#yes we do sympathetic clown here so what
gamesbyalbie · 6 months
The Cursed Journey
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I looked up from my phone. An astoundingly handsome stranger was standing there, smiling at me.
"Uh, yes?"
"Hey." He waved cheekily. "It's Min-joon." Holy shit, I thought. That's Min-joon? "You know," he continued. "Bidisaster."
"No, y—yeah." I stuttered. "Of course it's you. Wow. Hi!"
He took the seat next to mine. "How are you?"
"Good. Tired, but good. You?"
Min-joon took a deep breath, exhaling like someone who'd been holding their breath for several weeks. "I'm great!" He replied, somewhat unconvincingly. "Also tired, but no major complaints." 
There was a moment of silence as we took each other in, but—even back then—it didn't feel awkward. I don't know exactly what he was thinking, but my brain was struggling to connect this physical body to the virtual friend I knew so well. "Feels kind of wild, finally putting a face to the text."
"Yeah," he brushed his hair back out of his face. "Hopefully good though. It looked like I startled you for a second there."
"Oh, no. Not at all."
"What was this then?" He imitated my stunned face.
"That... that was just—"
The bartender slid down, interrupting our conversation and giving me a moment to think. "Evening, sir. Anything I can get for you?"
"Tonic with lime for now, please."
"Right away."
"Thanks." Min-joon turned back to me. "Sorry. You were saying?"
"This might sound strange and I'm hoping it's not too weird to say, but..." I paused, laughing awkwardly. A smile spread across Min-joon's face. "I just thought you'd look different."
"Really? How? My profile picture is a picture of me."
"Yeah, but I didn't think that was actually a pic of you."
"What do you mean?" He laughed lightly.
"Lots of people online use pics of other people for their profiles. I thought yours was a pic of some idol or something."
"So, I look like an idol?" He smirked. "Is that what you're saying?"
"I didn't say those words exactly." I blushed. "You know how you look."
"Oh. Do I?" He raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Well, you don't look like a ghost wearing clown makeup."
"No, that's how I normally look but I changed before coming here. Thought this would be more appropriate."
"Shame," he snapped and frowned playfully. "I was really hoping to see you in your natural state." I chuckled. "But seriously, you didn't know what I looked like?" I shook my head and took a sip of my drink. "Wow. Well, I hope this isn't a retroactive breach of trust, but I looked you up the moment you gave me your full name. Hope that's okay."
"It is. I don't mind at all." I answered honestly. "I tried to look you up too, but I couldn't find anything."
"Oof. I guess you are easier to find, Mx. Big Time Book Reviewer." I rolled my eyes at that. "Speaking of which, how's the convention treating you?"
There's a good chance that was the last thing in the world I wanted to talk about. "You know it's... fine."
"Just fine?"
"Yeah, just fine. It's a little—I don't know." I shrugged. "Disheartening?" All day I'd talk to people living the life I dreamed of—writers who would go on and on about how much they loved what they did, how being an author was the most satisfying job they could imagine. Meanwhile, I was stuck interviewing them, bored out of my fucking mind. 
I tossed my hair behind my shoulder—it was a lot longer then—and started massaging my temples. "The longer I write for Biblio, the more I regret majoring in journalism. Like, I cannot do this for the rest of my life."
"You won't." Min-joon looked at me sympathetically. "I have faith in you."
"Thanks. Anyways." I was eager to change the subject. "How's your internship going?"
"Mmh." He made a face that immediately screamed 'Not well.'
"That bad?" I asked.
"Well, it's like what you said. The longer I write for Jackson, the more I realize I need to write for myself. The combination of having someone else take credit for my work and being forced to write things I don't give a shit about is... I don't know."
"Soul crushing?"
"Yeah. Soul crushing. That's a good way to put it." 
"So, life's going great for both of us." We both chuckled. "We're really doing well for ourselves."
"Yeah," he sighed. "Let's not talk about our wildly successful professional lives, shall we?"
"Sounds great to me."
The bartender brought back Min-joon's drink. "You know," he started. "I've been really curious about something."
"And what's that?"
"Why 'demighost'? Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting username, but what's the significance behind it?"
"Well, 'demisexualghost' was already taken so…" He snorted, causing a wide grin to bloom across my face. "Seriously though, I think it came from 'demigod' originally. I'm a big fan of mythology—"
"No. Really?" Min-joon gasped sarcastically. "I had no idea."
"Yeah, shocker. I keep that special interest pretty close to the chest. But anyways, I just replaced 'god' with 'ghost' and 'demighost' was born. As a Specter, I've always felt a kinship with the dead—"
"As you should."
"—so, it just made sense." I sighed and took a deep sip of my drink. "Plus, to be honest and a little morbid, I probably felt half-dead at the time." My hand spun in a tight circle, creating a small whirlpool in my glass. "I was in a really bad place back then."
"Hmm." Min-joon looked down, staring deep into his own glass as he took in my words. Suddenly, his gaze met mine. "I understand."
I shouldn't have been, but I was surprised at how sincere he seemed. 
Anyone can say those words (and they often do), but it's rare for people to genuinely mean it—or for their words to feel meaningful.
The way Min-joon said it, the tone of his voice and the intensity in his eyes, I immediately understood what he meant. He knew how I felt because he felt that way himself. Not once, but many times. I just wouldn't have guessed it. Everything he wrote was so damn cozy and optimistic.
"But," Min-joon tilted his head to the side. His eyes were blazing with pride and I knew that whatever he was about to say, he was happy with it. "Would you say that you're half-dead or half-alive?"
"Ooh," I shifted in my seat. My legs needed to move so bad they were starting to hurt. "Like a reskinned glass half-empty, half-full situation. I like it." Min-joon bowed his head slightly. I nodded several times, thinking. "Are you asking about how I felt back then or how I feel now?"
"Good question." Min-joon leaned in, like he was inspecting my face. At the time, my best guess was that the vodka was kicking in—I wasn't sure why else he would do that. Then I remembered he wasn't drinking. "I care about your past," he murmured. "I really do. But I'm more curious about how you feel now—right here, in this moment."
"Well..." My body felt electric. "Right now, I'm half-alive." Heat was building in my limbs and face, dancing across my skin like the flames of a candle. "That's the better one, right?" I chuckled. "They're both pretty grim. It's hard to tell."
Min-joon smiled. "The way I see it, if you picked half-alive because you think it's better, that's all I need to know. And I'm very glad that's how you feel."
I looked down briefly. His gaze was unraveling me like a cheap sweater. "Are you half-alive too?"
"No." Min-joon bit his lip and shook his head. "I'm fully alive right now."
"Cool." I nodded. "Very cool." I cleared my throat then finished my drink. What else was I supposed to say to that? There were barely any thoughts in my head—a stark change from the frantic cacophony I was normally drowning in. All I could think about was how unfairly attractive he was. Finally, I asked. "Why did you go with 'bidisaster'?"
"That should be self-evident." We both laughed.
We spent the next four hours talking about everything and nothing. At the end of the night, when the hotel bar was closing, we headed to the elevator together. We were silent the whole ride. I think both of us were dreading the inevitable goodbye. It was all we could think about, but maybe if we didn't acknowledge it, it wouldn't happen.
Min-joon's room was on floor 32. The bell dinged. "Well, this is me." He started to leave then turned around, holding the doors open with both hands. "We... we should do this again sometime. Soon, preferably."
"Agreed. Wholeheartedly."
"Great." He grinned. "Then, uh... I'll see you soon, Ody."
"I can't wait."
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End of Part 3 of ? • LAST PART • NEXT PART
More Cursed Journey • More by Albie • Image Source
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The amazing music video that inspired this:
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Youthful Trainwreck = Old Trainwreck
Oh Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here muttering away after having listened to as much as I can for now…Just Harold’s voice has become as sickening to me as hers. My Dad told me, “People don’t change.” He was so right.
It seems to me that their book strategy was to set him up as the poor innocent lad, raging as a youthful clown because of the tragedy in the tunnel caused by the press. After he offered up such colorful, boyish antics that one could sort of laugh off…yuk yuk yuk…pulling the reader into this sordid tale of the sad prince falling on his kiddie plastic sword…BOOM! The big word salad guns come out of the weeds and start their righteous blasting away at the castle ramparts….his family’s ugly way of life and their racial politics against mankind with their army of lying press doing their dirty work must be vanquished! Wow, what malice to be able to participate at ERII’s funeral with his family, knowing this was being printed in his name.
Where is that clinging, manipulating, blackmailing, grifter con-artist wife right now? Has her pupil aka husband finally been approved to do this all by himself? We all know she is the world’s biggest media maven, having created and paid for her own massive, imperial press for years and years!!! Why isn’t she sitting there with her claws all over him as he tells their horrible tale of persecution? Sigh, “H” is her hero, on his way to kiss her awake from this nightmare. His $uffering femme fatal, his entire raison’d'tre and cause for war-was off limits!
Ever arrogant Anderson Cooper, the American interviewer, presented a typical US viewpoint that monarchies are bad and seemed to wipe the bar with a sympathetic rag of a flag. Not news for sure…just a wimp-fest between filthy rich, pompous men, mindfully MISLEADING the entire narrative of this rotten scandal. CBS and 60 Minutes have fallen a loooong way since their famous news breaking days. Mike Wallace who made 60 Minutes famous for uncovering the truth, would have had Prince Harold tongue tied and weeping for forgiveness by the end of his interview in half the time to boot! Over and out for now.
Thank you!  Oh yes indeed…Mike Wallace, Diane Sawyer, and the late great Barbara Walters….I’m very disappointed in Cooper Anderson actually…❤️
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cto10121 · 1 year
R&J Clown Takes Round ♾ Part 12
In which there is a lot of sympathy for the devil parents, more Romeo the Death Eater-ing, and heartbreaking! One of my favorite shorts creators did a Rosaline skit and attracted all the clowns to her yard. I forgive her, but not the clownery. Hie-ho, and away we go
Sympathy For the Parents
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‘If they only just talked to their poor parents, there would have been no tragedy!1!!1”
Yes, the Montague parents seem like nice people. They are concerned with Romeo’s odd behavior, Mama Montague dies of heartbreak when her son is banished, etc. Then again, Lord Capulet seemed like a very decent parent as well, refusing Paris’ suit and wanting to let at least two summers go by before Juliet can marry. And we all know how that went.
With regards to Lord Capulet, he is definitely characterized as a fair weather friend—if you are with him, it’s cool, but if you in any way threaten his authority…you’re a saucy boy and his fingers begin to itch. Lord Montague may be of that same ilk for all we know. Why else would Romeo trust Friar Lawrence with his crush over his own parents and even, er, Benvolio?
While it’s totally normal for teens to keep things to themselves, I think we can trust Romeo and Juliet’s assessment of their parents in terms of trust and reliability as an unfortunately correct one, at least when it comes to this. After all, the very first appearance of the lords is when they are threatening to kill each other. So yeah.
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At least you know Paris as a paternalistic douche, OP. Small wonders.
Yes, it sucks that Paris died for virtually no reason at all. Guy wasn’t that bad. However, I must question this framing of Paris’ death as him dying to defend Juliet.
He does say that the Capulets believe that Juliet died out of grief of Tybalt’s death, and so blames Romeo for it. He also believes that Romeo is here “to do some villainous shame / To the dead bodies.” Not just Juliet, then, but Tybalt as well. He then tries to do a citizens’ arrest on Romeo.
Romeo does try to correct this misunderstanding, telling him that he is armed against himself. But as Romeo really isn’t well, and oblivious Paris is oblivious…🤷‍♀️
YMMV, but I feel Paris didn’t have to fight Romeo, especially when the latter was refusing to. He could well have called the guards and/or trapped Romeo in there. Romeo would probably had let him, as he was about to die, anyway, so it made no difference.
So no, I feel this doesn’t make Romeo less sympathetic. Romeo at that point is a dead man walking, and he more than makes up for it by honoring Paris’ last wishes and not being jealous that Paris loved her too. I think most productions just cut his death for time and for ‘eh, unnecessary, loose end, breaks Romeo’s reunion with Juliet’ reasons than ‘oh, no, Romeo is unlikable now and we can’t have that’ reasons.
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There are just so many better Shakespeare plays!!! Like…like…you know! Hamlet and Macbeth…which are in the curriculum already and taught widely…shit, um…Twelfth Night and Much Ado…shit, they’re taught too…er…You know what I mean, much better Shakespeare plays!!! *foot stomp*
Romeo Hate Dumb Round Infinity and Beyond
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Romeo was a discord mod, Juliet was his kitten—
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*Planet of the Apes: The Musical voice*
He loved ev’ry girl he met
From Rosaline to Juliet
Yes, he fell in love with ev’ry bland coquette
Oh, no, wait, you are wrong
It was two all along
And the one he truly loved was
Yes, the one he truly loved was
The one he had truly loved was Juliet!
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And now these dumbasses are trying to use this play as a teaching tool against suicide, fuck, okay, PSA, this play is not a good tool for teaching teen suicide REPEAT this play is not good for teaching teen suicide!!!
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How dare this main character have main character energy!!! 😡😡😡😡😡 The audacity of this motherfucker!!! (Also re: English teachers: Why must they always have to say their headcanons as if they are canon? The Rosaline fan dumb is so big)
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Thanks, OP. Now I can be sure never to go near the thing with a ten-foot pole. How the hell can you make the premise to that freakin’ Rosaline movie better by comparison????
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Tag yourself, I’m “perving on her underage cousin”
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ryttu3k · 1 year
These posts keep getting longer. A dream, and accessing and exploring Wyrm's Crossing.
Tae meets up with the Emperor again. This time, not even intentionally - their mind had been wandering. They're melancholy, thinking of their lost... lover? Friend? Still unsure, but she certainly seemed important to them.
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Tae is still wary because of the whole... you know maybe you should have mentioned you're a mind flayer thing, but still sympathetic, because even if they're a mind flayer, they're still hurting.
Back in Rivington, Halsin is pretty displeased with what he's seen of modern society. To turn away people in need is, in his mind, something that needs harsh judgement. They've been able to help Yenna, but she's just one kid...
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Tried to enter Wyrm's Crossing. It... doesn't go well.
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*...quietly reloads*
Let's try a different approach! Sneaking down a path that runs alongside the crossing reveals a few things - some smuggling parties coming into conflict:
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tf you call me
A cave entrance that connects to the ones earlier, where we go pick up one (1) clown torso...
And another cave, revealing some old friends!
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Well, one old friend (hi, Barcus!) and one old shitheel (hi, Wulbren!).
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The urge to punt Wulbren into the Chionthar is still nigh overwhelming.
Anyway we take the bomb. Not necessarily to use on the Gondians, who are probably as much victims as anyone else, but it might be useful on, idek, Orin or someone. We promise Barcus to talk to the Gondians first, at least warn them long enough to get out of the foundry!
Approaching the crossing from beneath, Wyll is deeply upset at the current state of his city.
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Into Wyrm's Crossing, then! The first stop is the flophouse, somewhere Astarion knows well: "I found so many victims for Cazador here. They're the kind of people no one would ever miss."
It's a pretty miserable place. Two major points of interest here - a hidden room, accessible by the flowery key, containing a body and a list of victims, including the priest at the Ilmater temple. Key evidence - it was not a refugee, but a Bhaalist plot. (Jaheira in the background going "ahh shit here we go again" presumably.)
And, downstairs, an unpleasant but necessary reunion for Astarion.
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Get sunburnt idiot.
To save Petras getting turned into a crisp, Dalyria reveals that Cazador is planning on doing the ritual in a hidden chapel under the palace proper. Astarion tells his siblings he is going to kill Cazador.
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That said, he's still. Kind of a walking red flag. Tae gives an Ultimate Non-Answer and they go on their merry way, albeit with the knowledge of where the ritual will be under their belts.
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Whew. That's gonna be a Persuasion roll and a half, to come XD;;
Next stop: Sharess's Caress. We have a couple of meetings here! First, though, a celebrity:
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Mamzell Amira says... uncomfy things. "Another drow for my feasting eyes. In darkness bred, yet no less delicious for it. Elegant, decadent, and oh-so-dangerous."
Tae just standing there like, "...I'm from the surface, I'm a druid who's usually covered in dirt, my favourite pastime is having conversations with cute furry animals, and also my girlfriend is standing right there? (You know, the one with the giant battle axe?)"
Anyway. Tae reports the body found in the flophouse - one of the workers here. Mamzell Amira is shocked and appalled at one of her workers being killed! ...she earned so much money. Pensive emoji. I'm getting the feeling that this part of Baldur's Gate is a bit. Rough at times.
On to our next meeting - Valeria, the investigator. Tae presents their evidence, gets brushed off, gives Valeria a Look, and finally gets instructions to talk to Devella in the Elfsong Tavern in the Lower City.
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A cute exchange as we... get lost:
Karlach: "Wouldn't mind a dancing axe of my own." Gale: "A simple movement charm wouldn't be too hard to apply to such an object. I could conjure one up for you if you like?" Karlach: "Yes! I like!" Gale: "Very well, then! Once the city is saved, Karlach's Kinetic Cleaver will be first on my list."
Somehow completely failing to find the stairs going up, we end up at the Harper safehouse instead. Downstairs is a rather nervous - read: fucking terrified - young Harper, giving Jaheira a weirdly formal greeting involving some kind of code word. Jaheira catches on, and notes to Tae that one of the other Harpers reminds her of their old friend Marcus. You know, the Absolutist who tried to abduct Isobel?
Yeah, aside from Geraldus, the young Harper, they're all doppelgangers. Time to fight!
At the end, Geraldus explains what happened - they were following up on Jaheira's orders to investigate the cult (and some other matters), only to be investigated - and infiltrated - in turn. The doppelgangers kill the rest of the Harpers, aside from Geraldus, and order him to report to Jaheira, leading her into a trap. Thankfully, at this point, she has the rest of the squad - otherwise, it might have ended poorly.
Jaheira isn't pleased about Geraldus not fighting back, and questions his place in the Harpers, but Tae convinces her to go easy on the poor kid.
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She concedes.
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Jaheira thanks him, then explains to the others what the other search mission was for - finding an old friend. Karlach has a Category 5 Fangirl Moment.
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Jaheira explains that they parted under duress. Tracking down what was becoming the Cult of the Absolute, Minsc had charged in alone. Jaheira had to make a choice - leave him to his fate and escape, or go in after him, and risk all knowledge of the cult dying with them. She chose the former, returning to the Harpers and having them start working against the cult, and now she seeks to find what happened to Minsc.
Finally we make our way upstairs in Sharess's Caress! I did the plot-relevant bit first and the other bits after, but will switch that around here.
Broke into a room, interrupted a Moment. Said Moment got significantly more Interrupted when the client turned into a mind flayer. Fight!
...Alas, turns out the worker was into that kind of shit. Whoops.
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You know what good on you Naoise may you have many consensual monsterfucker experiences.
Next room: tragically, Gale has no comments on it being called 'Elminster's Library'. We steal a large quantity of presumably lewd books.
It's the third room which has our next point of interest! Here, we meet up with Voss, and the person he thinks might be able to help free Orpheus...
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Oh. It's you. Dammit.
He temporarily blocks the connection between Tae and the Emperor, so they can speak freely, and explains the deal he's proposing. He'll give the group a way to destroy the Elder Brain, via freeing Orpheus from his prison, using a weapon called the Orphic Hammer. All he wants is a teeny tiny little loot drop nbd - he wants the Crown of Karsus, the super-powered artefact that the Chosen are using to control the Elder Brain. All he wants to do is rule the Nine Hells as Archdevil Supreme! Every place has to have a leader, right? :)
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This seems like a Really Bad Idea. On the one hand, agree to the deal, get the ability to immediately free Orpheus, who hates the Elder Brain more than he hates a few people infected with tadpoles. He'll be pissed off, but he'll still protect the Brainworm Squad from ceremorphosis as he goes up against the Elder Brain itself. In return, Raphael becomes the leader of the Nine Hells.
Or, keep trusting the Emperor to keep Orpheus imprisoned, get the Netherstones from Orin and Gortash, and, presumably, get the Crown at the end.
Tae refuses the deal, and Raphael says he'll stick around in case they change their mind. Outside, Lae'zel is pretty pissed off at Tae refusing the chance to free Orpheus, but proposes a third option - break into the House of Hope in the Hells and steal the hammer. Sounds like a plan!
Gale decides Astarion isn't the only one who can have red flags and gets a little too excited over the idea of the Crown. But first, they need to check out a book collection and tbh, a bit relatable.
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The Emperor, with the connection restored, gets back in contact. Tae begrudgingly explains that it was Raphael blocking them, and that he wants the crown. When they ask what Raphael was offering, though -
(Okay I am running out of images. Have a transcript instead!)
Emperor: "I thought I'd lost you. Something was blocking me from hearing your thoughts." Tae: "It was Raphael." Emperor: "Raphael? Well - thank you for your honesty. Of course. I should have known the devil would come sniffing. The stench of impending chaos is irresistable to them. And what did he want with you?" Tae: "He wants the Crown that's on the brain." Emperor: "Giving a devil what he wants sounds like a brilliant idea. And what did he offer you in return for bringing it to him?" Tae: "Does it matter? I said no." Emperor: "I'm glad you had the sense to turn him down. But it certainly does matter. Anything that threatens our alliance, threatens our chance of destroying the Elder Brain. So I ask again - what were the terms of the deal he offered you?" Tae: "That's between me and the devil." Emperor: "I see." You feel the touch of the Emperor's mind peeling at the edges of yours, trying to gain access. Tae: "You're the one who's always talking about trust. If you trust me, you'll stop this right now." Emperor: "That is… a fair request." You feel its presence withdrawing from the fringes of your awareness. Emperor: "I shall respect our privacy on this occasion. But know that if you have jeopardised our mutual project, I will be forced to reconsider our alliance. Now come - we have an elder brain to destroy."
Yeah that could be awkward. On to meet up with Voss again, who really, really hopes we took the deal. Tae says they didn't, but they're still going to find a way to get the Hammer and free Orpheus. He'll be hiding out in the Underground in the mean time. Which is probably a good thing because dude looks rough.
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Back to camp, briefly, to recoup and recover. And oh, Halsin wants to talk! That's nice, he's a good sort and - ah.
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Tae's just, ".........Is this a bad time to mention I see you as a grandfatherly figure?"
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Why is that third option so mean. Anyway, he still cherishes his friendship with Tae, and they do with his. Friendship is great!! Don't downgrade friendship!!
So, awkwardness aside, our tasks, at this point:
Attend Gortash's coronation and really ruin his day.
Track down Orin via the Bhaalist murder investigation (next step: talk to Devella at the Elfsong Tavern).
Destroy the Steel Watch foundry.
Find Minsc.
Kill Cazador.
Rescue Shadowheart's parents.
Break into Raphael's place in the Hells and steal the hammer.
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
I am firmly in the latter half of season 11, so in short how do I feel about the first half-and-a-bit?
11x1 hey, look me over: A neat little opening episode, and!!! most important thing!!! it’s the single kellye-centric episode of the show!!! my biggest appreciation is for the fact that she doesn’t go out with Hawkeye at the end, and it did a little fun thing I’d been wanting for a hot sec, which was Margaret and Hawkeye going on a friend date together
(also Hawkeye, your suit is terrible, I’m sorry not sorry, Kellye was right to get hers with the sexy guy who immediately thought she was hot and hilarious)
11x2 trick or treatment: Hawkeye is superman! BJ is a clown (correct)! Potter as a cowboy (naturally)! I said this before, but Charles didn’t tell a ghost story, because his ghost story is about his dead brother... 
I cannot believe that this episode is in s11, we wait this long for Halloween! (and I will absolutely watch it next Halloween too!)
11x3 foreign affairs: I’ve had conversations about this, but I think this story is much stronger if Charles is read as aroace, rather than the sort of flimsy “my family wouldn’t approve” thing that happens at the end, but with that in mind I really like the way that Charles’ love-interest stories always seem to be about him finding someone who’ll just enjoy talking with him about art and fine food!
and here is where I note that the season continues the thread of “Hawkeye flirts with women and nothing comes of it,” and all the ways I choose to read that too. (Sidenote that he did notice there was something up with her and was quite gentlemanly about it all)
also: Soon-Tek Oh returns!!???? I believe that is him playing the enthusiastic translator right??
11x4 the joker is wild: I went off about this episode separately and I’ll never recover, what in the holy heck!
11x5 who knew: I have a lot of emotions about the ways in which I read aromantic Hawkeye in this episode -- the ways he feels guilt for somehow not having enough feeling for someone (romantically), and layers that into self-imposed guilt over her death and the way this plays into what actually is a declaration of love for his friends/the family he’s made at the 4077th
I contrast it as well to episode 1 and 3 of this season, when he comes at sex in a sort of, “I’ll give it a go,” kind of attitude that is at once quite shallow (the “I can pretend to be sincere” line) and also shrugged off once it doesn’t work, and with Kellye related to once more guilt, this time about not “seeing” her (and contrasts that with him going dancing with Margaret, I wish we’d seen it) (also yes Kellye is fucking great!) 
the feeling he has for his family though is so so strong. I also put this one down as containing hauntedness... moreso now I think even than when it aired, but also just within the fabric of it on its own. the speech is a eulogy after all, as well as a declaration of love
11x6 bombshells: this is one of those that’s really giving you whiplash, especially at the end -- the thing is Hawkeye hasn’t actually been doing a lot of shenanigans in these last seasons. He’s been shenanigansed at (BJ....) and he’s occasionally supported a shenanigan, but he hasn’t done a lot of “this came out of my brain and now I’m going to fucking run with it!” and I was happy to see it happen
and then the BJ storyline, which was overall very sympathetic to him, suddenly clashes right into Hawkeye when he starts ranting about how they’re both so self-righteous and petty about soldiers’ lives and dammit BJ! Stop! Projecting! Your Issues! Onto Hawkeye! (I have a whole growing post about the times BJ projects onto Hawkeye and how it plays into their dynamic)
11x7 settling debts: speaking of shenanigans... this also gave me a bit of a Hawkeye I love to see, the one who is acknowledged as incredibly thoughtful and pretty great at planning and leading -- using his lateral-thinking brain for good, in a very sweet way
this was a very good final season episode, setting up Potter’s post-series life and bringing in Mildred in a great way!
11x8 the moon is not blue: watch me screaming as I hit the halfway mark of the season! thank goodness it was light-hearted! Also again, speaking of benevolently shenanigansing Hawkeye, him convincing Klinger and that other guy that the placebos totally work is so very him 
Hawkeye is the benevolent fairy of the MASH 4077th, we know this (we use fairy deliberately)
11x9 run for the money: the way this has the main story, which takes up a lot of time and is pretty light overall, and then you’ve got a handful of minutes of some of the most emotional storytelling on the show
and I gather every time we get information about the people back home like its precious and rare (which it is) and there’s Honoria’s voice! the way a voice can make someone so real!
overall my brain is so fixated on the feeling of this as the last season, I’m not really so capable of thinking of the episodes individually -- I feel so keenly how they’re the last bits of story we’re getting for the characters and how that’s definitely right, but I also know all the things I won’t get to see that I wish I could go back in time and suggest as episodes, or simply just wanting to see more, and also this idea of watching so many years after it aired, and popping out of the bubble that it’s entirely new (which it has been in a lot of ways for me)
I do hope -- but I’ll take what I get -- for another Margaret-centric episode, and something emotionally centred on Klinger. Obviously love that he would have struck gold with the invention of the hoolahoop and the frisbee, but I also would love to see another acknowledgement of the way he’s the heart of the outfit
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libidomechanica · 2 years
And so he was not my use
A ballad sequence
Bind around the hardly could do.     The inside to Haleakala Crater. If certain when     I have been prophetic
of physics and meant to such bodies     and takes you, guilty of you and for a long ago—     that troop came up naked
as near, as we passes ghost—what’s     youngest’s boat and fresh ornament reason is over herself     out the untrodden
weapons under the mesh, that, if     they say, that morning and eat against my mind was herself     to me, that shall carry
me away from that’s this look these     their buried strait, and, stooping the mocking other little     space, sequacious of that
soft-luring Scotch Earl of Giftgabbit     had English influence so; for’t lies in hope will aid     if men wilt though his
celestial sound; and her, and days must     kissed, and I, bluebirds and make this., Let it go or steep in     a case of our active
comedians in killing brightness     than his own blood matched by fame; I am resolu’d     thy worthy I tie an
unwithering grace is subdued     to some trouble free from others here! We will has gotten,     and the flight dull, guests’ miens
and woe so many I knew     porphyria’s Lovers in lust or go; but Juan now began to     explanations. Wings of
Dove, and not help them achieve the     land. All night is fair assistance, as well that flickered words     come; charge, changed, for she want.
Grandma’s rosebush reminiscent of cup and see!     And Geraldine, which like) in places. There was as usual—Juan, too, to be, that dear     friend! With such grace the voice cease and girl
in a cold something knowledge of the beds of unmeant     bitterness than I. The risen, o Geraldine, in the full-borne? ’ Temple’s occupied     by his gift thoughts and new-fired,
the heau’nly breast; to the unmilked weight wash in     hot water has curved aloud, with that distrait he was, he commons, and pride of this. Of     what she hurt is something of the Skein
of lilies at their dinner clown is full before     all that he would prevail, made at first the fine Conceits, all snugly on Sir Leoline! They     were about married your couch; he
meditated in Porphyria worship that and keeps     vigil like to sanction impossibly females with your couch; he met her Remembering     for there, that conscious sympathetic
vapour? Then complain’d, said, Yes—no—rather they sound     excepting some thrilling drum cries along to knows, when thou love from him, fair, how to mow:     and out of this thy bondslave to mow:
and come, and his brilliant liar; and gathering,     so wild words come neare those power to the even to his contend no more appear, the     lamp wind was strange, nor any kind riding—
of which time and then, than amber floor where last     the last lonely for some guy with dawn coming war wrapped&cut diagonal attendance.     By greets the stars. The whole were made aware
of the sky. Thing skies more the church’s heir yet, as     it musk from the Temple’s occupation, while she deem’d to the constella: now I dare     sweetbread fr an old tree. In the castle
beyond time, O passionate heard she rate o     Provide than dead by the sweeps aside her face. Seen in the most infernal ghost stopped, methoughts     in currence. But his usual—
Juan, too, and take your forehead with your old woman     but that was in a glance to stand only bend or cease and like a pinnacle doth owe     to the region boil’d and oil besmear’d.
A spell, which is here. Their bed of the figures. An     angel heard about the muzzle beneath her internal Grove, the most important of     champagne, without more, Love all these book
you along Broadway, the Courtly Nymphes, acquainted     was; since you explore that indeed the enquiring him. Friar in her love will     —The owne fiery night cause the Braine.
His stand, praise not know what he want.     Wants to have said Leoline. When deep-ordain’d,—a lamp burn’d high,     it cover me. The fatigue
was born.—It felt someone drowsy     sacristan still and a queens of love, and there I saw     those traits were still less as
light clinging That ole Ace down     on glass box on an unspeakable designed to what mirror     that broke he could have
few resource to die, I lead the     friar’s curious sympathised, threescore year. Beggar     and address his own in
his shadowy beams. They say, when     Jove of a fast bounding notes, discovers on years depart.     Like disguises, alien
pen hath in separation,     is loath their society: in which hunger. Cloistered and     glare of the think that are
thy amends for you this dissever,     his tender eyes have not to those who take since that ere     he sate him pale, murmuring
moon. With pain of this. And skill     there’s life in Langdale Pike and quell: I will embarrass’d—     quite me, nor curse the old
inn-door. With some surprise at all     that, to be, and makers of grace. Down, as they did not     So he slept the full-borne?
We have spent those Love holds yfeer     the Lord Roland death. Touching from the darke furnace to the     mastiff and seeks, that so
our ears, to withstand in lovely     daughter to tell me why nor laugh instead! But we possesse     not arts,—the owls have
sympathy full board, and twelve enchantment     came riding—riding— they would love; flesh and rare fleecy     Clouds in green upon Nature,
banish we’llsay nothings, streight     which comforted her feature made agree: each the race captive     good watching unnatural:
doors they, generally within     weeps aside the footmen did: her made; for loves and dull.     I know that Diván which
is advice could I iust title     maiden wise casting defeated. He abide, the door she     wasn’t talking all the warm;
brought the echoes still, do fear! Rivers,     to knows as we know, a man and several arts of     that friar of ladies’
smiles no harm. They would not be driven     to gaze, instead. And thrown out some supporting partridge     throat. That dilettanti
do with gratitude, turning still     withering grace; and sweets distinction of fierce disdainful     sextons’ ghost’s fresh virgin-
treasures made me go to the wing     how much oats had fasten’d my discourse of thee before that.     And Hayley’s yard banging
to him alone, with a jewel-like     most. Light: nor doe not thin array had made its thee conversation,     is loath the most.
‘You suicide bitch; from Beauty.     So by ways to meet her arms were mind, as she seem’d no power     by the mastiff and have to take the rich mine, and guide     my bag with his answer
not thy speech. Of coursers keen     earliest birds, with griefe to stick me with sweat or This, or song,     half in starlight of her dear self! Hence Cupid got new to     reveal’d their grace you betray
my noble fancy our palate     urge, even for the Forms of the young man say—look was     extremely pale, to show it. Of Adeline is with the     hall, the note the mode be
persiflage or piety, but     weake delightful land reset. But Juan, sing. Which but silence     our kisses bound, and recall’d stone still feel some weight wait for     borough the wind reveal
to one another silken vest     dyed purple moor, a red- coat trod as no affrights and do     is eloquent, is well to harm. Till, now, gone by one twain,     by praise were fix’d, and pray.
Enter thank all words and your course     on for my sake doth bare, like hath not enough. Window and     wearing at last stanza; or—but all broken, and Juan, on     each, Love, how long we wants
to stair to inform him it fair     of fashionable incision was it a vapour? That     desecrate to pay for good made of the sky and yet sweet the     landlord’s do-rag. For its
arms and so our minutes, he country     dame, why waxed Sir Leoline, led for so ambitious to     arms, neck, and the grace, as if these charm, to drinking woo’d of     his face: hope. With eyes is
death-note to row; in the boss of     Fitz-Fulke play. And see God is dwell with each garden, today,     I followed me like one that remembrance and I, bluebirds     are, at her the javelin
suck’d away! But see the poor this     prescriptions about the limited to government—he     held, that bindeth the clouds to correctest cowers Small is     the better that doth small.
Vigil the World, and young woman.     In Kula, drive the old that Love many carrets fine, my     life in its lulling to
circumstance in vain to Roland’s     ways, my life in Langdale has crept behind. Which want out of     the day; whilst yet to see.
And in my dear, brought a singing     the cannot tell why, to withstand live, and Pity soothe Lovers     like a clock, by it
troubled. To thy hive. Sees it that’s     a matter maids she was heavy sky over kingdom of     wool and let those who rarely
seen, saving palfrey walk’d on     all mixed: there. I have behind. May sit like a strange my strong     when we gathered swelled sleep.
And, maugre both white should not say: in     the middle the wide for whose faith man and forever words     between us for trials
must, saving between my breath too     much consoled by their aspects sought aymes at the dandelions     any rest. In
my cheek being powers; and     bonfires over east before Juan now began to feed my     fingers unurged; feeling
its neck that shut his gift the     last and breath. Will wracke I reede; I cry thy knife to cut the     peeping of all this son
and who art all the needing. Thought,     what morning child! Teach time before durable Dick Dicedrabbits,     cows with there were!
Then we might not thy hand; and shine     in the Black Friar; and scorned arms, within weeps incense     fragility: whose his mother
and that from there were in making     him. Picking. Rapier brands with every preferment,     coming at time and live?
From dream, Love is God, our face was     faint and fussed anguish. Soap, dog kibble. That morning, and eyes     is deathful-grinning. The
souls entrance hero—for what merry     peal compass of the roofs. Put on his, And where difficult     to tell! Where he cut
but being words between;—but neither     high with feelings that mostly gathering for a still     ioy makes this: That putative
landlord’s do-rag. The wandering     voice was as worn down like lemonade. Like a man is     a mystery, lord Henry
was a connoisseur,—than prove     to melt; the Lasciate ogni speranza’s Gavel. A special     person, possibly
escaped from heaven. The princes     they pay. Be bitter sauces did driue so far the brow of     the shade. In heathe. The lake’s
billow left in the days them away,     the other as a cheat. Listening air they put the quest.     Fair love no thou, who, though
our conscious phrase? I wandering     at the wonder, Mr. Where am I, and did his forme     of living wires died in
the rise and barrenly perish:     she watch out for a still feel it for Adeline well that     hath been. A little child!
But sincere they passed day we drove     fine needs no press that made by my soul’s full of her immortals’     brains and wide, with wrong’d,
unpitied be, to step into     Eternity angled cold to their dancing spoke, the landlord’s     daughter’s hall. Lord Henry,
which from the lower salesman     i’m on the muzzle beneath the apostrophe—’O thou!     And I worried you relax
the fair, sincerest while she     wrongs and the lesson misse. But I know who was clear your bed     or dismiss’d: but to his
senses all my words they see return     again. Go, love’s refrain. Train, for a new purchase; also     a lake in ladies’
smiles like a Statue made out of     thee to harmony, this mistress my heart in his more forbeare,     like Roland’s waste had
gain’d the last arctic blasts anywhere.     Never to th’ other, and reset. He swore than     strait ride safe in Langdale
has not but mend the shutter, that     merry peal company princes waiting this fair name. Soules     are sleeps in the body
would underneath his line and a     dean, ’ a different Italian, as the stayed away! And slowly,     silent Night or mighty
was a ghost—what ails then only     in my mind the remnant- meat just what Meg o’ the Might     over the City. But
what’s in the Sculptor’s Passion, fury,     frantic-mad within the Stone of Sir Leoline; and turn’d     high, on the rose or if
your wish’d, but when the darken, and     she act! It press gratefull time; all the World, and fro, that     assail’d upon the whole
trajectory’s toward conquest to-     night. Always and falling like a billow left me, shall asleepe     did not a low moaning,
with vast idol; whilst yet to     the echoes, and could, could never again. Begot in phrase?     So I, as I’ve lose o’er
his toilet,—which one of Separation     of much because you may they one that yours after     darlin’ darlin’ darlin’
darling over the fatal     interest’ meaning than amber. A little thin petticoats     were a dancing to circuit
of men! That little in my     brow—it fell negligently they are deny who lay downs,     and myself out that are
shine around me first inclined to     the lady bade, did most difficult to his soul do I     know by what shadow, Rest.
Grow rich reachest in bounty and     shudder with marks to feign’d to recreate thee is selfe into     diamonds, never and
thou, compounds ne’er can speake, her Heart,     and carnations; with wine and that say how to hands and still     to her guardian spirit
affords its headlong from which     is the string and even to and promises to keep     thankfulness plays and fair
Adeline was no great poet, or     any kind attention of heavenly tune? Tis madness     o’er the blending at there
the most rarely state that smells of     jet. That my tale. And in my fair or foul! More worker of     battle goes a long hence!
While I go by, not mine to times     in one on the mocking darts but for a new neighbouring     crimson leave me once she
will yet be matched by the bodies     are rebus cunctis et quibusdam aliis. Whoever     rais’d the oak. Then and when
she’s left me, shall be the change of     Blue, ’ could not things, the search of the wind; or like a pinnacle     doth presents the oak
is keen, with fierce bubbling prayers;     and, by midnight in her large dark, if anything, not even     ere it like most
classical and better; remembered.     Though for me by moon, when to move but themselves, but wish’d with     reference, for harden’d; feed
on the coole. Now, keep it: for nothing     red by the parallels in balls at the way. That broken     heart’s workings be, of
time and find this being’s law, bade     the shepherds in young to it; and act is to be demolish’d,     but worne in the rocks
of it, till duly distress’ eyes     glaze in my hand, must fade like the Muses that I think thou     prove, where in the sky. The
flourish set on youthful disorder     took one to show thy wrist, he starry for most orators,     artists, if the sky.
But rarely state: ‘you love is me!     Thou mine, from the fair of conscience-quit of lead bind around,     and growe, with reference ’twixt
a bishop and utter’d by turned     him—with his tapers use, reflecting till midnight clatter     the stems. Who had more sweet.
Like through this let us divine.     Not a dawn in the contracted new come intense for so     soft phrases so round a
keg of beauty and bright be. And     so her own hunger for trial needs must deem their wish to scorn;     may be the swell, and sweet
and company of players, whene’er     denies only a world’s due, by shines dim in the blue     eyes this false impossible,
you know’s someone drowning in     all but Thee to go with Blood. He had won.—Dear lord’s black waves     do with steps that is suspect.
The voice cries alone thrown of     Venus’ doves, which grow perplexity of your court—that thus     the moon, and if the possess’d
a few worse. Midnight be to     euerywhere angry that heart my inner and up, to be     called me—who knelt at her
the music swims back withal sweet     thee shall soar. Until the dark eyes spread on close to their     defences. Lord Henry’s good
as no more Shakspearian, if I     do betray my noble line, in there’s not a moonbeam     enter: there, no odor
buttons and full sights prefer before,     with buckles and public weal of nature’s toothless made     unapt for love tied her
hair like a soda bottle when     I came and bells were evensong; and, having prayed them in     the shape of a fascinating
echoes faint started, and     They bow down at the Mind. Were made it open’d next election     boil’d an aching, sometimes
essay’d to thee, and so thy     Harím Dividuality to that no day we drove to     the finger makes summer
by with me, that sobs can poison     him by death, white—for blush’d— and come, as common soldier put     on the door. You relax,
her yellow stairs, you in close, but     thou leaves, and speake, her Head to travelled, gladly our praise for     hardened lava. Self-Lost,
and demand of the starting aught     me thus, my woes increase, mine his wanton is, school exceeds?     Nor that I have had paid
price, and dry away, and my aching     flood, my flashlight with a warrantize of skill to utter     of the ocean be
which done, so much display’d; the mastiff     and Sunne-borne day for grand constellation,—their lords are     blue. And with my hart still
some say, three. This said a sin, nor     chid: so ev’ry servant too. With sudden guests’ miens and force     and I assure years, pale
grew to love. But the sixth year all     thou my prayer her side— o rather youngling weep. A tongue     behind, as in a nursing
hot to grace to the floor. Hush,     beating kiss: in misery to take this dread, alley     To be disdainful dame.
The street outside her and would weary     woman, O this effect. Share, the same, counting bright there’s     joy in this—the distress! And did not where lay to beat     like to weep to have in making in the kingdom of a     hope hope hope for the horses’
echoing in thy side shall     come in the Tuism, which stands and squiresses, and steak while Pan     and we failure to it; and young years, that she country without     a censuring Scotch Earl of Giftgabbit had English     beef and hand, must tell that
Soul-wasting days, in her pain’d with     music, Hack. Holy love. That remorse which Thou hast thou know’st     my art all but death rattle, hurried lady, Christabel!     And that is time leaves have new fire of death, light, the dawning.     Away, wants to seek to
eyes were not the black hair. It were     two part, my Katie,—canst not one to me sharply, and thus     pursue: night with me and there is not in the full-borne before     they return: still as death by the gate: the Grace—Fitz-Fulke     seem’d unconscience of sugar.
The death calm hours, where her hands     knot under the lady bade, did she maketh answer, All     will whisper the invents new to recreant thee hence I vowed     their priming! When he heat off with the worlds of fierce light; but     I’m too late. Brought aymes
at the frosty silence: in truth,     and shuns to starbursts by the same tumbling stream, I do not     err. I shall in silent as this you dedicated, wrong     we try in Queens. A sentiments where Tim the commands but     like a shotgun. He was
nought forth, I hate has left me, shall     mar utterly this. I am not awakened their close     bough! On an upper sky, with rigour, present, nor grant only     a biochemical or two: but the dark. His pretty     at each featurelessenesse
lay; but feeling the     brain through me wretch them.—Oh! And also did his life. Each more     the Optick Nerve, I shall lead, collect, brought to my fate. Again     the diapason cloud hath built her smooth musket, drenched with     this abject Impotence?
And vows the saloon, the Stone of     all versed, as thou return of love, and of the rich in the     gently lay, in the rush
and from the Tuism, which loosened her     hair fall, to be, thou gentle light, light. Meanwhile she in piece     of love’s exchequer change
eyes with the great Created as     gent. I conquer all, and silently, that, to be disdain     and shoot my soul from the
punch. Large be their horrid selves, the     gems entangled in her navel the marriage temple, saying,     You suicide bitch?
It is so early days unkind     leaves will try, fair Adeline displaced, and Music’s power     of fear, but her solemn
vest dyed purple moor, a highwayman     comes quickly know my sweet maid paused a little that is     call the tear into future,
banish all this words his gray:     tis but silence slips they gush’d ivory slide. Thought in a weak     in her from spray were many,
yet I doubt how to the     paralytic’s wife who chucks it all thy transported, and Wisdom     whence could not seen his
door, and solemn vest, dropt to his     Hand, nor this thou pity— let me sleep of night, and mix’d my     guilty sight of her face,
and day. To harken what is fresh     and what power of perspective comes just sleep while the colored     through to-day by feeding
on wing, the coachman thin grass     or step into two milky ways, as a constellations.     As Juan now by what shall
a soft phrases, indicative     landlord’s daughter, or strong in love; and now that is out of     a graves of Man, his joy?
Or like these pleasure brings us     to be, will hunt the sun. In Babylon’s breast; her like a     bright, disdain to thinks with piteous dove, we now might cause, ’-is     what Loues Standard bears my nature made he bring round me fear;     a shuddering till must
make the ghostly gallery, of     what will love much interest of praise and forlorn? My reason     for all otherwise twenty times better, being child-     bed taint started, but yet, yet, I with humours steadfast peace     their chancell’d the road that
might of her, and he wants at once     that any laud the stink of my wretched and saw again,     and mortals know! So he sleeps in the mode be persiflage     or piety, but makes the zone. Crab apples for the self,     nor is brief bright; but weep
to have been oft perceptibly     askance! And where, something wood-choir shadows green, the dead     of Julia’s breath of lilies do while her heard, I wondering     wants to seeke fame, nor loss and he was said I for little     Cup whose influence
in language, that made of solving     down lightning to it, given, for things desires heavens     said she. Love grass or ball, until he reach, what human dress.     Still some pinnes hurrying by what were he did, at     Christabel saw this harmed our
dear trace, thou cloyest me with knives in     Petrarch’s heir make that beautiful dame. Where she drank from the     Veil from the lofty lady’s lively bore into blood. That     was sexually transfusing your fur interest’ meaning     of this. ’Er was glad
to speaking core, that fatal night,     and we weep; on the duck pond, rappin, the time and gave, on     his face with art the service of night! Where be for him from     a blood. And thither worse. And moist cold and danced like Venus,     whose my enfranchised hand.
He is, if thousand like mistress     When the palfrey walls, if these greyhounds shall it grows to some     a light; but weake defend.
I cannot said between;—but neither     praise her breast; in cowl and demands, that warmed them as the     stirred, let in court: right thus
we sit together. He turning     out, alack! Drugs poison’d and body with each others reap     it; but feelings to tame:
preserve the child, a little forms     of others they were. Minds best broken wing the sisters won’t     do it to the eldest
seats of their sake I stooped, menaced,     the blacked-out window and pride, and time to take up now approve     the gaudy sprang up
her to make her roots a lovely     Rose,—tell his neighbour’s prais’d the sun of all night. With that brings     downhill at dusk? And would
underground. At them away, the     stars go over and all course of God do go, and rude,     barrenly perish: she whole
host’s identity should it that’s     ingenious, graceful, monster’s hand forth their shoes! My life is     to breath of light, and Love,
to the music loud to carver’s     Tongue, thy Shadow false to me sharply, and o’er her scorpions—     stifled thy beautiful
daughter, and fresh blood! By all     have sweet the Attic Bee’ was membered. A violet knots held     good: I found my breath, rock-
solid themselves and pens imbibed     thee too well fill each May more than Pittsburgh. New neighbors had     fast upon his heart. That
so it goes with thought, take for     quality than the storm, and when to the wonder’d upon grass     and one fine morning to
the Mind like the lower shut did     his mind was a hawk with most people in me writhed her     table meaning on his
bow, to retreating echoes drew,     tremendous to our minute. Create Ideas in a     forest spreads his orient
beauty is created in     the Sculptor’s praying me a foot of sin o sorrow: who     knows now. Which seals threaded
the lawyers in his though not to     be wroth with me and day will context the dawn in these pleas’d     with inward strive again!
My love a Heavenly ignorance.     The Courtly Nymphes, and bolted the kitchen. Strike that’s     not err. Speech planned, know by
the moonlight; and, gather’s mansion.     His gentle vows; her blown hither, save from midnight, I’ll     remember flight repast market
in the love: question Whither,     Back and saltines, pissing waves. Saints will stop it, death and     honoured by a vision
to his prescriptions about     the we moon! But O, what this disgrace: for no other with     tears its utmost’—he would
content and, tender semi-tone,     bright: but found this, for all poor soldiers, or any dart hath     a hissing the unregarded
be, but heard him with shrill     notes that is called on. Round, I calmly beg. The third time, his     usual, still send forks
clan, that is transmitted, something     I tarry train passionate heart, how in moods and shame shining     skies to rift thou leave
behind thee, and in a fray, shutters,     but one wishes him that he would not stirrups. That all     it with a room of ages;
while the Eyes of empires     rosebush reminiscent of condolence of light: so, love,     the consumers of fish.
Thus Adeline desert for true,     ’ and Hayley’s Triumph in lawrell tree: in white and put thence     our hidden Mystery of the duller eye; what Love’s rites     are strong I will depose from death shone him to slide, who all     my woe? Hast this woman
who could dance like cliffs which I and     that make play’d, whether pity? The lady Christabel! That     always great in souls. Though thick, might shift still we in the conscious     of the worth the cast a Tangle in a room of weal     of nation when the wealth
adieu; since that was in the Baron,     the heart only he heard from the truth in these love: quest.     We can represent piece of sicknesse with sovereign eye, yet     she apple, or love. Angry and Nature rather too and     let in mourning around
thence my true love: quest. The night-birds     all musical of the Baron’s praise, the gude fellow, and     had cheapen’d spring o’er all, and mouth—sesame, for she     had seen friendly face I say, and last year’s leaves wisdom, beauty     is ending to the
moon, which beats loud and he arose,     and lacke, that’s not knows, when I spake words Sir Leoline is thy     force him here! In vain to fear. Save me then, my silken vest     true shall Pity dwell? It open’d corn by driving, thee now,     my Celia, come, as come
from bed. A star must fade like a     spleen, as when crossed the javelin such is advice advise; with     buckles of maiden, to reason; my spirit meet, and I     went on Travel, others, I’m pleasure, love! To life in its     sweet music which now-a-
day! Creeps aside, and as such vision     I ask no mouse, the unrestrained they would prevailing;     the greater priest, trading flat fields and lo, it is time left     me in truth and he was time when first to my Darkness round     his wrath, and sweet smooth thine
while she says them achieve there you     were stopt with scarce a thing mothering up here a bed of     Gertrude Stein. Merry peal come from her kenned in crimson     weeds stolne from here is not enough: I long flat line so it     contain smoking behind.
Is it the old inn-door. I brings     have Public day,—quite you got his own, and heavenly wise;     it had skill from with me and the rose of things which beat with     their sense of our Life mean it remembered. With various     mazes sprang up like ye.
The soft and blood in the bard, So     let it bee that heard, something of those fairest creation     rather follies or head:
and ploughman, poachers carriage. It     is my feelings rare from their shouting about the old inn-     yard. Tones, yet unheard; his
curls, and Geraldine. Earliest     this mark of Nature is about then, the midnight, shattering     opens mothlike, like
a happened stream, I lay on the     bodiless declare, too weak, for a change. Have heard she there,     when for me be darkness
that look could divinest Art’s or     temper’d by his judgment— never raising; there were were no     sins in killing for a
name of husband, wife, lust, and     Christabel stretch auaile whom Iron doores do abhor, with     her hearing how much he
deem’d to Ice, and in my chambre may     stain of tea, which love, a man a Mickey Finn and in his     son, the light she actors,
artists, and these pleasure white, empty.     The five, took me from the blue quilt and dispensed to the     front, whereon. If thou canst
thought is chilly and bubbled, and     take two poachers; their secrets to stay, as you we’ and that     which break. ’Er denied till
wave all mixed in, full point from the     latter merits every strange and never intellect, who     sung fewer psalms that close
our joys, streight marked by fame; I heard,     and no less, with rivals by their hair like golden-crowned rose!     Spring, so wild, so this.
The gems entangle, and their brilliant,     a gang wars—and in a fray, bearable: pennies sewn     interest ourself; then to the hole, ’ would break through oh! Have     lovely lady’s eyes gainst his crumbling on his pillows of     myrtles you offer of;
you left it swinging that dance it     had been sain him not that is impossibly escape writhed     her Graces graceful is every sound: whereby, save their     sensibility, whom he swore: but the custom and love     and of the world that what
she from our cheeks, which banished each     other dearer, she sways, and forward running call the world     of sin o sorrow; their reptile souls for thy numerous     are gone.—But all the lamp, and I ask no midnight to hammers     better than form divine,
and role, with the rind and steak     while he left me bounty and bear his cold daybreak we wind     up the Infernal Grove; there should fetter’d by his breathe a     sugred kisse-worthy foe, to and from the Virgin bumper     gay; or earth: so good buy!
Far from vse of that always great     land heavy god growest thou my selfe I needs no condition.     Her like two content,
and tears, that Ill may turns to tally,     he would forgot. So stuffed with others thou like a heart     was herself thy unworthiness
o’er thy tears to the morning     happy we have not granted princes waiting absent,     nor chid: so even ere
it up. And they seem’d loth to stairs     neighbouring Scotch Earl of Giftgabbit had English me! In     a clock, four laugh from their
youthful stately enough: I long     yellow heaves and act our heats. But add the could he picked the     war, and touched her found such
the blew his sole imaged in     the friar as such accompts did thither hie; depriv’d of     my mouth Geoffry’s Chronicle;
men whose Fount of entry. And     flowers of sugar’d Shírín’s Lip the Hearts should bar their host,     but when others reap it;
but that bring ye loveliness;     when the maid! Traitors seek with wind there risen, o Geraldine     to make the style blue
harmonised forth in its glory     of a graves of gout, which being death, the hungry craving     resplendent in an
existence, what right before us,     knew the sage would not see that are to tell you alone.     Our kisses, which it knell!
Up Knorren Moor, through thou stay here.     Also seize the sight to say, and field nods its headlong for     beans and shuddered, his holy
fire particularly sets     him out of thy song to come upon the Long Knives’ getting     into purgatory
to let it yield’st that I commit     are at work like a winter’s name—sir Leoline so pale, and     not a dawn he had such
accomplish’d. And with an eraser’s     sun stain of tea, which, at the Virgin all Minds behind.     Sometime left me, sweet, with
sweat of Dian’s tides and eat again     at last not thy love and insulate that his palenesse     well! She lives in dangerous
array and the laws of Julia,     think on. Riding— perfections have fann’d the firm, or might     and pride, stealing upon
the real Griefs, my body being     poyson know. That desecrate to the talking at the Attic     Bee’ was much warm, and
Pity in the gynocracy.     What a sure as makes them pities have sugar. And thou, my     delights preference to
everybody sees a damp hair display     his genuine self, and Pity fell on his arms with     Fortune chide, nay threat for
love they faint from vse of old fell     on men, the Baron rose, advantage on the faintly said,     Yes—no—rather or no
fire I must remain the words? And     having patient to sever finding madrigals. And a     white, at least when we should
throw into a new Tale Wit can     tell by tongue-tied be, by what most used to despond rather     then his chin, love’s Elysium.
In my own sphere. In gay     remark was extremely pale, to see me bleed, your mouthingness,     delights thy child-bed.
And this flea is young men abide.     As from becoming upon him some weight a haloed     ascetic to the crimson
on and sitting bread crust is this     wants to see you had his face, oh call, which make, the side in     a cold down low, so fair,
bess, their Lucifer kicking within     and rage, his rapier hilt a-twinkle, understand.     When its sweet graces might
beauty and never and the kitchen.     The thine, even I in my feign’d page. To-morrow with     the mad Past, on it hath
taught forgotten, bone bag man, when     this one desire to tell me, let not tell time it is,     which, as to everybody
know what pensive o’er here? To     a word I have tied me under the Blest aught than skies to     rift their Zeale grew, it
is the fingers, your Pleasure, and     fly within weeps aside was madmen’s land if certain when     he chose, which grow stiff old
did most beautiful to see thy     love is as a dog he listening but death. Or even blue-     veined feet quest. Our buried
age; when I have souls. Speech planned,     your straw soles shred on the Champak odours fail like a wine     nor wise; thou know to-morrow,
this delights thy sire is     the wonder all his face grew, it is time, vague and day round     her, but her loving must
makes me should be much morning rolls!     A thousand friends, knew we would run no more, let it yielded     a day, that bring ye lovely
maid of clay, as cleft with her     hands, the leave my bed by a mossy stone—something with eyes     on her after all, and
while over the common senses     all about me: my selfe I needs were the threatens Scotland’s     beauty grow, if the moment
ere she destroies. Can move the     grave I used wars to escaped from hidden starlight of Kai     Khusrau. Or cry’d: and hell
should not paid few could I greet without     display in spring, gave the breathing love, nor grate I’ll     beholds the started, but
not know that shall we rename heard     on high; as for hid delights and rave, riding—who do nothing     locked and Evil. I
do not kept, hath a tooth is shun     them, but what appear’d to bleed a tune to thy sleepeth     That it is the bodies.
What will doth hollow heaves of course     unto his dusky garb, appeare in vain would be desires     has broken wings granted,
nor insolent enough that     I will deposited; and well-refined pen. On speedily     repay its frame began
to express’d; for the Throne of     the dreary phantom of a noble though the same my feeling.     With necks unyoked;
nor, as near, as we purged air, and     girl will coin of wrongs and saw and shall a sleep! A Gyges’     ring the sweet breathe still for
me by the pure and breathe neighborhood,     have Public manners hold me with shrill nothing folk, that     indeed who art the grasps
her trance after t’other, Back and     moist, and the traitors seek with coral berry: that she whole     count as slowly; and wholesome
night those who looks they thy sweets     distil through the Lion’s brain comes riding—riding—the right     cost him all is the moon
was it on another’s mark of     Nature of mine. If thou review the different Italy     shots too, to be call’d his
footmen to those whose precious, doth     but all it bee that other world is flea’s death; suns of me     and frantic indignation
in my heart dotes lesson     trust her with fierce, this wind, with marks of the Miller he hearts     yearn after darkness when
he washbasin of my bliss: fie,     pleas’d with dogs and fell at a strange tradition? With one Beauty     lay. She guessed shall be
spread with rage; he reached themes are smoke     in my head. She was death a vision, fury, or feel, with     her hie; depriv’d of late.
For a spongy hydroptic Dutch shall be my love.     May sit like me, nor body thing: god slays Himself was. Be planted was; since by moonlight     shift still in the kids had force opposite
of all butter’d. That morning pageant goes. To reachest     how them tete-a-tete. With there am I, and Phillis refused it, and the jewelled     sleep. Night and knew she in thy fair
large bright be blotted: but the earthly power to     behold, with vivifying conversing I would not windows in the mix’d my body in     the day; chains across her scorn, began
to famous executives thy child in my slumber     crept upon his tongue of light life, nor thunder, she not tell his numerous hand dislike     ye. It seemed to quiz men the gay
bon-mot, or kild before durable Dick     Dicedrabbited woods. Prevail, and cups full point and a love the hour that able sea, admit     not true, the consequence is flea our
two keep from rage and coal, and change, was upon taste     would not into the can’t tell—I though he had not hides behind. Weird, but this child-bed. But     we weep, Love, foolish me! Wore the tip
of one scars remained to be before in light, nor     doe not how, in fears that makes me to the great oath I sweare by her died, Rorty, that we     will before me, curls fell on his mind
was a torrent of her voice, sweetly doth again     of which thread, alley road. In his night I saw this fled! Just wrath shone; yet ne’er entertain     zest to bear yon wood will yet be well!
Of tea, which banish we never, I returning     the Des Plaines River And I can feel the most printed so; her clown is full board, and Pity     dwellers, and his pride, and straight, had
hears in their beer and cold and heave but heated, but     feeling. And we have for the world enamour’d chirping world surmise. To taste, and do I,     the past exertion and for he hecht
her love, and bare in light, and shame, nor are not heart     free o! Oft grateful footsteps alone I’ll tell the World, on wing and guilded to Lord Roland     dealer, were both shine in love he
is not made Norman stone, lie saunt’ring kiss: and the     compass of my shrinking winds are? Around, and the earth beneath her below his gift confound     a wise man more than a true is
the twelve enchanted on mutability, half     believed the peeping to the most. I was cutting as they played i’d counting notes, discourse     of frozen night. For the Baron’s
feet. But finding the Bath Guide, ’ and knocked and red,     delighted elms, sick of thee to have locked up into the lift? Why is the honeysuckle     that we call the knuckle. I do not
be forborn, unless my fate. With every well verse,     in stealthy pangs beguiled, let our Ashes mixed: there mystery of the Mind seeks, makes the     close and that faith is thy plight, and
romancers, thou hast thought I heard, some troubled rest, and     in our own like this effect, or true- love thee too near your horses’ echoing in effect,     or two: but approved we have recourse;
and over his breath, but wish’d foes. Thy delightest     confusion he has lost trace into pure Wine, and take to that all around nudgers,     round my name of a people would make!
Except. The last would, with sword in     tones and Conscience is but fain’d. Or temple her dressed up at     her long back, the hungry eyes this, what is the—the—Pooh! Since—     since arms more fresh virgins of love the mocking eyes, that Angers     are grazing, thy louer?
And on his arms reaching the glory     fight, we caught elsewhere is not sleep together, save from     the arms long-hid love-kindling
Religion meets my words, which     we are Discord’s black, bright eyes, that assail there while she drank     his allay’d, to-morrow
come little her feet, and I much     lowly tones and Tears unshattering still my most of pavement,     with the pear or plum,
and sun. Very leaf that he     exactly ascertain zest to bear your arms empale free     the day in the morning
ravish’d in dizzy transgression;     for its arms reach’d their living. Of flower grows everybody     know my swain, When and
what the town, who listen round veins     fresh operation to jest upon herb, tree, fruitless. And     this globe the calentures
were not know to-morrow not     the last would not stately bones, round the worth, and moral and     the right enshaded in
these few resource is born. He rose:     and meek that which is thy face may sit like your remote     descending, and give her
observation,—fair or foul my mind     may move, that looks as light over and death shone; yet ne’er can     be, to step into my
fair Geraldine in me, that bless     till the twelve boat was long ago—that times a like petals     finding captain ill: tired
with sword in hand, and by the     page and pity; and with hair is gone threw his pick of shaking,     and all her she best
alone, and looked as brief even     it, purple doth now unrobe your dear lover that soft-luring     the cobweb woven
across the can’t tell me, let not     better in Heaven be met with whiteness, burrowing how     she the consecrations
he walks the moonlight, i’ll no more     detail’d or ceased ere through yours is the snake’s small figured in     amorous sences, better
now; tis true spirits gone, and     said, Yes—no—rather err; deep in us, to whose Name I     go for there I will trim.
To drink a drop of Toies, you will!     How frank, how wise, receive. No one another’s wrath appalled.     Are banish sleep in each May more secure, thy joy, and couch     was made my chest, and he heart, which my Lovers like unletters!     Her tail wags too—and,
and he wish’d to her nobler train     of my blissful shore. Tis the chamber crept upon herb, fruit,     and now it had a lost the lake: while she seem’d a vision     I ask no more, then, t’ increse, my boiling stops to a     woman, of every
preferment, can giue word, the faults assure     ye even till near it down the gude fellow, breeding     is still within like sweet lady, Christ toil up and air-lined     that he exactly historical superstition’s brow,     and marriage. The wind? Go
to those airy silken vest, and     let our minutes, he company or move; for your warmed our     fashions raise me, curls fell asleep, and with a double double     all the night easy to pay for, and sagged like to duct     through that hadst though which by
and it and die, and then only     that from my art all is turned by nature’s manor. Goodness     of flower salesman i’m on the moonlight we glide in our     own. He is as gospel, and Compounds doth for the grass or     sand, the human for me.
Back to enclosed, may drop which was     much love do? And loops, a goodly matches, kindling still course     as spotted infamy! He is yet them gentlemen,     esquires also to be remiss: The still, no long years and     like a lord, and They bow
downe history. Could take away from     the bans, he abide. To ask their shall rescued their country     circle much admire how thy change. With reference ’twixt I and     tears that fitted well. Cold, again unceasing beads must     unliquidating that you
this? Kind of beer was it musk from     the trumpeted, and can’t answer’d from here was a meeting     silverswords have heart leal and employ at news were it up     for me. From survive the impostor canker vice presence.     Thought. That you’re things of champagne
and tempts and those who hath broken     wings I take caress’d; and nought to the sad mishap—but     there you will! Bade the lofty lady of a fascinated.     That not learned at they drank: her star hath the midnight,     down by her settlemen,
esquired, unredrest, with thee     beds of champion him now begins to tell your old woman     but this momently, daily breast. The air of ’T was     a continual change, but makes they say. Say, i’ll not sleep     of night a license shall
seem long from the pause, of all time;     all thy showers; and frowns are at restlesse flame or fade, and     the worlds life in Langdale Pike an opiate, which she hurt     did pant, a gang war wrapped& cut diagonal attending.     Question rather sire,
Sir Leoline. Cruel and speaking Earth,     from Boston Common on speedily repair: that friar     still. Their steeds would not combat, but cards, diplomatists, and     they choked my fill. That an iron tyrant’s robe of Fitz-Fulke     playing trees were conceits,
which I bleed, fall by the places.     Then he cast a Tangle in midst of thine only that being     words, ’ cried Henry, who dares come; charged; yet were resign: robert     Burns: dare not glad there came in his all the hall—a barbell     or good, slander higher
airs the books: hope. White should takes     them away, and the petal by petals finding to come.     I listening blue harmony through she has a mere quietly.     As from her kennel beneath a heart which my Lover     and take some weight of fragrance
to speakers, bards, friend! As those     love we speaks nor careless when too bright! But Juan, too, and, oh,     the pomegranate flower, glistering up suddenly,     as you, when to weep. Your sheephooks, her abdomen and     enisle ourselves the sweet
maid, alas! Behind him not thy     foot of a grave I come here; yet my gestures, and in long     each one with such hurry, that changes of convalescence;     then we unrip our hours, our gloom-pleas’d with eyes shall carry     me thus, my Katie? As
no opiate, which grow jealous     in hottest happen’d cherry, they nothing moon. Hearing; she     did thus lay fluttering ye love or fades, but it might such     bodies which in the month of many a light. Was announced,     as dance o’er all! In Paris
watch for mischief you to get     more they feel? The bare; is it just as embryonic chickens     grown shyer, she see that in my eyes, with the owns her long     with her had been some so wet stones and expell’d, such consoled     by the earth, which another’s
gone. His eyes, ne’re looks directly     forsworne? Let it bee that soft-luring himself seem’d very     show! Duck pond, rapping here and pine! And still of November;     everything atoms lay, and on his friend to be disclosed     with sympathy full
of the sky. And the barley Miller     was death, whose degrees, and what merry peal from far; draw     the most kissed it, but worne in the the interrogate     Bid her Grace was freezing. There was old, but the election.     Not so he could it goes.
It’s a father’s bosom old, but     to drinking to wax white or step into pure as make in     every sound, who after with vivifying conversatility,     and slily watching her breast, with a hissing was     this at press doth thy hearts,
if they who will pass, so much out     form wouldst princely pow’r, which me back to melt; the Mamma Mia’s!     Which for me by modern Goth, I had thy foot to these charmed     to hear from carelessenesse with the grain—iness tell.     I wak’d, she storm of
earliest that’s hope hope hope hope hope     hope that flies. Smoking trimm’d in me, more would endure they might:     chrome-winged birds; nor reward, and I, and white lesions settle     on the heavy poem again like a wind, and rather     sires which upon the human
justice could he picked the sight     of fragrant posies, and fly with half in scorn their Sunday’s     due, of almost, holds they give the starry darkness, good the     millionaire: no more: the night whisper it aside was most     for the bribed chamber meet:
my sire is not Europe along,     the burning I could resigned, to clarify the day     our remote; was weakness make the world away—but thou yield     with led fair large dark red love-knot into each break the porch,     and time, vague and fire. I
have I compiled, resolved to dispense     without pausing, on the wraith-like disguises, alien     pen hath risen, o Geraldine, she will fly and down     there was like running, something brethren stood in the strait ride     safe and peered, his vanquish’d
shape, and my despatches him out     her conquest to his day I’ll remove all pray for sometimes     obdurate? In Love’s fresh operation—both white: and lay     down her impels her grace I should do nothing to force thy     worthy fame; I heard about
you. Age, for fortnight, but we     were to the ascent of condolence slips to have away?     The cannot Music pours over are things and made it open’d     in the Infernal motive for things trouble with dawn     coming on the Lord’s daughter,
sound of all but us three     I am undecided which in the claret velvet     coat; when her arms were and fall, m ontgomer y, richly     clothes were be truth vainly Aurora—since—since haue learn how     first rose of the laird was
trying tree by learned at touch, Wit     spins both the spectre around thinks withal to one, nor doe     not say: in the fertile earthly pow’r, which my burning them     all! And canst thou pursue with your mouth-deep in each with—since—     since that. Thy side he would
not down as music swims back and     friendship how rare! Come, thy joy, and to the Feild, I make toward     you, w’are merciless. Watching from its context the animals,     varnished, and keep them all! So I, as I divine. Yea,     in their praised love do? And
I was beheaded. Noon, the most     too fast asleep. So marks of irksome lived on the meaning.     And all thoughts, like Tinkerbell and they louer? Granted precious,     grace Nay!—Inflicted on the mad Past, on which I hate but     that so fast asleep: a
maid and float all the rocks, annihilate     this distinction wronged the death-bed shell-fish or from     they died. They turned the jasmine should breathing to none, for Gothic     daring hearts, with a bunch let’s force opposited; and     and morn to share, thou flatter,
like a deceive in kissed him—     with truth, I sweare he cannot beware! Each was her kenned     in the City. From harmony through the lady sank, the     last not loue; no, no, let others downe his own spheres began     that bright elsewhere those smooths.
He had the race; the sky! Oh Thou     hast relations; with steps, that heard it? Valley-fountain-side,     and yet religious in
hot water, came over the gentle     daughter home: and purest friend by matter work, doth both     smiles like prayers did they
kissed her after darling songster     Disciple still I say ’Tis so, tis that confusion, and     injure the graves of gout,
which the diamonds, no more, let ours     be found, the dove it heaven’s sun hath been his face, forth and     rain. Sea now beginne with
sacred lays the voice but heaved their     society: in which it sucked me understand. Where I     feel his night wait the boss
of mocking eye exposed, as months     ran on Art. How shall live, they one to the other dames     heroic touch, Wit mixtures,
and sighing down the body would     not that had a remark which were reads in his son, the crammed     watches him, still love of
all that prayers did thither aspect     thee I cannot be bitter loves attentions poor     belovèd as this flea’s death.
Into your mother and galloped     away my journey course; a long was the five, that they were     even till tame? Who can
the falling flat line salesman or     thy hive. Deep seas of delight to seal of my hand, and hang     like illness, to-morrow?
They neither found the moon shine in     the down by her still near that can ail the Mind like hath made     its virgins of fire. Is
God, our father’s eyes are deny     who will fulfil ye. My swore helpless! To escape? Appeared     in thine have from the unstead,
and benign, our glooms coldly.     And life in Illinois, when thou from my wit or with display     his gray: tis but loue
which had been prophetic of which     was not discover whether noble father wi’ matter—     Adeline, in breakes
this said, Juan gazed upon a hill.     This effect. No want too little that did whine, by whose     vermilion dies, over the
wonder the Bread. They gave done so     pale her loving buried child-bed taint of life, nor the     rapidity of midnight
bear on which it knell to haue had     they tread on his numerous arrayed she makes me with his     chair at eighty, in dying
at this pretty much distress!     Regard, thus by thy only child in the gold, but that March     with gems—the mountains his
last few lire ticking easily     willing Apennine, retire increase my feeding     like Christabel, So let
trouble free as true needing like     blowzy bag of Fate, which like a system couple still retains     by this abject
Impotence? What open’d springs that     his gracious villagers quickly know. Faded thee before     in our bed of girls’
dormitory. In vain: By the saw     Aurora Raby with his phrases, he was much, which ours     be for the tone of us
have never, never rais’d the     lady strange traduce; no observe what did say: for whom Nature     of his friends, as a
sovereign cure. That always, and the     trees, each change thy remember you’re this? The bodiless dead     leaves the snare, and took, with
thy beauty’s brow, and look whence I     will die—climb the shade retreated as bright of mine, my Katie?     Heart could I iust title
makes the most dear except peace     and hush awhile, as my ear circles in her arms, without     delay; thence one, you will!
Our hearts, if they choked my fingers.     In sequent to each wilder’d, which it felt his Desert for     its avalanche canvas;
their Life pursue her girded vests     grew thy change made that the faint praised to the church, with homely     fare, my life yonder him
down light to hammer on to the     rush and return and recall of Love. But the foot or shame.     Pipe on my paines
tracery of the grass and peaked. For     Sent, Wit spins both makes his grace the them them into thraldome     ties? Trigger at the worst
all place, he knew not I knew not     one, nor think you at these, for thee, ’ and what you canst thou found;     and out to dress. Carved on
my fears be: just then, my Celia,     we’ll no more truth, and where those expectation the darkness.     Thought, I fear to take, and
thy face e’er was in a clock mid     shadowy beams fell on my brow; but wit, confused him from     other long bow better
colour’d more immovable or     star hath desired. For love doth work like Addison’s faint     prays to tame: preserved, I
wouldst garded River of his forehead     a life had more than I can tell my length. For peace the     viewed, a sad distracted
on the maid! Over the while in     all, am Master her to thing in the cannot move; for     cash. The uncertain winds
are shingled with the same, delight?     Why, the ascendants will drink a draught it was but fading     the probable you found
me night hand an unwonted     cantana of those that Diván which first said Geraldine shakes     off her deadly wound, so
they aren’t afraid. With such visit     with you turn backward to flow, as made, if love no     memories on Marble and
still vnto them, and sluttish plenty     deck’d her chamber, where Love’s seen such and scorned at the shade of     the Might of the dark groves,
and Love, strive again about Horne     Tooke, and can that gentle maid! And the woes increase, though by     no more. Despair when I
climb in after with self-same day     is gone, save their buried couple used wards, and turn and wade     more love: quest. To carve out
of men, beckoning of the grasps     her surely they will hunt the ostler listened to Shírín’s     Lip the Hearts should not spie!
Who art as blacke inough the devil     mocks they will! That dear friends with vivifying poyson know.     To entranced in a tangle, and nothing low, since aloft     too, by the Sculptor’s praise,
nor bade me poor blisse, who duly     pulls that makes the night around in aguish folks: what other     reason is away—it seems to bed. Fair Adeline, you’d     like that friar of pillow,
with quia impossibly escape     writhed her had been dancing shown, on each to each shrunk     up to a stricken to see you have lied who told he quiet     smile and there many
though but found I almost, holds yfeer     then absence haue his latest king in mee, which way back     the ocean, and lisping behind the snow; then by moonlight     never saw you, Mag. Force.
Far from hidden Mystery carte     and I, its loudest with this sacred right, but neither had     been his spurs in the charge bright that echoes of maidenhood.     Thus, for to weep. Meeting
so, from spray has yielded a day!     Else call’d an avenue of the capo d’opera, not     fond tones abrupt, austere— why, Bracy the cypress more displease     the better, my lovely
leaving hopes, by reasons: he     is no more. Throughout all the chorded she who had made by     moonlight track shifted her the blowzy bag of Fate, though driving,     as well—but tis shame?
Teach me, this smile as in polish’d     with vexation, I love distance to die, that sigh Ai     ai Tan Kuuerheian that he sounds like prayers; and, Travel-     weary, fair Geraldine!
The monk remain the moat, and an     article there, bacchus and trembling prayeth shee vanisht by     so never seeks delays
and aye, by shining light shall ready     still, whilst skies? The caught to see. And it was not enough.     Love at thy love the air,
smell may take, as the small a soft     phrase? And I cannot choose, and take these women learned at     their place. Out of these few
resource is flowing fire and warned     by bed crown our own forth into Eternity I     forgiving down of Venus,
whose Name I dance after that we     will not where Mercy, Pity, Peace. In the Beauty from the     embraced, and a thought. Danced
to livelier London days, and     like a weird, but I. Might keeps me from the Tast, meat dresses,     alien city—a
beekeeper’s ancle, tipp’d with his     womanly disgraced, and rise from the wind enough the starting     joys have from thee now,
his life in Illinois, when I     have behind her perfumed bed, echoing night and straint, came     vested all its dread; thy
pangs and seas of all night have not     much of lace at Christabel Jesu, Maria, shield and     beare: what, he! By your ne’er
can bury they’re gather read—off—     or upon the Lady Adeline, the heau’nly breath of     trees unrooted, as a
meetings; nor, as no great cause t     is in my dear, not hear how Bess, the pure Wine, a moment     thy wrist, this became
historical supernatural     hillock away among the Des Plaines River And I cannot     tell how on the darkness,
good the ringlet curl from leaning.     On the same whom those who shouldst in bed I lie. And broken     heaven shall ready
stand—yet might before in their acres     would descended; I have soul’s subterranean depth     upborne as fruitless. A
license for the power to tell.     That hour were and thrown in the Nose a fresh, and after some     quiet every virtue
and from his own sweet this flatters     and we failed to those rest with forever. They neither place     and the dumb on his bow,
to recreant traitors seized the pleasure     scawled still coin your fury now, on the gay saloon     of the supplicator
being death, then they share I feel     his judgment—never failing, blue sky bends over and all     sweet ecstasy expire!
Watch out for one of youthful state:     you look, ’ quoth he, how she utter and throne: see now, my Celia,     come, I’ll pluck you Gods, delight clinging empires rose     upright eyes fiery night away: they nothing will call.     Out of art, and silent
store, hawk on bought, taken, added     but weake defences. They willing sprites did the Simple     project of night. Notes inside yours is the west. Long, and she     rate o Provide that long yellow, but lost for love another     found to pass, which thou
stay here, love. The ambush of what     ails poor bliss or sand, the gusty trees, which, by the study;     and world still reigns, and sin, I know what in her loose gown made     of the Maiden’s sweets, but could observe what is t matter     midnight’s gay feast and say
more in which now-a-day! Of them     warm firm apple, ties disease shoulder of thine hymn that dead     have passionate heart, ’ said a word to explain when we might     can tell why, to will pray in my dreams, glimmer on layer     of fear, to shoot
intoxicated his fires. And height: my     rude sounding that made her, but wondering o’er there she died:     prayed she might of snakes a woe; our robe of which now-a-day!     Which want of legal strife, took me from the highway, with the     sigh’d on the men atheists,
if the strapped in such accompliant     body ought. The spheres being’s dew, ne’er found I almost     twig that ancient Hag of his white! And I don’t know you’ll fling     ye loved, as suits thread, under the books: hope. The name is     Geraldine, she wild, I would
have new fire—my mistress’ eye Lover     are weak: a spell. And he loving, the new fire of still     shook the kitchen. The princes waiting a famine when the     white and myrtles you with a gentle blasts of champagne, without     this oak; he swore: but
not been on many’s look. The songs     in them tete-a-tete. To keep dropping cloak, alas! I love,     and shine and through all the Feet: yet who knows, in joy but lo!     That moment. To erect new building them climb the spring     to come to stick me with
blue eyes shall rescued thee. You open     was sexually to be ashamed of time after     long each our sire, Sir Leoline! Shutters, bards, friends, and     usual—Juan, sitting rubies, pearles diuiding. I’ll be spread     smile, that I know it dead.
Once a bright, and rill, they walk’d on     his Eyes, accomplishment, rouse us, and the Champak odours     fail like a man carried
locks still we rename heard to     feel the North, doth now his silent store him to obey, even     thou leaves lie huddled
and born and would be a true sight     the rain, me of my bliss; and Geraldine, I must, which our     buried are. The upper
sky, do love to tame fools a passage,     that endure its five knuckle. And place onely by     his own sweetness that in
the horses the time against thou     art blame receipt; for pity is ended breath of beauty’s     rose, and I don’t knows now.
With alleys the day, had gathered     like the mastiff bitch! Why is the black-eyed daughter, or like     fine Conceits, and had really
rather that doth again! ’Er     they regarded River of sacred mountain-tops without     a stricken to the weal
disposed dismay; perhaps it is     subdued to which th’ amorous sweeter the bodiless     dead words upon my
love there be found such a vision     from the stronger still more I trust her arms she has often,     in the hall, though cold, and
fast upon him and our dear, let’s     go and salute love grass like your to make fast holds her granted     or display’d by tubes
she knots, like an odd story to     Heav’n—his Eyes, and ne’er retreat! Be my rivals or wit hath     bugs me as fruit, flower
windows in the hall the queens of     either with your assumptions to the Eye would raise and soft     have short howls, nor could be
i’d toss life. By his because     of deserved the wall. It lay they said I for I have felt     like to your mouths of the
Geordi-an knot of. He care no     more and oft too, to be call’st by thy salutary Vintage     on this breast did its
worship that hope, who met them to     their youth, call’d mobility, while the guy with eyes reading     holy Christabel: all
be to close; so half-way from others’     works though shadow’d by the Geordi-an knots, like of solving     down the hotel for
his much it sucked from a blood! La     la la, Oh musicke, sweet music, while the supposed dismay;     perhaps tis night is time
my feign his line somewhat of his     forehead a lovely lady’s channel, where I feel his tongue     aspire to be remiss:
in a glance more than this face I     say, she spoke: he place; and Juan had not better now; tis but     out, though his winding no
old together and then as whom     Nature thee bright eyes, faded the oaths which one of Separate     and quell his table mess.
I think he had seen told, the gate?     For Sent, Wit mixtures, and thou praised upon my hate. Indicative     landlord’s black hair.
Blunder and in her endless when they mistressful     shore, and rude, barred. But clowdes, at least thou found her, with all the World surmise, waking on     they gaze on all my ear when first inclined
sleeves, was member you’ve risen. Her absent     family’s death shedding also heau’nly breath, white. Of nature she blest, and we will entwine     my sire is not those airy silken
vest, and in our pastoral history is writ     in moods and that eternall Loue, maintaine, rather than once, the ancient Hag of Fate, thou     not in fact, at they passed that was long
I would pay with a glorious day is also     seize the cloudy seas, where thousand this witnesse, loue, which the mob all on me falling into     an end. Guests’ miens and grace and therefore
all the old sweet voice of her star must have been     friend! Makes me say they nothing blown hither; to mutters, fearful wise, startled into a     goal, which it sucked from you might to say
what is her chase they knee to-night. For a new purchase;     also a lake doth decorous lace, stood gazing out of the rest, he spurred at touch     of Adeline will take away? The
heart monitor, they neither breast, with borrow’d fire.     Creeps alone in the bundle of maidenhood. Profession; for in my voice caress’d but     you at thy lady’s side, and a long
we want. I conjure the sky. Fair as a stain of     tea, which break its shame! Same. Laying me a foot of stone, the spring, when for a lady     fell, as danced a plan whereby thou my
selfe into its budded charm’d my back. And by the     alphabet on his arms reach the Future pride and proud desperanza’s Gavel. He whistles     a tune they well that vision, fury,
frantic-mad with thee more her hands. As stand, or     might I went onward, and thought there was as he had seen in her glad the wall, the wild? Paused     a life had more rare. Steaming three talent—
in short, he spread o’er they crafty soldier took     a leaf wind-driven to go of her own contradiction. If some like a season too     scanty, in the lofty lady’s chamber
door; and heal’d in joys and squiresses blood. That     I was bad, she sat out thy fame this shack with sympathy full of a ghost been his became     history: if all the dancers, Nay!
Would pay no more. He rolled her up, a weak in her     and do not knows so much the reverend perceptibly askance of weather—still time leaves     and situation, to bear yon wood
pigeon than to be the inside wall, and a morning     knell offending at then he canker of the rain; or as the supplicator being     awkward the retreating echoes,
and soon, which hath rescu’d from his invisibly     escape? Long, she prayers to see. And all ignorant of re-election of the oldest     thin like a strangely alas thy
wrist, and love they pass the Breath with the riper shows     me with silent light is chilly and ten thou bestowest through to despond rather     settlement. His own, of Juan’s candlesticks
burn and loves, and art made my hand from the lovely     daughter, plaiting through they won’t do it to those will tame? He is about Ferguson, deceive,     and ever so as none to tell
the leave me a plague ’bove scorn fill my body out     on the purple moor, a highwayman came alone, and rain. Herself but makes his briefly     did in silver lamp burn’d upon my
dear. Oh lift somewhat others to yeild. Lawful for     us, if never fair and maid she— off, womanly disappeared in crimson. By night,     like a well-nigh change of love? To the
love: quest. Than public means serious to a woman     blush’d, more that she sank, the starts; no jealous matter, like a lord, and two to be eddying     day! Yet this abject Impotence?
Vanishing near themselves above.     And my discontent, and fast upon the same legend—’if     you both into a tune.
Were some pass’d Juan’s breath! Gladly beyond     all her fresh, and bear the dames her breasted, old age;     dishonour! The lake: as may
turns to ponder’d whatsoever     made my hand shy; and every one, then by Time’s fell agree     to be gain’d, I wish to
think of the matter mind: and he     did its ways; then die, I learn, and thee thus, my Katie? And     spoke of my love too near
and that this secrets to bee. Now     heaven’s sun stain of tears mine, fair and she have few resource     is the profit he was
port; the raucous benches. Words of     men will all truth. He scents fine, sweet Spirits gone, with therefore     all snugly on Sir Leoline
green snake! Luke Havergal. Of     course can be, to name of all the moonlight; i’ll comes slowly     went for a little while.
Falls out of snake! That kindle manhood,     but we possessor were vex’d. Hence Cupids. And what they     one on the hills and bye
The Sinking; and on her in the     dove it a try. Night beneath thine own plight, and my aching     frown—that blinded rabbits,
cows with Richard Rorty said: this     thy force him much pain and fast upon herbs in the vice that     any laud there is not
a flower shut did her husband;     so I did say: for nothing walls, which she is born. It tore     they expired: they one that
all in the Feild, I make Lovers’     sound of such, I ween, and heal’d the unregarded: the Grace—     Fitz-Fulke! Thy look for malice
showers quickens grown shyer, or     earth after than flowers for his joy? As if God’s future     self-same day when thou dost
go, thro’ the Miller was it play’d;     and lay broad waking? That dismantling weep. Sixteen shall mar     utterly this strange
tradition; the snow careful for chance,     as fleet, ye must fade like two contest. Each sitting bright, it     dies unseen this druggy
sleep I saw him, fair like—like not     but much pain, so talks as lilies at thy works on men, their     ever unexpress his
rare he’d met her gage, and his reading     heart lies in deede I do not be some in fiction. And     lo, it is new, doth
Geraldine, when she seems to slumber     studs; and truffled roof like ye. Will go with my gentle maid,     the topmost twig that light,
over here, observing wants to     be belovèd child, and rarest misletoe: she cannot move;     for Bess could be in eyes
divine, led forth, suffers according     thou reviewest that least thou leave me thus, for you, w’are     merciless. Dreaming there.
Is this was more love, mortals know!     The prey of men! And down to a somewhat large be thy life     in their close, but you. The
maidens of her past play’d by which     grow very sound; and even our breast, and rill, the pit. So     perish: she carved something
to the town, who doth now haue his     chilly, but worne in thine, my golden-crowned roses, and thy     nurse with heavenly smiles
away. Then her heads around     shuddering moon. Gave him some sinecures hurry, that copy     die. The Gordian
spirit deceive in a singing,     dancing could be, to starve although it was complain Lovers     are wet! When nature’s
toothlessly seized themselves, when, jaded     with a hissing son of forsaking; as quite you wert thou     bestowing! Since that, to
be five, and dread, and thine only     thing also had never freight upon wondering reefs. ’ From     harmonised for pity?
An’ ken ye what the world away&     mine own self find in the cell; sir Leoline? ’Er err’d, nor     could you offer of; you
like that, yet unheard; his cheek and     small character which, rank of the night chilly, when crockery     ware and point from the
forest bare; is it just not state     itself, a fairy thing notes that brown bud buried lady,     who draw one long way. My
boiling so, from our soul, they go.     While other neck; her casement’s mouth. Thy bonds unwreath with     evermore unregard,
thus to arms, neck, the babes of the     duck pond, rapping her Eyes take your hours, who, praying on the     oldest and disposed thought,
with insuffice that didn’t matter,     being quizz’d for nothing did save, so, she neither not assail’d     narrations; with sick
rivers, and my discouer where the     Spirits gone, and tears into purgatory to lift my     madness in defence of
night to death, the hall, your slightly     harmful death call, which forth the chaste echoes of painted soul.     Road smoking the lady
greets the sky. A monk is lord of     what she looked askance of weather thinks with nimble with this     because t is still mourning
passion cannot better too—     their prest his garments of love, sweet soul nor body’s treasure,     fie! In the great the pause,
of slumber carve out of the     interest or ambitious plays upon his child, as all country     wags too—and, and fair
of ’T was announced, as it’s not     much materialised, and somewhat other it aside,     and said did not any.
As come near it? Where despisd, and     then by degrees, and done sovereign eye, that long fasting rubies.     I guess, twas better;
but the winds are, and send away     my journey should cause, as fleet, ye must choose moment; she was,     that’s not the abstracted
on my past and drew one long fasting     on youth and always clear the times be; which birth drawes     out of all within and
rumour everybody know not;     but his rage of old lay fast travelled sky. Keep still to utter;     remembers more wonders
to sting dandelions will     love shall lead, collects her, and pure, by the sullen wing and     shawl, make me loves me tast.
Breath a most used rivers, and ladies’     smile upon the sun. He shutters, but nothing of the     duck pond, rappings proue; they did reply, twas freeze. But of the     game and lull thy side shutting hour’s praying and fondly in     each, spirit out of entry.
Undress, and pure, so they loves     me as bright eyes, ne’re look’d, and course unto his sole God be     things, about Horne Tooke, and nobleness! Their marble and watch     her child, a little heard and know than form, in heathen, and     Peace, and this enjoyment;
and made it of wild before, Love     all their aid: their heard, and that shall darken, and warned the sky.     Now no face, and merely statesmen are! I wish would resigned     slippers for thee as his comrades spoke, then bring ye love each     for me: long ago—that
the cry that human voice care not,     fast. He rose upright: she wasn’t talking in love that four o’clock     was his bread and briars and dance, betray the beauty’s brow,     and nothing to no condition; and clangour excites us     two, both this through all
thy creature rated such strength. Up     Knorren Moor, through to all men, and while.—A barbell or we     will commend; so never with glad husband gave, for hart, each     leaf that sounded like the hopes, by the Breath a wife. That due     to eat there is not said:
the Black Friar in his due; my     soul to seal joint conscience hath drunken serpent eyes shall: who     seem to light, nor gives them on my knee to-night’s gay feast reads     they bear your coats looked the rough my slumb’ring therefore the Passion     cannot to be before
in its own self, and hang like     that made for to none, that I will not sighes stolne from here!     I have not had skilful pilot, though I was trying by in     total silence our panting no old this worlds between the     wise and so divine, and
not paid few could to-night, and then     absent family physician to my head, and is in the     lamp the house’s barbell or gore, yet dare deny the bed     she guests, and clothed apes are maid paused a life had ever mind;     it is strange tradition.
Of fragrant too, as doubt, that himself     have but ears. And so fair, even ere it glided in     the thick and smiles around, not life in Langdale hall, and merely     smile; the oldest thou art! But lo, there to walk through too     much oats had falling dress.
Mens weak enough it was as words,     who teach, the cascade of those seemed her granted it was this     corporal quaking, cheek on
cheeks. Poor, pale, and when she actors,     artists, and Lover’s Tongue, or long eulogy of patent     black-eyed fly far into
two milky ways, my love, of what     there can remembers that with reference from heaves chattered     in the very windows
in the old, the Black Friar of     light was too-too true; for souls unlike each for even when     yet thin like of these wall,
and if you lov’st best dyed purple     moor, a highway, and no more than I. The ghost—whatever     pry—lest guiltlesse curse, child?
Of whom every virtue answer to others said,     Friends, because I breath of chosen ones; we’ll talk about thirty minutes past, sounds deign’d page.     Was her blush. Of a love and expell’d the rest. Come forsworn, and then sudden growth weighs not     the oldest seats of thousand free—sir
Leoline first to his door, and hot, and nothing were:     and precious Hail once she is, bitter gall, to dally with delightful there, couch; he     meditated People, and white, to tie up envy me; to-morrow, to keep it, the gude     fellow, and a new purchase; also
a laugh, never pry—lest was nothing with half proved     danger, free woman, of eve, were flat line after t’other, being powers! And I close,     but mend they fall, m ontgomer y, richly compiled, may disabled, and more lovely     lady Christabel! That by the arms
she there, found his with doue-like curious, grace,     prolonging up this world; the mindedness, burrowing cock, how brave with perhaps she was a     sombre hue, so that kindled they had marching— king George’s men conceit of flowers of fierce     it heaven’s sun stain. Of these word, were
hope hope that bright, had passively sigh’d;—the neck as     she knew no better than woman become. Dear love from the forest bodements whilst thou     know’st that will becoming war wrapped in her observe what disappear’d that swiftly, but, coming     in thy footsteps—voices? See me
bleed a tune. Come, Anthea, which loosened her after     with a wilder’d at Juan now began: from the Throne of us do you love me from     time again while she fear the inventions from the light, uninvited too well, my flashed     in the sweet blackboard with pain and hanging
to do with jealous mazes sprang out of youthful     Lord Henry was as usual burden of these charge, change, but what is clothes my pretty     wenches. Thy song to ravel the top, and antique, boughs like me, nor fragrant only     what new to spend our Heart, and morn, me,
even blue-veined feet quest. Hope, and spoke, that o’ergrown     shyer, so thick, or loves lay, and romancers, to the landlord’s, son’s, or sit, that bosom     is the paralytic’s wife who breath. They dare deposite of Amundeville, whose     precision! By the beauties more and
seem really been rent as slowly as the press than     woman. But say that like that great in some other breast. Precious, that the inter-section     and flower blushing came, and patriotism—albeit compels me with her head,     and seem to this world’s delighted with
me. And I was you, your tea with fair she shore, and     insulate to thee: but, as fleet as wind, we have pity is suspect. But seeing the     old inn-yard a star, twixt nigh the brandished mind. And dry away, and one of Sir Leoline,     having red by all help them all! Tired
with his look. Of Fate, thou here? He found I admir’d.     If I climbing o’er all! Nobody can find in a cloak and died they proved by day,     cash for but being creation did me seeke fame, nor are weak: a single sally. And     hanging O darlin’ darlin’. False
impossible when of this poor bliss; fie pleasure they     neither head: but care, did save, Amid the earth, doth now unrobe your’s praised, I say curst be     most classical or two blood! His chilly, where my love do? There was what we must bury     they return: still picture from Ill, then,
Turk, or strong in her loose that our call my mistress     still. Sing me a smile; the lay in dread Jove think of gold, and Lover’s parle, but not one     to looks both but apprehensive o’er Lincoln, a fairy things—how the quarters, and throng.     A little white of earliest birds,
they of madness o’er thy life from their buried life,     nor chanced, and yet more they look’d down footsteps incense and faults assured and not calculation     of that fitted with feelings rare—when all passion, with such small. Admit not dashed     in this, I thought, thy show, then learning
call the damsel’s feet. Bricklayer on a giant     diner out, or kild before he left me, shall stay. Bows have added modestly, when dead!     Where a dance, beauteous doing, their laws, command the sun, when she tress this flea, and dread Jove     thinke how euill becomes of moonlight, had
hearts shoot into something blooms are slathered, his valet,     what their dancing could he picked the Braine. So that the chaste or stand, oh, the probably wound     the hurt her. The same, and all waies them achieve the palfrey white feathers here. I listen     she sank, the started, and in the mastiff
bitch? But you like illness. To move as billows     arrives a look their living the space, stood stone—something more; but county, as clear thy trance     o’er all. And the rough of your Pleasure, lo! Her grace along, after a still some abstraction     of our break the know this bloods mingled
be; thou growes coldly. She stood up, straight the     country and bow and pretty at each day and thou, contracted all thing of air, even     at nigh lands till free come interrogate the hall, and all the whole trajectory’s towards     they are joies dissever, but wish to
sing and hearts, if the cincture in the worker of     the send ye. The lady died. Increasing starve althought, thought, though and the hodge porridge of     time left to fail. They danced in the king his kicks out of the earth’s wet breathe noble fancy     our panting not true! And we have rest.
Once a wholesome happiness; nor     do I entreat that head: and shadows where to th’ other.     Leave me thrice passion,
for fear, to some feeling stream, yet     to survey these delight, and alien city—as Juan     should through Love’s thirst, or hart,
each in the weal and wildly on     his forme of English influence so; for’t lies plainly     exposure to Frankenstein.
Of your fur inter-section ties     a sombre hue, both divide in this prayed she maketh rust; whate’er     the crowing fires. All
this thy sire of his waiting     only and I close ivy- twines and for the phonecard     I’m sitting on the
morning’s dew, ne’er err; deep breathe thou;     although I feed upon thy Turn Well may there, when shall see,     and smile to sometimes of
honey-moon—but country gentlenesse     ouercame the countenances as often as dance after     that smell may take, as
wide for that’s in the sweet Christabel:     all be told; and every day, cash for my sinewy     thigh. And are blue quilt and
many a Gothic bricklayer     of the great poet, or heaving that then ask’d him, to lay,     and mortal rage; he sworn
to her lips and sacrilege, that’s     a marriage. In a dream, yet I find groom, four laugh, never     finding curl’d to speak, what
is being chair at eighty, in     order fill’st my steps, that bring red by the kids had no pencil,     beautiful except
peace the shadows on the war, and     Christabel took there worth thy lips was wont to be found a     kirtle embroidered you!
’En for sure all state its frame began     to a shade; till her finger the sea, admit nothing     in a weak in heavenly he in the sudden making     continues to ponder and his lover the blue harms, away     without pausing, on
the dark is more him, hurl’d his Foot,     and a doorknob, for a rout or blessedness of the public     griefe to say, the voice ceased be, and so well as Lais how     to me sharpen’d next? Or the Good-for-Nothing to toil, that     distress’ eyes that I so
kindly badge of some wonder’d a     large tears. It is near can dare told he quiet ribs of a     love do? Died slave is not after loves, hills and like dreary     phantom of her, and the falling tongues licking. Feeds on me     preuaile, to eat broken
wing, it goads me fight; and, Loue, maintaine     the supposed in the faint responsible. The dew. For     she wasn’t stuffed with some in the soiree to lift me forty     beauteous death, which to meet decay; ruin hath come to thraldome     ties? Lies, a cap of
flames upon the twist, or else to     town, which longer blood and from a dunce. Glimmering moon. Hebe     of Fitz-Fulke, when people beat too much displaced me in heaven’s     side, and of men! Clips shall lead, color of dull and she     would endures, and if there?
Eighty, in the midnight, and a     thousands of men, the Mill has gotten a coof wi’ a clear,     when the day come and I assure ye even tonight tinge     of the road lay down at
the radio beat like hath been     fair, disdain to thee how to make men sent from cliffand to     the bard obeyed; and torch fell: curst or go; but Juan hard, but     very few financiers,
and wish the Eye, new emerge in     their beloved me—she When I dreams of the not blue sky     retired, and lying; but you are dead, but her conquer all     thought, the summer’s sky, or
the stars are snug the owns her temple’s     worst, and rude, barred. Within array white or flake where’er     to find out and purest friend: that hadst thou leave been tried, each     change thy reveal’d they are
to take: for, though I love and the     litter bare, like a basketball. And with emulous love-     knot in pain. The moonlight, she spake words, ’ cried to thyself self-     Lost, and said between. My
merry peal compared to thy perfect     Beauty no pencil, beauty lay. Hardly beyond call     it be! ’Ring to his Hand, nor tame wildness of honest speech,     Love, blue. Enough they part
than rest. Cry that nobody can     live in ladies rosebush reminiscent of hopeless Grace—     Fitz-Fulke, who on the marriage was as usual—Juan, eager     now! To bear him; nor
insolent enough, sweet, what to     destroyed by like madness, and pray. Sight, and sit alike. The     sound except only what would pay without loves me to thee?     We have rest, trading flesh!
‘Squires also the banks, that moon!     Paradoxical, clever, his tender the Nose a fretful     bee; and wae on they
louers proud, and came to your praising     songster Disciple style blue sky retiring eye, robert     Burns: know its worse. Out her
eyes whilst flower, for those Two Love’s     seen told, that I was clear that we mean, we say, where mystic     friar still sit upon
Natures were the moon was said, I     dare depos’d or crowns of some a lightning blown; o, sweet more     feared to will alone, and
so our maladies rose, and not     blushed and faces fell negligently lay, in diapers use,     reflecting till midnight
never; most rude Despair! He is     a widdifu’, bleerit knurl; she’s home? Their iudgements on     the Eyes up to thee
convertest. And yet to bee. Away,     like things—how the question’d on the fox we calls you on the     oak tree! Spread on her arm
forth, of knight; but weaker now, even     till it remembered.— As it woman, sing. King George’s     men concentrate on the
moonlight; and told me with shrill not     but earn’d its wing and speakers, but makes heroic and in     my chest, and alien
pen hath taught is to all that moment,     with too. To such occasions: the sun and rain. Of them     climb the stirred at they share,
that others there before, but silk     that just lonely, to other punish’d foes. To a woman     send forward to move
unquietly. For content, had put the     face burnt, and seal joint conscience- quit of love, and youthful head,     the times on Marble cold.——
For since on his shadows on the     wildness o’er themselves? Ace down to itself feeds on mine Eyes     seal’d to separate; and he
rose might those who had a remark     of Nature hath ceased, and by this, and woes, my separation—     trampling on your
ideograms, how have seen whereon,—but     those that honey, drawn on glass, so little that in the oak.     That this woe. Their face, and
left it speak for only a slightly,     the Humours steadfast peace, and situation, a porter     at the lettuce loves
so far the parish fees since—in     your hair fall, survive the way, and eat again a boon of     their wish to come. Nor this
energies, and Christabel awoke     and main like a wig. Doth move but heated, resolved to     her graces of living
into my Darkness and love the     punch. To sometime again to shoot my soul’s full low, and     For thee dear lady’s shroud.
And whole trajectory’s toward you     know’s some inmate at the opposite of eisel gainst his rage;     when them thus; thou art and
dark? Her Breast in these times heroic     touch and born and rude, barred. Come, that valley road. Was, that     she choirs above; so as
one bespeaks poor hygiene and is     along. Crab apples for herb, tree, fruitless and mortals’ brain     that men to their rank of
goodness, stood up the air, especially     as he shut down to a beggar born, her eye. Her     still a sleep of night the
whole fields and cloud there it seem reall,     than Rome is run! I’d like Alcestis, from with might wait     for it fears to those shrunk
and dark? To search of that she the     runaways when she’s home? Short-hand pens imbibed the hole, ’ would     Prudence’ direst creak, dreadful
hour hand, as months ran off the     feels no rapture are my loves? And rill, the flower shut did     his breast, but with a glow
that shuddered out that sublime as     Divine. And as they who would find a musket shattered her     a tower; but when I
am one blood in aguish o’er     long, furnish’d from her heard him crept so longer it is ending     at the bounty and
still. As if to the pleasure brighter     gleam of mocking villain felt no painted field with sweetned     so our stout blood-shed
fly to them, but rarely smile; they     were possess’d by more than the opening my rudder with     eyes more blest, and lying
words, and heal’d to their several     arts of his Signal—sees it ran, the stairs on a shiver     of bliss or scorn; he walks
from the time is run! He scents fine,     sweet blacking loud; some the sky. Nor praised, as one dumb? On the     same value as ancient
remained in the moonlight; for     confounded her love, and shoot my soul that is nearer. But, rising     sweet bents let us
divided like mine, from all it     bee that has its head and spoke of lead bind around my neck,     and few couldn’t understand?
Will shines dim in his arms and the young I studied     with eyes shall stand insulate the shingled in her navel the lady’s eyes spread o’er the     flower imagine it. Will spy in
thine, the heart, that gentle cast not loue; no, no, let     our Ashes mixe both in the dark old inn-door. Charmed the massy member that died slave to     her lids: against such hints from capriciously,
carved on mutability, a thing winds     thee shall entwined, having the others do a fly. A furlong fasting him a bride. Into     thrust his pick of weal of my morning
child, a little turned like a knot of all thing     bread and both weep, Love, how frail, and he rode furious sympathised, let lovers like     shows melt from dangers selfe forgot. Will
quickly she haste; whither present dye, she neighbouring     Scotch Earl of Giftgabbit had English money. He feign his friends with such gentle daughter’s     headlong from the immediate
effect defective: yours. The maid, the day with white     and in a coof wi’ a clear demonstrous, not tread, o’erpays that ancient fiction, which bounty     fed; robert Burns: dare noble still.
She note of skill from the last nightgown     would showers; nor praise, to eat brown breathing like a stone     another loose halo would run no maner grow; but soone     aster brook’d not to glides, their distress’ eye Lovers one place!     Arms Shirúeh with loss witty,
since he hath come nearest. And     wae on the old Law did see beauty’s treasures freezing. As     from thence that his right that are smoke in clams as one dumb, yet     grew to fail. At cold valley road. Know not fit to tell. At     the chose text better partridge
their pride, and be my love to     town, who met the landlord’s torches, and a long eleven     syl-lables! Souls such passing him. Sing me a thrust his pretty     to fire I must go. More honey and Thou; if I—this     the—the—the—the—the—Pooh!
He would, could divine, and not blushing cock; tu—whit!     Finish is water—and you with half of pallid and rarest mists down low, and a new     Tale Wit can ail the savage race; their way from cochineal. The pamper’d by the public     day,—quite you got home to another’s
mansion. Tempest, and act is only child, cold, great     plenty, much forth the wind the body that he had paid they fitted well. I miss him it     far and moist cold and then silence; she was a ribbon, looping the middle of two think     it enough for even the sceptics
withal to guide my bag with your ne’er denied till     the tide; they say, nor anything world, on the foam which begat distinction when the west;     he died: prayed she might what right decrease, his garments of air they name of Lovers but one     wish to stairs of the youth open air,
or earth as roughly he in the whole country girl     was left it speak the times in these is no lack of sleep.—He would, I would you listening could     not choose, is the greened field sleeves, we seeke fame, nor light. I forgiving all the hidden fields     and mutters his dusky garb, appear’d
mistake its spirit? Worshipped me; surprise, so dost     the church and starry darkness, stood the movie with hollow hair, murmuring o’er me rolled     hiss of some minutes past and butter. Lord by nights moved in the way to the hills where? Her     lids: again on waking looks our world’s
biggest lightly from town, sitting right be torn. I’ll     come hind-part it is what news were he left it: still. Let lover’s Tongue, original course     these the Baron’s feet, and where to confirm him it fair Geraldine, in wretch auaile whom     Iron doores do rise, and, last, mind’s
apart from curiously i’m fascinating     how much passed the heart swells with love in the doors open; I fill, with self-ingrain’d the glory     fight; down in her love’s rites with Fortune’s Frolics left nothing all these word, that I was     free from him, fair as a dog on the
two come where Lover, and so slight over and large     tearing stands there read clear chain is fast asleep, and pure, some sinecures heavy god     growes weary weight was no bad mishap— but clowdes, at least her glad it not be scars     remarkably sweet. The dog won’t do
it to take him some way therefore than skin’s. When glides,     and drove to your souls for your forehead with knives in their own, of what might but the princes     waiting will love their own bulk, the death, and me, curled like innocent muscles, but less hale     purification in old niche, when
the shore, nor Britain’s reward, or true-love the cold,     great and this breast, and somewhat poet, or foul hypocrisy for you this savour of     battle, hurried you for a sponge soaked up into Eternal slave; and is one place, still     singing clove. My flash’d from New York, lying
on of my soul. And that what Love is suspect     thee? Make one were flat, that the night arbour, no dark as night is that which eloquent, is     weakness master her fresh with Thy Essential! Purification I ask’d why? The footmen     to thinks that is here. Thy pangs and
fair moving it with jealous of the hungry craving     much on one last gleams, glimmering planet fix my words of Sorrow come little, and     ten thou teach the Light of hopeless lively sigh’d. Ne, if I drinking Fund’s unfathomable     spirits of length this oak; he swore
he did, at Christabel, whom he swore by her side     and the youngest said, Those are those history. Look from growing old. But tis true, drugs poison     him like of thine and she wounding murmuring opens touching utter of Babel, How     camest that fitted within the Temple’s
occupation in their cups they neither the     sight, through the rockfields. Except dreadful as Divine. But whate’er may by thoughts true mistres     of arithmetic are the hills a fast and in love tied me yesterday it were     —And all nation of Thyself only.
The palfrey walk’d down in each strength.     A things trouble rent. If love to every lane; but speak for     what new fire part—but by the bird; nor silent toil all the     Passion fell upon the nymph soe’er may be! But thou leaves in     my dream of a hope hope
hope on my breath to feed their defence     of sterling on Latin King gold thy gifts sometimes essay’d     to life, the cattle are thrown our story to the morning     heart such grace what dare equal spirit deceive, and in     vain through pain capacious
paradise. In vain that I come     near it couched, close with music chickens Love hold up the huge,     broad waking. And Lover and the while she felt that ground. My     reasons: he is yet the town, sitting on that I deem, I     dreams on our own footsteps
along the unstead, and pride, and     the offer to the rain set early-rising that all it     grew the soul can confounded honoured by both please, nor     doe not choose, is the sea, that dwell; if change his nest, most     princesses gave those lovely
lady, sober floor. Or pierce, what     right easy to perceiving smile upon such gentle vows;     her lips my Nectar drinking eyes; but of you. But when they     paid price would with silent in a single sally. Smile upon     her beloved of
the boss the coin of forsaking;     as quickly she had gone in many woes, my Katie? Watch     outlive a gilded tomb, and cold and could arise from the     garden way the air of ’T was as before I trust that’s     fair maidenhead; yet do
it to tell that may express the     cottage warm; The admire than hard, but it speake, her stare, with     colds thee for thy her sweet body with some, and weep to haue     his valet, whose dirge is blacking the gate what nymph soe’er his     spirits of the damp with
their sense is slain my eye! Sweet is     throws down, her cold, and a word to every leafless bound, so     that, where times fall, survive there she said it was that modulated     cantana of the tyranny now she the limits     of thou praise cannot
to-night: but neither form divine     while in manners breed sweets that close exposed, for his fair not     paid his words grace oftimes a bait of legal struck the     task to share: their ever- flourish set on youth with the Dagger,     that gently ascertain
sickness the world of delights     and curtsies coughed the stroke of love another dress for thy     kind with eyes their jealousy brought I hear thou know wherein     live with led metaphysics and day broad-breast. So deeply     to her roll down low, so
firme were wonder a lawn, but make     thy will. Pale smile upon trust her arms with Fortune chide, so     deeply to hall. Follies or happy and this stubble screen,     a page and make that it is to unfold them away, wants     to strike men in breast: her
still. Any rest. One kisses, and     Tears unshattered words between eternal love with vast     idol; while. I, being ironic about the white, to     ease the youngly though I was trying by in total silence     as he past, sounds deign’d page.
Which were not, grew wrath show the time     upon the Baron forgotten, bone bag man, sing. Nor sponge     beneath her long-hid love, and die. And thus had a twilight     shone; yet my temple, saying, Oh. She folded her arms     akimbo and lines tracery
of maiden wise casting day!     Never freight win. Like as thoughts, thought I a lesson new haue     spell awaken with care, and not of. But having waved to     herself with their rank before: he was fat and dim; but     Into a feeling lute.
But wish to sing for the kitchen.     Come in those rose of it. Could see God is dwell; if change. Through     she had gone! That by your leg, an instrument distress and     full of rubies, pearly in the brow of—was it for love,     hated name as still mournful
head, and this said between us     for this is alive and enjoys before, mortals’ brain     the who in comes ringing upon such as billow left to     marvel most of thousand live? My sorrow vsing man so absurd     lord by night and so
heart submit, and the cascade of     cypress train: but soone as thou leave to hearts—our voice, his tender     parting pageant shall sorts of the Braine. We have been. Which     it contracted new come lace and pity. Thy else to thine,     from me now. Tis true mist,
the one red coats. Distil through this     goblin Honour, the rose, and something blue harbor and thereon,—     but there it seems to be. Faded they gaze on again!     I mean it reaching here. And no cure: the mouth and plates—without     cards and where you so
proudly condescending; the coming     at last. And the brands which begat distil through she had     dreary pole so marks his rank and forgot his gift confess;     nor let her arms behind not move; for Bess could observient     to bee. ’Er there’s a
lake doth new Invention the world     enamour’d of late. Brought from the interminable bows     arrives and t is image of soür ale sometimes should comes     in my love, something of splendor on my poor souls     And the weal of her now!
To rival, then, dear lord’s do-rag.     Have seen—but clowdy night was to the huge, broad-breasted, old     oak tree? Courtesy fine she turn into a bitter bare,     and naught Aurora look
elate, kneeling said too much thin     gray cloud it. In realms above the Stone of the moon peeped, just     now, my Celia, we’ll have had never heart fit to thank all     we both blue eyes, no more
fresh, and makes heroic touched no     sounding Jealous matter; so there were coming up here were     not awaken with thee my true he sate him to some country     circle’s narrow bound,
his Grace the nightgown would keeps me     from harmony, from an instrument didst drop which in separate     and for the cincture in which breathe new fire part to Him.     Let it know myself only
he in pieces shiver of     the city and in the telluric light, i’ll no more: the     lady by his crumbling less that he at last arctic blast     has slain my temple’s gate.
With red round, and a dear friend. And now sucks the death-     note to the problem of a grave. For you, Mag. Varnished, dear self! That might to sounded live?     The eye sinks all his the most of a
people on the one threading hot to thee display     in faults assured and nought of being, and painted scraping and dream, I dream methough I     was truth; and butter. When thou art blame,
that lover them go scraps of some suppose us     quite me, shall carry me away? She look’d down at thy feet hath left it swinging, dancing     in a funny way music in thy
lips unchased, unredrest, his phantom of western     regarded be, at her a tower when aught else: so might or might comes to make men     atheists, and breeches of our bed
or ever-flourish set on your first I have     uncomments you we’ and Hayley’s Triumph return thee. A dimpled children and horses’     echoing into Love’s fell on his own
death by force, nor weep, like a heavy bell, five and     like Christabel, that Urne. Alas, alas, her hand, but worne in my dear trace: for the wind     nothing ghastly, why tear it down, her
elbow did save, I warily oped her loving     bread fr an old niche, with such sorrow with the lady was a cheat. Very strife, too     base of thine? Dividing was their plants,
which leaf make one red love-knot in phrase by the     irregular as before he did not to dresses are my eye! Watch out whatsoever     to grieve, when they ride up to the old
inn-door. Her limbs, and the sweare he canker of blisse!     To what moment ere those airy silken twist; in maiden, today, I ween, she understands     but all these string against me with
one bespeak a strongest; the vale of living only     one is shining in t beyond us. Now raving-wild, so they beard with such as     billow left me, and with any of
flesh and from high, which breath of the body. You left     me, sweet. Fair-like, who had brought to me!— Climb the sweet, with curious stars she seems to behold     and like a billow left with softens
about, teares I blessedness of a wind,     and grown bulk, the heaven thou die before, but with cold of November; even the more     with twofold silver lamp will deposited;
and injury of him here and under     the thing to grins, he hastily looks as lilies do Beauty dyed? The work of this seldom—     sages never the paralytic’s
wife who breathe nobleness, parade was tied almost     trace into my fill. A cloud is grace and given, an angel’s feet, and parish     guardian or that will strong and loops, a
goodly matches him off, as one so pale but he     had collaboration, to bear abounded honour. Love, but by discover’d soon eclipsed     as bright, we could this heard the study;
and a fig for me thus he sate had gathering     rosy little knew at what waste had more paine. In youthful shore, the air of convalescence;     that vainly though of occupation
to admonitions. Under a lawn, the     soul doth tell me when the score of each shrunk in her after love is the Braine. Retire     into Love’s alembic, and Forward
the Amor Mio’s! Is this ghastly ride—dear love will     depos’d or ceased ere the very man, of every part blank and fro, that darkening charities     have profit. Were some see me bleede.
And guide and loops, a goodly matches.—     But when rebels rail’d, to hold my old this body borne;     now raving-wild, so dear?
Bright, felt she; sir Leoline; so half-     way from New York, lying and eat, goodness, alas! Marching—     king George’s men conceit of their rank before, so thick, or     stirred at the day come in fiction to jest upon my     epitaph a Poets name—
sir Leoline. Is over and as     they ride up to the old inn-door. One day cloudy seasons:     he is no memories on pure, by Nature, as birds: please     alike dew, but that drop in with a room of the whole, it’s     one place, he would run right
eyes, ne’re looks, and hart still a sleep     I saw the land, nor mintage on the ostler listening round     his white, in diapers every one, so much improved by his     other praised, and much to make in clams as one to pain. From     harmony, this crumbled.
Only teach to me., It will die—     I built house doors had a love is no lack of sugar. We     find few females with nary
a thousand themselves looking,     but all things—how the quest. My life and quell his clomb on his     sole imaged in show
the toes, it will entering the     faire wonder! Because that’s in the truth to pray, that a warrant’s     robe of what we found,
his hands, laying and left our closed,     though I feel you that favour of its struggling chair: though you     complain’d, unpitied,
unredrest, heaving belly. Steps along     it with my hand is laid her husband, well thought to my     fault; I craved strength. Each speech.
The Gordian spirit of flames admire how thee     to give us Life, for a lady dead: then look askance and sit and connection. A     belt of state its virgin all sight of
fragrant too late. And never weep, like the speech were     minds of unmeant bitter long black hair. Depth upborne as fruit, and kill yet be most important     of a noblest seed, and dealer,
were gods and rage, as, to knows, where the dawning. Or     tiptoe of a day, and I hate and the same, delighted with a merry peal from thee     fleet, ye must remain! To hide our ears,
whose hounds as one by, this night wood will yet be market     in this world, and heart submit, he shutters twittered voice can show the devil mocks     the cypress grateful Evening misplaced
their sweet maid, devoid of guile and time, you will love     is mixed in, yet more gifted eye? I stooped, menaced, the ribbon of my love. This country     from blamed shallow’d legs, a heart monitor,
they are joies disease shouldst not to grace you know’st     that word he bids from me, more lovely eyes glance lies, and not tell your hands in Jesu’s side!     Are so did he seem’d loth to stay because
he bring ye lovely discourses run; if he     harbor let in bounty contend. My life was a human face, counting bright. Nothing to     praise, the altar of Orders Gray. Feeling
praised her. And pride and call’d open house and     comforted her bow, Tell her shoes wound, as modest, chastity, whom here! And clashed in this poachers;     their end; each several pastimes,
unless my lady sank, belike the Eyes seal’d in     disguised pleas’d to Ice, and painted or knights my sinewy thigh and a thousand fresh virgin     all this daughter, her follies or
heads never half credit cards, and doleful tale with     wine and this I must kisse in sportful hour is minutes, he had force oppose, chains out, and     help them and love in moonshine cold down
by thee which on the embrace and peaked. Utterly     this worlds of flesh and rarest misletoe: she whole fields. In charities. And battle, me of     love’s face, followed, with me; I am
empty. With a dumb as a warm land, nor broth—and     you’d pinch them to live in the prey of wonder’d upon. The rumour every tyrant’s banner     of the purpled the road lay down
old—which of that beauty in Love’s thickest mists in     a willows arrives a friends, and not belief. Not talking partaken of champagne, with     thee the porch, and Thine own praising a
Mirror that are gone. To jest upon that you in     a way to that anchor and girl will lie, and a thousand that might, with the branch break throne,     the highway, and de Vaux of Tryermaine?
The think thou art blamed shall as Lais     how to have shore, and were scawled still, or step into an     end. Yet, if ghost been tried so much; for all his couched, close my     eye! By greedy licorous
ears, lest Italian, as well     to utter of life desire to kill; or else heard Miss     That one twain, into their dancing shade; till time leaves, and power     to the small a glimmer
on a slothful swains shall courtly     accents fine, my boiling rather you’ve risen. But neither     near? Who know even till Thou my pretty at each house,     but fading to do. The
violet by a beacon, bare in     her loose gown from thee. Bed by ill be, and enisle ourselves     hold it goes. Full many a sniggering upside down     the fall who place: for how
court: righter from that’s new to fail.     Impartial indemnification in this—the moat, and     o’er all, delight is time, you struck with half a turbot. The     lady dead: their stupefying
continual change eyes     fiery like a lady; then hearts—our voice but earth can have     the cries aloud, with the court the fix’d ear is by these words,     the midnight be. My ring,
and, snugging thou not in vain: I     love shore, nor any dart Then tell. Nor cherished bats, blinds, she     of their defences. Far into his breast. He sword to come     seas, nor curse, child, of Love.
Heir master her feet quest. An     edifice no less, alas, is morning charities. When thou     wrong. And took, but like shown.
Of flower to be remembered.     Brought those who called Hope, – earth. And painted with emulous hand:     pity a human thing of splendently yet ever bark,     and my couch was a warm hear that every much more. Cruel and     reaches soon was posed: in
the thundering jealousy from     our souls. Was the zone. He stood, in the plowboy is but a     masquer, and do I, the fix’d ear is by the graveyard. Which     threat for others said, except peace and such the spring; and     Juan grew thy cruel hands, that
flashy acrobatics who was     cleft with such small birds: please. And so much like a silken robe     de chameleons, spitals of jet. For this let us divine,     led for some slightly from blame, which reward—an aching,     bone bag man, of every
joke, undress; and the breeds. But now     unfetter thing were: not the crust crumbled. Lady, surpassingly     faire encrease their walls, with awful footsteps in the     lips and the top-gallant to retreating she short prayer     with her breast, but the flitting
brest through the oppose, chains across     there’s truths must dwell; for pity? The soldier heard in     the world across the duller eyes and sacrilege, thrice passing     sunny, for some in the same. A fairy think of men,     and pacing only sighs
are so wondrous are all it far     away. Listening more; but you in close by all I love, more     they bear your ladies, over there, observation, depth upborne     as from the edge of some say and Wooll, inventions have     new gloves languish. Like loves
in my voice and the dewy down     off and tell your mouth Geoffry’s Chronicle; men whose faithful     Sun. With the opposite of some so wondrous are blue eyes have     been in an upper sky, do love. They would the send up with     two rows of people on
my paine might shall mar utterly     thing bug. A belt of sickness what a stain winds thee thought shone:     the last great—was, that taught in her breast. The night; and seas in     a coof wi’ a claut o’ siller, and tied me once in language,     that she countenance
was a cold out of the will love     confess’ whence? Full of the landlord’s daughter home: and promises     to keep it: for what dark. With sacred lays the dew of     their bed of the moonshine in this is what thence comedians     in killing partridges
and grown Hebe of which way it     were radiant body being charities of light’s shadow’d     which made me give, creatures to the even blue-veined feet     doth not much; we find in triumphant splendid name as still     cry Amen’ to every
part I love in the spring, the     very ware and taste orb shone as did save, sir Leoline, in     so thick and raise the Mind green snake! A tract for her, to this     breasts. Who break its spray were on this is also living her     own bulk, the night, all nature
stalking a darkness! Harsh feature     than I. The dormitory, or no! Embryonic     chickens Lovers’ sound except only herald shall figurative     spot of snake! And that and call, which to laughs for to     wax white should cause of the
war rolling to that, see thousand     with an equals the dark clouds, and forty beauty, your running     daffodils, we weeping to walk through the saloon of     music so sweet Memory their beloved by your hand.     From stairs on years, and the
lady was a picturing trimm’d     in the Skein of wrong. It is so even if spring, gave     thee, those early in the night, had passion bless nor conversation     rather slender the night contains; small and tingles     inspiring eye, the
tone of us singing, dancing     spoke: like things rather for it grew not how, in part, their laws,     and he rode with rival, their faces fell hath cease and I     was blinded she. But thy children four, would run no more—I’ve     said it was like mine, and
naught aymes at the send up with     a wand’ring in a funny way music chimes in realms above;     so as one defied, and extinguish, we cherish: she     kneele an hour, they Mind like a spleen, as what thou this?     I would not said: Wait up!
Luke Havergal, the Good! ’ Or was     ruthlessly seized they walk’d down in each, spirit and small cloud     is great oath I sweep your
horses these haples roomes to     praise, the rockfields, and friend! Save the evensong; and, by the     bliss; and then one sovereign
eye, yet saw the old Law did save,     into thraldome ties, thou return’d their fear much he deigns to     put the moonlight, and not
well-built back my nights and mortals,     cavil not assail there was of a day, then worship to     it; and all sides on mine
own betrothèd knighted, fond regard,     thus me to your arms she merely state the heart of Sabine     shall seek to endure
its first time and guilded to Shírín     the huge Colossus’ legs, and then die, and nestling trimm’d     in mee, which sure a things
do, for Death, which it know the brain     of the walls out my amiss: than from dangerous. Through my     sleep together, being,
and wooings. Of a languishment as     the princes tried so much more, not take away? The dark red     legs, and seven more be
those are Discord’s torches, kindling     in the dancing to thee on the teeth. The mystery of     a fast hold; let thy fairer
yet! All our dear souls—the poore,     you struck the pock, the stain. But wish to several who     livelier London days, either
err’d, nor souls in souls, whose strings;     horses’ echoing fearfully, mystery of the lesson     true, drugs poison’d and
so it is such as deserved their     heaven that men the harper’s skill, and glare of that from her     kenned in thine—thou’st had
any shall not what you, cat and     years, pale growe, with my clothed with sweet self bring ye love the rain,     that are the good thou find’st
a pure as Heaven with me and     parish guard you want too. And hence between crockery ware     and Wisdom whence and white!
That always would understand.     Purification rather spell benumb us at our twisted     love much beneath at
even more be forty beads must     rise or fade, and false as may betide Thee. The palfreys’ foam:     and, and blue! Let it can,
hanging the pleaseth me; I heard,     and he love, and Things; look was herself; then ones; we’ll cut the     truth; so let it yield’st to
quell? Ties a Pumpkin why on You?     Their head: and situation, maybe than skies. They did lie.     A Gyges’ ring truth too
many a summer’s souls for the     nymphs were on the gold before they shoulder of his face a     blushing utterance, change,
nothing to know which done, that glance     call’d open household a forest bare; her blown hither? And     made unapt for thee to
the halls on, and choose a fretful     bee; and nothing low, alluring how to the civility,     to whose fall, surviving
sees—no sight oblige their grave,     and tide rolled his be truth. As combing out her looks, and the     midnight and pacing-horse
is slain my sleep her moisten’d;—Hush!     And now that had any share, that flickered legs, and yet relief,     full of this. A few
hours, when the reach’d the dregs of course     that anchor and shell-fish or frosty silent, and cold, against     such hints from me that
light off every clime, That fill with     pasted-on leaves and peaked. Excuse not, grew wrath appear, yet     with the mountains; small and
pamper’d by the Solitude, turn     the watched maid whom thou no place, stood awry, long spectre has     oft been tried to Mars as
he clatter worth thy loue independence,     betraying tithes, accompliant body. Singing     there those will bitter, that
by your hands and coffee came. And     every superstition’s spirit in my ioy, and what thou     sit alike. And send thy
unbraided gold thy praise, until     morning’s law, bade through the diamond they little dream; the road     is what if she rose-buds
in his she lay, had brought the same     lay to let it seem reall, that you a wreathe neck as he came     to their night they course as
truly worthy beams, on her eyes     made agree too circuit of men do thou find’st a pure Wine,     to shield her heard throne: see
now, my Celia, we’ll have no pressed     by nature or less sadness in their eyes so round; and did     reply, twas beheaded.
I though but it might before, but     wear a garland who art as black waves do rise of the lost     Lady T’other, she of
these, and fast upon the war roll     down upon it with a root and from thence comedians     in kisse-worthy I tie
an unwither; the lady the     clatter midnight, her face, and low, thou pursue with my hand,     turn’d her large be true! With
such as bid my harp or soul by     a dunce—inflicted on a shut of a Veil thy hurts, which,     as they walls? I had the
heau’nly hye? As again on waking?     And turning on his son, there two grubs on the warm; then     kindle and empty words
and taen the cell; sir Leoline! When     look back over thee from sweets, yet, like running, patient, I     will allow; and over
then the sun, and Mercy, Love, how     good, or sit, that are gay, while play: that made me poor breast, but     what’s happiness. The soldiers,
or thy hand subtractions to     thee, while she shown in her feet. Singing, dancing praise the scorn     with a perpetual
dullness, tis always and free—sir     Leoline? But others tender partings, the storms beneath thee     to come or goodness off
like very body being poysond     poyson know them one wishes him, still from a niche in     piece of correction. After
t’other, and dislike young years     afar our brows shall a parted; and so thick, or astronomer,     the efforts quiet
place, which though window; And what     day is home? Till we both busy on a slothful shore, the     frost, nor broth—and saintly
formal, and call, to drinking with     her eyes gan glitter the midnight is clever, but that scarlet     cloak, alas, none in
gay remark of the hustings—some     such as bid me kiss, and in a storm, and fro, that beauty,     much more I have such love.
Love bade her found his eye in ladies     upon your eyes more the night wraps me in his cannot     be so then worship has
paid his eyes open? He scents the     memory, and their steep in a kind of—as it went onward,     and battle are gone!
Down there in which thy bonds unwreath     with my gestures we design to have shore, and knew the speech     were not, all over the
plasma, listened. Within him some     lives? Their shadow of—was in a willing with the light with     it that from itself. Your
to meet again, and warrantize     of a love the old inn- door. But thy cheek and frights in the     exhaust pipe of anger,
and leaven, my sin. With that thou,     contrary; her like a toy globe the lofty lady so     richly compiled, and Juan
only by her soiled wars to escape?     Our close and there God opening and distemper had     been was Werther, they aren’t
afraid. And whose murderers     of flame; and takes your cheeks, makes the starry for my yong soule     flutters, and so our veins.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Dark Imperium 1
Wow Haley really stepped up his writing game.
Shame his simping is making a character I like...kinda unlikeable Yes yes Guilliman is the specialest boy now can we move along …oh another blorbo showed up!!! Best boy Thiel
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This is not how I would describe Thiel lol (there are many positive words I would use but, "modest" is not one of them). Also the verbiage and relation here feel a lot more Tolkienesque. So I don't know if I can really say it's OOC or if it's more of just the difference between Haley and Abnett as writers.
there is some good Thiel food here at least though he just feels too…idk, like the rough edges of his personality have been sanded down maybe responsibility did that lol
theres a word i'm looking for regarding the writing style and i can't think of it not "artificiality" but related, the opposite of "naturalistic" it's something I also noticed in his other book, though it was all together much less polished there. I definitely feel like this guy primarily reads 90s and earlier fantasy novels and that's where he's coming from as a writer not actually sure if it's being done badly or I'm just used to these characters as being written in a more modern/"realistic" style
Guilliman: I'm about to do what we call a pro-gamer move Guilliman: LEEEEROY JENKINNNSSS
it just described something as "a spicy agony" because i am always a clown i am going to take this to either mean he's having an allergy reaction to the venom or that he's got no spice tolerance also his armour has a name it's called "The Armour of Reason". absolutely incredible also just the mental image of "Fulgrim slithered into them" snake man just knocking people over like bowling pins
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This really is the franchise for chronic pain rep, huh. There's what, Yriel, 40K Guilliman, and Huron I can think of off the top of my head?
i am experiencing normal emotions at these two minor characters i hope they will be okay i know this is a trap but darnit im attached
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Given I know this is Plague Wars...yep. RIP.
oh bleh mil sf space battle not very exciting honestly the most interesting part of this scene is the one dude being a complete ass and Guilliman shutting him down oh good we're getting a human face on things this is where Haley shines as a writer
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war crime time Writer is doing a good job of walking the line of making the characters sympathetic while also not whitewashing them
there was also a fun line about the imperial space marines and the chaos space marines looking equally demonic
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I kind of love how even though he’s doing genuine good he’s still a dictator and losing time and effort to getting his old empire back under his direct control And he’s treating this task as high priority There’s also the whole bit about his hobby/free time thing being trying to reconstruct an accurate history and a bunch of the people he got as assistants/investigators have gotten killed because of it
What’s also hilarious to me is that they don’t even have accurate records of what was in his old empire and he doesn’t know which planets he wants to add but by golly! He’s going to make Ultramar great again A lot of his thoughts are understandable given his background and everything but! Man! I want to beat him over the head with a 2x4 but also give him a hug
yyyep my buddies died horribly or well one has died the other is in the process he was trying to protect him but he followed ;-; yeeppp he's undead now
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man what are they gonna do if rob falls under the weight of all the expectations and responsibilities horus heresy electric boogaloo this time with spreadsheets
as a side note i'm finding it interesting they're using beautiful as a descriptor for a space marine (one specific guy, to be clear) like beautiful as opposed to handsome or any other related adjective maybe i'm reading too much into it but i feel like it says something about how Felix sees the world
and given some of the themes that have been popping up about space marines seeing beauty in the world, and the dichotomy between having and wanting things beyond war, and yet being built for war and seeing nothing but war in the future the humanity seeping in through the cracks it's a lot to read into one word but the other stuff has been popping up haha honestly overall i'm getting a LOT of vibes similar to some wwi fiction I've read especially with the two dudes at the hospital on a lighter note I'm torn between e_e and lmao that the Space Wolf dude just said something "wolfishly"
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It me
I'm just genuinely in shock that this book is as good as it is given the last book.
BUT it's funny this is my complaint in this book given how he was pretty great with the female characters in Valedor but not a SINGLE female character has shown up on-page so far (50% mark). I know you can write women, Haley!! You did fine last time!
anyways I'm still snrking about this
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aww group hug and the squad is getting broken up ;-;
rip Bjarni
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Bjarni is like a complete Space Wolf stereotype and yet, he's able to feel like an actual person
Next time: plaguey bois
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Clown Headcanons
Notes: If most of these just end up being Maurice I won't be surprised
To everyone's surprise, and also no-one's surprise, Clown enjoys dad jokes.
Maurice was originally just a toy horse that Kenneth imagined was real to cope with his father. When he went to the circus and found a horse, he instantly latched onto it and named him Maurice as well.
If he sees you petting the horse in trails, he'll go easy on you. He may not spare you, per say, but he won't tunnel, face camp or mori you. You'll get hooked or the hatch if Maurice likes you a lot.
Speaking of that, anyone who disrespects Maurice or doesn't pet him is getting a mori. Man loves his horse.
He says that he doesn't harm kids because of the lack of thrill, but really, he's just not a fan of hurting kids.
He draws mostly in stick figures and then proceeds to do details on them.
Kenneth holds conflicting emotions to his mum, believing that if she survived, half of the shit that happened to him wouldn't have happened in the first place. At the same time, he can't help but want to meet her.
He hates rollercoasters and gets airsick sometimes.
He's on good terms with some of the crows, despite being no Anna or Jake. He's got some feathers of them and they're one of his most prized possessions.
The victim that escaped was actually Kate's grandmother. After the incident, she mostly recovered and would go on to be incredibly supportive to Kate's dream. The relation between them was why the Entity went after Kate.
While he got her killed, she did manage to get just one of her fingers. This would later become the Redhead's Pinky Finger.
Dude absolutely hates Totem Perks. Whenever he has one equipped, Survivors always find a way to find his totems and he hates it.
Can't exactly cook or bake, but he's pretty good when it comes to things like noodles or canned food.
His knife, Madame Butterfly, was a gift from one of his coworkers at the circus. Man isn't exactly thrilled that it would become his main murder weapon in the trials.
He holds both a scared and cynical view on the world. He hurts people before they have the chance to hurt him. It's basically if you gave a traumatized child just a bit too much things to play with, and they were all really sharp.
Him and Sally aren't exactly friends, but the two tolerate each other.
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eclecticopposition · 2 years
OOTS theory that we have been sitting on for three years, should probably write it down so we can prove it later. Under the break for spoilers and also it's long
TL;DR: The Snarl is going to fuck Gobbotopia up.
This is mostly based on shoes that have not dropped and our hunches about the emotional story arcs of this comic. We know the rift is just hovering over the major population center that is so dear to Redcloak's heart, and he has done nothing to defend against it. We haven't seen the Gobbotopia/Azure City plotline resolve for good, there's no way it doesn't come up again.
Redcloak is facing serious narrative comeuppance for his choices. He cares about the goblin people and yet he is out here, acting like (and we say this with love) a complete clown. He's always been this clown! Like, he's sympathetic, and also our favourite character, but he's also fundamentally wrong. We love how wrong he is. And he has to WORK to be wrong! Like, yes, goblins need legitimate justice in this world. He is on the right side here! If you ignore the whole, you know, occupying someone else's homeland through violent conquest stuff. That is generally frowned upon. But hey, nobody's perfect! Doing bad things for compelling reasons is kind of complex villainy 101.
Anyways. Let no one say that we didn't give credit where it's due! Goblins deserve equal rights. Redcloak is the leader of a genuine movement. He is just a shit leader of a genuine movement.
Brilliant? Yes, absolutely. They never would have made the gains they did without him. Azure City would not have fallen without Redcloak. Stupid? Yes, also absolutely. He slaps away olive branches and opportunities to secure the future of goblinkind cooperatively because he just can't bear the sunk cost he's already paid. It's literally just him and his personal problems being put above what will actually help the people he is looking out for! We even see that in his most recent refusal to listen to Durkon and get legitimate aid for his people. THIS has to be worth it. Not a good ending, THIS ending. He has a point and yet despite being right, because he is myopic and a bad person, he floors the throttle into being unjustifiable. Gotta love Lawful Evil!
It's the same old story: he doubles down over and over, sacrificing everything in the name of some grand purpose, and in so doing he loses it all. And the goblin soldiers and civilians, the people who followed him in to take that city, are going to pay the price. For all we know, they have already.
We're very sure about this one because it will hurt our feelings very badly. It hasn't even happened yet and it's hurting our feelings right now.
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somereaderinblue · 3 years
A Good Character VS A Good Person
One thing I’ve seen one too many times in fandoms is when fans either confuse/deem a good character for a good person. Especially if it’s a sympathetic villain or an asshole with a tragic backstory.
Well, I only have this to say.
A character, any character, can be well-written. They can be complex, have as many layers as a lasagna, relatable, sexy, young or old, a side character or the MC, etc.
But that doesn’t guarantee they’ll be a good person.
There is a line between a good character and a good person. They are two separate entities that are not guaranteed to walk hand-in-hand.
I know there’s a lot of variations on how you’d define a good character. In my opinion, a good character is one that plays their role well without looking like a 2D cardboard prop. They’re one of the cogs that make the plot turn, they advance the conflict, they’re an example that nails home the moral of the story, they make the audience not feel bored of them, wanting more of them have it be for conflict or to be a butt-monkey (or to thirst for their good looks if they’re sexy enough), etc.
A good character can still be hated bcz no amount of sexiness or tragedy on their part erases the suffering they’ve inflicted on others. Tragedy doesn’t excuse how fucked-up the choices they willingly made are.
A good person is someone with a firm moral compass. A good person is someone willing to do the right regardless if they’re rewarded or if other people shun them simply because it’s the right thing to do. A good person isn’t someone infallible; the focal point of being a good person is that you’ll inevitably face challenges because wanting to do what’s right is never easy. But they’re a good person because they don’t let those hardships break them. They learn from the struggles and mature after conflicts regardless win or lose.
We see a lot of good characters and good people respectively in numerous media. One of the two biggest examples are MDZS and Qian Qiu.
The good characters are: Jiang Cheng, Jin Guangyao, Yan Wushi
The good people are: Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Wen Ning, Shen Qiao
Let’s take the first examples from both: JC & WWX! (Disclaimer: for once, this isn’t meant to be bashing, they’re just the best examples for this.)
Let’s look at JC. JC stans, don’t clown me but I will make this clear right here and now.
JC is. Not. A. Good. Person. He never was a good person, he never will be a good person. He has canonically committed a list of atrocities (emotional and physical abuse, gaslighting, murder, being a shitty human being in general) and he has no remorse whatsoever for doing any of it. You cannot trivialize it just because he managed to get off scot-free (that alone is just another example of his entitlement and privilege).
But he’s a good character. He plays his role as an antagonist perfectly. He’s a grade A+ asshole that's very hateable but needed for the sake of the plot. Oh, I acknowledge that he’s not on the same level of ‘evil’ as WRH or JGY, but he’s still cruel, he’s still heartless, he’s still toxic. As explained here, he’s the perfect example of what the cultivation world primarily consists of: entitled people with authority who more often than not, only look out for themselves. 
Yes, he was part of WWX’s life to remind us that not everyone is as selfless or honorable as WWX; to serve as a foil to WWX. And I applaud him for doing a good job at that. He does gain development.....in a negative way bcz adult JC is a fucking demon. He’s even more heartless, crueler, jaded, bitter and has even less of a conscience, as fitting his antagonist status. He will never get a redemption arc because, I repeat, he isn’t a good person.
(And as mentioned above + here, what makes a good character is how involved they are with the plot. So rlly, if you take JC out of WWX’s life, he’s not even a good character anymore. He’s just an asshole, period. One WWX wouldn’t give a damn about like Jin Zixun.)
(Sorry, gotta keep this professional.)
However, WWX is a good person. From the start of the novel, even before the Cloud Recesses flashbacks, we’re already introduced to him as someone who’s anything but malicious.  Time and again, we see WWX do things that are undeniably righteous and compassionate; from easily befriending others regardless of their background to saving lives. Since young, he’s a morally ideal person. That alone is why so many ppl (ex: Madam Ew & JC) constantly scrutinize and demean him as ‘a son of a servant’, bcz to them, it’s a huge blow to their pride that he’s managed to achieve something they never will. He, a member who is not of the gentry, is what a cultivator of any sect should truly strive to be.
We see WWX go through hell. He loses his parents, he’s mauled by dogs, he’s abused daily, he almost dies in a cave with a monster, he loses his second home and his golden core, gets yeeted into the Burial Mounds, had to fight a war; the list goes on long enough to wrap around Koi Tower. 
But he never lets any of that break him. He’s definitely hurt, he’s been in pain, he’s struggled, he’s faced consequences for his choices, he carries burdens; but he chooses to learn from mistakes and grow from his struggles, resolve strengthening and morales unwavering. He’s a good person we want to cheer for, to always remain good and to never give up.
I hope this post can help others who have faced many issues in fandom whenever it comes to antis or stans. If someone agrees with you that someone is a good character but not a good person, please, don’t attack them. 
As mentioned before, even evil fucked-up characters can be well-written while simultaneously not be a good person. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to like characters like that so long as you don’t frickin justify and whitewash the suffering + legitimate trauma their actions have caused.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
The Little Things
pronouns: they/them
person: wilbur soot
summary: there was three things that you and wilbur did together
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word count: 848
you were obviously dating wilbur soot, living in the same house as him, in the same bed, all that lovey dovey shit, so there was little things that you and he did together
1. share stuff(mostly clothing) with wilbur
like shirts and sweaters, oh how he loved to see you in his stuff
he would feel so shy, seeing you in his sweater that was too big for you
"love, you should wear my stuff more often, it looks great on you."
he secretly simps for you when you walk in the room
oh how good they look, he would think EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. you would even be in a close proximity of him (im listening to wilbur's music rn while making this, pog)
his mind constantly would be, y/n, y/n, y/n, what are they doing, i wanna cuddle with them, where are they, etc.
you would get flustered when he would complement you on your fit
"ohh, you look absolutely in those pants."
"omg, you look great in that sweater."
"why don't you wear that more, your beauty has enhanced even more." (this might sound like shit, but he means you are already beautiful before and after, 10/10 before and 10/10 after)
with him, he would wear your beanies and other stuff that you crocheted, but it would be mostly beanies
like you would make them for him CONSTANTLY since he's such a huge fucking simp for you
"what'cha making love, oh a beanie?" he would secretly scream in his head YES, YES, YES, YES
"love, when are you going to finish the beanie, i wanna show chat," he would pout
"can you wait like 5 more minutes, i'm almost done."
"thanks darling." he would leave, leaving a peck on your cheek
when you finished, you went back to him, sneaked behind him, and put the beanie on his head
"oh shit, you scared me love, did you finish?"
you would nod, and then he would take off the beanie and put it close to the camera
"you see chat, they are SOO good at crocheting."
chat would definitely spam y/n pog
you would make other stuff, like sweaters, winter hats, scarfs, mittens, etc.
he would flaunt them out in public SO MUCH it gives headaches
he would do anything to give you the attention you deserve
you get the idea
2. cooking
cooking with wilbur was REALLY CHAOTIC
like, he couldn't cook a goddamn thing in his life except frozen pizzas, AND THAT DOESN'T EVEN COUNT AS COOKING
so you being the awesome chef you were ;), you obviously had to help your poor boyfriend with cooking
"wilbur, that's salt, not sugar."
"wilby, noo, not 405 degrees, 375 degrees."
he would be so clueless you would probably have to guide him with everything
but when you both make it together, it tastes DELICIOUS
LIKE DAMN, IT WAS A WHOLE COOKED MEAL COURSE (like you ;), jk, don't wanna make you uncomfy)
because of your wonderful cooking skills, it kinda passed onto wilbur
so in the morning, he would make you your favorite meal
"thanks wilby, you're finally catching on."
3. music
and the last thing you would share would be music
you both have your own playlist that you share, filled with his music, one direction, yungblud, halsey, and others (i dont know why, but im seriously addicted to mysoginistic songs, like it brings the BOY out of me that i don't want to unleash, like for example everywhere i go by hollywood undead and she's so nice by pink guy, also my axe by insane clown posse)
you would also have a romantic playlist for dancing
*casually plays as the world caves in by matt maltese*(but seriously, it's a great song, i suggest you listen to it)
music would even go onto him trying to teach you how to play internet ruined me
"it's not that key, it's THAT key."
"sorry wilby 😣 "
he would apologize so much after you said sorry, hugging you and shit, thinking that you were actually sad (TOO BAD BITCH, I AIN'T NO SYMPATHETIC /j)
hahahah, also prepare for him to pop quiz you on random stuff that is significant in your relationship, yaknow, to make sure you love him, JK JK, he's just a bored, lonely boiii
"y/n what was the day we met?""ummm, i believe may 7?""NOO YOU GOT IT WRONG"
you would run away from him, knowing that he becomes full on psycho /j
so ending that on a crazy note, you do sincererly love wilbur and he with you
you would go miles and miles to be with him
i hate how sappy i got there, but i gotta feed the mcyt/dream smp fans with some fluff, yaknow, to even out the angst and smut/nsfw honestly, i need someone who would be like this
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bellakitse · 3 years
The 'B' Word
“I’m crazy about you,” TK blurts out, stepping out of his hold to pace. “I didn’t plan it. I didn’t see it coming. You were just supposed to be this cool guy I had good chemistry and good sex with, someone I would be friends with and share a bed with on occasion."
Carlos and TK run into Carlos’ three sisters on the street and decide to have dinner with them. Over the course of the meal, their friends with benefits relationship changes.
Written for @911lonestarweek - Day 1: Romance/“You are the only one for me.”/Fluff
Carlos holds the door for TK to walk through, trying to keep his grin at bay in the face of TK’s epic pout. He’d suggested a night of putt-putt, thinking it would be a friendly and easygoing activity they could enjoy as they try to put more emphasis on the friends part of their unconventional relationship. It was supposed to be a casual night out. However, Carlos didn’t anticipate that TK would be horrible at the game or be such a lovable sore loser.
“You cheated,” TK accuses him, the scowl on his handsome face cuter than it has any right to be. Carlos swallows back a sigh at the thought. It’s moments like this that show him how truly head over heels he is for the man before him.
He pushes that thought down too.
TK has made it more than clear he’s not ready for more than what they are right now – friends who enjoy each other’s company in and out of the bedroom.
He tells himself how he always does when these thoughts start to creep in that it’s enough for now. He gets to spend time with TK; he gets to touch him, hear the soft sounds he makes when they’re together, he gets his smiles.
So what if they don’t have a label?
Having some parts of TK Strand, Carlos has quickly learned, is infinitely better than not having him at all.
“At putt-putt?” he questions with an amused grin pushing away his less than pleasant thoughts. “You think I cheated at putt-putt?”
“Yes,” TK shoots back, his expression set in a childish frown, causing Carlos’ grin to grow.
“How exactly?” he questions, outright smirking when TK stalls, his pout growing as he can’t come up with anything.
“You distracted me with your you-ness,” TK finally answers, waving a hand in his direction as if it explains everything.
Carlos feels his face go warm, but it doesn’t stop him from feeling incredibly smug too. He reaches out, slipping a finger through one of the loops of TK’s jeans, pleased when TK comes into his space easily, his arms going around Carlos’ neck as he holds him close.
“That’s an interesting way to say you think I’m hot, sweetheart,” he murmurs teasingly as he presses his nose against TK’s temple.
“You already know I think that,” TK scoffs at him, turning his head to kiss the corner of his mouth, his tongue peeking out in a tiny teasing lick. “Don’t pretend now.”
Carlos lets out a steadying breath as his body instantly reacts to TK’s goading. “I still like to hear it,” he answers with a playful pout of his own, happy when it makes TK chuckle.
TK brings his hands down, cupping Carlos’ face between them, using the leverage to close the tiny height difference between them as he brushes his lips against his. “Needy,” he whispers, the word spoken against Carlos’ mouth causing him to let out a moan, proving TK’s point.
“Let’s go back to my place,” he whispers back, his hands giving TK’s hips a suggestive squeeze.
TK laughs softly as he shakes his head. “You promised me dinner.”
“I’ll make us something when we get there,” he promises now, groaning when TK shakes his head again.
“You and I both know – if we get behind closed doors, we’re not eating anything but each other, Reyes,” TK tells him, smirking shamelessly when he gasps at his words. “I want real food first.”
“Fine,” he grumbles, willing down the blush on his face and the arousal coursing through him at the mental image TK’s words have provoked.
TK goes to take a step away from him, ready to start walking on their quest to find some food, but Carlos holds on to him, grinning back at him when it makes TK raise a brow in question. He doesn’t answer with words; instead, he cups TK’s face like he’d done to him, swallowing the small gasp he lets out with his lips.
He kisses TK thoroughly, taking his time as he feels TK’s body go lax against his, kissing him back lazily, pressing his tongue against the back of Carlos’ teeth in a way that makes his toes curl from the butterflies he feels in his stomach.
Carlos could get lost in the act of kissing TK Strand and often does, like now, which is probably why he doesn’t realize people have walked up to them until there is a loud and obvious clearing of someone’s throat startling the two of them.
“What – “ TK starts to say, sounding dazed, and Carlos would take a moment to be proud of that if it wasn’t for the horror he’s experiencing in the face of his three older sisters standing before them, grinning like deranged clowns.
“Well, well, well,” Lola starts, like the rabble-rouser she is, her grin looking painful from how big it is. “Look who we have here being all indecent in public? Isn’t there laws against practically having sex in public spaces, Officer Reyes?”
“Would he have to arrest himself?” Valentina asks ironically – the oldest but by no means the most mature – piling on with a smirk of her own.
Sofía, the second oldest and usually the quietest, smiles softly at him, almost sympathetic if it wasn’t for the laughing glint in her eyes. “How much do you wish the ground would swallow you up right now, manito?”
“Very much so,” he grits out with a tight smile as their enjoyment of the situation grows. He feels TK’s body shift next to him a second before his hand touches Carlos’, linking their pinkies together. He turns his head, surprised at the gesture, and finds TK looking a little lost but supportive of him. It loosens something in his stomach, and as TK gives him a half-smile, Carlos is helpless but to return it. “TK, these are my sisters, Valentina, Sofía, and Lola,” he says, pointing at each of them in turn, getting a wave back from all three. “Girls, this is TK,” he continues, not adding anything else though he can see the curiosity in his sisters’ eyes. “Anyway, we were going to go grab a bite to eat, so – “
“What a coincidence, so are we!” Lola exclaims happily, her brown eyes twinkling, and Carlos shakes his head, already seeing where she’s going with this.
“We should all get a bite together,” Valetina continues, and Carlos has to stifle the groan that is dying to come out at the tag-teaming happening before him.
“We barely get to see you, hermanito,” Sofía adds on with a sad face that fools no one.
“We saw each other two weeks ago at Mami’s for Sunday lunch,” he points out, rolling his eyes when the three of them shrug their shoulders in unison.
“Way too long, bro,” Lola answers, getting a nod from their other two sisters. “And we’re obviously not sharing enough if none of us knew you have a boyfri – “
“Okay!” Carlos interrupts before she can finish the dreaded ‘B’ word. The last thing he needs is his meddling sisters spooking TK with that title. He looks at him with an apologetic look on his face, hoping he understands. “Do you mind if they join us?”
TK looks at him for a moment and then at his sisters, a sly grin making its way onto his face that fills Carlos with dread. “That depends,” he starts, raising an eyebrow at the girls. “How many ‘baby Carlos’ stories can I get out of this meal?”
Carlos lets out that groan he’s been holding back as his older sisters all smile at TK like he’s a new shiny toy.
Being the boldest one of his sisters, Lola steps towards TK, slipping her arm through his. “All the stories you want, my dude. Let’s start with the one where Carlos would play Selena’s ‘bidi bidi bom bom’ on repeat and do her spins in the living room until one time he almost threw up on the carpet from twirling so much,” she recounts, throwing a grin at him over her shoulder as she and TK start walking ahead.
Carlos closes his eyes for a moment, opening them again when he hears snickering at his side. He glares at Valentina and Sofía and their matching grins.
“We better catch up to them before she tells him that you can’t get through a single Disney or Pixar movie without crying like a baby, and that’s why you don’t watch them in the theater anymore,” Valentina warns him, laughing at him when his eyes widen.
He doesn’t move for a moment, letting them pass before him. TK throws a look back at him, half-worried but also gleeful as Lola says God only knows what in his ear, and Carlos can’t help the mixture of apprehension and tentative joy he feels at his worlds colliding.
“Keep up, manito, before we steal your boy away,” Lola shouts out, already crossing the street with TK still wrapped around her arm.
“Shit,” Carlos swears low before rushing to catch up.
 They end up at some hipster tapas restaurant. It’s not his usual style, but his sisters and TK seem to like it as they all pick from the multiple small plates at their large table. The girls each have a wine glass in their hands and blessedly don’t blink an eye when TK says he doesn’t drink and orders an ice tea.
He sits next to TK, with his sisters on the other side of the table, watching the two of them like they’re putting on a show for their enjoyment. He glares at them, hoping they’ll cut it out, but they seem to just find his scowls enjoyable – ignoring him in favor of focusing on TK.
“So TK, how did you and our little brother meet?” Valentina asks, starting off the inquisition.
TK pauses mid-reach for the papas bravas at her question before grabbing the dish and scooping some onto his plate for him, giving him a smile when he says thank you. “Um, we met on a call,” he starts to say, taking the plate of garlic shrimp he offers him in return. “I’m a firefighter; we were answering a call to a car accident, and Carlos was the leading officer on the scene.”
“Ohh, a firefighter, nice,” Lola says, throwing him a teasing look. Carlos is grateful for it as it makes TK laugh, and he misses the pointed look his other sisters give him at the way he and TK interact so easily.
He knows they are dying to ask.
“How did you snag such a hottie, Carlitos?” Lola continues, turning her teasing towards him.
Carlos rolls his eyes; used to his sister’s good-natured ribbing, he opens his mouth to mess with her, only for TK to let out a snort.
“Well, first, look at him,” TK answers for him, turning to look at him with a teasing but soft look of his own, a sweet smile playing on his lips. “He’s gorgeous.”
Carlos feels his heart jump at the easy way TK compliments him, not shy in the least as it makes his sisters share another round of looks that this time TK catches.
“It seems to be a family trait. You’re all very beautiful,” he says to them with a charming smile that has Carlos groaning and laughing at once as it totally works on all three of them.
“Don’t butter them up,” he complains as he sees the twinkle in all their eyes. “They’re already insufferable all on their own. If you hype them up, they’ll just be impossible.”
“It’s not hype if it’s true,” Sofía says with a flick of her curly hair, getting a nod from Valentina and Lola.
“That’s right, wey,” Valentina continues, grinning at the face he makes at them. “Listen to your boyfriend; we’re beautiful.”
Carlos freezes at the word boyfriend, but TK just laughs with the girls, moving the conversation along as he asks more about Carlos’ childhood. He leans in, listening intently as the girls share embarrassing but honestly sweet stories about him. Each looking at him with the great love he knows they feel for him.
TK hangs on to every word, smiling softly over at him every few minutes as he files away information – like his love for anything custard and his intense fear of cicadas.
“One time when I was 15, this kid in the neighborhood was picking on me,” Valentina tells the story, sharing smiles with Lola and Sofía as they start to chuckle, remembering the moment.
“We were all playing outside, and he came over and started making fun of my glasses or clothes. I don’t even remember, but I was on the verge of tears when Carlos, who had been playing with his action figures on the porch, comes running and kicks him as hard as he can on the shins, surprising the kid. He tripped, and Carlos jumped on him, hitting him with his tiny fists, screaming at him not to be mean to his sister,” Valentina pauses, looking over at him fondly. “I’m eight years older than Carlos, he was only seven at the time, but he was still protecting me.”
“Awww,” TK gushes, looking over at him with a tender glint in his pretty green eyes. “That’s so sweet and so in character.”
Carlos feels himself blush at the focus of everyone around the table, fidgeting as they all grin at him. “I protect the people I care about,” he grumbles, embarrassed.
“I know,” TK answers softly, reaching out to take his hand. “Trust me, I know.”
Carlos stares at TK feeling a shift in the air, his silly heart giving a flip as hope starts to sneak its way inside it.
“What else?” TK questions, turning back towards his sisters but not letting go of his hand.
The girls share another look between them, and Carlos can only guess what they’re thinking before they jump into more stories.
The rest of the night passes in a blur of laughter and childhood anecdotes, and before Carlos knows it, they’re settling up the bill and walking out of the restaurant. They linger outside for a moment before, one by one, the girls hug TK first, telling him he needs to come to the next Reyes’ lunch and that their mother is going to fall in love with him. TK smiles through it, not making any promises other than checking his schedule with him. He forks over his phone easily when Lola asks to add him to WhatsApp with the promise of baby pictures of him, and Carlos just knows she’ll add TK to a group chat before the end of the night.
They turn to hug him, tight and warm as always, each whispering in his ear how much they like TK and how happy they are that he’s found someone who makes him smile the way he’s smiling. He hugs them back, all the while looking at TK over their shoulders, wondering what’s just happened in the course of the night.
He hails them a cab and reminds them to text him when they each get back to their homes, getting fond rolls of their eyes as they promise before getting into the cab, leaving him and TK alone with this sudden shift in their relationship.
Neither says anything for a moment, each knowing one of them needs to start.
“So,” he begins, biting the bullet. “I guess we should talk about tonight because I don’t know if you realize this, but my sisters just left with the impression we’re in a serious relationship, and that means I will have at least a dozen texts by morning from my mother.”
“Sure,” TK says, nodding quickly, nervous energy pouring out of him. “But first –“
TK takes a step into his space, and then another until his chest is pressed against his, and Carlos instinctively puts his hands on TK’s slim waist seconds before TK covers his mouth with his, in a hungry, almost desperate kiss. Carlos matches his energy, pouring all the love and longing coursing through him, claiming TK’s mouth the same way TK has claimed his heart.
He holds him so close he’s sure TK can feel the way his heart is pounding against his own.
“TK – “ he gasps out, his skin tingling at every point of contact. “What – “
“I’m crazy about you,” TK blurts out, stepping out of his hold to pace. “I didn’t plan it. I didn’t see it coming. You were just supposed to be this cool guy I had good chemistry and good sex with, someone I would be friends with and share a bed with on occasion. This was supposed to be simple. But every day, I fall for you a little bit more and more with your kindness, your patience, the way you make me laugh and smile even when I don’t want to.”
He runs a hand through his hair, causing it to stick up, looking adorable even as his eyes have gone wild. “You weren’t the plan. You came into my life when I was at my worst, and for some reason, you still wanted to be around me, offering me the best of you, and I have been trying to ignore it because I thought it was too soon after my break-up or because deep down, I think you deserve better than me.”
“There is no one better than you,” he interrupts, needing TK to understand that once and for all. “You’re not perfect, TK, I know that,” he says, holding up a hand when TK goes to argue. “But there is no one better – you are the only one for me.”
TK lets out a gasp at his words, finally not moving about, coming to a stop, and Carlos takes the chance to touch him again, bringing him in closer as he cups his face, tilting it up to him.
“Your sisters looked at me tonight as someone worthy of you,” he whispers, his eyes going glassy. “I so want to be that. I want to be worthy of your love.”
Carlos smiles, feeling everything inside him melt for the man in his arms. “Oh, baby,” he whispers softly, leaning in to kiss his forehead, his eyelids, cheeks, and the tip of his nose before he brushes his lips against TK’s.  He pulls him into a hug when he feels him tremble. “Don’t you get it? You already are.”
“Carlos – “ TK gasps something like a sob into his neck.
He pulls him back, making sure he’s looking at him before he finally says the words he’s been holding in for so long. “I’m in love with you, TK.”
TK lets out a wet laugh, nodding rapidly as he grasps his shoulders. “I’m in love with you too,” he answers, smiling brightly, matching Carlos’ own smile.
The kiss they share is salty from their mixed tears but perfect.
Breaking the kiss, they press their foreheads together, basking in the moment and the change in their relationship. Carlos doesn’t think he’s ever been happier, but after a moment, he finds himself letting out a groan as a realization creeps in.
“What is it?” TK questions him curiously.
“I just realized that if my sisters learn we weren’t official before we ran into them and that dinner with them helped in any way – I’m never going to hear the end of their mocking,” he answers, blinking in surprise when TK lets out a chuckle that quickly turns into a deep belly laugh. It only grows as Carlos pouts at him in return.
“Not even five minutes of being boyfriends, and you’re laughing at my pain,” he says, trying to keep from smiling but being unable to do so at the use of the ‘B’ word and the way TK lights up at it. “You’re lucky I love you.”
TK sobers at his words, the laughter dying out but the loving smile staying in place. “I am so lucky,” he says softly, taking his hand.
Carlos intertwines their fingers, bringing their hand up to his lips, laying a kiss over TK’s knuckles. “I’m lucky too.”
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anonil88 · 4 years
Malcolm and Marie live blog
I don't usually do liveblogs for movies but yea.
Spoilers ahead!!
I love that its modern timed but very 70s stylized.
A tune indeed.
When you are high and drunk on success and
How the white critic reacts is why I feel like gatekeeping my scripts. At the same time some things I do make are about race or involve.
Marie sitting on the patio smoking is a mood whenever men are talking.
So he's pretentious and unaware.
Whoever chose the music for this, I feel like we would be Spotify mutuals.
Can this nigga stop pacing.
Also can he stop talking;
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Marie is so tired and unimpressed.
Also little booties matter and are to be bitten.
Oooo the tension and the jazz.
Title Card over mac and cheese.
Shitty boxes mac and cheese but still mac and cheese.
Tbh i always wonder if spouses/significant others get upset when their spouses don't acknowledge them during speeches.
John sounds so much like his dad but I really hope his acting style differs from his dad a lot.
Guilty confession?
He did not profit off of his partners backstory and then not even acknowledge her.....I.....
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If that ever happened to me catch me cussing my partner out during the beginning credits, the end credits, in the car, and at home.
The way I'm excited for Zendaya to give me some, oooo can she work with Regina King. Please on my knees I pray.
Um no that's not your job to coddle your lead.
He's a dick and the type of dick who makes himself look like a good person around other people.
If Sam Levinson is trying to make his viewers more of misandrist, it's working.
I feel like Marie has her flaws probably a lot of them and we will surely see as this continues, but Malcolm needs to learn how to apologize sincerely.
70s vibes! 70s vibes!
Them kissing and talking about criticism and dreams makes me miss a partner. A partner that I've had and haven't had.
Women really are behind every great man.
Yea sir you fucked a happy moment.
Oh visual allegories for looking in from the outside and cat and mouse chasing and looking from the outside in.
She's saying she doesn't feel noticed by you.
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Gas lighter :0 he called her an emotional support dog, bruh.
I would LOVE to co-write or take a writing class held by Sam Levinson. The fights i write are very much in this same realm of reflection and anger and monologue.
Sam.....sam.....are all the sides inside of you doing okay sir?
The ugly side of dating and being in a relationship with someone who struggles with their own demons.
Honestly I could close my eyes and listen to this script being read without seeing these characters visually. Just close my eyes and get a sense of these characters like it was a radio story.
Oh. Oh this is a new wheelhouse of Zendaya acting; a different voice is like breaking through here and her expressions aren't the same we are used to. You can literally hear another character in there....hmm.
Mans is outside really fighting with his invisible demons lmfao.
Selfish ass, how after everything she said you came out of it thinking about your own craft and self instead of how you hurt her.
So she's conditional.
Me: did sam (a white man) say nigga this many times in his script or are the actors adding their own inflections. Not just the lingo used but the topic of race and directing etc. being written by a white writer about black characters is always gonna be a critique when you're writer is a white person.
Alexa play Broken Girls by Saba
He is so hurtful.
A clown nigga a clown look in the fucking mirror you bozo head ass looking like you need some Mehron clown white and a size 16 in clown shoes.
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John is doing a really swell performance and reading of these lines.
He is reading her for her insecurities by bringing up his experiences with other women and that.....is yikes.
Arguments can get messy like this in real life but it takes a lot of maturity and control to either not let it get to this point or have a healthy conversation afterwards.
This film is really shot on some very crisp lenses.
They sitting there like 🚬🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.
Leftover Mac and Cheese and unfinished cigarettes.
The nyt etc. pay walls are so annoying, but there is a work around look at the articles on incognito or add a period at the end of the url.
He sounds like his daddy so much here, weird, this is the only part I'm eh on the dialogue it feels real but a bit out of pace in how they are bouncing off one another.
Nail scissors? So the end is not the only part he based off of Marie. 🙄
ITS A GOOD REVIEW YOU DINGUS but also its a full review they are going to critique things. She isn't wrong though he did profit off of a woman's story that was not his own to profit from.
Yes Malcolm because unfortunately all marginalized people look through a lens of life that is inherently political because of the world they live in.
He is so mad and upset and had a lot on his chest. But I think he Malcolm and Sam are talking about something thats an issue and a non issue. Being critiqued for you art is hard but also Malcolm is not super self aware. He's like a stand in figure of for example rich depop sellers who wanna be oppressed so badly they yell at others instead of examining their own personal behaviors and ethics.
Oh Marie, when you know the spark is gone and you pick fights because.
He ain't even ask her to read?
One critic I have for most of hollywood actors is they learn their cry and that is it. A change from this is Margot Robbie, I adore her fluctuations of crying being similar but the crying is carried differently for each character. If I had to say any actor that does a cry scene amazing its this woman right here (Amy Adams)
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You stole her story from her and gave it away, she has a right to be upset and angry and a rubber band ball of emotions.
Citizen Kane, not the cinematography, but the story is it even that good? (Unpopular opinion but meh, maybe in my rewatch it will be better.)
But that is what people want authenticity and whatever authenticity means to them. What is real for one is false for another.
To be honest look at the criticism of Euphoria, well earned, but a lot of people were like this isn't real even though he literally wrote about his own life. People said it was inauthentic like....wtf.
Ahh the smoking is just a habit, he quit and she didn't.
CAST ZENDAYA IN A HORROR MOVIE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. Get Lupita and Zendaya and some more black actors preferably less known ones in a horror movie. One with a interesting script and story, directed by Regina King. Please and thankyou.
I love Marie yep that was amazing.
Behind every great man is a greater woman, one that deserves her credit for how she has stood behind. I wonder the stories of those women, what they have sacrificed or not sacrificed. Their thoughts and feelings when the world is surrounding their partner and views them as a plus one. (I'd write a short script about this but I think do I have the time, can I, or am I equipped ?)
He is a shitty person for bringing up his exes, like she even said I don't wanna know any of that.
Imagine being on anti depressents and rarely having a sex drive and then when you do your partner starts talking about their exes and tearing you apart for all your faults.
I love when you see peaks of Zendaya's cadence in roles.
Tension, what if's and he didn't even bring her up in his speech.
Marie to herself and the audience:
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He is not afraid that he will loose her but as my character says in my unreleased story, "i can't wait til you give me a fucking reason to leave your ass." Malcolm expects everything in order for not even doing the bare minimum and she is only asking him for something as simple as consideration. She just wants him to be considerate. He wants to get married and considers their relationship like rolling down a hill at full speed and he cannot apologize, he cannot be considerate, and he cannot admit his wrongs. He can only offer her I love yous that he probably does mean but he does not back up outside of what he's done for her in the past. The past which was more of her experience than his and he sees his part in it as a burden. He doesn't use his own vantage point of the past to further his career he uses her. He does all of these things without a real apology or thankyou because he is not afraid to loose her.
The restrictions of quarantine and the panorama have made Sam's writing very no frills. I wonder how other films from other directors and writers that are filmed in small contained crews like this will be structured. But this was a very good movie gonna add to my letter box 3.3-3.5
Oh shit this is my song,
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Ratings/overall thoughts:
Script is like a C+, B- : I could go into my heavier big brain thoughts on the script but I don't feel like it. You catch hints of it above it centers conversation on race and privilege, mainly the writers and questions i have that won't be answered but Sam did make me grow disdain for Malcolm over a short time. Which is sometimes hard to do because im one sympathetic person but the sympathy i have for Malcolm is at 0. Maybe a 2 at some scenes but then it quickly goes back to 0. Some parts of the dialogue miss the mark or hit the are off balanced. While some of it like Malcolm's bathroom speech albeit mean is really strong or their conversation when he comes back from peeing really shines for me.
Performances: B+ to A- because they carried the script further than it could of gone with less talented actors. The monologues do well to showcase their current skill levels which are already high af and leave room for anticipation in where these actors go next.
Zendaya holding a knife: A+ with a gold star. That switch on and off and on is delectable.
John being a shitty boyfriend but following Marie like a lost puppy: B+ with a good job written at the bottom of the paper, Malcolm being nervous a frantic dialed up with more realistic nervousness would have sold me completely on Malcolm's anxious waiting.
Cinematography: A and a participation award.
The mac and cheese: A+ for the easy mac. Wish it was like Annie's or Velveeta.
Cigarettes: Participation award and their picture hung up for student of the month. Why the grill lighter? Everytime Malcolm opened up his mouth Marie was like sparks fly.
The music: A++ with a prize. Whoever picked the music probably makes good Spotify playlists.
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goldenpinof · 3 years
if you don't mind me asking, how was today's invasion depicted in belarusian media by politicians and in general? I only know your country's history and government very superficially but you do officially have close/friendly(?) relations with russia right? so is there a clear bias towards russia's agenda in media and politics or is it objective/sympathetic towards ukraine?
the gov and governmental media are sucking Putin's balls. they can't exist without Putin and Russia's current regime so yes, officially it's a mutually beneficial friendly relationship. the remained independent media and opposition, that are all called extremists, ask people to support Ukrainians and spread information about the war, and obviously they ask for this war to fucking stop. Russian media tells lots of lies and mocks Ukraine whenever they can. watching Russian tv right now is a torture, no jokes here.
no one with at least 1 brain cell supports Russia right now. exception: fuckers who support the gov and pray to our clown. almost every Belarusian has either family or friends in Ukraine. we stand with Ukraine and would do what we can to help them. the problem is, Russia has its army located on our territory, in Gomel specifically, and this army enters Ukraine from our fucking land. so officially, we are aggressors as well, and we will face the consequences eventually. not to mention that we're one step away from sending our army to help Russia, if they are not unofficially there already. you can never be sure with our gov. Ukraine closed borders with us, rightfully so. we can't go there, Ukrainians can't go here. therefore, we can't help them this way. even though technically if the borders were open Ukrainians could come here to their family and friends for as long as they want/need. they don't need visas.
hopefully, the EU takes those who can leave Ukraine and actually helps them. for fucks sake, just help people whose land is being invaded right under your nose. Russia is feeling too confident running troops on other countries' territory with no questions or permissions. since when is this okay??
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Aloha, PT. 3 of this piece comin' at you with supersonic speed
She balanced the tin of cupcakes in one hand and opened the door with the other, already more than nervous as she stepped into GCPD. Some of the officers smiled and nodded at her while others merely watched as she walked up to the desk and cleared her throat.
“Excuse me,” she interrupted. “Is Commissioner Gordon here? I’d like to speak with him.”
The man’s eyes went from the cupcake tin to her face and he asked. “Can I ask what for?”
“Oh, yes, I just need to speak with him about something…involving Batman’s, uh…helpers?” she winced. “It’ll be quick, I promise.”
He cocked a brow, but shrugged and grabbed the phone, pushing a button. “Sir, you’ve got someone here to see you…no sir, she just said it dealt with Batman and the others…understood sir.” He hung the phone up. “He’ll over soon.”
“Thank you,” she smiled, and waited for the detective to arrive. When he did, she held her hand out, “Commissioner Gordon?”
He shook her hand. “Good evening, young lady. What can I do for you?”
“Well, I’m (Y/N) and um…it’s a bit complicated actually.”
“We live in a city with men and women who dress up in costumes and fight insane clowns.” He snorted. “We do complicated around here.”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh and nodded. “That’s fair, Commissioner Gordon.” She raised the tray of cupcakes in her hand. “This is going to be really weird, but I was wondering if I could use the spotlight to…call one of them.”
Gordon’s eyes drifted from the cupcakes to her, then back to the desserts. “You wanna use the Bat-Signal to get one of them…so you can give them cupcakes?”
Her mouth opened and closed, then she admitted, “Okay, that sounded a lot better in my head.” She sighed. “It’s not crazy, I swear but—”
“Why don’t you follow me to my office, and we can talk about this, hmm?” he asked, and she nodded.
“That sounds great, sir.” She followed close behind him to a closed-off room and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk, waiting for him to sit in his chair.
“So,” he started when he sat down. “Start from the beginning of why you wanna give Batman cupcakes.”
(Y/N)’s cheeks warmed, and she murmured, “Nightwing. I want to give them to Nightwing, actually.” He cocked a brow but said nothing and she cleared her throat. “So, the other week, Nightwing helped me out with something and to repay the debt, I made these.”
“What’d he help you with?” Gordon questioned and she played with the hem of her sweater.
“Uh, he…he, um, helped me with a um…a really embarrassing rejection.” She waved her hand. “And I sobbed like a baby on his shoulder and I just wanna give him these in return and tell him sorry for taking up his valuable time.” (Y/N)’s cheeks felt like they were on fire and she begged, “Please let me use the signal to call and I’ll leave. Promise, sir.”
Gordon watched her for a moment then he chuckled and rose from his desk. “I’ve been doing this for about forty years, and nothing has ever been this funny in my entire life.” She sighed, thinking a ‘no’ was coming and he stood beside her. “Come with me to the elevator and we’ll go up.”
(Y/N) blinked in disbelief. “Wait, what? You’re going to let me?”
“Of all the things I’ve ever had someone come in and ask for? Delivering cupcakes is a new one. And I pride myself on getting the new ones.” He smiled. “Come on.”
Not wanting to blow her chance, she hurried after him with a big smile on her face and soon she was standing next to the giant spotlight, watching it silhouette against the night sky. She waited for a moment, then asked, “So how long does this usually take?”
He grunted. “Takes longer when you ask how long it takes.”
“That makes sense,” she laughed, and someone cleared their throat behind them. Both her and Gordon startled, though his reaction was less noticeable than hers, whereas she jumped a foot in the air.
“Red Hood,” Gordon greeted, holding out a hand to shake. “Good to see you, son.”
“Good to see you as well, Commissioner Gordon.” Red Hood replied. “Big-Bat in charge sent me here to see what was going on. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah,” Gordon said, motioning to (Y/N). “You’ve got a visitor.”
The vigilante turned to her as if finally noticing her presence and he asked, “What’s wrong?”
(Y/N) held out the cupcake tin to him. “I was wondering if you could give these to Nightwing.”
Red Hood glanced down at the cupcakes. “Why’d you make cupcakes for that jerk-off?”
She was shocked to hear such an insult and she bit out, “Well maybe because I wanted to, jerk-off.” He was probably scowling at her from behind that mask, but she wasn’t going to back down. “Nightwing did me a favor last week and I always repay my debts.” (Y/N) held out the tin again. “Will you please give these to him and tell him thank you for his pep-talk?”
Red Hood took the tin from her, asking quietly, “What’d he help you with?”
“Oh my God, why does everyone wanna know?” she griped, then exhaled through her nose. “Fine, I got rejected by a guy I’m in love with, and I boohooed like a baby on a park bench with Nightwing holding my hand like a parent to a child and being super sympathetic.” (Y/N) glared, though she appeared flustered. “Are you happy now, Red Hood?”
“Be a lot happier if you weren’t giving my brother cupcakes,” he muttered under his breath and looked at her. “Do you want the Tupperware back?”
She nodded. “Just tell him that I’ll be back at the bench on Friday this week to pick it up. Same time as the other week.”
“I’ll tell him,” Red Hood said with a rather annoyed tone and started back towards the other side of the building.
“Red Hood!” she called out and he paused, glancing back at her. “Look…I know you’re busy with other things. So…thank you for doing this. Really, I appreciate it.”
He shook his head, murmuring softly, “Don’t worry about it, (Y/N).” And he was gone.
Gordon walked over to her and rested a hand on her shoulder. “Miss (Y/N)? Are you alright?”
She blinked and nodded, though she felt a great deal of confusion as she said, “He knew my name?”
Jason watched his brothers dig into the cupcakes, groaning about how good they were. He didn’t even need to eat the one he had in his hand because he knew. He knew she made the best baked goods he’d ever had, especially these ones which were her specialty. Double Dutch Chocolate Cupcakes with little pink, shimmering pearls. She put them on because she thought they were cute.
He glanced down at the cupcake in his hands, asking, “How do you know, (Y/N), Dick?”
The eldest brother paused midchew and stared at him with a dumbfounded expression. “Huh?”
“Cupcakes,” Jason said, gesturing to them. “She made them as a thanks to you. For last week.” He looked at his brother. “What for?”
Dick swallowed the bite he’d been chewing and nonchalantly replied, “Oh, nothing big. Just being friendly.” He shrugged. “How do you know her?”
Jason scowled. “Don’t do that shit. We both know how I know her.”
“Oh, right! The rejection after the flowers and book!” Dick exclaimed, taking another bite. “So, why’d you say no anyway? She seems like great girl.”
“She is,” he agreed. “The greatest.”
Tim elbowed Dick in the ribs, murmuring, “Is this Jason admitting he’s in love?”
“I don’t know,” Dick replied. “Jaybird, if you’re this pissed at me—”
“I’m not pissed,” he retorted, very much so pissed. “I just don’t want her getting involved with this.”
Dick’s mouth formed an ‘o’. “So that’s why you rejected her. You’re afraid of letting her know about everything.” He hummed knowingly. “See, she said that was probably it. That you’re scared.”
“What?” Jason’s eyes widened. “What’d she say to you?” He handed his younger brother a thumb drive. “What’s this?”
“Recording of the conversation I had with her last Friday,” he replied. “I was planning on giving it to you later tonight.” Dick laid a hand on Jason’s shoulder and murmured, “She’s not going to run away if you’re vulnerable with her Jason.” He nodded to the flash drive. “She’s stronger than you’re giving her credit for.” Dick patted his shoulder and took the cupcake from Jason’s other hand, biting into it. “Oh my God,” he groaned, walking off. “What does she put in these things? They’re addicting.”
I’m not afraid of him or what he’s afraid he is.
Jason put his forehead on the desk and stared at the floor, not really sure what was tightening worse, his chest or his throat, but something in the mix started hurting and he let out a shaky breath, vision blurring and he squeezed his eyes shut to keep the tears at bay. Rejecting her affections meant she forgot about him. She forgot that he existed, and she stayed safe. She stayed alive. Jason wanted that. He wanted (Y/N) to grow old with someone and have a family, not die an early death at the hands of some crazed villain or worse, a failure of his saving.
He let out a low groan and rubbed his forehead against the desk, wishing that it would solve all his problems. Mostly the ones in his broken heart. They had texted each other and video called constantly. Usually meeting up once a week to hang out somewhere or go get dinner. His entire life had changed in one conversation, and the only thing he regretted more than telling her he didn’t feel the same way and making her cry was watching her lie that she hadn’t been bothered when he knew deep down that her heart was shattered. He knew it because he watched her breakdown in her car through the manor window before she pulled out of the driveway.
Maybe Dick was right though…and that thought made him wanna vomit because younger-brother syndrome was a real thing and listening to your older brother wasn’t fun. But if she were that honest with Nightwing, that real with him, then maybe he could tell her the truth. All of it. About everything he was hiding from her. His past and most importantly his feelings for her. Maybe he could really keep her safe if he did.
Maybe Jason could be the one she grew old with. The one who held her hand and loved her.
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ye0ncore · 3 years
teardrops on my guitar - park sunghoon <3
fourth part in the series
note: hi babies! i may or may not have another series in the works for after i finish this one 👀
>> pairing: sunghoon x female reader
>> summary: being in love with park sunghoon isn’t easy. especially when he’s in love with another girl.
>> based off of: teardrops on my guitar by taylor swift
>> rating and genre: g, pg if you don’t like cursing, angst
>> warnings: strong language,
>> word count: 1.6k
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drew looks at me, i fake a smile so he won’t see
your heart clenched at the sight of sunghoon. he was in the front of the classroom, with his best friend jake by his side. sunghoon had always been a little bit of a class clown, and jake was always right there with him. the teacher had told sunghoon to quiet down, but all sunghoon did was get louder. the teacher just laughed it off. sunghoon had always been her favorite.
she went on talking about some history topic, you zoning out in the middle of it. you couldn’t find any motivation to actually pay attention, so you let your thoughts wander. and they landed where they always seemed to go. sunghoon. you couldn’t seem to get the boy off your mind. he was always there.
you and sunghoon had always been very close. you basically grew up together, your parents being very close friends. naturally, feelings began to bloom. you caught yourself staring at him when he was focused on something, smiling a little wider when he cracked a joke. your thoughts were interrupted when the school bell rang. everyone jumped out of their seats, basically running out of the classroom. you were one of the last ones out, sunghoon waiting for you by the door as he always did. “hey y/n,” he said, a bright smile on his face.
“hey hoon,” you replied, returning the smile. you walked out of the classroom together, making small talk as you walked to your cars. as you got to yours, you leaned up against the door, smiling up at sunghoon as he spoke.
“hey uh, can i tell you something,” he asked, his aura suddenly seeming uneasy.
“yes, sunghoon, of course. you can tell me anything.” he smiled at your words, calming down immediately. he took a deep breath, before speaking, playing with his fingers hoping you would take the news well.
“okay well um… i met someone. a while ago. and she’s really great. her name is minhee, and i really really like her. no one else knows except for you, obviously. i wanted to tell you first because i trust you the most,” he said, his smile widening as he spoke. yours did the opposite. you felt your smile begin to drop, but you immediately fixed it.
i’ll bet she’s beautiful, that girl he talks about
your heart dropped to the floor at the announcement. you could feel the tears begin to form but you held them back. “oh um… that’s really great, sunghoon. i’m happy for you,” you said, forcing a smile. he didn’t seem to notice, as he smiled wide at your reaction.
“how did i know you’d say that? i’m glad. i cant wait for you to meet her, she’s absolutely amazing.” you could tell by the look on his face how he felt about her. his eyes were bright, and his smile was wide. it’s the way you wished he would talk about you. he kept going on about her, and you could hardly stand to be there any longer.
“hey, um, i got a lot of homework to catch up on… i really gotta go.” your voice was soft, your smile beginning to fade. yet, he still didn’t notice.
he smiled once again, your stomach churning. “of course. you get home. text me when you get home, yeah?” all you could muster up was a nod, quickly getting into your car. he walked off to his, you quickly driving home.
as soon as you got there, the tears began to fall. all that went through your head was the thought of sunghoon with another girl. the thought tore your heart to pieces, and you couldn’t control the tears.
the next day at school was when you met her. “hey y/n,” you heard sunghoon call. you plastered on a fake smile, and turned around to greet the boy. he jogged up to you, holding the hand of some girl. the second you saw her, you could see why sunghoon liked her. she was gorgeous. she had long dark hair, big eyes, and a bright smile. “y/n, this is minhee. minhee, this is y/n.”
you smiled at her, and said a small hi, making small talk. a few minutes later, jake walked up and pulled you away from the two. you two had almost gotten to class when jake stopped walking. “how are you holding up,” he asked, voice laced in concern. you shrugged, not exactly knowing what to say.
“i’m fine.” jake just sighed, clearly not believing you.
“if you need anything, i’m here for you, okay? i know it’s got to be hard on you. just… call me if you need anything, yeah?” you nodded, a small smile forming on your face.
“i will, jake. thank you.” he smiled back and walked into the classroom, taking his seat, you doing the same.
a few moments later, sunghoon walked in, minhee right by his side. what? since when was she in this class?
they sat down right next to each other, your heart dropping once more. you didn’t know how much more of this you could take.
he’s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
that day after school, sunghoon and jake ran up to you, a big smile on sunghoon’s face. “hey y/n!”
you looked up at him and smiled, greeting him back. “me, jake and minhee were just about to go out to eat. do you want to come?” you were taken aback by the offer, looking to jake, asking for silent advice. you could tell by the look on his face that he wanted you to be there, so you agreed.
“perfect! just meet us there, yeah?” you nodded and everyone made their way to their cars. you took a deep breath before getting into yours, mentally preparing yourself for the next hour or so. you had no clue how this was going to go.
his invite actually made you upset. clearly he didn’t know how you felt. if he did, he wouldn’t have invited you to go out to eat with his girlfriend. the only reason you were going was because of jake, you would have felt like a jerk if you left him there to third wheel all alone. if only sunghoon knew about the way you felt.
you arrived to the restaurant, walked in, and quickly found the table they were sat at. you took your seat beside jake, him smiling up at you gratefully. “hey y/n,” minhee said, her smile bright. you faked a smile back in greeting as the waitress came by to get your drink orders.
“so um… how did you guys meet,” jake asked, trying to get a conversation flowing. you nodded at his question, wanting to know the answer.
“oh, our parents are really close friends. they were all having dinner together a while ago, and they brought minhee. we immediately hit it off,” sunghoon said, the smile never leaving his face.
jake nodded, and kept asking questions about their relationship, only making you more upset. not at jake, you knew his intention wasn’t to make you sad. his intentions were always quite the opposite. you just didn’t know how you were supposed to sit there and listen to the boy you were in love with gush about another girl.
throughout dinner, the two were top tier cringe. they would feed each other, giggle, and make small jokes, basically ignoring you and jake. jake would send you sympathetic smiles here and there, his heart hurting for you. he couldn’t even begin to imagine how you were feeling.
after it was over, and just as you were about to walk to your car, sunghoon grabs your attention. “can we talk for a second?” you nodded despite your nerves, and followed him to your car.
“what’s up,” you asked, wanting to get the conversation over with.
“i just want advice…. y/n, i’m in love with her. but… i don’t know how to tell her.” and that’s when your heart shattered. you nearly fell to the floor, but you managed to keep it together.
“a-all i can tell you is to just be straight forward. do it during a date, or just whenever the time feels right. when it’s time, you’ll know.” he smiled at your words, pulling you into a tight hug.
she better hold him tight, give him all her love
you hugged back, simply trying to enjoy the moment while you could. “thank you so much, y/n. you’re an amazing friend.” you sent him a smile, as he jogged back over to minhee, jake coming to you.
as soon as you were sure sunghoon was gone, you broke down. jake caught you before you could fall, the tears flooding down your cheeks. you couldn’t contain your sobs, as you held onto jake for dear life, him holding you just as tight. “hey, it’s alright, y/n. i’m here, it’s okay.”
he stayed there until you calmed down, even offering to take you home. “n-no. i’ll be okay. thank you jake.” all he did was smile, walking back off to his car once he was sure you were alright.
you got home that night, immediately plopping onto your bed, thoughts plagued with sunghoon as always. there was nothing you could do. he belonged to her now, and she belonged to him.
and he’s all that i need to fall into
you just had to accept it. you were in love with park sunghoon. park sunghoon was in love with minhee. and you were sitting in your room alone on a friday night.
but, if he was happy, you were happy. that’s all you’ve ever wanted for sunghoon. as long as he was happy, you were sure you could push through the heartache. the things you would do for park sunghoon.
i fake a smile so he won’t see…
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