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I want to give you everything you crave. It's obvious that you haven't had anyone touch you in a while… at least not in the way you would like to be touched.
You long for physical contact. You want passion. You crave to let go and enjoy your own body. You need a strong, powerful frame capable of handling you at your worst and at your best.
I want to help you with that. If only you would trust me enough to allow it…
Tell my muse what you want to do to them on anon
Live reaction:
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My- such a way with words...
This is a top-tier booty call, I'll give you that. However, let's not pretend you have my best interests at spark.
You wanna frag? Fine.But lets cut the knight in shining armor narrative just to bed me.
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Let’s take ibuprofen together!
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the enemy of my enemy is my friend
The smirk Starscream supported fell, rolling his optics. Was this guy fragging serious?
"Would you even give me the benefit of a doubt if I said otherwise?" Was shot back. "But no. What would that accomplish? Other than further deteriorating your already nonexistent trust in me..." 
But on the other servo it was flattering that he could evoke fear in such a colossal mech, and the leader of the fearsome D.J.D, no less! To be fair, Tarn’s fear wasn't completely unwarranted. While not the most strongest or intimidating, he was still a dangerous mech in his own right.
"Something we can't have if we're going to be depending on each other. Now, if you would quit being such a sparkling, and just get down to my level..." Literally.
The seeker perched on the tip of his pedes, managing to brush a clawed tip against Tarn's lower lip.
the enemy of my enemy is my friend
"No!" Starscream jolts off the desk like he was about to rush over in a dramatic display to stop him.
The seeker's optics widened as the realization of his outburst sat in, clearing his throat. "I..." The blue hue returned to his cheek plating. "There's no need..." By dictionary definition, bothering wasn't what Tarn's face was doing anyhow, quite the opposite actually. Distracting, maybe. But not bothering.
"I mean, your visage isn't exactly unsightly to look at..."
Heeled pedes begin to click against the floor,coming to a complete stop at tankformer's own.
"And I would like to get know the true face of the mech that I'll be entrusting with my life..." In a bold move, Starscream reached out, extending a servo towards Tarn's face. "May I?"
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the enemy of my enemy is my friend
"No!" Starscream jolts off the desk like he was about to rush over in a dramatic display to stop him.
The seeker's optics widened as the realization of his outburst sat in, clearing his throat. "I..." The blue hue returned to his cheek plating. "There's no need..." By dictionary definition, bothering wasn't what Tarn's face was doing anyhow, quite the opposite actually. Distracting, maybe. But not bothering.
"I mean, your visage isn't exactly unsightly to look at..."
Heeled pedes begin to click against the floor,coming to a complete stop at tankformer's own.
"And I would like to get know the true face of the mech that I'll be entrusting with my life..." In a bold move, Starscream reached out, extending a servo towards Tarn's face. "May I?"
the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Those ruby optics were fixated on Tarn, but their owner's focus was by no means on the current subject matter. Instead, Starscream found himself yet again much more engrossed with studying ( admiring) Tarn's unconcealed visage. Especially those jagged lines that decorated his lip, a single digit twitching from the urge to touch.
Primus, Tarn was hot. He just had to be hot. And it wasn't enough for Tarn to only be hot, but the tankformer had to go fitting what he would consider his ideal mech E̶v̶e̶n̶ m̶o̶r̶e̶ t̶h̶a̶n̶ h̶e̶ l̶i̶k̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ a̶d̶m̶i̶t̶ t̶o̶ h̶i̶m̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ to a T as well? Oh, what irony... coincidentally enough, it always seemed to be "his type" that was a major pain in his aft...
“It might not be easy, I haven’t heard anything from Soundwave in a long time, and I have no idea about how he took the news about Megatron’s defection…”
"Wha- well..."
The seeker managed to snap back to reality, refocusing on the conversation at hand enough to catch the tail end of it. "Obviously not well as I'm sure you could imagine... "
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Ooo! Well, I've been itching to use his Shattered Glass counterpart lately :0 Something with him being sucked within another universe that way he could meet different versions of friends, foes, or even himself.
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the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Those ruby optics were fixated on Tarn, but their owner's focus was by no means on the current subject matter. Instead, Starscream found himself yet again much more engrossed with studying ( admiring) Tarn's unconcealed visage. Especially those jagged lines that decorated his lip, a single digit twitching from the urge to touch.
Primus, Tarn was hot. He just had to be hot. And it wasn't enough for Tarn to only be hot, but the tankformer had to go fitting what he would consider his ideal mech E̶v̶e̶n̶ m̶o̶r̶e̶ t̶h̶a̶n̶ h̶e̶ l̶i̶k̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ a̶d̶m̶i̶t̶ t̶o̶ h̶i̶m̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ to a T as well? Oh, what irony... coincidentally enough, it always seemed to be "his type" that was a major pain in his aft...
“It might not be easy, I haven’t heard anything from Soundwave in a long time, and I have no idea about how he took the news about Megatron’s defection…”
"Wha- well..."
The seeker managed to snap back to reality, refocusing on the conversation at hand enough to catch the tail end of it. "Obviously not well as I'm sure you could imagine... "
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Tarn's lips moved, but the words themselves were pushed out of focus. Starscream's attention drifted from the scarring that connected from those lips all the way up to the left side of the tankformer's face mesh. The emperor found himself wondering the story behind the damage.
"But I have the distant feeling we should be talking about how to find and deal with a common enemy of ours..."
Way to kill the mood, but that's the whole reason they're even in such close proximity to each other to begin with. besides, he could've used the mood killer ( aka Megatron) right about now.
Starscream inhaled deeply through his olfactory before getting straight to the point. "So I believe I've already stated I haven't seen nor heard from the old fool since my testimony at his trial at the beginning of your little visit..." The corners of his lips faintly lifted, recalling the verbal beatdown he delivered as clear as day - the look on that bastard's face when his spoken blows hit their target.
The smirk only lasted for but a moment before falling into a sour frown. "The last known tab I had on him, he was boarding The Lost Light to embark on a quest to make amends by finding a new home for our race..." The emperor rolled his optics. "I believe we all know allowing that was mistake number one...."with a heavy sigh,the seeker stopped himself before he gotten himself ranting rather than plotting.
"If I know them both as well as I'm fairly confident I do, our best course of action would be to track down Soundwave." What better way to track a master than with his own loyal pet? And loyal ( to a fault) Soundwave was...
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theyre pinning my wings to a cork board tomorrow
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anon or not, send me   ‘ 📖 ‘   and i will explain a situation / setting i’ve wanted to place my muse into, but haven’t had the chance to, yet. 
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The corners of the seeker's lips curled, subtly increasing pressure as he leaned in.
"Just confirming that's something you could possibly desire..." Starscream mummered into Shrapnel's audials. "For I believe you are deserving of a reward..." His servos loosen from around the Insecticon's throat, one of them moving up to instead stroke the side of Shrapnel's face.
" Wouldn't you agree, Dearest?"
"So you like to play rough, hmm?"
(@thedecepticonstrueleader )
send 🙌 to grab my muse by the throat
He grinned, placing his servos on Starscream's lower arms. The feeling of hands around his throat would have been an unpleasant one in any other circumstance, but not when it was Starscream and not when the seeker's tone was so playful.
"You know that I do, my Star (star)." the Insecticon answered, a slight purr to his voice.
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send 🙌 to grab my muse by the throat
this can either be aggressive or flirty. the context of why is entirely up to you and for you to specify if you'd like!
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Leave two truths and one lie about your muse in my inbox and I'll try to guess the lie!
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Send me a symbol! [Angst]
Or send “just angst me up” and I’ll use a random generator. ( tw: abuse, tw: death, tw: terminal illness )
♥: my muse fatally injures yours
♡: your muse fatally injures mine
▲: my muse’s dying words as yours holds them
△: my muse’s reaction to holding your dying muse
★: my muse breaks a promise
☆: my muse’s reaction to yours breaking a promise
✦: my muse reveals they are terminally ill
✧: my muse’s reaction to yours being terminally ill
✿: my muse hits yours out of anger
❀: my muse’s reaction to yours hitting them out of anger
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redraw of that skybound panel 🥴
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