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animeomegas · 1 year ago
I’ve been really enjoying quest for a second life and so I decided to read some of your other stuff since I really enjoy your writing and I had a thoughts about Itachis alpha.
Imagine his alpha has a younger sibling who’s the same age as Sasuke and is just as much of a menace as he is but with Itachi instead. Like the alphas sibling is like “your brother stole my sibling!” And Sasukes like “well your sibling is forcing my brother to get married and retire!” So they team up as the ultimate rag tag duo.
Like while Sasuke is giving Itachi a pamphlet about leaving an abusive mate, his alphas sibling is trying to set them up with other omegas. “His rat tail is soooooooo ugly” or “Itachi rarely smiles are you sure you’re happy with him? I know a few omegas who would probably make you happier!”
Sasuke and the sibling even have a “secret hideout” that’s just a closet in the hallway near Itachis room so sometimes Itachi and his alpha will just stand near by and joke about what their siblings were whispering very poorly about.
Sasuke is upset because Itachi just told him to take the abusive mate pamphlet back and his alphas sibling is angry because the alpha is agitated with their younger sibling insulting Itachi all the time so they accuse Itachi of putting a spell of their older sibling. Sasuke gets defensive because “Itachi is the one being forced in the relationship!!!” Eventually Itachi and his alpha have to step in so their younger siblings don’t destroy the closet and wall.
Aka fun family times
Anon, this is deeply funny, and I am so happy that you decided to send this to me! Your brain must be a wonderful place!
I love love love the idea of Sasuke and alpha's sibling having this dynamic. Like they despise each other, but they are technically working for the same goal so they begrudgingly team up.
Enemies, to 'co-workers', to enemies, to maybe eventually friends. Hilarious XD
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
what if sasuke's alpha was the sibling of itachi's alpha? do you think he would hate itachi's alpha less or that at first he wouldn't like <his> alpha?
Oooh, this would be interesting! I think it would depend a lot on the personality of the younger sibling, and what they thought of their older sibling being together with Itachi.
I like to think they both dislike how close their older siblings are because they feel left behind, so they start a begrudging friendship in order to break them up.
But, plot twist! They end up developing an actual friendship, and as they get older, they start to spend more and more time together without talking about their siblings or following them around.
And then they get even older, older teens now, and they take missions together sometimes, and maybe one of them almost dies or something, and the other has a crisis about their feelings...
And they eventually get together in secret before they tell everyone and just- drama and romance all around, I love it.
Every other holiday, Sasuke and his alpha get together with their older siblings and their pups and celebrate together, and I love that for them! This is truly an adorable concept, thank you @raincosm
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
When young!Sasuke learns about the dirty and he just busts the door to the house yelling " I KNOW WHAT YOU DID " to Itachi's alpha
Well, I doubt Sasuke shouts anything like that because he gets waaaay too embarrassed by the concept of sex when it's first explained to him. But he does start to realise what's been going on between his brother and his brother's alpha.
He's too embarrassed to confront either of them, but he absolutely stares at them both in horror every time he sees them for like a month. Whenever he sees his brother and brother's alpha sitting close together or *gasp* kissing, Sasuke just flushes bright red and scurries out of the room.
Itachi starts to wonder why Sasuke is suddenly giving him privacy lmao.
And when Sasuke finds out Itachi is pregnant he almost faints as he remembers the sex ed class. He can't look his brother in the eye for a while lmao
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
You know the thing on tiktok where they throw cheese at a baby when they’re crying? I think itachis alpha would do that to sasuke when he’s trying/ is cockblocking them (I also think it would work bc sasuke in this au is, to my knowledge, babey). In the end the alpha gets in trouble for assaulting sasuke with cheese from itachi bc “wtf stop wasting cheese” lol
This is hilarious.
It would shock Sasuke into silence for about three seconds before he got even more screechy and irritating lol, but it's worth it to see the look on his face.
"I know what you're doing! You don't fool me, you-"
Itachi's alpha throws a slice of cheese at Sasuke's forehead. It connects and slide agonisingly slowly down his face before hitting the floor with a slap.
Itachi walks by, rolling his eyes and placing a hand on his brother's head to calm him.
"If you want to keep throwing cheese around, you need to be the one to buy and clean it, because I'm certainly not indulging this new hobby."
The upside of this new strategy is that it might bring Shisui over to the alpha's side in the little war. He finds the cheese throwing absolutely hilarious and would probably start doing it to Sasuke too. You can imagine how he finds that lmao
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
STOP OMG ?!! YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART WITH THOSE ITACHI ASKS I'M GOING TO COMMIT A HATE CRIME 😭😭 in my head that situation ends well, let's say that itachi yelled at his alpha and that's it they were like okay i'm sorry
Hehe, sorry!
But yes, honestly, Itachi is a force of nature, and he's not letting his alpha walk out of the house without a fight first. It would take the most stubborn and pig headed alpha to continue with their plan after Itachi's impassioned plea and aggressive tear down of the decision.
Ideal scenario:
"I'm leaving so I don't damage your relationship with Sasuke."
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
"You're right, I'm sorry. I was temporarily possessed by the spirit of a fool."
"See to it that is doesn't happen again."
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
I don't understand, if Itachi's alpha is suffocated by Sasuke, why don't they and Itachi just go visit their family, or the house they are supposed to live in later and just stay there for a while to recharge? It would be easier for everyone, and it would not be anything scandalous, because they need a new pair of sandals for the house so they need to go together with a small bag of their clothes and stuff and spend a few days in the house to buy it 😉. No one would know 🌚
Or like, yeah, visit the alpha's family or someone important for them and they absolutely love Itachi so it would be OK... and make more sense
Haha, well, between all of their commitments to work and the clan, Itachi and his alpha don't get much alone time already, so yes, they can sometimes go to other places but it takes longer to leave the house and they don't always have that time. They sneak off to hotels a sometimes while lying to Itachi's parents about going to dinner lol, but they need to be careful not to be spotted.
Also, they wouldn't be able to stay overnight at their future house without a chaperone, because the Uchiha are so old fashioned and don't believe in sex before marriage lol. Itachi's parents kind of know it's happening anyway, they're not stupid and they allow it as long as it's hidden enough not to get back to the elders, who might throw a fuss and try to slander Itachi for it. Also, any pups born out of wedlock would be a huge, huge deal.
I try to avoid mentioning about the alpha's family apart from requests that specifically need me to, but yes, if they had family and somewhere to go, they could totally run away there for a bit, that plan would work great! But the alpha could be an orphan, so then they'd be a bit stumped there.
You are right though, they would have some ways to escape from Sasuke, it just still gets a bit stifling to have someone who hates you follow you around and tell you you're abusive when you're at your primary residence lol
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
Continuing on from the Itachi alpha asking for a break post, what would happen if Sasuke couldn’t bear seeing his brother sad anymore and went to the Alpha begging for forgiveness? How would Itachi react?
(Also I know you made a post saying you didn’t see them together after that, but I was just curious :)))
Itachi thinks it's bittersweet.
On one hand, he can see that Sasuke is trying to fix things, trying to make Itachi happy again, and Itachi appreciates that. It does help repair their relationship somewhat even if it doesn't bring his alpha back.
On the other hand, it's hard to see Sasuke be nice to his ex alpha just a little bit too late. If he had behaved like that from the start, Itachi wouldn't be in this situation. It just shows that Sasuke was more than capable of being kind and polite from the start, but just chose not to.
I think, in the end, Itachi would forgive Sasuke, but he would never forget what he did. And once Sasuke is old enough to start courting, Itachi can't keep the bitter feelings completely at bay.
After his alpha left him, Itachi had begged his parents not to send him back to ANBU, so instead, they arranged his marriage to a successful career shinobi alpha in the clan and pushed the marriage forward as fast as they could.
And Itachi is... fine with his life.
He got to retire like he wanted. He has two beautiful pups who he adores more than anything else in the world. He can spend time with his friends and family at his own leisure...
And his marriage is...functional.
His new alpha cleans up after themselves, they're polite to Itachi's parents, and they know how to make tea the way Itachi likes it.
But they're also pretty absent from the pups' lives. They're a little too rough when Itachi's in heat. They missed both of the pups' births because of missions, leaving Itachi to go through everything with only his mother for help. They tried to pressure Itachi into a third pup against the mednin's advice that doing so could kill Itachi. And they once said that they wouldn't give the pups a bath when Itachi was too busy because that was his job as an omega.
And it was fine. Itachi could deal with all of that.
But watching Sasuke mate and marry for love and travel the world with his mate and... be happy with them... it hurts a lot because that should have been Itachi, too. And it's Sasuke's fault that it isn't.
Bittersweet, indeed.
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
What if Itachi was pregnant and they didn’t find out until later?Would he let them see the offspring?
Hmm, this would makes things a lot more complicated, of course, but it would probably actually have a bit of a happier ending.
Itachi would tell his ex-alpha immediately when he found out he was pregnant. He's too moral to try and hide it, not to mention gossip spreads incredibly fast in Konoha and they would almost certainly find out in a few months anyway.
This should hopefully make Itachi's alpha want to end their proposed break.
Itachi would be wary, but if they explained why they asked for a break, he might be open to further correspondence.
Now, if the clan didn't know about the break up yet, Itachi's parents might actually push for Itachi to quietly get back together with his alpha, because Itachi was not supposed to be having sex outside of marriage and it could shame their family if people find out. If they marry him to his alpha fast enough, no one will know that the pup was conceived out of wedlock or that they broke up at all (bastard pups are a big deal and something which Uchiha find shameful and could cause Itachi's future clan leadership to be revoked.)
Don't get me wrong, Itachi's parents don't like Itachi's alpha much anymore, but if Itachi had a child out of wedlock, their whole family would be shamed and the chances of Itachi finding another marriage prospect would be slim. Not to mention, the clan leadership could fall outside of their immediate family. For Itachi's parents, the alpha is the lesser of two evils.
I think Itachi would go along with their plan. He knows that his alpha had good intentions and apologised, and he also knows how good of a parent they'd be and he doesn't want to deprive his pup of that or make his family's life harder.
He wants a perfect family more than anything else, so he's willing to put this behind him for the sake of that provided his alpha understands why it was wrong and promises to never do anything like that again.
If the wider clan already knew that Itachi had been left by his alpha, things would be a lot more complicated. The clan wouldn't agree with Itachi getting back together with his alpha fast enough for Itachi not to be showing. Once they figure out Itachi conceived out of wedlock, everything goes to shit.
To avoid that, Itachi's family is going to have to lie through their teeth. They need to make up some story that would justify why Itachi's alpha left, and soothe the wider clan fast enough to get Itachi married before he starts to show. And he's a skinny man, so he shows fast.
Perhaps they spread the rumour that Itachi's alpha was just pulling a badly executed romantic gesture where they were pretending to break up with him so that they could make him something special or something. The wider clan aren't happy and they give the alpha a lecture about appropriate behaviour, but they are soothed when the alpha says they will marry and mate Itachi as soon as possible to make up for it.
Or maybe they pin the blame on Sasuke, telling the clan that Sasuke convinced Itachi that his alpha was breaking up with him, and convincing Itachi's alpha was breaking up with Itachi, even though neither of them planned on it. The whole clan are rather invested in Sasuke's shenanigans and would probably believe this. The clan still lectures them both for causing a fuss, but doesn't stand in the way of the fast marriage and mating.
Then Itachi and his alpha get married and 'conceive on their honeymoon' wink wink.
(So, yes. This scenario might actually turn out better for them both in this case.)
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
Unfortunately, I can't see it being resolved because of how badly the clan and Itachi's parents take it... :( If it was just about Itachi, then maybe a good explanation and lots of love could solve the problem, but the clan would never let it happen.... :'(
Hopefully, Itachi's alpha never asks for a break though! I don't consider this ending canon to my little AU. The canon ending is that Itachi has two pups and raises them happily with his loving alpha, and he watches Sasuke get into a relationship with a wonderful alpha too and they travel the world together. And then Itachi surrenders the clan head position to Sasuke who really wants it, so that Itachi can relax and raise his pups full time. And then Itachi's pups grow up and he and his alpha are still just as in love as they were when they met. And everything is beautiful and they grow old together....
That's the canon ending for the young!sasuke AU and I refuse to believe otherwise!!!!
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
Hello! I have a question if Itachi’s alpha ever said that they might need to have break from their relationship because the alpha feels like thier destroying Sasuke and Itachi’s bond how would he react? I just feel like he would want more reasoning and to seriously talk to Sasuke. After it’s all said and done though I bet when he looks at Sasuke all grown with children now that he still remembers almost losing his alpha because of him. Thought it would be a little angsty, and fluffy!
(Oh anon, this just breaks my heart! Okay, let me see...)
If Itachi's alpha asked for a break to help Sasuke and Itachi's bond, things would go from bad to worse in almost every way. It will be taken as a rejection, no matter what his alpha's intentions were. The a/b/o world isn't really one for 'breaks', especially in the Narutoverse, and double especially with the older clans.
Itachi would be absolutely heartbroken. He would fight to keep his alpha with him as hard as he could and if they still walked away, he would breakdown. He feels betrayed, he feels humiliated, he feels furious, he feels resentful. He's a cocktail of desperate emotions and misery. Itachi does not thank his alpha for this.
Itachi's parents are absolutely furious, seeing it as the alpha cancelling the wedding/bond and cancelling the contract with the Uchiha. They are humiliated that their eldest son wasn't good enough for this random alpha. People will talk now. They will have a much harder time finding a partner for Itachi now because of the stigma of an alpha walking out on him. Winning back their support would be almost impossible, and without their support, the clan would turn against them. The Uchiha guards at the gate will be told to not to let the alpha in under any circumstances.
Because of his parents' and clan's reaction, Itachi sees all his dream get shredded in front of him. He'll either be sent back into ANBU or married off as soon as possible to someone he doesn't know to cover the stigma. He can't believe he fought for someone who walked away from him so easily.
And perhaps the most ironically, Itachi's and Sasuke's relationship gets worse after this. Sasuke, being 12 and tone deaf, celebrates Itachi's alpha leaving and says to Itachi's face that Itachi will be much happier now that the scummy alpha is gone.
Itachi, grieving and humiliated, doesn't take too kindly to this. He snaps.
"Are you happy now, Sasuke?" Itachi snarls, slamming the bowl he'd been washing back into the sink.
Sasuke recognises the hostility and steps back a little, but he doesn't stop.
"They were awful, big brother," Sasuke insists. "You'll be able to go back to being a shinobi now and everything!"
Wrong thing to say.
"I've done everything for you!" Itachi shouts, sharigan activating. "And you could even let me have one thing, one thing, for myself!"
Sasuke steps back like he's been slapped, shocked into silence by his brother's aggression. He's never seen his brother like this before.
"And now it's ruined..." Itachi trails off, suddenly looking lost and confused. "I should have..."
And suddenly Sasuke doesn't feel like celebrating anymore. He feels a little sick watching his brother like this. He's never seen him so... defeated.
"Itachi," their father storms into the kitchen to join them both. He'd been an an even more foul mood than normal since Itachi's alpha left. "Enough! This behaviour isn't becoming of the Uchiha heir, if you can't control yourself, go upstairs."
"Itachi," his mother's voice calls gently from behind his father. "Come with me upstairs, I'm sure Sasuke can finish the washing up."
Itachi obeys without thinking, still dazed and lets his mother lead him upstairs and into his bedroom. His eyes are immediately drawn to an innocuous blanket on the armchair in his room. His alpha ex-alpha had scented it right before they left.
On auto pilot, he walks over and picks up the blanket, running his thumb over the soft material. Tears start pooling in his waterline. His mother places a hand on his shoulder from behind.
"Mother, they left me," Itachi whimpers, the tears finally falling. "They left me."
"Shh, I know," his mother says sadly. "Come here, my dearest son."
Itachi accepts his mother's offered embrace immediately, needing any comfort he can get.
"What if they want to come back?" Itachi cries into his mother's shoulder. "What do I do then? I'm so confused."
"We won't let them near you, not after this," his mother declares firmly. "They aren't allowed to discard you like this, to play you like this... We are Uchiha. You are worth so much more than that."
Itachi says nothing, only crying harder.
He doesn't know what to do. They've ruined everything.
Clan nonsense isn't to be messed with, and asking for a break (no matter the reason) from the omega you planned to marry and mate in a few months won't end well.
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
Hi dear, how are you? hope you are having a good day/night.
so I have a question; in the non massacre au, Sasuke really hate Itachi's alpha because he think theg are abusive and stuff, but he doesn't really know them. But what if, the alpha is actually as good of a ninja as Itachi, and they known him since they were kids and they have been on the same team and frequently they are in each other's houses to train and just spend time together, and he know for a fact that they love what they do, maybe even as much as he does. would he still hate them, even though he knows they are a really cool person? or would he understand that it's not them who want Itachi to be a house husband and just live peacefully with that fact?
I am so sorry if it is too long you don't have to answer, I just got really curious. All the love.
Hello, my lovely!! This is an interesting question!
I think in this case, Sasuke is still going to have some problems with the situation, but he approaches it in a very different way.
Basically, Sasuke thinks that his brother and his brother's alpha are making a bad decision, but he doesn't think the alpha in particular is at fault for that.
Let me explain.
Sasuke thinks that his brother and his brother's alpha are falling for harmful societal norms. He tries to tell them that neither of them have to retire, and that omegas can still work after they get mated. He tells them that they don't have to have pups! That they can both still continue their normal lives after they get married!
He gets very frustrated if his brother and his brother's alpha ignore his concerns, but he doesn't really hold one party more responsible than the other. He thinks they are both victims of society and perhaps also his parents' meddling.
He's a lot easier to convince and calm down in this scenario though. Itachi only really has to highlight the benefits (he can train and spend more time with Sasuke, he can spend more time with his friends and parents, and he does actually want pups as hard as Sasuke finds that to believe and wants to be around to see them grow up) and then Sasuke gives in somewhat. He makes his peace with it fairly quickly, especially if Itachi really does train him (or if he's too pregnant to train him, just hang out with him like he used to when they were younger.) Sasuke is pretty attention starved and some attention from his brother would do him a world of good.
Thanks for the fun question! 💓
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
imagine that itachi's alpha (in the last hc you writed) had an abusive childhood and when he sees sasuke following him he has like am allucination and thinks that it's his abuser following him instead of sasuke. imagine the alpha coming home all desperate while packing their and itachi's things and when he tries to know that it's happening, the alpha just repeats over and over again that "it's not safe anymore". itachi had to calm the alpha down bc they almost break while having a really bad panic attack– and then itachi felling idk guilty or something when the alpha is calm enough to remember that it was actually sasuke and not the alpha's abuser IIIIIIIIII. i instantly imagined this when i read the hc i can't live anymore
Tw: Allusion to abuse, panic attacks.
This would be heart breaking...
Itachi would be very confused and on edge at first when his alpha comes home in a panic, his instincts going wild, urging him to comfort his mate and take care of whatever threat has made them like this.
When they utter "It's not safe anymore", he would probably figure out what the problem was. If they are about to be married, his alpha has probably shared at least surface level details about their past. Itachi is very intelligent. He can put the pieces together.
Itachi calms them down and just holds them while the last of the panic fades. He is sadly no stranger to panic attacks, and knows what his alpha needs.
When they both figure out that it was Sasuke's stalking that set the panic off, Itachi is going to come down on Sasuke like a ton of bricks. High level ninjas know how awful triggering someone is. If you're in ANBU and you trigger one of your coworkers on purpose, you'll be kicked out pretty fast. It's just something that you don't do. And Itachi agrees.
Itachi knows that Sasuke didn't do it on purpose, but some harshness slips through because his instincts are still on edge from before.
He tells Sasuke that he isn't going to put up with the stalking and the name calling anymore.
He buys a lock for his and his alpha's bedroom. He calls Sasuke out whenever he senses him following them (which is always because Sasuke hasn't even graduated from the academy yet) and then takes him straight home. He reprimands Sasuke for name calling and takes away Sasuke and his one-on-one training time as a punishment.
This should work at helping Itachi's alpha, but it might make Sasuke even more bitter and it could also damage Sasuke and Itachi's relationship. Luckily, once Sasuke graduates and has his own things going on, and Itachi and his alpha have moved out the main house, relations improve dramatically.
Itachi knows how much his alpha has dealt with to court and marry Itachi, and he wants to support them in anyway he can. He's a very protective mate. It's probably good that it's Sasuke that's causing all the problems, because if it was anyone else, Itachi would have been 100x harsher.
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
according to what I read in one of your publications with young!sasuke,¿¡ is he capable of spying on us with itachi wherever we go ?! 😭😭
oooh god, honestly I would be dying of panic attacks knowing that that little imp is out judging any movement of ours 🤒
But what if Itachi's alpha had anxiety and panic attacks? ¿how would itachi react to that?
(anyway haha,¿how are you? I hope you're well <3)
Ahh, well Sasuke can't get everywhere, but he's certainly determined to try, and once Shisui joins him, his reach extends a lot lmao.
But if Itachi's alpha was suffering with some genuine anxiety about everything, I think he would take it a lot more seriously. He will not stand for his alpha's mental health being damaged from something he can fix.
First, he goes to Shisui. He explains that knows Shisui likes to mess with him, but that it's having a negative effect on his alpha and he needs to stop. Shisui does love teasing Itachi, but he's not a bully. He stops snooping and stops helping Sasuke spy. (He might bring this whole thing up to tease Itachi's alpha several years into the future though lol)
Getting Sasuke to stop is a little more difficult. Telling him that his stalking makes Itachi's alpha nervous will probably only encourage Sasuke tbh, so he have to take a different approach. I think Itachi would sit down with Sasuke and really talk to him about his behaviour. He would probably let Sasuke know how much he wanted to retire and stop being a ninja, even though he knows that revelation could confuse and probably hurt Sasuke.
Basically, Itachi takes it seriously. He knows how horrible a damaged mental health is, his will never be the same after what he's had to endure, and he refuses to stand by and watch his alpha suffer.
"Sasuke," Itachi started, addressing a 12-year-old Sasuke. He had dragged Sasuke into his bedroom for a discussion, and they were now both sitting on his bed together. "It's very important for me to talk with you about your behaviour with my mate."
"But they-" Sasuke immediately started, voice outraged.
"But they nothing," Itachi said firmly. "They have been nothing but kind to you, and they have been nothing but perfect to me. There is no reason for you to be tormenting us, and I know you're doing it on purpose, Sasuke, don't try to deny it."
"But they forced you to retire!" Sasuke shouted, losing his composure completely. "They make you stay at home! They are going to make you have pups against your will! It's awful! They're awful."
Tears started to gather around Sasuke's eyes. Itachi didn't know if they were frustrated tears or tears of sadness. Probably a combination, but either way, he couldn't help but soften at his younger brother's tears. His protectiveness really was sweet in a way.
"Calm down, Sasuke," Itachi gently ordered, reaching a hand to wipe away a tear, despite Sasuke's attempt to dodge it. "What makes you think they are forcing me to do any of that, hmm?"
"Because-Because you were the best ninja ever! Why would you choose to leave? It doesn't make sense unless they forced you!"
Itachi really didn't want to have this conversation with Sasuke. He knew how much Sasuke idolised him, idolised being a ninja in general, and he didn't want to shatter either of those views too harshly. And if he was being honest with himself, he also didn't want Sasuke view of him to change. Sasuke wasn't exactly subtle with his exclamations about how omegas who stay home and pop out pups for their alphas are stupid or being manipulated when Itachi first introduced his alpha. It... would hurt for Sasuke to start to think less of him for his decision.
"Just because someone is good at something, doesn't mean they like it," Itachi started carefully.
"What are you talking about?" Sasuke questioned, brows furrowed. "You were one of the youngest ninjas ever! You were so powerful!"
Itachi sighed and poked Sasuke in the forehead, smiling slightly at the glare he sent in return. How could he explain this without... saying too much.
"It was war... there were..." Itachi found himself frustrated at the lack of words forming. He didn't know what to say. Maybe he could talk around it. "I have worked my whole life, Sasuke, and after a while, it was clear that I wasn't happy with that. I thought about what I wanted to do and... I wanted to be at home, I wanted to spend more time with you, and I wanted to spend more time with my alpha."
"I don't understand," Sasuke whispered quietly, seemingly too taken aback by the raw emotion in Itachi's voice to shout anymore. He looked as uncomfortable as Itachi felt. Sasuke was only 12, maybe he should simplify it some more.
"Well, you're favourite food is tomatoes but I like dango instead," Itachi said, trying to keep his voice steady despite the nerves he had about what he was going to admit. "Which one of us is wrong?"
"No one, it's just opinion..." Sasuke replied, confused.
"Exactly. Being a ninja is what will make you happy, is that right?"
Sasuke nodded determinedly.
"I will be the most powerful ninja there is. I want to travel everywhere on missions, and lead teams just like you did!"
Itachi was silent for a moment before continuing.
"And... I want to stay at home," Itachi admitted quietly. "I want to worry about cooking and schedules and looking after my family. I don't want to worry about" -blood, death, his friends dying in front of him, the nightmares, the panic- "missions.
"Which one of us is wrong, Sasuke?"
Sasuke didn't answer. He avoided his brother's eyes by looking at his own lap. His silence was good. It proved that he had actually listened to Itachi for once.
"I want you to think about it," Itachi said, understanding that his brother needed to compartmentalise. "Come on, mother's making dinner tonight and I'm sure she could use some help."
Sasuke nodded, shoulders relaxing at the change of topic. He obediently followed Itachi out, quieter than Itachi had seen him in months.
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
How does lil Sasuke react when Itachi and his mate actually have a pup? Is he still angry at the Alpha? How does he treat his little nibling? It’d be cute if he was kinda mad for a bit but he then probs does care for the lil pup -fluffy thoughts-
- 💋anon
(P.s. sorry for the angst 🤗)
(Hello 💋 anon! Welcome!)
Hmm, I think that Sasuke gets better after Itachi and his mate move out of the main house when they get married, and then I think he gets worse for a little while in the couple of months or so before Itachi gives birth before calming down again. He overhears some pretty bad stuff about Itachi's physical condition, and he's furious that this alpha 'forced' Itachi to get pregnant when it could kill him or cripple him. After Itachi survives the birth, Sasuke mellows out a lot.
Sasuke's relationship with Itachi's alpha is tense until Sasuke is a bit older (18 ish), but it's not too bad now that Sasuke is doing his own thing (training/missions), not to mention, Sasuke has never seen his brother so happy, which forces him to evaluate the situation again.
Sasuke is a pretty good uncle, at least as good as he can be at his relatively young age. He blushes everytime someone refers to him as uncle Sasuke. Sasuke travels a lot when he gets older, and he always remembers to bring souvenirs for Itachi's pups, and they both kind of idolise him, because they think he's super cool and powerful. Sasuke is very flustered by the hero worship, but he's glad they like him, because he knows he's not great with kids and he was worried.
Itachi's alpha wandered down the stairs to answer the door, newborn pup cradled in their arms. Itachi had had a rough birth and was still recovering, and they were looking after him and the pup mostly solo. Their house had, er, suffered from the neglect, and the mess was stressing the normally tidy Itachi out, and so Itachi's alpha decided to hire a genin team to get the house back into shape.
As they approached the door, they noted the distinct hairstyles through the glass sections of the front door: bubblegum pink, gravity defying grey, bouncing yellow and of course, spiky black. Team 7. Sasuke's team.
Itachi was still pretty solidly under the control of his instincts and got upset at the prospect of strangers in his house and around his pup, so they put in a special request for Team 7.
"Hello, come in," they greeted, swinging the door open. The pup squirmed in the newly revealed sunlight. "The guest slippers are in the cabinet here."
Sakura was the first to break the silence as everyone swapped over to slippers.
"You have a beautiful home, Uchiha san."
"Haha, so polite," they grinned. "It certainly was beautiful, but this little one has caused quite a disruption. That's why you're here."
"Cleaning?!" Naruto complained immediately. "I hate cleaning!"
"Now, now, Naruto," Kakashi interrupted, smacking him on the back of the head with his book. "We don't complain about the job to the client, it's rude."
Naruto huffed but fell quiet. Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"It's a simple job," they promised. "You just need to tidy up each room as best as you can, Sasuke should be able to tell you where everything goes, he's been here more than enough times. Just please don't go into the master bedroom. Itachi is... recovering still, he will probably not take kindly to strangers invading his privacy."
The ' invading his nest' was unsaid but clearly heard (by all except Naruto.)
"The only reason this little one is allowed down here with me is because Itachi is asleep upstairs. I've put a ribbon on the door handle to make sure you know which room it is."
"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll all take extra care to avoid that room," Kakashi said in a tone suggesting he was warning the genin not to do otherwise.
"Great! If you have any questions, you are welcome to send Sasuke into the bedroom, but only him. Itachi won't mind a visit from uncle Sasuke, of course."
Sasuke turned bright red at the name as Sakura cooed over him.
"I know where everything goes," Sasuke grumbled.
"I know you do," they reassured with a tired smile. "But if you need to ask anything, don't hesitate."
Sasuke scoffed, still red around the ears.
"Anyway, I'll leave you to get to it, I need to go back upstairs before Itachi wakes up. Thanks guys."
"Of course," Kakashi said. "I'm sure they'll do a great job."
"Us? Aren't you going to help?!" Naruto squawked.
"Maa, I'm sure you can handle it. It's training, after all."
The three genin didn't seem to agree.
The bickering faded out of earshot as Itachi's alpha walked back upstairs. Hopefully that house was still standing when they were done.
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
I can just see Itachi's alpha all the time with Sasuke thrown over their shoulder, Sasuka beating their back with his fists full force, carrying him out of the room to let his poor brother have some peace. this tween probably has researched every bit of information 'how to escape an abusive mate' 'escaping a bonded pair' 'legal rights to take a pup away from abusive alpha' 'omega endangerment' literally every village library for miles is Concerned big time but Itachi just wants some room to sleep.
Pfft- The image of Itachi's alpha with Sasuke over their shoulder while is honestly hilarious!
I like to think Sasuke had barged in on Itachi and his alpha taking a nap together, all cuddled up, and having had enough of his shit, Itachi's alpha just scoops Sasuke up and deposits him outside the door before locking it.
Sasuke throws a mini tantrum (but don't call it a tantrum because he doesn't like that at all!), beating Itachi's alpha on the back and shouting about how they're evil and they won't get away with it.
Itachi just watches the whole thing from the bed with almost no emotion. He just want to rest with his alpha, lmao.
As far as Sasuke looking up all this information on abusive mates, yes, I think he would absolutely would!
I've mentioned before that Iruka overhears him talking about it during class and actually approaches Itachi at the market to ask if he's okay.
I also think though, that when Sasuke is slightly older, maybe while Itachi is pregnant, the librarians get so concerned by his reading material that they tell Kakashi lmao.
"Uchiha san," a voice calls from somewhere behind Itachi. He doesn't immediately recognise the voice and so decides not to turn around. There are many Uchiha at the market today, after all. It can get quite tiresome assuming that every 'Uchiha san' is directed towards him
"Itachi san," the same voice calls again, now from directly behind him. Oh, they were trying to talk to him. He turns and it takes him a moment to place the man speaking to him. Oh... it's Sasuke's sensei. The... 'passionate' chunin from the missions desk.
"Umino san," Itachi acknowledges, confused as to why the man was speaking to him. "Can I help you this morning?"
A light blush crosses the chunin's face and he scratches at his nose absently. What on earth had Itachi done to get this man's attention.
"I heard that you are engaged, Uchiha san," Iruka awkwardly starts.
"Indeed, I am," Itachi replies, eyebrows raised, still confused at the direction of the conversation.
"Congratulations," Iruka says with a strange tone. Itachi nods in thanks but the man continues. "It's just... Sasuke mentioned something in class the other day and... I know it's probably not my place to say anything, but I want you to know that there are many resources at the hospital about navigating relationships that are free to take, as well as counsellors that are very discreet..."
As the chunin's voice trails off, Itachi can't help but gape slightly at the audacity. Who is this man to insinuate that Itachi's alpha is abusive?!
"I don't know what you're talking about, Umino san," Itachi says coldly, more than a little offended. "If that is all."
"I'm sorry," Iruka blurts, even more red in the face, a hand out to stop Itachi from leaving. "I didn't mean to overstep, it's just that Sasuke said a few things and-"
Sasuke... Of course, that little brat has something to do with this.
Itachi sighs.
"What has my younger brother been saying now? He has a rather active imagination when it comes to my mate, Umino san, I wouldn't put any stock in it."
"I see," Iruka says, completely embarrassed. "Well, er, he has been saying that you always end up... injured after time alone with them, and that they have been putting pressure on you to retire. I'm so sorry, Uchiha san, I shouldn't have assumed anything."
"It's alright, Umino san, I know better than anyone that my brother has a way of pushing his own agenda without thought for what he's doing," Itachi reassures. "I must take my leave now, but, Umino san?"
"Yes?" Iruka says hesitantly.
"Thank you for checking on me."
Iruka gives a small grin for the first time during the conversation.
"Of course, Uchiha san."
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animeomegas · 4 years ago
I can imagine after Sasuke gets an alpha Itachi trying to get back to him by cockblocking Sasuke for shits and giggles just a little bit, unless he remembers how frustrating those times were, than Itachi may ask for his alpha to join as well.
Hehe, I'm not sure Itachi would take it anywhere near as far as Sasuke did, but... he does find it tempting on occasion.
I think Itachi would lean towards teasing Sasuke about what he did rather than cockblocking. Mainly because Itachi doesn't want to even think about Sasuke having sex, he'd rather live in denial about that, but also, teasing gets a way better reaction out of Sasuke.
Itachi particularly enjoys bringing up the things Sasuke has done or said while Sasuke's alpha is with them both.
"It's so nice to formally meet you," Itachi speaks politely to Sasuke's intended alpha. This is the first time he's spoken with them, although he knows rather a lot about them already from Shisui reporting back from his stalking concerned background checks.
"I have to say though," Itachi continues, voice still light and unassuming. "I'm surprised that Sasuke has brought an alpha home at all."
Sasuke's head snaps up, sensing immediately where Itachi was trying to take this. He sends the most deadly look towards his brother that he can, but Itachi isn't phased and merely allows the look to roll off of him.
"Why... Why is that?" Sasuke's intended alpha asks awkwardly, perhaps sensing the sudden increase in tension.
"Well," Itachi pounces on the question before Sasuke can interrupt. "A few years ago, he said that-"
"Don't you dare," Sasuke breaks his silence with a glare. Itachi simply shoots him a smile and continues.
"That he would rather, and I quote, 'set himself on fire and repeat the academy forever than ever get mated to an alpha.'"
"Er," Sasuke's intended alpha looks a little lost and glances towards Sasuke for support.
"Don't mind him," Sasuke says coldly. "He's getting a bit senile these days. Misremembering things."
"Isn't he like, in his late twenties?" Sasuke's intended alpha mutters under their breath.
"It's the post-pregnancy brain," Sasuke smiles sharply. "He's not been quite as sharp ever since then."
"How rude," Itachi remarks absently, taking a sip of his tea.
The conversation goes quiet as the two brothers stare each other down. Poor Sasuke's intended alpha is more than a little lost.
What sort of family are they marrying into?!
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