#<-academic weapon
sevenblues · 2 months
passed all my aps😃
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cowgrlcunt · 1 month
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academic-vampire · 5 months
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𝐵𝓁𝓊𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒷𝓁𝓊𝑒 𝓈𝓀𝒾𝑒𝓈
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jaeffry · 1 month
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i'm afraid my study session has been hijacked!
~ haru
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plantingatree · 5 months
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sunday, 28 april ❀
exams are getting closer and im getting more nervous…but im also getting confident by going over my anki fcds quicker and quicker when reviewing, although i was learning new cards today ゚𐦍༘⋆
5hrs 4 mins on forest timer ♡ 359 anki reviews
♪ of the day | lay all your love on me — ABBA 🎧
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femalegeniuss · 4 months
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
pretty and well educated⋆.ೃ࿔*:・📄
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its important that even if ur not going to school currently to continue learning and educating urself about the world in which u live. think of ur brain like a muscle that needs to be exercised everyday. or a plant that needs to be watered daily.
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read subreddits and newspaper articles in ur target language everyday. that way u can learn about news in different countries while also practicing ur target language.
specifically nonfiction but nonfiction doesn't always have to be boring. read entertaining nonfiction. some fun topics to research books for include
stock market and economics
industry of ur choice (i like fashion)
whatever ur curious about, RESEARCH. thats the funnest way to learn in my opinion. make a list of things that u are curious about or find interesting and when u have the time research them and educate urself about them.
write down what piques ur interest
daily mind stimulation is good for ur well being in general. read books fictional or nonfictional, do some writing, do word searches and puzzles etc. for funsies and to keep ur mind sharp.
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lottiestudying · 27 days
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24.08.2024—see how i study on the weekends? very demure, very cutesy, very academic weapon
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hakusins · 16 days
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whitney stuffs i did during lectures
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thatssroughbuddy · 11 months
Important question. When Appa has to take a shit does he just like let it rip at 3,000 feet or do they have to land for that
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second year of uni has started in full swing!
went through personality theories for my personality psych assignment
made a cute study set up <3
(tried) to start my biological bases of behaviour course's assignment by reading the assigned research article
did a mini art project for said biological bases course because ✨why not✨
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cysticnotes · 3 months
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I look at this one uh from time to time -
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academic-vampire · 5 months
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(𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒖𝒔 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕) ☕️
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jaeffry · 1 month
about me ⭑.ᐟ
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i wasn't originally planning on making one of these, but today i realised i have fifty followers and while it may not seem like much, it is exhilarating to think fifty strangers would like to help me keep up with studying and trust me to support theirs.
i'm haru (any pronouns!) it is not my real name, but it is my cat's name so please feel free to imagine a little orange tabby deliriously typing into a computer.
i post pictures of my study space, notes, general progress with the curriculum and absolutely no pinterest sourced images. i'm here to look at you and your work, not some inauthentic curated collage of romanticised academia.
as of today i am twenty-one years old- i recently graduated film school but there isn't a degree or profession i'm pursuing. i simply study whatever i feel like that day, just for the heck of it.
currently, i'm studying french & japanese languages, as well as film theory
i'm an entp, i love reading books, eavesdropping conversations at coffee shops and watching films. i like the sound of opening soda cans, the smell of alcohol markers and watching trains at the metro station. i dislike dirty kitchens, having damp hair and the way queue is spelled.
i love watching everyone's updates and quietly cheering them on. if you are a studyblr/langblr and think we might make good study buddies, please make friends with me ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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studyinrain · 2 months
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today was great! i’ve recently started practicing yoga in the mornings, and i’m loving it so much. other than yoga, i make sure to do physical activity during the day, and today it was walking.
after that, i spent the afternoon planning my upcoming academic year and the rest of my plan & goals for the remainder of this summer.
🌟 i’m using an excel sheet to track my performance in each course i’m studying. basically, it helps me determine which topics i’m confident with and which topics i’m struggling with, so i know what topics to study and work on everyday (start with the weakest topic).
[daily log]
–discrete math (sets): completed lesson videos
–sociology readings for class #2 pg. 1-2
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
get ready to get back to school⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🗒️
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i can hardly believe that school is coming up. in like, two/one week. ISNT THAT ABSURD? i feel like summer just flew past but im very excited to start my junior year of highschool…💬🎀
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when ur school supplies are cute, you'll feel MOTIVATED to put them to good use. idek what it is. 99% of my school supplies are pink and because of that im motivated to take good notes, study my notes etc because seeing the sparks of pink just make me so HAPPY.
so ofc this year my school supply list has remained consistent in its color scheme of pink, pink and more pink 🎀. some things on my school shopping list are ->
a binder
dividers for the binders with adorable labels
pink and purple gel pens (along with black gel pens)
pastel highlighters
looseleaf paper
a fluffy pink pen
ik a lot of us (including myself some times) stay up for way to long and feel like our sleep schedule is BEYOND repair but it is not. u need to be getting back into a consistent sleeping routine that keeps u healthy and well rested not only for back to school but for ur own well being. you'll have plenty of time tomorrow for what u choose to stay up all night doing, i promise.
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so this year i'll be taking a semester online so i've been dabbling in figuring out the perfect routine for an online school regimen. one in which i could balance personal and academic life in a healthy way (get sunlight everyday, sleep on time etc) some things that im going to prioritize while doing a semester online are ->
♡ getting fresh air everyday
♡ going for a walk everyday and making sure to stay active
♡ NOT doing school work in bed
so a tip i've learned is that the things that u do in bed, your mind will like, associate ur bed with it. so for example if ur constantly playing video games in bed, when its time to relax and go to bed, when ur in bed your mind will be like "time to play video games". so i will not be doing school work in bed, also for a healthy change of scenery…💬🎀
♡ going out with my friends and calling them everyday so that im not isolated
♡ keeping a steady and productive routine
lets be goal oriented, A+ academic barbies this year ✍🏽. to make sure that ur doing ur very best its important to set goals for urself. having something to strive for is a great way to stay motivated and disciplined during the year. my goal for my junior year is to keep my straight A streak and finish with my law distinction (im 3/4 of the way done). and ofc its important to break down ur goals, and i'll give an example of how i did this.
so in freshman year ik i wanted a distinction in law, and to get a distinction in law i would have to take 4 separate law courses. there are 4 years in highschool so if i took one law course per school year i'd have my distinction. but i wanted to expedite the process so i took one course freshman year, and two courses sophomore year. this year i will take one more.
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this frees up SO much time for me to get another distinction and since i've already taken a course of business in freshman year, i'll strive for my business distinction too…💬🎀
if u dont know where to start with goal setting for school here are some ideas ->
♡ maintain ur current GPA or try and raise it
♡ never get below a B on any assignment or test
♡ do every single homework assignment (never take a zero)
staying organized is CRUCIAL for being successful in school. i use notion to keep myself organized during the school year. by putting down dates for tests in my calendar, ik when i need to start preparing. and by making a todo list everyday i can stay on top of my assignment.
if u struggle with school organization, set aside an hour a day to just make sure that everything is in its place. and it doesnt even have to be an hour, just set aside time every single day to make sure that everything it where its supposed to be. it'll save you SO much time in the future and you'll rly thank urself for it in the future.
and to end this post, i'll share some school/academic related affirmations 💗
🗒️ im literally the definition of beauty and brains
📔 im the top of my class
🗒️ i must have perfect memory cuz i remember everything im taught in class
📔 im literally a GENIUS
🗒️ i effortlessly stay at the top of my class
📔 wow, im smart, pretty, AND talented?? god rly does have favorites
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