prisimatic-shards · 3 months
I think the scariest part about being a system is that instead of trying to learn something they don’t understand, people will simply assume they’re faking it.
This goes with a lot of “faking it” disorders
And yet, you look at these compilations and honestly?
It doesn’t look fake to me.
A child was hurt so badly that they wanted anything to protect them
And that ANYTHING is so fucking important.
The alters people consider cringe is what happened when a kid thought they were going to die so badly that they wanted…Their favorite character- A Superman, a magical creature, an animal- ANYTHING to protect them.
I had someone (a different system even) tell me that fictives form only in childhood when a child is distressed and that’s how she knows all of these teenagers are faking it.
Well, 1, we don’t know what happened to those teenagers and we aren’t entitled to know. 2, Fictives CAN form outside of childhood.
The entire discourse is stupid, why assume they’re all faking instead of trying to understand?
-Shark 🦈
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prisimatic-shards · 6 months
I want msg ridden food ;;;;
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prisimatic-shards · 6 months
Does it ever bother anyone that they can never really have their own life?
Honest question
I don’t know
I think it kinda sucks that my friends look at me and see our host and not
It’s frustrating
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prisimatic-shards · 6 months
Hello! You can call me Chise or Honey! (She/Her) I'm not sure which yet to be honest with you I am probably going to be the main person using this blog, posts will be signified with a little bear picture! I consider myself a host, but I don't do host stuff much anymore, so I'm probably not that anymore. I wanted to talk with people and I want people to know it's me talking to them, but that's not something we can do right now My favorite animal is bears and I write a lot My favorite characters to write are Lillee and Tet because they are a lot like me, so if you see any writing, it probably involves one of those guys!
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prisimatic-shards · 6 months
The way the bird twittered in my ear brought comfort to the turbulent world around me. Endless stars that painted the blackened sky, the chilled breeze against my skin, and the surface of the earth that seemed all so far from my perch here. It was terribly quiet; a world devoid of the proper noises I had grown accustomed to down there. "Maybe in another life." I repeated to myself, steam slowly rising from my lips and dancing up into the sky. Swirling. Dancing. It felt as though he almost leaned against me, that twittering bird that refused to leave my side. Empty, quiet. But not alone.
"This is 'another life' to me." He repeated back to me. "That endless sky scares me much more than whatever we may find down there. We can go together." "Not until I am ready." "Not until you are ready."
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Prompt #1,527
"Maybe in another life."
"This is 'another life' to me."
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prisimatic-shards · 6 months
I am not very open about being Plural, but
Some of my alters wanted to dip their toes into social media and while it made me greatly uncomfortable, I decided to let them.
Better the internet void of Tumblr than anything else, right?
Note; None of us are using our real names or appearances here. It was a condition set by one of our hosts so it is going to be respected!
While real names and appearances aren’t being shared, we will provide some users and sonas we have created! So hopefully it won’t get too confusing!
We decided on the name Prisimatic Shards because I’m dyslexic and hey! The misspelling of Prismatic was available!
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