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neopronouns-in-action · 4 months ago
Neopronouns in Action #093: Posession
Neopronouns: xey/xem/xeir/(xeirs)/xemself, and eth/eths/ethself which follow the same rules as they/them/their/(theirs)/themself, and it/its/itself.
Replace they with xey
Replace them with xem
Replace their with xeir
Replace theirs with xeirs
Replace themself with xemself
Example paragraphs:
"They are going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as they get a fence set up around their yard so the puppy can go outside without them having to walk it. Their uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting them use, since they lost theirs. They're going to buy toys and train the puppy themself.”
"Xey are going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as xey get a fence set up around xeir yard so the puppy can go outside without xem having to walk it. Xeir uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting xem use, since xey lost xeirs. Xey're going to buy toys and train the puppy xemself.”
"It is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as it gets a fence set up around its yard so the puppy can go outside without it having to walk it. Its uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting it use, since it lost its. It's going to buy toys and train the puppy itself."
"Eth is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as eth gets a fence set up around eths yard so the puppy can go outside without eth having to walk it. Eths uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting eth use, since eth lost eths. Eth's going to buy toys and train the puppy ethself."
Pontedyria sat on xeir bed, clutching the notebook to xeir chest.
Xey had just gotten to the final page, and there was no more paper left to keep notes on. Not even if xey went back to the start, where xey had started off with bigger, less efficient handwriting, to fill in the margins. No, xey'd already done that, and the latter pages of the notebook had already had every available space filled in.
Diagrams, calendars, tallies, theories, and meticulous note of everything xey'd noticed that could have come from the same source. Some parts xey had crossed out, some xey'd covered with whiteout and put more notes on top of when the original proved wrong or irrelevant.
Xey'd tested some of xeir theories out, and most of the earlier ones hadn't held any water. But the months had passed and xey had kept up xeir observations and note-taking, and now xey were sure of it. And the closer and closer xey'd gotten to this final theory, the more tests had turned out with the right answers.
And now the notebook had finally been filled up, with no more space left to use. There were no more tests xey could run and record.
No more excuses left to keep avoiding the truth that xey knew now, without any doubt left.
Xeir kindling was dead, had died over a year ago back on that family camping trip, and eths body was being puppeted around by a demon.
It explained everything. Pontedyria had gone through every possibility, and this was the only one that fit all the symptoms. Eth wasn't just a moody teenager who didn't want to clean eths room or do eths chores or hang out with eths kindzilla anymore. That wouldn't explain the rest of the changes — like the fact that eths eyes reflected light like an animal, and sometimes even glowed in the dark when the demon posessing eths body thought no one was in the room to notice. Pontedyria had snuck back down into the living room and kitchen multiple times over the past few months to wait and watch the almost guaranteed nocturnal visits the demon made to the refrigerator when everyone was supposed to be asleep.
And xey had watched multiple times, in disgust and horror, as the demon had opened the fridge, taken out the carton of eggs, and just started eating them.
It had first tried eating them whole, but had figured out that was easier said than done in eths body. Pontedyria could only assume that whatever this demon looked like in its natural form, it could probably unhinge its jaw. If it were some kind of snake or serpent, that could explain a lot of the other behavior xey'd noticed, like the way it was constantly seeking out outside sources of heat, instead of just putting on warmer clothes.
After it had figured out that shoving whole raw eggs into eths mouth was too difficult, (It had literally been grumbling to itself about how useless the human mouth was) it had started using a bowl, and smashing the eggs into peices with a fork before drinking all of it down, shells and all.
It stole other food too, and ate all of it raw. It took the giant pack of steaks out of the back of the freezer that dad had been "saving" for a party for close to four years, and ate every single one of them over the course of a few days, thawed them by running some of them them under hot water in the sink, or shoving the rest into the microwave, canceling the timer just a moment before it would have gone off.
When fath and dad had gone grocery shopping recently enough that there was still sliced lunch meat in the fridge, the demon devoured almost all of it within a day or two, and seemed to only be avoiding eating it all at once to keep up the pretense that the food was being used up at a reasonable rate.
And all of this it had done in the darkness, with only the light from the fridge or the microwave to show it, and once, when the power had been out, its eyes had glowed red, bright enough to illuminate the counter in front of it.
It had never noticed Pontedyria, hiding under the kitchen cabinet to peer out through the uneven gap between the doors. It had never realized that there was a witness to its nighttime wanderings or its raiding of the fridge. It had never realized that anyone else in the house knew who was eating all the eggs and lunch meat. It even ate the bones of the rotisserie chickens they sometimes got from the store.
Pontedyria hadn't been able to eat anything with meat in it for over a year now unless xey went out and got it from a fast food place, or ate at a friend's house. And fath and dad had just shrugged when xey had first pointed out the unfairness of eth eating everything — back when xey had still just thought eth was being a normal grouchy, hungry teenager — and they said that it was just part of being a teenager, and that xey had done the same thing when xey'd been going through puberty, and they could always buy more. As long as it wasn’t going to waste, they were happy.
By the time Pontedyria had figured out that it wasn't just the lunchmeat going missing, and had made xeir first horrified discovery of the thing that looked like, but did not act like eths kindling eating whole raw eggs, xey had been too afraid to complain anymore.
At first xey had thought that maybe eth had been bitten by a werewolf, and was unknowingly infected with lycanthropy. But the full moons came and went, and eth never transformed. That would have been impossible to hide. And there were no reports of unrecognized werewolves running around, and none of the other signs of lycanthropy matched.
And everything Pontedyria had been able to find out about demons said they were extremely dangerous and unpredictable, so angering it would be disasterous.
So far it hadn't seemed to have hurt anyone besides xeir poor kindling, but there was no telling what it got up to when Pontedyria couldn't watch it. Xey had to sleep, and couldn't spend all xeir time following it around. There were hours out of every day where the demon could do who knows what, and those hours added up to a lot of time for horrible things to happen since the camping trip. Pontedyria hadn't noticed anything was supernaturally wrong until nearly two months after it had begun.
And for those first two months the demon would have had completely free reign to do whatever it wanted whenever it wanted, because Pontedyria hadn't started spying on it yet.
It might not have hurt any other people that xey knew it, but neighborhood cats had been disappearing all year without a trace, and too often to be just explained away by the usual amount hit by cars or killed by coyotes.
The colony Mr. and Mrs. Rousseau managed had been decimated, with what had started out as more than sixty known cats now dwindled down to just three — and the Rousseaus had finally given in to their panic and brought them into their own home to protect them just last week.
Everyone else in town thought it was some sort of serial killer of cats, the way that had happened once in England. But only Pontedyria knew the truth — the demon that had possessed xeir kindling was killing and almost certainly eating them.
Xey had no proof of this; xey hadn't found any evidence for it, but xey knew in xeir gut it was true. If the demon was willing to eat raw eggs and beef, why wouldn’t it eat a cat? It went along with everything else the demon had done so far, and who else would be so evil as to kill innocent feral cats who weren't hurting anyone?
While eth had still been alive, eth'd insisted cats should always be kept inside, because they wrecked havoc on the native wildlife, but now eth was dead, and the demon that had posessed eths body seemed to be taking eths misguided wishes in life to the extreme in eths death. It could only be some kind of sick joke on the demon's part, corrupting eths naivety and turning it into murderous cruelty.
Maybe the demon had tricked eth into allowing ethself to be possessed — had promised to follow eths wishes, and then had killed eth once the deal was struck, with eth having no way of knowing how horribly those wishes would be twisted. That's how it always happened when people made a deal with the Devil on TV, and from what Pontedyria had found in xeir research, demons were pretty much the basis for the Devil in the first place, at least as far as popular culture went.
The more Pontedyria thought about it, the more and more convinced xey became that that's what had happened — the demon had promised to help eth fulfil all eths wishes, and then killed eth and taken over eths body. And now, either because it thought it was funny, or because it had some sort of real obligation, it was going out and doing a twisted version of what eth would have wanted.
Eth had insisted on keeping Crow inside, and went off on shouting matches if Pontedyria or any of xeir friends let him out, to the point that it wasn't worth the hassle of doing so anymore. Eth had always gotten so angry about other people letting their cats roam free outside, and now the demon posessing eth was making sure they'd never free roam again.
Pontedyria had been keeping Crow inside at first just to stop eth from hassling xem, but now xey were keeping him inside because xey were afraid that if he went out, the demon would eat him. So far, no cats who were kept inside had disappeared, not even
And it wasn't just the free roaming cats disappearing that fit the theory of some sort of deal gone wrong. Almost all the oversized truck owners in town had not only their tires slashed, but the engines literally torn apart overnight. And every recognizable car owned by someone that had ever almost run eth or Pontedyria over in the crosswalk soon met a similar fate.
No one else had connected the dots like Pontedyria had, because no one else had spent nights sitting up in a pillow fort plotting revenge on all the owners of the cars they could recognize for trying to hit them on their way to school, or screaming insults at them out the window when they didn’t sprint across the road like it was the end of the pacer test.
All of this had been going on for almost a whole year now. It was almost the anniversary.
From what Pontedyria had been able to find, most cases of possession were viable for a year and a day, and then they had to be renewed with another ritual, which had to take place in the same spot the posession originally began.
It was going to be Halloween in just four day's time. A year and a day since xeir kindling had been killed and possessed by the demon that now walked around in xeir body doing horrible things. Almost a whole year since Pontedyria had become an only child. Almost a whole year since xeir parents hadn't realized one of their kids was dead.
And xeir notebook, which xey'd hoped would tell them how to fix things and put things back the way they were before, was filled up, without any more space to put anything. And xey still didn't have any solution.
There were no magical stones that would banish a demon and bring the dead body it possessed back to life. The only ones who could bring people back to life could only do it twice a year, on the winter solstice, and they charged billions of dollars for their service. And they wouldn't banish the demon without charging even more money. And they all lived on the other side of the country. And Pontedyria didn't even have a hundred dollars to xeir name, let alone billions.
Xey hadn't told xeir parents. Xey hadn't told any of xeir friends. Xey hadn't even confronted the demon itself. Xey had been hoping that something would just miraculously happen that would fix everything. A special comet that would catch the demon in its gravity and carry it back out into space. A sudden surprise visit from some celebrity demon-hunter. Some random adult who knew what they were doing catching onto what was happening and fixing everything without Pontedyria having to do anything.
But nothing had happened. No miracle had dropped out of the sky to fix things for xem.
The demon was still possessing xeir kindling, and xeir kindling was still dead. Had died when eth got lost that night during the camping trip, and had only been found the morning after, bruised and freezing cold, with some story about falling into the river and getting turned around, with no one realizing that eth was already dead, and it was a demon speaking with eths voice and moving eths body.
There were just four days left to figure out some way to save xeir kindling, if eth could be saved at all.
And staring down at that useless, crammed notebook, Pontedyria couldn't think of a single thin xey could do to help. All xey could do was sit there, and stare, and despair.
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pronoun-checks · 2 years ago
ayyyy can i get a pronoun check??
name: r
pronouns: she/her, they/them, he/him, xey/xem/xeir/xemself
stuff i like: falafel wraps, boba, all sorts of animals, eurovision, the grishaverse, call my agent (on netflix), my dog
Sure thing!
This is R. Have you met her before? She likes falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. They said they like all sorts of animals, and I wonder if they have a favourite animal? He also likes the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. Xey watch Call My Agent, which sounds neat. Xey also like xeir dog, and I wonder what xeir dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of his day/night!
This is R. Have you met her before? She likes falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. She said she likes all sorts of animals, and I wonder if she has a favourite animal? She also likes the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. She watches Call My Agent, which sounds neat. She also likes her dog, and I wonder what her dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of her day/night!
This is R. Have you met them before? They like falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. They said they like all sorts of animals, and I wonder if they have a favourite animal? They also like the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. They watch Call My Agent, which sounds neat. They also their xeir dog, and I wonder what their dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of their day/night!
This is R. Have you met him before? He likes falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. He said he likes all sorts of animals, and I wonder if he have a favourite animal? He also likes the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. He watches Call My Agent, which sounds neat. He also likes his dog, and I wonder what his dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of his day/night!
This is R. Have you met xem before? Xey like falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. Xey said xey like all sorts of animals, and I wonder if xey have a favourite animal? Xey also like the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. Xey watch Call My Agent, which sounds neat. Xey also like xeir dog, and I wonder what xeir dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of xeir day/night!
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bonefall · 1 year ago
So does Star Clan Grey Wing go get Turtle Tail, then Turtle Tail gets Bumble, and she Tells Bumble that Grey Wing has always accepted her as a clan cat? Because I think that would be so touching. Like they use Grey's words and wisdom to say she doesn't belong and then she finds out in Starclan that's not true. That this hero these cats have held up the entire time has always accepted her as one of them. Idk I'm feeling pretty sentimental right now since I finished The Last Hope for the first time. Can't believe he's gone.
I think that came across for Bumble during the First Battle, when a clap of thunder rang out and Gray Wing xemself came down. Xey condemned those who had used xeir teachings for selfish ends,
But praised THUNDER STORM. The one who broke off his cats in defense of Bumble. ThunderClan was FOUNDED on the idea that Bumble was one of them, and it is the only group that Gray Wing didn't admonish.
And with xem, Turtle Heart is there too. And all those that had just been lost in the battle. She was probably already blaming herself for not translating good enough, for how the meeting turned bloody, feeling she wasn't fast enough or accurate enough. But it's not her fault.
As a side note; she was in the middle of the clearing when chaos broke out. She was trying to translate two ways, in languages that aren't her native tongue. Clear Sky, Tall Shadow, and Thunder Storm understood each other, the Wind Runner and King Arc couldn't understand them, Clear Sky kept trying to talk over everyone else.
When they all leapt at each other, Bumble was BURIED in a sea of violence. She can't fight, so she was trying to push out of the crowd before she got hurt, but between the stress of it all and the screeching cats around her, she started helplessly crying;
"Peace!" In Parkmew, "Peace!" In Tribemew, and "Peace!" In Townmew. Cycling through them, begging that the cats around her would understand.
"Peace in three languages I-beg" is a Clanmew idiom for, "For the love of god PLEASE stop." It's based on that story!
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floralcard-slenders · 10 days ago
OOC Pinned Post
This blog is a slendlr roleplay blog.
General rules and info:
This blog is for any Au versions of Pink ( @/pinkslenderfolk) and Wildcard ( @/slenderofthewildcard) which will generally be dragged here by M!anons to make both their blogs less chaotic.
Mod is not a minor but would appreciate asks be nothing more then suggestive, flirting is allowed with characters unless stated otherwise on their Intro's.
Mod uses Xey/xem/xeir/xemself and ey/em/eirs/eirself pronouns.
General rule of thumb for asks, be nice, don't be bigoted and any hate will be deleted. Magic anons allowed.
(You are allowed to be mean to the slendies and to bother them within reason as long as it's clear its for in character and not just to be a jerk to people like Mod or others.)
Shipping is also allowed (unless stated otherwise in a characters intro.)
If something is said or done in character that makes you uncomfortable or is too much during an interaction PLEASE let me know.
Blog may sometimes cover topics such as violence, death, cannibalism, threats, biting, occasional swearing and potentially other topics. Things will be tagged as needed.
Current Slenders on the blog and links to their intro posts for more information on them:
Atropa (Gamma-A/Villians and Heros Au Pink)
WildDog (Gamma-A/Villians and Heros Au Wc)
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tsel-bas · 7 months ago
Area X ; Sentispace
Warning: Sentispace may not turn out exactly as described. Anything and Everything can be changed to suit your liking or your system!
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Name(s): X, Xayvion, Xanthus, Xenith
Age: Ageless
Pronouns: He/Him/His/His/Himself, It/It/Its/Its/Itself, X/X/Xs/Xs/Xself, Xey/Xem/Xeirs/Xeirs/Xemself,
Gender Identity: Libramasc,
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Orientationless
Type: Willogenic Sentispace
Role: Janusian, Overwatcher, Overseer
Source(s): @/tsel-bas, Southern Reach Trilogy
A large area based in the Unites States, extremely overrun by nature. Nature has reclaimed its rightful place in the world of humans. There are salt marshes, beaches, and tons of other flora and fauna. Some friendly, some dangerous. It is not recommended to enter this area without some sort of protection and plenty of preparation. Stay too long unprepared and you might not make it out the same. It throws everything it has at you, slowly destroying your mind. Expeditions to this area have proven to be extremely dangerous Take caution when entering Area X.
This area has a humanoid form its consciousness can enter and fully take control of its roles. Xey appear as an adult man with dark brown skin and green dreads. His eyes are also green. Xs’ appearance allows him to blend into the surroundings of Area X. He can still control the area while in this form. This form it’s important as it allows it to communicate with alters/headmates within the system.
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jestersdlc · 6 months ago
Tis I the Jester! Ey/em and Xe/xem/xyr + (more under cut/feel free to ask if any are preferred at the time)
This is a sideblog I use as a 'pseudo main' as my main blog (@/thecourtjester12) is a DCA blog. (Main blog found here.)
This blog is a LGBTQIA+, Neurodiverse, and Systems safe space!
No bigotry, racism, sexism, ableism, TERF's, aphobia, syscourse, and anything else possibly missed. All in all be nice to each other and respect others please!
The Jester is Atertiary (spec.) And may not always use the /p tone tag but is ok with it being used towards me even when I don't use it.
PLEASE be direct with me (tone tags are helpful, but in gen just be direct about things like if you want to be/consider me a friend, if you are or aren't comfy with something, etc general rule just be direct it would be GREATLY appreciated.)
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I post art, and written stuff on occasion, reblog fandom stuff and things that interest me which is very all over the place and shenanigans with friends/familiars/moots.
Titles vary. I have a few misc blogs for different things (fandom RP blogs, au blogs, slendlr blogs, etc.) And sometimes cross reblog stuff between blogs.
ASKS and Extra's.
Asks are open, so feel free to send me some, I like to answer them. General rule be nice, no bigoty/hate/etc. Not fond of swearing but some is fine, just no slurs (and tone tags would be appreciated.) Nothing NSFW.
I do make userboxes, feel free to ask about them.
Things you can request and links to more info
Slendlr Flag Icons! (These are like requests/free commision doodles :3) OPEN.
Slendlr writing prompt asks (These are just an ask game for writing prompts but I do em with slendies!) OPEN.
Userbox requests (Like the ones in my pinned above!) OPEN If I'm doing a random thing for doodle/writing request/suggestions/etc there will be a link here to whatever it is! (Slendy outfit meme ask doodles!) (& slendy pair poses ask doodles!)
Additional links and info under the cut.
#jcposts - General posting tag
#jesteranswers - Ask tag
#jesterdraws - Art tag (some things have specific tags for fandom or non fandom works)
#jester writes - Writing tag
#jcrambles - General tag used for rambles and thoughts. Anything not tagged with the general tag.
#jestercodesbadly - Coding tag when applicable.
Things will also be tagged for CW's as needed
A03 main.
Ey/em/eir/eirself, Xe/xem/xyr/xemself
pink/pinks/pinkself (strictly lowercase), Xey/xem/xeir/xemself
Anddddd they/them/their/themself or none (just name or 3rd person like 'the Jester')
I like them being used interchangeably, go wild! Or ask if we prefer any at the time
I don't mind being tagged in tag games/picrews, may take some time to answer them.
Please do not send me the ask chains, they get repetitive (and not in an enjoyable way.) and are distressing. (Ex. send this to X people that make you happy, say 5 things you like and send to X people keep the chain going. Those types of asks.)
Dm's are open, I do not mind them but may take some time to answer. Just please don't be inappropriate.
I have discord as well as a Simply Plural. You are welcome to ask for either and if we are comfortable enough with you, I will give you the information to 'friend' on them.
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potionbarrel · 1 year ago
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something i drew for a bailey playlist! you can listen to that playlist here. self indulgent meanings for each song will be under the cut :-]
alphabet soup: bailey's thoughts on their parents when they're kicked out of the house as soon as they turned 18. they're relieved, they're terrified, they're weighed down by hatred and confusion. this song is them addressing that cruelty, angry at their treatment. apple pie: bailey starts a relationship w/ goldie & tries to use it as a bandaid for everything that happened to them, trying to convince themself that being loved will make everything better. paranormal: with dissociation and their nonhuman sides growing more and more intense by the day, bailey is losing touch with themself and who they wish they could be. struggling to feel like a person, battling dissociation, bailey wonders how can they be "tangible" enough for the polycule? do they have substance? you: following these periods of constant dissociation, bailey becomes apathetic, not taking care of themself, but justifies it by telling themself that because they can still care for and love their partners, that it’s okay. they're willing to wait out this low point because they have the three of them, they can weather this. coffee: bailey considers xemself dull, but tries to be “useful” to xeir partners regardless, overwhelmed by xeir perceived lack of worth. confess: catholic guilt: the musical. bailey tries hard to be the perfect partner, apologizing over and over for taking up space, confessing to everything they do “wrong.” dancing devil: a song meant to mirror how bailey talks to themself- the garden of eden is the farm they now have with their partners, but they regard themself as foolish for being so caught up in themself and past traumas that they can't even appreciate their freedom from their parents— they're trapping themself all over again, but this time, it's completely self-imposed. agoraphobia: bailey's been staying in the house all the time, directly following the lyrics in terms of their anxieties and how they're approaching these new low points. expressing their fear and their simultaneous acknowledgement and refusal of having a problem art school wannabe: starting to confront what's happened to them head-on, acknowledging that their problems aren't the end-all-be-all to their development as a person— they're not who their parents set them up to be. dear pressure: bailey's now being more honest with themself and partners about their avoidance of anything new, but simultaneously expressing how they want more for themself! why should they write themself off as this being the rest of their life? cold weather: they're so in love and in love with how much good they all do for each other, reflecting back on how much they've all grown by boosting each other up. how bailey has learned to let themself be loved in spite of feeling inadequate. grass eater: bailey owning up to their faults as just… part of the experience of being a person— "now i know i'm going to hell." embracing everything they've been ashamed of, or otherwise told to be ashamed of. the bottom shelf: bailey's happiness isn't going to come from other people or how they look at xem: happiness starts and ends with what bailey can offer xemself. xey work to stop giving xemself "shoulds." hello, good night: starting to hold onto a positive outlook- the bad is coming and going, but that means the good is, too. with their faults, bailey puts out just as much good, too. they can only be better.
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thecourtjester12 · 6 months ago
Tis I the Jester! They/them and Ey/em + (more under cut/feel free to ask if any are preferredat that time)
This is my main blog for the DCA fandom my pseudo main for anything else (@/jestersdlc) can be found here.)
This blog is a LGBTQIA+, Neurodiverse, and Systems safe space!
No bigotry, racism, sexism, ableism, TERF's, aphobia, syscourse, and anything else possibly missed. All in all be nice to each other and respect others please!
The Jester is an Atertiary (spec.) Autistic, Adult. And may not always use the /p tone tag but is ok with it being used towards me even when I don't use it.
I use the terms Friend/Familiar and moots interchangeably along with the term Dove as a platonic (or general) endearment.
PLEASE be direct with me (tone tags are helpful, but in gen just be direct about things like if you want to be/consider me a friend, if you are or aren't comfy with something, etc general rule just be direct it would be GREATLY appreciated.)
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I post art and writing to do with the DCA's and my own DCA Au's! Along with reblogging stuff for the DCA fandom (and occasional tag games when I get tagged on here.)
I love the DCA and the DCA fandom so I may occasionally reblog a lot but most stuff is queued! (Everyone's art and written works for canon and fanon of the DCA's is awesome!)
I have many Au's, most with outdated masterdoc's but you can find out a bit more on them from our old pinned post (Found here!) or you can send an ask about them! (Current Au focus is LSAU (The Lonely Star Au)
Asks are open, so feel free to send me some, I love to answer them. General rule be nice, no bigoty/hate/etc. Not fond of swearing but some is fine, just no slurs (and tone tags would be appreciated.) Nothing NSFW. Can be about au's, the DCA or anything in general as long as it's not inappropriate!
Questions are welcome.
I do make userboxes, feel free to ask about them! (Most of the one's above are made by yours truly!) Requests open and found here (Can be requested on this blog or that one)
Additional links and info under the cut!
#jesterposts - Any and all posts, general tag!
#jesterdraws - Any and all drawings, sketches, all art stuff (old tag was #jesterdoodles)
#jesterwrites - Any and all writing posts, be it wips, sneak peaks and finished works for A03 that are DCA/DCA au themed!
#jester rambles - Just random rants and tangents and whatnot that are just me rambling on whatever, anything that doesn't get tagged with the main gen tag will be tagged with this!
#jesteranswers - Ask tag!
Things will also be tagged for CW's as needed
A03 main.
They/them/their/themself and Ey/em/eir/eirself and none (just name or 3rd person like 'the Jester')
Xey/xem/xeir/xemself, xe/xem/xyr/xemself, andddd pink/pinks/pinkself (strictly lowercase) pronouns
I like them being used interchangeably, so go wild! Feel free to ask if we prefer any at that time.
I don't mind being tagged in tag games/picrews, may take some time to answer them. But would rather generally be tagged on out Pseudo main (but it's ok if you tag this one instead! ^-^)
Please don't send me the ask chains, they get repetitive (and not in an enjoyable way.) and are distressing. (Ex. send this to X people that make you happy, say 5 things you like and send to X people keep the chain going. Those types of asks.)
Dm's are open! I don't mind them, but may take some time to answer. Just please don't be inappropriate!
I have a discord as well as a Simply Plural. You are welcome to ask for either and if we are comfortable enough with you, I will give you the information to 'friend' on them. I'm not the most chatty with people on either unless I know you really well!
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pinkslenderfolk · 5 months ago
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Apologies for the delay in making this more...acceptable as an introductory. Wildcard is helping with the...technological aspect, how does this contraption work...?
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-General information-
Aliases: Pink, Ace(FUCK YA!), Orkidea (Only to be used by Icelandic), Magnolia (only select few may use), etc.
NEVER USE: Pinkie. I would also appreciate if you didn't use slurs.
Pronouns: Ey/em/eirs/emself. They/them is acceptable as an alternative. Gender neutral pronouns, and compliments hold no gender to me.
A 9ft tall bright pink mantid based slenderfolk with a penchant for conservative formal apparel and corsets. Please never talk me into heels again. Why do I need to list my description? And it's not conservative it's comfortable.
Genderqueer, demi-romantic/demi-queerplatonic/Ace. (And A-aesthetic) and partners with Icelandic Slenderwoman and platonic partners with Wildcard (THAT'S ME FUCKERS!) (Mod is interjecting to say both things only apply in character.)
And coparent to Aspen, Frost and Aster.
Pink is fond of sweets, pink and blue things and appreciates gifts. GIVE THEM SOME. That's not necessary, gifts are not needed....how do I delete that, Wildcard how do I delete it....thank you my ne m'oublie pas, fleur for not helping.
-Ooc addition-
Atropa ('Evil' Pink/Hero's and Villians Au) is still around and available to be bothered on @floralcard-slenders alongside any (future) au versions of Pink and Wc to keep their blocks just to themselves
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Hello, pleasure to meet you.
You may call me Pink as most address me as such, but most anything will do.
With a few...exceptions.
You are more than welcome to stop by for tea and a chat.
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My proxy/child Dahlia is also here. It uses it/its pronouns and fem terms, please be nice to it.
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OOC Mod status: Normal, slower on doodles
OOC under cut.
This blog is a slendlr roleplay blog.
General rules and info:
Mod is not a minor but would appreciate asks be nothing more then suggestive, flirting is allowed with Pink.
Mod uses Xey/xem/xeir/xemself and they/them pronouns.
Asks may be sent to Pink or Dahlia, magic anons are allowed. General rule of thumb, be nice, don't be bigoted and any hate will be deleted
(You are allowed to be mean to Pink and to bother them within reason as long as it's clear its for in character and not just to be a jerk to people like Mod or others.)
Shipping is also allowed.
If something is said or done in character that makes you uncomfortable or is too much during an interaction PLEASE let me know.
Blog may sometimes cover topics such as violence, death, cannibalism, threats, biting, and the occasional swearing. Things will be tagged as needed.
Fun stuff and mentioned Characters above outside this blog:
Pink's voice
Pink and Icelandic vibes Playlist (Mad by Pink Mod)
100 faces meme list (For doodles, Pink and Wildcard are both options for this (Icelandic, Aspen, Frost and Aster are up to their mods choice))
Slendlr writing asks (For writing prompts with Pink and/or Dahlia)
Together with you Animatic (Wildcard, Pink and Icelandic animatic :3)
A03 where mod sometimes puts slendlr oneshots and lore snippets
Wildcard - @/slenderofthewildcard
Icelandic - @/icelandic-slenderwoman
Aspen and Frost - @/asp3n--and--fr0st
Aster - @/little-aster
Tags list:
slendlr - general fandom tag
pink posts (some older ones are tagged pink posting) - general tag
dahlia posts (some older ones are tagged dahlia posting) - general tag
pink answers - ask tag
dahlia answers -ask tag
ooc post/mod post - out of character posting by mod
mod answers - out of character ask answered by mod
(Additional tags for when Mod remembers to use them....will be edited in later for older posts))
daisy - tag for asks/start of interactions with Icelandic in chara
m'oublie pas fleur - tag for asks/start of interactions with Wildcard in chara
snapdragon/sunflower/aster - tag for asks/start of interactions with Aspen, frost and aster respectively in chara
Lore events are sometimes also tagged with set tags but i do not remember them all (usually under the influence of magic anons ex. evil pink, pinks virtues and vices, etc)
Pink's text is normal font (and pink, it can also be bold/small/italics for emotional emphasis and red is generally angered)
Dahlia's text is in the fancy font and also pink.
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kerosene-saint · 1 year ago
Ghoul is sitting on the roof of the diner. Jet had told xem to maybe just try to take a moment to xemself to think about things. Xey said with full confidence that xey didn't need to do that, xey were perfectly fine exploding things rather than processing xeir emotions.
But here xey were, staring at the sun disappearing over the sand dunes in the distance. Somewhere in xeir mind xey recognized how stupidly cheesy this all was, but ignored the thought. Nothing big had happened in a little while, no major deaths of killjoys xey knew, no giant fights, no prank wars from other crayon boxes.
So instead xey decided to try to think about what another world would look like. A normal world. Xey thought about what xey would be like, xey think xey would play guitar, maybe be in a band. Maybe xey would still be a sweet tooth arsonist, maybe they would still be eccentric.
What about school? What would xey learn there? Xey remember reading a book about a kid that does band in school maybe xey would do that. Party would be an art kid, they always have some sort of pencil and paper when they can get their hands on 'em. Jet would be a theatre kid or maybe another band kid like Ghoul, maybe they would both be in a band together and travel the world. Kobra would be a choir kid or maybe even orchestra since he always talks about how he used to play violin when he lived in the city.
The world would look different too, there would be trees everywhere and green grass and clean water. Maybe Ghoul would go swimming every weekend during the summer months, go on camping trips, travel to new places. Xey would drive up mountains and on winding roads. Xey would see animals like deer and birds. So many things that Ghoul wished xey could have in this world.
Thought after thought poured into Ghoul's brain and so xey sat until the sun fully descended, leaving the sky pitch black with speckles of stars. Xey thought about an ordinary world.
(Box of Crayons: an affectionate term for a killjoy group)
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headmate-ideas · 1 month ago
Could wi get a pack for a jackal who has a cripplepunk and queerpunk aesthetic?
✦ Name(s): Iro, Mikey, Raven ✦ Pronouns: they/them, it/its, x/xs/xself, xey/xem/xeir/xeirs/xemself ✦ Species: jackal anthro ✦ Age: 21 ✦ Role(s): identity holder, trauma holder, symptom holder, medical headmate, symptom manager ✦ Labels: bisexual, gaybian, genderpunk, xenogender, kenochoric ✦ Xenos: music, death, the void ✦ Interests/likes: zines, gender coining, mobility aids ✦ Dislikes: bigotry ✦ Music taste: punk rock, folk punk, hardcore ✦ Aesthetic(s): cripplepunk, queerpunk, weirdcore, voidcore ✦ Kins: ravens, obsidian crystals, hyenas ✦ Emoji proxy: ♿🧷 ✦ Details:
Iro is a punk anthropomorphic jackal who feels strongly impacted by the system's queerness and physical disability. They hold trauma relating to these things, as well as any symptoms related to their disability that aren't purely physical. Iro handles medical appointments and manages the system's physical symptoms. It likes making zines about the system's queer and disabled experiences.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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moondragon618 · 8 months ago
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~ About Me ~
You can call me Moondra or Moon, Lunar/Luna, Cynder, Dream, or Reverie :) My pronouns are they/them, it/its, she/her, and multiple neos which I'll list here:
Feel free to use any of these or you can ask for my preference, but I'm not picky lol :)
I'm a bi + grey aroace genderfluid enby, I'm fine with all gender neutral terms, and gendered terms (excluding woman/man & female/male) are fine too especially if it's funny :) I'm also (self-diagnosed) ADHD + Autistic and have social anxiety- be warned I'm often very slow to respond to asks/reblogs/DMs/etc and that's probably why lmao. I'm also fictionkin with my kins being c!Dream/Divine c!Dream, Protegeinnit/Divine c!Tommy, and Cynder from the Legend of Spyro trilogy :)
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~ Interests ~
I'm currently a dsmp/c!primeboys enjoyer as you've probably noticed lmao, and I'm a fanfic writer and occasional sort-of artist :)
Some of my other interests include Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Undertale/Deltarune, the MCU (specifically Irondad lol), Markiplier/Unus Annus, and the Legend of Spyro trilogy (my first fandom <3)
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~ Some tags I use ~
c!prime thoughts for all of my c!Prime analysis posts :)
my writing which has all my fics + me talking about my writing lol
Immortal c!Prime- Immortal c!Prime AU (also includes Divine c!Prime where c!Dream becomes a god and makes c!Tommy into an angel)
Shapeshifter c!Dream AU (exactly what it sounds like lol)
Hybrid c!Prime AU (in which c!Dream in an ender dragon hybrid and c!Tommy is a cardinal avian)
ad infinitum :) - My c!Dream kin tag, also includes Immortal/Divine c!Prime :)
everlasting daydream ❤️- My Protegeinnit kin tag, technically also my Protege AU and c!Dream butterfly chat AU tag lol (though for the sake of organization I may make a separate tag for that later)
rp c!Prime :) - posts reblogged from my c!Prime RP blogs :)
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~ Before You Follow ~
First and foremost: I absolutely Do Not support cc!dream in any way. I enjoy c!Dream strictly as a fictional character. I completely understand if others personally find c!Dream posting uncomfortable and if that's you, then you might want to block me. If you harass me over this, or for not supporting cc!dream, or any other reason lol, enjoy getting blocked on sight <3
As for a DNI, I don't really care as long as you're not on some terf shit, generally just hateful and/or bigoted, super NSFW, or shipping incest or adult/minor ships (p*ppytwit/blr this means you too stay tf away from me istg). cc!dteam and cc!wilbur stans will also be blocked on sight, and same goes for c!Dream apologists I Do Not fucking trust you lmaooo
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~ Links ~
My Ao3
My Writing Masterlist (I desperately need to update this lmao)
My RP blogs:
c!Prime- @haver-of-wives & @your-eternal-nightmare
Divine c!Prime- @your-divine-nightmare & @/angel-of-reverie (this one's having some technical difficulties rn, tumblr stop immediately flagging it as explicit the second I try to remake it challenge (impossible difficulty))
Please check out Stemms, my beloved QPP <3333
Please check out Midnight, my wonderful friend <3
Anyway that is all enjoy my deranged fandom blog lmao :)
(Post dividers by @cafekitsune)
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revenant-coining · 11 months ago
Can i get some cannibal pronouns?
here ya go!
Cannibal 3rdpp (xey/xem/xeir/xeir/xemself):
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imaginemyshipswithme · 7 months ago
Story snippet from an AU of my self ship where @selinas-ships sister insert exists
AO3 link
Emlyn knew xey probably shouldn’t be wandering the castle, even if she did have some permission. Zane’s only real rule being not to go into his private quarters, not wanting snoops to acquire personal information about him. He was a generally private person. Though xey decided to entertain xemself with a walk around the castle.
Xey didn’t know what possessed xem to go a little deeper, but xey were feeling adventurous today and rounded the corner before xey spotted the staircase xey hadn’t noticed before. Curiosity had xem moving towards it, wondering where it led. Walking up the stairs, xey eventually happened upon a plain, wooden door. Xey try the knob, to find it was unlocked.
Opening the door, xey came upon what looked to be an attic of some kind. Intrigued, xey walked in and begin looking around. There were many old decorations and family heirlooms. It seemed pretty normal, if not crowded from how much stuff seemed to be crammed up here.
As xey continue to look around, xey found a large portrait lean against the wall. Xey walked a bit closer to get a better look. It was a family portrait of the Ro’Meave family. It was partially covered by a tarp, but xey could easily make out each person. Garte standing tall and stoic with Garroth and Vlad on either side of him. Zianna was mostly covered by the tarp with a younger Zane beside her. Emlyn smiled, intrigued by what appeared to be a happy royal family.
That was when something caught xeir eye. Someone’s hand seems to be on Zane shoulder and it didn’t look like his mother‘s hand. As carefully as xey could, Emlyn pulled on the tarp until it fell onto the ground what xey saw was definitely a young girl. Her hand was the one on Zane’s shoulder, while the girl’s other hand held Zianna‘s from behind.
The girl in the portrait had to be family, but xey don’t remember Zane ever mentioning a sister. With all the distain he felt for his brothers and father, xey were actually surprised he never brought her up. Did something happen to her?
Emlyn stood beside Zane as the Shadow Knights debrief him. Xey couldn’t really focus on what was being said. Curiosity plagued xem once again xey hadn’t even noticed the shadow knights leave until Zane address xem by name.
Emlyn immediately snap back to the present. “Hm? My apologies, what did you say?”
Zane just seems to sigh in slight annoyance as he looked at xem. “All right out with it. You clearly have something on your mind.”
Emlyn nearly flinched in embarrassment. Xey hadn’t realize xey were being any kind of obvious. He wasn’t going to like xeir answer, but since he asked, xey decided to get the answer xey were seeking.
“I want to start by apologizing. I may have taken the opportunity to explore the castle a bit,” xey paused, giving him a moment to digest what xey had said. He seemed only to remain neutral so xey continued. “So, I seemed to have stumbled upon your attic. My question is, who is the girl I saw in your family portrait? I don’t recall you ever mentioning having a sister.”
Emlyn waited for his reaction. Xey expected him to be mad at xem, to yell at xem about snooping around or to dismiss the question entirely. His unsettling silence did not reassure xem that he was not upset with xem. So when he finally did speak, xey were surprised when his tone was oddly calm.
He sighs, heavy and vaguely sad, "... my sister is a subject I don't often broach.” He seemed to pause trying to collect his thoughts. “Of all my siblings, Vivian was my favorite. Unfortunately, we lost her, during a storm at sea. When she died... she took the sun with her." He looked at xem with such a somber expression. This was different from when he spoke of his brothers. He must’ve really cared for her.
Emlyn felt a jab at her own heart. There was someone this man had cared about, loved even. What xey wouldn’t give to see a glimpse of what that Zane looked like. “She sounds like she was truly a treasure. I’m sorry for your loss.”
He seemed to just stare at her for a moment before he gives a dismissive huff, averting his gaze to the nearest window. “It’s all in the past now. I chose to pave way for a more prospective future.”
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bug-oc · 2 years ago
Bug Fables OC Tournament Round 3
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Lorlei (xey/xem) from @flame-shadow
Lorlei grew up in the Giant's Lair roach village. While not much of a fighter xemself, xey wanted to protect xeir village and so helped work on building traps and keeping the constructs functional. One day, xey found some crystal shards, and between those and some random human items, xey eventually made the multipen weapon, designed to kill or at least severely damage deadlanders. Each cartridge contains element-aligned crystals inside a stabilizing fluid, and they're conveniently color-coded to show which element is within which cartridge. (Yellow is electricity, red is fire, blue is water for cleansing, to name a few)
Xey are strongly against using xeir weapon on other bugs except under dire circumstances, so xey have the multipen synced to the gem on xeir caplet so that only xey can operate the weapon.
After the events of the game, Lorlei is one of the roaches who ventures into Bugaria to explore and experience new places and people. Gina, an ant, finds xem, helps xem out, and keeps xem company. Together, they get into and out of trouble as they go on adventures.
Argentum (he/him) from @alagadda
Argentum is a beautiful silver wasp (Priochilus gloriosum) and a mercenary, assassin, and bounty hunter. He appeals to those who would seek his illicit services because he does his job without asking questions. He's very impersonal during work but much more open and emotional in everyday life. He's a real prick, honestly.
He takes the mandibles off his victims as proof of a job well done, but he often makes necklaces out of them and keeps them as trophies because there's something deeply wrong with him. He also loots all his victims corpses so his husband can sell off their belongings.
He's in a surprisingly healthy and loving marriage with Aurum, a golden reined digger wasp (Sphex habenus) ex-explorer, who became disillusioned with life after almost dying in search of the Everlasting Sapling. They both reside in Defiant Root where Aurum runs a shop to sell off the aforementioned looted goods, but he wants both of them to eventually move to the Golden Settlement. Aurum loves his husband deeply even if he's completely out of his mind and thinks wearing body parts as trophies is cool. He wants Argentum to do literally anything else as a job, but still loves and supports him.
He attacks with his prized blade, poisoned with his own venom and made by Aurum from the mandible of his first victim.
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squarebracketsmileyface · 1 month ago
*raises hand* question, would the ‘them’ version of xe be xem? would that make ‘they’ xey or just xe? i dont have any friends that use xe pronouns so i’m very unfamiliar with them and i just want to make sure im using the correct variants 😵‍💫
No worries at all, neopronouns can be confusing lol, I literally got my own wrong so much when I first started using them. I personally use xe/xem/xeir/xeirs/xemself
They went to the shop — Xe went to the shop
That's them over there — that's xem over there
That's their coat — that's xeir coat
That hat is theirs — that hat is xeirs
They can't see themself in a mirror — xe can't see xemself in a mirror (vampire lol?)
Though I have seen other people use xey/xem rather than xe/xem, so it just kinda depends on the person :]
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