#socialist party
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air--so--sweet · 3 days ago
This made me look into if anyone had run from prison before and I found about Eugene V. Debs, who ran as The Socialist Party candidate while in prison for sedition in 1920. He received 6% of the popular vote, which to this day is the highest percentage of the vote for a Socialist Party Candidate (which is particularly interesting when you consider that he ran four times previously).
Also he wrote an amazing statement the night of the election:
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relaxedstyles · 6 months ago
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witchyfemmee · 2 months ago
can you guys recommend some good political blogs/community’s on here or other apps i unfortunately get most of my political updates and whatnot from tiktok, and i don’t want to lose touch with things once the app shuts down.
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godinvent · 3 months ago
The argument people use of “well who would want to clean the sewages and toilets if everyone is able to be whatever they want to be under socialism”
Literally for a period of time, hell even still, a power washing simulator game was one of the most popular games people played, and power washing videos are very popular. Same for videos about construction like building brick walls. Honestly asmr in general provides a way for people to see these menial jobs as something they actually enjoy, so yes there would actually be people that want to clean sewers and toilets.
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falseandrealultravival · 7 months ago
Some people like eugenics even if they are not far-right (Essay)
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Shizue Kato(A left-wing female lawmaker)
Eugenics started in the USA and is famous for being adopted by far-right Nazi Germany. They used it as a standard for ethnic cleansing and carried out a large-scale genocide of the Jews.
You might think this was before WW2, but it was enacted in Japan after WW2. It was the "Eugenic Protection Law." This law took away the reproductive functions of disabled people without their consent, robbing more than 16,000 people of their futures.
The people who worked to enact this evil law were female Diet members Shizue Kato and Masako Fukuda, who gained the eligibility to be elected after WW2. They belonged to the left-wing Socialist Party!!
They were elected with the support of GHQ, which ruled Japan, and this law took away Japan's vitality. The birth control movement was their starting point, but they ended up stepping into the demonic work of sterilizing disabled people, which was originally unrelated to them.
As a result, the "baby boom" ended, and Japan later fell into a society with a declining birthrate and an aging population. If you create a legal system that makes it easy for grandparents to erase their grandchildren, that's the result. I have to say that the left-wing female lawmakers were very shallow and stupid.
Rei Morishita
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greatrunner · 5 months ago
I never felt one way or another about AOC. I never truly understood where she and the Squad stood for the public good and the working class. And that's mostly bc I didn't really engage with US politics on the pretense that our representatives were terrible.
What was she doing besides espousing about Black and non-Black representation in politics? It's weird seeing people class AOC as a socialist, because, even with the faintest grasp of what socialism stands for (at the time), that struck me as wrongheaded.
So, years later, now that she's basically towing the party line and honestly never stood for anything else but her own interests, it really sucks that Socialists are getting dragged through the dirt bc of her and Bernie Sanders.
But, I also understand there is a level of responsibility that Socialists need to take for this backlash. Because, unbeknownst to me, they basically surrendered their political power to allow Sanders and his apprentice to represent them, and rally around the Democrats in 2016. The impression was definitely, "We don't have the power, so we're going to work with the lesser evil to platform our policies."
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Like, live and learn, but, goddamn. That's embarrassing.
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oediex · 10 months ago
16- and 17-year-olds will be able to vote for the European Parliament in Belgium for the first time this year.
Belgium knows a system of mandatory voting, in the sense that showing up to vote is compulsory - you don't have to vote for anyone if you don't want to, you can abstain from voting right then and there, but you do have to show up. For this reason, the Constitutional Court of Belgium ruled this would also need to be the case for 16- and 17-year-olds as well.
This would mean they would be susceptible to being sanctioned if they fail to turn out. However, yesterday, it was decided by the government that young people will not be given a fine if they don't turn out.
While those over 18 can still be fined and sued, in practice, people who don't turn out to vote aren't usually prosecuted.
Voter turnout in Belgium is one of the highest in the world, with 90% in the last federal elections (2019). Elections are always held on a Sunday. (I'm always so confuses when elections are held on weekdays in other countries, haha)
Mandatory voting was written into the Constitution in 1893, after a general strike organised by the then existing Belgian Labour Party (the first socialist party in Belgium). Voting was made mandatory so that bosses could not pressure their workers, who were usually from lower social classes, not to go vote (by making them work or threatening to fire them, for example).
If you live abroad, you can vote by mail. You can also vote by proxy.
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politics-sandandtears · 2 months ago
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✧₊⁺ This is just to organize my political ideas/ links/ and research. I used to have a Linktree, but it has gotten severely overcrowded and I want to have stuff be more organized!!! I am going to make a few post with groups of links to organize what i had on my linktree on here and then ideally in the future i will go thru these links again and add commentary!
✧₊⁺ I am always learning and growing, views and stuff might change but at the moment; This is a socialist esq left leaning blog. ✧₊⁺ Dms/ Ask/ Submissions Open
✧₊⁺ This is not a safe place for bigots!! If you have bigoted views please feel free to go through my blog to educate yourself but any form of bigoted comments will be deleted and bigoted dms will be ignored.
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daughterofdessalines · 3 months ago
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The Democrats are fake AF. If they were not so obsessed with their colonial agenda ( and ACTUALLY doing something positive for the country ) then the outcome would have been better. They need to STOP gaslighting Americans!
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wastedandbasted · 7 months ago
We need to do what France did. Combine leftist forces.
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head-post · 8 months ago
Socialists-Greens alliance wins Dutch elections to European Parliament
An alliance of the Labour Party and the Green Left (PvdA/GroenLinks) claimed victory in the European Parliament elections in the Netherlands, according to exit polls on Thursday.
An alliance between the Labour Party and the Green Left (PvdA/GroenLinks) won the European Parliament elections in the Netherlands, according to exit polls on Thursday.
A total of 497 candidates, including eight of Turkish origin, from 20 different parties competed for 31 seats in the election. Voting started at 7:30 a.m. local time and ended at 9 p.m. However, final results are scheduled to be announced on the evening of 9 June, after the conclusion of voting in all EU member states.
The official results will be announced on 19 June.
According to an exit poll conducted by public broadcaster NOS and research firm Ipsos, turnout stood at around 47 per cent of the 13 million eligible voters. This marks a notable increase from the previous European Parliament elections in 2019, when turnout was around 42 per cent.
The Labour Party and the Green Left alliance won eight seats, whereas the Freedom Party (PVV), led by Geert Wilders, seemed to fall short of expectations. The PVV, which was leading in the last general election on 22 November, slipped to second place in the European Parliament elections. Exit polls suggest that the party will send seven MPs to the European Parliament.
The elections, which began in the Netherlands on Thursday, will continue on Friday in Ireland, the Czech Republic, and Estonia.
Meanwhile, Wilders expressed a desire to form a joint European faction with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni‘s Fratelli d’Italia, leader of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, and the Rassemblement National of Marine Le Pen, leader of the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, according to Euractiv.
Read more HERE
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relaxedstyles · 3 months ago
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thenewdemocratus · 2 months ago
Robert Reich: Where They’re Raging Against The Establishment
Source:Robert Reich showing his readers the iconic political mascot of his American socialist movement. Source:The New Democrat “A groundswell of rage against the establishment has been growing in America for decades. It became a gale-force wind after the Wall Street financial crisis of 2008, when banks that gambled with other people’s money had to be bailed out by taxpayers but millions of…
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months ago
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1900scartoons · 6 months ago
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Seven - Count 'Em - Seven - Presidential Candidates - Uncle Sam Has a Button For Every Day Of the Week
August 2, 1908
Uncle Sam is drawn to resemble a different presidential candidate each day of the week. Sunday he resembles the Republican Candidate, Taft. Monday he resembles the Prohibition candidate, Chafin. Tuesday he resembles the Populist Party candidate, Watson. Wednesday, he resembles the Independence Party candidate, Hisgen. Thursday he resembles the Socialist Party candidate, Debs. Friday he resembles the Democratic candidate, Bryan. Saturday he resembles the Socialist Labor Party candidate, Preston.
The 1908 Presidential Election was in full swing.
See Also: William Howard Taft; William Jennings Bryan
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/5744/rec/2033
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year ago
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"La vieille Espagne se transformer," Le Petit Journal. October 1, 1933. Page 4. --- Problèmes et conflits du travail. - Propriétés confisquées. - Salaires de misère. --- Voici le troisième et dernier article, d'une série consacrée à l'étude de la situation actuelle en Espagne. Au lendemain de sa révolution, ce pays se trouve en présence de difficultés communes au monde entier, et aussi de difficultés particulières. Nous avons traité des difficultés particulières, tout au moins des principales mouvement autonomiste catalan; question religieuse. Il est intéressant de voir maintenant comment la république s'efforce de résoudre des difficultés économiques créés par la crise.
UN DEMI-MILLION DE CHOMEURS L'Espagne compte environ 450,000 chômeurs, officiellement. Le chiffre réel est forcément plus élevé encore. Mais en outre, le niveau des salaires de ceux qui travaillent est un des plus bas du monde civilisé, de sorte que bien des ménages d'ouvriers vivent dans une situation proche de la misère.
L'homme que l'on a chargé d'améliorer cet état de choses est Don Francisco Largo Caballero, ministre du travail depuis la chute de la mo- narchie. Un homme grisonnant de 64 ans, qui a milité toute sa vie dans les unions ouvrières et aussi dans le parti socialiste. Anti-monarchiste notoire, il s'est aussi, sous l'ancien régime, livré à des manifestations qui lui valurent de brefs séjours en prison. Il y rencontra même Alcala Zamora, aujourd'hui président de la république.
CODE DU TRAVAIL Caballero a fait voter 125 lois. constituant une sorte de code du Travail. Mais la clef de voûte de cet édifice est une loi règlant les rapports entre patrons et employes. Son but est de substituer aux contacts personnels des deux parties les contrats collectifs. Ces contrats ne sau- raient contenir de clauses inférieures aux minima fixés par les lois. Des jurys mixtes, composés de six patrons et six employés, sont constitués dans chaque région pour aplanir les conflits. Et des deux côtés l'on doit s'en remettre à ces jurys. Le gouvernement espagnol tend à prohiber le recours à la grève. En certaines régions, où la situation politique est la plus tendue, la grève est formellement interdite.
Signalons que la loi accorde aussi au personnel un droit de regard sur les comptes de l'entreprise et une participation aux bénéfices. Mais les ouvriers de leur côté sont soumis à certaines obligations de travail effi- cace, de fidélité à leur entreprise, et de discrétion quant aux secrets de celle-ci. Les adversaires les plus résolus de ces lois sont les communistes, ce qui est singulier et intéressant à noter.
Nous avons dit que les salaires sont faibles en Espagne. Il y a il est vrai certaine contre-partie dans le bon marché de la vie. Le salaire moyen d'un ouvrier agricole est de 70 cents à un dollar par jour. Celui d'un ouvrier d'industrie est d'environ $1.50. Les métiers exigeant des ouvriers qualifiés une certaine technique, comme par exemple l'imprimerie paient de $1.70 à $1.80. Les employés de commerce touchent des traitements analogues.'
PROBLEME AGRICOLE Le problème agricole est, lui aussi, très sérieux, et bien différent de celui qui se pose aux Etats-Unis ou au Canada par exemple. Les trois quarts des Espagnols vivent à la campagne. Et des millions d'entre eux sont comme des serfs attachés à la glèbe qu'ils ne possèdent pas. Là encore le chômage sé durement pour chaque poste duvrier agricole, il se présente ving, candidats.
La propriété est peu divisée en Espagne, et de grands propriétaires fonciers possèdent d'immenses étendues de terrain. C'est à cela surtout que s'est attaqué M. Marcelino Dominguo, ministre de l'Agriculture dans le cabinet présidé, et vigoureusement dirigé par M. Azana. On a créé un Institut de réformes agraires. Cet Institut a dressé v'inventaire des propriétés foncières, et l'on a confisqué nombre de res vistes domaines. L'Etat reste propriétaire de ces terres, et les loue à bon compte aux paysans. Quel sera le fruit de cette politique ? On le sauradans quelques années. Si les paysans sont satisfaits, la jeune république sera consolidée. Si au contraire l'ex- périence échoue, les masses paysannes apportant leur soutien aux éléments restés monarchistes, la face des choses pourra changer. Image caption: Voici, au-dessus d'un maigre fleuve, un pont en dos d'âne dans on paysage encerclé de montagnes. Le tout, inondé de soleil, constitue un aspect typique de la campagne espagnole. A gauche un marchand d'habits dans une rue du vieux Madrid.
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