#yes I'm going to write a fic about this
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ervotica · 10 months ago
art donaldson whines when he cums i just know it
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i-write-hurt-not-comfort · 2 years ago
good evening, diabolik lovers fandom. today i would like to talk about kou and his history of drug use again, because i found something interesting while digging around some Romanian history.
content warning under the cut for discussions of the Romanian orphan crisis and, of course, drugs/addiction.
so we all know how kou used drugs as a kid, right? yeah, if you forgot, here's our two canon confirmations.
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the first is from kou's MB manga prequel, and the second is from ruki's lost eden maniac prologue, as translated by @dialovers-translations.
as highlighted by the translator, it's highly likely that what kou/ruki are discussing is related to drugs, being distributed around the orphanages in the Romanian orphan crisis. if you're not familiar with this and the conditions in such orphanages, i suggest reading the wikipedia article briefly.
at one point in this article, it's mentioned that especially in the late 1980s/early 1990s, a substance known as "aurolac" was being distributed and abused both on the street and within these orphanages. the emergence of aurolac as a substance of abuse is highlighted in this article as beginning in the 1980s.
aurolac is a type of paint used specifically by Romanian orphans as an inhalant to produce a high - euphoric, a buzz, etc, though with serious health consequences attached. you can read more about this here and here. though these articles are more recently, the use of aurolac does date back to around the time the mukami's would've been around these streets/orphanages.
solvent abuse isn't exactly rare and is quite common even in the western world, particularly with teenagers due to ease of accessibility and whatnot. i think it's interesting that this aurolac is almost certainly what kou is using, especially when it looks like he's being handed a sniffing bag in this panel.
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it's also interesting that children underground, a documentary regarding this issue from early 2000s, shows that aurolac can be addictive and often children/adults using it can be very stuck in this cycle.
this is probably what ruki is referring to when he says people ruined themselves with it. and kou saying he'll only use a little... my baby, that's not how it goes. it's not that easy.
seriously, i love the fact ruki probably stopped kou from spiralling into drug addiction. but with all that aside, i think it's interesting that rejet was onto something with this. maybe it's my dumb drugs fascinated brain but i'm super excited to finally know what drug kou was probably using as a kid.
how does this relate to kou as an adult, you ask? wow that's such a great question. let me talk about it real quick.
obviously given the trauma which kou endured (sexual and physical abuse) it's no surprise whatsoever he sought out substances to deal with that. aurolac is described to have a numbing feeling, and well...
i'd always headcanoned kou as using uppers like cocaine and mdma, but if he was using aurolac as a kid, maybe he'd be seeking out downers more so. heroin addict kou is staring at me right now. maybe i was onto something with that.
anyway, i hope someone else found this anywhere near as interesting as i did. if you have any further questions PLEASE ask me.
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wordpress-blaze-227098841 · 6 hours ago
Excerpt Essay "Don't Go Back To Sleep."
From "Always Around."
Nov. 2017 [Edited Dec 2024]
They're selling the American Dream all over the world- they always have. These days it's in a neat cute little package. Personalized to every corner and crevasse of the world. Everest is a dumpster. Paris has always been a rat shit hole, ask my cousins about it. England and Paris may have started this mess. I say that a lot....I digress. ( I say that a lot too.)
The commercial sense of it has been definite since around 1850. The world changed and the first wave seemed successful but after then, for awhile, only men were "free," so who really knows? But sell it they did, better than ever. After the War we were to go one of two fucked up and indiscriminately bigoted ways: The Circus Circus, or the falsehood of the American Dream. If you ask me the USA chose both their cake and ate everyone else's too. The USA has sold Romanesque ideology to its students and continued to press that they have all 'the Answers.' I am simply here to state they are wrong.
Instead of whatever dream has been pushed, instead, the MLK Boulevards, Karl Marx Allee's, Love is Love, and BLM roadways that were supposed to mean something mean absolutely: Dick. From Birmingham, to Miami, to New York, DC, the PNW, LA, Detroit and every other god forsaken place on Earth, 'Uhhhmerica' tried to press change has happened: It's gotten worse there...maybe even worse where they haven't. The Disease of sleepiness and lack of consciousness, has spread for years like an overcoming wave of nostalgic trance, that has steadily put the whole world to sleep. The Ruin the Western World has imposed is the same reason I almost failed Western Civilization 4000 in Uni. I couldn't stop writing and answering to the FLAWS in the idealized plastic world that had been founded in nothing but greed and some manic search from man to find their greatness. I digress. (I told you...)
Tourism and Bullshit experiences encapsulate our world to keep us numb from what is really happening North, South, East and West in every single corner of all of the idolatries "Christendom." It's at every corner; there's a Starbucks at every corner-therefore there are busters at every fucking corner. Real Estate is crashing everywhere yet again? Why? ..... by design. My only mission has been to try and STAY AWAKE. ( So here comes the poetic part...)
No more denial, and enough experience to know "That could happen to me too." And it has. It all has. You get what you ask for. "Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride." It's all happened to all of us by now, and no single human should go on in silence of this bullshit dream. STAY AWAKE. GET CRAZY. STAND THE FUCK UP. No one will do it for us. Whatever you do, don't.....DON'T GO BACK TO SLEEP. Take it from me. That sort of Sleep is more painful than death.
Don't slip into the forceful abuse that man doesn't even know they are imposing on their self. To deal judgement like poker cards-Face up like Texas Hold em- not understanding that every single individual at the table has their own hand to play.
And we play alone, more like Solitaire. So DON'T go BACK to SLEEP.
Don't give into the Fear we've all been force fed since we were children. Don't give into the nasty familial dysfunction we've been taught was normal. Or what others deem good enough, or fit enough, or ANY KIND of not enough. Whatever well adjusted means, I don't want to adjust to it's nonsense. That adjustment bullshit has been effectual in claiming the ideas and emotions of the populace and the pathological deep feeling human in me will not let it be a song unsung.
WAKE UP! Don't let the cold of winter, or loneliness, or depression or the nauseation of anxiety ruin the day or your ability to keep chasing. Take your time. Find your nature and your way. Take that time, and STAY with US. Another day is coming. This too shall pass. All that good shit. No emotion is truly permanent, and when they are we must seek to find their resolution. So stay awake.
Don't take me as prophetic, authoritative. I am nothing more, but empathetic from my own experience in the deep end..... of all life has offered me. The Sulphur of Survival is just that. We must Survive, in every way possible. Letting it all fade away to selfishness and nihilism without a give a damn is for the weak and scared. It is no life worth living.
Speak your fucking goddamned feelings, with rage and vigor- even from a place of love. Reaction is always something proportionate to outside stimulants in ever singed environment and ecosystem. Whether it controlled or a combustion of metaphysical action. You and your emotions are only just the one set. Your only map. Don't be afraid when others try to add to it. Love with a full heart always, even through, and to and fro, of the pain will let you know what's truly good in your path. To know love is always too- knowing yearning and heartbreak.
STAY ALIVE, stay free, and empower those around you to stay free. That empowers you to stay free within yourself no matter the circumstance. It's about all of us, no matter the judgements and harshness that has saturated our daily conversation. As our individual freedom shines a light!!! Perhaps even to places we cannot see, or maybe even ever know. Whatever you do to survive out there-Remember- Don't slip back into the dream.
Source: Excerpt Essay "Don't Go Back To Sleep."
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lexosaurus · 2 months ago
If you're only commenting on a fic to ask for an update or worse, to be passive-aggressive about wanting an update, then please do both yourself and the writer a favor and don't comment at all.
Saying things like "Can't wait for the next update!" as part of a comment about how you enjoyed the chapter is one thing, but just going into the comments and being like "Where's the update?" or "You haven't finished writing the next chapter yet?" or something similar is not only rude, but also I ASSURE you it only serves to make the writer anxious about writing at all.
Fic writers are not content creators. We're not robots. We're real people with careers, families, and other irl responsibilities. Writing is something I do in my thirty minutes before I go to bed to wind down from the day. Whatever I want to write that evening is what ends up getting written.
So by making me anxious and putting pressure on me to update a fic, especially in that passive-aggressive way that so many people do, all you've ensured is that when I open up my folder that evening to see what I feel like writing, my eyes will completely skip over that WIP that I got the rude comment on that day because I Feel Bad about it and now I don't want to even look at it.
So please, just follow the golden rule of "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
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luckyartdrawer · 2 months ago
(Bitter) Sweet! Art & Drabble
For @divinit3a Café Lunch Rush prompt list! There's still plenty of time before the first prompt is due (Jan 12th), and there's 2 other prompts as well for the month! Definitely check it out lovelies! <3
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Drabble name: Instability Of The Heart Contents: Sun x reader, Heavy Pinning, Bitter Sweetness Chosen Words: Clouds, Opals, Celebration, Star-crossed, Letting Go, Hope, Candle Word Count: 1,625
AO3 version now available!
(Close Ups are also at the bottom <3)
It’s been a whole year…
Unsure how to approach the festivities now, Sun decided to find a quiet spot instead, spending all morning setting things up to participate in his own way. He couldn't not join in, but it just wouldn't be right to go back into the thick of it either.
The not-too-far-off town square, only a mile below his expanse of cloud, is alive in the lieu of celebration. The live orchestra plays the same casual songs, their passion dying the expanse of clouds they rest upon pink with their infectious energy, and the music drifts up clear as day to his ears despite the distance. The community brightens at each strum of a chord, chatter so lively that they create lyrics to their own song. They all are so alight that even once the sun sets, not even a single candle will be necessary to keep the festival bathed in a warm glow.
Sun sighed as he looked towards his namesake, feeling both relief and dread seeing it only moved a little since he last checked, located slightly past the center of the sky above him. Any moment now the square should clear its center and engage in its Hearthwarming Dance.
A spark crackles in his chest, sending longing pangs to his heart and head. It swirls through the burning magma and dips through every ligament, the tips of his fingers and toes buzzing with the itch to do something.
He turns to his partner, waiting for the first note of the new song to swell before grabbing their soft hand and whispering,
“May I have this dance?”
Without his usual banter, Sun embraces them and sways to the familiar beat without hesitation.
Upon closing his eyes, he is suddenly not dancing on a patchy field of clouds, but rather upon a lively opal plaza shimmering in the warm sunlight; the polished stone reflecting all those lovely pink clouds to create a mosaic, speckled with a rainbow of beautiful color.
Yet, the way you shined changed everything. It had completely ruined his view of beauty.
Your smile glistened through the sheer cloud of stardust that orbits around your form. Your eyes were as hypnotic as the ring of light you absorb, blindingly white before turning into a pitch black that's impossible for him to comprehend. He could barely even remember what you wore that day, too busy memorizing your face.
You were a star that had gone supernova, a rarity unseen for the last 3 centuries, let alone for a star of your kind.
Even the thought of your imagery causes him to inhale sharply. He clutches at his partner tightly, mindless of the give as he steps around in a traditional dance.
You were so scared when the change happened all those months ago...
Sun had found you holed up in your dark room, begging him to not look at you. He had initially come over to barge down your door for being an hour late to meet him, only to find your home was unlocked. It wasn't too unusual, so he welcomed himself inside, used to doing so after years of friendship.
His bitterness over how you kept him waiting for so long evaporated at finding your tearful state, almost unrecognizable if it weren't for your usual wear and voice.
He's still ashamed to say that he was enraptured by you despite the state you were in.
You were a glimmering dwarf star before, enchanting enough as is, and yet somehow you turned into something even more bewitching, compounding his years of desire into something even stronger. It felt right. Not to see you sad, but to see you in that form. Everything about it felt like you. The pull was indescribable in every step he took, the very essence of you invading his senses.
As soon as he recounts reassuring you, drying your tears, and pulling you into a hug; he snaps back to having you in his arms in the light of day, grasping his right hand and prancing with ease across the square, expertly avoiding other participants.
The magnetic pull is intense, the need to somehow get closer and closer was nearly impossible to ignore. He wanted to run away from such a force, yet he only clutched your hand tighter as he spun you, pulling your back into his chest and locking you there for a beat too long.
He was so afraid that you could read his every move, regardless of knowing your sheer obliviousness to his desires.
You always playfully indulged his yearly insistence of being your dance partner, yet nothing had come of it from either side. But this time, his gaze was constantly locked with yours, unable to break contact. His possessive grip had ensnared you, barely leaving even an inch between you. He couldn't help but pause, disregarding the mass of bodies moving around him, wanting to hold you forever.
How could it not be obvious?
Regardless, he knew it was inevitable he'd spill out his soul to you soon, barely able to restrain his lips from colliding into yours at that very moment.
He hoped, he prayed, he begged like a mantra to the celestial mother that you'd feel the same. That this magnetism isn't so one sided. That restraint would one day be unnecessary and he'd finally be able to drink in the flavor of your kiss.
Only mere seconds had passed when he released you from his hold, continuing the dance as if nothing happened. Perhaps to you, nothing did happen.
Would that explain what had happened?
He spent that whole day with you, following you to vendors with traditional carbon foods and indulging in your proximity as you'd graze hands and bump shoulders on occasion, finally left comfortably alone as the town's people were accustomed to your new appearance by then.
He was more than happy to scoop you up the moment you said you were getting tired and overwhelmed. You insisted that you didn't want the fun to end, but he could tell by the sound of your voice that you at least needed a change of pace.
The sun was setting when he leapt up stray puffs of clouds to the field above the plaza. He pranced in circles, leaping gaps to the dying beats of music, and teasing about dropping you through them when you didn't believe he could cross. Your rivers of laughter only fueled his audacity, as he never wanted to hear them end. Inevitably, his foot barely slipped off the edge of one of his more daring jumps, causing the two of you to fall forward and collide with the cloud beneath you.
Despite the grunt the two of you made at the impact, you were quick to laugh at Sun’s failure, teasing him about his cockiness biting him in the behind.
But Sun couldn't ignore the press of his body on top of yours, the echoing melody of your voice ensnaring his throat, refusing to allow him to even draw breath, let alone words. His mind fogged over, the only reprieve to his pinning troubles all pointed towards you, and he desperately needed that relief.
Your lips were more delicious than he could have ever dreamed of, your endearing expression was wide eyed and glowing.
Glowing so much that he actually had to close his eyes for a moment to recuperate, despite how much he wanted to savor your appearance.
And then with a fluttering blink, he's back in the present, kneeling down in the same position over some sad facimally of you. The cloud he molded this morning was mangled already from his delusions, but due to his fall it had melded into the cloud below it, its pink color feeling more taunting than sweet.
Sun looked down at his hand to find a tiny piece of said cloud still in it, a tear welling up in his eye.
It was too fitting.
In that original moment, it was as if you dissolved right in his arms after that kiss, but he refuses to believe anything bad happened. He searched your home, your favorite places, and even contacted your friends and family. No one knew where you were.
Some believed you to be dead after he finally admitted what happened between the two of you.
He vehemently denied that possibility, despite the plausibility. You were barely older than he was, still spry with centuries of life ahead of you. You couldn't just die from a kiss…
The only spark of hope he was given was when he questioned one of the elder Neutron stars, one of whom recalled personally knowing a singular supernova; one who had been taken suddenly to a world beyond the sky to contain their unstable make up. They had returned only once to explain their departure, before saying goodbye for their next one shortly after.
Sun brought the small puff of cloud to his lips – it should have been your hand.
He couldn't repress the tear that escaped him.
It's been a year since your disappearance. He still hasn't given up on his star-crossed lover, if he may even call you that. Your sudden departure left him wanting, stagnant, unsure of so many things.
If you reciprocated, wouldn't you have come back to him by now..?
Overtime, many have caught onto his depressed demeanor and advised him that it's best to learn to let go.
Preaching that waiting is fruitless.
Denouncing the Neutron’s tall tale of some magical plain snatching you away.
Scolding Sun for ruining his life over some runaway star.
However, he cannot help it; you own all the hope he has left. As he is unfortunately, completely, woefully in love with you.
Close Ups!
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walmart-miku · 1 year ago
ok people we gotta stop making mori the source of all evil with soukoku. Yes mori is evil about how he treated yosano and a lot of the pm members but that's a whole other can of worms.
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Fics need to stop making this dude try to prevent skk from dating. I want a crack fic where mori is just like "Hey how was ur day do u like to kiss guys?" To both dazai and chuuya. I want mori shenanigans where he's actively trying so hard to set them up and Elise is sitting in a corner with kouyou and they're hard core judging him.
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ruvviks · 28 days ago
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to celebrate nearly three years of posting about these bozos, have the clown brigade in all their glory (please for the love of god click for better quality)! bios are in order of the individual pictures! vincent "v" mayer [he/him] >> the living legend of the afterlife. a resourceful and skilled merc working for vitali dobrynin and many other fixers in night city vitali dobrynin [he/him] >> a high profile fixer from wellsprings, and v's partner. offers high risk / high reward gigs and is well known for joining his mercs on the job cato wu [she/her] >> one of kang tao's most wanted. becomes head of security for vitali after mikhail koshechkin steps down from the role shiro nakano [he/him] >> ex arasaka security turned assassin and security expert. handles vitali's most dangerous assassination gigs huxley byrne [she/they] >> skilled gunner and (getaway) driver. used to run with the moxes before becoming one of vitali's most trusted eddie wolfe [he/they] >> ex bouncer turned mercenary. handles most bodyguard-type gigs at vitali's office and provides on-site security lauren dimas [she/her] >> a skilled netrunner and techie from t-bug's circle. has known vitali since college and handles all of his office's cybersecurity mikhail koshechkin [he/him] >> vitali's ex head of security and main medic at his office. regularly tags along on gigs when no one else is available thibault lajoie [he/they/xe] >> ex doll turned mercenary. specializes in stealth operations and provides on-site security with eddie wolfe
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@nistarot, @deadrlngers, @euryalex, @ordinarymaine, @mojaves;
@shellibisshe, @dickytwister, @mnwlk, @rindemption, @ncytiri;
@calenhads, @noirapocalypto, @faithchel, @radioactiveshitstorm, @strafethesesinners;
@fashionablyfyrdraaca, @radioactive-synth, @katsigian, @estevnys, @devilbrakers;
@aezyrraesh, @carlosoliveiraa, @adelaidedrubman, @fromgotham, @wardenevka;
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lazylittledragon · 10 months ago
right now i'm very torn between "taking critique is important as an artist and it's not an attack on me personally" and "people commenting about my same face syndrome under my posts upsets me an unreasonable amount and i wish they would stop doing it"
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viperwhispered · 1 year ago
Guess what? I've got more Jamil x reader for y'all. You can also find this on ao3. No warnings, just 866 words of kinda fluffy(?) caretaking stuff with gender-neutral reader.
At this point, you know Jamil’s schedule almost as well as he does. So, when you have the chance, you head to Scarabia’s kitchen, hoping to spend some time with Jamil while he and the other students prepare dinner. 
However, when you enter, it takes you but a moment to notice Jamil’s uncharacteristic fumbling and the tired look in his eyes. The way Jamil’s chopping the vegetables has you worried about him cutting himself with that knife he’s usually so adept with, and it seems it’s only force of habit that’s keeping him on track.
You frown, and when your eyes meet Jamil’s, you can already see him put his guard up.
So he knows what state he is in, huh? And still, here he is.
It seems Jamil is reading your thoughts, all of him telling you drop it before any words are even said.
At least he still lets you lean in and give a quick kiss to his cheek in greeting.
“Hello love. Do you still have a lot on your agenda for today?” you ask, keeping your tone low for at least some semblance of privacy in the busy kitchen.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” is the response you get.
Of course.
It takes a little more pestering before Jamil actually answers your question. Your lips purse. That list is far too long to your liking.
You take a moment to think, juggling your own plans and to-do list against the urgency of the things Jamil mentioned.
“Will Kalim be eating from that?” you ask, pointing at the food Jamil is preparing.
“Alright, I won’t be touching that one, then. I’ve gotta do a few things but I’ll be back when you’re done here.”
“Don’t,” Jamil says with a glare, clearly aware of what you’re thinking.
Yet even his disapproving look doesn’t have the usual weight behind it.
“Yes. I will,” you say firmly, even as your heart curls inwards with another bout of concern.
Really, when did he get so tired?
And how did you not notice it earlier?
You leave the kitchen before Jamil can protest further, hurrying through the dorm corridors to find Kalim.
Soon you have an enthusiastic – and concerned – supporter for your plans. You have Kalim point out a few reliable Scarabia students to help with a few of the most urgent matters Jamil mentioned – cleaning up the common areas, delivering some paperwork to Crowley, preparing some dorm-wide notices – while you see to Kalim getting his school supplies in order for the following day. You even recruit a couple of third years to help Kalim with his homework.
You’ll see to the rest tomorrow – after all, you do also have a boyfriend to look after.
Your conversation over dinner can hardly be called anything else than an argument – despite Kalim’s best attempts at acting as a moderating force between you two. It is very tempting to ask Kalim to tell Jamil to take the rest of the day off – it’s not like Jamil would be willing to openly disobey a direct order. Still, you really don’t need to remind Jamil of his position on top of everything else that you’re already doing more or less against his wishes.
Eventually, however, Jamil’s had a square meal, the most urgent things on his to-do list are being taken care of, and you’ve managed to drag him to his bed.
“I really wish you wouldn’t push yourself so hard,” you murmur, your arms wrapped tightly around Jamil. You’re telling yourself you really do just want to cuddle, to offer some respite to Jamil. Still, there might also be a part of you worried that if you were to let go, he’d just jump up and get back to working himself to the bone.
Yet, for all his protestations, just the fact that you’ve gotten Jamil to lay down with you speaks volumes of his current exhaustion.
“I can’t just leave my duties, albi. You know this.”
“Making yourself too indispensable, is what you’re doing,” you protest.
Oh, you know it’s not so simple. Not with his background, not with all the expectations and assumptions.
But sometimes you really wish it would be.
Jamil merely scoffs in response to your words.
Still, it is undeniable that he is slowly beginning to relax in your arms, slowly bringing his head closer to yours. His eyes are starting to flutter, too.
“I will still need to help Kalim with his homework, at the very least.”
You wonder who he is trying to convince more, you or himself.
“Amin and Khalil are helping him. They’re basically top of their classes, aren’t they? I’m sure they’ve got it.”
Still, Jamil frowns.
You sigh. He really is not letting go, is he?
“Do you want me to go supervise?” you ask.
And leave you, unsaid yet hanging there right after your words.
“Don’t,” Jamil eventually says, the word barely more than a breath.
It seems he has accepted his fate.
You softly caress Jamil’s hair, listening to his softening breathing.
And when you wake up, wholly unaware of having been lulled to sleep in the first place, it’s to the lightest of touches from Jamil’s fingers.
Tagging @diodellet @twstgo @crystallizsch @jamilvapologist @jamilsimpno69 as per request If you'd like to be tagged for any future works, let me know!
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x-i-l-verify · 6 months ago
Linked Universe Daemon AU Headcanons
WORLDBUILDING NOTE 1: The concept of daemons is borrowed from the His Dark Materials series. A daemon is a person’s soul manifested outside of their body in a tangible, physical form, which permanently settles into the form of the animal that most resembles them in character as the individual matures. Person and daemon are not separate beings, but two halves of one mental coin, which means that they each know everything the other does, thinks, and senses. Daemons are almost always the opposite gender of their person and have a distinct personality than the person to a certain degree, as person and daemon represent different aspects of the same whole. Touching someone’s daemon without their permission is taboo, considered a violation tantamount to rape in most cultures.
WORLDBUILDING NOTE 2: All Links have the same name for their daemon: Ellanharai (composed of the Old German elements ellan “courage” and heri “army”). However, because all the Links are their own person, their daemon’s form settles on something different with each incarnation. Just as the Links in the Chain go by different titles to differentiate them all, so, too, do their daemons. Links tend to settle early (12-13 years), as they generally know who they are and what they want from a young age.
WORLDBUILDING NOTE 3: The Dark World/Twili crystal magic combines someone and their daemon into one physical body. This new body has the form of the daemon but the gender of the person with size alterations or different markings/coloration and is controlled by the person, with the daemon part of their mind taking a backseat. For example, Legend is larger as a rabbit than his daemon usually is, and of course, her natural color is not bright pink. The lingering effects of this transformation only physically affect the person side of the person/daemon pair once they are returned to normal. 
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Red-crowned cranes are renowned for their lasting and affectionate pair bonds, having come to represent longevity and devotion in many cultures; they are cooperative and low-aggression birds, quite tolerant and relaxed around other animals, and only really become territorial and protective over their nesting sites and chicks.
Psalm is impatient, mischievous, and fierce. Sky is more easygoing, considerate, and gentle.
Sky and Psalm are very outwardly affectionate with each other, and both can often be found napping together in a patch of sunlight, Psalm resting her head in Sky’s lap or draping a wing over him. As the physically tallest daemon of the bunch, Psalm delights in teasing fawning over her smaller daemon sisters, especially the younger ones. She will often sit on someone and happily brood, and while some may outwardly protest, everyone secretly enjoys it.
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Four's daemon is an industrious, adaptable, cooperative, sociable species of honeybee, known for being assertive but not aggressive insects; they have a high threshold for what they consider threats, and will communicate using pheromones, body language, and vocalizations to make themselves as clearly understood as possible, but they will not hesitate to defend themselves if something is deemed a threat.
Four is empathetic, observant, passionate, and composed. Rhyme is the emotional, pragmatic, impulsive, competitive part of his personality.
Rhyme is usually kept in a protective case Four wears around his neck to prevent any harm from coming to her either in battle or out of it, due to her diminutive size, but he will happily let her out to stretch her wings when around people he trusts. While she is too small to outright cuddle with her sisters, Rhyme loves perching on their heads or burrowing into feathers or fur when it’s chilly, and she’s surprisingly expressive with her body language, though one might have to squint to see it.
When Four splits into his Colors, Rhyme also splits. Which means instead of one being in two bodies, they’re now one being in eight bodies. As in LU canon, none of the Colors is their own individual in this AU, merely a fraction of a larger whole. In turn, each iteration of Rhyme is an alternate part of each of the Colors, with Four’s soul fragmenting into smaller and smaller individual pieces the deeper you go down.
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While menacing in appearance due to their sheer size and bulk, Spanish mastiffs are actually known for being protective, affectionate, quiet dogs, with a long history of guarding livestock; they are patient, easygoing, and surprisingly playful, good with children and tolerant of other animals, though their strong wills and stubbornness make them a challenge to handle for first-time dog owners.
Time is authoritative, jaded, and stoic, while Melody embodies his nurturing, hopeful, mischievous side.
Melody can often be found at Time’s side with one of his hands resting on her head or back. As the largest daemon in the group paired with the tallest person, they make for quite the intimidating pair and are downright deadly in battle together. Outside of battle, though, Melody becomes a big teddy bear, utterly content to let her daughters sisters use her as a pillow or mode of transportation, quietly communicating all the warm care and tenderness Time is sometimes too awkward to openly express. She is the one who introduced the musical motif the other Ellanharais also adopted when coming up with nicknames for themselves.
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Twilight’s daemon is a social, cooperative, dedicated apex predator, who routinely work together to raise their young, defend their territories, and chase down their prey over vast distances; they are not overly aggressive and prefer to avoid conflict whenever they can, using body language, sent marking, and howling to diffuse tense situations and prevent costly fights between packs or individuals.
Twilight is focused, cautious, and opinionated. Aria is his easygoing, empathetic, people-pleasing side.
Aria instantly adopts most of the younger daemons in the group and dotes on them as much as they’ll allow. However, she turns into a big, besotted puppy whenever Time and Melody come into the picture and becomes adorably bashful around Malon’s pigeon daemon Rosamu. She is often found at Twilights right side, guarding his flank and watching his back while he focuses his attention on what’s in front of him. She also loves scritches and belly rubs and has nearly smothered Twilight more than once by sprawling on top of him too heavily while they sleep. While their initial transformation into Wolfie was traumatic and scarring at first, they have both grown to enjoy the occasional opportunity to truly travel, fight, and exist as one.
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Wild’s daemon is a loyal, resourceful, resilient species of raptor that is often found alone or in monogamous pairs, but will freely cooperate together with groups of up to 15 other eagles to take down larger prey; they are straightforward and communicative with their vocalizations and displays and also surprisingly playful, wrestling or playing food games with each other.
Trill is Wild’s dutiful, reserved, focused side, while Wild is the impulsive, playful, lackadaisical side.
Trill is rather choosy with and to whom she shows open affection. She can be very standoffish, preferring to let Wild do the talking for both of them, but once she trusts someone, she will often become very chatty and physically affectionate. It is common to see her riding around or napping on Aria's back, but she has begun opening up more to the others as well.
Because Wild lost all his memories in the Shrine of Resurrection, Trill had become unsettled when they finally woke up, taking the most basic shape a daemon can take, normally only seen with very young children: a small, floating, glowing ball of golden Dust. As they regained their memories during Wild’s quest and discovered more about themselves, Trill began taking on some of their old favored forms before eventually resettling for good as her original settled form, the wedge-tailed eagle. Despite physically being the same, though, there’s still that distance between who they are now and who they used to be, most evident in how their personalities have seemed to switch; Wild used to be more serious, focused, and responsible, and Trill used to embody the impulsivity, rowdiness, and wanderlust he kept tightly tamped down for the sake of duty and appearances. Both of them are still coming to terms with how much they have changed.
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Legend's daemon settled as a hardy, wary, sociable, territorial species of rabbit, able to survive and thrive in almost any environment; they are a keystone prey species, a vital part of almost any ecosystem they find themselves in, who must stay ever vigilant and rely on their speed, wits, and determination to stay alive.
Legend is blunt, private, and practical, while Lyric is the sensitive, sociable, sentimental side of him.
Legend has… a complicated relationship with his daemon’s form. He initially hides her away from the rest of the Chain out of paranoia and insecurity, keeping her in his pack at all times. What would Hyrule they think of the renowned Hero of Legend having a defenseless, soft little rabbit as a daemon? They would lose all respect for him, or worse, be disappointed. It isn’t until after the Twili crystal incident, and Twilight and Sky find out about Lyric’s form, that he starts to come out of his shell.
After the ice has been broken, Lyric leaps at the chance to interact with the other deamons more. She goads Aria or even Melody into games of chase, can finally properly pounce on Warriors’ daemon the next time she teases her, curls up into a little fuzzy ball with Hyrule’s daemon to nap, leaps up on Trill or Psalm or Wind’s daemon’s backs and coax them into giving her a ride, and holds Rhyme in her little paws to gloat that she finally knows a daemon smaller than her (Rhyme is not amused). She is the one who came up with the name for their group of daemons, which is a chorus, just like a group of Links is a chain.
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Hyrule’s daemon is a small, nocturnal glider species that is selectively social, close-bonding, and expressive, utilizing a number of chirps, whirrs, whistles, and growls to keep away intruders and keep tabs on each other; yellow-bellied gliders are incredibly active, hard-working creatures, spending up to 90% of their time awake foraging, and they can travel up to 2 kilometers in just 4 hours through a combination of climbing and gliding.
Hyrule is independent, wary, and agreeable. Cadence represents his dependent, connected, feisty side.
Cadence is generally quite a skittish daemon, who can normally be found clinging wide-eyed to Hyrule’s back, shoulders, chest, or arms, or hidden inside his tunic or pack. She has not interacted closely with many other daemons in her time (fairies do not have daemons), so she is still getting used to the physical affection the others offer. She does not dislike it; it is simply a lot. But she is gradually learning to love being nuzzled, cuddled, and carried, and she greatly enjoys riding around on the other larger daemons.
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Wind settled just a couple months before the events of Linked Universe as a resourceful, gregarious, deeply loyal species of macaw; like all macaws, they can be quite loud, communicative, and expressive, and they have generally been described as having friendly, confident, playful dispositions, albeit with the occasional temperamental mood swing.
Shanty is Wind's meticulous, perceptive, down-to-earth side, while Wind is reckless, curious, and carefree.
As is befitting for a parrot daemon, Shanty spends much of her time perched on Wind’s shoulders or arms, though she does love being held and cuddled, too. She is still getting used to her settled form, and sometimes forgets she cannot shift like she once did, leading to some hilarious mishaps when she faceplanted on the ground trying to turn into a hermit crab, or one memorable instance where she nearly drowned while trying to become a yellowtail snapper. She gets very starry-eyed over the other demons and thinks all of them are the coolest for different reasons. She desperately wants to impress them and prove she’s just as badass as they are, so she can sometimes chafe under their well-meaning coddling.
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Warriors’ daemon settled as the confident, dependable, independent red fox, the most widespread and successful carnivore in the world, found in just about every available habitat, from jungle to tundra; despite being mainly solitary, these animals have a complex social hierarchy and can be seen in a wide variety of group settings, with vixens sometimes coming together during the breeding season to help raise each other’s cubs, and their mates bringing them food and also helping parent the new cubs.
Warriors is shrewd, charming, and diplomatic, while Ballad is more brash, cheeky, and candid.
Ballad, while generally friendly and warm with the other daemons (especially the younger ones), is also strangely skittish around them. She is fine initiating touch or curling up for a nice nap around or with someone else, but if touched unexpectedly, she tends to either bristle, growl, and retreat behind Warriors, or go very still and quiet. She shies away from any human hands except Warriors' (and even then there are days he doesn't touch her directly). They bring to mind other hands. Slim, small, elegant, painted hands that hurt, that took, that tainted- ...It’s fine. She’s fine. They’re fine. Everything’s fine.
Red-crowned crane analysis: https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24990
Italian honeybee analysis: https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23882
Tibetan mastiff analysis: https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24552
Spanish mastiff information: https://dogtime.com/dog-breeds/spanish-mastiff
Gray wolf analysis: https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23828
Wedge tailed eagle analysis: https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=26686
European rabbit analysis: https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23718
Yellow bellied glider analysis: https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24968
Military macaw analysis: https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=26591
Red fox analysis: https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24946
Art belongs to @/linkeduniverse
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itsmistyeyedbi · 12 days ago
Quick question about A, especially for all my beloved mutuals who are on the ace spectrum:
What do you think A "suddenly" (I suppose it's not sudden, but I can't find another word that fits this context right now) feeling sexual attraction towards the detective (or N👀 or any other pairing with A you have in mind👀) would look like? Or...feel like, for them?
Do you think it would be different if they had never experienced that kind of attraction before? And if they did, would it still be surprising or unexpected for them considering they've gone 900 years (or maybe 600 if we're going with the A x N ship) without that feeling at all? Would it be an "Oh...oh" type of moment lol, like a more gradual thing that kind of snuck up on them, or would they be able to identify what it is immediately?
And what would that look like from the perspective of A's love interest?
(Please let me know if my wording is even slightly acephobic, I'll rework this question as much as I can to make sure it isn't because I do not tolerate queerphobia of any kind and I'd hate to post something that perpetuates it❤️)
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necrotic-nephilim · 8 months ago
there is not enough femslash in batcest circles. the girls deserve to be just as weird about each other as the boys are. if BruDick gets to be weird father/son/brothers/lovers/friends/rivals/soulmates then it is only fair that Babs/Cass get to be mother/daughter/sisters/lovers too. Something about that deep intrinsic but undefinable love that is born out of trauma, especially if you consider Cass not knowing what healthy love looks like in the first place. i think it's fun and deserves just as much fandom content.
besides that, you can get even more niche with rarepairs like Helena/Steph. Huntress/Spoiler: Blunt Trauma is already a fantastic comic and even though it's their only real canon interaction it has so much potential. very comparable to TimJay in how Helena tries to get Steph to understand her morals and the corruption you could play with it.
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batman: huntress/spoiler: blunt trauma (1998)
that comic also highlights on how both Steph and Helena are outcasts of the Batfamily and don't have the approval of Bruce to be doing what they do in "his city". I think there's so much Potential in Helena taking Steph under her wing because Bruce won't let her in and it becomes a weird codependent toxic sapphic mess. I think the protectiveness Helena feels over Steph from the get-go is so clear and the way she wants to look out for Steph, wants to make sure Steph understands the real world? I love them. Helena should be allowed to steal Steph, actually. I think it'd be fun.
there are a lot of other possibilities too like Babs/Steph or even getting weird with Helena Bertinelli/Helena Wayne and the existential question of "is it selfcest or not." But these two specifically live in my head rent-free, especially Helena/Steph and one day I'll convince everyone else to ship it too.
#batcest#necrotic festerings#how do i tag ships that are almost non-existent#helena bertinelli x stephanie brown#cassandra cain x barbara gordon#as resident huntress fan my answer to the is helena w/helena b selfcest depends entirely on which version of helena wayne you're using.#pre-crisis!helena wayne/pre-flashpoint!helena bertinelli? yes i agrue is selfcest adjacent at least#because helena bertinelli was meant to be an adaptation of helena wayne#if it's jsa (2022)!helena wayne then it's *not* selfcest because they co-exist in the same universe#and according to current lore helena wayne was named after bertinelli and took the name huntress in her honor#which is a *choice* for sure but that's a different post#i still think shipping them is super fun in a “don't meet your heroes” sort of way with helena wayne time travelling#and then potentially running into bertinelli and realizing she's not what wayne thought she was and it being weird toxic shit#as for new-52 helena wayne. i do not acknowledge her and will not comment.#*god* I hate new-52 huntress.#(imo it would be selfcest tho bc they tried to make helena wayne a bertinelli clone. so. there's that.)#i'm going to write a helena/steph fic some day and none of you bitches can stop me#yeah yeah we have stephcass but y'all have sanitized the fuck out of that to convince yourselves it's not batcest and that made it boring.#and helena/babs is neat and all but i prefer helena/zinda when it comes to BoP ships#i should've included panels for cass/babs but it's been a while since i read batgirl (2000) so none immediately came to mind#i have a *lot* more helena/steph thoughts but no braincell to word them. know i will talk about them again.#they got one whole comic and now i won't let them go#also cass/helena is fun for combating morals and the complicated batgirl mantle#cass wears the batgirl suit *helena* made y'all think i can't make that romantic bc i can and will#if we have robin pile then give me batgirl pile#babs/helena/steph/cass hell throw in bette too.
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ezziemagpie · 6 months ago
Fanfic authors, please, I implore you, from one writer to another, DO NOT DELETE YOUR WORKS. Change the account ownership, make a different pseud to put it under, anonymise or orphan them, it doesn't matter, just please, please, PLEASE, do not delete them. Please. Even if you think they're badly written, or out of character, or a decade old, or 'cringe', or whatever, there will be some poor schmuck out there who loves what you've written and will cry over its deletion because they forgot to download it. - Sincerely, some poor schmuck who loves what someone wrote and has spent the last ten hours trying to track it down because he forgot to download it.
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hidey-writes · 18 days ago
six sentence saturday
The streets are half-familiar now, as Gu Yiran walks backward down the path he’d run each day to work. Here is the intersection where the pedestrian light never seems to come on, and Gu Yiran glances quickly both ways and crosses against a red light. Down that street is the corner of the park where if Gu Yiran cranes his head to look in the mornings, he can see the elderly folks of the neighborhood gathering for tai chi. And this shop he’s walking past, closed now, is the one Zheng Bei had taken him to buy a jacket at, the first weekend after he arrived. Gu Yiran had only worn that jacket for a few weeks before the weather changed. He’s not sure if he’ll ever have much use for it in Huazhou, heavy as it is.
a snippet from chapter 4 :3 i'm sloooowly working my way through the revision and hopefully returning to public accountability will help
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yujeong · 6 months ago
Time was at a standstill. Vegas was holding his breath without noticing, and continued to hold it when he did - he was afraid of what would happen if he exhaled loudly enough to draw attention to himself. His gaze was shifting between Pete and the man who was standing before them in the doorway, blocking their entrance. Vegas had never seen him before, but even so, he recognized Pete in him enough to know who he was. A dangerous aura surrounded him. There was an edge to his presence that Vegas would only come across people of certain circles. He was a fighter. A muay khao. Pete's father. Shame coursed through Vegas' body, smearing his skin, settling in his lungs, rendering him speechless. I thought he was dead, he wanted to tell Pete if he could. He wanted to scream at him, I thought you killed him. Pete was the one who broke the stillness. As if awakened by something, he took a half-step back and made a motion with his arms, almost raising them to his chest, but not quite. In an instant, Pete reverted into the pet Vegas had been keeping at the safehouse, bound by handcuffs and afraid of his belt hitting flesh and drawing blood. A lump formed in Vegas' throat. "Have you stopped practicing? Your form is off." The uncanny similarities between Pete and his father appearance-wise didn't mean a thing when it came to their voices. Vegas shivered. Was this what Pete would sound like in a few decades? (Were these the condescending words he'd choose to spew? Was Pete going to embody his father? Was Vegas embodying his?) "What are you doing here?" Pete whispered. "They let me out for a few days, so I came here to collect some money. Imagine my surprise when I found out my offspring left the job someone found him worthy enough of doing to... do what exactly? Yaai didn't want to tell me." He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer. Vegas didn't know what he was allowed to say. If he was allowed to say anything at all. "It's none of your business." "I'd say it very much is my business, as well as yaai's business who was dependent on the money you were making being some rich asshole's human shield." A choked sound scratched Vegas' throat. He didn't like getting reminded of Pete being the main family's bodyguard, even though he stopped being one mere months ago. Especially like this. That was the first time Pete's father stopped looking at his son and turned his head to look at Vegas. For a moment, there seemed to be recognition in his eyes. Did he know who Vegas was? Did he care? A snort came out of his mouth. He leaned on the door. "Oh, I see how it is." He laughed, scratched his neck. "I never expected you to whore yourself out for money. Tell me, is it preferable to the path I carved out for you?" Vegas could sense the disgust in his voice. He could also see it on Pete's face. He was too astonished to share it, but not enough to be unable to speak. "Khun, there has been some misunderstanding-" "Don't bother. I can recognize a faggot when I see one." Pete's movements were too fast for Vegas to stop him. A direct jab to the nose; his father fell like a pack of cards, groaning like a wounded animal. Surprisingly, no blood - Pete held back. Vegas didn't know what to think about that. "That was a pathetic attack, even for you." "Get up." "We're not in the ring, son." Pete growled. Vegas could see his hands trembling as he was keeping them in the air, maintaining an offensive stance. "That never stopped you before." "You were too young to understand what I was doing back then. What I was preparing you for." Pete was silent. "The world isn't kind. It'll fuck you over one way or another." He got up, spat on the ground. "You still haven't learned a thing. You're too old to afford being naive." He turned around, and without sparing a look at Pete again, said: "Now get the fuck out of my house." (For @musictooth, whose posts about Pete's father have reignited my passion for this specific concept and for @wretchedamaranth, whose comments on my writing are always lovely and precious ❤️)
#tw slur#vegaspete#pete saengtham#snippet#yu is writing#I started writing this today while waiting for my bus to arrive and wrote most of it on public transport <33#(hopefully it doesn't show lol)#there's a lot of context missing here but basically: VP visit yaai and a wild father appears#I didn't have space to include her unfortunately but just imagine her in the background with a sad look on her face#which is mostly fixed on Vegas :))#for no reason at all :))#due to a certain someone who I won't name (😤) I mayyy turn this into a fic? Maybe?#because 1. I did have a similar idea a year or so ago but never did anything with it and 2. this concept NEEDS to be explored more come on#because in my mind Vegas and Pete can't go to yaai's house until/unless Pete's father leaves#all their stuff is in her house#and they only have Vegas' car with which they traveled there#and Bangkok is too far away to go back now in the middle of the night (yes this happens at night time)#so basically what I'm saying is: VP will spend their night in the car :)#I'm sure the combination of an agitated Pete and a tired Vegas who's also equating Pete with his father due to their external similarities#will be a delightful experience for them both#I'm vibrating out of my skin just thinking about it#can I promise I'll write it and put it out there? Hell no#can I still get excited by the prospect of it happening? Hell yes#sorry I'm rambling a little too much over here#I just haven't felt this good writing in MONTHS#thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it <3333
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mechazushi · 5 months ago
What We Could Of Had...
(excuse the quality, I made this in Samsung Notes.)
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Ya see, when I first heard that Vc Hoshina liked Mont Blanc, I thought they meant the pen. And I was all like-
"Okay yeah, that makes sense. He's a sword fighter. In ancient Japan, they made sword fighters practice calligraphy because it taught them precision hand control. I could see him being a snob over expensive pens."
Only to find out that Mont Blanc also meant a dessert? Imma be honest with ya kitten, it still kinda pisses Daddy off a little bit.
Like, we could have had Stationary Snob Hoshina! He could have been sending in delicately crafted Mission Reports with rubber stamps and seasonal stickers! He could have been sending letters to Narumi with glittery ink that sheds sparkles all over his desk! Learning calligraphy could have been something he was forced to do as a child because he was dedicated to being a swordsman! Only to rekindle the once hated passion after someone gifts him a really nice fountain pen! We could have had him going on little trips/dates to the stationary stores for little treats!!!!
Also, @iceclew , Tagging you in this because I feel like it 🫶
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pynkhues · 2 months ago
I hope this doesn't seem like a pressuring ask but I was curious if you were planning to finish like a dogless bone? Under the circumstances it's understandable and within your right to leave the fic incomplete but I was wondering if it was going to be completed. And if you choose to update please update at your leisure, I support you whatever you decide and I know many other readers also support you and want you to be safe.
It doesn't seem pressuring at all, anon! Honestly, I haven't opened the doc since that last round of threats and harrassment on Thursday, which is kind of a bummer, because I suspect that was a part of the intent, especially given I increasingly do think those negative comments on Ungodly Hour were probably from the same cohort of people. I do still plan on finishing it though, and am actually even planning on having a look at it this afternoon, so wish me luck! :-)
#i've actually been wondering how much of this is actually about fic#like i have been noticing patterns with the timing of things happening on here coinciding with certain things on ao3#it's interesting though too y'know#i was thinking last night about how there'll be a bunch of fic posted next week for that particular fest#and i posted back in october when i was pretty naive to the ins and outs of this fandom#that it was weird to me that they'd not allow fic where louis tops when that's pretty unpopular / fic where he bottoms is largely the norm#and y'know i got a bunch of anons even then that surprised me#like they were quite assertive about how if i wanted it the other way i could just run my own fest and people are allowed to#like and write and run the events they want#which sure they are! i agree!#but it gave me a Vibe then and now i'm like#can you literally imagine what would happen if someone tried to run a lestat bottoming fest?#some of these people would go like#reagan-in-the-exorcist about it#any organiser would be doxxed and hurled accusations at and bullied out of the fandom#some of these people couldn't even handle the kinktober fest without spreading rumours about the organisers#and sending me a bunch of faux-friendly anons trying to get me not to participate in it (and i assume other writers too)#like that's crazy#this is FANDOM#and that's a degree of suppression and autocratic thinking that feels frighteningly in line with the current political climate#and the fact that that desire to control and contain what people write and how they write it (and what they read given#they were trying to get all their followers to block me by telling them how to feel about me)#is just#yeah#very sobering#it does make me want to go back and add dog-less bone to the kinktober fest collection though#even though it's january hahaha#fic asks#anyway it was nice to write that little ficlet last night and remind myself that i love writing for this show and these characters#so yes!
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