#yup I actually do have a bunch
starrysnowdrop · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Tagged by: @ainyan Thank you so much!! 💖
Tagging: Anyone that hasn’t been tagged yet and wants to do this! Just say that I tagged you!!
Favorite OC: Oh that’s easily Hali. I’m so happy with my girl, and I literally can’t stop thinking about her and Aymeric at all times of the day.
Oldest OC: My oldest OC is one that I’ve had in my head since I was in high school, so over 20 years ago now. His name is Soren Galanthi, and he’s a beautiful white haired man who looks like a Tolkien elf, who is a total ass. He’s a minor antagonist in my original work that I will probably never finish nor publish. I’ve thought about bringing him into FFXIV somehow.
Newest OC: That would technically be Hali’s grandfather Jovian, who you can read about in Hali’s Family on my pinned post. But if we are talking major OCs, it’s Hali actually.
Meanest/Hardest OC: The biggest candidate for that position would be Yume’s father Lord Masanori Aino, who orders his own daughter to commit seppuku for disobeying him. No, I’m not kidding.
Softest OC: That would probably be Yume. Though she’s a samurai and has trained to be a warrior since she was a child, she still has this softness and gentleness to her that is quite different from most OCs I’ve ever created.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: That honor goes to R’angi Tia, who is usually very prickly and doesn’t get close to people easily. If you aren’t a member of his tribe, you’re going to have a hard time getting to know him well.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Oof, I’m not sure actually… maybe Persie, my long abandoned Xaela OC that I shipped with Emet. She wasn’t dumb really, just not knowledgeable about the wider world.
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: This is likely R’angi, as he’s definitely not book smart and doesn’t care to expand his knowledge whatsoever. He is out for revenge and to regain his honor, that’s it.
Smartest OC: Hali for sure! She’s from Sharlayan and is a straight-A student that graduated from the Studium with full honors after all!
Horniest OC: That’s also Hali. Yeah, she attacks Aymeric every chance she gets, and can you blame her?? Just look at her boyfriend!
OC You'd Bang: None of them, as I’m happily married and I’m demisexual anyway, so I don’t think I’d ever bang any of them. I do find them all physically attractive though. However, the one that’s closest to my type would be Soren.
OC You'd Be Best Friends With IRL: Hali for sure. We share all the same interests and she’s an extrovert that would bring me out of my shell to have fun.
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redflagshipwriter · 7 months
Mamabat- enter Jason 1/2
The air was different with Cass, now. Danny felt a little anxious as he followed her to the study after breakfast. Something about her was serious-determined-protective. 
She always felt protective towards him. That was why he'd followed her in the first place. Some ghosts lied, but they couldn't do it with their aura. He knew what she really felt for him. 
“Sit?” She asked him. She gestured at the big squashy chair. Danny did without complaint. Cass perched behind him and started dragging her fingers through his hair, relaxing him.
Man. She was good at this. Top tier mothering, right here. Danny went limp. 
“I'm worried,” Cass broke the silence. She didn't sound worried. She never really did. Her voice was quiet and serious, but still kind. Her thumbs dug into his scalp. He pushed his head back against it. Bliss. “Barbara made you sad. Because you miss your sister?”
Danny tensed. 
‘I should have figured that Batman would track me down.’
Maybe he had known, if he was honest with himself. It didn't hit him like a shock.
“Tim thinks your name is Fenton,” she added, brutally sensible as always. And yup, that was it. No point in denying it. “Declared dead. In danger?”
He sucked in air through his teeth. He wasn't going to lie to her. 
“Worried,” she repeated. 
He thought about it. He really did. Danny bit his lip. 
She was liminal. That probably meant she'd come really close to death, in at least one sense of the word. Would that mean she was desensitized to it, or extra paranoid?
…It was hard to imagine Cass over or under reacting to a possible danger. She was just so steady. But would she see him as a possible danger if she knew what he was, what he really was? 
He could feel it out before he took a plunge with the whole truth.
Maybe it was wrong. Maybe it was invasive. She didn't seem to realize that she was liminal. That meant she definitely didn't realize how much she was communicating to him under her words and gestures. 
But Danny deliberately tuned into her quiet aural communication and tested the waters. “Tim is right, I'm Danny Fenton,” he said. He knew he was too tense. She would definitely feel it. But what could he do about that? He was nervous. “I… Maybe I did die.”
Her heart dropped to her stomach. He could feel the crush of grief on her heart. 
But it didn’t wash away the thudding repetition of love-protect-my darling. There was no suspicion, no guilt, no fear. It was just pain for his sake, with no calculation about how to solve a sudden problem. 
God. He wanted so badly for that to have been how his parents reacted. His eyes started to sting.
Danny sniffled. He thought it was safe to tell her. “I died,” he corrected, and he knew he was right when Cass made a little wounded sound and leaned her body into him, aiming to comfort. “Not then, but a couple years ago. I’m different now, and it’s uh… It’s dangerous to be this way.”
“Affects?” Cass asked quietly. She started to pet his hair again. “Mood? Health?”
“...Huh,” he said, because that was a sensible question he hadn’t expected. If he really thought about his mood and emotions before and after the accident: “Yeah, uh, there’s sometimes a mood thing. I might be a little more aggressive than I was before? And I can get kind of intense sometimes.”
He had thought that was basically just a reaction to having a whole bunch of new threats in his life. But would pre-electrocution Danny have been able to actually stand and fight Skulker? He had genuinely been afraid of the jocks. Maybe… Maybe he was different. Sure, Sam and Jazz were up for shooting ghosts with Fenton tech. Would he have been if he was just human? 
…He didn’t really think so.
Oof. Well, that wasn’t exactly great for his sense of self.
Cass shook him lightly. “Health?” she repeated.
Danny forced down that revelation to deal with later. He didn’t like acknowledging that he was kind of a chicken by nature, but historically, there wasn’t much evidence of bravery pre-mortem. “Uh, my heart rate is really slow, body temp is low, so I can’t really afford to go to a doctor for a checkup,” he said. “Uh, sometimes I’ve got none at all and my hair turns white.” He paused there. That was- that was enough, yeah? He was going to be honest with her because she deserved honesty from him. But that didn’t mean he had to explain the whole great beyond and his inhuman status.
“Sounds like Jason,” Cass said, after a long silence.
Danny short-circuited. “Wait, what?” He craned to look at her. “Who?”
Cass darted forward to kiss his forehead. “Little brother,” she said cheerfully. “Want to meet him?”
Uh, yeah. Danny nodded vigorously, wondering what the hell she was on about. “Do you mean he died?” 
“Died,” Cass agreed, getting out her phone and tapping away at it rapidly.
“Not like, heart stopped for a minute on the operating table and he was revived, or what?” Danny pressed.
“Dead in the ground, came back later,” Cass said. “Dead for months. Now, very crabby.”
Danny balked. “What?”
“White hair too,” she said. Then her face did something funny. “I think he dyed it recently,” she said. 
Danny huffed a laugh. “If it’s the same thing as mine, you can’t dye it.” He saw her look over his head for white streaks. He didn’t correct her line of thought.
He hadn’t thought that anything could top the anticipation of meeting Batman. But Danny had to admit the rest of the day was a wash. Apparently Jason couldn’t make it until the evening, about an hour before patrol.
Danny nearly paced a line into the carpet. He had enough energy to do that now, even without ecto. He was getting soooo much food here. A guy couldn’t even stress out for an hour without someone coming by to make sure he had fruit and yogurt or a hot drink.
He didn’t need someone to come and tell him that the much anticipated Jason had shown up. Danny knew it when he went to take a sip of cruelty-free chocolate milk (hand delivered by the most frightening child in the world) and choked on vapor.
Damian gave him a glare and snatched the drink away. “Are you incapable of drinking beverages?” he demanded. His face looked so goddamn cross but he was just worried.
Danny managed a smile. “No, went down the wrong pipe, sorry.”
Damian didn’t seem to even see the fog, so- so that meant that either he was really unobservant or he wasn’t liminal enough to see it the way people did in Amity. That was a small blessing. Danny appreciated it and he took back his drink to have something to hold onto.
That was a whole ass ghost. That was a whole ghost coming onto the property, one that felt big and mad and old. Danny smacked his lips, disconcerted. 
He, uh, didn’t know what to expect from this.
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creekfiend · 2 months
I have been having a really weird experience this summer, which is that I fell in love for the first time. I'm 36, and if you'd asked me if I had ever been in love previously, I would have said "I don't know, maybe? I used to think so but now I'm not sure? What's it mean to be in love?? how would I know if I had or not???" I thought that because I had not experienced it myself, the people who were always saying "oh no, trust me, You Would Know" were all lying or otherwise mistaken. I DID NOT BELIEVE THEM. I was fully like "this is some sort of mass delusion, there's no way that's a thing"
Now that I know that this is something that Exists even if it doesn't always Look Like They Tell You, there's SO many things that make sense to me!!! Whenever I encountered Romance Stuff before, I had no desire to do any of it AND could not comprehend why anyone else would ever want to either. It was this really large experiential disconnect for me. Whether or not I want to do any of those things, I now understand why other people would, if they Were In Love. LIKE I GET IT NOW. IT MAKES SENSE TO ME. I still can't relate to things like people in movies falling in love instantly, but now it's like "oh right, that's a potential state of being that exists," rather than "pretty fucked up that hollywood made Being In Love up to sell more flowers or whatever."
I feel like I'm constantly 24/7 running a software update on my brain that's been overdue to be installed for years or perhaps decades. It's just like "OK YUP UPDATING ALL THESE PROGRAMS AND FOLDERS. THIS WILL TAKE SOME TIME AND DATA BYTES OR WHATEVER, BUCKLE UP!" Pretty sure there's actually one of those little rainbow spinning icons above my head the whole time I'm conscious, like I am some sort of very confused Sim.
This happened to me REALLY SLOWLY, too, so it was like a big blockage in a river, and more and more stuff was just piling up against it, and then the dam broke, and now I'm sitting in the shallows of a giant basin lake under a massive waterfall wringing my hat out and going "woah. they got never before seen types of fish in here"
Who else knew about this??? Unfortunately the answer is: a majority of human beings over a certain age DID in fact know about this, it's just that every time anyone said "this is a way people feel about each other sometimes," I said "hmm. sounds fake." In-cred-i-ble.
Turns out that being in love is just an experience that people can have!! It's just a thing that happens sometimes! Some people have had it happen to them a bunch and some people not at all. It's just A Thing That Can Happen To You. Wtf. WHAT WILL I DISCOVER NEXT????? IT COULD BE ANYTHING !!! WHAT WOULD BE THE FUNNIEST POSSIBLE NEXT THING FOR ME TO REALIZE EXISTS? ONLY TIME WILL TELL. (Can you fucking imagine having this happen to you when you are in your seventies or eighties rather than your mid thirties ????? THAT WOULD BE THE WORLD'S MOST DISORIENTING EXPERIENCE.) (I also thought that "having chemistry" was fake.) (Do not diagnose me, I PROMISE I already know)
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roses-r-rosie3 · 9 months
X-Mas list presentation
Batfam x M!Reader
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Summary: instead of making a regular Christmas wishlist, the reader decides to make a whole presentation
Quote: “That is all Family! So open up your hearts and your wallets for me this holiday season”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Why are you here?” Duke asked Jason.
“Same reason why you’re here, y/n wanted us to all meet up in the living room for some announcement” Jason sighed.
After everyone was in the room, you pulled out your computer and connected it to the Tv, which made everyone confused.
“Hello family, I know you must be wondering why you’re all here” you said.
“Can I go back to my game now?”
“Last year you guys totally fucked up Christmas, so this year I put together an entire presentation to tell you guys what I want specifically” you smiled.
Everyone in the room let out an audible sigh/groan. It was known by everyone in the family that you were very dramatic from time to time (24/7). But they never thought you would get this extra!
“Is that really what you called us here for?” Damian grumbled.
“Would you shut up for a second?” You snapped.
“Y/n I don’t think that’s how you should be talking to your little bro-”
“Anyways, Here’s the things you should keep in mind when you’re thinking about what kind of gift you will provide for me this year” you said as you interrupted Bruce from his lecture.
“First of all, I’m the only one who knows how to reset the Wi-Fi, and yeah that’s threat” you threatened.
That certainly got everyone’s attention.
“Secondly, if you don’t get me what I want I will get a sugar daddy, I don’t even care what you guys are going to say, I’ve had so many offers for sugar daddies that it’s unreal. The perks of being son of Bruce Wayne I guess” you said.
“Y/n, you do know that Bruce is rich right?” Jason asked.
“Not the point” you mumbled.
“And third if I don’t get what I want, I will also sell my feet pics online like I did last year” you said calmly.
“YOU WHAT?!” Bruce shouted
“Calm down, I only ended up making about 1 million from it” you sighed.
“ONLY?!” Dick gasped.
“I created a three tier system of different gifting levels, basically, the levels equivocate to how much you love me and how much money you have” you explained.
“Level one is the ‘I’m going to need therapy level’ which is only four to seven gifts. I would probably go into a depressive spiral, actually not probably, I definitely would be depressed” you said.
“Would you stop being so overdramati-”
“I’M NOT DONE YET” you said as you interrupted Tim.
“What would that mean for us? You may ask. It would mean that you would have to pay for my therapy. And the money that you guys spent on therapy would have been basically wasted, you could’ve bought me a whole bunch of gifts right now and avoided the situation” you smiled.
“I think that he’s lost his mind” Bruce whispered to Stephanie.
“You think?!” Stephanie whisper yelled.
“Level two is the ‘You’re getting warmer package’ This basically if you love me- Bruce can you stop whispering to Stephanie” you scolded.
“As I was saying… Level two is eight to fifteen gifts, which is basically equivalent to you texting me happy birthday” you continued.
“Level three is the ‘You’re sleighing it’ level. And if you remember, you guys were just a bit off the mark of hitting this because you guys only got me twenty three gifts. And in order to reach ‘You’re slaying it’ you have to get me twenty five or more gifts, I think this is totally do-able for you guys, especially because you can just use Bruce’s card if you guys are running low on money” you said.
“I have tons ideas for you guys and this whole slideshow is already in your email so you guys can look at it and reference it at any time” you smiled.
Everyone quickly checked their phones to see that you indeed emailed them your whole presentation.
“That is all Family! So open up your hearts and your wallets for me this holiday season” you smiled before leaving the room.
“Yeah he had definitely lost his mind” They all said in synchronization.
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filmbyjy · 12 days
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SYNOPSIS > When you turned 18, you heard your best friend’s favourite song. Turns out, it was just one of the various signs to finding your soulmate. However, you couldn’t bring this up to jake. Not when he was in a happy relationship with your other best friend! Would you choose heartbreak or sacrifice your happiness for the sake of keeping the friendship?
FIFTEEN – most touching story
a/n: sometimes I like to make myself cry when writing these chapters💀 so in other words the angst in this chapter is just so 🤌🏻
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“are you sure you’re okay?” sunghoon asks as he worriedly watches you hold your stomach.
“hoon, i’m fine. the doctor said that it will hurt a couple of days and then i’ll be fine. i just need to avoid seeing aria and jake so it wouldn’t worsen.” you had explained. jay and sunghoon didn’t look convinced.
“yeah, but-”
“please, boys? for me? i’ll be fine, i promise you.” you had mustered up the best puppy eyes you could give them. you knew it would crumble them instantly because they loved you, platonically of course.
jay rolls his eyes, “fine. get in the car. we aren’t mentioning any of this to your mom or dad. just so they wouldn’t get worried for you.”
“yeah, perfect. i think my dad would actually storm over to jake and tell him to marry me instantly.” you joked.
“mr.kim would definitely do that.” sunghoon says.
the drive took about 20 minutes. you were back in your small little hometown. you loved the healing aspect of this place and it was near a beach so that was a plus. your parents obviously heard the commotion outside of the house when you opened jay’s trunk to grab your small luggage.
“sweetheart, why are you back?” your mom says as she rushes to hug you.
“just missed you and dad.” your dad lets out a hearty laugh.
“you brought my two favourite boys along too?”
“they wanted to tag along.” you point out.
your dad pulls the two boys into a huge hug. your dad loved your guy friends, including taesan. he has always wanted a bunch of sons so this was just a blessing in disguise for him to have them.
“where is jake?”
“with his girlfriend probably. we didn’t want to disturb the love birds.” jay explains.
“that’s a shame. i won’t lie but his girlfriend?” your dad shakes his head and sighs. “i don’t think that’s his soulmate.”
you froze and so did jay and sunghoon. your dad knew about soulmates? does that mean your mom is his?
“dad, did you have a soulmate before?” what a stupid question to ask him, (name).
“of course! let’s get in the house before i tell the whole story to you kids.” your dad says.
after settling down and placing your luggage into your room, everyone gathers in the living room. jay and sunghoon chose to sit on the ground while your mom and you were settling on the couch.
“first things first, yes. your mom is my soulmate. however, we didn’t officially get together until we were 25. i was a charismatic man, a ladies man you could say.” your mom rolls her eyes at his words.
“a playboy is what you were, myungdae.” she says. your dad denies it before continuing with his story.
“so, i was…getting around a lot. i had many different girlfriends up till i was 24. since we get our soulmate marks at 18, i didn’t care about it. i just liked partying and being a playful guy. however, something in me was itching to find my soulmate but yet again i ignored it. there is a consequence to not get with your soulmate, i’m sure all of you have heard of it. at that time, i had a very close best friend. she was someone that i had always relied on.”
you had gasped. “you and mom were best friends before dating?”
“yup, we were best friends and without knowing. i was unintentionally hurting your mom. she started coughing up blood which then turned into coughing up flowers and blood. it wasn’t easy for her. she tried her best to hide the fact that she was my soulmate and i was hers for the sake of my happiness. then, one day, i heard that she went to the hospital. i ran and ran just to see her. she was about to get the surgery done and i didn’t want that for her. i held her hand and then i realised that our soulmate marks were glowing. it surprised me because all this time, this beautiful woman who was always next to me was my soulmate? i felt my whole world collapse. i begged and begged for her not to get the surgery done. she listened and as i sat in the ward with her, i held her hand. i told her that i promised to love her and take care of her until we grew old. i broke it off with my girlfriend at the time and the rest is history.”
jay sniffled. “that was the most touching story ever.” your dad pat his back.
“kiddo, you will get to experience that when you find your soulmate. just don’t go searching for other women, your soulmate can sense it and it will not be good for them.” your dad warns.
you could feel your stomach feel unease. to which your mom notices and just discreetly makes up and excuse to pull you out to talk to you alone. she brings you to your bedroom and lightly closes the door.
“do you want to tell me about it, sweetheart?” you felt the tears come crashing down and your mom gives you a big hug whilst rubbing your back. “it’s okay, darling. you’re fine, i’m here for you. just let it out.”
your mom was the most gentle woman ever, the best mom to have ever existed and you loved her to bits. which is why you always felt spoiled by her and your dad. they always let you cry on their shoulders whenever you need to. crying to your mom usually doesn’t take so long so you had calmed down a little after 15 minutes.
“are you facing the same situation as me, sweetheart?” she asks. you could only nod your head and shamelessly looked down at your hands. the drips of tears falling right onto your skin. “did you-” she didn’t want to say it, she knew what it was and you knew what she was going to say.
“yes. it started yesterday. i coughed up blood.” your mom pulls your closer once again, hugging you tightly. her heart ached for you. it wasn’t a good sign and she obviously knew that there was no other way.
“we’ll get through this. we’ll get you treated and get some medicine so you will feel less pain over time before…”
“i don’t want to die. if this gets worse, i’ll get the surgery.”
“if you must, then you know what will happen. right, darling?” she cradles your face into the palm of her hand. “i don’t want my daughter to be dead but i also want my daughter to have emotions. let’s just have hope that jake will come to his senses.”
“no, he will never love me.”
tears were stinging at her eyes, it was like she was watching herself when she was younger. the painful memories were only playing in her head but she had to stay strong for you. she had to give you hope in a way. with glossy eyes, “i’m sure he will. only time will tell.”
that night, neither jay or sunghoon wanted to leave you alone. they weren’t dumb. they knew that your parents’ love story and your situation were the similar. they were certain that you would have doubts and you’d be even more stressed out. hence, they decided to stay close to you. and yes, that meant that they were both sleeping in your bed while you were sleeping there too. not the first time.
you were tossing and turning. the world clearly didn't want you to sleep tonight. which is why you had sat up and climbed out of bed and walked towards the mini balcony you had in your room. you had tugged the cardigan close around your body, it was decently cold at night. the sea breeze blowing in your hair.
you could hear footsteps behind you but it doesn't scare you since you knew it was one of the boys. you felt a small peck on your shoulder.
"couldn't sleep?" sunghoon's deep voice resonates beside you. you hummed. "want something warm to drink before you get to sleep?"
"nah, I'm fine."
"what were you and your mom talking about just now?"
you sighed. "she knows."
"oh." was all he could say.
"she had pity her eyes. never in my whole life would i see my own mom looking at me with such pity."
"I'm sure she understands you. she's been in your position before and she knows how heart breaking it is."
"hoon?" he hums. "I wish you were my soulmate." you felt him ruffle your hair and squeeze your hand to comfort you.
"me too. the both of us would've been the best couple in college." he jokes. you smiled a little.
"yeah, we would've." he pulls you closer and pecks the side of your head.
"do you want to stay up or go to sleep?" he asks.
"let's stay up for a bit, then we can go to sleep." he nods at your words.
and so that's what you did. when you wake up the next morning, jay wasn't there anymore, but sunghoon was still there. he gently opens his eyes to adjust to the lighting of the room.
"morning, beautiful."
"morning, hoon."
he pecks your lips. well, that was until jay threw a pillow at the both of you. "wake up! mom made us breakfast. a huge feast."
"stop calling my mom as yours." you threw the pillow back at jay and he ducks, successfully avoiding it.
"no." he sticks out his tongue. sunghoon grabs the plushie on your bed and throws it once again towards jay. this time, it hits the bullseye. right on his face. "oh fuck." jay stumbles back a little and gives sunghoon the middle finger.
sunghoon smirks and shoots a middle finger at jay. you could only roll your eyes at the both of them. "okay, get out idiots."
"who are you calling idiots? you've had sex with the bo-" you shoved sunghoon out and shut the door in their faces.
you loved your two best friends to bits but sometimes, they were a little too much for you. you had taken a quick shower and also put on your swimsuit since you were planning to just enjoy your time at the beach later.
you felt your phone buzz a couple of times but you chose to ignore it because you were on a small break. in the end, you, jay and sunghoon went to the beach. jay throws you over his shoulder and carries you over. it was fun not having to worry about your assignments and life for a bit.
you had jay and sunghoon by your side to make you feel better and that was all it mattered.
and you wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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taglist[open]: @sumzysworld @mitmit01 @moon3verland @baribaaari @byty2k @alex-is-sleeping @viagumi @txtlyn @belovedsthings @woninluv @dreamiestay @niniissus @kyutiepeachy @yoongisbaguetteshoes @squiishymeow @jjaammm @enhaz1 @illvding @woniejjang @bee-the-loser @laurradoesloveu @ckline35 @ningx2stan @hoonlvly @clampclover @xyzyx01 @victoriasimm @eneiyri @nshmrarki @woorcve @bubblytaetae @i03jae @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @l1wv00n @onlyhyunjin @kyanmeai @isa942572 @lisaswifey @alisonyus @firstclassjaylee @szkstay @enhamysunshines @milanco @hsbae @zyvlxqht @lixiebokie @wth121 @enahasblog @gongiz @anuisamazing @heestrawberries @gyehyeonist @istglevi-gotmesimping @heelovesmeknot @silquids
(bolded can’t be tagged)
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luffyvace · 5 months
The Luffy Package ☠️📦
(General & relationship headcanons as well as Luffy quotes (relationship implied) for his big day!!)
had to go all out for my fav 😊🤭
General Luffy headcanons:
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Luffy has nails so short dirt can’t get under it 😭
not necessarily the booty diggers 🤭
but just really short, like almost booty digger ig—but not it
he has like 1% nail
its not intentional, they just never grow
i have a feeling someone taught luffy how to dance
idk who
it was likely makino, shanks or some else he cares deeply about
but he learned early on and has been a great dancer ever since!
maybe at parties since they happen a lot in one piece ⭐️
But just because someone taught him doesn’t mean he was awful at dancing at first
maybe he was a natural!
feel the rhythm typa thing 🎶 🕺
it’d be funny if he was
cuz imagine a guy that can dance but can’t sing
how you gon dance on beat to a out of tune song?? 😭
at least to uta anyway
ive always loved Luffy’s singing‼️
he never thinks about what the one piece is
but would be the most disappointed if it isn’t something cool
this dude is NOT interested in books so if the one piece really is just joyboy’s tale i don’t think he’ll be satisfied..😭 (I’m talking about the theory)
he definitely wouldn’t say it was all for nothin tho
he still has nakama, treasure and is the pirate king!! 👑
but…the one piece as books is just a mega L for him
Robin will enjoy ♡
you know that thing he does where he stretches his face real big? Like the time he was tryna cheer nami up when she was sick? And it scared vivi and zoro?
he scared himself when he first realized he could do that too
he was bored and started messing around with his devil fruit
at first he was outside and he stretched his mouth, and when realized he could see inside it, he was like ‘I wonder what this looks like’
so he went inside and did it into a mirror
he somehow managed to trash the whole bathroom running away from his reflection
he quickly got over it and realized it was kinda funny
he showed Ace and sabo who also found it terrifying
then preceded to scare people with it ever since
d end! :)
I feel like he’s thought about what the ‘D’ in his name stands for too
He came up with a bunch of outrageous names that likely aren’t it..
yeah, dinosaur seems the most plausible 😊
Luffy Dinosaur Monkey!
yup, that’s probably what it stands for 😁
sneaks into the usopp factory whenever he’s not in there
he ends up playing with his creations and destroys, it, other projects, and the factory altogether in the progress
he then runs out laughing
usopp later returns to the ruins only to find his months work of his greatest creation yet named “ultimate captain usopp three thousand smasher” has been reduced to fragments of metal nothing ☺️
listen idk if oda has confirmed Luffy’s favorite color but I would say it’s none
why? The same reason why you can’t ask a toddler their’s, it’s just gonna constantly change and you know it’s not the truth
arguably, if I had to pick an actual color based off canon, (IK it’s a shade but wtv) it’d be white
why? wym? Don’t you remember that one ep where luffy sang a song about how he loves snow cuz it’s so white?
(one of his lesser talked about songs 😭💗)
Relationship Luffy headcanons:
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Luffy as a partner is really rambunctious and loving
But do note that loving doesn’t always mean romantic
for him it means loving you a lot but not being lovey dovey when showing it
you need protecting? He’s on the case!! He can’t and he has to beat someone up? One of your nakama’ll do it so stay with them!
your strong? Perfect! He’s gonna go fight this guy so you go beat up that one!
why am I mentioning that? Because it shows he has a great sense of trust and faith in you
Of course he does with all his friends but your reasoning is different
not only are you his nakama, your also his partner!! Which means he loves you in a intimate way!! Not just platonically
I say “just” because I swear sometimes Luffy’ll feel like a friend with you (best friends and lover typa thing 💞) he’s just as goofy and chaotic with you as he is Usopp and chopper
he feels extra lively when around you and always wants to play, whether you like this or not. Your personality depends a lot on how your relationship with him is but I won’t dabble into that today because it’s his birthday. 🎉 but honestly it doesn’t matter if you punch him like nami or laugh like brook-
he’s still gonna bug you! 💖 seriously you can’t get rid of this dude 🤨 Luffy will drag you on every single one of his adventures so I hope your either brave or fearless like him. The only time you two separate and he allows it is when he’s fighting the boss type thing LOL. Like Doflamingo or smth.
that said Luffy isn’t clingy he just likes being around you and seeing what your doing. Especially when you haven’t landed on an island yet and he’s bored. He’s always singing, playing with your face (ironic cuz he’s the stretchy one) or trying to get you to play some silly game he made up
that usually somehow manages to tick everyone off. 🤷‍♀️
will grab your hands randomly and make you dance to some song he made up about literally anything he sees or feels
he even made one about YOU once :3
”OOOOOHHH your my partner! Yes my partner! We’re having lots of fun! Going on adventures- YAHOO!! And dancing a ton! We’ll dance all arcross the grand line!! Take your hats off and let them fly!! YIPPIE!! We’re having a graaaaand TIIIIIIIME!” 😁🕺
Luffy quotes: (implied relationship between you two)
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”can you sneak in the kitchen and steal some food from sanji? I’m really hungry and he won’t let me in anymore!!”
”LETS HAVE A PARTY!!!” — “we don’t need a reason! CMON!’ CHEERS!”
”lets tame that thing and make it our pet!!”
”what should we name em?” — “Junpi? SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!!” (You didn’t get a chance to respond 💕)
”HEY LOOK A RESTAURANT!! Grab on I’ll rocket us there!! HURRY UP IM HUNGRYYY!!”
”hey! Do you have any food on you?? I’m hungry!”
”Liar!! I can smell it!!”
”take a bath?! I don’t stink!!— EUGH!- okay yeah maybe….but I don’t wanna take a bath!! I’ll get all tired!”
”I’ll leave you with that guy! So go kick some butt! I’ll deal with that red forehead guy!!” (AN: There’s no actual red forehead guy that’s canon, I made it up 👍)
”⁉️ HEY WHAT HAPPENED?! Did that guy beat you up?! I’ll send him flying!! 💢”
”Shishishishi! Shh! Watch this! I’m gonna drop this on Usopp’s head! 🤭😂”
”Lets play a gaaaaame!! I’m so bored! 😞”
”can I have some of your food?” *Already stuffing a piece in his mouth* (the point is it’s not the whole thing ⁉️😱)
”Isn’t this fun?! 😆” (having a near death experience)
”don’t worry! My injuries don’t hurt at all! See? I’m dancing! I’m having fun!”
”oops. Sorry.”
”look!” (Two chop sticks stuffed up his nose and mouth)
”WOAHH A MAN KILLING BEAR!! LETS GO CHECK IT OUT! 🤩” (even if you wanted to say no your already being hoisted over there because you weren’t running fast enough for him)
”plan? Never mind that!! Let’s go! We’re gonna kick that butt head guys’ butt!!” (AN: another fictional villain I made up on a whim)
”HOLD ON TIGHT” (Gum Gum Rockets with hardly any warning)
”let’s play a game!! It’s called steal zoro’s swords without waking up zoro!! 😁”
”nyop!” (Puts you atop his shoulders 💓)
”nyop!” (Jumps on your back almost knocking you over 💝)
”look at my disguise! Nobody will suspect us! 😎👍”
”Cmere!” (Pulls you into his lap)
”HI! Is it almost time for dinner yet?” (Plops down in your lap)
Thanks for supporting me and my work—as well as my random disappearances too 💗🤗
Everyone! Say it!
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divorceconnoisseur · 2 years
There's a beat of silence where they just stare at each other. Eddie's face wavers for a second before he snorts, running his hand down his face. "What are we even doing here, man?"
Steve falters, the inanity of the situation hitting him. "I, uh, I think we're about to actually fistfight over-- over who a bunch of 14-year-olds think is cooler."
Eddie considers that briefly, tapping his fingers against his mouth before nodding. "Yeah, okay, I've heard of worst causes. Dukes up, Harrington, let's go!" Eddie pushes up his sleeves and waves his fists in the air cartoonishly as he starts to circle Steve.
Steve laughs, following Eddie as he goes like a compass drawn north. "Oh yeah, man? To the death, right?"
"Of course. Is there any other kind of fight?" Eddie says, overly serious, and abruptly tackles Steve.
They wrestle for a moment, and it's playful and stupid, but it still takes Steve an embarrassingly short amount of time to get Eddie in a headlock.
"This is just sad, man," Steve teases as Eddie struggles. "Those guns just for show, then?"
"Oh shit oh shit not the hair please, please have mercy O King Steve," Eddie laughs breathlessly.
Steve considers it-- Eddie seems to take as much care in his hair as Steve does, and real respects real-- and in that moment of hesitation, Eddie hooks his leg around Steve's and pulls.
Steve yelps as Eddie cackles, dragging them both down into the grass.
He hits the ground with a choked gasp, breath knocked out of him, and he squints up at the sky, unsuccessfully trying to hold back a grin.
He turns his head to say something to Eddie but loses his breath a second time for a very different reason.
Eddie's still giggling to himself in little fits, winding down, and there's a lightness to him at this moment that Steve's never seen, only heard described by the kids pre-Vecna. Laughter suits Eddie Munson, much better than terror or guilt or seriousness, and Steve's suddenly aware that he would do anything in this moment to keep that surprised look of happiness on his face a second longer.
Eddie catches his eyes and turns his head toward him. He's got grass stuck in his hair, and Steve doesn't think before he reaches over.
It's soft. Softer than he was expecting. He's careful not to catch any of Eddie's hair as he pulls out the grass and ends up lingering longer than he means to, setting a curl back to rights before realizing that this is, like, maybe a little weird.
He jerks back, and the back of his hand brushes Eddie's cheek, which is-- which is--
Warm. Soft, too, but with the rough start to stubble, and the feeling of it lingers against his hand like a brand.
Eddie's eyes, dark and impossibly wide, watch him, quiet for once. He wets his lips before speaking, and Steve's eyes catch on that, too, before darting back up to Eddie's. Which, god, what even was that? Why-- why is he--?
"A draw, then," Eddie says, turning over onto his stomach and kicking up his feet, and the weird atmosphere vanishes like it never was. "You are a worthier opponent than I realized, Steve Harrington."
"Oh yeah?" Steve says, relieved and disappointed. "Well, you're not so bad yourself."
Eddie clicks his tongue and fans himself. "You're too kind."
Steve looks away, tracking the clouds passing overhead. "No, really. I know I haven't exactly been, y'know, the world's best welcoming committee-"
"Was pretty convinced you hated my guts, yup." Eddie agrees, nodding.
"I don't. I never did. You're just--" Steve wracks his brain, trying to fit a word to the squirming feeling in his chest that Eddie inspires. "You're really good, y'know?"
"I... don't know, actually." Eddie's voice goes flat, and when Steve turns back to look at him, he's looking at Steve like he's a live snake, or something else dangerous and close to his vulnerable bits.
"You're good with the kids. Good for the kids, too. God, Will's really opened up since he joined your dumb nerdfest. You're good with and to the girls, too, and Jonathan, and Argyle, and probably anyone else that crosses your path. You are, patently, a good dude."
Eddie's mouth opens and closes, but Steve barrels on, feeling electric and more than a little crazy. "And, and it's just-- I don't know, I just--"
"Harrington, if you're about to tell me you think I'm a better man than you, I will lose it," Eddie interrupts regardless, voice high and reedy. "I know you're being, like, genuine and honest right now, but I will laugh in your goddamn face-"
"No, it's not that."
"Okay, I know this directly contradicts what I just said, but the speed with which you said that... Ouch."
"No," Steve shakes his head, frustrated. "I didn't mean it like that. It's-- it's not a competition."
Eddie's eyebrows leap up. "It's not? I invite you to remember what we've spent the last few weeks on."
"That was just an excuse," He snaps his mouth closed the second the words leave his mouth.
"Excuse?" Eddie repeats slowly.
"I just. I don't know, man. Maybe," he swallows. "Maybe I just couldn't handle the thought of you being good to me."
"... Why not?" Eddie asks, eyes focused on him, open, not judging, and god, this is exactly what Steve was worried about.
Eddie looks at him, and Steve--
Kisses him. Can't really do anything else but kiss him.
And when Eddie, after the longest moment of Steve's life, starts kissing him back? It's like the answer to a question he hadn't realized he'd been asking.
Turns out it's not the kids' attention he'd wanted-- or not just the kids' attention, anyway.
When Eddie pulls back, lips red and wet, eyes dark and focused just on him, Steve knows he's finally won it.
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shipsdoishipidk · 10 months
Dick, hissing: I am sick and tired of him. He always shows up out of nowhere and what does he do? Nothing! He’s always just follows me around going ‘Robin, your punch on the right is weak, you aim for the heart.’ ‘Nightwing, your snark is like a rabbit with fangs.’ ‘Little bird, did you just get out of bed because I could take you right now.’ And ‘you’re dripping sweat- Wally: ‘-am I working you too hard?’ Dick: Yes! You understand! Roy: Uh no. No we don’t. It’s all in the “how to flirt with your oblivious fellow hero counterpart” book. Dick: W-what? There’s-what? Raven: yes, it’s quite…collective. Dick: WHO WOULD EVEN WRITE SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! Gar: Dude it’s written by a bunch of thugs and villains. It’s like famous. Even the Joker added stuff to it. Dick: oh my god why would Slade even read that?! Wally: Dick. My buddy. My bro. My ship in friendship. C’mon. Dick: what-it’s not like he’s trying to flirt. Garth: *turning to the group* and this is why there’s "oblivious" in the title. Dick: *flustered* hey! Fine, even if he is, why would he read a "how to romance" book? Roy: Now we’re asking the right questions. Dick, he doesn’t read it. He’s the source of inspiration. Dick: Wha- Roy: A bunch of thugs got tired of seeing him flirting with you and started complaining about it at the villains' bar. One of them got the really dumb or maybe really smart idea to write a self-help book about all the pick up lines Slade’s used on you over the years. Dick: No. Roy: Yup. Dick: No. no. There’s no way. I would’ve noticed. If someone was flirting with me all these years, I would’ve noticed! Wally: Really? Thanks for noticing then. Roy: And not saying anything. Dick: What? Garth: *shoving Roy and Wally* Nothing! Get your butt tootalooting out of here. You have business to catch up on. Dick: *getting shoved out the door and having it slammed shut behind him* I- Raven: That worked out great. Gar: Yeah! Wait no! I thought we didn’t want them together? Garth: Yeah that was the plan. I guess it just slipped out. We have a bigger problem now. Wally: what? Garth: Who’s gonna tell Batman that Dick knows about Slade’s interests now? Roy: Wally: Gar: Raven: Roy, Wally, Garth, and Gar: ICALLNOTIT Roy, Wally, Garth, and Gar:... Wally: Raven? Raven: *Glaring* Wally: Yup, yeah, okay, that’s fine too. Roy: *packing his bow* whatever, I’ve got a suitor to hunt down. Wally: Me too. Gar: I’m gonna hang out with Raven, bye! Gar and Raven: *disappearing* Garth: hey, anyone? Garth: *dragging out the communicator* Why is it always me? Garth: …actually you know what? Fuck Batman. Enjoy your new fresh hell, you possessive fuck. We’re all gonna be in it.
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delusionalwriter02 · 4 months
megumi gf's insta please!! ily u written, thank u so much for all
Insta as Megumi's GF p.2
a/n : hello dear! thank you SO MUCH for your kind words !! hope you'll like it, i'm also so sorry for the waiting
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<3 liked by KugITgirl, Tsumiki_F and 402 others.
Yn_ : he's the sweetheart you think he is
KugITgirl : well I never imagined him being a sweetheart
↳ Yn_ : you should come on datenight with us more often
↳ KugITgirl : and thirdwheeling ?? no thanks
Satoru_thegoat : ALWAYS KNEW he was still a child
↳ Geto_OG : the biggest mystery for me is how you managed to raise him
↳ Satoru_thegoat : I'm a great parent if you ask me
↳ Geto_OG : Well glad I didn't
Megumi_F : for Gods sake don't post those pictures
↳ Yn_ : but you were so cuteeee
↳ Megumi_F : not a reason
↳ Yn_ : it is for me
↳ YujiandSukuna : I think you're cute
↳ Megumi_F : the twins I didn't ask your opinions, why you don't each have your own account
↳ YujiandSukuna : Suku always hack mine
↳ YujiandSukuna : heheheh
↳ YujiandSukuna : it's exhausting sharing an account with him
↳ KugITgirl : it's confusing
↳ YujiandSukuna : I know
↳ YujiandSukuna : fuck off
↳ Yn_ : yeah well I can actually identify them easily
↳ KugITgirl : yeah not that hard
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<3 liked by KugITgirl, Geto_OG and 291 others.
Yn_ : life is easy when you have a rich father-in-law
Satoru_thegoat : glad to count as family dear
↳ Yn_ : so am I
Kento_N : Satoru you piece of shit, you have classes to attend
↳ Satoru_thegoat : EXCUSE-me ??? I'm a TEACHER, i do what I want
↳ Kento_N : Suguru will bring you back
↳ Satoru_thegoat : NO NOT SUGURU HE'LL HURT ME
↳ Kento_N : Shoko then
↳ Satoru_thegoat : NO NO NO Suguru will be fine
↳ Kento_N : That's what I thought
InuMAKI : can you bring me sweets pls ?
↳ Yn_ : give me the money
↳ InuMAKI : you didn't even pay for yours
↳ Yn_ : yup, now money
↳ InuMAKI : you're worse than Nobara I swear
↳ Yn_ : girls always win
Megumi_F : Love you said we were eating together after classes
↳ Yn_ : I'm coming Meg, Gojo is paying
↳ Yuuuta : You're sooooo sweet you two
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<3 liked by Megumi_F, Tsumiki_F and 926 others.
Yn_ : love them to death
Tsumiki_F : They're the sweetest in town
↳ Yn_ : 100% correct
Satoru_thegoat : they tried to bite me
↳ Yn_ : you were annoying
↳ Satoru_thegoat : young lady ????? I buy you luch and that's how you thank me ?
↳ Yn_ : kindness isn't supposed to be interested
↳ Shokolate : She beat you
↳ Satoru_thegoat : gngngngn whatever you say
Toji_F : good guard dog
↳ Yn_ : tf are you
↳ Satoru_thegoat : @.Geto_OG @.Shokolate @.Kento_N WE GOT A PROBLEM
↳ Shokolate : oh my fucking fucking
↳ Geto_OG : Kento get the kids
↳ Kento_N : On it.
↳ YujiandSukuna : TF IS HAPPENING
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<3 liked by Tsumiki_F, Maki_yum and 478 others.
Yn_ : so apparently we're on lockdown and the fucker is sleeping @.InuMAKI
InuMAKI : well we don't know how long this is going to last
↳ Yuuuta : obvs longer than your sexual capacities
↳ Yn_ : how do you ????? well does anyone have any idea what's going on?
↳ KugITgirl : do you know any Toji ??
↳ Yn_ : not at all
↳ Maki_yum : You're all so uneducated, Toji is a sorcerer killer
↳ Yn_ : REALLLLYYY ????
↳ KugITgirl : oH WE'RE FUCKED
↳ Yn_ : Meg isn't with us, is he with you Maki ?
↳ Maki_yum : no, Yuta, Panda and Yuji are with me, you're with Nobara and Inumaki ?
↳ Yn_ : yeah Nanami is with us too..... oh no he's not
↳ Maki_yum : this comedy is fucking up my whole organisation
↳ Yn_ : Imma search for him
↳ Yuuuta : don't even think about it
↳ KugITgirl : We're coming with Toge
↳ InuMAKI : no i'm not
↳ KugITgirl : yes you are
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<3 liked by InuMAKI, Megumi_F and 964 others.
Yn_ : well, what a rollercoaster of emotions
Maki_yum : you've been so reckless
↳ InuMAKI : glad you're grounded
↳ Maki_yum : we're all grounded stupidity of a man
Megumi_F : don't you dare make me that scared again
↳ Yn_ : I did it in the name of our love
↳ KugITgirl : Meg you're collecting the father figure
↳ Megumi_F : I'M NOT
↳ Toji_F : I'm really pleased and relieved you didn't reject me boy, I promise this life of crime is over
↳ Megumi_F : live your life idc
↳ Yn_ : nice to meet you father-in-law n.2, thank you for not killing anybody and being a nice and present dad
↳ Shokolate : sarcasm is always the best way to respond
↳ Satoru_thegoat : Toji you can TRY to be a father but trust me I ME will always be superior
↳ Geto_OG : don't start again
↳ Megumi_F : "good guard dogs" is the worst way to come back into someone's life
↳ Toji_F : well I didn't know how to introduce myself
↳ Megumi_F : by being a normal fucking human being and not putting the whole school on lockdown
↳ Tsumiki_F : we really need to be more creative in our username, it's repetitive
↳ Megumi_F : I'm not changing mine
↳ Toji_F : me neither
↳ Yn_ : can't doubt you're his father
↳ Satoru_thegoat : HE'S NOT
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<3 liked by Megumi_F, YujiandSukuna and 478 others.
Yn_ : my happiness
Megumi_F : I love you princess
↳ Yn_ : me more love
↳ Maki_yum : we can have a girl night
↳ KugITgirl : with pleasure
Satoru_thegoat : that was MY idea the flowers
↳ Toji_F : no I told him to get flowers
↳ Megumi_F : try to know your kid better before ?? idk just an idea
↳ Satoru_thegoat : I EDUCATED ALL OF THIS KIDS
↳ Toji_F : yeah, maybe
↳ Megumi_F : are the two of you done ?
↳ Yn_ : let them be love
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Hey!! Hope you liked it ? I WANTED to include Toji and I thought that the little competition between Gojo and him was perfect for the introduction, tell me what you think!
with love <3
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reallyromealone · 5 months
How about part 4 to bakugos brother. The plot has thicken. 🙃🫰🏼
Title: bakugos brother
Fandom: bnha
Characters: bnha ensemble
Fic type: series
Chapter: 4
Pairings: kirishima x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, angst, reader is awkward, broken sibling relationship, reader is siblings to Katsuki, hurt to comfort, neglectful parents
(Name) And Kirishima went upstairs as Aizawa sat in the livingroom with the Bakugo parents, (name) looking surprisingly nervous as he went to his room.
"Whatever he did we will pay for" Mrs. Bakugo started and Aizawa raised his hand to stop her "I'm actually here on behalf of U.A to extend an invitation for your son to attend the general studies program as we have recently opened a spot in that class post sports festival" Aizawa began and watched their reactions carefully, Mr. Bakugo seemed curious and a bit excited at the concept of his son having the experience but Mrs Bakugo seemed... Less thrilled "would that affect Katsuki?" She asked simply and Aizawa raised an eyebrow at her statement.
"The two would be in completely different programs, how on earth would that affect Katsuki?" Mr Bakugo said simply and the blond woman glared without any bite at her husband "Principal Nedzu is particularly interested in his intelligence quirk and would like to talk about it when we do the transfer if you are willing to agree"
And the color drained from their faces.
(Name) And Kirishima cuddled on (name)s beanbag chair, a massive thing that was (name)s first purchase as (name) watched kirishima play a phone game "so you're just building and adventuring?" (Name) Seemed intrigued but also deeply confused at the game "yeah, it's a sandbox game-- you can do basically anything"
"Are there animals?"
"Oh a bunch, they actually just updated the dogs so they have more variety"
"Show me"
"And how would he be able to afford it?" Mrs Bakugo said coldly and Aizawa resisted the urge to roll his eyes "U.A has offered (name) a full scholarship" Mr Bakugo seemed excited at this "really?!" The man seemed over the moon at this but his wife less thrilled "I told you to let him apply!" He said almost angrily and Aizawa looked between them "but the chances of katsu--"" you need one parents approval right?" He cut her off to look at Aizawa who nodded "then you have my approval"
"Masaru!" Mrs Bakugo said angrily and the man looked at her seriously "if we don't do this for our son, we will fail more than we already have"
"Kirishima, time to go" Aizawa said simply and looked at (name) "I expect to see you at U.A Monday with your things packed" the pro said and it took the teens a second to process it all before kirishima grinned at his boyfriend "Yo! We get to hang out all the time now!"
"I get to go?"
"Yup, now better pack, you got a week before you start, Nedzu wants a meeting first thing tomorrow"
"YOU GUYS ARENT GONNA BELEIVE THIS!" Kirishima shouted as he walked into the livingroom area and the others looked confused "my boyfriend got into U.A!" He boasted and Bakugo turned to look at his best friend confused "what." Bakugo said flatly and Kirishima grinned "yeah man! Your brother's gonna be in gen Ed!" Everyone looked at bakugos reaction curiously as many emotions passed his face before just grunting and turning back to his phone.
(Name)s week at home was tense with his mom but his dad always had his back, always making sure he was cared for and the parent who made an effort, he was (name)s rock.
"Just don't get in your brother's way"
Words he heard constantly up until his dad drove him to U.A, giving him an envelope with money "I'll be sending you weekly allowances... I know you have money of your own but that's your money, this is for any emergency things you need" he said softly and (name) took the envelope quietly "I'm sorry that I haven't been enough for you, I know I could do more"
"Mom's a hard person, I know you feel guilt but I know that she doesn't make it easy and you have been there when it counts and stuck up for me so I could be here... I love you dad"
"I love you too kid, now go be stronger than I am"
The two embraced before the man helped (name) get everything into his dorm, kirishima showing up to help "so you're the boy my son's seeing! A pleasure to meet you" (name) smiled as the two greeted and got along very well "yeah! I'm also bakubros best friend!" He said excitedly and Mr. Bakugo had a small sliver of hope that this young man could bridge the two siblings... It was wishful thinking but he always had hope.
Hope that somehow the relationship his wife ruined would be fixed.
(Name) Didn't sleep well the first night, awkward in the new environment and the sudden shift from what he was used to.
Tomorrow he would get an introduction course under Nedzu, the rat wanted to do some tests to truly know what level he was at to gauge where they should move towards education wise.
Things were awkward during lunch as (name) sat alone, everyone hearing about Nedzu's private student and avoided him as such but (name) just played chess on his little travel chess set in the corner, periodically eating his food.
He had an hour to kill, might as well look for any weaknesses in his plays.
"There you are!" (Name) Looked up to see his boyfriend and other 1A students who looked curiously "Aizawa said we got to have lunch at the same time!" The Bakugo siblings locked eyes and (name) offered a seat to his boyfriend who plopped beside him with a grin "so you play chess, what's that like?" The pink girl named Mina asked excitedly and (name) was shy as he responded "a lot of travelling, I been throughout Japan for openings" he said softly "how many have you won?" A blond boy named denki asked and (name) looked a little more confident "I haven't lost, so maybe 50, I have been playing professionally since I was 9"
"Whoa... What do you get if you win?" He asked and (name) thought "the U.A open won me about 100k... But that was the open to let me qualify to international opens but my dad worries I might be too young for that" he said simply and the others looked shocked at the price and did the math "damn you're rich"
Katsuki didn't know this, how many games his brother went to between school and such or how good he was at it, he didn't think about it much but now...
... He kind of felt envious that his best friend knew more about his brother than he did.
The bakusquad asked all sorts of questions throughout lunch and eventually a few more 1A students joined and Momo even planned a chess match between her and (name) for fun.
And for the first time, Katsuki saw his brother look genuinely happy talking to people, typically he didn't talk to people.
It was nice to see.
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goose-duck · 3 months
Creepypasta incorrect quotes ⭐
Nina: spirit Halloween opened up early and my poor money decisions are always open so I bought a bunch of stuff
Jeff: so...are we the best or the worst?
Toby: yes, sir.
Jeff: he doesn't have eyeballs bro- he probably doesn't have balls either...
Nina: he's ugly, I love him
Y/N: There's just something abt his lack of a mouth and being less fluffy that makes me want him
Toby: he can't scream
Y/N: perfect
Jeff: best friends!!
Y/N: nooOOOOO!!!!
EJ: I learn from the mistakes of people who take my advice
Y/N: heading into work~
Y/N: or maybe not-
Nina: so romantic~
Jeff: *screaming*
Nina: romance <3
Y/N: Jack, why am I in this room?
EJ: am I responsible for you moving from room to room now?
Y/N: yes.
EJ: then stay in that room.
Toby: it's an elevator
Masky: this is a ladder, Toby.
Toby: imagination ✨
Hoodie: just because you put a sign that says "elevator" doesn't mean it's actually an elevator.
Toby: imagination ✨
Y/N: but not me, because no one can get mad at me
Jane: I feel like in an hour we're all gonna be mad at you for something
Toby: I made a house, what did you make?
Sally: a balloon
Toby: wonderful
Jeff: just don't be blind
EJ: wow, you've cured me
Toby: someone please take me off this fucking planet
Y/N: Don't look at ceilings when ur tired. Never know what you'll see.
Toby: context, please
Y/N: Thought I had a fucking ceiling fan but it was just the balloons that I refuse to take down from my 13th birthday. I can't tell if I'm tired or stupid but I think either way it's correct.
Toby: it's probably both
Y/N: Exactly- It scared the shit outta me too-I saw it and was so fucking scared that I might have a ceiling fan in my room-
Y/N: Y/N, Weakness: ceiling fans that may or may not be there
Toby: strength: walking in high heels, weakness: imaginary ceiling fans
Hoodie: it's just a deer or something
Masky: bro, that is not a deer
Jeff: *sees a spider* I should have just bombed the house the last time I saw one of you fuckers
EJ: I'm doing good...im doing great...i have a headache.....
Jeff: this is like when I threatened to steal your skin and bones and stuff
Jeff: it's like if a heat stroke were a room
Y/N: me
Jeff: no, you're like if a heat stroke were a person
Y/N: oh
Y/N: tree tops
Jeff: crispy
Nina: crispy tree tops?
Jane: why are they crispy?
EJ: why is everyone talking about trees??
Jane: I'm moving the pumpkins, sorry, Toby
Toby: nooo, my life's work...
Toby: would you be more offended if I got a mug of milk or orange juice?
Masky: milk.
Jeff: they're all safety scissors, I don't think I can possibly be unsafe with them
*pile of about 10 safety scissors*
LJ: I took some of his teeth and coloured them like candy corns
Jeff: I'll steal ur hair, I'll take ur eyebrows and I'll steal ur skin too
Toby: please, that's all I have
Jeff: U have bones, mucles, veins, blood, cartilage and organs that I could take too
Toby: no thanks
Hoodie: Masky is this big *puts his fingers together*
Jeff: what are you doing dude?
Y/N: hugging? I think??
Jeff: it's weird...
Y/N: yeah, let's never do that again
Y/N: die.
Toby: :0
Y/N: in a nice way..?
Nina: I'm sure there's someone in Fabio who's named Russia
Jane: what?
Nina: yup.
Jeff: I hit myself in the face with an eye!
EJ: give it to me!
Ben: what the rational number?
Toby: I think I failed at life...
*Jeff and Toby leave the room*
Masky: well, that was a headache
Hoodie: which one?
EJ: both.
*Jeff walks by*
Jane: look at him, he's greasy
Y/N: why are you only offended when Jeff says something?
EJ: because it's Jeff
Toby: well how's this right?
Jeff: because I'm here!
Jane: I'm going to Halifax
Jeff: Hali-fuck you
Sally: I saw a girl and she was young
Y/N: you're young
Sally: I'm 8
Y/N: exactly, young.
Sally: so you're a grandma?
Toby: fellas, if you need me, I'll be living inside this cabinet
Y/N: I'm afraid of togetherness
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cosmerelists · 2 months
If Cosmere Characters Had Brands Sponsoring Them...
As requested by anon. :)
Let's imagine a world--a perhaps terrible world--in which Cosmere characters have brand sponsorships. If it gives you chills, please blame the anon who requested it. ;)
1. Adolin
Shallan: Wow, looking sharp! Shallan: Is that a new outfit? Adolin: Yup! Armani sent me a whole bunch of suits. Adolin: Apparently that's all I'm gonna wear from now on! Shallan: That sounds a a bit dystopic but also you look REALLY good. Adolin: Ha ha yeah let's think about it no further!
2. Steris & Wax
Steris: Wax, thank goodness you're here. Wax: Whoa! Did you start on taxes without me? Steris: I promised HR Block I'd use their services so that they can promote themselves as the brand that "even Steris Harms trusts." Steris: But obviously we need to check their work. Wax: Yes--obviously. Wax: And after that, let's pour ourselves some glasses of Jack Daniel Whiskey--Make it Count. Steris: ... Wax: ... Steris: Why did we agree to this again?
3. Amaram
[Amaram offers Wit his hand] Wit: No thanks, I wouldn't want to get any of it on me. Amaram: Any of what? Wit: Whatever you use to keep your hands clean, my lord. It must be powerful stuff, indeed. Amaram: Seventy percent of pigs have cleaner hands than forty percent of humans, you knw. Wit: I...what? Amaram: And that little fact is brought to you...by Meta AI.
4. Tress
Tress: (muttering to herself): Well...we do like to go places... Charlie: Hey do you need some help with...whatever you're dong? Tress: Yes please! I'm trying to stick these posters all over Two Cups. Charlie: What's a Toyota? Tress: Not totally sure...but they are offering a lot of money...do you think it's okay? Charlie: Well...we do like to go places... Tress: That's exactly what I said!
5. Nightblood
Nightblood: Pleeeeaase....? Szeth: I will not plaster stickers all over you, sword-nimi. Nightblood: But the Google asked me to! Nightblood: And their motto is "Don't Be Evil"! Nightblood: It's perfect! Szeth: Actually, I believe they changed their slogan a while back. Nightblood: You mean they're...evil after all? Nightblood: New plan! Let's kill them all! Szeth: I don't think brand sponorships are for you, sword-nimi.
6. Vin
Vin: When I need to go fast... When I need to leap from roof to roof... When I need to murder entire keeps... Vin: There's no shoe I trust, other than Nike. Vin: Nike: Just Do It. Vin: ... Vin: Well, what do you think? I'm supposed to pitch an angle for the commercial tomorrow! Elend: I feel like the brand probably doesn't want you to mention murder. Vin: What? Then why'd they ask me?
7. Yumi
Yumi: Ha ha! Yumi: Wow, it's so easy to stack when you're using legos! Yumi: Relaxing...fun...colorful... Yumi: This was DEFINITELY the right brand to partner with! Painter: Yumi, the neighbors are starting to complain. Yumi: What? Why?? Painter: You're fourteen-story lego tower is blocking out the sun! Children are crying! I just heard someone whisper that the nightmares must be back! Yumi: I thought it'd be inspiring!
8. Kelsier
Kelsier: I have a secret... Kelsier: Secret brand deodorant!!! Kelsier: ... Kelsier: ...Are you SURE we need the money to fund the ghostbloods? Kaise (barely keeping a straight face): Oh, absolutely.
9. Moash
Moash: I think it is time to cover up my Bridge 4 tattoo. Odium: That's a great step forward--I'm proud of you. Moash: Yup, gonna replace it with this Grey Goose Vodka tattoo instead. Odium: ... Moash: What? Drinking helps a man forget...stuff. Moash: It's thematic for my character! Odium: You have a ways to go.
10. Kaladin
Dalinar: What has happened to us? Where is our honor? Kaladin: Honor is dead...But I'll see what I can do. [Kaladin hesitates and looks back at Dalinar] Kaladin: That cool one-liner is brought to you...by Redbull. Kaladin: Redbull gives you wings. Dalinar: ... Kaladin: ... Dalinar: ... Kaladin: Anyway I'll go save your sons now.
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lu-is-not-ok · 4 months
Timekilling Time Trailer Frame by Frame
That's right. The second trailer for Timekilling Time is out, and I'm gonna go through it frame by fucking frame. I've always done this for story-related teasers and trailers, just not on Tumblr. So, might as well do it here for once.
First thing after the logo of the event:
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We see a view of a T Corp street. The visual effect over some of the silhouettes if very interesting, especially considering it's almost completely unseen on the more working-class looking people, while being very extreme on the one person with color. Some sort of visual cue showing how much 'Time' currency everyone owns perhaps?
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Judging by the golden accents and clockwork motifs, seems like a T Corp official dealing with one of the workers. The official does mostly match the outfit one of the T Corp collectors we see in Canto 4, so we might be seeing some more intricacies of whatever their job entails in this Intervallo.
The transition between this and the ID showcase is a glitchy effect, interestingly enough.
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Project Moon why the fuck is Ryoshu's dialogue so goddamn blurry here? Whatever, we'll get back to that line later. Let's focus on what we can see.
Ryoshu is getting the 00 Identity, and is an Event Reward, meaning you'll be able to get her through grinding the event itself. Also, in case the pattern on the bandana wasn't already a dead give-away, then the name of the identity will be - we're dealing with the Yurodiviye again.
This has. A lot of lore implications. For one, we know from Canto 2 that the Yurodiviye are no longer confined to just District Y, but the fact that this is a confirmation they exist in District T as well means they are far more widespread than we might think.
Also the role they seem to take on is very interesting as well. In Canto 2 we learn of them as being a Syndicate that has connections with a bunch of other Syndicates in District J, but in here it seems like they're more official than that? We're talking straight up detective stuff, with the previous teaser implying the people we'll be working with are actually officially recognised by T Corp. Just what the fuck has Sonya been doing?
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First look at event combat. Unsurprisingly, we're in the streets of T Corp. Interestingly, we're fighting the human T Corp Collectors we got to see in Canto 4 but didn't get to fight. Does that imply some sort of inner conflict in T Corp? Like I said above, the previous teaser implied the detective work we're doing is for T Corp's interests, why are we being impeded by other T Corp officials?
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Looking at the Skill animation, Ryoshu's Skill 1 is two coins.
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Skill 2 looks like maybe three coins?
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Skill 3 is definitely three coins, and that is Very Much a Tremor Burst sound effect on the last coin. We got the Tremor baby!
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Finally, some readable dialogue! Doesn't give us much, but "Shake down the loaded pigs..." shows us that even in their new role, Yurodiviye still despise the rich and focus on redistributing wealth.
Also, hi Hong Lu! You're here early! We'll get to you in a moment.
Let's talk about Ryoshu's guard, as the trailer very nicely shows us that's what Ryoshu is using.
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"...and share the pilfered time with everyone." Yup, just as I said, redistribution of wealth.
Anyway, Ryoshu's guard seems to have a sort of Assist Attack mechanic to it, causing her to follow up with an attack of hers after Hong Lu's own attack. This Defense Assist Attack appears to be two coins, with a Tremor Burst on the second. Already looking very interesting as an ID.
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Good lord Project Moon, what is it with the unreadable Ryoshu dialogue?! At least this one is slightly legible. "Pictures? Hmph, fine-snap away. Just make sure to get all the blood splatters." This combined with the post-uptie art showing an overlay of a camera with a shattered lens gives the idea that the Yurodiviye are somewhat well known I think. Enough to warrant taking pictures of.
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Aaaand here's man of the hour! A 000 Identity that will be in the Gacha - District 20 Yurodivy Hong Lu. Same faction as Ryoshu, and the fact that we are definitely dealing with a Detective archetype here, again, it brings Yurodiviye's spot in T Corp into question. Are they going to be the people we help out, or are they the bad guys we'll be catching?
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There's a lot to unpack here. First - "Hmm... What an amateurish finish... They must've been really pressed for time." - again with the Hong Lu identities utterly unphased by violence! What is the deal with him! The fact that he comments on the murder scene in terms of 'finish', as if judging a piece of art, is extra suspicious considering we've got Ryoshu as the other Identity here. It also has a weird connection to Sign of Roses's Observation Log, where Hong Lu starts describing it as if it's an art piece. Something is going on here.
Next, probably the least important part - new Hong Lu hairstyle! This is the first time we get to see Hong Lu with a low ponytail, as opposed to his usual high ponytails.
Finally, something I'm sure everyone has been talking about since the first teaser we got of this Identity - the marks under his jade eye. That is very clearly a T, again seemingly marking him as connected to T Corp itself in some way. Add to that the uncanny resemblance those marks have to the barcode mark under Alphonso's eye, and we've got one hell of a mystery. What the fuck is his deal!
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Another look at event combat. A different area of T Corp + a return of the more robotic looking T Corp collectors. I repeat, why are we fighting T Corp collectors if we're working with T Corp on this case? What the hell happened?
Anyway, Hong Lu's Skill 1 seems to be a two coin, and I believe this is the same animation as in the Ryoshu Defense Skill showcase, meaning we got a potential early peek at its Sin Affinity - Gloom! Doesn't bode well for this Hong Lu story-wise!
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Skill 2 is a three coin skill.
"Okay, let's think. How would I do this, if I was the killer? I just have to slowly think it through, and..." Now, this doesn't have to be that deep, but this line combined with the previous one where Hong Lu judges the murder scene as 'amateurish' feels... just the slightest bit sus.
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"...Hehe, I suppose I'll find the truth sooner or later, hm?" He's the worst. I love him. Anyway.
First, the animation start with Hong Lu spitting out the stick he's had in his mouth, which is followed by a flashy either one or two coin skill with a Tremor Burst, which is then followed by that same eye sparkle effect that signifies SP healing in the Liu Identity and Dieci Identity. SP heal on stagger? SP heal on Tremor Burst? Fuck if I know.
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That eye is definitely sparkling. Project Moon please give us eye lore.
Also, the background is very interesting. The visual style and slight transparency makes it feel like a sort of replay of events. Is that what his eye allows him to see? Just straight up visualizing the murder?
And let's not forget the dialogue line. "Hm... let's think about what we should target next." This is. Ominous. Again, we know very little about why Yurodiviye are involved, but judging from Ryoshu's dialogue lines their core motivations haven't changed. What does it mean for them to 'target' something? Are they faking being detectives and just framing people to get their 'Time'? It is notable that the title of Hong Lu's Identity never actually refers to him as a detective or anything of the sort. Just what are they scheming?
Another glitchy transition out of the ID showcase section. Glitches seem to be a recurring theme for this Intervallo.
Anyhow, time for the event enemy showcase!
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We got another look at the T Corp collector guy from the ID showcase, not much to say here.
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Next up we've got... Oh! That's a Yurodivy! Looks like regardless of the faction we'll be actually working with, we'll be making enemies with everyone! That being said, it's exciting to know we're finally seeing the Yurodiviye in combat, even if it's just a very specific branch of them. The chance for a future Sonya fight or Sonya Rodya ID has risen due to the fact we're seeing this faction in action!
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T Corp collector guys from Canto 4, yup, we've seen that earlier as well.
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And here we are. In a split second frame. That is the character that Hong Lu's Identity is based on! Not much else to say on this because it's such a quick snippit, but it again puts Yurodiviye's role in the Intervallo's story in the question. If we don't start off working with them, why are they appearing as detective types? If we do start off working with them, what happens to make them turn on us?
Also, another glitchy transition.
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Alright, there's a lot to talk about here. First off, the CG in the background - what the fuck is going on.
Dante and Hong Lu (in his detective garbs) are looking at Meursault in... some Zero Time Dilemma looking ass contraption. Meursault has his arms crossed, the contraption connects to his head, and there's a T Corp logo on it. I honestly have no idea what to do with this information.
Next up - the dialogue line and character sprite silhouette.
"We observed a large-scale, unauthorized temporal leakage phenomenon... which shot you up the progressive Time Tax bracket due to the immense amount of time leak." Uhhhh, I understand what those word mean on their own I guess. My only guess here is that this is the work of Yurodiviye in some way. Looks like Limbus Company is gonna be dealing with the fallour of this temporal leak, whatever that entails.
The character silhouette itself... doesn't give us much. A secretary of some sort? One of the T Corp officials giving us a job? Hard to tell.
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Again, a lot to look through.
First we got a view of the whole room the previous CG is taking place in, including office desks and a shitload of clocks everywhere. We're definitely in some sort of T Corp office space, that's for sure.
"Isn't it absolutely brilliant? The very concept of 'killing time'. They're not slowing down or speeding up time; they're eliminating it completely, just entirely yanking it out of circulation." Hmm... Again, hard to say much about this line with its lack of context, but it certainly does seem interesting. All of T Corp stuff we've seen thus far does rely on things like speeding up or slowing down. The TimeTrack upgrade in LobCorp lets you speed up time. The L Corp time loop and the R Corp hatchery compress time so that what takes a long time inside takes less time outside. The Warp Train collects the time of its extremely long travels to sell to T Corp. Straight up deleting time seems very different from what we've seen thus far.
Also, the matter of the silhouette - whoever it is doesn't seem to be the same person as the Yurodivy we see in the split second frame, so whoever this is likely has no connection to Rodya or Sonya.
...This might sound a little out there, but I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity for Project Moon to pull out their own version of Sherlock Holmes. It almost feels like a waste to not include that reference in a detective themed Intervallo.
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And now for the biggest surprise of them all from this Trailer - Faust is getting a WAW E.G.O. The name of the E.G.O itself is Everlasting, and the Abnormality it's based on is the Time Duck from the Mirror Dungeon event, also known as the Abnormality that gives the E.G.O Gift Melted Spring.
Not much is known about the Abnormality, as its MD Event primarily connects it to the Duck-Rabbit Illusion, where you have to tell it whether it's a Duck or a Rabbit in your eyes, with the Abnormality fleeing if the answer isn't confident enough.
"How does it appear, my form in your eyes? Perhaps within the clockwork of time the answer lies?" First of all- nice rhymes. Second of all - this is a direct reference to the MD Event, but also very interesting with regards to Faust herself. There's a lot about Faust that shows she lacks self-awareness, with her describing herself as someone who only speaks when asked and doesn't talk much, when in reality she goes on endless tangents without prompting. Add to that the Council of Fausts theory, and it makes the idea of her seeking the opinion of other people with regards to her identity resonate quite intensely.
Also, I'm pretty sure more than enough people have made comparisons between Everlasting Faust and Eileen the Church of Gears leader, but it has to be stated that there definitely are some parallels here. Again, further adds to the Council of Fausts theory, as it would make Everlasting Faust a mirror to Eileen. Eileen, who controls the gears in her head, and Faust, who is controlled by the gears in her head.
Oh, and the E.G.O is Tremor as well. Because why not. At least Faust has a good Tremor Identity already, so it works well.
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Putting this here for the woman likers.
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Corrosion time. For one, Faust takes on a distinctly bird-like form here. Not sure what exactly this means in the grand scheme of things for the E.G.O's meaning just yet, but it does feel important to note.
"Thus. You cease to move. Trapped in the stopped time. For eternity." ...Hm. There's a few ways this can be interpreted. If we ignore the time-related references and treat them as something only connected to the Abnormality, it gives us the idea of Faust being trapped. Being unable to move on her own, likely due to her extreme ties with Limbus Company and/or the Council of Fausts.
However, adding the time motif into it makes it more interesting. There's a lot of ways one can be 'stuck in time' and unable to move forward. One is a literal time stop Za Warudo style, and another is being trapped in a Time Loop, being unable to make progress due to always being reset and thus ceasing to move for eternity. Both feel relevant to Faust when it comes to what little we've learned of her 'goal' from her original character PV.
There's something Faust is seeking above all else. Some piece of knowledge that is nigh unobtainable. ...But what comes after she reaches it? I think the Corrosion line alludes to exactly that.
If it's a Time Stop scenario, that means that once Faust reaches the unreachable she will just. Stop. There's nothing left for her. She'll be trapped for eternity knowing everything she wished for but being unable to keep moving forward, because there'll no longer be anything for her to move towards.
If it's a Time Loop scenario, that means that Faust's constant push towards the unreachable is an inescapable loop. Once she learns what she wishes, it won't be enough, and she'll just repeat the process again. Stuck in a cycle of reaching everything, coming back to nothing, and reaching for everything anew ad infinitum. No movement made in the process, because she always comes back to square one.
Either way, it doesn't bode well for her.
On another note, the animation fucks severely, and there's another glitchy transition.
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Time Georg. Sorry. Actually not sorry.
Seriously though, we get to see another view of T Corp streets, this time with one of the factories in the background and, funnily enough, the fucking Big Ben. We really are in London.
"An average T Corp. citizen has about 20 to 28 hours in a day, but you might also run into people like him; people with plenty time to spare. Because he has so much surplus time, he can afford to condence 40, 50 hours into a single day." Looks like the 'Time' currency doesn't just act as money - you literally can use it to manipulate your time scale. If you're rich, you can do like L Corp Time Loop and make yourself experience more time than everyone around you. It's also notable that the average T Corp citizen can go as low as having less than 24 hours in a day. Guess that explains why people are so desperate that they try to steal 'Time' from each other - their days literally get shorter than more debt they have.
Also, who is this 'him'? Who is this mysterious man with so much ''Time' he can have double his daily hours? I wonder if it's the fully colored man from the first CG of the trailer?
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Hey it's the same factory CG from the previous teaser! Nice to know we're still on the track of visiting one.
"And to people with fewer hours in a day... it'll look as though he's moving two, three times faster than them. Someone with that much time could pick their nose in the blink of an eye before anyone even has the chance to catch them in the act." Yup, this explains the visual effect in the first CG. People with a lot of 'Time', who can have more hours in a day than other people, straight up look like they're moving so fast they leave behind after images.
Also, this very much feels like a commentary on how the rich can get away with things just because they're rich. A man rich with 'Time' can get away with unsightly behaviors just because he moves so fast people can't see him do it, just how real life rich people can get away with crimes because they have enough money to not care about fines.
Another glitch transition.
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We get to see the iconic CG from the Roadmap, this time in washed out T Corp colors and in all its glory. God I'm excited for seeing more of these goobers.
After we get the logo again, not only do we see the glitch effect, but the music completely cuts out.
What follows is a constantly glitching out text with a background noise that gets louder and more discordant as it goes on.
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"Can't wait for what won't come."
"Now is the time for action."
"All those time-killing bastards..."
Hmmm. Curious and ominous. The presentation of these words does not bode well for the fate of whoever is speaking them, but the content makes me even more interested.
Because... this is Yurodiviye we're talking about. Sonya's whole thing was that he kept reading and learning about theory instead of actually acting until after Rodya commited murder, and even then his personal actions within the group seems confined to establishing connections with other Syndicates and delegating duties to others.
So to have someone who opposes the idea of sitting back and waiting so vehemently in the same Intervallo as Yurodiviye coming back into the spotlight... It is certainly interesting, don't you think?
Alright, that's all for the Trailer! Holy shit I'm excited for this Intervallo.
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Honestly have been having platonic yandere vampire au brainrot for the obey me brothers for so long....just a bunch of vampires looking at a human and just going "yup. You're coven now." And turning them whether they want to or not....
Oh vampire au! I don't think much about this particular au, but it's fun to write about.
Covens: Families or unrelated groups of vampires who live together.
Yandere!Vampire!Brothers who are very protective of the new human exchange student. They must protect the poor fragile human from the lesser vampires. Should any harm come to the human, they'll be answerable to Diavolo. They'll control their urge to suck out your blood, no matter how painful it be.
Yandere!Vampire!Lucifer who wishes to spend all his time with you, and as a result, makes you do your RAD homework in his room while he looks at you from his desk, under the pretext of 'keeping an eye on you'. He will ask you to prick the tip of your finger and put a drop of your blood in his teacup, just enough to enhance the flavour of his tea.
Yandere!Vampire!Mammon who is so sweet and clingly towards you, always sitting close to you in the class, walking you home to after school, wanting to take you out shopping as soon as he gets goldie again. What? He adores you so much! He'll accompany you everywhere he can because he doesn't think you can protect yourself from the lesser vampires. Just don't let his hand go okay? He will keep you safe!
Yandere!Vampire!Leviathan who is grateful for a friend who actually listens to him! He tries to keep your attention focused on him by engaging you in his video games, keeping you cooped up in his room by pulling all nighters watching anime and TSL. Whenever he mentions being thirsty you rush out to get him some water, but he wasn't referring to water now was he? You'll surely let him have a sip if he asks nicely right?
Yandere!Vampire!Satan who helps you out when you're in need. Your task is to write about vampire as a human being? Don't worry, he's there to help you. Let's study about the basis anatomy of a vampire first? Hours and hours spent in the library or his room, your nose buried in the books, while he relishes in your presence. He'll delibrately pick books written in ancient script so you're forced to take his help in deciphering them or he'll delibrately select books with sharper edges so that he gets to enjoy a little treat after you leave.
Yandere!Vampire!Asmodeus who can't help but drown himself in your affection. The online account he made for you has already reached millions of followers, thanks to yours truly. The two of you spend time filming videos to post and do online challenges together. Many people compliment the new blush he's wearing, asking him the brand name. He just smiles sweetly and he tells them "it's one of a kind". The blush being your blood stored in his little compact case.
Yandere!Vampire!Beelzebub who is worried the most out of all the brothers about your safety. Everyday he feels like he lost Lilith yesterday, but now that you're here, he wants to make sure he never repeats that mistake again. He'll hog you as much as he can and will definitely put you on a training routine to make you strong. He will purposefully stuff his mouth with more food when you're around, he really don't wanna hurt you.
Yandere!Vampire!Belphegor who bares his teeth when someone tries to wake him from his sleep, but if it's you then it is replaced with a gentle smile, persuading you to join him instead. Before he used to hang around the planetarium and the attic, but now he can be found dozing in your bed. He will ask you to cuddle up to him everynight, even invites Beel from time to time. Sleeps with a part of his pillow in his mouth, should his vampiric urges take control in his sleep.
Yandere!Vampire!Brothers who are shocked by the news of your return to the human world. You have completed your year as an exchange student, now you must return home.
"But can't you just stay here? With us? We will protect you from any and all danger, so don't leave, there is no reason to go back" Mammon's voice had a lining of desperation that the others sitting in the room could catch on. All the brother where gathered in the living room to convince you to stay. "It was nice spending time with each one of you, but the presence of a human for too long might upset the natural balance. Plus I have a family I have to go back to" That's it! A family!
Yandere!Vampire!Brothers who pursuade you to become a vampire, then you can be a part of their family right? They can always get another human for the exchange program, but you, no, you're special. You will live with them as a vampire if you can't as a human. You'll not be taking the place of Lilith, no one can, but you've made your own and you'll be a part of their coven. What? You refuse? It's okay, supper's almost ready and the sleeping power should be kept here somewhere......well you don't have to worry, they will take care of everything. From the transition to the struggle of containing one's lust for blood, they'll be there with you at every step of the way. You will outlive your human family, and then they will be your only family, whom you will live with forever....
P.S : Hello anon! It was really fun for me to write this! But if it is not up to your liking then you can ask me to write it again and I'll try to better next time! Thank you!
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noneorother · 11 months
By far the dumbest movie reference no one caught in Good Omens is : The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse
I'm working on a theory that requires many hours of movie watching, so here we are. Many people have already mentioned that the nazi zombies/Furfur is a The League of Gentlemen comedy troupe shoutout. But I'm taking it one step crazier. Remember the opening scene from the 1941 minisode of S2E4, the one with the london bombing and the Angel statue in the bottom right corner ?
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Haha sorry my bad. That's the climax intro scene of the movie The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse. Here's the opening scene of the 1941 minisode:
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You can excuse the confusion after seeing both, with how they look pretty much identical (yes this is giving me The Tales of Hoffmann PTSD, thanks for asking) And it's not very coincidental when you know who helped write the minisode.
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You know, just the fourth member of The League of Gentlemen and writer of the movie LG Apocalypse. So shall we tease out all the (I'm warning you) EXTREMELY dumb quotes and story beats this terrible movie has lent to the 1941 episode? There are quite a few. But there's also a potential story arc that isn't so dumb... (TW offensive comedy, including mild gore)
In order to understand this you probably have to know a bit of background on British show The League of Gentlemen. "[A] surreal British comedy horror sitcom... follows the lives of bizarre characters, most of whom are played by three of the show's four writers – Mark Gatiss, Steve Pemberton, and Reece Shearsmith – who, along with Jeremy Dyson, formed the League of Gentlemen comedy troupe in 1995." You don't need to know all of the characters or backstory of the show, just that it's a fictional town with many fictional characters played by the same three writers (and an invisible fourth).
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(Also known as all these people right here) Want to know who they plays a stand-in for Jeremy Dyson in LG Apocalypse and gets murdered first with black marker on his face?
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Say hello, baby Sheen!
So we've seen the bombing scene, what about the car driving through fire and Aziraphale's suggestive line at the beginning?
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Do the characters make a deal with a Reece Shearsmith character to enter the real world through a church?
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HECK YEAH. Bonus points for the green background.
A gag about fake lips with Steve? Sure.
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Steve Pemberton seen here as a nazi zombie, and also here playing "Herr Lipp" (also known in the actual script as "the worst pun in the world" in the movie. Groan). What about Mark Gatiss Stealing binoculars from Steve to spy on two important characters? But of course.
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Surely not the arm falling off too?
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Oh dang. It's a big plot point in LG Apocalypse you say? Then, in the climax, does someone in dark sunglasses who doesn't know how a rifle works fire it at a main character, and the other character who he misses says fuck? Now you're pulling off my arm..
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Well I'll be damned. The only difference here being Steve's head exploding, naturally.
I'll admit, I have trouble seeing where a giant 3 headed chimera beast that destroys a bunch of characters fits in at the end of the 1941 miniode, but I don't think 1941 is meant to be a stand in for the whole movie, because at that point in the movie the role of the main characters shifts to become the real versions of Shearsmith and Gatiss, not the characters. But even though the end of the movie doesn't track with 1941, I think the moral at the end is interesting : "In the church, Lipp says he will kill Gatiss. The other characters try to dissuade him, saying that once all the writers are dead, Royston Vasey will cease to exist and they will die. Lipp claims that they will in fact be better off, because as long as they're controlled by someone else they have no free will and can never change for the better. Tipps tells Lipp that because he saved the day and can therefore change, Lipp need not kill Gatiss. He persuades Lipp to hand him the gun, only for Tipps to accidentally fire it and kill Gatiss.
With all the writers now apparently dead, the residents of Royston Vasey prepare for the worst. Instead, everything calms down and The Apocalypse is averted. The characters realise they now have free will. Herr Lipp adopts some orphaned children, the vet, Mr Chinnery, finds a rabbit and is able to take care of it without killing it, and Bernice and Pauline become romantically involved. Tipps leaves the church, waving goodbye to Edward, Tubbs and Papa Lazarou. It appears that Royston Vasey can continue to exist independently of its dead creators." This struggle for free will outside of the plan originally set out by their creators, especially in the context of said creators not really caring about them anymore, really starts sending red flags up for me. Crowley's existential crisis at the beginning of S2E1 seems to be mulling over similar themes. The lack of any God narrator as in season 1 might be a change in storytelling technique, but might also point the the creator being absent, or having moved on without really letting her original creation know it gets to exist on it's own now. Funnily enough, this is the second movie with shot for shot quotes throughout, that places a specific set of characters at the center of their own deeper plot that has a meta level to the storytelling. I'm starting to think there's a pattern here...
_______________________________________ Here's my series on the Tales of Hoffmann, another movie hidden within the series.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Nsfw content MDNI
All I have to say is I really wanna fuck the old man Solomon rn- CW: probably typos I’m sorry and dyslexic, afab reader wearing a dress, semi-public hall sex :)
“Bored?” You ask sliding into the seat next to Solomon and finally resting your feet in between dances at the seemingly never ending party. “No. I can just think of something else I’d rather be doing.” Solomon answers a bit mischief in his eyes, you raise an eyebrow “Oh? What?” “You.” Solomon winks and you roll your eyes. “Very smooth, Solo.” “Come on, sneak away with me for some fun~?” “You’re incorrigible.” you smile and Solomon grabs your hand, moving to stand and pulling you with him down one of them empty side halls.
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Your back hitting the cool stone wall behind you, when Solomon decide you’re far enough away from the party, hands tugging clothes out of the way as his lips meet yours and you both let out soft moans. Deepening the kiss as Solomon undoes his belt, his hands quickly moving to bunch your dress around your hips.
Two finger quickly and a little rougher than normal move to work you open, “Solomon…just fuck me already.” you whine and the sorcerer only chuckles, removing his fingers and licking them clean before him kisses you again.
Swallowing your moans as he bottoms out inside of you, Solomon groaned as his thrust got rougher, calloused fingers touching every inch of skin he can reach as his hips collided with yours aggressively, the soft noise of clothes moving and sex slightly muffled but still bouncing off the walls-
“My sweet little star, taking my cock so well.”
Solomon groaned out his thrusts, getting messier by the second as he chased his high.
You have to bite your bottom lip so you don’t cried out at the force, jointing against the wall with every thrust he gave, nails dragging into his shoulders, as you clinged onto him for dear life.
“Can I come inside of you, love?…please can I”
Solomon practically begged as his eyes locked with yours, searching for any type of objection, but instead he was met with small whines as you get lost in the feeling of pleasure running through you. Of his lips pressed against yours as he tries to muffle his own moans.
Breaking the kiss you, nod, “Please come in me, Solo, please” you whine, pleasure clouding your mind as the tight knot in your stomach threatened to snap at any moment.
“Then come with me my little star, come all over my cock.” Solomon groaned as he leaned down, teeth sinking into your shoulder as he spilled himself inside of you. The warm feeling of his cum coating your insides triggering your own orgasm as you clamp down around his cock and almost go limp in his arms.
“You did so well, Love,” Solomon kisses your forehead and helps you regain your footing as he pulls out.
Tucking himself away and moving to fix your dress, just as foot steps can be heard approaching you.
You and Solomon share an ‘Oh shit!’ look before a familiar pink head of hair pops into view from around the corner, “Oh, thank god.” you sigh and Solomon laughs.
“Thank who?” Asmo asks a grin of his face, “What are you doing here Asmo?” Solomon makes a point to glare at the demon for almost interrupting.
“I came because, I could feel you two were having fun without me!” Asmo pouts, crossing his arms and looking hurt. You laugh again and Asmo only pouts some more, “Tell you what. After the party‘s over we can all head over to Solomon’s room and have some real fun~” “My room?” “Yup.” Asmo grins like the cat that got the cream lol and loops one of his arms in yours and the other in Solomon’s “Back to the party it is! Then a private after party later~” all three of you let out a little laugh as you walk back.
Albeit you’re still a bit wobbly ❥(^_-)
(actually wrote this last night while my aunt talked about her newest ex husband but fell asleep before I could post it lmaodhskhsjs)
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