kaihclden · 7 years
i’m so mad bcuz i trained all day for my new job so now im really tired, like i tried to do starter/replies and i just stared at the screen until i dozed off, like my brain is completely fried, i’ve started making a list of the charas im dropping so i can be more active, so, tomorrow i’ll be on after m y second day of training 
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kaihclden · 7 years
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kaihclden · 7 years
idk how to merge back into the rp....like if i should reply 2 starters and then make my own new ones on my charies or if i should just make a post asking if people want personal starters between our characters? help plz
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kaihclden · 7 years
hi it’s kaylin, i’m here, i’ve been having a weird time with my depression, like i had the sudden urge to go off my medicine and yeah....i dont think that was a good idea, i’ve been really emotional and all over the place with grief via my mom’s death and school and i just started working again so like...hectic isn’t even the word plus i’ve been really sad because of the fact i get emotionally abused every day and i hate being at the house i’m living in rn...so anyways, that’s why i havent been around but im here, and i’ll be on until i get sleepy since i have work really early tomorrow, but after that i should be on all day thnx for understanding!
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kaihclden · 7 years
“they’re gonna grow back.. you could buy so much with 100 bucks, dude. you’re making a bad choice here.”
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“ no thanks, i took too long for me to get these perfect locks, no way in hell am i chopping em’ off to satisfy my mom for a few months. ”
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kaihclden · 7 years
“you’re not gonna do it, right?”
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“ hell no z. . .these locks are my whole personality. ”
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kaihclden · 7 years
“wigs are really expensive though. besides, what if you get a wig and end up thinking you look really good with short hair? then you’ll want to actually cut your hair and you’ll have a wig for no reason.”
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“ are they? i didn’t know that. how do you know that? i think you love to think about every possible outcome ever for a situation. . .but fine, no wigs or whatever. ”
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kaihclden · 7 years
“if you cut your hair, you’re gonna have to warn me a week in advance. i don’t think i’d even recognize you without your hair.”
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“i’m not cutting my hair, but i might put on a wig and trick her for the one hundred bucks.”
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kaihclden · 7 years
“i’d do it. pretty much a free hundred bucks.”
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“it took me years to get it this long, no way i’m cutting it because my mom doesn’t like it.”
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kaihclden · 7 years
“She’d really pay that much just for you to cut your hair?” 
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“she says i look handsome with a haircut, but i think she just wants me to look like i’m fifteen again.”
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kaihclden · 7 years
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“my ma keeps offering my a hundred bucks to chop my locks off. she makes the same disappointed face every time i turn her down.”
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kaihclden · 7 years
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kaihclden · 7 years
“no, she didn’t– oh my god. is she okay??”
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“she’s still breathing, so i assume so.”
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kaihclden · 7 years
“you’re the worst! did you tell her?? that poor, poor woman.”
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“no i didn’t tell her! i just threw the toothbrush away. i think she might of actually died had she known what she put in her mouth.”
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kaihclden · 7 years
“i didn’t mean to. i wanted to watch full house, or whatever old sitcom they had on, but i couldn’t find the remote. then i got too scared to get up and look for it. i didn’t wanna wake you up, it was really late and sleep is important and you deserve a full eight hours.”
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“oh god.” he shook his head, everything she described sounded one hundred percent emilie. so much so, he had to hold back a laugh at how incredibly ridiculous but adorable she was. “em, how many times do i gotta tell ya that you can always wake me up when you need me?” his face had a hint of his stern look on it, but softer, a little more playful. “you deserve a full eight hours too m’love, don’t forget that.”
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kaihclden · 7 years
“yeah, they gave me a bunch of stitches, it was miserable.”
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“yikes, sounds pretty miserable too. y’feeling any better by chance? they give ya any good pain meds?”
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kaihclden · 7 years
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“oh trust me … i stay away from them as much as possible, yet - they always seem to find a way to find me.”
“well, yeah, unfortunately creepy men stop at nothing to get what they want. y’carry any mace? stun gun? knives? just to be safe.”
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