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Introducing this pile is the same as a thousand suns in the sky, their essence (presence) shines brightly that it's hard not to notice. Definitely thrives under the spotlight without the pressure affecting their image; effortlessly magnetic celebrity and has the fans to back it up. The public flocks to their every move in throes, this is an indicator of attracting obsessive behaviors from others, but it's also attracting defensiveness and "predatorial" protectiveness (i.e. stans, cult-ish supporters). "Can do no wrong" in the eyes of the public, because Pile One has them feigning for their attention. The influence here that's over the masses is actually so powerful it's concerning.
Carries the same mystique and aura that a rockstar does, it's intoxicating almost. Being "hot on the scene" is their peers kryptonite, because this pile has the gift of never being unknown; ability to adapt to every trend and do it correctly ("justice"), sets them too. Falling off the radar is near impossible, which boosts their status on the regular. Fitting into any crowd and shaking hands with every mogul; elite networking skills. Personality may be a little jaded however, it'll be obvious that Pile One was thrown into fame and made ("forced") to navigate it alone; no guidance or mentor, which is perceived in a bittersweet light from the world.
Will be the black sheep in Hollywood, they'll either stick out like a sore thumb or stand out amongst the crowd. Polarizing, "striking" appearance that gains popularity; a part of modeling campaigns for the largest houses and knows it—flaunts it out of confidence. They're a magic eight ball in every room and connection, leaving people on their toes for any answer [or "form of life"]. Indicator of keeping to themself when "work" is over, so they'll awaken everyone and leave them hanging. Chappell Roan vibes, basically.
Life as a star is similar to a college student's, it's thrilling and full of adventures, but also is the cause for lots of destruction (i.e. pain, change). Knight of Wands in reversed speaks for Pile One's personal life being out of control and somewhat "reckless". Could feel like things are out of their hands a lot, like trying to keep a family secret but the tabloids pick up on it. Privacy invasion will be a common thing for sure, but they'll find a way to defeat the odds of the situation (turn drama into memes or making light of context). Getting called out a lot, but for minor mistakes and mishaps.
Love wise, this pile is attracted to upcoming celebrities or people that work in an entirely different field. Wouldn't be surprised if they met long term partners at random, like when they're dodging paparazzi or running shopping errands lol. Relationships are short lived due to the demand of career, so romance isn't stable unless they're actively changing their lifestyle to make it work. Friends are potential lovers too, which is more mess for the blogs, but Pile One finds much happiness in the "unconventionality". This can bring about liars though, "snake in the camps" are prone to be revealed after the lust dies down.
Struggle shows in their capacity to actually put in work, as in enough effort without relying on others (a team); they'll have zero issues bringing in wealth, but it'll be from different ventures and endeavors outside of their field. Career won't be taken in a serious matter as expected, they'll have to fight against being the butt of jokes for this. Perceived as an "internet cousin" which means they'll receive more gains from being niche or partaking in what's popular; TikTok or Instagram is where majority of their funds stem from. For the most part things come simply, it's what comes along with it that's the issue. Being young, reckless, and rich is their only downfall and it'll come to pass if they choose to ignore growth.
After hours is when they come alive ["in the nighttime"], able to let their hair down and be free from the press/stress of their job. Going out in general helps them evolve, it's as if their starlight beams even brighter; emphasis on evolving is shown through appearance, Pile One looks *good* whenever they're out and about. Confidence is boosted too, which only encourages their impulsivity in the moment—has a million crazy stories because of this and relives each one. Quite controversial and loudmouthed after a few drinks though, might cuss a supporter out once or twice and have to publicly apologize. Regrets getting into shenanigans just to end up doing them again; very 'live fast, die young'.
When it comes to the media, Pile One will be a celebrity face for reality shows, brand commercials, and modeling campaigns; televised daily for sure, this reading indicates that they're a hot commodity everybody wants to be seen with. Interviews, meet and greets, show panels, etc. all come second nature to them. Charisma oozes from their pores ("pores" correlates to their beauty, they're flawless to the public) and touches an audience in record time, they're beloved [and "cherished"] without second thought. "All is forgiven" is being channeled, which validates the fact that this pile gets away with a lot due to their likability. "America's Sweetheart" plus other countries icon.
Side quests are the complete opposite of their vitality, this pile would book hiking retreats or yoga sessions with the 4 of Swords. There's a sense of tranquility in the aftermath of being famous, their "quiet before the storm". Visiting town shops, feeding birds, getting a massage or hitting the sauna, like winding down would be a part of their schedule no matter the event. They prefer to be alone, want to enjoy the ["little"] peace and quiet that arrives; there would be photos of them eating alone and reading a novel in an Internet cafe ("spotting them in the wild") after headlines about their night before spread word. This pile lives for themselves, always, and being someone with status doesn't change that mindset in the slightest.
𖣠 The Devil card was at the bottom of the deck which describes the tumultuous obstacles Pile One might face as a celebrity. It speaks for obsession, toxicity, bad habits, and unfortunately jealous people that will sabotage their future; it'll be challenging to avoid everything hence the escapism through drugs and partying. Indicates having lots of ink (tattoos), a grunge or 'intimidating' presence, and potential piercings as time goes on.
𖣠 Could lose fans from aging or maturing (trash ass fans if I'm being honest), people will chastise, criticize, and bully if something seems out of place from what they’re used to. It’s eerily similar to Britney Spears mistreatment in the public eye, but it’s not as detrimental; Miley Cyrus versus Disney Channel watchers is what’s being indicated. "Tough crowd" but they'll still follow Pile One, might even send forms of abundance as a way to release anger—contradicting but beneficial lol so…
𖣠 Reputation will be seen in a positive, friendly and "happy go lucky" manner. Pile One is remembered for their jovial attitude and intimate (platonic) friendships; could have best friends that adapt to their fame and inherit their own, it's like when you see this pile you'll see this specific person at their side. Might be known for their drinking or drunken attitude (confirmation lmao).
𖣠 Accomplishments and projects are going to be underhanded, there's going to be obstacles when it comes to full recognition that isn't half-assed. This pile works hard and does receive attention for it, but it wouldn't reach the scope of bringing home "real" or profound awards; seen as a young minded star with great potential for most of their fame, and that's all. Might go down in history for fighting against this narrative, going to war for their spot in Hollywood, but to no avail.
CELEBRITIES IN COMMON: Timothee Chalamet, Tyla, Megan Thee Stallion, and Chappell Roan


Introducing Pile Two would have the same force as an older soul in a room full of whimsical minds; groundbreaking, immovable sense of self that causes tremors in each room they're found in. Jalen Hurts comes to mind, he's only 26 years old and has done irreversible damage (complimentary) when it comes to playing pro football; talented and handsome, which he knows, yet his humbleness has taken him to heights beyond the norm. That's what this pile evokes [and "invokes"] as a celebrity, they're a beacon of a star, burning amongst their peers but in a way that lights up the path to where they're headed. The wisdom and depth of their knowledge proves that fame isn't or wasn't the end goal, that it just so happened to be a part of their journey because they're able to teach, curate, or nurture the collective in ways that nobody else could. Public image is adorned and somewhat envied for being irreplaceable—this individual cannot be replicated or buried (e.g. blackballed, forgotten about), that's how cherished they are.
The ultimate workhorse, the CEO, the alpha and omega ("alma mater", might've studied in their field), etc. This pile will be known for their "utmost" dedication and respect to their craft, there's a sense of having the same respect as one of the greats, otherwise a teacher to the collective of students that adore and "look up" to them. Denzel Washington is being channeled, and now there's a download about masculinity; Pile Two could be perceived as someone domineering [or "dominating"], a king in whatever got them famous. The arts are being specified (i.e. actor, director, screenwriter, or composer), as well as being in the fashion industry (i.e. designer, professional stylist, makeup artist); could be more known within Hollywood, as in amongst the famous rather than being famous, but regardless the admiration could move mountains.
As a star, they're going to be sought after for how much they're worth, for being so high value they're out of reach ("out of touch", too). Since this pile has such high demand, it's going to be near impossible for them to connect with the public or their actual ("legitimate") fans. Could be seen as The Moon card, otherwise illusive and private until they're meant to be out in public; the Hermit being reversed is a telltale sign of antisocial behaviors. It'll be "extremely" difficult to connect with them on a personal level, and to be honest, this is how they'll want it to be; boundaries are going to be implemented and established from day one, so there's little to no room for mistakes from "outsiders". Fame can feel prickly, cringey, or downright disgusting for Pile Two, "dystopian" is what they're reminded of whenever they're made (forced lol) to engage—would drop the flashing lights in a heartbeat if it meant life would return to normal.
Life as a star will have the same trudge as someone stomping through the house with mud on their boots, it'll be hard to find *real* enjoyment in the spectacle when it's not about money. Pile Two could have Capricorn or 10H placements that challenge the "lights, camera, action!" ordeal that they'll inevitably partake in; smiling in strangers faces or "performing" for them feels embarrassing. "Lighten up" is being channeled, so they're more than likely seen as a celebrity that's stoic, direct, and unmoving. Imagine how Cilian Murphy goes viral for being out of touch with social media and going blank during interviews (e.g. Buzzfeed Celebs reading thirst tweets), that's this pile times ten. Despite the standoffish response to being celebrated, they're meant to be in the spotlight for a longer duration and will stick to the commitment.
When it pertains drama and controversy, the main issue is their attachment to wealth and high-end luxuries. There's an underlying element of hatred towards Pile Two, but it's not directed to their existence, more so the everyday choices they make "out loud" (publicly); how Taylor Swift is beloved by her Swifties but gets berated for traveling across town in her private jet all the time, that's how this pile comes off within the spread. Capitalism or having a capitalistic mindset would cause chips in their notoriety, that's their only stain as a celebrity. With how many celebrity comparisons have been mentioned (example wise), it's alluding to public beef or disputes with their protégés. Someone that this pile views as inspiring would probably nitpick and start something out of spite, because they're so successful, to the point it'd cause a ruckus for everyone to see; jealousy would be attracted and they'd face backlash for responding ("dealing") with it.
In terms of career, legacy, and downfall, this pile feels the most likely to leave everything behind if they're unsatisfied with their outcome. Things like slander or defamation to character (i.e. blogs reporting them negatively) would turn them *completely* off, they wouldn't even attempt to do damage control; PR wouldn't be called or anything, they'd already be over the whole ordeal. The 4oC speaks for turning their back on what once was, feeling that there's nothing more to achieve outside of what's been accomplished [or "done"]. Hard to say where Pile Two's work would go, it feels like it'll vanish or be erased from being left behind—"in the dark" is coming through, so they're the type to take down or delete all traces of fame and what they've achieved. Very pessimistic way of thinking, but they were never attached to begin with, it's no big deal in their eyes and the world has to accept that ("come to terms with it").
After hours would consist of a routine, something that’s planned and structured ahead of time, an event or night that they’re looking forward to because it’s strategic. Logical plans are prone to occur, like spending their free time visiting museums with complex pieces, or choosing to lose themselves in a game of darts/archery; fun consists of mental development, so this pile isn’t too different from their celebrity demeanor (way of thinking, in other words). Pile Two keeps to themselves so much that there aren’t other people that join them once it’s time to “unwind”, it’s as if they’re the only company that they want, need, and want to keep—trust is being channeled, this is a boundary that they’re probably used to having crossed [or “challenged”] hence the strict requirement of one person allowed. Yoga, journaling, poetry slams, spiritual retreats and meditation are their favorite recreational activities when they’re out of the way. Such a lone ranger this pile is, but it’s freeing and keeps them protected (“out of harm's way” from the fame).
It’s possible that things start to get fast paced on days where they’re needed most, or places where they’re required to be; a hobby of theirs is to up and leave when they’re ready for something new lmao. This is the celebrity that’s invited to a high fashion show just to disappear in the middle of it because it was boring— “there’s more to do”, something better that isn’t a waste of their time. It's not done out of rudeness, though the media will undoubtedly paint them in that light, it's out of the desire to seek more on par with their interests. Pile Two is just very detached and doesn't put on a front to hide it, they come as they are and leave when it's time to. Hobbies would honestly be any endeavor that isn't expected of them, otherwise they'll break the rules purposely if it means they'll be left alone.
Going out clubbing feels pretty nonexistent here, partly due to privacy reasons, but majorly because this pile is disinterested in night life as a whole. The club in particular could be a sore spot from their height of fame, hence why they opt out of doing so; public outings aren't their friend lol, it'd be a nightmare no matter how promising the scene could potentially be. Fans coming up for pictures, paparazzi's flagging them down when they leave, dealing with headlines in the morning, etc. the hassle isn't worth the hours of sweaty excitement. Not that they don't go to parties or lively events at all, but they're extremely choosy with their time and rightfully so. Definitely would prefer hosting their own "club" at home and inviting friends over instead.
𖣠 The Fool card was at the bottom of this spread, which further cements that this pile’s fame is a whirlwind of opportunities. Upheaval in status will come randomly, literally definition of “started from the bottom, now we here.” Type of celebrity that is influenced by the numbers on the check; featured in TV commercials, box office films, or comedy sketches as long as the zeroes align.
𖣠 Longer paragraphs than other piles, this is a celebrity who’s remembered or seen as prestigious in their field. Can hold lengthy conversations during interviews, typically aces them with their density and reformed responses. Sturdy foundation of a career that was built “brick by brick” from their bare hands.
𖣠 Reputation is lighthearted, special, and seen as "familial". Celebrities that brought a light to their career field or industry and lightened it with their creative (distinct, unique) nature. Perceived as innocent and pure, no matter their age or appearance; gorgeous people and are commended for their beauty (trendsetters as well).
𖣠 Accomplishments could come at an advantage from others; nepotism babies, industry plants, or even being the protégé of another huge star (or compared to them a lot). Men could force themselves in the way of receiving public accolades like awards or "plaques", but this pile's ambition speaks for themselves. Will have a day or street named after them for their contributions to said field, a golden star after putting in overtime at work.
CELEBRITIES IN COMMON: Teyana Taylor, Bella Hadid, Aaliyah, and Tems


Introducing them has to be extravagant, it has to be 'big, bold, and beautiful', it has to have pizzazz and gusto otherwise it wouldn't live up to their presence. Pile Three's public image would have the coined term of "diva", they're the celebrity who was born for stardom ("born to be one") and it's imprinted in their personality from the get-go. It could be hard for them to mesh with a crowd however, for their peers could curate an idea of them apart from who they actually are; "bitch" is what they could be labeled as, but it's not all true. Glamour would have a lasting impact on their supporters, people would admire their taste in fashion and aesthetics to the point of being inspired; ventures in beauty are prevalent as well (i.e. makeup, designing clothes). Appearance for them is important because it's a large part of their identity [or persona], the kind of face card that earns them millions on top of millions ("billions").
Integrating crowds would do wonders for their status, Pile Three mixes (blends) well with other audiences opposed to just one. Essentially, they're a magnet for diversity and finds much attention overseas—the kind of star that's adored in Brazil or France lol, all over the world they're perceived as someone special and worth loving. "A jewel", a talent that brightens the collective, that "ignites" the fire in others and deems them the same (i.e. inspiring). This could actively boost their fame, meaning their prominence will never be the same as it was previously; popularity follows them for sure, they'll take off like the fastest of rockets. Similar to Rihanna's general likability and aura, this pile just carries the gift of natural attraction.
Fans feel comparable to friends for Pile Three, they’re able to call them by name or hug them in person, it’s a relationship that’s genuine and not just because of their status. It doesn’t just come with the job, there’s real love shared between them and that’s why they’re so beloved (“fan favorite” celebrity). Will be seen and viewed as someone who’s adaptable, productive, and overall invested in branching out within their career (i.e. not in one box). “Dynamic” comes to mind, so as a celebrity they’re going to be full of surprises; bursting onto the scene with ideas that are creative, original, and groundbreaking. Innovator, trendsetting and trailblazing vibes are heavily implied with this pile.
Life as a star will leave them ‘winded’, it might leave them disappointed in the way life unfolded, or that the cards they were dealt left them unsatisfied; the saying “money can’t buy happiness” is what they’d understand if they were famous, it came full circle and they’d hate that. Life can be tumultuous, it can have an undercurrent of despair—drowning from the upheaval in what used to be normal. A lover could be their saving grace, the “one good part” of their difficult day to day (future lover, future spouse that feels genuine and safe). For some reason there’s a taint of sadness on their success, accomplishments, and overall enjoyment of fame, it’s a melancholic energy that will never disappear. If this pile could rewind time and do things all over again, they probably would.
Queen of Swords in reverse indicates enemies [or Pile Three’s biggest enemy] being themselves. Their biggest setback stems from insecurities and ends up being the root of all disappointments; missing deadlines, bailing on appearances, all forms of self-sabotage hinders their growth in the spotlight. Nitpickiness bleeds into connections outside of career, eventually harming their bond with those closest to them—too blinded by their inability to be vulnerable, it seems they won’t even realize (“until it’s too late”). Publicly they’re adorned, but behind closed doors is when [and where] everything goes left. It’s not significant, but controversy or drama involving other people (i.e. their peers, paparazzi) will be nothing short of envy, wishing that Pile Three’s success or assets were their own.
This is surprising, but this pile seems to be the problem and not the other way around lmao; “wreaking havoc” internally is the uproot of any negativity, in other words their self-destruction is the fall of their fame. Too domineering and defensive, they’re the type to lash out when they’re under pressure, not giving second thought to their attacks if they’re struggling (“failing”) to handle celebrity culture well. Similar to throwing rocks and hiding their hand, basically. It's not their fault however, because with the 7oW being here, that speaks for crippling anxiety and having nowhere to run to; defense mechanisms are really apparent when it comes to Pile Three's legacy. There'll still be a chance or multiple for them to redeem themselves, just as long as they're able to clean up their acts.
SIDE QUESTS, HOBBIES, THE MEDIA, CLUB CULTURE ➞ 🎴Strength ↺. The Fool. Knight of Swords ↺.
After hours could be quite unattainable as a celebrity, meaning alone time is few and far between; going out would consist of fans spotting them all the time and possibly ruining the entire vibe from pushiness (rude behavior, harassment, not leaving them alone). Pile Three would give up on the idea entirely to be honest, they'd succumb to the defeat of not having enough strength (hence the card in reverse) to assert their dominance, it's easy to push them over for sure. However, this won't keep them from showing up at their favorite spots or hanging out period, it's just going to have obstacles that ruin the overall enjoyment meant to be had. Indicator of huge mobs appearing out of nowhere, despite an evening with private intentions. There could be a slight revel in this kind of attention though, there isn't an inclination to use a disguise or coverup to be hidden from unwanted eyes.
For some odd reason, the media would be "hyper focused" on what Pile Three does on a random hunch; headlines or published stories wouldn't revolve around the average celeb drama (romance, projects, gossip), but instead it'd be about their eating habits or newest purchases. Miscellaneous updates, essentially, and it wouldn't go unnoticed. Garners publicity [without trying] from their most expensive car, current haircare routine, or partner's latest playlist dedicated to running at the gym—falls in the category of being niche when in actuality it's quite boring. Catchphrases or slogans are significant too, might put something under an IG post that goes viral and becomes the print on a crop top. It's going to feel quite strange to them, but at the end of the day there's nothing that can be done; lots of moments where they're seen "unprepared" that they'd obviously want to avoid (paparazzi feels like they play pranks almost like lmao).
This pile is so naughty, it's hilarious; prone to be caught "red-handed", usually found in the midst of doing something that shouldn't be common for celebrities. Vandalizing buildings (i.e. spraying graffiti), stealing small items from stores (Winona Ryder tease), being spotted at an ex-lover's house, etc. It's so silly for them because these are daily antics of the average civilian, which they are, but societal status wise it's out of character—not of their tax bracket. Quite comedic with it also, like this is someone that poses for their mugshot on some silly goofy mood shit. Definitely known for their humor in general, but it's apparent when they're off duty, so much that it brings in a new surge of 'supporters' each time [or circumstance]. Wedding crasher energy, that's what hobbies would revolve around anyway: photobombing stranger's pictures, going outside in bunny slippers, tripping in public and using it as a meme because they're unserious, etc.
𖣠 Page of Wands was at the bottom of this spread, meaning that this pile is seen as the "jester". The entertainment part of Hollywood, bringing charisma and character in the areas that are drab or boring; the person everybody wishes they could hand around outside of social media. Bright ideas that are implemented for them and others, a celebrity that's hard to ignore because they're always pushed to be seen.
𖣠 Humor is their strong suit x10, this pile has the ability to get any dead crowd up and alive with their words. Easily first pick for hosting live ceremonies or headlining concerts (live events in general). Reminiscent of a younger cousin or middle child, heavy sibling energy that the public adores [and "admires"].
𖣠 Reputation is remembered in an expressionistic way, meaning this pile has left their mark externally. Clothes and fashion could be their "hidden" niche, something that people weren't aware of until later, but can't deny the fashionista gene that's a part of their flamboyance. Might be known for starting and stopping on projects a lot, experiences burnouts often and has trouble picking up where they left off.
𖣠 Accomplishments are typically "the first to", this pile is a leader in their own right which gives them a boost in receiving public accolades. Their difference makes them stand out and lands them in rooms with large (huge) ass names. Will either be top choice for an "unattainable" award (e.g. winning a Tony isn't simple, but they'd score it without difficulty), or win multiple awards in their field (i.e. Billie Eilish winning numerous Grammys at her young age).
CELEBRITIES IN COMMON: Rihanna, Sabrina Carpenter, Cardi B, and Keke Palmer
Introducing Pile Four takes a different approach than all the other piles, as a celebrity they're going to be perceived as "nothing short of a gold digger". This isn't inherently negative, but it does paint the picture [and begs the question] of their loyalty to those that 'surround' them; spouses, friends, management, anyone that's meant to assist or uplift this pile under the limelight. Envisioning Anna Nicole Smith right now, which indicates that they're someone who's driven by status and ["most importantly"] money. Dollar bill signs flash in their eyes for sure lol, it's as if wealth stimulates every notion of their will to live (i.e. be a star); the promise of good fortune and billionaire company is the promise land of their dreams. Meant to attain it for certain—after, or even before Pile Two, this is the wealthiest pile out of them all.
Another group of celebrities that cause rifts and notions within the opinions of others; it'll be hard not to assume they're one way, because ultimately, they don't go out of their way to hide it. Being bad is good, being good is bad is their internal monologue, something that they're not afraid to admit openly and [undoubtedly] without shame. Their fame might feel unstable, or "hot and cold", and it's due to them not being involved with the "shenanigans" as much as their peers; the WAG celebrities, the stars that harbor fame from the rich partners hanging from their arm. The Lori Harvey of their industry, possibly even of whoever's company that's kept—people are caught off guard by their ability to stay afloat from doing nothing. What this means is that they're not actively involved in a career that pins them down, so they aren't fulltime actresses or musicians, just fulltime paid and pretty.
The Sun is the literal embodiment of being hot shit, it's one of the major arcana cards that screams it-girl or it-boy essence; charm is through the roof, visibility is on one hundred, skin continuously glowing from all the attraction they gain or pull. One upload on social media and their followers shoot to the millions, this is a celebrity that's the most followed person on whatever platform, and it can literally be for just existing. Their fans aren't particular meaning there isn't a specific niche (or gender) that's into them, people in general are drawn to their presence like "bees to honey". Hell, even their favorite artist's favorite artist's is drawn to them, like this is a celebrity that shows up and brings the whole room with them whenever they leave; followers are a personality trait, it's effortlessly natural for them to be favored. The A in A-lister.
Life as a star is a life that's worth living wow, they're going to be someone's sugar baby for sure. "Cash cow" is being channeled, so there's a lover that doesn't hesitate blowing bag after bag on their every desire, pleasuring them with luxurious expenses and flashing bright lights; not ever forcing them to lift a finger in exchange for gifts. Oh this is the dream for real, this stirs up "positive" jealousy, like their peers root Pile Four on but not without wondering what they could do to attain the same lifestyle ("you go girl" is being heard right now too). Things feel dipped in cotton candy (or gold), adornment and princess/prince treatment are very common; spoiled brats that live as a star both in public and at home. For as long as they're able to, as long as they're alive, nothing would make them give this full ride up [and rightfully so lmao].
Enemies, the media, and paparazzi for this pile will carry senses of wit, intellectual and meticulous yet impressive. Pile Four could even be acquaintances with these people, it feels similar to throwing the fakest smile to a person you hate due to the public setting, it's calculated "hatred" between one another. Indicative of sources for their secrets being close friends, or people that're trusted; bold moves and audacity that will usually be found out by Pile Four, but it doesn't prevent it from happening again (i.e. bitches are snakes lol). Lots of traction on social media from blogs and stan/hate pages that boost popularity; "bad publicity is still publicity" definitely applies for this pile. Sensing that there isn't much emotion present however, so ultimately there isn't a lot that's done besides soaking up the scrutiny.
Similar to the previous pile, there's going to be a temptation on Pile Four's end to be destructive at one point in their fame. It's a dire need, an urge almost, to act an ass and make the world enable their self-sabotaging behavior; being used to having everything their way will lessen their social cues and manners, which isn't going to help their public likability. Quite chaotic as a person, they're not going to filter themselves for anyone, anything, or any "moment" (i.e. setting), which forces their maturity in that second. Pettiness is their go-to lmao, so it's obvious where this is going—reaction, response, or action is both this pile's success and downfall. Their legacy as a whole relies on if they're able to be mature, so the cards can fall either way; the Universe will decide, so essentially, they'd either be well liked enough to never be cancelled or disappear out of nowhere on a random weekday.
After hours are on the trickier side to explain, it feels as if they're in more than one place but nowhere at all. Seeing them outside would be like spotting a giraffe in the wild, they're hidden in plain sight and everywhere all at once; could hide themselves well, making it harder for others to detect them in a crowd. 'Where's Waldo?' vibes, Pile Four has the ability to camouflage and that's their favorite pastime; loves to use an alias outside. This reason alone can leave their actual events of the night under wraps, it feels as if nobody's aware of what happens apart from the invisibility. Quiet as it's kept is how this feels, it's near impossible to get a read on this part, maybe it's not for anyone else to know ("use imagination", up for interpretation).
Wow, the people's princess for sure—9 of Cups speaks for fulfilment, wishes, and positivity—headlines will shower ("flower") them with compliments, make them feel even more seen and appreciated than before. Pampering them with the sweetest words or captions, publishing their best pictures on front pages, sending presents as 'thanks' for existing, etc. Favoritism will absolutely be shown for this pile, so much that it won't evoke negative emotions, it'll just make everyone fall ["even more"] in love. As a star this brightens their light to maximum potential (power), their name being publicized is the equivalent to a supernova shooting across the sky. So little words can be used to describe this kind of magnetism, but it exists within them and it's treasured by anyone that's graced ("touched") by it.
Nature retreats, traveling to far out countries ("beaches"), and visiting spiritual resorts would be side quests that they partake in. "Peace of mind" is their motto, it's their way of life when they're free of the madness, it brings them contentment beyond the money and fame. The weight that comes with the world's attention is lifted and they're a free bird when they're with them; sitting in the forest and listening to the sounds might also keep them in high spirts. Yoga seems to be common with all the piles (no surprise considering the tax of the subject lol), but Pile Four finds more interest in teaching it than practicing. Time to themselves is spent enlightening their mental habitat, nurturing and replenishing their thoughts with the Universe or Mother Nature.
𖣠 Queen of Wands was at the bottom of the spread, meaning this pile is known for their ferocity, sexiness (i.e. sex appeal), and independence in their chosen field. Runs the world with every command or will grow into this strength the more they're involved with fame. Indicator of a star that's intimidating or dominant to their peers because no one can touch them (otherwise "steal" their spot).
𖣠 The celebrity that's plastered everywhere but isn't known past their social image or public name (as it should be). Hidden even when, or if, they're in high demand—can disappear and come back with twice the power they had. Their pupils (peers and fans) admire them to the point of hoping or wishing to be like them one day.
𖣠 Reputation feels as if it halts or stops in an abrupt manner—a change to how they were seen at the start of their career, near the middle or "ending". Their efforts and past are wiped clean from the difference, could be unrecognizable despite being a trailblazer. Lots of love or "loss" of love for this pile regarding fame, a situation could alter their reputation that was honestly out of their hands (i.e. whoever they're associated with fucks up their name).
𖣠 Accomplishments are going to be huge, personal accomplishments that transcend the physical. Gone through so much to see it all pay off, the field they're in (or fame in general) could've molded them into a "machine" but the rewards were worth the price. World domination is written in the letters of their name, it's near impossible to overthrow the transformations they've brought to celebrity life.
CELEBRITIES IN COMMON: Zendaya, Beyonce, SZA, and Ayo Edebiri


Introducing Pile Five would come with strong words of advice for newcomers that come after, this pile's presence might be shroud underneath bad financial decisions, debt, or naivety to the industry. Prone to being taken advantage of, even being misrepresented by gullible words, actions, or choices, they're a celebrity that reminds their peers of Bambi. Might be in the "background" more often than not, someone that's behind the scenes and uses their abilities ("magic") to bring beautiful art and creations to life. Underpaid or being underappreciated is a prevalent theme though, so fame would cause them distress or distrust in anyone that isn't themselves; prefers working alone, enjoys their career and what perks that come with it, but choose not to share how much they're planning on doing next. Hidden gem in a world full of the same diamonds but opts out of promoting their specialties—underrated to many, except for the few that have been blessed to find out about their talents.
The Star being reversed is an indicator of their fame level being despondent on their next big move, it relies on what "they're able to bring to the table". Pile Five is quite the individual, they're a natural creative that can staple their works without an issue; if they wanted, if they chose to, they'd be soaring to grand heights with ease. Untapped potential either by choice or by procrastination. Reminiscent of Normani's dance in [and out] of the spotlight, the ball is in their court and sometimes it doesn't make it to the basket. The people yearn for their work too, that's the funniest part because they're well aware of this, they just don't move on anyone else's time but their own; fame doesn't temp them easily, it's as if they're the "black sheep" amongst normal sheeple.
The magnitude of their fame definitely does depend on how active with their celebrity they are; one minute it's intense and thriving, next minute it's gradual and subtle. There could be periods of rest with this pile, it's not necessarily detached energy, but it gets still whenever they're "bored" (i.e. exhausted with keeping up, not bothered to be a celebrity lol). Manifestation could be a technique that's shared between this pile and their fans, or some other kind of reference to spirituality; this is a known fact about them for sure and it's accepted without question. The potential to lead or generate followers is so strong it's cult-ish, like their power doesn't go unnoticed but they don't go out of their way to enforce it. The aspects of fame aren't as present because this is someone that got famous "on accident" (not purposefully, it just happened), but their influence could lead millions whenever they decide to tap into it.
Life as a star won't be simple for them, it'll actually be more difficult than any other pile to be honest. Judgement in reverse indicates malicious gossip and constant (I mean *constant*) opinionated comments, Pile Five is quite literally under a microscope with no air to breathe. Friendships and romantic relationships might even crumble from the burden of being around them; reality will be harsh, and it does teach valuable lessons, but it'll be taxing as hell. Might find solace in spiritual gurus or "religion" (imagine SZA), it keeps them stable and focused on fulfilling their purpose [because if famous, this pile definitely has a karmic mission to accomplish]. Ironically, this kind of negativity never breaks them, only spurs them forward and gets them closer to their inner completion/goals; nothing stops them, not even themselves (i.e. Universal alignment).
Contracts, contracts, contracts, and more contracts—huge disclaimer that Pile Five must read over every piece of paper involving their earnings and very carefully, because the fine print is their biggest enemy. Hiring managers, talent scouts and agencies (“agents”) will attempt to take advantage of them with the potential to succeed if they’re not reading between the lines; acute around others and well informed on said industry, nothing else will stand in their way except for that dotted line. Shows that despite fame being a great challenge (“roadblock after roadblock”), they’re always going to stand on their two feet again. A force to be reckoned with solely as an individual, they’re the biggest threat and won’t need to open their mouths to say it. Intimidating aura that affects business sharks and CEOs, not their celebrity peers—Pile Five is the big dog.
Having 10 of Cups in reverse suggests that they’ll back out of fame once it starts to drain their happiness; they’re someone that’s strong, but eventually the backlash of their social presence takes a toll. Their legacy and downfall would mention the depressive essence that they carry, how it seemed their souls “yearned” to be set free once upon a time (poetic individuals here, they’d be remembered for their intuition and higher selves for sure). Melancholic thoughts are present here, so overall their life under the spotlight depicts some sense of needing to be saved. It’s bittersweet for them but since this pile also has special attributes, the wounds of fame are buried beneath the creative identity they’ve built (i.e. shown publicly). Despite how it seems or sounds, balance is restored as a star.
SIDE QUESTS, HOBBIES, THE MEDIA, CLUB CULTURE ➞ 🎴 2oS. 5oC ↺. Queen of Pentacles.
After hours are usually private, otherwise moments that happen once the door’s close and there’s no one around. Intimacy isn’t the denominator, it’s more of wanting to keep their personal life “top secret” because of the hectic mess they deal with everyday. It’s not uncommon to go this route when in the public eye, but this pile dedicates themselves to shutting the world *all* the way out, especially if attention isn’t warranted. Essentially, they’re hidden all the time, it’s the same as Alexa Demie never being seen until she’s out of hibernation. Not much happens that is “known”, it’s one of the topics that Pile Five chooses to leave up for interpretation (“up in the air”).
Discord with the public was alluded to, but in this section it seems that there is solace or “forgiveness”; apologies are given and Pile Five accepts them with grace. The media seems to fall in life after realizing (possibly owning up to) the mistakes or “trauma” they brought upon this pile, there’s a lot of sorrow and guilt from society as a whole. It’s not addressed on Pile Five’s end but there’s going to be a sense of “I’m sorry for all I’ve caused or done” emanating off of the ones that did the most damage, it’s a complete 360 compared to when the reading first started. Something could’ve transpired over the course of their fame, or near the ending, that caused the world to embrace them like they should’ve (ironic lmfao). Bittersweet is the keyword here because it’s being channeled,for the second time, which speaks for Pile Five holding resentment yet maturing and moving forward; “pay no mind” to those that aren’t them.
Importance is found in all of their side quests, it’s this pile that finds comfort in giving back; donations to charities, protests as an ally, food drives however many days in a row, etc. Nurturing their community is what they’re found doing outside of celebrity tasks, Pile Five would rather help those in need before spending time out “doing nothing”—not that they’re not outside or can’t hang [because they definitely can], but it’s more common to see them spending their time making an “innate” difference. This pile is highly important, like without them Earth would spin a little slower, it’d be off its axis by the largest degrees, their soul is necessary for the greater good of the future. They’re abundant both physically and mentally, which is combined to create the life they’ve always wanted; pleasure is a side quest that’s prioritized. Pampering themselves and staying beautiful [“in every way”] has been number one ever since they received the benefits to do so.
𖣠 7 of Pentacles in reversed was at the bottom of this spread, meaning that this pile might not find satisfaction in fame despite bringing so much material in the area. Financial issues could be present a lot, more than any other issue, and that derives them of finding actual pleasure in being a star. Has drafts and unfinished projects that could change the world, but picks when [or if] they ever get done.
𖣠 Outside of the dreariness that shadows (follows) this pile, they would be a celebrity that garners loads of support and attention from their fans. People absolutely love, adore, cherish and treasure them, it'll be immense and irrefutable, intense emotions. Very, very loved by the masses and the grandiose display of affection will encourage them to keep going every time.
𖣠 Reputation will be hopeful and celebrated for its positive inflection upon the collective. Beloved for their kindhearted spirit, tender minds (words, thoughts m), and touching actions—big hearts that people wish they could've kept forever (i.e. "forever in our hearts"). So special it actually hurts.
𖣠 Accomplishments are physical, but not the most significant in this pile's lives. Spiritual progression is their largest accolade, they alter the spirits of those that come across them; seeing them on TV, in pages of books, or on the radio has an impactful effect on their audience. They bring change in the smallest, yet largest ways and it creates a positive difference amongst the world ("whether it's recognized or noticed, it takes affect").
CELEBRITIES IN COMMON: Tinashe, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, and Frank Ocean

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PICK A CARD: a message from your soulmate
Hello and welcome to this reading! Here I will give you a message form your soulmate. I hope you enjoy this reading!
masterpost > paid readings > patreon masterlist
The extended version of this reading can be found on my patreon, the link of which is here

Pile 1:
You should keep going. There is so much out there for you; so much beautiful, fun and amazing things you will still have to experience. You are going to be okay. I know it sucks right now, I truly do, but I also know you are a strong person, a strong individual who won’t ever let anyone talk them down; or at least act like they don’t. You won’t let people talk shit about you anymore. From now on you do what you want, don’t listen to anyone else and achieve what it is you want to achieve. Your dreams are in your reach; you can do what you want to do and genuinely be successful in it. You know what you are meant to do in this life and you will have the opportunity to do so. That dream life that you want is out there for you, so don’t you dare ever give up. Not just that, I’ll be there too.
extended reading > paid readings
Pile 2:
There is no one in the world who is as worthy of becoming successful than you. There is no one in the world who is as deserving of love and care as you. You are the most worthy, the most amazing person to ever exist. I envy you, I adore you, and most of all I love you. You deserve absolutely all it is you want in the world and I will make it my number one priority to get you there, to help you get there, to support you in all the ways I can do. I will work hard every day in order to make you feel loved and cared for. Whenever you are ill I will take care of you, I will make you soup and clean around the house. No matter the moment if you are in trouble I will drop everything to come and get you, I will do anything in order to help you.
extended reading > paid readings
Pile 3:
You need to stand straight and start ignoring what the people say about you. You are an amazing person and everything about you is perfect just the way it is; from your cute, little quirks to those traits you would sometimes consider to cause yourself to be boring. People envy your beauty, your unique character, of how complicated and hard to understand you are. Boring people are afraid of your uniqueness, that’s why some people treat you badly. They can’t handle someone with as much personality as you because they themselves have never experienced having one. To me, you are the most beautiful person alive; all those people you are jealous of won’t ever be able to compare to you. You are better in every single way, because to me you are perfect from your head to your toes.
extended reading > paid readings
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This is a reading that is intended to bring light to some aspect of your inner mysteries, secrets, the intricacies of you & your life, aspects of yourself that you seem unable to grasp- or perhaps some hidden thing(s) from the past.
So today I ask the cards and spirits on your behalf-

...what hidden thing wants to reveal itself to you?
Dividers from @uzmacchiato
Something about your outlook on life is shifting. It feels like you’re resurrecting, coming back to life after being emotionally stripped down. You may have reached a point where you felt like emotions only clouded your judgment, like you weren’t allowed to fully feel or connect with them. But this transformation you’re going through is immense and powerful- you are pulling yourself out of the darkness, breaking free from a period of deep isolation or struggle. It’s as if you’re digging yourself out of a grave, reclaiming your place in the world.
You have been through so much and yet, you persevered. Even when it felt like everything was against you, you kept going. And now, it’s becoming clear- you are a survivor. You are finally giving yourself the emotional rest you need, and by doing so, you are aligning with your manifestations at a rapid pace.
A major emotional block is being lifted. Something that was keeping you from feeling the way you needed to in order to bring in love, happiness, and connection is being uncovered. You are maybe uncovering subconscious patterns that were keeping you in a bad place- just becoming aware of it is enough to start shifting everything in your favor. The things you’ve desired for so long are beginning to make their way to you.
Right now, the message is to keep your mind calm and maintain balance. Even when your thoughts feel chaotic, even when doubt creeps in, don’t let it throw you off course. You are undoing cycles of self-sabotage, and that kind of transformation isn’t always comfortable. At times, it may feel like you’re splitting in two, but this isn’t a break- it’s deep integration.
You are reaching a point of mastery over yourself, a level of self-awareness and discipline that allows you to finally take control of your life. The aspects of you that once held you back no longer have power over you- instead, you are reclaiming them, transforming them, and stepping into your full potential.
For some of you, this could be about sexuality or sexual exploration. This could also be about sensuality.
Some of you may have gone through loss or an experience that left you feeling unsafe or insecure. Perhaps a connection ended, or something happened that made you feel less valuable, less worthy, or less stable. It may feel like you’re constantly trying to balance everything just to get through these troubled times.
What’s being revealed to you is that this was all a test. These experiences- these painful lessons- were all tests. You are being challenged to look beyond what is visible right now. You are creating something that cannot yet be seen, and it’s not meant to be visible yet, because this is something you first have to cultivate within yourself. For some of you, I’m hearing this could be about a sense of inner or even outer beauty.
This could also be about recognizing your own strength, your own tact, your own intellect, and your own ability to thrive and succeed. Perhaps some of you have struggled with codependency, or you could be avoidant.
Some of you may be prideful and struggle to accept help- you have a lot of pride and don’t know how to accept help. But help is coming.
Someone may be moving toward you romantically, possibly, and you don’t see it yet.
I feel like you get caught up in the duality of things, swinging so heavily between the good and the bad that you forget to see the neutral or the bigger picture. But someone is coming through. For some of you, this person may want to save you, help you, do something with you, or move with you. But they are coming through, and they want to build you up. This is being revealed or unveiled in some way- perhaps someone is coming toward you in a way that is unexpected.
Something is being revealed to you, and it’s related to a past connection- one that was very damaging and created a lot of internal struggles for you. There could have been significant emotional loss in this connection. It wasn’t just a small issue; this person made you question everything about yourself. You became an overthinker, and they planted seeds of doubt in your mind, intentionally trying to destabilize you. But now, you’re going to be leaving those seeds behind and walking your own path.
You’ve been through so much pain, trauma, and betrayal, and there’s a rebirth happening. You’ve persevered through it all, and you're finally moving away from these wounds. It could have been three particular people who really hurt you, or it could have been several people, but only three actually succeeded in betraying you. Or perhaps you were backstabbed by a group of 3 people. The truth is coming out, though, and someone is going to get exposed for what they did to you—it wasn’t a small thing, it was deeply painful and cruel.
This person has not let go of you. They still think about you constantly and wish ill on you. They don’t want you to succeed, and they may still be trying to manipulate you. With the Hermit here, it’s clear they want you to be alone. They could even be trying to use witchcraft to keep you isolated. But no- they are not justified.
You are protected, & you are going through some form of spiritual initiation, and through that process this person’s true intentions are going to be revealed. Other people are going to begin seeing the duality of this person. They’ve been putting on an act, and now the truth about them is going to come to light.
This person has been trying to create a narrative that puts you at fault while they play the role of the victim, claiming they were emotionally available and good. But the truth is that their stubbornness, entitlement, and how they treated you are being exposed. Slowly, others are seeing through them, and your reputation is shifting as the truth unfolds.
They’ve been using you as a crutch for their ego, and it’s clear they’ve learned nothing from the situation. They are setting themselves up for the consequences, and soon enough, everyone will see the role they played in hurting you. You are rising above this, and the truth will be made clear to everyone around you.

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What does your family think of you?
Paid readings

Pile 1-
More thinking less actually talking about it. You might talk to yourself alot or blabber alot? Alot of words that you say or are deep thinking about never actually see the light of the day and that's what they think. I see especially a women figure mother probably very worried and curious about this. They think of you as someone who knows very well how to hype others well someone who brings the light in people and you know the mood settler. Someone who brings excitement and they are always upbeat when you are near. However I think your family might be a little worried about you mainly because they believe that you hide alot from them especially your struggles it's like you refuse to talk about them or even acknowledge that they are there. There is also this theme about trying to ignore the past or let go off the past but not being able to. I keep having a vision of a person with their hands on their face there is a shame that this person feels as they wish to hide themselves/ their face so that other people don't look at it. Your mother or a women around you is the one that is the most worried and concerned she loves you alot and is waiting for the moment that you come up to them to talk. They believe that you bring light whenever you go and it's like you are the light. Your family also believes that you tend to hide your struggles this might be someone who might have had to protect their family from a very young age, someone with alot of burden on their shoulders and a belief that no one else can or should be handling it except them.
Pile 2-
The thought daughter. "You got your passion, you got your pride but don't you know that only fools are satisfied" from Vienna started playing in my head. Very warm and kind you might love winters or more so being able to hide yourself in big clothes, mufflers and fire near. You might daydream alot and might drink coffee or some other drink alot. "You know how to love better than most of us that's why you find it all so painful" from fleabag played in my head I heard "begging to be understood". You might feel as if no one understands you or your struggles but they do that's what you need to know. You might repress your anger alot in order to be kind or nice. I think your dad loves you the most he understands you it's in the way that he stares at you. Read books, philosophy, write in your journal and observe art you have a very long way to you. You have to understand and realise that people do see you for who you are especially your family. Someone very warm, kind and wise very good intuition and very connected to her inner voice.
Pile 3-
do you perhaps say the same thing alot of times because you are nervous or simply because you are not able to remember what you were gonna say next? Your family is patient with you. You have a good home I think if not good, you do have a home. You will always come back to your home and you will always have a place that will celebrate even your smallest goals. I think you make your house a home. You might connect all the family members with each other and even if there isn't much love between them they share this mutual love for you. You also have your community I think for this pile their family is not just their parents who gave birth to them etc but also other people that they have found over the years. You have a bigger family than the rest of the people. You are very celebrated. Are you good with decorations or surprises? There is something coming up regarding that I think your family might have wanted to do something for you alot of times but they fail because you are always two steps ahead. Your family might also feel as if they are a burden to you or perhaps you do more for them than they do for you? This might be a native household I'm also hearing a language I heard "their first time living too" and "maybe they really don't know any better"
Pile 4-
Oh they really fw however it's either that they think you are too much with your friends and about friendship or they believe and actually think of you as someone who is their friend and keeps a very friendly environment in the house. They might think that you like to party and have fun and also that people around you just have fun yk. Do you bring your friends to your home alot I see one in particular dancing with you dancing queen by ABBA started playing in my head. I heard "a very loving community". However they might also feel as if you have not yet discovered who you truly are. They might often worry that you are too fixed on the superficial thing and other people and pay no focus to your own well being I heard "emptiness and hopeless" that's not how they feel about you but that's what they believe that you feel about yourself. They might worry about your future and might want you to see things for what they truly are I heard "disregard for consequences". But they believe that you are someone who's very compassionate and composed.
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Phil: Oh sht! No way they put Arkanis in this.
Pac: Ay– The monster is coming here! 😱
Phil: What in the fck, I need to catch up on the lore! [Laughs] What is happening on Pac's st– I need to catch up on the lore, what is going on there?! [Laughs]
Another cameo of a friendly face!
#Philza#Pactw#Minecraft Live#Minecraft Live 2025#Arkanis#Pac#Phil#SORRY MORE WERE FEATURED THAN JUST PAC BUT I DIDNT EXPECT TO SEE PAC#I'll post more clips later!!#I'm so proud :')))
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… <3 What you need to hear right now 💋💄
Short messeges … ❤️
reminder- take what resonates & leave what doesn’t. Follow your intuition! Cards arent set in stone only you can change your reality ;)
Pick the pic u feel drawn to!


Pile one
Congrats pile one! Whatever thing or skill youre working on youre doing a good job ❤️ What you need to hear is youre on the right path , keep working on ur goals. You know what you want, follow your goals. You got this.
Pile two
You have everything you need to have. Enjoy what you have and be grateful for it. Give thanks to your blessings. You are at a state of completion right now so don’t be hasty about your next move. Appreciate what you have babe ! 🫶🏼
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"All I need for my life to be complete is a wedding on the realm"
Yeah guys you heard him, time to get marriage rolling on the realm, he wants to go to a wedding
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What’s next in love for you? (PAC)

A prediction & some insight for what’s coming next in your love life
Please take what resonates with you
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Pile 1
Currently I see that you could be trying to heal from a connection that you’re no longer in, I see that you may realize this person that hurt you isn’t the right one for you. I see that you’re trying to heal and figure out what about yourself you can change so that you can have healthier and better relationships, I see that even though this person hurt you, you still want to communicate with them but you’re not trying to give them another chance. What’s next in love for you is a new beginning after an ending, I see that you’ll be more confident and more sure of what you want. I see that you’ll be more charming because of your new found confidence and more in control, I see that you’ll be letting go of the past so that you can move forward. I see you letting go of whatever has been holding you back and feeling like you have more freedom, for some of you I see you dating and just having sex but not looking for anything serious. Advice- continue to focus on your dreams and goals, your love life will fall into place on its own. Have more discernment when it comes to the people you let in your life, make sure the people you date have your best interests at heart. You will find the long term and successful relationship you’re looking for just be more careful about who you pick to date. Signs- libra, Aquarius, taurus. Pisces in 2nd house/gemini in 12th house. Initials- B, Y, L, Z
Pile 2
Currently I see you trying to rebuild a connection or reconnect with someone from your past, this person may be triggering and this could be a karmic connection. I see that you don’t want to take a chance on them and be in a risky situation but you also don’t want to move on from this person, I see that you could have other options in case the connection doesn’t work or this person has other options but they’re not being honest about it/you could have found out about them having other options. What’s next in your love life is a renewal/reconciliation of a old connection and divine intervention, I see that the connection may speed up and it won’t be as stagnant but you will realize this person isn’t meant for you and that it’s time to let them go. I see that the connection wont be successful like you want it to. Advice- make sure that there’s balanced control in your love life and let go of anyone that’s toxic. You need to realize what a great catch you are and that you don’t deserve to get treated badly, make sure you’re getting the same energy and respect that you put out. Generous partners would make you happy rather than the selfish ones. Signs- Sagittarius/cancer, Gemini in 10th house/libra in 8th house. Initials- T, A, F, I
Pile 3
Currently I see you feeling sad or heartbroken over a connection, I see you feeling like you need time to yourself to heal. I see that you’re working on yourself and trying to be your best self, you might be mirroring the person you’re trying to get over because they’re still in your energy. I see you making healthier choices for yourself and spending time with friends or family, you may be venting to others about your problems so that it can help you move on. What’s next in your love life is you being more protective and defensive of yourself, I see you working on having more balance in your love life or in general. I see for some of you that having more balance in your life will help with your love life, I see you listening to your intuition more. I see that before getting whatever you’re manifesting for your love life you will need to work more on yourself, I see for some of you there will be more than one person that wants to date you and you will have to trust your intuition to figure out which one is best for you. I see you focusing more on your happiness and learning what’s best for you. Advice-be more secretive about your love life, remember to take care of yourself before you worry about everyone else. Let go of whatever is causing you to overthink, continue healing and focusing on what makes you happy. Signs- Gemini/Sagittarius, Aries or Leo in 3rd house. Initials- N, E, W, R, C, V, L, F
Personal readings are always available!
Divider @petalpxl
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Edit: sorry for the delay but here is the reading!
Hello lovely people, I hope this finds you at a good time. A soul family to me are the people we connect to deeply in life even if we are unrelated by blood they are seen as 'soul' family. This reading is meant to help you identify if any of these people are in your life now or it will give you information about them.
These people are meant to connect to our soul even our souls purpose for some of us. Whatever and whoever they are they will align with you in some way.
Close your eyes and pick a pile out of three. Ask your body which pile is for you and visualize your heart and the pictures. See which number or pile is connecting to your heart space. If you can't visualize then just pick which image you would choose to be in.
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6 of wands (rx), Ace of pentacles (rx), 10 of cups (rx), knight of swords (rx), 10 of wands (rx), Ace of wands (rx), 9 of cups, 6 of swords (rx), king of pentacles (rx)
For the people who picked pile one, I see your soul family (probably like you) has never had it easy. The phrase “they were never handed anything” plays over and over in my mind so I see for starters they are very hard workers and earn their bread. These people also had an estranged family life, I get the feeling your soul family and you are “the odd ones out”/this feeling of never being understood fully by even the closest people.
From this information I see your soul family connecting to you by your struggle. You all had to earn your keep and I see you sharing this love you have desired from your real family with your soul family. Your chosen people will also share the same love back and you will all learn from then how to truly have someone to lean on.
The 9 of cups as a final card is a huge statement to me. I see that it will feel like a fun time when you have parties or get togethers with these people. These close bonded friendships you will have will lift you all up by one another and you won’t feel the need to defend your arguments and opinions with facts because they will understand even without an explanation. I see huge confidence issues in this pile and I want to say to not underestimate yourself and this family that you build will be that for you. They will help you on the path to know your weaknesses and help you reach a place where you feel like a better person.
Your soul family will help you believe that the good of life can happen to you as you all explore the world. I sense a lot of long distance and individual energies here so you pile one, your soul family won't all know one another or become close friends but they will all matter and love you all the same.
I am also getting a sense that your soul family will challenge you in a good way. They will have different opinions and many of them will be jaded from life until they meet you. I see a lot of work and time being put into these relationships and they will last you a life time, I’m very happy to see such good hardworking people ready to support you and prop you up. This support between you and your chosen family will be unbreakable.
8 of cups, temperance (rx), the chariot (rx), 5 of pentacles (rx), judgment (rx) 3 of pentacles (rx), The moon, page of cups, temperance
Many of your soul family pile 2 have been abandoned by others and these people find it easier to just move on from hard conversations and thoughts and just have a good time. I sense some of your soul family have struggled with an physical ailment for a long time and struggle to find a place they belong. Like pile one I sense some black sheep energy, but this one is not about family but their friendships and general connections with the world at large. You may have a tendency to feel lost like these people and you will connect on this feeling.
All of your dreams require you to work together with another so I see some financial partnerships here as well as healing from past betrayal and learning to trust. Even though I didn’t pull it out I sense a 10 of swords energy; from your connection you will all realize that you can rely on each other which fills my heart with smiles :) through your life these people struggled with identity, belonging and feeling secure on there own. This pile talks about independence and how relying on one another won’t be a crutch but a helpful hand that gets you to a higher place and closer to your true goals.
With you pile two, you will recognize them from their fun and creative natures. With the moon card they will laugh at there flaws and teach you how to let go (there is a lot about you and them learning together in this spread). These people will help you find a balance of enjoying life and its beauty while also learning/ teaching you how to face your own darkness as they face theirs. Finding your 'people' is a big part of your life pile two, your soul family members may be afraid to face there own darkness but they will stand by your darkness and see your light for you if you need help.
I see them being slow to connect but when their shell is broken (or yours whichever is first) they will be welcoming, loving and a powerful ally. I see plenty of healing and understanding energy and even though you may enjoy your space they do to! They won’t bother you but you will know there love all the same on days they do. When you find each other, life will become much more open and this lonely path you may be on won’t feel that way anymore.
page of swords, the moon, judgement (rx), 10 of swords, page of cups, 6 of cups (rx), 5 of pentacles (rx), temperance
I sense pile 3 that this person/people may already have trickled into your life. Some of the people that will stick with us through time can be in our lives before we even know they are special. I see through online communication that this is where you speak to many of them (maybe through txts or even phone calls). Some of your soul family will be pleasant surprises that trickle into your life very soon. These people are creative, thoughtful and sensitive. All these traits are probably similar to yours and if not then you hold these parts without realizing it.
For a few of you I get this feeling that you may have had crushes on one of these people once upon a time if you know who it is but have stayed friends. If not then that message is probably not for you.
These people that your heart connects to will bring a lot of clarity into your life. I see you doing things you never thought to do, and going places you never thought you will see. This is the complete and utter transformation pile even if you haven’t connected with any of the information thus far, I see lots of character building inside you if you are open to these people being in your life.
I see the past habits and betrayals don’t hold them down and that inspires you to be strong yourself and move on. These people are great communicators and will never leave you in the dark about their thoughts and feelings. These people will say it like it is and they will feel comfortable around you and your truth (as I have said in the other piles, you may act similarly to them but that doesn’t have to be the case for all).
Overall these people will be a shining light in the dark for you and will be pretty clear if they are a ride or die. Always trust your gut then you will know who these people are.
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Chapter 5: Decay
Martyrs, pills, and desperate measures.
[ Read on Ao3 ]
Something was wrong with Pac.
Scratch that— many things were wrong with Pac, but this was a new and growing concern; one Fit wasn't sure he could help with.
He wasn’t even sure if Pac could help himself.
Quesadilla Island felt even more chaotic and miserable than ever after their kids vanished. Most people were either keeping to themselves or keeping their heads down while trying to push through their suffering with sheer stubbornness and willpower; Fit included. They all had their own problems to deal with, and it was difficult to know when someone else was struggling if they didn’t speak up about it.
Pac wasn’t the kind of person who asked for help, and Fit didn’t have much experience comforting people who were suffering. Maybe it was a lost cause from the beginning.
[ Continue reading on Ao3 ]
#FitPac#Hideduo#QSMP#Happy Pills#BUCKLE UP LADS it's finally time for the Risus arc#This is chapter 5 but tbh all the chapters read pretty well as stand alones#Pac#Fit#I write#Happy Pills Arc#Risus Arc#SORRY I posted it on Ao3 then only just realized that the Tumblr one didn't post properly
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Please be aware of ChatGPT astrologers and these weirdos. Unfortunately there’s a lot of fake astrologers who abuse spirituality. 😓
Beware of SCAMMER Ann Marie Tran, also known as Amtalchemy.
She deactivated her account after failing to complete readings, claiming it was due to her schizophrenia. No wonder she receives so many death threats.
She even tries to avoid being called a scammer by making excuses, like claiming you’re from Elon Musk’s group or the Illuminati to justify why she can’t do a reading.
Her email: [email protected]
X account: amtalchemy (deleted)
Pinterest account: amtvtt
Threads account: @annmarietran (deleted)
LinkedIn account: Ann Marie Tran
Receipts and how she looks like:

#scammers#astrology tumblr#chart reading#vedic astrology#astrology#astro community#vedic astro observations#vedic astro notes#tarot#pac#honey-bitch
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the dynamic between you both

long time no see guys <333
love reading for 2025 ! 🦪 I pray the reading resonates for anyone who engages.
( unedited )
this is focused solely on your personalities / energy within your relationship, not outside or in general.

core energy within the dynamic : first love, situationship turned relationship, love coming when you least expect it
Reader within the relationship dynamic
channeled song- “ pretty girls walk this “
“ foreign, private, designer, stylist “
“ I’ll throw a tantrum, now a b*tch’ll get childish “
You’re turning over a new leaf within this relationship, embracing change. You could’ve been single for a while or this is your first relationship, either way you’re inexperienced. You’ll be exploring this relationship and all the aspects of it, embracing the new physical and emotional connection. You move quickly within this dynamic, a very spontaneous energy. You might have a key to their house and pop up randomly on them. You might want to move in quickly.
I see despite you being inexperienced you’re navigating dating them freely and bravely. They make you feel confident enough to date them without being plagued by feelings of paranoia or caution. You’re going into everything headfirst within this dynamic.
Future spouse within the relationship dyanamic
channeled song - “ poison “
“ I’m not above love to cash in “
“ Anyway you want me baby, that’s the way you got me baby, I’ll be yours “
This will sound cliche but they’ll be the ideal romantic partner. This is a lover boy / lover girl, a simp if you will. I think prior to your guys' connection they struggled with cold and detached partners, people who never could truly handle their emotional depth and yearning. This will dampen their spirit towards love in general until they meet you. The nonchalant facade will fade, and you renew their passion for love. Your genuineness towards dating and even the naivety you have towards love is shocking to them. You’re a breath of fresh air because you have nothing but good intentions, no ulterior motives in dating. Their ability to give to you is like a bottomless pit. They feel useless if you don’t ask them for anything. Want your hair or nails done? They got it. Want to go somewhere? They’ll take you. Don’t have something you need? They’ll handle it. This is definitely Mr/Mrs. Make it Happen. Gift giving is their ultimate love language to you. It’s funny because they’ll surprise you with something you didn’t even know you wanted. This person will be in a constant internal battle on whether or not they’re doing too much. Some of them want to show you the true depths of their love and just how deeply they can love you but another part of them doesn’t want to scare you off with their intensity. Their solution to this internal struggle would be “ gift giving “, a token of their affection for you that isn’t necessarily showing it in verbal / emotional way and making them feel vulnerable.
Another thing I channeled is the way they gaze at you. Even their stare has another level of intensity and yearning.

core energies: expansion, extending the lineage, exploration
Reader within the relationship dynamic
( tw : mention of childhood trauma & abuse )
( promise it’s not a sad read just a small section addressed it )
channeled song- “ I wanna be your girlfriend “
“ I don’t wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips “
“ I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath”
Pile two you’re never paying for anything in this relationship. It’s giving, show up and look cute and you’ve fulfilled your payment. You don’t pay attention to anything when you’re with this person in public, you’re in your own little world, content and protected. I see you in a very youthful and reckless energy within the dynamic. You may be in college/school right now and living with either roommates or parents during the initial stages of this relationship. This relationship will address and heal a lot of childhood trauma. The main thing I channeled was parental wounds. Perhaps one or both of your parents may have been emotionally absent or abusive, or something happened with a trusted guardian or teacher that formed some sort of trauma at a young age. The one thing I’m getting from this is you’ve carried a lot of burdens that forced you to think / act a lot older than you were. You may have developed a hyper independence from this. This person is going to help you release control to someone else and allow them the opportunity to help you take care of yourself.
One thing about you in this dynamic I’m fond of is your standards. You know what you want, how you wish to be treated and you won’t hesitate to leave. You have very strong boundaries and this comes from a strong self worth. You will advocate for yourself within this relationship, you will voice any opinions you have regardless if they’re positive or negative. If your needs aren’t being met you have no problem communicating it. You’re not aiming to be a people pleaser within this relationship but instead your most authentic self.
Future spouse within the relationship dynamic
channeled song - “ Alone tonight “
“ I don’t wanna be alone tonight, can you keep me company? “
“ My names known worldwide, still need someone in my life “
They’re older than you or they have more life experience or knowledge than you. They will play many roles within your relationship including your partner, protector and teacher. This is a very intellectually charged person. They’re already established within their long term career or pursuing it. They’re the more disciplined and structured individuals in the relationship. When it comes to making plans, scheduling trips or dates they’ll handle it. Look up airport couple on TikTok and you’ll get a glance into your relationship, you’ll turn off your brain in public and they’ll be the vigilant and focused ones. Another scenario I’m channeling for you is them taking you camping. I can imagine them guiding you to build the tent, teaching you how to start and maintain a fire, etc..
They will be the clean freak within the relationship. If you’re more disheveled or messy they’ll be stern about it lol. They will move quickly within the relationship. To you, they plan spontaneous dates but for them, it was already calculated and thought of days ahead of them communicating it. This person has a strong paternal/maternal instinct and it reflects itself in the relationship. They know exactly how to read you emotionally, soothe you, or show up for you way you need. It also shows in their protectiveness. They want to have your location and know your work schedule. This person's protectiveness to you is also because you represent a legacy to them, a new lineage, the chance to build their own family.
The overall energy of this dynamic that I’m channeling is
“ I can do it myself “
“ I know; but I want to do it for you “

core energies: best-friends, lots of banter and bickering, US VS THE WORLD
Reader within the future relationship dynamic
( yall, I channeled these songs AFTER I did the reading and wrote everything down. CHANNELING THIS SONG WAS SO FUNNYYY TO ME 🤭🤭 the “playfighting “ I mentioned several times below was definitely confirmed lmaooo in no way am I condoning violence but im giggling )
channeled song - “ bust your kneecaps “
“ honey believe me, I have your heart on a platter”
“ they’ll bust your kneecaps, probably some other stuff too “
You try to overpower them. You’re constantly challenging them mentally or physically. You enjoy invoking a reaction from them, getting them super hype during debates or red in the face from play fighting. Prior to the relationship you didn’t like this person, they may have come across as egotistical or arrogant and it irritated you. The kind of person everyone likes and you’re just like “ yeeah okay whatever “. Somehow you two enter a partnership but I think you still have the energy of wanting to take them down a peg, not in a toxic way, moreso the way bestfriends bicker and check each other. That aside, you're very grounded within the relationship. You seem very down to earth, perhaps a humanist or an animal lover. You might have a cat lol. Your energy alone within the dynamic is a constant source of growth for you both. You balance out the love and tension well, dishing it out at the perfect moments. You get cuteness aggression with this person a lot, I think it’s the source for a lot of the banter between you both.
Future spouse within the relationship dynamic
channeled song - “ super shy “
“ I wanna go out with you, where you wanna go? “
“ You don’t even know my name do you? “
They are similar to you, but can be even more immature. They are childish and allow themselves to be free and youthful around you. Within the relationship they might be the reckless one, never scared to cause commotion or be a daredevil. They may have a lot of scars or get hurt easily from this lol. They’re super active, whether in sports or working out but they’ll want to include you in it. You might go on hikes or walks or nature trails with this person, be careful though because they’ll be the type to get you lost lol. They get off on the tension / debating within your relationship. Physical touch is their love language with you, and play fighting with them will be like the ultimate foreplay. They have a big family, friend group, or a lot of external energy around them. I say this because people are naturally drawn and charmed easily by your significant other. I think prior to the relationship you’ll be the one to see past all sweet and nice exterior and into their underlying mischievous side. They may seem like an angel in front of others but you can sense the deception within it, and in turn you don’t treat them like everyone else. This will catch their interest first about you, your seemingly detachment or dislike of them. They will pursue you and seek you out first because of your obvious dislike or disinterest in them and then realize how well you connect mentally.
Communication will flow naturally and honestly I'm getting a sort of telepathic bond between you both. Not literally, moreso you can read each other’s expressions and know what the other is thinking. They can look into your eyes and have an entire conversation with you. They’ll definitely encourage this “telepathic bond”, wanting you both to be in a bubble apart from everyone else.
They’ll honestly recognize you as themselves in another body, you two may think so similarly that you both see each other as extensions of the other if that makes sense. An example I’m channeling is
“ you’re the boy version of me”
“ no, you’re the girl version of me”

core energy: breaking barriers and social norms, establishing wealth, breaking generational curses
Reader within the relationship dynamic
channeled song- “ take me to church “
“ knows everybody’s disapproval, I should’ve worshipped her sooner “
“ my lovers got humor, she’s the giggle of the funeral”
You’re in a very successful energy within this relationship. Career wise you are independent and very productive, I channeled booked and busy to be exact. You have very ambitious energy within the relationship towards finances and establishing wealth, part of this is through a stable and healthy partnership. In the past you’ve lowered yourself to meet others levels, within this relationship you stand securely within your power. You wish to combine finances and wealth and build a sustainable legacy for your future generations to come. That aside, you seem to be the more extroverted one in this Dynamic. Even if you’re introverted, people are very fond of you. This will irritate your future spouse because they feel like people are constantly “ orbiting“ around you. You may have a lot of friends or social connections, or just a well known person. You may have a large social media following. People might even think you’re out of your future spouse's league in terms of appearances or finances but you understand that shallow and superficial standards won’t secure a healthy and flourishing life. I’m not getting your future spouse is unattractive, but something about them compared to you is different. They could be nerdier than you, alternative, super spiritual, etc, goth. You may have to defend this person and explain to others you’re not dating this individual for social norms, instead you’re securing a healthy partnership. You will recognize just how well you collaborate and vibe together on an emotional, spiritual and intellectual level. You’re not dating them for them to be your trophy wife/husband, but moreso a soulmate connection that exceeds society's standards. This may also be a same sex connection you’re in.
Future spouse within the relationship dynamic
channeled song - “ money trees “
“ love one of you bucket headed h*es? no way “
“ money trees is the perfect place for shade “
They’re very fulfilled within your relationship. They daydream about starting a family with you. They feel like no one knows you better than them, and it’s something that makes them feel special especially compared to other people around you. In the beginning stages of your relationship I’m seeing your future spouse in a competitive energy with your friends or maybe even family about who is closer to you. This may cause strife within your dynamic, jealous of the attention you give to others and scared of the attention you receive, sometimes making them question whether or not they’re good enough for you. You will realize this very early on in the relationship, recognizing that they put you on a pedestal. Unlike with other people, it may particularly bother you when your future spouse does, you don’t want them to romanticize you like others. You will share with them all the repulsive sides, flaws and shortcomings you have and you will be reborn again in their eyes. This will only make this person love you that much more. “ seeing what no one else gets to see “ is what I’m channeling from them. Your vulnerability will soothe any feelings of abandonment. They will know how special they are to you after you’ve let them see past your surface level and into the depths of who you truly are. This will make them arrogant within your dynamic about their spot in your life, no longer insecure. A random example I channeled is someone offering you a certain snack / food and your future spouse answering for you and telling them “ no, they’re allergic to so and so”. They’re like a walking encyclopedia of you . They know everyone’s connection with you doesn’t nearly go as deep as theirs. They’re a bit obsessive over you, strong Scorpio energy here. You will have a very watchful and observant partner, even when you think they’re not watching, trust me they are. I think prior to this relationship they knew you and liked you, but you didn’t know this. They give me the energy of someone getting into a relationship with their crush. They have tunnel vision when it comes to you, I don’t think anyone could ever tempt your future spouse.
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PICK A CARD: Your Future Spouse’s First Impression of You? ✮⋆˙

Hey there! Welcome to my first pick-a-card reading on this blog page—I hope you all enjoy it! If I make any mistakes, please bear with me. Comment down what you felt about the reading and if it resonated with you and show some love, Your support means everything to me!<3
How to Pick Your Pile: Take a deep breath, clear your mind, and look at the images below. Which one pulls you in the most? Trust your gut! Once you choose the image, The number below your chosen image is your pile. If more than one catches your eye, that just means there’s extra tea for you—go ahead and read both!
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⊹₊⟡Pile I
First Things First: The Vibes Are Mysterious AF. Your future spouse’s first impression of you-Intriguing. Confusing. Obsessive. You are not someone they can just glance at and move on. this spread is screaming mystery, but not in a “cold and distant” way—it’s more like "Who ARE they? Why do I want to know everything about them?" There’s something about you that feels just out of reach, like you’re showing them a version of yourself, but they can sense there’s way more underneath. And that? That’s addictive. It’s the kind where they need to figure you out. They want to know what makes you tick, what you’re thinking when you glance away mid-conversation, and what you’re dreaming about at night. And it’s not in a shallow, superficial way—this person is genuinely captivated. But here’s where it gets interesting— because while The Moon makes them curious about you, the Eight of Pentacles makes them respect you. They see someone who’s dedicated, who works their ass off at whatever they care about. Whether it’s your career, hobbies, or just the way you present yourself—you give off this “I put in the effort” type of energy. Like, they can tell you’re serious about your stuff and that immediately makes you stand out. That alone makes them take you seriously. Okay, But Here’s the Gag—They Lowkey Feel a Bit…Uncertain? Now, listen—The Moon is also about illusions and uncertainty, so while they are intrigued, they might feel like they don’t fully “get” you at first. And that? That’s messing with them. They’re probably used to reading people easily, but you? You’re hard to pin down, and they love it…but also hate it?? It’s like, are they flirting with me or just being nice? Are they interested, or am I making this up? The Two of Wands here tells me that they immediately start thinking about possibilities with you—but they hesitate. Not because they’re uninterested, but because they’re trying to figure out where they stand. They respect you and your dedication, seeing you as someone with substance. They feel pulled toward you but also slightly intimidated or uncertain because you’re not easy to read (Love that for you😂). And darling, let’s be real—when someone is this intrigued by you from the jump, That’s a recipe for obsession. You might notice them observing you before making a move, trying to decode you.
This pile has the most unpredictable energy among the three. Your future spouse is unsure where they stand at first but feels a pull towards you. LOL, they might initially think “Whoa, Do they even notice me?” They might even romanticize you in their mind before truly knowing you (CUTE ngl) because your energy leaves so much to the imagination.
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⊹₊⟡Pile II
Ooooh, okay, let’s get into it. Babe, your future spouse’s first impression of you is giving emotional enigma meets graceful chaos, and I’m obsessed with how this energy is playing out. The moment they lay eyes on you, there’s an instant curiosity. You come across as graceful, emotionally intelligent, and balanced, but here’s the kicker—they know there’s more going on beneath the surface. Like, they can tell that you keep your cool externally, but they sense this quiet storm of emotions underneath. It’s intriguing to them because it’s like, "damn, how do they juggle everything?" when you meet them, or they just get the sense that you’ve got a lot going on but still show up with poise. It’s giving “this person could be drowning in responsibilities but would still remember to send their bestie a ‘drink water,’ text.” 😭There’s this duality to you that catches their attention. You seem emotionally available but also like you’re carrying something—like you’re transitioning into a new chapter, leaving something behind and they feel that energy before you even say a word. They immediately respect you but they also feel this lowkey urge to protect you, Because on one hand, you’re exuding this soft, nurturing energy but on the other hand, they can tell you’re used to handling your own business and might not even need them like that. And WHEW—does that intimidate them a little? Yes. yall pile 2 give me the energy of a particular line I heard on TikTok, which was something like "lead me when I want to be lead"😂So when they meet you, your future spouse immediately clocks that you’re in transition—maybe you’ve recently moved, changed jobs, ended a relationship, or you’re just shifting into a new phase in life. But here’s the real tea—they don’t just find you attractive, they find you mentally stimulating. Like, you’re not just another pretty face; you make them think. Your vibe is that of someone who has been through some shit but has learned and grown from it, and they immediately wonder, What’s their story? What shaped them into this person? And suddenly, they’re invested. “Holy shit, I need to know more.” You make them think—they don’t just want to know you, they want to understand you.
SO OVERALL This pile is soothing and warm, but also very self-aware and mature. Your future spouse feels safe and understood with you, like you’re someone they could see themselves building a peaceful life with. This is wayyyyyyy less confusion here compared to Deck 1; they pretty much immediately know you’re a rare find.
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⊹₊⟡Pile III
Your future spouse’s first impression of you? WHEW, they’re looking at you like you’re a whole standard—not just “crush-worthy,” but someone they gotta step their game up for. Their First Thought? “Damn, they’re sharp.” Like, no joke, the moment they meet you, they immediately pick up on your sharp mind and no-BS attitude. You give off this queen-level aura that’s like, “I see through people. Don’t play games with me". 💅. love it—but also have no idea how to approach you at first because you don’t seem like the type who’s easily impressed. Your whole energy screams “I’ve got my shit together.” And babe, they feel that. They’re looking at you like, “Okay, so this person is intelligent, confident, and carries themselves like they own the room—how do I not embarrass myself in front of them?” But it’s not just about confidence—you also have this elegance about you. You’re not loud or flashy; you’re just refined, polished, and unbothered in a way that makes people want to impress you. LOL also one thing, you make them feel like, "“Are they always this serious? Or do they have a goofy side?” You walk in, and it’s giving the main character energy without even trying. Here’s where it gets really interesting. Because at first, they see you as this composed, independent person who doesn’t need anybody. But then, there’s this subtle warmth about you that catches them off guard. I can feel that you’re someone who values fairness, generosity, and kindness—but only for the right people. You’re not out here wasting time. You know your worth, but when you do let people in? You’re the type to genuinely care, support, and uplift those around you. And that contrast? Whew. It messes them up in the best way. It’s like, “Wait… they’re not just powerful and intimidating… they’re actually thoughtful and kind, too? What kind of dream person did I just meet???” Your future spouse is immediately caught up in their head about you. Their first impression of you isn’t just “oh, they’re cute.” It’s deep admiration mixed with a little bit of panic.
Honestly, This is the type of first impression that lingers. They’re not just walking away thinking “Wow, that was a cool person.” No, no. They’re going home, replaying the conversation, trying to figure out how to impress you next time, and probably texting their best friend like, “I think I just met the most unreal person ever.”
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I think they would’ve become besties
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holy shit, the glow-up vibes are potent as fuck in this pile! people are going to be in absolute awe of you, pile one. your energy, your body, your face card, and your personality are going to have people bowing the fuck down to you. i'm not feeling any sense of arrogance or conceitedness either – you're just truly about to step into your most powerful and authentic self. this was always destined, pile one. this innate magnetism was always inside of you, but you just never truly knew how to wield it entirely. it's like you were dipping your toes in and out of the water, not sure if you should fully submerge yourself in it and become who you've always known you were, or stay digestible and dim your light so others around you could shine. no more of that. this is, and will continue to be, all about you, pile one. you are shedding the people-pleasing tendencies that have held you back for so long.
you are reclaiming your power. you have such a kind heart with a fierce spirit, and you've been suppressing that fierce side of you in fear of what others may think of you or say about you. too many times, you've had your back kicked in at the expense of sparing another person's feelings, and your spirit guides are getting restless from the sidelines watching you repeat these same situations time and time again. they're giving you the green light to boss the fuck up and show these people what you're made of. they're telling me that this is a rebirth for you.
i see you experimenting with your wardrobe and appearance: more sexy, more bold, and more alluring. dark eyeliner, sheer stockings, red tops, lace, denim, corsets, etc. showing more of yourself but still keeping it classy. i'm being drawn to alexa demie, 2000s meagan good/megan fox, and gabriette. very siren-like and hard to miss. this is going to be completely new to you, but it's going to feel sooo good and rewarding. a lot of what you used to say yes to is going to turn into straight no's.
you're going to notice a shift in the people, opportunities, and love offers you attract as well – more fruitful and abundant. they align more with the lifestyle you've always wanted for yourself now that you're rejecting the projections and expectations that no longer serve who you are at the core. you will not be settling for less, pile one, that's for sure! i'm hearing that it's basically giving your pinterest boards come to life lol. i love that for you. things that you've been specifically journaling about and manifesting for yourself are going to come to you with no effort – it's almost going to be alarming. it's like you've been waiting, waiting, waiting, thinking someone was going to come along and shift your reality for you, when really you were the key all along.
i'm seeing a lot of yellow and orange, so your solar plexus and sacral chakra are going to be so fucking activated. you're going to be very selective and protective of your energy, as you should. you'll just be like, wow, what took me so long to lean more into this side of myself? it was necessary, though, because it opened your eyes to the world we live in and how you have to operate and not short-change yourself in spite of what others want or expect from you. some people might not like this transformation of yours, but that's simply not your problem, and those people are not on your same frequency. you already spark a lot of jealousy, but this energy shift right here?! whew. hoes mad, pile one! i'm like seeing tiktok edits in my head of the hot villainous characters like katherine pierce and jennifer check lmao. you're winning, and they're not, my loves!
ashwini, ballin' by partynextdoor, unhealthy codependency, anuradha, tall in height, 1st house, neptune energy, neptune-asc, blick sum by latto ft. playboi carti, manifest it, shatabisha, fashion/modeling industry. scorpio, aries, aquarius.

things have been seeming very redundant lately, pile two. you've been craving change for a while now. i'm picking up that you're really at your wits' end in regards to the job you're currently working at and/or all the responsibilities you have on your shoulders. you've been pushing yourself so hard, but you're starting to wonder if any of it was worth it because you're not seeing the payoff just yet. you might be feeling overlooked or undervalued at the moment, but i definitely see things changing for you.
i see a new job/financial opportunity making its way to you, and it aligns more with what you love to do. it's an offer definitely worth taking, pile two! this is the beginning of something that's going to catapult you to the next level. i see this one opportunity leading to an elevation of your life. it's a chance of a lifetime. you're closing out this current cycle of stagnancy and getting the ball rolling on your desires and the lifestyle you've always wanted for yourself. this isn't on a small scale either, this is huge. it's damn near like whiplash – so sudden and unexpected but very well deserved.
i see you gaining more friends and networking with people that advance you and pour into you as much as you pour into others. this is oddly specific, but i feel like some of you have some very mean-spirited co-workers around you. do not tell these people your plans or anything personal, because they really don't like you (projection because they really don't like themselves lol), and they're secretly sending you the evil eye. if you don't have an idea of who specifically this could be, just know they definitely smile in your face and pose as someone who likes you but say things behind your back that prove otherwise. they're not stopping shit though, so your spirit guides want me to tell you that you have nothing to worry about.
for my singles, i was also picking up on a new romantic suitor having their eyes on you. this person could have a charming and bit of a cocky vibe going for them – they usually like to be chased rather than do the chasing, but something about you is intriguing to them. for some of you that have just gotten out of a relationship, i see you have a couple of options to choose from. there's this energy of being amused and entertained. a lot of people are going to find you to be very irresistible, and the way you carry yourself so gracefully will have many heads turning.
for those of you that are in a committed relationship, i see you two becoming even closer and more vulnerable with each other. any walls you've built around yourself in fear of disappointment or regret will finally be dropped as you learn to trust not only yourself but your partner fully as well. one more thing i will say is that you should make sure you're budgeting your finances properly and remember to take care of any debts you may owe, okay? 444 on the clock. everything is working out in your favor you shall soon see.
6th house, krittika, dark skin, when one door closes another one opens, revati, transformation, jyestha sprung, ideal partner/dream person, taurus, pisces, scorpio moon, nasty by tinashe, fever by dua lipa & angèle.

you've really been keeping to yourself huh, pile three? you could be clashing a lot with your parents/family or just feeling misunderstood by the people closest to you. i feel like things have been a bit chaotic and unstable in your life, especially in regards to your home environment. one minute things are good, but when things get bad, they get pretty fucking bad. ugh, pile three.
i feel like you're very sensitive to your environment, and whatever is going on around you, you absorb it like a sponge. there's inner child wounds that you're working on, and it's really not easy, but your spirit guides want you to know that they're so fucking proud of you. you're doing the work that others weren't brave enough to do in order to heal yourself and your bloodline. some of you might have a very dysfunctional family, and it weighs heavy on you; most times you have to tiptoe around your emotions in order to keep the peace.
i'm also picking up that some of you might have older sibling syndrome – there's immense pressure and expectations put on you since you were a child. whatever the case may be, i feel like you actively doing the work is going to unlock a part of yourself you never really knew was inside. i can feel the passion, the dedication, and the motivation buzzing off you, pile three. 2025 is gonna be your year. the martian energy is strong in this pile. i feel like you had to learn the lessons and really sit back and observe the dynamics around you to come to the realization that NO, you do not want that for yourself and the ones that come after you. you want something stable, something emotionally fulfilling, something that makes you feel free in so many ways than one. you're a very compassionate and selfless person, and you will find someone who will pour equally into you as you do them.
this person that you're attracting is deeply committed, patient, financially secure, thoughtful, and extremely grounded. you'll never be an afterthought when it comes to this person – they'll support you and guide you (if you need them to) every step of the way. you're so used to figuring things out on your own and having to think for others, but this person wants you to simply relax and just be. i can see you pacing back and forth, venting to them, and just going on and on, listing every single thing you need to get done and do for this one and that one. and i can just see them sitting but rising to their feet and slowly walking over to you with this calm demeanor, putting their hands on your shoulders, and it's like everything melts away. they want me to reassure you that you're not alone – they want to carry the weight and release the burdens off of you because they recognize that no one has truly showed up and out for you the way you do for others. this is very beautiful energy, pile three.
as you step into this new chapter, you’ll realize that some of your past connections were often just bandaids for wounds you hadn’t healed yet. there’s a lot of clarity about your self-worth here. some of you might be working through daddy issues, and this healing is part of why you’re ready for a deeper love now. this is very specific and may not apply to all, but i keep picking up on pregnancy energy, so if you're ready for that, i do see potential for that with this person you're attracting. if not, then just be mindful of that lol. on the flip side, the person could have a kid, but again, this is just some scenarios i'm picking up on for a small fraction of you. i do see you getting long-awaited closure with a specific person or family member. when that happens, it’s going to feel like a massive weight has been lifted. pile three, this is your time to heal, grow, and attract the life and love you deserve. it’s so beautiful.
faking it by calvin harris ft. kehlani & lil yachty, bharani, pussy power, all of the answers are within you so trust yourself, big d energy, a father, purva ashada, having receipts, dhanishta, capricorn, aquarius, pyrmaids by frank ocean, sagittarius, aries, coffee fucking by miguel ft. wale.

mind over matter...hm. that's what i keep hearing, pile four. i feel like you're in your head about something regarding your work-life balance. it's like you deprive yourself of going out and having fun because you worry you'll be overspending or won't have enough time; but i feel like this mentality is causing you to miss out on some really fun moments and memories, especially with your friends.
you're very responsible (almost to a fault, according to your spirit guides lol), and because you're so practical and matter-of-fact, you don't give yourself enough room to be spontaneous and open. for example, if you just got off work and a friend invites you out, you might think about the laundry you could be doing or some work you could be catching up on instead of just saying, "fuck it, yeah, let's go have some fun." gatekeeping yourself isn’t going to get you very far, pile four.
you're meant to be seen, and you're meant to let your inner child run free and have fun. keeping yourself tucked away in your room or isolating yourself is doing more harm than good - your spirit guides really want you to know this. there are potential love interests you don’t even notice because you're not putting yourself out there enough! some of you might have bad social anxiety, and being around new energies might feel overwhelming, but your guides want you to know you can work through this, slowly but surely - you've just got to start somewhere.
your quirkiness could open so many doors for you, and you don’t even realize it yet. there are so many people you're destined to meet and connect with on a soul level because you have such a unique spirit. you have this way of making people feel seen and heard. if you're single, i feel like your next romantic connection will be incredibly healing in so many ways. some of your past lovers or friends might have made you feel misunderstood or undervalued, but that’s going to change. this is just a quick sidebar, but i feel like you’ve got people (unbeknownst to you) talking about you or your personal business. so, be careful who you confide in because not everyone is your friend, especially in a work or school environment. even if they don’t know anything about you, it seems like they’re speculating and gossiping about you with others.
but anyways i feel like this "mind over matter" mentality comes from wanting to control situations and outcomes, and while it’s great to have self-awareness and discernment, it can also be debilitating: if you let it. i feel like you’re about to start challenging yourself to socialize more and just not give a fuck. wherever the day or night takes you, it takes you. it doesn’t always have to be a club or party, but even if it is, you’re still giving yourself the freedom to have fun and live in the moment.
your job will still be there the next day, okay? your laundry too. but memories? they last forever. so please don’t deprive yourself of the good ones, pile four. you are so worthy of them.
hit me hard and soft album by billie eilish, vishaka, want more for yourself, magha, pay attention to the signs, moon energy, this person is manifesting you, pisces moon, purva phalguni, co-workers gossiping about you, leo, scorpio, libra, 11:11.
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