#why yes i did spend way too much time writing this meta out
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Oh, hey, @horizon-verizon is here! Remember when I used used to respect their opinions? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Well, that was before... Well, let's not get needlessly political here. This post is probably going to be needlessly inflammatory anyway.
You know how people on here often say shit like "it does not have to be somehow morally deficient for you to not like it, stop making shit up about why perfectly okay media is Problematic, actually just to feel superior in hating it"? If you want to see who in the name of all that is holy would even think of justifying their dislike of media by bullshit social justice* points... Horizon-verizon, that's who.
Look, I don't think the point I made is perfect, it IS overly technical and @faintingheroine, because unlike y'all she's good at nuance, did a good job of deconstructing my post here: https://www.tumblr.com/faintingheroine/740905723811282944/based-on-this-discussion-made-into-a-separate
But this gives me just the PERFECT opportunity to roast horizon-verizon over the coils for their terrible Hot D opinions so what gives.
My basic problem with the way they and their ilk, of which @la-pheacienne is just one, characterize show!Alicent is that they simply refuse to accept that yes, Virginia, stories where we have two opposing female protagonists that are both sympathetic do exist! I am far from the show!Alicent's biggest fan - you might say, even, that I dislike her as a character. I am also very critical of the way she is written, which is a very different thing despite the fact that horizon-verizon seems chronically unable to make that distinction. That does not preclude me from admitting that show!Alicent's characterization is not, in principle, sexist. She's a complicated person who turns into a sympathetic antagonist of the story because of the maladaptive way she deals with her terrible situation. Now, you could argue the show suffers from severe lack of commitment to her antagonist role, making not just the feminist message, but the whole story suffer. And by "you", I mean "I, I actually think that". But that's not the same as denying there was a clear intent to portray show!Alicent as being, in fact, in the wrong. That's why I also dislike her as a character within the show, not just as a creation of bad writers.
Now, to summarize op's overly long points:
A) Basically just reiterating that book!Rhaenyra has characteristics that in a Madonna-Whore Dichotomy narrative would make her the unquestionable Whore. Which is true, I don't think there could be any argument against the fact that the Greens in-universe use the Madonna-Whore dichotomy to great effect and that this is very intentional on part of our author. What I am arguing is that Madonna-Whore Dichotomy is not in fact a necessary component of the Wicked Stepmother trope; they can be used together, but absolutely do not have to. But I'd like to have this discussion with someone that understands nuance and horizon-verizon is most definitely not that person.
B) Basically, horizon-verizon makes two points here and both are some of the most wrong-headed things I've ever heard. 1. Show!Alicent is only sympathetic because she is a victim of sexism and sexual assault. This is untrue because while yes, her characterization is INFORMED by the difficult situation she is in, the way she deals with this difficult situation is just as important. This point is kinda sensitive for me, because my JaguĹ could be reduced in the exact same way. "Oh, she's only sympathetic because she's in love with a man she can't have and a victim of repeated sexual assault." You clowns. You absolute fucking fools. 2. As a result, show!Alicent is inherently more sympathetic and in the right than show!Rhaenyra. Which... No? Why would you think that??? Because it most certainly can't be because you've seen the fucking show. Like. The show literally spells out ALICENT IS WRONG in big bold letters during her confrontation with Rhaenyra! Again, you can argue that the show tries to nooance around her too hard and doesn't commit to the "antagonist" part of sympathetic antagonist bit. That's definitely a big flaw of the writing that should be criticized. But the intent was definitely there, visible to all but the most ardent Alicent fans and show haters to see!
C) Basically just reiterating that book!Alicent has characteristics that would make her the unquestionable Madonna in the traditional Madonna-Whore Dichotomy narrative, and how she subverts them (Note how they make no point about Rhaenyra's role as the Whore being subverted - perhaps by having a just cause despite everything? But who am I to tell them how to make their arguments?). Again, as I pointed A), true, but not really relevant.
Now to the core of my argument - I think the B) point is very illustrative of the kind of black-and-white thinking that horizon-verizon suffers from. Show!Alicent is portrayed sympathetically? Surely, you must mean that she's a poor little meow who never did anything wrong, innit? They do this. All. The. Damn. Time. Because of this, they also conflate writer mistakes and misinterpretations of canon by parts of the fandom into one big Wrong version of the story, as opposed to (their interpretation of) the book, which is, of course, the Right version. Now, I am as frustrated by the conflation of book and show as anyone, but the antidote to that isn't to put the book version on a pedestal and deny any and all merit the show writing has. And it most definitely doesn't mean you have to conjure out a moral justification for your opinion that the show has bad writing. Hell, *I* think the show has bad writing at times! And I totally get why you'd dislike the show for that alone! You don't have to make up reasons why the show isn't just bad, but morally wrong, when it isn't really! (Okay, it has some problematic points, but not those that horizon-verizon outlines in this post.)
*because horizon-verizon is well-known for their lack of reading comprehension and love of painting all of their opponents as reactionaries, let me spell it out for you: "bullshit social justice points" does not mean you can't hate a piece of media based on social justice points (see my beef with Death Note), it means horizon-verizon's social justice points are bullshit because of reasons outlined bellow
Ok I've rambled about this before but I want to do it once more.
You may need to sit down for this one but the Wicked Stepmother Trope is a reflection of very real life situations. There were and still are, "wicked" stepmothers. This is not just a stereotype. Irregardless of the societal reasons behind this (patriarchal structure of society), we cannot deny the fact that women, deprived of any real political power in the outside world, often abuse the little power they had inside their own household, at the detriment of other, weaker family members. Women are people, not holograms. Women historically had power however limited, and they too abused that power when they could, and they could do that against children because children are weaker. This is a centuries old societal problem that still exists today, especially in more traditional cultures. It is not mere construction. If you are not familiar with this issue, you have lived a very privileged life and I am happy for you.
However, let's suppose for a moment that the Wicked Stepmother Trope is indeed problematic and has a misogynistic nuance. I believe this is often the case and I will explain why.
If you want to deconstruct the Wicked Stepmother Trope, you have to be sure that there is a proper Wicked Stepmother Trope to begin with in the source material. You also have to make sure that the Wicked Stepmother Trope isn't already deconstructed in the source material. Which is EXACTLY the case in Fire and Blood.
So let's take a typical example of the Wicked Stepmother Trope : Cinderella. Let's compare Cinderella with Fire and Blood for a second.
There is no Wicked Stepmother resembling Cinderella's stepmother in Fire and Blood, for the simple reason that there is no Cinderella hĂŠroĂŻne. What is a Cinderella hĂŠroĂŻne : a passive, innocent, purely reactive girl, that patiently suffers and awaits for her Prince (a man) that will save her from her evil Stepmother (a woman). All these elements need to exist in order to talk about a proper Wicked Stepmother Trope. This trope gets this misogynistic nuance only when it is paralleled with the poor innocent fairytale heroine. It's the antithesis of the willful and driven woman that is punished in the end (stepmother) Vs the passive perfect feminine figure that is rewarded in the end (stepdaughter), that gives the Wicked Stepmother Trope the misogynistic nuance it has. And this is very important.
Now back to Fire and Blood.
Well, Rhaenyra isn't a Cinderella character at all. She is willful, she's radical, she claims her birthright, she makes mistakes, she dares, she goes against the status quo. She fits the stepdaughter role, and she too has a dashing Prince that tries to save her. Except that he doesn't. He dies, and so does she, horribly. She is not rewarded by patriarchy for her youth, beauty and submissiveness (very important factor if we wanna talk about misogyny in fairytales). Quite the contrary, SHE is punished by patriarchy.
Alicent fits the stepmother role, except that she doesn't fit the misogynistic Wicked Stepmother Trope because her punishment does not constitute an exemplary punishment for NOT being a Cinderella type of female. It's this juxtaposition to Cinderella that makes the trope misogynistic to begin with.
If anything, the Wicked Stepmother Trope is ALREADY deconstructed in the source material. By not respecting that, the writers achieved of course the contrary result : a deeply misogynistic narrative. Rhaenyra is basically a whore. The entire Dance stems from the fact that Rhaenyra had extramarital sex and that's it. That's literally it. The main antagonist was reduced to a rape victim, and had no ambition whatsoever. Since Rhaenyra wasn't a rape victim and had sexual freedom, morally she comes across as more ambiguous than the pure one dimensional victim that show!Alicent is. Rhaenyra had a choice, Alicent doesn't. So the whole BS that both women are equally victims of patriarchy comes at the expense of the actual female protagonist, the willful, daring, non-conforming female character trying to preserve her agency : Rhaenyra. It also comes at the expense of creating characters that feel real and consistent and are not just the product of a power-point on misogyny in uni.
Book!Alicent does not fit a stereotypical misogynistic Wicked Stepmother Trope, a trope whose main goal is to reward submissiveness and punish willfulness. It's already deconstructed in the source material. The author did all the work, all they had to do is copy it. They didn't, which is why we have takes like "oh if Rhaenyra didn't want to be burned alive she shouldn't have had a paramour in Court".
#house of the dragon#fire and blood#fire & blood#why yes i did spend way too much time writing this meta out#if you're wondering about the typos#that's why
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Hi I spend way too much time thinking about Fuuta Kajiyama and really wanted an excuse to throw out a full breakdown of his character and why I think heâs so well written.
The long and short of it is that Fuutaâs character was built to represent social isolation and the effects it has on the psyche. And the direction his character has taken in T3 was always going to be the natural progression of his character, especially based on his T1 verdict and the consequences of that, it did not come out of nowhere and is not a questionable writing decision.

(The rest under the cut for really long winded meta and dissection of Fuutaâs character and how we got here)
To start, I want to talk about Fuutaâs life before Milgram.
Heâs a 20 year old university student, with no strong ties to family and no real group of friends or social circle to speak of. Already, heâs very isolated and has shown that heâs quite directionless. He doesnât have any dreams or aspirations, because he thinks things like that are âchildishâ and âworthlessâ. Heâs also never felt a real sense of protection or authority from the adult figures in his life, based on the way he talks about his parents. Iâm inclined to believe they werenât really present while he was growing up as well based on what we know of them, which caused further isolation and left him devoid of a sense of purpose. (Getting slightly ahead of myself here, but guess which type of people are most susceptible to falling into cults?)
So, what does he have to cling to? What does he have to keep him going? We all have a deep innate need for human connection and community, so where can he get that?
Online, of course.
So, he turns to the internet. He finds a community of people who enjoy the same things he does that he can connect with, and this serves as a lifeline for him. Now, heâs also been shown to have a strong sense of justice, which is perhaps one of the only other defining characteristics he can claim for himself and one of the only things he believes in. He feels a sense of empowerment and pride when heâs âcarrying out justiceâ in his eyes, and it gives him a sense of purpose and duty that heâs lacking elsewhere in his life. It also brings him validation from his community, who further enable him and fan the flames, so to speak. Heâs part of a group, heâs part of something for the first time in his life, and he has no way of stopping at this point. And then, it goes too far.
(I donât feel like I should need to say this, but for the sake of posterity, yes, what Fuuta did was very, very bad and should never be condoned or excused. But again, itâs a very real problem and is caused by social isolation which is very common in todayâs world and is worth having a discussion about. Fuutaâs character is an excellent showcase of how easily this can lead people to do terrible things by turning to online validation and praise for their sole source of connection with others.)
Now Fuuta is a person that doesnât know how to deal with heavy negative emotions. Heâs not very mentally strong, and being so isolated for most of his life with no real sense of purpose has left him with not a lot of ways to properly process or cope. When we first meet him in Milgram, heâs leaning very heavily on denial. Heâs convinced himself that he did nothing wrong, and canât even entertain the thought that his actions had killed someone. Heâs also the type of person that canât stand showing any signs of weakness. He acts big, and angry, and tough, because thatâs the easiest way to deflect from any other âweakâ emotions he may be feeling.
But, the side effect of this inability to process his negative emotions and acting out like this, is that he canât make any real connections with the other prisoners in Milgram. (Iâm not counting minigram as canon in this breakdown as an fyi, Iâm basing this solely on interactions from timelines and voice dramas)
Heâs lost the only community he had, completely cut off from it, and is experiencing the social isolation that drove him to this in the first place all over again. He sees the older prisoners as unreliable and not anyone he can lean on in this situation, and at this point doesnât seem to have any particular feelings about the other prisoners. He mentions looking out for Haruka in particular, but (as much as it pains me to say this since I do love the 0103 dynamic) itâs unlikely that this was a significant enough connection to keep him from feeling socially isolated in Milgram. He states that heâs not looking to make friends with the other prisoners, but that was likely just big talk and hiding the fact that he couldnât make that connection with anyone.
With all of these negative emotions he canât process or cope with, the fear and uncertainty of his environment, the loss of community he once had, and without anybody or anything to rely on for guidance or protection, itâs already a recipe for a shattered mental state.
Now letâs throw a guilty verdict, some horrible physical trauma, voices that you canât escape, heavy sleep deprivation and paranoid hypervigilance into the mix!
(I also want to point out⌠Fuutaâs second voice drama is titled âBaptism of Fireâ. Yes, itâs a turn of phrase involving fire because thatâs Fuutaâs motif, but knowing what we do now this was completely intentional foreshadowing)
The attack Fuuta sustained from Kotoko would be traumatic for anyone, and I feel that the effect this attack had on him is frequently dismissed because he wasnât on the brink of death like Mahiru was. In Shidouâs T2 voice drama, he lists Fuutaâs injuries as: an orbital floor fracture, traumatic retinal detachment, bruising, lacerations, and a partial fracture of the thorax. This is going to cause some very severe chronic pain for him, particularly in his head and chest, especially considering they donât have access to proper treatment and from what Fuuta has said they likely donât have access to any sort of painkillers either. Even the act of just breathing is going to exacerbate his pain, and thereâs just nothing that can be done for it. Speaking as someone with chronic pain myself, it definitely has a severe impact on your mental state and ability to do quite literally anything.
Regarding the âvoices and eyesâ of the audience, Fuuta has always been a special case, because out of the characters that have mentioned the voices in particular he has been the most severely and negatively affected by them. He states that he canât sleep because he feels that heâs being watched, and heâs mentioned several times how badly the voices affect him and how badly he wants them to stop. And this sleep deprivation just aggravates quite literally everything else that heâs currently dealing with, physically and mentally, making everything worse by tenfold.
The fact that he even admits to being scared and shows weakness to Es, considering the fact that he has an innate need to hide any sort of weakness, should be very telling. We are also told so many times during T2 that Fuuta is at his breaking point and is a complete mess.
Although itâs not directly stated in canon, Fuuta very heavily showcases symptoms of psychosis that have seemed to become progressively worse through and after T2. (I made a post about this not too long ago, trying not to repeat too much here but I broke this down a little more in that other post)
And whatâs a common symptom of psychosis? Religious delusion.
To start with, Fuuta's character even before entering Milgram is a prime example of someone who is extremely susceptible to falling in with a cult. Someone who is socially isolated, craves human connection and belonging, and who is searching for a sense of purpose/duty. You add onto that his murder and the need for someone to forgive him for it, the desperation for something to cling to, the worsening symptoms of psychosis and need for something to cure his pain? How in the world was he supposed to do anything but turn to religious delusion? If he hadnât, itâs very likely the only other possible option he saw for himself was to end his life, which he mentions doing in Backdraft (and passively in his T2 voice drama).
There was a glimmer of hope when Fuuta mentions that he was grateful to Kazui and Shidou in the aftermath of Kotoko attacking him and what they did to help him, but itâs likely that he saw himself not able to continue relying on them considering Shidou had been so busy with Mahiru and Kazui may not have continued to be as present as Fuuta would have preferred. Which is heartbreaking, considering Fuuta seems to so desperately need an authority/protective adult figure to look up to. Mind you, 20 is not that old and especially if he never had that growing up, itâs natural to still want that at this age.
I would like to reiterate again that Amane did not âbrainwashâ nor âindoctrinateâ Fuuta, she just ended up being the outlet for the only thing Fuuta has become convinced will save him. And now theyâre stuck in a very sad cycle of enabling each other through their trauma.
All in all, looking at the pieces of Fuutaâs character I feel that this was always the plan, even from the beginning of T1. We were conditioned from the start to view Fuuta as guilty: by making his character theme red, by introducing him as foul mouthed, angry, arrogant, and unapologetic, and even from Jackalopeâs comments in Esâ voice drama. We were conditioned to dislike him from the start, and since that guilty verdict in T1 was made Fuutaâs fate was sealed and this was always going to be the natural progression of his character. It was a slow build up, but was very well thought out and didnât come out of nowhere.
This is the fulfillment of what happens when you put a socially isolated person through extreme stress and trauma with nothing to hold on to, and again is an excellent showcase of what it can look like to fall in with a cult even with no religious background. And how itâs even easier with individuals who have pre-existing mental illnesses/disorders.
Weâve come full circle and Iâm very interested to see where his character goes from here.
#fuuta kajiyama#milgram#me: Iâm too tired to work on fics#also me: writes 2k words of Fuuta meta#if I see one more bad Fuuta take I may explode#mostly about posts Iâve seen on Twitter but some of you⌠should do more research on how trauma and stress affects the brain before posting#there have been a concerning amount of ableist posts Iâve seen#getting through t3 as a fuuta fan is a challenge god gives only his strongest soldiers#and I may not be one of them#anyways! love Fuuta or else#I will love him through his weird little freak phase even if nobody else will#if this has typos or weird grammar please pretend you do not see Iâm too lazy to re-read and edit this
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man, just going through and queueing my thousandth emduo fan art and considering my emduo writing I'm doing this evening and with a VOD of an emduo stream open in a tab and with emduo art as my desktop background and I was just struck by a thought:
Undoubtedly this would be kinda weird to see people getting this into your friendships.
Like not even getting into whumping characters or aging them down or shipping or doing deep lore and meta of off-hand comments, just like, just the fact that I have been posting emduo art approximately 12 times a day for the past three years. Not even getting into the fact that one of those creators is dead. Like. That's gonna be a little weird to come across in the abstract, if you are a person with a friendship, seeing this friendship be like someone's blog theme. Multiple blog themes. The hashtag updates hourly.
Like I'm sure fandom is flattering, but also, there is undoubtedly a point where someone is like 'oh wait, so your entire hobby is about these characters that have my name? Like you spend hours a day on this? You have art up?" And then they go Oh Dear.
Which is why I think it's just so much greater for everyone if we keep our little derangement in fandom-specific corners of the internet and do not throw it into the creator's face. At all. Even the harmless stuff! Do not TTS about your fanfic! Sharing fan art and cosplay in the designated fan art channelâ awesome. Inviting creators into your fandom group chatâ boy. Can we not. As much as I am like man I could probably reach so many people, I probably should not promo fandom events in the philza discord! The actual guy is there, saying "here people can request gifts made for them about you" is gonna be weird.
There's justâ there's a thing on twitter right now where this artist was making music and videos in a created world with characters, all very dreamlike and artistic, based in their childhood. And because it's the internet, someone wrote/drew NSFW of these characters. And because the internet is the way it is now, people were finding, searching out NSFW content to send it to the creator, presumably so they could take it down?
And I know these people had good intentions, however much I think that they're wrong, but I would argue that sending someone porn of characters based on you/on your kidfic is pretty close to harassment? Like do not show them that stuff. Come on. But the 'tattle to the creator' mentality was too strong.
And the creator, unsurprisingly, did not deal well with this! And then in what I think is a mistake, they have put together a team of people and a google form so that you can report if you find inappropriate or offensive content with their characters and the team will presumably try to copyright strike it. Which. Uh. Again. Is a whole horrible boundaries discourse, is going to lead to witch hunts, and I'm not sure about the legal success of copyright striking fan art and fanfic ANYWAYS.
But like this could have been avoided if instead of going "the creators need to know about this Bad Stuff" people just blocked and moved on. And I think so much more of modern fandom would take a step towards health if we could put more of a creator/fandom separation in place.
Like when I think back to the heyday of DSMP fandom and how these creatorsâ many of them underageâ were getting people sending them porn of themselves/their characters, to tattle. Oh look isn't this dark fic too dark. Look how horrible this gore is. This is borderline shipping. People were sending Phil's mods stuff tagged as QPR, because they couldn't get to Phil but he clearly so desperately needed to know this, so that he could condemn it as too close to shipping? Because that is respectful and a great idea?
And like this ranges from stuff where I'm like bro, he doesn't need to know that (small /neg, about stuff that isn't a big dealt), to bro, he doesn't need to know that (LARGE /neg, stop sending the creators porn), because like, okay, yes, you have correctly identified that this would be weird to have happen to you/to a character based on you. What you are missing here is that unless you want to usher in an era of insane copyright overreach that would make disney's lawyers ascend to a higher plane and also kill transformative fandom, there is effectively very little way to stop most of the bad stuff. Those characters are out there, people get to do what they want with them, no matter how much it's in poor taste. All you're doing when you show creators the bad stuff is making them look at stuff that is going to be unpleasant and they can't stop. So, y'know, harassment?
And even the good stuffâ I know how to behave myself and act cool in public spaces the creators are in, but if they were to see the full depths of how much of my brain space is taken up by the blocks, I'm sure they'd kinda be left going hahaha you what????? Tomathy Innit was struck speechless by a single person doing a video essay analyzing L'manberg. I see that energy on the dash from dozens of mutuals every damn DAY.
Just like, man. Fandom is just a lot to shove at creators, and if they want to step in willingly that's fine, but I really think we should be so so so cautious about throwing them in bodily when they didn't ask for it. Do not rec family dynamic fics to tommy in his youtube comments. Do not tell tubbo to scroll his hashtag on tumblr. Stop telling Phil about your fanfiction in TTS. I"M SURE THE POSTING YOU ARE ALL THINKING OF IS FINE IN TERMS OF TECHNICAL WEIRD STUFF, but likeâ even the good stuff! Even the good stuff is a lot! "I was having a bad day but I watched some videos with the friendship in it and now I'm okay" is just a lot to drop on someone! Can we allow creators/writers/musicians/actors/authors to opt into this stuff, and not shove it at them?
And for the love of all things good stop sending people porn of themselves.
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Legit if I ever did become a semi-popular author (and by that I mean like. 20 ppl I don't know and didn't coerce into buying my books out of family/friendship committment bought and read my stuff and liked it), I would v likely not stop writing fanfic
Bc 1) um. I have way too many ideas that are not easily transferrable to original WIPs and also I do not want more original fucking WIPs okay Bc that requires more than one draft and fanfic is v much write publish and move on for me đ¤ˇââď¸
And 2) I just don't care. I will v likely never be Trad published BC I just dont have the energy to:
Write multiple drafts
Then shop them to different agencies with my fingers crossed
Revise and go through another draft, possibly multiple of them, if I get picked up by an agent
Shop to different publishers with my fingers crossed
Revise and go through another draft, possibly multiple of them, if I get picked up by a publisher
Do a whole bunch of marketing in between
Probably some other shit I forgot about that will take time and energy that I don't have Bc I work a day job and have chronic illnesses and spend most of my free time asleep anyway
I also just. Don't vibe with the idea that someone can look at my outline, my characters, my story, and all the work I put into it and say "actually scrub these parts out, they're not sellable". I don't like the idea of another person or company owning my story. And I don't have the capacity to write to market. I want to make weird shit that clicks with like 4 people. I don't want to have to sanitize anything.
And I take too long to write as is and with Trad publishing we've got a deadline breathing down my neck. At least if I stick to self-publishing, my drafts can take as long as they want from first to final, with all the editing and beta reading I need in between. Costly? Yeah, that's why the first round of books I've ever published were untouched by outside eyes Bc I was young and broke.
But I have a decent job now and I'm older and more confident in my skills so like. I don't mind putting in a chunk of change, only to come out at a loss in the end đ I just want ppl to read it. I don't need all the bells and whistles.
So, yeah, without the weight of "Trad publishers typically want you to scrub away any fanfic you might have", I don't really see the need to kick it to the curb. I like writing fanfic. If I wanna take time between drafts, or while I'm waiting for beta/editor feedback, and scribble out some drabbles or another fucking 60k masterpiece that like 5 people read because I wanna write but I'm too tired to fuck with another original piece, I can do it.
If I got offered smth by a small/indie publisher, I might be happy to take them up on it because they tend to be more forgiving of the weird and wonderful, but I don't like leaving people in the lurch because I'm a slow writer, which is why I really hate that I have those 4 ongoing fics still posted on ao3, and why my plan is to just fucking write and complete the whole series before I even hit publish on book 1 for any future series I may write Bc I don't wanna throw out book one, get at least one person invested, and then take five years to spit out book two.
(plus I get worried that I'll hit publish, start book two and realize I need to change smth in the story that requires going back and changing things in book one đŠ and like yes. I fully outline all books in a series before I hit publish, but hey, outlines are subject to change Bc stories are flexible)
Plus again 3) I like writing fanfic. I like playing with characters and settings I didn't create. I like writing meta and unhinged nonsense abt them. It's a different kind of imagination, and I enjoy it! I don't wanna have to stop unless I'm busy with other shit. And even then, I'd still like the opportunity to return if I wanted without have to orphan or plonk my shit under Anonymous. They're my stories!!
Anyway. Idk. Fingers crossed I finish a draft of smth end of next year đ¤ˇââď¸
#happy's babblings#i know i mumble about this a lot but I've neen having a go of it lately and not being able to write my og shit is really stressing me out
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If we were not going to get Buddie or stuff then I gotta ask the writers of episode 14 why did you choose to make Buck and Chris draw hearts. They could have easily just drawn Brains but you had them draw hearts and then Buck gave his heart that he drew to Eddie. I mean come on now. There's subtext and then there's TEXT.
Hey Nonnie
So the show has been slowly building up to Buddie - its a slow burn and that means they will use multiple tools to get the audience from A - B. Those tools will involve all the different show departments - the script itself, sets, props, costumes, lighting, direction, camera angles audio - all will be chosen to get certain messages out at certain times - so text and subtext are used to lead the view in the direction the show wants you to go - but it has to be done with care you can't just use text - there are different levels of both text and subtext.
The main thing you have to remember is that the general audience is not fandom - we are a separate species - the GA will tune in to the show, watch it, go to bed get up the next morning and go to work - they have a brief chat with their friends or co- workers about the show, but its all of a level - then they continue about their lives until the next week. They might think about things in passing - for example the might think about the heart drawings - remembering that Bucks had that cute little smile, and they'll start to connect the dots - but they have to be led there through the build up of whats being said and what being shown - they are being slowly clued in in a way that feels natural - so when Buddie does happen - they won't be left feeling like it was random - like a bolt out of the blue - it will happen and they will sit there and go 'huh' think about it and go 'oh yes I see now they've been building to this.'
Then theres fandom - us. We watch an episode and then analyse the hell out of it. We are actively looking for all the subtext and text that the show is putting in there - noticing the costumes, looking at the way a scene has been lit, directed, framed. The way the actor has chosen to quirk an eyebrow t a certain moment, or throw heart eyes out left right and centre. Fandom discusses things - we get to write metas and respond to those metas, we get to view the awesome gif sets that can show the same scene in 50 different ways - we are all looking for these things to pick up on what the show is putting down - and yes sometimes we read too much into certain things - coming up with theories that make sense, but weren't what the show intended but may actually spark the writers and the show to change course a bit or adapt what they were doing - they did it with Shannon because the audience didn't like her because she was ableist - so they killed her off - Tim has spoken about it. We'll never know if and when they changed course on the Buddie of it all - some people believe it was always the intention, others that the start of S3 was the turning point but thats the great thing - we don't need to know because the fandom gets to spend time discussing it and analysing and generally having fun doing it.
I can assure you each department working on a show already has the bigger picture so they can lay the breadcrumbs for fandom to enjoy finding and picking over for months on end while at the same time increasing those breadcrumbs in a way that the GA will come along for the ride as well even though they'll never pick up on 3/4's of what has led them to getting on board the ride!
its why I love long form storytelling - especially when its as well crafted as 911 is. But never forget - we were all being led there all along- its just some of us get to figure it out early and enjoy the ride a different way!
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Ml Meta analysis: Adriens current absents, season 4 structure and theory on whats to come
Here I am back again with my endless rambling.
I'm just as worried for our cat son as everyone else (maybe even more) which is why I tried figuring out for my own sanity why he is so absent currently.
Upfront I wanna warn yall that I wrote this post in one rush this night and therefore had no time to do alot of editing. So things can probably get a bit more messy than usual but I tried to write it clearly, while writing 2 other ml essays as well. This is the one drawback of having so many episodes in such a short time, I have no time to write my posts x3 I had another theory planned for before Optigami airs but I don't think I can manage before tomorrow.
But let's not waste any more time. Grab a snack and here we go:
It's 2am right now but I think I just realized why Adrien/Chat Noir is being sidelined so much recently.
Sure, yes, it'll come into play in the very obviously set up Ladynoir drama later on but what I wanna talk about now is more the structure of how s4 is most likely written in terms of both Marinettes and Adriens side of the story. And then deep dive a little on why I think so.
You see season 4 is now reaping what has been built up from s1-s3, but this also includes that you have to take the time now to properly recreate the new possibilities out of the loose pieces of the broken status quo.
Seriously, season 4 has to handle and reinvent ALOT. The show got now officially announced to have 7 seasons, which is exactly the amount of seasons Astruc said they have story for. I couldnt find the official tweet from Thomas himself but I one from another source:

And now look take a look at the possible shows structure:
- s1-s3 was the first status quo and built up everything so now they can pay off after pay off while...
-... S4 is now the transitional season where the old status quo gets left behind as we work towards the new one.
-I have nothing to proof this of course, but in the same sense it would now make sense that s5-s7 where/are planned to play out under the final status quo. If I'm not wrong at first the show was under contract for 5 seasons, which would mean that after the transitional season 4 there was only 1 season of the final status quo for sure. Still, done right it could have been worth the wait. But this isn't where Miraculous will end. The show actually got the 7 seasons the creator wanted and THIS is how I think the long term plan makes the most sense. Nothing all too complicated but still hella effective in its execution.
But now back to our two main characters, because Marinettes and Adriens development are the two aspects that will raise the show to the intense heights of the s5-s7 status quo.
From s1-s3 Marinette was the active player but she was hardly involved with the actual PLOT of the show, since most of the plot and backstory of the show lies directly with the Agreste family. She only started to get her own plot when she literally created a new one by getting involved with the miraculous lore, because the closest Marinette got to the Agreste plot was "The collector".
Adrien in the other hand was always literally right in the middle of the plot but he wasn't enough of an active player to bring us further either.
Season 4 is now going to add the missing parts for both of them and as the very beginning of the season showed us: there are going to do it SEPERATLY.

This is why "Truth" and "Lies" have been structured the way they are (One Marinette-centric the other Adrien-centric). Yes, Marinette and Adrien are meant to end their story victoriously together, but they are simply not the people they have to be to become such a powerful team. Certain aspects of their journey they have to do... basically disconnected from the other one. The "Miracle Queen" endcard shows it quite nicely as well where they are heading now: away from each other.

Obviously the season started with Marinette growing into her new guardian status including everything miraculous related, since she is the main lead and because the new ways the episodes can now utilize everything Miraculous need to be established first before we deep dive into the messed up Agreste mystery.
So while I totally agree that it is annoying to get so little Adrien/Chat Noir content currently I also understand the practicality behind it. As I said, before s4 Marinette was the active main character who mostly didn't really have her own plot. So now adding her plot aspect and have her ACTIVELY figure everything needed out means that right now Marinette/Ladybug is the active focus main character who is solving a huge part of her s4 character arc. That simply drowns out Adrien as the currently still mostly-inactive secondary main character who, yes, may be right in the middle of the shows emotional + villain plot/lore/backstory, but that side of the story simply isn't in focus at the moment.
And I gotta say, I'm kinda glad they're doing it this way. Because I'm gonna be honest, when the season starts giving us Adrien/family Agreste episodes like "Lies" and "The collector" (in this case "Gabriel Agreste" for example) again, I don't want the narrative to be forced to spend time with something guardian lore based just because they didn't took their time to do it earlier.
So, as we see on the s4 episode raster "Gabriel Agreste" is episode 9. Honestly, I expect most of it (especially the ones near the beginning, so ep. 5 included) til that episode to be Marinette based the way everything else til now did (besides Lies obviously and Guilt trip didn't hardcore focus on Marinette/Ladybug either and that's because it's after "Gabriel Agreste") in the spirit of "Truth". It's just the needed set up from Marinettes side of the story and I can live with that.
Because we actually saw the change after "Gabriel Agreste" already in "Guilt trip".
I don't know why some people pretend like Chat almost cataclysming himself after hearing how guilt-eaten Nino is for Adriens sake isn't a huge indicator that the episodes afterwards will not only acknowledge but also DEAL with Adriens/Chats situation and problems. Remember, we are talking about CHAT NOIR here not Adrien Agreste. The show has always portrayed and acknowledged ADRIENS issues very straight forward and with the proper seriousness (especially when it comes to his family), whereas Chat Noir was often mostly used for comedic purposes with some exceptions of his problems being properly delt with (since Marinette/Ladybug was mostly oblivious to them, since Adrien keeps them hidden so well). But now in "Guilt trip" LADYBUG was confronted head-on with just how much negativity Chat has inside and how quickly and extremely he drowns in it.
Sure, correct, the episode also has his negativity "washed away" rather quickly by Ladybug opening up to him on how important he is to her

But this is in character for both of them as "Lies" very clearly showed us that the way BOTH OF THEM behave here is where the problem lies. There Ladybug was freaked out after Chat threw his life away once again but quickly accepted Chats very direct avoidance of the confrontation, since he seemed to be alright to her.
Something I also find noteworthy here is that Ladybugs dialog is "Seriously, you need to stop doing this to me!", which is.... a VERY Marinette-centric way of acknowledging the problem.
It completely shifts the issue away from Adriens extremely alarming self-harmful/suicidal tendencies and instead only calls out how it affects Marinette (whose feelings here are definitely valid, don't get me wrong!). It showcases perfectly how unaware Marinette still is of her partners inner tumult at that point and also parallels how Marinette called Adriens life "perfect" at the beginning of the episode (This is no shade towards Marinette, in general the entirety of "Lies" is about showing us just how harmful Adriens Chat Noir persona actually IS to him so these two moments of her being oblivious to Adriens and Chats immense problems very much fits into that episodes narrative and sets up what's about to come. I still have an entire essay in the making for "Lies" but, guys, it's just getting longer and longer. I suck xD).
So the fact that an episode after "Gabriel Agreste" brings this scenario back, just a little different but ALOT more revealing of Adriens immense problems to his partner, is VERY telling. Besides other things it tells us that this happens at the beginning of the arc that deals with (at least) Chats issues since Ladybug is still way too quickly too ready to accept her partner as "completely fine" again just because Chat makes it seem that way (while some negativity increasing guilt bubbles still to stick to him.).
And yet, others have already pointed it out that Ladybug IS noticing what Chat wanted to do and reacted accordingly...
she just didn't speak of it the way it is because it overwhelmed her, which calls back to Ladybugs "You have to stop doing this to me!" dialog.( For a great breakdown of her dialog HERE is a link to @flightfootâ post)
In "Lies" Marinette was way too stressed by her new guardian role to even consider Chats side of it and therefore only spoke of her own, but in "Guilt trip" she's already past that stressful arc. So here she is immediately able to recognize Chats suicidal action for what it is, come to his (much needed) aid and lift her partners spirit the best she can by emotionally opening up to him (which is something we KNOW is incredibly hart for Marinette).
The difference between her reaction in "Lies" and in "Guilt trip" shows that Marinette has her guardian role already mostly handled and is now mentally able to be there for others again, so the extremely Marinette-centric "Truth"-like episodes are mostly passed. Now the episodes can bring Adrien/Chat Noir more into the game again and even shift to "Lies" - like episodes because MARINETTE can pay more attention to him again and isn't faced with something new, important and overwhelming Miraculous related every step she takes.
And THAT is extremely fair from a narrative standpoint.
I really need to stop elaborating so much on these posts because I'm only NOW actually getting to the point of where Adriens journey will disconnect for a while from Ladybugs. Sorry guys.
Okay, to understand where I'm going with this I will have to quickly explain how I always saw Chat Noirs place in the Ladybug+Chat Noir vs Hawkmoth war ever since s1.
Because here is the thing: Adrien wasn't able to truly leave the battle field ONCE since the origins. Marinette was completely out of Hawkmoths and Gabriels reach once she detransformed, which balances out her basically being the personification of the good sides force. And Gabriel literally decided whenever or not the battle is even ACTIVE right now! Besides that he is in complete control of his own actions and environment, which gives him all the necessary time, safety and downtime he needs to act as the personification of the evil sides force.
Marinette and Gabriel always knew when they were safe and off the battle field, but ADRIEN never had that and it left him LITERALLY right in the middle of both Ladybugs and Hawkmoths sides.
You see, because before Adrien became Chat Noir he basically was part of Hawkmoths side just by default. He was born into this family, that's his father and lost mother and everything he knows. Adrien didn't/doesn't even have to KNOW that he is part of Hawkmoths side, he's his son at some level he just IS! And I'm not saying this as anything negative, Adrien coming from Hawkmoths side is literally the reason why he became Chat Noir!
Because whereas Gabriel is having the time of his damn life as evil terrorist, created out of tragic and sinister circumstances, ADRIEN on the other hand couldn't handle his families environment and very same circumstances anymore and accepted the role as Paris' hero to escape his heritage for a while.
Keywords being: a WHILE.
Something unique about Adrien I always loved is the fact that he is the villains abused, isolated and overworked SON, who becomes a hero to escape his depressing life and YET it was never Adriens intention to LEAVE IT. Adrien merely wanted to use his time as Chat Noir to let of some steam and breath freely while doing some hero work so he can go back into his civilian life and try to one day successfully ment his broken family. He couldn't handle the current situation anymore but he still always saw worth in his family/father. I have SO MUCH respect for that!
But him not intending to leave his family and instead regaining strength as Chat Noir to continue to hold onto it came with the downside of him not being able to fully become part of the good sides people/force either. Hence why Adriens/Chats place always felt so lost in comparison to Ladybugs and Hawkmoths clear positions. He's caught in between their extremes trying to balance out BOTH at the same time. What an impossible task!
So he couldn't put in the same focus as Ladybug into being the good sides force because he is literally burned out from his civilian life on Hawkmoths evil side. But he also couldn't be involved as an ACTIVE member of his fathers evil force, because he chose to find refuge in his friends and as a hero on Ladybugs side.
Adrien unknowingly is part of BOTH the shows two extreme moral sides of good and evil and this season we will see Adrien/Chat Noir grow into his own within BOTH sides as well.
Because he simply couldn't have done so right away in s1. Now after 3 seasons Chat Noir is more than solidly established as one of Paris Heros and his time with Ladybug, the other heros and his normal friends helped him greatly to find his place on the good side. "Lies" set this up as Chat Noirs arcs starting point that now he has to stop connecting "being heroic" strictly with following Ladybug (as Marinette is the STAND IN personification for the good side, she's still a flawed human being like everyone else and not the ultimate force of perfect and good. Big difference.) just as he has to start looking past his fathers sympathetic moments/qualities to see that Hawkmoth isn't a 100%, inhumane monster just because he is the stand-in personification of evil in their fight, but the man he calls Father and still needs to be taken down. (I talked about this in more detail on THIS post)
Adrien has to seperat himself from Ladybugs path and focus on his family and I believe it'll start with the much dreaded (but expected) Ladynoir fight.
Funnily enough, what I'm talking about was actually already set up in "Frozer" I just didn't remember that for a bit. In "Frozer" we saw Ladynoir having a fight which caused Chat Noir to go his own way in the episodes battle.
I always found it interesting that the episode didn't had Chats decision, to not follow Ladybugs lead here, turn out to be a huge mistake. Almost every other show would have done so but now I think I understand. This episode and s2 in general SET UP the s4 conflict, s3 LEAD UP to it and now s4 DELIVERS it.
So what happened in "Frozer" is a direct parallel to what about to go down:
Ladynoirs fight will cause Chat Noir to not simply follow Ladybugs side anymore the way he used to, but note, he DOESN'T leave the good side AND they make up again in the end after Chat saves Ladybug from the akuma. He just does things on his own because he isn't on great terms with her for a while. "Frozer" showed Chats decision to not only NOT be a mistake but also a necessary part of defeating the akuma, just the way it'll be in s4. Damn, Adrien breaking away from Ladybugs side, the way she (unintentionally tho) did at the beginning of the season, to focus more on himself and his family will be the game changing factor, when Adrien will have his completing arc where he goes from "not active character within the villain/backstory plot" to "ACTIVE character within the villain/backstory plot".
And we already saw with Marinette how many fast breakthroughs we get through these completing arcs. Which is also a reason for why Adriens/ Chats arc comes later in the season, because BUDDY. Once Adrien starts to actively uncover his families mystery and fathers secrets Gabriel is SCREWED! Adrien will gain the needed inside knowledge that complements Marinettes Miraculous power; and reunited they can take on whatever the hell kind of scale the Agrestes plan actually is.
So how to end this post? My biggest intention was to raise hope for everybody (myself included lol) who is right now very concerned and upset about how side-lined our boy is at the moment. But I prefer doing so in a way that actually works with canons context instead of sugarcoating what I don't like. And Adriens/Chats current position I definitely do NOT like but accepting it as realistic outcome from s1-s3 and set up for the escalation for both Ladynoir and his home situation gives it the proper purpose and pay off (narrative and character wise) that it SHOULD have.
Basically, the endcards of "Truth" and "Lies" show it perfectly.

It looks like ShadowMoth is turning a blind eye towards Adrien/Chat Noir because of Ladybugs new guardian status and "greater importance". But Gabriels tunnel vision on Ladybug will leave him vulnerable to his own sons secret actions against him and Gabriel won't see it coming until its already too late.
#Miraculous#Miraculous ladybug#ml theory#ml analysis#ml season 4#ml show structure#Adrien Agreste#marinette dupain chang#Gabriel Agreste#Chat Noir#Ladybug#Hawkmoth#ml forshadowing
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Sam loves Dean as much as Dean loves Sam: a meta
Much as I love reading good meta, I donât often write meta. Thus please accept my apologies if this is mediocre, and let me start with a simple topic sentence:
Sam loves Dean as much as Dean loves Sam.
A little longer, now: Sam is even better at loving Dean than Dean is at loving Sam because of Deanâs profound and abiding love for Sam.
Confusing, right? But not really.
We all know how Dean lives and breathes SammySammySammywatchoutforSammy. Itâs his defining mission, his ultimate purpose, or, as a therapist might say, his âcore belief.â But sometimes I think that we allow adult!Dean too little autonomy. We assume that he canât help himself: heâs locked into this single-minded focus, on loving and protecting the only family he has left.
That sells Dean short. (Hang in there, I promise Iâll get to Sam in a moment.)
Even people who have been forced into a certain way of life have choices. Even people who have been told who they are all their life have choices. Dean tells us, in Season 14, Iâm good with who I am--and I, for one, believe him. Whether we follow canon all the way to 15x17, when Dean is finally brought back from the edge of his desire for revenge against Chuck by his love for Sam (the only thing thatâs ârealâ), or whether we keep to season 1 when Dean said--thatâs all we have...thatâs all I have... and I want us to be a family again and as long as Iâm around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you--Dean has always accepted his role as Samâs big brother. Deanâs life is unabashedly Sam-centric. Heâd change a lot of things, but in the end heâd change nothing, because he wouldnât change that.Â
Some fans get very het up about the codependent aspect of this. Others (in my opinion, rightly) defend it. Thereâs scads of meta on why the Winchester dynamic IS necessary for their mythic role in the narrative, and their human role in the narrative (more importantly), so I wonât write that meta now. All Iâm saying is what I think you already know: Dean lives for Sam, his baby brother, and despite the grief, the growing pains, the occasional cruelty of desperate love, Dean said it all when he told Sam (and us), Donât you ever think that there is anything, past or present that I would put in front of you.
So where does that leave Sam, and his love for Dean? Letâs start with that line I just quoted. Building on the above, Deanâs goal in life is to give Sam a life. He wants Sam to be happy. He wants him to be free. He also wants to keep him by his side forever, to control him for safety and comfortâs sake, and sometimes those instincts of a frightened-child-turned-traumatized-man win out. Dean isnât perfect. Deanâs full of contradictions. But time and again he goes back to stone number one: what he can do for Sam. What he can offer Sam, by being the grunt, by standing in harmâs way.Â
When we begin the story, Sam has succeeded in the path Dean helped carve for him. Iâm not taking all the credit from Sam here, and giving it Dean: merely pointing out that Dean stepped into traditional parental roles and helped send Sam into adulthood, even though that meant Sam leaving him. We know that the night Sam left for Stanford was one of the worst of Deanâs life, but even in mid-season 1, Dean tells Sam heâs proud of him. You always know what you want. You stand up to Dad. Hell, sometimes I wish I--
(this, of course, is beautifully echoed in the series finale itself)
Dean is telling Sam what so many parents tell their children: you have gone places I never could, accomplished goals I never could, grown in grace and understanding like I never could. At least, I like to think thatâs what the best parents tell their children.
To Dean, Sam is always the one with more hope. More wholeness. More options. To Sam, Dean is stone number one.Â
You asked how Sam loves Dean, and my answer is: just look. Look at how Sam goes out into the world young, stands up to their father, makes his own decisions, fights back against Deanâs own nihilistic narrative through their primary losses and setbacks. Dean gave Sam the safety to build a better worldview than Dean himself has, and Sam turns that right back around and tries to give it to Dean.Â
What do you think my job is? Youâre my big brother--thereâs nothing I wouldnât do for you.Â
I canât lose you.
Youâre not a grunt, Dean, youâre a genius.
This is my life. I love it. But I canât do it without my brother. I donât want to do it without my brother.
I am going to save my brother. And then Iâm going to kill you dead.
If you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got somebody right here next to you.
I believe in us.
This is just a small collection of Sam quotes showing his love for Dean. A small collection showing the persistent theme of Samâs persistence. He knows that pushing chick-flick moments and emotional conversations can get jokes for a dime a dozen, and even the occasional punch thrown his way. He keeps at it anyway. When Sam knows Deanâs hurting, he wants to help. Heâd do anything to help. He wonât sit around and see his brother turn into an embittered killer (season 2), go to hell for saving his life (season 3), take on the Trials (season 8), be irrevocably corrupted by the Mark of Cain (seasons 9-10), let him despair (seasons 11 and 13), let him sacrifice himself to an archangelâs grave (season 14), or let him lose his goodness to the whims of a vicious god (season 15). Sam fights for Dean with full use of his considerable gifts--intelligence, rationality, resourcefulness, and yes, the occasional blind rage. Sam looks to Dean, first as a leader, then as a judge, and finally as an equal. Sam has been looking up to Dean since he was four, yes, but over the course of the show he comes to look at Dean. With love, peace, understanding, humor, pain...whatever their inimitable connection requires.
The quotes I noted above also reveal Samâs own conflicts rear up. Sam and Dean (again, in my opinion) are equally developed characters. Both have flaws and inconsistencies. Both have struggles inherent to their personalities and upbringings, distinct from those imposed on them by supernatural forces.Â
Sam had a glimpse of a different life, once. He had the smarts, he had the drive, he had the sheer stubbornness to live a different life than John or Azazel or hell, even Lucifer had planned for him. But also in Sam--innate in Sam--is his core of goodness and compassion and the principle of doing right, which leads him back into the life and to soul-crushing sacrifice again and again.
Sam breaks and is broken. Sam suffers and ages and spends more time in hell than even Dean, who went to protect him.
But what keeps Sam going? Dean. Dean canât live without Sam. We know that. The flip side is that Sam doesnât want to live without Dean. Importantly, I think, he has more choice in the matter. Dean focused his whole childhood identity on giving Sam a life that meant he had choices, even if Dean didnât know he was doing that. Sam can move through more crowds, more roles, more relationships. He has a better education, he has a more powerful ability to intellectually reason and detach. He would have made a great lawyer. Yet he casts all this aside out of sheer willpower, choosing instead to love Dean and live with Dean through the chaos of their lives, and to go near mad when Dean is gone. Consider Sam in season 4, Sam in season 10...Sam in season 8 trying to atone for the very choice that Dean (the best part of Dean) wanted him to make, even if the real muddle of Deanâs psyche couldnât forgive him, for a time, for making it.
All of this leads us to the finale.Â
You said you wish Sam had said I love you back to Dean in the finale. I argue that he did. He made his love perfectly clear to Dean in that moment by holding his hand, by looking in his eyes. He said, you can go now, when all he wanted was for Dean to stay.Â
The best part of Dean wanted Sam to have happiness and freedom. At the end of his life, Dean was finally able to communicate that without fear or reservation.Â
But the bittersweet brilliance of that moment is that Sam--the Stanford boy who went to hell and back, who saved the world, brought down one god and raised another--no longer wanted any kind of happiness or freedom that didnât include the one person whoâd been by his side all along. Dean was giving his blessing for a path that didnât beckon Sam anymore. And yet: Sam said yes to it out of the love for Dean. Sam went out of that barn, out of the bunker, out of that day and that year and that decade and into the next and the next, out of love for Dean. Sam loved Dean by living. He loved Dean by raising another Winchester. He loved Dean by holding all their contradictions, flaws, and heroisms in his heart (in their car), until heâd done what he set out to do many times over.Â
Then he met Dean on a mended bridge, dressed in old clothes that said: I was happiest at the beginning. I was happiest when we could be brothers again. I took my time getting here anyway, because I know that was what you wanted. I took my time so that we could be happiest now.
If that isnât love, I donât know what is.
#my meta#meta#spn meta#the epic love story of sam and dean#sam winchester#dean winchester#spn positive#spn#supernatural#carry on#spn finale#sam loves dean as much as dean love sam#winchesters#sam n dean#sam and dean
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âit all comes down to the soul(s) in the endâ: or, characters make the story work, and not the other way around
outing myself yet again as a dabb era critical blog here but. i just think the difference between carver era and dabb era is that carver era was character-arc driven while dabb era was overarching-main-plot driven with some good character moments thrown in (which may be to do with the fact that - iirc - during carver era for a while they didnât know if theyâd get renewed so they couldnât plan too far ahead and just progressed the story by increments, as opposed to dabb era knowing they had a longer time frame to work with and deciding the plot beforehand).Â
the thing is, i think most of us can agree that after the kripke era - which, for all its flaws and setbacks (hello writersâ strike), had a self-contained myth arc involving both an internally coherent narrative and certain well-defined character beats - and going into the gamble âhot girl summer but make it angstâ era, the appeal of supernatural relies largely on the characters. it has to, because for a show to keep running after 6-7 seasons, you have to be invested not just in the story/stories being told, but in the people driving the story forward. it simply wonât work otherwise.
and - to my perception at least - the carver era (perhaps largely due to ben edlundâs imprint in s8, lbr) knew that. some examples of what i mean:
it gave dean an arc about dealing with the toxicity of his upbringing and his unhealthy attachment to sam, as well as starting to explore other meaningful relationships for himself (benny, charlie, and of course him continuously reaching out to cas) - essentially it allowed dean to confront that he wanted things.Â
it gave sam an arc about dealing with his trauma re: demon blood, and having to confront what it means to be good, how he always felt impure through no fault of his own - and it shifted him over into accepting that his calling in life is as a keeper of lore and mentor to other people, by contrasting the failure of the sam/amelia relationship with him finding the bunker and discovering a different part of the hunting world
it forced cas to confront what he wants for himself, by making him deal with his own changing nature (being human, then an angel again, and the whole arc about living on borrowed grace), and with the other angels falling and what that meant for him; he got the chance to be on his own and be with the winchesters, to both make mistakes and be a leader to other angels - and then give up that leadership by choice because he prioritised his human family to his reputation in heaven (which should have been a clear indication of endgame human cas but i digress)
it brought in compelling new characters - primarily charlie and kevin, though they were both horrendously mistreated by bucklemming writing them off - claire novak as an angry teenager, aaron and his golem, metatron as a fascinatingly meta (ha) antagonist, rowena as a frenemy, and gave old characters compelling story beats (crowley and his âhumanity addictionâ). also, it had writers like robbie thompson who were attuned to the fan community in an unprecedented way.
with the dabb era, i feel like because theyâd set their mind on where the story was going (e.g.: killing dean, having a new and âbetterâ god in place, giving sam a white picket fence ending) they didnât really care if they had to break the protagonistsâ characterisation to get us there. we still had moments of great characterisation - steve yockey episodes first and foremost, and of course robert berens carrying the dean/castiel beats - but mostly, characterisation came second to what the story would need. this is how we get dean winchester, friend and protector to kids everywhere, being A-Okay with sacrificing a kid he supposedly cares about, not once but several times over, because the plot needed Emotional Stakesâ˘ď¸.
(and this, by and large, is my issue with jack as a character too, because he spends so much of his time on the show so clearly being a plot device - a literal deus ex machina - that he ends up being not very compelling to me. âbut baby jack!â i hear you say. and yes, yes, heâs cute and i like him, but listen -- his characterisation reads as a blank slate because ultimately thatâs what the narrative needs from him - and thereâs a whole separate post i could make on that, really).Â
but i think the main problem is that the endgame the dabb era had in mind conflicted openly with the stakes they had set up in the carver era - and that the most attuned writers kept up with even in seasons 12-15, which is why the finale felt as stridently wrong as it did (other than being ridiculously badly written). by which i mean:
dean was set up as wanting something more for himself, more than hunting and violence, and we see that in moments - but itâs not what he ends up getting. additionally, he spends so much of seasons 8-10 breaking down his toxic traits, and then bam - suddenly, heâs turned into john 2.0, because the story demands it.Â
sam was set up to become a new kind of hunter, one with a men of letters background, and find happiness in the life - so you get a side plot where he successfully organises and leads a group of hunters - but ultimately he leaves all that behind and abandons the bunker (and eileen, his natural companion going forward).Â
cas was set up as choosing humanity over heaven because thatâs where he wants to be, and choosing to become a hunter because he wants to be useful and do good - but that gets boiled down to âcas is still an angel but now heâs Also A Dad and thatâs his one purpose in life nowâ (iâm sorry, i am not here for the hot take of âjack is good for cas because he canât just revolve around deanâ. first of all, thatâs a disservice to casâs character over the seasons, and second of all-- oh but itâs ok for cas to just revolve around jack? it donât make no cents luv!)
i donât think story-driven eras are inherently bad. i enjoyed seasons 1-5, but they take place when weâre still getting to know the characters; and there is a certain evolution for them there that you may like or dislike, but it makes narrative sense for them. but if you decide to go forward into a new era with well-established and beloved characters, you have to know who the characters are and what they want or your story will always ring hollow. the main problem i have with the dabb era is that it decided the story it wanted to tell - and didnât stop to consider whether the characters living it out would actually organically fit into it. and isnât that chuckâs whole mistake?
#spn#meta#spn meta#supernatural#dabb critical#team free will#my meta#mp#ambra.txt#in short: carver era my beloved. you committed some atrocities but i forgive you#big BIG thanks to tierney for watching me work out a shorter version of this in real time#tier i'm tagging you just in case you want to see me ramble even HARDER about this#katebushstandean#will i get cancelled for being critical of jack? stay tuned to find out#long post#long post for ts
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I truly am in deep with this hyperfixation and I am making it everyone's problem.
Yes! Please keep me updated when you get to that point because I want all of your perspective! Since I haven't read most of the book (just a few scenes to verify certain things) I wanna know if it's as chaotic in the books and if you liked the changes!
LWJ's individual arc is actually something I really enjoyed. WY did a really good job playing it out, from someone who believes wholeheartedly in the rules because his mother died for it so he has to because if he doesn't then does anything matter? and then WWX bursts through the door with like the most minimal but important rules and throughout the story, he learns the difference between doing what's right and doing what's just and when each has its place and its wonderful. I do think that LWJ definitely had more wiggle room to help but that's a convo for another time (and maybe a meta I might write later). And the three months in-between with JC where like JC is a sect leader of a pretty much dead sect and he still makes the time to search for his brother (which is like the 3rd time JC picked WWX over his sect) and he loves him. And then he watches them split and wonders why when they love each other. And knows that JC loves WWX. And LWJ loves WWX too. And there's so much!
I, too, adore W@ngChengX!an! There are so many ways they balance eachother! ChengX!an pre-canon and the angst during the SSC, W@ngX!an during Cloud Recesses, Zh@ncheng after WWX leaves and LWJ wants to learn more about WWX and just learns more about JC too (NHS knows all and introduces them bc I'm always a huge fan of the LXC and NMJ playdates with the baby bros), the three months in between, the 13-16 years in between! The jealousy, the angst, the potential! I could go on for days! (I'm actually planning to do an AllCheng agenda post with various ships and dynamics and ideas because while I can't write fic for shit, I can headcanon my days away).
Their perspectives balance out too! WWX thinks in the broadest perspective of what is Wrong and What is Right, JC is the mid-ground perspective of what are the long-term implcations in society, can it impact how we do other things and how can we plan around it and LWJ (now) thinks of the individual, based on their merit and who they are and becomes less judgemental as a result. I think that's mainly why I don't ship W@ngX!an as much as I could have. But the three of them together have way more going for it (also I have a very specific headcanon that WWX does the flute, LWJ plays the guqin and JC sings the lyrics for WuJi since I feel like a grumpy grape like him must be great at slam poetry and lyrics).
Maybe its because I know that they way my loved ones show that they care is because the question me. They care enough to confront me, to meddle, to ask, to let me rant and help me find my way to the choice that's best for me. So even in the most enabling and unhealthy fics I read, I always want that. The "I will side with you, always, but I want you to know my side too." The vulnerability of opening up and showing what the implications are. The messy fights, the yelling, the poking at soft spots is something I will always want to see.
Like one of my fav scenes is when JC confronts WWX before they decide to stage the fight for this reason! Like you see where their priorities lie and that they both have valid perspectives for the positions they're in but they come to the slow realization that they can't have it all. And WWX I think does want to leave, he doesn't want to pretend he's okay and he doesn't want to spend a second more fronting for the sake of YMJ because he's done enough, fulfilled his debts and he wants a little break before even attempting to come back home (Burial Mounds doesn't sound like a good long-term solution but I also don't think he expected to live long).
LXC is definitely an enabler but I think it's also similar to JYL's response to trauma. And he does like so much for LWJ because he put all his love for his parents and family on his brother (gives me a lot of Itachi and Sasuke vibes but less extreme and with less trauma). So, similar to JC and WWX, when LWJ tells him something in a sure tone, LXC believes it.
Like considering demonic cultivation and resentful energy are so harmful (look at the Nies), it would be like if you're brother came to you and told you that he did some crack and now has superpowers after disappearing for months and you believe him because if WWX told JC the stars were falling, JC would have run for cover without looking at the sky. Like, the amount this man trusts WWX is insane. It might have been despiration but also he knows if anyone can do it, it's his Shixiong. And every scene, he asks, he asks WWX to clarify, to let him know, to let him and I just can't with these boys.
Wang Zhuocheng will always impress me because this was essentially his break out role! And the intro scene where LJY mentions that JC killed WWX so why is he checking in MXY? The flashbacks with his family and how much he yearns to keep them together but we know that its gonna fall apart! And his interactions with Jin Ling (who also did an amazing job in the role) were perfect despite the actors being like one year apart in age! Just all of it was so good and I will never not be impressed!
Sorry for the essays! Just really excited about the Untamed and I have a lot to gush about.
this has been in my inbox for ages bc i just kept reading it over and over because op. (kisses your brain) Wow. your meta is actually so fucking good and i am sliding you five american dollars to continue sending me essays about anything and nothing
your characterization (perception of their characterization??) lines up perfectly with mine and tbh you put it in better words than i could. i just. i dont even have words for this bc im just In Awe that someone can word this good
im gonna post this without much comment and followersâŚ..begging u to read thisâŚ..opâs brain is so so so big and i adore every single thing about this little essay
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As Above, So Below
Iâm still trying to pinpoint exactly why the focus on âheaven is fixed and actually a paradise now!â is just so deeply unsatisfying to me. And I think I need to preface this with a bit of backstory about me, because I think that gives the rest of this essay some relevant context.
I know this isnât relevant to my main point here, but this is a metatextual and thematically identical example of the exact thing Iâm gonna lay out, because context is always helpful. So please forgive this seemingly irrelevant detour, because I promise it will be relevant by the end.
(plus, would it really be an Essay By Mittens⢠without at least one baffling tangent? no, it would not!)
Tangent time!
I think everyone that follows me knows how skeptical I was... or should I say how WARY I was of the way Eileen was returned to the narrative this season. We were warned in the PREVIOUS EPISODE how much Chuck was attempting to interfere in their lives. I was accused of some very nasty things, of hating the ship, or hating the character of Eileen, or of hating Sam and not wanting them to be happy. No amount of pointing at obvious warning signs in the text, no amount of yelling about Samâs God Wound or the absolute klaxon warning that the wound had become âquietâ and his Chuck-O-Vision Nightmares had apparently stopped seemed to matter. I was declared âwrongâ and told to shut up.
And then 15.09 happened, and basically everything Iâd been wary of was shown to be what actually happened, but there were still unresolved issues. Eileen doubted her own feelings and walked away. She doubted what was actually real. And at the time, I said many times that I would be thrilled to see those issues resolved by the end of the season, and for her to truly know that what sheâd felt growing between her and Sam was real. And by the end of the season, despite my personal horror at her previous situation (and having that personal horror compounded by the fandom literally gaslighting me and attempting to bully me into ignoring this basic actual plot detail of this specific growth process which... in the context of what my personal objection was to accepting her return at face value in the first place having been personal trauma associated with gaslighting and manipulation...) by the time 15.18 aired, I was 100% convinced that Sam and Eileen had fully chosen each other, and felt the traumatic pain Sam suffered during that text conversation with her during the snap. She NEEDED to come back, because she had been set up to be part of Samâs Win. They were clearly each otherâs future.
The show literally put in all the work to make even *me* feel this to be True and Right and Good. And then after that point we never even hear Eileenâs name again. We never were told that she was even returned at the end of 15.19. Sam, who had been so entirely devastated by her disappearance in the previous episode that he couldnât even process it was apparently hit with an amnesia hammer and just... never even thought about her again through a long greyscale life with a blurry baby Dean factory vaguely in the background of a single scene of his life. I canât credit or justify how after an entire year invested in making us all truly care about Sam and Eileen and the happiness they found in each other if only the cosmos would allow them to choose each other in the end would just... erase all of that in the series finale.
Which brings me to the second tangent, which is specifically about *me,* and how I feel about the cosmic order in the television show Supernatural. Because I feel a lot about it. Probably more than most people ever did. And this is also important to understanding the main underlying point I need to make here.
Something Iâve been most looking forward to, for YEARS, about Supernatural eventually ending someday was writing a book, or a thesis, or even just organizing and compiling all my observations into a cohesive narrative specifically about the cosmology of the Supernatural universe. Iâve been cobbling together my observations and realizations about the nature of heaven, hell, purgatory, the empty, the alternate universes weâve seen, and yes, even the cosmic function of the mundane level of the story as told by events that transpired on Earth. So of everyone watching this dumb show for the last 15 years, I donât actually know anyone who cared more that I did about finding a satisfactory resolution and transformation of every plane of existence-- the mortal world AND the âafterlife realmsâ weâve experienced on this show. And in the wake of the finale, I feel cheated out of that. Because in the end, it wasnât about the triumph of free will and a flip of the script, it was just more of the same.
And now that I have those two preliminaries out of the way, Iâll finally get to the point. :âD
(hooray, it didnât even take 1k words to get there for once!)
The âmain stageâ of Supernatural has always been Earth. Itâs always been âHumanity.â At the very start, we meet two men whose lives had always been dictated to them by higher powers. At first, that âhigher powerâ was their father who raised them in his vengeance mission, who trained them to hunt the supernatural. It was the inciting incident of the entire series, after all, their realization that forces outside of their control had irrevocably altered the course of their lives. It had forever torn down what theyâd trusted in family, in personal safety, and would become something they couldnât outrun or fight back against for long before another wave of cosmic discord would settle over them once more.
We watched this story play out in ever increasing spheres of cosmic significance, until Gabriel laid it out on the table for them in the simplest possible terms (in 5.08).
GABRIEL: You do not know my family. What you guys call the apocalypse, I used to call Sunday dinner. That's why there's no stopping this, because this isn't about a war. It's about two brothers that loved each other and betrayed each other. You'd think you'd be able to relate. SAM: What are you talking about? GABRIEL: You sorry sons of bitches. Why do you think you two are the vessels? Think about it. Michael, the big brother, loyal to an absent father, and Lucifer, the little brother, rebellious of Daddy's plan. You were born to this, boys. It's your destiny! It was always you! As it is in heaven, so it must be on earth. One brother has to kill the other. DEAN: What the hell are you saying? GABRIEL: Why do you think I've always taken such an interest in you? Because from the moment Dad flipped on the lights around here, we knew it was all gonna end with you. Always. A long pause. SAM and DEAN look down, then at each other. DEAN: No. That's not gonna happen. GABRIEL: I'm sorry. But it is. GABRIEL sighs. GABRIEL: Guys. I wish this were a TV show. Easy answers, endings wrapped up in a bow...but this is real, and it's gonna end bloody for all of us. That's just how it's gotta be. ***
And isnât that all even 1000x more painfully ironic that it all still happened even 10 years later? It was always going to end with them. And lol, âI wish this were a TV showâ because if it was then it wouldnât have to end bloody.
But this⌠was a Major Acknowledgement that the meta level of this story was consistent, and was telling us something important. It demonstrated that the Cosmic Structure Itself was the cause for Sam and Deanâs âdestinyâ in this story. But thatâs not what the point of this story has ever been.
Nobody (including me, who is literally obsessed with this aspect of the story) has ever invested themselves in the narrative of Supernatural because they cared about the fate of the cosmic order over and above the fate of the characters who had committed to overthrowing it all, to âtearing up the pagesâ and writing their own destinies. I mean, we became invested because Sam, Dean, and Cas as characters took us by the hand and invited us to come along with them as they battled against fate for the good of EARTH and HUMANITY.
And certainly, Heaven being a horrific sort of eternal replay of the âhighlightsâ of individual souls greatest hits, where free will didnât apply as everyone was just boxed away into their individual holodecks to serve as some sort of giant Heaven Battery powering the furtherance of this narrative, this âcosmic orderâ that had become so powerful it dictated the events and manipulated the lives of people who still existed in the ostensible realm of free will and human life on Earth⌠that couldnât stand in the end. But what the narrative (and people Iâve seen attempting to justify the finale as narratively sensible) seems to have forgotten was that all of that was Chuckâs construct to begin with. That without Chuck holding his kingdom in Heaven together, the walls of all those soul cubicles ceased to even be relevant.
After spending their entire lives to this point constantly fighting their way to the absolute pinnacle of the As Above, So Below narrative and pulling the plug on the original creator himself, Humanity shouldâve triumphed. And Iâd argue that it DID, through Jack restoring the missing essential âhumanityâ to the divine condition. And, silly me, I thought theyâd achieved the promise of âparadiseâ heralded by Jackâs birth at last, and truly âflipped the entire script of the narrative.â
Ever since they thwarted the original apocalypse, I had hope that they would continue to achieve the same result right up the ladder. Metatron trying to fill the role of Chuck Junior hit his own narrative wall in TFW, while Deanâs battle with the Mark of Cain, and Cain telling him he was âliving my life in reverseâ and would succumb to destiny by killing his loved ones in the âreverse orderâ to Cainâs own path to downfall cemented this for me. Dean not only failed to kill any of his loved ones (you didnât kill your own brother. why?), he SAVED them. He didnât fulfil the prophecy in reverse, he subverted it. He UNMADE it.
Perhaps I was thinking on too grand a scale, that the ultimate inversion wouldnât be âGod is overthrown and replaced by more of the same,â but âGod is overthrown and the entire order of the universe is restructured from the bottom up rather than the top down.
Iâd hoped against hope that the conclusion of the narrative would be âAs below, so above,â with the fundamental power of human love becoming the new foundation of the cosmic order. It never even occurred to me that âtaking back the narrative to rewrite it for ourselvesâ was not the ultimate goal of Team Free Will, or the ultimate expression of their biggest win.
This whole âwell heaven really needed to be rebuilt, there was still work to be done!â seems⌠irrelevant to me if theyâd truly won free of the cosmic narrative. The entire structure of the universe-- including Heaven and Hell-- shouldâve defaulted to the paradise state that Jack was literally born to bring to fruition. Wasnât that the point of his entire role in the story, ultimately?
And if that wasnât the case in the end, why did we never learn the fate of Hell? Was it just⌠irrelevant and unchanged after this? Or just⌠abandoned as a concept entirely? Itâs just strange to me to put such a focus on heaven being the sole sphere of import in the end that it undercuts the essential humanity of the narrative for me.
The story itself had kept Heaven on a back burner for years, only occasionally mentioning that the structure of the place was falling further and further into disrepair with a dwindling force of angels struggling to keep the walls in place at all, that it seems like it couldâve been an afterthought at the end of the series rather than a focus so large it required the death of both main characters to make sure we all understood that Heaven Had Changed Now. Because TFW had never been fighting to make Heaven right. Theyâd been fighting to save the world itself, for humanity to all have a chance to live their lives as their own.
And we didnât need to see that in the final hope they might get their own lives on Earth to explore. In the end, the fundamental narrative that Life On Earth was dictated by the cosmic structure of creation was never fully subverted. And for me, thatâs the main reason I just⌠canât accept the finale. It wasnât a victory of free will and humanity, in the end it was just more of the same.
I appreciate the attempts to take the essential bones of the story we did get and apply a different polish to the surface of the skeleton, but to me it still feels like weâre looking at completely different beasts in the end. Like⌠to me this was as jarring a revelation as those drawing of modern animals reimagined as dinosaurs entirely based on their skeletons. Like, all along the narrative told me I was looking at a swan. They told me this skeleton theyâre building out from is definitely a swan, without a doubt. I know what a swan looks like-- a graceful feather-covered bird with magnificent wings. I trusted that in the end it would be at least remotely swan-looking. And then the finale ended up looking like this
and I just donât even know where everything went so wrong. Or maybe all along I just assumed they actually knew what a swan looked like, but werenât sure they could actually pull it off and settled for whatever the heck this is instead. Either way, Iâm actually kinda grateful to the finale for being so entirely disappointing on every level, because otherwise I probably wouldâve tried to adopt the monstrosity of it anyway. And Iâm really, really glad I donât have to.
#spn 15.20#spn cosmology#heaven hell purgatory and the empty#and this is why no amount of narrative defense of the finale is capable of making me feel any better about it#i admit i thought too big... but it was all right there in the narrative to see#oh well at least all i have to do to hold on to my grandest notion of the universe is throw out the finale :'D
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ok hold on. acomaf is my fave book out of the whole series (it's mostly out of emotional value, i read it when i was younger and didn't have a real understanding out trauma and abuse only that i saw a character i loved getting out of a bad situation and getting happy) so obviously i didn't mind feysand being endgame and the development all of the characters had. i can accept tamlin turned out like that is realistic due to his trauma, i can accept feyre had to flee because it wasn't right for her, but the thing is after acofs i see no point to feyre leaving tamlin when rhysand ends up doing everything they told us tamlin was evil and unredeemable for. hiding the risks of her pregnancy, putting on shields on her, having feyre need to compromise over it. i honestly felt so betrayed by that. i'm not saying feyre and tamlin were good for each other, but it doesn't feel worth it to dismiss the potential they had for what we got with feysand.
also, sarah learn to treat "ugly" trauma with respect challenge. no they don't need to learn to physically fight to fight it. no they don't need a love interest to overcome it. yes the behaviors acquired from trauma and abuse aren't pretty but that doesn't mean a person is undeserving of kindness and compassion.
i think i had a point somewhere but i can't get to it. so hope you don't mind my rambling. anyway i loved your meta about tamlin i think he deserves better too
Bro you are so fine, I'm the one who doesn't make any sense and I totally get what you're trying to say. (Acomaf was actually my favorite book in the series too ngl)
I don't think it's a secret that Rhysand is one of my least favorite characters in media, probably ever? (How do I even put this into words) He is a bad character and to me, laughably so. You know how if you've ever written a character, there's that little phase that's like "what if people don't like this character' and then you're sad for a little bit? That's how Rhysand feels to me. He feels like SJM looked at this character and thought "I can't stand the thought of people not liking this character because I love him so much" and then did everything in her power to make sure we know how great he is.
Idk if this is just me screaming into the void, but I get to this place with my characters where like, especially if they are a little more morally gray or their decisions have negative impacts, I understand that I don't need the audience to like my main character. they can stand on their own, they can own up to what they do and they can grow from it. Thats what a good character does. That's how you keep your audience rooting for them. You gotta knock them over sometimes.
SJm doesn't knock Rhysand over. She doesn't push him to make mistakes, apologize, own up and move on. Rhysand has never made a decision that ended poorly for him. Everything goes the way he wants it to, because SJm wants us to know how cool and great he is. People who are cool and great don't make bad decisions! SJm doesn't let Rhysand fail, and she doesn't let him suffer his own decisions. Everyone else suffers his decisions, not him.
Rhysand's reputation as a good person hinges entirely on the audience liking him and/or thinking he's hot. And then what happens when the audience thinks neither of those things? Ya get a rly long post like this by a lil enby who is mad all the time. Rhysand loses all credibility when you look at him through a critical lens. Not a single thing the man does makes any goddamn sense. Here I thought acosf would give us a different perspective on Feysand and I was desperately hoping that Nesta would tell us what she really sees in them and how people around them really feel, I hoped that SjM would throw us for a loop and tell us that hey, she does know that Feysand are fucking toxic as hell and ruin the lives of people around them and she wants to show us that from an outside perspective but noooOoOOOoOoOOOO...
Instead we get Nesta hating herself because Rhysand told her that she shouldn't tell Feyre that Feyre could uh die in childbirth. Hey what the fuck.
Now I don't actually ship feylin, I kinda always sorta knew, even without spoilers, that it wasn't going to work out. Tamlin isn't sjm's idea of a good partner because he's not charming and witty and dark and handsome ya know? We met Rhysand and I knew that I was going to fucking hate this romance. Which sucks because I found Rhysand so intriguing in the first book. Ngl all the time spent in the spring court was kinda boring and every time Rhysand showed up to throw dead faeries at Tamlin I was like "oooooo" and I wanted to know more about why Tamlin, this awkward, blunt and kinda shy dude had beef with this super duper sly and shady man from another court.
I don't know if I've ever said this before, but SJm doesn't let her love interests grow. Rhysand doesn't change over the course of the story because he was already a good guy and his motives were for Feyre's sake I swear, the same goes for Rowan in TOG. SJm doesn't give Rhysand room to change. She needs to get to the part where they fuck make sure everyone knows that Rhysand is a good guy and actually he was good all along so that we like him more than Tamlin. It backtracks on everything bad Rhysand has ever done because you know... He had a good reason! It's fine!
I know it's probably just because SJm doesn't actually know how to write a good character growth arc but... Like can you imagine if Rhysand stayed the bad guy? Or at least remained the bad guy through acotar and acomaf? And then when Rhysand comes to take Feyre for his bargain it really was only to spite Tamlin? What about Rhysand, taking Feyre to the night court with him once a week every month for a long time, if only to see Tamlin's eyes grow darker and emptier every time he goes, and then he really starts to fall in love with Feyre. He's been a monster all this time, angry and cold and cruel and then he actually starts to fall in love. And then to get Feyre to stay he really does try to change, he stops antagonizing Feyre, he stops throwing dead faeries at Tamlin, and he stops harassing the Spring court. He starts spending genuine quality time with Feyre, he starts to learn about her and all the things she likes and he stops trying to get her to come with him just so Tamlin will be mad. He starts asking her to come with him because he wants to be around her and he prays that someday she'll want to be around him too. What if SJm let him grow.
But nahhhhhh instead we have a character who always knows the right answer to things, and he always knows how to fix every issue, and he is always so innovative and outside the box except that he isn't. We get a character who does the same shit as Tamlin but it's ok because he had a good reason not to tell Feyre that she could very well die in childbirth. Uhhhh don't know what that is but uhhh I know he has his reasons because all he has are his reasons.
It would be so easy to hold a mirror up to Rhysand and say "look at this. Look who you are. Do you not look just like Tamlin right now?"
But nooooooooOoOOOo Rhysand doesn't get to be wrong. Rhysand doesn't get to look like Tamlin because Tamlin is evil and Rhysand is definitely NOT I SWEAR.
But yeah I think the point I'm trying to make is that Sarah thinks so highly of Rhysand that he could never do wrong. He could never be like Tamlin, despite the narrative literally telling us the exact opposite.
Like you said, we lost the potential of what feylin could have been if SJm didn't suddenly decide that her audience needs to love Rhysand as much as she does. I think feylin could have been slow and sweet and a story of true healing and learning about one another. I think it would have been kind and steady and lots of "are you ok"s and "I'm sorry"s and "talk to me"s. Everything about Feysand feels rushed and hard and fast and the rest of the world doesn't have time to catch up. It's fucking exhausting to read it ya know what I'm saying.
(also can we talk about Rhysand like dying and Feyre finding the suriel and learning he's her mate and then instead of being like "k let's put a pin in that and fuckin save his life first" she like throws him around and everyone is like "wtf woman" and she's like I neeD tO Be alOnE these people have no idea how to prioritize)
Truly, I think it's innocent to a degree. There is absolutely no harm in wanting people to like your character. The harm comes when you destroy another character with no reason or explanation other than you want people to like a different character. Villain arc? Completely out of left field. You gotta build to that shit or like... Make it so that when you look back you slap your forehead and yell at a wall "OF FUCKING COURSE I SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT"
anyways, SJm treat "ugly" trauma with respect challenge SECONDED.
WELL IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME WEEKS YO WRITE IM HAVING A HARD TIME I know it probably doesn't make any sense I can't find my braincells BUT thanks for the ask @xelly
Tell me all your acotar things I love yo hear them !!
#rhysand#anti rhysand#anti sjm#anti acotar#anti inner circle#tamlin#lucien deserved better#they all deserved better frankly
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part of having written carver since like. 2013/14 is that i can never remember which topics iâve posted meta on but iâm pretty sure i havenât discussed his banter with fenris in-depth on this blog yet.
i think something that rubs me the wrong way about the way carver and fenris often interact in fan work is that there tends to be an underlying and fundamental misunderstanding about why carver approaches fenris in the manner he does. iâve seen a lot of carver talking out of his ass to fenris for no reason other than a ) he thinks he knows better, and/or b ) his overly critical eye wants to fault-find. + heâs annoying or smth to that effect. đ
these interpretations tend to neglect the actual driving force behind carver interacting with fenris in the first place, and thatâs that carver has had little exposure to other warriors. apart from his time in king cailinâs army, he was peerless (Â literally ) in his field, and only interacted with his fellow swordspeople when they passed through town via the imperial highway.Â
now, there is aveline, of course, but the writing makes it clear that aveline takes on the role of yet another older sibling ( or family of a similar, authoritative position ) in his life, and as such, doesnât quite qualify as a peer in the traditional sense.
this likely isnât the most flattering way of phrasing it, but carver wants friends. people who he can relate to, who share his interests and background, who find him as compelling as he finds them. carver may seem prickly or sullen in act i ( and he certainly is at times ), but heâs also experiencing two-prongs of isolation:
   1 ) cultural, as a fereldan refugee in a city-state that doesnât try to hide its hatred of foreign asylum-seekers, and    2 ) mundane, as a displaced young man who has never quite fit in at home nor in any village they've settled in, and who has recently lost the family member closest to him, and who watches his surviving sibling pick up new companions left and right as if itâs not at all difficult.
cut to fenris, who is a consummate swordsman. and while carver is initially on edge because he's under the impression fenris could pose a threat to hawke, once the tension is dispelled, he's far from opposed to fenris's presence. if anything, carver is eager for his approval. fenris is, aside from aveline, the only warrior carver gets to spend any considerable amount of time with, and he's singular in his skill and ability. it's plain to see why someone like carver, starved for peers, would want to establish some kind of rapport with someone as exemplary as fenris.
the problem is, naturally, that carver â nineteen and having never learned to read socialize properly, due in equal parts to growing up sheltered as well as having poor self-confidence â cannot stop himself from saying shit that is so mind-blowingly stupid, that it is a wonder fenris was as forbearing as he was. i'm talking about:
Carver: So... this master of yours wants your markings back? Skin and all? Fenris: So his hunters told me. Unwillingly. Carver: So why not cover them up? Wouldn't that make you harder to find? Fenris: Let them come. I am not one to hide. Carver: Still, if it were meâ Fenris: It's not. âââââââ Carver: So you've really never thought of hiding from those hunters? Fenris: To what end? Carver: So you could, I don't know, have a life? Fenris: What life do you have? There are no hunters after you at all.
i feel like it should be obvious why these banters are in bad taste, so i wonât go into detail to lambaste carver over his blatant ignorance. the dialogue is proof itself, especially considering how little of fenrisâs experience carver ( or anyone else for that matter ) can truly comprehend.Â
what i will do, true to form, is explain that no, carver did not just pull that suggestion, careless as it was, out of his ass. while hawke may or may not do their best to lay low as an apostate, potentially choosing to engage then-knight-captain cullen over the unjust treatment of mages depending on player discretion, carver has internalized how malcolm guided the family. his father taught them to keep their heads down and be prepared to hit the road in case the circle caught scent of them? then that must be the best way to approach it. emotional neglect unfortunately primed carver to idealize and adopt malcolm's choices and general philosophy. this carries over even to legacy, where, regardless of carver's current character arc, carver will agree that malcolm was correct to keep secrets.
so there's fenris, right, who carver believes is in a position similar to that which the hawkes have been in. carver, attempting to help ( as he is wont to do ), wants to share what had worked for them in attaining a semblance of normalcy, not realizing or considering that that is not fenris's foremost goal. hiding is not a one-size fix-all solution, but carver hasn't expanded his horizons well enough to grasp that fully yet.
then there's largest contributors to my secondhand embarrassment in da2:
Carver: You're very different from other elves. Fenris: Oh? You know them all? Carver: No. I just... you look different. There's no denying that. Fenris: It is what I am. And unlike the problems you claim to have, I really did have no choice. Carver: Do we know anyone who isn't brooding every hour of the day? Fenris: Like attracts like, it seems. âââââââ Carver: You know, Fenris, I have a tattoo. Fenris: You have a what? Carver: A tattoo. A lot of us got them before Ostagar. It's a Mabari. For strength. Fenris: Does it curse you with the ability to reach into a man and tear out his insides? Carver: Uh. I can make it bark. Fenris: Please don't.
iâll start with the second one first. at its heart, the tattoo banter hearkens back to the fact carver wants to feel like he has something in common with someone. yes, it is cringe. but itâs also misguidedly sweet, and on top of that, itâs something carver also tries to do with merrill, who carver arguably has the friendliest dynamic with out of hawkeâs crew.Â
Carver: Your people came a long way Merrill, but I like to think that we have Ferelden in common. Merrill: I never saw Lothering. Did you walk as much as we did? Probably more, you didn't start with halla. Our ship stunk. Carver: Your ship? Merrill: There was something foul in the hold. I can still smell it. Carver: Oh, well, that must have been unpleasant. Merrill: It was. Did I miss something dirty again? Carver: No.
speaking of parallels, the âyouâre very different from other elvesâ dialogue mirrors this one with merrill:
Carver: So, you're not like a lot of other girls. Merrill: No, I'm an elf. Carver: Right. Alright then. Merrill: Oh, did I miss something dirty? Carver: What? No! It wasn't dirty. It wasn't anything.
yes, i took 42069 points of psychic damage from reading that too. but the main takeaway from this is that carver is trying, poorly, to make the two people he thinks he could be friends with feel like theyâre special. (Â you know, like how carver wishes he was. lol. )Â to disastrous results. but i think itâs more than worth mentioning that the intent behind his conversation-making is never once condescending.Â
and itâs not like carver lacks self-awareness, either. after he becomes a warden and returns to the party for mark of the assassin, he admits he lacked polish.
Aveline: I'm glad you found a place with the Wardens. Carver: Well, it's not the city guard, but it'll do. Aveline: Carver... it wasn't the place for you. Carver: No, it's all right. It is. It cost a lot, but I get it. I really was a bit of a tit those days, wasn't I?
Carver: So, we're lost. Varric: Just like old times. Carver: Maker, I hope not. I was an ass. Varric: (laughs) Fair comment, Junior. All right, let's get this done.
and specifically to fenris:
Carver: Orlesians. Can't build a hallway without turning it into a maze. Fenris: Keep going. I'm sure your training will kick in any moment. Carver: Still don't like me? I've tried to change. Fenris: You have. Now you're dangerous. Let's move.
i donât know how to end this nearly 1.5k meta, so tl;dr i guess
#( here it is the 1.5k carver re fenris meta i've had brainworms over for litr years#at this rate i'll have one for anders merrill fenris and aveline by 2023 afhouwehd#anyway. first day of work is slow )#( miscellaneous âą outofchara. )#( re: study âą headcanon. )
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favorite headcanons (and theorys?) of glee that i created
i was thinking if i really was going to write this, but im bored so lets go, this got so long and i am so sorry (not really it was fun and i liked it, if you like big metas you probably gonna like this)
*this can have some triggers for some people because i will be talking about bullying, abandonment, depression and violence*
(also i would like to say that most of this are things that i like to believe happened, and idk if the rest of the fandom agrees or if someone said it before and this is all blaine related, i left it glee on the title because it sounded better idk)
- blaine's dad is filipino and he left after blaine came out
i know that blaine said he was there in shooting stars, but hear me out
first of all, to me his name is tod anderson, dont ask me why it just makes sense and i like how it sounds.... so
in sexy, blaine tells burt that his dad tried many times bonding with him, but apparently that didnt work, because he also says "you think my dad built a car with me because he loves cars? i think he did it because he thought getting my hands dirty might make me straight." and after 4x18, he is never mentioned again? and he wasnt on his son's wedding too
so my theory here is that he never accepted that blaine is gay, and all of his "efforts of bonding" were actually because he thought he could "fix" blaine, and when that didnt worked he left, (that also explains blaine's abandonment issues) but he did came back im the shooting episode because he felt guilty for what he did, but after he saw it was a false alarme he went back on pretending he didnt have a gay son
to be really honest sometimes i pretend that his dad wasnt on the shooting day because i feel that it doesnt fit that well into this and i really like this one because its kinda obvious to me that blaine have daddy issues??? so usually i just put on my character-backstory that blaines dad left after he came out and never came back
for the first year that he was gone, blaine spended every night trying to contact him. sometimes he just texted, but most of the times he called and left a message crying begging him to come back and tell him what he'd done that made his father hate him so much, his dad never called or texted back
- blaine's parents
(im not sure if this is canon but blaine's mom is named pam)
i know that technically i've already talked about blaine's family when i was talking about his dad but that is so complex i felt i had to do a topic exclusive for that
i believe blaine has and always had a good relationship with his mother, yes she was usually gone because she works selling a really famous cosmetic line she created (to me the andersons are a really known name) that would explain how blaine could study in a school like dalton (he said so himself that dalton isnt a school that anyone could afford), and why she is never there
but despite her being busy with her job, she always tried to keep im touch with blaine, texting him, and calling and skyping
blaine always missed her, but he tried to not make her feel guilty about working too much, because she loves her job
sometimes he got really depressed, because he wished she could be there to see him sing with his friends, or just be there so that he could hang out with his mom like all of his friends did with their parents
his das was a businessman, i dont know why it just fits to me, also idk what kind of business because i dont understand any of it so thats up to imagination
before he came out, he and his dad were super close, sure his dad a lot of the time was busy but he was at home more than his mom, his dad was the one that introduced him to liking sports, and they always watched games together (cooper would join in too) and his dad always let him have a sip of his beer, blaine always loved those moments and his dad was like a hero to him, he was sure that coming out to him would be easy, because he would love him no matter what
all of the andersons have always been brodway babys, all 4 of them liked to sing, tod was a little bit more serious and didnt dance around the house like cooper, blaine and pam but he enjoyed seeing them having fun
the andersons were like the perfect family of the neirbourhood, all 4 of them are very good looking, talented and educated so yes everybody thought they were perfect
they all lived in the philippines until blaine was 5, and then moved to ohio because tod got a really good job offer there
after blaine came out, his parents argued A LOT. tod would ask himself and pam of what he had done wrong and pam would say its nobodys fault and thats just how blaine is
(to me that was the time tod was revealed to be an asshole and not long after he divorced pam and stoped talking to all of them, except for cooper, he and cooper still talked)
- blaine's bullying
the bullying blaine went through was a lot like kurt's, people laughing at him, shoving him around, beating him up, etc
he tried putting a brave face through it but he started losing all of his light, even more when all of his complains didnt matter at all
it only got sort of better when he met skylar (thats the kid he went to sadie hawkings with, i read in a fic that was his name and stuck with me so im calling him skylar)
skylar was going through the same thing he was, and one time blaine saw him getting shoved at lockers, and helped him pick up his books and thats were they started talking
maybe they liked each other, they never got to find out because after the bash, skylar never spoke to blaine again
blaine was in a 2 week coma after getting beat up, and the first thing he said when he woke up was "where's my dad" and his mom had to gently tell him his das was not there. that was when blaine realized he actually meant nothing to his dad and that broken him even more
he was bashed about 3 months after his father left him, and for the rest of that school year he was homeschooled by a teacher his mother hired
- blaine joining dalton and the warblers
so, since blaine is a year younger than kurt, in my head goes sorta of like this
he came out when he was 13, that was the time he was bullied, beaten up abandoned and homeschooled, and he joined dalton when he was 14, but to be a warbler he had to be a little older than that, so he had to audition to join (im guessing you dont have to audition to be a warbler, just to have a lead, i mean kurt didnt auditioned, right?) and and trent auditioned together, they became friends and were roomates (dalton is a boarding school DONT @ ME EVERYBODY KNOWS ITS TRUE)
it took blaine a while to take the step to audition, because he was still scared, but wes and david helped him and gave him a little seed of the confidence he pretends to have later on, but when he sang for the warblers for the first time they were all blowed away by how good was his singing voice even if he was only 14
after he felt comfortable in the warblers, he became friends with nick and jeff, and they were a trio of dumbassess, wes and david (usually the most mature of all the warblers) sighed everytime they saw nick, jeff and blaine doing something stupid
trent joined in sometimes but he always had been a really chill dude, and he saw blaine as a older brother (even tho blaine is younger than him)
jeff, nick and blaine pulled pranks on wes and david like hiding stuff from them and act all inocent when they asked if they saw said thing
the warblers had a bet going on how long would it take for kurt and blaine to start dating (and yes all of them shipped klaine, and even after kurt and blaine went to mckinley the warblers still kept hearing about them and seeing them on jacob ben israel's blog)
jeff, nick, trent, wes and david were the only real friends blaine had there
wes and david has already gratuated when the slushie happened, and nick, jeff and trent all apologized to blaine after that (even though they had no idea that was gonna happen) but their friendship was never the same
- blaine and cooper's relationship
as we know, blaine and cooper didnt got very along when blaine was growing up, cooper is 9 years older than blaine, and has always been really hard on him and thaat made blaine really dislike cooper, even tho he really wanted for them to be friends, he always has bitter feelings towards him duo to all of the pressure and expectation he was under because cooper was the oldest, and blaine felt like he had to be just as good or better than him, so he also had a lot A LOT of jealousy
but that started to change after "big brother", when they talk things out, cooper finally realizes how blaine feels, and starts doing his best to be best brother to blaine
they dont become besties immediatly, blaine helps him with his audition (which makes kurt really proud and happy seeing cooper being all excited talking to blaine, while blaine is trying to pretend like hes cool but actually hes just as excited), and they start to talk more and more after that
after finn dies is when they start getting actually close, after the funeral, he calls cooper but dosent say the reason why, he just says that he loves him and that he misses his big brother, they call and talk to each other a lot more after cooper finds out about finn
when cooper has a son, he and blaine teach the little guy how to dance and they play a lot of happy and fun piano songs to him
- the anderhummel family
blaine and burt are actually really close, they both like sports and beer so they watch games together and bet about whos gonna win, burt sorta of became the dad blaine lost, but in a non weird way, because they both agreed that blaine calling burt "dad" after he married kurt was just... weird
finn and blaine played a lot of videogames together, sam and puck played with them too, but when kurt was helping on dinner or more interested in a magazine or trying to convince carole to let him do a makeover on her, finn and blaine played videogames and maybe sometimes gossip about kurt and rachel (after he became besties with sam he did that same thing but hey playing videogames and talking about your s/o is fun!)
carole took care of blaine when he was in the hospital for the eye surgery, and when he was hangover at kurt's after biota she helped him with all the vomiting and headaches and all of that
pam met carole and burt when blaine got slushied, blaine was already like family to the hudson-hummels at that point, so when burt found out what happened he ran to the hospital, (carole was already working there anyway) and thats where they met, it wasnt ideal and all of them wete stressed and worried but they got along pretty well
pam, burt and carole werent really close since pam was usually out working, but the few times they sat down to talk to each other they really liked. pam thinks burt and carole are a sweet couple, that raised two wondeful boys and burt and carole think that pam is a sweet and funny lady, they all exchanged embarassing stories about kurt and blaine (that made them go "MOM DONT TELL THEM THAT" or "DAS STOP I WAS 7")
pam absolutely adores kurt, he was fascinated when he found out she had a line of cosmetics and spended hours talking to her about skincare routines
blaine can always make carole laugh, she thinks hes a sweetheart and usually keeps burt from bursting into the room when the door of kurts bedroom is closed ("i told them already, leave at least 2 inches open, is that really so hard??" "honey, relax they're just watching a movie" "im going in there" "no you're not leave the boys alone")
burt has walked in a few times on klaine making out on the couch and he always makes a joke about it to not make it awkward
burt was thrillled to know he was gonna be a grandpa, and he spoils tracy anderson to OBLIVION (blaine doesnt argues because he sorta of does the same thing)
even after both breakups, burt and blaine had always kept in touch, maybe it wasnt what it used to be when he and kurt were still mad at each other, but once they go back being friends, blaine is a little more comfortable in hangin out with the hudson-family
- blaine's depression in s6
i think is canon thay blaine had depression and anxiety during the whole show, right? it just got worse in s6 because kurt breaking up with him was sort of what pulled the trigger
it begun when his father neglected him, and it only got worse and worse, he was abandoned by his father and sometimes felt like by his mother and brother too, he had anxiety and it got worse after sadie hawkings, then kurt and him broke up for the first time, and he kept bottling it all up until it all reached the boiling point and it all exploded when kurt broke up with him
(side note, i think that when kurt started pulling away from him in s6, it reminded him of his dad pulling away too, his dad tried to bond with him but i feel that as harder blaine tried to make his dad stay, didnt matter and his dad kept pulling away until he was gone, that makes a parallel to s6 breakup, and why blaine was trying so SO hard to make kurt stay, because he had been there before, and he wasnt good enough for his dad, and he really wanted to be good enough for kurt)
so, after they breakup, blaine stays in a cheap hotel, not getting out of bed and feeling empty inside, his phone buzzed a little with missing calls from his friends but at some point the batery died and he just ignored, he only charged after 2 days because he probably had to let people know he's still alive
he went back to the loft in the afternoon, because he knew kurt wouldn't be there, he was going away and leaving nothing behind when kurt showed up, blaine was kinda of embarassed because he was probably stinking and his hair and clothes were a mess
im not sure if they talked at all after the breakup night, but i kinda feel that blaine might have said to kurt something like "you think i'm broken? when are gonna realize the problem here isnt just me? i should have known, everytime things get serious and scary between us you run, you're so afraid of something and honestly i have no idea of what, please just stay away from me" (i dont knooow he was angry and being all cold to kurt and shit i think that happened and maybe thats what made kurt go to therapy)
he got kicked out of nyada because he didnt left his hotel room for anything other than food, and he felt even more lost after receiving the email saying he was no longer a student there, thats when he decided to go back to lima
in lima, he barely left his room, he didnt ate for days and when he wasnt crying he was sleeping, his friends would call, text and sometimes try to visit him but he never texted back, answered the calls or opened the doors for them, sam was the only one that had some success because he was living in lima too and could go to blaine's house more often, sometimes he got lucky and blaine would open the door for him
at first he tried to do pep talks to help his bestie get better, but nothing helped so at one point he just sat there with blaine and did nothing with him, because at least like that he wouldnt be alone
one day blaine felt a little better and started trying to be okay again, it was never easy but he got a job at breadsticks, and even tho he would much rather be in his bed he kept working because at least like that his mind was busy with something
after he started therapy, he still felt empty inside, the world was still sorta of grey to him and he didnt felt like doing anything, so he had to take meds for that, and kept taking them even after kurt cane back (but as blaine was getting better they slowly became less and less needed)
when blaine started working at dalton, he was already in a much better place that he was when he came back, and throughout s6 he was still battling depression, and wasnt always okay, sometimes he would still want to just be alone and dont talk to anybody or do anything, and if that happened when he was surronded with people he would just be more quiet, that sometimes got rachel and kurt's attention, because they're not used to this "new" blaine and when they asked him if he was doing okay he would just say "yeah, im just tired" sam later on explained to them what that usually meant, it meant that blaine needed some alone time because he was draining himself a lot
- blaine at nyada vs blaine at nyu
soooo i have a good theory about this one, at nyada blaine was constantly surronded by people who would probably kill someone to get at the top, to be the best
and was such a competitive place, that ended up being toxic for blaine. i used to think that he didnt fit there because he always was one of the best in show choir and dalton and he was always *that* guy, but now i think he didnt fit there because actually he dosent like competition that much
okay, sure, playful competiton with your friends its fun, show choir competiton is fun, fighting with tina, mercedes, rachel, santana and unique about solos was fun because it was serious but he was with his friends so okay, whatever
but the competition they had at nyada was just SO MUCH, and lets agree nyada is kinda of a toxic place in general, people made fun of kurts face and clothing there, rachel's "friends" ditched her when she lost the diva off to kurt and started kissing up to him, and (im not sure about this one but like 99%) people laughed when blaine lost to kurt at combat's class
my point is, in nyada, people only like you if you do well in classes, there's a lot of lying and backstabbing going on and c'mon blaine pratically grew up like this with cooper
always not good enough, always behind, always made fun of, never being great at anything, so maybe thats why blaine felt so stressed at nyada, and why he gets so insecure in 5x16, seeing kurt being praised and getting all of that attention might have reminded him of the years he and cooper didnt get along so well
he didnt found himself at nyada, mostly he was there because it was said to be the best school and rachel and kurt were there, so great, right?
but i get the feeling that at nyu things were a little lighter, not easier, but lighter, it didnt had so much toxic people, it wasnt a place where it was kill or be killed, people helped each other when needed and yes there was still competition, obviously but (almost) nobody made fun of people for failing
(i said almost there because im sure there was some douchbags there too, they're everywhere, but i hope you got my point)
- blaine's friendships
i am almost done i am so sorry this is so long i've been here for like 2 hours
i have some small headcanons about blaine's friends, because we did NOT get enough of his friendships (im leaving kurt out of this one because maybe one day ill do a meta/hc/theory about klaine....... maybe)
mike and blaine were besties on s3
they both like to dance and sometimes they+brittany would do a dance number together, sometimes for the glee club to see, sometimes only to themselves because thats fun
mike talked with blaine after the its not right but its okay number to see what happened and if he was okay (actually it was mostly blaine just venting about it "AND THEN HE SAID HE WANTED TO MAKE KURTS VOICE HIS RINGTONE I MEAN WHAT THE FUCK????????")
blaine talked to mike about mike's dad because he knew what mike was going through and they both agreed thay family sucks sometimes
after mike graduated he and blaine kept tĂŞxtil each other and sometimes sending gifs or videos of dance moves to each other
santana and blaine were actually really good friends
after the glee club found out about what santana's grandmother had done when she came out, when they were alone blaine told santana about his dad, even tho he was afraid she was gonna tell everyone because he doesnt like talking about it, just so that she would know that shes not alone and its not her fault, santana never once teased or told anyone about this, she always sorta of liked him and thought he was nice but that moment she started seeing him as a friend
while preparing for the new directions vs warblers in 3x11, santana tried helping blaine bring out his inner bad boy, she helped him pick his outfit and they planned together the whole performance
(im stealing this one from a post i rebloged i guess a day ago? i didnt found the blog to tag but this is the post) > santana and blaine are friends on facebook, and follow each other on twitter and instagram, and they always spam on each others profiles because they're comfortable to do that with each other
santana kinda sees blaine as a male version of brittany, so she has this need of protecting him (which is kinda why she was super invested in getting him justice for his eye)
speaking of his eye, when he was at home before surgery, santana went there and told that she was gonna make sebastian confess what he'd put on thr slushie, blaine asked her how she knew where she lived but she cut him off, she also came back there after and told him everything, and she and kurt asked him what he wanted to do about it
brittany and blaine really were sunshine twins
they always liked each other, blaine didnt get her at first, but he got used to it
she always talked to him about cats, and what lord tubbington was up to, she tried inviting him to fondue for 2 but he knew that she would ask some really private questions so he always came up with an excuse
after he almost went back to dalton, she (alongside with tina, sam and marley) tried to make him feel as welcome as possible
when she was dating sam, sometimes the three of them would go to her house after school and cuddle in her bed with lord tubbington while watching a movie
when britt was planning their weddings, she asked blaine to try up some suits (with the excuse that she wasnt sure the one she picked was right), but she asked him that like a day after he kissed kurt at rachels party so she could tell he was kinda sad and asked him why, he told her and she said it was gonna be okay because their love was magical (it was weird but it did made blaine feel good, so...) she was also the only person he told that
blaine and britt always have ideas like "we should totally put glitter in the entire room to celebrate our wedding aniversary!" kurt and santana shut down the idea at the same time
blamtina were like 3 chaotic brothers
sam and blaine would have a dumb idea that would result in absolute chaos (but funny tho) and tina always plays along with them even if she thinks its a bad idea
the three of them are completely harry potter nerds, sam and blaine are hufflepuffs while tina is a ravenclaw, in a halloween party in s4 they went as the golden trio
after graduation, sam and blaine still skyped tina and told her all about ny, and she would tell them all about her collage
sam kept his promise of sending his imitations to tina and blaine sometimes would call her to vent about a fight he and kurt had
blaine read all of the harry potter books to sam
after sam talked blaine into staying at mckinley, sam and tina would always be with blaine, always talking to him, and spending time with him, thats how the 3 of them got so close
marley and blaine were good friends
when marley joined the new directions, blaine was one of the first to make her feel welcome
when blaine almost left for dalton, she tried make him see that she liked him in the nd too, and would randomly start talking to him so that he wouldnt feel alone
she would rant about jake to him sometimes, like how he wanted to have sex but she wasnt ready, and blaine told her she should do it only when she felt comfortable
after she got suspended, he apologized for yelling at her because of the performance, and remembered mr schue that she was recovering from an eating desorder and that he shouldnt be so hard at her
unique and blaine were "frenemies"
they started off not liking each other, since they both wanted it to be the new rachel, even after blaine won, he and unique still were kinda competitive with each other
but eventually they became sort-of-friends, they sang together sometimes when no one else was there, and they liked to pretend to not like each other but yes they did and it was just their thing
sometimes marley would do a sleepover and she would call blaine, unique and tina, while marley was talking about jake or tina was talking about missing mike, blaine would braid unique's wig and she would try to convince him to let her see his hair without gel
when the whole plot of unique and the bathroom happened, when mr schue told everyone he couldnt give up twerking, blaine stood up for unique saying that wasnt fair and mr schue should try harder to help her, he also held her hand (alongside with marley) when she was scared of having to go to the bathroom again
blaine and mercedes talked to each other more than twice :O
lol ok im not sorry for that title
mercedes and blaine LIVED together people, she used to be kurts best friend, and sams girlfriend are you telling me they barely talked to each other? no
in fact, they really like each other's company, blaine is kinda of a goofball and mercedes thinks its funny
he would ask her to talk to sam when blaine wanted something from him, and mercedes did the same with kurt
sam and blaine would do stupid things together (like dance around their house in their underwear) just to make mercedes laugh, they swore to never tell anyone, and they never did
sometimes at 3 am when no one could sleep they would all have a little dance party until they got tired
blaine and mercedes are junky food addicts, they eat healthy and stuff but they love some cake at 5 in the morning
one time when kurt and mercedes were arguing about the tots, blaine sided with mercedes and told her he agreed that tots are delicious
#ok i think thats it#if you read it until the end.... are you okay?#i had some more but i want to post this today and i want to go to sleep so lets leave it like that#maybe i should have splitted in 2 parts???? its so long đł#i hope this didnt get to tiring to read#anywayyyyy#glee#blaine meta#blaine anderson#blangst#ps if you see some mispelling ignore it im kinda sleepy so... hehe
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Hi could you please do a Julian Albert x reader smut (if you do that) where he proposes to the reader and they end the night by making love? Or if you donât do smut but itâs basically the same thing except they end the night by spending time with Team Flash? Thank you so much!
Authorâs note: Iâm so happy to receive my first request for Julian ! Iâm too in love with this guy đ
I just had a hard time writing the smutty part âcause itâs my first time writing one so donât mind it if itâs bad Iâm sorry !
Warnings: You might die of cuteness, âď¸smut âď¸, +18, swearing
Words count: 3,6K
Disclaimer: I excuse myself if there are some mistakes, English is not my mother tongue...donât hesitate to point it out to me so i can improve ! :) (Also I was really lazy to re-read what I wrote đ itâs 3AM I want to go to sleep !)
You look at you wrist to see the time on your watch, a happy sigh comes out of your mouth when you see the clock pointing 7PM. You were finally done with your work !
You quickly pick your stuff up, ready to go catch your lovely boyfriend in his office, you wave at your co-workers before heading out to the hallway that separate your office to Julianâs. Your surprised when you enter end realise that nobody is here, suspicious, Julian is always the last one to quit. You normally always have to wait an extra hour at his office before returning home together.
Barry wasnât there too, but that is not surprising, heâs the first one to quit anyway.
You look around you to see if his stuff were still there, but no sign of Julianâs presence until your eyes catch a little note glued to his computer screen, you pick it up to read what it says. âI finished work early, I thought we could take advantage of this rare opportunity ! Meet me at OUR place !â You smiled a little, it all makes sense, you bit your lips, thinking about âyourâ place.
Your place was a little hidden spot in Central City, this is where you kissed for the first time, it was so magical.
Ë ŕźâś âď˝ĄË ââˇ
Julian and you have been seeing each other for a while now. You werenât together yet but there was no doubts youâll end up together at some point, the flash team couldnât stop teasing you two about it.
And tonight after a wild evening catching some metas with the team, Julian asked you out on a surprise date under the sharped eyes of your friends. âOooooh ! This is getting serious here !â Barry teased to annoy his co-worker. âShut it Allen !â Julian quickly respond his is British accent that couldnât make you shiver in a matter of seconds.
You sneer at their bickering. âWith pleasure Julian !â This time it was the whole crew who started teasing you two. âOh come on !â You rolled your eyes as you get up. You grab Julian's hand and pull him towards the exit of the lab. âCome Julian, I canât stand them anymore !â
âSo do I !â He said, following you, leaving a Cisco shocked by your words before you disappear in Central City with Julian.
âSoooo...where are you taking me ?â You asked curiously as you gently squeeze his hand into yours. âTo a place I discovered not long ago.â It directly piques your curiosity, you wanted to know more. âOh ! Where is it ?â
âYouâll see.â He said with a teasing voice as he walks a little bit faster, impatient to show you this place.
After a little more then 10 minutes of walking and talking about everything and anything, you both finally arrived in a park, youâve never been there before so youâre quite excited. âCome here.â Julian said in a whisper, pulling you with him trough a small path obstructed by a few branches and a small bushes. The leaves tickling your exposed skin under your skirt.
When you finally come out of the small path, your breath is taken away by the view, you could see all central city, in the night, the lights were making the city look like the stars in the sky. âWow...â You whisper. Julian standing right beside you, smiles at your reaction. âI know right ?â He said, not looking at the view but looking right at you. You were far more interesting then the city at his eyes.
âItâs so beautiful !â You cheer, your eyes finally turning to Julian who was already staring at you which made your cheek glow red immediately. âIt is...but itâs not as beautiful as you.â He tried to say the second part of his phrase lower for you to not hear it but it didnât work. You instantly start blushing at this compliment. âWell...thank you for the compliment Julian !â You tease him, Julian suddenly blushes before looking at the floor, covered in shame. âI-...â he mumbled as you chuckle. You bit your lip, looking at him all shy now.
You decided to make the first move for once, so you turn towards him and walk until thereâs only a few centimetres between the both of you. You carefully slide a hand on his cheek, making him look right into your eyes. âI return the compliment Julianâ You simply said, that was enough for Julian to smile like a child as he takes all he courage to put his hands on your hips, drawing you against him to make this unbearable space between your two bodies disappear.
âY/N...â He whispered as his eyes flicker between yours and your delicious looking lips. You didnât need him to speak to understand was he was about to ask. âDo it...â You bit your lower lip again, it made him lose it, he couldnât wait anymore. So he quickly took your head between his large hands and kissed with all the passion and love he had for you since your first met. You obviously responded to this kiss that you were waiting for so long.
This moment feels like ages, not that you mind it but you needed to breath so you pull away but keep the proximity by putting your forehead against his. âWe'll hear about it tomorrow !â Julian said making you giggle as you passe your arms around his head. He was right, the next morning the flash team would have been pulling at you until you confessed to have kissed each other. It was the beginning of a rain of teasing until you and Julian ended up together.
Ë ŕźâś âď˝ĄË ââˇ
You stopped your car right in front of the park, you lower your sun visor to verify your face before getting out of the vehicle. You make your way in the park, walking towards the little hidden path but as soon as you arrive in front of it, you realise thereâs little candles illuminating it. Your frown a bit, what did Julian prepared ? You ask yourself before crossing the path furrowed by candles. Once you get out of the bushes, you gaze catch directly your loveâs one. You look at him head to toes, he was wear one of your favourite suit, standing there, in front of the magical looking city behind him, you already wanted to cry.
âWhat is this Julian ?â You asked curiously as you walk slowly towards him. âMy darling...youâve been by my side for more than two years now. Two years of putting up with me every day despite my almost constant bad mood.â He chuckles as he takes one step towards you. âIn two years you learned me to much things, you push me to be a better person, you learned me how to be nice, to be nice, to be patient. You...you taught me how to love, you made me understand what love truly is. You know things about me that not even my own family knows, you saw at my best and at my worst but you never stopped loving me. And neither did I ever stopped loving you to, and Iâm sure I will never be able to love someone else other then you. That why...â
He delicately takes your hand and turn it to have you palm facing the sky before searching something in the pocket of his suit. He finally put the little object in your hand, your free hand land immediately on your mouth as you start crying, realising whatâs going on when you see the little engagement ring in your palm. Julian take your chin in between his fingers to plant his mesmerising blue gaze into yours. âY/N...will you marry me ?â His voice crack a little, he couldnât keep tears from railing on his cheeks either. âYes !â You screamed. âOf course I want to marry you Julian !â
At the second he hears your response he quickly pull you into his arms and holds you tightly against his chest. âI love you so muchâ He whispers softly in your ear. Your arms slide around his neck, as your hand holds the ring tightly. âI love you too Julian, more than anything !â He pulls away just enough to catch your hand and pass the ring you were holding trough your finger.
You watch him closely while he was doing it, you were certainly the most happy person in the world right now, so was your now fiancĂŠ who quickly leaned to softly kiss your lips with all his love.
â˘â˘â˘ [+18] â˘â˘â˘
âI want Caitlin and Iris as my bridesmaids !â You cheers, still holding Julianâs hand as you two reach the door of your appartement. âDonât worry love, we have all our time to think about it.â He leaves your hand to put his on each of your cheeks before crashing his lips against yours once again, you couldnât stop kissing each other since he proposed. It was like, you both couldnât handle too much space between you, you had to be always in each otherâs arms.
You slide your arms around his bust to hold him closer to you, you start to lose your mind when he quits your lips to kiss your jaw, until reaching your neck. Your breathing start to quicken as soon as he reach your weak spot. âJulian...weâre in the hallway.â You giggle when he pulls away from you, sighing. âDonât you want to let all the neighbours know that youâre mine forever by making love to you right in here ?â He tease, looking directly in your house. Your widen as you listen to him, thatâs one of the sound you were the only one to see. The shy, reserved Julian disappear to change into a teasing and devilish men. You didnât liked it no...you loved it. It turns you on every fucking time.
âYes, but I can do it form our room, donât worry !â You wink at him, your eyes showed how hungry you were for him. You thought of you screaming his name loud enough for the neighbours to hear was the point of no return for Julian. He quickly get the keys out of his pocket and donât waist any seconds to open the door fast. He then push the door, to let you enter first. âAfter you...â He said in a lower tin voice, remembering what he prepared for you.
You nod and enter your appartement but freeze when you see a trail of rose petals on the floor, leading towards your bedroom. âHe really didn't do things by halves.â You thought to yourself as you feel two arms running around waist and your back hitting his bust. âI thought we might have to celebrate our first night as a engaged couple, donât you agree ?â Julian said in a whisper right behind your ear, you turn to face him, passing your arms around his neck. âI think itâs a great idea !â You whispered before leaning to his neck to put some heated kiss in the crook of it. You can feel Julian hands pressing your skin between his fingers underneath your kisses, making it hard to breath for him. âY/N...â he whispers, trying to control himself to not take you right here, on the floor or against the wall right beside him and you.
You pull yourself away just enough to look in his blue eyes. âI want you Julian...right now.â You smile, knowing well what effect you have on him. Julian sigh before pushing the door behind him to shut it abruptly. You jump as you hear the loud of the door, and before you have the time to say anything, Julian was already attacking your shirt, unbuttoning it to reveal your beautiful bra, he smiles at the sight you offer him once he takes it away from you.
He bends down to kiss your chest, covering it with wet and hungry kisses. Your hand make her way to his sandy blond hair, holding them between your fingers. Julian groans at your gestures as his hand slide on your ass, massaging them before grabbing your thighs. âJump.â He order and you obey him by jumping to help him raising you in the air. Your eyes meet and you both smile to each other before crushing your lips together into an hungry kiss while he leads you to your dorm.
He then delicately on the bed before getting up and family remove his vest. He goes to take off his tie but you interrupt him by quickly straightening up on the bed. âHey ! What are you doing ?â You asked, Julian frowns for a second as you cross the bed, you sat right in front of him, at the end of the bed. You then grab his it and pull him close to you. âItâs my job !â You giggle teasingly as you slowly remove his tie, making him impatient. You then attack the button of his shirt, slowly revealing his warm skin. You put some kisses on his torso as you grab his belt, but he quickly catch your wrist to stop you. Your eyes meet his and his other veiny hand grabs suddenly you throat before he pushes you to lay you down the bed again. He then places himself above you, smiling because you were at his mercy.
He leaves your throat to places kisses on it, slowly but surely he started trailing down on your chest, then on your stomach as you move slightly because of the little tickle that it gave you. On his way, Julian unleash your bra, releasing your boobs in front of his eyes. As he throws your piece of lingerie somewhere in the room, his lips meets your right nipple causing you to moan instantly. He smirks when he hears you, crazy about the way he makes you feel. He takes your tit in his hand, rolling his tongue on his extremity.
He starts by delicately crashing little kisses on your womanhood, making you even more needy. He smiles, definitely knowing how to drive you crazy. âJulian...â you begged. He absolutely loved that, you begging him to give you what you want. He wanted to hear more, but he was way to caring of your satisfaction so he finally gives you what you want by running is tongue above you clit. You couldnât retain loud groans to come out of your mouth, your hand grabs the sheets covering your bed.
Julian kept licking your sensitive spot as his hands find his pants, he quickly unbuckle his belt and push his pants to remove it and be ready for what will comes next. While Julian gently sucks your clit between his lips, he grabs your hand only to intertwine your fingers together and be able to feel the pressure your were previously putting on the sheets but on his hand now. âJulian I-I gonna...â you mumbled, out of breath because of the pleasure he was giving you.
Hearing you, Julian didnât stop at all, on the contrary, he quicken his tongue movement before slipping a fingers into you, slowly going in and out of you. You other hand slide into his hair, you push slightly his head deeper in your intimacy. âOh my god ! Donât stop Ju...â You didnât have the time to finish to pronounce his name that you came right in his mouth. He gently smile against your folds. He slowly raise his head to look at you as you try to catch your breath.
He slowly but surely rise above you, allowing you to calm down a bit after what just happened. Without leaving your hand he was still holding since he took it, he sticks his forehead against yours. You then deeply looked a each other eyes, your two bodies against each otherâs. You could feel his erection through his boxer brushing against your area, you gently smile as your move your hips slightly o rubs your intimacy against his cock.
Julian sigh at your movements. âYou want it huh ?â He asked hungrily. âSo bad.â You whispered without stopping you hips. With that, Julian quickly pull on his boxer. Letting his length falling on your stomach hard as a rock. You start staring at it, which turns your fiancĂŠ even more. He tease you a little bit by gently rubbing it between your folds, smirking when he sees your impatient glaze. âI never thought you could be more impatient than me !â He chuckles with you as he puts your intertwined hands above your head before putting his lips on yours. At the same time he slowly finally lets himself entering you, making you moan against his delicious lips. He stay still for a few seconds for you tu adjust to his size when heâs fully into you.
Then he start to pump you slowly as he leaves your lips to kiss your neck instead. He bites your skin as he already speed up the pace. Your hand Lingers on his nape of the neck, at the birth of his birth on you pull slightly while moaning close to his ear. Driving him crazy. âFuck...â he groan on your skin before pulling away to see your beautiful face under the pleasure you were receiving. You both look hungrily into each other eyes as your nails drove into the skin of his neck.
Feeling it make him pumped even harder into you, you were almost screaming his name but you tried to restrain yourself. Julian saw it, because he knows you more than you know yourself. âDonât stop you from screaming Y/N...I thought you wanted the neighbours to hear you.â I tease you with a devilish smile on his face, to drive you even more crazy. His free hand slide on your body before hitting your heat, he then start rubbing your clit while pumping even harder in your folds. You back arc at the amount of pleasure this man was giving you, you wouldnât last longer at this pace. Neither would Julian.
âJul...Julian...stop iâm gonna...â Of course he wonât stop, itâs the last thing he wanted. âMe too Darling.â He whisper in your ear. Your were holding his hand so strongly, you thought you would break one of his bone as you felt your climax coming trough your body. âOh my...Julian !â You didnât stop yourself from screaming this time, youâre pretty sure the whole building heard you. You reach the orgasm, again and not long after, Julian fall on your brining body as you feel himself fill you with his boy juice.
You were both out of breath as you smiled looking at him, his head was still in your neck, you could feel his warm breath on your skin, creating goosebumps everywhere on your body. âI love youâ He simply said, making you smile while he finally move to lay beside you. You donât sit to put your head on his sweaty chest and you whispered at your turn. âI love you too Julian Albert.â You turn your head to look at him. He kisses your forehead gently after pushing an hair stems behind your ear. âI canât wait to spend the rest of my life with you Y/N...â His hand grabs yours that was resting on his chest and inter-wide your fingers together. âOoooh you don't know what you're getting into !â You said before giggling, he rolls his eyes. âDonât worry, I know what Iâm doingâ
He smiles at you while his free hand draw circle on your shoulders. âSure you are ! Youâre Julian Albert, Iâm sure you analyse every possibility before proposing to me !â His guilty face says it all, you couldnât help but start laughing. âSee, thatâs why I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you know me better than I know myself !â Your gaze meets his again before you place your lips on his into a chaste kiss. âI hope you didnât put the possibility of me to say âNoâ in the equation.â You tilt you head a little.
âI did, I did my calculations and came to the conclusion that there was a 12% chance that you would say no so I took my courage in both hands and proposed to you !â You roll your eyes listening to him. But you couldnât help but find it sexy when he was talking about his maths âWell, Iâm afraid you miscalculated sir.â You lean closer to him, brushing your nose against his. âThere was exactly 0% of possibilities of me saying ânoâ !â
His takes your chin between his fingers, looking at your face for a second, you were too dawn beautiful to his eyes. âThatâs the only calculation Iâm okay with being wrong.â He whispers before kissing you again, with all his love and passion. While your lips dance together to a soft rhythm, you grabs the blanket and put it over your two bodies.
You then finally pull apart and you rest your head on his chest again. âGood night, love.â He whispers as he put a kiss on your skull. âGood night...my fiancĂŠ.â You smile after saying those words, so do Julian, who was the happiest man on heart at this exact moment.
#tom felton#tom felton x reader#julian albert#julian albert imagines#julian albert x reader#the flash
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It's really surprising that you're so well versed in older fandoms and yet participate in new popular ones (that cdrama, kpop) is this by design? Im in my twenties and my interest turnover is already way slower than it used to be
You know, thatâs a really interesting question. I wouldnât say itâs by design exactly in that I do tend to just follow what strikes my fancy, and I canât force myself to want to write fic for just anything. (I find it easier to like reading fic without serious involuntary emotional investment, but writing takes more. Vidding I can do on command most of the time, but I donât usually bother unless I have a lot of feels or Iâm fulfilling someoneâs prompt.)
However, me getting into BTS was 100% due to me wanting to understand BTS enough to explain to people who werenât very interested but wanted to know what was going on in fandom lately. Under normal circumstances, I run the dance party at Escapade, the oldest extant slash con. We borrowed vividconâs thing of playing fanvids on the wall--all of them set to dance music--as the soundtrack for the dance party. This means Iâm creating a 3-hour mixtape of fannishness, which has amazing potential to make people feel in the know about Fandom Today... and equal potential to make them feel alienated if nothing they care about shows up. Only about 100-150 people attend the con, so it really is possible to make a playlist that feels inclusive yet informative--it just takes a huge amount of work.
Every year, I do a lot of research on which fandoms are getting big and look for vids from vidders people wonât have heard of, so there is an element of consciously trying to keep up with things. Generally, I only get into these fandoms myself if I had no idea what they were and then suddenly, oops, theyâre my kryptonite, like the buddy cop android plot in Detroit: Become Human, which sucked me in hard for like 6 months on the basis of a vid.
(So if youâre into cross-fandom meta and associated stuff as one of your fannish interests, you tend to have broader knowledge of different fandoms, old and new, than if youâre just looking for the next place youâll read fic. Itâs also easier to love vids for unfamiliar things than fic.)
But though I was only looking for a basic primer on BTS, BTS has 7 members with multiple names and no clear juggernaut pairing, not to mention that AU that runs through the music videos and lots of other context to explain. The barrier to understanding WTF was going on at all was high enough that to know enough to explain, I had to be thoroughly exposed... And once I was over that hurdle, oops, I had a fandom.
In terms of old vs. new, hereâs the thing: kpop fandoms in English and c-drama fandoms in English right now feel a lot like anime fandom in English did in the early 00s. I had a Buddy Cops of the 70s phase in the middle, but my current fannishness is actually a return to my older fannishness in many ways.
What do I mean about them being similar?
Yes, I know some wanker will show up to say I think China, Korea, and Japan are indistinguishable, but thatâs not what Iâm talking about. Iâm talking about the way that I used to routinely meet Italian and French and German fans, Argentinian and Mexican, Malaysian and Indonesian and Filipino too. English-language fandom of SPN or MCU may have all those fans from all those countries, but it feels very American most of the time. English-language fandom of a non-English-language canon is more overtly about using English as a lingua franca.
It also tends to attract people who as a sideline to their fannishness are getting into language learning and translation, which are my other passion in life after fanworks fandom. (I speak only English and Spanish and a bit of Japanese, but Iâve studied German, French, Russian, Mandarin, Old English, and now Korean.)
Nerds arguing about methods of language learning and which textbooks are good and why is my jam. This is all over the place in English-language fandoms of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean media. Those fandoms also tend to be full of speakers coming from a Germanic or Romance languages background who face similar hurdles in learning these languages. (In other words, if youâre a native Japanese speaker trying to learn Korean, the parts that will be hard for you are different than if youâre an English speaker, but youâre also usually not doing fandom in English.)
Thereâs also an element of scarcity and difficulty of access and a communal attempt to construct a canon (in the other sense) of stuff from that country that pertains to oneâs fannishness. So, for example, a primer explaining the genre of xianxia is highly relevant to being a n00b Untamed fan, but just any old thing about China is not. A c-drama adapted from a danmei webnovel is perhaps part of the new pantheon of Chinese shit weâre all getting into, but just any old drama from decades ago is probably not... unless itâs a genre precursor to something else we care about. Another aspect here is that while Stuff I Can Access As A N00b Who Doesnât Speak The Language may be relatively scarce, thereâs a vast, vast wealth of stuff that exists.
This is what it felt like to be an anime fan in the US in 2000. As translation got more commercial and more crappy series were licensed and dumped onto an already glutted market, the vibe changed. No longer were fans desperately trying to learn enough of the language to translate or spending their time cataloguing what existed or making fanworks about a show they stuck with for a bit: the overall community focus turned to an endless race of consumption to keep up with all of the latest releases. Thatâs a perfectly valid way of being fannish, but if I wanted that, Iâd binge US television 24/7.
Anime fandom got bigger, but what I liked about anime fandom in English died, and I moved on. (Okay, I first moved on to Onmyouji, which is a live action Japanese thing, but still.)
Hardcore weeaboos and now fans of Chinese and Korean stuff donât stop at language: people get excited about cooking, my other other great passion. Times a thousand if the canon is something like The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty, which is full of loving shots of food preparation. People get excited about history! Mandarin and Japanese may share almost nothing in terms of grammar or phonology, but all of East Asia has influence from specific Chinese power centers historically, and there are commonalities to historical architecture and clothing that I love.
I fell out of love with the popular anime art styles as they changed, and Iâm not that into animation in general these days. (I still own a shitton of manga in art styles I like, like Okano Reikoâs Onmyouji series.) Iâve become a filmmaker over the last decade, and Iâm very excited about beautiful cinematography and editing. With one thing and another, Iâm probably not going to get back into anime fandom, but itâs lovely to revisit the cultural aspects I enjoyed about it via live-action media.
BTS surprised me too, to be honest. I really dislike that early 90s R&B ballad style that infests idol music (not just Korean--believe me, I resisted many rounds of âBut Johnnyâs Entertainment though!â back in the day). While I like some of the dance pop, I just donât care. But OH NO, BTS turn out to be massive conscious hip hop fanboys, and their music sounds different. I have some tl;dr about my reactions in the meta I wrote about one of my fanvids, which you can find on Dreamwidth here.
But back to your comment about turnover: I know fans from the 70s whoâve had one great fannish love and thatâs it and more who were like that but eventually moved on to a second or third. Theyâre... really fannishly monogamous in a way I find hard to comprehend. It was the norm long ago, but even by the 90s when far more people were getting into fandom, it was seen as a little weird. By now, with exponentially more people in fandom, itâs almost unheard of. I think those fans still exist, even as new people joining, but we donât notice them. They were always rare, but in the past, only people like that had the stamina to get over the barriers to entry and actually become the people who made zines or were willing to be visibly into fanfic in eras when that was seen as really weird. On top of that, thereâs an element of me, us, judging the past by whatâs left: only people with an intense and often single passion are visible because other people either drifted away or have seamlessly disappeared into some modern fandom. They donât say theyâre 80 or 60 or 40 instead of 20, so nobody knows.
In general, Iâm a small fandoms and rare ships person. My brain will do its best to thwart me by liking whatever has no fic even in a big fic fandom... (Except BTS because there is literally fic for any combination of them, like even more than for the likes of MCU. Wow. Best fandom evar!) So I have an incentive to not get complacent and just stick with one fandom because I would very soon have no ability to be in fandom at all.
My appetite for Consuming All The Things has slowed way down, but it also goes in waves, and a lot of what Iâm consuming is what I did back in 2000: journal articles and the limited range of English-language books on the history of m/m sex and romance in East Asia. Itâs not so much that I have a million fandoms as that Iâm watching a few shows as an expression of my interest in East Asian costume dramas and East Asian history generally.
I do like to sit with one thing and experience it deeply rather than moving on quickly, but the surface expression of this has changed depending on whether Iâm more into writing fic or more into doing research or something else.
But yes, I do do a certain amount of trying to stay current, often as a part of research for fandom meta or to help other people know whatâs going on. Having a sense of whatâs big doesnât automatically mean getting into all those things, but I think some fans who are older-in-fandom and/or older-in-years stop being open to even hearing whatâs new. And if youâve never heard of it, youâll never know if you might have liked it.
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Destiel fic recs #3 - the (mostly) longfic edition!
Itâs been a while since my last rec post - mostly because Iâve been wallowing in a number of longer fics (50-350k!) so itâs taken me a while to have enough to talk about in one post (and boy do I talk a lot, here!)
With these longer fics, I do sometimes have some caveats with my recs - or at least reasons why they might not appeal to every Dean/Cas reader. But note that if I didnât overall strongly recommend reading the fic I wouldnât include it in my recs here at all, so any quibbles I bring up are minor compared to my overall enjoyment of the stories. Just, I donât want someone to commit to a long read without knowing what theyâre getting into and why it might not be their thing.
Iâm still not into reading complete setting AUs at this time, but a lot/most of these are canon-divergence AUs, often written/set at the end of a season and giving an alternative take on what happened next. I love those kind of stories, as itâs often so interesting to see how fans thought of what might happen in the next season (especially when itâs better than what we actually got.)
Onto the recs & discussion behind the cut!
The Sinking Ship by UnfortunatelyObsessed (114k). This is a story that ripped my heart to pieces (in a good way!). I stayed up all night to finish reading because I simply couldnât stop once I started on it and it gave me a massive fic hanger from all my emotions. Season 14 divergence, imagine if Dean did go into the Maâlak box to trap Michael under the ocean with him forever...and once there, he discovers that Cas has stowed away with him. Because of course Cas would never leave Dean to such a fate on his own.
I loved literally. Every. Damn. Thing. About this fic. Cas telling Dean stories to pass the (endless) time. Their small intimate moments while realizing they can never consummate physically while trapped in the box but finding every other way to express their love. The absolute heartbreak that had me SOBBING when Michael fights for control of Dean and destroys everything theyâve built together and Cas thinks heâs lost Dean forever. Sam & Gabriel & Rowena & Claire & Jack doing everything they can to devise a plan back home to try to save them both while keeping Michael trapped. Also even just the wonderfully sensitive portrayal of aroace Jack still closely bonded with Claire and Maggie and just. And just. This is a story Iâve already re-read just to savor how much I loved it and its portrayal of everyone in TFW 2.0 and their extended family, it just hit my id in all the most incredible ways and I have nothing but absolute love for this one.
Beautiful Chaos by anyrei, mugglerock (141k). Season 9 canon-divergence, in which Dean doesnât simply abandon Cas to fend for himself post 09x03. Instead he sets Cas up in a kind of squatterâs nest in an abandoned building near the bunker so he can keep tabs on him and help him out.Â
This fic definitely gets the award for FILTHIEST, HOTTEST, SMUTTIEST Dean/Cas (and Cas/other) Iâve read in, like, ever, for human!Cas turns out to be a rather insatiable sex fiend/cock slut and Dean is too up his own repressed ass to easily give Cas what he wants/needs. It is dark at times, Cas ends up in some very unsavory/non-con situations, and the authors do mention that they tried to hone in on endverse!Casâs characterization more than what we saw in Season 9...so you might roll with it, you might not. I adored their original character Jerry the tattoo artist in this, and like I said it was seriously hot (if you are good with total bottom!Cas and Cas with others, I know those are not everyoneâs cuppa). I did have a few minor issues. For one, the last chapter felt a bit rushed and hand-wavey, but clearly the authors werenât fond of the canon conflicts of season 9 & 10 (Abbadon, Mark of Cain) and just wanted to be done with them. Canât say I really blame them. And I did have to laugh a bit at Lebanon, Kansas apparently having such a bustling gay bar/tattoo artist/etc scene being someone from a butt-fuck nowhere American small town myself. But, SPN was never all that realistic in how Lebanon was shown (and yes Iâve spent too much time roaming around it on Google maps), so if you can suspend some disbelief this is an awesome hot/angsty/occasionally heartbreaking read.
These Forsaken Lands by destielpasta (53k). I came upon this story when looking for fics that dealt in some way with the aftermath of Godstiel. This is a wonderfully atmospheric late Season 9 âfill-inâ case fic (post Meta-fiction) where Cas ends up in a small town that had been visited by Godstiel...and while initially residents have reaped much good fortune, there has suddenly been a wave of deaths/bad events and he is determined to find out what happened and set things right. He calls upon Dean for help, but Dean is fighting the Mark of Cain and itâs going to take a lot to get past its control and find a way out for both of them. Together they work on repairing an old church while trying to repair each other and their damaged relationship.
I loved this story for how well written it was, really invoking a gothic small-town/Americana atmosphere. The original characters blend in very well with the case-fic at the center of it, and the author deals really well with Cas at a very fragile point when heâs running on borrowed grace and trying to navigate Deanâs MoC-enhanced anger. Itâs Dean/Cas but actually much more of a Cas character study, so I highly recommend it to my fellow/compatriot Cas-girls who love a good wallow in his head.
Mixed Emotions by Tierra469Â (50k). Canon 12 âparallelâ fic that then goes canon-divergent with the season finale. I actually stumbled on this while in the mood to read some Cas/ or & Mary fic after enjoying their interactions in Season 12 (donât hate me). This is sort of two fics in one. The first half focuses mostly on filling in the gaps with some critical S12 Cas episodes, especially Cas & Maryâs developing friendship (and one night of something more). But of course Casâs feelings for Dean (and vice-versa) are always there, and when Cas figures out a way to get his powers fully back, the question is if Dean can open himself up to be vulnerable - and express love - the way Cas needs for this to work.
This was an interesting fic in a lot of ways. I loved the authorâs take on angelsâ connections to their vessels and grace, it was very consistent in a way the show sometimes/often wasnât. Cas is very Cas in not understanding privacy and personal boundaries (so he does some questionable things, admittedly, which might squick some readers). The smut is fucking HOT - though I will caution at one point it involves Cas temporarily in a younger (NOT underage) female vessel (and the story does point out Deanâs discomfort with this and some of the consent issues involved, I donât want to spoil too much). I wanted the Mary plot resolved more than it was, but I still recommend this story strongly for the quality of the writing and unique/well-developed take on angel lore and mechanics that was quite different from what Iâm used to reading.
We Are Either Here Or Not Here by petramacneary (54k) A post-season 12 fic that goes on a different tangent to how Cas returns, and what happens in the meantime. Particularly, it offers a different take on what apocalypseverse!Cas would be likeâas Mary makes her own way back from that world with AU!Cas as her prisoner.
What I loved about this story: first off, BAMF!Mary is awesome here. Dean is so heartbreaking, not quite knowing what the fuck to do with this different Cas who at times is just a painful reminder of who/what Deanâs lost...but then becomes a chance for Dean to say and express some of the things he always was afraid to in the past. And when (real/our) Cas finally returns, thereâs some very interesting stuff that happens with both Cas & AU!Cas and Cas & Dean that I donât want to spoil. (And letâs also just say that when real!Cas and Dean finally get together itâs AMAZINGLY awesome. Like, hot Impala!sex. So is the artwork that goes with this story.)
You Can Keep Holding On by NorthernSparrow (353k) The longest fic I read this time around and probably the one I have the most mixed feelings about, but a while on I do keep thinking about parts of it so I do rec it with some caveats. This is a canon-divergence after the end of Season 11. Dean & Sam find Cas after heâs been blasted out of the bunker...to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Mary isnât in this one except for a brief appearance/visit, which Dean thinks is Amaraâs gift to him. Life seems good for a while, theyâre enjoying dealing with mundane problems for a change, but then Cas seems to be pulling away from the brothers, spending less and less time with them at the bunker, taking a mundane job at another Gas ân Sip, and clearly preoccupied by something else. Or is it someone else? Dean is worried yet finally ready to accept that Cas maybe has a girlfriend, or a boyfried, but then it turns out that is not at all what Cas has going on. Itâs something far more serious than that.
Honestly I almost stopped reading when the reveal happened - itâs a subject thatâs very sensitive to me from personal/family experience and not something I usually like reading in fic (especially if there is a sad ending.) So I admit I jumped ahead to read how it would end first before committing to finishing it. And I am glad I did, because the author handles the subject matter with a realism and obvious knowledge of experience as well, not how I often see it in fanfic. There are a lot of emotional ups and downs but itâs nice seeing Dean in his momma-hen/mode, and Sam is so so good in this one! I think I enjoyed Samâs characterization here most of all! And the author has a really cool/well developed angel/wing lore that hit my wing-kink pretty hard. I do think it could have all been edited down a bit - I found myself skimming parts, especially in the last third, just to get on with things. But itâs definitely a story you can disappear into for a good long time and Iâve bookmarked the authorâs other works to read later, so again, I do rec it even with a few caveats.
A few shorter fics, too, just because I donât want to forget about them...
Eleven Erogenous Zones of a Fallen Angel by almaasi (15k) Pure gratuitous wing!kink for me :) Cas uses the last of his grace to manifest his wings...but then is stuck with them in his human form and not even able to use them to fly as he used to. This presents a lot of awkward problems to deal with but also the excuse for Dean to help him keep them clean :) I did say wing kink, right? :D :D I loved how Cas seemed confused about the pleasure signals he got from bathing vs. sex vs. grooming and all of that. Itâs sweet and hot and has my favorite kind of caretaking Dean in it.
Fossil Tracks by SegaBarrett  (3k). Dean & Sam & Cas and dinosaurs. How can you go wrong with that? One of the SPN stories from the Id Pro Quo collection I really enjoyed reading (and didnât write myself, lol).
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