#I literally can’t follow some people because their stuff is so good it breaks my heart
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When someone else’s art is so good you physically can’t look at it because of artistic jealousy
#Y’all do this to me on a daily basis I swear#I literally can’t follow some people because their stuff is so good it breaks my heart#I think the art world has a lot of envy and competitiveness that no one really talks about#Sure we’re all for self expression but so many of us are so used to being “the art kid” that anyone else taking or sharing that spot feels#like losing a peice of your identity.#I’ve had some artist friends who dealt with their jealousy by tearing others down or justifying their art by going#”Well you’re bad at ____ but I’m better at ____”#Or they would give unsolicited critique that was more like gently worded criticism than friendly advice to help someone reach their goals#And because of those experiences… I never want to become that person#I definitely get the surges of jealousy… But I very much try to remind myself that fellow artists are my friends-not my rivals#The people I feel the most envy for are often the people I hype up the most#And beyond that- nobody in the art community is trying to gatekeep information from you.#If you want to learn skills from other people- don’t hesitate to ask them. Most artists happily spill their brains for you in a conversatio#(Foolish artist… they don’t even know how many brain juices of theirs I’m absorbing-MWAHAHAHA)#(I’m gonna come come back stronger as an artist… And then I can learn and grow EVEN MORE BWAHAHAHA)#So anyway… Jealousy is a valid and very real thing… but what you choose to do about it can either hinder or help you.#That’s all folks#art meme#art
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Hiya ennnabear!! Back with another req ( ゚ 3゚)
can i ask for sum sevika x hyperfemme!reader? Could either be a fic or a list of headcannons, nsfw or sfw, i really dont mind !! >3< the prompts up to your interpertation!! Whatever u feel comftorable with!! \(^o^)/
I can just imagine Sevika, with her pastel pink, poofy-dressed eyecandy, sitting on her lap as she plays cards .. the people shes playing with all sorta eyeing reader because like what the fuck?? And reader is just like 'oh sevikas just so adorable shsjkassjksksk cutie patootie i wuv her!!!!!' while Sevika is off in the distance beating someone half to death because he touched her shoulder .. on accident ( ゚ー゚)
also, i beg of you to use inspo from that one scene in deadpool where he meets yukio. I kid you not thats where i got this requests inspo from.
"What in the fuck knuckles is this?"
(Sevika, with a literal living doll in her lap) "Shes my girlfriend you intolerant shit."
"Woah! Pump the hate breaks, fox-and-friends! Im just suprised anyone would date you! Especially pinkie pie from my little pony."
aaaaa i love this woman sososo much ( ´∀`) my 6' criminalistic murderer drug (shimmer) addict babygirl (〃_ _)
thanks in advance if u decide to write this !! sorry for the agonizingly long yap sesh (^_^;)
(and now to crawl back into my pit of lesbian shame .. (ФωФ))
HIII ANON sorry this took me so long to answer but i’m occupied with writing 2 sevika oneshots so i hope i can earn your forgiveness once they’re out 🫶 also i yapped a lil about hyperfemme!sevika here so ignore the fact that i can’t follow a request to save my life!!! 18+
ok so the way i envision sevika’s girlfriend would be a little bit… drag-ey?? i don’t really know how to explain it so allow me to elaborate…
1. we already know that femme lesbians are feminine in a way that’s different from feminine straight women (more cutesy, stylish, female gaze, etc.) but also…
2. with the way people dress in zaun (when they’re not murdering each other) and the general way they’re animated is very costumey. lots of face paint, masks, sophisticated outfits.
so i think in the arcane universe you’d probably dress something like this. painting your skin weird colors, covering yourself head to toe in body glitter, wearing expensive wigs, corsets, and heels that look impossible to move in, and stuff like that.
that means sevika would try to make sure you’re comfortable 24/7!!! especially if you’re wearing something potentially dangerous like heels that are two feet tall, she wouldn’t let you walk the whole night, instead picking you up and hauling you around.
as if the money silco pays her isn’t enough, she makes tons of money from the guys she gambles with. she spends every last PENNY on you. it’s not like she needs to spend it on herself though, her arm and her scowl are a pretty deadly weapon, and she doesn’t go all out with clothes like you do.
also i think she’d completely fold if you ever wore a low cut top or even no top when you go out with her (and she doesn’t believe in bras… so…) especially if you have piercings in/around your tits, she’d be fondling them and groping them all night!!!
she 10000000% has a thing for public sex!!!! while she’s playing cards, she’ll slide your skirt up (if it’s even long enough…), and have you ride her strap. the dumbfucks she’s playing with would gawk and stare at what’s obviously going on in her lap, but she’s about to rob them of their money, so they really shouldn’t be focusing on it.
oooh and once you finally cum, she’d be like “good girl, now give me another. okay?” and her fingers would start vibrating as you slump down next to her… of course you might get weird looks, but if anyone tries to say or do anything about it she could literally just kill them. (or maybe she’s feeling nice and will break a few of their ribs instead, who knows…)
she’d be constantly covered in some kind of your makeup. especially if you wear a crazy color lipstick like bright blue or something, her lips and cheeks and nose would be that color the whole night. and if you wear body glitter, it would look sooooo pretty on her skin. she’d be glaring at people all night like 😡😡😡😡 but her face and hands would look like ✨✨🌈🦄🩷✨✨
adding onto that, she’d look sooo pretty if she let you experiment (which is a pretty big IF), but imagine her with her hair curled, wearing pretty purple glitter on her cheeks and arms, in some sort of heeled boots that make her even taller than she needs to be, and in a dress?? in a short dress??? sevika in a short dress???? i’ll (s)cream right now…
if someone manages to corner you and talk to you about sevika, the conversation would be hilarious and very unproductive. they’d be like “why her? doesn’t she scare you?” and you’d be like “sevika? my little baby bear?? my knight in shining armor who screams at the sight of bugs??? no… she doesn’t scare me…”
meeting silco and the rest of the last drop crew would be… quite the experience. they’re all staring with wide eyes, practically shaking because of how scary she looks, and then there’s you with your hands entwined with hers, some of your bright pink face paint smudging onto her cheeks and neck as you nuzzle into her. silco’d find her alone for one moment and ask “who the hell is that?” and she’d reply with “my girlfriend. 😾 don’t mess with her.” and he’d be like “your girlfriend? your girlfriend is a barbie doll?? o…kay… congrats to both of you…”
#neeeeeed feminine sevika asap#wifey in a dress… hell yeah#sevika#sevika x reader#sevika arcane#arcane#arcane league of legends
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Best Friend's Brother

This request is literally 10 days old, which, to some, might not seem as a long time. For me however, it is. I'm sorry, but as I've described, I'm just trying to balance writing and school right now, so I'll be writing a little less than before.
Word count: 1,6k (unedited)
could u write a best friend older brother trope josh x reader. luv you works btww xx -anon
I knock on the door, waiting for Beth to open up. We’d planned a movie night while her parents were gone, and Hannah was at Sam’s. Josh was still home, but she told me he wouldn’t be a bother, and would probably stay in his room the whole night.
I have met him many times before, and would even call us friends. Though at the same time, I often wonder if he looks at me like another baby sister, despite only being one year apart. He often gives me a hard time, teasing me and joking around, but most times, I don’t mind. I usually also hope that he never means anything with his small occasional comments, because nothing will happen either way. My best friend’s brother? That would be a problem just waiting to happen.
Josh and I have been drunk together, partied together and been on get togethers together, though I’m not familiar with everyone in their group yet.
I stand outside, my patience running low in the cold weather, wishing I brought a scarf. I hear footsteps coming from inside. Finally. The door unlocks, and a broad, tan Josh in a thin rolled up sweater and some sweatpants stands there, arm against the doorframe. He gives a small smile, looking me over.
“Well, look who decided to come while the parents are out” he coos, a small whistling sound coming out of his lips.
“Well, hello Joshua, care to let me in?”
He smiles, contemplating whether to make this difficult or not. I look around, sighing and waiting for an answer, thinking about shouting Beth’s name and telling her that her brother is being a prick. Luckily, he opens the door further, making space for me to walk inside. “Thank you” I say, trying to hide my smile a bit. I’ve been here many times before, so I immediately know where to hang my coat and leave everything else. Josh keeps standing there, watching me.
“Beth is out, said something about getting snacks for your movie night” He explains, and I nod. The store is not far from here, so she will probably be back soon.
“Well then, do you know which movie she’s got planned?”
“Of course I do, I’m the one who helps pick them out”
I give him a curious and sceptical look, not having heard this before. He keeps his gaze locked on my gaze, a small smirk playing on his lips.
“Have you?”
“Every time”
My mouth opens a little. Beth is always talking about her great taste in movies, never having mentioned this before.
“No, are you serious? Beth has never given you any credit”
“Little sisters… what do you expect?”
I hum, not knowing how to respond to that. I walk inside, him following closely as I sit myself by the kitchen counter.
“So, what movie have you chosen then?” I ask, looking up at him again. Instead of sitting, he just leans against the counter with one arm, body turned my way. I can’t help my gaze, looking over his revealed forearms.
“Something a bit different than usual…” he smirks, eyes following my gaze down to his arms. I break free, leaning forward a bit.
“Okay, what movie?”
“A scary one”
“Oh yes”
I whine, leaning back again. I hate scary movies, I hate jumpscares and gore. Why can’t people just like normal, funny, cozy stuff?
“Josh, are you serious?”
“And there we go, you’re starting to use my nickname”
“Joshua! Are you serious?”
“Well, that lasted for long”
I sigh, rolling my eyes. This is not how I want to spend my night, and considering that the walk home will be dark and scary, this movie will definitely fuel my fears.
“Hey, calm down, it’s a good movie, maybe you just haven’t seen a good scary movie yet, this one might change your mind about the whole genre” He smiles, a hand going to my arm. I can't help the small blush coming from the touch, his fingers warm and comforting. I don’t want to do this, but I really can’t object when Beth is the one getting everything ready, and I just need to show up and have a good time. Or pretend I’m having a good time.
The door opens, and his hand is immediately removed as Beth comes in, a big bag in her hands. She doesn’t notice me at first.
“Beth!” I exclaim, and she lifts her head, nose a little red from the cold outside.
“Hey, oh sorry, I didn’t have time to go earlier today”
“That’s completely fine, here, let me take it” I state, walking over and taking the bag from her hands as she starts undressing.
“My brother didn’t bother you?”
I look over at him, and he just gives a small laugh, shaking his head and putting his hands up defensively.
“No, he was fine”
“Good, now, let's go” She smiles, leading me away from him, into their living room. She finds a couple of bowls, letting me distribute the snack in them as she works on getting the movie going.
“Okay, so I know you’re not a scary movie-person, but I know this one is really good, so please, keep an open mind”
I laugh a little, thinking back on the fact that Josh is the one who actually picked this out.
“I’ll keep an open mind then”
The movie starts, and we both sit down, a blanket over us as the lights dim. At first, the movie seems fine, the occasional jump scare, which scares me much more than it does Beth. Still, I keep watching, body tense and uncomfortable, but I can’t take my eyes off it. We’re in the middle when someone gets violently cut up, and the camera doesn’t bother to show us anything else than the blood and flesh flying everywhere, the gore not stopping. I take a breath, pulling my eyes from the screen and standing up.
“I just need to use the bathroom”
“Gonna puke?”
I laugh a little, the tension in my shoulders easing as she talks.
“No, but if there’s no important information in this sequence, please feel free to skip it, I'll be quick” I say, already making my way to the yellow-lighted hallway. It's light, in contrast to the room I was just in, and that makes me ease up a little more. Gosh, if this was to keep going, I wouldn’t dare walking home tonight.
Suddenly, I hear a click, and the light goes away, leaving me in the dark hallway. I stop, looking around, unsure about what just happened. Another breath escapes my lips, reminding me that I can’t keep holding my breath everytime something startling happens. The hallway looks empty both ways, so I continue further, crossing my fingers that the light in the bathroom at least works.
Before I can react, a couple of strong arms grab me from behind, caging me. I’m about to yell out, but as if anticipating it, the hand goes over my mouth, muffling my screams. I’m slammed into the wall, not too hard, luckily, but I close my eyes before the impact arrives. As I open them again, a smiling Josh is standing in front of me, biting his lips to hold in his laugh. My heart is still beating fast, breaths coming in and out in a rapid manner. I grab his hand roughly, dragging it off my mouth.
“Joshua Washington! Are you fucking insane??”
He bursts out laughing, arms against the wall beside me, holding himself up as he leans over. I shake my head, mouth still a little open in shock, whilst he can’t stop laughing.
“Maybe, but you should’ve seen your face!” He chuckles, one of his hands going to his stomach to compose himself. It’s probably hurting right now from all the laughter.
“Joshua! What the hell is wrong with you!?”
“Okay, okay, calm down, just a little prank on my part” He smiles, finally calming down.
“I have been watching a fucking horror movie, and you pull this shit?”
He bites his lip again, tilting his head a bit to examine me.
“Oh, come on now, you’re totally thinking it’s funny”
“No, I’m not”
“Or you’re into it or something…”
“Wait, what, no I’m not, what kind of sick-”
Before I can process what’s happening, his lips are on me. I feel his breath, his body close, soft lips moving ove mine. My heart is still beating rapidly, but oddly enough, it calms with the way he’s touching me. Tender and carefully, not like himself at all. His hand goes to my waist, body pressing mine into the wall, opening his mouth a little. I hear a little groan leaving his throat. He pulls away, faces close as his eyes go over me, looking up and down. I almost think he looks a little vulnerable, but his signature smirk finds its way to his lips again.
“Well then, calmer now?”
I look at him, confused, conflicted. I scoff, shaking my head a bit.
“No, I think I need a little more help” I state, hand going to the back of his neck, pulling him into me again. Capturing his lips on mine, already opening my mouth. He does the same, one hand on my hips, pulling me into him.
“Hey, finished in the bathroom soon? I’ve paused the movie, the gore is over!” Beth shouts from the living room. We both pull away from each other and look over to the living room, luckily not seeing her there. I look back at him, seeing his chest heaving, hot breaths coming from his mouth. He turns, looking into my eyes.
“Guess we better finish calming you down later” He smiles, pushing himself off me and the wall, walking back to his room.
Fuck, what have I gotten myself into?
#until dawn#josh washington#joshua washington#josh washington x reader#josh washington x reader smut#until dawn josh#josh until dawn#until dawn x reader#until dawn smut#josh x reader#josh washington imagines#josh washington until dawn#josh washington smut#until dawn oneshots#josh Washington oneshot#joshua washington x reader#joshua washington smut#joshua washington x reader smut#Beth washington#Beth washington x reader#the washington siblings#until dawn beth#Beth until dawn
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F! Yuu’s Dad in Twst Wonderland Headcanons pt. 2
Pt.1 Pt.3 Pt.4
Heartslabyul, Octavinelle, Scarabia, and Pomefiore are genuinely the only dorms that respect your dad.
Savannaclaw keeps trying to fight him with the exception of Jack, Ruggie, and Leona.
Ignihyde fears your father. Mainly because your father thinks Idia is some form of a perverted weirdo.
🦀: Yuu, that weird boy is looking at you and your cat again.
🎮: Please let me touch your cat…
🦀:….I’m going to give you five minutes to get away from us.
Meanwhile, Diasomnia, is still amused your dad tried to beat up Malleus.
The core emotions and feelings of Diasomnia towards Yuu’s dad is the following:
Malleus: Amused and now takes gaining any sort of relationship with you as a challenge
Silver: A bit wary of your dad but still gets why he’s so protective over you
Sebek: Wants to beat him up for threatening Malleus and thinks he can win
Lilia: As a father he understands and is probably going to tell Malleus not to purposefully irritate your father for his own good.
After witnessing Riddle’s overblot, your father is convinced on staying at the Isle Sage’s hotel
Or maybe trying RSA
Whatever option comes first.
In fact, he actually tried to bolt out of NRC after the Savannaclaw overblot.
🦀: Yuu! Yuu! Yuu, listen to me! These kids are not right in the head. A hyena furry boy was using magic to control people’s bodies so they fall down the stairs. For a school tournament! And the lion furry man, BY THE WAY, he is 20! He tried to turn everyone into sand!
🦐: Dad, please, they’re my friends and I give them comfort. Plus Riddle and Leona were having a mental health crisis.
🦀: These kids are serial killers or murders in the making! We should’ve ran when we found out they worshipped Disney villains!
You end up running out of NRC with your father with Grim, and by the time morning came, someone has already found you.
♥️: Yo. I heard Yuu was staying here now.
🦀: How did you find us?
♥️: Um…I had a bit of help…more like magic spell really.
Deuce, Epel, Jack, Silver, and Sebek step out from behind Ace.
🦀: *Sigh* Look, I get we teleported into your school, but we really don’t need to stay there-
🦐: Dad, can’t I attend school there until we go home? It’s perfect.
🦀: They literally don’t even have a girls bathroom for you to use.
🦐: Doesn’t matter. I can use the bathroom when no one is in there.
Then things heat up when Malleus appears.
🐉: There you are, Child of Man. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.
🦀: Let me guess, you didn’t see her inside her room when you floated by? Like you usually do when you think no one notices?
🐉: Child of Man, would you like to go to my gargoyles club meeting? It’s really only me, but together we can bring more people.
🦀: That is the worst lie for a date I’ve ever heard. Also, her name is Yuu not Child of Man. And this Man is named F/N. Besides, we still don’t know your actually name Hornyton.
The mocking of the nickname Yuu picked out for him causes him to get upset. Which inadvertently activated the fairy tale fae behavior.
🐉: You know, a name is a very important thing to give away. If I give my name to you, you must give something to me.
🦀: You realize I can just break into Crowley’s office and get your school records or just ask anyone what your name is, right?
🐉: Perhaps, your daughter might be something of equal value to give. My name for a girl with an otherworldly name. I assure you I’ll treat her well if you give her to-
Your dad punches Malleus square in the nose and KOs him.
❤️&♠️: Damn.
🗡️: I told him not to make being in a relationship with Yuu a challenge.
🍎: Nice right hook.
🐺: What good form.
Your dad shuts the door, and packs up your stuff again.
You move back into Ramshackle the next day, but this time there’s iron hanging around the doors and windows.
#twisted wonderland#twst wonderland#malleus draconia#yuu dad au#sebek zigvolt#twst silver#jack howl#ace trappola#deuce spade#epel felmier#twst yuu#twst wonderland headcanons#idia shroud
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Whenever there's a line up event, one of the things that I'm starting to look forward to the most are the show's english names. They are always...interesting. Anyway, a lot of new stuff. They are certainly rivalling gmmtv in terms of content and the event itself. That was looooong and there were a LOT of announcements.
Before I go into new shows. We finally got a date for The Next Prince and it's April. Also Zomvivor has a new teaser and it will air...soon. Goddammit. Speaking of elusive air dates, Khemjira is also coming...soon. It's like they don't want me to be happy. I need all the horror. Your Sky of Us will be a special 3 episode event that will follow the characters into adulthood. I like the idea of seeing the couples after the show's hea so this should be nice. Now for everything else. I added link to the mdl pages and the trailers, so if you don't want my unsolicited opinions just click on the links below the pics.

[ MDL | Trailer ] Love Upon a Time - It's not exactly a new announcement but we finally got a pilot with the new cast and I really enjoyed it. I'm convinced that Net is one of those actors that can have chemistry with anyone so this should be good at least when it comes to the main couple. When it comes to fantasy thai bl, I never want to get my hopes too high because a lot of the time they tend to forgo internal narrative consistency for the sake of the romance, but either way, I will be watching this one.

[ MDL | Trailer ] Your Third - MaxNat romcom, why not? When it comes to the romance, I think they can pull it off, but the comedy? Not so sure. I don’t hate anything here, but I can’t say I really love anything either.

[ MDL | Trailer ] Mr.Fanboy - Well this should be interesting. I do like when bl goes a bit meta, so I'm looking forward to see what DMD has to say about this. AuAu and Save fans must be losing it to see them as leads, and I was surprised to see James. I thought he wasn't gonna be in any series for a while, but I'm not as well informed about these things. Interesting cast and concept. I will be tuning in.

[ MDL | Trailer ] You(r)Tuber - Do you see what I mean? These names kill me. Looks cute. Surprised to see Earth and First but nothing really excites me about this one. Oh wait, I'm wrong, there are pets and more importantly a cat. That makes me happy.

[ MDL | Trailer ] Duang With You - My crumbs have graduated and I'm screaming. I love everything about this, but honestly, I love TeeteePor. They are beautiful. I also love a shameless flirt that will thaw the heart of a brooder. So I'm winning either way.

[ MDL | Trailer ] Restart - This is giving Elite but with some extra bullying for good measure. It's also giving nakedness galore. DMD knows their audience. I'm guessing we will be seeing a lot of showers. I'm happy to see Tommy again. I'm not sure if this is exactly bl, but with the amount of naked boys in the pilot alone, might as well be.

[ MDL | Trailer ] Magic Lover – I guess it was only a matter of time for BL to start playing with magic. I mean, we're in our vampire season, so this was the next logical step. Anyway, ThomasKong are back. And Keng… I have to admit, very few actors illicit a strong reaction from me solely based on their looks, but Keng is one of them. That guy has an absolutely flawless face. I like that we have 3 different couples and I like fantasy and fated mates so I'm definitely on board.

[ MDL | Trailer ] HUG E-Lhee The Musical - Ok, I LOVE musicals. Seriously. And let’s be real, when it comes to musicals, especially the more comedic ones, there’s always a built-in level of cringe. Which is fine. People randomly breaking into song pretty much guarantees that. But throwing BL into the mix, along with some folks who aren’t exactly great singers? That might just be a step too far for me. No shade, just a personal preference.
Also announced was another ThomasKong show, Unknown Lover, and a DMD Sitcom, หอตัวดี, with literally all the boys.

Well, that's everything from me. Obviously most of these will come in late 2025 and 2026. And despite everything I just said, I’ll probably still end up watching the first episodes of all the shows.
#dmd lineup 2025#the next prince#love upon a time#your third#mr fanboy#your tuber#restart the series#duang with you#magic lover the series#HUG E-Lhee the musical#upcoming bl#rose rambles#domundi#thai bl#multi bl
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In response to some people expressing interest in the tags of this post, here’s an explanation of what I’m calling my Poltergeist AU.
Basically, during Rebooted while fighting nindroids Jay gets shot straight through his forehead. Him and Cole were arguing, distracted, when it happened. Everything goes the same that season, minus the added grief and tension because of Jay’s death. Zane still dies killing (most of) the Overlord.
The team breaks up like in canon but on angrier, more bitter terms. Cole stays in the city instead of running off to become a lumberjack. He feels like he can’t leave, the catatonic guilt, and rents a shitty, ratty apartment alone. Both Kai and Nya are angry at Cole, Lloyd kind of blames him too but isn’t as angry and more worried about every one. Cole isn’t talking to anyone, really. He’s wrought with constant nightmares and flashbacks to the moment and generally not doing good even before the “haunting” starts.
Speaking of that, so he starts to realize he’s being stalked. Someone—or something— following him, leaving dirt and bugs all over. Someone following him, he’s feeling watched even all alone in his apartment. Other stuff happens, like his apartment seeming infested with bugs (roaches, spiders, maggots) and constant flickering lights and half the stuff he touches keeps zapping him. He gets horrible nightmares and feelings like he’s hallucinating (this will get worse!!) He eventually starts seeing a figure literally following him and eventually figures out it’s Jay.
Jay himself is half-alive, definitely a corpse but cognitive and half-himself. The overlord infection is quite literally like an infection rather than a possession. Like a wound left to fester, it’s corrupting him. He’s angry and blames Cole like (most) everyone else, he’s bitter. He wants someone, Cole, to hurt about it.
Short story is they’re both obsessed with each other in very doomed ways. Jay wants him to hurt, Cole just wants him back.
SO! yeah that’s the explanation for now, I’m still ironing out most it. It’s pretty horror-esc and the imagery I have in my head is pretty dingy, darkly colored, and bug-y.
(Tagging @short-sapphic @wyrmswears and @razzle-zazzle since y’all seemed interested)
#sorry for the tagging if you don’t like it!#lego ninjago#ninjago#ninjago au#ninjago rebooted#jay ninjago#jay walker#cole ninjago#cole brookstone#poltergeist.au#tw death#tw bugs#tw stalking
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Hey, Queen, love your headcannons so much! I have a request: Could you make a headcanon on how the Marked ones would be if they were parents to (a) teenager(s)? Ik you did one with toddlers etc, but I want to see one with teens. ❤️
Hello Queen!
Thank you so much for this request, and for the Headcanon love! Ok, Marked Ones teenager edition. Hope this fills your cup!
I imagine he’d have a lot of children and many around the same age as he and his partner can’t seem to keep their hands off eachother
So he’s got like his four eldest kids around the ages of 18-14 A son, second son, daughter, and third son.
Ya’ll He’d be such a good parent
Honestly, it would piss Xaden off at how much of a natural he’d be.
Though on the inside, this man is overwhelmed lolol. I imagine after the war he’s in some type of Assembly position or second hand to Xaden. So he’s always working or taking on some sort of task Xaden assigns him. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bodhi does official acts as king if Xaden is ever away.
But this man will never miss a meal with his kids. Like his mother, he’s home every evening to spend time with his family, even if he is fighting sleep
And because he’s such a family man, His kids know he is wrapped around their fingers and they can literally do anything and he’s like “okay, I’ll let it slide this time”
Mr Durran. It’s been many, many ‘let it slide this time’ lolol
He’s very hands off with them, and gives them a lot of freedom and autonomy. There’s moments when Imogen’s like, “You realize your eldest snuck out with that kid again, right?” And Bodhi responds with a “I know. They don’t think I know, but I do. And I trust that they will be smart and make good choices.”
Though, he’s also protective, so he’d follow up with, “And if that kid decides to break my son’s heart I’ll send you and Cuir after them and whoever gets to them first wins a prize of my choosing.”
And I think because of the freedom and trust he gives them, his kids are angels (they are his kids after all). There’s moments I imagine when Bodhi and Xaden are in some sort of meeting has his second eldest comes in with a frown and confesses to the idea of wanting to break into the kitchens and steal cake. Bodhi’s like “It’s okay, son. I’m so glad you told me. How about we get some together after my meeting? You know, your uncle and I were quite the thieves ourselves in the kitchens when we were younger…”
Xaden is just staring at him clenching his jaw as his cousin is gentle parenting his nephew for thinking of committing a cake heist while his daughter is sneaking out and actually committing various offenses across the kingdom with Violets approval.
I believe I headcannoned that he would have one child, a daughter. For this I’m saying she’s around 16. Third eldest of all the kids but the most rebellious.
I think a lot of Fen would show up when his daughter became a teenager. I know with many people saying they ‘wouldn’t be like their parents’ when they become parents but I think Xaden would slip into his father’s shoes without him knowing.
Meaning, I think he would do a lot of stuff ‘to protect her’ without actually telling her why or the reason.
But he’d be such a good dad like Bodhi. Would be a gentleman to her so she knows what standard to expect when she starts dating
He is 100% thet meme of “I took my daughter to a expensive restaurant so she knows to expect better when you try to take her to a drive thru”
Also, bless the fool who would ever try to court his daughter. He would straight up tell them they weren’t good enough for her or scare them off.
Even if Violet gave her approval of them Xaden would be so salty about it.
If they were to show up to Riorson House for a date he’d pull an old wingleader move and get Tairn and Sgaeyl swoop in and stare them down while they waited for Xaden’s daughter to get ready. Yes, they would be the overprotective dragon parents too, and it was probably Sgaeyl’s idea.
And yes, Xaden would absolutely follow the two of them on their date with his shadows until Violet caught him and made him stop
Also with Xaden, he needs counsel on managing a rebellious teenager so Bodhi is also employed in that regard. Half of their meetings are on raising moody teenagers
But Xaden loves his daughter so much. Even if they were fighting they’d always say I love you before stomping out the room because they know how important those words are.
“You’re grounded and I mean it this time. No flying for two weeks, and I love you.”
“Ughhh!! This is so not fair!! I’m telling mom…and love you too.”
Garrick & Imogen:
I put these two together because I think they would totally be the wealthy aunt and uncle of the group with no children but would spoil and enable the shit out of Bodhi and Xaden’s kids.
Like if any of the kids made a big mistake, they’d go to Garrick and Imogen before their parents
Imogen would absolutely help Xaden’s daughter with any type of sneaking out she’d be doing with her partner or to go up to the nesting grounds to fly with Andarna
Garrick would do all the smooth talking with the parents if they are ever caught assisting their nieces and nephews.
“Relax, Xaden. I made sure to put a tracking rune on her before we helped her sneak out. Shes just south of Aretia and will be fine.”
Bodhi: “Our daughter got extra assignments today because she used inappropriate language today with a classmate. She called her, and I quote - a gryphon faced shit fuck…do you know anything about this Im?” , Imogen: “…I mean it’s technically just ‘a gryphon shit for a face’ but I’m sure it had the same impact. We’ll get it right next time.”
Also, in an alternate headcanon they end up taking care of all the younger marked ones after the war. They refuse to call it fostering, those are their babies now. Garrick gives them all the choice if they want to take either his or Imogene’s last name or keep their family names. Nearly all of them become Tavis-Cardulos
#fourth wing#the empyrean#bodhi durran#xaden riorson#garrick tavis#imogen cardulo#a Tyrrish headcanon you did put a request for
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do I make these out in a single ask? hm
lmao that looks like a sentence in itself
💚 - hmmmmm i think 1. i have too many favourite characters, and there's too much stuff that i nitpick about with the marauders, esp cos i'm british soooooo
like, we’re talking about a boy who was literally famous his whole life, and the second he set foot in the wizarding world, people were falling over themselves to get a glimpse of him. and for good reason.
harry wasn’t just some scrawny, quiet kid in the corner—he was a jock/popular boy (quidditch captain, hello?!), he had charmingly messy hair in that Potter way, and he had striking green eyes like Lily Evans (legit bombshell).
also, can we talk about how harry was canonically being asked out CONSTANTLY? like, in fourth year, girls were lining up to get his attention for the yule ball. in sixth year, romilda vane tried to slip him a love potion because she was so desperate to date him. even fleur delacour (literal veela and the epitome of beauty) kissed him on the cheek when he was literally 14?!!!!!!! man had rizz.
he's also the most himbo himbo, to ever himbo. and no i won't expand on that, you'll just have to take my word on it.
like, this man walked into a room, and you knew he was something special. the unintentional bedhead, the intense green eyes, the confidence he carried without even realizing it—harry james potter is absolutely hotter than people give him credit for, and i will die on this hill. 💀
💕 - james x bellatrix—but make it dark, obsessive, and utterly one-sided on bellatrix’s part.
it started with curiosity. she watched sirius brag at family gatherings about his brilliant best friend who apparently has more magic in his ring finger than the people in this room. james potter, the heir to a respected pureblood line who is supposedly good enough to rival even Sirius (the black heir????) in every way. bellatrix should hate him—he’s everything she despises: arrogant, self-assured, reckless, and worst of all a blood traitor. but the way sirius talks about him grates on her nerves, and she can’t help but wonder why sirius is so endeared by him.
the answer, she discovers, is everything.
james potter doesn’t just exist—he dominates, in a way she's only ever seen one person do (the dark lord). he’s effortlessly brilliant, the kind of wizard who could rival any of the greatest pureblood minds if he cared enough to try. straight O's, slacker at potions, but would have even slughorn beat out for obscure knowledge if he bothered, and his charms mastery .... unfathomable. bellatrix hates how easily sirius brags about James, as if he’s untouchable, as if his successes are sirius’s to claim by association.
and then there’s james himself. the way he carries himself—lazy confidence paired with relentless skill. he’s a born leader, commanding without trying, the kind of person who makes others want to follow him with barely a thought. his wandwork is flawless and his charms results elegant; so effortless it makes her blood boil.
this leads to her fixation on his hands. it sets something dark alight in her, and she wonders what else those skilled hands could do. she shouldn’t think about it, but the thought clings to her, festering and vulgar.
it doesn’t stop there. it never stops with bellatrix. her jealousy of sirius becomes a bitter obsession with james. she doesn’t just want him—she wants to steal him, to take whatever sirius has, because she always has to win, because he took the black heirship from her, even though she was the firstborn. she wants to see james look at her the way he looks at his precious mudblood, with that infuriating softness and devotion, and she wants to break him.
but james potter doesn’t see her. not really. she’s just another pureblood supremacist to him, another cog in the Black family’s toxic machine. another mad pureblood, a rabid dog needing to be put down. and that’s what makes her obsession all the more sickening—he doesn’t even know how much she craves him, how much she needs him.
for bellatrix, it’s not love. it’s hunger. it’s a twisted mix of envy, lust, and a need to conquer. james potter becomes her fixation not because of who he is, but because of what he represents: the one thing she can’t have, no matter how desperately she tries to take it.
🏳️🌈 - peter pettigrew.
i don’t headcanon him as queer, not because i don’t think he could be, but because i’ve always imagined him as this straight, white, working-class irish kid who already feels like an outsider for other reasons.
peter has this complex, subtle dynamic where he’s always "othered" within his friend group. he’s the one who doesn’t quite fit into the 'too cool for school' narrative of the marauders. i imagine his father as a blue-collar, rough-around-the-edges type, maybe with a streak of heavy-handedness after a few drinks, and definitely the kind of person who harbors strong opinions about "manliness" and "the right way" to be. he's definitely been laid off a few times and just really hates the middle and upper classes. peter grows up absorbing this—seeing a world that’s hard and unyielding, one that he can’t ever imagine rebelling against.
his upbringing leaves little room for difference. his father’s ingrained homophobia, coupled with the class divide between peter and his posh, confident, pureblood friends, would be something he’s painfully aware of. peter sees sirius and james thrive in their defiance—whether it’s sirius rejecting his family or james wearing his arrogance like armor—and resents them for the ease with which they dismiss societal expectations that peter feels crushed beneath. (peter is also definitely a northerner so there's that weird dynamic too)
even remus, who’s quieter and more reserved, still feels like he belongs in their world because he’s a better fit for their rebellious, larger-than-life personalities, feeding in with ideas and ways to evade getting caught. peter, meanwhile, has been taught to keep his head down, to conform, to survive. his queerness doesn’t come into play, not because he wouldn’t be accepted by his friends, but because he wouldn’t even let himself consider it, because of it being someone his father would hate and his mother would ostracize.
in some ways, peter becomes a product of this environment—he starts to resent his friends, their privilege, their charisma, their freedom. he grows up emulating his father, the very man he might despise deep down, because it’s the only template he has for power or survival. the idea of exploring queerness doesn’t fit into his rigid worldview. instead, peter internalizes his bitterness and lets it fester, further driving a wedge between himself and the people he once called friends.
it’s not that peter couldn’t be queer—it’s that his upbringing, insecurities, and resentment make him cling to the status quo as tightly as he can, even as it destroys him.
💀 - james potter ok, hear me out.
imagine how different the story would feel with lily living while james is the one who dies that night. he becomes this haunting, larger-than-life presence throughout the series—a man who was brave and brilliant, but who left behind an enormous void that no one can quite fill.
lily would carry his loss like a scar that never fully heals. she’d be resilient, of course—raising harry on her own with all the love and fierceness she has—but there would be moments where she looks at her son and sees james in his messy hair or the mischievous glint in his eye, and it’s almost too much to bear. she would tell harry stories of his father, painting him as a hero, but there’d always be a pang of sadness behind her words, a longing for the life they never got to have.
sirius, on the other hand, would be utterly broken. he’d put on a front of recklessness and bravado, but james was his anchor, his brother, his everything. without james, sirius would spiral even faster, his grief manifesting as anger and self-destruction. he’d be haunted by the what-ifs, by the knowledge that he should’ve been there to protect him.
remus would feel the marauders collapsing around him. he’d try to hold the pieces together, but james’s absence would leave a hole that nothing could fill. he’d be weighed down by survivor’s guilt, constantly wondering if there was something he could’ve done differently to save his friend.
and harry—harry would grow up in the shadow of a father he never knew, hearing endless stories of how great james was. he’d feel the weight of those expectations, wondering if he could ever live up to the legacy of a man who died protecting him. he’d see the love and grief in lily’s eyes whenever she talks about james, and he’d ache for the relationship they were robbed of.
james’s death would echo through every part of the story, shaping the people who loved him in profound and heartbreaking ways. his absence would be as powerful as his presence ever was, and his memory would haunt the wizarding world as the man who stood tall against voldemort—and paid the ultimate price for it.
#i wanted to say prongsfoot for the unpopular ship but i don't think its even unpopular anymore so#cherry<3#keeping this harry potter fandom aligned cos most of my moots are in that fandom#the marauders#peter pettigrew#peter pettigrew angst#bet no one saw that coming#james x bellatrix#bet no one saw that coming either#never let them know your next move#moots#QUESTION TIME#writing#headcanons#ao3#james potter#harry potter#james potter x bellatrix black
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On Fight Scenes (Or, getting creative with your magic system)
This is coming from a reader’s perspective, not a writer’s, in what I like to see and what my thought process was when writing my fight scenes—I hate these things and can’t call myself any authority on the matter. They’re tedious and translating what’s in my head onto page is always frustrating.
This is also for fantasy and sci-fi: Fight scenes that have some magical or technological element to them, not a straight-up action story with two dudes punching each other. This includes anything from fights in Harry Potter to battling a Xenomorph to bending in ATLA to a throwdown between superheroes.
Side note: I really, truly hate “two dudes punching each other”.
I have a friend who loves comics, specifically DC Comics, and watches all the DCAU films. When we lived together, I often watched a lot with them. My favorite remains Constantine: City of Demons because unlike literally every other DCAU movie, it doesn’t drop the ball in the third act and devolve into a stakes-less fistfight. This dude faces *consequences*.
I’m not a comics (like actual, paper comic books) fan, but without fail, every time the setup is good, the characters are good, the first 2/3s are good with pacing and usually a mystery and passable character development like Batman: Under the Red Hood…. The last 15 minutes or so always abandon what had been a good plot for just superheroes punching each other and I get so bored. I’m invested and then they rarely deliver any payoff.
But I do like Constantine. Dude needs a nap.
Point is: On top of those fight scenes not really mattering, by the nature of what comic books are in that they can never stray too far from the status quo, or if they do, it doesn’t stay that way for long, the people who made these characters don’t get all that creative with their powers.
I think, actually, I liked Constantine so much because his stuff is rated R and it doesn’t shy away from the more realistic effects of living in a superhero society… without being gratuitous like The Boys.
I just get bored. The fight stops when the plot says so. Knockouts are arbitrary, power scaling is arbitrary. Someone can get thrown through a wall and walk it off but the villain or their buddy can come up behind them and hit them really hard on the head and that’s enough.
Anime is its own thing and would take far too much time to address here but I do want to talk about My Hero Academia real quick, following up on a previous post about tournament arcs.
Season 2 of the show has three main arcs: The tournament in the first half, and the Stain fight/final exams in the second.
For a while, the show actually seemed to take injuries rather seriously (for shonen, at least), and got insanely creative with characters’ very niche powers. In season 1, their teacher, Aizawa, gets pretty brutally beaten by a horde of villains and his powers are permanently impacted by his recovery—he can’t use them for as long as he used to, and he has a new scar.
Midoriya, too, whose powers break his bones on the regular, has consequences for overusing them, like his hands and forearms not healing properly despite superpowered medical intervention.
Power scaling, too, was fantastic…. Until the Stain fight.
I will never understand the thought process behind this logic:
“Hey let’s show how powerful Todoroki is by having him manifest an entire glacier in about 3 seconds!” *9 episodes later* “Hey let’s make this fight with a dude who only has various blades to work with super tense by making Todoroki completely nerfed in a legit life or death situation!”
Buddy couldn’t take two seconds to yell at his friends to get the fuck out of the way? Was he worried about damage to the buildings? I feel like nepotism could have spared him from some consequences if breaking a few windows meant him not getting murdered. It wasn’t like he had daddy issues over his ice powers.
The rest of the show (until I DNFed) had similar issues. Powers were as competent as the plot allowed at any given moment, which I guess is the nature of shonen, but if you’re going to go out of your way to establish realistic rules and consequences really early on, breaking them willy-nilly because it looks cool later is annoying.
Which is applicable across all fantasy sub-genres: Consistency.
I might not be the best at writing the step-by-step choreography, but damn it if I don’t know how to make sure I’m not opening up plot holes in how much damage my characters take and dish out.
So. How I approach fight scenes as told by Eternal Night and my sci-fi WIP.
Before anything else, establish a reason that this has to be a fight, that it has to happen now, and what’s happening beneath the combat to keep the story progressing. The plot will not stop just for fisticuffs.
A magic system is only as cool as what its characters cannot do with it, and breaking those limits ruins the magic system.
Make sure this is a fight that can only happen in this story, taking full advantage of the various powers/abilities/magic system rules, if this is meant to be flashy and grand.
Eternal Night is about vampires, thus my vampires, being immortal, can take a lot of hits and not suffer long-term consequences compared to a mortal. I adhere to a lot of classic vampire lore while also making up my own rules. They don’t have super speed, super strength, or compulsion, they just have a lot of experience and know how to use their weapons well, and can essentially go at 100% without mortal limitations of fatigue.
Basically: My vampires are only as strong as a mortal in absolute life-or-death situations, but that’s also dependent on how strong they were in life. Somebody who was a couch potato isn’t going to be as strong as a bodybuilder, and that carries over. I don’t have “younger/older vampires are supernaturally stronger” rules.
They have the same immortality risks as most versions: Stakes, beheadings, sunlight. Anything else is survivable.
Simple magic systems tend to be the most robust because there’s less rules available to risk breaking or forgetting (why ATLA's bending feels so real).
So when I was writing ENNS’s big fight, on top of making sure they weren’t all gods with their weapons—they missed shots, got tired, made bad calls—priority one was making sure I kept killing blows consistent, and when they’re temporarily “dead,” that the timing of when they revive isn’t determined by the plot.
Meaning: If I have a vampire who, idk, gets stabbed by a regular sword and it “kills” them, they have to stay “dead” for whatever amount of time I’d previously established and not wake them up early to participate in the plot again. Those are my rules and I have to work with them.
And in that way, yes the choreography is frustrating, but even if it’s an average description of a fight, I will appreciate that the writer respects their own rules and still be entertained.
With that, in the sci-fi WIP I had incredibly complex and diverse magic systems, 3 complete and unique practices split between two characters. One of which was incredibly OP.
This was a very reluctant OP character who wouldn’t use the full extent of his powers even to save his own life, often to the ire of his team who suffers the consequences of unnecessarily complicated battles when he could one-shot the enemy but chooses not to.
Internal limits tend to be stronger than external ones if you have an OP character, because they’re more believably toggled on and off without breaking the lore.
Even with OP character stubbornly making life harder for himself, he was still OP. He had two different magic systems at his disposal, and beyond his internal limits, they had two very easily exploitable external limits.
Magic system A was tied to a physical artifact he had on his person. If he got separated from it, he couldn’t use it. A is also a lot harder to use if B is also busted.
Magic system B was counteracted easily by users of Magic system A, and by the enemy military who’d developed weapons specifically to nullify those powers, and that weapon was everywhere.
Which meant my fights concerning OP character were rarely “why doesn’t he insta-kill them” it was “oh shit, he can’t insta-kill them, now he has to be clever to get out of this alive”.
One of my favorite fights was at the tail end of Book 2 where he was stuck with two of his non-powered teammates, on a ship dead in the water being overrun by the enemy. The ship had no power, the radios were dead, and the engines were fried.
He had already been sick for half the book and physically and mentally exhausted, and when the enemy arrived, they nullified the rest of his powers. All he had was Magic System A, but in his condition, it was like being asked to do long division on paper by hand, because his calculator was broken.
Dude was not having a good time.
Which meant he was basically useless, with two of his basically useless teammates, who all had to work together to get creative and clever with the tools that they had, on a ship they all knew like the backs of their hands.
So many things they would not have had to do in any other situation, with stakes so much higher because OP was powerless. The characters came first, not their powers, which I think is the most crucial ingredient to any fight you want people to keep talking about for years to come.
I can’t tell you how to choreograph your scenes, but I do think that why they’re fighting matters far more than what they’re fighting about, and especially in fantasy: What’s the point of writing magic if you don’t take full advantage of your magical characters?
#writing#writeblr#writing a book#writing advice#writing resources#writing tools#writing tips#character development#character design#fantasy#fight scenes
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“She’s so cute,” Jen says, watching Evie crouched by the pond in St. Stephen’s Green. She is breaking up the last third of her ice cream cone and feeding it to the ducks.
Experiencing Dublin through her eyes has been the most entertaining part of the day, because when we’re with her, following her from shop to shop as she announces she’s found a soap or candle she can’t get at home or stops to watch a street performer sing the same roster of songs he does every single weekend, the city doesn’t seem like such an awful place.
Now we’re taking a break. We’ve had lunch at a burger restaurant set up to look like an American diner, wandered through the science museum touching all of the exhibits, and made her try the sea salt flavour at our favourite ice cream parlour. She liked it, which means that she has objectively good taste, and evidently, so do the ducks.
“Look at her! They love her, she has a way with them.”
“Are you supposed to feed ice cream cones to ducks? Doesn’t it make them explode or something?”
“God, you’re not supposed to feed them anything these days, are you?” She grins at Evie, enamoured, “It’s so hard for me to get my head around the fact that she’s friends with someone like Kelly. How does something like that happen to a person?”
“Same as how someone like me is friends with someone like you. People just get trapped.”
She snorts, “Am I the victim or are you?”
Evie tries to pet the smooth head of the duck that waddles closest to her, and then squeals as it lunges to peck a piece of wafer right out of her hand. I smile. “What do you think about her and Liam?”
“They seem cute, I’m happy that, like, something is happening for him in that department.”
“Hm. I don’t think she likes him.”
Jen glances at me, “Did you get some delicious piece of gossip about this while I was in the gift shop?”
“No, not really, I just have a feeling.”
“Probably projection then. I don’t think you want Liam to be happy.”
I scoff. She is ridiculous sometimes, “As if I care if Liam is happy or not, that has nothing to do with me. I was just sharing a point of view that I have.”
“Ah, I get it!”
I squint, “What do you get?”
“You want her for yourself.”
“What? No. Shut up with that stuff. First Claire and now… they're literally just random girls to me.”
“Look at that pretty face though, you're so weak for cute features,” Evie gets to her feet and wipes her hands as the ducks scavenge for crumbs in the dirt around her.
“She’s not what I go for. She’s too… she’s a bit weird,” I flinch with guilt as Changing-Room-Fitzy in my head slaps me on the back. See, lads? Turner agrees. Complete oddball, right man? I don’t answer him.
“Wow, okay.”
She’s coming back toward us now, “Do you guys have any more food on you? The ducks have me tortured over there asking for it. They might start pecking me to death if I don't provide for them.”
Jen digs in her bag for a little bag of almonds, “There you go, chick,” and as Evie goes back to the birds and begins doling out the nuts, Jen shakes her head at me, “You should learn to be nicer about people,” she says “This whole dickhead attitude thing is getting real boring.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
#lucky boy 2010#quite enjoying fitzys presence in judes head as the voice of toxic masculinity i guess#maybe i'll roll with it going forward idk#anyway DUCKS#ch: Jen#ch: Evie
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Arrogant and annoying 📚⚖️💻

✧ pairing : Seo Ji ho x reader
✧ warning(s) : smut ; fingering (f receiving), degrading, pet names (brat, slut, whore, doll), cum eating, public sex, enemies to lovers, praise (literally only 1)
✧ summary : You just didn’t like how he acted, nothing else. When you’re both left alone at the library you discover it might be something else.
✧ words : 2.1k
✧ a/n : sorry I’m in too many fandoms
You were in the secondary library with your study group, working for the next exam. You were asking each other questions, asking if you didn’t understand a law text and whining about failing. Well, mostly you and Kang Sol A. You just needed to let it out to the detriment of everyone present here, must obligated to hear your complaints.
Everyone in the group was here except Seung Jae, he is spending more and more time with his wife. Good for him. Even though you miss his luck in guessing the exam subject.
You were all concentrated on your respective computers, and/or books before you, silent. Your gaze mindlessly drifted to the guy at your opposite on the table, Seo Ji ho. They voluntarily put him at the polar opposite of you because you two can’t stand each other, you are like cat and dog. He’s the cat by the way. Always so arrogant and cold, you hated so deeply how he is looking at people as if he was better than anyone. Like calm down it’s not because you know the civil code that you’re better than us.. Put him in a forest and he’ll die in 4 hours. Knowing what paragraph carjacking is mentioned won’t help you against a bear smart ass.
You looked at him, his stupid face and how his fingers tap the keyboard. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, revealing his veiny forearms. You gulped at the sight and quickly diverted your gaze.
Suddenly, Sol A breaks the silence. “I forgot ! I needed to help Mrs.Kim for the open law office. Sorry guys I need to go !” She explained swiftly and leaves as soon as she started. You all look at each other, stupefied. Joon Hwi chuckles “Typical Sol A”.
A phone buzzes, you look at your friend next to you, Ye Seul. “It’s my boyfriend. I’m sorry I need to leave.” She apologetically says. “Aww it’s okay, have fun !” You answer back. She nodded, puts her stuff in her bag before waving you goodbye. Bok Gi watches her leaving with puppy eyes as Ye Beom pats his back in comfort. Bok Gi always had a thing for your friend. How could he not she is so adorable and pretty !
You were now remaining 6. The number quickly decreased. You were alone in the corner of the table. The 5 others all gathered at opposite side. “Ya, Bok Gi, I’m so hungry.. Accompany me to the kitchen real quick please.” The oldest boy requests. “Sure, I’m not really in the mood to study anymore anyways..” The other sadly accepts.
You look back at your work before you once again get interrupted by Sol B. “I need to fetch some documents in the other library. I’ll be back.” She states sternly. She was also quite condescending, but it was less insufferable than Ji Ho. “I’ll go with you” Joon Hwi hurriedly says. For some reason you think he likes her. You were always good at reading people. She looks at him without saying anything as she makes her way out of the room, the boy following her close with a sweet smile on his face. With the way she treats him differently than anyone, you guessed the feeling is mutual.
As they start to leave the room, You suddenly wake up in realisation. “Wait ! You’re leaving me here ?” You mutter, worried. Ji Ho sides eyes me, exasperated at my reaction. “Yeah..” Joon Hwi responds amused. “But he’s so arrogant help me.” You plead as if he wasn’t in the same room as you. “And you’re so annoying..” He answers vexed.. “Sure arrogant and annoying what a cute duo” Joon Hwi states before winking at you.
You scoff as he leaves the room. “What is he talking about..” You mumble under your breath. “You’re so clueless it’s almost cute.” The boy with glasses says. You choke on your own spit. “What are you talking about about ? Have you gone crazy because of the exam ??” I shout, distraught. “Have you gone crazy ? You’re practically drooling while looking at my hands in front of everyone and you think nobody can sees you.” He scoffs while looking directly into your eyes. You blush, heavily embarrassed by the fact that you have been caught. You become red but you don’t know if it’s from anger or humiliation. “See, this is why I hate you. You are so mean and… And.. Just arrogant in general, like you’re better ! You’re such a dick Ji Ho..” You snap at him. How dare he mocks you..
You stand up and pack up your things messily, wanting nothing but to disappear, looking down at the table to avoid his gaze. You swear you could almost cry of frustration. When you look up you see him nowhere in sight. You turn around and see him right behind you, looking down at you. He comes closer, caging you between him and the table. You are mortified and drop your bag on the table.
His heavy gaze gives you goosebumps and you can’t help the growing heat between your legs, being so vulnerable, so close to him. You shut your thighs together and tug at the hem of your skirt. “Do you expect me to believe that ? If you hate me then why are you so shy right now ? Why do you always stare at me, at my hands, ‘want me to stuff you with them hm ? Or would you prefer if I bend you over this desk, lift your pretty skirt and pound into you ?” He offers disturbingly sternly. Your breathing gets faster as you look at the floor, unable to look directly at him. He grabs your chin with his fingers. “Look at me” He orders. You oblige and dare to stare at him, weakened by what he just said.
You still think about his offer, Seo Ji Ho, the number 1 on your enemy list offering you his fingers to get off. Despite his attitude, you must admit he is attractive. His plump lips, his dark eyes. Everything about him is enticing. “So ?” He asks once again. You hope he was not making fun of you and that his offer is real. “Please take me Ji Ho..” You answer shyly. He grins and breathes out from his nose deeply. “What a brat, insulting me then wanting to get fucked..” He scoffs. He approaches you to kiss your neck sloppily. “I wish I could right now but we don’t have much time. My fingers will have to do..” He continues. You whimper, dazed.
He sucks the skin of your neck, leaving hickeys. He lifts up your shirt and your bra to expose your tits. He hums as he hungrily stares at them and messily leaves wet kisses onto them, making you whimper once again.
The pool between you legs grows and your legs are weakening from his attack. He takes his hand to spread your legs as the other kneads your breast. He directs his hand under your skirt and knowingly moves your panties aside. You grab his shoulder as he plays with your wet folds. You bite your lips in attempt to stay quiet but he finds another way to shut you up as he crashes his lips against yours. At the same time, he enters his middle finger inside your warm cunt. You want to moan loudly at the feeling but his rough kissing stops you.
Despite the context, you blush at the kiss, why does it feel so sweet ? Your tongues intertwine with each other sloppily and you furrow your eyebrows in pleasure. He adds his ring finger and scissors you mercilessly. He stops the kiss as you are both breathless. He angles his fingers in a way that makes you see stars, you moan loudly, surprised. “What a slut, do my fingers feel too good for you ?” He coos at you and pinches your nipple in warning. You squirm, startled. “Get your voice down. You don’t want anyone to see you like a pathetic whore now, do you ?” He warns you.
His fingers go in and out of you quickly and you bite your lips to suppress your moans. His thumb rubs your clit and your hold to his shoulder tightens as well as your pussy, clenching around his skilled fingers. “A-Aah- Ji Ho.. M’sorry..” You beg. “If fucking you makes you apologise, I should have fucked you dumb long ago doll.” He chuckles, accelerating his mouvements nevertheless. His fingers are so perfect, curled into your tight hole. You flutter your lashes and admire him. You feel so pathetic, breasts exposed, all wet and disheveled as he is fully clothed and composed. Or at least that what you thought. If you knew his heart was racing at the sight of you, you might cum on the spot.
“M’gonna..” You start. “I know doll. Cum for me, cum on my fingers like a slut.” He cuts you, shoving his two fingers deeply into you as you reach your climax. You furrow your eyebrows and tears are pricking in your eyes. He brushes your nipple softly with his fingertips and kisses your neck oh so gently. The contrast between his slow motions compared to his rough assault on your most private part is too much for you. You sob and moan his name while cumming on his fingers “J-Ji Ho…”, you sob.
He watches your face carefully as you reach your climax and curses under his breath “Shit..”. Now he’s addicted.
He kisses away the tears at the corner of your eyes as he caressed your breasts fondly “Good girl.” He praises you unexpectedly. You look at him stunned, you think you might cry again after this. You just smile at him, simply happy, giggling.
You legs are shaking as he slowly takes his digits out of you. They’re wet with your arousals and he shoves them inside your mouth. Your immediately suck on them, cleaning them off for him. “Such a pretty whore sucking on my fingers.” You shut your eyes and exhale from your nose, smiling.
Once they’re free from any sort of any of your juices, he removes them from your pretty mouth. He stares at you a second, admiring you, before leaving a fond kiss on your lips. You’re startled by his gentleness and melt. “You’re not so bad.. I guess” You tease him. He scoffs, almost outraged “What, need another round with my dick this time fucking slut ?”.
You wear about to answer him when you hear a convo and footsteps approaching. You look at him, whose eyes are also wide. You swiftly pull down your shirt and sits back down to your place. He has just the time to automatically sits next to you before the door opens. Ye Beom and Bok Gi arrive and both furrow their eyebrows at the scene before them.
“Why are you seated so close to each other without someone losing an eye ?” The man with glasses questions suspiciously. You were about to respond but you just realise the presence of Ji Ho’s hand resting on your thigh, which shuts you up immediately. You glare at him and he just grins back at you. “We were studying. He is smart after all, you have to admit.” You answer, sure of yourself. “With no laptop and no books in front of you..?” Bok Gi remarks. You look at your bag with all your belongings placed on the table very much closed to your dismay. You look at Ji Ho for help but he just raises his eyebrows while tilting his head, waiting for you to find another excuse. Why did you fuck him in the first place already ?
“I meant, in reality we were.. Making peace.” You confess. It’s not entirely false.. “Yeah, well, from the hickeys on your neck peace was not the only thing you were making..” Yeom beom snickers. You become bright red. Ji Ho this bastard. “Nevermind, I still hate him..” You say while taking your bag to leave, not bothering to look at anyone. “Wait Y/n don’t be like that.. It’s not that bad..” He tries to apologise, catching after you with his unbearable grin. You open the door only to be face to face with Sol B and Joon Hwi looking directly at your obviously disheveled state. “Is that hickeys..?” Joon Hwi asks, kind of concerned. Bok Gi adds “Oh now it’s bad..”. “I’m changing study group. Bye guys !” You said, waving, joking despite the poor situation.
˚ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ★⋆.
. ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ . . ˚ . ✦
likes, reposts and comments are appreciated!!
#Seo ji ho x reader#seo jiho x reader#seo Ji ho#seo Ji ho law school#law school#law school x reader#bun’s fanfics .𖥔 ݁ ˖ 🪙 ⊹₊ ⋆#Seo Ji Ho smut#law school x reader smut#enemies to lovers#enemies to lovers smut#kdrama#law school kdrama
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Do you have any general headcanons you like to share about Roman? Or your take on Roman? Something about his backstory or how he became Black Mask? If it differs a little to canon — just so curious to know 🖤
I have a lot of general Roman HCs, some of which do differ from canon, but most of which just branch off of it. Thank you so much for asking I love you !!!! here is an info dump 🖤🖤🖤
He was not dropped on his head as a child, this was a ‘funny anecdote’ his parents would tell people at gatherings to excuse his disquiet behaviour.
I think he was born with learning and behavioural disabilities that went undiagnosed and often resulted in harsh punishment from his parents.
Regardless of learning abilities, I think he is just dim in the academic sense. He works hard because he can’t work smarter.
Good at physical stuff though, probably played football or whatever the rich kid equivalent is in high school. (Lacrosse?)
May have even excelled in something artistic, something that allows him to express himself but was never allowed too, ‘paintings for pansies’/Toxic masculinity and all. That kinda stuff does rub off on a kid and now it runs deep in his brain.
Torture is his art/form of expression these days, just don’t ever say it like that to him.
In the earlier stages of his career he was a high roller/high spender, which is what caused so many of his endeavours to fail, nowadays he’s more of a wealth hoarder. He likes to have and flaunt, but that doesn’t necessarily mean flash, you know?
Like a good pair of shoes will last you a lifetime as opposed to 50 pairs of trendy shoes?
Nowadays most of his money is spent on home renovations/replacing furniture and amenities that he breaks during fits of rage.
Another reason a lot of his earlier businesses failed is because he doesn’t care about the product. Janus Cosmetics? This man could not give less of a shit about make up.
But nightclub? Drug? Guns? That shit sells itself in a cesspool like Gotham.
He’s a clean freak, has to have things spick and span, and organised a specific way. Wears gloves to avoid the feeling of specific textures. Despite this I’m he’s never cleaned a damn thing in his life, that’s what is lessers are for.
He would never let that show in front of anyone however, can’t be seen as weak.
Side note: He DOES like blood/bodily fluids, like a lot, just in the right time and place.
He’s hard of hearing, not from a medical standpoint point, but because that mask literally is a barrier over his ears.
That’s probably also why he yells so damn much.
He’s for sure a ladies man, and i’ve mentioned before that when he falls, he falls hard. I often write my /reader content from the perspective of him having already fallen for the reader. Realistically, that’s a difficult position to obtain, and he does not treat the other 99% of sexual prospects so kindly.
Well, he might fake kindness to draw in someone that’s playing hard to get but once he’s got them in his clutches he’ll revert back.
He keeps dogs, dogs are far more loyal than people and easier to train.
Does not follow politics, not up to date on the latest news unless it’s relevant to him and his goings on. He has trusted people to relay that information to him, or more aptly a revolving door of people to relay that information because he is prone to shooting the messenger.
Will study up however if he knows he’ll be crossing paths with people like Penguin, or Riddler cause he knows they’ll ridicule him if they find out. does that same for Two-Face but not because he thinks Harv will judge him, more because he wants Harv to view him as an equal.
He grew up in high society, so he’s actually pretty well spoken, just puts on that accent cause he thinks it sounds more authoritative.
Similarly his voice was not that gruff until after years of smoking and yelling.
Actually got a long well with Bruce Wayne as a child. They would have run in similar circles pre- the Wayne’s death. Unfortunately, the next time they met each other Bruce represented everything Roman wanted to be but couldn’t.
Roman actually does have a soft spot for kids but only one on one. - we have seen him attempt to blow up/shoot out orphanages.
Like a group of children he’s had never met don’t register as human beings in his mind, there is no sympathy.
But if you put a shy, little rich boy with daddy issues in front of him internally he’s like ‘THATS ME! I’m him! Must protect.’
Don’t let it touch anything though, god knows kids are sticky and he cannot deal with that. Also, hypocritically he won’t put up with any attitude from them, it’s like a switch. Like father like son. “I got beat as a child and I turned out great.” Sir, no you did not.
His favourite Robin is Damian.
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how and what they build in minecraft
(other masterlists listed on main^^)
Summary: minecraft. you can make just about anything in that game. well what do some genshin characters make?
Warnings? Nope! But Wanderer’s and Xiao’s aren’t as long as the others because i don’t have them and i am not interested in getting them so i do not know what they are really like. sorry!
Featuring (in order) Kaveh, Alhaitham, Albedo (including Klee), Itto, Wanderer, Xiao and Diluc!
Mentions characters above, as well as Dori, Cyno, Tighnari, Jean, Kuki Shinobu, Nahida, Kaeya.
Modern AU!

- this man is a literal architect, so it is easy to say that he will do great. he can make a lot of things, and they look amazing.
- i can imagine he would try to recreate his ‘magnum opus,’ aka The Palace of Alcazarzaray, in the game. he even put chairs down for people to wait. because there aren’t any in genshin.
- if he could, he would so get some furniture mods to make the place really pop.
- he would and has, no doubt.
- give him a few ideas and a prompt and he will be away building within minutes.
- i can see him making a security system so that Alhaitham doesn’t come in and.. do anything.
- he is so independent in minecraft it is unreal, because he can’t get into dept, he is loaded with gold, diamonds, emeralds, etc.
- he would definitely build with those materials.
- if he was in a server or realm, he would definitely work with Dori, and they would hoard all sorts of loot, of course make The Palace of Alcazarzary again with emerald and gold, it may take time, but they’re so committed to it.
- has quarrels over discord with Alhaitham about him even coming near the premises.
- “Alhaitham?! Why are you here?! You better not take any of our stuff!”
- “hm” he was merely looking around, he was interested, but never made it known.
- definitely a casual gamer, and his favourite game mode is survival, or if he’s feeling adventurous, hardcore.
- if on creative, he’ll probably make a library with actual readable content, it’s a lot of work to do, but it’s something he’s definitely willing to commit to.
- ahem
- if on a new survival world, with Kaveh of course, they would have to share a house until they get enough resources to split and make an area their own.
- however, Alhaitham would make a normal, somewhat aesthetically pleasing house, and Kaveh… would either make a hole in the ground so that mobs won’t find him, or make a room in the house which is bigger than Alhaithams.
- “ugh, what now Alhaitham, can i not make my area of the house mine?”
- “i never said you couldn’t”
- but his face and tone did.
- if on a server or realm, he would go solo.
- definitely get shoo’ed away if he was near Kaveh and Dori’s place.
- he was only curious.
- definitely hangs out with Cyno and Tighnari in the jungle biome Tighnari insisted he and Cyno make their base.
- definitely has a dog that follows him around, and it goes by the name of Wafi, and so help anything that hits that poor creature, because Alhaitham will go full Feeble Scholar.
-also give him a chance and he would install an emerald weapon mod so that he can have his sword in game. sadly, you can’t attack with dendro.
Albedo (and Klee)
- Albedo is the redstone and potions master, no doubt about it and you can’t ever change my mind.
- if his world was expanded beyond, with complex things made, he would have to have certain permissions disabled for Klee who frequently visits his world, because he spends so much time on some things, the pride he holds for them all are obvious, and if something were to happen… uh…
- he has a world especially for Klee, where she blows things up until it reaches bedrock, and of course she tried to break the bedrock, but Albedo has to break it to her that it can’t be broken.
- “but you’re a scientist, surely you can break it!”
- “th-that isn’t how it works” he smiled as he spoke.
- he would test potions on Klee, the good kind, like night vision, leaping and others.
- on the topic of leaping, she would definitely have a place in Albedos main world full of rabbits, and would try to name them all Jumpy Dumpty.
- on a server or realm, Klee would have a piece of land all to herself so she can blow things up without it damaging everyone else’s areas.
- Albedo’s base is home to the Nether portal, so whenever others would come to the portal, they were always welcome to get some fire resistance potions or enchanted weapons, etc.
- oh, and as well as the End portal.
- he is the keeper of the Ender Dragon egg so that no one else loses it, he builds an entire hidden room for it that literally no one else can find.
- shares his base with Jean, he has the scientific side of it.
- she observes Klee too to make sure she doesn’t clash with others.
- Jean and Albedo are the owners of the server/realm.
- two words, cow farm
- this man has as many cows as one could imagine, in his house, a cave, he lives with a cow named Ushi.
- of course still the Gang are there.
- they have their own houses, in a small town like area near a village, and they actually are at peace with them, they don’t take things from their chests.
- the worst they do is take their crops, but they do eventually plant more in its place.
- their best type of weapon is stone, mainly because they don’t have the best luck when it comes to mining, they either find iron or better but lose it after falling down a ravine or die from a mob
- especially in the Nether, they were a magnet for mobs.
- Itto has died the most in game out of them all.
- however, Kuki is the exact opposite, she is extremely lucky when it comes to mining and general in game experience, but is hesitant to share her things with the gang because of their luck and probably of forgetting where they put things. she doesn’t want to risk it.
- she learnt her lesson after she let Itto borrow her diamond pick axe to go and get some materials from their nearby mine, but he accidentally fell into some lava and lost everything he had on him.
- thus him begging Kuki for forgiveness, just like every other time.
- in a server or realm, Itto forgets to put some sources of light in places, so some mobs will spawn, he freaks out when creepers spawn, thus him not killing them, and thus a part of his home blowing up.
- i can see Itto fending off a creeper and it blows up in his storage room, and the chests are full of torches, thus making his game lag when they all drop, making Itto’s microphone audio cut out when the lag spikes.
- hey, his computer isn’t the best, but he’s saving up for a better one, trust me.
- he’s doing his best.
- he doesn’t have a set base, he has weapons, torches, food and a bed for his travels.
- sometimes camps in a cave when he doesn’t know where to go next.
- if he gets blown up or killed by something else in a cave or anywhere else, he will rage quit, and i mean rage quit.
- definitely the one to go to the end and find the boat that has the elytra, and uses it all the time.
- definitely doesn’t get lost, while trying to find the portal back.
- this goes for the server and realm too, if you see him glide past your base every now and then, then no you didn’t, he chooses not to hang out with anyone.
- but word spread around about the game and caught Nahida’s ears, so she joined and played with Wanderer a lot, her base is made of quartz and emerald, she even made a small base by hers for Wanderer for whenever he visits her.
- he doesn’t show it but he is grateful for it.
- the sole reason why Albedo makes the leaping potion, Xiao has satisfaction of sneaking behind mobs and attack them.
- the mob he has tension with most is the enderman, as they can both sort of teleport, even if Xiao uses ender pearls for the skill.
- he solely comes out at night, and his base on the top of the highest mountain in his world, even if it’s small, it’s a place he can hide until night time, however, this doesn’t work well in a server or realm when others want to sleep and pass the night, Xiao is out hunting for loot, especially endermen.
- has come across Wanderer on his travels, they sometimes travel together, but they don’t communicate to each other, only on some occasions.
- “Huh! You!”
- “Hmph” Wanderer muses.
- on his own, he is fully capable of taking down pillagers and over taking the woodland mansion to make his own, and always makes secret rooms despite it only him playing on the world, these rooms contain valuable look, this look containing many fire aspect weapons, especially swords.
- when he first started this world, with it being survival, he struggled to find food and make it edible.
- but when more steady on his own, most definitely never runs out of food as he has plenty of farms to work on.
- and most of them are automated.
- like Xiao, prefers and goes out a lot during the night.
- he tested himself and put his game mode on hard, the mansion is by a decent size village, so he protects it all he can, even with iron golems.
- he definitely trades with the villagers too, and of course gets the ‘master’ trade level on each one too, and STILL has stacks of materials left.
- this guy isn’t scared to go to bedrock level and risk himself to get materials. Like Alhaitham, he has dogs, not mentioning them because of how many.
- oh, i forgot to say, Kaeya visits. Diluc isn’t happy (when is he ever) about this, but instead of banishing him from the premises, he has general rules, which Kaeya does respect and follow, thus them both getting along… sort of.
- in a server or realm, Kaeya does visit, but still respects rules and boundaries of everyone else, he stays with Jean, Albedo and Klee.
- apart from that, Diluc has enough food for everyone in the in game world if in need of emergencies.
- believe me when i say this, i can see him trading with Dori and Kaveh frequently, food for high valuables.
- even if they don’t really ever meet, all three of them are on good terms.
#favoniuslibrary#gender neutral reader#Genshin headcanons#Kaveh#kaveh headcanons#Alhaitham#alhaitham headcanons#albedo#albedo x reader#albedo headcanons#spark knight klee#Klee cameo#arataki itto#arataki itto headcanons#wanderer#wanderer headcanons#Xiao#xiao headcanons#diluc ragnvindr#diluc headcanons
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A Hedonistic Streak
ao3 // masterlist

Art by @dixxiemaegraphics
*Summary: Hoffman didn't mind shutting his brain off. He felt like it was a treat after a day at work as a detective. Apparently, someone else on the internet didn't seem to mind much either.
*Rating: +18 for mature explicit content.
*Content/Tags: Smut, Shameless Smut, PWP, Modern Era, Feeding Kink, Hand Feeding, Slob, Huc0w elements, Alternate Universe
*Status: Oneshot/Complete
Author's Notes: First of all, thank you to dixxiemaegraphics on tumblr this artwork that I commissioned especially for this fic that I put at the end. They knocked it out of the ball park as always, and I hope you all will enjoy the art as well! Second, Happy HalloChristNew Year! This fic is so long overdue, but I wanted to make sure it was good enough to live up to the title of my 100th fic on AO3 before I uploaded it! In the time it took for me to write this, I managed to finish the newest Dragon Age game, start a new job, celebrate the aforementioned holidays, and get a new laptop. So you can say I was a little bit busy xD. I hope you'll enjoy this pure smut because I certainly enjoyed writing it.
Hoffman glanced down at his watch. He had thirty minutes before he’d be going live and still had so much to set up. He quickly threw his work clothes off to the side out of the camera’s gaze and walked into his kitchen. He pulled a liter of soda he’d been saving for this stream out of his fridge and carried the four pizza boxes up to his room. He threw them down on the makeshift table he had before slipping on a tight fitting t-shirt that just barely covered his stomach but would ride up after maybe two slices of his dinner. He didn’t worry about his lower half nearly as much since the camera wouldn’t pick it up. He adjusted his seat, making sure his face was out of frame, and when he was ready hopped online. He’d barely even let a sigh slip past his lips and his most devoted followers were already there to watch him. He let his lower lip dip into the frame as he couldn’t hold back the smirk at seeing these perverts so willingly wasting their time to watch him eat.
“Hi everyone, did you miss me?” He asked. His voice was smooth and warm like he was in these people’s houses with them. “In case you’re new here… I’m the piggy apprentice and I love to eat. Today, I’m going to be eating pizza…” He opened the first box and showed it off to the camera, careful to make sure the logo on the box wasn’t in plain view since it was from a local place and not a chain. “I’ve got three more of these big guys waiting for me after I finish this one.” Immediately, a message from one of the first people to log in:
“Quit talking, stuff your face.”
“I will, I will.” Mark had to laugh, “Sounds like someone can’t keep it in their pants tonight, huh?” He slowly pulled a slice out from the box, giving that viewer blue balls as he waited for the cheese pull to break off on its own. He shoved the pizza into his mouth quickly, talking between bites. “You know, normally, I’d tell you all what I’m eating… how much I plan on eating on the stream, but today I feel like just getting into it. I’m sure I’ve got at least some approval to just go right ahead and make a mess out of myself.” Another message from the same guy:
“You were barely able to handle two pizzas last time you ate, fat ass. What makes you think you can handle two more?”
“That was a long time ago.” He rounded his lips as he blew the steam off his next piece of pizza, “You must’ve been watching me for a long time if you remember the last time I ate pizza. Honestly, it’s real cute of you to keep sticking around to watch me.” His eyes glazed over with lust as the words spilled out without much thought. This is why he did it, because unlike his normal job, Mark didn’t have to think. He didn’t have to find the right words to say to avoid conflict, didn’t have to make himself smaller to impress other people, he could do what he did best: mindlessly eat and flirt. In a blink of an eye his first pizza was gone, he pouted a little bit as he opened up the next box knowing that this would be his least favorite of the pizzas this evening. “You know… I was trying to be a little bit healthy with this one, getting green peppers on this, but now I wish I had just gotten extra sausage instead.”
“Like eating two pizzas in one night is healthy for anyone?”
Mark looked at the viewer count, it was just him and his devoted follower. He bit the inside of his lip before asking, “Were we being too horny for other people? Or did my attention seemed too focused on you?” His bottom teeth showed up at the edge of the screen as he smiled at the man watching him. “I guess… if you’re the only one here with me, I could get a bit messier than normal. If that’s something you want.”
“Be the disgusting, useless pig you were born to be.”
Mark nodded as he read the message, using his shirt as a napkin to wipe the grease off from his hand then diving in to grab more. Instead of one slice he grabbed two. He moaned as he managed to fit both slices into his mouth. He chewed quietly, trying to get his cheeks to deflate before he checked what messages his mystery man sent him.
“Maybe you’re not a pig, but a cow with those huge tits you’ve got.”
“What these?” Hoffman took his greasy hand and purposefully cupped as much of his chest as he could with one hand. He let out a soft moan as he slowly massaged it. “Maybe you’re right, maybe I am a cow…” He used his other hand to throw back another slice while he rubbed his thumb over his nipple under his shirt. Slowly, he snaked a hand underneath the creeping shirt and gave his stomach a quick pat. “Don’t even feel like I’ve eaten anything yet. Look at how soft it still is…” Almost immediately, his viewer responded to him:
“Then finish that second pizza and get on with the third one. Have to tell you to do everything around here, don’t I?”
“You just love how dumb I act while I eat, don’t you?” Mark cooed, “You like mindless cows stuffing their faces for your pleasure?”
“If your fat ass can finish your pizzas in the next thirty minutes, I’ll buy dessert.”
“God you’re too sweet…” Mark replied, tossing the second pizza box off in the same direction he threw the other one to get started on the third. His jaw was starting to get a bit sore from all the chewing but managed to two pizzas down, all the while continuing to flirt with the man. Nobody else dared enter Mark’s stream. Was his viewer his guardian angel? He let out a loud burp as he threw the fourth box on top of the rest and stood up from his chair. He groaned as all the weight in his stomach shifted while he stood in front of his camera, showing off how round his belly had become. He poked and prodded the taut skin, releasing more noises from his mouth while he waited for his man to say something to him. “Like what you’re seeing?”
“Dm your address. I’ll send whatever you want.”
“And if I asked for caviar?”
“You’d get it. You’ve been so good tonight.”
Mark purred as he leaned in, letting his belly droop over the table but careful to keep his face out of frame. He let out a pained little laugh as he did his best to scroll through his computer and get into his admirer’s private messages. He sent the man his address and a teasing little message, “Can you get me a whole cake?”
“Delivery will be there in 30 minutes.”
“Thank you.” He said, plopping back down into his chair. He let a belch out as he settled back into his spot. He quietly turned off his camera before sending another message. “You know since it’s just you and me… we could talk.”
“How was your day?”
“Kind of forward of you.” Mark laughed to himself but supposed it wouldn’t hurt him if he got a little more personal. “Day was pretty good… better now that I got to shut my brain off for a while and eat. Hope you enjoyed yourself.”
“Always do. You do this all day?”
“No. I couldn’t afford to eat that much all the time if I didn’t work.”
“Can’t imagine you working and actually having to use that brain of yours for something other than telling your hands to bring food up to your mouth.”
“Yeah? Would it surprise you if I told you I was actually good at my job?” Mark asked, trying to get under this man’s skin. He slowly started palming the bulge in his underwear while he waited for a response. The man kept typing then stopping, typing, stopping… until he finally came up with something to say.
“Wish I could be there to massage that stomach of yours. Maybe help you make room for that dessert.”
“Don’t worry, babe… working on making all the room for that cake you bought.” Mark had to roll his eyes. Was that really the best his man could do after sitting there and typing for almost five minutes? Not that he was keeping track. He just needed his phone handy for when his food shows up. “Now that you have my address, you could always come and feed me yourself if you’re in the area.”
“Might just take you up on that some time.”
“I bet I could eat even more if you were here.”
“I could make you beg for every last bite you get from me.”
When he noticed that the driver was nearby, he threw on some extra loose sweat pants and a sweatshirt to meet the driver. He got his cake and stared at the box for a second before heading back inside. He waddled back to his computer as fast as he could with his sheet cake in hand and typed to his admirer. “Just got the cake. Might take me a while to eat this… Not even sure I have enough room in me tonight.”
“Have it as breakfast then. Dive in face first so everyone at work can see what a disgusting pig you are.”
Hoffman hummed to himself as he imagined his co-workers’ disgust as he walked in with frosting smeared across his face. They’d already taken to calling him names behind his back when they didn’t think he was listening and he couldn’t deny how hot he found it. “I would love all that sugar to get me going in the morning, but I don’t think my co-workers would find it nearly as cute as you do.”
“Is it too much if I ask for pictures when you do eat it?” He asked, suddenly getting shy on Mark.
“Sure, but I’m not going to show any more of my face than I normally would.” He sent back quickly
“Fine by me. Hear from you tomorrow?”
“You’ll definitely be hearing from me.”
“Good night.”
And like that, his viewer was gone. Hoffman glanced back at his cake before firmly deciding that there was no way he could get a piece down this evening and needed to sleep instead. He flopped into bed and thought about the guy on the other side of the screen. Had he gotten off to Mark eating this time? Was he also thinking about how incredibly full Mark was after all that, but still hoping for more with his cake? He hauled his heavy ass up from out of bad and walked back over to the sheet cake. He opened the top up and after making sure he had his phone ready, took a handful of cake out from the corner. He ate from his hand, savoring the frosting as he let the dessert slide down his throat with ease. He took a picture of the cake, his hand, and the messy corner of his lip that he purposefully smeared with excess frosting. “Guess I just couldn’t wait for tomorrow morning.” and signed it with a heart emoji. After cleaning himself up and stripping out of his dirty clothes he fell asleep with the thought of what his viewer would have to say about the photos in the morning.
After their first stream, Hoffman had basically turned his streams into his viewer’s personal streams. Nobody got the cop by day’s attention like he did. He was crass and seemed like no matter what Mark did, had a stick up his ass. Every one of his messages read like a man so in the feeder closet he lived in Narnia, and frankly it turned Mark on to edge him just a little bit more each time. Tonight, he would binge on some doughnuts and talk. Not that he would see his viewer’s face, but they seemed like they almost had something after all this flirting between the two. As soon as his camera was on, his viewer’s status went from offline to online like that.
“Hello… mhm, we’ve only been going at this for a month or so and you’ve branded me as your cow. What pet name do you like?”
“Whatever you want to call me is fine” his viewer answered with haste.
“Honey feels right on my lips, but if you disagree… you can always come over and take it off.”
“I’m flattered.”
“That’s all you have to say, hm?” Mark raised an eyebrow. Not that he would see, but it made Hoffman laugh. He pursed his lips into an ‘oh’ shape before asking, “Want to know what I have planned tonight or just want me to start eating?”
“Tell me your plan.”
“Well I’ve got about five dozen doughnuts… a little gift leftover from work if you will, that I was going to eat for you. But that’s really all I had planned. I already started on the way home.” He rubbed the top of his growing gut, showing off the room it still had for more.
“Looks like you managed to get a dozen down already.”
“I did, had to break into the second dozen because I was absolutely starving. Don’t worry, eating five dozen doughnuts will be like nothing to me.”
“Shame, I like seeing you with a challenge.”
“Why don’t you set a timer then?”
“Finish it in an hour and a half for me?”
“You’re too sweet.” Mark opened the second of five boxes and immediately finished the last three doughnuts in there before moving onto the third. He was a little bit worried about the fourth box since it was filled with the stuffed doughnuts, but he didn’t need to worry about that now. Right now, he needed milk as the sugar caught up to his taste buds. He knew the man didn’t want to see him pour out a skimpy glass of milk, so instead he twisted the lid off and drank straight from the gallon like the fat ass he was. He cursed under his breath as some of the milk dribbled down his chin and onto his poor stretched out t-shirt that was barely hanging onto Mark as it was these days. “Not that you can see them, but I’ve got cow ears now to help me power through my meals when it feels like I just can’t eat anymore.”
“Bet you look hot with those on.”
“You’re right, I do look hot. I look even hotter when my eyes get all glazed over and there’s food all over my mouth and I’ve got my ears on.”
“Now you’re just teasing me.”
“Mhm, maybe I am.” Hoffman adjusted himself under his table. He finished the third box with almost an hour left to work on the next two boxes. He carefully looked down at his next box before taking the Bavarian crème doughnut out and sucking the filling from the hole it was piped into. He ate the empty shell then continued the same process with a long john. “You’ve been quiet for a while. Got anything to say?”
“Your thick lips look so sensual wrapped around that doughnut.”
“You’re being too nice. I’m a fat ass aren’t I? I managed to eat three dozen in an hour and I’ll have this one down in the next couple of minutes.” He snaked his hand into the fifth box, taking a frosted doughnut out just to change it up a little bit. After all, he could only eat so much filling. His eyes were starting to droop, his brain screamed at him to stop eating about two boxes ago. He looked at the camera then the screen for some kind of validation from his viewer.
“You’re a fucking heifer. Well past a pig, and damn near as heavy as a cow.”
“That’s what I like to hear, honey. Especially when I’ve had such a tough day at work. I bet you’d love to hear about it, huh?” Hoffman palmed his bulge, knowing that his words would probably make the man snap.
“Why don’t you just shut up you sack of lard? After all, your job can’t be that hard. You shut your brain off a long time ago to become the useless cow that you are.”
“Fuck…” Hoffman muttered under his breath, “I mean… moo.”
“That’s right, fatty. Cows don’t use words do they? They just moo and graze. I bet you don’t even have the energy to squeal like a pig if I came over and played with your fat rolls. No, you’re just a fucking heifer in every sense of the word. Can you feel my hands run over your tits as I plow into you from behind? The bites my teeth would leave on your stomach given the chance?”
If Hoffman had a tail, it would be flying right about now. He knocked the second to last box out like it was breathing, and demolished the last box with almost a half an hour to spare. He tried in vain to cover his mouth every time a burp or a hiccup came up his throat but got tired of it quickly. Once some of his brain cells returned to the forefront, he asked his viewer. “Well, did I put on a good show for you?”
“Best yet.” was the short reply he received. He didn’t say anything, but the other man’s curt answer rubbed him the wrong way. Almost as if he could sense his displeasure, the viewer’s typing icon lit up. “Wish I was there to clean those crumbs off your shirt myself. Or help you relieve all that tension in your stomach.”
“You’re too sweet.”
“Want anything? I’m buying.” He offered
“Something super salty. French fries would be heavenly right about now.” Hoffman had to laugh. The desserts would only settle more, like a brick wall forming in his gut and he still wanted to eat something for this man. Was he insane?
“Got it.”
“I could just about kiss you.” Hoffman leaned into his camera, pressing the thick bottom lip over the edge of his computer.
“I have to go for the night.” His viewer typed quickly, “See you tomorrow?”
“I might still be in a food coma tomorrow. But as always, I’ll let you know if I feel like I can get something down.”
“Please do… good night.”
“Good night.” Hoffman let the words trail over his lips as the viewer left. Hoffman didn’t even try to make it to his bed. He took a comfortable nap in the chair for a second before getting up to greet the delivery driver for his fries. He massaged the tight orb at his center and nibbled at the fries. The salt cut the sluggish feeling that the sugar provided him but it wasn’t enough. After finishing his light snack, he passed out on the nearby couch and woke up the next morning. He groggily threw himself into the shower, his stomach still slightly swollen from his previous night’s excess. He didn’t have time to dwell on the session, but he did run his fingers over the tuft of hair just below his belly button. After that moment of something quiet he remembered he had to get to work. After stopping to get coffee on his way in, he tiredly waltzed into work.
“Rough night, huh?” One of his co-workers remark. Mark mimes his coworker’s words behind the co-worker’s back before answering him.
“Yeah. Rough.” He took a sip from his coffee before walking across the bullpen and into his office. Not long after he had settled into his seat, his supervisor came in and told him to get his ass down to a crime scene. Must’ve been something high profile if they needed him on the scene of all people. He shrugged it off and headed to the scene. He stopped by another coffee place on his way to the scene and sat in his car for a moment. He seriously contemplated quitting right then and there, but managed to talk himself back out of it after the first sip from the new drink. Slowly, he got out from his car and walked in to be briefed by someone from forensics. While he poked around the edge of the scene, mostly uninterrupted two agents from the FBI walked in. Hoffman had to roll his eyes. He couldn’t deal with his swollen stomach and their inflated egos today. He really should’ve just stayed home. After that, he finally processed that the two were walking up to him.
“Detective.” The woman was the first to talk to him, “My name’s Agent Perez and this is my partner, Agent… Strahm.” She paused as it seemed like Agent Strahm had an aversion to being too close to the detective. Hoffman shook hands with Perez before leaning in to close the distance between him and Strahm and taking his hand by force. The other man looked down at Hoffman’s hand with a look of disgust that flashed across his face for only a second, but was evident to Hoffman. Mark could confidently say he felt the same way about the agent. Perez snapped Hoffman back into focus. “Why don’t you tell us what you know about this case?”
“There’s been a serial killer, as of right now this murder seems… unrelated.” Hoffman shrugged
“Unrelated my ass.” Strahm muttered under his breath. He crossed his arms in front of him before asking, “There must be something here.”
“If you can find a connection that five of my officers couldn’t, then congratulations. You get to say you’re the smartest man here.”
“Couldn’t be that hard with a guy like you running the scene.” Strahm pushed past Hoffman, brushing against Hoffman’s arm as he stormed off. The agent took a quick look back, maybe to see if Hoffman was phased before turning his attention to the crime scene. Perez rolled her eyes and looked in the opposite direction, politely asking if she could look further into something that one of Hoffman’s officers seemed to be studying intensely. Normally Hoffman would put up more of a fight when an FBI agent felt like turning his crime scenes into a pissing contest, but something about Strahm seemed like he was avoiding Hoffman personally rather than trying to assert his jurisdiction over the case. He slowly walked up to Strahm as Strahm squatted over a blood splatter, eyeing up the pattern and how it could end up where it was. Hoffman leaned forward slightly, his belly straining against the buttons at the front of his dress shirt. Strahm’s eyes darted towards the other man before averting them just as fast.
“Something the matter, agent?”
“I’m trying to think, fa… you fucker.”
“Sounds like you had something else on your mind.” Hoffman kept pressing at Strahm’s already tenuous buttons
“Do you do any actual work at your crime scenes?” Strahm scoffed, once again looking at Hoffman’s center rather than his eyes. Hoffman adjusted himself so that he was standing upright. He crossed his arms right under his chest and let them rest against the top of his stomach.
“I didn’t become the head of the department because my ass looks pretty in a mini-skirt. If that’s what you’re thinking.” Hoffman scoffed right back at Strahm. Strahm turned around fully to face him, only to draw back into himself as he realized his finger was dangerously close to jabbing into one of Hoffman’s pecs.
“I wasn’t thinking about that, pervert.” Strahm sputtered. Clearly Hoffman had touched a nerve. In order to ‘foster a co-operative work environment’ most would back off now, but that wasn’t Hoffman’s goal. He just had to wait for his opportunity. He backed away from the agent for a minute or two but never let him out of his line of sight. Lindsey seemed to be circling the two as well but was pulled away when asked for help by one of Hoffman’s subordinates. Finally, it was just the two men alone at the scene. Strahm walked over to the detective and handed him a small evidence bag. “Only thing I could find that your officers didn’t. Congratulations I guess.” Hoffman practically threw the baggie off to the side and rushed Strahm like a bull, taking the other man by utter surprise. Hoffman only stopped when he heard Strahm’s back make a soft thud noise against the drywall.
“Let’s quit playing games, Agent.” Hoffman slipped into his seductive voice that he reserved for his extra curricular activities. A flush spread across Strahm’s face all the way to the tips of his ear. His eyes refused to meet Hoffman’s, even as one of the detective’s hands took hold of Strahm’s chin and forced his head down slightly. Strahm stared into him, looking past Hoffman’s pupils.
“You’re the one playing games with me… you fucking heifer.”
Suddenly it clicked for Hoffman. Oh, oh this was too juicy for him not to tease him more for.
“You’re the perv that’s been watching me?” Hoffman leaned in, speaking no louder than a whisper into the fed’s ear. Strahm shivered and his face turned even more red. “I knew something was up when you walked in, but I didn’t know that my knight in shining armor would come strolling into my life like this.”
“Can’t fucking believe this…” Strahm muttered, mostly to himself.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” Hoffman’s mouth hovered over Strahm’s neck, aching to kiss the man that had been waiting for him on the other side of his computer screen right then. Goosebumps crawled across the agent’s skin and his breathing became heavy. It sounded like he was really struggling to come up with something.
“You told me you actually had to think at your job, and I couldn’t fucking believe it… no wonder you like mindlessly eating for my attention, you fat fuck.” The bass in his voice echoed through Hoffman as he sat with Strahm’s words. Now it was Hoffman’s turn to be stunned into silence. Strahm’s hands found themselves on Hoffman’s stomach after a moment of hesitation. He gave the doughy skin a firm squeeze before massaging the fat with more care than Hoffman ever thought a feeder would give him. Strahm’s hands continued to roam across Hoffman’s body mindlessly as his eyes fixated on Hoffman’s lips, desperately begging for contact without words between the two. Hoffman smirked and pressed the full weight of his body into Strahm before finally giving the agent what he wanted. His thick lips devoured the other man’s mouth in a kiss. Strahm broke the contact first as he ran his thumb over Hoffman’s bottom lip.
“What if someone sees us?” He asked, eyeing up Hoffman’s lips for another kiss while he feigned modesty.
“If it’s any of my officers, they’ll turn around and act like they didn’t see shit. What about if it’s little miss girl scout?”
“She’ll clear her throat and make it known she’s here. And she has a name, dick.” Strahm took Hoffman’s hands off of him before he started playing with his own shirt collar. “You free tonight?”
“No.” Hoffman rolled his eyes, “I’m eating on camera for this fucking pervert who can’t pick up on any of my hints about how badly I want him to stuff my face.”
“Dumbass.” Strahm hissed, “Fine. I’ll come over and stuff your fucking face, you want that you cow?”
“Great I’ll see you there.” Hoffman walked off with an air of confidence. He had some paperwork to fill out once he got back to the precinct, but he definitely wouldn’t mind filling it out now that he had a date waiting on the other side of it.
Hoffman bit down on his lip. He had no idea what to expect from Strahm and thus didn’t bring any food home with him. God he really felt like he was starving without his after work snack before a proper meal. He wore the loosest clothes he still had left, not bothering with pants that’d be discarded quickly for one reason or another. He heard the knock on his door, checked the peephole and barely cracked the door open to let Strahm in. His hand went immediately to the center of the agent’s chest, and his head titled in anticipation for the hungry kiss he knew Strahm was going to lay onto him. As expected, Strahm’s teeth dug into the skin of Hoffman’s lips and pushed Hoffman back into his apartment. He placed his hands firmly against Hoffman’s love handles and moved his mouth towards Mark’s jawline. Hoffman slid his hand down, teasing Strahm as if he was about to undo the other man’s belt only to wrap his fist around the plastic carry out bag handles that the agent had pressing into him.
“What’d you get me?” Hoffman bit his lip, waiting for an answer from Strahm. Any confidence the other man had was gone now that Hoffman was looking at him with such desire.
“Just… some burgers.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “Thought you’d look cute with grease running down that stupid face of yours.”
“Let’s start then.” Hoffman took his arm and pulled him towards the room he usually stuffed himself in. “Give me one and unwrap the next one right away.”
Hoffman ate the first one without much hesitation, inhaling it rather than just eating it. He held his hand out for Strahm to give him the second and ate that just as fast.
“At least tell me you got me something besides just the burgers.”
“Yeah, fries too.” Strahm grumbled a little
“You’ve seen me clean up five dozen donuts like it was nothing. Are you really surprised I’d ask if there was more food?”
“Good. Give me the fries now.” Hoffman demanded. Strahm put the bag into Hoffman’s hand and pulled another burger out from the bag. Just as Hoffman was about to tell Strahm to give him the sandwich, Strahm shoved the bun up against Hoffman’s lips. Hoffman bit down into the burger and ate as Strahm fed it to him. Strahm brought the next one up to his lips in a similar fashion and Hoffman finished it before mouthing off. “Big ass burgers you got me…”
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.” Strahm rolled his eyes slowly. Hoffman could feel that he was close to his limit. He wanted Strahm to count the wrappers and tell him how many he’d eaten but he wanted to get more in before he was completely full. “You’ve eaten at least six of these fucking things.”
“Yeah?” Hoffman looked up at him with lust filled eyes
“One of those is probably like three burgers for a normal person.” Strahm walked behind Hoffman’s chair. His hand slid under Hoffman’s belly. He lifted the heavy mass up only to let it drop onto Hoffman’s lap with a noticeable thud. A moan escaped from Hoffman’s lips as Strahm’s hand firmly rubbed circles into his stomach. “I could probably fit two more in there and being the stupid cow you are would ignore every other part of your body telling you ‘enough’s enough’.”
That’s right, Hoffman was Strahm’s cow. A greedy, mindless cow.
“Hell I could probably fit a baby in you and no one would be able to tell where your bump ended and your fat started.” Strahm’s hand snuck below the elastic of Hoffman’s underwear. “You’d look so good carrying my calf, you fucking heifer.”
Hoffman’s teeth were threatening to tear the inside of his lip open as Strahm talked to him. With a quick jerk out of the chair, Strahm sat on Hoffman’s bed and ran his hand over the silver belt buckle. Still in a head fog, Hoffman leaned into Strahm and wrestled with the cold metal himself. Strahm used his fingers to force Hoffman’s face to look at him. The detective’s heart caught in his throat as the agent’s lips pressed against his, softer this time for some reason. When Hoffman returned the kiss with a familiar hunger Strahm stopped playing nice and kissed with some passion behind it. He only disconnected from his fatass to pull the struggling shirt off over Hoffman’s head and strip his underwear off.
“You’re even fucking bigger than your stupid little work outfit makes you look.” Strahm’s nostrils flared as he looked over Hoffman. Hoffman hated how much he loved being glanced over by the agent like this. It was completely personal but felt impersonal; like Strahm wanted to distance himself from his creation but if Hoffman was the one to pull away, he’d only be pulled back by his leash harder. “Ride me.”
No ‘please’, no ‘you need a minute?’. This was about what Strahm wanted. Hoffman carefully maneuvered around his full belly to grab the lube and handed it to Strahm. Strahm shoved two fingers up into Hoffman to ease him into this. Hoffman scoffed for a second only to be shut up by the feeling of Strahm shoving himself into Hoffman. Mark couldn’t hold back the moan that ensued as Strahm began thrusting up into him. He wrapped his arms carefully around Strahm’s neck as the man let out grunts from the effort of holding Hoffman upright.
“Making me do all the fucking work, huh?” Strahm’s lips trailed along Hoffman’s jawline. Hoffman slowly bucked his hips up into Strahm’s, desperate for another point of contact between the two of them. Strahm moved his hands down along Hoffman’s back and gave his ass a generous squeeze before bringing them to the detective’s front and pressed down on his thighs to keep him from bouncing down too hard onto Strahm. The agent’s finger tips dug in so perfectly to the plush skin on top of him, it was all getting to be too much. With a couple more firm thrusts up into Hoffman, Strahm finished inside of him. He pulled out slowly, despite Hoffman’s whines.
“You’re really going to fill me up and not let me get off?” he pouted. Strahm leaned in for a kiss that turned into a bit of a fight as Strahm’s teeth sunk into the inside of Hoffman’s mouth. With all his weight, Strahm pushed Hoffman onto his back and ran a hand over the still firm curve of Hoffman’s stomach. He massaged some of the tension away, trailing his hand down to the other man’s dick. He slowly jerked Hoffman off. Already in an overeaten state of bliss, Hoffman didn’t take long to cum into Strahm’s hand as the agent brought the ejaculation up to his mouth. He licked his hand clean in plain view of the detective.
“God you drive me insane, you fat fuck.” He let out a sigh. He used his palm to apply pressure against Hoffman’s belly, rubbing circle after circle into the distended orb at Hoffman’s center. Hoffman was barely able to let words slip from his lips, continuously interrupted by belches he couldn’t keep in from Strahm’s soothing. The agent’s lips connected with Hoffman’s earlobe, kissing behind his ear as they both came down from the feeding high. When Hoffman could finally string his words together, he asked Strahm,
“Was that everything you hoped for?” His eyes were still glazed over
“Yeah… It was pretty good.” Strahm nuzzled into the crook of Hoffman’s neck.
“Just good?” Hoffman rolled away as best as he could, only for Strahm to pull him in closer. “You’ve got some high standards for ‘good’, ass.”
“Can’t let your ego swell as big as your stomach.” Strahm snipped back at him. He only pulled away from Hoffman when he saw that Hoffman’s eyes were growing heavy and went to turn the lights off for the two of them.
“Peter?” He asked in an almost sing-songy voice
Strahm choked a bit on his own spit as he tried to answer Mark in a timely manner, “Y-Yeah?”
“Wanna feed me again sometime?”
“Yeah, yeah I do.”
“Maybe I could stream it. Show off that it’s been you making me fatter this whole time.”
“Or I could just film you, for myself.”
“Perv.” Hoffman kissed his partner and leaned into him. Strahm’s hand ran up the outside of Hoffman’s thigh, rubbing in small circles along the bigger man’s love handles. “Can you promise me something?”
“‘Probably’? What good are you?”
“Fine, what?”
“Bring me dessert too next time.”
“You got it.”
#hoffstrahm fic#coffinshipping fic#saw fanfiction#saw fanfic#saw fanfics#my writing#my fanfic#my fanfiction#mark hoffman#peter strahm#peter strahm x mark hoffman#saw#hoffstrahm#coffinshipping#feedee mark hoffman#feeder peter strahm#feeding kink#smut#saw smut#pwp#pwp fics#smut fic
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@northerlyy, I found your following comment really quite fascinating; so much so that I wanted to put a response in another following post- (and also because it’s difficult to write long comments lol)
(sorry for taking so long TwT)
(Northerlyy’s comment for reference):
“This is really good advice for artblock, especially for digital artists! Even with pencil, drawing traditionally puts you in a different headspace than digital art like explained in the post. Pen art is genuinely really fun, and it forces you to worry less about product and focus more on just putting shit down and feeling the way you're making the pen move on the paper. Even just sketching traditionally and then doing the rest digitally can help break the funk of art block for some people. For people who draw exclusively digitally, simply creating finished art completely traditionally could be really helpful.
I mostly do digital art now, but I do almost all of my sketches on paper and it keeps me interested in what I'm drawing. However, traditional projects, especially in less-mainstream medias like glass prints, dip pens, etc., have been some of my favorite projects I've ever done. When you have art block, easier is not always better, and something that's challenging enough to make you think but also simple enough that you can get into the rhythm of it is really good for destroying the monotony of one art media and reigniting the urge to draw. If you like nature, getting out can also help too, because there's nothing that makes me want to draw literally anything more than rediscovering the beauty of the world.”
Indeed! Yep, pen art is great, lol. And oh, most definitely- taking a tradicional sketch and finishing it digitally is also quite helpful! This also reminds me of something similar that I do sometimes: at least for me, colouring traditionally takes a lot of motivation due to the time and effort it takes- leading to it being one of the main reasons why I don’t have many full colour traditional illustrations…
Mainly because when adding colour to your drawing, it can take at least triple the time that it took you to complete both the sketch and the lineart. Plus, it can even be tedious; colour can either gloriously complete or absolutely destroy the drawing. What if you realise that the character doesn’t look good with the background once you finish? What about shading? What if a pigment turns out darker than you expected? (I always have to make a few mock test drawings…)
And if you are using watercolour and forgot to use waterproof ink for lineart… oh boy.
So! Sometimes I just don’t have the time or patience to go through with this and can resort to simply taking a picture of a traditional sketch and colouring it in digitally. It saves time for stuff like quick references.
And definitely, I agree on that last part- when you finish a full traditional illustration that was quite time consuming and complex, it feels quite neat! It feels like victory. When having gone through all those hours of hard work concentration, I can’t help but stare at what I made and think; damn, I did it? HELL YEAH I DID IT!!!
Even if sometimes the drawing may not come out like I wanted, i still am happy knowing that I can push myself to create such things.
Practice = Progress, not perfection!
Heh, quite true- dip pens are epic. I worked with those a while ago and the whole process is really satisfying. (And ooh, you’ve done glass prints too? Man, I bet they are glorious…)
Hmm, that last part is particularly good advice… I fully agree, there’s something about nature that can inspire like no other thing, or at least provide a calming space to think of ideas. I never feel more at peace than in the middle of a forest, hearing the soft rustling of the leaves above.
Windy, rocky coasts are nice, too.

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I just want to say: the darker AUs you have on your blog are just *chefs kiss*. The prison AU has so many venues for underhanded dealings, manipulation and just prime psychological warfare. Heartslabyul's dynamics as wardens is just? asking for trouble and I am all for it. I guess my question would be: How would the prisoners take advantage of their wardens' weaknesses? Seeing as some are more rule-bound (Riddle, Trey) in a sense, you could also consider them the most predictable. Meanwhile other wardens may underestimate the prisoners (Ace because he's arrogant, Deuce because he's a little naive) and that could lead to other problems. Although lowkey, Cater kind of seems like the guy who is actually a double-agent working for the prisoners... I mean that signature spell is literally the perfect alibi... any more info on him? I apologize for going on and on but I am just so genuinely intrigued by your prison AU. I would kill for any more details about it, it is just seriously so good.
This reply is written by Katsu <3
Thank you very much for liking darker stuff and this AU in particular! The character writing is so great in TW that putting them in literally any setting and thinking about how their relationship would slightly transform because of that while trying to remain as close to the original as possible is just a treat. And since we all know they are villains... it’s going to be exactly like you said – dealings, manipulation, smuggling, warfare and whatnot.
Half-way though this reply turned into an instruction, for some reason?.. I’m sorry lol I spent too much time writing all of this.
Your take on the Heartslabyul boys is pretty much on point, so I’d probably describe their weaknesses in a similar manner.
Riddle is extremely predictable because he follows the prison rules to a T. You can abuse his regime and his routines; his patrol routes follow a very distinct pattern, so if you find any of his blind spots, it’s basically a golden mine for smuggling. Even if Riddle’s aware of that, but sometimes he can’t change what he’s doing atm because it interferes with some of his Queen of Hearts rules, so he’s bound to obey them no matter what despite the fact that he’s not a student anymore and despite the fact that someone breaks prison rules right in front of him. I think prisoners would learn quite a large number of Queen of Hearts rules to use for their advantage. It sometimes can be something simple, for instance, like abusing the rule 153 - the only tea you may drink in the evenings is herbal tea. They can freely put something like sleeping pills in it because they know that Riddle is definitely going to drink this tea and not anything else in the evening. Or rule 25, which lets you know that his shift is going to end sooner than usual that day, not to mention he’s going to drag a bunch of other wardens with him to help out with a tea party.
Trey, on the other hand, isn’t as strict, so he’s less convenient for the prisoners, esp in comparison. However, he doesn’t lack common sense unlike Riddle, who is rather eccentric, so his “normal guy” attitude also leads to him being rather predictable, just like you said. Nothing special comes to mind for me except for the usual ways to trick people, but Trey isn’t exactly the most trusting guy, so he might actually see through you. Prisoners can sometimes abuse his poor eyesight, though.
Ace really is arrogant, he’s the one you can easily manipulate if he has some respect for you, and if you seem cool to him, then despite being a prisoner you definitely have some (respect). It’s the same as Floyd described, basically, where Ace does dumb shit thinking it’s part of a master plan, and that he won’t get caught for it, so he follows your lead. He’s also very short-tempered, and this, with his provoking manner of speech, leads to him being one of the “weakest” wardens in prison. One of the most troublesome and funny...
Deuce is somewhat the same, he gets angry quickly and is ready to fight anyone who disses people he likes or respects (he’s less likely to jump someone if they offend him personally). He’s naive and will believe you if you say you want to change, but only because of his own experience,and only after he gets to know better. He’s not exactly trustful and is well aware about different types of delinquents and their behaviour patterns, although his knowledge about really creepy and dangerous dudes is worse. He also won’t believe you the second time after you betray his trust. He also runs fast, that’s his strong point.
Cater... I honestly don’t know or remember much about Cater, he’s one of the neglected boys by us (sorry, Cater), but I think your idea of him being a double agent seems perfect for him, as well as his unique magic that’ll make him one of the most knowledgeable people in the prison in terms of rumors + will always provide him with perfect alibi. He’s profitable, so I think prisoners will try to maintain nice relationships with him. He seems like one of the smugglers, who would bring stuff to prison for trade. Kay-kun is here to deliver your cigarettes!~ and stuff.
Jack’s weaknesses are related to him being a pup – anything extremely stinky (hi, beanfest), loud, or distracting and abusing his sharp senses is a nice go-to for disturbing with his work. If he’s transformed into a wolf, anything that helps you to drag out the situation would also be beneficial – I’m pretty sure that after transforming back he’d be too tired to do anything. Since his nose is very powerful, to erase tracks and your own smell from objects it’s better to use stuff that’s extremely chemical and/or includes bleach or even worse stuff. Now it sounds like I’m writing a tutorial...
Kalim is a walking weakness disaster. The only thing that’s on his side is his luck and his positive attitude. He’s a nightmare for his colleagues, even though he’s pretty hard-working and listens to every order without complaint... I’m sorry. He’s so easy to abuse, even if he learns his mistakes and tries not to repeat them. I wouldn’t even call him stupid, he isn’t, it’s just everything else about him.
Rook doesn’t have any weaknesses, although maybe he might get distracted by Vil’s beauty or some other stalking activity – you never know where he is, which can be both a pro and a con. Plus, Rook doesn’t take his job very seriously, he’s more here to have fun and discover something beautiful by being among the lowest scum of the earth, or something like that, so he might neglect his duties from time to time.
Vil’s weakest spot is his face, so doing anything to destroy it or disturb his beauty, despite this being a dick move, is a nice way to get rid of him. Also gross and dirty stuff might stall him, so he’ll spend at least some time to overcome his disgust, but that depends more on his mental state. If he’s confident, which he often is, it just won’t do you any good. It’s still possible to overpower him, but that’s for very strong prisoners.
Epel is on the same line with Ace and Deuce – quick-tempered and fast to punch you in the face, so he’s easy to manipulate as well. He’s not as scheming as Ace and not as nice as Deuce, so he’s probably the dumbest warden there is (sorry, Epel...). He also tries to look cool, so if you stroke his ego in the correct way or prove that you’re super cool and worthy of his respect, he’ll be your minion. He’s good at lying in people’s faces, though, which can also be used if he’s on a prisoner’s side.
Idia is a scared kitten who’s very weak physically, so he won’t put up any fight – you can bully him into lots of stuff with threats and violence, even if he’s going to complain about it along the way. He gives up easily if he sees that chances to win aren’t on his side, and that’s definitely going to be the case with most of the prisoners, unless he can use his technician skill somehow. He’s hard to spot, but if he falls into prisoner’s hands, his go-to is to get out of situation with the least amount of losses from his side. Wow, he’s so useless he’s with the Ace-Deuce-Epel team.
Ortho is a little bit naive, but his super strength, super hearing, super eyesight and literally all of his other settings and his gear compensate this weakness. I’d recommend avoiding him as much as Rook, he’s too OP. His basic weakness would be water and humid stuff, but I’m pretty sure Idia has this covered by giving him magic shields and air dryers or something.
Sebek – very aggressive and stupid. If you offend him or anything that he respects, he’ll probably try to murder you and not think about anything else. On the downside, he’s very strong and has sharp senses, so after teasing him it’s important to get out of his reach. He seems silly, but I wouldn’t count on it too much without getting his emotions involved in the process, he’s attentive and analytical.
Silver is also somewhat naive and goes with the flow. He’s gullible, so if your acting is mid or higher level, it’s very easy to trick him into believing you, even if you say something dumb like “zombie breakout, run” while going with your escape plan. And, of course, his narcolepsy, which makes him one of the favourite wardens for prisoners.
This sounds more like a character analysis post than me trying to name their weaknesses, but I hope it works! Once again, thank you very much for you kind words and this wonderful ask ❤️
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