#(yeah. human. sure you are buddy. uh huh)
crystalmannequin · 8 months
a little ebony rabbit adorned with a crimson ribbon hopped up to the warrior. its appearance & energy are curiously innocent despite the powers of chaos flowing through its veins. it had a letter in its mouth! "for you! for you!" it chirped like a child, sweetly, setting it down & hopping away in a puff of smoke. the contents of the message held the fragrance of roses & bergamot; vestiges of the bunny's masters perfume.
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dear warrior,
you may not feel this way but i have quite enjoyed our little spats. i doubt you understand what i am talking about & yet, i still felt it necessary to mention. so, i had to tell you. i like you. i want you. your death won't satisfy me at all since you do not bleed so easily. i prefer my hands stained with blood. but i always treasure a good doll, a gracious puppet. once you are broken enough, i want to keep you! i will mend & mend & mend & mend you each & every time you get a little crack.
be my pet ~ Fina ❤️
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The Warrior of Light considered the letter at his feet for a moment, glancing up as the rabbit disappeared in a smoky haze before returning his gaze to the correspondence before him. Clearly, it was some kind of trap - chaos had all but emanated from the little conjuration sent to deliver the letter, and it took no preternatural senses to divine that an animal shouldn't be speaking or evaporating into dark clouds. It would be smartest to produce a Red Fang and burn the letter right where it sat before whatever hex was woven into the paper got triggered.
Naturally, the Warrior leaned down and picked it up, holding it gingerly at the edges. It was late at night; having volunteered for watch, as he usually did, and refraining from waking his companions up for their own turns as he ought, he was the only one awake. It would be a struggle to see anything in the inky blackness where only monsters were at home, but the moonlight fell neatly over their camp, and it was just bright enough to read by. An odd spot of luck.
"... What?" He muttered quietly, vexed, as he scanned through the letter's contents. Of course, he didn't need the signature at the bottom to place the sender in his mind - it was the sorceress that Garland ... employed? Employed. The manner in which it was written, and even the method of delivery were obvious enough to act as their own calling cards. While he couldn't care less for whatever nonsense she saddled him with during any one of their usual encounters, this was ...
Begrudgingly, he had to admit she was correct in her forewarning. He didn't understand what he was supposed to glean from this at all. Nor what response she expected. Not only was the concept of an enemy liking him in any way strange and unreasonable - he was opposing her, after all, and she him. Fondness would make it unnecessarily difficult to do such a thing - but the rest was equally as unbelievable.
He could understand that someone might enjoy battle, as it seemed to be the very impetus of some peoples' existence - and there was no other reason, because he did not enjoy fighting no matter how often he was accused of it, he did not - but why was the bloodshed important? Was it not the act of engaging in combat itself that would prove most satisfying? Apparently not for the witch. Perhaps it was because she was a mage. They weren't very inclined towards physicality.
It was the final suggestion and contention of the letter that made him strongly consider balling it up and crushing it under his boot. He didn't do that, but only because it would be loud and might wake up one of his more light-sleeping comrades. She wanted to keep - what did she think he was? An object? He was a human. He supposed it was metaphorical, like how he recalled some of Chaos' warriors referred to their counterparts. Even so, it made him uncomfortable.
"What kind of folderol ...?" He shouldn't even grace it with a response. Still, instead of disposing of the letter as he very much wanted to, the Warrior folded up the paper and slipped it into his belongings.
It unsettled him deeply; not even anything Garland had ever said to him elicited such a feeling. So he wouldn't destroy it. He didn't have many things that could inspire intense emotions like that, even if they were unarguably negative.
But he had absolutely no interest in Fina's deranged proposition.
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Crowley: MC? MC? I have a new job for you—
Grim: The hench-human is at the roof, fixing the holes.
Crowley: Oh. Would you tell them to get down so we could talk?
Grim: Nah. It's raining. I don't want to get wet.
Crowley: I'll just wait here then. And ooh~ Looks like they've made some changes already.
Grim: They said it was barely habitable. They got a few things from the storage room to renovate the dorm a little.
Crowley: What a talented individual.
Grim: So, what do you want from my hench-human?
Crowley: You see, I'm thinking of turning you both into students of Night Raven College.
Grim: Mryah! Really?!
Crowley: Yes. I've realized that it would be a waste to just have them work as a janitor.
Grim: Mryahah~! Wait. *frowns at him*
Crowley: Is there something wrong, Grim?
Grim: You want to exploit my hench-human!
Crowley: Wh— Of course not! Where does that come from?!
Grim: They're already cleaning the whole school and that isn't enough for you?!
Crowley: I have provided you food and shelter!
Grim: Hench-human has to work outside the school mryah! Because the food you're giving us ain't enough!
Crowley: They still have time for that— *clears throat*— Well, they could've asked for more. That shouldn't be my problem.
MC: *walks in* *dripping wet* Hey, Grim. Can you grab me some towel— *noticed Crowley*— What do you want?
Grim: *flies to their side* He wants to exploit us!
Crowley: Certainly not! I'm here to offer you to officially become a student of our school. *smiling*
MC: *raised an eyebrow*
MC: Yeah. Grim sure could use that.
Crowley: H-How about you? Are you not interested?
MC: Nah. I'm good. I had vocational courses in my world. No need for me to have a diploma here.
Crowley: Oh. I did hear from Grim you got a job outside the campus.
MC: Yeah. I realized I can't live off solely from your benevolence when I'm feeding a glutton.
Grim: I'm not a glutton!
Crowley: ...
Crowley: I see. But as you've said, Grim could use this opportunity. So would you be taking the job I'm about to offer you?
MC: *smirks* Sure. I can use some extra income.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: I can only offer you a minimum wage.
MC: I'm not picky.
Crowley: Wonderful!
Leona: Huh? Who's that?
Ruggie: Don't you know? They're the janitor.
Leona: What are they doing here in Savanaclaw?
Ruggie: They've come to inspect each dorm in Night Raven College.
Leona: Huh?
MC: Some of the rooms here are full of shit.
Savanaclaw students: Why do you care?
MC: Shitty rooms, shitty people. *yawns* I feel like burning this whole place down.
Savanaclaw students: You can't do that!
MC: I can, pals. If you don't start cleaning right now.
Leona: ...
*In the housewarden meeting*
Leona: Hey, Crowley. What's up with that?
Crowley: *smiling* Is there a problem, Kingscholar?
Leona: Why does that punk get to do a dorm inspection?
Idia: Yeah! They have no respect to anyone's privacy!
Vil and Riddle: ...
Riddle: That isn't true at all.
Vil: Heartslabyul and Pomefiore were commended for their unwavering commitment to cleanliness and orderliness.
Vil: And they had asked for permission beforehand.
Azul: Though if you were to decline, they would persist and resort to using force to gain entry.
Kalim: I got scolded for keeping bugs in the kitchen...
Riddle: What the hell—
Crowley: MC's job as a dorm inspector only happens every end of the week. So you have nothing to worry about regarding invasion of privacy. *smiles*
Grim: Hench-human... *seems exhausted* *flies to their arms*
MC: You alright, buddy?
Grim: I hate classes... I give up.
MC: *chuckles* Looks like your preschool brain can't handle college classes.
Grim: Mryah! What did you say?!
MC: *pets him* Told ya to learn your ABC's first.
MC: Easy, bud. Easy. I got you some food.
Grim: Take back what you said!
MC: Nuh-uh. Just prove me wrong.
Grim: I'll prove you wrong! Watch me!
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fuctacles · 1 year
Henderson's older brother is kinda fine :/ [Part II]
me: I'll write a blurb and nothing else popular demand: *slides into my DMs* [Part I] [Part III]
They finished Eddie's assignment that first day but Dustin invited him over again the next week. He told him to bring whatever homework he has, and they can brainstorm it together.
This time Eddie braced himself as he approached the door, expecting to run into the older brother again. But to his surprise, Dustin was the one to open the door. 
"They left you unsupervised?" He raised his eyebrows as he stepped past his friend.
Dustin rolled his eyes so hard it looked painful.
"Very funny. Steve had the morning shift today, but he should be back for dinner."
"Ah, the things we could get up to until then," Eddie's eyes sparkled with mischief but Dustin slapped him in the stomach with the strength of a dwarf.
"Yeah, like helping you graduate."
"Oof," Eddie winced, twisting away from his deceitfully powerful hands. "You're no fun, Henderson. Where is your adventurous spirit?"
"At the DnD table, duh."
So Eddie put on his mom-charming pants (they worked the best when no actual moms were involved, just like all his other pants) and did not go looting around his friend's house. Instead, he spread his latest assignments on Dustin's bed, claiming it as his territory for the time being. Dustin worked on his own stuff at his desk, like a civilized human being. Barf.
An hour of relative silence had passed before Dustin set down whatever he was doing and turned in his chair.
"I think you're like Lucas."
It took Eddie a moment to even process the words. He looked up to find his younger friend propped up on his elbow and staring at him.
"I think you might be like Lucas," he repeated with his customary eye roll.
Eddie thought about the sporty jock-wannabe Sinclair, scrunching his nose.
Dustin seemed pleased to be asked that as he sat up eagerly to proceed with his reasoning. Which were for sure very scientific and not pulled out of his ass. Eddie braced himself for an impromptu lecture.
"His grades dropped when he got his own room. But he aced all his tests when it was being painted, and he had to bunk with Erica for a few days. So, we made an experiment and whenever he would study or do homework with someone else in the room, it got better results than when he worked alone," he paused, eyeing his friend. "Are you following?"
Eddie clicked his tongue.
"What I'm following is you used your friend as a test subject."
The boy threw his hands in the air in the way that always made Eddie grin. The kid was so delightfully dramatic.
"For his benefit. And now for yours!"
Eddie huffed in thought, simultaneously hopeful to find a solution for his skittery brain and irritated it might have been that easy this whole time. 
"So I just need a study buddy?" he asked, scrunching his nose.
"Yep," Dustin grinned at him. "I know your uncle isn't home most of the time, but you're welcome here whenever you need to work on something."
Eddie mulled that thought in his head, weighing pros and cons and asking his gut how it felt about it. His gut likes the food in Henderson's house though, so it might be a bit biased.
"You know what, Henderson? I just might take you up on that."
As if on cue, the front door opened and closed, the sound of keys dropping in the bowl following.
"Up here!" Dustin hollered and if Eddie was a lesser man, with shittier taste in music, it might have damaged his earbuds. But they were honed in by the sweet tones of metal, therefore a screeching teenager was not enough to break them at this point.
"Oh, hi Eddie!" Steve was standing in the doorway, slightly out of breath and hair not as magnificent as Eddie got used to seeing, a poster boy from a hairspray commercial no more. Ah, what capitalism does to people.
"Your hair looks sad," he observed with a slight tilt of his head.
"Uh," the guy raised his hand to his hair, pulling at the flat fringe self-consciously. "Well, sorry I didn't have the energy to doll myself back up after 8 hours of customer service."
Eddie snorted.
“Doll yourself up? Who says that?”
“I do,” Steve huffed, crossing his arms but the reddening apples of his cheeks betrayed his embarrassment. Good. What grown-ass man refers to himself as a doll? Even one looking like an animated Ken. But that would be dark magic, which Eddie of course doesn't condone.
“I think Robin started it,” Dustin offered, unhelpfully. “She was trying to bully him, but it backfired because he actually likes it.” He made a disgusted face.
“A doll, Steve? That’s kinda gay,” Eddie shook his head feigning disappointment. Instead of morphing into irritation though, Steve’s face hardened, and suddenly he remembered his nerdy friend’s brother was actually a jock. Former, reformed, doesn't matter. Abs were abs.
“Yeah? And what’s wrong with that?” he asked, eyes set on Eddie, unblinking.
He took a quick glance around the room. The window was open, but it was the first floor and Gareth would kill him if he broke as much as a finger again. So he dusted off the little matchbox of courage that was left somewhere inside him, and offered:
“Uh, nothing? Gays are cool. Dolls are cute. All is good.” He stretched his lips in the best attempt at a smile he could muster right now.
Steve still has not blinked, which was starting to stress Eddie out. Were his eyes always this piercing? He was staring for too long, could match their exact shade to one of the trees surrounding the trailer park by now, but was too afraid to look away. If he showed weakness, he might get chewed alive, spat out and stomped on, for a good measure.
“Good,” Steve said finally, and Eddie could breathe again. “We don’t badmouth gays in this household.”
“We don’t,” Dustin nodded feverishly, eager to get his brother out of the room. This indeed seemed to appease him, as he finally unclenched his jaw, uncrossed his arms and rapped his knuckles against the door frame.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower and start on the dinner. You stayin’?” he asked, eyes back on Eddie, who was paralyzed enough, that Dustin had to swoop in and answer for him.
“Yep, he’s staying.”
“‘Kay,” Steve slapped the door frame, suddenly smiling again, and closed the door. If not for the slow breeze from the open window, Eddie would be already dead in the vacuum-sealed room, because he surely took away all the oxygen on his way out.
He scooted on the bed to face Dustin, who was about to open a book and start reading like whatever had just happened hadn’t just happened.
“Soo, is Steve…?”
Dustin looked at him. Eddie looked at him back.
“Is Steve what?” Dustin prodded, in that annoyed tone of his.
Eddie was a wordsmith, he could write and lead campaigns, produce not-half-bad lyrics and lie his way out of trouble. Usually. He got this.
He opened his mouth. Frowned. He did not get this.
“Gay?” he asked quietly.
“Pshhh, no,” Dustin waved his hand. “He’s a ladies' man.”
“Right, yeah,” Eddie nodded like the bobbing head figurine on his uncle’s dashboard. “Then why…”
Dustin shrugged, the unhelpful bastard.
“I think his father is a homophobe? And Steve was kind of a jerk a few years back, he’s trying to be better now. Overcompensating a bit, if you ask me but eh,” he shrugged again. The helpfulest kid in Hawkins. Baby Henderson opened his book, closing the topic, so Eddie fell back on the bed, taking a well-needed break from his study break.
Normally, when the topic of gays was brought up, it was unpleasant and long-winded, full of exchanged opinions, usually hateful ones. Here, the Hendersons were treating it like small talk, not the can of worms that just opened in Eddie’s stomach. Okay, gross. They would crawl around, who knows in which direction? And the can itself? So many sharp edges, so unsanitary.
Needless to say, it wasn’t something Eddie would forget about quickly like they seemed to expect him to.
Alas, he was Dustin’s study-guest, so the kid gave him five minutes to ponder on the worms crawling inside him, before slapping the side of his head with a book to get him back on track. He wouldn’t even let him out on a leak pass until he showed he was done with the chapter he started.
Finally free for a second, Eddie left the bathroom but instead of returning to Dustin’s room, he was lured downstairs by the atrocious sounds of ABBA. Was ABBA gay? He was going to overthink everything now, wasn’t he? Honestly, the whole pop genre felt gay. Metal, that was manly as fuck. Very heterosexual.
For a second he stood in the kitchen’s door frame watching the older Henderson sway his hips around in a yellow apron. It would be almost endearing if the music didn’t make his brain try to collapse on itself. 
He quickly approached the radio and slammed the pause button to save the poor man from further eardrum damage.
“What is this?” he asked when Steve turned to face him.
“Uh. The radio?” he frowned, the poor guy having no idea what he was saying. The top 40 made him delirious.
“What was the radio playing?” Eddie asked in his most condescending tone, eyebrows raised.
“.... ABBA?”
Eddie scoffed.
“I’ll bring you some real music, hang on a second.” And he was gone, on a quest to educate the masses. “Masses” being one Steve Henderson, but as an older brother and Dustin’s role model he had a duty to uphold and Eddie was generous enough to help him out.
He ran out to his car and rummaged through his cassettes, wondering which one was most appropriate for a cooking background. Not a thing he would practice himself, but metalheads eat too, sometimes, so it couldn't be such a farfetched concept. Right?
Eventually, he dumped an armful of tapes on the counter, grinning at Steve wildly.
“One of them has to work for…” he waved a hand in the general direction of chopped-up vegetables. “Whatever it is you’re doing.”
“I will not believe you haven't cooked before.”
Eddie only shrugged at that and popped the first tape of choice into the player. Steve frowned at the tunes but wisely didn't object.
“Since you’re making yourself comfortable in my kitchen, why don’t you help me out a bit?”
“Ah, I’d love to, but there’s this solo I just have to-” he broke into an elaborate air guitar, imitating the riffs from memory while banging his head. He couldn’t see Steve’s face, but he was undoubtedly impressed. Eddie looked metal as fuck. He was super cool, super manly.
“I thought you were just taking a dump but then, guess what? I hear Iron Maiden from the kitchen!”
What wasn’t cool, was being scolded by a fourteen-year-old.
“Got lured by the sweet tunes, huh, big guy?”
“Dustin please, take him away from me.”
Dustin looked between the older boys, one maniacally jumping around, the other wielding a knife and a carrot. He considered his chances and favorable outcomes.
“If we switch to Metallica I’ll help with cooking,” he offered, to which Steve shrugged and Eddie gleefully switched the tapes.
He jumped around, watching the two Hendersons work together and to his absolute terror, he felt a teeny tiny desire to join in. Thankfully, his pride was still hidden beneath a half-dead tree.
He circled them like a curious cat, getting closer and closer, until his face almost squished against Steve’s arm, still dutifully chopping.
“What are we making?”
“We,” Steve accentuated, jostling the intruder's head. “Are making baked vegetables. You are jumping around like a lunatic.”
Eddie gasped.
“I am providing entertainment!”
“Can you provide the baking pan?” Dustin asked dryly. “It’s in the oven.”
“Only if it means I get to taste the fruits of my hard work.”
“You don’t have to help us to get dinner.” Steve bumped his shoulder with a roll of his eyes. “But, helpers get an extra cookie.”
“Well, why didn’t you say so?”
Eddie was truly a genius. He got to help out his fake little brother and his older brother without outwardly asking to be included! And to think he failed senior year twice.
“Go do your nerdy things, I’ll call you when it’s done,” Steve wiped his hands on a towel, food in the oven and the timer set. Dustin was more than happy to leave, and was first to run up the stairs. Eddie was about to follow but a light tug on his shirt stopped him. He turned around, confused, only to be met with Steve pressing a finger to his lips, which, more confusion.
Not easing his grasp, he pulled him back into the kitchen and opened one of the cupboards, where he grabbed a jar and popped it open, releasing a mouthwatering aroma.
“One,” he ordered, and without having to be told twice, Eddie reached in to find a chocolate chip cookie.
“You trying to poison me?” he asked, even if his tongue was one slip away from tasting the treat.
“I would never put poison in my baking,” Steve made a face like the mere suggestion offended him. Eddie raised his eyebrows. 
“You made this?”
“Fucking- Eat it before Dustin comes looking for you. I’m trying to be nice.” Steve gritted his teeth, putting the jar back away.
Eddie felt a little bad for pushing him, but only a little. He finally put the cookie in his mouth and took a bite.
Holy shit.
“This is so fucking good!” he mumbled, crumbs flying everywhere, which earned him a disgusted expression.
“Good thing I haven’t swept yet,” Steve murmured, looking at the floor with disdain. “Now scram. Don’t show up until dinner.”
“Yes, sir!” Eddie saluted, crumbs dripping, and ran away, before Steve’s deadly kitchen rag could reach his butt.
User tags: @i-have-three-feelings @mblogs @awkwardgravity1 @imacowboy3 [Steddie masterpost] [Ao3] [ko-fi]
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reallyromealone · 9 months
May i request a part to to the yamazawa family x cat reader?
Title: techno cats U.A adventure
Fandom: Mha
Pairing: cat! Reader x Yamazawa family
Warnings: male reader, fluff, cat reader, platonic
Nedzu smiled at the little kitten who trotted behind him, a rescue that Aizawa and Yamada got and was still very small "if I'm correct you're not supposed to be out of your dorm" Nedzu said lightly chastising the kitten who tilted his head "no one was home" the kittens voice was slightly echoed, childlike and innocent-- frankly a little unnerving. "So you went to go find your humans?" "Uh-huh!" Nedzu was fond of his fellow quirked friends, knowing they had a hard upbringing and was thankful (name) found a good home.
"Here you go little one" it wasn't tea, instead a saucer of milk that the void cat stretched to sniff before licking happily "my, don't you have a wonderful quirk" Nedzu was absolutely facinated with it, the possibilities of it "tell me little one, if you stretch to much do you get tired?"
"Huh?" The kits face covered in milk and thought "yeah! My body gets hurted after!"
"Your body hurts after?" Well he was moving like putty, maybe that was his limit...
"Well if you like, I would like to see just what you can do, would you be willing to do that little one?"
"I gotta ask my momma first"
"Your mother?"
Aizawa wasn't sure what to expect as Nedzu and his cat trotted, the kittens ghostly meows of excitement when he trotted to the other and Nedzu was giggling "so this is your mother?" The kitten made a little chirp sound as he let Aizawa lift him, the class looking at the void kitten curiously, his little blue and red eyes blinking curiously. "What?" Aizawa was confused at being called a mother "this little one thinks you're his mother!" Nedzu said happily, Aizawa was a bit embarrassed but it would be logical as he was the one to feed the kit every hour and tend to him.
"He needs your permission to have a quirk based test " at this point the three stepped out and Aizawa looked skeptical "what kind of test, he's a baby after all"
"Oh just simple flash cards and such! Maybe to see exactly what his quirk can do!" Nedzu wasn't a monster, he wasn't about to hurt the little mouse who looked at him so sweetly, he didn't care for human babies but animal babes? He was much softer towards. "We can arrange something, do you think you could take him back to the dorm? I don't want the little brat to get into stuff"
When Aizawa went back to class the students looked at him starry eyed "sir! Was that your pet?!" "What was that!" "Why did it look like that?!"
Aizawa activated his quirk, the students quieting down fast as he spoke "that is my kitten yes, he looks like that because he has a quirk that makes him what could best be described as a void-- bud body moves like putty"
"Can we meet him?!"
"Pass the test and sure"
"What test?"
"The one were doing right now"
(Name) was confused as he sat before Nedzu and his mamas "ok little mouse, we need you to wear something, it's for your safety alright?" Nedzu translated to the kitten who tilted his head at the collar "let me know if it's to tight little one" nedzu wasn't fond of collars, frankly he couldn't stand them but they couldn't exactly chip the little one and since he had a pension for wandering it was best to know where he was.
"You look so handsome!"
"Good job buddy!"
Encouraging words as the collar was placed on (name), the kitten confused as his little body stretched to look at what was around his neck, the stretch making the collar loose around his neck "we may need to work on something that works with his quirk... Normal dollars wouldn't be great"
"Well well, if it isn't the little adventurer" Yamada cooed at the kitten who was playing with a toy, little feet kicking it as he bit "went all around U.A before stumbling across Nedzu" Aizawa said as he set down his bag, Eri giggling at the kitten who accidentally hit his face, looking thoroughly startled as Yamada pet his head "such a handsome little man!" (Name)s fur(?) Rippled as he purred, the 3D glasses affect getting more vibrant as he stretched his legs out, stretching like taffee before slowly snapping back to their normal tiny size "good boy! I heard you think Sho is your mama! Wonder what you think I am~"
Also mama but (name) couldn't be understood.
Yamada was cooking dinner, Eri watching her cartoons post bath and Aizawa was grading papers as (name) stretched on his lap, spending the evening playing with Eri always pooped him out after all. Aizawa gently pet him, knowing the spots that made the kitten quite literally melt in his lap as his purrs looked waves against water.
Truly he was at his most relaxed.
Tonight he slept with Eri,sleeping on her pillow, not even denting it as they were cozy, the girl cuddling her toy giraffe without a worry.
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hawkflame999 · 5 months
A few incorrect quotes from my Secrecy AU.
So you all asked for Incorrect quotes, huh? well here they are! —----------------------------------------------------- Cole: LLOYD! Get out of your true form RIGHT NOW! You could get seen!
Lloyd: Ugh, fine it’s not like we’re in the deepest, darkest, most shadowy corner in a city of all time, so I'll go back to pretending to be fully human….
Kai: Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon Spinjitzu-
Lloyd: *Sighs and shifts to human form* There. Happy? Wu: Lloyd, you have to be careful, especially in the city. 
Lloyd: Yes, uncle!
The other five: ........
Wu: Okay, I want you all to be very honest, and I want you to know I'm not very angry, so tell the truth.
Everyone: Wu:
Wu: Cole….Jay….Kai….And Zane.
Cole: What!?!?! Why are we getting blamed for this?
Wu: Well, you’re the ones who taught Lloyd the basics… at least that’s what you said you were doing.
All four: uh….. Wu:
Wu: When I said you could teach Lloyd how to drive, I didn't mean you could teach him how to drift.
Lloyd: You couldn’t sleep guys either?
Cole: Yup, us too, little buddy.
Kai and Nya: Uh huh.
Zane: It appears so. 
Jay: What Zane said. 
Lloyd: Uncle, can you tell me about how my dad was when he was younger? Wu: Well, as children me and your father would play hide and seek. 
Lloyd: And?
Wu: And whenever Garmadon found me he’d pretend to be a child-eating monster and chase me around.
Skylor, holding on for dear life: Do any of you even have car licenses??? Zane, Kai, Cole, Jay, Nya, and Lloyd in perfect unison: NOPE!
Jay: Just because we don’t have licenses doesn’t mean we don’t know how!
Jay: Soooo who’s gonna say it?
Kid!Lloyd: Say what?
Kai: You had a nightmare.
Lloyd: No I didn’t!
Zane: Explain why you woke up screaming, then. 
Nya: Exactly.
Lloyd: *groans* This is why I hate being the youngest, your siblings always see through you at the worst of times!
Kai: Calm down buddy, now what was the nightmare about?
Lloyd: I’m not saying.
Cole: You sure? Come on, tell us!
Lloyd: Make me.
Jay: *smirking* Oh, really?Or do you want a visit from the tickle monster?
Lloyd: *Nervous* Okay, okay! I’ll tell you!
Nya: Good. 
Lloyd: Uncle Wu! How did you find us?
Wu: I saw an explosion and recalled something about ‘Jumping Yōkai Hunters’.
Zane, looking under the bed with a flashlight: Lloyd, are you ready to come out and interact with people?
Kid!Lloyd, under bed: *growls* HISSSSSSSS! Zane: understandable, have a nice day.
Jay: At this rate, he’l never come out from under there. It been two days. Cole: should i jst pull him out? Kai: yeah, he hasn't been eating.
Lloyd: I can't believe we're doing this.
Kai: Look on the bright side, at least this time we're not crashing a vehicle into Sensei's tea shop.
Cole: Yeah, this time we're just evading the police while riding stolen motorcycles.
Nya: Oh, joy.
Jay: So, who's up for a game of hide and seek?
Lloyd: Not it!
Cole: Not it!
Kai: Not it!
Jay: ...Seriously?
Nya: It's okay, i'll be it.
Cole: So, who's up for a game of hide and seek in the dark?
Kai: Uh, Cole, we're already hiding from society. I think we've mastered that game. Cole: Lloyd: Nya:
Cole: So are we playing? Jay: Heck yeah.
Misako: Why do I always get dragged into your crazy plans?
Jay: Because you're one of only our friends with a driver's license.
Misako: I regret ever getting that license.
Kai: We need to get to the middle of the city, but we can’t without the police seeing us!
Jay: Hang on, lemme cause a blackout!
Zane: Ok, we need to get to the other side of the cliff……. ICE SLIDE!
Nya: I'll help make it slippery, too!
Zane, Kai, Cole, Jay, Nya, and Lloyd: Are we in trouble?
Wu: take a guess.
Kai: No?
Wu: take another guess.
Sensei Garmadon: Lloyd, back when our uncle was younger, he’d sneak off when me and your grandfather weren’t looking and get into a lot of trouble. Sometimes I joined him.
Lloyd: really?
Sensei Garmadon: Yes, and it started up with the other Elementals too. And I see that your generation has inherited it, especially you.
Cole: Well if the way out of this is the sewers…
Zane: Come on, we can see in the dark!
Nya: That isn’t too far from the truth, though.
Cole: How did we end up on top of a moving train again?
Zane: It seemed like the quickest way to get to the other side of the city without being seen.
Kai: Plus, it's a great view from up here!
Lloyd: Okay, we need a plan. Who's got one?
Jay: raises hand
Kai: Jay, your last plan involved us getting stuck in a tree for three hours.
Jay: But we got away, didn't we?
Lloyd: Why do I always have to be the distraction?
Cole: Because you're the youngest and most innocent-looking.
Lloyd: Why do we always end up in these crazy situations?
Cole: Because we're the ninja, Lloyd. It's practically in the job description.If being a ninja has a job description….
Kai: Yeah, but I don't remember "evading the police while riding a stolen rickshaw" being listed anywhere.
That's it for now :D Part One of This AU
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kawaiijohn · 11 months
Dipper accidentally summons King Phantom to Gravity Falls to help against Bill?
okay never thought i'd write anything with GF buttttt here ya go @guardianrex <3
And Happy super late tenth birthday gravity falls. Hope this rocks.
"You're just a teenager!" Dipper pointed at the lanky boy from behind the table turned cover. His finger shakes a little as he wills himself to be brave.
"You're just a teenager!" Dipper pointed at the lanky boy from behind the table-turned-cover. His finger shakes a little as he wills himself to be brave.
"And you're just a kid," said teenager yawns, rubbing sleep out of heavily bagged eyes. "Is there a reason I'm standing in my living room with some kid I don't know at ass o clock in the morning?"
Dipper swallows. He'd meant to summon the 'Infinity King', a figure Grunkle Ford had found information on during his travels. The King of All Reality was supposedly an eldritch being of unknown origin and deathless power, one that could possibly be asked to help deal with Bill and his crap.
And his research was going perfectly! The texts Ford had shown him a few weeks ago- the very same texts that Dipper had stolen while Ford was asleep, were translated quite easily (who knew Pig Latin was a viable language in some realities?) and used without his Grunkle's knowledge. Against said Grunkle's warnings.
But ignoring warnings could have gone much worse. At least the figure floating three inches off the floor looked about as human as Dipper did. He knows from personal experience (what a weird summer) it doesn't mean much, but at least the King's skin wasn't like, inside-out or something gross. He shudders at the thought of the possibility.
Although the King looks nothing more than a teenager who just woke up, Dipper could still sense something about the guy was... off.
Dipper realizes he's been staring for a while, and that he's being stared back at. He points more confidently at the King and swallows his fear.
"Takes one to uh... takes one to know one!"
The Infinity King sighs and pinches his brow. "Look, kid. I don't know how you summoned me or why you summoned me, but I'm very tired. I have no money, and I would like to go back to bed before the test I have tomorrow."
"Oh man, is it not summer break for you? That stinks."
"Buddy I'm in summer school, it does stink. So I'd appreciate being able to leave. Please."
"Oh yeah let me just-" Dipper almost falls for the believable performance before catching himself. "Wait a second, that's dumb. I'm not gonna fall for that, Infinity King!"
Dipper shines his flashlight into the King's eyes and is on the receiving end of a very angry stare. "Ancients help me..." the King sighs.
"Nobody can help you! Those sigils are for trapping ghosts and spirits! So now you gotta listen to what I say."
"I really don't have a choice, huh?" The King crosses his legs and places an elbow on his knee. "Alright, shortie. What did you summon me for? Need dating advice? Video game level can't be beat? Annoying sister?"
"I'm not so dumb to summon a powerful being for petty squabbles or whatever!" Dipper grumbles. "I'm dealing with something really really bad, alright?"
He walks up to the border of the circle and shows the King the journal, specifically the pages on Bill Cipher.
"What the hell is this thing? An evil triangle?" the King asks and begins to read. "Don't like how that page gives me goosebumps."
"He's an inter dimensional demon and a jerk. He's also evil and messing with my family."
"Well, I don't know what I can do, but inter dimensional jerks happen to be what I fight most." the King sighs. "What can I do to help?"
"First you gotta make me a-a deal!" Dipper's voice squeaks, realizing what he's said aloud before looking around to make sure Bill isn't going to pop up out of nowhere.
"Kid, I don't think deals are a good choice for someone your age, nor with an inter dimensional being like me."
"Yeah, but like, your kind is kinda all about deals, right?"
"No, but I guess if it makes you feel better... how about you buy me a pizza when this is over. A pizza, and a milkshake of my choice."
"You're serious?" Dipper squints.
"Deadly." the King grins.
"Alright, deal then-"
"Okay, drop the shield and we'll shake on it."
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arckiaym · 7 months
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"Viking? Mrx. Sizukie made breakfast." "..." "c'mon... It's eggs, you like those?"
"hey buddy," "go away legundo.." "I can't do that bud."
"did you get any sleep?" "...no" "yeah..uh. yeah, me neither."
"you neither?" "Yeah, I didn't realize how much I'd like. Like I started thinking, like, if I went by myself."
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"and like, it was fine. I'm more efficient. I'm faster, I don't need to hunt as much. Honestly I might've already made it, probably. I'd definitely get in liss trouble, that's for sure."
"are you trying to make me feel worse??" "Haha, no, hold on."
"what I'm tryina say, is that I'd never-"
"-ever. Want to."
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"hey guys? Everything ok in here? Eggs are getting cold."
"oh! Hehe, silly boys.."
"here lemme help. Momma's gotta do everything around here, huh?"
"how y'all aren't cold I'll never know. Hah..hybrids."
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Mimirs. Eepy time.
In honor of pig!viking two releasing today I finished this up faster than I intended. The brain rot has me by the THROAT
Ok buckle up I have so much to say, ok
First of all, mrx sizukie, what kind of a name is that? The kind of name when you've been following a neon orange Suzuki down the freeway for like 4 hours. Also I like to imagine that pigs don't have Mr and Mrs but just, everyone uses mx and mrx because I think ? Idk they're not human why would they have human honorifics. I'm not calling ppl who use mx or mrx non human btw, u get what I mean
Second of all, eggs? Yeah, eggs. Baby zombie piglins spawn with chickens sometimes, so. So there ya go, they have chickens, idk man.
Third of all? I let them hug, that's right!! Hug it out you emotionally unavailable pig boys!! Comfort piglin head grab and bonk also both made an appearance, hope ur happy with that. I like to think that whenever piglins go to sleep their body temperature drops so that's why they sleep in piles, and is also why they got a lil blankie :)
Also I didn't talk about the backpack last time but they've got a notebook in there! (It's vikings, it's all his notes on how to be a pig. He's learning the language in there, his handwriting is terrible.)
Also when legs flops on the bed and traps vikings legs? Did anyone else's dad do this when there was a Talk to be had? Just like sit on ur feet so u can't escape? Well mine did so that's what that's about.
I made sure to add a lot of "like" and "yeah" cause if you've ever had a Conversation then u know that those nothing words are EVERYWHERE
But yeah, legs realizes how much he'd miss viking if he wasn't around and is like "aw balls this kid is my brother"
I was drawing the last panel, the shaded one, and I was like, "am I a furry artist?" So, let's all think about that for a sec. I mean like kinda, right?"
Hi @amberstormblade ily /platonic ur writing is my absolute favorite and part two is making my synapses FIRE
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cuprohastes · 1 year
Dave The Human vs. Religion
The question of religion had come up, as it does.
Dave The Human, female Tsin muttered something at a high pitch at her tablet and Dave the human, formerly Dave the Atrix, formerly also Dave the Human performed some epic side-eye.
Gondy was filling in for the Atrix member of the group, still slightly scarred from having her helmet smacked hard enough to split during the recent disintegration of the station due to Von Neumann's Space squid.
Raxy, her Little Guy was stuffing his face in a way that you don't normally see on an Atrix that size. This suggested to the Daves that the Little Guy was shortly going to be upskilling, getting certified and getting referred to as female...
Given Atrix really just looked at the whole gender thing and opted out, and the whole male/female thing was labelling for other people's benefit, the Daves formed an unspoken and instant agreement that helping Raxy bulk up was their new hobby.
For two people from radically different biologies and cultures, the Daves were staggeringly similar as though some cosmic author had created them with the same voice.
Tsin Dave waggled the tablet. "Homeworld want to make sure everyone's complying with off-world best practices. They want to ensure that we're... ugh: 'Maintaining tradition in line with oof-world guidance'" she grumped.
"First I'm a heretic and a sky-demon and now they want to make sure I'm the right sort and not making you lot think less of us with my wicked deviant ways."
Gondy paused, as did Rax.
"graaaaak?" Rax said, around one of the mysterious and never explained purple bread rolls.
Meta-note about the purple bread rolls: They're actually Ube potato bread rolls. They're steamed in the Caffeteria. The food services are very aware that everyone who encounters them assumes they're a food from some other species culture. It's the little things that make the day to day fun.
"You never heard about that?" Dave The human said. "Oh well hum..."
Dave the Human gave his buddy full points on her mastery of colloquialism and settled in.
"So there's this legend that many years ago the People - 's us - had an idyllic land, and the concept of evil was unknown. Then one day, Sky Demons, jealous of our ways and our purity of soul absolutely pounded the knekp out of the place and only those of us in the Great Underground Halls, who were devout enough survived. And since that day, to leave the ground is to attract the attention of the Sky Demons."
Gondy raised a claw.
"Boats are OK. Water is theologically still ground."
Gondy put her claw down.
Dave the human said, "That sounds like..."
Dave The Human answered, "Nope, it was Orbital Bombardment. Nation-on nation. The shelters were built because it was a strong possibility that things would get all... ker-blammy."
"Yeah. And the religious angle kind of got shuffled in as this agreement that when everyone got out, nobody wanted to be dancing around pointing claws at other countries and trying to blame them, while it was everyone's fault. Can't really blame them but for a thousand odd years that was the official line."
Gondy said "Wow! I never knew that!"
Dave The Human nodded. "Yeah yeah, it's been pretty common knowledge for a century or so, but still, when we got back into space after the Wallandernoooks showed up to trade, it was a major, major problem and uh well, leaving the Homeworld means you're a Heretic and in league with the Sky Demons according to the Dogma soooo..."
"Huh. And that means...?"
"Not much. Kind of lightly excommunicated. Not really welcome back home where things are a little more traditional. But y'know. No biggie. We're all colonists out here anyway, and we still get Homeworld support. It's just we also have to get audited that we're not giving Homeworld a bad name." She paused and took a long drink of mekp. "Aaaaand this time they want to know if we have a shrine to show you filthy heathens that we're still the number one proper pious type heretical sky demons. F.M.L."
Gondy, Rax and Dave pondered this.
"Gondy... what do Atrix believe in?" Asked Dave the Human.
"Yeah, Rax, I guess 'some places are lucky' covers it. You know.... good moss, cool rocks, just got a good vibe. The sort of place you can drop a bunch of... what do you call them? Possums."
Dave the Human choked on his water. "Possums?!"
"Grak." Commented Rax and Gondy pulled her tablet out and poked. "Yeah... human smalls." She said, holding up a picture of a possum mis-labelled as an infant human.
"Huh. You guys are adorable when you're young" cooed Dave The Human, who Dave previously rated as about as maternal as a meat grinder.
Dave let it go for now, suspecting this would yield hilarious dividends at some future time, and turned back to Dave the Tsin.
"Ok, this is shaping up to be another wacky hi-jink. What's the gig?
"Gotta build a shrine."
"Any shrine?"
"Pretty much. It's got to be location appropriate. Y'know. The god of the place. To show we're uh... friendly to the local divinities? On theological good terms?"
"OK but... we're all godless atheists, apart form the ones who aren't. Who are you going to build a shrine to?
"Yeah that's kind of it. I mean I don't want to be the grit under anyone's scales..."
"Ohhhh," said Gondy, "Oh oh! Rax, call Garf! I have an idea..."
Several weeks later, the Tsin named Walks-between-Waves arrived as part of the Tsin welfare and general ambassadorial circuit.
O'Patel and Big Ma performed the proper greetings and paperwork, and Dave presented herself.
Walks-Between-Waves ("Just call me Waves") walked up and declaimed, "Heretic, and blasphemer. You bones will never lie with the ancestors, and your meat will rot. You and the demons you dwell with are denied! Cast out as the foul beasts you are. How are you doing? Well I hope?"
Dave bowed, small hands together, big ones outstretched.
"Oh yeah. They're all very nice here." She said. "Did they change the words of the castigation?"
"Oh, no, but some of it needed translating for human language a little," Waves said and added, "such a fun language! Quite the fad back home. And since you're hmm, officially human, I couldn't resist. Now, I believe you have something to show?"
O'Patel looked bemused and said sotto voce to Big Ma, "I think this is going to go well!"
Dave led Waves to the common area where, true enough, there was a shrine. It was made of old pieces of the station recovered from it's partial disassembly. 3D printed and painted panels along the sides showed Tsin, Atrix and Humans, helping each other climb up the sides, to the top of the shrine where someone had creatively frosted some glass and lit it with shifting lights to suggest something exciting and pleasant waited. The thing dripped with moss and a small water feature played down from the back into a shallow bowl of stones.
"Ah!" Said Waves. "Very impressive. Going for extra credit?"
"No..." said Dave. "It's a group effort. Once we started, everyone wanted to help. Especially after we found a small god for the Station that everyone liked... Their name is Arepo."
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Why Every Stormlight Character Is Secretly A Cat
Or, you know, as many of them as I can fit into one reasonably sized list!
1. Kaladin: Likes to be high
Kaladin-Kitty: (purring happily on the very tallest cat tree ever)
Hapless Cat-Parent: Yup, he loves being tall!
Hapless Cat-Parent: Hardly ever touches the floor if he can help it!
2. Lift: Knows that YOUR food is simply better
Hapless Cat-Parent: S-Stop trying to steal my pancakes!
Hapless Cat-Parent: You HAVE food!
3. Lopen: Sometimes hurts people when he only meant to play around
Hapless Cat-Parent: Ow!! No biting!!!
Hapless Cat-Parent: I-It’s okay! You know I’ll protect you, even if you hurt me.
4. Lewshi: Likes to Play-Fight
Hapless Cat-Parent: Ha, ha yeah! Lewshi LOVES to wrestle with the other kitties.
Hapless Cat-Parent: Never with murderous intent, of course! She just loves a good play-fight!
5. Szeth: Can see ghosts
Szeth-Kitty: (staring unblinking at a spot across the room)
Hapless Cat-Parent: W-What do you see with your kitty eyes?!?
6. Syl: Sometimes gets the zoomies
Hapless Cat-Parent: Ha, yeah, she loves to race about like this!
Hapless Cat-Parent: Especially when it’s stormy out, for some reason.
7. Nale: Likes the hunt
Nale-Kitty: (laser-focused, butt wiggling)
Hapless Cat-Parent: That stuffed mouse will never escape you!
8. Renarin: Is autistic (since, you know, all cats are autistic)
Hapless Cat-Parent: I just don’t understand people who think cats are hard to read!
Hapless Cat-Parent: All we gotta do is pay attention to your body language, huh, bud?
9. Rock: Knows the importance of cooking
Hapless Cat-Parent: Making biscuits again, huh?
10. Shallan: SUCH a little faker sometimes
Shallan: (the most mournful of kitty cries)
Hapless Cat-Parent: Y-You can’t trick me! I KNOW I already fed you!!
11. Tien: Brings you presents when you’re sad
Hapless Cat-Parent: B-brought me another rock, huh?
Hapless Cat-Parent: Thanks, buddy. I love it.
12. Stormfather: Knocks things over and pretends it wasn’t his fault
Hapless Cat-Parent: H-Hey! Did you knock EVERYTHING off my shelf?!
Stormfather-Kitty: (innocently cleaning his tail)
Hapless Cat-Parent: Uh-HUH.
13. Pattern: Will cockblock you at any opportunity
Romantic Partner: Uh, your cat’s creepy, unblinking gaze is kinda killing the mood here.
Hapless Cat-Parent: Yeah...he does that.
14. Sebarial: Knows the importance of conserving your energy
Hapless Cat-Parent: Napping in the sunshine, huh?
Hapless Cat-Parent: You sure live the good life.
15. Rlain: Changes forms when he needs to
Hapless Cat-Parent: Wow! You’re all poofed up!
Hapless Cat-Parent: You look so big and scary! That dog outside is definitely intimidated. 
16. Rysn: Is not afraid to jump from very high places
Hapless Cat-Parent: Ha ha! Thank goodness cats always land on their feet!
(I’m sorry)
17. Moash: Does NOT accept that humans should be in charge
Hapless Cat-Parent: Oh sweet Moash-kitty, sometimes you stare at me like you’re plotting my demise.
Hapless Cat-Parent: ...Sometimes I think I’m lucky you don’t have thumbs.
18. Cord: “Father, I crave violence.”
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19. Navani: A very curious kitty
Hapless Cat-Parent: Yes, yes, I know you must sniff every one of these groceries.
Hapless Cat-Parent: Such an investigative little kitty!
20. Jasnah: Respect must be earned
Human Amaram: I am COVERED in SCRATCHES
Hapless Cat-Parent: You can’t force a cat to like you, you know.
21. Venli: Can’t decide what she wants
Venli-kitty: (mournful meows)
Hapless Cat-Parent: Oh? You want the door open?
Venli-kitty: (mournful meows)
Hapless Cat-Parent: O-Oh? You want it closed now?
Venli-kitty: (ever more mournful meows)
Hapless Cat-Parent: Make up your mind, already!
22. Eshonai: Adapts to communicate with humans
Hapless Cat-Parent: Huh! It says here that adult cats only meow to communicate with humans!
Hapless Cat-Parent: ...Is that your excuse for singing the song of your people every morning at 3:00am, then?
23. Elhokar: Pretends it was all on purpose
Hapless Cat-Parent: Hanging upside down from a claw snag again, huh?
Hapless Cat-Parent: Yes, yes, I’m sure you meant to do that.
24. Dalinar: HATES closed doors
Dalinar-Kitty: (vigorous scratching)
Hapless Cat-Parent: Yes, yes, I’d hate to interrupt your journey to the bathroom.
25. Teft: Shows affection by staying at your side
Hapless Cat-Parent: You’re so sweet, Teft-kitty.
Hapless Cat-Parent: You may be grumpy, but you’re always sitting next to me when I’m sad.
26. Thaidakar: Best not to let him get out
Hapless Cat-Parent: Ha, ha, of COURSE I don’t let my cat outside!
Hapless Cat-Parent: Thaida-kat would destroy the whole ecosystem if he got out.
27. Adolin: Looks great in his little outfits
Adolin-kitty: (purring contentedly)
Hapless Cat-Parent: Yeah, and ever since I put him in that little sweater, he won’t let me take it off!
Hapless Cat-Parent: Such a fashion icon.
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 732: Buddies X 4!!
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Pag 1
1: Eight people's gaze, they all have their eyes fixed on the Inter High!!
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Pag 2
1: Pfui
2: Oii, Miki!
4: What are you looking aaat.... Mikiii
5: Kya- Aya-chan, you- you scared me!
Ohhhm you're hiding it!? What were you looking at while sighing....? Maybe a message from someone...?
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Pag 3
1: It's everyone's number of laps in the training camp....
2: This year my brother is sending me the electric scoreboard data, so I can see them live. Now they've started the afternoon practice of the second day
Woah, it's true, there's so many numbers. But in that case don't hide and don't sigh
3: The subject and your reaction don't match, Miki
You're really a bicycle otaku, girl!!
4: Ah right, they're all at the training camp now
Yeah, in Shizuoka
5: No wonder I though that that lively red-head isn't here
7: The bike club isn't here
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Pag 4
1: The corridors feel kinda lonely somehow
4: … yeah
5: But right now, they're running desperately
7: They're conscious of the remaining time
8: of this overwhelming journey
Their last...
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Pag 5
1: The third years are looking towards their last Inter High
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Pag 8
2: It's curious
3: We ran so many laps and the course is 5km long, and yet these eight people unexpectedly happen to be here at the same time
4: We're still in the middle of the second day, so we don't know what's going to happen, but... if we only talk about the number of laps
5: Then right now there are eight people in the lead!!
6: Or maybe
10: It's not really unexpected?
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Pag 9
1: It's not!!
At least for us!!
3: Kaburagi and Danchiku jumped ahead!!
4: Kaburagi!!
5: Uh.... I heard about it but, consciuosly looking closely at it again.... re-really
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Pag 10
1: Danchiku really has become huge!!
3: I got this bike that's the perfect size for me from Touji-san
5: What's... this... Danchiku's pressure....
6: It's so much higher than before!!
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Pag 11
1: Right now you felt like “Danchiku's pressure has gotten stronger”, right? Sugimoto-san
3: It did get stronger
4: Until now we've run more than 400km and his strength has certainly grown...
And it's conveyed 100% with that bike!! He's sure and confident!!
Do you know what that means, Sugimoto-san!?
5: The two of us simply chased Imaizumi-san and the others and ran so to not open the distance again
So, honestly, it was unexpected
6: Kaburagi-san and the others purpousely matched tehir paces with them!?
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Pag 12
1: Kaburagi, Danchiku....!! As expected your target is...!!
2: 400km is a big enough distance that we could make up a special move!!
4: Go!! This is... Danchiku Special Move!!
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Pag 13
1: Bamboo Hop Shot!!
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Pag 14
1: He covered so much distance in an instant!!
2: That huge frame
4: He's accelerating by bending like a bamboo!!
7: That's right, this is the special technique that we made up during this training camp!!
Bamboo is flexible and elastic, and also....
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Pag 15
1: Strong!!
2: Kuaaaaa
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Pag 16
2: Sugimoto reacted alone to Danchiku's acceleration and caught up to them!!
4: As expected, that saves us time, Sugimoto-san
Yeah... the two of us have to go to the Inter High
5: Moreover, we can't play an active part if we don't get stronger in this training camp, and in order for him to fully recover from his slump and go to the Inter High
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Pag 17
1: He has to defeat a human pillar like you, Sugimoto-san!!
3: Their target is Sugimoto!!
4: Huh, Sugimoto-kun!?
5: Huh!?
6: I want Danchiku to race you and gain back his confidence, and recover completely!!
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Pag 18
1: You're speaking as if you're assuming I'll lose
2: Assuming? Well-
3: You're being too rude, Issa
Am I? But results are everything in this world
4: Sugimoto-san and...
5: I mean, the fact that you've caught up now means you're “accepting”
6: Just a little more
Until the complete recovery!!
7: Aren't you cute?
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Pag 19
1: My kouhai are recklessly in high spirit and want to practice with a more experienced senpai!!
Alright then!!
I'll let you
2: Come at me, second year Danchiku Ryuhou!!
Wa!! Thanks
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Pag 20
2: He accepted it and ran ahead!!
3: Sugimoto is leading!!
4: He's assertive!!
As expected!!
5: It's gonna be challenging, Danchiku!!
6: Ahh, one thing I forgot to say, is that Danchiku's special technique we came up with during this training camp... there's one more thing to it
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Pag 21
1: It's called Bamboo Shout!!
2: I think you'll get to look closely at it later
4: By the way, Sugimoto-san
What about your special technique?
5: Ah...!! My self-awareness isn't that low that I didn't prepare for it!!
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Writing request: Since the hexsqad have never been exposed to any human sicknesses before, and therefore have no immunity against any of them, I think it would be funny to see at least one of them get sick the first time anyone sneezes near them. It’d also be fun to see how the biology of a witch handles a human sickness. 
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmyaaaayyyyyy, you’re here!!!” Willow grabbed for Hunter’s hand as he passed by the couch. “Your hair is getting so looooong, Amity can braid it and we can match!”
Luz batted Willow’s hands away. “Ah, ah, no. You are sick. No touchy, you’ll get him sick, too.”
“I’ve never had a sick day in my life,” Hunter scoffed. He kept Luz between himself and Willow, though, peering over her shoulder at the sick witch on the couch. “What’s wrong with her?”
“As far as I can tell? A cold.”
“You mean a mold?”
“Nope. Here in the human realm, we have colds. They’re minor, just a lot of coughing and sneezing, but Willow’s gone down bad. Probably because she’s never had one before. The rest of you should probably steer clear of her.”
“I can help. Like I said, I don’t get sick.”
“I’m not going to risk it. I didn’t have a cold, which means Willow caught it from only a few seconds of contact. Now scr—”
Willow let out an explosive sneeze, and droplets splattered Luz.
Luz jumped back, right onto Hunter’s toes. “Ew!”
“Ow!” Hunter skipped backwards, yanking his feet out from under Luz’s heels. “Is it dangerous? Is that why you’re so keen to avoid it?”
“No, but it’s a pain, and it’s still gross.” Luz squinted at him. “Although I guess someone who licked my hand wouldn’t really think so.”
“I built up my immune system and my resistance to poisons by licking things I shouldn’t,” Hunter responded serenely, “I’ll be fine.”
Gus cannoned into Luz, grabbing her arm. “Luuuuuuzzzzzzz, I think Hunter’s dead!”
“What?! What do you mean, Gus?!”
“He was still asleep when I woke up! It’s, like, eight o clock!”
“That’s a totally normal time to wake up, Gus.”
“When was the last time you got up and Hunter wasn’t already awake?”
“Fair enough. Stay up here, I’ll check in on him.”
Luz traipsed down the stairs to the basement and shook Hunter’s shoulder. “Hey? You okay?”
A raspy snore that broke off into a cough was his response.
Luz shook him again. “Hunter!”
“Wha?” he grumbled, swatting her hand, “Go ‘way.” He sneezed. “Lemme alone.”
“Uh-oh. So much for never getting sick, huh?”
“’m not sick. I’m just—” another explosive sneeze. “…tired.”
“Uh-huh. You stay down here, buddy, I’ll get you a waterbottle and a box of tissues.”
Luz traipsed back up the stairs. “He’s down for the count. Alrighty, let’s get this contained! I’m moving Willow to the basement, and you and Amity are not to go down there.”
Amity looked poked her head into the living room. “Is that a good idea? Having a sick Willow and Hunter in the same area? Willow tried to kiss my face with her germy lips last night, what if they team up on us?”
“Ah, I don’t think it’ll be too bad. Hunter’s sleepy sick, Willow would have a hard time rousing him to turn on us. But maybe you could create an abomination to keep an eye on them? Like you did for me when I had the mold!”
“Yeah. Yeah, I can do that.”
“Thanks, Amity. And I’m sure Flapjack and Clover will help us, too. Okay, you and Gus go outside, I’m going to get Willow into quarantine.”
Luz thumped up the stairs. Willow was in the bathroom, making a bunch of succulents on the windowsill grow. “Heeeeyyyy, Willow.”
“Luz!” Willow exclaimed in delight, “You’re here!”
“Haha, yep, I sure am! Hey, do you want to go downstairs? To the basement? And stay down there?”
“C’mon,” Luz coaxed, “You can, uhhhhh look for old school yearbooks and laugh at everyone’s horrible school pictures! Hunter’s down there, it’ll be like a little party!”
“Haha, Hunter at a party. He’d look funny in one of those little hats.”
“Yeaaaah, he probably would. Come on.” Luz slowly backed out of the bathroom, beckoning to Willow. To her relief, Willow followed. “Theeeere we go. Good Willow. That’s it.”
Luz led her down to the basement, where she immediately shook Hunter. “Hey! Sun’s up, time to start photosynthesizing, sleepy!”
He grumbled something unintelligible, then wiggled around in his sleeping bag until his feet were sticking out of the head of it and his face was down at the bottom, where Willow couldn’t reach him. Willow, for her part, watched the whole process in awe.
“He’s going to turn into a butterfly,” she whispered.
“No—okay, hey, you’re going to suffocate in there.” Luz unzipped the sleeping bag, exposing Hunter’s face to the air. He grabbed the flap of the sleeping bag, yanking it back over himself, and Luz left it. As long as there was still a way for air to get in. She glanced around to see Willow already halfway up the stairs, and she ran up, ducking around Willow to bar her way. “No! You need to stay down here!”
“Iiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I need you to help me take care of Hunter, Willow, he’s not feeling good.”
Willow sniffed and coughed. “Aww. Poor Hunter.”
“Amity’s going to send down an abomination to help, just make sure he drinks lots of water. Uh—don’t make him, though, just tell him to do it a lot, okay?”
“Okayyyyyyy. Before or after he turns into a butterfly?”
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhh… before? You’re going to do great, just make sure he and you stay down here, okay, byeeeeeeeee!”
Luz raced up the stairs, washing her hands and opening the door. “Okay. We should be good.”
Amity created an abomination, and it took two waterbottles and a box of tissues down into the basement.
“Dooooo abominations get sick?”
“I don’t think so?”
The abomination came back up, walking towards the trashcan. Its face seized up, twitching, and Amity approached it. “Whoa, they’ve never done this before, I don’t kno—”
The abomination’s face exploded outwards all over Amity.
“Did it just sneeze?!” Luz yelped.
“I think it just sneezed! This is ridicu—oh, Luz. Oh, Luz, no. No, if it got sick from Willow and Gus, that means—that means—”
“You’re not sick yet,” Luz pleaded, “It could have been—you’re not sick yet!”
Amity gently cupped Luz’s face in her hands. “Batata. You know what has to be done. I have to go down there. I have to quarantine.”
“No, Amity, if you’re not sick now, you will be for sure if you’re near them!”
“And if I’m sick now, I’ll get Gus sick. Or you.” Amity smoothed back a lock of Luz’s hair. “I have to do this. For Gus. I’ll live. Just… make sure there’s plenty of tissues and water?”
“Okay. Okay, I’ll make sure.” Luz got another waterbottle for Amity and walked her to the basement stairs. Willow’s giggle, and Hunter’s congested snores floated up, and Amity gulped. She gave Luz’s hand a squeeze, then squared her shoulders and marched down.
“So brave,” Gus sniffed from the kitchen, “So noble.”
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t near the exploding abomination.”
Luz washed her hands again, and made her way to the fridge. “I’m going to try to make some soup. Maybe some tea.”
“Can I help?”
Luz hissed in, thinking about the mustard ravioli that had been his last attempt at cooking. “How about you make the tea? But wait a bit.”
Luz chopped vegetables and simmered them in broth on the stove, occasionally rolling a full waterbottle down to the basement. It was always gone from the foot of the stairs by the time she looked again.
At least they’re hydrating.
I hope so, anyway, and it isn’t just Willow pouring them on Amity and Hunter’s feet so that they can grow.
Luz turned the stove off and ladled the soup into three bowls. “I’m going in.”
Gus snapped a salute. “Godspeed, good Luz,” he said gravely, “If you don’t come out, I will remember you.”
Luz gulped, heading down the stairs. Willow met her at the base. “Hey, Luz,” she mumbled through a stuffed nose, “Feeling pretty bad.”
Luz handed her a bowl. “At least you’re not loopy anymore?”
Hunter was still passed out in his sleeping bag, snoring and occasionally coughing. “Wow. I’m starting to wonder if he just thinks he’s never been sick because he sleeps through the whole thing.” Luz shook his shoulder. “Heeeeey, Hunter. You need to eat something.”
He blearily sat up, his hair flat against one side of his head and then sticking up in a horrendous cowlick. He accepted the bowl, drained it in about three seconds flat, scarfed down the vegetables, then flopped back down, pulling the sleeping bag over his head.
“And where’s…”
Amity was nowhere to be seen. The boxes in the basement had been carefully arranged in alphabetical order, and boxes with the same label were stacked from largest to smallest.
Amity’s head poked out from a pile of stuff that hadn’t been in a box. “Hi.”
Luz wandered towards her as Hunter started to snore again. “Did you do all this?”
“Yep,” Amity coughed, “It was messy down here. I fixed it. Trying to figure out how to organize all of this other stuff, though. I mean!” she tried stacking a statue of a dog on top of a beach ball, and it slid off. “What am I supposed to do?!”
Luz handed her a bowl. “Take a break, sweet potato. Is everyone staying hydrated?”
“Oh, yeah,” Willow piped up, “Amity is enforcing a rigorous hydration schedule.” She blew her nose and tossed the tissue towards a small trashcan.
It was incinerated by a blast of purple flame before it even hit the downward part of its arc. Amity narrowed her eyes at the space where the offending tissue had been. “No more sickness,” she growled, then sneezed. “AUGH!”
Luz nudged her shoulder. “It’s okay to be sick, Amity. I’ll come back down in a bit, okay?”
She trudged back up the stairs, collecting Hunter’s bowl on the way up. “Whoof.”
“They okay down there?”
“I think Willow’s pulled through the worst of it, but she’ll be stuffed up for a while. Hunter’s still asleep. And I think if we unleased a sick Amity on the Collector, she’d have him doing her bidding before the week was out.”
Gus hissed in, making a face. “Uh, Luz?” He pointed behind her. “Hunter’s up.”
Luz turned around to see Hunter shuffling towards her. “Ohhhh no you don’t. Go back down there, mister.”
“I’m fine, Luz,” he mumbled, “I told you, I’m just ti—I’m just ti—I’m ti—choo!”
He sneezed, and Luz yelped. “Hunter, NO!”
Gus gasped behind her. “It’s too late, Luz. I’ve been hit! I’m down!”
Hunter sniffed. “…Okay. I might, maybe be just a little bit sick. Sorry, Gus.”
Luz sighed. “Guess there’s no point in keeping you guys quarantined anymore.”
Gus shuffled down the stairs. “Oh, misery.” His eyes were already starting to glaze over, and he flopped on the couch with a sigh. “Just leave me. Bring me… some delicious soup.”
“I will. Don’t die.”
“No promises.”
“Augustus is a drama queen when he’s sick,” Willow informed her, “Be prepared for the performance of a lifetime.”
Luz shook her head, moving the box of tissues closer to Gus. “Can’t wait.”
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
Death by Exposure
Written for the Phic Phight Prompts: At first Danny had been worried sick that Wes had figured out that he was Phantom, but when no one believed him it had sort of become funny. Still, after the anti-ecto act, and the GIW, and his own parents very public very violently vitriolic screeds against ghosts, Danny had to wonder what he'd ever done to Wes that the guy would risk exposing Danny to all that. (from @hpwotters-blog, or at least I think that's you're tumblr.), and Wes Weston wakes up to find an injured Phantom on the fire escape. (from @half-deadmagicperson)
Other prompts that will be included in later chapters but aren't in this one:
With how much time he spends on basketball and his delusional conspiracy theories, no one would ever suspect that Wes Weston has another secret hobby… (from @kadziduo)
And Wes has been spending more and more time around Fenton and Co. lately - hey! he’s only trying to get some much-needed evidence against them, not trying to get all buddy-buddy with them. And anyway, they’re an entirely annoying bunch, so he wholeheartedly blames them for the fact that he’s currently being monologued at by the ghost holding him hostage. (from @a-closet-emo)
Chapter 2: Exposome
AO3 Link
[Warnings for: violence, blood (ectoplasm) and injury, and guns]
Much to Danny's relief, everything continued on more or less as normal. His classmates didn't shoot ecto-blasts him while he walked down the halls, the G.I.W. didn't raid his house to abduct him for experimentation, and no matter what had been said at that presentation, the school's generally positive opinion of Phantom had remained intact, just like Sam had said it would.
The only thing that really changed was that most of the student body started wearing Fenton Wrist Rays to school. Some of the girls customized them by painting them with nail polish or gluing rhinestones to them. One girl even soldered tiny loops onto hers so she could attach charms to it. They were an accessory more than a weapon, now, and Danny found his worry subsiding.
Another thing that didn't change was Wes Weston. "I'm telling you people! Look at this!" He held up a picture of Danny with photoshopped white hair and green eyes. "Tell me he doesn't look like Phantom! You can't!"
"Yeah, and I bet if you photoshopped white hair on a picture of yourself, you'd look like Phantom too," one of the cheerleaders heckled.
"You know, there's a really easy way to prove if he's Phantom or not," an upperclassman pointed out, holding up his wrist to show off the silver bracelet there in demonstration. "These ray things don't hurt humans, right? If you really wanna prove he's Phantom, you can just give him a little zap, and see what happens."
Wes looked at the upperclassman, mouth agape in horror. "I'm not gonna shoot him!" he said, aghast at the very idea. Wes didn't even wear his wrist ray to school, and tended to scoff at the assertion that ghosts were all that dangerous at all. "I wanna prove he's Phantom not put him in the hospital."
"Uh-huh, sure." The junior scoffed and shook his head. "Sounds to me like you just don't want us all to see how wrong actually you are."
"Harmless or not, you know we're not allowed to shoot those things at each other," Sam interrupted harshly. "Unless you want detention, I suggest you put a sock in it. Come on Danny."
He followed her to their usual lunch table with Tucker right behind him. 
"I guess you guys were right about Wes not wanting to hurt me," Danny noted as they took their seats. "He may be an asshole, but it's nice to know he has some standards." Just as Danny was about to take a bite of his sandwich he felt his ghost sense go off and his breath misted in front of him. He put his food down with a deep, deep sigh. "I gotta ghost. If I'm not back by the time class starts, take notes for me, okay?"
"You got it, dude," Tucker said. "Do what you gotta do."
Danny sprinted to the bathroom to transform and then took off to deal with Cujo, who'd apparently decided to terrorize a pick-up game of catch on the football field by chasing the ball and tackling the players. Thankfully, Danny would definitely be able to take care of it before Valerie caught wind, but it gave him a bit of a scare when he got there and saw that one of players had activated their wrist ray and was trying to shoot Cujo.
"Stop that! Don't hurt him!" Danny shouted, firing a warning shot in front of the guy's feet to make him back off. "He's just trying to play with you. He doesn't know any better. Cujo! Come!" Cujo turned to look at Danny and happily trotted over to him, tongue lolling. "Good boy." Danny knelt to scratch Cujo behind the ears.
The little dog hadn't even gotten too excited and grown to the size of a shed, and yet these kids had tried to shoot him anyway. Thank the Ancients that they respected Phantom enough to stop when he told them to.
"Is he... friendly?" asked the guy who'd shot at Cujo, cautiously deactivating his wrist ray.
"Oh yeah," Danny assured. "And he's actually well-trained, too, but if he gets over-excited, well, he becomes a bigger problem. He's still friendly, but he's just a dog, and he doesn't know his own strength sometimes."
"Can I pet him?"
"Sure," Danny said. "He won't mind." The student let Cujo sniff his hand before stroking the dog's head.
"Ha," he was clearly amazed that he was able to do something like this at all, and his mouth fell open in awe. "Woah, he feels so weird, like if water could hold a shape."
"You mean like ice?" scoffed one of the other guys he'd been playing catch with.
"No, man! I can't describe it. You gotta feel it for yourself."
Skeptically, the other guy came closer and did the same as the first, cautiously stroking the dog's fur. Cujo rolled over to let them pet his belly, basking in the attention. "Oh, wow that does feel weird."
"I know, right?!"
"Sorry to cut this short, but I really need to get Cujo out of here before Valerie finds him, because she kind of blames him for ruining her life."
"Why's that?"
"Because he kind of accidentally ruined her life," Danny answered with a shrug scooping the dog up. Cujo wriggled for a moment, getting comfortable in Danny's arms before popping his head up, excited for the flight. The nearby students all said goodbye to both Phantom and Cujo. The two who'd been brave enough to pet him thanked Phantom for that opportunity.
Flying home with the ghost dog in his arms to usher him through the Fenton Portal, Danny grinned with relief, and hope. It seemed like the students of Casper High were more inclined to trust Phantom over the government. Maybe he could even convince them that what they were learning about ghosts was wrong, that ghosts could think and feel just like humans did.
After sneakily dropping Cujo off in the Ghost Zone, Danny flew back to school, but a newspaper vending machine stopped him in his tracks. The front page headline read "Phantom menace poisoning the minds of our schoolchildren!" It was an article about how Phantom was supposedly brainwashing the local youth into liking and trusting him. It warned parents to remind their children that all ghosts were evil, and dangerous, even if they appeared to act otherwise.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Danny flew the rest of the way back invisibly.
All Danny's hopes were dashed in short order as the situation grew steadily worse. The school installed ghost detector alarms that would wail anytime Danny got within six feet of them in his human form, which of course had Wes chomping at the bit to scream, "Fenton is Phantom! He keeps setting off the ghost detectors! If that's not proof, I don't know what is!"
"Danny got ecto-contaminated from one of our parents experiments a while ago," Jazz said calmly as she passed them in the hall. "If he was a ghost he would activate them from much further away."
"Yeah, what she said," Danny agreed. That, at least, was true. When he turned into Phantom, any ghost detector within thirty feet of him went off. His human form suppressed his ecto-signature enough to sow doubt in Wes' theory.
Danny's parents started giving speeches in the park about "ghost safety" that basically consisted of them spewing vitriolic ghost hate for an hour straight, and teaching ordinary people how to kill ghosts. They made Danny come to their first speech. When it was over he locked himself in his room until the morning, skipping dinner because he felt too nauseated to eat anything. 
Eventually, the propaganda started to work, and even some people at school started to believe that ghosts were evil. There were still others who disagreed, some because they wanted to believe in their ghostly hero and others simply to spite their parents, as teenagers were wont to do.
The worst was when the government gave approval for the G.I.W. to start doing anti-ghost patrols in Amity Park. Danny tried to go out as Phantom less, by the Ancients he tried, but despite their improved training, the G.I.W. just couldn't hold up to certain stronger ghosts, and they weren't immune to overshadowing either. Besides that, Danny had to protect the ghosts too.
It was one thing to let the G.I.W. chase them off, but they tried to capture ghosts for experimentation as much as possible, which Danny couldn't let fly. He wasn't about to let even his worst enemies go through anything like that. Then there were the ghosts that specifically targeted Danny, like Skulker, and forced him to transform and fight, disregarding the danger to both of them. Taking all that into consideration, try though he did, Danny actually ended up as Phantom even more often than before.
With so much more being piled onto his plate, Wes' continued campaign to expose Danny's secret stopped being funny again, and became annoying, and eventually, Danny was forced to wonder why. Why was Wes still so determined to expose him?
Surely he wasn't completely blind to everything going on. He had to know that there were laws in place that stripped Danny of all his rights as a human being, just because he had ectoplasm in him. He must have heard about all the vile things Danny's own parents said about Phantom during their "ghost safety" speeches. And there was absolutely no way the G.I.W. patrols could've escaped Wes' notice.
So why? What had Danny ever done to Wes that he would risk exposing—no, that he would do everything in his power to expose Danny to all of that? Sure, Danny had messed with him a little, had teased him, but so what? He'd never done anything to Wes that put him at risk of being dissected. What had Danny done to deserve all this?
Danny had feared Wes once, then laughed at him, then vaguely disliked him, but now Danny had grown to actually hate the guy. He resented Wes for continuing his potentially deadly efforts against Danny as the stakes rose ever higher.
Then the unthinkable happened. The G.I.W caught up to Phantom, shot him out of the sky. Danny took two shots to the back, one to the side, and one to the leg before was able to give them the slip by turning intangible and traveling underground.
It was spring break. Sam's family had dragged her into some fancy retreat that they wouldn't let her worm her way out of. Jazz was touring out-of-state colleges with their mom, and they wouldn't be back until the following afternoon. Tucker had gone to his family reunion. Danny had assured them that he would be okay. He'd promised he'd be careful.
And now he was bleeding out. Ectoplasm and flecks of blood soaked his jumpsuit, and he was sure he'd broken several bones when he'd fallen out of the sky and hit the ground hard. He couldn't go home, not in this condition. The house's ghost defenses would finish him off in an instant. He could go to his friend's places, but there would be no one there to help him, and he couldn't properly treat the wounds on his back by himself. He needed help. He needed someone who knew, who wouldn't hand him over to his parents or the Guys in White.
And he needed them fast because he could tell he was about to pass out, and he couldn't risk someone finding him unconscious and calling the G.I.W. on him. There was only one option available to him. Reluctantly, he flew west, huge drips of ectoplasm falling rapidly from his open wounds, splattering on the street below. The ecto-blasts had singed his skin too badly, preventing him from healing as fast as he normally did. The edges of his vision started to blacken as he flew sluggishly, awkwardly through the air, barely avoiding another anti-ghost patrol.
Finally, he reached his destination.
His only chance.
He landed heavily on the fire escape with a loud clang. The second his feet hit the metal, his knees buckled and he blacked out momentarily, unable to go any further. So there he was, helpless and injured, outside the bedroom window of none other than Wes fucking Weston, desperately hoping he hadn't just made a huge mistake.
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deancasbigbang · 1 year
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Title: Graceland
Author: deliciousblizzardshark
Artist: Stri
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean/Cas
Length: 25000
Warnings: Grief and mourning, Hurt/comfort, Human Castiel, canon-typical child abuse, cults, implied/mentioned child sexual abuse,
Tags: AU- no monsters, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Road trip, Getting together, Trans Castiel, found family
Posting Date: October 24, 2023
Summary: Overcome with grief from his brother’s sudden death, Dean decides to embark on a road trip. But instead of finding himself, he picks up a hitchhiker–Castiel, running away from his extremist Christian cult and carrying losses of his own.
Excerpt: He was somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, Washington (pretty sure he hadn’t passed into Idaho quite yet) when he saw the hitchhiker. It was early morning, false light just coloring the sky in front of him, and when his headlights first caught on the beige coat he thought for a moment it was a ghost, but then the man had turned and squinted in the glare of Dean’s high beams and stuck out his thumb. Not a man, he thought, when he opened the passenger door and stuck his head in. Or not a very old man. Maybe Dean’s age or a few years older. Hard to tell with the bags under his eyes and the suit he was wearing, a cheap baggy nylon thing. “Where you headed, buddy?” Dean asked. The man squinted at him. His hair was a messy black mop, choppy like it he’d cut it himself. “I don’t know,” he said, hesitatingly. His voice was higher than Dean expected, but gravely in a way that made Dean’s throat hurt. Dean shivered and blamed it on the cold air the man was letting in. “Going away, not towards?” Dean asked. Hell, he could relate. “Get in then.” “I, ah, don’t have any money,” the man said. Dean raised his eyebrows. “I ain’t asked you for none,” he said. “Look, dude, you’re letting in the cold. You want a ride or no?” The man hesitated for a moment more, then swung a small bag into the footwell and climbed into Sammy’s seat. Dean started the car moving again. “What’s your name?” he asked. The man was clearly shivering– his coat was a trenchcoat, entirely too cold for the early-spring weather. Dean leaned forward and turned the heat up. They musta gone another mile before the man answered. “Castiel,” he said. “Huh,” Dean said. “It’s the name of an angel,” Castiel explained. “Your family religious?” Dean asked. “Uh, yeah, you could say that,” Castiel said with what sounded like a bitter laugh. Another long silence. “My name is Dean,” Dean said. “Dean Winchester.” “Oh,” Castiel said.  Silence. “So you don’t know where you’re going?” Dean asked. “Uh, no,” Castiel said. “I don’t have a particular destination in mind.” “You don’t got a lot there,” Dean said, gesturing toward his bag in the footwell. “No,” Castiel agreed. Silence. “Come on, man, you gotta give me something,” Dean said. “I said I don’t have any money,” Castiel replied, alarmed. “Oh,” Dean laughed. “Not money. I meant talking. Keep me awake.” “Oh,” Castiel said. He stared at his lap. “What should I talk about?”
DCBB 2023 Posting Schedule
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kumamoto-division · 6 months
Even though the full bloom forecast in Kumamoto had already passed by a few days, the city’s “Hanami” still seemed to yet cease for another visitor…
“Looks like Hanami-san isn’t home yet,” said the reddish-haired boy with a guitar case on his back. He had tried hitting the doorbell a couple of times but there was no response from the resident.
Holding a cherry blossom snow globe in his hand, he tried finding somewhere to lie down the gift so that the birthday owner could receive their gift properly.
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“Oopsie~ Kunio kid didn’t tell me that the little birdie is having work today, but maybe he is busy with some gigs at the theater.”
Glancing at his side, standing beside him was a tall man with a usual carefree smile and the iconic shades he always wears.
Honestly, even if Yuuya knew it was certain that this shady dude was someone with an official profile in public, he just couldn’t help doubting whether he could trust him or not —Not only because of his shady look, but also for the fact that he claimed himself to be one of his dad’s ‘friends’…
Suddenly, the voice of a girl from somewhere had joined the conversation.
“Let’s leave what you called [gifts] here and get back, human! ANGE thinks that entity named [Hanami] kinda doesn’t look safe...”
On the screen of Yuuya’s phone appeared a figure of one girl with long white hair and bright red eyes with inhuman white pupils. Her expression seemed to be anxious about something. And despite how real she sounds, listen closely and one might notice some static hidden in between the phrases —Yeah, her voice was actually synthetic, given that the speaker was not really human. Still, Yuuya had got to admit that her speaking had been improving a lot since they first met.
Hearing the mysterious girl in Yuuya’s phone talked, his ‘dad’s friend’ with suspicious sunglasses slightly raised his brows.
“Oh, your girlfriend is tagging along huh.”
And even if his shades blocked him to see his clear expression, Yuuya just felt like his tone sounded a bit like a sneer.
“It’s such a regret~ If this is only a date between the two of us, I’d like to take you to do many funsy together~~ There are loooot of stuffs we could enjoy here in Kumamoto, ya know~?”
“EEWWW The one who should go away are [you], dirty cat! Shoo, shoo! Go away!! You don’t plan to scam my human, do you? You’re always lying even just now!”
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“—Hey, stop fighting you two.”
It wouldn’t be good if their bicker got more heat than this, so Yuuya had to interrupt them somehow. Besides, he didn’t have much time to leisure around, actually.
“Alright, then I’ll just leave the present here and get back. I already had an appointment with my clubmates at school, so I shouldn’t keep them waiting for long, should I?”
After finding somewhere that looked like a mailbox, he carefully placed the pink snow globe there and glanced back at his phone’s phone to see that his cyber buddy was now calming down, only with some little pout on her face.
Maybe he was just imagining things but he felt ANGE had been lately a tad bit clingy toward him ever since she told him that there were too many individuals with ‘omnious waves’ lurking around in the D.R.B. —He wasn’t sure what she really meant though, but he’d like to give it some thoughts.
And even if he still doubted many things about her as well, here and now wasn’t a right time to be a skeptic. So, he decided to just leave further query inside of his mind for now.
Thinking so, Yuuya then turned to his other companion.
“And Asebi-san, ANGE is not my girlfriend… However, I beg of you to not be rude to her please.”
Humming a joy melody to himself Hanami Yamamura seemed to dance when he get close to his own residence gave by the starless theater,saying a friendly "hi" or a glow smile to the people who said him "hello" or looked at him with smiles, Hanami was a truly light to anyone in kumamoto city
The "songbird" sighed when he looked at the little box on infront of his door
"uh? What could be this?"-Hanami hummed holding the gift on his hands, looking it closer to him the sapphire eyes has a light when he looked better the snowball
-"how cute!"-Hanami mumbled seeing the beautiful design of a bridge surrounded by cherry blossoms. He shacking it softly and a sweet smile appeared on his face when the pink "snow" seemed to fly around the ball like that seasons where the flowers blooming, that season Hanami named himself after
In that moment several pink petal fall around him and Hanami raise the look
He laughed seeing the fall of the cherry blossoms
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in-your-reflection · 7 months
[MEDIA DESC: A recording of a call. Transcript follows.]
Hello? How do you have this frequency? You shouldn't be able to-
What happened to you? Your aura's barely recognizable.
...uh, about that.
...Aster. My name's Aster. He/him.
Well, sounds like we've both changed...you're a man now too?
That'd explain the voice...I thought it was another human child meddling into someone else's business. ...So why are you calling me? I didn't think you could even reach me from Distortion.
You- You got out?! How? After Father's passing, how could you possibly have...
Is he with you? I sense him. This...defies possibility... I couldn't even remember he existed until a few months ago...
It...would be improper.
...Understood. I'll...I'll try.
About five hundred-
Kalos? In the mortal realm?
...I don't have one. But maybe I'll come by sometime...
Who??? Since when do you have an aunt???
Um????? Sure???????
[The conversation continues, but the recording ends here.]
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So, what's your thoughts on your teammates?
Well this question ere is a dozy! But my answer will sure be long as hell so get ready listeners!
well first up is your one and only!! Scott Conners! I'd say Im doin alright. I guess Im quite uh...smart? I aint the type to talk highly of myself often so...uh...OH YEAH! since this is GRN we all care bout our public image. I run the FM side of things while my buddy Ray runs uh...Plane stuff I guess- I dunno what he really dose actually...sorry ray-... oh yeah and Gary is our PR manager and helps us run things! he's the big guy we go to make sure everythin we do or say is 'appropriate'. think of him as uhm...reds miss pauling huh?
Emmet (Medic) is...well what can i say that already hasn't been said before. lots of people think hes a scary man sure but in my eyes hes alright! Hes a researcher, explorer and wants to push the human body to its limits... wants to go far and beyond his research and see what else he can do...BUT all n' all hes a funny guy when hes jokin around!! and a mighty fine guy too~...
Benedikt (Heavy) is a gosh darn sweet heart when it comes to the team! he makes sure that here in the station that im alright! bringin me food and water, checkin in. its quite nice of him! He cares for the others as well. but...ya dont wanna mess with him right? Second he steps onto that battle field he shows anythin cept mercy to yellow.he's a spray and shoot guy but even without Emmett behind him uber chargin him hes still pushin on like a mad man! And I respect em for that!...
John (Soldier) is one helluva loud mouth thats fer sure!! He likes the idea of the war from the very start! he dives head first into a fight no matter what and thinks without...thinkin...but thats what makes em unpredictable ya see? Hes a wild card and the things he do on that damn battle field is just...wow- even here at GRN we can't know what he's plannin to do next...He's a hard worker and he's seen things...heard things too. guess that's why hes always on edge...oh speaking of hearin- He's partially deaf but refuses to wear a hearin aid cus "THATS FOR THE WEAK" he says. but he sure is good at readin lips so we dont gotta sign often. He dose with pyro though but I'll get into that later
Callum (demo man) Is a drunken bastard is what he is! He's a funny man though. drunk or not drunk he makes the whole team laugh! But honestly i don't blame him for his drinking habits, he's the third most sane person ere. He drinks alot but his body says otherwise; he's strong but he aint stronger then benny but...ya know what he is strong at? thinkin ahead! before every battle he gets liquored up. you'll see how smart of a man he really is! placing bombs where no man would think twice to look for!
now Logan (scout) is a real pain to deal with, annoying everyone left and right and yellin for emmett or me...He may be young outta all of us but sure is a fast one durin battle!! Sure he aint fast to beat my machines but he can dodge a bullet or two!! and hes the reason why I always wear my knee pads! He sure aint a smart one though but he dose know how to practice. Runs around laps around the base. and since hes a huge fan of baseball, even askin me to help him bat or throw!
Well Pyro is pyro is all I can say bout em! everyone on the team thought they were some scary lunatic that just joined! But in my opinion They seem nice!! like Emmett. alot of people were scared of em but i decided to try and read em! still cant though but you wonder whats going on inside thier head right? They don't seem talk much but soilder signs to him alot. especially bout war stuff...I hope he's teachin pyro well...
oh what can I say bout that bastard Jean Luc (Spy) Hes a total ass... bossin everyone around like hes all high and mighty...he cares somtimes but it sure dont seem like it. Hes a master at his own art of disguise, mimicking peoples voices. like demo he thinks ahead...thats what makes him so powerful then most of us in the battle Field...hes a spy alright. he aint good with close hand combat nor guns im guessin but when hes at the right angle or position, ya best believe he's gunna pounce!
last of all Marley or what he was before Milo (Sniper) Hes a quiet one...we dont talk much but I guess thats what makes him so forgettable huh? forget that hes almost there! Hes an observer is what he is. He leaves the base early and comes back late with a note book. im gussin to keep track of his targets and learn more bout em on yellow! I reckon He likes the routine...
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