#you and your identity are valid
I’m curious - people always seem surprised that multiple siblings are queer, as if it’s amazing the gay lightning struck twice so close together.
But human variation is down to our genes and external factors. Siblings are logically more likely to both/all be queer than not.
So a wee poll if you don’t mind!
Anyone can take part, there should be an option for anyone but please let me know in notes if I missed anyone.
For reference: queer is anyone who wouldn’t describe themselves as heterosexual or cis-gendered or allo-sexual. Anyone we would include in the queer group. And if you’re not including people by their own identification, we can have words after…
If you only have one sibling use the relevant all option.
If you have an issue with the word queer I truly don’t want to hear about it - that’s your choice, this is mine.
Reblog if you fancy! If you don’t then no worries, but if you can it would be nice to get a lot of replies!
And hey everyone, happy Pride!
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dorkydoofy · 2 years
I'm glad your pinned post is there to remind me why I don't follow you whenever I think I might want to. A lot of what's mentioned in it is normal, tame levels of feminism and I would genuinely feel unsafe around someone who believed the opposite of more than one of these statements. (Go over each of them and think about it.) Acting like any and all trauma is unreasonable and shouldn't exist just perpetuates a version of normal that is actively harmful. I understand this may not be your intention but having this as your pinned post screams you're a "if something bad happens to you I will not believe you" sort of person. All that post does is perpetuate division of the LGBT community, as it more or less implies "if you're trans don't trust lesbians because they all must be radical feminists for having literally any reason for not being with a man instead!" So what if I'm lesbian because I have a trauma associated with men? How does that impact anyone but me? Why hate me as a person for being a victim of the sort of world that posts like these want to normalize or pretend doesn't exist? I don't wish my trauma on anyone but my having a fear of men doesn't impact anyone else and I'd hate for people to witchhunt me for simply having it. Of course "not all men" but how about a "not all lesbians"? That pinned post is a declaration that you will not stand by victims, and maybe not lesbians, period.
Ive read over both your ask and the pinned post many times but ive still had a bit of trouble understanding. Perhaps its just my tired brain, or that we think differently, but regardless ill most likely end up changing anyway since Im mostly just here to reblog silly stuff and dont want to have to get asks like this. I dont get a 'dont trust lesbians' vibe from it at all, but I'm not a lesbian so that may not be my place to say whether it does or not. Im also confused about the points? Yes, some of them can be normal, but most of them are contextual. What you identify as and what reason you have for why you do are none of my business! Its your identity and I'll respect it, even if i dont quite understand. I want to come off as a safe person to be around, but if I dont then feel free to block me. I dont mind, and Im not here for followers anyhow. Your peace of mind matters most, and I hope you can at least somewhat understand what I'm trying to say. Not very good at being serious and typing long things in all honesty, and my brain gets jumbled easily. But if you wish to discuss this more then feel free to message me privately! Im very willing to hear you out more. Just preferably shorter and less hard to read than this /lh
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pikp0kcas3 · 7 months
The Hazbin Hotel fandom’s issue with accepting aromanticism and asexuality
Now that it is officially Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, I want to talk about this!
I find that, as an aroace myself, I am constantly grasping at good representation and coming up empty— it usually ends up in one of two ways.
One: the character is portrayed as emotionless, cold, and robotic in nature. It’s the question aromantic and/or asexual people are often asked: “Are you heartless?” The answer is no, of course, but general media makes it out to be the opposite.
Or two: Their lack of attraction is seen as something to “fix” because they “haven’t found the right one yet”, and they end up with a partner as a “happy ending”.
It frustrates me greatly because of how little people actually see aromanticism or asexuality as a true part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
So when I watched Hazbin Hotel, and I found out about Alastor being aroace, I was over the moon. I was on cloud nine. I also saw how his voice actor has looked up the term as an attempt to learn about aroaces, which makes me OVERJOYED?? Amir is truly a blessing, and I love that he’s proud to embody a character that’s part of our community. It’s so beautiful to finally have a proper character, a fan favorite at that, who just so happens to be aroace— and that’s another thing I love about this.
It’s never explicitly stated in the show (though it is stated in interviews), but it’s rather clear when you’re watching, isn’t it? Alastor’s aversion to any sort of sexual advancement, coupled with Rosie’s blatant “I know you’re an ace in the hole” comment sort of spell out his asexuality pretty clearly, as well as what side of the spectrum he falls upon. In addition, his Valentine’s day card was strictly platonic, which caters to his aromantic side. It feels so validating to finally be represented, to finally have a character in media who shares the same lack of interest in romance and sex as I do.
When I entered the fandom to look for more content, I kind of expected to see the same respect for Alastor’s orientation there too. But that… wasn’t the case? I am fully aware that aromanticism and asexuality are both spectrums— of course, aromantic and/or asexual people can enter those kinds of relationships. I’m not denying that and they belong in the community as much as anyone else on the spectrum.
But, the more I see the same line again and again and again, the more it feels like an excuse to just ship what you want.
Usually I don’t mind shipping? I’m often a firm believer in people shipping what they like as long as it’s harmless and they don’t go crazy over it. I also know for a fact that Viv doesn’t have a problem with people shipping her characters. They are fictional, after all.
But in this case, people are ignoring the very thing that makes Alastor a part of the aroace community! People are ignoring his lack of romantic or sexual attraction!
Is this not the same as changing a gay character’s orientation to suit a straight ship? If not, how so? I’m told that we are a part of this community, so why aren’t we being treated like it? Why is it so hard to accept the people on the end of the spectrum who aren’t interested?
Something I’ve been noticing throughout my life is that society has not exactly progressed very much on the idea of accepting asexual or aromantic identities. Maybe we have, a little, since the old days— but hell, people in “the old days”, which in truth wasn’t very long ago, believed that asexuality was a medical condition to be “fixed” by taking the right medication or having sex. That’s a pretty low bar to clear. And on the romance side, you’re seen as a “late bloomer” or “boring” if you don’t express interest. These days, being friends with someone is treated like a gateway to them possibly becoming a lover. Not getting married, not going on dates, not wanting a partner— it’s all treated like a crime when it’s not.
Maybe I’m selfish, or sensitive, or I’m butthurt over nothing, or I’m making it all about me. Maybe I’m gatekeeping or whatever the term is. But please, please, please, I just want an aroace character like me who simply is not interested in sex or romance.
And I want fandom to respect that. I admire the creations that fans make— the art, the animatics, the writing and the character analysis. And I want people to keep creating because creation is indeed a beautiful thing.
But I really would like people to treat aroace identities like they’re important. Like it’s more than just a spectrum to get wiggle room to wrangle in another ship.
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
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fuck it i'm riled up please enjoy t4t steddie
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jonahmagnus · 1 month
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My girl :]
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i-really-like-phrogs · 2 months
When someone else’s art is so good you physically can’t look at it because of artistic jealousy
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#Y’all do this to me on a daily basis I swear#I literally can’t follow some people because their stuff is so good it breaks my heart#I think the art world has a lot of envy and competitiveness that no one really talks about#Sure we’re all for self expression but so many of us are so used to being “the art kid” that anyone else taking or sharing that spot feels#like losing a peice of your identity.#I’ve had some artist friends who dealt with their jealousy by tearing others down or justifying their art by going#”Well you’re bad at ____ but I’m better at ____”#Or they would give unsolicited critique that was more like gently worded criticism than friendly advice to help someone reach their goals#And because of those experiences… I never want to become that person#I definitely get the surges of jealousy… But I very much try to remind myself that fellow artists are my friends-not my rivals#The people I feel the most envy for are often the people I hype up the most#And beyond that- nobody in the art community is trying to gatekeep information from you.#If you want to learn skills from other people- don’t hesitate to ask them. Most artists happily spill their brains for you in a conversatio#(Foolish artist… they don’t even know how many brain juices of theirs I’m absorbing-MWAHAHAHA)#(I’m gonna come come back stronger as an artist… And then I can learn and grow EVEN MORE BWAHAHAHA)#So anyway… Jealousy is a valid and very real thing… but what you choose to do about it can either hinder or help you.#That’s all folks#art meme#art
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bananonbinary · 6 months
as a certified Diagnosed Autist(TM) i cannot stress enough that i am not only pro- self-diagnosis, but also pretty anti- legal medical diagnosis. it is, at best, a cruel hoop we have to jump through so privileged people will deign to give us what we need. don't fucking do that shit unless you have to, it was disgustingly expensive, fucking humiliating, infantilizing, and dehumanizing, and would probably actively cause problems in my life if i didn't have some really good allistic (-passing) people in my corner and also wasn't so fucking disabled that it mostly doesn't matter.
literally get that diagnosis if you need it for job/school accessibility shit or SSI or whatever, and otherwise dont tell the government SHIT about yourself. there is zero good reason for them to want that information. that's between you and the people you want in your life.
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transcarcinization · 1 year
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what do you do when you meet a neutron star and it wants to watch television with you
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anadrenalineslut · 3 months
i am so fucking tired of certain pansexuals trying to redefine what bisexual meant and has always meant just to so they can virture signal about their gender affirming sexuality. if you dont think bisexual works as a label, fine whatever but can yall PLEASE STOP FUCKING LYING about what bisexuality has always meant to the bisexuals. if your only reason for identifying as pansexual is because "bisexual isnt inclusive enough" for you, that is bisexual erasure!! you are erasing what the words has historically meant to bisexuals just to feel better about yourself and that's not fucking cool.
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sad-endings-suck · 4 months
and if I said that lots of mizu/akemi shippers are actually mizu/fem self-insert and mizu/fem oc shippers then what?
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beelzebubsbois · 5 months
"Wah wah!!! Get out of the identity tags!!!"
That's what tags are for, engagement and saying what your post/blog is about. How about you block me like you said people would. You're just giving me more reason to push my thoughts and opinions. Like move on and you wouldn't be my problem. But you're mine now, pretty boy, better get that ass ready for what I've got in store.
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pidges-lost-robot · 5 months
I do low-key love the idea Lance has a twin mostly cause I think the "are you identical?" questions would somewhat irritate him
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This post is for aromantic people and arospecs only:
Hi :] have a great day!! You mean so much to me and the world ^-^ please keep being so fucking cool 💚🩶🤍🖤
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all lesbians are valid
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It’s the end of lesbian visiblity week, so here’s some more lesbian ghosts✨
[Image ID: A piece of paper split up into eight small boxes. On the first row on the left there’s one smiling ghost in front of the lesbian flag, and on the right of the first row there’s two ghosts floating next to each other smiling at each other in front of the lesbian flag. On the second row to the left there’s a lesbian flag with an aromantic heart in front and then a smiling ghost in front of both, and on the right of the second row there’s an asexual flag with a lesbian heart to represent romantic orientation and a smiling ghost in front of it all. In the third row on the left there’s a smiling ghost in front of the lesboy flag, and on the right of the third row there’s a smiling ghost in front of the bi lesbian flag. On the fourth and bottom row there’s a smiling ghost holding a transgender flag hovering in front of the lesbian flag. And to the right of the fourth row there’s the words “all lesbians are valid” in black crayon. END ID]
(is that okay for the image id?)
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altschmerzes · 7 months
every time a post/poll goes around about being aspec and fandom shipping enjoyment/engagement/whatever im like. NOW can we stop acting like being an aromantic person who enjoys shipping is some kind of Weird Outlier Situation? can we stop acting like this is an Unpopular Opinion or even Persecuted Outcast Take rather than idk, the default standard, just like everywhere else? idk romance repulsed aromantics Yes Including Fiction aren’t the default or even a significant majority and it really drives me nuts when people act like aros who enjoy shipping are somehow Not exactly that.
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