275 posts
Just another Sims 4 player. Current Legacy: Benson Legacy
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
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Bright sparks lit up the night sky and cheers bounced off the artsy buildings of San Myshuno as the Humor and Hijinks Festival came to a close. 
Paris: Bow down to the champion!!! Phoenix: I believe congratulations are in order. Paris: Uhha, looks like you’ll be cooking dinner for the week. Hmm, come to think of it, I’m not really sure if that makes me a winner or not… Phoenix: Hey you, I can cook. Besides, the cooking channel plays like non-stop at ours.  Paris: Well in that case, I expect 5 star meals with multiple courses every night. Phoenix: In your sweet dreams, Benson.
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
So wait you turn into other people?
N-no. Not exactly how the whole Dissociative Identity thing works. I’m Moenna. When we switch I don’t become someone else, I am still me. Someone else takes my place. So if Dani and I switch, I don’t become Dani. I’m still Moenna and she’s still Dani. Ya feel me? We are different identities, just happen to share a body. Hope that clears it up a bit. :)
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
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Bright sparks lit up the night sky and cheers bounced off the artsy buildings of San Myshuno as the Humor and Hijinks Festival came to a close. 
Paris: Bow down to the champion!!! Phoenix: I believe congratulations are in order. Paris: Uhha, looks like you’ll be cooking dinner for the week. Hmm, come to think of it, I’m not really sure if that makes me a winner or not... Phoenix: Hey you, I can cook. Besides, the cooking channel plays like non-stop at ours.  Paris: Well in that case, I expect 5 star meals with multiple courses every night. Phoenix: In your sweet dreams, Benson.
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
New video is up. <3
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
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Paris and Phoenix went to the Humor and Hijinks Festival together as they had planned. Paris joined the Jokesters, of course, and Phoenix joined the Pranksters. Phoenix casually stood near a large group of people and successfully convinced every single one of them that the tea was poisonous while sipping her tea like it was no big deal. She looked across the festival at Paris, who was making all kinds of jokes with various degrees of success. Phoenix could win their bet in her sleep, but maybe that wasn’t the smartest thing to do. Maybe giving Paris the upper hand would work in her favour later down the tracks.
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
Come n get to know me!! :) -Moenna
New video is up. <3
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
I have this gut feeling Phoenix is shady af
Haha do you now? Interesting, very interesting.-Moenna
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
Weeeee I filmed my Meet The Alters video today and Dani helped me edit it and I’m so excited! I hope people like it... I’m nervous. I was kinda a dissociated mess NGL. -Moenna
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
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Paris and Phoenix are spending a chill day at home watching telly and getting to know each other a bit more.
Paris: Oh hey, I heard the Humor and Hijinks festival is on tonight, wanna go together? It’s just a couple blocks away I think. Phoenix: Yeah sure, why not. Let me guess, you’re going to join the Jokesters, am I right? Paris: DUH! I mean they’re the true winners, even their drink is gold! Phoenix laughs at how passionate Paris is getting. Phoenix: Haha well how about this, if the Jokesters win I’ll cook dinner for the whole week, but if the Pranksters win you’re cookin dinner. Paris: Deal! Better start watching the cooking channel, Phoenix, you’re going doooown!
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
I wish reshades could be used on macs.
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
Glad I started following you right when you started your new legacy! It looks great :))
Aw thanks, lovely. Fingers crossed you like what comes next. :p Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
WTF I believe I was meant to exist. It's not a sick joke. People exist for a reason and saying it's a joke that we exist is a shitty thing to say.
Oh no I didn’t mean people in general, I mean me. We as in me and the other alters in our system, not people as in all people. Of course I think there is a reason people exist, there are so many beautiful, talented, caring and wonderful people in the world. We are not one of them. Sorry if that confused you. Most of the time when I say ‘we’ I’m talking about me and my alters collectively.  -DaniBlob
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
depressive rant. yay. (if you’re struggling or are easily triggered probs don’t read this aye.)
I feel like such a waste of space. I also believe, like not even kinda think, solidly believe that we were never meant to exist. Life has thrown us so many hints that we weren’t meant to be here. Or maybe it’s someones idea of a sick joke that we are here. Whatever, I’m struggling so that’s fun. I wish I didn’t exist but I do. Don’t worry, I’m not about to do anything to change that, it’s just what I think. -DaniBlob
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
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Paris sits down for what seems like her 100th flatmate interview. In walks a tall dark haired woman. She smiles at Paris and her deep brown eyes meet hers. Paris couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was something almost mysterious in her eyes. Just as she was about to introduce herself the woman confidently struck up a conversation. Phoenix: Hi, I’m Phoenix, nice to meet you…? Paris: *slightly taken off guard* … Uh, Paris, my name’s Paris. Nice to meet you. *She stretches out her hand* Phoenix: *meets Paris’ hand with a handshake* Hope you haven’t had too much trouble finding a flatmate. These things can be a killer. Paris: Oh, you have no idea. I swear I’ve seen everyone in town. Phoenix: Well, hopefully this will be your last interview then. *Phoenix shifts in her chair and Paris smiles back shyly.* Let me make it super easy for you, Paris. I don’t leave my stuff lying round, I don’t get in the way of anyone and if I can keep any promise it’s that I can always pay rent on time. How’s that sound? Paris: Wow, that kinda does make it easier on me, not gonna lie. You know what, let’s do it! I’ve had enough of interviewing randoms and you’ve beaten the rest by a long shot within 2 minutes. The room is yours whenever you’re ready to move in. Phoenix: Great. Tomorrow it is. *Phoenix flashes Paris a grin and she could have sworn she saw her eyes twinkle.* Paris: Awesome!
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
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Paris sits down for what seems like her 100th flatmate interview. In walks a tall dark haired woman. She smiles at Paris and her deep brown eyes meet hers. Paris couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was something almost mysterious in her eyes. Just as she was about to introduce herself the woman confidently struck up a conversation. Phoenix: Hi, I’m Phoenix, nice to meet you...? Paris: *slightly taken off guard* ... Uh, Paris, my name’s Paris. Nice to meet you. *She stretches out her hand* Phoenix: *meets Paris’ hand with a handshake* Hope you haven’t had too much trouble finding a flatmate. These things can be a killer. Paris: Oh, you have no idea. I swear I’ve seen everyone in town. Phoenix: Well, hopefully this will be your last interview then. *Phoenix shifts in her chair and Paris smiles back shyly.* Let me make it super easy for you, Paris. I don’t leave my stuff lying round, I don’t get in the way of anyone and if I can keep any promise it’s that I can always pay rent on time. How’s that sound? Paris: Wow, that kinda does make it easier on me, not gonna lie. You know what, let’s do it! I’ve had enough of interviewing randoms and you’ve beaten the rest by a long shot within 2 minutes. The room is yours whenever you’re ready to move in. Phoenix: Great. Tomorrow it is. *Phoenix flashes Paris a grin and she could have sworn she saw her eyes twinkle.* Paris: Awesome!
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
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Paris exhales deeply as the 10th potential flatmate she’s interviewed today leaves her apartment.
Paris: I’m never going to find someone to help pay the rent, and I can’t afford this place by myself. Why is it so damn hard to find a decent flatmate around here?
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lanternsims-blog · 7 years ago
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Meet Paris.
After working multiple jobs and saving as much as she could for a year she finally made enough to step out of her family home and into the big wide city that is San Myshuno. How will she get on? Watch this space to find out ;)
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