#you can assume connections if youd like!
chloexquinn · 1 year
Doja Cat’s Cyber Sex could be heard far and wide as Chloe danced in front of the camera she had set up with her tri pod. Another day, another slay, another Tiktok dance she was trying to upload before class started. In full uniform too. She was on her third take of the dance before she noticed another student walk into the room she was filming in. Chloe stopped dancing and rolled her eyes. She shot the other an annoyed look while walking over to the camera to press pause. “Not sure what would possess you to stroll on in when I’m clearly in the middle of something, but whatever it is, it better be good.” She crossed her arms over her chest waiting for the other to answer.
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princesssmars · 1 year
thinkin about teaming up with caitlyn to give vi the most intense orgasms of her life. (fem/afab reader, firm believer vi loves topping/switching but i wanna give her some loving)
lets assume she didnt get much sexual experience in prison, just reduced to a few conversations about the basics with an older prison mate and furiously rubbing at herself to get the edge off. so when she gets into a relationship with you two she is the epitome of the word eager.
best exame would be when caitlyn bought vi her own strap (after showing her some of the ones shed used in the past and wanted to replace now that she was committed to the two of you.)
it's safe to say vi was obsessed with it. it was girthy, hot pink, and could pack a punch just like the woman it was attached to. it made her incredibly cocky (i had to), and you could see it in her face and that stupid smirk of hers after fucking you and cait dumb :|
she also wears it all the time, seriously its rare to see her out and about during the day and shes not packing. but yeah. during most of her sexual endeavors, vi is giving pleasure. she assures you that it gives her pleasure as well, clear by the lomg moans she'll let out while fucking you and the abundance of cum it leaves on the harness. but it still makes you and caitlyn curious.
it's a day where vi comes home looking exhausted, letting out a long groan as soon as she enters the threshold of your apartment. you come to greet her with a smile and a hug, your body warm at her tight embrace. you pull away to do The Thing, consisting of batting your eyelashes, running a hand down her neck and asking her with the sweetest voice you can muster to follow you to you three's shared bedroom. The Thing is the golden ticket to get vi to fuck you in any position you want. youd think shed become immune to it after using it nearly every day but nope.
while following you to your bed shes already tugging her pants down and tugging off her jacket, damning herself for not wearing her strap that day. she doesn't get long to dwell on it before slender hands are gripping her shoulders and pushing her to sit on the bed, a flurry of hands rushing to get the rest of her clothes off and mouths sucking marks onto her neck and shoulders.
she's stuttering for the first time since she was a kid, trying to ask what was going on when cait whispers in her ear that you both wanted to give her a special treat for being so good to you, both in and out of bed. its what she deserved, really.
and before she knows it she's moaning like a brothel girl with her legs spread and hovering her body over yours, your arms bringing her down into an arch so she can more easily take caitlyn's strap. her head is hot and her throat is sore from her sounds, almost embarrassed by them and the sounds coming from her cunt.
her groans are cut off by your mouth connecting with hers, the feeling of your tounge in her mouth making her feel dizzy. she's desperate at this point, moving her hips back and forth on the toy as caitlyn squishes the fat of her ass.
its in the middle of cait calling her a good puppy and you biting her on the neck when she's coming and creaming on the strap.
and then she's lying on her back, catching her breath and drifting off to sleep when she's made lucid again by you pinching her nipple with a giggle and a "you didnt think we were done, right?"
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system-of-a-feather · 4 months
is there anything you wish youd known about DID-specific therapy before you started? sorry if thats weird or vague, i just finally have a therapist that treats DID and im both nervous and relieved about it, so i guess im just wondering if you have advice as someone who has made so much progress with your own DID
God yeah there is a lot honestly. Like there are a lot of general rules of thumb that I've seen get mentioned here that I can say are usually really good things I found to be mostly true in my experience like
Persecutors are frequently demonized and they can be INCREDIBLY hard to work with, but they are incredibly important, often are parts that are capable of having the most growth and tend to add the most to the system once you figure out a good way to communicate and work with them; that said, don't push anything you aren't capable of handling, if they are being too much, safety first; just remember that they're probably some of the best allies you can have should you make things work with them; there is little stronger bonds - both between parts and as a whole - formed when you can befriend and trust someone / the part of you that you've always hated / avoided. Loving persecutors is self love and self love is important for healing
While keeping track of your parts can be helpful, try not to obsess and fixate on trying to find all the parts and figure out when and where everyone came from. It can become overwhelming (especially if you have a lot of parts), you might find parts and things you aren't ready to deal with if you try to look too hard, and it can take away from the important processing, bonding, communication, and present issues you might be facing as a whole
Its okay to relapse on maladaptive behaviors, especially if it keeps you safe and/or from relapsing or starting potentially more risky / dangerous / harmful maladaptive behaviors. Two steps forward, one step back, it's still progress so try not to be hard on yourself. Struggling and fumbling is part of recovery, you aren't bad, or wrong, or uniquely "broken" or anything for struggling through recovery. Recovery is just fucking hard and engaging with it at all is a really amazing and powerful thing.
Integration =/= Fusion. Integration is just improving and increasing the communication, connectivity, and fluidity of information and coordination of parts. Integration is inherent in any form of DID treatment.
On top of that, I think some of the ones I don't see talked about as much would be...
Splitting, while often assumed to be a negative thing and a result of trauma (true and sometimes!), can be very healing when you look at it from a larger lens. This isn't to say that you should want to split or seek to make new alters as a coping mechanism, because I'd probably say in most situations that is probably not healthy. This is more so saying that if your brain wants to / needs to / does split, its okay to just let it happen. Trying to actively prevent splits can cause a lot of emotional / trauma overwhelm and risk crisis states and honestly, sometimes its easier to deal with two (or more) contained and stable parts than it is to deal with one complex and unstable part. Likewise, sometimes it is easier to be two (or more) contained stable parts than it is to exist as one complex and unstable part. Splitting sometimes - and often is - a mechanism to maintain stability and keep life for all parts within a relative "window of tolerance" that you can function in. Splitting isn't a moral failure or a recovery failure or anything special. Splitting is just part of the journey of recovery and a lot of people split after they start recovery cause it can be a pretty hard thing to go through. You aren't alone if this happens and it is just part of the process and journey.
Similar to that and something that we've been talking on this blog a lot and trying to spread...
Fusion does not have to be a final thing. Fusion does not have to be a huge and notable event. Fusion can last anywhere from a few minutes, to a few hours, to a few months, to forever depending on what works for you. If a fusion isn't working for you or isn't sticking, your brain will likely re-split and if it doesn't, you can always actively try to undo it and we've done it multiple times pretty successfully. Fusion ALSO isn't anything special, it's something that just happens. Fusion and splitting are two sides of the same coin and really aren't anything as permanent or anything that carries any inherent value to it beyond what it means to you as an individual / whole.
And probably one of the things that I was the most astonished by
You don't actually have to process all your trauma to be at a place with your DID where you are considered to be "in remission" or to even reach functional multiplicity / final fusion. A lot of the meat of DID-focused therapy and recovery and improvement to life is not as much in the trauma processing as much as it is in the stabilization period; that is just to say, the main meat of growth, recovery, and improvement is found by working with your parts to establish an internal support system, internal trust with one another, and deeply getting to know each of the parts. Of course, trauma processing will happen along the way, but you can get EXTREMELY far with recovery simplly by focusing on the stability of the system, how you each support and communicate and coordinate with one another, and dealing with the trauma topics that come up in the immediate present. A good way to think about it is that the stabilization period is essentially creating a strong foundation and a strong base so that you feel secure and confident navigating basic day to day life with a lot of internal love and support and the trust that you and your parts can support eachother through a SHIT ton of stuff. If you can develop an internal relationship with your parts and your system that is very strong and built on trust and care, then dealing with trauma and adversities become WAY easier. Thus it can be a lot easier to postpone any heavy trauma processing that is not actively relevant and actively necessary to help improve internal relationships until AFTER you have a stronger and more secure realtionship with your parts. Thus I would suggest focusing on the present issues, the things parts are feeling and experiencing in the moment, and addressing those rather than trying to uncover every secret and trauma that you may or may not remember. If the trauma is something you are ready to deal with and it's relevant, your brain will bring it up when the time is right. Trust your brain thats protected you thus far and kept you alive thus far to let you know things when you are ready to know it, but also don't be afraid to ask parts for help if it does share more than you are ready. That's just to say - Don't Dig for information you don't want to know, but if something comes up that you don't feel equipt to deal with, its completely okay to seek internal or external help to try leave it behind. Again, especially early on, the focus should be on stabilization rather than trauma processing.
And just a little small one about online spaces and what not, but try not to worry too much abotu whether your experiences with the disorder align with others, or if you look "fake" or what not. A lot of recovery will look like things people who don't know better would think is "impossible with DID" and online spaces tend to be a place where a false image of what things "should" look like is kind of developed. Whatever you experience is what you experience and is inherently a real and true experience. Don't try to force yourself to fit into the expectation and boxes of others as it will often slow down your progress.
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liloinkoink · 10 months
as someone who also has so much homework to do. what are your thoughts on treesekai ren (speaking of treesekai, i actually sent that fic to a friend like a year ago who doesn't watch hermitcraft etc and i remember we had fun reading it and giggling over the anime of it all so tysm for that ♡)
i am no longer doing homework so i can share thoughts. it is almost 3am tho so idk theyll be coherent
first im glad you two enjoyed it! dont know how i feel about the fact it's breached containment but it is good to know it holds up
[speaking of, this fic was posted a year ago, so if you dont know what treesekai is, here is the link for you]
second i think all the time about just how lonely treesekai Ren is. ive made posts like this before but Ren is just... he's so lonely. Ren is a character with a lot of love in him, always. he always wants someone to care about. often many someones! he gravitates towards big loyal teams, and he usually spends his time at home building a place for that team to be protected and safe, and is willing to die to defend that home (and he has. twice.)
dogwarts was a big team whose loyalty he took seriously and whose home he died to defend. the shadow alliance had matching skins and, until they went red, all ren's loyalty, and their base of operations was one of the last bases standing bc Ren continually put it back together for his teammates. Ren and BigB died on the doorstep of of box, with ren's last words being about defending it. home and the people in it are important to him
treesekai Ren is the same, but he doesnt really have anywhere to point it. he has a home, but what matters to Ren about a home is that theres people in it. he loves the country he rules but he thinks if he does that hard enough he'll have someone, and he just doesnt. he assumes he can trust his staff, thinks he'll be able to make alliances with other nations, hopes his fiance will be that person he needs. but he isnt! and Ren cant trust him! or his staff! or other royalty! no one else in the world cares about him! many of the people close to him ultimately want him dead!
so, in the game, he ends up paranoid, and he ends up evil, and he ends up dead
but in the fic he meets Martyn, and he gets that connection and affection and care hes been looking for all this time. and like. it fascinates me how much Martyn doesnt know how much hes changed ren's life. Ren isnt evil for nothing--above all he's lonely and hurt. by saving him from loneliness, Martyn saves his life. he could abandon the game plotline then and there, completely forgoing all the normal isekai tropes of running thru every event w future knowledge and picking the best possible outcome, and Ren would no longer die. just by being there and sincerely caring for Ren, Martyn has already achieved the best of all possible worlds. and he doesnt even know it!
i just. i love how lonely he is and how simple he is. he just wants to be loved. he just wants to love someone. he's a dating sim character, after all, and that's the whole point, isn't it? his world exists just so the people in it can be loved, and he's not allowed to have any of that. if youd just give him a romance, he'd be more than happy to be a love interest instead, but he isnt! he isnt allowed! no wonder he loses it. on some level, maybe he knows hes being denied the fundamental purpose for existence in his universe
this is rambly bc its rlly late but im just. it must hurt more than anything to be the one character in a world about love who is meant to be completely unlovable
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noitkot1 · 7 months
s4!Scar's base is so cool and shelters all the dead Scars
Or all Life Series Scar's respawn in Scar's Frontier Outpost- or or, oh god all 5 Scar's are stuck together.
All throughout s4 Scar mentions something-something that Scar's Frontier Outpost is "a place for all Scar's to go!" This au is that, but Scar's Frontier Outpost is quite literal in its description. All Scar's that have died go there to rest. And happen to meet some of the other universe's version of themselves in death.
3rd!Scar waking up completely alone as the first, only with the cats to accompany him as he slowly wanders through this very not well lit up town. Only gaping at the TERRIBLE train track construction. Even if he is no expert a train track should not have a 90 degree turn! Of course half shirtless with a cat on his shoulder, or well guiding him. The place is abandoned to his eyes and- well. He's dead isn't he? Passed when Grian murdered him in the cactus ring, so this is his afterlife...
Its nicer than he had imagined it to be.
Then one day months and months later, there's a silly wizard in his bed with green, depressed eyes. And as he stares into a mirror, this replica-Scar sits up slowly, hands shaking with winces and the biggest frown ever. Looking towards the other Scar, his voice cracks during the sentence, "am I dead?" 3rd!Scar only does a quick nod, because while he assumed this is the afterlife, why would the afterlife have multiple versions of himself? He shrugs it off, probably better not to question it. It'll be nice to have some company.
Meanwhile LL!Scar is pulling his hoodie over his head and trying his best to be small and hide away. Because he was unrightfully- totally rightfully, it was a death game. A death game he did not sign up for- murdered. And now he's dead and seeing other versions of himself. It'd be a shock to anyone's system truly, and LL!Scar stares blindly as 3rd!Scar goes on a long babble, sitting down and petting one of the cats with a smile as he talks all about the local train in the area. A week later, the two have settled in and just exist. Because they're dead now and all they can really do is make the world more pretty.
This repeats for each one. After DL 3rd!Scar stops sleeping in the bed they keep spawning in, changing that room out to be more welcoming in a sense. After the mess that is DL, the one who somehow stays farther away from the "group" than LL did, the two give little concerned glances and raises of the eyebrow. That room has a big banner over the door reading "WELCOME TO SCARS FRONTEIR OUTPOST(AKA YOUR DEAD)", streamers hanging from the ceiling, and a red carpet added to the bottom. The entire room is restructured, and they add a chest full of essential items and a little note reading, "DISCONT FOR ONE SANDWICH!" and on the back it read all horribly scribbled out, "if youd like one more glorius sandwich, that will cost you one shoe!" DL got scammed through this, the two longer dead Scar's putting on smiles and demanding two diamonds for the amazing tour they gave the other. And somehow DL couldn't help the laugh that crackled from his chest, the others couldn't stop their snickers either.
SL and LL get along well, but either refuse to acknowledge why or talk about their past. Just when the other appears they connect.
LiL!Scar being like the youngest child. Definitely does the most pranks and gets along like a fire with everyone, but 3rd!Scar encourages his chaos. These two have definitely set off fireworks for fun on the anniversaries of their own deaths(LiL starting this tradition because he simply can. Bdubs and Cleo would've loved to see the pretty lights).
DL being the dramatic middle child... somewhere in there. He ends up being the most reserved even when LiL arrives. He's scared of making many connections and accepts his cats as his soulmates and his only friends. Said cats are also how the other two bring DL out of his shell. Making tons of the toys for the kitters and bonding over their equal love of the little guys.
They all deserve a little happiness in their endings somehow! A nice afterlife where they can thrive together and enjoy some bits of it after realizing they all aren't out to get each other, they're simply just... dead. Now all they have are the alternate universe also dead versions of themselves(this being pointed out over a campfire would make them snort).
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juni-ravenhall · 6 months
and like, not shade at all im just continuing the topic, concorde as a humanbrained horse would just already know the dressage program and have it memorised and could do it even without anne. yes, they would still need to wear regulated tack for competitions or for passing among non-magic ppl (and might enjoy wearing competition tack/clothes to look fancy) but overall its not like concorde would need the same type of guidance a regular horse would bc concorde knows the program, knows the movements, and can train them in completely other ways than other horses (you can just tell the horse vocally: hey, can you move your legs kinda like this? etc)
they would still benefit from having this detailed connection (if we assume they cant mind-read anymore) if its like, during a dressage competition anne is guiding concorde with minor adjustments even tho they both already know exactly what to do. its not like having the bridle and the bit would be a hindrance in competition, its something extra on top of concorde already being able to do everything by themself. but its still just not useful outside of it unless youre in specific circumstances (stealth)... bc you dont need to guide a humanbrained horse anywhere, they already know where we're going, you can communicate just as you would if youre out walking or running with a friend.
when it comes to jumping the horse would also be memorising the course along the rider, and if youre training a humanbrained horse in jumping, youd be able to communicate about everything. the horse would be great at figuring out jumps bc it wouldnt be confusing or especially spooky as a humanbrain (much easier to desensitise), and you have a direct communication with the rider without any confusion, for extra guidance when needed...
but at the end of the day, this is a game where we dont even know if we can mind-read with our horses or not, if other ppl can hear them talk, if wildwoods horses or the hollow woods unicorn are talking in the same way as the soul horses, etc, theyre not really clear about how this stuff works and ppl can make their own interpretations
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whoreanghae · 2 years
sweet nothing ; chwe hansol
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genre - non-idol au, friends to lovers, forced proximity kind of
wordcount - 2.0k
disclaimers - not proofread, lowercase on purpose, reader's gender not specified, fic under the cut
a/n - this is partially a continuation of my last fic, question...?, its not like directly connected but reading that one would make little parts of this one make more sense! this one is also loosely based off of a taylor swift song, that song being sweet nothing from her new album. vernon and taylor is very special to me. i hope u enjoy! this is just a self indulgent fluff fic (aka most of what i write anyways). if you guys like this i might make an svt x midnights kind of series thing, im not sure if thats something anyone would be interested in but either way i hope u enjoy this one ^^
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since your friendship rekindling, you and vernon had spent more and more time together with every week. he practically lived with you for a week or two. you both enjoyed having each others company, and were both eager to catch up and learn new things together. movie nights, 2am walks, baking (and burning) cookies. it was as if you had never lost any time. 
in your reunition, you both agreed to try to steer away from romance for a little while. you both didnt want to rush into things, and just wanted to focus on re-befriending each other first. in the moment, it seemed like a great idea. and it was. except for during the overtly domestic moments you two spend together.
one rainy night while you were both watching movies in the comfort of your living room, you weren’t exactly focused on the movie. you were doing everything in your power to not constantly look at vernon. he was beautiful. like, beautiful. you glanced over at him from your opposite side of the sofa, his eyes locked into the tv and his features relaxed. seeing him made you feel warm. he made you feel like home. seeing him in this light reminded you of being in high school and staying up way later than you should have on school nights. 
you two were always the pair that everyone assumed would grow old together. everyone thought you were bound to be the high school sweethearts who remained sweethearts. in high school, you both were adamant about the fact that you were just friends. albeit, you always wanted more, but youd never dare to tell vernon that. little did you know, he wouldve scooped you up at the first opportunity. you were always comfortable with your friendship. that being said, you both did drunkenly kiss at a couple parties. but that was ‘forgotten’ by morning.
as the end credits rolled on the tv, you got up and made your way to your bedroom in order to stop yourself from falling completely head over heels in love with vernon. you were convinced that five more minutes on that couch with him would have driven you to insanity. you run your fingers through your hair and plug your phone in, anything to keep your mind busy. you sit down at your desk, running your fingers along the small items that take up space there. your eyes fixate on a small rock. you pick it up and roll it around in your palm. vernon always had a habit of giving you simple things that caught his eye, even when you were kids. its nice to know that some things never change.
you lay the rock back down in its place on your desk as you stand up and head back out into the main part of your apartment. vernon is sitting in his same position on the couch, scrolling on his phone. you yawn and sit back down, browsing the different movies and tv shows on netflix. you feel vernons eyes on you as you yawn again. “are you tired? we can just go to bed you know.” you try to play it off and act like youre not tired but yet another yawn proves you wrong. vernon laughs and stands up, folding the blanket that was in his lap and placing it back down onto the sofa. he stretches his arms over his head, and you practically have to peel your eyes away from watching his shirt trail up his stomach, revealing a thin strip of skin above the waistband of his sweatpants. 
you both make your way to bed, vernon retreating to the guest bedroom that he had basically made his home for weeks. with small smiles and a mumbled ‘goodnight’, you both head off to bed. you flick the switch on your bedside lamp as you crawl into bed and scroll on your phone. in the silence, you hear the rain outside begin to pick up more. then follows the thunder. the lightning of the storm illuminates your room, and before long the entire apartment is drained of light. usually if the power goes out, it comes back on within the minute. but you wait for what seems like forever, and nothing. you never were scared of the dark, but power outages always make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. you sit up in your bed and turn on the flashlight on your phone, filling the room with enough light for you to see. you quickly send a text to vernon and await his response.
y/n : are you awake?
vern :P : yeah, the storm kept me awake. why arent you asleep? 
y/n : i was on my phone, but now im kind of spooked because of the power outage and cant sleep :/
vern :P : come to my room, even just until the power comes back on 
you meekly make your way out into the hall, quietly pushing your bedroom door shut behind you. as you open the door to the guest bedroom, your phone flashlight fills the room. vernon is laying in the bed with the blanket pulled up to his chest, and you catch a glimpse of his bare shoulders. he pulls the blanket back and invites you in, and you happily oblige. its nice and warm under the covers, so you settle in next to vernon. you face each other in bed, exchanging smiles in the dark. after a moment, you feel yourself drifting off. a chill runs down your body, which signals vernon to move in closer. you feel his breath warm against your forehead as his arm wraps around your waist, tugging you even closer to his body. you hope you can melt fully into his touch. the place on your waist where his arm lays feels as though it is about to burst into flames. in a final effort to hide your bright red cheeks and ears, you bury your face into his neck. even though he wouldnt have been able to see your blush in the dark, he feels the warmth of your face against his skin anyways. but he’ll let you believe you were being discrete. 
you wake up to the streaks of light coming in through the window. you shift to your back, picking up your phone to check the time. 8:04am. vernon stirs in his sleep and wraps both arms around your torso, squeezing you close to his body. you smile to yourself as you run your arms around his neck and settle back into the bed. as you drift back into sleep, you swear you feel a small kiss pressed to your temple. you both wake up a couple hours later, bodies intertwined and breaths shared. vernon hovers over you as he reaches for his phone and you look up at him as his hair falls around his face. when he settles back down next to you, you reach for your own phone. you both lay in silence before you swing your legs over the side of the bed and get up. vernon makes a noise of disapproval as you stand up and turn to face him. he pouts as you laugh at his mannerisms. 
“where are you going?” he drops his phone on the mattress and turns to face you entirely. “vernon its 11am, we have to get up at some point.” you say as you chuckle. he slowly reaches over and grabs the hem of your shirt, causing you to lose your balance and land back in the bed with him. he has a satisfied smile on his face as he tucks his face into your neck. you cant help but smile as you run a hand through his hair, which makes him shiver. you both sit like that for a few minutes before vernon obliges and lets you get ready for the day. at that point, you just wanted to lay with vernon forever. but you knew that wasnt an option. 
vernon has to go home for some things that day, so you decide to work on some assignments that you have coming up. you spend all day in your office, working away and listening to music. you dont realize how long youve been working until vernon lightly taps on your office door, startling you slightly. you pause your music as you turn towards him. he smiles at your slightly shocked but happy face. “i brought us food, i know youve had a long week.” your heart feels warm at the kind gesture. “oh vern youre the best. let me finish up this paper and ill be right out okay?” he nods with a kind smile as he turns away back to the kitchen. you try to finish the assignment as quick as you can so you can spend more time with vernon. finally clicking the submit button, you turn off your computer and head out to the kitchen.
as you get closer to the kitchen, you hear a quiet humming meeting your ears. as you stand in the doorway, you encounter the source of the tune. vernon stands at the fridge, humming the tune of a song you dont recognize. he doesnt realize youre in the room yet, so you stand and observe him. he has to crouch to see into your fridge, hes taller now than he was when you saw him last. you smile to yourself. you cant believe how lucky you are, to be reunited with the person you never thought youd see again. as youre staring fondly, he closes the fridge door and stands up. he jumps slightly when he notices you, but he smiles after. seems you were both scaring each other today. you giggle as you step closer to him and he pulls you into his arms. you both sway back and forth in the dimmed kitchen lights. this is love. platonic or romantic, it doesnt matter. its love. he rests his cheek on top of your head as you close your eyes and sink into his chest. you stand in silence before he breaks it. “wanna go turn on another movie while we eat?” you nod and break away to the sofa. 
you both spend 5 minutes trying to find a good movie to watch before you start eating. it was always a tradition between you two, you couldnt start a meal until you both settled on a movie or tv show to watch. you both finally found the perfect movie, so you were able to start with your meal. after you both finished eating, you realized there was only one blanket left on the sofa. you glance at each other before vernon unfolds it and pats his chest, signalling you to share the blanket with him. obviously you take his offer. you lay your head on vernons chest, legs intertwined and the sound of his heartbeat playing in your ear like its your favourite song. he runs his fingers through your hair, and all of a sudden the movie is no more. you turn to lay on your stomach and look into vernons eyes. you see his eyes flicker down to your lips, the same way they did that night at the party when you met each other again for the first time in years. you lean in first this time, tenderly kissing him in the tv light. you feel him pull you closer as he deepens the kiss. when you both pull away, breathless, we gives you one more kiss on the forehead as you lay your head back onto his chest and slowly drift off to sleep. when he thinks youre asleep, vernon whispers “i love you” into your hair. you smile as you quietly say “i love you too” without opening your eyes to see his reaction.
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miniimapp · 2 years
Chat Room - Aaron Z
Gen ;; Fluff - Headcanons + Chatfic
Warnings ;; panicking + not sure how i feel about the writing style mashup in this one so apologies if it sucks <3
Proofread + Edited ;; mildly,, assume that for the most part no tho lmao
Auth. Note ;; WELCOME TO DAY 2 OF 4*TOWN CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN !! Happy holidays everyone !!
headcanons are my usual cup of tea but i thought i'd branch out for the christmas countdown,, you're welcome
Enjoy !! <3
ringshooter: i think im bout to head off
ringshooter: my friend keeps calling me like the worlds ending fr
ringshooter: literally save me
not_interested: no<3
not_interested: gl with that tho
not_interested: feel for you
ringshooter: nah i dont think you do
ringshooter: youd be nicer if you did
not_interested: i thought you were going
not_interested: or do you just like that much???
ringshooter: you wish
ringshooter: later
not_interested: see ya
you've been talking to ringshooter for a while now
you met in a chat room and honestly clicked right away
you were pretty surprised when it happened
you never really thought that you could have a strong connection with someone you'd never met in person before
but here's to the present completely proving you wrong
ever since that historic day you somehow managed to get into really lengthy conversations pretty much every day
and there's never a day where you don't talk to each other at least a little
with ringshooter it's really easy to just be
it's surprisingly nice to talk to someone who has no expectations for you
someone who'll talk to you about anything
your eyes flicker down to your phone as the screen lights up again with a new notification
ringshooter: we still on for sunday?
you smile widely at the message
you've been planning for the coming Sunday for what feels like years now
it'll be the first time you meet ringshooter in person
of course, you've called before but ringshooter's never really been a big fan of showing his face
you're certain everything will run as smoothly as it can though
ringshooter is your best friend and whether he's exactly like you imagine him to be or not you're thrilled he trusts you enough to let you this close to him
ringshooter had told you that at some point you might end up meeting his friends/brothers
you still aren't quite clear on the relation and never really felt the need to clarify..
or "the guys" as he continuously refers to them
not_interested: absolutely i am
not_interested: can't wait
ringshooter: me neither
ringshooter: only 3 more days..
the days pass quickly after that
it shocks you how quickly sunday comes around
you swear you had a little more time to prepare yourself
..yet here you are..
on the way to the airport
ringshooter had told you he was catching a flight over with the guys™ and that he'd meet up with you and then you could meet the guys™
you're beyond nervous and not at all ready
and if your excitement wasn't overtaking your nerves you'd be tempted to ask for a rain check
but you're nearly.. no wait you're actually here..
deep breaths and big smiles !!
you make your way into the fucking huge building you spin around, head twisting in all directions as you take it all in
and after nearly bumping into a fifth person you decide now isn't the time and here isn't the place..
you quickly shuffle into an out of the way spot and thus begin the waiting game
not_interested: waiting for you by the giant column
not_interested: the one near the weird fountain thingy
not_interested: yknow just in case there are more column things
you sigh, slipping your phone into your pocket and willing yourself to relax
ringshooter is an absolute sweetheart and you know it so there's no reason why you should be nervous
it's just..
well,, you know ringshooter is super nice and a really cool person but.. what if he doesn't think of you like that ??
how humiliating would it be if he took one look at you and decided it isn't worth it
that you're not worth it..
you probably wouldn't even know it either,, you never notice him slipping away
and before you know it he'll be blocking you on everything and you'll have lost your friend forever and-
but equally what if he does talk to you and then decides you're boring-
what then ??
no !! no,, this is no time for spiralling..
you're about to meet your best friend,, and he will like you no matter what !!
you nearly leap into the air as the familiar buzz of a notification interrupts your spiralling from your pocket
ringshooter: literally getting off right this second
ringshooter: see you in a minute <3
you took a deep breath in,, puffing out your cheeks,, and then let it out
nerves ?? what nerves !!
you're excitement is coming back tenfold and you're practically vibrating on the spot
nearly time..
luckily you brought a homemade sign so your friend would know where to look
if you were to overthink it you'd probably spiral over how it may seem cringey
but right now you're too excited to care about how you look to other people
you're so excited to meet ringshooter
maybe you'll even learn his real name
and maybe,, if he's lucky,, he'll be given the honour and privilege of knowing yours
ringshooter: i can see you
ringshooter: cute sign ;)
your heart jumps into your throat as you read the message
literally help
a hand basically petting the top of your head disturbs you from your fluster
you look up, ready to kick some stranger's ass for touching you when
"Are you still not interested or has this meet up piqued your curiosity yet?"
Holy shit he's tall..
and omfg he looks so awkwardly hopeful about his stupid joke landing fuuuuccckkk
you stifle a laugh,, bad jokes do not deserve smiles
"Ha ha.. bet you got that one from your dad friend, huh?"
You held onto your stony-faced facade for a moment longer before dropping the sign and wrapping your arms around him
"Nice to see you, ringshooter"
"Call me Z"
Hope you enjoyed !! <3
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nameless-brand · 1 year
📑 (THOUGH I UNDERSTAND if youd rather not since they haven't talked a whole lot yet)
Kalim al-Asim - oasis-makcr
Kalim al-Asim is a student at Night Raven College, which is likely a prestigious school given Kalim's personal identity and further descriptions of it. He is the heir of a founding family, which is part of the Sultanate / government. Beyond the initial contact and some reply and answer interactions, we have not interacted all that much, though the stuff I do know is interesting.
I suppose that's what happens when we throw 5+ paragraph replies at each other.
It is unclear if Night Raven College is at the Scalding Sands (where his family is located) or a different location altogether. All I know is that the college sounds prestigious, for powerful folk simply do not send their heir to a second-class place.
Just the name of a single class of their school suggests to the degree of how much their Magic has been made into a Science: "Abbreviated Spellcasting in Ancient and Modern Magic: Changes and Comparisons." Most magic from what I've read on Tunglr is taught in terms of broad topics - Abjuration, Elementalism, etc. Something hyperspecific like that suggests that there's a genuine effort to understand how magic works. It's hard to determine how advanced the coursework is using my own world's education system, given I don't know Kamil's age, but the fact Kamil was in a class called Practical Magic at the time and his friend Jamil (assuming closeness in age) is in the earlier mentioned class suggests this AHA likely is closer to an elective class of the same grade level.
The fact that magic can be fused into technology also suggests advancements in turning magic into a science. He also mentions having a laptop and batteries, so the technological level is equivalently modern-age technology - whether they have microchips or a magic equivalent is hard to tell.
Part of this development may be related to the fact that magic seems to be relatively common when compared to the presence meta-humans of my world. Assuming Kamil's family is representative of the total population, 1 in 35 is close to 3% of the population.
The presence of Blot - some sort of corrupting force - is a strange factor when it comes to the usage of magic though. The name sounds like it stems from the presence of Ink. Which makes me wonder if the whole Magic being associated with language is related to the generation of Blot as Ink is like the written word. There's little data though - I can't be drawing conclusions from the name of a classroom and a cursory explanation of magic.
Kamil sounds like a kind kid?young adult?adult. It's hard to discern his age. There is an immaturity there, but there is also a core of steel hidden underneath it. He knows that indentured servitude is wrong but doesn't have the means right now to change it - and is willing to change it when he is finally at the family's head.
I doubt the power transition will be peaceful. He's too passive. One might argue too kind. I suspect his bad time in RSA - which likely is another academy - stems from those two things. Someone was likely causing trouble for him, and he didn't respond because he seems like the type to endure things when it comes to himself.
Assuming he is as open in his world as in Tumblr (bad assumption but you never know), the troublemakers were likely smart enough not to target other people or his friends because that would be counterproductive to showing Kamil as weak - since he will likely respond - and show what a great ally you get by befriending him. He probably got moved to Night Raven College, both as a way to keep him safe and to make connections.
He is not very confident. Or at the very least unwilling to accept compliments.
Writing style overall is casual with an emphasis on conveying his emotions through writing. There are plenty of variety in punctuation marks and ellipses.
The consideration here is to figure out how to keep him alive during the likely shaky transition in power. Given that I am not a magical spaghetti monster that has the power to cross worlds, what I can actually offer is limited.
Given that he's in the equivalent of a boarding school, he was likely given enough money to show off his wealth but not enough to actually make proper investments.
As for advice, I feel "you're too nice" or "you need to be more suspicious of people" is rarely wanted or even useful. It won't change his inherent nature, and frankly it's an unpalatable option for me.
The best thing to do is to increase his circle of friends, whether it be from his world or from Tunglr. More friends mean more options. Just as he can make up for what they lack, they can make up for what he does, especially since there are far more ruthless people in this world than there are kind.
He is likely in a way more valuable to his friends than his friends are to him in that regard.
Kindness is just as good a weapon as cruelty; that is because most people believe in reciprocation. You show me kindness, I'll show you kindness. You show me enmity, I'll show you enmity. Showing kindness to the right person can make you a loyal ally for life; showing cruelty to the wrong person can make you an eternal enemy. Starting off with kindness first also gives one the ability to take off the psychological breaks afterwards; this is why every organization that is trying to root out traitors will offer genuine mercy first - because once that offer is declined, they can kill any traitor on the basis that they gave them a chance.
Anyway, I digress. I do believe that making friends is likely the intent of his father sending him to school in the first place.
Negotiation Considerations:
Bullying tactics honestly. Show overwhelming confidence and power with a slightly raised voice. Aggressive body language such as leaning in, bared teeth grin, etc. If my read is correct, so long as the negotiation isn't for other people and just involves him personally, he'll probably won't be able to negotiate well, heir to a merchant family aside.
Of course, I could be smacked by a hidden depths scenario, but that's the sort of thing I'll probably be able to pick up by a meet-up in person.
Anyway, if the negotiation is for other people, bullying tactics will likely backfire badly. He likely will negotiate with someone else rather than deal with someone who threatens his friends. So instead, play the part of the ally.
Logical arguments will probably be a more potent weapon on him - I suspect he may be conditioned to accept them - I doubt I'm the only one he told his aspirations to help his indentured servants too, and those people would likely beat those ideas down with their so-called logic.
Strawman arguments - mischaracterizing his arguments - takes advantage of his inherent hesitation. Bandwagon arguments will likely do the same - the whole "this has been done for x amount of time, or do you have a solution then?" - if he's not doing anything right now while feeling so strongly about his beliefs, he's likely the type who wants to have a perfect solution first.
Maybe getting a proper list of logical fallacies may help him. At least give him a better idea of when someone argues in bad faith aka not intending to win through their argument but other means.
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hiemalstar · 2 years
alice in borderland theory; still in borderland?
hey tumblr, im back w another analyzation of alice in borderland; once again, still the netflix series. i do not own the manga. yet. todays analyzation is about a pretty popular topic right now; are the 'former' players still in borderland? lets take a look. 
still in borderland - evidence supporting claim
during season two, arisu and the others played face card games. along the way, they find out ‘citizens’, or, long term participants of borderland who now run games, are a part of the mystery of borderland. they mostly refuse to say anything, mostly speaking along the lines of “clear all the games, and you will find out.” it lacks information, but its still straight forward. this happens continuously leading up to the final face card game- or, at least we think it's the final game. out of face card games? yes. out of the eternity of games? no. lets talk about it.
‘final’ game during the final face card, or, queen of hearts/croquet, mira plays mind games on arisu and usagi. she is fully capable of manipulating them and creating false imagery, as she fools them multiple times as they drink tea. once she is beaten, the fireworks from episode one flash in the sky, and the remaining players are sent home. but that’s where we are wrong. they are specifically asked whether they would like to leave or not. borderland still exists, despite all the games having been completed.  circulating back to mira, i already mentioned she can play very elaborate and believable mind tricks. whats stopping us from thinking this isnt another one of her tricks? not much.
everyone is connected  when players confirm they would like to leave borderland, it cuts to an altered version of episode one. karube, chota, and arisu walking through shibuya, camera switching between different characters that were introduced in borderland. its ‘revealed’ that they were actually all in the same place at the same time, and a meteor had actually crashed right there at that exact moment.  at least, that’s what they want us to think.  “but hiemal, what do you mean??” if you go back to episode one with the original version of the shibuya street clip, you cannot find anyone from borderlands. this is excluding usagi being faintly seen in the background before the crosswalk clip. even with usagi being visible, this lacks the evidence it needs to support the idea that everyone was there at the same time. 
and finally, outside the hospital, we can see a bunch of playing cards sprawled out on a table. slowly, they all blow away. except for one. the joker card. now in my personal opinion, i believe the joker might symbolize a trick as joker cards were originally symbolized as a kings fool/trickster. if the joker card symbolizes a trick, it all lines up with the idea that they didn't actually escape borderland; while they might've beat the queen of hearts, the joker is still apparent/relevant. if my theory is correct, what will this joker game be? i cant say for certain. 
bonus: what was the purpose of asking whether or not players would like to stay or not? to start this off, in season one, when it cuts to recordings of momoka and her friend, we find out that players can definitely help with the games. sound familiar? citizens. arisu says he believes the citizens had been there so long, they started to create the games themselves. he might be onto something. what if, this choice between staying or leaving is actually to replace the face cards’ former queens/kings?    all of the face cards leading citizens have left. assuming that borderland has existed for longer than we think, taking into consideration that a lot of people came at entirely different times supports this. new leaders take the place of the old, and those who choose to go home move on to play the joker. 
thats all for today. what do you guys think, and did i miss anything? if you have anything youd like me to cover, please do tell me and ill consider it. id love to hear your guys thoughts if you have any. until next time <3
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ssvmptoms · 2 years
you know what- i’m not sure why those shawols hate newer ones. i think it’s because they most likely talk about… that, and it makes them uncomfortable or they’re anti jonghyun or ot4 in someway idk but this happened to my friend where he was bullied online and it was so bad that he would literally lie and say that he was a shawol of 10 years just to validate his grief. like bruh imagine having to proof that you had been a shawol for a long time just so people would take you seriously. i mean… this is awful and since we’re about the same age many people would assume that i also am a new shawol when i’m very old. fandoms are weird.
//talk of dec 18
this!!! i feel like the only reason some “shawols” will hate on babywols is just because theyre an ot4 in some way or need something to argue about. im so sorry about the way you and your friend were treated, i hope you guys are better now. wishing you the best
but also, why do you have to be an older shawol to grieve? whether you are a new shawol or a shawol since debut, you are very unlikely to have ever knwon jonghyun on a personal level.
all connections to him are through his beautiful music and nice messages via concert, or social media, or blue night. i believe that even if you were a fan of 14 years or a fan of 1 year, you have the right to grieve. admiring his beauty, his talent, everything he did for those around him, his kindess, his advocating towards communities in South Korea, his care, his sense of humor… those are all things you can cherish him for even as a fan who became a shawol after his passing.
though i do think that the rise of non-shawols around december does cause a bad stigma towards babywols — there are so many people who cant name a single song he wrote for shinee or a single solo song besides moon who claim how much they “miss” him… and then its the only shinee post they have on their entire page. those people can go fuck themselves honestly like maybe if you actually gave a fuck about shinee youd know thats not what the members would want…
i actually made an internet war edit and posted it on tiktok and someone told me to “not do jonghyun like that” like he didnt do that performance himself… when will they get a grip
but to end this rant, the first post i ever saw about jonghyun, about 2-3 years ago, was praise for his vocal talent, and not about his death. thats how it should always be
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crymea-river · 5 months
leap years are for remembering
god sometimes i read the things i used to write on here or even in my old journals and i cringe (for lack of a better word) at how seriously i was taking things. this page is such a time capsule. i love it, im glad ive documented my feelings over the years but it makes me feel… weird. nostalgia is so interesting.
im having a really good and also strange time with (what i assume is) my adult brain. good bc i can trust my judgement better than i have ever been able to; things just make sense in an innate way now, a way that i struggle describe. strange bc i feel like i know myself less than i ever have but also way more than i ever have at the same time ? im the same person i was at 11 and 12 and 13 and 17 and 18 and 22, and its so crazy to me how different all these ages felt but theyre all me. they didnt really go anywhere, theyre all still inside me. i remember being 22 and still feeling relatively connected to my high-school-self but then just 2 years later i felt decades removed from her. and now i feel decades removed from my 22-year-old-self. the way i would reminisce on 2016 in 2020 is how im reminiscing on 2020 now. lol leap years are for remembering, i guess.
ive found myself reverting back to a lot of things i used to do and enjoy in adolescence. lots of silly topical things, like using pantene instead of all these expensive hair products ive tried over the years. i loved the way it made my hair smell back then and it made it so soft and who cares if it coats my hair in silicon or whatever ill just clarify it every few weeks itll be fine. im also finally letting myself enjoy things from back then that i was afraid to fully embrace for fear of being judged. thats a Huge fun part about getting older i’ve noticed, not caring what others think. id have told you back then that i didnt care about that, and on the surface i didnt. but it would get to me to some degree. i think my music taste from back then is a prime example of that (im not gonna elaborate i know what i mean).
i hope im making 11 and 12 and 13 year old me proud. and i want to tell 16 and 17 and 18 AND 19 year old me it gets better, but also to stop taking such trivial things so seriously maybe. life does not revolve around having a boyfriend (or whatever youd call those fuckers from back then). itll happen when its meant to and it will be so worth it. no one knows what they want at those ages. i barely knew what i wanted until it fell into my lap to be honest, and that only happened after i stopped yearning so hard for that shit and began TRULY enjoying my own company (and my friends’ obviously. love them). this is not where i wanted to go with this, i didnt want to talk about men. i think thats what cringes me out so bad about my old posts/entries, theyre allllllll (mostly) about bOyS. which was age appropriate i GUESS but idk it just brought me so much unnecessary stress lol. i learned eventually, and im glad i did so when i did.
all this to say im very happy. and peaceful. and i love the people i have surrounded myself with. i love being in love and i cannot describe in actual english words how thrilled i am that its with will. even 4 years into it.
being 26 is just so strange i think
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queengenweek · 1 year
hey! so first of all thank you so much for organising this event :D as an ace person it’s very very lovely to see from that point of view, but i also just love any and all fandom events!! and uh, i’m aware this is… a slightly unconventional question, so bear with me, but what’s your view on using the prompts for this week to create something using original characters? connection to queen would be tangential at best, unfortunately, which probably makes my prospects somewhat dimmer. if the answer is “yes, but with certain parameters” that’s okay, and it’s even okay if the answer is “no”! i’d just like to know what your stance is before i go making anything :)
Hi anon! Sorry for the late reply, we are delighted to see you enjoying this event and please, by all means, use any and all prompts in however way you wish. We love to inspire even if not for the Queen fandom (also feel free to tag us if u use a prompt, if u like). However, we talked a bit back and forth and decided that in order to keep it fair to the fandom and audience of this event, your work would have to be Queen-related to be part of the collection/for us to reblog. I hope you understand💙 If you are unsure about whether it would count as part of the event, we're always open to help u with it in DMs.
Also, I for one am super curious about how youd use these prompts, so tag or DM us with ur finished story so I can throw a look at it if you want!!! Thank you for the great ask
edit: Im sorry, I seem to have judged too quickly and just assumed you would be talking about fic. Ofc all this applies if you create artwork of any other sort too
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astrochemstry · 3 years
How about eddworld main boys having a reader roommates with power/curse like Kenny from South Park?
Pretty much dying every single day in strange ways from a surprise stabbing to a dinosaur coming out of a portal and eating them, but always they find the reader eating cereal the next morning.
Even stranger is that the reader has no idea why they have that power/curse but not really questioning it.
Didn't know if its platonic or romantic so went neutral
Reader is gender neutral
Assuming that the guys remember your death every time unlike in the show
They don't really bring it up at first
They just assume it was a dream or something
Until Matt says to you, “you died in my dream by the grim reaper dragging you to the underworld like it was yesterday?” with the guys around
And they’re all “hey i had that dream yesterday”
Tom was the first to notice it was pretty unusual but they all brushed it off as coincidental
Until one day, lets say only one of them was at home and they saw you die
So each boy now has a separate experience of you dying
So Edd brings it up first actually
He doesn't like to beat around the bush
Also after the amount of times hes seen you die he just wants to know
So when you say that you don't know why
Hes just,, he accepts it honestly
I mean, whats a life without mystery and plus, he cant really do anything
He also finds it pretty cool
But he really Doesnt like it
He can get a bit scared actually so he gets protective with ya
What if one day you die and don't come back?
Next one would be Tord
At first hes like amazed
“Thats like one anime i saw”
“I thought you watched hentai only?”
“Hentai has plot too”
Anyways yes, hes amazed and he wants to know more about it
But hes sorta disappointed when you don't know why
Which is why he will find out why
But slowly, he realizes its a pretty bad life, Traumatic even
So his want to know why turns into a need to help ya
Next would be Tom,
Dude may seem like hes all chill but this dude can feel emotions intensely
So when he senses edd and tord feeling off
He connects it with the “dreams” he has too
And mainly, this guy can be into the pessimistic side often
So he will take this thing as something really bad for ya
He stays by your side most of the time when that happens
He even asks you to come and listen to him play susan because he hopes youd be safe in his room
Matt would be the last,
Hes pretty vocal about it so he goes to the other guys and goes “Guys!! I found out Y/N is immortal!”
He thinks its pretty cool actually
Imagine how much you can experience with a sorta immortal life
So hes more on the positive things about your situation and how you can make the most of it
He does acknowledge that it can be a curse though
Depending on if you like it or not or just don't care,
Edd & Tom would still be sorta protective, Tord would be desperately finding some way to stop this, and Matt is pretty worried
I mean if you don't want them to treat you differently because of it
It would be hard for them all (except for Matt, sorta)
Edd would do some immortal jokes if youre fine with it
“Hey Y/N, guess what immortal british people drink, infiniTEA”
or conversations that go “Wheres y/n?”
“The government took them”
“Ah, the usual then”
Overall,, its kinda heavy for the first few times but when everyone is sorta used to it, its a usual thing now and much lighter now too
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muuurder · 2 years
HI ITS ME FROM EARLIER(like wayyy earlier)! (i shall give myself the name 'meatball'
okay so i genuinely have no idea how i didnt piece together him being autistic as well as having bpd. it makes perfect sense to me. i can see the vision fully. greta being his favorite person makes sense because typically, youd feel protective over someone you love. but brahms took the extra step. he would literally do ANYTHING for her.
i also think that the theory that he hates baths is wrong. i think it would be virtually IMPOSSIBLE to stay clean while lurking inside walls which also probably have very bad ventilation, plus he isnt supposed to be alive, so... he doesnt have to opportunity to bathe. we've seen his parents and the fire happened when he was 8, so id assume he developed a few habits since he had such strict parents. they probably heavily enforced things like hygiene.
i also completely agree with him only killing cole. the fear of abandonment can make you say and do things that arent entirely healthy. people take his threats to heart and turn him into a monster but he killed cole to protect greta. i mean she did ask for him to help her. he didnt kill Malcolm, he was just in the way a few times. he had already been left by his parents, he couldnt lose greta too.
i just read your headcanons and THE COOKING ONE, I LITERALLY HAVE THE SAME THING TYPED UP IN MY NOTES. he is definitely a helper. i feel like hed stand there and wait to be given a task and as for helping, i have an image of just knocking on a wall and he just spawns like "yes did you need something".
also i can see him having a cat. youd be wondering where him and the cat are, meanwhile theyre both in his room in the walls, just having a good time.
YESSSS. Especially about the baths oh my god. I said before but I think he’s very tidy and actually really enjoys being clean. Including clean shave too, which I can’t imagine how rough it must be to shave with his burn scars. They aren’t smooth at all.
As far as Cole, I don’t think he even planned to harm COLE either. He tried to scare him off, I’d wager he’s actually not all that violent by nature. I think the mixture of threat and the he’s taking her from me and going to hurt greta, and the shattering of the sole item that has ever been used to allow him makeshift connection (though I can’t imagine how much resentment he likely has for the damn thing), it all kinda came to a head. Cause mind you his parents also just died, he’s upset and angry like I can’t blame him and honestly good riddens to Cole. He was a bastard. Fuck around and find out imo.
I will offer you this, I think once he gets used to being out of the walls he won’t go back in too often anymore. Possibly might move out. He’s been in there for years, and I feel like the moment you have the opportunity to come out you won’t want to go back in. It’ll feel too cramped and possibly have trauma reactions. Once your out of survival it’s wild how your body collapses. I will say if he does use the walls it’s to be a cheeky bastard. The cat likely won’t go in, king loves bathing far too much lol (at least in my story line).
I also Headcanon he likely has sight issues in one eye (near the burn) and possibly asthma or copd too due to smoke inhilation on top of dust and low air quality in the walls.
Aka the moment you get him comfy and trusting you, y’all making a doctors visit. To what doctor you ask? All of them. Every single one. He hasn’t had medical attention since before he was 8.
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thesembers · 3 years
lyric analysis that nobody asked for
last words of a shooting star by mitski
(my personal interpretation) !!
“last words of a shooting star” is a song that describes the point of view of herslef on a plane that is unexpectly crashing; the pilot explains that they are all going to die due to the unexpected turbulence. the lyrics go in depth of how she is feeling and her last thoughts while awaiting her certain death.
Tumblr media
there are many ways that thing song can be interpreted, firstly being the literal meaning of the plane going down. she states that she is glad that she had left her room clean so that when her family cleans out her room, they think only of her neat and ordered self. she left a good last impression on people. thats as far as that meaning goes in my opinion.
my personal belief is that this song is actually about suicide. apologies from the intercom represents the people trying to help her from her suicidal thoughts, but it had already been too late because the plane is already crashing. i am relieved that I had left my room tidy could either mean that she is content with the fact that people will think of her kindly due to her always leaving good impressions or that it is a teenage suicide because teenegers often worry about the small things like their parents having to tidy their room once they are gone.
mitski also goes on to talk about how the room that she had left clean was actually a place that she had had terrible thoughts that nobody would know about because of the way she had left it; almost like a mask that people wear to be perceived a certain way by people. in this same stanza she says that her dreams made music in the night which in my opinion, means that her only escape from the “blood sniffing sharks” in her room was sleep. i also think that those dreams made her believe that the reality of life wasn’t all that bad and that maybe she would live. this also could mean that she had very big dreams and wanted to live to achieve them.
in the third stanza she describes the connection between her and someone she loves. i believe in these lyrics, she explains how lonely it actually was to be loved. that some people don’t care much for the love for the other person but rather the idea of loving another person, hence the line “and youd say you love me and look in my eyes but i know through mine you were looking in yours.” she says that this person wasn’t looking at her, but at themselves to see if they were mirroring a good relationship partner, like in the movies.
mitski makes a note to the liberty bell being a replica because it represents a person. the idea of the fake liberty bell replicated a person who shows a completely different person on the outside rather than showing whats within. they have to be a fake person and show a bright expression for the sake of others and not ruining the fun, much like the liberty bell.
thee last stanza goes on to explain how she had wanted to die clean and pretty but was never actually able to because she is too busy, therefore being thankful that the plane is crashing unexpectedly so she didn’t have to worry about it anymore. i think this means that her thoughts were unexpected and she didn’t think she would actually do it. i think she had some regret because she said it was unexpected and she still had some work to do for herself before dying, but then realized that the work that she had wanted to do was now meaningless to her because she was going to die anyways hence the line “i couldn’t have changed anyways”
this song as a whole has a lot to do with faking perception and being perceived a certain way to hide what youre thinking within whilst also dealing with the thoughts on your own and how in this case she had dealt with them by killing herself.
it shows mental illness and i really enjoyed the way she showcased it in the scene of a plane crash. the plane crash itself can also be interpreted as she was so close to the destination also known as the “dreams that made music in the night” but before she could get there, the plane had crashed. she also said that those dreams were the only thing keeping her alive so it could also mean that her not making it to her destination (dream) would mean she had nothing else to live for hence her dying at the end.
okay this may seem a little insane but I also think that the placement of the stanzas have a lot to do with the song itself. at first she talks about the plane being announced to crash, then in the second third and fourth stanza she talked about her life story staring with her basic room where she had grown up, first relationship, how she had forced herself to be someone she isn’t throughout her life, and finally her life being filled with busywork and no time for herself. it all goes in order to explain how her life went, which this is super clever because it is assumed that your life flashes before your eyes when you know you are going to die.
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