#xe is so confused
thatonegaybrit · 9 days
; ramble / mini rant beloww ↓↓
; so in a discord where they don't know gri is trans && only know xim as myles who uses he / him and is it it weird to say it feels more genuine ?? like when ppl who know xe is trans use he / him for grim, it's not that xe is not grateful && euphoric towards it, but it feels like .. different ?? is probably bc gri overthinks things a lot but .. when ppl in this server call xim myles && use he / him for grim, gri feels moreso. valid and respected .. ? xe has described ximself as " queer " to them but never explicitly said what kind of queer, so yah .. but wdk, gri is having very confusing emotions /neu
; but also gri is very used to hiding ximself, covering up aspects && watering grimself down to be more palatable. xe only js started using xe / grim, talking in 3p && we / us more frequently on here && this is xes personal tumblr for crying out loud !! it's not like this is twitter or tiktok .. but gri isn't sure ab this server, xe loves it && has had many good moments. but with how gri is xe knows it's very unlikely all 190 ppl there will accept every aspect of xim, which xe doesn't expect them too !! it's js sightly sad that xe can't be fully grimself everywhere, gri notices little comments xe is uncomfortable w ( many " YOU'RE A PSYCHOPATH " and " delulu much ?? " comments .. ) which gri knows they likely don't know better but that's not the point yk .. but xe is no surprised, && it's to the extent is bearable. Besides this is probably most fun server gri found so far ..
; honestly gri doesn't know where xe is going w this, js needs to get it out somewhere yk ?? anyways. xe might start using signoffs on grims posts .. !! kinda like anon signoffs you see, gri thinks it makes xim comfortable, which is no.1 priority. also may revamp this blog a little because uhhhmm xe js wants too .. !! not now tho gri is busy next 2 days max probablyyy .. xe appreciates you reading this far, dunno why but tyyyyy for listening. gri hopes you have a really amazing time, and even if you don't xe is so super proud of you okk ?? don't be afraid of being yourself, no reason to be in fear of living. is a gift from the world that you're here and myles loves you in all you are sm <3
- ⭐🦊
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torgwn · 2 years
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something i made last month (id in alt)
pronouns are xe/xem/xyr or xey/xem/xyr or they/them
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pyrepostings · 1 month
Conditioned whumpee, whose caretaker is trying to convince xem it's ok to take off the collar now that whumper's gone.
Whumpee decides, in xeir head, that xey could explain to whumper if xey are recaptured that xey downgraded xeir collar because whumper wasn't there to give orders. See, xey still wore a collar, it's just made out of leather instead of gold. See, xey didn't think for a moment xey could be free.
And this way, Caretaker can be satisfied about aer "progress" in the meantime.
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teapot-of-tyrahn · 1 month
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I humbly request an Esmp 1 Pearl (vs Xornoth maybe?)
Galaxy Duo ftw!
The Ruler of Gilded Helianthia had always loved to fight. Xornoth knew this well. The Farmer Queen had an unquenchable thirst for battle, a yearning for a challenge, a gallantry which had made her fearless and puerile when they'd first met. Even when it had sent ravagers, vexes, illusionists, strays, blazes… even when her Empire had begun to burn to the ground around her, rooftops ablaze and every crevice filled with craters, she had still treated it all as a game. As if his attack was nothing more than a sparring session, a brief skirmish, a squabble. Xe had thought her to be fatuous, at first, foolish for trying to provoke a demon which could fling her thousands of blocks into the air at the flick of a wrist into one-on-one combat, a reckless ruler with a death wish. He had thought her taunts had been nothing but ridiculing reviles —  “Ooh, baby zombie! The most threatening thing so far-", “Xornoth, can you come around more often? Like, I’m having a great time right now!” —  the likes of which had gotten under xir skin more than it wanted to admit… but that wasn't the case. She hadn't been deriding it: worse. She had been humouring them. She sincerely hadn't been taking him seriously. She hadn't been afraid. Not of death; not of xem, not of lava, heights or sorcery. She was fearless. All she cared about was having a fun fight. In some ways, Xornoth respected this. In others, however, he wanted to take advantage of it. Like xe had taken advantage of his other underlings' lust for power, it was hoping they could distort her adversarial nature into bloodlust for his own gain. It didn't seem like it would be a difficult stretch to turn her vigour into vindictiveness. Unfortunately, despite xir and Sausage's efforts, it had been for naught. The Moon's morality had been surprisingly unshakeable, her loyalty to her alliance impossible to subvert or suborn. It was a shame, really; it would have loved to have such a powerful Emperor in their arsenal, but alas, it hadn't been meant to be. The Sunflower Queen hadn't been entirely nugatory, however. The Mythland Arena Massacre truly had been a spectacle. The only thing he regretted about the event is that it had to be a ruse. Truly, it would have loved to fight her again, to test both of their mettle and mold. But he had bigger plans to attend to. Plans xe couldn't allow The Ruler of Smallholding to interrupt. And, so, it had to get her out of the way. They wouldn't kill her, though, no; after all she had done for it? That would be unjust. She deserved a reward for her assistance. And xe knew the perfect one. He'd give her exactly what she had wanted. The Ruler of Gilded Helianthia had always loved to play games. The Ruler of Gilded Helianthia had always loved to fight. And, so, it would send her to a play a game where she could fight to her hearts' content, where she could really be challenged. A game of a death; a game to the death. A dream come true for her… almost too literally. A dream she wouldn't know was true. Sweet dreams, Farmer Queen. Watch out for the boogeymen beneath your bed.
— — —  i can't be the only one INSANE about how xornoth was CANNONICALLY implied to be responsible for sending esmp1 pearl to last life / the life games ,,,,, that he trapped her in a coma, a sleep that lasted so long that when she woke up her kingdom filled with cobwebs ,,,,,, ANYWAY GALAXY DUO FTW !!!
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junebuggeryy · 2 years
i need you to know that i love Xeno with my whole heart, everytime i think of like one of my favorite characters i think about xer. Freaking beloved <3
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well now look at what you've done. xe's going to be making that face all day.
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dailycruppy · 1 year
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(Day 24) seems Cruppy has become friends with one of the Macaw siblings, Verde! Oh? Seems Verde has confused Owen to be Cruppy’s guardian
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skhardwarevers1 · 7 months
[ig there's no point in being on anon since you know who i am now lol]
do you have a voice claim for the hotliner?
uuuhhhhh I think last I checked (aka when I made a bunch of voice claims that I’m not to sure about now) it was blue pearl from Steven universe….
but now I feel like xe lands a bit more like Helly R. From severance….or maybe Cobel (also from severance)? Idk the Hotliner gives me innie vibes…you don’t know what that means I don’t think but that’s okay.
It can really be either the old one or one of the newer ones I associate with xe’s voice, to me it fits somewhere between all that with minor considerations floating around…
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kr9vorebeazt · 7 months
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When ur Regretevator OC is a draconic version of a default Xbox Roblox avatar
Anyways, behold, and witness, the dragon who keeping the whole treasure since their medieval ages
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magicdyke · 2 years
theoretically the idea of being a masculine woman is so awesome to me, but whenever i see anything posted by my family referring to me with "she," my vision develops chromatic aberration and i start hearing a really loud buzzing noise and a fog starts rolling in
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angeltism · 1 year
The idol adorned in blue has begun having dreams related 2 b.g3 (specifically asta.rion but is that a surprise to literally anybeing)
What is happening to xer. She hasn't loved (obsessed over) a piece of media like this in so long. Aaaaaaaaaa ♡♡♡
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steampunk-raven · 5 months
oh fuck I just realized how hilariously plural coded one of my main dnd characters is
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objectsarebestest · 3 months
I wanted to make a post about this because it’s really frustrating me.
Xenopronouns are a type of pronoun that cannot be understood by human language. An example is a pronoun that is a pattern of flashing lights (like a firefly) or a pronoun in sign language, but you need four arms to sign it. They can also be things like the sensation of electricity, the sound of glass shattering, etc. that humans can’t produce. They are primarily used by nonhumans.
What about pronouns like star/stars, raccoon/raccoons, or green/greens? Those are nounself pronouns, not xenopronouns. I don’t know where the confusion comes from. Maybe from the fact that these pronouns are usually used by xenogender people and “xenogender pronouns” gets shortened to xenopronouns. The truth is that any gender can use any pronouns, so associating nounself pronouns with xenogenders is just wrong.
One of my new companions wants to use xenopronouns to accentuate xir nonhumanity, and I’m trying to find resources about those pronouns to better understand my companion and figure out how to refer to xem (xe said I could use xe/xem as an aux). But the xenopronouns tag is flooded with people tagging posts about nounself pronouns with xenopronouns. It makes it very hard to find posts about actual xenopronouns.
Please don’t push xenopronoun users out of their own tag. If that tag becomes basically unusable, where else are they supposed to go? It’s not that hard to tag a post about nounself pronouns with #nounself pronouns instead of #xenopronouns.
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infizero · 2 years
fun fact when i was in 6th/7th grade and first sort of learning about lgbt stuff i somehow seemed to get the impression that xe/xer pronouns were the like “default” pronouns for all nonbinary people and didnt seem to even know that they/them pronouns were a thing
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thatdeadaquarius · 8 months
I have a random idea for some sagau crack loosely based on my dynamic with my friend so Im giving it to you because I have been enjoying your sagau language stuff :D
Imagine there are two readers that are two different people. Like, not as in clones they are just two separate people that are rlly good friends on earth. They both really like genshin and play the game, and they both have self aware teyvat citizens. Reader 1 is a whale. They invest a l o t of money on the game, have all the characters, and all the characters have five star weapons. They are like the usual sagau reader you see. They have used up so much money on getting all of the characters, and I mean A L L of them, best weapons, constellations and put a lot of care into it. The place where they really get to show off is their knowledge and love for the lore, and are really invested into it and read all of the artifact descriptions and books. They know about primordial one, the four shining shades, random useless facts about items and often rant to reader 2 about their theories. Their quest bar is always empty because they did them to check out the lore of the game, and are always searching for more lore. They basically play everyday and are always reacting and talking to the characters out loud, unaware that they can hear them.
Meanwhile, Reader 2 is a f2p who is only interested in the archon quest lore and the lore of their fav characters. Because they are f2p, their options are limited so there is some blatant favoritism. They choose their fav character to save up for, and then pull for them. After they get the character they want, they will no longer pull and save up from there. Because of this, they only have like 5 five stars and only have zero five star weapon. Their favourite character is their main(*cough* wanderer *cough*), and unlike reader 1 who uses all of their characters regularly, reader 2 sticks to this character for most of their gameplay unless they need to use someone else. However, reader 2 takes almost an entire month to finish building a character, because they go overboard with the artifact stats. You would expect to normally have a 50 180 crit ratio, but reader 2’s dps characters always, and I mean ALWAYS have 50 200 crit ratio or more. Like, their main (it doesnt have to be wanderer but Im putting him here anyways) has 70 and 200 crit ratio, is crowned, full 4 pc best in slot, and is even crowned and faruzan only needs like 200 er but reader 2 gave them 300. (Im totally not putting this here because this is what I did/j) Reader 2 is also the type to never speak while gaming, so the first time they spoke everyone turned it into a national holiday to be celebrated. They also play a lot less than player 1. Player 1 plays everyday while player 2 plays for a month straight and then takes a long break to wait for the content to pile up.
So these two gremlin besties are always speaking with each other, and are always on coop. Whenever player 1 needs help making team comps or building characters, they just ask player 2 for help. And whenever player 2 needs help understanding the lore of the game, they ask player 1. But all I can think abt is the first time they cooped. Imagine player 1 was using childe and then when the coop starts, both childe and wanderer are very confused as to wtf is going on. Like, childe is confused because he sensed a strange aura coming form them like whenever someone gets controlled by reader 1, and wanderer is confused because reader 2 seemed so excited that they were talking, but its just childe? Reader 2 always skips childe’s banners.
Thats it lol, hope this wasnt too long.
Not long at all! Or more like, I like long asks so feel free to share! :D
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Said friends in genshin like: ^^^
this kinda inspires me/reminds me of @mists-reading-nook soldier/poet/king post, you should check xe stuff!! Gave me brainrot to this day tbh, like im imaging how that “3rd King style of worship” would look like even now lmao ive been down bad 😭
Sun: 2 Readers! (as desc. above), (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: wanderer/childe, mentions of others i forgot to focus on any one character or nation :/
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing language, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
dual symbolism everywhere, obv you both thought “for the twins” but it just kept getting out of hand the more the game updated over the months lol
like shrines/temples/churches showing up more often in new countries/areas and always identifying the same 2 gods
obv the for-the-lore player picked up on it first, and by the time the trickle-down effect happened, where characters/NPCs were outright talking about these gods, the 2nd was asking the lore knower to explain lol
the 2 gods kept getting referred to by a few names, like “The Soldier and the Scholar” or “The Sage and the Warrior” or “The Keeper and the Pursuer” etc.
after awhile of comparing both of your games, you realize that some vision users/gods tend to use the soldier/warrior/pursuer titles more often when talking about one of you, and the other gets the sage/scholar/keeper more often
u both get excited, maybe its bc you chose diff travelers or some other reason, but when u try and post abt it or otherwise ask other players u get a lot of negatives/”hasnt happened for me”s??
u both just think the games glitched or some dev is playing a prank on you two maybe,
it gets weirder when u both realize the lore player be over here getting random gifts from all the characters in the mail all the time
and just as grinding players like “ :’( my favs don't like me?? but they have the best artifacts and maxed friendship levels..”
they get flooded with multiple gifts from their main characters, most of which benefit the grind tbh lmao (like a bunch of cheaper materials or crystals to level up artifacts/weapons or to ascend that character = no more slaughtering every samurai on sight for their handguards or collected a fuckton of those blue layered mushrooms for wanderer)
god u were both grateful to this glitch ngl, it saved a lot of dumb misc tasks and was just a nice touch
no but the amount of confusion inside the game from when u first started playing together, like each of ur games began with stuff abt 1 god, then as u co-oped moved onto 2 gods (like said at the beginning)
the lore player is blabbing away like you do, which begins to be heard by the other player’s game world
like it starts as whispers in battle, then all the time, then a quiet convo in the background all the time, until they can just hear u out of earshot esp word for word when they focus!! at first the vision-users/gods got all excited bc their god was speaking!! finally!!! until I'm sure they heard narration that didn't fit/it was there sometimes even when their god’s presence wasn't?/voice sounded “off” to them/didnt fit their god…??
ok ik u were joking abt the national holiday,,, but I’m not. 😈
Player 1, playing as Childe, steals a singular (1) sweet flower from Player 2, who has Wanderer out:
P2: “I seriously hate you. Listen to what I’m saying, I can’t stand you.”
(Wanderer panicking that its abt him- Childe freezing bc he managed to piss off a god that feels as powerful as his own- the PROPHECY LMAO- )
P1: “… you miss me.”
(everyone else: 💥vine boom sound 💥😦😨😰???)
P2: “I hate you.”
P1: “You miss me and you love me, why must we fight??”
(everyone else: 💥vine boom again💥🤨🫠??…)
P2: “I hate you-”
P1: “-we gotta good thing going on, you and I, why must we tussle??”
(everyone else: 💥yet another vine boom💥 💀💀)
(the absolute deep anxiety/pure confusion as the two harbingers heads just ping pong back and forth towards the voices lmao)
u two scare the shit out of any characters u do this with lol
they do get used to it as u talk, and the characters even manage to interact (thru hacking magical shenanigans and discord)
to send thank you gifts to player 1 for getting player 2 to talk more lol
along with sending copies of any lore books that player 2 has gotten that player 1 hasn't!
and it becomes common/tradition to exchange gifts like this to thank or appreciate the other god, like player 1 characters sending thank you gift copies of rare materials or ascension stuff that player 1 had that player 2 didn't (esp making sure to send during resinless hours lmao)
overall, 10/10, whats better than 1 god that plays one way? 2 gods that compensate for each other and now u have 2x the worshippers
(i wonder how meeting alternate versions of themselves would go, bc id like to headcanon that each of ur behavior towards them/ur unique influence has changed them a bit comparing, like they arent carbon copies anymore, not like they used to be…)
hey sorry for slowing down guys!!
i just feel bad its taken me forever to get to these asks, so i wanted to take what time i could lately and charge thru them so i could spam post lol
I've also been working on fics! so that's delayed things by a lot, bc fics take longer to “respond to” than short asks or replies
my poor bsd fic
Anyway thank you so much for sending this in!!! I'm so sorry i took forever to get to it, and i hope u enjoyed response/my brain shitting this out lol
have a good weekend!! :D
Safe Travels Anon!!
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adrenalineaquaries · 10 months
Something I was randomly thinking of while scrolling through the 'Humans are space orcs' tag.
Aliens are perplexed about a human's physical abilities and appearance (and mental strength but that's for another time), right?
I want to know how humans react to this knowledge. I want to see a human struggling to comprehend why aliens find humans scary. Aliens. The galactic creatures that have tentacles, horns, multiple eyes, could be insanely tall, have claws, sharp teeth, yada yada. And yet humans terrify them? Humans. These short, fleshy creatures that have limited ability with their skinny legs and their small fingers. These squishy beings that can barely understand their own species and can (almost) never get along. These weird abominations that either don't die despite falling off of a mountain side or instantly destroys half of their bodily system by falling down a few flight of stairs.
Of course, humans are the one's thinking this way. Many of them don't consider themselves to be anything special or even interesting and then suddenly, aliens think that they are amongst the most vicious creatures in the universe??? They don't understand why??? And there’s just confusion on both sides.
I'm just rambling at this point but I really just wanted to write this down.
Also bonus:
"You...think I'm scary?" The human pointed to xemself.
Tynid nodded. How could xe not? Humans were scarily powerful. They were durable, had good endurance, fast, agile, strong, a predator, and were venomous. Xe is just scratching the surface, if xe was being honest. So why did the human look so...unsure?
"I...really don't get why you all are scared. I mean, look at you!" The human gestured to Tynid. "You're tall, have horns, has a tail that could probably snap my bones in one swing- just." The human fell silent.
"I'm...we're not that scary, we can't be that scary compared to other sentient life out there. It just doesn't make sense..."
Tynid didn't know how to feel. Why is the human so convinced that xe wasn't scary? Why is xe so convinced that they were all scarier? Was xe unaware of xes own prowess? Were all humans like this?
-cutting it off here because I don't know how to write sci-fi; also cus I don't know what I'm doing-
Also, what do aliens think of countries and the different languages? I'm curious what would happen if an alien met someone from the Nordic countries or from Southeastern Asia or from an African country. Just some food for thought.
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