#wtf this episode tried to murder me
Silver: Well how do you feel about Ame?
Suvi/Sky: We weren’t having sex in the bathroom and I can prove it
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altf4d3lete · 4 months
Episode One this is single-handedly bringing back my obsession even though it never left
- its 2022. Why is everyone freaked out bc a girl wears all black. Like people do that on a daily basis nowadays
- “I want names” didn’t you JUST see them walking away from the locker
- Stop shoving him in a locker tied up is actually so mean wtf
- I see people use this piranha scene as justification that she’d be okay with murder, but really it’s justification that she wouldn’t be okay with people hurting her friends and those she cares about AT ALL. She’s trying to KILL these guys just for bullying their brother. Imagine what she’d do to Tyler for hurting Eugene and Enid.
- The intro is SO fucking cool
- Emma was so far down on the list of actors and now my girl is #3 behind Jenna and buscemi. She’s a main character now B)
- If I were Wednesday I’d be pissed too. I CANT with the parents. Like I love you but RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER 😭
- It’s five minutes in and I have so many notes
- Have to say again with the “terrible, they’d know I didn’t get the job done” that Wednesday is MORBID, not okay with murder unless she deems the person deserves it
- Ergh there is clearly so much discrimination against outcasts
- Weems and morticia r lowkey giving homoerotic rivalry…
- I genuinely can’t even like… I CANT WHY DID WEEMS PAIR HER WITH ENID 😭
- Guys Enid is SO cute holy fuck. She is UNPHASED bro, she’s just so excited to have a roommate she’s so cute I’m sobbing. She just wanted to accept Wednesday.
- Wednesday just lies about killing two kids to Enid and Enid just moved on like nothing happened.
- Also HELLO? THEIR BANTER? Enid takes NO shit 😭
- Hmm part of me wonders if those wolves howling were making fun of Enid.
- They’re literally leaning into each other wha
- “You better watch your back” and Wednesday is behind her that’s so funny
- How do you go from “cute but clueless” to “obsessed” enjax was lowkey forced whereas wenclair had chemistry from the beginning
- Wednesday being a housewife will NEVER make sense
- I know people hate the relationship between Wednesday and morticia but it’s very realistic. You can easily tell they still love each other despite the harsh words.
- YEESH THE HYDE TORE HIM APART (I think this works with my theory that the more Tyler is aware of the Hyde, the more controlled his attacks get. Which also means that he knew what he was doing when he killed Kinbott, leaving her alive to taste her fear. And he knew what he was doing in the forest when he tried to kill Wednesday and nearly attacked his father)
- when did Wednesday check out enid’s blog. How and why.
- THE LITTLE SCOFF BEFORE “you mean emojis?”
- Enid huffing is crazy girly is ANGRY
- The way they just stare each other down is crazy wenclair is SO full of banter I forgot how hilarious they are
- Bianca lowkey eating everyone up…
- Bianca is so aggressive in her fighting style, whereas Wednesday is precise. It’s really cool
- THE GASPING IN THE BACKGROUND AFTER “let’s see if you bleed in black and white.”
- Xavier scoffs so much in this show and every time he does it lowkey makes me hate him more
- “No good deed goes unpunished” okay elphaba
- Girly was smiling when she was about to die.
- “Call it instinct” shut up actually
- Bro she had NO clue who Xavier was 😭
- It bothers me that ppl think she cared Xavier was in the coffin. She just wanted to see the godmother come back to life fr
- I would be flabbergasted if my therapist read the equivalent of my journal before our sessions. She never should have been sent that.
- Ergh Tyler…
- The deep voice lowkey sounds really forced, idk what it is about Tyler’s voice but it bugs me. I think it’s the way his lines always kinda have the same delivery.
- Twenty bucks when he probably makes that in like half a day of work 😭
- The pilgrims look like such dorks bro who are they tryna scare 💀
- Why are they asking her if she’s “been with a normie” that’s so weird
- Her playing with the necklace means everything to me
- Damn the hiker was the third victim
- The sheet music doesn’t match what she was playing but that doesn’t rly matter
- Love that enid went from disgusted to things bff
- Their roof scene is so meaningful to me. They work so well together. Enid doesn’t need anyone but Wednesday and Wednesday doesn’t need anyone but Enid. Enid teaches her how to relate to others and feel empathy and Wednesday teaches Enid to unapologetically be herself.
- Nero :(
- Them bonding is so cute 😭 this is rekindling my obsession
- Notice the immediate disrespect from Tyler but Enid gets close with thing so quickly
- Damn Enid is suspicious. Bro has some killer instincts
- “Hint taken” and Xavier proceeds to KEEP talking to her
- So Wednesday gives Tyler a time and place and you’re telling me it’s just a coincidence that those three pilgrims show up at that exact time at place? Literally there WAITING? No way. Tyler had to have told them, sorry about it.
- I lowkey feel bad for Weems. She’s a little controversial but she was just trying to do her best for nevermore
- Nah man that was an absolute ploy. There’s no way they just happened to know where to be. Tyler was trying to keep her from leaving. He already knew who she was by then and that they needed her.
- Rowan was so conflicted he didn’t deserve to die. He was just trying to protect people
- The way she scrambled over to him even after he tried to kill her :(
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leemillion · 1 year
Theory Time!
Alright so I have an abundance of theories for The World of Mr Plant so I’m just gonna spill them all here. Maybe I’ll even update it as more theories arise, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
~Mr. Plant always loved Argos~
Now call me crazy but I think Mr. Plant always had a thing for Argos. He just didn’t fully realize/come to terms with it until the valentines episode. And even then he struggled to express emotions at first, but he’s been getting better at that.
Now adding on we all know Mr. Plant won’t hesitate to kill any minor inconvenience that comes his way. And Argos supposedly annoyed him to hell and back. So why didn’t he kill Argos? Sure he thought about it, but he never actually went through with it. It makes no sense to kill a random stranger just for a job but then leave someone you supposedly hate alive, but that’s just me:
Maybe he mistook his feelings for Argos as anger or tried to deny it by rationalizing it in some weird way. I mean it doesn’t seem like he has any relationship experience. Maybe this is his first time feeling these things and that’s why he was so hesitant and confused.
~Why Mr. Plant joined the scouts~
Now I find this one pretty wholesome. Mr. Plant doesn’t like kids at all so Argos being apart of the scouts was something he actively discouraged. Yet by the end of the episode he chose to join them 😌
Now I have 2 reasons for this. It could either be one of them or a mixture of both of them.
Reason #1 - After the incident with the “human” he thought “oh shit I get to kill people and murder people holy shit-“ and decided hey it can’t be that bad
Reason #2 - After the incident with the “human” he realized Argos and the scouts might need someone to protect them so he decided to join to keep them safe.
I think I like the second reason it’s so fucking wholesome. Argos and Mr. Plant have 3 unofficially adopted children now 😌
(One more thing that’s not important to the theory but I didn’t know where else to put it: On the phone Mr. Plant immediately ran over the second Argos mentioned he was “right across the way” Do you think Mr. Plant knew about the creep that lived there??? That he knew about him kidnapping and doing who knows what with kids?? And once he heard Argos was over there he was like “oh fuck no not my Argos 🔪” That’s so cute wtf 😭)
~Mr. Plant’s other half~
So we all know Mr. Plant is half banana leaf. But what about the rest of him? I’ve seen many theories of him being part walker plant, imitation plant, and even human. And I think imitation plant might make the most sense (I still like to think a small part of him is a walker though)
I mean in Gardening with Argos, Argos refers to some of his plants as his “favorite flower.” We all know Mr. Plant is obviously his favorite 🙄
Unless… Mr. Plant isn’t considered a flower at all?
Now this could be a stretch. Maybe there’s 2 types of plants. Those that are considered people and those that are considered just plants. But who knows.
~The mushrooms found Argos creepy~
This might not be so much of a theory as it is an observation.
At first when I watched this episode I thought “tf they mean creepy? He’s like the most normal guy here” And then I realized Argos looks the most normal to the viewers but not the other characters.
Every other character either has an object head, an animal head, a plant head, a body part head, and of course the “humans” with their uncanny ass proportions. Argos isn’t the most human looking thing in their world. In fact there isn’t anyone else in the void who looks like him.
Maybe that’s why he’s always seen as “weird” or “creepy.” Plus we never know much about his family. Just his great great grandfather banana leaf. Maybe his family is some rare species.
Holy shit what if they’re hunted for sport and that’s what those “accidental deaths” were??? Maybe not. Maybe I’m going insane.
~It’s been a long long time~
So I found this comment on a TikTok video:
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I did the math and they’re correct. And if Argos is around the same age as Ashur is (23) then he’s been in this specific void since he was about 5 years old. He’s been marking up the days since he was old enough to write.
Meanwhile Mr. Plant moved in almost 2 years ago.
Argos was part of the welcoming committee then right?? I like to think he fell in love the minute he saw Mr. Plant 😌
So what’s next for them? Who knows but I’m rooting for lore in the next episode. Andddd I think that’s about it for theories for now, or at least until I suddenly come up with another. See you all next time :D
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
When I’m playing genshin, I’m mostly listening to either Paternity Court, or Steve Wilkos. Imagine the characters hearing all of the stuff and being so scandalized by the results and comments. Or being genuinely disgusted and heartbroken for the victims in more serious cases. I can def see a good chunk of them being invested
I don’t think I’ve listened to those yet! I do occasionally get on a true crime binge listen, however the weirdest thing my characters have heard has gotta be Game Grumps episodes or compilations lol
What if i listened to every season of Buzzfeed Unsolved.
What would we do then my Genshin characters, my people, what then.
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I saw someone else write about this true crime documentary thing but they described everyone being pretty terrified or disgusted by the podcasts
Which I definitely think some would be literally horrified lmao
But also I think a lot of them definitely would be invested-
I mean shit,
you're listening to your God and they just start playing this like uncomfortably detailed intricate crime case/murder report???
I would be so interested in what kind of person they were, and why they were listening to true crime stuff, 
so needless to say characters like Heizou and Yelan would definitely be into it, maybe Kujou Sara as well?
I can see Zhongli getting into it too and Raiden
I mean don't get me wrong plenty would be disturbed
like rest in peace Barbara 🙏
but like it would be fascinating to them too!!
cuz they don't know anything about our world so they could learn a lot about it thru listening to this stuff
tho it probably cause a lot of confusion whenever they hear things like phone or computer or car lol
you know stuff that hasn't been invented yet for them or there is no equivalent, but they
would deffo interrogate u about ur world when u get to Teyvat
okay but on a more silly motherfucker note-
what if I was playing Game Grumps around them lol, would they be like oh my God our Creator has the best comedians or hilarious friends
like you know how a king has jesters? 😭
I feel like they would think that instead of a recording definitely, especially because most of these things are just people talking and not like, a speech or something
because audio recordings could exist for them, they would probably get it in concept, they do have Ley lines that do that afterall (and now Kameras)
oh no, would they think that you're getting these reports in person??  Or even like your SOLVING all these crimes?? 
esp bc I know myself and I tend to sometimes be talking to Genshin characters like,
"damn that's how he got arrested? How stupid he could've blah blah blah i sound like a hardened cop playing a gacha game lmao blah blah...."
it'd be so funny to see that one play out
when u get whisked away to teyvat and Heizou and Yelan are just:
"oh my God can you help us with all these cases we love your mind, or get your servants to help us?"
THEY WOULDNT EVEN BELIEVE U IF U TRIED TO BE LIKE "no no please ur the professionals idk wtf im doing guys-"
Heizou/Yelan: 🤨🤨
"likely story Most Honorable God, but we heard quite the fascinating theories just last week before u descended, hmmm...."
u cant win, 
honestly everyone would probably just assume ur not only the god who created/built teyvat but also have a domain in justice, comedy or honestly whatever u be playing all the time, including music, people would definitely think ur a music god too
esp if ur like me and u just turn on a cool Spotify playlist while u play sometimes, like they've probably never heard so many radically different genres songs, and so many back to back
(could definitely see a myth about u having an immortal inexhaustible musician band that has access to all the songs of the universe that u make them play for you, once again, would be hard to deny bc that's a pretty accurate description of spotify lol)
srry abt my ✨️ass writing✨️ anon!!
I am getting to these old asks so late I hope u guys r alright with getting answered so late, ya boy has been busy 
Im busy partially bc i have a end of year art exhibition!
Basically at my university, if ur an art major, u have to have some of ur best work from ur time at university and display it in a Senior year art exhibition in the university's art museum! Its super cool! And stressful! :D!!
Anyway im so happy i have no object permanence bc everytime i open my drafts or my inbox, even the old asks :( , are  a new surprise every time :D lmao
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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Helluva Boss S2E9 blind blogging
[did the minimum about of editing and half of it was done while I was at work, so please excuse any grammar mistakes.]
(Mostly relating to the last episode)
Again, Stolas refuses to just talk. He was walking away and teleported Blitzo out of the building but now, after ignoring texts, he gets pissy cuz Blitzo wants to talk. 100% of this is because Stolas doesn't want a conversation. Blitzo misunderstands his intentions and jumps to conclusions, but when at least 3 opportunities to talk are given, Stolas shuts down.
Also where was this desire for a real relationship months ago after Blitzo admitted that he didn’t see their relationship as anything other than Stolas wanting to sleep with him. THAT is when they should've had an honest talk not mouths of avoiding each other.
(Okay now this ep)
God they made Blitzo so obnoxious to prove a point.
Veronika is a famous popstar, wtf does she care enough to throw an anti-Blitzo party? They have barely interacted in the show, never once in this season, why is she suddenly so pissed at him? How does she know Stolas is an ex, that happened recently.
If Stolas is that ‘done’ with Blitzo why doesn’t he just teleport him off the property again?
"Im UnCoMfOrTaBlE wITh HoW yOuRe SpEaCkInG tO mE nOw" fuck off. You had no problem going on a rant about all the dirty shit you wanted to do to him while he was being fucking gun down but now that shits uncomfortable. 
Stolas said whatever he wanted to Blitzo whenever he wanted and the second he doesn't feel like it, talking like that is breaking a huge boundary. Jump off a bridge.
Where did he get the impression that Blitzo and Striker were friends? Besides the games he never saw them around each other. Gives of the ‘these kids are near each other so they must be best friends’ energy. Like, no, they just met.
"You knew someone was trying to assassinate me?" 🥺 Yeah your wife was screaming about it two feet from your face. If it wasn’t important then, it isn’t important now.
I'll give Stolas the Striker thing and immediately take it away cuz it wasn’t like Stolas sounded afraid or even concerned during the phone call. How tf was Blitzo supposed to know royals could get hurt? Striker only had one angel weapon as far as IMP knew.
"Why would I allow everyone to see how much I like you? How I’ve tried to try so fucking hard to show I like you, to support you."
Fucking when? Where? Name literally one time. That shit at the harvest moon festival doesn't count because if Stolas actually cared he would've paid attention to how uncomfortable Blitzo was with him shouting pet names directly into the microphone. He’d know that him and Striker aren’t friends. Blitzo using the book was an arrangement for sex that Stolas offered. That is not support.
The one and only time their relationship was called out by others Stolas hid his face. Anything after has been in private and not where anyone, not even Blitzo was a witness. Ozzie is the only other person Stolas has openly confessed his feelings for. And he's with his own imp, so of course he isn't going to make a big deal about it.
“That was still the gayest thing I’ve heard all day!” Ignoring the actual line, why is he going feral? Wtf is this scene for? It's so out of place for what’s going on. This is something Loona would do.
“I don’t own you dick.” He’s right tho. Stolas tried to change the relationship without giving Blitzo a heads up or even communicating properly and then got butthurt when he didn’t get the answer he wanted and that was before Blitzo went off on him. And that’s after months of avoiding each other. This talk about changing their arrangement should’ve happen after Ozzie’s. Or at least hinted in Seeing Stars.
Why is the murder family wife getting an apology like she didn't try to kill IMP too ?Why does Blitzo know where she lives. DHORKS shouldn’t get apologies either, kinda ruins the point of Blitzo doing this ‘my name is Earl joke’ if he's apologizing to these people he had the right to hurt. I wonder if Moxxie got an apology.
The party has no music, making it the funniest scene in the series.
I knew they were going to make Veronika the bad one but good lord what is this. Are she and Stella drinking the same crazy juice? That made her Lute levels of crazy. 
You're telling me that ALL these people are Blitzo's exes? That insufferable ass? Is he supposed to drop dead gorgeous and the crew didn't tell us?? cuz no way this annoying man can pull that many people.
How did Blitzo get that far into the party and no one, all of which are there because of how much they hate him, didn't notice? Did he sleep with that many people or just date them? Why are any of these people wasting their time like this? Blitzo isn't important, he doesn't do anything. He is another asshole in hell, a place filled with assholes. Wtf is Blitzo's shitty behavior so out of place?
Oh look another situation where Stolas being in a relationship with an imp is not given any levels of importance or notice. 
So Tex is just mouthing the words right, cuz no way his voice is just blending in like that. Why is he here? 
Did they recast Stolas's singing actor? This song is bland. The singing is okay, but the music might as well not be there.
He's whining about still wanting Blitzo but refuses to speak with him or attempting to get him to have a serious conversation. He has no idea what Blitzo wants and has never asked once.
Stolas is drunk now? He only had a few drinks. In the circus he downed an entire bottle and was fine. Now a few drinks of spiked punch and he's wasted?
They throw this party every year!? You are shitting me. Why? He has signs posted everywhere. His crew is three other people, just kill him if he's that big of a problem. 
The creators cannot convince me that all these people care more about Blitzo than the oppressive society they live in, a member of which Stolas is.
Stolas's drunk rant kinda reveals that he wants to be loved and less that he wants to be in a loving relationship with Blitzo specifically. Interesting.
Seconds later Stolas is flustered by some random guy just asking to dance. Interesting.
How does Verosika know about the apology tour? He walked out on her when she said I love you, okay that's bad, but after spending so much of the episode making her look like a crazy ex, it gives off the impression that he dodged a bullet. At the very least Blitzo is actually in the wrong and it isn't some misunderstanding like with Fizz.
Glad they addressed that Blitzo being bad at relationships is a weird thing to focus on but it isn't explained. Unless he is extremely abusive, many people should not care about him / still be angry. These people live in an environment where they can be murdered at any time and almost no one would care / do anything to help. Compared to all that, a shitty boyfriend is kinda nothing.
I’m glad Verosika wasn’t completely shat on during this episode, especially in the last bit. We probably won’t be seeing her again but at least she got to leave with grace. 
I like the ending song.
Final thoughts. This episode worked overtime to make Blitzo the bad guy. It pulled maybe 100 people out of nowhere to justify Stolas’s anger and for what? The way he was so quick to hook up with another guy, shows he doesn’t care about Blitzo, he cares about the idea of a good relationship. That’s fine on its own, but the first part of this episode and the end of the last was about Stolas making his shattered pipe dream Blitzo’s problem.
Out of all the episodes that do not have a B plot why is it this one?
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lemon-natalia · 4 months
Harrow the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 50
thirty minutes before the Emperor’s murder and i still have no idea who’s gonna do it or why
Commander Wake. the commander who is Gideon's mother. who is Awake, the Sleeper. Who is in Cytherea’s dead body. Cytherea being the one Gideon had a crush on. WHO IS BEING POSSESSED BY GIDEON’S DEAD MOTHER. WHO IS THE BOE LEADER, COMMANDER WAKE. i’m fucking speechless what is this
also she’s calling the Emperor ‘Gaius’, do they fucking know each other??
omfg her full name includes ‘Snap me back to reality oops there goes Gravity’ wtf. weirdly i feel like thats such a Gideon (Nav) name to have, except she’s taking it so seriously 
‘did the ten billion give you that too.’ ‘how many babies died in the bomb Gaius’ oh this guy really did cause the apocalypse somehow didn’t he, fuuuck
scratch the others, this is the most tense tea party there’s been so far
‘it’s all come out’ what in the world’s most dramatic intervention is this
both Mercymorn and Augustine were conspiring with the BoE?? i didn’t see that coming, especially not Mercymorn
the eggs from the first message weren’t a metaphor????? they were literal goddamn eggs wtf
she was gonna kill said baby in order to enter the Locked Tomb, and nicknamed it the ‘Bomb’. um wow. why is everyone’s immediate plan in these books to jump straight to the baby murder. 
GIDEON (1.0) JUST KILLED HER?? again? can you even say you killed a ghost. what. what. i thought they were a thing what is going on. Gideon just saw her mother for the very first time in her life, talking about how she was planning to murder Gid as a baby, possessing the body of someone she had a crush on who also tried to kill her, get murdered. oh she’s gonna need so much counselling after this. 
speaking of, how the fuck did the relationship between Gideon 1.0 and Wake start, that feels very complicated 
and he thought the baby was his. key word being thought. not was. then who the fuck is the baby daddy. this whole shebang would make for a very entertaining episode of Dr Phil. or whatever tv shows it is that do dna tests, i don’t watch a lot of reality tv
i really didn’t think a conception story could get more fucked up than Harrow’s, but Gideon’s giving her a very strong run for her money
‘Hi, not fucking dead. I’m Dad’ YOU JUST FOUND OUT YOU HAVE A SECRET BABY WHY WOULD YOU SAY THIS. its been about a minute and he’s already cracking dad jokes. is making bad puns genetic in the Locked Tomb world or something, because that would say a lot about Gideon quite frankly 
i cannot believe the fact that these guys were in a threesome has been plot relevant two times over now
also Gideon is the fucking. daughter of the GOD of this world i guess. well there’s an explanation for why she’s so resistant to not dying then. if he wasn’t super dead, i think Silas’s reaction to this info would be so fucking funny
also. given Ianthe presumably doesn’t know about any of the details of Gideon’s birth, childhood, etc. she’s gotta be even more confused than Gideon right now
also also remember when i had that dream about the Locked Tomb? my subconscious is a prophet, apparently:
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
Millie is not protective of Moxxie when it comes to Blitzo doing shit to Moxxie or getting involved with their relationship. Don't believe me? Time for me to make a list.
It's established that Millie is Moxxie's knight in shining armor. Millie is Mario while Moxxie is Princess Peach. Millie is always there to protect Moxxie but only when it comes to the antagonists of the episode. Throughout the show, I've noticed that whenever Blitzo and (sometimes) Loona says or does something which aggravates Moxxie, Millie doesn't do anything to actually stop either of them. With Blitzo she mainly plays it off. Today I'm going to list the things that Blitzo and Loona have done and also I'm going to point out a few things that Millie should've done to at least help out Moxxie, but she didn't because humor.
The Pilot
Now, as always this problem can stem back all the way to the pilot. I can forgive some of the things she dismisses Blitzo of like being in their fridge, but there is a certain scene that Millie should've butted in because what Blitzo said was completely unnecessary. That being the infamous scene where Blitzo calls Moxxie the R-word. Millie doesn't say or do anything to Blitzo despite the fact that he pretty much insulted Moxxie with a very offensive word. Only after the scene, Millie decides to defend Moxxie by indirectly insulting him? Telling Loona that he wasn't easy to manage and calling Loona a "bitch" shortly afterward.
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And it only gets worse because once the kid insults Moxxie pretty much calling him a spineless jackass, Millie defends him right then and there. Millie for the most part was dick-riding Blitzo throughout this entire pilot. She doesn't stand up to him for Moxxie, but only does it when Eddie or Loona insults him. You'd think they'd actually fix this throughout the series, but nah.
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Murder Family
In Murder Family, Millie does not do anything when Blitzo treats him like shit (or is borderline abusive towards him). Millie doesn't do shit when Blitzo grabs Moxxie by the face, insults him, and throws him into glass or trash just five minutes in the episode. Granted, Moxxie is somewhat to blame for the fire, but Millie wasn't even there to at least stick up for Moxxie towards Blitzo.
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Another scene, probably more subtle than the previous one was when Blitzo was grabbing Moxxie's face and Moxxie was trying to get out of his grasp, but to no avail. Once again, Millie doesn't do shit and just talks to Blitzo while letting him grip on Moxxie's face.
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Another scene in Murder Family is when Blitzo rants to Moxxie that there is probably no innocence and insults him right after. Oddly, Millie isn't even present the majority of the time when Blitzo tries to assassinate Martha. She only makes a small appearance when she escapes out of the bushes. Literally no line was given to her, what the fuck.
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The last scene in Murder Family is when Blitzo pretty much threatens Moxxie to rape him and Millie. This entire scene is a wtf moment and despite the fact that Blitzo didn't get at least punched in the face by Millie or Moxxie was surprising. Millie had no problem killing Chaz once she found out that he dated Moxxie, but she doesn't even care when Blitzo threatens Moxxie that he will force himself on him and Millie. Wow.
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The only time Millie actually does snap at Blitzo in Murder Family was when Blitzo just outright says that bullets would be more effective to them, but even then she doesn't say anything to Blitzo afterward. Even though the dude had almost gotten them both killed.
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And that's only the first episode with other episodes (fortunately not all of them) still containing the issue. So I'm gonna skip to Spring Broken which fortunately has only two scenes I can actually point out.
Spring Broken
Blitzo, as always insults Moxxie right beside Millie and even manhandles him a little. Millie does nothing as always.
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Near the end of Spring Broken, Blitzo drops a drunken Moxxie on the ground and Millie just picks him up, once again not saying anything or doing anything to Blitzo when he physically or mentally abuses her husband in front of her. So let's move onto C.H.E.R.U.B!
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Moxxie gets body shamed right in front of Millie by Loona and he also gets slapped across the wall. Millie doesn't do jack shit and just moved out of the way for Moxxie to land on the wall.
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Moxxie gets crushed underneath twice, and Millie doesn't do shit to help him out. She doesn't even move a little bit of rubble to at least give him some space to breathe. This is one of the moments where Millie doesn't really help Moxxie without Blitzo causing it. Now let's move on to Harvest Moon Festival!
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Harvest Moon Festival
Moxxie gets pushed aside by Blitzo so the latter can introduce himself to Millie's parents right in front of Millie. Millie does nothing about it.
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This is something a bit unrelated, but when Moxxie goes onto talk about how more wars were won by technical advancement instead of brute force. Millie while watching him making the rant, tries to signal him to stop, which alongside her parents and Blitzo's reactions is what made him stop. So she won't let Moxxie be himself in front of his parents or even pretend to be interested in his speaking. Neat.
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Blitzo just straight up grabs Moxxie's crotch and Millie does not do anything about it. She was so fucking pissed at Chaz for dating Moxxie before they met, but when Blitzo touches Moxxie's no-no square it's suddenly fine. Hell, Blitzo does it a second time and Millie ignores this. Definitely not sharing images of this because you all know why.
Those are all I can find within Harvest Moon Festival, so now let's move onto Ozzie's.
Millie doesn't tell Blitzo off when Blitzo says that he'll join Moxxie and herself on their one year anniversary. I can somewhat understand the fact that she doesn't mind it when Blitzo stalks them, but I don't understand that Millie doesn't care if Blitzo goes with them to their anniversary dinner that Moxxie has been preparing for a while. She could've at least rejected Blitzo in a respectful way, but she doesn't say anything which led to Blitzo following them anyway.
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And for my last example for this post, Millie doesn't thwack Fizzarolli on his head when both he and Asmodeus decided to make fun of Moxxie. Instead, Millie does it AFTER Fizzarolli and Asmodeus finish roasting both her husband and Blitzo which was really fucking weird.
When it comes to Millie's main character trait of being protective of Moxxie, it's pretty much forgotten whenever Blitzo does his shenanigans around or towards Moxxie. This could be a somewhat hidden character trait of Millie, but I honestly highly doubt it, especially after the tweet Vivziepop released regarding Millie's character. So this was as a blog listing each and every part of Millie not taking action against Blitzo at all. With Season 2 released, there are still a few moments where Millie still does this, but I'm gonna leave that for a future post cause listing all of those has made me very tired. Thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a nice day!
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isekai-crow · 8 months
The Witch and the Beast / Majo to Yajuu Episode 1
Overall Score So Far: 9/10
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Guideau on the left, Ashaf in the middle, and Genderless Hottie on the right :3
Anime, now with more CROW BAIT. This time it's literal!! :D
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OF COURSE the Goth With The Coffin on his back can use CROW MAGIC. AHHHHHHH.
Also, Guys. You guys. Fucking TOSHIYUKI MORIKAWA is voicing Ashaf.
And Guideau is voice by Taichi, You - Jousuke from JoJo, Suphia from TenSura, Saya from Dead Mount Death Play, and Dorothy from Princess Principal!! A great rough and tumble voice perfect for Guideau. (1st Epi Spoiler: I can't tell if she's voicing Guideau's true form.)
More Episode 1 Spoilers Below!
I don't really know what I was expecting except for Hot Goth Dude with a Coffin Boyfriend, and a badass punch-em-up beauty with a nasty mouth from the PV on youtube, but that's what I got and more, and I am so very pleased about it.
I was SO EXCITED ABOUT THE CROWS YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Hottie Mage whips out a spell covered arms and MY BABIES ARE BURSTING FORTH IN A MURDER OF ADORABLE!!! I might have woken up Capybara's deaf elderly neighbors in my excitement.
What I was not expecting was a giant Zom 100 Shark to show up in the middle of the city lmfao.
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Zom 100 Zombie shark on the left and Big Buff Giant Shark Dude on the right.
It's just a dude whose turned himself into a shark with magic, who immediately gets dispelled by a witch, and that THIS IS A NORMAL OCCURANCE??? People are like, oh noooo, there's a giant shark, Ione will deal with iiiiit, no worriesssss.
The implications this gives of a mixed soft/hard magic system tho.
I'm really looking forward to learning (or maybe not learning and discovering through negative space) the rules that don't get broken (which is necessary for a magic system), but also hope that they'll be playing hard and fast with what's possible. Cause seriously, wtf is this shark. Delightful, lol.
They mind games played with "Are Witches Bad or Not?" in this episode is fun, because as a viewer going in blind, we could have had some lawful good protagonists or we could have had some chaotic anti-heros, and I would have accepted either outcome. We kind of get both and that's even better!
Trying to include a speech about the morals of getting revenge with Ione as she tries to justify her actions for removing the lock on her grandmother was interesting, but I'm still not sure if her Grandma was the one to cause the fire and people 300 years ago killed her, or if her getting blamed for the fires and then killed just so happened to lock the fire away, but either way...
Along with this I'm not surprised by the coven of would-be witch's nor the attempts by them to claim that witches aren't bad, "you're just like everyone else," when you can tell from the art that the stereotypes in this world hold weight, lol.
However, I don't know WHY I was surprised by said witches getting their hands and feet removed as part of a ritual summoning of hellfire.
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How... how is there not blood E V E R Y W H E R E ??!!?? Some heavy duty arteries have been cut, yo. I guess there kind of is but there should be MORE.
Ashaf finally figures out what's going on and gives in to Guideau, letting her go wild, and HELL YES I love it when we get a beast gremlin on a rampage!
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Witch Laser Beams! Sure!
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I also LOVE when Characters get the shit beat out of them and then Keep. Standing. Up.
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The very purposeful listing of the two ways to lift a Witch's spell at the very beginning of the show, True Love's Kiss or A Change of Heart),was such a great Chekhov's Gun that I knew there was probably going to be another (secret) way to deal with it.
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Fuck yea, angry kiss!! Let Guideau feast on your soul!!
But the most surprising thing that has me fully on board and ready to rock and roll is Coffin Boyfriend.
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What gender is Coffin Boyfriend? We don't know.
Coffin Boyfriend is not a third character like I initially expected.
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Coffin Boyfriend is Mother Fucking Guideau Y'all.
Everything makes so much sense now. Ashaf carries coffin boyfriend's true body around in his backpack like it's no big thing.
And Guideau, with all that rage packed into a tiny little body, has to go around kissing witches to switch from her current body back to the original to then proceed to beat the shit out of said witch.
I fucking here for this. I'm so hype.
Hot Bois, Crows, Body/Gender Swaps, Witch and Magic Fuckery. I'm here for it all, y'all.
(I might even go read ahead in the manga for this one cause OH MY GOD MANGA ASHAF IS ALSO VERY GOOD)
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But also... Chrollo? Is that you?
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Ashaf on the left, Chrollo Lucilfer from Hunter X Hunter on the right.
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I love this. I love their vibe. After Apothecary Diaries, this might just end up being my favorite this season. I'll save that judgement for a few more episodes in though.
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links
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ladyluscinia · 11 months
I have rewatched the mean lesbians episode in hopes I would like them more the second time, but I'm afraid I'm still not vibing with it. Credit that they tried to undercut the "lesbians who drop in to give our main couple therapy" with the whole reveal it was game and Mary's little rant about their relationship "losing the magic", but like... did they really? Do Anne and Mary not successfully tee up the really touching BlackBonnet airing of grievances and reconciliation? Laughing at them a bit for being dorky doesn't change that they really didn't do much sabotaging, overall, so it's not like they weren't pushing them back together.
I mean, even Mary's whole rant happens after Anne leaves the room. By the time they really start telling us how this couple has their own foundation cracks and issues (vs the veneer of just keeping it interesting) and aren't a longstanding example of a healthy relationship, Anne is literally offscreen making a grand romantic gesture that will solve Mary's discontent. I know they are fitting a miscommunication arc into half an episode instead of 2-3 seasons, but the end result just feels like speedrunning a knock off of BlackBonnet's issues.
And that along with the fact they function as BlackBonnet mirrors first and characters second, it all just feels very... underwhelming (?) to me.
Like why do I care about Anne and Mary? Is the face stealing gimmick supposed to have hooked me? They also, imo, really fucked up by ending on a hug - it just spotlights the fact that, for all the sex jokes, they don't really bother to sell physical intimacy between the two. They maybe bump shoulders at the shop, sit in separate chairs in every scene in the house... honestly the best they do is the offscreen knife flicking. Which funny metaphor but like. Why can't the lesbians be into each other without the metaphor? Or am I supposed to think that Anne "burn the whole house down the second her wife admits she doesn't like swamp life" Bonny didn't pick up that Mary was maybe unhappy when they entirely stopped touching each other and replaced it with murder attempts.
Even a repeat of the offscreen joke but this time imply they are hardcore making out as Stede and Edward slip away would have probably hit better? (I'm assuming for some reason kissing was off the table, otherwise even more wtf why not just kiss?)
(Can you tell I've been thinking about the sorry state of femslash?)
Also I'd be remiss not to tie my dissatisfaction with Anne and Mary to my dissatisfaction with OFMD's prevailing approach to female characters. Spanish Jackie's entire thing is being so awesome and desirable that she has 20 husbands that all work for her, which is super fun. Mary Bonnet became a widowed girlboss with a Doug, which was also fun. Then suddenly we're meeting Zheng Yi Sao who is a girlboss Pirate Queen better than any man, and her right-hand woman that seems like a more stable and competent Edward/Izzy parallel, and her crew of only hyper-competent women... do you see how this is getting a bit repetitive?
Now we add Anne and Mary speedrunning BlackBonnet parallels to teach them a grand gesture romantic lesson? So... doing Stede and Edward but Better™?
Zheng Yi Sao still has time to get more interiority that could offset the whole "girlboss" gimmick which would help, but until that happens the only real female character standout to me is Archie - a woman who has something deeply wrong with her but has so far just kind of slotted in as a equal crewmember instead of the Competent Woman Character.
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amarayys · 7 days
drdt spoilers
ahem so i was meant to be working on a proper analysis of episode 13 but i got the urge to rant about teruko so yeah take this shit TERUKO. TERUKO TERUKO TERUKO. i love you my beloved they could never make me hate you!!!!! you deserve the world and also ur my favourite thing ever. i love you so so so so much AUHAFH ur character is SO unique, ur arc is SO good, thank you for exsisting. also i need the flustered teruko sprite to be used more please please PLEASE ep 12+13 thoughts on her: DUDE. ARE WE ALL JUST GONNA IGNORE EPISODE 12?? she called herself an idiot and stupid several times DONT DO THIS TO ME TERUKO. you deserve everything and youre not stupid and youre amazing and and and yeah xander is a VERY touchy subject for her, clearly teruko defending levi was lowkey kind of sad, shewere very obviously projecting her feelings on how she were suspected in chp 1 😞 the fact that we got more teruko handwriting is the world to me. also, teruko drawing!!?!?!??!?! (sort of) why do you (and whit lmao) know so much about murder related things. specifically hanging. like fym you didnt know what a TREADMILL was but you can somehow come up with a pulley system method used to snap somebodies neck and then hang them without them hitting the floor. i love you for it but GIRL ITS SO SUSPICIOUS. TW FOR HANGING/SU/CIDE MENTION its sort of implied that youve tried to hang yourself (i feel so bad wtf) so maybe that?
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TW OVER also spinny thing is arguably the correct name for a carousel. end of story. anyway ill make the analysis on the episode later shshhh!H!!! i have priorities (teruko) okay???? /lh
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meanqueens · 2 years
Was I supposed to be rooting for Rhaenys girlboss speech? Because this lady accepted the Great Council despite having the better claim. She allowed her 12 year old daughter to be offered up to the king. She allowed her granddaughters to be passed over in favour of obvious bastards. Now, all of these actions can be seen as the correct political choices for her standing and survival despite them being choices which shackle her to a system that’s screwed her over…but that’s exactly what she’s shaming Alicent for! And the narrative doesn’t frame her as a hypocrite! And Alicent doesn’t have a dragon to fight, unlike Rhaenys, and the only thing Rhaenys has done to fight for freedom with that dragon is murders hundreds of innocents. Yay?
thank you for your ask, anon, and excuse me for just a moment while i roll my eyes into the back of my head from recalling rhaenys’ lovely little speech.
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“Now, all of these actions can be seen as the correct political choices for her standing and survival despite them being choices which shackle her to a system that’s screwed her over…but that’s exactly what she’s shaming Alicent for! And the narrative doesn’t frame her as a hypocrite!”
anon, i think that might be the very worst part: for episodes upon episodes now, the narrative has been framing the blacks as morally superior to the greens, when in fact the dance itself is a very selfish and morally grey conflict. it’s not LOTR, with the clearly heroic fellowship fighting against a faceless dark lord (absolutely no LOTR shade, i adore it but i think it’s a good example of what i’m trying to say), it’s people’s wants vs. other people’s wants. “need against need”, as that richard siken quote goes. nobody is leading a revolution against the broken and toxic system; they want the world’s most uncomfortable chair as a means of survival in accordance with that system. and that is a fascinating story on its own, with no clear heroes and villains! but that’s not the story they want to tell.
now until this point, i was with rhaenys; i interpreted her actions exactly as you mentioned, necessary political moves to help her family survive, exactly what everybody else is doing (yes, including the greens, HOTD!). so much time and care was spent with building alicent hightower a compelling character journey, but that doesn’t appear to matter in the greater narrative; apparently that journey was meant to continuously shame her for adhering to the patriarchy (even though it’s clear why she’s doing it). lowkey it reminds me of what GOT did to sansa, subjecting her to trauma after trauma (and i mean the ones that were not book accurate, y’know, the ones that had something of a purpose?) for the sake of stripping her of her fundamental gentleness because that’s not the story they wanted.
maybe rhaenys’ intentions were just to mess with alicent’s head, but the narrative paints her words as justified and not manipulation. and then she throws all her political finesse out the window by slaughtering people in a careless act of dragon violence. what a messy writing decision, like wtf?? who is this woman on meleys bc that doesn’t feel like rhaenys anymore, the savvy grandma who made her peace with her lot and thusly tried to protect her family from the fallout of the throne scheming, because she recognized how toxic it was. she’d lived it. and now she’s bringing the roof down on her family’s heads, just as she did to those smallfolk. when otto hightower is advocating for the little guy and you’re preparing to roast somebody, you know you fucked up.
apparently the “inside the episode” relays that rhaenys didn’t go through with burning alicent and her family because she “couldn’t do that to a mother”, correct me if i’m wrong. idk, i’m interpreting it as a moment of camaraderie, rhaenys seeing herself in alicent, another woman putting herself between the people that she loves in the face of fire and blood and death… even though she just kinda shamed her for it.
in conclusion: just because you can ride a dragon doesn’t me you should (or that you’re the hero of the story).
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charkie-ee · 5 months
💚💛❤️ Third Life Series in 2024 (happy 3 years of third life!!) 💚💛❤️
“We’re on a quest for Pizza. I- *zooms in* PIZZA.”
once again, spoilers if you haven’t watched 3rd life smp!!
. Scar and Skizz are the only yellows on the server as of the start of episode 2
. Grian and Scar’s plan for getting valuables in the series was to steel other peoples items, and then put them in Pizza’s chest to sell back to them.
. The first visitors of Monopoly Mountain (aka Sandland in this episode) are Tango and Martyn!
. Scar gives out his first reputation points to Cleo for their enchanted chestplate! (oh god here we go)
. ‘Grian, get the bucket’ is a very common thing you’ll hear Scar say in this episode. This is the lava bucket Grian uses to threaten visitors of the sand biome, though he is not very successful.
. Scott does not respect the torches that layout Sandland, and steals some sand. Grian does a terrible job of preventing this.
. Scar gives reputation points to Tango for his enchanted leggings! (terrible mistake on his part)
. Grian, “get the bucket”s Joel, which is not very effective.
. Scar gives reputation points to Joel for his diamond sword! Grian is not happy about this.
. Grian tries to convince Etho not to give Scar his shoes, but is unsuccessful.
. Scar gives 10 reputation points to Etho for his enchanted boots! (that are deducted later)
. The magic act Soli-beans-major-littlewood-FANTASTICO! comes to show Grian and Scar a magic trick! (etho is also there) Unfortunately, this magic trick is making a dark oak tree appear! (from the forest mentioned in the last note) Goodbye to that monopoly.
This utter loss gives us, in my opinion, one of the best clips in the entire series;
(NEVERMIND TUMBLR ONLY LETS ME ADD ONE VIDEO PER POST WTF. anyway its the one where the ‘magic’ group leaves and Scar says ‘i’m going to murder them’)
. BigB visits! And I’m going to say something now, because not enough people realize this. Grian always has a different tone with BigB throughout these series. He’s much more soft with him, and does everything to benefit him until they turn red. Take a took at this clip below:
this clip is kind of self explanatory? in a way. for instance Grian talks about desperately needing food, and a few second later, gives BigB a portion of his porkchops despite not knowing if BigB’s has enough food. Keep this in mind when watching Double Life. specifically when Grian tries to ditch Scar to hang out with BigB. They’ve always had that kind of bond since the start of the series.
people who haven’t watched double life, you can scroll past that :-D (i guess its too late now but. ahem. moving on)
. BigB gives Grian the idea to put pressure plates all around their base to scare off unwanted visitors.
. Scar finally calls the Sandland base ‘Monopoly Mountain’ (he said it! he said the thing!)
. BigB drops a diamond for Scar, and before he can try to barter with him anymore, BigB flees with the help of Grian’s cobwebs to slow Scar down.
. BigB gets 50 reputation points for a diamond!
. Grian crashes, and Bdubs dies while he’s logged out
. Grian timelapses building the Desert Tower on Monopoly Mountain! (in the process he also accidentally builds his face on the base lmao)
Also one quick thing— apparently Pizza was presumed dead by other players earlier in the episode. Grian does not film or explain this at all, except at the very end where he says Skizz informed them that Pizza was alive. (theres something about this llama and not getting enough screen time smh. i don’t know where it came from and i don’t know how it died, but its there)
did i forget anything? reply, or put it into the tags if theres information I missed!!
I will be doing more posts like this for all of the episodes of Grian’s pov. that being said, if i miss something that was said/a scene in a different pov, i will not include that in this post.
thank you for reading and have an excellent day!
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My Thoughts about Rings of Power Episode 06 - Part 1
Run, Arondir, run!
These orcs complaining reminds me of the Orcs from ROTK also complaining and thinking about life beyond war and Mordor.
I love how smooth all of Arondir’s kills are. I know the writers had to prioritize Eregion, the Dwarves, and Numenor this season, but I hope Arondir gets his own arc in season three, because he’s one of my faves from the show.
Celebrimbor is absolutely losing his mind, talking to his rings, and his entire staff is like “WTF is going on right now?”
Celebrimbor, babe, you really need to go outside and touch grass or something.
Haha that look Celebrimbor gives Mirdania when she calls him “ill-tempered” It’s brilliant.
Ooo, you do not snap at Annatar like that
Celebrimbor’s failing member is so relatable as someone with ADHD. Maybe you just need to up your meds, Brimby.
“I am well.” Are you, Brimby?
Celebrimbor’s hyperfixation is also really relatable. Who hasn’t given up on all worldly responsibilities to focus on our pet project?
I did not know yestereve was a word until today.
Adar is as melodramatic as Sauron, I swear
Mirdania’s reactions to Annatar are so interesting but on the one hand I think she is flattered by his attention and “trust”, but every time he moves in to touch her, she seems super uncomfortable
Crack theory time: I really think Annatar plans to pull a Hans Gruber and make it look like he was “vanquished” during the Siege of Eregion and then return to Numenor as an Elf hating Halbrand to win over Pharazon.
Exes assemble time!
That dinner spread actually looks eatable. I’m impressed with Adar’s chefs.
“He sees you not just who you are, but who you wish to be” – so canonically Galadriel SEES herself as a queen and WANTS a kingdom of her own. So the whole “I’d make you a queen thing” from season one makes so much sense!
Also, I have a little headcannon of my own that despite Sauron’s love for power, he actually wants a partner. At least until he makes the one ring and then the ring becomes his partner. But I just don’t think he’s comfortable being or ruling alone. He is a really co-dependent person and without Morgoth he must feel so lost. He must feel inadequate because he can’t match Morgoth’s power (Morgoth was a Valar after all). So he’s looking for someone who can match that power or make him feel close to that powerful again.
Also Morfydd acting in this scene is AMAZING!
“What did he promise you?” “An army.” Babe, he promised a little more than an army didn’t he?
So it’s canon now, right? Adar and Sauron were lovers?
Also, I love the inversion of gender expectations here. Most women in pop culture are driven by wanting to be a mother or being a mother or finding a way to overcome why they can’t be mothers, but here Galadriel’s all like “I just wanted an army” and she’s still being driven by pride and wrath and vengeance. And it’s Adar who wants the children. It’s Adar who wants to have something to care for and cherish. It’s Adar who is being driven to extremes to hunt down Sauron, not out of pride or oath or revenge but out of fear, fear for his children. That’s what makes Adar so fascinating and it’s something that Joseph Mawle really tapped into during season one and I’m so glad the writers and Sam Hazeldine are continuing that motivating and expanding upon it.
But also how like Sauron to give Adar exactly what he wanted and then use the threat of the destruction/corruption of his children against him to manipulate him exactly where Sauron wants him.
MORGOTH’S CROWN. HE KEPT MORGOTH’S CROWN (and Sauron’s murder weapon)
Also love that Galadriel tries to crawl away from the crown, almost afraid of it
I love that during this entire interaction, Adar is both trying to figure out the true power of the rings (and maybe how he can use them) and also determine how far the Elves have fallen into Sauron’s hands.
Awwww love the shot of the white treet and the similarity to Gondor. So beautiful and such a nice call back (or forward since this is a prequel?) to Jackson’s designs in the LOTR films
Fucking Pharazon.
Also it’s interesting that Pharazon’s people aren’t color coordinated and that Kemen and Earien are wearing different colors of blueish green, not even close to red…
Love the face Elendil makes when he’s ask to acknowledge Pharazon as the true king.
Elendil is as reckless as his son, but at least he’s a man of integrity (and madly in love with his queen).
But also, like Elendil isn’t wrong. Just because an eagle showed up at the coronation and seemingly (but not really) supported Pharazon doesn’t mean you just skip the line of succession right?
I feel a lot of problems could be avoided if Numenor had clearer rules regarding the line of succession…
It’s like the Monty Python skit: “Strange eagles stopping by a coronation and selecting the next ruler is no basis for a system of government.”
There is just no pleasing Pharazon is there, Kemen?
I love Tom’s frustration with the idea of “mastering” anything. He’s like, Stranger, I can’t make it clearer to you. You can’t master anything. You can only live alongside the world!
I love how everyone else is still in the hand holding/manipulating and mind game phase of their relationships and Poppy and Merimac are like, “we’re might die tomorrow so let’s kiss!”
Also I had no idea what Poppy and Merimac were doing at first, but upon second watch they’re taking venom from the snake….?
Ah Gandalf’s words of wisdom to Frodo!
Also the Stranger is going to choose his friends, isn’t he? I mean everyone knows a wizard needs a little Hobbit friend.
“Put your beard into it” XD
Ah! Annatar jump scare at Khazad dum.
“They’re serving someone well, I’ll give you that.” I love Durin IV. I truly believe he and Disa could defeat Sauron by themselves if people just let them haha.
Oh, hello Balrog, how’s it going?
The line reading on that “farewell” is fantastic
Also does Durin III look older than last episode?
Ah, good ole war profiteering
Ah, Disa my queen and goddess! I love you so much! You’re fantastic, the true leader in Khazad dum.
Ah, Durin, no, don’t cry. If you cry, I’ll cry. ☹
I love Disa comforting Durin and the pair proving their relationship is one of devotion and love in front of Elrond’s tree.
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Criminal Justice (2007)- Episodes 1-5. Watching Con O'Neill's old stuff cause it's fun. Day #? RALPH STONE!
Warnings: Murder. Blood. Drug Use. Needle Use/Injection is shown on the scene. Drunk driving. Accused/discussed sexual assault. Abusive parents, grief, and general bullshit in the justice system.
Should you watch this if you haven't: YES! Five episodes, each being an hour, but if you don't have any issues with the warning, it should be a fun time. I was on the edge of my seat for most of this show and Con is a very important character! He is on screen more than most of his other tv parts and is having a great time. It's a story about one defendant and the shit that goes down as he's tried for the crime.
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Special thanks to:
@dianetastesmetal who I chatted with around midway through about the show! (For me it was ~2 in the morning, so it was a whole lot of fun!)
The Usual Suspects! I would love to hear your thoughts about this show down alone! I want to thank all of you for following me and giving me love. Y'all are enabling my current fixation, and I thank you all! If you haven't seen it, just ignore me <3
@sphealybojeely @thedowneyheart @kimpreg @gydima @ivegotnonameidea @treesofgreen @tummy-stab-wounds @mossiestpiglet @sidewalk-scrawls @crybabyclover @
Criminal Justice- EP 1 (Guest starring my brother)
Why does that kid look like Benedict Cumberbatch?
He just needs a haircut. That hair looks awful.
This takes place in 2008 right? 
Why didn't the dad knock?
He's going to go have sex, huh, he's not going to his friend's house. 
Is he going to abuse his position here? Pretend he's a cab driver?
I feel like cab drivers are trained to drop a rando with no destination to a hospital or a police station. 
Also, a situation that's only playful because it's a young woman. If this were a homeless person? This shit isn't flying. 
I got to inform my brother that in England they call soft-served ice cream 'whippies' after the popular brand 'Mr. Whippy', to which he just said 'it's a clown land'
DRUGS! Here we go!
This is suspicious as fuck. Don't take her booze! She's a chick you just met! 
Society would be a lot further on if we just stopped caring about peer pressure.
We have seen so much of this man's ass, why? 
We are 12 minutes in?
Oh. She's dead. She's so dead. 
OH SHIT. Yep thats a stabbing
Brother guesses it was the parent, I say ex lover.
God, he's just bad at this
This is an actual ACE ATTORNEY CASE WTF
Bro, is this your first break in?
Ohhh he's fucked. 
Ohhhhh, this is the cops best day of his life
Oh, good luck defense attorney Con. You better get Phoenix Wright levels of bullshit. 
Oh my god, don't fucking fight the cops. 
Bro, take a nap. It's been a long night. 
Hello Con! Lovely to see you. Love the rat man fit. I know it's on purpose, but damn. He looks wet.
This is where my brother bullies the shit out of Con. 
OH I LOVE HIM-He's actually giving good legal advice! The cops are going to do whatever they can to get a false conviction.
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'No comment man'- Hard nose solicitor I FUCKING LOVE IT
It's so much easier to be quiet when you're nervous. 
Lessons to be learned from this tv show: Don't random desperate women, don't fall to peer pressure, don't say shit to the police. 
They wouldn't have left her body there. They would have taken photos then taken the body out of the house asap. It's weird they've waited so long to investigate. 
Solicitation of evidence. It's illegal to receive testimony from a private source without giving the evidence to opposing council. 
Nice that she packed him a sandwich. 
Why is the shitty cops boss so much taller? That's funny. 
Whelp. RIP Ralph, you did all you could. Having the guy almost assault a police officer isn't fun.
Oh this whole detective thing feels illegal. Without his attorney to represent him.
Yeah. Sure. Don't get buddy-buddy with the guy who wants to put you away for years.  
They're in a public spot, there is no expectation for privacy and this can be recorded, HAHAHAHAHHAHA. GOOD, HE DIDN'T SAY SHIT. 
It's 2007, a bit of weird transphobia was to expected. 
Oh good, Ralph corrected himself about his client's name and pronouns, nice. 
Ralph at the end of ep 1-'I looked into his eyes, and we vibed. He can't be innocent'
EPISODE 2: This is where my brother dipped out, but I summarized as much as I could for him. 
I'm going to be honest I skipped through this ep a ton. I generally got the gyst. I'm here for my guy, you know. 
I watched a bit, but this just establishes our protagonist's life in jail. 
I skipped Ralph's scene/ the trial. Seriously the preview in ep 1 gives you the gist. Read a summary. Etc. His roomie is great.  
AHHH RALPHS SMILE. "I don't care what you'd do as a lawyer, just as a human being" AHHH. 
HAHHHAHHAHAHAHHAH! WTF?!?!?!??! Oh, poor ralph. You guy just blowing up in court.
At this point, if I was Ralph Stone, I wouldn't really believe him, but that's what that whole grin was for. He just knew our guy was innocent!
Episode 3
Oh good. Protag was able to deep throat the drugs. 
Ralph! AHHH!! God, he has great outfits in this show. 
WHY DOES RALPH HAVE A FOOT THING? I noticed it earlier, but why are we drawing attention to it. 
Oh good, Ralph doesn't want to senselessly tarnish a dead girl's name. Nice. 
THAT FACE! Uh, the reluctant face! Chewing on the lip! 
Ralph! AHHH!! God, he has great outfits in this show. 
WHY DOES RALPH HAVE A FOOT THING? I noticed it earlier, but why are we drawing attention to it. 
Oh good, Ralph doesn't want to senselessly tarnish a dead girl's name. Nice. 
THAT FACE! Uh, the reluctant face! Chewing on the lip! Love it.
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Ohhh, god. Ralph's a good actor. That's cute. 
'With alpha brain?' What the fuck?
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. I got to see his chest :)
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Oh, Ralph doesn't like this at all. But shit. Not much he can do. 
Oh no. It's really not ethical. And this yonger lady is going to mess it up. 
Is this inadvertently informing the audience of how fucked the courts can be. Which is both good and bad. People deserve to know exactly what our lawyers know.   
Ralph with glasses gives me life. 
Okay, this is fun. But maybe let's not make jokes in a murder trial?
I love the one juror struggling to stay awake. Showing that even with all these verbal chess, they still need to convince the jury. 
Hey, babe. If you really fucking hate prison, maybe don't give a shit about how your mom reacts here!
Good on Ralph. Trying to speak up for her. 
(Seeing Ralphs…ex? For the first time) Oh I love them. WHAT ARE THEY ON?
Oh good. We can really hate the cops now. I mean, I already did. BUT. 
God I hate her(lead defense lady), but this scene is fun. 
RALPH IS HAVING SUCH A GOOD TIME. He's watching the divorced parents fight and he loves it. He should be allowed to smile.
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Ha, she's sowing seeds of guilt but that's really not how the law works. 
Ralph-'I told you not to talk two episodes ago, and you do it fucking now?!?!??!?!'
Is Ralph being kinda shitty? Yes. Is there any other option right now? Nope. 
Them showing how mentally I'll people in prison are severely punished without being able to seek help is cool. 
Back to court- OHHHH! SHIT. Yeah, digging at how the medical examiner is only going on prosecution for the state is suspicious as fuck. 
Ralph, mentally deciding if now is a good place to just call it a day when his client is just begging to go to jail.
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OH ANOTHER FUCKING CON CHARACTER WHO FELL IN LOVE THE WRONG WAY!!?!?!?!??!?!!? Well, that fills out my bingo card. This makes maybe 20 characters. I swear to god, if he ends up sad and alone I will make a Con O'Neill drinking game. 
"Are you calling me a hypocrite?" *Slight head tilt* -ME rolling on the floor laughing
Good on Ralph for staying with him though. 
AWWW. Ralph's an asshole but this is one of the few cases that's gotten to him! I love it. :)
Aww, they are sweet as a couple, but he needs to reorient himself. Find his own center and work on not 'always looking for doubt' before moving on. 
OH GOD! Don't fucking smile Con. It's mean. To me. Personally. 
AHHH! HIS TICKS WHEN HE'S LYING! Okay, that's funny as shit. I love him.
It's good that the main defense younger lady and the defendant trust each other. AND CON'S GRIN!
Say what you will, this man loves his job
AHHHHHHH!H!H!H!H!HH!H!HH HE TOOK EVIDENCE BITCH! It proves that he stayed in her bed
Oh they're getting him addicted to drugs to keep him loyal. Whelp. That's going to ruin him.
Why is Ralph going into his clients home? 
Ralph(I'm paraphrasing)- Look, I'm a hard ass. I'm a dick who usually has guilty clients and does what he can to abuse loopholes and police mistakes to get them free. If I have a gut feeling, that really fucking matters. So I'm going to do what I can. 
Yeah, the neighbor did it
Stone is pissed, and doesn't want to freak out in court. OR HE'S GOING TO EXAMINE A WITNESS?
What act is he playing here? I love it. He's being a clever cheeky bastard. Knowing how people want to treat court like they're the important heros that can save the day! AHAHHAH! I love it. 
"Are you the kind of person-"- SHUT THE FUCK UP-He's just trying to establish his character before crushing it.
Ralph, I love you. Babe. This is the kind of trust in the justice system I need. 
Another court scene goes by without note. But Ralph shows up? Oh boy, I'm typing. 
Oh good. Ralph. 
OH MY GOD HIM FUCKING SITTING ON THE TABLE? Me Moment. Queer? Coded. I'm assigning it to him. I'm giving him an honorary badge even though this is probably one of his straightest roles. 
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Ralph- "I like getting my clients off." YEAH so does she! *Ba Dumb Tisk*. See, Ralph is smart. Get entangled with others in the arm of the law, not your fucking client. 
Scene passes without note. But a few prison scenes go by. 
GLASSES!!!!!! Look at them! THE EXAMINER GENUINELY HELPED. I'd also be smiling at him like that. 
Aww, Ralph's trying to ask without asking to hang out with a friend. 
Skipped a bit. Back in court. 
AWW Ralph and the yonger female defense attorney leaning together to chat. 
THAT FUCKING SMILE. GOOD FOR HIM! GOOD FOR HELLEN! I love that they're immediately like, yeah, this might be a conflict of witness BUT. She still has a point.
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DAMN. Good on the friend/witness. 
Oh wow, the cellmate is just as shitty and corrupt as everyone else? I'm shocked. 
I love Ralph trying his best here. 
"You're 46 years old, what do you know about justice?" :0. WOW.
FUCK if they pull her in the case is fucked. 
EP 5: 
Hour and a half deliberation is good! 
Yeah, I should have seen that coming. 
He's going to kill himself within a year. Calling it now. 
That moment when you work the same job as our prisoner protagonist 😐. Hey, don't dis a dishwashing job, protag. It's nice and easy.
"'Self-deprecating jokes get you out of hard questions'- avoids the question by shoving toast in his mouth"-me. God, I was messaging @dianetastesmetal during this bit. Who pointed out how loving these characters is a form of self-love, and I will partially embrace it. Maybe I just want to see a man with a nice chest and a nice smile huh! ;)
Oh good, the protagonist is doing more drugs. Love that
The hugging of the book! THE GRINNING! AHH!
This is why Ralph is emotionally distant, 'cause he's lost good cases before. HAHAHAHHA HE CAN'T LET IT GO. 
OH SHIT! RALPH INVESTIGATING THEIR RELATIONSHIP! He's asking the protagonist to sell out his legal advisor! 
No, RALPH IS SO RIGHT! She abused her station and got too close. 
Oh good. Another arm of the law is weird around police reports and evidence. Great.  
AHHH! Her sewing that little tidbit in the cop's head! She's onto him! 
Yeah, good on our protag to stand up for himself. 
Cellmate is going to get killed cause he knew too much, huh. 
Hey, good on the cop for looking into it a bit more. Still a jackass. But you know. 
Skipped a few scenes without note.
OHHH SHIT HE FILED THE SUIT!!!!!!! GOOD ON RALPH! We love a man who cares about giving justice to his client. 
'Frances- out for blood after Ralph is about to ruin her career'
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 'Ralph-Half passed out on a couch with a rag over his eyes, already done with this conversation. Ready to throw every insult she directed to him back into his face.'
Ralph knew to get romantically entangled with a medical examiner and not a fucking witness.
GET IT RALPH! God, good for him. SHE ABUSED HER POSITION! She took everything they worked for and threw it all away. She didn't let their client find justice. 
Yeah, cellmate's about to die, huh. 
OHHHH SHIT! GET IT!!!!!! Good on him! Yeah, he's going to get murdered, but good on him. MURDER THAT BASTARD! 
Oh, wow. Ben's life is ruined. He's hooked on drugs, and he thinks he has no prospects in life. 
Now he can't fall asleep without listening to the radio.
Hi Ralph. Why are we talking about your feet? 
Frances is fucked essentially. 
Yeah, going in for a mistrial was the right option. 
Yeah, no. Nothing would have changed if Ben told Ralph the truth the moment they met. Good on Ralph! Giving our protag a bit of closure on this whole thing. Telling that none of this was really his fault.  
Yep. He had his last few free years of youth ripped from him. 
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Final thoughts:
I think the fact that this was a mob member being the real murder and that it was covered up was the real thing here. The entire point and moral the audience was meant to learn. It didn't matter if Ben had the best case, the entire Crown was against him. Ralph and his team could have been the best defense lawyers in the world and it still would have gotten buried. I'm happy the final evidence came out, obviously, but Ben was fucked over in so many ways. Now what life does he have? He lost his friends, his trust in his family, and is now destined to fall back into the system he knows. It's a shame. 
Con: 11+/10. Long hair AND glasses AND he's Exhausted! Perfect role. I want him. I want to be him. He's divorced, and sad, and I love it.
Ralph saved this series for me personally. He was so much fun. I will be updating the Con list here soon to include bit TV roles. Ralph is going to be high on my ranking. We are given a Con character who has REAL impact on the story, introduces the audience to the rules of this world, AND GETS A HAPPY ENDING! It's brilliant. Obviously, there are moral issues to him being such a good defense attorney to allow criminals to get away, but this whole story was about giving Ralph a different perspective. He's a slime-ball but he's not totally against change. Willing to look at other perspectives. He started to genuinely care about his client, and didn't treat it as some weird game of chess. Him genuinely helping the younger defense attorney was nice, especially because he rarely blew up at her for her choices. He did his best to help where he could and didn't take things personally when shit blew up. 
Con's acting here is so fun and fluid! I hate being a person that ties OFMD into everything, but this is kind of what I want Izzy to become. Con's allowed to be fun! He's allowed to be mad, suspicious, have doubt etc. There are a few scenes that got me chuckling just by his face! He feels really confident and comfortable in this role. He talks with his hands! He's a dick, a total slime-ball, but he really cares about getting things done right! I love it. 
Everyone else: 8/10. Nothing really stood out besides our protagonist, and after a quick google, he won an award for this role. Which is deserved. He does great. I liked the characters the show wanted me to like, and vice versa. 
Story 7/10: Intriguing. I had fun, but this show sits more in the turn off your brain and gets swept along by the bullshit, vs trying to solve it yourself. 
Overall. 9/10: I highly recommend it if the tags don't worry you. Con is in this enough to justify a Con watch. I have a thing for Professor esk Con. I will not be ashamed about that. His whole speech about how he was perceived was nice. Now, this is about five hours of commitment, but If you need something longer I'd recommend it.
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land-of-holly · 22 days
Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 2 Liveblog
Okay! I'm back from work and I've watched Episode 2!
More recap - dwarves incoming!
So what influence do the black tendrils represent?
Cool flyby into Khazad-dum, and I love the dwarf marketplace!
Durin and Disa are such a sweet couple! And hey, at least Durin wasn't completely exiled
Oh man they're really murdering the scenery
Oh no the light?
Opening credits gorgeous as usual
Galadriel getting in touch with nature. Good, that girl so needs to touch some grass
Celebrimbor?? Is here???
Wait does Galadriel even speak Black speech?
Well okay surprise visions of doom in a meeting at least beats sitting bolt upright in bed.
I love every elf extra, they're great
Does Gil-galad even have a personality besides being dumb and wrong???
Tyelpe's assistant lady is so cute!
:o FINALLY all I wanted was for tyelpe to have some better clothes THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!!
Oh no, assistant lady's name is 'Mirdania', that's the most 'My name just describes my function' name imaginable T_T JRRT would be so proud
omg Tyelpe has a personality and it's "I can't believe I'm answering stupid questions when I could be at the forge" <<<333
yeesh poor messenger dudes
Ooh I like the desert bgm, reminds me of Nier Automata
Wait is this place actually named Caras Gaer? In Sindarin? Who named it that? And why?
Moth cult? Evil wizard??
Oh sure. Attack his friends. Surely no one has ever tried that and had it go horribly wrong
Dude...most people get named by their parents. Valid to want to find your own name tho
Uh Poppy...short cuts make long delays
SHUT UP ABOUT THE WAND or I'm gonna start getting contrary
Girl no, do you have any idea how many hikers die each year going off trail in the desert with insufficent water??
Disa my wiffffffeeeee T_T she's so beautiful
N A R V I !!!!!!!!!! oh he's so cute!!!
Still love the Stonesinger concept
Tell him, Disa! Get his ass!
Never understood the bullying instinct tbh
Love love love how Disa is on team "Durin Sr and Durin Jr repair their stupid relationship already!!" but she speaks very differently about it to each of them.
Elrond! Watcha workin on?
A boat!
Definitely looking forward to Galadriel setting up shop in Eregion for a longer term. It'll be almost like having Unfinished Tales around...
RiDe HeR tO vIcToRy???? Elrond i love you but you need to stop right now I will not warn you again
Elrond she needs help please delete his contact info from her phone for her
Okay and he's supposed to be *wise* i expect him to make an *argument* not just throw disjointed metaphors and aphorisms at the wall. Are the rings tainted or not? That's kind of the whole question!
Okay "they're safer on the fingers of elves" is the beginning of a valid position
Nori that's a stick
Ooh are those guys using spear throwers?
Wwahhhhhh Nori! Poppy! Noooo!
aaaaaaaaaaa Tyelpe is such a nerd he's so cute!
Tyelpe tell him to get off your lawn. I know your grandpa taught you how.
lol he's got his little umbrella carrier following him around and he's still soaked.
tyelpe you dumbass... you had one job...
The seduction begins! .....babby.........
Halbrand uses Thaumaturgy!
GOD he's SUCH a drama queen
LOL did Vilya get jealous and evict all of Gil's other bling?
Awww I like Elrond's outfit
Hey, that's Feanorian script, is Durin getting mail from an elf?
This is a lot of fun!!
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Character ask game: Frost and Hartley Rathaway (aka grown up Harry Potter to me lol)
Nah, Hartley's nothing like Harry. Maybe in the comics, but def not in the show. He acts more like a grown-up Malfoy (esp with his rich background)...tho ofc his relationship with his parents isn't at all like Malfoy's. But I digress
How I feel about this character: Lukewarm. I liked her in s3 as a villain, but I never liked how they tried to make her a hero without so much as an apology to Iris. I don’t hate her, she has her moments, but...ehh. I’ve never understood how she’s such a fan favorite, especially over Iris—her powers are really cool and as I said, she definitely has her funny/sweet moments, but still
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Lisa Snart
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Caitlin, Cisco, and Ralph! Also if she’d actually apologized to Iris ever, then Iris would be here too 💞
My unpopular opinion about this character: tbh I’ve never much liked Frost as her own character? I preferred when KF was just Caitlin
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: If they were gonna make her a separate person from Caitlin, the first thing they should've done is have her apologize to Iris (and Cecile, both directly, because why tf did Caitlin apologize to Joe for what she did to Cecile?? And with no mention of Iris, moreover??). There should’ve been tension there for a while...and then the bachelorette episode could’ve been the resolution of that tension (with no petty digs from Frost to Iris because seriously wtf?? The nerve and audacity?? You assisted in her attempted murder last year, you have no right to needle her like that!)
Hartley Rathaway
How I feel about this character: I have a love-hate relationship with him 😂 his snark is entertaining in s1 but ehh I still didn’t really like him...but in s2, he's very sweet and piques my interest. Then I was mad that they made him mean again post-Crisis for no reason, but...he had a cool aesthetic (unfortunately, he still insulted/devalued Cisco 💀 also unfortunately, the show proved how much they didn’t care about his sexuality by giving him a sexy-lamp boyfriend with no personality). And I liked him in s9—it felt like they finally settled into how to write him well, and even Roderick, poor guy, finally got some personality. Just a smidge, though
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Roderick, sometimes Cisco (the s2 version of Hartley). Also I'm intrigued by the Singhaway ship (comics canon) 👀 ofc the show destroyed that possibility by having Singh be married from s1 onwards, but if they'd kept him single...👀
My non-romantic OTP for this character: His sister, Jerrie (comics canon) 💞 also Cisco (I don't ship them all the time 😂). ALSO Wally and Linda (comics canon)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Him insulting Cisco isn’t funny or cute and never was ✋ and any Hartmon fic (romantic or platonic) needs to start off with an apology for that (either one directly stated or implied)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he’d gotten to keep his s2 characterization (without reconciling with his terrible parents), and that he’d gotten to be more present in the show and met/befriended Wally and Linda. The post-Crisis retcon never happened in my mind idc
character ask game!
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