#you gotta vote
sher-ee · 3 months
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What say you MAGA?
I can’t ever imagine sticking by a friend or family member let alone a stranger who happened to be a President. Republicans are truly f’d in the head.
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aaflovedatbounz · 1 month
Nina KHLV...
Gone Git Fuked Like TRUMP N Da RUMP !!!
(Kamala Harris Approves Dis Message)
▶️ 📎 & YT Audio @ Same ⏰️.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
You will never be as cool as your favorite superhero but you can get pretty darn close by registering to vote and knowing your rights to take time off on Election Day
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professoraurabolt · 2 years
You know the fighting between the “Cecil is a key part of Tumblrsexyman history and should therefore get the title of Tumblrsexyman” side and the “Reigen is allowed to do anything he wants so long as it’s funny and should therefore get the title of Tumblrsexyman” side is exactly they type of fighting I wanted out of these polls, like are you committed to Tumblr history or are you a bit silly? Both options are so valid and also so wrong and I hope there’s bloodshed over this, and I love that no one is fighting over Sans vs The Once-ler like gUYS.
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thatfrenchacademic · 4 months
"AND WHY THE F---- SHOULD I???" Edition
Because the EU has a meh to fucking excellent track record on the following topics and can do good work if you send the right people there:
Data privacy
Queer rights
Women's rights
Culture and Education
Green policies (I know, I KNOW, but still)
Consumer's rights
Food safety
And it's got a shit track records on the following that will keep on getting worse if you do NOT vote:
Immigration and asylum
Authoritarianism and democratic backslide
Fiscal policies
Lack of democratic input
Because you may not be sure if it's worthy it, but we know exactly WHO will be VERY motivated to go vote, and they are not exactly putting a green ballot in the box.
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afuckingpeasant · 11 days
Watching the debate tonight.
Trump started so somber and calm and squinty. Now he's flustered and raising his voice. Harris is doing a great job of poking him in his sore spots I'm loving this.
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you know what to do
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thesoftestcowboy · 1 month
I'm curious about something... (and fucked up the last poll. if u saw no u didnt)
*As in, you enjoy listening to it, like it aesthetically, think of it as attractive, whatever. This is NOT about whether or not you understand the language or if you like whatever you associate with it or whether or not it's "useful" (e.g. If you do not speak a single word of japanese but really love how it sounds, vote for it. if you think italian sounds sexy but don't really care about visiting Italy, vote for it. If you like the look of the hebrew alphabet but not how it sounds, DONT vote for that. It's about the sound.)
Before you come at me: These categories are not perfect. Some of them are sub-categories of a bigger family (Indo-European), some languages are in the same category but sound really different etc etc. I had to leave out or group some of these together in a way that I felt made most sense for what I wanna know & the demographics of this site. I'm not a linguistics expert.
Feel free to share your thoughts in comments or tags! 👍
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crunchymayo · 2 months
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friend-crow · 2 months
I have been very quiet about this year's election, because I know it's stressful to be constantly inundated with posts about it, but come on. If you are so idealistic that your actions are indistinguishable from an apathete, you might need to reconsider some things.
All you need to do is vote against a fascist (not for a third party, which will only help the fascist win). It's pretty simple.
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sher-ee · 2 months
People have to start paying attention.
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Read here ⬆️
Vote Blue.
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babyslutbuck · 3 months
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fernsnailz · 1 year
we're nearing the end of day two of the Team Dark Fest! here's how the polls currently look on tumblr and twitter:
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here's the breakdown of current estimated votes across both polls, which is how we're gonna determine the final winner:
SHADOW: ~2,306 votes ROUGE: ~2,273 votes OMEGA: ~1,955 votes
this means that SHADOW is currently in the lead! but we still have 5 days left and plenty more voter fraud to ignore, so the tides could easily change. depending on how things look tomorrow, we may implement a NEW RULE to give the teams falling behind a fighting chance. 👁👁
that's all for now! thanks to everyone for participating so far, we've been having a blast reading all your comments and looking at the propaganda :] HAPPY TEAMDARKFEST!!!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
andar conmigo ~ part 12
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A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: death of loved one, misogyny, violence. we're getting into it now my dudes, beware! chapter map
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-You did not expect your father’s death to affect you so brutally, and without Paul at your side you are not sure how you would have gotten through the week that followed his passing. The funeral mass and the burial went by as a blur, and it feels like he carried you through it all. He lets you cry on his chest, and holds you through your lengthy silences.
It takes a long time for you to realize that the thing you might mourn most, are the parts of your father you were never allowed to know. The free way he spoke with you in his last days, reminiscing about your mother when he was young–it all suggested a very different man who you would have liked to have the acquaintance of. That the loss of his love destroyed him so completely scares you, true, but also…you pity him in a way you’d never thought possible. 
You wonder if maybe you are more like him than you want to admit, and you rise from the ashes determined not to be such a coward with Paul. 
You never did finish that sentence for him, but you will. When the time is right, and you are not a tearful mess clinging to him like a limpet. You tell yourself that he deserves better than that. 
-”Is it really that much better than this out there?” asks your sister Anjélica. It is a fine sunny day, a breeze cutting through the mountains. You are sitting beneath the shelter of a massive oak, watching the children of Las Nubes play with Paul. She is one year older than you, and already has two, with one on the way. 
“It’s just different,” you say diplomatically. “You’re welcome to come visit me anytime you want a change of scenery.” 
She laughs goodnaturedly at the thought, rubbing her rounded belly. “I’m afraid if I left my children and husband would starve and go feral,” she admits. You know it’s more than that, though. Her husband would never let her go to the city, just for a fun little break. There’s always too much work to be done. Good women are martyrs who do not shirk their responsibilities, no matter their own needs. 
“Heaven forbid Julio be bothered to cook something for himself and his own children,” you say with an eye roll. 
Knowing you all too well, Anjélica just smiles. She is, perhaps, the most forgiving of you and your strange ideas. “I know you think I’m trapped by marriage and children and housework…”
You make a grumbling sound in your throat, picking at a knot on the top of the wooden table. 
“But have you ever considered that I do it…because I love them?”
You blink at that, not proud of how this perspective does kind of blindside you. She chuckles at your owlish look. You think you’re so goddamn smart, and she always does this to you. 
“I know you’re still just settling in with Paul. But you’ll understand what I mean soon.”
You burn to tell her the truth–but you can’t. The ruse must go on. 
Worse yet…you’re afraid she could be right, if you and Paul do make a life together after this. You haven’t really decided what you’re going to do…but the thought of being apart from him hurts.
Your attention is drawn back to the children as a joyful yell echoes across the field. Paul has the littlest one on his shoulders, and they are running–though not too fast, from some imaginary entity. Little Lucia’s peals of laughter are, in fact, the sweetest sound on earth.
“He’s good with the children…”
You make a warning grumble to this, only winning yourself more laughter. 
You love your nieces and nephews, but you truly have no interest in making children of your own. Is something broken in you? 
Anjélica just giggles at you, a wicked glint in her eye. “Look at that man God has given you! Are you telling me you are not making love to him every chance you get?”
Your mouth twists into a reluctant smile at that. “Maybe. But you know they make these marvelous things called…” You lower your voice to a dramatic whisper. “Condoms.” If you could just fucking get your hands on some… And, diaphragms too, of which a woman was not allowed access to without the permission of her husband. Unmarried women…were just screwed, literally and figuratively. The disconnect between reality and morality in medicine was vast, and you hoped someday things would be better for women. 
Anjélica waves you off with an eye roll. “See how long he wants to wear one of those things. You’ll get tired of it too. It does not feel right, for something to be between you and your mate. You’re going to be ripe with a baby by next year. Just you wait.” 
The thought makes your skin clammy somehow despite the warm summer day. Your sister, who knows your every tell, reaches across the table to you. “I’m not trying to scare you, muñequita. It’s just…life. What happened to Mama…that’s not what it’s always like.”
Maybe it isn’t…until the one time it is, and that’s all it takes to break everything. 
-You and Paul decide that you will accompany the crew of Las Nubes to the fiesta of the harvest, partake in the festivities, and from there you will return to the world on the other side of the rabbit hole. A part of you will miss the slower pace of life in the countryside. But a part of you is eager to get back to the excitement of the bustle of the city, back behind your desk in San Francisco, and back behind your typewriter in your little rented room. 
You are still not sure yet, where Paul is going to fit into all this. 
He isn’t either, and you can tell that he is maybe experiencing an opposite reaction to the thought of returning to life outside. It’s been like living in a fairytale, carrying on like husband and wife here. Las Nubes has been home for several months, and you understand how it grows on you. 
If don Juan was not master there…maybe things could have been different.   
-After your period of mourning, you are looking forward to the bright spot of the fiesta on the horizon. Everyone dresses in their best. You don a ruffled dress you have not worn for years, and silver filigree earrings that belonged to your mother. 
Paul looks so handsome in his uniform, and you watch him dress for what you realize is the last time, in this room that has been your sanctuary.
All packed and ready to go, the two of you look around the space in each other’s arms one last time. Such grand things happened in this tiny room–with any luck, it’s just the beginning for the two of you. You smooth your hand down his tie, straightening his medals that don’t really need it. This man is so humble, but the story of his bravery is written in shining metal upon his chest.
He pays you a sad smile, and you understand his reluctance to leave the bubble the two of you have made here. He has carried you these past dark days, and you decide that now you will do the same for him. 
“Today will be fun,” you try to assure him, holding his cheek. 
He leans into your touch, but you see the question in his eyes. And the day after? 
You don't have an answer to that, so you kiss him sweetly, and lead him outside.
-You try not to admire don Juan out the corner of your eye, in his short embroidered charro jacket and a silver belt cinching his slender waist. But the moment you fully look his way he makes a sweeping bow with his sombrero.
He’s been on his best behavior since your father died, but you can’t help but feel like he has something up his sleeve, especially now that you’re leaving.
Juan and his entourage will ride to town, and the rest of you will follow in the farm truck. 
-You mill around the fair with your arm linked with Paul’s, your head on his shoulder as you look at the displays and crafts and food and farm animals. Napa county has become such a melting pot. There is music, and later there will be dancing. You introduce Paul to churros and hot chocolate, and you can’t help but laugh at the way his eyes light up after that first bite. You can’t stop yourself from kissing him, your lips sweetened with cinnamon sugar. 
His mood has lifted a little, though you still sense the weight of melancholy upon him. You think to yourself that maybe today will be the day you tell him how much he means to you. Not to cheer him up–but because it’s the truth, and you’ve known it for a while now. He should too.
He turns to you with hope in those soulful dark eyes, after hearing that certain note in your voice. He knows you so well. Almost like…you were made for him too.
Of course, Juan and his entourage choose that very moment to enter the fair, greeted with shouts of, “It’s the Aragóns!” as they ride under the stone arch. You have to admit that they do cut a dashing picture, dressed to the nines upon their fine horses. You feel a reluctant kindling of pride in your heart. Juan winks at you as he trots by, but you give him nothing, except for resting your chin on Paul’s shoulder. 
You all watch as the Padre invokes the blessing of the wine–a thing you’re sure he's happy to do, as he is a notorious lush. 
After watching some of the horse show, you sit down to eat with Josefa, Anjélica, and their husbands. The levity of the fiesta has been good for all of you, after losing Papa. In the distance, you see Juan with his head bent, speaking to a severe looking anglo man in a dark suit. Juan is nodding to whatever the man is telling him, a terrible smile curling his lips. Dread settles like a stone in your gut, all your joy siphoned away in a matter of a second. You just know something bad is going to happen.
The bus to the train station in the next town has already gone. But before you can suggest to Paul that the two of you go back to your hotel to hide, don Juan swaggers up to your table, his two worst henchmen and the man in the suit in tow. 
His eyes are all for you.
“My dear, sweet, y/n. What a naughty girl you’ve been.”
You frown up him. “¿Perdón?” 
“Oh, don’t play the innocent now.” 
Where this man gets his nerve, you’ll never know, but you begin to have an inkling of what he’s about.  
“Don’t speak to me as though you’re my father,” you hiss, standing. “Come on, Paul.” Suddenly you know that the two of you need to get somewhere that don Juan does not feel as though he owns. You fear you won’t reach it until you get all the way back to San Francisco. 
“I may not be your father…but I will be your guardian, now that he’s gone. This man is not your legal husband.”
You shake your head, even as your heart falls to your feet. More Old World nonsense. Yet it matters here…because he says so. That is the true measure of power. 
“Of course he is.” 
“Oh no. I’ve had it looked into. May I introduce Mr. Smith of the highly reliable Pinkerton Detective Agency. He has found zero record of your legal union anywhere in California.” You shift your glare to the man in the suit. 
“Good for him.” 
“Prove us wrong? Where’s your certificate?” 
“I don’t have it with me.” 
Because it doesn’t exist…
 Juan smirks, that low-banked fire in his eyes you remember all too well from when he knew he was winning an argument. That familiar rage fills you, that this man thinks he has any right to tell you anything, just because he is Man. 
“This is ridiculous. We’re going.” You take Paul’s arm to lead him away, but more of Juan’s men block your exit. Eyes wide with panic, you look to your sisters. Anjélica is shocked, and Josefa’s jaw is set with disapproval. By the steely expressions on their husband’s faces, you know they are Juan’s men, no matter how much they came to like Paul. In the conservative, patriarchal world of Las Nubes, you have committed a terrible sin. Perhaps even an unforgivable one. 
Juan’s smirk only widens, and he holds his hand out to you. “Be a good girl for once and come quietly, y/n. We’re going home.”
This is when Paul steps in front of you. “She’s not going anywhere with you.” 
“Stay out of it, gringo. You have no standing here, and none of this concerns you.” 
“I’m not letting you take her.” 
Don Juan makes a sound through his teeth like the hissing of a snake. “You don’t have a choice, cabrón.”
That is when all Hell breaks loose. 
You don’t really see who throws the first punch, but suddenly the two men are on each other like mad dogs in a furious exchange of blows. When Juan’s lackeys try to go to his aid you are quick to pick up the heavy ceramic water pitcher on the table, breaking it over one of their heads. A strong arm grabs you around your waist, trying to drag you off. You flail and screech and scratch and bite, until whoever has you drops you with a string of curses.
You see that Paul is straddling Juan on the ground, delivering punch after punch. 
That is when the Sheriff himself arrives, flanked by two deputies. They drag Paul off of Juan, the latter of whom is laughing with blood in his teeth. 
You realize he must have arranged all this ahead of time, paying off anyone he needed to, to be sure his will was done.  
“Lock this madman up!” declares don Juan, spitting out blood. “He attacked me with no provocation! These soldiers are like wild animals, thinking they may do as they please!” 
In the end it takes four men to subdue Paul, who fights like a trapped bear to get free, shaking off one of the deputies as he tries to put the soldier in handcuffs. “Y/n! Get off me! Don’t let him take her! Y/n!”
You try to go to him, but Juan’s biggest minion has you in his grasp again, your arms twisted behind your back. 
“Señor!” you beg the sheriff, even as you know it’s futile. “He has done nothing wrong! Please don’t hurt him!” The moment you say it one of the deputies hits Paul hard in the temple, and you see him slump in their grasp. “No!” You are crying, angry, ugly tears streaming down your face. “No, this isn’t right!” 
Smirking like the devil, Juan gets to his feet, making a show of brushing himself off before fixing his attention on you. He steps in close, speaking just for your ears. “Behave yourself, and he’ll just sit in a cell for a few days to cool off. Make trouble…and I’ll make certain they hurt him.” 
You slump in Borrachio’s iron grasp, your knees going out from under you. 
You look to your family, who have watched this exchange wide-eyed, but made no move to help you. You understand. Their homes, their whole lives, take place on don Juan’s land. He is their master. You are just inconvenient–and you always have been. 
“Please don’t hurt him.” You sound as defeated as you feel, and Juan clicks his tongue, chucking you under the chin. 
“Pobrecita. That’s up to you, now.” He wipes a bit of blood from his split lip, then turns to his minions. “Put her in the truck,” he instructs Borrachio. “I’ll be there shortly.” You behave yourself, until Borrachio gives you an opportunity while he is opening the truck with one hand. You nearly twist away, fighting again like a hellcat. Losing patience with you, the big man cuffs you across the face, hard. It knocks the lights out of you, and when you come to again you are trussed in the back with your hands tied and a gag in your mouth.
*muñequita - little doll **¿Perdón? - pardon? *** pobrecita - poor little girl
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hamable · 1 year
I could wax poetic way longer than anyone would bother to read so I’ll just say Gang, I Love Dropout.tv. I’m so happy it exists and that the people who make it exist and that so many people enjoy it. It’s just. There’s so much bad in the world and a dark underbelly to everything and I love how refreshingly good Dropout.tv is. They care for their cast, crew and staff, they’re transparent about what they are, how they function, and their past. They’re innovative, creative, and just fucking fun.
Subscribe to Dropout, or hey, hit up anyone you know with an existing account and share their password, cause Dropout.tv thinks that rocks too.
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
Jared telling Blue that his mom is in the game and her not giving a fuck is the most recruit thing to ever recruit
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