#xavier thorpe x y/n
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your-favorite-god · 2 years ago
hear me out
i actually give background to my incorrect quotes, and they aren't sporadic trash? Would that not be the most fun thing!
Fic prologue HERE
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Like Wednesday insert, please welcome y/n! She's fae, found the Addams when Wednesday was playing in the forest (burying puglsey alive), and decided to stick with this entertaining mortal child thing! Total yandere enabler, her and Wednesday become attached at the hip (Wednesday will NOT leave poor y/n alone but y/n doesn't mind cuz Wednesday brings her shiny and/or dead things) flashforward to when Wednesday releases piranhas in the pool and y/n poisons the principal when they leave. Now they're in nevermore, where Wednesday will have to face endless competition for y/ns heart and time, as y/n has never believed in romantic relationships without chaos and violence.
"what is love if not the motivation for the world's most heinous acts."- y/n episode 1
Love interests:
Wednesday Addams, Tyler Galpin, Xavier Thorpe, Bianca Barclay, Rowen Laslow, Enid Sinclair.
Platonic love interests:
Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill, Eugene the bee boi, Adams family.
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allmyocsarebritish · 1 year ago
Outreach day
Pairing: Xavier X Reader
Warnings: SUPER LONG (sorry), British references (specifically England), Tyler Galpin hate projection
A/N: this took over a month omd, also I don't like Tyler can you tell??
Outreach day. Two simple words which struck fear into the hearts of all the townspeople in Jericho. Every outcast knew this much, the whole day was a pointless publicity stunt, detested by all involved. But as long as it meant the town was considered 'welcoming and inclusive' to fellow normies, and the students of the school were supposed seen as 'friendly and well-rounded', the ridiculous mandatory 'volunteer' work continued.
Not a single Nevermore pupil enjoyed the day - spending hours being singled out and targeted, gossiped about and facing constant glares from the oh-so-accepting normies was in no way a cheerful experience. Your feet were lead as you collected the dreaded envelope; the contents of which dictated the placement you were forced into for the morning. Whilst a very small handful of your classmates appeared pleasantly surprised by their assignments, disgust was etched onto the faces of most of those around you.
Despite your entirely uninterested outward appearance, a spark of curiosity began to form. You carefully peeled open the chiffon coloured envelope, revealing a slip of card.
Written in bold, deep black lettering:
Uriah's Heap
Ultimately, that wasn't the worst option available. You would be essentially isolated, substantially less exposed to pure, unfiltered hatred from the entire population of Jericho. Relief washed over you, freed from the anxieties of potential work at pilgrim world. However, the consolation was short lived.
"Hey, Y/N!" Came the voice of Ajax from behind you.
"Hi, Ajax. What did you get?" You greeted the gorgon. The two of you were reasonably close friends, sharing several lessons and frequently meeting outside of school.
"Erm, Y/N? Would you maybe be willing to trade with me?" He queried, sidestepping your question. "I saw you got Uriah's Heap. And, well Enid's working there today so I thought-"
"You haven't got pilgrim world, have you?" You groaned, already preparing yourself to decline your friends offer.
"No! No I don't." He answered you, far too quickly. "I got the Weathervane." The last three syllables were barely audible.
"The Weathervane? Really? I don't even like coffee. Do you think I'm dense, Jax? I am not spending the day with the Sheriff's son." You scoffed, scrunching your nose in distaste and already briskly walking towards the shuttle set to take all Nevermore students into Jericho.
"No, Y/N wait! Please I will do anything!" You were quick, but so was Ajax. Before you knew it, he was sat on the seat beside you, whining incessantly in your ear.
"Fine!" You grumbled, barely a minute into the journey, already bored to death of being nagged.
"Because I would- wait really?!"
"Yes, whatever. Just shut up, would you?" You playfully elbowed him in the ribs.
If Ajax thought that you hadn't noticed the thumbs up he flashed to someone behind you, he was entirely wrong. He was not subtle, at all. You shook your head, a small smile taking place on your lips. But before you had a chance to wonder what that was about, the shuttle began to speed up, reaching the road leading in to town. The rest of the trip consisted of bantering with your friend, and soon enough you had reached your dreaded destination.
Your smile completely vanished when you remembered what you had gotten yourself into. Predictably, Ajax was nowhere to be seen the minute you exited the shuttle. You rolled your eyes, silently cursing both yourself and the gorgon. If only you had more patience.
You shamelessly stretched out the walk to your unfortunate placement as much as possible, taking the longest route you could. Yet despite your best attempts, you still managed to get to your destination on time. Early, even.
Being the sensible person you were, you promptly spun around and began walking in the opposite direction, delaying your inevitable fate further. Of course, you would have to make your way into the Weathervane eventually; a Nevermore uniform stuck out like a sore thumb against the sea of normies. Constantly checking over your shoulder for any sign of Weems (or any other teacher ready to pounce on an out-of-line student), you turned a corner. This allowed you to make your way down the empty back street, void of any staring eyes. But the solitude was short lived.
Not too far into the distance stood a brick wall, sloppily coated in patchy white paint. However, your attention was immediately drawn to the extremely tall figure wearing the tell-tale blue and black stripes of Nevermore. You faintly recognised him as Xavier Thorpe, the school's resident 'tortured artist'. A pang of sympathy struck you as you recalled the reason behind the solemn way he stared at the whitewashed bricks.
"I'm sorry about your painting." Xavier immediately whipped around to face you at the faint sound of your hushed voice. He blinked at you, as you began to silently curse yourself for the second time that day. The destroyed mural was bound to be a touchy subject.
"It's fine - there's nothing I can do about it now." He responded after a prolonged moment.
The silence was drawn out and awkward, yet something about Xavier seemed strangely familiar and comfortable, despite you barely knowing him. "You're a really good artist, are they going to let you do another one?"
The look on his face was enough to immediately realise you said the wrong thing. "I'm sorry-" you began, however he cut you off.
"You don't need to apologise. They don't care remotely enough for that, and I wouldn't want to anyway."
"You'd be wasted on this shitty town." This response drew a quiet snicker from him, making you smile in turn.
"Thanks." He smiled back before quickly breaking eye contact and looking down, the corners of his mouth still lifted in a pretty smirk. The sight of which was enough to direct your own gaze to the floor.
The pretentious sound of heels clacking against concrete infiltrated your momentary confusion. You and Xavier both turned around, movements synchronized. At that moment, you were greeted with a sarcastic smirk from Weems as she stared down (more so at you), hands on her hips. Offering Xavier a mischievous grin, you braced yourself for the scolding that would surely follow.
"I believe the two of you are supposed to be at your assignments right now." She spoke rather elegantly, her posture suggested a source of authority, despite the fact she clearly lacked it, with two students set to arrive late to their placement. "I'm willing to turn a blind eye to this exchange, given the circumstance," A pointed look was directed at the mess of Xavier's mural, "but you are aware that one of the conditions of outreach day is to not make any waves. At all. Now, make your way to your placements, as my kindness will only extend so far." Her tone was clear, and out of respect you decided to surrender; she was a decent headteacher, all things considered.
Quickly glancing to your left, it was clear that Xavier was substantially less willing. You gave him a small nudge with your elbow as Weems turned and began briskly walking ahead - presumably to the Weathervane to make sure you arrived. He glanced at you, before once again looking away, an obvious scowl present on his face, not attempting to mask it in the slightest. A frown pushed its way onto your brow, concern beginning to grow.
"Wouldn't you have thought she would offer us an escort?" You joked dryly, to which he responded with a small huff and a nod. "Are you okay?" The worry festering within you began to grow at his dismissive response.
"Uh, yeah. I'm fine."
Biting back the urge to respond with a snarky comment about him not looking fine, you continued walking, realising you had no idea where Xavier's assignment was located.
Or more importantly, when he would leave.
You felt a dinky yet significant attachment towards the artist, despite never really speaking with him before now. Of course you knew of him, though you didn't really know him personally. And for some reason, you decided that should change; you wanted to spend time together, begin a friendship, maybe even more-
"I just realised." You spoke very slightly too loudly, surprising yourself, but dispersing your rampaging thoughts. Most likely at the unexpected twinge of high volume, Xavier tilted his head toward you, finally making eye contact. His chartreuse irises were flecked with hazel around the pupils, an overwhelming sea of glorious gemstone green you could certainly drown in. Barely noticeably, you shook your head to once again clear the miniscule details that sprung into much more, your mind swarming with thoughts like a hive of restless bees.
"You never told me where you're outreaching." You continued, as though you hadn't just been lost in Xavier's eyes barely a second ago.
He scoffed in response, rolling his eyes. "I got the Weathervane. So now I get to watch that normie idiot ride his own dick all day acting all innocent."
You shouldn't have been happy. You really shouldn't have. And you weren't. No, you weren't happy - instead you were ecstatic, thrilled, overjoyed, delighted. Your joy was kept in check, however, when remembering that this was probably the worst assignment Xavier could have gotten. Truthfully, you had no idea the extent of which Tyler's ambush had reached last year, but you were well aware of the state of Xavier when he returned that day. Bruised, battered and bloodied, and the thought of his suffering made your heart break.
"Do you want to know something?" Your voice wavered, and you hoped the remaining excitement did not translate. Xavier gave a little nod, prompting you to continue.
"I've got the Weathervane too."
The ghost of a smile graces his lips, and you responded with your own grin.
A comfortable silence extended as you continued walking together. The sense of sheer dread in approaching the cafè was no longer so extreme, rather being overpowered by something else; electrifying thrill about spending the day with the boy you only really just met. A twinge of disappointment remained, of all places of course it had to be the Weathervane. But, nevertheless, you were still insanely grateful to Ajax for allowing you this opportunity.
Unbeknownst to you, Xavier was also feeling substantially perkier about the assignment. Ajax had managed to convince you, and his day would in fact be tolerable. Who knows, maybe it could even be fun - after all, a full morning with the girl he liked would undoubtedly be at least marginally enjoyable.
The two of you had subconsciously drifted closer as you walked, until eventually your hands ended up softly brushing together. A surge of electricity flowed through your body, skin burning in the place you had made contact. You almost felt as though your fingers were flaming, hand nothing but raging fire. A small glance out of the corner if your eye had you even more flushed, and a smile tugged at your lips.
What? No-one else had this kind of effect on you.
You wouldn't deny that you kind of liked it.
Regardless of your detour, and in spite of you and Xavier dragging out the walk as long as physically possible, eventually the two of you managed to reach the Weathervane. You shared a brief glance and a deep breath, before simultaneously pushing open the door.
"Nice of you to finally show up." Tyler's attempt at a joke did not translate. You both looked at him blankly, already sick of his shit, yet playing nice.
For now.
"Well, uh, I'll get you each a shirt and apron." Tyler awkwardly smiled. It was quickly dropped, however, when he was greeted with two intense glares. The both of you were entirely unimpressed, and evidently the innocent façade was never going to get you swooning for the normie.
He sighed lightly, wandering into the backroom behind the counter. You turned to Xavier, rolling your eyes and shaking your head softly, to which he responded with a smirk.
Soon enough, Tyler returned, holding two Weathervane uniforms. Enhanced by what you knew of his reputation, you really didn't like Galpin. He was incredibly tense and awkward, but in a really off-putting way that made it seem as though he had something to hide. His unsettling nature made for a largely uncomfortable, disconcerting atmosphere in the small café. The silence was prolonged in a way that starkly contrasted the relaxed ambience when meeting Xavier by the ruined mural. There may have been the odd awkward moment, yet it never felt like this.
On the topic of Xavier's mural, the memory of the sheer hurt on the already tortured artist's face was enough to make you cross your arms, resuming your disapproving glare towards the barista.
Your thoughts were disturbed by a disgusting vision that made your blood run cold.
Two normies held him down, forcing him to watch as dull, eggshell white paint was splashed over hours of work, like tippex covering a mistake. Mocking laughter rang through his ears as sharp pains radiated from each landed punch. Tears welled in his eyes as Galpins fist came pummeling onto his nose, causing excruciating agony.
Returning to your current reality, you discovered you had missed Tyler advising the two of you on where to change. A gentle hand resting on your right shoulder caused a surge of electricity to shock you out of your tempestuous mind, clearing any remaining flecks of the vision from your current consciousness.
"Sorry." Xavier smiled slightly, and your heart shattered like glass at how he was treated. "You seemed a little zoned out."
"Yeah, thanks." Was all you managed in response. Frowning, you trailed behind Tyler as he showed you the staff room at the back of the shop. When you returned, now kitted out in your very own apron and polo shirt, Xavier was already waiting for you. His tawny hair cascaded freely, very slightly covering the sides of his face. The crimson apron was tied behind his back, enhancing his slender figure. It was incredibly flattering, despite being the enemy uniform. Your cheeks flushed when you realised you had been staring. It may have been your imagination, but you could have sworn a pink tinge appeared on Xavier's face to match your own. The two of you maintained eye contact for a bit too long, before breaking it and quickly dropping your gazes to the floor.
As always, the moment was interrupted by fucking Tyler. So what if you were a little bit grateful this time? It was still Tyler.
"Have either of you ever used an espresso machine?" He asked, radiating an air of superiority that made turned your veins molten.
"You just press buttons. Probably." You answered snarkily, avoiding the question of whether you had actually used one and uttering the last word beneath your breath.
"Uh, I think there's a bit more to it than that." Tyler half-smiled.
You rolled your eyes again, and Xavier had to suppress a laugh at your extreme irritance caused by the barista. He just had that effect on you. The way he strode in on his high horse just because he happened to be the normie son of the sheriff made you sick, enhanced by his targeting of outcasts (mainly Xavier). The final straw was the innocent façade he upheld. So, no. You didn't like Galpin.
The sound of someone clearing their throat once again brought you to reality. Were you even trying to listen to Tyler teaching you to work the machine? No, that's why there were two of you. Besides, surely it wouldn't be that hard to wing for a few hours.
Your first task of the day was taking orders. It was simple, really. Head to the table, ask the customer for their order, then report back to Tyler. An easy task to ease you into the art of the establishment. Collecting a small notepad and pen, you and Xavier wandered to the only occupied table.in the whole café. A glimmer of mischief flickered in your eye as you looked up at Xavier, something that made his heart beat a little quicker and his hands tremble ever so slightly.
Back to the task at hand, you approached the booth, smiling sweetly.
"Hello, and welcome to the Weathervane!" You clasped your hands together. "Could I take your order?"
"Oh, just a latte."
Smiling once more, you scribbled onto the lined paper, offering a thank you to the man in the booth before wandering back to the counter, Xavier following close behind. Hoisting yourself up onto the countertop, you tossed the pad to Tyler. If it hit his face that wasn't your problem. You were quick to revert to false innocence, staring up at him with huge, blameless doe eyes.
"He wants a black coffee."
"He asked for an espresso."
You both responded at the same time, dissolving into giggles. Tyler frowned at you both, patience already wearing thin. Sighing, he picked up the paper and began making what he hoped was in fact the actual order.
Xavier shook his head at you, a pretty smirk resting on his face. He leant back on the counter you were sat on, using his arms to prop himself up.
"You know, I bet I could get more tips tha you if I tried." He teased, licking his lips and surpressing yet another smile.
"No way." You narrowed your eyes playfully.
"We'll see." He shrugged, sending you a wink that made your knees weak. It was certainly a good job that you were already seated.
After your antics on the easiest task possible, you and Xavier were demoted to table-cleaning. The two of you took a rag each, wiping the wooden surface at a snails pace.
"I've never even drank coffee." You muttered. "Apparently at pilgrim world they get free fudge. Imagine that." Huffing, you continued wiping slowly.
"Yeah, I mean, its alright but not something I'd dedicate my life to." You snickered at Xavier's subtle dig at Tyler, bringing a smile to his face.
"So, I suppose you prefer tea, then?" He responded, forcing a posh accent and butchering it. You crinkled your nose in distaste.
"Was that supposed to be me? And no, I don't like tea either." You responded, holding back a laugh.
"What? What kind of British person are you?"
"I'm really sorry to tell you this, Xavier. I actually am, but honestly, no-one I know from England drinks tea." You responded, laughing at his reaction.
"So what do you like to drink?" He asked.
"I don't know, Coke? Dr Pepper?"
"Okay, okay. Pepsi or Coke?" He asked urgently, as though it were a matter of life and death.
"Uhh. Will my answer change the way you think of me?" You questioned, a slight frown accompanying your amused smile.
"Oh, absolutely." He joked back.
"Okay, don't kill me, but I honestly can't tell the difference."
His eyes widened in shock as his jaw dropped sarcastically.
The two of you laughed again, smiling at eachother when the giggles died down. The gaze you gave held so much emotion to be directed at someone you barely knew. But with Xavier it didn't feel sudden. He licked his lips, and you accidentally let your eyes trail down. Even though it only lasted a split-second, you felt your cheeks light up as his lips pulled into a smirk.
"Are you guys almost done over there?" GALPIN.
A string of profanities exited your lips as you placed dirtied mugs onto the tray that rested on the table whilst Xavier's heart began to flutter at the thought of you looking at him like that.
Not paying attention to Tyler's demonstration proved to actually be a huge blessing. He was entirely sick of you, meaning you were immediately loaded off onto Xavier. Little did Galpin know, he wasn't listening either.
"Google it!" He whispered to you, warm breath fanning against your ear. The proximity was flustering, and you hoped beyond hope that Xavier couldn't see your hands shaking as you typed into the search bar.
"Uh, Xav?" You turned back to him, stopping suddenly when remembering how close he was to you. "I can't be bothered to do all this." You huffed.
If you noticed his cheeks reddening at the use of the nickname, you didn't mention it.
"I mean, we could always just.. not."
"I mean yeah I guess you could, but why would you waste time like that?"
"Passive aggressive much?" Xavier whispered, making you snicker softly in response.
"I heard that." The barista hissed through gritted teeth. "Just go and clean more tables then." Tyler sighed, shaking his head. You made eye contact with Xavier, squealing internally before racing back to the table. The two of you resumed scrubbing, both lost on thought.
The gentle knocking of his hand against yours dragged you from your thoughts, dispersing them as you flinched instinctively.
"Sorry." Xavier mumbled, though he did not make an effort to move his hand.
"No, it's fine." You responded quickly, refraining from retracting your own.
The tension was electrifying, and chills crawled over your skin when you finally made eye contact with the blonde artist. Wordlessly, the two of you seemed to inch closer, subconsciously drifting further into eachother's presence. Rags discarded on the equally abandoned table, Xavier leaned his head down slightly, licking his lips subtly.
"I guess you can go now, your shift is over" Tyler declared, rolling his eyes at the outcasts before him.
"Yeah, yeah. Fuck you too" Xavier flipped him off, already on his way to return to the comforting sapphire and raven stripes of Nevermore. You smiled sweetly, tossing up your own first and middle finger. (A backwards peace sign is like a British middle finger)
The return to the shuttle was solemn- the two of you had barely spoken prior to this, and you were unsure if you ever would again. But, you weren't going to take that chance.
"Hey, Xav?" You boldly decided it was absolutely now or never. Heart pounding as he hummed in response, you cleared your throat.
"I'm sorry if this is a bit too forward, but, do you think I could take your number? You're really cool and I don't want this to be the last time we ever speak."
With an adorable lopsided grin, he offered his hand, to which you gave your phone, already open to the contacts page.
Reaching the shuttle all too soon, you waved goodbye to Xavier sweetly, bouncing back to your seat next to Ajax. He let you take your window seat, because, after all, you had suffered through a day of Tyler Galpin.
"So, how did it go?" He asked, and you summoned all of your will strength as to not combust on the spot.
Let's just say Ajax's phone barely survived the night of pounding messages from both you and your tortured artist.
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my3rzs · 2 years ago
i miss my fav xavier writers i hope theyre doing ok
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jennnaperrcy · 2 years ago
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A/N: Inspired by the other author on Tumblr (sorry, I can't remember the name). Also, English is not my first language, so if you see any mistakes, please let me know.  summary: How new abilities and a night out can be life-changers word count: 6k+ warnings: swearing 
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 Their relationship had never been good, to say the least. It seemed that this silly rivalry began as soon as she set foot on Nevermore's doorstep.
 Within the first fifteen minutes, she had managed to bump into Xavier while looking down the large hallway. Unfortunately, the guy was carrying paints and brushes to work on a mural in the courtyard.
"Hey, watch it, you idiot!" he snorted angrily.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry," y/n muttered as she helped pick up the scattered art supplies. One of the paint cans had a loose handle, and as y/n tried to lift it, it broke, spilling the acrylic all over the floor and the young man's trousers.
"Shit! Don't touch anything in here and get out!" he shouted, eyes wide with rage.
 She looked down at her feet and hurriedly left the place. Another fifteen minutes later, y/n stood in the doorway of her own dormitory. Her roommate was a vampire named Yoko Tanaka. The dark-haired girl greeted her new student warmly and helped her unpack while telling y/n a little about the school and its inhabitants. From their conversation, y/n realised that Yoko could be described as the local gossip girl. The vampire was well aware of all the latest news at the school.
"So, are we done with your stuff? Come on, I'll introduce you to the best members of Nevermore," she said with a grin.
"Principal Weems said I should pick up my books and timetable after I get settled in," Y/N replied quietly.
"Don't worry, it's on its way. Oh look! It's just about the end of extra lessons, so everyone will be in the courtyard," Yoko said as she took y/n under her arm and led her down the corridors.
  After crossing several floors and corners, the girls found themselves back in a hall with an archway leading directly to the courtyard. As they passed the janitor, Yoko's face twisted in disgust.
"God, what happened here? Did someone throw up or something?" she said, looking at the puddle of yellow paint. Y/N decided not to talk about what happened in her first hour there.
  As they approached, Yoko let go of her new companion and ran towards the blonde girl. The two of them had a squeal that would have been audible all the way back in the town. Y/N stood on the sidelines, not sure where to place herself.
"Hey guys, let me introduce you to my new roommate, Y/N. Y/N, this is our little group. We usually meet here after class. You're always welcome to join us! This is Enid," she said pointing to the girl she had hugged a few minutes ago, "and this is her roommate, Wednesday."
"It's nice to see the gloom and fear on your face," the strange goth girl said coldly. The words sent shivers down y/n's arms.
"You'll get used to it," Yoko said and turned her attention back to the other students.
Y/N tried hard to remember that the guys with the bright blue eyes were sirens. Bianca, Divina and Kent. The young man with the beanie was Ajax, Enid's boyfriend. And the guy with the big eyes and the cute curls was Tyler.
"Xavier, could you please stop painting the bloody wall for a moment? I am introducing everyone to our new student!" Yoko called to the other side of the courtyard.
  As soon as y/n looked in the direction the vampire had shouted, she was horrified. "God, this is so embarrassing," y/n thought. Looking straight at her shoes, she seemed ready to dig herself into the ground.
"Y/N, this is Xavier Thorpe, our resident tortured artist. Xavier, this is my new roommate y/n."
"What a lovely coincidence! We've already met. Haven't we, y/n?" he said with a grin.
Embarrassment and shame consumed y/n more and more, so she had no choice but to abruptly run off towards the faculty wing, hoping to find a teacher to help her with the principal's task. 
"It's not nice to leave without a proper goodbye!" She overheard his voice. 
  Later, y/n thought about the fact that she was definitely not going to be friends with this guy.
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 Over the next couple of months, y/n had become more open to other people. The adjustment period was over and she had a sense of self-confidence. Along with y/n's progress in communication, her abilities also developed. The girl was psychic. With the power of thought she could control various small things. In the past her power had been rather chaotic, but now she could control it well.
  Y/N found a common ground with Yoko's company quite quickly. It turned out that Enid and Bianca were big fashion fans. Because of this common interest, the girls began to have sleepovers where they would put on little runway shows, play with make-up or just gossip about the other students. Every trip to Jericho was a great fun for the company. The girls would go shopping for hours, while the boys would sit in the computer club. At the end of the day everyone would gather at the Weathervane for a hot drink. It was always fun and joy, right up to the point where y/n and Xavier had a forehead bump. Each of their encounters always ended in a verbal altercation. One day their argument went so far that she lost control of her powers and threw a sugar bowl at him with her mind. As luck would have it, it hit him in the arm, but he spent the next week with a bandage on his wrist anyway.
  She didn't understand why his mere presence was enough to irritate her. It was enough just to be in the same room as him. The worst part was that it all contradicted the fact that he was quite attractive on the outside. Only a blind man wouldn't have noticed the features, the hair, the height. The thought that he was really handsome was even more annoying. Every time she caught herself thinking about it, she cringed and got irritated.
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 This morning brought something new to her besides the daily frustration. It was anger. Yes, y/n was angry because she had a dream about him that night. The dream was so vivid and alive that it seemed to be happening in real life. He looked at her with a look that was completely different from the ones that sizzled her essence every day. It was something soft and gentle. His arms held her little body tightly, giving her warmth. She, on the other hand, pressed harder against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her cheek was pressed against his chest. He also spoke of how beautiful she was. "Damn bastard is now chasing me in my own sleep," y/n thought to herself as she climbed out from under the covers of her bed. Without a word she grabbed a towel from the chair and headed for the shower, hoping the cold water would help her forget this nightmare.
"Good morning to you too, sweetie," she heard Yoko's voice from the room.
  After a quick shower, y/n began to apply her make-up. This Friday was a shortened day, and right after class the students had to go to Jericho for the local harvest festival. Divina and Enid had been talking about the festival all week. Putting the finishing touches on her make-up, y/n pulled her hair back into a careless braid, with strands falling over her face and shoulders, and changed from her nightgown to her uniform.
"What was that earlier in the dorm?" Yoko asked on her way to class.
"Nothing, just another nightmare," Y/N replied. It was clear from her intonation that this was the end of the conversation. That's why y/n loved Yoko so much. The vampire never asked more than she had to. And when y/n said that everything was fine and nothing had happened, it meant "I don't want to talk about it now". Yoko accepted and respected her roommate's personal boundaries.
  As they approached the conservatory, the girls met Wednesday and Enid. The young werewolf gave y/n a worried look, but said nothing for fear of upsetting her friend or making her angry even more. As they entered the classroom, the girls stood at Yoko and Enid's desk, discussing plans for their evening trip into town.
"I'd rather poke my eyes out with needles than go to that stupid fair," Addams said.
"Are you really trying to convince us that you don't like cotton candy and stuffed animals?" y/n said sarcastically, which made the other girls laugh.
"Well then, I'll take a portable guillotine," she replied with a short pause, "to be more effective at decapitating teddy bear heads." With that, the girl sat down at her desk and took out notebooks.
The others followed her lead and took their seats.  Y/N took her usual place next to another psychic, Rowan. Rowan wasn't the kind of person who enjoyed socializing, but he was always willing to help out. They exchanged a few words during class. But they never found anything in common to talk about. Y/N's desk was located almost directly next to Mrs Thornhill's, allowing her to look out over a conservatory. Just seconds before the bell rang, Ajax and Xavier flew in. The young men were not known for their punctuality, which was always a source of frustration to the teachers. As they settled into their seats, Xavier glanced in y/n's direction. "Nice braid," popped into her head.
"Did you say something?" she turned to Rowan.
"No," he replied with a furrowed brow, "is everything all right?"
"Sorry, I must have misheard."
  She'd had a bad headache the whole time she'd been in class. It had happened before when her psychic abilities had developed, but why now? Y/N was in complete control of her power, and the pain hadn't bothered her for months. Forty minutes later, the ringing in her ears was so bad that she could barely hear Ms Thornhill. There was no more strength to bear it.
"Miss Thornhill, I'm sorry," she said, raising her hand. The attention of the whole class was now focused on the girl, "Can I go to the infirmary? I don't feel well."
"Of course! Who's finished the summary and ready to hand it in?" only one student raised his hand. "Shit! You've got to be kidding me." "Amazing, Xavier. Would you be so kind as to escort miss y/l/n to the infirmary?"
  With those words, Thornhill continued with the lesson. Enid and Yoko had a nervous glance at each other. They were well aware of the nature of their relationship and that leaving them alone was as dangerous as releasing piranhas into a pool full of injured people. Y/N gathered her things and headed straight for the Infirmary, not bothering to wait for her companion to arrive.
"Was the lecture so boring that you had to pretend to feel bad? I have to admit that was a clever move," he told her, "or did Rowan get to you? It's really hard to communicate with him. I share a dorm with that weirdo," he continued, "I swear he scares me sometimes."
"Would you just keep your mouth shut for a minute?" She shouted as she stopped and turned to face him. The pain in her head was so unbearable that every little noise made her whimper slightly.
"Can you not be such a pain in my butt? On a side note, I wasn't exactly an eager volunteer to come along with you. So please don't be a bitch," he said, stepping around her. "Why did you say that, you fucking moron?" his voice echoed in her head.
  As y/n continued her walk to the infirmary, she felt her eyes glaze over and her body lose its balance. She tried to call out to the boy, but all that came out of her lips was a low whisper.
"Hey, have you turned into some kind of statue or what?" he said as he turned. She fell to the ground in front of him, unconscious, "What the fuck?! Y/N, do you hear me?"
 Without wasting a second, Xavier took the girl in his arms in a bridal style and ran to the infirmary. Several times on the way he thought she opened her eyes and called his name, but as soon as he looked at her he saw the same pale face.
"It's OK, can you hear me? We're here now," the boy looked from her to the nurse, "Hurry, we need help, she's fainted.
  Slowly, the fog in front of her eyes lifted and the headache subsided. Panting, she tried to sit down on the bed, but someone's warm hands gently stopped her, placing an extra pillow under her head and back.
"Hush, don't hurry," a soft voice said. Blinking several times, she saw Xavier sitting next to her bed.
"What happened? How long have I been here? Am I anaemic?" the guy just smiled and shook his head.
"You have talent, you know! It's not even a minute since you got up and you're already getting on my nerves," he said without any anger in his voice, "To answer your questions: you fainted and I brought you here," he bent a digit, "about 30 or 40 minutes at the most," the boy bent another digit, "and no, it's not anaemia. The nurse's opinion is that you're probably just overtired from your studies. Unless it has something to do with your abilities."
"Who else knows?" Y/N asked, ignoring his last words.
“Yoko and Bianca are here, getting recommendations for your care. I think someone's going to miss the festival tonight.”
"I'm fine," y/n said briefly. She stood up abruptly from the bed, which made her feel a bit dizzy. Xavier carefully put an arm around her waist.
"I told you not to hurry. What's wrong with you?" Y/N could see concern in his eyes.
"Since when do you give a fuck about my condition?" She replied sarcastically, shaking his hand from her back. A part of Y/N's mind made him want to grab her even harder, but Xavier obediently let go of his hand.
"These tricks of yours may work on the others, but not on me. What's going on?" There she was, another reason why Xavier Thorpe pissed her off so much: the guy didn't care what she said when it was obvious to him that something was wrong. After they had stared at each other for a few minutes, she let out a breath.
"I'm just really tired. Are you happy now?"
"No, but you're in no shape for any more mockery on my part."
"That's nice of you," the nurse entered the room and handed out the pills and the prescription.
Yoko and Bianca were in fact sitting in the waiting room at the time. When they saw their friend, they jumped up and gave her a big hug.
"Damn it, you scared the hell out of us!" they said in unison.
"It's all right, just a bit dizzy, that's all," y/n tried to convince them with a smile.
"See you at the festival," the boy said with a nod to Yoko and Bianca. He was about to leave the infirmary when he heard her speak.
"Xavier, thank you," the taste of his name on her tongue was odd. He only smiled slightly, but for some reason that damned smile sent a pleasant shiver through her body. And that feeling made Y/N angry again.
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"Sinclair, I swear to God, one more outfit change and I'll pass out again," y/n said jokingly. They'd been sitting in Enid and Wednesday's room for two hours now, waiting for the blonde to pick out an outfit for the festival.
"I promise this is the last one. I just want to look good. After all, Ajax and I have a date."
"It's a waste of time either way," Addams said as she looked at her watch, "and the bus to Jericho leaves in twenty minutes. Unless you want to jog through the woods, you'd better hurry."
 The carnival at the festival looked impressive. Lots of rides and food stalls. The place looked like a small amusement park with bright lights and loud music. The weather was fine, even though it was late afternoon. The company immediately split into small groups based on their interests. Enid and Ajax went on the Ferris wheel. Divina, Tyler, Kent and Yoko queued up for the hot dogs. Bianca and Wednesday went to the shooting range to see who could get the most points. Y/N felt another stab of pain in her temples, which made her head for the gazebo by the pond. Not for long did the pleasure of the silence last.
"Not looking forward to the festival?" the tall boy said, leaning against the railing of the gazebo where she was standing.
"And you're stalking me now?" she replied, still looking at the surface of the water.
"I thought about getting on your nerves on the bus, but I felt sorry for the people around us."
"Were you afraid they would see you in misery?"
"I didn't want your righteous anger to blow up the bus and hurt the others," he grinned lazily. Sometimes y/n wondered if he'd been born with that stupid grin on his face.
"What do you want, Thorpe?" she asked, rolling her eyes. As soon as she turned to face him, the girl realised how close he was standing to her.
"I think I've answered that question before," he said with a thoughtful expression.
"What do you want from me now?" she asked, moving a little closer to him.
"Oh, you don't want to know, dove," he said, leaning slightly towards her. There were literally a few inches between them. Any passerby would have thought they were a couple, about to kiss. In fact, they were burning each other with glances, testing each other's patience. 
  Y/N was ready to swear on the Holy Bible that 'Come on, Y/N' ran through her head with his voice. The girl rose slightly on her toes, practically sliding her nose down his cheek. The young man felt her warm breath against his ear.
"Two can play at this game, Thorpe. So back off," y/n whispered, but she didn't move. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the boy exhale heavily at her action. The sight of it sent a wave through her body. No, not anger, it was a wave of excitement and adrenaline. They'd never been this close before. The feeling that it was so wrong and yet so alluring sent her body into a dance.
"I'm afraid you're right, we can both play," Xavier whispered back to her. Then he placed his hand on her waist. Almost as he'd done earlier at the nurses' station, when he'd prevented another fall.
  She didn't notice as he took another step towards her so that their bodies were now touching. Even though they were still separated by layers of clothing, the contact burned. The grip on y/n's waist tightened a little, causing her to exhale sharply. The inner voice of her mind screamed at her that this had to stop, that she should just take a step back and put an end to the stupid show. But the demons in her chest cheered sickly. The thoughts and dreams she had chased away for so long, the ones she was angry at, now filled her entire mind. The way he smelled was something she had never noticed before. The woody scent of cologne mixed with the scent of acrylic paint. Barely perceptible notes of coffee created their own symphony with the faintly detectable scent of weed. Surely he and Ajax must have smoked a joint in his dormitory before they left. Complementing this melody of scents was the fragrance of fresh shampoo. Y/N lifted her head slightly and stared at his hair. It looked so silky she wanted to run her fingers through it. To feel the softness between her digits.
  Xavier, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off her face. Everything about y/n's features screamed tenderness, vulnerability. When he looked at her, he always remembered their first meeting, how quiet and modest she had been. But then he remembered what she was like now and realised that he had made her into that crazy beast with the glowing eyes and pouting lips. The way she always hid her smile at the sight of him, wrinkling her neat nose and squinting her eyes. He loved the way she could turn on a moment's notice. Even when she threw the damn sugar bowl at him with the force of her mind, he was amazed. It couldn't have been healthy to admire the results of his taunts at her, but he couldn't stop. And now, looking into those bottomless y/e/c eyes, he was deliberately testing the waters. "How long can you keep this up?" his mind raced.
"I could go on like this for the rest of the evening, Thorpe. The question is, do you want to continue this fun little game?" y/n said as if in response to his thoughts. There was a challenge in her eyes. And then she did something that set fire to his chest.
  With one swift movement, she pulled him to her by the collar of his coat. Her lips touched the thin skin above his Adam's apple. Xavier Thorpe had never known the existence of that weak spot, as if it had been waiting to be discovered. With a hot, open-mouthed kiss, she nuzzled a spot. And following that touch, he felt a small tongue trace circles on his skin. He could have sworn he saw sparks in front of his eyes. But the pleasure didn't last long. A few moments later, y/n retreated from him with an innocent look and slowly walked back towards the festival.
  As she approached the picnic table where all her friends were eating hot dogs, she couldn't help but admit that what was happening in that gazebo was making her very emotional. It was as if an electric shock had been sent through her body. But then a wave of awareness and terror washed over her. She loved it and wanted to go on. For the moment she kissed him, she could hear his every thought. He was thinking about a million things and nothing at the same time. With her little act she turned his mind upside down and she loved the fact that she had a power over him. Y/N could literally feel his demons on her tongue, the way he trembled treacherously.
"Y/N, are you all right? Your face is flushed, like you have a fever," Tyler asked, turning his attention back to the girl. 
"Yeah, I guess I'm not dressed for the weather," the company didn't hear the rest of her explanation as Xavier reappeared. 
"Bro, what's that on your neck?" Ajax poked at a small hickey with his finger. 
"Some kind of mosquito bite or something," Xavier shrugged and blinked at y/n. He waited for her reaction. 
"Careful, Thorpe, you do not get rabies. Mosquitoes are disease carriers, in case you didn't know. You have to be more precise," she replied with a grin. The girls at the table laughed. Even Wednesday couldn't resist a laugh, 
"OK, where's my hot dog?!"
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  A week had passed since the day of the festival. And in that whole week they had never crossed paths. Even in the group, if y/n saw him with her friends, she would stealthily avoid them. In class, she never took her eyes off her textbooks. And any trips to Jericho were carefully discouraged. The reason y/n avoided Xavier was because of his thoughts. She could hear him at night. The sound of her name on his lips. She saw what he saw in his dreams. His imagination pictured the two of them in that gazebo. How he held her against him, kissing her roughly, how she moaned against his lips and he couldn't hold back a growl in response. How the sweet kiss broke, both of them breathing hard. How her fingers ruffled the hair at the back of his neck.
   As for Xavier, he was obsessed with the thought of her. The girl who used to cause irritation in his chest just by looking at him now made his heart beat wildly. He sought her gaze in the crowd, tried to meet her in their group and in classes, but she stubbornly avoided him. And that pissed him off twice as much. How could she do such a thing and then disappear? What an evil, heartless bitch she had to be to get someone hooked on a needle. Only instead of the drug, it was her. Her smell, her eyes, her slightly clumsy and hurried pace. How could someone become addicted overnight? The obsessive thoughts of the girl never left him, even at night. This made Xavier spend more hours in his shed. It was only when he poured his visions and thoughts onto canvas that he felt better. Looking at the number of her portraits, it was safe to say that he was obsessed. And it infuriated him with renewed vigour.
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"So today I am going to hand out the promised group assignments that you have to complete by the end of this weekend! And I recommend that you do your work with the utmost responsibility, because your final grade for the semester will depend on it. You can find your partner and the topic of the assignment in the lists at the exit of the conservatory! Thank you all, our lesson is over," Thornhill concluded as she dismissed the students for a well-earned rest.
   As she approached the lists, y/n spotted Divina and Kent cheering. Brother and sister were remarkably well-bonded. Divina was the brain behind their duo, Kent the performer. Just ahead of them, Ajax and Tyler were discussing their task. Enid was paired with Rowan.
"Shit," the girl said in a frustrated voice. She'd hoped her desk mate would be her partner on this project. As she scanned the list below, y/n finally found her name. Next to her last name was Xavier's. "Hell, no. No! No! No!" she thought.
"Who did you get?" asked Yoko.
"Thorpe... Fucking bloody Thorpe!"
"I would ask you not to use language, we still have a project to work on together," the young man seemed to appear out of nowhere just behind the girls. After he had appeared, the vampire whispered something to her friend and turned back to her partner.
 Completely ignoring his joke, y/n shoved a sheet of paper with the topic of the assignment into his chest and hurriedly tried to leave the classroom. She was about to disappear into the crowd when he grabbed her wrist.
"Not so fast, dove. There's something I'd like to discuss." That's the nasty grin on his face. "Go ahead, y/n, get angry. Spit venom at him. All week you've been hiding from him so well, and now fate is challenging you. Pull yourself together, you wimp," she thought, looking at him. 
"Let's divide the subject into two parts. I'll do the theory, you do the practice," she muttered, her eyes fixed on the buttons of his shirt. She'd never realised how tall Xavier really was. She could barely reach the notch in his collarbone with her nose. 
"Great, let's exchange the first notes tomorrow. I'll meet you near the fountain after lunch," he said casually. It was just another little way for him to make her nervous. And he took undisguised pleasure in it.
   As agreed, y/n sat down on the grass by the fountain in the courtyard after lunch on Saturday. Around her were various encyclopaedias and notebooks. As well as taking notes, she made small sketches and occasionally cut and pasted something into her workbook. Xavier watched from the sidelines for about 30 minutes. He was fascinated by the enthusiasm with which she threw herself into the process. Especially when it came to projects like this. As he approached the girl, he pulled his sketchbook out of his bag.
"You're half an hour late," she said sternly, without a greeting, "I'm not going to do all the work for you."
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear a proper greeting," he said as he sat down on the grass. 
"Look, Thorpe," she looked at him with a piercing stare, "I'm not here to continue these stupid games. I need an A in this class. And if you're not interested in good grades, get the hell out of here. I can do this on my own. But if you decide to get down to business, please stop playing around.
 After this angry tirade from the girl, they never exchanged another word, except about the project. Xavier decided to get creative with his presentation.
"What if, during the story, I put our sketches to life by visually describing the plant's processes?" 
"Not a bad idea, we should definitely try it," y/n replied with a slight smile, without taking her eyes off her notes.
  After a few hours of painstaking work, the pair had completed the main part of the assignment. There were still a few sketches to be made. Xavier took over. Picking up her things from the grass, the girl looked at her watch and realised they had missed dinner.
"Crap, we missed dinner." 
"I had some apple pie leftovers from Ajax's mother in my shed. There was supposed to be some soda too." 
"You don't think I'd agree to spend an evening in your company after a peaceful day?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Her notebooks were falling out of her hands and her bag was overloading one shoulder. 
"I think you can shove your pride up your ass when you're offered help with something as simple as dinner," he replied, parodying her. Without waiting for an answer, he took her heavy bag and some of her notebooks and headed for the woods. She had no choice but to follow.
  During the time they'd spent together, she hadn't heard a single thought from him, but as soon as she crossed the threshold of his shed, his voice echoed in her head, "And why am I doing this?"
"You know you don't have to do this, right?" she said quietly, shifting from foot to foot. 
"Can I answer a question with a question?" something in his gaze made her tense. She nodded, "How long have you been able to look into someone's mind and read their thoughts?"
"I don't... How did you..." y/n paused, "What makes you think I can?"
"I got my first inkling in the gazebo when you answered the question I had in my mind. And then I felt your presence in my head. It was as if my skull had been opened and my brain looked at". 
"I don't... I can't control it. This power only awakened in me a few days ago. When I get into someone's mind, believe me, it's completely by accident." 
"Well, I hope you get over it quickly," he said with a shrug, getting the rest of the pie and soda from the mini-fridge.
  After they had eaten and satisfied their hunger, there was an uncomfortable silence in the room. It was strange and unfamiliar. Just sitting in the same room without exchanging barbs.
"May I ask now?" y/n asked quietly, looking up at the young man who was now making small sketches on the canvas. He was probably working on their project. 
"Go ahead," he said, without taking his eyes off the canvas. 
"Why did you start that provocation at the festival?" her voice trembled at the question, making the boy look at her.
  She was curled up on a small old couch, hugging her own knees. Her eyes were fixed on the void. Xavier seemed to see the real her at that moment. So vulnerable and desperate. He quietly put the brush aside, rose from his seat and quietly walked over to her, crouching down in front of the girl. She was still staring off into space somewhere, nervously waiting for his answer. Xavier gently took her hands in his, stroking the backs of her palms with his thumbs.
"Y/N, look at me," she just closed her eyes and shook her head, "It wasn't a provocation. I felt your presence that day, and not just when you were physically there. I felt your thoughts, your mood. And when it left me seconds later, I couldn't resist the temptation to repeat the sensation. Besides, it seemed the only way to get your attention." 
"Attention? It sometimes frightens me to realise that all my attention is on you, Thorpe," the boy just shook his head and smiled slightly. 
"To tell you the truth, I've liked you from day one. When you bumped into me in the hallway, I didn't swear because you were what I called you. The whole day was going lousy and you just came under the hot hand. So I owe you an apology for my bad behaviour. 
"I forgive you." 
"Well, it was hard to stop after that. I decided that the only right way to talk to you was to fight and torment you all the time," she looked at him carefully now, "I'm just saying, if I had the chance to change the course of events, I would." 
"What would you do?" she asked hopefully. Only now did he notice her intense gaze. He slowly stood and held out his hand to her." I would apologise for my rudeness, as a gentleman should," he took a small step towards her, "then I would introduce myself," another small step, "and ask your name. After a while we would become more acquainted and I would ask you on a date where we would feel comfortable and hold hands. "
"Like now?" she intertwined their fingers in a lock. 
"Yes. At the end of the night, I'd walk you to the door of your dorm, thank you for a wonderful time, and..." he let go of her hands, placing one palm on her waist and the other in her hair. Y/N's palms moved slowly to his neck. They could feel each other breathing and their hearts beating in a frantic rhythm. Xavier could only hear his own blood pounding in his ears.
"Xavier?" both of them froze, undecided about taking a step. The last step that would be a chasm from the feelings that had been buried so long and so cruelly. She looked at him, hesitant to burn the damn bridge, looking for support in his thoughts, but it was silent, "What are you thinking about?"
"I just don't want to ruin it," he admitted, closing his eyes. And at that moment, the walls of his impregnable fortress collapsed. She saw the real Xavier Thorpe. The exhausted artist with so much darkness in his head and heart. She felt sharply all his wounds, all the pain his father had caused him, his unshared feelings. His fear ran through her. 
"Kiss me," she whispered. 
"What?" he asked, blinking several times. He was dreaming. Like he was about to wake up.
"Now, Thorpe."
 The sweetness of his lips washed over her in a wave of relief. The puzzle fell into place as she responded to his kiss and pulled the young man closer to her. All this time it hadn't been hate and anger. All these months she'd been falling in love with him, more and more every day. And she simply didn't understand what that feeling was. Only now, in this man's arms, did she feel light and calm. And the constant ringing in her head was gone. After a while they had to stop kissing because they ran out of air. But they didn't break contact for a second, touching their foreheads. The pleasant silence was broken when a gorgon suddenly entered.
"Is there any more of Mother's pie?" he asked, scratching his neck. 
"Ajax! I told you not to interfere!" hissed Enid.
  Looking out of the window, the couple noticed their friends who had been so shamelessly spying on them. Their momentary attempt to hide outside the window just made the young couple inside the studio laugh. Without further ado, he pulled the girl back to him and said the same three words in his head, just so she could hear them.
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velvrei · 2 years ago
xavier thorpe blurb masterlist !
❦ = smut, ☼ = suggestive, ✿ = fluff, ⚘ = sad
choking and slapping sub!xavier ❦
sub!xavier begs vamp!reader to bite and help him ❦
making out with whiny!sub!xavier in the library ☼
nsfw headcannons with sub + dom xavier ☼ ❦ ✿
82 notes · View notes
the-fangirl-from-hell · 1 year ago
The Real Reason Xavier Can't Tell You The Truth
this is part 3 in a series. here is part 1, here is part 2
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pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader summary: in which Xavier is haunted by guilt for keeping secrets from you warnings: mentions of blood, injury, kinda cheating but not really, cussing, religious guilt?, they're horny but there's no smut yet tags: even more pining, we shouldn't do this, forbidden desires, mild angst, hurt-comfort, reader patches Xavier up once again, fluff, reassurance word count: 4k
Xavier never got to know whether (Y/N) would kiss him or not because their tender moment was interrupted by a loud growl. It sounded like something between a bear and a lion. Ferocious. Angry.
“I think we should run,” the girl whispered.
“Follow me, my shed shouldn’t be far off.”
Xavier grabbed her hand tightly and started running off with her towards the parts of the woods that pertained to Nevermore. They could hear screeching and leaves rustling under the beast’s feet as it followed them, but neither could bring themselves to look back and see what kind of monster would make this kind of sounds.
Neither of them could feel their own legs after a while. They were panting and whining in pain as they stepped on sharp rocks and small dried branches that snapped under their weight. A blood-curdling scream pierced through the night as Xavier fell on the ground and the beast snatched him by the leg with its long claws. In an act of desperation, the girl grabbed a rock she found on the ground and smashed the monster’s hand with it, forcing it to release the boy. It took one look at the girl’s terrified expression before it ran off into the woods.
She rushed to her knees to check Xavier’s leg. His pants were shredded and covered in blood from his thigh to his knee.
“Can you walk? How far is your shed?”
But Xavier didn’t answer; he just let out a pain-ridden sob as he was clutching the wounded area. The girl took one more look at his thigh and the blood pouring out of the gash. His face was getting paler by the second. She took one deep calming breath before making an important decision.
“I need you to trust me right now,” she received a weak nod. “Show me the cut.”
Xavier complied and raised his blood stained hands in the air, giving the girl free access to his wound. She put her own hands on top of the cut and pressed. The boy hissed as he prepared for the pain that never came. As soon as her hands were on his body the only thing Xavier could feel was the nice warmth he already came to associate with (Y/N). It was almost blissful. The bleeding stopped soon after.
“How did you do that?”
“I’ll explain later, we should get somewhere safer before that thing comes to finish the job.”
She yanked Xavier by the arm and got him on his feet. To his surprise, he felt good enough to walk already. But the girl insisted on holding his hand tightly all the way.
“It’s just that my powers only work when I’m making physical contact. I need to make sure the bleeding doesn’t return,” she explained on their way.
Xavier didn’t need explaining. If she wanted to hold his hand she could, anytime. Maybe because the whole monster thing scared her and she needed comfort. Or because it was dark and she wanted to make sure she didn’t lose him in the woods. Or because her hand was cold. Or simply because she felt the fraction of the butterflies he did when their hands were touching.
They finally got to the shed after about fifteen more minutes of walking, although Xavier was pretty sure they were safe anyway. The monster seemed to disappear and the forest was quiet. Their walk would’ve been quite romantic if they hadn’t been running from a monster less than half an hour ago. Or if she didn’t already have a boyfriend. Xavier needed to remind himself of that. She had someone else. She didn’t want him. No matter how hard his heart was hammering in his chest every time she was close by.
He opened the door for her and let her in first, then closed it after himself and propped a chair against the handle just to be on the safe side. No one could get in now. Xavier turned around to see (Y/N) drag the mattress he sometimes slept on in the middle of the room and grab some clean pieces of cloth he used for painting. 
She was acting as if she’d been there a million times already. Xavier liked that thought.
“Sit down, let me clean you up.”
“You’ve done more than enough for me already, it’s fine.”
“Just let me help, okay?” she sounded more exasperated than she intended.
He realized that patching him up was her way of showing affection. He couldn’t complain. He plopped down on the mattress and let the girl take care of him. Her gentle nimble hands were caressing his leg, alternating between the cool feeling of the cloth cleaning him, and the warmth of her hands healing him. He didn’t mean to let out a moan but as he tried to relax and close his eyes for a second, it just happened.
Xavier could feel his face flush red and hot as embarrassment settled in his stomach. 
“Did it hurt?” the girls asked innocently.
She had no idea of the effect she had on him, beyond her healing abilities. She had no idea of the many wet dreams he had that started just like this. The two of them together in the shed, at night, no one around, her standing on top of him, hands caressing his body. He half expected to wake up in his dorm, aroused and disappointed. But this was real.
Xavier had to bite his lip to stop a second moan before it escaped his mouth. He realised he couldn’t speak so he resigned to shaking his head no.
“Tell me if it hurts.”
She couldn’t hurt him. Every touch of her felt like heaven, every inch of his body in contact with her felt blessed. 
 “Oh.” The realisation hit Xavier like a truck. “That’s how I healed so quick last time after Tyler beat me. You used your powers then too.”
The girl nodded without taking her eyes off the area she was healing. Xavier felt grateful. If she peered up at him through her lashes in that moment he’d probably melt into the mattress. Right then and there.
“So that’s why your touch feels like that. No wonder Tyler can’t get his hands off you.”
Xavier was just thinking out loud at the moment, trying to get the realisation out so it felt more real. The normie girl he’s been in love with wasn’t even a normie. She was like him, an outcast. And that’s why every touch of her was electric, because a healer’s touch is almost like a drug. 
“I’ve never used my powers on Tyler,” the girl finally said. “He doesn’t even know I have them and at this point, I can’t tell him. It’s too late.”
It made sense. When the psychic link was active Xavier could feel everything Tyler was feeling. The girl’s hands pulling his hair, her teeth biting his lip, her lips going down his abdomen (Xavier forced himself to stop there) and the spark was never there. When he was Tyler he felt hot like you do on a sunny summer day, not warm like when you drink hot cocoa next to a fireplace. Not like what Xavier felt when (Y/N) put her hands on him.
“But you used your powers for me. Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about it, I like feeling helpful. And you needed my help,” the girl let out a little laugh that reminded Xavier of wind chimes.
She seemed so content doting on him like it was the thing she enjoyed doing most. Xavier was almost sad that his wound was healing so fast and she was going to stop.
“I don’t get it. Why keep it a secret?”
“Mom insists,” the girl made a face as if she bit on something bitter. “There’s people out there who would do unforgivable things to get access to a healer. I heard many horror stories; it happened to my grandma.”
She swallowed thickly and stopped, almost as if the words were stuck in her throat. Xavier put a hand on her shoulder, trying to assure her that she didn’t have to go on if she didn’t want to. He understood what it was like to be different, to be hunted.
He decided to say something that would get her mind off things.
 “Ok, but there’s one thing that still doesn’t add up. You always feel like that, not just when you’re healing me.”
“About that,” the girl awkwardly chewed on her lower lip. “It seems I can’t really control my powers around you. I can’t stop myself, every time I touch you my powers turn up to eleven. It’s like… like–” she stopped, unable to finish.
She didn’t need to because he knew exactly what she meant. Like there was something inside him so broken that was begging to be fixed. That’s why she was his peace. It’s why every time he was with her he felt like everything was right in the world. Because she was healing him.
The girl sat up as the cut on Xavier’s leg closed up, it looked like a small scratch made by a kitten. She put a gentle hand on the side of the boy’s face and he leaned into it, letting out a worried sigh.
“I can tell your seer abilities weigh on you. It’s like a darkness plaguing your mind. Is that why you couldn’t sleep?”
Xavier tried to swallow the knot that formed in his throat. He knew he should come clean and tell her everything. She had the right to know about his weird little voyeuristic visions of her. But he just couldn’t; the thought of her hating him or being freaked out scared him too much. 
He barely managed to give the girl a nod.
“Because of that monster.”
(Y/N) eyes were fixated on the wall behind Xavier. More precisely, on the drawings he made and put up those walls. The boy was so preoccupied with getting to safety that he hadn’t realised until this point: they are in his shed. They are in. His. Shed. The one that was full of drawings he made over the past year, most of them from his visions and dreams. Many of them of her. 
Right now her gaze seemed to be fixed on the drawings he’s been making of the monster. 
“Is that the thing that attacked us in the forest? Have you seen it before?”
“Yes, I’ve been having visions of it for a while. When I draw it… it feels like I’m getting it out of my head and onto the page.”
“You’ve been drawing it a lot. We’ve got to figure out what this thing has against you.”
As she walked closer and closer to the drawings, Xavier thanked every god in existence that he remembered to cover the painting he’s made of her last night. If Bianca hadn’t barged in that morning he probably wouldn’t have.
“I almost forgot how talented you are,” the girl breathed out as her fingers grazed past a drawing of a wolf. “Have you ever thought of doing this professionally?”
The girl’s breath hitched suddenly as her eyes landed on an old pencil drawing of her, the first of many. That one depicted (Y/N) playing her piano in the town’s square, eyes closed, fingers gliding gracefully across the instrument. It looked beautiful. She was beautiful.
“Art is my hobby,” Xavier shrugged. “I don’t like mixing business with pleasure.”
The girl’s eyes were drinking in every drawing on Xavier’s wall individually and then all at once. The boy felt his face growing hotter by the second. No one looked at his art like that, eyes gleaming with adoration.
Thankfully, most of the drawings on her were in a sketchbook specially designated for her. As long as she didn’t find it, he was safe. Or so he thought until the girl’s fingers found the cloth that was over the painting of her. His entire life flashed before his eyes when she gripped the covering and she almost started pulling at it, until Xavier firmly placed his hands on top of the canvas, snatching it from the easel it was placed on.
“No – not that one. Please, I-I’d kill myself if you saw that,” Xavier said, cringing at his own brutal honesty.
He didn’t have anything else to say.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. This is probably like a sacred space for you and I’ve been touching and ogling everything. I apologise.”
Xavier felt his face was still burning hot, so he kept it on the ground, mostly covered by his brown hair draping over it. His hands were still gripping the top of the painting. His whole body was shaking. Guilt started burning up his throat like bile and threatened to spill everywhere. He never feared hell quite like in this moment.
“I understand if you’re mad-” the girl continued.
“I’m not mad, just embarrassed.”
He tossed the painting into a corner, still making sure it wasn’t visible to her. He should come clean, tell her everything. She deserved to know that in her most private moments with her boyfriend he’s been there, watching. Whether he wanted to or not he’d memorised every inch of her body so well he could draw it from memory. He did.
He looked around for a second to gather all his courage. It was now or never. His gaze fell on a drawing of a rose he made a long time ago and without thinking much about it he grabbed it from the paper and brought it to life. She asked him to throw her a rose once but it felt like eons ago. 
He tried to hand the charcoal flower to the girl in front of him but as soon as her fingers touched the stem, it crumbled into fine grey dust. Despite that, she still looked at him with so much undeserved adoration in her eyes. She always seemed so impressed with his stupid little tricks. It made him feel special like he was worth something.
“I’m still trying to get the hang of it. I can’t quite control my powers yet.”
She leaned in a little closer and Xavier could swear to any God who would listen that she was waiting for him to kiss her. If he looked down he could close the gap and get the one thing in this world he wanted most. Not now. He had something important to say now. Let’s see if she still wants to kiss him afterwards.
 “Lately I’ve been having these visions… about you.”
Xavier felt like he was choking on the truth. Like it didn’t really want to come out and it was suffocating, for a second he couldn’t breathe and it terrified him.
“I can’t control them, I swear! I’ve tried!”
He didn’t even tell her the whole story and he was already making up excuses as if there was any possibility of him finishing what he has to say and her not hating him feverishly afterwards.
The boy cleared his throat nervously, carefully picking his next words; feeling already extremely uncomfortable. He looked down at (Y/N) and the first thing he noticed was how radiant she looked in the moonlight cascading from an uncovered window. The second thing he noticed was the puzzled look on her face.
“I owe you an explanation, I know-“
“Your lips look so soft.”
Xavier almost didn’t understand what the girl said the first time, as she spoke over him. He must have misheard her. There was no way in seven Hells she’d still be thinking about kissing him in a moment like this.
“They just make it kinda hard to focus on what you’re saying.”
He felt her hand crawl up his back all the way to the base of his skull and he shuddered. Her finger was playing with a strand of his hair, and Xavier found himself closing his eyes and leaning in until their foreheads touched. It was as if he was under a spell. He knew he couldn’t resist her. Frankly, he didn’t even want to try. He’s been waiting for this kiss ever since he first laid eyes on her but she always felt too out of reach. Even before finding out she was taken, she was too pretty for him, too kind, too good.
Now they were alone in his shed at night, basking in the dim light and sharing an embrace. Her hands felt so good scratching his scalp and playing in his hair. It felt nothing like when he was experiencing it through Tyler. This was more intense. This was real.
He bit the apple. Leaning in just a little closer was enough to bridge the gap between their lips and lock them in a slow and tender kiss. He kissed her with so much gentleness as if he was afraid she’d turn into charcoal dust the moment their lips met.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” he whispered.
“You’re right.”
Another, more forceful kiss. This time their lips crashed into each other like they were trying to devour one another. His hands started roaming her body as if trying to make sure she was real, she was there and he wasn’t about to wake up.
She said his name and it sounded almost like a prayer. Xavier felt himself coming apart at the seams, nearly bursting with excitement and longing for this girl. Nearly falling on his knees he had to steady himself by grabbing the table he usually works on. The sound of his art supplies hitting the floor didn’t startle either of them, too busy getting lost in one another. He didn’t even have to help her jump on the table, before he could register what was happening, her legs were already wrapped around him like a ribbon around a Christmas present. She was holding onto him like she was waiting for salvation.
A small voice in Xavier’s mind was telling him it was wrong. She was probably just using him to forget about her stupid boyfriend and his tantrums. An even smaller voice was telling him that he should let her; that if this was the only way to be with her, he should settle for it. Being a girl’s rebound wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Especially not if it’s her.
Xavier let out a sigh.
“It’s not fair,” he whispered close to her mouth.
They couldn’t go any further. It wasn’t fair to him – who was in love with her, to her – who was heartbroken and confused and probably still in love with Tyler. It wasn’t even fair to Tyler for that matter. Even if they’d split tonight for good (which they might not, Xavier has seen them break up and get back together again and again so many times in the past year) it’s only been an hour since that happened. 
Not fair.
He forced himself to pull back for a second and just look at her. This was one sin he’d allow himself to commit over and over again every time he got the chance. Just to look at her. It still made him feel guilty.
“You look in pain, is it your leg?”
It fucking hurt. Being in this perfect moment with the perfect girl and knowing it has to end and it can’t happen again hurts like a motherfucker. Why must his conscience be so heavy?
Xavier shifted his weight on his now barely grazed leg just to test it. He felt a sort of dull ache, like the memory of the pain he was in when he got scratched by the monster. He shuddered at the thought of that beast. His dreams of (Y/N) made him feel guilty, dirty, creepy; but he preferred that tenfold compared to the blood curdling fear he felt when he was having nightmares about the monster terrorizing Jericho. He wondered how much worse would they get after tonight. Would he dream about being torn to shreds over and over again? Would it feel just as excruciating as it did in real life?
“I’m fine,” he managed to snap back to reality and answer. “It’s just…” he took a moment, two, three to find his words. “Can you stay over tonight? I can’t bear the thought of you going home all alone after all that and I don’t think I’m in good enough shape to walk you there.”
The girl bit on her lip as if she was mulling it over. After a few moments of deliberation, she nodded her head.
The two of them made themselves comfortable on the old mattress the girl previously dragged in the middle of the room and covered themselves with a sage bed sheet that didn’t do much in terms of keeping them warm.
“Are you cold?” Xavier asks draping a hand over her tentatively. “I could sneak you into my dorm room, it's warmer there, but I don’t want to make you climb through a window.”
He let out a hesitant chuckle, which died in his throat the second the girl cozied up to him, her head close to his chest. There was no way she couldn’t hear how frantic his heart was beating, but it didn’t seem to bother her. She was warm compared to the cold shed. And her body seemed to fit into his like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Their arms wrapped around each other’s bodies so easily, like they’ve done that a thousand times before in another lifetime.
So unfair.
“I’m fine here, it’s more intimate.”
Intimate. Xavier liked that word. Especially the way it rolled off her lips. 
“I’m sorry I freaked out on you earlier about the painting. Please don’t hate me.”
(Y/N) propped herself up on her elbow and looked at Xavier for a second through sleepy eyes. She placed a gentle kiss on the boy’s temple. He knew what that meant. A healer’s kiss is their most powerful spell. It could bring someone back from the brink of death. The boy let out something between a sigh and a sob.
“I could never hate you,” she whispered.
Xavier couldn’t believe his own ears. He must have died and ended up in heaven. Though, what were the chances that someone like him would end up in a place like that?
“Maybe you should.”
“You went through so much, Xavier. The monster, the visions, the insomnia; you’re tired and hurt. Plus the whole ordeal with Tyler and the legal issues that came after. It’s okay to freak out, I understand. I’m here.”
It took everything in Xavier not to break down right then and there. He let go of a few silent tears and hoped she couldn’t see them in the dark. He had to tell her the whole story, he just didn’t have it in him to ruin the happiest he’s ever been in a long time. He was selfish as shit and he was going to pay for that in hell or on earth. But for the first time in so long they didn’t feel like the same place for him.
“You make everything better.”
“Let’s just go to sleep. As long as I’m here you shouldn’t have problems.”
She was too good for him. Knowing exactly what to say, knowing what he needed her to do before he even asked. And she was always looking to help him, to heal him. But there was a question weighing Xavier’s mind. What if he was meant to hurt? What if the pain was his deserved punishment? 
“Good night, Xav.”
He couldn’t even mutter an answer because he fell asleep. And Xavier couldn’t recall the last time he slept so peacefully.
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taglist: @ryswritingrecord; @rayliz793; @vviviivvivivivvivivivi; @kkmstblog; @khaylin27; @hopelessromanticwriter; @kis9na - feel free to ask in the notes to be added to the tag list. whether on this story or on all my writing
thank you to all the amazing people writing nice things in the tags, notes and reblogs. you are the best and i'm kissing you on the forehead.
[a.n.] can you guys believe i'm still alive? its been almost a year since i promised i'd publish part 3 and here it is. i never said when...
but in all honesty i'm sorry it took me so long. i have no excuse other my my own perfectionism didn't let me publish. i wrote this chapter with five different endings and none of them felt right. one was too angsty, one was too smutty too soon. i just wasn't happy with it. i write for fun and the more pressure i put on myself the less fun it was. i have three more fics written 3/4 but not finished simply because my brain won't cooperate. one fic is in the stranger things fandom. in other news i got diagnosed with adhd and autism and this might be a factor. my wednesday hyperfixation dwindled out. but i wanna keep writing if you guys want to keep reading. i just need patience and maybe medication. this hasn't been fully proofread, just bits and pieces because i fear if i reread it again from top to bottom for the hundredth time i'll rage delete all of it, my entire blog and then myself. sorry. let's hope part four will come out before wednesday season 2
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Idk why but I love opening Tumblr and seeing this as one of my top posts it honestly makes my day <3
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xavi3rzz · 2 years ago
heyy whats up? i finished watching wednesday and i wanna write for xavier thorpe
send requests for xavier thorpe pleasee i wanna write
no smut tho just fluff and angst only
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blehcupidd · 2 years ago
Jealous Girl
Chapter Twenty Two
Xavier Thorpe x fem!oc
A/n: Taken from my Wattpad made at the beginning of 2023, some written mistakes and i had a note about what happen with Percy Hanes White, that note will put put at the end of this chapter.
Also ignore mistakes please i wrote this whilst looking at the tv show so if it says that someone looks at something but it didnt state what, ignore it im sorry.
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Wednesday was covered in blood and mud, Évangéline had found herself in a similar situation. Her fall had been broken by a stray shard of metal, from the sword. The wound was on her waist, every time she moved the pain increased.
She could only focus of the blood on her hands. How bad was the wound? The cock of a gun brought her out of a trance. "You brought a gun to a sword fight." It was Thornhill. "It's probably the first smart decision you've made today."
"I might not get to kill all the outcasts," Thornhill staggered closer to Wednesday. "but at least I'll get to kill you, Wednesday." Évangéline was too far away to see why her previous teacher had stopped. That was until there was a buzzing sound. Getting louder, and louder. The amount of bees increased, all swarming Thornhill.
She began shooting and covering her head, not knowing what to do. "Yeah, that's what you get for messing with Nevermore." It was Wednesdays friend, Eugene. "Hummers stick together, right?"
The bees were imbedding themselves into the woman on the floor. Then, Wednesday ended it all.
All Nevermore pupils and teachers were outside the gates, all wanting the truth for what was happening. Then, Yoko noticed someone walking. It was a small blonde girl, shivering covering in mud and blood.
"Enid?" The soft voice of Ajax worried, seeing she was only in a coat. Leading her through the heels of students, she couldn't see two people. "Where's Wednesday? Where's Évangéline?" Everyone just looked at each other, not knowing what happened with the two girls.
Her worrying was cut short as she saw four people walking towards the gates, although one was slightly limping. They had all ran up to the four, seeing it was Wednesday, Évangéline, Eugene and Bianca. The two girls overwhelmed in emotions were shortly pushed into a hug with an equally emotional Enid.
It was cut slightly short, as Wednesday had leaned backwards, but shortly gave in as she saw Enid's face. Slowly, Évangéline made her way out of the hug, leaving Enid to have the hug she had wanted for months.
Tears were in her eyes, blood had made its way onto her face from her hands and small cuts and mud caked the majority of her skin. Looking at the group of people she was well associated with, she saw Xavier. The boy had staggered towards the girl, not knowing what to do, not knowing how she felt.
She cut his worries short by grasping his face and gave him what they both had yearned for. A kiss. It was finally happening, something that had became so unimaginable by the two. Not thinking they would ever see each other again.
Leaning her face into Xavier's shoulder, he noticed the metal sticking out of the side of her back. "Angel," he whispered, almost like she was about to break into pieces.
"I know," she sighed, holding on tighter.
Students were sent home early for the rest of the semester. After everything from the past night and earlier months, the remaining teachers decided to let the kids have a break. Évangéline had gotten her wound fixed, with it needing a few stitches, and was currently packing her room.
The trio had gone to their deceased principals office, paying their respects. "I hate to admit, but I am gonna miss Principal Weems." The pink one spoke first.
"She could be a real pain." The black one complained. "But she was tough. For that, I have immense respect."
"And she died for the one thing she truly loved, this school." The brown one finished.
"She was one of us." All three girls left.
"Now that classes are cancelled for the rest of the semester, you two have to come visit me in San Francisco." Enid demanded to her two friends. "I can pretty much guarantee fog and drizzle every day for you, Wednesday. And Evan, I'll be there for you to complain to."
"Sounds tempting." Wednesday agreed.
"Only if you two come to France, we can go to all the cute little cafés." Évangéline smiled, seeing the look from her friend, "Don't worry, Nes, there's dark things in Paris. Oh! Like the bell towers of Notre Dame." This brought a composed smile on Wednesdays face, the nickname was back.
"Bianca." Wednesday stopped the girl who helped a lot yesterday, "I owe you a thank you."
"We're getting that fencing title next year. So don't let killing one supernatural pilgrim get to your head." Bianca joked, leaving with a smile towards Évangéline.
"Oh, and Nes." Évangéline turned, only to be met with no Wednesday. Not even Enid. "What the hell," she whispered.
"You look a little lost." A taunting voice came from over head. Already knowing who it was, she held a smile.
"Don't you have anything better to do than watch girls?" Évangéline joked, making her way up the small starecase.
"Only the pretty ones." He lowered his voice, only wanting Évangéline to listen.
"Who are these pretty girls you've been looking at, then?" She wrapped arms around Xavier's neck, holding him close and it felt natural.
"I don't know if you know her." Repeating her actions, but on her waist, being cautious of the stitching. "She has brown hair, with little pink streaks. The most enchanting eyes I've ever seen. She's incredibly brave and even after falling out with someone, she still helped her."
This caused an uncontrollable smile to appear of Évangéline's face, "Stop it," she spoke into his shoulder, hiding her smile. It was a nice silence for a few seconds. No worries clouded their minds, they felt content in the moment and didn't care if their fellow students were watching.
"How are your stitches?" He stroked just above the fresh wound, showing his affection.
"Could be better. How are you feeling about being a free man?" She brought her head up.
"All charges dismissed." He smiled, replicating what Évangéline was doing. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I need to find Wednesday and thank her for the arrow and to apologise for things I said." At the sound of an arrow, she gave a confused face, "I'll explain later. Have a good break, I'll see you around?" He gave a hopeful glance.
"Of course." She waved him off. "Have a good break."
After saying goodbye to her friends she met up with her father, belongings already in the car. "You ready to go, Evie?" He asked, but before she could answer, her phone went off. Looking at the message, it was pictures of her and Xavier and her and Wednesday.
She looked up, hiding the scared look, "Yeah, I'm ready."
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hushedlover · 1 year ago
an aaron hotchner x reader where she brings in their kid to the office!! i feel like this could be super cute!!
“Aw, look at her chubby little cheeks!”
Garcia squeals, making grabby hands at the little girl resting on your hip. You laugh and let the blonde woman take your toddler from your arms. The 2 year old claps in delight and immediately latches her hands onto the chunky necklace Garcia was wearing. She was like a crow, anything shiny immediately was in her hands.
“You did good, mama,” Derek smiles as he pulls you into a side hug. You grin up at him and hug him back.
“Thanks, Morgan. Any idea where Aaron is at?” You ask, smiling warmly as Spencer and JJ come over to coo at your little girl too.
“Last I saw, him and Rossi were talking in his office,” Derek chuckles as little Hotchner tugs on Reid’s hair. You smile as you watch her look over at the sound of the deep laugh, your baby immediately squealing at the sight of Uncle Derek.
Suddenly you’re being pulled into a warm chest from behind, strong arms wrapping around your waist to tug you backwards. You laugh softly as Aaron takes a deep breath with his nose pressed to your hair.
“My favorite girls,” He murmurs. “The best surprise.”
“Brought you lunch, too. Thought maybe we could do a picnic,” you hum back. It’s impossible not to lean back into his warmth and close your eyes, just resting like that for a moment.
“Maybe we could steal a few minutes for just us. I don’t think anyone is going to be letting our girl go for the next little bit,” Aaron says with a hint of a laugh in his voice. He watches as his team passes around your little girl, listening intently to the senseless babbles that make up the story she’s telling.
“Sounds perfect to me.”
Pulling out of Aaron’s arms, you grab his large hand and interlace your fingers. JJ catches your eye and send a wink along with a thumbs up, assuring you that she’d keep an eye on your baby girl. Tugging, you lead Aaron out of the bullpen with the team smirking and laughing at the two of you.
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jazzyoranges · 1 year ago
i love you write! can i req where shapeshifter reader's Super high after hanging out with stoners and shift to grizzly bear and can't shift back to human form enid report to wednesday, also reader just talk random shet that all wednesday hear was bear grumbling and whining?, tq 3<
New heights
Wednesday Addams x fem!shapeshifter!reader
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: implied drug use, you’re kinda a dumbass lol, my attempt at humor
A/n: writers block is kicking my ass whoops… also happy new years!
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uehdhd nsedd uew gdhjs ppppspsodod hsdf
“Wednesday, can you decipher this?” Enid gets up from her bed to show her roommate the text she just got from you, which seemed to be just a bunch of random letters
“What makes you think I’m going to understand better than you.” Wednesday raises an eyebrow at Enid from where she’s sitting at her desk
“I dunno, she’s your girlfriend? Girlfriend telepathy or something”
“I recall her telling me she was, to put it bluntly, getting high with friends tonight.”
“And you didn’t think to lead with that! Do you know where she is?”
“Knowing her, the forest.”
“And you let her!?” Enid exclaims, a hand racking through her hair
“(Y/n)’s the scariest thing in there. Worst comes to worst she comes out with a few scratches.” The blonde is about to respond when her phone pings with another few messages from you
hey uh tell wednesday to come pick up her girlfriend (10:27)
i think (Y/n)’s lost it (10:27)
i’m her friend btw (10:27)
“Alright put on your big girl pants, we’re getting your girlfriend” Enid’s phone rings with an incoming facetime from you, and she scrambles to click join. What she doesn’t expect is the face of one of your friends, looking a little more than worried
“Oh, thank god! I’m sorry for bad first impressions, but-“ A whine is heard in the background your friend turns to the noise
“Chill out dude, your girlfriend is right here!” He turns back to Enid
“Please put Wednesday on, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bear cry before” Wednesday perks up at her name and swiftly takes the phone from Enid. Your friend turns around the phone so now the two roommates are looking at a grizzly bear that stands on its hind legs, whining and maybe even sobbing
“(Y/n).” Wednesday says, and you snap your head towards the phone held in front of you
Now aware of your girlfriends face in front of you, you get back down onto all fours and boop the screen with your nose
“Wednesday, I missed you! Y’know I was just out here, getting high with my friends as one does, and then all of a sudden I was really sad! Then I started thinking really hard why that might be and I realized it was because you weren’t here! You know how I ugly cry, right? Well I started doing that but for some reason my friends didn’t really understand what I was saying, but I know you’d understand! So that’s why we’re here. Also, I think I might’ve had a growth spurt. I feel really tall and big right now”
Just by the shaking of your phone on the other end of the call, Enid knows her feelings of confusion and maybe fear are shared when you start to grumble and whine. Only you would be able to ramble as a fucking grizzly bear
“C-Connection’s bad, please say something!” Your friend squeaks behind the phone, and Wednesday resists the urge to roll her eyes. It was you, after all. No reason to be scared
“Enid, make sure she doesn’t freak out. I’ll go pick her up.” Wednesday sighs, grabbing her jacket and giving Enid her phone back. She hears you whine even more when you can’t see Wednesday in frame anymore
“(Y/n), can you…” Is the last thing Wednesday hears before leaving the dorm. For an academy that had a curfew, they were astonishingly bad at keeping it upheld. A turn here, climb up that wall, don’t touch that grass near the academy, and boom you’re in the forest before Enid can post something on her blog about Xavier and Bianca’s relationship
You weren’t very difficult to find. The wailing of a bear basically echoed in the forest and claw marks on trees made a clear path to the place you and your friends were getting high at. Well, were getting high at. Wednesday almost wants to watch your friends stay scared behind trees as you claw at the ground below you even more as Enid’s attempts at calming you down seem to be futile
“Wednesday’s almost there, (Y/n)! Maybe just a few more minutes?”
“But I want her now!!” You cry, falling to the ground on your furry stomach with a loud thump
“We’ve already established you’re a bear! We don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, dude!” Your friends voice cracks
“There are two wolves inside of me…” Your head snaps at the sound of a twig snapping in the forest. You stand up on your hind legs, hoping to intimidate whoever seems to be in the forest with you. You’ve already pissed on every tree so no way another bear would dare challenge you for territory
“Who’s there!”
“Don’t get your fur matted, it’s just me.” Wednesday makes her presence known by a chill in the air, which makes your friend jump but ultimately hide behind her. At first he touches her shoulder but the glare she sends his way makes him rethink his life. Luckily he gets out of the way before you barrel towards Wednesday. This time, as a giant tiger
The Addams is quickly tackled to the floor with your entire body weight on her. Your tongue would probably hurt Wednesday if you licked hard enough so you opt for chuffing wildly while having all the characteristics of a needy house cat. You had to make your peace with not being able to purr as a tiger. Which, you were always mad about. “If big cat, why no purr?” as you’d say
“(Y/n).” Wednesday embraces you. Her hands rack through your fur with calculated fingers that knew where to pet you. Under your stomach, behind the ears, and anywhere on your neck. She also knew where your pressure points were, but there’s no fun in dragging a tiger back to Nevermore
You chuff in response, not planning to stop smothering your girlfriend
“(Y/n).” Wednesday tries again. She fails.
“(Y/n).” This time, the look on your girlfriends face makes you stop your smothering. You blow air into her face with a tilt of your head
“Human, now.” You huff in Wednesday’s face while unwillingly getting off of her. Despite her protest you stay a tiger as you walk over to your friend, who looks confused as ever. Giving him a small nod, you take your phone out of his hand with your mouth and let him pet your head
Next, you scoop up Wednesday on your back while deciding it’s a better time than ever to leave
“S-Same time next week?” Your friend calls behind you. You give him the best smile you can whilst your phone is still in your mouth
You’re halfway out the forest when Wednesday finally decides to talk to you again
“For the record, I’m not doing this again the same time next week.”
Enid opens her door to; you, who’s taken Wednesday’s jacket with a shit eating grin and Wednesday, who’s glaring at you with what looks to be either murder or adoration.
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Y/n: when we first met you, we thought you were weird and annoying.
Xavier: and?
Y/n: and you are.
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hermslore · 1 year ago
Begin Again | Enid Sinclair x Reader
You just got out of a toxic relationship with Xavier and with Enid having her heart broken by Ajax too, she decides to ask you out on a date. [Reader is a vampire]
Inspo : Begin Again by Taylor Swift
You took a deep breath and entered the quad, this was the first time you were stepping out of your room after what happened with Xavier. You really liked him, but of course, he cheated on you with Wednesday.
It hurt you when he did that but you had to move on. You weren't looking forward to classes but you had to deal with it. Everyone was having breakfast and you had the first period free, giving you about an hour of free time. You were pretty popular in the school and your relationship was loved by many, so everyone knew about what had happened. Waving to many people, you made your way to the vampires.
Engaging yourself in conversations was really helping with your mood until people started gossiping about your relationship. "Y/n? Are you alright, we heard about you and Xavier," one of them quipped. "Is it true he kissed Wednesday?" another added. "He was an asshole anyway, I'm glad you got rid of him," "Wednesday didn't really seem to be his type-" "I thought he was more into Bianca," They continued with their comments which made you sick, "Stop! Enough, can you guys stop bothering her?" you heard a voice from behind you, shutting them all up.
You turned around to see Enid and smiled. You weren't very close to her but you both would always sit together in most classes and you had started to develop a liking towards her. She was friendly, smart, energetic and cared about people. You were glad to have her as a friend, although, sometimes you wondered if you both could have ended up in a relationship if Xavier hadn't happened. You were always interested in her but then Xavier came along and you had forgotten about your crush on her. "Y/n? Hey, you there?" She said, waving her hand around your face, bringing you back to reality. You shook you head and said, "Yeah, yeah." She giggled, taking your hand leading you away from the vampires to a place where you both could talk.
"So, how has it been? You know, life, I heard about what happened with Xavier, are you alright? You haven't stepped out of your room in weeks," she said, concern lacing her tone as she fiddled with her fingers. "I'm fine, Enid, don't worry, I just kinda miss him, you know? He was a good guy, well except for the cheating part," you said, shrugging as she gave you a small smile. "Well, that makes the two of us," she replied, making you raise your eyebrows. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I broke up with Ajax last week," she said as your mouth formed an 'O' shape. "So, um, I was thinking.. do you want to go to the Weathervane later today? I mean since we're both single, I- I mean uh-" you cut off her blabbering by a giggle. "You're so cute, Enid, if you want to ask me out on a date, just say so, the answer's yes, by the way." You said, walking away leaving her blushing. -- You looked into the mirror and took a deep breath. Xavier never liked it when I wore high heels but you were sure Enid wouldn't mind. You were really looking forward to the date as you made your way into the weathervane. You walked in, expecting her to be late but she was early, standing there waiting for you. She took one look at you, her jaw dropping. "Wow, Y/n, you look so good," she said, biting her lip. She signaled for you to sit down, sitting across you. Both of you indulged in conversations about various topics. She ordered drinks for you both and honestly, she got your order right in the first go. She told you so many stories but she couldn't tell why you were coming off a little shy. What surprised you the most was when she threw her head back laughing like a little kid, it was strange that she thought you were funny because he never did. You had a great time with her but it was getting pretty late so you both walked down the block back to Nevermore. You almost brought him up but she started talking about the Christmas movies she watched with her siblings which made you smile.
You had been spending the last few weeks thinking that all that love does is break and burn and end but she changed your perspective on that. You both reached your dorm as you turned around to look at her, smiling. "I had a great time, Enid, thank you for that, you're amazing," you said, making her cheeks go red.
"We should do this more, you know, friends hanging out?" she said, her eyes looking down at your lips for a second before coming back up as she bit her lip, fiddling with her fingers. You giggled, making her confused. "Oh, Enid, I like you too," You said, putting your palm on her cheek and pulling her in. She smiled into the kiss, putting her arms behind your neck as your lips moved in sync.
You thought you would be scarred for a while after Xavier and his asshole behavior, But, on a Wednesday, in a cafe, you watched it begin again.
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ribbons111 · 1 year ago
hi, i’m Ribbon 𓍼 𓍯. 𓂃 and i write stuff. hope you enjoy your stay!
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my masterlist;
track 1: lavender haze ()
track 2: maroon (xavier thorpe)
track 3: anti-hero ()
track 4: snow on the beach ()
track 5: you’re on your own, kid (jess mariano)
track 6: midnight rain ()
track 7: question…? ()
track 8: vigilante shit ()
track 9: bejewelled ()
track 10: labyrinth ()
track 11: karma ()
track 12: sweet nothing (jess mariano)
track 13: mastermind ()
track 1: nothings going to hurt you baby ()
track 2: I’m a firefighter ()
track 3: dreaming of you ()
track 4: starry eyes ()
olivia rodrigo: obsessed (matteo riddle)
Currently writing. Theodore Nott : Coriolanus Snow : Arthur Leclerc.
any requests or ideas are more than welcome, if i am un able to reply or i am un able to comply to the request i am most sorry.
People. Jess Mariano : Coriolanus Snow : Steve Harrington : Theodore Nott : Rafe Cameron : Ethan Landry : Peter Parker/Spiderman : Billy Loomis.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 2 years ago
Perv!Xavier Thorpe~Headcanon
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warning : minors don't read/interact, dark theme, obsession, obsessive thoughts, obsessive love, yandere behavior, yandere thoughts, stealing your things, use of Y/n one time, implied kidnapping (if you read it closely), one-sided attraction, mention of (m) masturbation, true love, implied mental health problems, drawing you naked without your consent, little comfort, fluff
Part. 2
°What was supposed to be a new school year like any other was for the artist one that changed his whole life. Since he was on the school grounds, the rumour about Wednesday, a serial killer and creepy new girl, had spread around the school. But when another car parked next to the black old one, his eyes settled on it.
°When the passenger door opened he saw you and as if he was completely blind he saw only you. My muse he thought and his hand closed tighter around the stone railing from where he watched the students. Saw the sun illuminate you in just the right light. Saw your smile as you hugged your mother, as you spoke to her and let your gaze wander over the academy.
°Everything about you drew him in like a drug. Everything about you, whether it was your look, your voice, your body, your being, everything about you was the most beautiful and precious thing he had in his shattered world. And he would be the first to claim you. He would be the only one after all this time he had finally found his muse.
°He watched you say goodbye to your mother before grabbing your bag and suitcase and heading for the school entrance. Hastily he pushed himself off the railing and made his way to you. You were looking at the courtyard when you heard a voice next to you. ,,Pretty old, isn't it?" he said and his green-brown eyes went to yours. He could have got lost in your gaze.
°You were only more beautiful and flawless than from afar. He felt his fingers close around the pencil in his jacket pocket. He felt how he wanted to be even closer to you. He felt how he wanted to paint you, to explore more of you. He had never felt anything like this before, but this attraction seemed to give his life meaning.
°He saw you watching him for a moment and he would be lying if he said he didn't like it. ,,Yeah right but I kinda like it...I'm Y/n King" she introduced herself and held her hand out to him. His heart beat faster. He had only known you for about five minutes and already you seemed to want him as much as he wanted you. He returned the gesture and felt your warm soft skin under his fingers. ,,I'm Xavier. Xavier Thorpe" he replied and saw the small birthmark on your middle finger and wondered if you had more of them on your body.
°How would you look under that uniform? His thoughts ran amok as he went from one erotic pose to another. You needed to model for him, he needed to hold you. Needed you on his canvas. How would you react to that? Anticipation arose inside him before he offered to show you around. And you agreed. But all the time his eyes were on you, taking in everything they got.
°As he continued to lead you around the academy, holding on to your emotions. How you looked amazed or even completely fascinated at the old tree in the middle of the playground. Before you stopped in front of its picture with the ravens. ,,That's beautiful" he heard her say and saw her fingers tracing the picture a few centimetres from the wall. You are perfect he thought and he felt his heart beat faster when he saw how her eyes seemed to admire his art with fascination.
°He stepped closer to her before placing his hand over hers, cautiously, to test if she would let him. But she did, looking at him curiously and slightly confused. ,,I drew this...here look" he said calmly before using his powers to make the birds fly. Before he moved his hand and asked her to hold out her finger. ,,Wow, Xavier, that's incredibly beautiful!" she exclaimed in fascination as she watched him guide the raven onto her finger.
°The artist let the bird nestle against her hand before slowly directing the drawing back to the wall. ,,I'm glad you like it," he said, unable to hide the slight blush that crept into his cheeks. She looked at the picture one last time before he escorted her to her room. ,,Thanks again Xavier" and was about to close the door when she seemed to consider. ,,Wait a minute," she said hastily before taking out a small writing pad and grabbing a pen.
°Xavier watched her write something down before she blew on the paper and the leaves spun faster than they should have before the paper formed a flower. ,,Here's a little thank you...you're not the only one who can create something beautiful" she said with a wink and handed him the flower that blossomed in his hand. You are the flower...blossoming beautiful at my side he thought and carefully and gently stroked the single paper blossoms that slowly turned to a dark purple. You had a wonderful gift, he found. You were a muse and an artist at the same time.
°He thanked you before going back to his own room where he placed the flower on his desk. His fingers slowly stroked over the blossoms and he wandered dreamily in his thoughts to you. She understands me...she gives me what I need he thought and decided to think of a plan. Something that would bring him closer to you. He needed-no, he desired-more of you. More of your personality, more of your praise, more of your body. More of your inspiration. More of the calm you had on him.
°A few days passed in which not only the new school year began but in which he continued to observe you. He painted whenever he could, giving himself as many facts and rumours as he could get from Enid while disappearing more and more often into his little studio. At night to protect the darkness. The darkness that left him alone with his imagination. But the more he drew you, the more he took you out of the picture and touched you. The more his greed for you seemed to increase.
°Whenever he touched his drawing, his emotions ran away with him. They were too strong for him to concentrate on the painting, which caused you to dissolve into colour. ,,Don't worry...I'll get you eventually" he murmured as he looked back at the painting. Where you were looking under a tree and smiling at him while in your hand was your notepad.
°As he looked at the centrepiece of his collection next to the endless paintings and drawings. A t-shirt of yours that you had left at the lake when you went swimming with Bianca and the other mermaids. It turned out you were a poor swimmer and wanted to improve your skills. He could still feel himself sitting as innocently as possible against a tree and pretending to enjoy nature.
°But the tug on his groin and the way his hands traced your body fibre-like in his sketchbook. When you were standing there in just your bikini, it almost drove him mad. The sun shone perfectly on you, making him see all the drops of water flowing over your skin. How they disappeared into your cleavage and ran down your belly. He wanted to touch himself, to pleasure himself. See if you would see him. See what you would do. Would you dump him...or even help him? A shaky sigh came over his lips and it took him some effort not to jump into the lake and swim to you as well.
°But he didn't, he kept his composure and continued to watch you for a while before he gave you a slight wave before he was sure that no one was watching you. As quickly as necessary he hurried to the t-shirt you had left behind and slipped into a bathrobe instead. That's how your property came into his possession. Just one of many things. And even though it was in the wooden shed, it still smelled of you. Sweet and fruity like a flower.
°A slight redness crept onto his cheeks as he thought of how many times he had jerked off with the T-shirt in his hand. How he had suppressed his moans, gasps and whimpers with the fabric. How often he had wished you would touch him like this. It was his goal to finally have you, his new work of art.
°And to achieve this he only had to lure you here and take what he wanted. Your whole being. His fingers gripped the brush in his hand tighter as he looked at the picture of you one last time and then at your shirt before he turned off the light bulb and closed the door behind him.
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mel-13-29 · 2 years ago
Wednesday: You know those things will kill you, right? xavier, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point. y/n, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process. enid: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
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