viii-the-strength ¡ 2 days
Sending the warmest hugs to those who feel sad, tired, lonely,drained and empty🖤
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viii-the-strength ¡ 3 days
I also have been reading more about astrology, I really liked this text about the whole sign system vs the placidus system. It has an introduction to astrology history that's very interesting.
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viii-the-strength ¡ 3 days
I have been feeling all over the place lately, but I know I should be patient with myself.
My South Node is in Pisces, in the 11th house also. I just have been feeling like I want to run away, abandon everything and start over somewhere else. I went to Chani and:
"With the South Node in Pisces, your danger-edge may involve blissing out, on occasion: countering your needs for control with a competing drive to abandon your systems altogether. Your South Node may contain the needling thought that if you can't achieve perfection, what's the point? There's a thrill to abandoning everything that once held you together. But this thrill is rarely lasting. Eventually you'll have to wind back to your more reasoned or cautious self. A path of balance will be more sustainable in the long term. Design breath and forgiveness into your practices of self-completion, and the temptation of escape or oblivion will appear suddenly less euphoric. In case it bears repeating, remember: you are whole. You are worthy. You are enough."
I will keep trying to bring more breath and forgiveness, especially at this time. The affirmations of the practice were so good too:
I release all that no longer serves me
I trust the divine and its plan for me
My life is just beginning
Everything is exactly as it should be
I embrace my emotions
I wish you all can get all the rest you can <3
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viii-the-strength ¡ 5 days
Sorry to break it to you but you literally have to face your fears and slaughter them. Otherwise you will live a small life that you do not want. You literally have to view your biggest fears and attack them head on. You have to fall into the abyss to find your way out. The easy path does not exist. There is no get out of jail free card. You have to allow yourself to die a spiritual death over and over again in order to reinvent yourself into the person you are actually supposed to be. And you have to be painfully honest with yourself and the people around you. It’s horrible but it’s truly the only way.
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viii-the-strength ¡ 7 days
Wands - A Tarot Poem (Part 3)
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Seed turns to sprout growing roots,
It’ll reach the clouds.
Firm walls hold you up.
Your eyes stretch far -
You can’t stay where you are,
So you face it alone.
Venture further, trekking distance,
Turning castles into kingdoms.
Peace until others try to take it.
But you take the higher road, and it shows.
Giving your all,
Building up momentum and force,
Then the waiting, anticipation,
Cause it has been all in your hands.
Carry on,
Let the flame live on.
The spark is nearly grown,
Sunset on a throne.
(By wandoffire / @theuniversessoul )
Part 1 - Cups
Part 2 - Swords
Part 4 - Pentacles
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viii-the-strength ¡ 7 days
Swords - A Tarot Poem (Part 2)
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A glimmer of reflected light,
All confusion left behind.
Or so you thought, but have you fought
What’s preconceived and useless in your mind?
You will find blades of despair
And before you know they’re there -
You’ve lost too much of yourself.
Take time away but it barely helps.
Feels like everyone is out to get you,
So you pack your bags and leave it all behind you.
Tip toe through unknown
To free yourself from where you stay.
Break this cage
Hanging right over your head,
Weighing down on you like lead,
Until it’s dead.
Opening pages and rushing ahead,
But you got there in the end.
The breeze might shake off leaves
But every stem and branch still stands.
(By wandoffire / @theuniversessoul )
Part 1 - Cups
Part 3 - Wands
Part 4 - Pentacles
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viii-the-strength ¡ 9 days
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Two of Wands and Eight of Pentacles
It's so much fun to think about it, and then so much work to actually make it happen.
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viii-the-strength ¡ 9 days
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viii-the-strength ¡ 9 days
Cups - A Tarot Poem (Part 1)
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A drop turns to rain to a river to take your pain.
Hidden hands hold you up,
Taking the weight of your filling cup,
Until there’s plenty to share.
Joining forces and mixing waters.
When what’s offered is no longer wanted,
And trophy’s have fallen but some still stand tall.
In the comfort of your cottage
You receive a message, a sign, an option.
Do you want it?
Chasing fake hallucinations,
Or walk away to a better way.
Where you can say,
“I am proud of who I am.
I love everything I can, and it loves me back.
Heart on my sleeve with the strength to believe,
Making dreams reality.
Feeling so deeply but won’t let it take me.”
In rough seas but standing strongly.
(By wandoffire / @theuniversessoul )
Part 2 - Swords
Part 3 - Wands
Part 4 - Pentacles
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viii-the-strength ¡ 10 days
“Getting over it doesn’t mean forgetting it. It just means reducing the pain to a tolerable level, a level that doesn’t destroy you.”
— Kevin Brooks
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viii-the-strength ¡ 10 days
“If you can’t do anything about it then let it go. Don’t be a prisoner to things you can’t change.”
— Tony Baskin
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viii-the-strength ¡ 10 days
I decided to be nice to myself and skip the workout. Yesterday I didn't accomplish much, it was hard but I am dealing with PMS rn so I tried to be understanding. I was really not feeling like working out and I didn't want it to be a way of punishing myself, so I went to yt to look for a practice. This one was perfect.
My life has purpose and meaning even in moments of pain
I am worthy of love, care and understanding
I deserve to forgive myself and to move forward
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viii-the-strength ¡ 12 days
gentle reminder you can rise up from everything. you can recreate yourself. nothing is permanent. you are not stuck. you have choices. you can think new thoughts. you can learn something new. you can create new habits. all that matters is that you decide today and never look back.
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viii-the-strength ¡ 13 days
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First time ever seeing the aurora, I was not disappointed.
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viii-the-strength ¡ 13 days
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viii-the-strength ¡ 14 days
Be with someone who makes you happy.
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viii-the-strength ¡ 14 days
“Note to self: You’ve gotta do this for you. This is for you. This isn’t about anybody. Live for you. Honour you. Never lose sight of that.”
— Unknown
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