the day after) and if you can, cancel class that day.
When I was in high school one of our teachers became a notary just so she could register students to vote when they turned 18 (I don’t know anything about that process).
Offer extra credit for (or if it’s relevant to the class, create assignments requiring) things like explaining/researching the registration or voting process, going to a polling station and writing observations (no photos!), researching candidates or issues, etc. Things that make it easy for them to just register/vote while they’re there, but they don’t have to.
Things that are legal but tbh I don’t encourage you to do unless it’s relevant to the class you’re teaching and you’re totally sure your school has your back if parents complain:
Tell them who/what you think they should vote for (or you’re voting for) and why
However, if any issues are relevant to your class obviously you can work them in in relevant ways. Just be careful of parents or students who think you’ve “got an agenda” - personally I always stick to the facts and let students draw their own conclusions.
For example: In our development chapter we cover prenatal development, and I’m careful to mention several facts that I could skip but that directly oppose anti-abortion taking points, such as the fact that you aren’t pregnant until you’re 2-4 weeks pregnant, there is no “heartbeat” at six weeks, only an electrical pulse, and as far as we can tell fetuses cannot feel pain until myelination of their nerves starts around 25-27 weeks. I’ve noticed some students who look pleased that I’ve mentioned these things as well as students who are clearly surprised by them. I never mention abortion, and anyone trying to claim I’m pushing a pro-choice agenda would be hard pressed to demonstrate that I’m doing anything other than conveying the scientifically-supported facts of prenatal development.
It’s an unfortunate fact that it can be dangerous for teachers at any level to give any indication that we aren’t apolitical beings, but you know and I know that just getting people to register and vote (especially young people), without a single word about who to vote for, benefits the left more than the right.
They know it too, but I’d like to see a parent complain about my providing links to voting registration without admitting they just don’t want people with every right to vote to actually do it.
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maplebellsmods · 11 months
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What is this mod?
The Standardized Test Mod opens up a lot of new interactions for your teens to delve more into their academics. Prepare your Sims for success as they gear up to take various tests, and measure their proficiency.
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Sign up for Exam 
The SAK exam is exclusively for teenagers and aims to mirror a slice of high schoolers' lives. Standardized Exams are a significant aspect of student life, and I wanted to incorporate a bit of that into the game. Sims has various steps to get ready for the exam, but there are certain registration periods to follow. Additionally, students can acquire a SAK late registration ticket, albeit at a higher cost. 
Regular Registration  - from Sunday to Tuesday $150
Late Registration - Wednesday to Friday $190
(Exams are on Saturday)
Meet With Guidance Counsellor 
If your Sims face financial difficulties and can't afford a ticket, they can meet the guidance counselor to see if they're eligible for a fee waiver. If eligible, they can sign up using the regular option at no additional cost. However, if they're buying a late ticket, they'll have to pay the late fee.
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Buy Test Prep 
Your Sim also has the option to purchase test prep books, which significantly aid in achieving higher scores. However, they're quite expensive. If your Sim has the means, it's highly recommended to invest in these prep books. They're a great way to enhance your score.
Use Free Online Tools 
If your sim cannot afford to pay for the books it's okay! They can also use the free online tools at their disposal. The free online tools though are less useful in helping your sim achieve a really high score. They still can, but you really need to invest your time in them.
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Hire Tutor 
Your Sim can also hire a tutor, but it will come at a cost with varying fees. Tutors can provide valuable advice and guide your Sim through the studying process. They can either come over or meet at a designated location (rabbit hole). You can also hire as many tutors as you would like. 
When your Sims are ready for the exam, they can attend on a Saturday at 7 a.m. Make sure they're on time as the doors close at 8 a.m. The exam will last for 6 hours, and Sims will be dismissed afterward. Results will be released 24 hours later. Sims who get a really high score are usually admitted into university faster!
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Scoring Structure  
The exam is scored out of 300 points, and Sims can improve their score by enhancing their logic and writing skills. Besides that, they should practice as much as possible. The more they practice and utilize the available tools, the higher their score will be.
You need:
XML Injector
BG Compatible
How to install the mod?
Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods <--- Place the package here
Download Here
Public Nov 18th
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Mandalorian Code Interpretation [link is found here]
Strength is Life
Honor is Life
Loyalty is Life
Death is Life
2. Honourable Conduct [link is found here]
Honour in self
Honour in the Community
Honour in the Galaxy
Honour Amongst Clan
Honour in Partnership
Honour in Leadership
Honour in Combat
3. Adoption Law [link is found here]
The Legal Definition of Foundling
Foundling Procedure
Disownment of Parent
Community Adoption
Adoption regarding criminal activities
Adoption regarding marital conditions
Adoption Consent
4. Marriage and Divorce [link is found here]
Spouse Definition
Spousal Privileges
Conditions for Legal Engagement
Consent and Age Restrictions
Conditions for Legal Marriage
Conditions for Legal Divorce
Children, Clan and House Considerations
5. Resolnare [link is found here]
The Six Tennent’s Broader accepted conditions
Way Followers Interpretation
Naasaade Interpretation and Redemption of Vows
Noncombatant Interpretations
The Mandalorian Healer’s Code
The Mandalorian Armourer's Code
Codes recognised in Conjunction
6. Clan and House [link is found here]
Definition of House
Responsibilities of House
Definition of Clan
Responsibilities of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of House
Requirements needed to be declared a Major House
7. Language Protectorate [link is found here]
Mando’a in Practice
Rights to change, add or remove words
Script usage and recognition in Mandalorian Space
8. The Position of Manda’lor [link is found here]
Requirements needed to be a candidate for Manda’lor
Commanding body
Restrictions, Compliance and Declarations of Misconduct
9. Education and Cultural development [link is found here]
The Education Responsibilities of Clans
The Education responsibilities of Schools and facilities
Freed Re-education programs and foundations
Religious and cultural rights within education systems
Parental rights throughout education
10. Electoral Process [link is found here]
The Court of Houses
The Sector Governors
The System Governors
The Astro Body Governors
District Electoral Members
Electoral Voters
Voting conditions
Overseers of the Ballot
Postal Elections
Voting Eligibility
Right and Responsibility
Conditions for Referendum, Re-election and Hung Parliamentary Votes
11. Court of Law
Family Court
Criminal Justice Court
Court of Appeal
Military Court
Financial and Business Court
Public Courts
12. Responsibility and due process
Parental Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Political Responsibility
Financial Responsibility
Military Responsibility
Adoption Due Process
Engagement and Marriage Due Process
Divorce and Separation Due Process
Election Eligibility Due Process
Firearms Licensing Due Process
Verdgoten and Adult Graduation Due Process
Election Results Due Process
Parental Disownment Due Process
Clan and House Formation Due Process
13. Foreign interaction and policy
Foreign Ambassador acceptance
Externa; Ambassadors abroad
Foreign Currency and Exchange
Border Security
Digital Security and Programming Policy
Citizenship and Visa Acceptance
14. Employment within and outside of the sector
Legal age and parameters of employment
Contract and procedure for levels of employment
Foreign policy for Mando'ade working abroad
Foreign policy for outsiders working in Mandalore
15. Property and payment
Land ownership and tenancy
Forms of payment accepted in legal contract
Ownership and registration of vehicles
Ownership and registration of Firearms
Ownership and registration of Non-sentient Animals
Copyright, fair trade and artistic license
16. Beskar
Donations to Foundlings
Sacred right to wear beskar as armour
Conditions for percentage declared
Rights to mine and export
Religious significance
17. Recognised Mandalorian Sects and Coverts
Haat Mando’ade
Way Followers
Creed Bound
Silver Children
18. Armour and Weapon Classifications
Military Issue
Military Grade
Civilian Use
Hunter and Mercenary Equipment
Trade and Specialist Equipment
Journeyman, Protectorate
19. Criminal sentencing
Grievous bodily harm
Criminal Negligence
Medical Malpractice
War Crimes
Demagolkase - War Crimes against children
Sentient Trafficking and experimentation
Financial Misconduct and Tax Evasion
20. Military and Law Enforcement
Mandalorian Protectors
Journeyman Protectors
Home Guard
Manda'yaim Reserve
21. Land Rights and Conservation
Land Ownership
Sale and Redistribution of land
Declaration of Sacred Places
Sector Council Lands, Protectorate Lands, Crown Lands and Stock Routes
Protected Areas
Water Ways
Tenancy, Lodging, and Temporary Accommodations
Public Areas
Squatters' Rights
Sanctioned and unsanctioned terraforming
22. Commerce, Business and Integrity
Currency and Zones
Business Licenses and Legal Procedure
External business practice
Monopoly businesses and Mega Businesses
Banking within the Sector
23. Discrimination [link is found here]
Religious Interpretation
24. Closing Statements
Manda'lor Jaster Mereel [link is found here]
The Translator
25. References
Regarding headcanons for Houses; [link is found here]
26. Contacts and Relevant Supervising Personnel of Note
[This post will be altered as I go, and as amendments are made]
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typosandtea · 4 months
Vertibirds. 🚁⚙️🗡️🪽
So every wastelander and his dog know that the fallout 4 vertibirds crash more than settlements need help. But why is that? Here's my 2 caps on the matter. (Or: Bethesda doesn't understand aviation very well I think)
( So uh this is way longer than I expected, I was possessed🚁☢️:] )
TLDR: Horrific conditions for aviation, the difficulties of wasteland heavy maintenance, inexperienced pilots AND mechanics, and the WORST damn instrument layout I’ve ever seen
The Vertibird is designed as a fictional tilt rotor VTOL/STOL(Vertical/Short Take Off and Landing) aircraft which makes a ton of sense in the wasteland where suitable runways are rarer than hens teeth. One of Bethesda's primary visual design influences for the vertibird I suspect is the bell boeing v-22 Osprey.
This funky creature \/
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This photo is from the Wikipedia page >Here< [ID: a photo of a v22 osprey aircraft in flight as seen from below and to the right, the aircraft is a medium tilt rotor aircraft with very large propellers, the aircraft is current in vertical take off or landing with the engines pointed straight up. The landing gear is extended, the aircraft is painted in air-force grey with the faint decal “marines” and the American army star on horizontal stripes and the squadron and registration barley visible on the empennage. The cargo and forward doors are open and a soldier is hanging out the front. End ID]
Now the Osprey has a bit of a reputation among people I’ve met who’ve flown in them, I've personally been told things like "if it's not leaking hydraulic fluid, that means you're out of fluid" and "its terrifying to fly in".
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My screenshot. [ID: A screenshot of a fallout 4 vertibird, seen from front left in flight over bushland. the Player is manning the minigun and Paladin Danse is a Passenger. End ID]
Looking at the Vertibirds themselves we can make a few assumptions here.
The shape of the cowling and the noise they make indicates that the engines are some form of turboprop engine, likely requiring liquid fuel akin to Avtur(Aviation turbine fuel). Confirmed by the Instruments visible in the cockpit.
The most weight efficient way to move big parts is hydraulics so, they likely have complex hydraulic systems for wing positioning / AOA(Angle Of Attack) / engine angle. Likely also for landing gear since they have retractable gear in fallout 4.
That the BoS has modified them from the original design at least partially, allowing attachment to the Prydwen, likely other modifications too.
I strongly suspect that they have an APU(Auxiliary Power Unit) in the aft fuselage / empennage somewhere, since they have a massive air intake scoop on the top fuselage, they can self start their primary engines which either requires a ridiculous amount of electricity / amps or a source of bleed air. Bleed air is the most likely candidate for self start and is reasonably common on real turbine aircraft, APUs also allows for ground power without having primary engines running. Also confirmed by the instruments in the cockpit.
All of these points are well and good and common in aviation, even modifications (ie. STOL kits, survey aircraft, agricultural mods, skiis, ect). But modern aviation has some advantages that the BoS doesn't have: access to new off the shelf parts, proper verified documentation, proper test processes & facilities, and experienced personnel.
Don't get me wrong, I think Proctor Ingram is awesome, very knowledgeable and practically a miracle worker (especially with that one terminal entry about an engine failure field recovery she pulls off!!), but one chief engineer cannot maintain an entire fleet AND the Prydwen, she comments on how things are breaking often on the ship that she is very busy! Training of new engineers takes *years* to even get to basic level! Ingram can’t train anyone she is too busy keeping everyone in the air 24/7! So who is training all of these scribes? There must be a huge amount of time teaching and supervising even simple tasks! Even at their best the BoS wouldn’t be able to hope to be near the prewar standards of training! Even Ingram or other senior scribes would not be thaaaaat experienced, 10 years is not a long time to completely learn a new aircraft and implement systems & processes of maintenance. The point here is that there are inexperienced scribes maintaining these aircraft.
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My Screenshot. [ID: A screenshot of proctor Ingram from fallout 4, she is standing in the Liberty prime control area. She is smiling. She is wearing her usual modified power armour frame. Preston is visible in the background with a clipboard and pen, he is wearing woody’s outfit from toy story. End ID]
Heavy maintenance in the wasteland, especially in an active combat zone would be an absolute nightmare, are the poor scribes doing overhauls on the flight deck?? Not really possible, so the BoS must have a ground facility at the airport somewhere. Also side note where is the rest of Boston airport? There is more to an airport than a terminal and 1 runway, where are all the hangars?? Likely underwater but still, no ruins??
Back to maintenance, aircraft need a huge amount of care, way way way more than cars do. light civilian aircraft IRL need a full inspection every 100 hours of flight time, which adds up incredibly quickly! For example if you have a one hour commute twice a day that’s MR(Maintenance Release) hours reached in 50 days! You legally cannot fly out of hours. And a service for small aircraft takes about 3 personnel / 2 days and that’s without any major repairs or ADs (Airworthiness Directives) to address! $$$$! Aircraft operating in adverse conditions also need additional maintenance, and coastal areas like Boston, are considered adverse conditions since the salt air corrodes aluminum and steel like nothing else! Corrosion untreated will damage your aircraft and if left too long can destroy the structural integrity of aluminum parts. The spars of aircraft are aluminum often!
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My photo. [ID: The inside of a Cessna 172 wing trailing edge is shown looking inboard at the aft root rib, which is primer green, it is backlit by torchlight, the fuselage and a orange scat hose are visible behind it, it has 3 irregular shaped holes in it, 2 are by design but the third medium sized hole in the center of the image is eaten away by corrosion. End ID]
Vertibirds, between being shot at constantly and having a complex deign with a lot of precision moving parts will need a lot of repairs; moving parts means lots of upkeep, grease and inspections! The BoS by 2287 must have some sort of manufacturing back in capital, they cannot still be using old parts from the enclave after 10 years of maintenance, that’s a lot of grease, paint and hydraulic fluid!!!
The BoS must also have a refinery of some kind because Avtur is a refined fuel with some important additives like biocide. Manufacture and storage of fuel is very important since fuel contamination will bring down an aircraft! (and has multiple times IRL! :[ ). Water, microbes, and algae are real dangers to engines, with free water being the most common. Poorly sealed tanks or improper fuel storage combined with a incomplete or missed pre-flight inspection can lead to fuel starvation, since water is heavier than fuel and tank outlets are at the bottom of the tank. If you loose an engine on a twin, may God help you.
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This image is from Concordia Bioscience >Here< [ID: A photo of a sample of pale yellow Jet fuel in a clear container, the sample is contaminated with water and microbes and has separated into layers with water at the bottom, then microorganisms, and then Fuel at the top, the image is labeled as such. End ID]
Getting to the most likely crash reasons now (finally), In my opinion that is inexperienced pilots and; a horrific instrument layout.
While there must be some lancers in the BoS that have been flying for the whole 10 years that they’ve had Vertibirds, I think that is likely the exception not the rule, even if they crashed a fraction of the time that do in game that’s still A LOT of downed aircraft!
Experience is only gained in practice, and unfortunately for the BoS they are (self-declared) at war so resources are thin and safe zones are thinner. I suspect that there are a lot of very inexperienced pilots without the time for the experienced pilots to really teach.
Linking to my final point, experience on an airframe itself is also important, you want to be familiar with your aircraft, even among a group of the same model aircraft they will each have quirks, like slightly different instrument layouts, slightly different handling/feel i.e. "this one flies heavier / slower" (at least that's my experience with smaller civilian aircraft) I imagine that the apocalypse did nothing for improving manufacturing tolerances!
Experience can only help lancers so much when veritibirds have such a strange instrument panel layout:
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My screenshot. [ID: a screenshot of a instrument panel from a Fallout 4 vertibird. it is slanted on a approximately 30 degree angle. End ID]
A bit weird looking yeah? For reference Pilot is left seat and copilot is always right seat, this applies globally even in right hand drive countries.
lets take a closer look:
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My Screenshots. [IDs: Three screenshots of the same Instrument panel as above, but zoomed in using a sniper rifle scope to get a better look. The first screen shot is the pilots side, the second the center, and the third the copilots side. End ID]
All righty! So reading from top to bottom, then left to right we have:
On the pilots side: A Rotor%RPM gauge, a VOR(Very high frequency Omni-directional Range) indicator, a DG(Directional Gyro), a HSI(Horizontal Situation Indicator), and then a huge AI(Attitude Indicator),
In the center section we have: presumably light clusters (likely master warnings & cautions, gear indicators, and other status lights), a second VOR gauge, likely magnetic compass as they are usually top centre (though I can’t see it being at all accurate with all of the steel around!), the engine instruments cluster, and the APU status / control panel at the bottom. unsure of what the 3 clusters of horizontal buttons are suppose to be other than input of some kind?
In the Engine cluster: Torque%, XMSN(transmission) oil temp / pressure dual gauge, a gas producer % RPM gauge with small integrated single percent dial (like having a seconds dial on your watch for accuracy) meaning the engines have free turbines (compressor not attached to the power turbine), a dual load / fuel psi gauge, a dual engine oil pressure and temperature gauge, fuel quantity in pounds, a turbine output temperature gauge (the hottest part of your engine), and a clock.
On the copilots side: a second Rotor%RPM dual gauge, a third VOR indicator, Airspeed in Knots and MPH, a RMI(Radio Magnetic Indicator) which uses VOR and ADF(Automatic Direction Finder) on compass, a second DG, a second HSI, and a teeny tiny altimeter right in the outboard corner.
the 4 instruments on the lower copilots panel are completely unlabeled
some things of note that are from game limitations:
most of the engine instruments don't have needles at all
the DGs and the RMI use the same background asset, resulting in the DG wrongly having 'VOR' and 'ASI' on its face, DGs are self contained air driven instruments that work on gyroscopic precession, not any outside data input.
all of the instruments with a compass face all say north despite this vertibird not quite facing north.
the AI is showing wings level despite this vertibird being crashed and on a ~30 degree angle
there are not engine controls at all not even flat assets, only flight controls.
There are a lot of instruments here and most of them are reasonably OK read individually, BUT there at least 1 key instrument missing and the layout outs emphasis on completely the wrong things:
WHERE IS THE VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR(VSI)????? That's a pretty important gauge in a VERTICAL take off / landing aircraft!!!!!!!!!! It's one of the basic six pack!!! how was it omitted??? Speaking of the six pack why is there only one ASI and Altimeter?? and why are they tiny and ON THE COPILOTS SIDE ONLY???? the altimeter is LITERALLY the furthest instrument from the pilot in a vertibird, it should be right in front of the pilot!!! the easy to miss altimeter would make IFR(Instrument Flight Rules) flying incredibly dangerous! Also why are there four VOR based navigational instruments? VOR IS GROUND BASED NAVIGATION!!! unless the BoS has rebooted the multiple ground beacons for them to navigate from that's THREE dead instruments taking up space on the panel! the RMI is slightly more useful as ADF can tune to commercial radio frequencies, though these would need to be strong!
These poor inexperienced lancers are having to look all over the whole unnecessarily crowded cockpit for basic information that should be right in front of them, causing reaction delays and possible confusion. That delay could be the difference between whether or not they are flying home today.
-> Bethesda doesn't understand what half the instruments do and while they did a good job with most of the assets, in their quest to make it retro-future / visibly different from actual aircraft, they have completely destroyed any use of logic in the layout.
Thanks for reading! Here’s a video of me yeeting Danse with the ‘Get out of my face mod’ as compensation haha
My Video. [ID: a video capture from fallout 4 in first person. It is night and is at oberland station facing the water treatment plant. The player is wearing power armour and the HUD is visible. The player is very close to Paladin Danse, he turns away from them and they shove him with the voice line “stay out of my way”. Danse flys a long way away while rag-dolling. The Gamer’s laughter can be heard while Danse is flying. The player follows Danse’s fall with the crosshairs. The player then walks backwards. End ID]
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i--am-ironman · 2 years
i'm reading old motorsport magazines for my thesis and in one a local steward told the story of the 2017 european f3 race in hungary where 4 drivers were late from the administrative registration process. since usually the drivers are rich kids, fining them wouldn't do anything so the stewards ordered them to help packing marshal equipment the next morning as community service.
to the surprise of absolutely nobody, one of those kids was lando norris.
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hoffmansnightmare · 3 months
Alright, now that I've had some sleep and time to process I can tell about how I met Costas Mandylor! Pics included!
Things went smoothly for the most part! The con is in my hometown and only a short drive. I was very excited but also super anxious! I'd had the art I'd drawn printed out and planned to buy another print for Costas to sign. Every scenario was running through my head, that'd he'd hug me and I'd make it weird, that he wouldn't hug me and just sign my things and then I'd feel bad I hadn't gotten a hug. Or maybe he'd ask me about the art, which I didn't really want to explain that it was from the fanfic I'm writing.
I tried to run through any responses that didn't make me sound like a total FREAK, or what'd I'd say to him in general. We got there at 2:30 and early entry wasn't until 4:30, but I knew from past experiences that it was best to try to line up as early as possible, so my husband, who was there mostly for moral support, and I went inside and for sure there was a line for registration started. At 3 they started checking us in and giving us our badges. We were pretty close to the front so I was feeling pretty good.
I didn't know how popular Costas was going to be. The last person I waited for was Robert Englund, and I waited 6 and a half hours just for him, and with the new movies bringing in more fans I wasn't sure how long of a wait I was in for and I wanted to be as close to the front as possible. Brad Dourif was also there so I was hoping he would be drawing most of the attention, and he was, but I was still nervous. We waited in another line for the celebs and we were right outside the door so I was feeling pretty confident at this point. C.J. Graham came out a few times to tease some of those waiting in line and to wonder the convention floor. I get the feeling that man has a hard time sitting still.
Then the doors open and half of the celebs weren't there. Now I do not blame them. I get the feeling that the staff of the con had some poor communication. I also met Dina Meyer, and her the staffer that was meant to sit with her wasn't there yet and she had to take money herself. I got her signature while I waited for Costas and she was very nice! Now the wait for Costas really started. I wasn't interested in many of the other celebrities. I did stop by Michael Ironside's booth because I'm a big V fan and Ham Tyler was one of my favorite's. He was behind as well, even when he got there we had to wait for them to get properly set up. Apparently they hadn't even been given his banner to put up. When he asked if I wanted it with my name him and my staffer looked up at with curiously and the staffer said "suspiciousssss"
"N-no! I just don't like my name on these things!" 😅 He probably thought I was going to sell it. I'm not Michael Ironside I swear!
With both Dina's and Michael's signatures a line had started at Costas's booth, so we mozied back over there to wait for him. Occasionally I'd look back at the massive line for Brad Dourif (who also wasn't there yet) and be glad I wasn't in that line. I'd done it for Robert Englund and could now rest in peace.
Around 5:30 someone shouted, "there he is!" And there he was! Just like that! I was suddenly looking at Costas Mandylor in person and he looked so excited to be there. I was third in line and I was really feeling the anxiety now. My fingertips were tingly and I was shaky on my feet. I have trouble asking for help at the grocery store, let alone face one of my favorite actors from some of my favorite movies. He was all smiles and high energy. I watched the woman right in front of me get a hug and he kissed her on both cheeks. Now not only was I worried about a hug, but would he kiss me too? I turned to my husband and said "if he does that you will be carrying my out of here."
My husband replies "nah if you faint he can carry you out of here"
He was kidding, but I wasn't. Hugs are a lot for me and a kiss on the cheek probably would have done me in. (I also had the horrible thought later that would have tried to kiss him on the lips out of instinct. I wouldn't have survived the embarrassment)
It was my turn and I was trying to keep it together, but I was shaking and trying to keep breathing. I'd handed my money to my husband to pay, as I didn't think I could sort through the bills, and then I was facing Costas, setting my art down in front of him.
He smiled up at me. "You drew this?"
"Yes!" I said, excited that he seemed impressed and also dreading any questions about it.
He complimented the art. I can't remember exactly what he said. I was like, in outer space in that moment.
"Do you want me to write anything? Personalize it with your name?" He asked next.
His voice his CRAZY nothing would have prepared me for hearing it in person and directed at me.
"Could you write "Congratulations"? It's a weird thing but that's what I'd like." I never get my name put on these things. I don't like my name that much and no one spells it right. It's not that hard of one but my spelling is apparently unpopular. He looked up at me and I think he was curious. Or maybe he knew I was a freak, but he smirked and wrote it for me anyway.
"Do you want my character name too?"
"Yes please!"
Once he was done he slid the second copy of the art I'd set down in front of him and asked "who do I make this one out to?"
"Oh no, that one is for you."
He looked confused, so I put it closer to him. "I printed this one out to give you."
He said "Oh!" Then looked at it. "You didn't sign it! If you're going to give me art sign it! And say something nice about me too!" And he set the sharpie in front of me.
I could have evaporated right there. I took the sharpie and wrote my signature as well as my full name and tried frantically to think of something quick I could write.
I landed on "You're my favorite Jigsaw" and when I handed it back to him for him to read he looked up at me with the sweetest expression. And I was absolutely honest. He is my favorite Jigsaw. He set it down behind him with a thank you and I set down the print I'd bought from his table.
Again I asked for just his signature. He pulled out a gold sharpie that was a little dry. "I hate dry markers" and he whipped it behind him dramatically as he watched me giggle at his antics. His staffer whipped out an entire case of markers and he picked up a fresh one "they ruin the signatures! Now I'm going to write a line I say in the next movie, I'm not even supposed to tell anyone, but I'll write it for you."
I was giddy and giggling the entire time at this point as I watched him write. I'm sure he's written for others, he's signed so many things for people at this point, but I still felt a little special. And I'm going to edit the pic to keep it to myself still just in case, but the fact that he still wanted to write something a little extra for me was so sweet.
Now it was time for the picture. I was shaking. A staffer volunteered but my husband insisted on taking the pictures. He's protective and wanted to make sure I got good ones. Costas put his arm around me and I put my around around his back and just focused on the camera. Then for the second picture Costas wrapped both arms around me and I was weak in the knees.
After the second picture he squeezed me tight. He said some things. Again I can't remember. Mercifully he didn't kiss me. On one hand of course that would have been amazing, on the other I really don't know if I could have handled it with any grace (or I might have fumbled it and wanted to die). I do remember him saying "you take care of yourself." In the most sincere way I'd ever heard those words spoken. And "I hope you see the new movie."
I said "of course and I can't wait to see you." And stepped back as my husband approached, and because I'm a total awkward weirdo I gestured at him and told Costas "this is my husband."
My husband is a big guy, 6'3" and visibly strong. Costas looks up at him with a big smile and holds his hand out for a shake, which my husband returns. Costas looks at me, still grinning and said "you have a strong husband."
I laughed. "I know"
Our time with him had to come to an end and I had to ESCAPE. The hyperventilating had started and I needed to get out of the crowd. We escaped the celeb room. I put my precious prints in the car and we shifted our focus to food.
The rest of the day was exploring the rest of the con! My time meeting Costas was amazing and I definitely want to see him again in the future. I'm staying home the rest of the con. I could go see him again but honestly I don't like being perceived that much and I don't want him thinking anything weird about me (he probably wouldn't but I'd feel so self conscious.) I'll see him again at a later con, but for now I'm content with meeting him this time.
Below are my signed pictures! I had Dina sign a third copy of my art that I'll probably fill up with other Saw actors. The Michael print has "Hey Gooder" on it teehee!
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starberrywander · 2 months
Just putting this out there; I used to be hesitant to vote because I get anxious about not knowing what to expect. So if you're in that same boat I'm gonna give a step-by-step guide of how the voting process worked for me when I did it. Hopefully this will help alleviate some anxieties and encourage more people to vote.
Also idk how much different a federal election is from a state one (which is what I voted in) but lets assume for the sake of this that they're pretty close to the same. If there are any differences, those of y'all who have the experience are encouraged to chime in.
Step 1: Register.
Its been a while so I don't remember every detail but basically just google "voter registration (your state)" and you should get a step by step guide on how to register. If I remember correctly I had to submit two forms of ID & maybe a proof of address (can't remember). Good news is, the whole process is online no phone calls involved. You can take your time and no one is waiting/listening so there's no pressure.
From then I think I got a confirmation email when my information was verified and then a voter registration card was mailed to me. Again, no phone calls no texts no direct communication with anyone so if that makes you anxious I am here to say that was not a factor in my experience.
Step 2: Take note of the voting date.
Google can tell you this. And also probably lots of signs out in public leading up to the day. And social media. Its easy to find.
Step 3: Learn what will be on the ballot.
When I went it wasn't just "pick one candidate and you're done," there were elections for multiple seats and also votes on a few state-specific policies. You're probably gonna be picking multiple things, best to be aware of them all beforehand so you know what your opinion is.
Step 4: Show up.
The voter registration card that was sent in the mail should have the address to the location that you will be voting at on the card. I assume its typically going to be at your local town/city hall because that's where mine was but definitely double check because you have to be in the correct location in order to vote.
Step 5: Prepare to wait.
When I went it was packed. Took a while to find a place to park and had to wait in line for quite some time. I think there was also a no cell phones rule but I'm not sure.
Step 6: Confirm registration.
Where I went there were some poll workers at a table with big 3-ring binders with lists of names. You just go up to them and show your ID (or whatever else they need) and they check if your name is on the list. If it is, they will point you in the direction you need to go. (I think they also hand out some kind of ticket? Its been a while but I remember holding a piece of paper the whole time. I think this was for accessing the voting machine.)
Step 7: Wait in line.
this is straightforward. Just wait. No effort or thinking needed. No worries. Prepare to memorize the patterns on the walls lol.
Step 8: Vote.
There will be poll workers directing people where they need to go. When its your turn they'll bring you to an open machine and set it up.
Then you just go through the pages and make the selections you want. You can go back if you need to. There are descriptions of what things mean. There's no time limit. When you're done you submit and that's it. You can go home.
Hope this helps some of y'all feel a little less intimidated by the idea of voting.
And those of y'all who have voted in the past please add anything that you think is relevant. This is specifically what I can recall of my experience in a Tennessee state election. Idk how much things differ from state to state, and between state and federal elections. I also don't know anything about mail-in voting so additions would be appreciated.
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Dandelion News - September 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Rescue Dog Who Helped Raise Dozens of Foster Puppies Finds Forever Home
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“Three and a half years ago, Noel arrived at Lucky Dog as a pregnant pooch pulled from [an] animal control shelter. […] Once the puppies were old enough to start life on their own, Lucky Dog found homes for all of them. […] Noel was an "amazing mom" to over two dozen foster puppies while staying at [a foster] house.”
2. Radiant cooling device uses significantly less energy than traditional air conditioning
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“Testing of the device […] showed the cooling device capable of cooling the skin by approximately 7.3°C. It also showed that it consumed 50.4% less energy than an average air-conditioner of comparable ability. The research team notes that the device can also be run in reverse, to serve as a radiant heater.”
3. How a Native elections official is breaking down voting barriers in Arizona
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“Gabriella Cázares-Kelly, Pima County Recorder, [… ran for office in 2020] to represent people who were being ignored by the democratic system and denied the right to vote. […] “People started getting the voter registration cards back, getting their voter IDs in the mail, and they were so excited to show me or thank me for helping them register,” she said.”
4. Scientists are growing [coral] babies in a lab to save animals from extinction
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“Each August, corals in Florida release their eggs and sperm into the water[, … but “they] can’t reproduce on their own anymore.” [So, researchers are] collecting and freezing the spawn and growing them into genetically diverse baby corals that can be replanted into the wild[….] These resilient corals could pass important adaptations to their babies[….]”
5. New Legislation Will Accelerate Offshore Wind Energy in Delaware
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““The responsible development of offshore wind and the transition to renewable energy is essential for the protection of wildlife, habitats, and communities from the havoc of climate change[….]” “This legislation is the product of careful consideration and input from multiple state agencies, industry experts, energy researchers and environmental advocates[….]””
6. Removal of Apache Trout from Endangered Species List Due to Collaborative Conservation Efforts
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“[A]fter more than five decades of recovery efforts by federal, state and Tribal partners, […] the restoration of Arizona’s state fish marks the first […] trout delisted due to recovery, a significant conservation success[….] The Apache trout is found exclusively in streams of the White Mountains in the eastern part of Arizona […] and is sacred to the White Mountain Apache Tribe.”
7. [Texas] State court rules Austin must release files on police complaint
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“Under the act, records of any complaint – even if no disciplinary action was taken – must be handed over to the civilian-led Office of Police Oversight. [… T]he ruling ushers in a new level of oversight of the complaint process and the department writ-large.”
8. Super-rare hairy-nosed wombat caught waddling through a woodland in Australia
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“Ecologists at Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) say the video footage provides exciting evidence wombats are breeding in the refuge again. […] There are only 400 of them in the world, making them rarer than the giant panda and the Sumatran tiger. […] “Although this isn’t the first joey born at the refuge, it is the first juvenile spotted for a few years.””
9. The country’s biggest electric school-bus fleet will also feed the grid
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“[The] country’s first all-electric school-bus fleet[,…] which serve the district’s special-needs students, […] can charge with low-cost power and discharge spare capacity at times of grid stress[…. V]ehicle-to-grid charging is something for which electric school buses are particularly well suited.”
10. The Push to Save Horseshoe Crabs Is Gaining Momentum
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“Conservationists hope new restrictions on harvesting and synthetic alternatives to a crab-blood compound used in biomedical testing can turn the tide for the ancient arthropods, whose eggs are a vital food source for Red Knots [threatened migratory birds]. […] Now conservationists are in the thick of a multi-pronged push to save both species.”
August 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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rideboomindia · 5 months
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To start the registration process as an EV 3-wheeler driver with RideBoom, you need to meet certain eligibility and vehicle requirements. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:
Eligibility Requirements:
Possess a valid driving license [2]. Have a clean driving record with no license suspensions in the past 3 years [2]. No drug or alcohol infractions in the past 10 years [2]. No offenses on your police record of any crime or traffic offense [2]. Vehicle Requirements:
Own or have access to an EV 3-wheeler that meets the following criteria: Have 4 doors or more and be able to seat four passengers [2]. Be less than 10 years old [2]. Be registered and have valid vehicle insurance [2]. No decals or commercial branding [2]. No damaged panels [2]. You should be fit to work and able to lift 20 KG [2]. Required Documents:
Your driver's license from the state or place where you want to drive [2]. Your permit certificate [2]. Your car insurance certificate (you must be a listed driver, and it needs to have a valid expiry) [2]. Any other documents required in the state or territory you plan to drive in [2]. Driver Code:
RideBoom offers a unique referral scheme that allows you to earn extra income by referring new customers and drivers to the platform [2]. You can share your driver code with others, and when they enter it during registration, they become permanently attached to you in the RideBoom system [2]. This allows you to earn incentives even when you are not actively driving [2].
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exnori · 2 months
Giveaway Exnori
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Discover Exnori.com’s Exclusive Bonus Program: Get 0.31 BTC with Promo Code!
Welcome to Exnori.com, where we not only provide a secure and efficient trading platform but also offer exciting rewards to enhance your trading experience. We are thrilled to introduce our exclusive bonus program, designed to give you a head start in the world of cryptocurrency trading.
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Getting started with Exnori.com has never been more rewarding. By entering our special promo code, you can receive a bonus of 0.31 BTC directly into your account. Here’s how you can claim this fantastic offer:
Sign Up: If you’re new to Exnori.com, create an account by completing our quick and easy registration process.
Verify Your Account: Ensure your account is verified to qualify for the bonus. This step is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of our platform.
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parttimesarah · 8 months
I made a linocut print as a present for my mom’s birthday. Here’s the process of making it!
1. I found this lovely picture of Bass Harbor Head Light in Bass Harbor, Maine (the state I live in):
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2. I drew it on my iPad using Procreate:
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3. I flipped the image horizontally and printed it off at the size I wanted the final piece to be (9”x12” printed on 11”x14” paper):
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4: I put carbon paper between the printed image and the linoleum and traced over the image using a tracing tool that came with my carbon paper (next time I’ll just use a ballpoint pen):
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5. I went over the lines with a fine liner to make sure they’d stay put throughout the carving process as the graphite from the carbon paper smudged pretty easily:
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6. The carving begins!:
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7. The carving continues!:
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8. I trimmed out all of the sky to save time and created a quick registration tool by putting marks on a larger piece of paper showing where I wanted to align my printing paper after inking the carving:
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9. After several attempts, I got a print I was happy with. I ended up making changes based on the earlier prints, though, so they weren’t a complete waste of ink and paper!:
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10. My dad (making a cameo in the frame’s glass reflection) framed and matted the print and it’s all ready to give to my mom tomorrow evening!:
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cyclesprefectpress · 4 months
[video description: process recording of letterpress printing a set of patterned tiles in a clamshell-action press, in a range of colors pulled from many pride flags. In the clamshell press, the machine opens on a hinge, with the relief printing material on one half the the paper held in place on the other half. Every time the press opens a printed sheet is removed and a fresh one is placed into the registration pins by hand; when it closes, the relief material contacts the paper and presses the ink into the surface. end description.]
happy priiiiide 🎉🎉
now i won't be able to show very much of this ahead of time not because it is a secret but because i will be continuing to assemble it until the very last second BUT i promise it will be neat & cool! also large. for me. i don't make big stuff but they gave me a whole wall and i said ok guess i'll figure it out!! if you're in on about or around Seattle I'll be installing it in the Centilia cultural center during this saturday's Beacon Hill street fair, 10-4! also there is food & music & art vendors & a garden share 🌱
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kiscon · 17 days
Last chance to submit something to the artshow/auction! 
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1. If you have not already signed up to attend this year's convention, now is the time!!
Online memberships are $25, in person memberships are $180. A full list of pricing for add-ons, such as dealer space or additional goodie bags, is available in the registration form. All registration for KiScon, both online and in-person, takes place through Conline. Register here: https://kiscon.conline.club/
Unfamiliar with Conline? Check out our helpful Conline How-To pdf (made for 2023, but the process is still the same).
2. Reminder: KiScon 2024 Program Survey will close on 15 September!
There is still time to respond to the program survey! Please see the newsletter or our website for the link!
3. BIG BIG BIG Reminder: Art Show & Auction Submission Deadline: 15 September 2024! Art Show Submissions:
Submissions must be your own art or you must have the artist's express permission to submit the art for display in the art show.
While we encourage folks to vary up which of their pieces they submit from year to year, the art does not have to be new art; it does not matter whether you made it yesterday or in 1973.
All art must be K, S, K&S, or K/S centric.
We do not accept AI-generated content.
A more thorough layout of the submission guidelines is available on our art page.
Auction: You can offer in the auction anything K/S or Trek-related that you have the ownership of.
Important: Even if you are bringing art or auction items in person to the con, you need to complete the submission form by September 15th! Please see the detailed information on our website, and please get in touch if you need assistance: [email protected].
Due to the hybrid character of this year's con, we cannot accept art or auction submissions at the doorstep. We put much love and effort into the artshow vid and into the auction catalogue, so that both in-person and online attendees can enjoy the art and take part in heated bidding. So if you want to submit something to the artshow, or to the auction, or to both, please let us know asap; the easiest way is by filling in this online form.
4. Philon Awards: Shortlist and Voting
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Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for the Philons!
You can find detailed information and all the rules also here on the KiScon website.
Voting is open from 10 September to 27 October, 2024 (11:59 p.m. PDT). You do not need to be a registered KiScon member in order to vote; voting is open to every K/S fan.
In each category there will be a Gold (first place) and a Silver (second place) winner.
The winners will be announced during KiScon 2024. Each winner will receive a certificate and a small prize; we will contact the winners after the convention weekend.
In each category you can pick one work.
You can directly access the voting sheet at this link. 
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diamondisunmemeable · 9 months
With Democratic primaries beginning in just a couple of weeks from the time of writing, now feels like a good time to remind folks that participating in the electoral process does not make you complicit in genocide, nor any of the other shitty things the US is responsible for.
It may not feel like it right now, but your vote can genuinely help make things better.
So what can you do?
1) Register to vote
One of the most important things you can do at this point in time is make sure you're registered to vote, and check for your local polling place and voting times. This post goes over that pretty well.
2) Support progressive candidates during the primaries
The primaries are the time for vote for the candidates you want. It shows the Democratic Party not only that you vote, but which policies you are interested in and which way you want things to be going. For instance, if you're angry over the US' handling of the ongoing genocide and human rights violations in Palestine, support candidates who support a ceasefire and aid to Palestine.
3) Advocate for electoral reform
Goes hand in hand with the previous point. Our current electoral system not only makes it impossible for third party candidates to gain significant traction, but makes it difficult for people to vote at all. Off the top of my head, we need:
Implementation of ranked-choice voting
Abolition of the Electoral College
Automatic voter registration at age 18
Recognition of Election Day as a federal holiday
Support candidates that support these ideas, and continue to advocate for them even after elections are over.
4) Vote local!
As mentioned above, third party candidates are unable to gain significant traction; this is especially true on the national stage. This means barring severe illness or death, the winner of this year's presidential election will be either Joe Biden or Donald Trump.
As difficult as it is to promote Joe Biden right now, letting Trump win would be a thousand times worse, in no small part due to Project 2025, which aims to accelerate America's slide into full-on fascism and make things a hell of a lot worse for trans folks and other minority groups.
This is where my last point comes in: vote in state and local elections! A lot of folks have a habit of only voting for president. Voting is down-ballot races is equally important, if not more so. At these levels of government, it is much easier to make your voice heard, and much easier to effect real change.
Go out and vote when the time comes, and help make this country less shitty!
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