#mk1 angst
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So that Sektor trailer came out and I’m specifically hooked on more info we got about what happens to Bi-Han when he goes after Havik. There’s a line that Sektor says to Bi-Han: “Bi-Han, can you hear me?” I NEED SOME BI-HAN X READER BASED OFF OF THAT LINE ALONE- you can do whatever you want with it I just thought that would be a cool prompt
Hey anon! For some reason this prompt made me think of the song “Once Upon A Dream”, so here we are.
Bi-Han X GN!Reader
Word Count: 3287
Summary: Using your power to jump into other’s dreams, you jump into Bi-Han’s in hopes of speaking with him. Unfortunately for you, things don’t go as you wanted it to.
Content Warning: Angst, hurt w/ no comfort, Bi-Han fighting demons and them mfs got hands, mean Bi-Han, I wrote this while downing a energy drink
“I know you
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you
That look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam”
Dreams were a powerful and interesting concept. You always thought so, but perhaps that made sense for someone like you - someone who could manipulate dreams and bend them to your will.
You had seen first hand how dreams could affect someone’s day. A bad one could cause someone to be cranky in the morning, a good one made them awake with a smile, a dream about a lost loved one caused tears to pool in one's eyes. The list went on and on.
Dreams were where people could escape their day to day lives. You were no different. Life had been less than ideal as of late, causing you to look forward to sleeping more than you used to. You wished everyday that you weren’t like this, that you could be happy when you were awake. You tried. You tried so hard, but life was too quiet. There was someone missing. Someone you couldn’t have.
Your longing for him only got worse after your recent encounter with Titan Havik and his ridiculous dreams of chaos.
Seeing him after his betrayal… seeing him in such a hateful manner at his own brother’s wedding… then what Havik did to him…
Why was thinking his name so painful?
And why were you trying to connect with him like you used to?
Around you was a dull void. No walls, no solid ground, nothing physical. Just a blackness with an unknown light source coming from above, highlighting your frame. Your body hung in this void. Was this the right choice? Maybe you should just abandon this idea and actually dream.
“Bi-Han, can you hear me?”
Under normal circumstances, Bi–Han would respond to your telepathic message.
“Yes” he’d say back to you.
Such a simple word, yet you were missing it desperately. There was no response. You’d have to check if he was asleep your own way then.
You closed your eyes and pictured the outline of his body. He had no facial features or any details to him. The inside of his silhouette was a white light, the outline a bright blue. The light dimmed and brightened to the rhythm of his heart.
Thump - Dims
Bump - Brightens
Slow and steady.
Thump-bump… thump-bump… thump-bump…
He was sleeping.
“Bi-Han, can you hear me?”
Of course he could. He was choosing to ignore you. Choosing not to imagine himself putting a letter in a mailbox like you taught him to. This should’ve made you abandon this quest, but instead you imagined his silhouette becoming bigger and bigger, consuming your entire vision until-
Birds singing.
He was dreaming of birds singing?
You opened your eyes once you felt your feet touch solid ground. Of course he’d be with his clan in his dreams. This no longer felt like home to you, but it still was to him.
Dreams were strange. Brains just threw context at dreamers without actually showing them anything at times. You could feel parts of his dream being absorbed into you like a sponge. Somehow you knew that he was dreaming of his perfect future. You could tell Liu Kang was gone. Maybe he was dead, maybe not, but you just felt it in your bones that he wasn’t a part of this reality.
You willed yourself to find him, creating a blue string to show you the way to him. You tried to ignore your own thumping heart. Tried to ignore the stone warriors Shang Tsung promised Bi-Han staring daggers into you. Tried to force yourself to take slow and deep breaths as you continued on the path.
Then there he was.
Standing atop a cliff, hands behind his back, watching the beautiful sunset. What Havik made him was gone. He looked like his normal self; same suit, shoes, hair, even the details in his skin were the same. His name left your lips hardly above a whisper, “Bi-Han… it’s me”.
“I know” his voice came out gruff - so the usual.
“Did you hear me when I tried to-”
You had known it, but it hurt like hell having him confirm that he ignored you. You should’ve left, but instead your feet carried you to be at his side. You could see now that he wasn’t watching the sunset. He was watching his clan train, their moves perfect. Abnormally perfect.
You didn’t know what to say. All of this was a last minute decision. You hadn’t practiced some big speech about how much of an asshole he was and how your ring felt heavier on your finger. You had nothing planned.
“I’ve missed you Bi-Han”.
It was the only thing you could think of. You missed him. Morning, noon, evening, night, you missed him.
“I’ve missed you dearly. The sun doesn’t feel as warm when you’re not around”.
“So?” he said indifferently. You hadn’t looked up at him, afraid of what you’d see in his eyes.
“Have you-” you swallowed. Did you really wanna know the answer? “Have you missed me?”.
He took a few moments to answer. Once he did though, your heart fell to your stomach. “Why would I?”. Why would he? Because you were his closest friend. Had been ever since you were kids! Or maybe because he had proposed to you. Maybe he should miss you because whenever he talked about his future, you were always in it. He spoke again before you could force out a response, “what do you want from me?”.
You stammered your answer out. His shell was always hard, but never this.”I-I, well- I mean, I wanted to see you”. Your eyes finally looked up but his eyes were still on the people below. He was perfect to look at. Always would be to you. Even his new appearance after Havik was perfect to you. It was perfect because it was him. “I love you-”.
He scoffed, which made you furrow your brows. “Love” he shook his head. “You don’t love me. You are a traitor, and it’s a good thing you’re no longer Lin Kuei. You only dragged us down. Dragged me down”. His words sounded like a mantra. Like he had repeated these words over and over again in his head until it became second nature to say it. It still didn’t stop your mouth from opening slightly in shock. People could call Bi-Han mean all they wanted. He had never ever said such cruel words to you. Even when you made mistakes. His lectures always had care and concern under them. This? This wasn’t right.
“Why would you say that to me?”.
Only now did he look at you. You expected to see disdain in his eyes. Malice, disgust, fury, something that showed he had no love for you. You saw nothing in his eyes. Just blackness. Coal. Darkness. A void.
“Why are you still here?”.
“Why did you say that to me?”. He tried to walk away from you but stopped in his tracks when he heard you speak again. “How could you say something like that to me?”.
You heard him take in a deep breath before muttering “don’t do this to yourself”. You hardly even heard him.
“I love you” you hadn’t realized how softly your words came out. Nor did you see Bi-Han close his eyes due to his back being to you. “I’ve loved you practically all my life. You’re all I’ve been thinking about recently, that’s why I’m here. And- and that’s what you have to say to me?”.
“What do you want me to say?”
“That you love me. Or miss me. Or both”
“Why would I?”
“Because that’s what people who love each other say!” you exclaimed a lot louder than you meant to.
He turned to face you. Damn him! You wanted him to look at you lovingly, then wrap his arms around you and say he loved you too. His stare was hard, mouth in a deep frown, hands at his sides. “Sometimes people say things they don’t mean”.
“Are you serious?” you both could and couldn’t believe him. He was always stubborn but to question your love for him? Despair, anger, betrayal, it all began to bubble inside you. “You don’t think I love you? After all we’ve been through? Has it meant nothing?”. Then another thought crossed your mind. One that made you have to take a deep breath before asking. “Have you found another?”.
“I don’t want another” he responded quietly, which was somewhat odd for him. Not necessarily because it was quiet, but because it was soft. Delicate almost. Then he cleared his throat, “love is a weakness. You’ve shown me that”.
“No”. You kept your feet firmly against the ground. You wouldn’t be going anywhere. Especially not on this note. You didn’t expect that all your problems would be fixed in one conversion but this couldn't be how tonight ended. “We need to talk-”.
“I don’t want you here!” The sudden rise in his voice made you jump. Was that regret in his eyes? No. It couldn’t be. If he actually felt any remorse, his next words didn’t show it. “I don’t want to speak to you. I don’t want to see you. You are a traitor, meaning that you are dead to me! You were only slowing me down and now? Now I don’t have to worry about you! Enough of this! Leave!”. Your breathing began to speed up, eyes becoming watery, vision blurring. Bi-Han spoke again, his voice quieter this time. “Don’t cr-” he took another deep breath. “I don’t care”. He tried to walk away again.
He got mere feet away before the ground around him rose, trapping the both of you in a wide box. You didn’t know what you felt more. Anger because he had the audacity to yell at you, or sadness because he purposely chose to hurt you. They both bubbled inside you. Your mouth worked a lot faster than your brain. “I have always been by your side” you began, “even as children. Whenever you fell, I was there to help you up. When you needed a laugh, I found any way to make you laugh. When the responsibility of becoming the next Grandmaster felt like a hard burden to carry, I was there to support you”.
“The Bi-Han then was a weak child! I’m older now! I have more challenges!”
“And have I not faced your challenges with you by your side?!” you fully yelled now. Your words were laced with grief and you hoped he could hear it. “When others called you heartless, strict, mean, selfish and whatever else they could think of, I defended you! I always did Bi-Han! I would tell them that you had a huge heart under that hard shell of yours! I would tell them you were strict but loving! That I loved you for a reason! That you genuinely cared for your family!”. All the emotions made you bolder. With each remark, you pointed an accusatory finger at him, stepping closer and closer until you jabbed him in the chest. “I would tell people that I never cared about having children, but if it was with you, I’d consider it! And as more days passed, I wanted it! A family with you was all I wanted! All I want even now!”. It was hard to see his expression. Your vision was too blurry. You thought about wiping your tears away, not wanting to appear weak, but they came too frequently. Your cheeks were already wet. “You can be angry with me. I would be okay with your anger, but do not ever make it seem like I do not love you! I was one of the few people concerned about your safety when you were taken! I carried your body to Liu Kang! I-!”.
A sob passed before you could stop it. You couldn’t stand to look at him. You turned away from him, walking a few inches away, suddenly feeling suffocated. Your chest ached badly. You felt that at any point, your heart would explode, or your throat would get tired of your sobs and decide to close instead, leaving you to die. You covered your mouth with the back of your hand in an attempt to quiet yourself. It worked, but only somewhat.
With your back to Bi-Han though, you couldn’t see his reaction. You didn’t see his look of confliction, or him clenching and unclenching his fist. You didn’t know how angry he was at himself, because he should’ve hated you for being a traitor, but he just couldn’t. You didn’t know how badly he wanted to comfort you but forced himself not to. He just needed you to leave but you wouldn’t.
“You betrayed me, do not forget this” he forced himself to say. “I needed you. You, my father, Kuai Liang, Tomas, Liu Kang, you all lack vision! You want me to shackle the Lin Kuei to mediocrity when we could be achieving greatness! No!”. You hadn’t faced him yet. Your bottom lip still trembled. It was humiliating. All this crying on your end and it didn’t even seem like he cared.
No words were exchanged for a moment. You had to focus on slowing your breathing. What you needed was for him to apologize as he held you. Nothing came. Not even when you walked up to him, putting a hand on his arm in hopes to trigger some hidden affection.
He took a step back.
You scoffed, then wiped at your eyes again. Your eyes stayed on the floor as you spoke again. “I have spent days and nights thinking about you. Hoping that-” you sniffed, “that you still loved me. I kept hoping that somehow this would all work out and…”.
You couldn’t say it. Everyday you hoped that everything would get better. You’d have each other again. Life would go back to normal, then one day you two would start expanding your family, and when you finally took your last breath, you’d be holding his hand.
You couldn’t say it out loud. It hurt too much.
“Spare me. Spare me this agony and just say-”
You motioned back and forth between you two hoping he’d get it.
“Say what?”.
You forced it out finally.
“Say you do not love me. Just spare me of this agony and hoping. Just say you do not love me”. Silence passed. You expected that he would just say it right then and there. He didn’t. “Bi-Han please just do this for me”.
More silence.
“You are a traitor”.
“Fucking shit” you mumbled while wiping your eyes for the millionth time. “Just say it”.
He didn’t. “You were holding me back”.
You looked up at him, though you immediately regretted it. Since when had you gotten so bad at reading him? You tried to guess what he was thinking, but kept drawing a blank. “Please”.
“You left”.
“Bi-Han please”.
Over and over he’d shoot an insult at you, and in response you’d plead with him to say what you needed to hear to hopefully start fully mourning.
You couldn’t take the back and forth anymore. Why couldn’t he do this one thing for you? Just this one parting gift. “You are so fucking selfish! Why can’t you just be honest with me and say it?!”.
“Why don’t you say it to me?!” he challenged, which was ridiculous to you.
“Not only would I be lying, but I would never wanna hurt you like that! You want me to hurt you the way you hurt me?! Fine!”. You pointed a finger at him, “you are everything that is wrong with you!”. The hardness in his eyes softened. Good. You wanted to see him have some sort of reaction. To hurt as much as you did. “You love to blame me, your father, Kuai Liang, Tomas, anyone for how shitty you can be! You betrayed Earthrealm and your brothers! It isn’t wrong to want a new future, but how you went about it? No, Bi–Han! I wasn’t gonna stand by you as you did something so selfish! You love blaming everyone else and refuse to see that you are in a war by yourself! You scarred your brother! You attacked a wedding and killed innocent people! I am by no means an innocent person. I have made mistakes, and if you have ever genuinely felt like I did not love you, then I’m sorry… but the blood you have on your hands, the blood of innocents and your own” your hand found its way to your chest, your palm feeling your heartbeat under it. “That is not on me”.
There was no relief after you finished your rant.
You didn’t feel relief, or satisfaction at the possibility of hurting him. No. You felt terrible. Like you had broken an oath - another one according to Bi-Han -. Once again your gaze tore from his. You shouldn’t have come. This was a mistake. Or perhaps it wasn’t. He hadn’t said the sacred words, but everything else he said was confirmation enough.
He no longer loved you.
The walls surrounding the both of you collapsed. “You don’t want me here, fine” you forced yourself to say. “I won’t come back”.
“And I know it’s true, that visions are seldom what they seem
But if I know you
I know what you’ll do
You’ll love me at once
The way you did once upon a dream”
The heartache was wet tar, sticking to your skin and refusing to budge. You hoped it would cease sometime soon- dammit. Why did you keep hoping for things? Where had hope gotten you? Hope was foolish to cling onto.
A week passed, and still the pain refused to move. You felt it in everything you did. It made your bones stiff, your movements slow, your focus low, your insides hurt. It was the most diabolical of poisons.
When a knock against your door filled your ears, you didn’t bother getting up. You simply told them to come in, and although your voice could rival a church mouse, they heard you anyway and came in. “Kuai Liang” you greeted once he came into view.
“Have you been well?”.
At least he didn’t beat around the bush.
“I’ve noticed your recent behavior and-”
“I apologize if I have been lacking, Grandmaster”
Out of respect you got out of bed and bowed. You must’ve been messing up during training, or-
“You have nothing to apologize for” he took a step closer to you, “you seem unhappy. You know you can come to me, right? I’m your friend, family even. Not just your Grandmaster”. Keeping eye contact had become something hard for you. You looked everywhere else when speaking to someone, which was something you hated because it made you feel weaker than you already typically felt.
His hand found your arm. His touch was light, like he worried you would crack if he pressed against you too hard. “Are you okay?”.
There it was. Those three words opened the floodgates, causing you to wrap your arms around his torso and bury your face against his chest as sobs wracked your body. Had he always felt so similar to Bi-Han or was your mind playing tricks on you?
Kuai Liang was the one who held you close, comforting you with his presence alone.
And like a selfish and desperate bastard, you pretended he was Bi-Han.
“But if I know you
I know what you do
You love me at once the way you did once upon a dream”
A/N: Bi-Han angst is my fave genre y'all. It’s always gonna hit. This is a stand alone so uhhh no part 2 :D.
#mk1#mk1 2023#mortal kombat 1#bi han sub zero#bi han#mk1 x reader#mk1 x you#mk1 angst#bi han x reader#bi han mk#bi han mortal kombat#bi han x reader angst#bi han angst#subzero x reader#subzero#subzero mk1#subzero x you#subzero angst#subzero x reader angst#x reader angst
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uhhhhhhhhh........ i have nothing to say for myself ! blame past me because this was basically already written and i just decided i should share with you guys !! <33
꒰꒰mdni // masterlist꒱꒱
Thinking about Bi-Han, about how he’d share his feelings with you, hammering home just how much you mean to him, how important you are. Making sure to verbalise his feelings for you properly, the depth of them. How it’d be the first time he communicated with you so clearly what you mean to him, what your relationship means. And you being so confused, the shock of how hard he’s trying to eloquently explain how much he loves you, how he holds you in such high regards.
Eventually you’d understand why it was so important to him that he tells you these things, after you learn of his betrayal, of how he’d turned his back on his family… on you.
Thinking about how you’d be the one to stop Bi-Han, preventing his plans from carrying out, saving others in the process. His hatred for your ability to stop him from doing something he thinks is his right, him seeing you as a complete enemy while being the saviour of others.
Feeling hurt by him, by his downright spite of you and what you’ve done, how you “betrayed” him.
The strength it would take for you to stand in front of him to ask, “Who am I to you? Someone evil? Someone holding you back?”
The complete venom in his tone when he’d answer, “Someone unloyal, someone lacking sight.”
Trying fruitlessly to reason with him, “And I will never be someone who prevented you from making a mistake? Someone who stopped you from committing atrocities for the sake of power? Greed? Ego?”
His unwavering eye contact when he delivers the harshest blow to you, “No. You are nobody to me.”
And you’d both know it was a lie but to hear him say those words would break you more than you would ever be able to admit.
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mk1 characters when you die in their arms.

ft. Kitana, Johnny Cage, Syzoth & Smoke/Tomas Vrbada
Warning : character death, implied panic attack in Syzoth's part
Happy new year guys!
Reblogs/comments are appreciated!
KITANA looked away immediately the moment your body goes slack in her arms. Where did she fail in saving you? Why did she fail to protect you?She couldn't...she wasn't alone right now. Taking deep breaths, she closed her eyes as she ordered, "Take them away and prepare for the last rituals." She had to act like this, she couldn't afford to look weak in front of her subordinates at this time. Until she went back to her bedchambers, where Kitana buried herself in a bundle of sheets and cried until sleep overtook her. She will never be the same without you.
JOHNNY CAGE was strong. Although he acted cheerful and sauvy on-screen, he was a fighter through-and-through, reveling in the feeling of a good fight. Yet he's also the person who would go to any lengths to protect his loved ones. But he ended up failing, his eyes widening as he spotted your bloodied body on the battlefield. "No.. no, no, no" he whispers, and immediately runs to your body, sitting down and pulling you close. " Shit-shit, baby, please no" he felt his heart drop as he looked at your blank gaze, realizing you were already long gone. It was at that he lets his tears spill and he hugs you close, shakily sobbing into your shoulder.
SYZOTH always feared losing his loved ones after it happened once, that anxiety never leaving him when he was with you. You were the light of his life, and he thought the both of you could build a future together, a family that he craved. Now he wished that the two of you never met. Feeling his breathing quicken rapidly as he looked at your body on the cold ground, among other lifeless bodies. He couldn't think, he felt dizzy, heart thudding unnaturally loud in his chest. This wasn't supposed to be like this. What should he do now? You were supposed to stay with him till the end. So why...why were you so silent as he begged you to wake up?
TOMAS has always been sweet to you. You were the person he cherished most of all, of course. He had the same gentle expression, albeit mixed with panic and desperation, as he scanned over your face and wounds, trying to deny how hopeless the situation was. "Open your eyes, love, please", he whispered, trying his best to sound as gentle as possible. You were alive, and he wasn't gonna get mad at you. You'll be up again, he knows it. "I know you can hear me" he clutches your hand in his, ignoring the dull pang of pain in his chest as his tears run down his face. It's fine, it's fine, you're waking up soon. "Love please, wake up for me, I know you can do this.. "
#tomas vrbada x reader#mortal kombat x reader#johnny cage x reader#mk1 x reader#johnny cage#johnny cage mk1#kitana mortal kombat#kitana/reader#syzoth/reader#mk1 angst
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Hello! I thought that Liu Kang headcannon was adorable <3 Would it be possible to request a blurb of MK1 x mother-nature type reader who’s a gentle soul? They’re overall just calming to be around and always taking care of things, even when they don’t need to. You can use whoever fits.

♡:: hiii babe! ty for requesting! i may be slow but i’m not sure what a blurb is 😭 im hoping this format will be okay? i wanna try to add many characters here! btw do you guys have any good ideas for a new username?? i need one, i made this user when i was obsessed with spider-man 😩😩
♡:: warnings/mentions: a little angst (?)
✧ completely in awe of you! in their eyes, there isn’t a single person that can compare to you. seeing the way you handle things so gracefully and tend to anything out of your control to make peace is refreshing to see, considering they are in a world where violence is key to maintain peace between realms. the way it comes so naturally to you to take care of them is so nurturing. you are the light in a endless void, losing you means they lost that little bit of peace in their hearts in a world full of chaos:
liu kang, smoke, reptile, mileena, kitana & raiden
✧ these characters would want you to be a little more stern to people when needed! having your kind nature around is nice to see for a change but they don’t want you to be taken for granted for your kindness. they don’t wanna disturb your calm demeanor with their said feelings especially when you have good intentions behind them. although your calmness and compassion is what draws them to you. which is something they admire about you deeply but would never admit this to you specifically:
sub zero, scorpion, johnny cage, kenshi, tanya & kung lao
#mk1 x reader#mk1#mk1 scenarios#mk1 headcanons#mk1 x y/n#mk1 hcs#mk1 imagine#mk1 x you#mortal kombat#mk1 fluff#mk1 angst#mk1 x gn!reader#liu kang x reader#sub zero x reader#scorpion x reader#raiden x reader#reptile x reader#johnny cage x reader#kenshi takahashi x reader#kung lao x reader#mileena x reader#kitana x reader#tanya x reader#- 🪶 writes#- miigwan writes#mk1 blurb
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Terminally Ill reader who doesn’t treat it and hides it from Bi-Han because he’ll think it’s weakness, and he’s super hard on them for being ‘lazy’ until one day he wakes up to them cold beside him in bed (Bi-Han pov for extra angst)
Are you ignoring me? Answer me..
Bi-han angst, no comfort
It’s 4:00 in the morning, it’s time to get up
However, you have trouble even processing that
It's like you’re in rim sleep- 24/7
This upsets Bi-Han greatly, as his spouse, you should be better than this
And he lets you know this
Every day
And every time he sees you
After his habit of nit-picking started, you looked even more exhausted 
He would feel pity and let you take a break- if you hadn't started to slack off
Maybe you thought he didn't notice when you stopped to go dry heave for a minute and then continue
Or when you sat down for a minute after only an hour or two of work
He did.
And he wasn't thrilled about the whispers and looks not only you, but he got after you started
Most of them were indifferent- or pitiful
And he hated that
People were pitting you for no reason, not one good enough at least
When you got to your room that night, he snapped
‘Do you know what I saw today?’ he hisses, furrowing his eyebrows
‘No, what did you see hun?’ you are whispering, not sure what he's mad at- or who he’s mad at
‘You sitting down, while on duty’ now he’s fuming, he can’t help when he gets mad. He has his fathers rage
‘I had to take a moment to rest, it isn’t easy working for hours at a time’ You look tired, you’re pale, skin sunken in around your eyes
He noticed, but he noticed other people just like doing their work too
‘Are you pregnant?’
‘What? No, I would tell you if I was pregnant.’ you look..upset? If anyone should be upset it should be him
‘Then you have no excuse. Nothing is stopping you from doing your work.’
You don't say anything as you reach for the door
‘Where are you going?’
‘I’m not sleeping with you tonight.’
He says nothing as you leave
The next day he sees you, yet says nothing
He's too busy anyways
You come back to your room that night, you're actually there before he arrives
He says nothing as you shiver and cough and wheeze
‘I love you’
He hears you whisper not long after he gets into bed
‘Get some rest, I know you need it’
That was his way of saying it back, you knew it
He was far from pleased with your recent performance- but he would never let you think he didn't love you
‘Can you say it back?’
‘Why? We've talked about this before..’
He has told you he isn't fond of saying it
It isn't him
‘Goodnight Bi-Han.’
You're ignoring his question
He doesn't know why, and it upsets him
So he turns away from you as he closes his eyes and eventually falls asleep
When he wakes up and turns to you, your back is facing him
He shakes you gently
But no response
So he shakes you a little harder
No response
‘You have to get up today, I'll give you a few more minutes but that's it.’
After he dresses he goes back for you
‘I know you're awake, and I know you're upset..’
He cares about you, he really does. He wants to pour his heart out every time he has the pleasure of holding you in his arms
He wants to say ‘i love you’ every night and every morning, to make sure you remembered
He wants to start a family with you, and hold you close when you are with child- with his child
And he wants to tell you that
But he won't, or maybe he just can't
‘And we can talk about it later, however we have to get up’
You don't even move to look at him
‘Are you ignoring me?’
Maybe he should understand- give you space and time
But he doesn't understand, he didn't do anything in his eyes
‘Answer me. Are you ignoring me?’
The silence is loud and he stomps over to the bed, forcefully turning you over
Tears stain your cheeks as your eyes are glazed over
An empty look for a once-radiant person
Then he lets go of your cold, lifeless body
There is nothing left in you
It's gone- everything is gone and the world isn't spinning anymore
He isn't breathing
Or blinking
He's just staring
He didn't even realize he was backing up until he backed into a wall
Then he goes to the bed a checks for a pulse
He picks up your body and cradles it
His own tears now staining your face
He knows he couldn't have changed you dying
Well, maybe he could have
But he really wishes you knew he at least cared about you
But you didn't
And you never would
#mortal kombat x reader#mortal kombat#bi han#bi han x reader#bihan#mk1 bi han#angst#mk1 angst#mortal kombat bi han#bi han mortal kombat#bi han x you#bi han sub zero#mk bi han#butt naked bi han#mk sub zero#mortal kombat sub zero#mk1 sub zero#sub zero#angst with no comfort#mortal kombat angst
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Pairing: smoke/Tomas x reader, I don’t even know if I can tag this Bi-Han x reader because it’s not, but just know Bi-Han has complex ambiguous feelings towards the reader that even I don’t know?????
Summary: The grandmaster disapproves of smokes lover for some reason unbeknownst to them, so he tells them to end it. Two endings.
Warnings: angst but there’s also a separate comforting ending, one mention that reader wears a dress, self-loathing reader in the angst part.
Notes - this was going to be more angsty originally I just couldn’t picture a meaner scenario, because smoke is too nice so I just lessened the angst to something bittersweet (cry) (I want to write something gut wrenching) anyways might write something for syzoth/Bi-han next idk. Requests are always open!!
Bi-Han, the ever stoic Sub-Zero, found himself in an unexpected dilemma, and it was all Tomas’ fault.
Or more specifically your fault.
Recently, Tomas had gotten a lover. Although some may think otherwise the grandmaster was not adverse to such things so long as they didn’t become a distraction.
You were a distraction.
You couldn't be more different from the warriors of their clan. You were like a breath of warmth in the icy corridors of the Lin Kuei compound, bubbly, kind-hearted, and devoid of combat prowess, you stood out like a flower in a field of snow.
While smoke was smitten with your gentle nature and somewhat naivety, Bi-Han couldn't shake off his disapproval.
Your unfiltered presence felt like a disruption to the disciplined order of their lives, a stark contrast to the solemn silence that usually enveloped the Lin Kuei.
Even now he could hear Tomas trying to hush up the sound of muffled laughter and giggles from the other side of the compound, was a place of komat and violence really a place for laughter to make home?
The grandmaster often tried to keep his distance as a result hoping that the incompatibility of you in their lifestyle would become increasingly clear, yet it had been months and it seemed as though you had no intention to leave Tomas’ side.
He didn’t understand what Tomas saw in you, of course your exterior beauty was clear to all (although Tomas wasn’t one to judge on appearance alone) but you were a non fighter. Bi-Han likened your presence to a fragile glass sculpture delicately balanced on the edge of a precipice, it was as though you needed a box to protect you from the harshness of the compound as it seemed as though a mere wispre could shatter your delicacy - and they were never one for whispering.
Perhaps Tomas could be considered the box you sought out, a sanctuary where you could retreat from the harshness of the world and cocoon yourself in layers of protection, so not to mar your fragile heart.
Yet was Tomas considered capable? Many occasions he’d returned home bloodied and bruised, wracking your heart with grief where you should have been finding solace. Sniffles and sobs lined the walls of the corridors while smoke tried his best to be comforting. He knew how this song and dance played out, a few forlorn touches whilst being patched up then the distress would cease (and in its place came the sound of affection).
Such a cycle will be futile for the one who is considered soft hearted, would it not? With enough pressure even resilience can shatter.
He supposed that was the good thing with his younger brother, he never put pressure on you which is why you were always able to be somewhat resilient and converse freely with him.
He was a firsthand witness to this many times and coincidentally one of those many times he overheard you two freely conversing was currently taking place.
“Tomas please don’t,” you begged loudly, and pouted willing him to look you in the eye.
When it came to many things Tomas was strong willed, but you were his one exception, you’d leave him inexplicably weak “pretty, you know I have to, water is quite literally gushing out of the chamber you stay in.” He countered as he pulled you along behind him.
You made a dismissive gesture with your hand, “But you know that is no issue to me, in fact it will just be like sleeping on a water bed.”
Tomas chuckled heartily, “you’re funny you know baby. Okay then it’s not an issue with you but it is an issue with me, can’t have you getting sick.”
You tried to hold him in place by hugging him, “my immune systems is top notch you know!” But he just threw you over his shoulder with ease and continued walking. “Besides can’t I just sleep with you?”
He felt your smaller fists pound on his back urging him to let you down, it was akin to a marshmallow pounding on wood. “You know I would love that but the grandmaster forbid us from sharing a room because of last time.”
You rested your face on his head sighing, “it was your fault, you were the one who squealed.”
He pinched your hip lightly, although it was enough to make you involuntarily yelp. “Let’s not forget who bit me.”
“Hey you knowingly signed up for that when we started dating.”
He flashed you a smile as he threw you down on the couch and brought out an imaginary key to lock you up with.
You gasped betrayed, “I know I know, ‘m sorry! I didn’t want to have to resort to this but your presence is too captivating, just give me three minutes my angel then I’m all yours.”
You relented beckoning him to go on so you could brood whilst you waited for him, the grand master watched this whole debacle go down and decided to make his presence known.
His presence startled you leading you to jump up upon his entrance, “good evening grandmaster.” You palmed at your dress in a state of nervousness.
The tall male eyed you up and down, “where is Tomas.”
“Smokey-” a disapproving frown crept onto his face, you cleared your throat, uncomfortable, “Tomas just left.”
He clicked his tongue, annoyed. “Yes that is evident, to where.”
You bit your bottom lip “he, um, went to the bedroom to fix a broken tap.”
His eyes flickered to you, a harsh glare almost making you want to flinch, “everything in the lin kuei compound is made to perfection, how did it break.”
You took a couple steps back as his proximity slightly intimidated you, “we shared a bath together a-and I must have splashed around to much, I’m really sorry grandmaster please don’t blame smok-”
“Enough.” His glare was enough to silence your nervous rambling. “Sit. I’m going to speak to Tomas, do not disturb us.”
It seemed as though you wanted to say something but you held yourself back deciding to sit down like he instructed you (good choice).
When Tomas heard footsteps approaching he initially thought nothing of it, thinking you had tired of being by your lonesome and wanted his attention again.
Then he heard the heaviness to the footsteps, those weren’t your delicate footsteps.
He used his vestment to wipe the sweat off his brow before answering the door.
“Grandmaster.” Tomas greeted.
Bi-Jan forced his own entry into the room, locking the door behind them, tension hanging thick in the air.
Smoke tried to read his expression his but it was unreadable, although it seemed like a form of inevitable confrontation was about to occur based on the face he was currently making.
“Is there anything-?”
“You are becoming reckless Tomas.”
Smoke furrowed his brows in confusion, he had no idea what the grandmaster was referring to. “What?”
“You broke a tap.”
Tomas rubbed his nape sheepishly, “technically you could say that, but I’ve already fixed it.”
Bi-han stepped closer to smoke, “It is beyond unacceptable.”
“It was a mistake.”
“Do we tolerate mistakes?”
Smoke had a lingering suspicion this issue ran deeper than the tap, of course Bi-Han would be displeased about his broken tap however he seemed to snappy for the issue to just be about the tap.
“We don’t but [name] didn’t mean to-?”
“Yet irregardless of that you did not show up to morning training.” A look of recognition flashed across smokes face, “as your grandmaster that will not be tolerated. You must end your relationship with [name].”
A look of disbelief overcame Tomas’ face. “What? Where is this coming from, why would I do that?” He asked, hurt seeped in his voice.
Bi-Han pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled, “[name] is a distraction and a liability, if [name] were here now your focus would slip and you would struggle to focus on anything else evidently shown by the way you missed morning training.”
“That was my own decision.” Tomas answered defending you from Bi-Hans criticism, “[name] only asked if I would join, I was the one who said yes full well knowing about the training. If anyone is to blame it’s me.”
“It doesn’t matter Tomas. The fact you even said yes proves how far gone you are. [name] is not a warrior nor a medic but a weakness, an attachment to you that makes you vulnerable and puts us all at risk.”
Tomas’ jaw clenched in frustration, “Grandmaster please excuse me but you have no right to judge. You do not understand what you are talking about, [name] is not my weakness.”
“You are being selfish in your pursuits Tomas. Perhaps if she were a warrior there would be room negotiate but someone so tenuous is pitiful.”
“Then forgive me for being selfish grandmaster but I will not relent.” Tomas turned sharply on his heel to exit the room.
Angsty ending
“You will. If you dare to disobey me then take your stuff with you because you will no longer reside here.”
Tomas stopped in his tracks, his hand shakily hovering over the door knob.
He knew he had no more room to argue but he wanted to, more so than ever since it was a battle between his head and his heart.
Tomas threw his head back, exhaling angrily through his nostrils, then he pulled opened the door brashly and stormed out.
He rubbed his hand over his eyes, cursing under his breath.
“Smokey?” He saw your head appear into his view from around the corner, “is everything alright?”
“Are you sure?” You wrapped your arms tightly around his middle hoping to comfort him, “you seem tense?”
Smoke said nothing and just pulled you close with a desperate longing that was almost too tight. There's a sense of safety in the closeness as your breaths synchronise with his. You frowned pitifully and pulled his head down to your shoulder, gently caressing his hair.
“It’s okay.” You kissed his cheek.
“It’s not.”
“You can tell me what’s the matter?”
He lifted his head up trying to maintain his composed mask, “Bi-Han wants us to break up.”
Your shock lead your grip to loosen on him however he reacted quickly putting it back where it once was.
He ran a hand through his ashen hair, “don’t worry, we’re not breaking up I’ll just deal with the consequences.” He spoke attempting to give you a reassuring smile but it came out more wry.
It was quite hard to process your current emotions but you were trying your best, “what are the consequences?”
“I’m out.”
Shock painted your face, “you can’t do that this is your whole life, you love it here.”
He brought your hand to his face, “I also love you.”
“I know.” You sniffled and tried your best to wipe the unruly tears that slipped out of the corner of your eyes.
You sighed. “He hates me, right? I must have done something again and now he’s had enough of me, it’s all my fault, I-I’m so stupid-!” You hit your head twice before smoke caught your hands and held them together tightly.
“stop it.”
Despite your hands being bound, you got past him and manage to wrap your hands around his blade, “what if I just cut my hair or if I talk less, I’ll change whatever he wants, I’ll study everything and become more proper…I’ll do anything to make him like me more for you-” smoke tuned out the rest of what was being discussed as he felt you trying to pull the blade towards your hair, he knew irrationality was getting to you. You tried your best to overpower him yet you knew it wouldn’t be possible, he was a warrior you were nothing.
The blade flicked out of your hand and made a small gash on your cheek, but the wound stung more from your saline tears than the actual sharpness of the blade.
His thumb wiped the blood and tears off of your soft skin, “it’s okay, you’ll be alright and I don’t care what he think I like you how you are, I never want you to change.”
“Well that would be good if the grandmaster didn’t hate current me that you love. Why does he hate me, he probably has a good reason anyway…All I want is to be with you…nothing else. but I’m not going to hold you back regardless.”
Smoke purses his lips. He had no answer for you, he couldn’t quite wrap his head around what the grandmasters peculiarity with you was or where this sudden snap came from, he didn’t want to doubt his grandmaster but he felt like there was more to this so called ‘dislike’ if he could even call it that.
His head was a mess.
“There is no good reason.” He didn’t answer your question, instead he just pulled you close into his embrace.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault Tomas.”
“Yeah but still, it’s not fair. You shouldn’t doubt yourself like this thinking it’s your fault and our relationship shouldn’t be ending. Period. I should be able to do something but…If only things could have been different.” Or the grandmaster could have understood instead of being an arrogant ‘know-it-all’, “then…” the words died out on his tongue.
Your lips sadly turned upwards as you stroked his cheek, “but they’re not so there’s no time for lamenting, so I guess this is goodbye Smokey.”
As you took your hand away from his cheek he immediately felt the loss of warmth, replaced with a coolness he didn’t think he’d ever be forced to get used to.
But at least his heart was ignited one last time seeing you smile, even if it was in sadness and not long lasting, it would be a while before he let that smoke fizzle out.
“Goodbye sweetheart.”
Comforting ending
Before you were even aware of what was happening to you, a tug of your hand was pulling you forward leaving you stumbling to catch up with your feet.
“Tomas? Where are we going?”
He continued walking at a brisk pace, not stopping till you were outside the compound, “just for a walk, need to let some steam off.”
“You need to cool off some smoke?” You joked laughing at your pun.
That managed to crack a small smile from him, “and Bi-Han wants this to end,” he muttered under his breath.
You tilted your head at him in a curious manner, “what?”
He stopped beneath a tree, decorated with soft glistening snow on top of the wooden branches. He tuned towards you and squished your cheeks together before giving you a soft kiss. “Don’t worry.”
You couldn’t figure out what it was but he was heavily concentrated on something in the distance right now, his face was clouded by a far a way look till he abruptly turned to face you. “Hey, do you want to get married?”
You gasped surprised, “really? You’d marry me!”
Smoke grinned enthusiastically, “would I? Of course I would!”
You jumped on him to excited to contain yourself making him stumble backwards before he steadied himself and you, “okay! It would probably only take me like two days to find a dress and we could just go down and sign the documents unless you wanted to have a big official thing but I’m not sure how that would-”
He pinched your lips while laughing to silence your rambling, “how about now?”
“But we have nothing I-!”
He cut you off once more, “we don’t need anything, just us, it will make it special! sure it will be informal but only us two will get it!”
“Here look,” he grabbed your smaller hands in his larger coarse hands, “[name], may I be forever yours.”
“Yes, you may Tomas.”
He grinned and pulled his face towards you, giving you a tender and lasting smooch. “Now we’re married!”
“You hit him lightly on his shoulder, “you were meant to wait for me to repeat it!”
He pulled you down to the floor, making you sit on his lap, “M sorry, ‘m sorry! I couldn’t wait.”
You sighed content, laying your head on top of his muscular shoulder, “it’s okay, you have forever to make it up to me.”
His lips curled upwards as he rested his head on top of yours.
Yeah, forever sounds nice.
#mk1 x reader#mk1 x you#smoke x reader#smoke x you#tomas x reader#tomas vrbada x reader#bi han x reader#does that even count??? idk#this should have been more angsty but I’m too weak for smoke#was bi-han sabotaging was it just dislike what was it…we’ll never know even I don’t know#not my best work tbh#but I’m trying to post more regularly#smoke angst#Tomas Angst#mk1 angst#still getting used to writing smokes character
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Bi-Han x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, arranged marriage, Bi-Han being mean :(, character death, arguing, possible triggers for anyone with an ED (mentions of malnourishment).
A/N: I’m so sorry if this doesn’t really make a lot of sense, I will admit it’s been sooo long since I’ve written a genuine x reader fic. But I hope to improve in the future. 🫶🏻
Being the wife of a cold-hearted grandmaster was not ideal.
Often he would come home, pay you no mind, eat, then go to bed. It’s a very common occurrence, one that you loathed.
But yet.
You loved him.
You don’t know what it was about him, maybe it was his determination, or his stoic nature, maybe it was just how handsome he is. You never knew.
You two didn’t sleep in the same room. You, unfortunately, remember the talk you two had about it like it was yesterday.
Your clan had arranged for you to marry Bi-Han due to the clan lacking status and respect, so they made an agreement with the Lin Kuei. You’d marry the eldest brother, Bi-Han, who’d soon be the grandmaster because of the recent grandmaster, their fathers death in order to not only gain respect but to gain the strength of the Lin Kuei being in their corner.
Having fully moved in to the Lin Kuei temple, you had wondered about your room. So you thought to ask Bi-Han.
You found him training his members, you had stopped to watch him train them for a bit before calling out to him. He stopped the session and walked over to you.
“What do you need, I’m in the middle of something.” He said coldly
It caught you off guard at first, his rude tone, but you left it be. “I was wondering about where I’d be sleeping, considering there are so many rooms I can only assume I’m sleeping with you in your room-“ He cut you off, scoffing in annoyance.
“No. You’ll have your own room.” He said, you looked at him in disbelief.
“My own room..? But we are married are we not? We should at least sleep in the same bed Bi-Han.”
Your brow furrowed “Excuse me?” You asked.
“You are to call me Grandmaster, not by my name. You’ve not earned the respect to call me by such familiarities.” He said, finding no remorse for being so rude.
“You are more concerned with me calling you by your professional title than where your wife is sleeping at night..?” You asked.
He scoffed once more and shook his head slightly almost as if he was speaking to a child he was disappointed in. “In the public eye, you are my wife, but here? You are nothing more than another occupant living in this temple. Our relationship is strictly business related. Nothing more, do not think of it as anything else.”
You went silent, you’ve never met someone so cruel.
“My mistake.” You said in a snippy tone. You attempted to walk away before he grabbed your wrist, you didn’t turn to face him you just listened.
“You will treat me with respect.” He said demandingly
“Then you will earn it.” You replied. You then walked away, you didn’t speak to him for the rest of that day.
You had come down from your room, having just woke up, and as soon as you arrived downstairs you spotted Bi-Han and his brothers Kuai Liang and Tomas, getting prepared for something. You had walked over to the brothers and asked what was going on. Bi-Han didn’t even look at you before Kuai Liang spoke.
“We have received orders from Liu Kang, we are preparing to head to Outworld to help find Shang Tsung. We will be gone for a while.” He said.
You became increasingly upset but kept a level head.
“Why was I not told about this beforehand?” You asked, more so directed towards Bi-Han.
“Because it does not concern you.” Bi-Han spoke.
“It most definitely concerns me! You are my husband, and whether you like to acknowledge it or not I love you and I care for your brothers! I should be told important thing like this! What if something happens to one of you and I didn’t know?” You asked getting exceedingly frustrated.
Kuai Liang knew where this was about to go, so he took Tomas and left the room.
“There is no one to blame but yourself for loving me, you are well aware I do not feel the same, so do not think you can raise your voice at me just because we are married. The sole purpose of our relationship is business. Nothing else. You cannot possibly be so naive as to-“ You cut him off from his tangent
“I am not naive! I am not a child so stop treating me as such! I refuse to believe that you are genuinely this cold and mean and ruthless all because you are grandmaster and you have a certain reputation to keep up!” You raised your voice at him once more watching him freeze in disbelief, not in disbelief that you were speaking to him like this but in disbelief that you were finally expressing your true feelings to him.
“You cannot possibly tell me you do not feel an ounce of love for me! I refuse to believe it!” You said.
“If you truly do not feel anything for me I want you to say it. Say it and I will leave you be, I won’t speak to you, I won’t bother you anymore. I will relieve you of the burden that is my presence.” You said, hoping that something would change in his heart to make him realize that he loved you.
oh.. how naive.
He walked up to you. Look you dead in your eyes.
“I feel nothing for you. You are nothing to me but an inconvenience. I did your clan a favor, and yet somehow I am met with the biggest burden of it all.” He said.
You looked down from him and stood there for a moment, you felt your heart break and felt tears streaming down your face, yet no crying was heard. You’ve reached your breaking point.
You turned and headed up stairs back to your room. Soon after Bi-Han left with his brothers.
You laid in your bed and cried, soon after falling asleep.
You woke up feeling ill. You had a fever, and you felt your heart racing. You attempted to walk out of your room, to the medic of the Lin Kuei.
You got half way down the hall but soon collapsed on the floor. You felt weak. You yelled out for help, soon after two Lin Kuei members found you and helped you to the medics office. Once you arrived, the medic saw how pale and sweaty you were almost as if you had seen a ghost. He acted quickly and did all that he could. This illness was difficult to identify, it would take weeks for him to properly detect was it was. Little did he know,
You didn’t have much time left.
The brothers had soon returned days later. Usually, when you were told about their missions, you’d quickly come downstairs to greet the brothers. But you were no where to be seen. This filled Bi-Han with a feeling of dread. But why? He did not love you, He didn’t even care for you so why was he feeling this anxious?
He was soon given a reason
The medic that had been treating you broke the news to Bi-Han and urged him to come quickly.
And there you were.
Your breathing was slowed, you were malnourished due to being unable to keep any food down. You were pale and looked visibly frail. He quickly kneeled by your side almost panicking, shakily grabbing your hand in both of his and holding it up to his forehead.
“What happened?!” Bi-Han raised his voice at the medic.
The medic explained that you were sick, and he’s doing his best to keep you alive but Bi-Han cut him off.
“Your best is clearly not enough!” He said, feeling himself getting choked up for the first time in years.
“I want the best doctor you can find in Earthrealm, I do not care who it is just get me them now.” He said to the medic, in order for him to reiterate the request to the others.
Bi-Han looked back at you, feeling tears fall down his face. He felt your hand moved gripping his own.
“Grandmaster?” You said in a raspy voice, almost above a whisper. Looking at him in a confused manner, why was he so worried about you all of the sudden?
“Y/n..” he looked at you with kind eyes yet scared eyes.
“What- what are you doing..?” She asks.
“The doctor told me you are unwell. When did this start?” He asked softly. This was not the Bi-Han you knew. This was someone completely different. Is this who he is capable of being?
“The day.. after you left.” You rasped out.
His breath hitched.
Was he responsible for this? For your weak state?
“I am sorry y/n.. I’ve been cruel to you. It’s always been uncalled for, you’ve only ever tried to show me who you are and how kind you can be. You’ve only ever meant well, and I pushed you away, I was.. afraid to admit my love for you, afraid to be vulnerable.” He said.
“Please, let me stay with you. Allow me to make up for my wrong doings however I can.” He begged.
You stared at him, then looked away from him ripping your hand away from his.
“No.” You said
“Y/n.. please-“
“No. You only notice my worth now that I’m weak and feeble? You notice my value now that I’m dying? You choose now to realize your love for me..?” You asked him.
“You made your choice. You said what you said and you cannot take that back. Just because you feel guilty now that I’m in this state, just because you feel liable for this, suddenly having a change of heart does not shift how you’ve treated me over the years. I’ve done nothing but beg for you to love me as I love you, I guess I truly am naive.” You laid your head down just wanting to rest for now.
He took this into consideration and left you be to rest.
Later that night he checked in on you, he approached the medics office where you had been resting. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He knocked once more, no answer. He finally entered, sensing something was wrong. He saw you laying on the bed but something wasn’t right.
You weren’t breathing.
He ran to your side, and yelled asking for the medic.
The medic tried everything he could to revive you but it was no use. Bi-Han dropped to your side cradling your body in his arms as he angrily sobbed into your neck, he loved you. He loved you so much.
But that realization came far too late.
#bi han mk#bi han x reader#bi han sub zero#bi han x you#bi han x y/n#mk1#subzero mk1#mk sub zero#mk1 angst
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a/n: afab!female!reader x Bi-Han, angsts!romance, angsty!readerxBi-Han, betrayal aftermath. NoPowers!Reader.
A/n 2: This is not a part 2 of the last story. This is its own thing.
TW: Mentions of the fear of d!ath by freezing is mentioned. BE WARNED !!
“ Nostalgic Ocean Eyes. ”

— The starry, breezy, and lighted night welcomed your solemn presence. There was a part of you that had long been frozen since 3 months ago. You sat on the ground of the courtyard silently, watching Kuai Liang, Harumi, and Tomas go to bed after a long day of work. It’s been long since the day that Kuai Liang and Tomas escorted you out of the Lin Kuei when they delivered the news of Bi-Han’s betrayal to your chambers. Despite there being hope burning, and engraving, inside of your heart; there lacked hope in your mind. You knew yourself better than that, you could never look at Bi-Han in the eyes the same way again. You are only human, and you can only take so much, and become delusional enough to a point where you finally reach the end of delusion, and can no longer go deeper in. When you realize that reality has settled in, and the man that you once loved was no longer there [and would never be back]. You removed your face mask, and you let your hair go. No matter how deep your breathing was, and how relieving it felt against the cold air— nothing could soothe the pain of half of your heart being ripped out from your chest.
— “ . . . Why am I kidding myself. . . He doesn’t even care, and it’s all honor and glory. . .” You said to yourself, fighting the gloss in your eyes, and breathing deeply through your nose. You were basically talking to yourself, recovering from the moment of delusion.
“ . . . If he comes back— I will only give him one chance to leave, and never come back.”
“ How could he even ?? Why would he even apologize ? ”
“ To me it is unbelievable. . . Madam Bo and Liu Kang have taught me better than that. . .”
— Eventually, you loomed your glossy eyes towards the moon. Lips slowly pouting, and a sad blush emerging from your tinted cheeks. A defeated sigh came from your soft-and-velvet lips. “ . . . So much for wanting honor . . . Let’s see if he finds another person to love. . . If he can even love. . .” You muttered, before turning your head to the side and lying on the grassy field. It felt like the grass became a new warm hug, its arms wrapping around you with care and love that you had never felt before. Maybe you have felt it before, and you tried to forget about how nice it felt to be hugged by someone whom you love so dearly, and deeply. Someone whom you’ve trusted in life-endangering situations, and life-changing situations. The warm grass had held a musky-like smell. The smell of oil, incense, and metal seethed from the grass. As weird as it was, it brought nostalgia to your aching heart. it felt like you were slowly drifting into a slumber in the arms of your significant other—your past significant other. As soon as you started to loose conscious, and began falling asleep, a new warmth came into the picture. The warmth felt so welcoming, that you did not even think about the fact that everyone in the courtyard has gone to bed, and the night watch people were on the other side.
— Bi-Han had been attempting to sneak into the Shirai Ryu Courtyard in order to write accurate coordinates of the location, and by which mountains and places it passes. His presence did not disturb the peace, or the silence, and he almost acted invisible. Keyword, almost. Bi-Han’s course finally lead him to your direction, and he eventually began to stare at you, holding the torch over you to keep you warm in the cold of the night. Despite such heartlessness he displayed all those months ago, he acknowledged the hatred you had for the environmental cold. He grumbled lightly, and tried to look away— but he couldn’t. The only cold you longed for was his cold hands, which always made you feel warm in some way. He planned to go inside the courtyard and get coordinates for the new clan that was being built. To anticipate the upcoming of a new worthy foe, a clan full of traitors that not even blood had bonded them. However, something they had. . . Was really the real reason he was there. He wanted to bring you back, He wanted to be with you until the end of the timeline. Bi-Han wanted you to be there, to see his hard work grow, and to become what his father never was. Glorious, and Honoring— with a lot of power, and protection. He wanted to be feared to keep the clan, and his family, safe. It was in his nature to be that way. He did not let anyone get in the way of his goals. In the end, though, he realized that he had lost a piece of comfort that brought him the feeling of home. He lost you. Once seeing you lay on the grass, drifting away into a slumber, he could not help but sit down on the grass alongside you. He did not think of touching you for a moment, since you were so peaceful laying there, like a sleepy vixen.
— “ . . . I thought i would never lay my eyes on you again . . .” He said gently, and in a whisper. Almost like he was relieved to see you somewhere that was somewhat safe. He rolled his eyes to himself, and grumbled seeing the moon looking over at such heartbreaking sight. He never thought you’d be able to hear his voice— even though that was what awakened you in the first place. His presence alone. You pretended to be asleep, hoping he’d go away. You did not want to be the one to tell him to leave, as it would break your heart all over again. After a while passed, you felt him lay down next to you, putting out the torch. Eventually, you felt one of his hands gently caress your hair, and you jolted up with a sense of danger. Bi-Han’s hand flinched back, and the both of you were on the floor staring at each other. Your eyes had finally met those ocean deep eyes, bringing you back to a time where everyone lived in something close to harmony. But now, he looked at what was a former shell of yourself— and deep inside, his heart screamed the blame towards himself. You kept staring like an idiot, before shuffling your way back up, and started to run away to get help. However, almost like you knew what would happen, you stopped moving. It is not that you wanted to stop moving, but your body couldn’t let you move faster, and you were rather frozen from the waist down… he froze your legs.
— “No matter how many times you try to escape me, and run away… you still forget that freezing the floor is a possibility. You are really stupid.” He scoffed, crossing his arms, before making his way over to you. Honestly, he did not expect for you to even look mad. But you were burning daggers into him from your eyes. You were still hurt, and his abrupt arrival did not change that. “ When you thaw me out of here, you will regret having EVER come back—“ “ How dare you raise your voice at the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei ?!” Both of you began to argue in whisper tones, almost like you were saving each other the pain of having an unfair fight. For the last 3 months, you’ve been having enough pent up aggression for this moment, to smack him— to kick the shit out of him and make him regret the betrayal. You could not even do that at the moment,because your heart’s aches began to intensify even more. There was a moment of both of you whisper yelling at each other, where you finally took a moment to catch your breath. You realized that fighting would not change anything— and it would wake up everyone else. Wait a moment, you should wake up everyone— Bi-han is literally standing right in front of you, he should not even be here. Yet, your mind’s pleading to do the right thing was clouded by the judgement of your foolish heart. Your heart desired for the man that gave you, and supported you with, shelter and protection, to ask— no, BEG— for your forgiveness, to acknowledge the irreversible damage that has been done.
— His veined, strong, and roughed hands grabbed the sides of your face. In fear, and distrust, you grabbed his hands, hoping he would not kill you in this moment in the most terrifying way… freezing to death, by the hands of your lover. You could not bear the last amount of trust you’d ever have be broken within your last breathes. But he didn’t do that, and he opted for bringing your face closer, and closer, before slowly meeting his lips to yours in an electrifying kiss. You grabbed his hands tighter, trying to pull away, but your body would melt right into his touch, and your mind would daze into deeper nostalgic delusion. His warm lips felt so welcoming to your body, like it was an ecstasy that you were not addicted to, rather it was essential to your survival. His hands kept holding gently onto your face, before bringing a hand down to your hips, while you wrapped your plushy arms around the back of his neck. Slowly, the hurt and betrayed emotions that were long buried had started to be uncovered when the kiss intensified in passion. It felt like a battle of lips, before turning into a passionate make-out that was so scandalous to think the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei would ever participate in such things with a traitor. The kisses began to dwindle like stars, and was slowly put out by Bi-Han gently tugging at your bottom lip with his teeth. Eventually he let go of your face, and kept his hands around your waist, holding you like he once did.
— “Say it.” You demanded of him, your hands slowly riding down from the back of his neck to his chest, where the Lin Kuei symbol resided. The question made him grumble lightly, looking towards the ground. You knew how much he melted at your demands, even if he could not understand them. There was something about you being so demanding that always reflected on him pretty well. God forbid it taking effect in this moment, especially when you repeated it again. “ Bi-Han, Say it and mean it . . .” You said softly, holding his face, hoping for the glimmer of hope. “ . . . The only forgiveness i will beg you for, is for hurting you— and for not protecting you better. Everything else, i will not ask for forgiveness. . .” He stated, remaining a little grumpy, and a little cocky. However, what he did want to ask forgiveness for did spark that glimmer of hope. You remained silent, and felt your hands shake, and you were so close to smacking the crap out of him. In the end, you clenched your fist, and sighed a relieving breath, crossing your arms. “ Why are you here ?” You asked with a low growl, feeling the ice melt from under you. “ . . . I came looking for you.” He sighed out, looking to the floor. You paused for a moment, considering the state you now saw him in. He still had the promise ring in his finger, and three Lin Kuei symbols were on him. You saw him take one symbol off, your symbol. He pinned it on your shirt, and gentle nudged it. Despite such anger you previously held, you still wondered if it was true that he was looking for you as the principal reason. It felt right, It felt like the right reason, and the only reason. “ . . . You do not understand the pain i’ve been through since your stunt— Bi-han, I cant even look at you in the eyes anymore, You’re a traitor to everyone else.” You began to speak, your frustration turning into desperation. You began to finally walk back and forth before continuing to ramble on about how he’s changed, how you’ve been affected, and everything under the moon. “ All you’ve been is selfish !” You whisper yelled, trying to hold in all the gloss in your eyes, but you felt like he wasn’t listening, he looked so stupid standing there like he did nothing. “ It’s not like you even listen anyways, that’s why we’re in this disposition.” You sighed, before sitting on the floor again, watching the moon.
— The necromancer remained quiet, before sitting next to you. Each action felt more, and more, and more like home— more like him. “ You know that no matter how much I Iove you now, I will never pick you over my people anymore-“ you began to say, before taking a moment to breathe, and continuing to talk eventually, “-the same way you picked all of your clan over me and your brothers…” You said firmly, anger clearly displayed on your brow. His silent nod said everything you needed to know, it was really all fucked up now. “ . . . But my enemy, you are not that.” He managed to say, staring at the moon, holding your hand gently. “... I hate that you have become my weakness. Had you not, it would not be hard to take you out right now— but my brain and my heart are conflicted… so I will keep you alive.” You let him talk for longer, and longer, and longer. The moments in which your heart trumped your brain were too many, and this one was a clear winner of the heart. “ Don’t think that I did it to hurt you, because I did it to—“ you placed your hand on top of his mouth, shushing him while hearing the environment of the empty courtyard in the middle of the night. “ . . . I know that all you wanted was the best for the future of the Lin Kuei, at any cost necessary. This is just the price for that, and I am not going to reduce it for you, Grandmaster Bi-Han.” You said to him, eventually grabbing a hold of his hands. His eyes softened at your words, and he was still somewhat stone-cold. In his heart, and on the inside, his heart was slowly breaking. But not because of you, but from your words. He was starting to feel the degree of the mistake he had made. Yet, You already acknowledged the severity. You saw the flaws, and you knew he needed to see them before he could think about fixing them— that’s if he even wanted to.
— “ . . . I will not stay with the Shirai Ryu for long, I plan to go across the land independently. Maybe after I complete some assignments.” You stated, and began to think of where you wanted to go. But the place you wanted to be was in his arms… a traitor’s arm. “ The enemy of the Shirai Ryu I am not. The enemy of Liu Kang, I am not. The enemy of Queen Mileena, I am not. Therefore, an enemy of the Lin Kuei, I will not be with enough time. . . Once you’ve regained my trust.” You explicitly stated, and shook your head thinking of what it could’ve been. “ . . . I, understand.” Bi-Han said, and started to get up to his feet. He reached out a hand towards you, and you grabbed his hand while he pulled you up effortlessly. You both kept holding into his hand, and he held tightly onto yours. The fiery passion of your romance was clearly still there. You looked down, trying not to give in to another, kiss. Maybe a hug is okay, but another kiss would break your boundaries down. It was time for Bi-Han to go, as the sun began to slowly peak at the horizon. You both shared a longing hug of lovers, your scent driving him crazy, feeling the warmth of both your bodies together. A cozy touch that could easily send him to sleep if he’d wish it so hard. Bi-he, in the heat of the moment, gave you a quick kiss on your forehead, and with the blink of an eye, retreated back to the Lin Kuei. With the retreat, your heart left with it. By next morning, there was nothing but a numb feeling. Nothing sad, Nothing angry, Nothing happy. It threw people off, yet no one knew why. You lied to Bi-Han, when you said you could never look at him in the eyes again. You stared into those longing, ocean eyes— before tearing your heart into pieces.
#mk1 fanfic#bi han x reader#mk1 angst#mk1 bi han#fanfic#sad romance#traitor romance#ocean eyes#new writers on tumblr
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How bad do you think his deja vu is?
#i know i call a lot of my drawings doodles but this is what my doodles actually look like 90% of the time#been in a angst mood lately#kung lao#liu kang#liulao#mortal kombat#mortal kombat 1#mortal kombat 11#mk1#mk11#mortal kombat fanart#my art#digital art#doodle#cfa art
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My Baby
Bi-Han x Child!Reader (not literally a child. I’m thinking teens - young adult) (no gender specified
Word count: 2475
Summary: This but I made reader less panicked
Warnings: There is no happy ending
Bi-Han always liked to believe that while he is many things, an idiot is not one of them. People could call him rude, selfish, egotistical, bitter, humorless, and whatever other negative words they could think of. What they could never call him was an idiot.
That’s what he always thought at least. Time seemed to test this theory however. First show of his idiocy was having hope. He had hope that his brothers would embrace the future the Lin Kuei always deserved. He hoped that one day they’d come to him and apologize for their insolence. He’d have to lecture them still and maybe give them some public punishment so the rest of his clan knew to never try what they did, but he’d welcome them back home and they’d begin walking together.
What he hoped most of all, was that you’d come back.
You, his child. One of the few people he smiled at. Few other people could jump on his back with no consequences. Now that he thought about it, you were the only one he wouldn’t immediately throw off. From the moment your mother became with child, he knew he would care for that child deeply. He promised himself that he’d cherish this child until he took his last breath, and even afterwards he’d find a way to still be there for you. You were the home where his heart resided.
And you continued to hold it, even when you left with your traitorous uncles. It left a hole inside him, and he stuffed it with hatred and resentment. He stuffed bitterness inside like one would stuff a teddy bear full of cotton. At least the bear brought joy and excitement. All he had was hate and more hate. Hatred for his brothers who betrayed him. Hatred for the child he had raised leaving him. Hatred for the new clan that dared to challenge the Lin Kuei. Hatred for Liu Kang. Hatred for his father. Hatred for the birds that sang in the early hours of the morning. Hatred towards silence but also towards noise. Hatred towards how loud the rain hit the roof of his home. Hatred towards everyone and everything.
You held his heart in your hands, and without it all he could feel was hate.
Bi-Han would never know how you felt about everything. He would never know that having to go against him was the hardest thing you had ever done in your entire life. He would never know that when you cooked, you always accidentally made an extra serving for him. He would never know that sometimes you would dream of the past, only to wake up and be brought back to reality.
Left to his right. Stars to his sky. Day to his night. Rain to his clouds.
Blood of his blood. The strongest bond of all. Or at least what was supposed to be.
He hadn't spoken to, or even seen you in months. Mayhaps that was why he was so angry and so eager to jump at the first opportunity to strike at those he deemed responsible.
His brothers.
Infiltrating the wedding wasn't as hard as it should have been. Kuai Liang must've been too happy to actually think about proper security. It made Bi-Han scoff. Proof that he was the Grandmaster for a reason, and his brother would never survive as one.
The Lin Kuei clan was hidden as instructed. Far enough to not be seen but close enough to see practically everything.
That everything included you.
He'd be lying if he said he hadn't gone out of his way to find you. His eyes scanned the entire crowd until his eyes finally landed on your familiar frame, dressing in what was probably the only formal attire you could tolerate.
You looked so…
Your smile was wide as you watched Kuai Liang and Harumi join hands. Not a hint of grief in your expression. Only love and joy.
“Bàba, do you not like the bracelet I made for you?” The world was extremely beautiful that day. It was the middle of spring and the weather had been exceptionally kind. No storms recently or anytime in the near future. Only cloudless skies and a sun shining down on the Earth below.
You were only 10 years old then, meaning you were starting to find your own independence but the majority of you still clung onto your father like he personally put the sun in the sky.
“The bracelet?” Bi-Han thought out loud. Bracelet… bracelet… oh! The bracelet! The one made of rubber bands that you made him a few weeks ago! He had forgotten about it. He set it down on his desk and hadn't looked at it since. “Of course I like it” he replied. He didn't hate it. It was a simple blue and white bracelet. It was fine.
“Why don't you wear it then?”.
“It's on my desk. I still have it” he defended.
Him defending himself against a child? Man, he had changed.
You mumbled something under your breath, which made him sigh in return. He hated when you did that. “I can't hear you” he reminded you for what had to have been the millionth time. You had a tendency to go quiet at times and he tried not to get frustrated with you.
You glanced up at him, then back down at your feet as you both continued walking around the lake. Finally you said “I made us matching bracelets. See?” You lifted your wrist to show off an identical looking bracelet. “But you never wear yours…”.
You hadn't realized how much your words stabbed him in the heart. Hell, sometimes it even startled him when he'd be reminded of how soft he was with you. He thought he'd be strict and full of discipline when he had a kid. Then you came and proved him wrong.
All he could say was that he hadn't realized you cared so much. Thankfully though, soon after you got distracted by some animals and completely forgot about the conversation.
He hadn't.
Infact, the minute you got home he immediately put the bracelet on. You hadn't realized until he was putting you to sleep.
You gasped and grabbed his wrist, “you're wearing it! You're wearing it!” You exclaimed. “You like it?!”. He simply nodded. You practically jumped up and hugged him. Of course he hugged you back.
When you pulled away, your smile was spread ear to ear. “You're the best! The best best bestest best! We're gonna be best friends forever!”. You placed your wrist next to his so your bracelets would touch.
Best friends forever.
Your smile was exactly like that night. Beautiful, wide, and full of life. It started to break him down on the inside. Maybe he was making a mistake…
“Grandmaster” he heard Sektor whisper behind him. “The bombs are in place. The Lin Kuei await your orders”.
No. He couldn't have been making a mistake. He was supposed to turn and tell his clan to leave? No.
Nothing was gained from sadness.
But everything could be gained from anger.
So that's what he forced to the forefront of his mind. Anger. Rage even. His family betrayed him and were here celebrating some wedding like nothing was going on. Was betrayal just a small thing to everyone? Did no one ever wonder what Bi-Han was feeling?
He didn't verbally respond to Sektor. Him raising his hand for his clan members to see was all he had to do.
They all began to creep closer and closer…
They had gotten too close.
For whatever reason, you started to look around. More than likely becoming fidgety. Whatever the reason, you looked in his direction and froze.
The walls exploded. People screamed in panic. In the split second it took him to jump from the higher ground, he had lost you.
Nevermind you. He couldn't be focused on you. He had to remember that you were a traitor just like your uncles. A hard pill to swallow. It nearly choked him as he made his way through his foes. The wedding guests became grass - they were cut down, their numbers growing smaller and smaller.
1, 2, 3, 8, 12, 20
How many had he cut down before he heard Kuai Liang?
He could spot him now. Bi-Han tracked where his brother was looking to see his new bride. Blood soaked her hands and knife, bodies laid on the ground around her - necks broken or throats slit. “Harumi!” his brother called again with his hand outstretched.
It was bitterness that led to Bi-Han shooting three large icicles in her direction.
But it was not Harumi that suffered the attack.
You had rushed towards the woman in an attempt to push her towards your uncle, not realizing the danger you put yourself in.
It was not her skin the ice pierced.
It was yours.
The ice pierced through different parts of your torso and chest, the momentum of it pushing you back and pinning you to a part of the stone wall that hadn’t been destroyed.
How would Bi-Han say he felt in that very moment? Shocked? No. There had to be a stronger word for what he felt deep in his soul. Even saying he was disgusted with himself didn’t seem like a strong enough descriptor. From the moment he realized that you had been hit, the entire world went silent. Fighting went on all around him but he couldn’t hear any of it. He couldn’t see them. He had tunnel vision and the only thing he could see was realization slowly dawn on your face.
He hadn’t meant to…
Why would he ever wanna hurt his baby?
He hadn’t meant…
“I’m sorry”
Those words hardly ever left his lips, but it was the first thing he said to you. He scanned you over in a frantic hurry. What was he supposed to do? Why was he freezing? “This isn’t a nightmare Bi-Han!” he thought, “do something! Fix this!”. But how? This wasn’t a small cut. He knew that keeping a object in the wound stopped someone from bleeding out, but fuck. Did your body know that? Blood covered your entire attire in a matter of seconds. It dripped to the ground like some twisted broken faucet. He tried to cover two areas but there was just too much blood. It seeped through his fingers.
A choking noise came from the back of your throat, followed by blood spilling down your chin. “I’m gonna die…” you whispered. The situation finally hit you. You were dying. “I’m gonna die!” your breath hitched. Bi-Han felt your hands grip his forearms tightly, making him finally look at your face. “Don’t leave me!” you cried.
Fuck, he couldn’t breathe. How selfish was he for killing as many people as he did, but feeling like the world was starting to lose its color the second someone he loved was dying? “Stay alive! That’s a command!”.
He knew the cold truth. Peasant, Grandmaster, King, Gods, death came for them all and it laughed in the face of commands. He couldn’t think of any words to ease you. How could he relax you when he himself felt like at any moment he’d throw up? He furiously blinked his tears away and grit his teeth. He wouldn’t cry because you weren’t dying! “Don’t leave me again,” he whispered.
There was so much blood. So much blood…
“What have I done?” he thought out loud in between shallow breaths. “I hurt my baby… I-”.
You began to shush him. Kind and soft your voice was - like you weren’t the one dying. He couldn’t stand it. His head fell onto your shoulder, his own shoulders shook as he tried to hold his sobs in. He was such a coward. He was the reason for his demise but he couldn’t bring himself to look into your eyes.
“It’s okay”.
Those words surprised him. It was okay? No. Those words sounded too final. Maybe if he prayed hard enough, death would spare you and take him instead. “I forgive you”.
“Shhh” your voice was merely a breath now. Your hand on his cheek was weak. He could’ve easily knocked your hand away. He doubted you could even firmly grasp a cup, but he lifted his head to look at you anyway. He immediately wanted to look away. Blood covered your lips and chin, your eyes looked so hooded and tired. What had he done? “I forgive you,” you said again. How? How could you forgive him for what he had done? He couldn’t stop the tears from falling this time.
Your soft fingers wiped at his tears before cupping his cheek. “I…” you breathed out, then managed a small smile. “I was so happy to see you…”.
You were happy to see him and he killed you in return.
That thought alone made a sob push past his lips. Those words were uttered, then Bi-Han watched powerlessly as you took your last breath. Your smile faded, your head fell forward, your hand fell from his face and to his shoulder. What he saw when he looked down at your wrist made his throat squeeze more than it already had.
You still had your bracelet.
His? Back home.
“Get up!” he pleaded in desperation. He held your head up and shook you in hopes of waking you up, but all you did was stare back at him. “Please!”. Death laughed at his begging. He placed your head on his shoulder, hands holding you close, sobs taking all the oxygen from his lungs. “Not my baby” the words came out weak. One last plea for death to bring you back and take him. Death just continued to laugh and lead you away. “Please don’t do this”.
“Don’t do what? Die? It’s too late” he thought. “The greatest gift you’ve ever received and you destroyed them. You killed them”.
For the first time since he had struck you, he looked around to acknowledge the world around him. People tore into each other, blood soaked the Earth, the dying screamed and cried. What had he done? What did he do now?
He looked to you again. His perfect child. His perfect baby. He backed away from you and your blood followed him. Your body hung in the air lifelessly. You were gone. Forever.
A large icicle formed in his hand. He looked down at it. Yes. It would do.
He pointed the sharp end at himself.
What did he do now?
Did he continue fighting the war he caused so that your death would mean something, or did he stab himself and hope he had enough of a heart to end his own life?
What did he do now?
“Omg Slices! Were you procrastinating again?” This shit is a disease- An open ending. You can decide what he does after since there will not be a part 2. Hope you enjoy! Also the way I be naming these at the last minute…
#mk1#mk1 2023#mortal kombat 1#bi han sub zero#bi han#bi han x reader#bi han mortal kombat#bi han mk#bi han angst#mk1 bi han#bi han x reader angst#Mk1 angst#subzero x reader#subzero angst
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replacement pairing: johnny cage/reader wc: 600 warnings: ANGST!!!!!!!, gn!reader, no use of pronouns or y/n a/n; i uhhhh, found an idea i wrote a very long time ago and thought "how fucked up would it be if johnny did this?" and then adapted it for him and rewrote some stuff :3 hehe i love you guys (please don't be mad) </3 ANGST UNDER CUT
His hands trace the curves and contours of your body slowly as you sway in the cool breeze the evening is providing. If you were to be looking from the outside in, this would look like a perfect moment between lovers and while the moment is between two lovers, to you, it feels less than perfect. His mind is elsewhere whilst yours is focused solely on him, on this moment, it hurts to know that he’s thinking about them again.
You never knew who they were, but he had mentioned sparingly that you were like them, you just didn’t know to what extent that was. Sometimes you would do something small, like laugh when you couldn’t quite line all the buttons up on your shirt correctly and he would get this sort of glazed-over look in his eyes with a small, sad smile and you would know that you had done something to remind him of them. It seemed, no matter how hard you tried… everything you did was a memory of them. To him, it was almost like you were them.
When he was with them, he loved freely, easily, limitlessly but it wasn’t enough, and they left him for someone else. He was a shell of himself… until he had met you and you sparkled, you had loved him so certainly, it came effortlessly to you, and that was one of the first times he had made the connection in his head, between the two of you. You were unapologetically yourself, just like they were, it was why he loved them, their fearlessness and ability to just be themselves in a world full of people trying to be someone else. It’s also why he loves you… because to him, you are the same.
Tonight was supposed to be about you and it had started that way. He took you to your favourite restaurant for dinner and then a blissful stroll under the night sky, where you both just talked and enjoyed the moment together. It would’ve been… it could’ve been perfect, if it weren’t for his distant gaze. You ignored it, you did your best anyways, to pretend everything was… perfect.
Back in his apartment he had taken you out onto the balcony and asked to dance, it was silly but appreciated, the soft glow of the moon, the quiet humming of music. It was everything, you had always wanted a night like this and when you asked how he knew… his reply was simple.
“They would’ve loved this too.”
It hurt, it crushed you, it was getting to the point where you weren’t sure if he could differentiate between the two of you anymore. What memories had he made of you and what were the ones of them? Does it even matter to him anymore?
You’d stopped moving and he knew automatically that he’d fucked up, “I’m not them, Johnny,” you’d frowned, “I’m me.”
“I know that, of course I know that, and I love you,” he was lying, and you both knew it, he didn’t love you, he loved the memories of them that he saw in you.
The pain in his eyes was the kind when you fear you might lose someone, he was afraid… not of losing you though, of losing them. You love the happiness you bring him; you love him, you just don’t love that you aren’t the one actually giving him that happiness.
Your head leant onto his chest as you murmured, “Don’t forget it…”
“I love you,” he’d repeated.
You weren’t sure if he were trying to convince you or himself.
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#kenshi takahashi#mk1#johnshi#I’m so distraught its not rven funny asankaisozihb#DESPITE COMMON BELIEF KENSHI DID NOTT KILL JOHNNY#guys please twas not my intention#Bros just in the refelction I swear its not angst#Well it is angst but not in that way
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Hi! Could I request a Sub-Zero x reader where the reader is sweet and fun to everyone but him (they treat him and ONLY him the same way he treats literally everyone else) and they basically have some rival/romance thing going on?

♡:: sub zero (bi-han) x gn!reader (hc? blurb? im not sure)
✩:: FINALLY BIHAN REQUESTSSSS and you asked for the perfect prompt 😭, i kinda made this more bihans pov if that’s okay? also i apologize if i closed the requests yall! your girl is employed again saur now i have responsibilities 😞 right now i’ll be catching up on requests and will be opening requests maybe tomorrow night! STREAM CHASING THAT FEELING YALL and i hope you enjoy! remember to like and reblog pls! ☺️💞
♡:: warnings/mentions: nada
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the amount of glares that is shared in a close space because of you two is very uncomfortable.. just ask kuai liang and tomas! no but seriously, if it wasn’t oblivious enough that you and bi-han were naturally born enemies with a dash of attraction for each other is no lie.
"i expected more.." bi-han taunts you in a practice match, "well, i'm sure you can hit me if you try hard enough. i'll believe you." you snapped back. bi-han was irritating to be around half of the time but yet.. why did your eyes immediately meet his whenever you were around each other? anyways..
you’re not sure where both your rivalry started but you sure weren’t backing down to ending it. bi-han hated the way you played the game with him and that was by.. putting him in his place. kuailang would personally thank you for this sometimes.
although you started to notice the amount of times you caught bi-han near you. not physically but he was definitely near you enough to make you irritated by his presence, although seems like he was also irritated by your constant presence around other people.
he hated the way you treated others with such kindness, the way you would gleam a smile when tomas came to greet you or when johnny would indulge in a conversation with you and your laughter would be so anxious! he hated that he craved it in some way. craved to be.. he doesn’t know.
he doesn’t why he feels the way that he does for you.
so he intends to crush it, the feelings to not exist or so he claims doesn’t exist. you’re making him feel a way and he doesn’t like it.
there is times you both can coexist peacefully which is rare but very much needed considering he likes to hear your soft voice and how gracefully you speak.
a secret he’ll never tell but he'll watch you from afar while you attend to your duties or just relaxing during your training sessions, he finds himself staring a little too hard
his brothers would definitely be the two to first notice everything between you two but they’ll never say anything to bi-han especially since they didn’t want to feel his wrath.
so que the playboy johnny to steal your attention away! and boom, they have their answers: their brother has feelings for you but won’t admit it but on the other hand, do you feel the same way about him? is there a way they can get the truth out of you?
#mk1 x reader#mk1#mk1 scenarios#mk1 headcanons#mortal kombat#mk1 fluff#mk1 x gn!reader#bi han#bi han x reader#bi han mk#sub zero x reader#sub zero#mk1 x y/n#mk1 imagine#mk1 angst#mk1 bi han#mk1 x you
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LET ME COOK NEOW..What if Bi Han witnessed readers death in the most horrible way but..HE WAKES UP AND READER IS FR LAYING THERE KNOCKED TF OUT😭BACK FACING HIM LFMAOAOA. Anyways Bi Han realizes he needs to be more ummm, loving so he holds reader close and they wake up and are like “you good🤨”
Hey, are you okay? (◦˘ З(◦'ںˉ◦)♡
RAHH ANGST, however.. there IS comfort this time 💕, description of gore n stuff
Bi-Han is walking into your shared room after an argument
You were standing in front of him just a minute ago, but when he walks into the room, gore is splattered everywhere
He runs over to your body, shaking you as he tries to put your intestines back into your opened stomach
They keep spilling out, every time he tries to look into your eyes they look away, they won't face him
Then when he looks back to your stomach- your organs are..gone?
They're missing, there is nothing left
He has taken all you are, there is nothing left
He tries to look at your face but he can't, it's deformed beyond reconciliation. It doesn't even look like you anymore
He wakes up, your back facing him as he dry heaves
You are snoring, drooling on your pillow, legs spread out as you continue to stay in your own world
Sweat is covering him, but he wraps his arms around you, pulling you in
You wake up, to a very sweaty man shivering into you
‘What are you doing..?’
‘Please..please just give me a second..’ he's nuzzling into you, smelling you?
He calms down, keeping his head tucked into your neck
‘Bad dream?’ you are worried now, trying to pry yourself away
He pulls you back and grunts into your neck, so you stay like that for a little
Then he decides you won't die as soon as he lets go, so he retreats his arms and picks you up out of bed
Taking you with him, you dress together
Then he sits you down on the chair in front of the vanity and grabs a comb
‘What are you doing?’
‘Brushing your hair’
‘I want to show you..my gratitude for your presence in my everyday life’
‘Why now?’
You think he's going to cry, he's slightly shaking, and he looks scared
‘Because I don't want your last memory of me to be of how much you hated me, and how you wish you were with another man. One that could keep you safe, that can provide for you better than I can…’
Now you're silent
But that's a pretty good reason, you think
‘Oh, yeah, you can brush my hair then..’
It’s awkward, and you don’t think he’s brushed someone else’s hair before
‘I can brush my own hair if you just want me to brush yours?’
‘I wanted to brush your hair, I want to be better to you’
You a take a breath, he's trying, for some reason..
‘Okay, take your time, thank you’
‘Okay..you’re welcome..’
It takes him a minute, but he gets out most of the tangles
Then you brush out his hair, giving him a man bun
‘This is..good..’
‘Thank you Grandmaster’
‘You are on a first-name basis with me now’
‘Oh, okay’
Wow, you've been upgraded
Throughout the day he makes an effort to make sure you are comfortable, and also near him
Then night creeps into the day, infecting it with its disease
You are both in bed, looking at each other
‘You were nice to me today’
‘I tried’
‘Thank you’
He says nothing, putting a hand on your shoulder
‘I had a dream..that I no longer had you in my life. It scared me, a lot.’
‘I won't be leaving you anytime soon Bi-Han, I promise’
‘Can you promise that?’
‘No, but I expect you to know I will try every day to come back to you’
‘Thank you..’
Of course, get some rest, we have another day together tomorrow..’
‘Goodnight Bi-Han..’
You fall asleep facing each other tonight,
This is SUPPOSED to be awkward and weird, but comforting, I hope that's how you felt 🎀
#mortal kombat x reader#mortal kombat#bi han#bi han x reader#mk1 bi han#bihan#angst#mk1 angst#mortal kombat angst#angst with a happy ending#angst with comfort#comfort#mortal kombat bi han#mortal kombat sub zero#mk bi han#mk1 sub zero#mk1
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banan warmup sketch
#mk1#mortal kombat 1#mortal kombat fanart#mk fanart#railao#mk raiden#kung lao#harvart#angst is on it's way >:)
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“ e x c r u t i a t i n g s i g h t ”
a/n: first FF !! Sorry if it is in lower quality !
content note: - femininegn!reader, naturepowers!reader, non-romantic, family. this is my interpretation of the pain that came of bi-Han’s betrayal in chapter 8 (?) in the perspective of the sibling reader. I don’t wish to introduce any oc’s at the moment !!

— The freezing chill of the forest welcomed you freely. It felt that for a moment you could breathe in a fresh air that was stained with the metallic wafts of blood, iron, and smoke. Maybe you overrated the freshness of the air, but it was the reminiscence of war. Such bitter nostalgia, but nostalgia no less. You walked along the three brothers quietly, leaving your ears attentive to the sound of unwelcome enemies. Your company was relief for at least two of the brothers. Tomas and Liang could see your growing potential day by day. Since You were stranded at the steps of the Lin Kuei, and once your power nurtured all those years ago, it was clear that you were capable. They could remember the days you struggled with your own powers, where vines would wrap around your ankles [eventually your whole body] and they would have to break you out. There was another time where you stuck yourself to the wood of the floor of madam bo’s abode when the 4 of you went against Kung Lao and Raiden. The moments went on running at the thought that if you weren’t so clumsy, maybe you could have so much power.
— Bi-Han was the exception to this belief. No matter how much you trained, how much you worked to please the ever-freezing grandmaster, nothing about you pleased him. Too short, too clumsy, or too weak for power. He always had something to complain about you, and you took it as criticism. However, that did not mean that he did not care about you. You weren’t as reprimanded as Tomas, and not as ‘close to perfection’ as Kuai Liang. You were left in the middle. He could at least tolerate you, and work on your potential that he could barely glint at. You were never someone he disdained, but you were a mere weakness to him. He cared— like you were a baby sibling he never had, regardless of your identity.
— You always acted like a little sibling in his opinion, but the way you were as a person never registered to him like Kuai Liang’s annoyance, or Tomas’ utter hesitance at times. You were a neutral, and your taste in feminine appearance made that peaceful neutral reminiscent of a long-gone female figure once in his life. He could reprimand you, punish you, and keep you in line with the rest of his brothers and apprentices… But that’s not how you perceived him. He made you want to be stronger, pushing you to your limit. You could argue with him about whatever, cry about it, and lock yourself in a room— but he was your grandmaster, and your ‘brother’, at the end of the day. Blood had a lot of significance to him, but you were the exception.
— “ Bi-han, the only way inside is through the wall. ” Tomas observed as the winter snowflakes began to kiss all over theirs faces and masks, including your own. There was a silence that followed while Bi-Han looked through the old, and dusted, telescope. There was a comfort in the cold that ran through your veins, but it hurt you dearly as well. You nodded at Kuai Liang, who turned to you with a look of inquiry. You than put your icicle hands and grabbed his ears. Kuai Liang’s shivers were felt through both of you, eventually he attempted to turn on a flame before Bi-Han stopped him. “You idiot— they could see us from here.” He snarked at the both of you, and with a pouting look, you shook your head at Kuai Liang. Bi-Han’s stare eventually went numb, instead of angry, and began to look at the fortress again, before putting the telescope away. “ We need to find a less guarded part of the wall before we ascent.” He gruffed out, almost menacingly. He began to walk with a crouch, slowly making his way to a different sight of the wall. You followed right behind them, quietly. Well, why would you speak when you were only brought along to keep an eye on the main issue. You were qualified to take down an “Extra-Ambush”, so why not ?
— In reality, Kuai Liang and Tomas snuck you into one of the bags, and Bi-Han did not know until the three of them left Liu Kang’s abode. Where you had insulted him after he started getting cocky about being grandmaster, and being more capable than the past one. But that is another story for another day. “Finally… We face a worthy foe—“ he breathed out, feeling adrenaline rush through his veins in a show of machismo. “ Victory will bring us glory.” He stated, longing for a battle of glory and honor. However, you felt a bad feeling linger in your heart, pumping with suspicion. “ Glory ?? … Bi-han, we don’t fight for glory. We fight for duty.” You nudged him, and watched his hands slowly curl to a fist, before he glared at you instinctively. “ . . . Did the ghost of my father possess you? Did Kuai Liang feed you some trash? . . . All I hear from you is his voice—“ “We must honor his vision, Bi-han.” Kuai-Liang recollected, and the sound of knuckles cracking were more present. He remained there still, and you looked at Tomas who stepped in front of you. “… Our clan doesn’t govern, it serves, Bi-han.” He said, before the grandmaster leaped into action— ignoring the voices of his family. Family… so humorous.
— So much happened in the matter of minutes, that you could not even fathom it. One moment, You and Tomas were “climbing” up the wall to with his abilities to levitate, holding you in his strong arms. You were so petite, of course he wouldn’t mind doing that, not that it would add much struggle anyways. Once you’ve reached that wall, and jumped off his arms to the wall. The sound of screeching brought back memories yet to be unraveled. Unexpectedly, a Vaetaernus came screeching down from the skies. And with her sharp claws pushed Tomas down and he began to fall off the high point. “ Tomas !!” With desperate exclaims, you dived down with vines forming around your feet, and the vines clung tight as you grabbed onto panicked tomas’ hands. Finally, once you gabbed him, the vines pulled tight on your ankles, holding you both in mid-air.
“ … did you forget your utility knife ?”
“.. no, I just didn’t think to get it until halfway down..”
— You rolled your eyes carelessly, as the vines began to pull the both of you up, and up, and up to the colder atmosphere. The metallic smell of blood began to feel more profound, stronger even. Once you both got up, you realized the amount of vaeternus you were fighting, along with an ambush. You both got to doing your jobs, coming unharmed. But it’s not like it mattered, right ? Because when you and Tomas rushed towards the entrance after minutes of not hearing from Bi-Han nor Kuai Liang inside that temple— you both knew something was horribly wrong. “ Give them a while more Y/N… they will be fine, and we will go back to how things were.” Tomas’ soft eyes foul deceive you in that moment, and you became more calm at the thought of how things were before.
— Those minutes did pass— but everything was a blur. Seeing Bi-Han and Kuai Liang fighting for consciousness against one another was a terrible sight, and the scar did not make it better. Not at all. Halfway through the battle, Tomas covered your eyes as you felt the need to protect the BOTH of them. Your innocence would be in the way, knowing that you’d feel those aches in your heart that told you to give a second chance. However, even Tomas wasn’t stupid enough to know that this did not have second chances. After a couple more hits to one another, Bi-han came crashing down on the floor. Tomas uncovered your eyes and walked you towards Kuai Liang and an unconscious Bi-Han. “ . . . What . . . What happens now?” You ask, slowly clutching at the symbol of pride you’ve been given since discovery. But there was a silence that followed. “ If they discover his betrayal, you will become grandmaster—“
—“ Tomas, they will fall to his corruption thanks to Sektor and Cyrax. They both abide permanent loyalty towards Bi-Han. We must chart a new course. The one that will honor the legacy of our father.. and serves Earthrealm.” Kuai Liang said, before he saw your worried expression as you took off that amulet that’s meant so much. You felt the ground very lightly shaking, it was almost unnoticeable. However, you knew it was shaking. You quickly wrapped Bi-Han in vines, and started to tell Kuai Liang and Tomas that the building was shaking. “ We can not leave big brother Hannie here—“
— “Who?” You pointed down at Bi-Han whom you’ve wrapped in vines. And even with such an affectionate tone you used, the pain for his betrayal was enormous, What could they really do? No one can change time that way— Liu Kang’s plan was not to reset the clock, but to keep it going in our timeline. Nothing would convince you that the world would be stopped just once, to give your big brother some mercy, a second chance. With that, the three of you (plus Bi-Han) escaped the fortress rapidly, and eventually began to feel the power of damned souls erupt from the fortress. You guys eventually kept on going, before leaving Bi-Han at the Lin Kuei doorsteps— and the three of you dashed away, faster than ever, to deliver Liu Kang the news of Bi-Han’s Betrayal.
— “ . . . It even feels weird saying those words, because never in my life did I imagine that the boy who wanted one final little sibling so badly would do this to his 3 little siblings. Maybe it was that he never liked father’s vision, and he thought weakness was our mocking term. Maybe he hated the word weak— I don’t know. It’s uhm… it’s gonna feel different not telling him goodnight with cookies, or sleepover in his chambers with snuck in food from Madam Bo’s—“ That moment you spoke in Madam Bo’s restaurant, you felt like that sadness in those glossy eyes, and the shameful stance, the placing of the food in the table did not break the disassociation you were in. There was an excruciating pain in that sense. It was painful to think that after those moments of being close— that even you weren’t enough to not listen to the enemy.. and that power, strength, and fear were more important than family, than a community he had built. It hurt that those things were more important than yourself, like you were just a spec in his world of needs and wants. When you looked, everyone seemed rather angry, or numb.. but you were more melancholy. No matter how angry everyone was, you could not be. You could not be forced to be mad. You broke into a small sob, you could not hold it in any longer, and felt the vines wrap around your face, covering your eyes. There was a silence that followed your sobs, and the pain became more unbareable.
— “ I wrapped him in thorny vines… I left him in the front of the doorstep of the Lin Kuei like he was tissue paper— with three Lin-Kuei pins clipped onto his chest. Mine wasn’t even a real one, but I was supposed to have a real one on my next birthday. He promised me, and he said I deserved it…” There was a moment where you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, and eventually it was a couple. That moment where the vines unwrapped around your face, your eyes could see the fortress again. The fortress during the moment you felt the light shaking. You had seen your big brother on the floor. You ran over desperately, trying to wake him up— but none of your brothers were around. You stayed there with him, and with the shaking becoming more violent, you eventually woke up in a bamboo bed. It felt like the clock had gone by almost like the speed of light. “ Y/N . . . You slept terribly again ? ” Tomas asked knocking on the door. His normal set of pajamas were there,and you could tell it was him. You nodded your head sadly, and felt like your knowledge needed a reset.
“ . . . How long has it been since ?”
“ . . . It’s been months, we’ve accepted Hanzo into the clan, so it has been a long time.”
“ Oh. . . I feel like i have a sickness in my head, tomas.”
— “ You think?” He chuckled a little, before going over and sitting down on your bed. You sighed sadly, and nodded your head. “ . . . His body laid there, almost looked like he was killed with a strike, but there wasn’t blood and he was breathing. Tomas, why weren’t we enough ? . . . At the very least, why wasn’t I enough ?” You sighed, looking at the floor. Tomas’ heart began to ache hearing you say that, and he gave you a gentle side hug. “ . . . Nobody was enough, Y/N. Not even Father. We will take you to Liu Kang tomorrow and see what he can do to help your ache. . .” Tomas said, and you just laid there, glossy eyes starting again. You felt tired of seeing the same images every time. Was it a sign ? A Curse ? You did not know.
— But ever since (because you could not sleep in the night), you were placed as a night watch guard. Eventually, sleep was almost useless to you. Your vines became thornier, and your plants became a little more poisonous. Watching the Shirai Ryu take form, and watching Kuai Liang and Harumi taking charge with Tomas along their side was such a beautiful sight. However, you knew it would take a while before you would consider yourself a Shirai Ryu person. But changes never happen overnight, changes happen in time after time. You have surely learned that lesson the hard way— when you became the strong fighter that Bi-Han could never be compared to.
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