#writer side of tumblr
let’s share our favorite but most unimportant detail in our story’s world I’ll go first
I made the coins squares so they can stack and be better for storage without wasting space:)
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skeletonsfortea · 7 months
d-do you have any advice for people who want to write?
Uhhh, just do it! Lol, it's really a matter of finding your own way of doing it. Everyone's going to learn differently, and the "rules" vary depending on who you ask. Truth is, there's no formula to success, but I'll give you some tips that I've heard and learned first hand…
It doesn't matter how good you are, just write! Skill comes with experience, so do it as often as you can, the quality will come with time! Don't give up. Being "bad" at something, spelling, grammer, dialogue, action scenes, whatever, just means you have room to grow! Personal anecdote here, I used to suck at spelling XD and I thought I would never get good at dialogue (because how do people talk??) but I think I can say I've gotten a lot better, and that isn't because I wished upon a star ;)
Don’t compare yourself to other people, because it's not going to help you get better. You can take things that you like or don't like about another person's work to help you figure out your own style, but try to avoid saying things like "oh I'll never be as good as them..." because that's not constructive!
Write what you want to write, not the things you think other people want you to. In the end, your passion is what brings the story to life! And write everything! It doesn't matter what it's about, because it's all about practice!
Don't delete anything! It may seem crappy after you write it, but one day you might go back and see it in a whole nother light!
Finally, it's never going to be perfect. It can keep getting better, though, so don't let that dissuade you! Also, don't be afraid to share! Find the people who will cheer you on! Don’t listen to people who will tell you to stop.
Anddd there you are! Some of my best advice (that I can think of!) Of course, in the end there’s a lot you have to learn by yourself, so take any advice given to you with a grain of salt. Some advice that works for other people might not work for you, and the reverse is true too!
Tldr: don't give up, write what you want, don't delete anything, share your work, and find people who will support you!
Most importantly, have fun ;)
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wylldebee · 5 days
Can anyone in the writer side of tumblr recommend a good spell and grammar checker? I use Firefox as a browser and currently use LanguageTool rn but I'm looking for alternatives to try out.
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myhiddenquerencia · 1 month
Look at you, Wiping your own tears With the same hands That long to be held
Ayesha Zahra
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fluffy-pawninja · 1 year
ay i need help- please-
i lost a post that i need rn, sorta time sensitive. it was a writing someone did from the pov of a ship ai defending their now deceased captain in a court trial, iirc it was kinda long-ish. it compared things to spiders and would cut to a side thought like "catain always hated spiders" then talked about how he shot down the spiders. the writing style also had things like "query: [where is my captain?] answer the question response: "
i'd put something for response but i forget what it was- anyway- yea- i hope that's enough for yall to help find it i thought i had it saved in my likes section but i didn't see it-
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luna-azzurra · 11 months
Types of side characters
1. Foil Characters: These side characters are designed to contrast with the main character, highlighting their qualities or flaws. Foil characters can provide a different perspective and challenge the main character's beliefs or actions.
2. Mentors or Guides: These side characters serve as mentors or guides to the main character, providing wisdom, guidance, and support. They often have more experience or knowledge in a specific area and help the main character navigate challenges or learn important lessons.
3. Comic Relief Characters: These side characters bring humor and levity to the story. They provide comedic relief during intense or serious moments and can help balance the overall tone of the narrative. Their wit, clumsiness, or unique personality traits make them enjoyable and entertaining.
4. Love Interests: Love interests are side characters who are romantically involved with the main character. They add a romantic subplot to the story and can contribute to the main character's personal growth and development. Love interests can be supportive, challenging, or even create conflict within the narrative.
5. Antagonists or Villains: Side characters can also take on the role of antagonists or villains. They oppose the main character's goals and create conflict and tension in the story. Antagonists can have their own motivations, complexities, and backstories, making them more than just one-dimensional obstacles.
6. Friends or Allies: These side characters are the main character's companions, friends, or allies. They provide emotional support, camaraderie, and assistance throughout the story. Friends or allies often share common goals and values, and their relationships can help showcase the main character's growth and strengths.
7. Family Members: Side characters who are family members of the main character can play significant roles in shaping their identity and backstory. They can provide emotional connections, conflict, and a sense of history within the narrative.
8. Background Characters: While not all side characters have to be highly developed, background characters help create a sense of realism and immersion in the story. They populate the world and add depth to the setting, even if they have minimal impact on the main plot.
9. Rivals or Competitors: These side characters compete with the main character, pushing them to improve, overcome obstacles, or achieve their goals. Rivals or competitors can be a source of conflict, motivation, and personal growth for the main character.
10. Witnesses or Observers: These side characters serve as witnesses or observers of the main events in the story. They may provide insights, commentary, or serve as a narrative device to convey information to the reader.
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thatstolenpayal · 7 months
ngl but if i were a boy i would have been the best boyfriend
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In another universe, our deepest wishes come to life. I take comfort in believing that somewhere, another me is living my ultimate dream, being with you.
Follow me on ig- @Infinity_Echoes_Whispers
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oxenfreeao3 · 1 year
There aren't many hobbies out there that are free to do, inherently creative, and capable of bringing joy to people all across the globe.
But that's why I love writing fanfiction.
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nondelphic · 1 month
i fucking love writing a healthy best friendship between a man and a woman without making it weird or having them fall in love
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pyaari-naari · 4 months
Date idea: let's take a nap while it rains outside. 💕
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ya'll feel free to message me if you want to ramble about your writing because I'm a good listener and i know yall just want to yap sometimes. Maybe I'll have advice maybe I won't that part is a gamble but I'll listen because sometimes 👏writers👏just👏want👏to👏ramble👏
Also I know it's weird to just message someone with an 'is it OK if I just tell you about my writing' but guys— I am happy to just sit and listen (or read I guess coz this is online but still)
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sides-of-quotes · 3 months
Roman, on a laptop: Logan! I've been writing all day and I am stumped. Can you help me figure out how to end this story? Logan: Oh, I'd be happy to- ...Roman Roman: Yes? What is it? Logan: You have absolutely nothing written on here Roman: I might also need help with writing the middle and the beginning
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the-missann · 7 months
On characters...
So, I love writing characters and also love giving advice to people who want to have more interesting characters in their stories.
I happened to remember something about a character I'm currently writing for and wanted to share it.
So, I sometimes write "test stories" for characters to test their personalities, roles in the story, appearance, and even their conflicts. I totally forgot I did this with one character where I pretty much wrote a fanfiction for him before using him in the main story he's in now.
What that did was allow me to pick how I wanted him to be and solidify that before putting him in the main story. Essentially, that story is the exact same and his role is the same also; but writing the fanfiction allowed me to explore parts of him I'd never do in the actual story.
So, if you're ever struggling on making a character in any sense, try this!
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4+1 fluff with a unhappy ending fic en français qui retrace l'histoire d'un ship jusqu'à leur rupture en utilisant 'Il m'aime... un peu, beaucoup, passionnément, à la folie. Pas du tout.'
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minimalist-quotes · 29 days
Look at you, Wiping your own tears With the same hands That long to be held.
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