chainmail-butch · 5 months
We (The Panthers) were out doing food distribution yesterday and there was a homeless trans woman with cerebral palsy.
And just. Fuck me, man. It was all we could do to get her some estrogen. We gave her some razors but like. Can she even use them?
It felt more personal. Here was one of my sisters at the lowest she could possibly be and there was nothing I could fucking do.
I haven't been able to get her out of my mind.
She couldn't speak. She was terrified of men. She was on the corner begging for cigarettes. There was a smear going down her cheek from where she had applied her lipstick. She started crying when she saw another black transwoman. When she held me I could feel her drowning.
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an-zastro · 1 year
So I just discovered there was a canceled Transformers comic
I just came across the cover for it and lemme tell you I have never gasped out loud before but LOOK
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grendel-menz · 2 years
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no air conditioning optimism summer - a sort of ramble
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I just cannot take the anti-Penelope fans serious. Like you hate this complex female character who has been bullied by her own family and Cressida and invisible to everyone else. She sobs after writing about Marina, she cries and apologises to Eloise (more than once). But she's still the devil cuz she writes a gossip sheet which is described as only writing what the ton is saying. She's not even making shit up, she's just printing what the gossip is. But yup, how dare she!
And yet, yay Cressida! There's a reason she's a bully, she has a terrible home life and never knew how how to make friends. I love her redemption, I'm a Cressida fan now!! Like be so fr.
Um, pot calling kettle?
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daily-ethoslab · 6 months
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On Salem SMP (a server I'm on with friends) we did a secret Santa! you'll never guess what my gift was. ^^
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burquillos · 1 year
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I have spoken😔
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Introducing... Asmi In Maggotland!!
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A maggot fandom fic by myself and my beloved husband @eybefioro, featuring art by the INCREDIBLY talented @random-doctor-on-the-internet, for the fabulous @weirdly-specific-but-ok's birthday!!
Give it a read... if you dare.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
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Te vejo errando, isso não é pecado, exceto quando faz outra pessoa sangrar.
* English translation of the text on the alt description
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stantongus · 2 years
First time like making an actual post here I am scared of everyone hhi anyway uh????? Eridan shitpost
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demonproofboi · 4 months
the fancy boys are coming back ❤️
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eattherichplease · 1 year
Episode 2x10 of the Addams Family, "Gómez, the reluctant lover" is absolutely BONKERS. It's so kinky. There is consensual cuckoldry in this episode, out in the open. There is light BDSM at the end. It's amazing.
So there's this lady that falls in love with Gómez, right? One of Pugsley's teachers in fact. And she thinks is reciprocated!
So Gómez wants to tell her no. He has to let her down gently...
But Morticia won't let him!!!
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She wants him to... well, you know. She asks Gómez to do it. Just do it, go on, be a man! Do it!
Gómez doesn't want to. That would be cheating!
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But Morticia is very persuasive.
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And Gómez is a very good boy, so he says he'll do it.
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"I'll fuck that woman silly, Tish. For you"
But never forget: Morticia is the boss here. She sets the rules and the limits:
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So Gómez goes and does the deed with this poor lady that's in love with him or whatever.
But he goes crazy! He's too horny! He doesn't OBEY! Morticia says stop and he doesn't stop! Bad boy!!
So they have a chat afterwards... And it's just bonkers. I wish I knew how to make gifs. Screenshots for one of the horniest things I've seen in black and white:
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I mean.
They aired this in the 60s. I'm speechless. And a little hot tbh.
Let's bring this energy back to the Addams Family, please.
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smkndfbb · 3 months
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not tes but a white man jumpscare
a study drawing from a frame of "shortparis - стыд" music video
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seethroughcan · 8 months
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I saw this really cool designs for the countries as dogs a while ago but i couldnt find the original artist so here is my best take on them
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fluttershys-lament · 9 months
coming back from the dead to ask for help volunteers
so im doing a research project for school to study the impact that social media and phone usage may have on gen z. and for that i made a survey! cuz i need to collect some data so i can reach to any conclusions
there are questions directed towards about any age group possible, so in that way anyone can contribute something :]
also! if there are any mental health professionals out there, or teachers, or even parents/guardians who would like an interview, you can contact me on e-mail:
the same goes for anyone who's gen z (between 14 to 28 years old) who wants to share thoughts, experiences, etc.
and that would be it! if you dont want to participate, then reblogging this post would be greatly appreciated :] thank you!
edit: also i may have to edit the survey for spelling mistakes...oops ;0; ANYWAY thank you so much if you reblogged and/or answered i really appreciate that a lot !!
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
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thisthat-ortheother · 3 months
Requested by anonymous
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