#(( I had a hard time choosing between this and one other gif 😭))
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theyhavetakenovermylife ¡ 2 months
Hi there,
I love your writings! I never sent an ask before, and I'm sure you have plenty of requests, but your works are incredible, so anything you choose to write about is bound to be amazing!
I was wondering if you would consider doing more 18+ headcannons for the ROTTMNT Boys, like you did for Leo? The idea that they all fall for the reader for different reasons sounds intriguing 🤤
Random Headcanons About Donatello (18+)
Rise!Donatello x reader
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A/N: I decided to write one for Donnie, because other than this, I have nothing one Rise Donnie😭 Hope you’ll like this, and will satisfy some of you Donnie people out there💜
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Warnings: Talk of masturbation, a little bit of intimate instints.
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Donnie was never been much of a big flirt, nor had he ever had much interest in anything romantic. To him, it felt like a waste of time. Those kinds of feelings never came easy to him, so it was kind of hard for him to fit it into his life.
But of course Donnie felt bodily needs. He was a living being after all. But he had never tied it to any emotions of love or attraction. No, to him it had always been a natural thing he needed to get done. Something his body needed, a part of his nature. Science and biology in its natural habitat. So when he felt the need, he would hide himself away in his room, and make quick work with his hands on himself, until he didn’t feel the growing neediness in his member anymore.
He never bothered to spend much time thinking about these things. He never bothered spending time thinking about what he was into, when it came to a partner. Because why would he do that? He wasn’t looking for a partner, so why would he try to figure out what his ideal partner would be like? Sounded like a stupid thing to do in his opinion.
These things didn’t change straight away when you entered Donnie’s life. Donnie did not feel any different when he and his brothers started to hang out with you. You were a nice friend and Donnie did enjoy spending time with you. But that was just that. You were just a friend, and Donnie didn’t want it to be any other way. No more. No less.
But slowly but surely, things between the two of you would change.
As time went on, you and Donnie would get closer, slowly becoming best friends. That meant you and the purple genius would often spend time alone together, getting to know each other on a deeper level. You just understood Donnie, and you never struggled or clashed with his way of being, like his brothers would from time to time. However, there would be small things that you did, that slowly would make Donnie’s heart flutter. It was how you seemed to understand his sometimes non-verbal communication, how you easily learned his way of organizing, and his other small quirks.
The realization that Donnie had developed feelings for you, hit him like a wall of bricks. It happened one late night, as Donnie sat in his lab, hunched over his work, his thoughts running as he worked. His thoughts floated towards you and your beautiful smile… Hmm, odd… But you did have a beautiful smile. Anyway, back to work… You also did have a very nice voice… Donnie really liked your voice. It made him happy to hear it whenever you were around… Snap out of it Donnie! You’re working!... When did Donnie last see you anyway? A few days ago, when you and him had decided to watch that movie together. And you were wearing those jeans that really fitted your butt and thighs so well. So well that Donnie for a short moment, wished he could just reach out to touch them. That was the moment Donnie dropped what he had in his hand, his eyes wide when he realized what was going on.
Donnie, much to his own surprise, now found himself spending much time dreaming and wondering about love. He thought of you, what it would be like to be with you, both emotionally and physically. He wondered what you liked, and if you would ever look at him in the same way. And for the first time, Donnie found himself touching himself, not just because of his needs, but because of what your beautiful being did to him.
And for the first time Donnie found himself interested in romance, and it wouldn’t take long before he slowly put in the work, in order to win you and your love over.
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msmk11 ¡ 3 months
My T**s Ruin the Outfit
Poly!Marauders x non-binary!reader (short fic)
CW: Gender dysphoria; angst: fluff; hurt/comfort
Summary: Your boyfriends find you having a melt down about clothes. But really, it’s not about clothes at all.
Author’s Note: I’m not sure how this idea came to mind, but once I thought it, I had to write it. Since I go by she/they the struggle to find gender affirming clothes is really hard sometimes 😭 especially with tits. So ig this is really self-insert heavy, but I also hopes it brings comfort to those who feel similarly.
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Remus was less than pleased to find you sprawled out on the bed, face down in the pillows.
“Dove, what are you doing?” he sighed, “You know we need to leave in ten minutes.”
“I’m not going,” you mumbled.
Remus assumed today of all days was when you decided to be a brat, and he was not going to have it. Tonight was supposed to be the first time in months that your entire friend group was going to be able to get together. Between Mary and Lily, Marlene and Dorcas, Regulus and Barty, and you four, it was nearly impossible to make plans. But, by some miracle, tonight was the night, and Remus was not about to miss out because of your attitude.
“Dove,” Remus said with a low, warning tone, “I’m not gonna say it again.”
You only grumbled out another no, and Remus felt his patience wearing thin. Just as he was about to force you up and moving, James wondered into the room, looking particularly delectable in one of his faded rugby shirts that hugged his biceps, and blue jeans.
Though James was occasionally oblivious, he immediately noticed Remus’ tense jaw and your distressed body language.
“What’s going on here?” James asked carefully.
“Dovey here insists that they’re no longer going with us,” Remus said gruffly.
James looked at Remus confused. Out of everyone, you had been the most excited for this night. While you loved your boys, you also dearly missed your best friends- Lily, Mary, Marlene, and Dorcas. You had been chattering excitedly for days about all that you four needed to catch up on- old gossip, haircut advice, and some of your shared favorite musicians.
Though Remus’ temper sometimes prevented him from seeing it, James’ cool demeanor allowed him to quickly realize that something was obviously wrong. James gently sat down on the bed beside you and started to rub small, soothing circles on your back.
“Angel,” he asked quietly, “why don’t you want to go anymore? You’ve been looking forward to it for days.”
You didn’t respond verbally, but James noticed a slight shaking in your shoulders. Ever so carefully, James grabbed your hips and shifted you onto your side to face him. Before you could hide away again, James noticed your red, teary eyes.
“Angel,” he cooed sadly.
Remus looked to James with a perplexed expression and mouthed, “what is it?”
“They’re crying,” James mouthed quietly.
All of the tension left Remus quickly and was replaced by worry. He immediately felt guilty for assuming the worst and shuffled over to the bed, assuming a seat on your other side. While rubbing small circles on your hip Remus asked, “Can you sit up for us dove and tell us what’s wrong?”
You begrudgingly obliged, though you remained attached to James as you did so.
“Guys? Are you ready? We need to be leaving no-“
Sirius stood in the doorway, slack-jawed, “DOLLY? What’s wrong?” He immediately rushed to crouch at your feet beside the bed.
All three pairs of eyes looked at you with so much care, each of them comforting you with gentle pets and rubs.
“I- I” you blubbered, “I have nothing to wear.”
That was the last thing any of them expected you to say because 1) you didn’t usually put so much care into your outfits 2) even if you did you didn’t usually get emotional over it and 3) you had more than plenty of clothes to wear- not just of your own but of your three boyfriends’.
“Angel, you have tons of clothes in the closet to choose from. And ours too,” James said gently.
“And if you’re having trouble picking something, doll, you know I can help you pick something out,” Sirius added
This only made you start to cry harder and your three boyfriends shared looks of mixed concern and confusion.
“You just- you don’t understand,” you said through hiccups.
“Then help us to, dove,” Remus told you, “we can’t help if you don’t talk to us.”
You tried to take a few deep breaths, so that you could actually express what you were feeling, “It’s just. None of my clothes fit right on me. At least, not the way I want them too. My tits just, ruin the outfit.”
Realization passed through all of them then. This wasn’t about clothes at all- not really, at least. Almost a year ago, you had come out to your boyfriends as nonbinary. They, of course, were so loving and supportive and tried to help you feel comfortable in your body in any way possible. You’d gotten a binder, bought some new clothes, and changed your hair, but when gender dysphoria hit, there was not much they could do to comfort you.
“Oh sweetheart,” Sirius said with a sigh, “I’m sorry. Did you try your binder?”
You shook your head with a frown, “no. But I don’t wanna wear it. It hurts after awhile.”
James pulled you more tightly into his side and kissesdyour head, “what can we do, angel?”
You only shrugged your shoulders and sighed.
“Why don’t you let Sirius and I choose something for you dove, while Jamie cuddles you. That sound good?” Remus asked you kindly.
Sirius and Remus got up and disappeared into your shared closet. James, in the mean time, pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around you tightly. He peppered kisses across your face and whispered sweet nothings into your ear, which made you giggle in spite of yourself. After a few minutes, Remus and Sirius emerged, clothes in hand.
“Alright doll, why don’t you try this on?”
Sirius handed you one of your favorite sports bras and the biggest of Remus’ sweaters- in your favorite color too. You weren’t sure why you hadn’t thought to try a sports bra earlier- the next best thing to a binder- but you supposed your emotions prevented you from clear thinking. You stayed in James’ lap while you quickly peeled off the t-shirt you were wearing and wrestled on the sports bra. While it didn’t entirely hide your tits, it certainly flattened your chest a little. Paired with Remus’ sweater, that was much baggier on you, your tits almost disappeared. As you looked down at your fairly flat chest you felt much more at ease. You shuffled over to the mirror and look at your appearance. Though the gender dysphoria was not entirely gone, you felt a lot better than before. And with your supportive, loving boyfriends by your side all night, you knew everything would be alright.
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aayakashii ¡ 1 month
Can I have a 11❤️ and 12❤️ fluffy fic for Ed please?
Also a 40❤️ and 41❤️ smutty fix for Leo?
Thank you! 😊
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I had to choose between the Ed or Leo drabble, and since I had other similar Leo requests, I chose him, sorry 😭 I promise I'll write some fluff for Ed eventually (๑•́ ᎔ ก̀๑) and thank you for liking my writing!! It means the world to me <3
35❤️ A kiss against a wall
40❤️ An impulsive kiss
41❤️ A kiss out of spite
Warning: spicy and kinda dubcon (?) Nothing that explicit, but still: MDNI.
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Leo was sucking on a blueberry lollipop. Loudly. His lips puckered as he pulled it out of his mouth with a loud and aggravating pop. He then held it right in front of your lips.
“Lick it” he said, flatly, his face portraying no emotion. You could see how his tongue was stained blue and so were the insides of his lips.
You glared at him.
“What the fuck do you think you're doing?” you hissed, wishing you could throw daggers through your eyes and into his acid yellow irises.
He had you uncomfortably pinned against the wall of his room, his thigh forcefully shoved between your legs and one arm planted right beside your head.
He was close. Way too close for comfort. You could smell his designer cologne and look into the pores on his face – all perfectly closed and moisturized. His sweet breath fanned your own cheeks and you knew you looked like his absolute opposite: sweaty, flustered and haggard. Your heart beat fast inside your ribcage, but at least you knew it wasn't because you were excited at this development.
No. You just were fucking angry.
Leo shrugged.
“You've been avoiding me all day on purpose. Like, ignoring my dms and all. I had to grab your attention somehow, duh.” he wiggled the lollipop in front of you again “Come ooon. Lick it.”
You shifted in your position, but Leo barely budged. Goddamn the stupid strength of these ghouls, you thought.
You tried turning your head away from him, but he followed your movement anyway, head tilting to the side as he forced himself to stay under your gaze. He batted his eyelashes as he managed to make eye contact with you again.
You groaned.
“Of course I'm ignoring you. I'm not a masochist that's going to accept all your insults.”
He pouted, putting the lollipop inside his mouth again to give it a harsh suck – purposefully making an extremely grating and embarrassing sound.
You knew what he was doing, but you refused to let him have the satisfaction of flustering you.
“You used to be such a good pet, you know” he shook his head, feigning hurt “You used to accept everything I said with a nod and an ‘okay’. Where's my old and nicer Honor Roll?”
You laughed bitterly.
“Even I have my limits, Leo. I'm not going to give all my time and energy to some wannabe playboy influencer who can't do anything but be fake and mean.”
That seemed to have peeved him a bit more than you were expecting. You swallowed hard as you watched his gaze become bitterly cold. He pushed his thigh further against you.
“I said. Fucking lick it.” he murmured through gritted teeth, pushing the lollipop inside your mouth once you gasped at the friction of his thigh between your legs.
You hesitantly closed your lips, the artificial blueberry taste quickly coating your mouth as he rubbed it against your tongue.
“Suck it.” he began pushing the candy further into your mouth and you quickly complied, afraid he'd push too far just to make you gag.
You sucked the lollipop and a smirk slowly tugged the corner of Leo's mouth upwards. He patted your head once the hard candy was out of your mouth with a pop as well.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked, breathlessly, while he stuck out his tongue, making a show of putting the candy, now coated with your saliva, back inside his mouth.
You grimaced when he hummed loudly. It was awful, having to admit to yourself that this little stunt of his was arousing you, as you felt an uncomfortable heat pool in your groin.
However, as you looked down, you realized how Leo was anything but unaffected as well – the tent in his pants was very much visible, and you gasped.
He grinned maniacally, extremely pleased at how you had noticed the bulge in his pants. Quickly, he pressed his hips against yours and grinded shamelessly, moaning pornographically right next to your ear.
You closed your eyes tightly, trying to ground yourself so you wouldn't fall straight into his trap just because you got excited, of all things. You wouldn't allow this humiliation.
“Open your eyes” he mumbled breathlessly with the candy still inside his mouth “I have to have your eyes on me, otherwise none of this will be worth it” he completed, and you had a feeling he wasn't just talking about humping you like some horny teenager.
You breathed deeply as he kept on grinding against your core slowly, further awakening an unwanted pleasure in you.
“You hate me, Leo” you whispered against his cheek while he rested his forehead against your shoulder.
He giggled.
“And I love hating you” he raised his head, mumbling his words against the corner of your lips before taking the lollipop out of his mouth to place a kiss on your cheek.
“Fuck you.” you growled.
“I would like you to help me do that.” Leo moaned, as if your hatred towards him brought him great pleasure.
Without actually putting much thought into your actions, you snatched the lollipop out of his hand, placing it against your lips and pushing it against his.
Leo's eyes widened as your tongue swirled against the candy and prodded against his own lips. A satisfied chuckle resounded inside his chest once he understood what you were doing, and he quickly followed your movements.
You felt filthy as you kissed Leo, sharing the lollipop between your tongue and his. You two sucked and licked the candy, drool stained blue running down to your chins, and Leo whined against your mouth.
Like a whore, you thought.
You broke the kiss first, eyeing how his lips were fully stained blue, and you thought that yours probably looked the same. As you threw the accursed lollipop in the trash nearby, the realization finally hit you.
Brilliant. Now that both of you had blueberry coloring all over your mouths, anyone who looked at you would probably guess something might have happened between you two.
You rolled your eyes and groaned, slapping your hand against your forehead as you realized you, indeed, ended up falling straight into his trap, no matter how much you tried to avoid it.
He smiled devilishly, grabbing your hand and placing it against his painfully hard bulge. You bit your lip, stifling whatever aggravating noise could come out of your mouth.
“Now that it's come to this, you could just stay and fuck me like you said you would, hm?” he pleaded, all brightly doe eyed and feigned innocence.
“I never said that.” you spat.
“No?” he placed a finger on his chin, pensive “Funny, I could swear you said ‘Fuck you’.”
You widened your eyes at his nonsensical words. You opened your mouth to protest, but then immediately closed it, with a sigh.
There was simply no way to go against Leo when he wanted something and he knew that, if the wicked grin plastered on his face was anything but a sign.
He grabbed your hands and pulled you towards his bed.
“Next time, Honor Roll, you better think twice before ignoring me.” he declared, and you begrudgingly agreed. You had learned it the hardest way.
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randomgurl2326 ¡ 9 months
Andromeda and Perseus: Destined
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Harry Potter Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Welcome to the first part of Andromeda and Perseus: Destined!!!! I am SO excited to start this and see where this goes. Thank you to everyone who took a chance on this fic. Really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you💚💜 Now, on with the show…
P.S.: please tell me what you think about this and if I should improve it and republish it later. If you can’t already scared, I’m scared out of my mind😭
May 29th, 1986
Outside Malfoy Manor
“Tag! You’re it!” The sound of the four children playing outside Malfoy Manor, not a care in the world. While inside the Manor, more nefarious dealings are going on…
Theodore Nott, Y/N Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, and Draco Malfoy were inseparable for their age, though each had their favorite. Y/N aside Theodore and Mattheo aside Draco. Neither of the four was rarely seen far from the other, the group causing mischief when their parents weren’t looking (or in the twins’ case, their caretakers, the Malfoy’s).
As time sees it currently, the Core Four as they so deemed themselves, were playing tag. Currently, the older of the twins–Mattheo–was the tagger, heading straight for his sister, laughing maniacally.
“Come on, Y/N/N! Give your big brother a hug,” the Riddle boy tumbles towards his sister (who currently is using Theodore as a shield), arms wide open.
Y/N laughs, shielding herself from her brother, “Teddy, save me!”
“Don’t worry! I got you,” the curly-haired Nott boy shields the tiny girl from her bumbling brother.
Mattheo comes barreling into Theo saying, “You’re it, Theo!”
Y/N quickly lets go of the boy and runs with the other two, laughing and yelling. Mattheo and Y/N go running to Draco trying to sway Theodore to go towards him instead. Though making the mistake of looking back, Y/N runs into her brother, making him fall onto the Malfoy boy. Theodore, not seeing what had occurred between the three, preceded to fall onto all three.
For a split second, everything goes quiet between the four. Each eyeing the other intently. Suddenly, a chorus of laughs erupts from the Core Four. The laughs were the loudest and the hardest they had ever shared (though not saying much as they were all of six at the time).
None of the children knew it, but this would be one of the last times they would ever laugh nearly as hard until they reached their mid-twenties. Because in a few years time, things would take a drastic turn for the worse. The stars would seem darker, memories would seem bleaker, and happiness would feel as if a thing of the past.
Another thing none of the children knew was what dealings were currently unfolding inside the house between Lucius Malfoy and Theodore Nott Sr., nor what was brewing between two certain children currently staring at each other intently with happiness within their eyes. Not knowing how much truth the nicknames they had deemed each other with would hold…
The three boys stood, Y/N still lying content on the drive of Malfoy Manor.
Theo held out his tiny hand smiling the biggest smile he ever smiled, “Ready, Andromeda?”
Y/N grabbed his tiny hand with her own, the same infectious smile gracing her face, “Ready, Perseus.”
They were in fact NOT READY…
May 29th, 1986
Inside Malfoy Manor
“That settles it then.” The strict voice of Lucius Malfoy emanates through the room, “Your boy and the sole daughter of the Dark Lord will be wed in the summer of their sixth year.”
Theodore Nott Sr. nods stiffly, his Italian accent prominent as he voices, “A match of the Dark Lord himself.”
The wives of the two Death Eaters–Narcissa Malfoy and Circe Nott, best friends–look at each other in trepidation, already aware of their husband’s intentions beforehand. The knowing look they gave each other calmed and confirmed their worried thoughts of their husband’s business dealings. Wishes for the children to be able to choose their own destinies (although, both knew that the younger Riddle twin and the Nott boy would end up in each other's arms either way) swirling unsaid through the air.
Outside, the rain starts. The children rush inside in, hushed whispers dissipating as they reach the eyes of the adults sensing the serious atmosphere, smiles still apparent on their faces.
Narcissa and Circe give each other one last glance before they turn to the Core Four and smile. “Come here little ones,” the voice of Narcissa rang out through the lounge room, opening her arms. The children rush towards their respective mother figures, going on about their day of tag.
Lucius and Nott Sr. reenter the room calling the attention of the children. Theodore Sr. clears his throat, “Theodore, Y/N. Would you please join us?”
The brown-haired boy and the h/c girl look to each other and join Theo’s father and Y/N’s temporary father figure inside the large, dark office.
Malfoy gestures to two seats before the best friends, “Sit. We have much to discuss…”
That evening, the Nott boy and the Riddle girl lost the first piece of their innocence, learning as to what was to be expected of them. At the age of six, both betrothed to each other for an eternity.
At least they would always be each other’s Perseus and Andromeda…
Next Chapter…
I CANT believe it, first chapter of Perseus and Andromeda: Destined already out! I truly cannot believe it! This is my first real fic, and I am absolutely besotted for it to actually come to fruition. Thank you to ALL of you whether you’re new or old.
I’m sure you guys are just as excited as I am to join Theo and Y/N on their journey of love, heart-break, and everything in-between. (Little spoiler alert: they both receive the happy ending they deserve.)
As always, advice is ALWAYS appreciated, along with comments, likes, and of course: reblogs.
Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!💚💜 I love you all!! Always feel free to talk to me, whether you need to get something off your mind or talk about something totally insane, I WILL BE THERE!
@elsie-bells @cinderellawithashoe @niktwazny303 @claranunez @desiray562 @jetblackpayne @fandom-life-12 @hanversace @trshngyn @silencionyx @c-dizzle99 @starmansirius @ssc7514 @amwhy
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mikaela-the-slut-expert ¡ 10 months
The God of Song's
Second Ascension
Xie Lian x M!Reader x Hua Cheng
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Alright listen y'all. I'm adding a previous part to my first glance series. BECAUSE I really want my timeline to follow the novel's timeline and most of the lines follow the novel as well. I want the story to focus on my OC so obviously it'll be his pov. Be patient with me y'all 😭
The whole point of the part is just to give Y/n some depth? To explain partially my OC's background and abilities. Like I had to put some foundation for the ready bro.
DĂşshĂŠ means poison laced tongue
MĂťguĂ´ means bitch or whore
MĂ­ngqĂ­n means song bird
if you see the name Mei Li, just read it as Y/n I tried replacing them all but I'm blind
Y/n is a rarity. An unnatural beauty with white hair. A being who uses his siren like vocals and imitation against others. A majority of heaven officials are wary of him and are diligent on keeping their distance. The reason being, he dips between both realms.
Y/n is a ghost, who ascended and became a god. That's why most people don't like him. He's strange and shouldn't possibly exist. A ghost who became a god? That's an anomaly. What could be worse than that? An anomaly that has power.
He's a god of the upper court and yet he doesn't have his own palace. He rejected it choosing to make his own domain in the mortal realm. Just like a ghost would. His reason being? It's closer to Xie Lian. Y/n having so much power as a god and a ghost, with the ability to wipe out a nation leaves the other officials anxious. They'd prefer if he was banished from the Heavens. Which he was. Even then 6,000 temples stayed up in his favor.
They have many names for him: Y/n, God of Song, dĂşshĂŠ, general, and even the name mĂťguĂ´ was passed around for a while. Only Xie Lian uses the nickname, mĂ­ngqĂ­n.
He used to be a general for XianLe and an imperial guard for Xie Lian. They grew up together, along with Feng Xin and eventually Mu Qing. But everyone knows the stories. Mu Qing stopped following Xie Lian after his banishment and never spoke a good word of him again.
Feng Xin and Y/n however stayed loyal. They grew up together, and were banished together. And yet Feng Xin and Y/n grew apart. Feng Xin and Xie Lian grew apart. Leaving y/n with Xie Lian alone. A banished ghost and a banished prince.
So their wishes came true, but not forever. When the bell in the Heavens starts to toll and shake everyone is expecting to see a newcomer. They must be powerful with how hard the bell rings, surely?
The official's hopes were diminished when they saw the familiar silhouette of Y/n and Xie Lian. He ascended a second time!? And Xie Lian he...he...he fucking ascended a third time?!
Y/n looks much different his face hides behind a veil now. Only his striking blue eyes can be seen. He stands by Xie Lian's side as the other officials whisper. None of them notice the bell fall... Or as someone's golden palace gets ruined.
Y/n stands next to Xie Lian while Ling Wen talks about his highness getting first place, for once. Of course for nothing good. Something about banishment but at least Xie Lian got 100 merits for it.
Y/n gets lost in thought and starts paying attention to his two birds, Wèizhč. It's supposed to be one, conjoined name but the twin birds liked the name for both of them. Yes Y/n has birds. While other gods have families as swords, or ghosts have butterflies. Y/n has his birds. They're Oriental Magpies and they represent Y/n perfectly. Both of them imitate others, and both of them sing.
Y/n's attention is brought back when Ling Wen points at a 'bell'. He looks over to the civil god with an arched brow. "Ling Wen I know you're tired but there's no bell up there", he says with a shrug
"There was a bell there. When general Li and his highness ascended you both caused quite the turmoil. Causing the bell to fall on a passing by heavenly official" she explains.
She points in another direction, "Do you see that golden palace?" Xie Lian smiles, "Ah yes I can."
"It was put up to replace an official's golden palace that was damaged from your ascension" and Xie Lian's smile falls into a nervous one.
"So we've offended many officials from the moment we arrived?" Xie Lian confirms
"If you can make amends maybe not"Ling Wen
Y/n places a hand on his hip and cocks it to the side, "How do we make amends then?"
"Easy, just pay eight million eight hundred eight thousand merits" Ling Wen adds, "Of course I know you both don't have a tenth of that amount."
Y/n gawks behind his veil. He groans and Xie Lian grins. ,"Please allow us to think about what we should do" he heaves a long sigh.
The two of them walk to the side and Mei Li watches Xie Lian crouch down in distraught. " A-Lian I can pay for it, half of it was my fault after all" you frown patting his head.
"Ah no that's not necessary, I'll find a way. So please don't waste your merits on me, mĂ­ngqĂ­n." MĂ­ngqĂ­n, a nickname Xie Lian made for you long ago. You love it. Yes you are a songbird, and you're his songbird.
Y/n glances away, he'll pay for it when he gets the chance. Right now he'll stay by Xie Lian's side. "Oh we should probably find the array for the upper court. I don't have the password anymore." Xie Lian brings his fingers to his temple and Y/n does the same.
They search through multiple arrays, some even bet on how long they'll stay this time. When they finally find it someone whispers, "So his highness and his general are back?"
Xie Lian brightens when they finally find the array he's looking for, "Yes I'm back!" Y/n cocks his hip and doesn't answer.
The heavenly official chuckles languidly, "his highness and general /n caused a tremendous force this time, yes?"
Xie Lian rubs the back of his neck, "Ah well it wasn't so bad." Y/n crosses his arms.
Another official cuts in, "It wasn't so bad for his highness, but my luck isn't as good" While Xie Lian looks very sorry, Y/n doesn't.
It seems Xie Lian doesn't know who they're talking to but Y/n knows it's Mu Qing. He cocks his hip and Xie Lian thinks to himself, that one day Y/n might pop his hip out if he keeps up. "This one heard that General Xuan Zhen flicked it and the bell split in half though? Surely it didn't cause the great general much pain?" Y/n hums in fake sympathy and checks his nails.
They're interrupted by another official. Y/n sighs at this.
"Who the fuck knocked down my palace?! SHOW YOURSELF!" Y/n covers his ears as he recognizes Feng Xin.
Feng Xin and Mu Qing start bickering about something, Y/n looks over to Xie Lian. To see if he's doing okay with the familiar faces.
Xie Lian laughs nervously, "it was my fault I apologize, I didn't mean for it to get out of hand"
Mu Qing replies sarcastically, "Oh what a coincidence."
This upsets Y/n, he crosses his arms and sets a glare on Mu Qing. "Are you implying we did it on purpose as an act of revenge? General Xuan Zhen I thought you knew by now the world simply does not revolve around you. I think you want to be a victim." He spits. He refuses to sit here while Mu Qing slanders Xie Lian's name. Off to the side he can other people whisper dĂşshĂŠ.
Mu Qing scoffs, but Xie Lian cuts in, "I will try my best to compensate you, I apologize"
Y/n glares at Mu Qing's spot. The man glares back but he falls silent and invisible.
Xie Lian and Y/n leave the array afterwards.
Y/n frowns and plays with a piece of his long hair. "This one is sorry A-Lian, I just couldn't stay quiet"
Xie Lian waves a hand and smiles, "It's alright no need to apologize."
Ling Wen has invited Xie Lian and Y/n to the great hall so that's where they go. Y/n watches over Xie Lian's shoulder reading the scroll she gave them. Apparently they can earn merits if they solve this "ghost groom" issue.
Y/n hums, "We can do it A-Lian we've experienced worse"
Xie Lian nods, but looks back at Y/n nervously. "Yes but I also can't use any spiritual devices", "Then maybe it's better to get the help of some deputy generals?" Ling Wen adds.
"That's why I'm here, I'll gladly do the work for you-"
"But I don't want you to do all the work for me, I'll feel bad, so for my sake let's get help from some middle officials?" Xie Lian smiles nervously, of course he doesn't want to push Y/n. He does so much for Xie Lian already.
Y/n cocks his hip, and glances to the side "I suppose, but who will really come help?"
Xie Lian laughs, "Ah you're right. Ling Wen I'm afraid no one will willingly come to my aid"
She waves a hand though, "I'll get you some help don't worry". Then she goes into the array, and asks who could send two martial officials to help the emperor.
It probably would have worked too, if Mu Qing hadn't ruined it, "I heard the emperor isn't in the north at the moment. This help must be for his highness right?"
Ling Wen sighs, "You're always in the array these days General Xuan Zhen, congratulations you seem to have plenty of time."
"My hand is wounded, I'm currently nursing the injury." Mu Qing replies coyly
"Oh? You poor thing I didn't know it took a bell to take you out General" Y/n adds smugly.
They all leave the array once it's obvious no one is coming to help.
"It's alright A-Lian I don't mind doing it" Y/n hums softly running his hand over Xie Lian's arm.
"Yes, we're used to being alone so we'll leave it as is" he sighs.
"May heaven Officials give their blessings" Ling Wen says.
"No paths are bound!" Xie Lian replies and leaves in a dashing manner. Y/n follows him with a sigh. He has to make sure Xie Lian doesn't fall out of heaven.
Okay guys. So if y'all have read this and the first glance series please tell me if you like it 😭🙏.
Tea Shop
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rinsoap ¡ 3 months
˚ ༘ ♡⋆。˚ ミ the big seijoh four's status!
✿²˖ ࣪ ➣ includes : oikawa tooru. iwaizumi hajime. matsukawa issei. hanamaki takahiro.
note : random headcanons lol. it was really fun so i may do this with kuroo, kenma, akaashi, and bokuto if i'm feelin crazy. BTW, THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE LATE TEENS-EARLY TWENTIES SO KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN READING!
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favourite song/artist/album: he's been super obsessed with 360 by charli xcx him n electronic pop are like this 🤞 he loves likes his rnb girlies so of course kali uchis is his favourite he knows all the lyrics to fue mejor and he doesn't even know spanish! the SZA version of course!!! bc his favourite album is ctrl by SZA the superior sza album
favourite movie/show: he likes psychological horror or classic 2000s romcoms so probably midsommar or 10 things i hate about you. look me in the eye and tell me he isn't a gleek. you can't.
favourite colour: dark blue. he thinks he looks the best in it he would be right
favourite subject/grades: math. he's lowkey good at it? his grades are pretty solid but his fatal flaw is that he gets bored easily unless it's something that really interests him or if it's something he's good at.
tattoos (yes/no): NOT REALLY! him and iwaizumi plan on getting matching tattoos. probably a little doodle of something knight related. he doesn't really want a lot of tattoos other than that.
piercings: he wants a nose ring but he's scaredddd omg. for his eighteenth birthday, iwa n mattsun n makki dragged him to the piercing shop to get it pierced bc he would not shut the fuck up about it 😭
celebrity crush: it changes all the time. he's in lovee with pinkpantheress rn. and also christian bale specifically his velvet goldmine premier look..... god he's so fucking fine sorry im projecting
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favourite song/artist/album: he's a casual neosoul enjoyer of course he grew up on it the filipinos love their neosoul n jazz so his favourite song since BIRTH has been on & on by erykah badu. it's between that and sometimes. he was GEEKED to know erykah was on a tyler, the creator song bc that is his favouritee artist real ones know he put suna on it's hard for him to name his favourite album that isn't by tyler but if he had to he would choose channel orange by frank ocean.
favourite movie/show: godzilla. nuff said. he's kind of a jojo's bizarre adventure fan. ok he's actually a huge jojo's fan he just likes to LIE and say he's just a "casual" enjoyer.
favourite colour: green or brown.
favourite subject/grades: literature/academia/history. he's really interested in reading but he can't stand writing essays. his grades are good, everyone thinks he's naturally smart but he did pretty awfully in elementary school until he got his act together lol.
tattoos (yes/no): YES kind of. matching tattoos with oikawa of course. i bet he's got a couple precolonial filipino tribal tattoos too lord he's so fine but other than that, i don't think he's a big fan of tattoos unless they're not very visible at first glance.
piercings: he's got a gold nose stud that he got drunk with mattsun one night and he lowkey regrets it until someone compliments him on it then his confidence is through the roof for the rest of the day
celebrity crush: steve lacy..... he doesn't know if he wants him or wants to be him. OH AND CLEO SOL. she is so beautiful and he is obsessed with her energy.
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favourite song/artist/album: he's a slut so his favourite song is probably dreams, fairytales, fantasies by A$AP ferg.... don't shoot the messenger! you cannot convince me that he isn't a crazy frank ocean dick rider. "what do y'all know about frank ocean" is his favourite phrase. he's been in his top artist for spotify wrapped since novacane came out. his favourite album is probably WASTELAND by brent faiyaz because yes i still do believe he is a brent stan.
favourite movie/show: all four of them are really into the spiderverse just ask him where he was when the into the spiderverse release date was announced. his favourite show would probablyyyy be death note he wants to fuck ryuk
favourite colour: pink, purple, and probably some obscure shit like amaranth.
favourite subject/grades: any weird extracurricular that doesn't require a lot of academic knowledge like jewlery making or somethin. it's not that he hates school exactlyyyyy, it's that he finds it soo boring. he has never studied for anything in his life but somehow, his grades haven't gone to shit yet, IN FACT, his grades are pretty good like Bs at worst. the whole team hates him for this.
tattoos (yes/no): YES. he had a tattoo phase for a brief period and he BEGGED all his friends to let him practice like he would PAY some of them. he didn't want to practice on himself at first because his pain tolerence is surprisingly low but hanamaki and oikawa pleaded him to stop being such a pussy because they didn't want anymore shaky ignorant tattoos lol. his phase fizzled out for a little bit and people are shocked that he has this skill because he's not a tattoo artist?? it boosts his ego lol
piercings: he's planning on getting a tongue piercing (and bringing hanamaki too so he can get the vertical eyebrow piercing he's been wanting for a while)
celebrity crush: like i said, he's a slut, so he has a handful... brent faiyaz, alexa demie, dominic fike, jhenĂŠ aiko, summer walker.... and i get him!!
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favourite song/artist/album: this mf will listen to anything tbh but he's a fan of alternative bedroom indie music like wallows, rex orange county, and tame impala, so his favourite song is can i call you tonight? by dayglow. but we all know at his CORE, he is a barb... he loves nicki minaj him and oikawa were SO invested in the nicki/meg beef. speaking of, oikawa put him on so much electronic so now his favourite album is CAPRISONGS by fka twigs.
favourite movie/show: him n mattsun watch superbad RELIGIOUSLY do Not talk to meeeee. he will admit fully with his chest that total drama island is 100% his favourite.
favourite colour: pink obviously. sometimes he says vermillion for literally no other reason other than it sounds fancy. he doesn't even know what it looks like 😭
favourite subject/grades: he does not like school so he doesn't have a favourite subject.... he sits in the back on his phone mostly and copies off of iwaizumi and mattsun. oikawa Refuses to let him copy off him because he is STINGY and iwaizumi only does because hanamaki's grades are kind of abysmal 🙏
tattoos (yes/no): definitely. he has some ignorant patchwork on his upper arm and a couple of his thigh, a product of mattsun's tattoo phase. he likes em a lot but he only ever gets them when intoxicated tbh. he almost got a tramp stamp once but iwaizumi finally talked him out of it after an hour of protest. it was oikawa's idea of course.
piercings: LOOK AT HIS FACE AND THEN LOOK ME IN THE EYE AND THEN TELL ME HE WOULDN'T HAVE A SEPTUM. he's been thinking about getting a vertical eyebrow piercing but he's worried it will heal bad.
celebrity crush: his thoughts that are not about dylan minette are about kali uchis. need i say more.
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capriciouscapsss ¡ 1 year
pac: How Would Your F/S Describe You? ⚙︎
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these past couple of weeks have been hectic!! i've finally started to dwindle down on readings and i've completed a majority of them already (which i am so happy about, thank you so much for the support!) 💞 with that being said i am open to getting more readings again!! so ready to receive new orders and read for new people 💞 and i also wanted to quickly come forward to reassure you all that i haven't disappeared and that i'm still hereee doing pac/readings for you all. so yeah, book with me if you can! and now for the topic of today, i want to talk about how your f/s will perceive you and how they would describe you if they could. this can also be done with a special person in mind, the choice is yours! with that having been said, let's get started!
we have four piles; intuitively choose the one you're most drawn to. let your heart guide you, not your eyes.
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Pile I. catwoman rolling in money
[8oC, 9oW, the hanged man, the chariot, KNoS, 9oS]
damn pile one 😭 you guys are really going through it and your person can see it loud and clear. i believe that your person won't have the best thoughts about you at the start. they believe that you're someone who runs away when the going gets too tough. i believe there could even be a point where they kind of test you and you fail? like they don't trust you anymore. they feel like you're too guarded. i get the image of you both in an almost grey interview where you both are being asked questions and they're taking their time to answer because they don't want to hurt your feelings but still want to be honest. the mood feels somber. almost like a fight/argument has just happened between you both. your person thinks that because of your unwillingness to disclose more of yourself you are unintentionally hurting and betraying them too. i hear that they would say that they know it's not because you mean to but because that's all you know to do. i honestly do think they're being a little hard on you, pile one, especially cause you sound more scared than intentional about this all. i believe that they also think that your head is your own biggest opponent. they describe you as being incredibly perceptive and intelligent but also can overthink to the point where you alone make things up in your mind (they said delusional, I said you have a vivid imagination okay? lmao😭). i think they believe that you also don't talk to them when you have a problem. you believe you alone are responsible for your emotions and while people can say that, they disagree with that 100% when it comes to you.
they want you to come forward and tell them about yourself. tell them about your problems. be frank and open with them, they hate when you box yourself in. I think that they also believe that you've had difficult experiences with being upfront and honest. they would say that you are someone that doesn't have experience speaking her mind and that they know that with time and effort you can come to be more open and that this relationship can be better. I also think that you both are people that have given this relationship a try after having been single for a long time. the only difference I'm seeing is different attachments styles. one having a more healthy way of feeling and the other taking their time to catch up and learn.
with time though, ask them and they'll talk most about how you've progressed. about how you have changed and how every day they meet you, they feel like they are meeting a different you. you're striving for growth, for something more. I believe that they'll talk about how confident and sure of yourself you become. about how much of a leader you've blossomed into.
Pile II. the earth goddess
[7oS, KNoC, AoC, AoP, 7oC, the devil R, the hanged man R]
pile two, trust me when I say that if someone would come up and ask them what they thought about you they would stay quiet and give just a sly grin before walking away. your person is someone very very private. they don't want to speak on anyone unless it's to their face lmao, like they really are someone who values boundaries so much that they only way they'd talk about you is if you were present when they did. they dislike talking about people without their knowledge that's for sure.
anyways I have no idea what your person is so worried about saying since it'd be all good things! your person is more likely to keep these things to themselves though (they would die if anyone heard their inner self cheesing about you). your person would only have positive things to say about you. it seems like you would make a good impression on them since the start since not one bad thing is sticking out to me. i do believe they'd comment on what they like about you.
the innocent way you love, without expecting anything in return. I hear a lot of "I" in this sentences so it's also a lot of talking about how you make them feel, what you inspire in them, more than your own qualities. they feel like you make them want to love. that you make them feel young again where they're receiving those dreaded stomach butterflies once again. I believe that they'd also talk about how healthy you are. they'd comment on how non toxic you are, and how you love in a way that isn't smothering. how you crowd them with love whilst still making sure they have their own space. they'd speak alottt on your way of loving. they'd applaud you for being such a forward thinker. i also believe they'd describe you to be someone that has such a wise mind. they think you're traditional in a way, someone who likes doing things the "right way". they've come to appreciate that a lot in you, you know, your way of loving that is freeing but in a way still comforting and not too far of from what they grew up on and have always known.
Pile III. sweet woman on the floor
[the magician, 3oW, 4oP, 10oS, KoW, the emperor, 7oP]
pile three, your person would struggle to find the words no joke 😭 I don't think that they wouldn't find you absolutely captivating in fact they'd struggle to find the words that would really fit to describe you. i heard "not one word fits you" and i believe them you know? because judging purely based of our cards, you are very very complex.
so lets start off. you are someone who is very grand. and they know this and recognize this. they believe that you are someone who knows what they want and they'd do anything to get it. "unmistakeable confidence in yourself" is what I heard. you have the confidence of something historic I feel, like you've been here for a long time so you know how the rules work and now they're working in your favor. they'd talk about how much of a leader you naturally are. you they've seen you whip people into shape around you with as little as a look. they'd describe how you make people want to better themselves by being around you. they wish luck to people who want to slack off around you. I believe that even though your energy is so fiery and literally just so big and something that packs a punch, you also have this calming aura to yourself that people recognize and love about you. they'd talk about how patient and understanding you can be and how you don't give up on people. I think this is a big one for them, they believe you'd never quit on the people you love. sort of like a king/queen with humility.
I think that's why they struggle to define you. you're almost like a pardox to them. the king/queen with humility really stuck out to me. like someone who is a clear leader and could choose to act better than everyone if they wished, but they don't. instead they act humble and with great care towards everyone. I believe they would also comment on how much of a hard worker you are. how you might have struggled a lot with possessions growing up but you kept at it and it's gotten you so far. they would describe you to be stubborn. someone who doesn't know how to quit. but they also in turn love that about you, because again, you never have people around you acting lazy and it makes them want to be better for you.
Pile IV. femme fatale with the g8n
[6oC, the wheel of fortune, KNoS R, the hierophant, 9oP, 5oW R]
I kept hearing the number five when I was channeling for you pile 4, so it could be possible that your person could think that a. you are super creative and you always know how to have a good time or b. you'd make the best mother/father.
and as soon as I saw our cards, I laughed. we got the six of cups which talks about both things I just mentioned. I believe they'd describe you as someone who hasn't lost their zest for life. someone who still sees the world with wonder. they believe that you remain always eternally youthful. they could even want to protect you for being somewhat naive at times. they would tell anyone who asked how pure hearted you are though. they still believe in the good of your heart and they think and would say that they've found the only person in this earth with a heart of gold. I believe they would talk greatly of your goodness. they value your kindness. they also believe your favored by the universe because of this. I can hear them telling other people that you always get what you want because you don't operate with malice. because you wish even your enemies well. lmao this is not what i expected to get when i was channeling for the pile with a pic of a woman holding a g8n 😅
I believe they could also talk about how sure you are of your decisions. like seriously all I'm getting is your person bigging you up. talking about how patient and serious you can be when you want something. like people could expect you, or even your reputation could imply, that you're slightly or someone that doesn't take stuff seriously. but that's not at all the case they'd say. they would talk about how focused you can be when you want something. how you can reach compromise for the sake of building something greater. they'd talk of your fantastic teamwork.
there's also you living in an abundance mindset which they'd admire. they'd speak about how much you have and how much you've helped them clear out their own mind and be better. there could even be talk about meeting you and things suddenly righting themselves in their life with your faith and confidence.
that was all 💞 forgive the mistakes, I was in a rushhh, love you all 💞 til next timeee 💞💞
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bonkbobl ¡ 2 months
the mediator between the head and hands must be the heart
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a/n: this was not supposed to have a part 2 but i just really like the idea of secret pervert roose bolton and this will absolutely not be the last fic exploring that. also maaaad respect if you get the movie reference of the title.
summary: taking roose to bed isnt too bad but that really just makes it worse. as does the several confusing feelings bubbling inside of you. you really are beginning to wonder if you truly hate roose bolton
warning: noncon turned dubcon, breeding kink, poor reader is so confused 😭😭 with her body and her feelings, lots of short smut scenes but like their relationship is mostly sexual to begin with, stockholm syndrome vibes if you choose to look at it like that
His warm body felt hot, firm, and sweaty over yours, especially as your tits rubbed against his chest each time he thrusted into you. You just lay there, hoping he would cum and roll of of you before you did.
You always hoped so. But you think he must be able to tell somehow.
You gripped the pillow beneath you so hard youre sure youd could rip it to shreds.
A moan you were trying desperately to keep at bay ripped through your throat because you could hear and feel how spongey and tight your cunt had become. Each time he pushed through felt like he was coming right back home. You couldnt stop your body from welcoming him in like that even if you wanted to.
Whimpers fought past your lips and though you managed to conceal most of them under your breath, you knew he could hear. And it was growing more difficult. Turning your head to the side, you started to sort of let go into a bundle of sheets you’d grabbed in your hand.
Your husband didn't like that one bit.
Roose grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, fucking you harder than before and the whimpers you were failing to stifle tumbled out.
He was in awe of you, watching your eyebrows cinch, your beautiful chest rising and falling, the way your hair was splayed out, your tits bouncing on an especially hard thrust.
You stared at Roose’s lust blown eyes and you could hardly believe this was the same man you knew months ago, before he betrayed your King and forced you into his bed. He was always so composed, a practical man. Now to see him rutting into you, grunting, cursing at how good it felt to be inside, enveloped, you could hardly recognize the cool exterior you knew him to have.
You whimpered at the feeling of his hand moving down from your chin to grip your neck tightly.
It was his hand tightening around your throat that left you tumbling towards release this time. Convulsing around him as always, eyes fluttering close. Roose loved to watch your puffy lips part as you breathed your shaky little breaths.
Almost every time, your release would immediately spur his own. And thats exactly what it did this time.
You resigned yourself to just try to calm down rather than fight it. He was going to put a baby in you. That was his goal. You hate to say it but the thought began to seem not so bad, since you imagined these nightly visits would cease as soon as his seed took root inside you. And you could then walk away with whatever small slice of dignity still remaining.
Give him an heir. And he'll be done with you.
Roose kissed your neck, your jaw, your cheek… before finally landing on your still parted lips. You kissed back instinctively, legs trailing up his side. It was your body moving itself without your minds consent.
Your walls squeezed him lovingly, fluttering, rolling your hips. You hope he succeeded tonight. Your mind cannot take more of this war that your body is waging against it.
You liked embroidering your dresses. You found that it quiets the soul as much as reading does. Even in your time in Robb's camp, if you found yourself contemplating the losses of the past year far too much, you'd turn to your embroidering, reading, or drinking with the other men at camp. It reminded you of the days of leisure in Winterfell, when you'd rather find comfort and peace —and gossip— in Sansa than adventure with Robb and Arya.
It was lonely in Winterfell now. Except when your husband would come to visit you but of course, well, you had mixed feelings about that.
You've never felt anything quite like the confusion that came with being married to Roose Bolton. You looked up from your embroidery and stared at the door to your bedchamber. He was to be here, you think a quarter of an hour ago.
The second that thought had crossed your mind, you shook your head. And you are better off for his tardiness. In fact you should be praying to the gods that he trips falls down the ramparts of the castle.
Well... you don't hope he dies but you hope he breaks a leg or something of the sort. The thought of him dying wouldn't bring you the same satisfaction. You just want to see him scowl at you again as you taunt and teas, like he used to. The good old times when you weren't his prisoner and you held the power. Or perhaps that was simply an illusion too.
Now, it's you who scowls at him, and he is the one who smirks at you with that self-satisfied look on his face. Gods, he disgusts you. Almost as much as you disgust yourself. You were disgusting for, Gods forbid you ever have to say this outloud, enjoying the time you shared with him at night.
Yes, that's something you've unfortunately had to come to terms with. Mostly because the bastard cant keep his comments to himself about how you squeeze him, how you drip for him, how your pretty little cunny is always prepared for him — much more amiable than you.
You could only hope that endurance is all you need. You just need to endure until you become with child — you dont know why it's taking this long. Is it supposed to take this long? You pray to the Gods you are fertile because the quicker you have his child the sooner he'll leave you alone. Perhaps he'll even let you rot here quietly.
And you can then forget about this conflict within you. No more nightly confusions.
The door creaked open and your head shot up, stomach twisting with desire. Roose walked in, starting straight toward the table you sat at and you watched him pour a cup of water for himself then another for you.
Ah yes, as if to make you suffer deeper, yesterday he told you he would cease bringing wine to your room as it would not be good for his heir if you were to drown it with alcohol. You nearly choked him when he took it away from you.
He raised his cup to you, acknowledging your presence with a slight upward tilt in his lips. You watched him critically. "You look happy today, husband."
Roose hummed and took a sip of his water then he set the cup down and offered you his hand. You stared at it dumbly for two seconds before taking it and letting him lead you to the small window looking out of the tower.
Resting his hand on the small of your back, Roose turned to look at you, eyes scanning your side profile until you turned your gaze to him.
What is he doing?
You didn't lie. Your husband looked very strangely chipper, the hint of a smile seemingly permanent on your face. To be frank, it unsettled you greatly.
Then to end your agony, Roose finally spoke, "Do you enjoy this view, my lady?"
You wondered what sort of game he was trying to play with you. Another one of his tricks, likely, or he simply wishes to gloat to you that he's taken your childhood home.
"The center of all the North and it is ours."
Hesitation filled you along with a deeper confusion than the confusion you'd already felt.
"It will be ours for generations to come," His soft voice always had a smooth gentleness to it but smooth and gentle were pretty and digestible masks, concealing the cruelty that laid beneath. But this time, there was no cruelty in his words.
"Y-yes, my lord."
It scared you more than when he would be cruel. "I had hope that you would learn to step into your role, wife."
"My role? My role is to be your breeding bitch and provide heirs, is it not?"
Roose chuckled at the bite behind your words, "I do believe you chose to become my Lady Wife, when faced with the options."
Your memory remains sharp and does not betray you.
Whore of Winterfell, or Lady Bolton?
You still failed to find the distinction.
"You will be more than a-" Roose made a sour face "-womb to pop sons into. In time. I'll be sure of it," he said matter of factly.
You eyed him cynically, unsure of what he meant by that, reminding yourself over and over that this was the very same man who tortures people for fun, who aims to kill everyone who was once near and dear to you, who tries endlessly to tame you and kill your spirits.
If he means to kill your spirits, he better be a persistent man. Because he can toy with you all he wants but you refuse to let him destroy you the way his bastard did Theon Greyjoy.
You closed your eyes as your husband leaned in to plant a kiss to your jaw, trying not to show any visible sign of arousal or discomfort. But it was difficult not to react to the feeling of his rough finger, meeting you at your wrist and ghosting along the back of your hand.
Looking at the ground first, you slowly turned your gaze up at him, staring at him through your lashes. And despite the fact that he had touched you in much more intense, unspeakable ways every night for the past few moons, you found your heart's beat growing increasingly heavy.
Roose's eyes fixated on your lips, the ghost of a smile twitching for a second as if he had just thought of something that amused him. Then he met your eyes again, appreciating that he could always read you. He could always tell. The breathing, the way your eyes looked heavier, the way your lips slightly parted for your little tiny gasps and sighs. He could read you like a book.
He pulled away from you, calmly walking toward the bed as he began undoing some of his clothes and you were left, staring dumbly at the spot he was just in.
When you finally regained the wits to look at him, he quirked his head to the side, "Come to bed."
Before you could even think of anything intelligent to say, your body obeyed him.
You groaned. Or you think you should call it that. In reality it was a noise that you didn't even think yourself capable of making — something feral and more animal than human, but he'd also never taken you like that before.
It had been a week since that very very strange and unexplainable conversation with your husband in your bedchambers, in which he told you of his expectations for his lady wife. Ever since, he's been just slightly different.
It would have barely been noticeable for anyone else but you were his wife and you were his prisoner. He was the only man you saw every day.
He took you to bed with a different sort of energy. Sometimes it felt slower but even when he went fast, you felt he was more grabby and handsy.
One thing you noticed, that started to make your knees weak, was he seemed to take a liking to placing a hand on your belly, or more accurately your womb. He paid stronger attention to your tits as well, liking to suck your nipples into his mouth and nip gently at them to send shocks of pleasure and pain rippling through you.
Today, was the first time he'd fucked you during the day time. The moment you woke up, laying with his arms around you, back pressed against his, you felt his lips on your shoulder.
He fucked you as the two of you lay sideways on the bed.
He held your belly with one hand, grasped your shoulder with the other, and used the leverage to pump his cock into more efficiently. You bit your lip so hard you tasted your own blood trying to hide your noises. They eventually came out as they always did but this time you squeaked uncontrollably, real, wanton moans escaping you.
The unhuman sound you'd made was when Roose finally pumped you full of his spend. After which, he pulled out, letting his cum drip down your thigh and onto the bed.
You laid there, still recovering from the intensity because he barely waited for you to gain awareness before filling you. And by the time you lifted your upper body off the bed, looked around the room, and found him, he was kneeling back down on the bed, a rag in hand. Roose cleaned the mess up efficiently and then tossed the dirtied rag on the dirtied sheets next to you.
You watched, curious. You find that its the commonality in your interactions with Roose. You watch each other. You learn each other. And you've been watching more because his sudden inclination towards gentleness has struck you.
True to the thoughts you were having about him, he chuckled fondly at the sight of your big eyes evaluating his every move, gave your ass a squeee, and stood to get to his clothes.
This was the only time, you swore, that you would ever allow yourself to appreciate your husband's body. After this, you would close your eyes, tear them out of their sockets, if they even dared to rake down to his surprisingly tight ass on any occasion but this one, isolated, self indulgent moment. You were sure to look back, straight into his eyes once he turned back around.
He shamelessly gave you the same self indulgent up and down, appreciating the image of his wife, fucked out— a mess— first thing in the morning.
"Come," he beckoned, "Get dressed."
You think you furrowed your brows on accident because he picked up on your confusion.
"You'll sit with my advisors as we discuss governance from now on. There's no reason Lady Bolton should be confined to her chambers."
New freedoms were granted to you every day. It started with being invited to sit with and counsel Roose alongside his advisors. Some days you would ride with Roose, which must seem like a great amount of trust placed in you but of course Roose would always bring along one or two of his best hunters in case you felt the urge to run. You were the human equivalent of a leashed dog, really.
That’s how you reminded yourself that you’re not in a good place. Because at times it was getting difficult to remember you were a prisoner, as your cage became prettier and wider with more and more playthings and distractions to keep you busy.
It was especially difficult to remember, walking through the courtyards from your childhood, arm laced in your husbands. It was the type of thing youd watch your Lord and Lady Paramount do, staring in loving envy of their bond. You found it difficult to rip yourself from the moment and carry on the bitterness that used to define your days when shared glances and discreet touches culminated in the rare, indulgent kiss once the meeting concluded. No you couldnt remember to hate him when he touched your face and granted a soft, lingering kiss as soon as his councilmembers scurried out of the room.
And the nightly passions never ceased either.
You lay one night, settled into his side as he lay on his back. Your cheek rested on his chest and your hand toyed with the little bit of hair in his stomach. For the first time, you think about killing him, really plotting a plan and finding a way to do it and youre dreadfully unwilling to think on it further. You cant help but wonder if you’ve truly lost.
But your mind is calm, it feels like its full of cotton, so clouded whenever you tilt your head to sneak a goance at Roose, who you really quickly realize is just watching and studying you, playing with the ends of your hair mindlessly.
"Do you remember when you visited me at Harrenhall?"
Yes you do. Of course you did. You remember telling Talisa that you still love her and Robb and that she should do her best to advise him and keep him grounded no matter how stubborn he gets. You were hoping to return and sit back upon Robbs council afterward.
He just frustrated you sometimes. So unwilling to accept criticism at times.
Even so, treachery never even crossed your mind as an option
"I had always found myself wondering why," Roose spoke, only a little unsure and you hadn't caught on to the subtle difference in his usual tone.
You were too busy wondering what kind of game he was playing — if this just happened to be some kind of trick. Why was Roose leading you down memory lane? Hes not exactly a man known for his gooey sentiment. You could only imagine he means to remind you how much he's managed to change you since then.
"I..." You hesitated. Because really, it all felt too dreadfully awkward. But nevertheless you felt inclined to tell the truth. It was somewhat out of spite, a way to say — I truly respected you and you never reciprocated. Though you doubt he'd even care. "I had always enjoyed your presence, my lord."
Roose was silent so you took that to mean he wanted you to continue.
Thinking for a few seconds, you laughed at your own past foolishness, "I just... I wanted to see an old friend. I missed seeing you at the King's Table."
Really thinking back, it was a rather anxious time for you. You thought perhaps you were going crazy. You really just wanted to talk to someone who might understand though even during your visit, you never managed to broach the subject with Roose. Rather you spent your days going to his receptions, dining with him, reading when he needed to focus but otherwise babbling his ear off.
You were anxious thinking of the possible outcomes of the war. In reality, this was when you began to waver in your faith that Robb could win the war. There was nasty division in his ranks over his marriage, over his handling of the Kingslayer. They were all losing faith in the King.
You were anxious trying to think of any way to fix it. Roose had been on your side more than not, though you had your occasional disagreements. You had hoped he'd be a good person to bounce ideas off of.
But he changed the topic every time you mentioned Robb.
You had been too naive to notice and wonder why.
"When did you realize?" You asked, "That... that Robb had lost the war?"
Roose felt you look up at him so he met your eyes. He closed his parted lips, swallowing at the sight of you in the warm, dim light that the fire casted in the room. Just a year ago, Roose could hardly conceive something so sweet existing in this world. The one good thing to come from House Stark.
His hand came up to pet your hair and you involuntarily sank into his chest, averting your gaze. "It wasn't any particular moment that caused me to realize... many poor decisions, many displays of arrogance."
He tucked your hair behind your ear and his hands came down, trailing over your jaw to settle in a position cupping your cheek.
"I realized I did not want to die for a boys many mistakes, because he refused to listen to his advisors. I did not want to follow a King who was less reasonable than a girl, younger than he. Because if that girl could understand better than he, what kind of king would that make him? And I realized he would certainly lead that girl to her death."
You thought on his words cautiously. The first parts made sense but the implication that he had considered you and what would happen to you at length through all his plotting confused you. "Why..." But the several questions you had jumbled together in your head and you couldn't start.
"Everything I have done is for the betterment of my house and the North. I thought, fundamentally, we are the same in this way. At some point I found myself conceding that you and I, though it is not immediately obvious, are like-minded individuals."
"The betterment of the North..." You muttered, not being able to help the bitter tone in your voice. You just… didn’t believe that his motives were truly selfless.
"You don't mean to really tell me you disagree. The boy would have led us all to our deaths. When I realized, I'm not sure. But I know that when I realize I'm fighting on the losing side, it is better to mitigate the loses. For everyone involved."
"And why save me then?"
Roose paused, looking down at you again. You stared up at him, wide eyed, curious. And he couldn't help the smirk, though it depends on how you choose to look at it — it was one of his more fond smirks that held the confidence and self satisfaction that it always did, but also a sense of contentedness.
You were laying there, on his chest, staring up at him and you've never looked more like you were completely and wholly his. Contentedness was the only thing he knew in that moment.
"There was a time I looked at you and felt nothing but perplexed. Often I'd rather do without the confusion so I thought it better to let you die."
You scoffed.
But Roose continued, "Then the frustration became a different flavor once you began approaching me more. I began thinking that perhaps under better circumstances I could have waited, then asked our King to approve my asking your hand in marriage."
A touch of cynicism caused you to say, "Oh, don't tell me it's because you love me."
"No," Roose answered calmly, lips quirking up in amusement, "But I knew you were the most fit for the title of Wardeness of the North. More than any other woman."
He looked at you, a question in his eyes.
"And you wanted to fuck me. You forgot that part," You continued to stare at him challengingly.
"Yes, more than any other woman." And again it was his absolute lack of shame and frankness that caused you to acquiesce and hide your warm face back in his chest. "So did you," he said as if it were some casual reminder and not a gross accusation, which was how you took it.
You propped yourself up on your elbow so that you could properly stare at him with the incredulous look that had spread across your face. "A man without shame."
"Don't pretend. You forget I've had two wives before you," Roose said, eyes raking down. Your chest was tantalizingly pressed against the bed and it made them look bigger than they already were. "I've had two women who lay still under me as they reluctantly performed their duties. You are not one of those women. Not even the first night."
Your eyes hardened in a glare at your husband but for whatever reason, your traitorous, degenerate body never failed to respond to Roose Bolton. Your body truly served him and not your own mind. Or perhaps it served your treacherous heart which never seemed to be within your control when he was nearby.
"I'll always remember how you squirmed against me. Even I was shocked."
Scoffing, you spit out "Oh you're happy about it."
"I am," He spoke, ever so frank, "It's not common for lords of my age to find such a beautiful young wife so willing to let me into her bed." He strokes your face a little and you tense despite wanting nothing but to melt into his hand, "But you... well your mouth remains as stubborn as your mind. But your eyes give it away. Your eyes beg for me."
You sighed, imagining. Because though you tried to glare at him you wondered if he wasn't bluffing — if he could truly see something else in your gaze. So you just huff and turn your face away, settling back into his side in silent admission of defeat.
Roose Bolton chuckled beneath you, a real chuckle. His hand wrapped around your shoulder, caressing you with some real tenderness behind it. You suppose out of all the outcomes available, you could have been worse off.
One morning many days later struck you hard. Right when You rose from bed, you ran to your chamberpot and emptied your stomach of last nights dinner. You were sure that it was finally what you had been hoping for — a pregnancy. And though you were really hoping for that to be the case merely a week ago, hoping it might give you some relief from your husband, you no longer really feel that way for some reason.
Its for the best, You think to yourself. You'll tell him of it and he'll be happy. He'll praise you for doing your duty as Lady Bolton and you'll be free of him from your bed for the next nine months. In that time, you can surely teach yourself to truly and deeply hate him again, as you used to. You just need to realize that thats still what you want.
To get through the day, you passed a note to a cupbearer for your husband, telling him you felt ill and would not be leaving your room. You had the maester bring you a potion to help with the sickness. He told you, he was positively certain that you were with child.
Later that night, when your husband entered your room, he made for the table immediately and sat, leaning back and sighing. The only bit of respite in the day. He was happy to see you after such a long day with no rest.
You poured him a glass of water and he hummed, thanking you for it. He was in a chipper mood. He was tired, but you could tell his shoulders were relaxed. You wondered if the maester already informed him.
"I woke up this morning. Feeling ill," you told him, "I talked to the maester..."
You watched him regard you with interest and a small smirk graces his face, "Did you?" And he patted his thigh.
You look at him inquisitively because never in all your time together has he made that request. And with a pause, you huffed and stood to obey, settling yourself in your husbands lap. "He said it's entirely likely I could be with child."
Roose made a satisfied grunt and played with your hair, pushing it out of your face.
You let him. You were confused but you let him. You were especially confused when he landed a kiss on your lips, tender and loving and with the usual fervor that marks his kisses.
Roose pulled away after a few short seconds and said, "I was wondering when the sickness would start," he smirked deviously, lips still brushing yours.
You stared back bewildered. He had been wondering, as in he was wondering before today, when your sickness might start, meaning he knew already? Or was that simply a poorly worded phrase?
"I had the maester inspect your chamber pot daily. I would be the first to know when you would have come to be with child."
"How long have you—"
"Three weeks."
And you just scoffed to yourself, shaking your head incredulously.
"Whats wrong?" Roose laughed, finding himself amused with your reaction.
"I... I was under the impression that we would... stop… being sexual once I came to be with child. But obviously not."
"What gave you that impression?"
"I—" You paused fully and thought on it.
Nothing. Nothing really gave you that impression other than the fact that all he talked about was siring an heir and all that your septas taught you about being intimate with a man were in relation to siring an heir. No one had taught you about how it could feel good for a woman. All you had ever heard was how it feels amazing for men. You suppose the logical conclusion would be that he'd continue to bed you for his own benefit but alas when you grow up with the notion of bedding only for procreation, the notion sticks.
"I suppose I've never heard of husband and wife fucking for pleasure. Husbands seek whores after their wife grows fat with a child."
"Are you disappointed?” Roose’s voice was filled with amusement at your naivete.
No— Yes!
... in between. You struggle to answer because yes you are disappointed because this all has been rather taxing on your mind. It's not easy to keep your composure and wits around Roose when he's toying with you, especially when your memory of the previous night flashes in your head. It's difficult to remind yourself who the enemy in the room is. It's difficult to remember why he's your enemy. After all, he saved you, didn't he?
Yes theres the complication. Was this man your enemy? Did you truly disagree with his actions? Can you not rectify his decisions in your mind? You know you wouldn't have done what he did, not in a million years... but you don't know what it is — your likeness in logical thinking or the mere fact that you've grown strangely fond of him over the past years — you can't condemn him for the actions he took against your King. You only disliked him because that King was your brother.
You don't know the answer. The correct answer, some would say is clear, but others would argue that there is no correct answer, only the illusion of correctness placed upon you by those that came before.
And so you don't answer.
You just kissed him again.
And you fumbled, reaching down to unlace his cock. You pulled him out, pulling away from him. And he watched you, breathless as you also did away with your under garments.
Quicker and more assuredly than any previous night, you mounted him and seated him deep inside, both of you groaning out.
The position was foreign to you but you grew accustomed quickly, rolling your hips, grabbing the back of the chair for help as you began to rise and fall. You were used to being on your stomach or your back. Sometimes he even took you against the table. But this was the first time you were on top. By how his mouth remained gently agape as he pushed your nightgown gently down your shoulders, you would wager and say the change is welcome.
"These will grow swollen in time, just as your belly swells with my son," Roose teased. You shuddered as he took your nipple into his mouth, sucking and sending waves of shock through you.
His arms came around your situating at your waist, holding you close. And he began moving you to help you bounce on him. As his thick cock glided through you, you couldn't help but feel you were right where you belonged.
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rascal-xo ¡ 1 year
Ghost fanfic idea!!
He is in love with reader and has expressed it to her on multiple occasions but they discuss it and realise that their line of work isn’t ideal to have a relationship. So they keep at this game with flirting and just barely being sexual with each other
Until! Konig comes into the picture and she genuinely falls in love with him too. He shows her another way to be treated (we all know Ghost is stiff and gruff) as in all soft and puts flowers in her hair. ONLY THEN GHOST GOES CRAZY, LIKE EYE TWITCHING CRAZY AND STARTS TRYING DOING THE SAME THINGS AS KONIG TO GET HER BACK. READER THEN DECIDES WHO SHE WANTS TO GIVE HER HEART TO — you make that call cos I cannot choose between those 2 hunks.
Just an idea 😌 I’m a lil crazy so ignore if none of this makes sense
Unspoken Love | Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Female Reader
A/N: I love this request omg. I hope I was able to do your vision justice :) Part 2
Chapter Summary: So many things are left unsaid between you and the Lieutenant, but one way or another they’ll come out.
Warnings: Angst, cursing, SMUT, fluff, smoking, injuries, violence, ghost being hostile at times
Word Count: 1.3K (Its a long one, i’m sorry 😭)
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For a soldier, love is war.
For Simon Riley, love is you. It’s the way you look at him in the plane when he’s giving orders, the way you accidentally kick his boot under the table during a meeting, without even realizing it.
For Simon, love is the way sunlight filters through the windows and casts a warm glow on your face. But Simon Riley is the man underneath the skull balaclava, the man you don’t know.
You know Ghost. Ghost whose name falls from your mouth like a prayer when his hands are tightly grasping onto your hips, hard enough to leave bruises as you ride him, chasing after the coil that begins to form in your stomach, as you cry out for him while his cock slams into your, causing you to deathly grip the duvet.
Ghost is who you glance at only when you have to during briefings. But Simon Riley, the man behind the mask, the man who watches you from across the room, with a yearning in his eyes that you don't see, are eyes you look into when Ghost tells you “We can’t go farther than this.” And you agree, pushing down your feelings you almost had, knowing it probably wouldn’t work out anyway.
That’s what you tell yourself when you lay in his arms with a leg over his stomach, as his fingers run gently through your hair. All the while so many words go unspoken from underneath the skull mask.
In the moment it only seems like a task, maybe even a ploy you think, to keep you coming back to each other for more release. But again, that’s what you tell yourself, because it probably wouldn’t work out anyway.
As the weeks go by, the tension between you and Ghost is practically yelling for no strings attached. It’s what you repeat in your head as you find yourself at his bedroom door during the ungodly hours of night, after the others have long gone elsewhere.
But when a new member is recruited to 141, the rules begin to change. You meet KonĂŻg. The soldier in the sniper hood and the reaper build that are no match for the kind and soft voice soul underneath. You end up working together on multiple missions, learning each others crafts.
You find yourself no longer aching to find your release, but unbeknownst to you Ghost has found a reason to push you away, when all Simon underneath is wants you to himself, to feel the way you feel tucked in his arms. He finds himself doing the worst. Telling Price you’re not in the right state of mind to be fighting leads you to find yourself at his door again, but this time making yourself known.
“You took me off of the fucking mission!?” You yell, not wanting to but feeling the need to. Knowing whatever it is has nothing to do with your performance in the field.
“You're a liability, Sergeant." he says, his voice low and menacing. "You let your emotions get in the way of your judgment, and thats get you or your teammates killed." You bristle at his words, feeling the anger and hurt rising within you.
"You had no right to bring my job into your hands." you shoot back. Ghost walks closer up, towering over you with his intimidating. "It’s not up for debate. That’s a direct order." he says, and for the first time you can see his eyes blazing with intensity. You can see Simon.
After a few more weeks, the late night visits become a distant memory. As you come in the pub with the team after a victorious mission, Konïg finds his seat next to you. “Look what I found, Schön.” (Beauty) He calls you, capturing your attention. It’s one of the many endearments you hear from him as you two get closer, and Ghost drifts away farther.
He listens to the conversation, only sitting a few seats away next to Soap. He doesn’t want to but he does, only hurting himself more. His knuckles turn white around the class of liquor, seeing the way Konïg makes you smile.
Did KonĂŻg see you the way he did? Simon thinks to himself under the mask. Did KonĂŻg fuck you like he did?
His blood boils at the sight of his hand resting on your arm, playfully. Ghost finishes his drink, but Simon is the one who leaves the pub without saying a word, beginning to resent himself for not telling you what you are to him when he had the chance.
A week later, you're back in the field with Ghost and the rest of the team, determined to prove to him that you belong. The mission is a covert operation to take out a high-value target, and everything is going smoothly at first.
But then, as you're moving through the enemy stronghold, a hostile sneaks up on you from behind. You don't see him coming, but Ghost does. Without hesitation, he pushes you to the ground and in a flash the bullet hits him in the one spot his vest doesn’t cover. “GHOST NO!”
In a haste attempt you cover against the remaining hostiles in your zone quickly getting on the radio,
“This is Delta 6-2, Ghost is shot, I repeat we need Evac NOW.” telling your team over the comms confirms your worst fear; Losing him. You’re rushing towards the extraction point, heart pounding not sure what to think, how to think. It all becomes a blur.
Blood stains your clothes as you realize you have been badly cut. Medics take you away as soon as you step foot on base, not even getting a chance to see him. The thought of him dead almost eats you alive.
You spent the a day waiting anxiously for news about his condition. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you received word from Captain Price that he had made it through surgery and was stable back at base.
You were discharged from the med bay the next day, and as soon as you were able to, you made your way to a place you knew too well. Without even bothering to knock, you pushed open the door and walked in. And there he was, sitting at the edge of his bed with his back facing you.
He instantly turns around, causing you to stop dead in your tracks. “Simon…” For a moment, you were frozen in place. The stone cold man you had been so intimate with, the man you had shared so many nights with only to avoid in the mornings, is now right in front of you, exposed and vulnerable. He puts out the cigarette between his fingers, on the ashtray next to him.
His eyes are full of emotion you can so clearly see looking right back at you. “I thought you died.” Your voice breaks, as you try to compose yourself, but it’s no use, the tears now falling from your face.
“How could you put yourself in that position? You could’ve died!” You started, moving closer. You can resent me all you want Lieutenant but-“
“I love you.” The world ceases to move. You're stunned, unsure of how to respond. All the words you'd been too afraid to say, all the feelings you'd been too afraid to reveal, are suddenly laid out in front of you. And now, standing before you, is the the man who had been there all along.
You had finally come face to face with the man underneath the mask. “I’ve loved you since the day we met, Y/N. I’ve loved you through every mission, every bullet we’ve dodged.” You forget how to simply breathe. “Everytime you have walked through that door, I have loved you. And I cant stop.”
Without another thought, he takes takes your face in his hands, his bruised knuckles gently on your skin, as you meet his lips. His lips are soft and tender, yet urgent and passionate. It’s a kiss that conveys all the unsaid words and phrases.
As you pull away, he look into your eyes, searching for any hint of doubt or hesitation, but instead he sees the very same love looking right back.
For a soldier, love is war.
For Simon Riley, love is you.
A/N: Any comments for future fic suggestions?
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anemonelovesfiction ¡ 1 year
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Kinktober 8- Voyeurism
Lo’ak X Human Fem Reader; Neteyam watching 👀
Warnings ⚠️: Fingering, Choking, P in V, voyeur Neteyam 😋, OC’s in the beginning for a smidge just for the plot.
I wanted to do something a little crazy and dedicate this chapter to @loaksulluyswife I see you liking and reblogging most of my posts and I wanted to show some appreciation to you as well, thank you for being you and thank you for liking my writing 😭
No use of Y/n in this so I’m happy! This shit is hard for me to do. Sorry for the late posts, I keep getting depressed asf (the weather aint helping) and I keep wanting to delete things.
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Translation Station:
Syulang: Flower
Tewng: Loincloth
Word Count: 2.5 K
“What about you, who would you rather sleep with, Lo’ak or Neteyam?” One of my friend’s, Amber, asks me. We were sitting in a circle, taking swigs of whatever fermented alcoholic drink we were able to snag from the party the Omatikaya were having outside of the base of operations, between myself and the other two before me I shrug. Spider usually hung out with whenever he wasn’t partaking in their celebrations or hanging with the kids we were currently discussing.
“I don’t think either of them would be willing to sleep with a human.” I answered honestly and feel the two girls before me groan in frustration and seem upset at my answer.
“What?” I ask as my eyes widened, I thought being honest was the best route to go for me, but judging by the looks of distaste on both the girls face that wasn’t what they wanted.
“We wanna know whose dick you’re thirsty for, not what they want.” Ashley speaks this time.
“Why is that such a big deal?” I asked while attempting to take a swig of the drink, feeling it snatched out of my hands, and I sigh.
“You look like a Neteyam girl.” Amber, the one who’d snatched the drink from my hands speaks, the same person I’d known since we were in diapers
“No way, she definitely wants Lo’ak.”
“What if I said both? Would the two of you stop bickering and let me get a drink?” I ask as I hold my hand out, expecting her to hand the alcohol back and see her scoff, taking a drink herself and passing it toward Ashley.
“Come on, Amber, what the fuck.” I groan.
“That’s such a cop out, please tell me you’re a Lo’ak girl, you have to choose one.” Ashley asks with a hopeful tone in her voice and I about roll my eyes in her direction.
“Fine, Lo’ak, with Neteyam watching. Is that good enough for you?”
“In your face Amber, I told you she wanted Lo’ak.”
“She said she wanted Neteyam to watch!” She rebuts and I roll my eyes as she is givedn the drink again, having had enough I roll my eyes and stand, heading over to place a mask on my face and hearing the hiss signal that it was properly positioned, I didn’t feel like staying here and being denied alcohol. Plus I could hang out with Spider and his friends and it would be a nice change of pace from being stuck in here, Norm was in his link unit and I’m sure he’d be fine with it.
“Where are you going?” One of them yells out to catch my attention but I wave her off.
“Anywhere the two of you aren’t, that way I can get drunk.” I stated quickly and opened the door leading me into a small area for the oxygen to get neutralized, shutting it quickly to prevent the other two from seeking an invitation out with me, opening the second door out into the atmosphere of high camp.
It doesn’t take me long to spot out a table with a couple of drinks in the custom made jars they had, the intricate designs on them each meant the bottle held something different. I wasn’t in the mood to drink something that would get me drunk faster because the taste was usually worse, the phantom sting coursing through my throat at that moment made me shiver from the last time I’d drank from the jar with the purple designs on them. I wanted something painted in a turquoise and spotted several, they often incorporated their fruits into it and made it taste sweeter.
I smile and start setting a course to make my way toward the table, thinking of where I could enjoy the delicacy and figuring getting drunk in Pandoran atmosphere was probably not the best idea because I could end up forgetting to put my mask back on, but before I could even make it halfway to my destination, a tug pulls my concentration- and my body- off toward the left, my legs blindly following the semi familiar touch and my heart yearning for another drink.
“What the fuck-“ I stated before being shoved up against the slanted rock, my own breath coming out as a gasp at the feeling, eyes widening at the action as I stare at a pair of familiar eyes and feeling anger boiling over.
“What is wrong with you!” I stated angrily.
“I thought you wouldn’t mind if I brought you out here with me, syulang.” He lightly pinches one of my cheeks and lets out a chuckle as I swat his hand away angrily, all I wanted was to sneak some alcohol and enjoy it in a quiet place.
“You cost me some booze.” I stated as I crossed my arms and notice the smirk had yet to leave his lips, wanting to slap it off his face.
“I have an idea in mind on how I can make it up to you,” He offers and it has me raising a brow, eyeing him up and down, eyes squinting at his proposition.
“I might not be able to fulfill all of it but it might help, it’s up to you.” He shrugs smugly and I was starting to picture the different ways I could beat his ass at the moment, he was too vague for my liking.
“What are you going on about now?” I sigh.
“If my mind serves me right, You have to choose one, fine Lo’ak with Neteyam watching.” He tilts his head to the side, had this been a different circumstance I would have laughed along to his antics, but considering the situation I wanted Eywa to open up a hole in the ground to swallow me up.
“That’s not fuckin’ funny, dammit, you weren’t even supposed to be there-“ I cut myself off as a realization hits me.
“-What were you doing there anyway? Don’t tell me you were sneaking in to find Norm’s laptop so you could jerk off to some porn.” I began by letting a smile start revealing itself on my lips, watching his own smirk falter lightly, and feeling surprised at his reaction, ears drooping slightly before they pick up again.
“No bullshit?” I ask immediately and his eyes pick up again, eyes looking between mine before a smile settles on his features.
“To which one?”
“Your offer.” I crossed my arms, lifting my chin defiantly, not bothering to shy away from staring at his eyes.
“Can you even take me?” He crosses his own arms and looks down at me.
“I dunno, you seem quiet enough to make it seem like you have a big dick, do you?” I tilt my head slightly toward the side and watch him fight a smile.
This isn’t the first time Lo’ak has been known to disappear, and as always, it had been my duty to retrieve him and bring him home, just for our father to reprimand him for his childish behaviors for disappearing. I’d seen him take off toward the link pods where Kiri’s mother was kept and had taken to peeking near the windows to only see two inebriated females laughing at something.
I must have mistook the sense of direction he’d taken, but even Spider had pointed toward where my brother went after I asked politely, both of them having pointed toward where the humans kept their machines to connect to their avatars. I head back to check and see if he’d been anywhere near the outer edged of the party where a lot of couples had taken to talk or sometimes decided it was appropriate to be intimate.
But I turn my head sharply once I catch the slightest whiff of his scent, taking a cautious step forward and sniffing the air around me, assuring that his scent is getting stronger, and slightly mingled with the other tawtute Spider likes to hang out with. I continue making my way down the path he must have taken earlier, wanting to know what the skxawng had been up to and why he thought he could sneak away when our father told him to stay near.
It doesn’t take long for me to find him, back facing me and he seems to be crouched down a bit, I want to yell out his name just as something lurches in my abdomen, a specific scent I’d only smelled a handful of times hits my nose and I stop myself from approaching him. Ears picking up the sound of his activities.
“See, I told you, you were worried over nothing.” He speaks in a hushed tone, almost soothing, something he rarely does.
“Look at how well you’re already taking my fingers.” I hear him mutter. I knew I should have left at that moment once I heard the sounds being made from the woman below him, her heavy breaths turning into soft moans, but I felt frozen in my spot listening to them, wanting to hear more as well.
“Your fingers are huge,” My eyes widen a bit as I realize whose voice it belongs to and feel my entire body straighten up once more, I really shouldn’t be here, and almost as if on cue, I can see Lo’ak moving out of the way just enough for me to see her facial expressions and blood was starting to pump toward my cock, hardening at the sight of her face alone.
“That’s not the only thing thats huge-“ He states and I can practically hear the smirk in his voice, mentally rolling my eyes at his comment, but standing here while watching her face with the light of the moon and plants glowing in the dark of night had me palming my growing erection, begging to be released from the confines of my tewng.
“Go fa-faster, please-“ I can hear her breathing getting heavier and from the angle I can see her body at, I can tell she’s moving her hips against his fingers, hearing him groan as his gaze shifts downward.
“I could just watch you fuck yourself on my fingers instead, syulang.” He mumbles and she gasps right as I hear a wet squelching sound, indicating he’d started moving his fingers faster, I palmed myself faster, the slight pain of being kept hidden inside my tewng was making my stomach bubble with anticipation of needing to come.
“Fuck Lo, I’m close-“ She pants out and I watch as he withdraws his hands from her, her protests being louder than her moans from earlier, the fingers he’d been thrusting inside of her glistening with the light provided and my ears flicker back, a blush settling on my face, I stop the groan building in my throat and see Lo’ak bringing his wet fingers in his own mouth.
He groans at the taste and I can feel my jealousy grow, how lucky he must have been to get a taste of her on his tongue, my hands balled up into fists and I’m almost tempted to walk over and punch him, but I shamefully remembered the erection I was sporting, knowing it was between walking away and letting myself grow soft, or allowing myself the pleasures of watching their activities and coming while watching them, and I found myself sliding my tewng off, erection slapping my thigh and I look back up to find Lo’ak lining himself with her entrance.
“Fuck-“ I groan right when I see her face scrunch up as he inserts the tip, holding her up at the perfect angle to see every bit of her body, the eyes she had once shut had opened as she looks right at me, eyes widening a bit, taking in a breath as Lo’ak pushes in further.
I bit my lip to stop myself from making any more noise and pawed at Lo’ak’s shoulder, I still kept eye contact with Neteyam and saw his hand gripping his already hardened cock, feeling myself squeeze around Lo’ak at the sight and seeing his green eyes look up at mine.
“This is what you wanted, no?” He asks me right as he slides in further and I gasp, a broken moan being ripped out of me and catching movement from the corner of my eye, snapping them back to the older brother and catching him stroking his cock.
“Oh fuck-“ I mutter as Lo’ak bottoms out, stretching my cunt wide just to fit himself in snugly, eyes on Neteyam, moaning at him, right as Lo’ak slides back out.
“Faster.” I command, watching as Neteyam picks up his pace and bites his own lip to keep his noise down, his shaft glistening as his precome seems to slide out his fat head like a river, allowing my pussy to flutter around Lo’ak. Feeling his pace pick up after I’d stated that and throwing my head back with a moan, hands gripping harshly at Lo’ak’s shoulders.
My eyes shut harshly right as Lo’ak places one of his hands around my neck, squeezing the sides gently, his cheek nuzzling mine.
“Open those pretty eyes syulang, let him know how good I’m making you feel.” He grunts in my ear before pulling his face away, squeezing on my neck more, my hips moving against his and the sounds coming from my pussy could not be mistaken for any other activity.
Lazily dragging my eyes over to Neteyam who’d been matching his brothers pace, he’d been staring at my cunt, but shifted his gaze toward mine the second I looked over. I could tell he was breathing heavily, by the desperate look on his face, his hips starting to meet his hands thrusts, and how he’d squeezed the head right as he stroked it, I knew he was close.
“Lemme come, please-“ I whine, attempting to keep my legs spread, just to give Neteyam the view he’d been staring at this entire time.
“Of course you can.” Lo’ak grunts as he picks up the pace.
“N-not you, Teyam, lemme come, please.”
Any and every feeling in my body was set on fire as Neteyam faltered in his own ministrations as the realization hits, but picks up his pace again and groans freely, my own hips attempting to meet the fast pace Lo’ak has set.
“Fuck, thats hot,” Lo’ak moans lightly, ears pressed back as he squeezes harder on my neck, but my eyes never leave Neteyam’s.
“Please, m’close!” I beg just to finally see his nod of approval and allow myself to leg go, the waves of ecstasy crashing over my body, biting my lip in an attempt to keep my eyes open, watching Neteyam spill over his fists, Lo’ak never faltering in his pace as he comes inside.
“So how about next time I watch?” The man directly in front of me asks and although I’m still weak in the knees from the post-orgasmic bliss I make a face but smile at his comment, nodding my head lightly.
“You’re the biggest dumbass-“ Neteyam calls out only to get cut off by his brother.
“She said yes.”
“She said yes?”
162 notes ¡ View notes
pinchofhoney ¡ 1 year
You know I can't stay away from your writing for long so here I am againnn....angst prompt 5 and fluff promt 10. Besties to loverss plsssss.....with either Sirius Black or Kaz I can't choose
No angst...I can't take it rnnnn 😭
take a hint # 200 followers special event
 prompt event  special events masterlist
angst prompt five: “please leave before i lose myself to madness and beg you to stay”
fluff prompt ten: and it was when A watched B look at someone else the way they wanted to be looked at. does A realize how much in love with their best friend they were?
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
kaz brekker x fem!reader
word count: 3.8k
warning: kaz has no romantic feelings for inej in this one, it doesn't have a specific time in the canon, i made up one of the characters, best friends to lovers (between the lines), mention of murder
summary: It seems that Kaz always expects you to read between the lines, even though you are a thief and not an expert in interpreting written texts.
a/n: whenever i see notifications from you, i feel like a happy golden retriever puppy, hello!!<33 i feel that writing anything with sirius would be easier for me in almost every way, especially since that character has been my favorite since childhood, but i wanted to try something new and i was thrilled with the chance to do so! (it's a mess)
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
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As you stepped out into the gloomy, rain-soaked streets of Ketterdam, you could felt the weight of the city's bearing down upon you. It was a place where danger lurked around every corner, where crime and corruption were the norm, and where only the strongest and most cunning survived. The city's winding, labyrinthine streets were treacherous and difficult to navigate, with slimy cobblestones that seemed to shift and writhe beneath your feet. The stench of sewage and decay hanged heavy in the air, a reminder of the filth and squalor that permeated every inch of the city.
The people of Ketterdam were a rough and ragged bunch, with sharp tongues and even sharper knives. Every interaction was a potential threat, every stranger a possible enemy. It was a place where trust was hard to come by, and betrayal was always just a heartbeat away. And yet, despite all of this, you couldn't help but feel drawn to the city. It was the only place where you've ever felt truly at home, where you could be yourself without fear of judgment or rejection. It was a feeling that both comforted and terrified you, and you knew that you'll never be able to escape it, no matter how hard you try.
You hated Ketterdam with a passion, yet you found yourself unable to imagine living anywhere else. Maybe it was because you hated yourself too, the mere thought of being ordinary filled you with a deep-seated loathing. You had no talents, no skills that could make others look at you with admiration, and to make matters worse, you weren't your parents' favorite child either. That distinction belonged to your older sister, the Grisha who had always been showered with adoration and affection, even when she was away in the Little Palace, thousands of miles from home.
Your parents had always compared you to her, highlighting your shortcomings and making you feel like a disappointment. Even when she was gone, they treated you worse than they ever had before, as if you brought them shame just by existing.
Yet, in Ketterdam, your ordinariness was a blessing. As a member of a gang of thieves, you were the perfect fit. Your lack of beauty and grace made you unremarkable, allowing you to blend into the shadows and avoid attention. You moved with ease through the convoluted streets of the city, navigating its twists and turns, always keeping your wits about you. Of course, there were a times of doubts, where you couldn't help but think that perhaps being strikingly beautiful would be an asset to your profession, especially when robbing wealthy merchants who came to Ketterdam seeking to indulge in its illicit pleasures. But even then, you knew that such a gift would come with its own set of complications, and in Ketterdam, complications were the last thing you needed.
You pulled the hood of your dark cloak over your head, lowering it slightly to obscure your face. You didn't want to be recognized by anyone, but at the same time, you needed to keep an eye on your surroundings and react quickly if needed.
You hastily tucked your frozen hands into the pockets of your coat and quickened your step as you saw two men who were part of the Dime Lions. Your heart skipped a beat as you recognized them. Lately, you had been avoiding these people more than usual, ever since you got into an unnecessary street fight with several members of the gang. They had made it clear that they weren't happy with you, and you knew that they wouldn't hesitate to attack you if given the chance.
But it wasn't just the Dime Lions that you were avoiding. Some people in Ketterdam knew about things they shouldn’t. It was no secret that rumors spread like wildfire in this city, and often found their way into the hands of those who would use them for their own gain. But in a world full of terrible people, you had to be worse.
You walked with no clear destination in mind, driven by the need to distance yourself as much as possible from the Crow Club. It was only moments ago that you had found yourself in a heated argument with the one person who mattered the most to you. His stubborn pride had come between you once again, making you curse his name to the heavens above.
The tension in the hallway was thick enough to cut with a knife as you and Kaz stood facing each other, both seething with frustration. His eyes glinted in the dim light, anger etched deep into the lines of his face. What had started as a minor disagreement had quickly escalated into a full-blown argument, fueled by the unspoken feelings that both tried to hide.
“You don't understand, Y/N,” Kaz growled, his voice low and scratchy. “You never do. You're always off on your own, thinking you know what's best for everyone. You can't keep taking unnecessary risks. It's not just your life on the line.”
“I know that,” you snapped back, your eyes flashing with anger. “But we can’t just sit back and do nothing. We need to take action if we want to survive.”
“Of course we need to take action,” Kaz shot back, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I'm not saying we should do nothing. But we need to be smart about it. We can't rush in blindly. That's why I'm in charge. I know what I'm doing.”
You rolled your eyes, exasperated. “Sometimes being smart means taking risks. That's how we get ahead.”
A heavy silence hung in the air between you, filled only by the sound of your breathing and the rustle of your clothes. Kaz's gaze bore into you with an intensity that made your skin crawl.
His jaw tightened, and he spoke through gritted teeth. “Fine,” he said, his voice icy. “Do whatever you want. But don't expect me to follow you blindly into danger.”
You took a step closer to Kaz, your eyes blazing. “I don't need you to follow me, Kaz. I can take care of myself.”
His eyes narrowed, and he took a step back, his hand on his cane for support. “Then go ahead and do that. But please, leave before I lose myself to madness and beg you to stay.”
Your chest tightened with hope as Kaz's words registered in your mind. Could it be that he actually wanted you to stay? But your hopes were dashed as you saw him turn his back and begin walking away. The urge to call out to him, to make him admit his feelings, consumed you, but you knew it was pointless. Kaz Brekker was not one to bare his soul.
With a frustrated growl, you clenched your fists so tightly that your nails dug painfully into your palms. Without another word, you turned and stormed down the stairs. Ignoring Jesper's questioning gaze and Wylan's confused expression, you burst out into the rain-soaked streets of the Barrel, letting the cool droplets wash away your anger and frustration.
Your mind was a chaotic mess of emotions as you walked, all directed towards the one man who had the power to make you feel so much. Kaz's words echoed in your head, spoken in his rough voice, which usually sounded like the most beautiful melody to your ears, but now it was a curse that tormented you and did not allow you to find peace.
“I don't need you, Kaz. You're the last person I want,” you muttered under your breath, and as if fate was playing a game, you bumped into the very person with whom the whole argument began. What a coincidence.
You lifted your gaze, and your eyes met with the one who infamously called himself Ketterdam's most dangerous person. Although he didn't know you, you were familiar with him well enough to know that he would want to have you with him despite your undistinguished appearance and lack of special skills.
In a rush of panic, you lowered your head, feigning humility to mask your face. “I apologize, sir,” you began, trying to hide the hint of fear you could sense in your voice. “I should be more careful.”
The man smirked, his eyes scanning over your form. “It's no problem, sweetheart,” he said, his voice oozing with arrogance and entitlement. “But you should watch where you're going. It's not safe to be wandering around these parts alone.” His hand brushed against your arm, sending shivers down your spine.
You flinched at the touch, trying to pull away from him, but then he grabbed you. You knew what type of man he was, and the last thing you wanted was to be alone with him in a dark alley. You tried to think of an excuse to leave, but before you could say anything, the gravelly rasp of a familiar voice interrupted.
“Is there a problem here, gentlemen?” Kaz's voice was calm and controlled, but there was an underlying threat that made the man release his grip on you and take a step back.
“None at all,” the man replied smoothly.
Kaz stepped closer, his eyes narrowing. “I suggest you leave the lady alone then.”
The man scoffed. “I suggest you mind your own business, boy.”
Kaz's hand, covered with a leather glove, tightened on the crow's head ornamenting his cane. “I'll make it my business if I see someone harassing a woman in my city.”
The man sneered, clearly not intimidated by Kaz's threat. “Your city?” he asked with a hint of derision, studying Kaz more thoughtfully. Suddenly, as if he had just connected the dots, he added, “Last time I checked, it was still called Ketterdam, not Dirtyhands's kingdom.”
Kaz's expression didn't change, but you could sense the tension in the air. “Believe what you want, but if you don't leave now, I'll make sure you regret it.”
The man seemed to consider his options for a moment before finally releasing a grunt of annoyance and walking away, oblivious to the inevitable fate that awaited him regardless of his decision. Death was the only possible outcome and the only variable was who would carry out the execution.
Finally, the man was out of sight, and you released a breath you didn't even realize you were holding. Kaz turned to you, and you met his gaze with a mixture of gratitude and anger. Despite feeling indebted to him for his intervention, you couldn't help but feel frustrated by his interference. “I didn't need your help,” you said, trying to sound confident.
Kaz raised an eyebrow. “It sure looked like you did.”
You glared at him, feeling embarrassed and exposed. He had seen you in a moment of vulnerability, and you hated yourself for it. “I could have handled it,” you insisted, although you knew it was a lie. You couldn't have handled the situation on your own. You were a skilled thief, but you lacked the physical strength to overpower a man twice your size. You were not armed with revolvers, nor did you possess the abilities of a Corpsewitch. You were just an average person, with quick fingers and the ability to pick locks, nothing more.
“How did you know where to find me?” you added.
“Did you think I wouldn't follow you? I had a feeling you'd get yourself into trouble, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon.”
You rolled your eyes, but a small part of you was grateful that Kaz had your back. “And what about-”
“Inej will take care of him,” he said, cutting you off, signaling that he didn't want to discuss the matter any further. “Let's head back to the Slat. You're soaked.”
Kaz started walking away, disappearing into a dark alley without waiting for you. You sighed and followed him, feeling the dampness of your clothes sticking to your skin.
The walk back to the Slat was silent, with only the sound of raindrops hitting the cobblestones to fill the air. As you entered the place, you immediately noticed the curious looks of your crewmates. Jesper was there, even though he usually preferred gambling at the Crows Cub and Matthias stood at the top of the stairs, watching you with his arms crossed. It seemed like everyone was waiting for you to return, and you couldn't help but feel uneasy.
Ignoring the greetings, Kaz announced, “You'll never guess who Y/N met.” The room fell silent, and Kaz removed his hat as if to emphasize his point. “Antoon Beudeker.”
A hum of surprised sounds ran through the room, and all eyes turned to you. You felt uncomfortable being the center of attention. You had been trying to track down Beudeker for weeks, but he always managed to slip away from you, as if someone in the Dregs was tipping him off about your plans.
Nina spoke up, breaking the silence. “What do you mean by that?”
Kaz looked at you, not bothering to hide his annoyance. “A talent for stealing isn't Y/N's only skill. As you can see, the talent for trouble far outweighs it.”
You shifted uncomfortably under Kaz's gaze, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. You knew you had made a mistake by bumping into Beudeker, but it wasn't even your fault. All you wanted was to cut yourself off after the argument with Kaz, and now he was the one who was right again.
Wylan's voice carried through the quiet room, breaking the tension. “What are we do with him now?” he asked, but no one answered, assuming that it was up to their missing Wraith to handle the situation.
Jesper's frustration boiled over, and he jumped up from his seat. “It's not fair!” he exclaimed, pointing his revolver at the wall. “I was the one who wanted to put a bullet between his eyes.”
Matthias stepped forward, before anyone reacted to sharpshooter's words, his expression serious. “We need to figure out who's been leaking our plans to Antoon. This could be dangerous for all of us.”
“I agree,” Nina added. “We need to find out who's been betraying us and deal with them.”
Wylan's voice piped up, “What if we set a trap?”
Kaz nodded, considering the idea.
“We could feed different information to each member of the Dregs and see which version gets back to someone who will claim to be Beudeker now. That way, we'll know who we can trust and who we can't,” you suggested.
Nina grinned. “I like it. And if we catch the traitor, we can make an example out of them.”
Jesper's eyes gleamed with anticipation. “I'll provide the entertainment.”
Matthias shook his head. “No, Jesper. We can't take the law into our own hands. We'll handle the traitor according to our own rules, but we won't kill them.”
Jesper shrugged, disappointed but not arguing. “But killing is our rule, Helvar.”
Matthias's expression darkened, but before he could reply, Kaz spoke up. “That's enough. We're not discussing this any further. We need to focus on finding the leak first, not arguing about how to deal with them.”
Jesper and Matthias both looked at Kaz, but neither of them said anything. The silence in the room was heavy with tension, and you could sense the frustration emanating from Jesper and the anger radiating from Matthias. Kaz's tone had effectively shut down the conversation, but you knew that it was far from over.
“We'll start investigating tomorrow,” Kaz's voice filled the room again. “For now, let's all get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us.”
As Kaz's words faded away, the tension in the room dissipated, and everyone began to go their separate ways. You hesitated, still reeling from the events of the evening, unsure of what to do next.
Sensing your unease, Kaz approached you, his expression serious but not unkind. “I know this is a lot to take in,” he said, his voice low. “But we have a job to do, and we can't afford to let our emotions cloud our judgment. I need you to be focused tomorrow, do you understand?”
You nodded, feeling a bit guilty for today’s argument. “Yes. I'll be ready,” you replied, determined to not let him down.
Kaz gave you a small nod of approval before turning to leave. You watched him go, listening to the rhythmic tapping of his cane on the panels. The weight of his words settling on your shoulders. It was true that you couldn't afford to let your emotions get in the way of the investigation, but it was easier said than done. The events of the evening had shaken you to your core, and you weren't sure if you could push them aside so easily. Life in Ketterdam has been hard, but never before has such danger reached you directly.
With a heavy sigh, you made your way back to your room, hoping that a good night's rest would help clear your mind.
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You were surprised to find the Antoon's spy so easily, feeling foolish for not discovering it sooner. Despite the setback, the mood in the Crow Club remained peaceful as the days passed. The seventh of you sat together, planning your next move and gossiping about Ketterdam's richest people. Kaz seemed more relaxed than usual, and even Jesper and Matthias were on their best behavior, seemingly content to simply enjoy the moment of peace.
As the night wore on and the group's conversation continued to flow, you couldn't help but notice Kaz's eyes on you. You caught his gaze a few times, and each time you felt a jolt of electricity run through you. It was a feeling you had been trying to ignore for a while now, but it was becoming increasingly difficult with each passing day.
As you turned to look at Jesper, who was recounting a funny story, you noticed Kaz's expression change slightly. It was a subtle shift, but you could tell he was suddenly distant, lost in thought.
After a few minutes, Kaz stood up and motioned for you to follow him. You looked around at the others, confused, but they simply shrugged and continued their conversation. You followed Kaz up the dimly lit hallway to his office.
Once inside, Kaz closed the door and motioned for you to take a seat. You sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk, feeling a bit nervous. Kaz took a seat opposite you, resting his cane on the desk, right next to the chair and leaned forward, his elbows on his desk.
His expression was serious, but not unkind. “I wanted to talk to you about something,” he began, his voice low. “I've noticed that things between us have been a bit... different lately.”
You shifted in your seat, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “Different how?” you asked, not sure if you really wanted to know the answer.
Kaz leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “I think you know what I mean,” he replied, his gaze fixed on yours.
Your heart skipped a beat as you realized what he was talking about. “Kaz, I...” you began, but he cut you off with a wave of his hand.
“I just wanted you to know that I'm aware of the situation,” he said, his tone even, then he paused for a moment. “You know, Y/N. I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to care for someone. To really care for someone,” he looked directly at you, his eyes intense, emphasizing the weight of his words. “And I've come to the conclusion that there's no one I care for more than you.”
You were completely taken aback by Kaz's words. You had never heard him express his feelings so openly before. Your heart raced as you searched his face for any sign of insincerity, but you found none. You were overcome with a mixture of shock, disbelief, and joy.
His heart sank as he watched you gaze at Jesper with a look of admiration and affection earlier, even if you two were just friends. It was then that he realized how deeply in love with you he truly was. He had been trying to ignore his feelings for you for so long, but seeing you look at someone else with such tenderness was too much to bear.
Kaz carefully chose his words, wanting to express his feelings without being too direct. “I've been thinking about our friendship,” he said, his voice low and serious. “I value our bond more than anything else in the world, and I want to make sure that nothing ever comes between us.”
“Why are you bringing this up now?” you asked genuinely confused by Kaz's sudden openness.
He shifted in his seat, looking almost uncomfortable, “Well, I just wanted to make sure that you know how much you mean to me,” Kaz said, his eyes meeting yours. “There's no one else I trust or care for more than you, Y/N.”
You could feel the weight of his words, the sincerity and depth of emotion behind them. You knew that he was a man of few words, and when he spoke, it was always with a purpose. It was hard to reconcile this Kaz with the cold and distant one you had grown accustomed to over the years.
You couldn't help but feel that there was an underlying message in Kaz's words, something that he wasn't explicitly stating. Your intuition was telling you that there was more to the story than what he had let on. You couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was amiss.
“Kaz,” you began, your voice hesitant. “Is there something else you want to tell me? Something that you're not saying?”
Kaz's expression remained neutral, but you could sense a hint of discomfort in his demeanor. You knew that he wasn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve, so you weren't surprised that he was hesitant to open up to you completely.
“I've said what I needed to say,” Kaz replied, his voice flat. “There's nothing more to it.”
His reply felt like a dead end, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. You knew that he was a complex person, with layers that even you couldn't fully comprehend, but you couldn't shake off the sense that he was still holding something back. Nonetheless, you tried to put on a brave face and show your gratitude for his honesty.
“Okay,” you said, rising from your seat. “I appreciate you telling me how you feel. Our friendship means the world to me too, Kaz.” You couldn't help but wonder what his true intentions were, but you knew that you needed to be patient and let him come to you when he was ready.
413 notes ¡ View notes
sugarpasteltmnt ¡ 7 months
i am currently catching up on neon void, and it is a delight to read. your descriptions of leo’s mind is mesmerizing and grabs the reader’s attention so well. it’s very diverse and unique compared to other interpretations and fics♥️
i’m curious to know what your thinking process was like while writing leo’s insanity and his own thought processes.
(spoilers for ch11) the scene that stuck out to me the most was when leo was about to infect donnie. it felt so vulnerable and raw ahh
anyways i just want to dig into your mind a little to know how it works.
keep up the great work, you are doing wonderful.
WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭 you are so sweet thank you!! 💙💗‼️and ohmigosh what a fun ask.
tbh i sat on this one for a while to think of how to dive into it-- beware of my (VERY) long ramblings below!
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this question really got me Thinkin' and i kinda popped off but!! If i may indulge myself, here's sort of a wild explanation of how i approach Leo's Insane Brain for this specific fic:
does it meet R.I.S.E???
R - Realistic? I - Interesting? S - Silly? E - Existential?
R - Realistic
"How the hell do i make this sound realistic" is often an obstacle i run into. but it's also the Secret Sauce. What really gives the thought process direction. Given Leo's current situation, he's battling between what he wants and what he needs to do. Which is often a very real problem real people have. Exaggerating it helps create a fun back-and-forth dialog that can make his thoughts seem muddled.
With Leo in this fic’s setup, there are about five main key factors i rely on with his decision making:
Happiness The root of Leo’s general personification. He’s the guy who beat Krang One. The one who escaped a place worse than Hell. After years of missing home so much he’s FINALLY home. He’s drunk on happiness. He was finally home. And that relief and joy is what makes him so jubilant and goofy.
Awareness of his goal Though Rise Leo is a very funny dude, he's still a Leonardo. Throughout the series, Leo is the voice of reason when things are getting out of hand or are potentially dangerous. Leo's had nothing but time to think. Wishing what he'd done different. Wishing he had been more serious. After five years obsessing over his mistake and missing his family, the moment he see's the opportunity to make sure this never happens again he'll latch onto it. And when the stakes are high, accentuating that tension can help with frantic impact of his thinking.
His desire to see his family This desire often clashes with point number 2. Writing his internal struggle between the two helps with the “overwhelmed thoughts” vibe. It’s hard for him to choose! And he doesn’t wanna have to choose! Playing out the conflict between his 'want' vs his 'need to do' helps me bring out his nervous thinking process.
He's self-reprimanding thoughts We all love an Angsty Leo. It was hinted in the show that he had some self-esteem issues, but who doesn't love ramping it up to 11 for a fic??? That, and he was trapped with Krang this whole time. After hearing he was nothing but trash for five years PLUS the guilt of nearly ending the world, the guy doesn't exactly see himself in a great light you know? This can help clash with point 1, again helping with that 'what he wants' vs 'what he needs to do' inner conflict.
Instinct to Survive / Feral Tendencies This one is super fun. I love feral AUs/tropes. With little to no socialization in the Prison Dimension, Leo's sanity started to slip, leaving his body's natural instincts to become more profound. Plus, with the Krang Parasite, I like to exaggerate how feral/dangerous he could be outside of 'turtle' instincts. (Seeing that parasite hosts in the movie were very violent). Sprinkling in feral moments is just a delicious thrill I love adding, and it makes the insanity factor skyrocket and it's so fun to write 🩵🩵🩵
I - Interesting
Is Leo's thought process interesting to read??? Honestly, I just gun for what I think is the most interesting; Leo's relationship with his brothers (especially Raph), and the cause and effects of his shenanigans.
Also, I liked to experiment with wonky texts to help emphasize key moments or words to grab attention. Mostly because it feels like a fun surprise to read them in my opinion. Though not necessary in writing, I thought using some funky fonts might entice and excite 💙
S- Silly
THE BIG ONE!!! EVERYONE'S FAVORITE!!! 🎉🎊🥳🎉 Something I really love love love about Rise's style is that it's silly It's unique! It's fun! I love that Leo and the others are goofy and have some slap-stick moments. And I wanted to keep that with Leo despite everything. Plus, I ADORE that in this iteration of TMNT, the characters are such showmen. They are DRAMATIC. They are SILLY. And that's something I wanna celebrate!! Plus, as much as I love angst, writing nothing but pure angst is exhausting. (And I'm sure reading pure angst isn't enjoyably to everyone.) Throwing in Silly moments is like a little moment of refreshment to me 🩵
I also like to believe that Leo kept his sense of humor out of sheer SPITE. The 'wipe that stupid grin off your face' line in the movie really stuck with me. I feel like Leo would smile through his fear and still be a clown just to spite Krang One.
E - Existential
At the end of the day, Leo is dealing with a VERY big issue. I felt like the Rise movie did an excellent job portraying the severity of an alien invasion for the setting Rise had. And the weight of the situation would be too great for one person. And this is often what I refer back to to make Leo snap. A relapse in clarity of mind. A moment for the panic and PTSD to come back in full force and make him rely on his instincts. Usually the feral instincts he became more attuned with while fleeing/fighting Krang One. It also goes hand-in-hand with his awareness of his goal (as mentioned in 'Realistic' above).
And that's kinda a word-vomit of how it goes!! Honestly??? The tug-o-war between conflicting thoughts helps me write the madness in his head. It's been super fun and interesting, and I hope it's been fun to read!!! (Though I'm telling you now I will NOT be doing those floating text tables again OOF)
Thank you again for the ask it was super fun to think about ;w; 🩵‼️
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restinslices ¡ 5 months
hiii hope you're having a good day<3
i wanted ask for some Lin Kuei trio angst? like between the brothers? you can choose how to with the plot, im just really craving angst rn and would love if you could write it IF you're okay with it of course. thank you! (love your writing btw it's heavenly 😭🙏🏻)
I made a post a hot minute ago that was “LKBS X Enemy Reader MK1 Intros” and the plot was that the reader betrayed them and killed the other two brothers. So when you asked for angst, my initial thought was “huh… how would they react to their deaths?”. The reader is still like the Dimitrescu sisters because I’m unoriginal.
Doing Bi-Han this time around BUT if you'd like me to do this from Kuai Liang and/or Tomas’ POV (different scenario. Whoever's POV it's from is the one watching the others die) feel free to ask. Word count is 2964
Also we back in the gif era.
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If you were to ask Bi-Han what the most powerful drug was, he'd say it was regret. 
“Regret isn't a drug” one would say. “You're wrong” is what he would say back. 
Regret was just as strong as any street drug, maybe even stronger. You only needed a whiff of regret, before it consumed your whole life and you started to regret small things that didn't even matter. Regret took a hold of someone and choked them until the air was forcefully pounded out of their lungs and until their skin turned cold. That's how Bi-Han felt at least. Like he couldn't breathe. Like his skin was colder than usual. Like he walked through his days but never actually lived. Like he was a dead man walking. 
The ice dagger cut into Kuai Liang’s skin so deep, it created a scar that ran up his face and over his eye. 
A warning. 
That's all Bi-Han wanted it to be. 
Kuai Liang couldn't possibly understand the stress Bi-Han was under as the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, nor could Tomas, and Bi-Han wouldn't wish such a fate on either of them even if he could. Only Bi-Han knew how it felt to be the leader of the most powerful clan, yet being forced to remain idle. The Lin Kuei were meant for more than this, how was it that Bi-Han was the only one that saw this?!
“End this brother!”, he commanded. “Embrace the future!”. His word was supposed to be law! He wanted Kuai Liang to end this meaningless fight and stand by his side like he always did. 
Kuai Liang stayed defiant and refused. Fine. Kuai Liang was just in shock. Bi-Han would defeat him and Tomas in combat, and when they awoke they'd listen to him and this entire fight could be forgotten. Just a quarrel between brothers. 
Bi-Han felt something on his shoulder and swatted at it. 
Just a fly. Whatever. 
Then there was another. And another. And soon, before Kuai Liang and Bi-Han could even begin their fight, a wave of flies flew towards them and knocked all three of them off of their feet. 
Bi-Han tried to gather himself when suddenly he felt the tug of someone pulling him up to his feet. Soft familiar hands that he held almost daily, and slid a ring upon years ago. He knew of your… condition. He just didn't know you had been following him. 
“To your feet Bi-Han” you chastised, which was unusual to hear from your lips, which usually spoke words in a soft and loving tone, even to your enemies. “I didn't knock you down as hard as I did them”. 
Your fingers caressed his arm as your lips slowly went up his neck and to his ear. Under any other circumstance, he would've took you right then and there, but none of it felt right. Besides it clearly being a terrible time to think about sex, something in his gut told him that something was wrong. 
He ignored it and that became one of his many regrets. 
“Well done Bi-Han” you spoke quietly into his ear. “Now kill them”. 
What? He must've heard wrong or maybe that was one of his own intrusive thoughts. Surely you wouldn't say something like that. Your relationship to his brothers was so strong, sometimes he shamefully became jealous. They say when you marry someone, you also marry into the family and you seemed to take that to heart. You wouldn't say kill them. He just hit his head too hard. 
“What?” he asked, hoping you'd say something like “I didn't say anything. Are you ok?”, but you didn't. 
“Kill them” you repeated. 
Now he knew he wasn't making this up. He turned to face you and pushed you away from him, and based on how your face bunched up for a second, you weren't pleased. 
“They hit their heads hard Bi-Han. They'll wake soon but for now, they're out. Kill them and end this. Do you think Kuai Liang would've spared your life?”. 
Kuai Liang could've killed him inside, but instead he just knocked him down and even now, Bi-Han had no doubt in his heart that although he was angry, he wouldn't kill him. Bi-Han didn't want to kill Kuai Liang either. He could've stabbed his brother in a vital place but no. He just gave him a scar. Maybe they were both fools trying to hold onto hope for the other. If that was the case, Bi-Han would gladly become a Queen's jester to show how much of a fool he was if it meant holding onto him. And although he wasn't the fondest of Tomas, he was still a good ally (even if he wouldn't say it out loud). 
“I'll imprison them until they come to their senses. I won't kill my brothers”
You scoffed, “you call Tomas your brother when he's passed out and can't hear you?”. He didn't understand your annoyance at the time. In his gut, something was screaming at him “take them out! This was all a trick and you fell for it! Redeem your name and take them out!”.  But that couldn't be true. You, the love of his life, couldn't be some master manipulator that planned for this. 
Bi-Han looked back everyday and wondered why he couldn't just listen to his gut. 
Your fingers no longer felt soft as they touched his face. They just felt cold. 
“My love” you said in your typical soft tone, “imprisonment won't work on them. You are the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and these two are traitors. They'll escape your prison and they'll make it their mission to take you down. You don't want that”. 
You were right. He didn't want that. 
But he didn't wanna kill them either. 
He looked over at their bodies, still laid on the hard ground and he hoped that something inside him would spark and killing them could suddenly feel easy. 
It never did though and you seemed to sense it. 
You made him look at you and even though he desperately wanted to feel comforted by you, your eyes seemed so distant and loveless. A flick had switched and he had no idea how or why. 
“You don't need them. Tomas is a false Lin Kuei, taken in due to pity. Kuai Liang can't face the truth about your father. Neither of them will ever understand you like I do. You only need me and your clan. Together… together we can be unstoppable. You just have to do this final thing”. 
He looked back over at them. 
“Do it Bi-Han” he coached himself, “Just do it. You let your father die. Why is this any different?”
His father was a grown man too far gone to see vision. Tomas and Kuai Liang just needed to listen to reason. 
“No” he said firmly.
The anger that he saw flash earlier set on your face, and this time you didn't feel the need to fix your expression. 
He could see that infuriated you. 
“I've grown somewhat attached to you, so for your sake…” he could hear movement behind him, “I'll make it quick”. 
Bi-Han realized what was happening all too late. 
Your body broke down into thousands of flies and knocked Bi-Han onto his back. He looked over just in time to see Tomas just getting to his feet when your flies flew into his body, going straight through his chest and bringing him into the air as screams of agony filled the space. Just as quickly as it began, it ended and Tomas’ body fell down onto the concrete, his bones audibly cracking. 
The two brothers jumped to their feet and stood back to back. Bi-Han could practically hear his own heartbeat in his ears, but besides that he heard his brother's attempts to slow his own breathing. As his older brother he wanted to tell him it'd all be ok, even if his own heart was racing. 
“I didn't want this!” he said to both you and his brother. He wasn't sure if they'd make it, and if they didn't, he didn't want them to die with this false idea that he planned this all. 
You didn't care. 
Flies swarmed around him and Kuai Liang, the force of it ripping pieces of their skin and buzzing filling his ears. The two used their powers at the same time, Bi-Han freezing the flies on his side and Kuai Liang burning his. 
The buzzing stopped finally. 
His heart continued thumping hard in his chest and his injuries started to burn, making him wince. 
“You knew nothing of this?” Kuai Liang asked after some time had passed. They both had been standing there in silence, trying to avoid talking about the obvious and looking at the corpse. 
“No” he answered as he finally looked at his younger brother. “I didn't know this would happen”
“How didn't you know? What did you think would happen?” Kuai Liang said accusatorially. What did he think would happen? Anything but that. 
“I thought you'd listen to reason! The Lin Kuei have been idle for too long and waiting at Liu Kang's feet like dogs!” 
Kuai Liang went to say something but he was interrupted by something Bi-Han couldn't see. His hand gripped at his chest and his breathing became heavier. 
“Kuai Liang?” Bi-Han asked, his voice filled with worry. Kuai Liang started to look sick and he couldn't figure out why. 
Then Bi-Han saw something that continued to haunt his nightmares. An imagine he saw whenever he closed his eyes. What he imagined he'd see if he was put in his own personal hell. 
He heard the buzzing again and Kuai Liang’s blood splattered all over him as you burst from his body. 
You tsked. “Those pesky cuts”, a fly flew out one of Bi-Han’s cuts and found its way to your body, blending in with your skin. “Anything can get in them”. 
You looked so pleased and satisfied, like you hadn't done something absolutely horrific. Why?! Why would you do that?! How could you do something so monstrous?! Bi-Han was no saint, but what you did to Kuai Liang and Tomas… it was torture. 
“Don’t look at me like that Bi-Han. You were just too easy” he wasn't sure if your voice was full of sympathy or pity. There's a difference but it hardly mattered. “I'll be in touch”. 
He wanted to kill you. He wanted to rip you apart slowly and have your screams fill his ears, and for your blood to soak his hands, but you were gone just as fast as you were there. 
His younger brother's blood stuck to him and soaked through his uniform when he dropped to his knees. He wanted to grab at Kuai Liang and shake him awake, like he was just napping, but there was nothing to grab. There were only bits and pieces of flesh and organs that he couldn’t quite place sprawled out across the ground. 
“Gēgē! Look what I found!” Kuai Liang called as he ran towards Bi-Han with his hands cupped like he was holding water. Bi-Han finally saw what got his younger brother so excited when he got close enough; a little ladybug. 
“I told him to leave it alone” Tomas said in a huff. They were children and there was a good chance Tomas and Kuai Liang were playing around before the ladybug was spotted. That, or Kuai Liang made Tomas chase him for a bit before he ran to Bi-Han. 
“Ladybugs are good luck, right? Maybe it'll grant us a wish!”. Kuai Liang was so small, with cheeks plump and red and a smile wide and full of mischief. Kuai Liang calmed down when he got older, but as a child, he was always in something he shouldn't have been. His long hair was dirty more days than it wasn't. Proof of how hard he played during the day. He was banned from ever wearing the color white because of how dirty he got. 
“A ladybug can't grant you a wish” Bi-Han said dismissively. He was the exact opposite of his brother, and tired quickly. Tomas with all his bottled up energy (even if a lot of it was nervous energy) could keep up with him just fine. 
The wind blew and it must've carried a few critters, because a fly landed on Bi-Han’s shoulder. He swatted at it and Kuai Liang snickered, 
“I like my ladybug way more than your fly”
“Yeah?” The older boy asked with a raised brow. He grabbed the dead fly and without warning, he ran towards the two. To all their credit, the two were extremely fast and managed to stay together and on their feet. If Tomas hadn't looked behind him, and if there hadn't been an exposed tree root, he wouldn't have fell down. 
Tomas sniffed and Bi-Han knew he had to start doing his older brother duties. 
“Let me see” he tossed the fly to the side and knelt in front of Tomas. The boy turned, revealing two knees covered in cuts and blood and when Bi-Han looked at his face, his eyes were red but he did not cry. That was typical for Tomas. He always tried to act tougher than he was. 
“I didn't fall because I had my ladybug! See!”. Bi-Han rolled his eyes and took Tomas into his arms, 
“Yeah I see”. 
Tomas grumbled the entire time. Whatever pain he felt in his knees was nothing compared to the pain he felt to his pride. His grumbling only stopped after Bi-Han and Kuai Liang’s mother patched up his knees, but it seemed that now it was the oldest boy's turn to grumble. 
“Bi-Han” her voice reminded him of how beautiful pouring honey looked. She sat beside him on the floor and move strands of his hair out of his face. “You're slouching”. 
He fixed his posture and apologized quietly, instead of his typical response “no I'm not!”. 
Her fingers delicately touched his chin and moved his face to look at her, “what's wrong my sweet boy?”. 
“It's stupid”
“Nonsense. Whatever you feel is valid”. 
He looked over at his brothers, the ladybug incident long behind them based on their laughs. Tomas was laying on the couch with his knees still bandaged while Kuai Liang did an overdramatic replay of his fall. 
“I could've stopped him from falling. I should have”. 
“Kids fall all the time Bi-Han. It's ok”
“But I caused his fall. If I hadn't been chasing them with that stupid fly, no one would've been hurt. You and father tell me to be responsible as the oldest and as the soon to be Grandmaster, but that wasn't responsible at all”. Bi-Han debated how good of a Grandmaster he'd be everyday. It wasn't a small thing like “hey here's the car!”. He'd be in charge of a group of people. The clan's flaws would reveal his flaws, they'd look to him for guidance, he'd have to have this strong persona all the time and could never complain. Sure, he didn't agree with everything his father did, but he carried the weight effortlessly. He wasn't sure how he'd do that. 
“You're an interesting person Bi-Han. One moment you're upset about Tomas joining us, and the next you're caring about his injuries”. He knew she was trying to joke, but he wasn't in a laughing mood, so he didn't respond. 
“My sweet boy”, her hand caressed his face, “a good Grandmaster can try and prevent falls as much as he likes. A great Grandmaster knows how to be there for his people when those falls happen. Don't sulk. Join your brothers and laugh with them”. 
“What if I mess up in the future? Badly?”. A sympathetic smile spread across her face. 
“Everyone messes up. But there's nothing you can do that can't be fixed. As long as you're with your brothers, someone will always be there to pick one of you up when you fall. Just stay close to each other”. 
Laughter erupted from where his brothers were, and he looked back over at them. 
“You looked just like that when you fell!” Kuai Liang waved Bi-Han over, “come on gēgē!”. 
Regret is a sickening drug that clings to you like glue. The force of it squeezes you until the air is knocked out of your lungs and until you fall limp in its clutches. Bi-Han isn't sure how long he stayed knelt on the ground and covered in blood, but it was long enough for him to be found by Liu Kang and thrown into imprisonment. 
And as he sat there in his makeshift cell, out the corner of his eye he saw a ladybug crawling through the cracks. He couldn't help but let out a laugh. The laugh was joyless and full of nothing but sorrow. It was one of those laughs that quickly turned into tears and small sobs. The kind of laugh you let out when you lost everything and when you felt like a fool. 
The war for timelines raged on around him, yet somehow through the noise he heard the familiar buzz of flies approaching. 
He hoped that this timeline was destroyed and that somehow he was reunited with his family and they found it in their hearts to forgive him. 
He hoped in the other timelines he made better choices and either got his goal without bloodshed, or completely abandoned it. Anything but what happened. 
Such a pity hope was as useless as pouring water into a river. 
Such a pity he’d live with his regret for years to come.
Lowkey I didn’t have to add the reader betrayal part and it could’ve focused on the actual kanon but dead brothers is fun so ya know-
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raven-at-the-writing-desk ¡ 11 months
Heeey Raven! Just for the Sillies and funsies, did you when you first started the game had a difficult time pronouncing some of the names in the game? :'D
I first started the game in late 2022, so i joined the fandom a bit late, but let me tell you, i had a hard time pronouncing some of the dorm names! Like some of the dorm names that I had a difficult time pronouncing were Pomefiore, Heartslabuyl, Diasomnia, and ESPECIALLY ignihyde and i'm going to be honest i still have problems pronouncing some the dorm names once in a while! 💀
Like i pronounce Pomefiore "Pom-fi-or" (Weirdly enough at the beginning, i pronounced Pomefiore automatically with an "r" as in "Porm-fi-or.) Another example would be with Octavinelle my brain keeps thinking that it's "octovinelle" with an "o" instead of an "a" because i think of OCTOpus when i pronounce Octavinelle! I've also seen some fans pronouncing Octavinelle "oct-tine-ville" or "Octaville," which i think is really funny cuz no one can pronounce it! It's chaotic. 😂
Some goes for Mostro Lounge, i mentally added “n” to Mostro Lounge at the beginning of the game. I used to say Monstro Lounge until I realised that's wrong! 😭
then there's Heartslabuyl! dear fricking god! What a tongue twist! 😭 I used to pronounce and still do heartslabyul "heartzabyul." I don't know how accurate that is, but it's such a mouthful. 🫠
AND The ONE dorm i had the MOST trouble pronouncing was Ignihyde! 💀 and still can't do it right! Again, I've seen some fans pronouncing it "Ichigyde", "igh-knee-hide" or "Igunihaide".
Also, i keep reading Diasomnia as in Diasmonia, I don't know why, but it's automatically DiasMONIA in my head.
This all some weird Mandela effect! 💀
anyway i was actually going to mention some other funny things i misspelt or mistook something in the game when i first started, but this got so long that i'll just end it here and send another ask another day til then See ya! ✌🏻
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I've never really had an issue with the unique names that come up in TWST! Everyone's going to be biased to their own ways of pronouncing the words, but personally I find it helps to break things down into smaller bits. I think I didn't have trouble with the dorm names because of this. If you slow down and take your time with them, it's not so hard. For example, I guessed "Pomefiore" must be said as "Pom-eh-fee-or-ay" because "pomme" means apple in French and "fiore" means flower in Italian. Likewise, the "somn" in "Diasomnia" refers to "somnus" in Lain, which means sleep.
Some of the variations in pronunciation naturally occur because the way things are said in Japanese is different than in English. For example, "Ignihyde" is said "Igunihaide" in Japanese, whereas in conventional English is it said as "Igh-knee-hide". Some people will choose to say it the Japanese way, others will say it in the conventional English way, and some will do it another way entirely. (I also want to point out that some words just sound plain awkward to say in English due to differences in what is considered "normal" grammar and syntax from language to language. "Octavinelle" said out loud is such a mouthful in English because we usually don't see this combination of letters.)
I try to not get caught up on whether or not I'm saying the names of new terms (character names, dorm names, etc.) "correctly" or not, because there is sure to be differences anyway, whether between languages or between individual dialects. (I talk about that more in this post!)
P.S. The "Monstro"/"Mostro" Lounge confusion was probably the most common mistake! That comes from a lot of fans assuming that the lounge must be named "Monstro" after the whale in Pinocchio.
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escape-music1432 ¡ 2 years
Past Lives
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader
Soulmate AU: Heterochromatic Eyes
Idgaf if y’all complaint about me giving Ghost hazel eyes. Your stuck with it babes😚
Hopefully y’all like this cuz this took me days. DAYS. I can’t exaggerate that enough.
4k words.
Can you guess the song by the title???
I can’t write accents for the life of me. I’m sorry😭
Your tongue began to curl against your teeth as you swirled around the glass of wine, the bitter sweet taste and the warmth that filled your stomach only made your tongue dry for more. You hummed along to the music that played in the background, taking another gulp before being pressured into another. You were on your second glass and still found no end to the pounding thoughts in your mind.
It seemed all your friends had found their soulmates, and you were stuck in between never knowing and simply not caring. You hated the envious feeling when you would see them, it made you boil in anger and resentment from how it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was simple to know when you found your soulmate, but also difficult and you had yet to find them.
You looked into the reflection in your glass of wine, fighting the urge to chug the rest of it. The faint reflections showed the different eye colors you had, one being a dull unamused color and the other being sprouts of greens and browns. Whoever your soulmate was, they had such a unique eye color and yours most likely made them unhinged with how dull your eye color was. You sighed deeply, taking another big gulp of the dark red liquid. Feeling a chill run up your spine as you topped off the glass for the third time.
It was hard to describe how you felt about Soulmates. You didn’t want to love someone just because the universe wants you to be with them, having the choice was part of being human and not having that option in this world just made you annoyed. They could be a murderer, a self centered asshole, emotionless or possibly someone you couldn’t even speak too both through words or hand signs. But that mystery is something you wanted to solve, knowing they were going to be the love of your life.
“You’ll find that they are perfect in every way. That’s why they’re your soulmate.” That’s what your mom would tell you, over and over again, and you still didn’t seem to understand it. It’s hard to picture meeting someone for the first time and instantly clicking but you were so sure; Your mom and dad seemed deeply in love, and their story is just like every one on the planets.
“We ran into each other on a whim, it was like fate.” Surprisingly, that’s what your dad said to you, like it was so simple to understand. But you didn’t want that, you wanted to be able to choose if they were truly the one for you, and you’ve seen your mom and dad have their differences but that didn’t make them love each other less; no matter what they always made up, and you dreaded ever feeling something like that. You couldn’t commit to someone just for something to happen to them, and it’s harder when that happens. You’ve seen instances where the soulmate had passed on. It took years or even months when another color would swarm their grey eye like the universe could just simply conjure up someone else to be their so called “soulmate.” It just didn’t make sense to you, why would you have a soulmate when they could simply leave the earth and you’d have another the next day like the first one meant little to nothing.
“It’s not unusual but it is rare when something like that happens (y/n). It won’t happen to you.” Your grandma said it so lovingly after she lost her husband, then sits there with her “soulmate.” You hated every sickening second of weekends you’d spend for family gatherings, watching as your grandmother smiled and laughed like she hadn’t lost a part of herself, like the tears she’d cry when she thought no one was around would make it any easier to accept her new husband. It’s moments like those that truly made you fear your future love life.
“If soulmates never existed then maybe life wouldn’t be so bad.” You mumbled to yourself as you sipped the last of your glass, noticing the bottle was empty.
You’ve dreamt of a world where soulmates didn’t exist, a place where you had full control of who you choose to be with and that thought made you feel less lonely. A world like that is dangerous; it’s a world without a one true soulmate that most would never come close to meeting and that thought brought you back to square one again and again. Things like that would only occur to you in dreams, dreams that were vivid; so vivid in fact you swore they were real. Each time you dreamt of another place where it could be easier to find “The One” you’d find yourself right back here, in a bar in a City you had no business in living in besides “wanting to see the world.”
“Hey, can I get another bottle this one’s empty?” You placed the bottle on the counter, looking at the man that had been cleaning glasses and dusting off bottles. His blonde curls bounced as he hummed, the back of his hand cleared sweat from atop his forehead and he leaned against the counter exhausted from his late shift. Then he turned his attention toward you a lazy smile gracing his thin lips.
“I shouldn’t give you another bottle, you topped that off within the last hour (y/n).” Sean chuckled while you giggled at his words. Sean was the owner and a close friend of yours, you’ve known him since you graduated high school and he was one of the few friends you didn’t envy.
“We both know the bottle you gave me was technically empty. Come on, at least let me try that one on the shelf, it looks beautiful.” You looked from Sean’s dark brown eyes to the vibrant blue bottle and he had a glint of mischief, and for a moment you were startled by his usually calm composure shift into a shit eating grin like he had a plan. You knew that look and dreaded the outcome immediately.
“Well, (y/n), that’s my most expensive bottle. I’ll let you have a glass or two, free of charge, if you ask that guy over there for his number.” He tilted his head slightly to his left then moved his eyes behind you, and for a moment you were excited for the challenge. You turned your attention nonchalantly to glance behind you, and your smile immediately dropped at the booth of men behind you. Lucky for you they didn’t notice you staring, your gaze followed Sean’s eyes to the hooded man with his back turned to you. His shoulders were broad, and he surprisingly towered over most of his friends in height and bulk. You couldn’t deny that his friends were just as muscular and finely crafted by gods, and the way some of their eye colors matched meant they had met their soulmates. Lucky soulmates they had.
“Him? The big guy in the hood?” You turned back to face Sean who had the shittiest smirk on his face as he nodded his head. You froze for a moment, suddenly the realization hit you like a truck, this was someone who quite possibly had found their soulmate and you were gonna stomp up to them and start a shit show.
“Wait! What if he met his soulmate?!” You leaned forward whisper screaming to Sean, even though the bustling of the bar could easily drown your voice out. Surprisingly he had heard you through the noise and hummed,
“Don’t worry, they haven’t met em yet. I checked, your welcome by the way, but be warned he is very intimidating.” Sean smiled slyly like it was so obvious, and you giggled at his playful eye roll. Then Sean’s smile dropped as fear flashed within his eyes as he leaned close to you, a chill running up your spine from the rush of fear that plagued your body wondering if the cloaked figure was some kind of creep.
“That masked fucker nearly made me shit myself when he asked for whiskey. Thought he was gonna ask for money.” Sean leaned back and laughed aloud, turning around to grab the bottle of wine you had been eye balling all night. “But he seemed okay, had a nice accent and I know how you love men with accents.”
“Oh, like your Australian Husband? I’d kill to have a man with an accent.” You leaned on your elbow looking dreamily into air like someone matching the description would appear out of nowhere. Sean huffed, “You can’t have my husband but you can have that nice stack of man in the booth.”
You gasped, “I’m telling Mike!”
“You aren’t saying shit. Now run along and get that number and if it’s not on a nasty napkin in pen then you can kiss this bottle goodbye Sweetheart.” Sean poured himself a glass. The clear pink liquid looked rose gold as he swirled it around his wine glass looking straight in your mismatched eyes and taking a sip. The way his expression softened at the single sip made you nearly explode in anticipation. You nearly shattered the glass in your hand as Sean hummed letting out an exaggerated sigh of relief.
“That tastes like heaven.” Sean looked down at the glass in a bit of surprise then his eyes flicked up to look at you again, a shit eating grin growing on his features as he teased you. You could see just how serious he was, as he took another sip from his glass and you stood up nearly knocking over your chair.
“Oh, you done did it now. Pass me a pen ass hat.” You watched as he choked on the wine spitting it back into his glass as he laughed, handing you the pen that was clipped onto his shirt pocket. “I can’t wait to see this shit.”
You huffed, turning on your heel the wine hitting you as you stood idly waiting for the gentle high to leave before making your move. Your fingers twirled the pen in your hands, wondering what kind of pick up line you could use or if maybe a sly joke could ease up the tension. Just when you were about the touch the hunched over man’s shoulder his mohawked friend cleared his throat catching your attention. The smile you had plastered on your face didn’t go unnoticed as he looked you up and down, his surprised expression turned into fear like you were about to make a big mistake. His friends laughed not even noticing your presence, the mohawked man leaned back in his chair like he was waiting for something to happen. His expression softened as he turned his attention to the man that had made a joke. You took a deep inhale of air,
“Hey I think you took something from me.” Just as those playful words left your mouth the world around you began moving in slow motion.
Your hand touched the hooded man’s shoulder. He didn’t jump or make any sudden movements he only seemed to lean away from the contact. You turned your attention from his friend back to him as he leaned back and turned his body to look up to you. His skull painted balaclava was the first noticeable feature as every part of his face was covered besides the dark paint that littered around his eyes just to make them pop, and the colors of mixed match (e/c) and hazel eyes didn’t go unnoticed as your welcoming smile dropped and the spark you knew was in your eyes left.
You were drained of any emotions, any ounce of feeling in your body was whisked away into the bar that became silent background noise of buzzing and ringing in your ears. His eyes widened as the (e/c) faded and became replaced with the swirls of browns and greens that once plagued your right eye. The mohawked man’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped and it felt like the world around you fell, crumbling into pieces that you didn’t want to put together. Your hand was still on his shoulder, a shock of electricity seemed to flow through you. He must have felt it too because when he fully turned toward you his eyes stared deeply, almost lovingly, into your own like you were both blinded by something that could possibly be the end or the beginning.
Your eyes burned as you pulled your hand away in fear, not only feeling his eyes but his friends eyes as well. You felt as if everyone was staring at you, like you had somehow made a fool of yourself on a whim. Sean called your name, like it was some kind of joke and you couldn’t take it. You felt familiarity in the softened expression as if it was just so easy for him to accept something you couldn’t. Your vision became blurry as Sean called for you again. You shook your head backing away slowly from the masked man in front of you, his arm twitched as he lifted his hand wanting to reach for you but tears finally began flowing down your cheeks. You opened your mouth to say something, anything but no words or sounds came from you. Just a small hiccup that only seemed to push you back further into the dark roots of your mind. You quickly turned around making eye contact with Sean. His expression went from witty to absolute disbelief; his expression resembled the mohawk friend of your soulmate and that proved to you this was all very real. Sean got his bearings to late, and once he moved to make his way around the bar you had bolted for the restrooms in the back. Hiding your face and keeping your head low, sadly that only seemed to add onto the eyes that you had felt earlier.
You closed the bathroom door, taking deep breaths. Your hands were shaking as you flipped up the tap of the sink, you began washing your face in the cold water rinsing off the tears that had stained your cheeks. Your body leaned against the sink, holding onto the sides for dear life. A knock on the door caused you to jump, scared of whoever it was that was behind the door. You heard another knock before you leaned against the wall, hiding yourself in the corner.
“(Y/n), open up! You gotta believe me, I didn’t know. You should be happy. I thought this was what you wanted?” Sean’s voice boomed through the door, sounding like he was about ready to cry himself.
“What I wanted? What I wanted was that wine and instead I get bulldozed by reality. You know how I feel about this Soulmate thing, you know the dreams I’ve had.” You curled yourself further into a ball, finding the sour taste of wine on your tongue too hard to bare. Sean sighed from behind the door, he shuffled for a minute before the door clicked open. You looked over to him as he walked through the door, the bathroom key in between his fingers as he gave you a weak playful smile. You scoffed turning your attention to the floor, avoiding the talk he wanted to have.
“What if those dreams are signs (y/n), what if this was meant to happen-“ Sean was quick to shut up at your glaring (e/c) eyes, and he still couldn’t get over how they were now the same color. “Meant to happen? Sean I’m crazy… there is no red string of fate, no craving for my soulmates food, no words carved into my wrist, no happy ending for me. Every dream I have ends with my soulmate dying either in my arms, away from home, or during service.”
“You aren’t crazy, I believe you. Look, I know this is scary but maybe it’s not going to be like that. You can’t keep running from this.” Sean crouched down to you, his hands brushing your back in a comforting manner. You shook your head, tears threatening to spill once again.
“You don’t understand… I looked into his eyes and it felt as if I’ve lived lifetimes falling in love with them, lifetimes spent searching and finding him over and over again. I could feel him, his emotions, his fear and love in just one simple look. I felt actual love, attraction… He was home.” Sean’s mouth dropped at your words, “Holy shit, I need to write that down one sec- hey I was joking!”
You couldn’t help but smile as Sean held the shoulder you had just shoved, and for a moment you knew it would be alright. You watched as Sean sat up again, smiling at the thought and his next words brought to light the questions you had. “I think you’re meant to be, if the attraction is as you describe. I mean, there are soulmates that travel through time. Remember our history class in junior year?”
Sean tilted his head slightly trying to remember the class, but you laughed aloud shaking your head, shoving his shoulder again. “I remember you had a crush on the teacher.”
“He was hot, but my husbands way hotter.” Sean gave you a playful wink, and you sighed happily as you leaned back against the wall. Your hands running through your tangled hair. Sean leaned closer to you and wrapped his arms around you, giving you a quick squeeze then letting out a dramatic sigh.
“I just want you to be happy, please just give him and yourself a chance. I’m sure he’ll surprise you.” Sean leaned back looking into your eyes trying to find confirmation for his words. You swipe the tears from your eyes and nod, taking a shaky breath in before giving Sean a mischievous grin. “I’ll do it, only because you admitted you liked our history teacher.”
Sean scoffed standing up and holding his hand out to you, you gladly accepted his help. Slowly you both made your way back to the bar, the hooded man and his friends were nowhere in sight. You sat down as Sean poured you a glass of the expensive wine, before helping out people that had been waiting. Your hands shook as you brought the glass to your lips, the sweet and sour taste mixing with the bitterness of the wine you had drank before. The drink went down smoothly, not even tasting of its aged process. You slowly set the glass down basking in the warmth at the pit of your stomach, finding it comforting.
“It okay to sit ‘ere?” The booming voice made you jump, looking for the source. Your eyes caught sight of the masked man from before, and he didn’t break eye contact as he stood idly waiting for a response.
How could you describe it, the feeling blossoming from within your chest as you sat mesmerized by the broad man in front of you. He wasn't what you had in mind considering the fact he was much fitter than you were. The skull balaclava that covered his face only seemed to bubble up more questions than answers. His once (e/c) and hazel mixed eyes were now both purely hazel, they were swirls of bronze, gold and emerald. And for a moment you thought you were imagining things, seeing something that couldn't possibly be possible. The red string grasped your pinky finger tightly and for a moment you thought you would be yanked against the large man in front of you. The taste of whiskey and tea painted over you tongue as you held down the urge to cough as spit caught in your throat.
You felt faint, nearly toppling over in the bar stool. You felt his hand against your arm, a rough but gentle grip to keep you held up. The butterflies bloomed in your chest as your cheeks began to burn. Your initials sprang to life against his callused hands, signifying further that this was truly fate. His eyes watched as you steadied yourself against the counter. The silence was louder than the music playing in the background.
"Y’alright?" His heavily accented voice cut through the air and caused a sudden breath of fresh air to fill the room as you heaved in. You looked around the room, seeing that you were still at the bar not fully understanding what had just happened but the feeling of knowing was all the more prominent. His voice broke your thoughts again, "Didn't mean ta scare you."
You looked back up to him, his hazel eyes scanning your facial features for some kind of hint. However you smiled shaking your head, "It's okay, I just couldn't help but notice you look familiar. I mean we’re soulmates and the balaclava is-i can't see your face but you-never mind."
You turned away shaking your head, trying to find your bearings. The sudden breeze of air made you assume he had left but when you looked over he had taken a seat next you, only focusing on the glass of whiskey that Sean had brought over. "Couldn't help but notice it too."
You couldn’t stop the large smile from forming on your lips, turning to hold your hand out to him. “I’m (y/n), it’s nice to finally meet you… uh…”
“Simon.” He looked down at your hand then to your eyes a softened look flashed over his own as he brought his gloved hand to grip yours firmly. You gave his hand a quick shake before you turned your attention back to the glass of wine,
“It’s nice to finally meet you Simon.” Your index finger ran around the rim of your glass, and for a moment you didn’t know what to say. You took a quick swig and set down the glass, “I’m sorry for earlier, I was overwhelmed. I know I said it felt like I’ve seen you somewhere but it’s more than that you don’t have to believe me bu-“
“I do. Said I noticed it earlier-“ Simon was quickly cut of by you shaking your head, turning your full attention toward him. “No. I was scared. Do you know what Soul Bonds are?”
He tilted his head down to look at you, nodding his head in confirmation already knowing what your next words were going to be. “Well I believe I’m Bound to you, I’ve seen you so many times even as you are now and every time you… I’ve seen it happen to my grandma once, losing your soulmate isn’t an easy feat and I just don’t know if I could bare losing you here… again. Simon I know we just met but I can’t lose you.”
You hung your head, looking at your reflection still not used to the (e/c) eyes looking back. Simon’s hand was against your shoulder, giving a firm squeeze and he kept his gaze on your misty eyes. “I was going t’leave not because I was afraid but because I couldn’t put y’through that pain again…”
You nodded your head, finding his words hurtful from how much truth they held. Even like this you didn’t care if every possible outcome would lead you back here. You knew everything would be perfect between you, like it had been for lifetimes even if this is where the cycle ends. “I understand. You can go if you want. I’ve felt you, I’ve had you, loved you for so long that I know this is for the best even if it hurts. I’m okay with just getting to meet you in this life, Simon.”
You forced a smile trying to be strong, this was what you wanted after all. The burning in your eyes got worse, causing you to hide your face behind your hair as stray tears slipped down your cheeks, some falling into the glass of wine. The hold he had against your shoulder tightened as you sniffed, not wanting him to see cry again. Simon hummed at your words, shaking his head. His gaze hardened as he pulled you toward his chest, resting his chin atop your head and wrapping his arms around your shoulders to cradle you closer. “I’m not leavin, love. I’ve seen life without you and I’m sure y’have too. It’s dull, boring, can’t seem to find anyone good enough besides you. We’re bound, and I’d like t’keep it that way. If thats alright with you?”
You chuckled into his chest already loving how blunt he was. You nodded your head slowly, taking in the warmth and a scent of him before he pulled away. Simon turned back to take a sip of his whiskey, his side glance toward you made butterflies bloom in your chest. You gently brought your hand out to his, he flinched at the contact before easing up and allowing you to gently hold it. “I know you don’t like physical contact so thank you, Simon. I’d like to get to know you better first, if that’s okay?”
Simon hummed nodding his head, acting as if he wasn’t dying behind his balaclava with how much it took to just pull you close to him. He’d never admit it, but no matter how many lifetimes he’s lived he could never get over how you make him feel and watching your blush increase when your friend began teasing you, he knew he wouldn’t get over it in this life either.
Maybe pt. 2👀
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