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custom-pronoun-pins · 2 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ID: Thirty button designs against transparent backgrounds, showing a lavender sky, an unside down crescent moon, and tiny white four pointed stars.
Each design has different black text over top, written in the font demo Black Anemone, in all caps.
In order from top to bottom and left to right, they read:
"Any pronouns". "Any neopronouns". "Any pronouns bu he". "Any pronouns be it". "Any pronouns but they". "Any pronouns but she". "Ask for my pronouns". "Lets share pronouns". "What are your pronouns?". "Ae-aem". "Ae-aer". "De-ir". "E-em". "He-him". "It-its". "She-her". "They-them". "Ti-tik". "Ve-ver". "Wa-wir". "Xey-xem". "Zy-zym". "He-she-it-they". "Trans Rights". "Death to America". "This is what an aphorian looks like". "This is what a lesbian looks like". "This is what a nonbinary looks like". "This is what a transexual looks like". "This is what a transfemasc looks like".
End ID.]
This is a small sample of the designs I made for this background, the rest can be found on the web archive and will appear on Redbubble!
As with all my designs, you are encouraged to download / save these to your device to use as icons, in headers, moodboards, ect! You are also welcome to print them out and make your own buttons or shirts if you have the resources!
If you sell them, please consider leaving a donation to the web archive!
Web archive link where you can download the HD ones: "https://archive.org/details/in-the-cradle-of-the-moon-pin-button-designs"
Black Lives Matter designs will be available on the web archive in this collection, but I will not sell them since I have no business profiting off of that slogan.
Requests are always open, and you can feel free to request more pronouns / phrases for these pins!
Designs are no longer available on Redbubble, as they've started actively stealing money from artists. Sorry for the inconvenience. You are, as always, encouraged to save these designs to use as icons or in other art, and you are encouraged to print them out and make your own shirts or buttons if you're able to.
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neopronouns-in-action · 4 months ago
Neopronouns in Action #093: Posession
Neopronouns: xey/xem/xeir/(xeirs)/xemself, and eth/eths/ethself which follow the same rules as they/them/their/(theirs)/themself, and it/its/itself.
Replace they with xey
Replace them with xem
Replace their with xeir
Replace theirs with xeirs
Replace themself with xemself
Example paragraphs:
"They are going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as they get a fence set up around their yard so the puppy can go outside without them having to walk it. Their uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting them use, since they lost theirs. They're going to buy toys and train the puppy themself.”
"Xey are going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as xey get a fence set up around xeir yard so the puppy can go outside without xem having to walk it. Xeir uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting xem use, since xey lost xeirs. Xey're going to buy toys and train the puppy xemself.”
"It is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as it gets a fence set up around its yard so the puppy can go outside without it having to walk it. Its uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting it use, since it lost its. It's going to buy toys and train the puppy itself."
"Eth is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as eth gets a fence set up around eths yard so the puppy can go outside without eth having to walk it. Eths uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting eth use, since eth lost eths. Eth's going to buy toys and train the puppy ethself."
Pontedyria sat on xeir bed, clutching the notebook to xeir chest.
Xey had just gotten to the final page, and there was no more paper left to keep notes on. Not even if xey went back to the start, where xey had started off with bigger, less efficient handwriting, to fill in the margins. No, xey'd already done that, and the latter pages of the notebook had already had every available space filled in.
Diagrams, calendars, tallies, theories, and meticulous note of everything xey'd noticed that could have come from the same source. Some parts xey had crossed out, some xey'd covered with whiteout and put more notes on top of when the original proved wrong or irrelevant.
Xey'd tested some of xeir theories out, and most of the earlier ones hadn't held any water. But the months had passed and xey had kept up xeir observations and note-taking, and now xey were sure of it. And the closer and closer xey'd gotten to this final theory, the more tests had turned out with the right answers.
And now the notebook had finally been filled up, with no more space left to use. There were no more tests xey could run and record.
No more excuses left to keep avoiding the truth that xey knew now, without any doubt left.
Xeir kindling was dead, had died over a year ago back on that family camping trip, and eths body was being puppeted around by a demon.
It explained everything. Pontedyria had gone through every possibility, and this was the only one that fit all the symptoms. Eth wasn't just a moody teenager who didn't want to clean eths room or do eths chores or hang out with eths kindzilla anymore. That wouldn't explain the rest of the changes — like the fact that eths eyes reflected light like an animal, and sometimes even glowed in the dark when the demon posessing eths body thought no one was in the room to notice. Pontedyria had snuck back down into the living room and kitchen multiple times over the past few months to wait and watch the almost guaranteed nocturnal visits the demon made to the refrigerator when everyone was supposed to be asleep.
And xey had watched multiple times, in disgust and horror, as the demon had opened the fridge, taken out the carton of eggs, and just started eating them.
It had first tried eating them whole, but had figured out that was easier said than done in eths body. Pontedyria could only assume that whatever this demon looked like in its natural form, it could probably unhinge its jaw. If it were some kind of snake or serpent, that could explain a lot of the other behavior xey'd noticed, like the way it was constantly seeking out outside sources of heat, instead of just putting on warmer clothes.
After it had figured out that shoving whole raw eggs into eths mouth was too difficult, (It had literally been grumbling to itself about how useless the human mouth was) it had started using a bowl, and smashing the eggs into peices with a fork before drinking all of it down, shells and all.
It stole other food too, and ate all of it raw. It took the giant pack of steaks out of the back of the freezer that dad had been "saving" for a party for close to four years, and ate every single one of them over the course of a few days, thawed them by running some of them them under hot water in the sink, or shoving the rest into the microwave, canceling the timer just a moment before it would have gone off.
When fath and dad had gone grocery shopping recently enough that there was still sliced lunch meat in the fridge, the demon devoured almost all of it within a day or two, and seemed to only be avoiding eating it all at once to keep up the pretense that the food was being used up at a reasonable rate.
And all of this it had done in the darkness, with only the light from the fridge or the microwave to show it, and once, when the power had been out, its eyes had glowed red, bright enough to illuminate the counter in front of it.
It had never noticed Pontedyria, hiding under the kitchen cabinet to peer out through the uneven gap between the doors. It had never realized that there was a witness to its nighttime wanderings or its raiding of the fridge. It had never realized that anyone else in the house knew who was eating all the eggs and lunch meat. It even ate the bones of the rotisserie chickens they sometimes got from the store.
Pontedyria hadn't been able to eat anything with meat in it for over a year now unless xey went out and got it from a fast food place, or ate at a friend's house. And fath and dad had just shrugged when xey had first pointed out the unfairness of eth eating everything — back when xey had still just thought eth was being a normal grouchy, hungry teenager — and they said that it was just part of being a teenager, and that xey had done the same thing when xey'd been going through puberty, and they could always buy more. As long as it wasn’t going to waste, they were happy.
By the time Pontedyria had figured out that it wasn't just the lunchmeat going missing, and had made xeir first horrified discovery of the thing that looked like, but did not act like eths kindling eating whole raw eggs, xey had been too afraid to complain anymore.
At first xey had thought that maybe eth had been bitten by a werewolf, and was unknowingly infected with lycanthropy. But the full moons came and went, and eth never transformed. That would have been impossible to hide. And there were no reports of unrecognized werewolves running around, and none of the other signs of lycanthropy matched.
And everything Pontedyria had been able to find out about demons said they were extremely dangerous and unpredictable, so angering it would be disasterous.
So far it hadn't seemed to have hurt anyone besides xeir poor kindling, but there was no telling what it got up to when Pontedyria couldn't watch it. Xey had to sleep, and couldn't spend all xeir time following it around. There were hours out of every day where the demon could do who knows what, and those hours added up to a lot of time for horrible things to happen since the camping trip. Pontedyria hadn't noticed anything was supernaturally wrong until nearly two months after it had begun.
And for those first two months the demon would have had completely free reign to do whatever it wanted whenever it wanted, because Pontedyria hadn't started spying on it yet.
It might not have hurt any other people that xey knew it, but neighborhood cats had been disappearing all year without a trace, and too often to be just explained away by the usual amount hit by cars or killed by coyotes.
The colony Mr. and Mrs. Rousseau managed had been decimated, with what had started out as more than sixty known cats now dwindled down to just three — and the Rousseaus had finally given in to their panic and brought them into their own home to protect them just last week.
Everyone else in town thought it was some sort of serial killer of cats, the way that had happened once in England. But only Pontedyria knew the truth — the demon that had possessed xeir kindling was killing and almost certainly eating them.
Xey had no proof of this; xey hadn't found any evidence for it, but xey knew in xeir gut it was true. If the demon was willing to eat raw eggs and beef, why wouldn’t it eat a cat? It went along with everything else the demon had done so far, and who else would be so evil as to kill innocent feral cats who weren't hurting anyone?
While eth had still been alive, eth'd insisted cats should always be kept inside, because they wrecked havoc on the native wildlife, but now eth was dead, and the demon that had posessed eths body seemed to be taking eths misguided wishes in life to the extreme in eths death. It could only be some kind of sick joke on the demon's part, corrupting eths naivety and turning it into murderous cruelty.
Maybe the demon had tricked eth into allowing ethself to be possessed — had promised to follow eths wishes, and then had killed eth once the deal was struck, with eth having no way of knowing how horribly those wishes would be twisted. That's how it always happened when people made a deal with the Devil on TV, and from what Pontedyria had found in xeir research, demons were pretty much the basis for the Devil in the first place, at least as far as popular culture went.
The more Pontedyria thought about it, the more and more convinced xey became that that's what had happened — the demon had promised to help eth fulfil all eths wishes, and then killed eth and taken over eths body. And now, either because it thought it was funny, or because it had some sort of real obligation, it was going out and doing a twisted version of what eth would have wanted.
Eth had insisted on keeping Crow inside, and went off on shouting matches if Pontedyria or any of xeir friends let him out, to the point that it wasn't worth the hassle of doing so anymore. Eth had always gotten so angry about other people letting their cats roam free outside, and now the demon posessing eth was making sure they'd never free roam again.
Pontedyria had been keeping Crow inside at first just to stop eth from hassling xem, but now xey were keeping him inside because xey were afraid that if he went out, the demon would eat him. So far, no cats who were kept inside had disappeared, not even
And it wasn't just the free roaming cats disappearing that fit the theory of some sort of deal gone wrong. Almost all the oversized truck owners in town had not only their tires slashed, but the engines literally torn apart overnight. And every recognizable car owned by someone that had ever almost run eth or Pontedyria over in the crosswalk soon met a similar fate.
No one else had connected the dots like Pontedyria had, because no one else had spent nights sitting up in a pillow fort plotting revenge on all the owners of the cars they could recognize for trying to hit them on their way to school, or screaming insults at them out the window when they didn’t sprint across the road like it was the end of the pacer test.
All of this had been going on for almost a whole year now. It was almost the anniversary.
From what Pontedyria had been able to find, most cases of possession were viable for a year and a day, and then they had to be renewed with another ritual, which had to take place in the same spot the posession originally began.
It was going to be Halloween in just four day's time. A year and a day since xeir kindling had been killed and possessed by the demon that now walked around in xeir body doing horrible things. Almost a whole year since Pontedyria had become an only child. Almost a whole year since xeir parents hadn't realized one of their kids was dead.
And xeir notebook, which xey'd hoped would tell them how to fix things and put things back the way they were before, was filled up, without any more space to put anything. And xey still didn't have any solution.
There were no magical stones that would banish a demon and bring the dead body it possessed back to life. The only ones who could bring people back to life could only do it twice a year, on the winter solstice, and they charged billions of dollars for their service. And they wouldn't banish the demon without charging even more money. And they all lived on the other side of the country. And Pontedyria didn't even have a hundred dollars to xeir name, let alone billions.
Xey hadn't told xeir parents. Xey hadn't told any of xeir friends. Xey hadn't even confronted the demon itself. Xey had been hoping that something would just miraculously happen that would fix everything. A special comet that would catch the demon in its gravity and carry it back out into space. A sudden surprise visit from some celebrity demon-hunter. Some random adult who knew what they were doing catching onto what was happening and fixing everything without Pontedyria having to do anything.
But nothing had happened. No miracle had dropped out of the sky to fix things for xem.
The demon was still possessing xeir kindling, and xeir kindling was still dead. Had died when eth got lost that night during the camping trip, and had only been found the morning after, bruised and freezing cold, with some story about falling into the river and getting turned around, with no one realizing that eth was already dead, and it was a demon speaking with eths voice and moving eths body.
There were just four days left to figure out some way to save xeir kindling, if eth could be saved at all.
And staring down at that useless, crammed notebook, Pontedyria couldn't think of a single thin xey could do to help. All xey could do was sit there, and stare, and despair.
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