#workplace abuse tw
feelingemotjons · 2 months
Seriously fuck mr beast and anyone who still defends him. There are no “good” or “nice” rich people. Mr beast doesn’t actually give a fuck about people nor care for them as much as he claims he does. I really hope he does not get away with this shit because this is not okay
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aviaryartist1800 · 7 days
TW: abuse, harassment, and death
Here is something that bothers me to this day
How come people like Camila Cuevas and Blogthegreatrouge get rightully admonished for their actions, but someone like Vivziepop(who has done worse in my opinion) gets defended a lot and to my knowledge, still hasnt changed(in regards to the workplace abuse allegations and hiring Raph)
Like, its weird the fans keep dismissing the workplace abuse allegations despite having mountains of evidence
(not to mention viv romanticizes and makes jokes r@pe, abuse, and sa, yet she tries to write about male victims of abuse
EDIT:Also like, remember when she joined in(idk if that is true) and is even friends with the people who harassed a fan over a ship??(and said fan offed themselves?) does anyone remember Shay?
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
How Abusive Workplaces Mirror Abusive Relationships
Earlier this year, Piggy and I delivered a speech on the subject of burnout. That there’s an appetite for advice on this subject among women’s professional associations will, perhaps, not shock you?
As I was researching the impact that burnout has on the body, I got an eerie feeling that the symptoms seemed familiar. I wondered if I’d already written something on this topic and forgotten. (We’ve written several hundred articles apiece, so it happens!)
But no! What was tripping my extremely faulty memory triggers wasn’t a past article about burnout.
It was a past article on domestic violence.
Keep reading.
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girlwithptsd · 2 months
Bouncing off my last post, anyone else on here over the age of 25 have like 5 million (exaggeration?) jobs on their resume and are super self conscious about that?
As a kid, we were always told that having too many jobs on a resume (or basically, bouncing from job to job) would lead employers to think you're not loyal to a company and can't hold down a steady job, so therefore they would be much less likely to hire you.
I feel like maybe that was the case when I was growing up, but in my experience I still get hired anyway because places were so desperately short-staffed because they were also an awful place to work.
But anyway, I'm always ashamed when I start to reveal to people how many jobs I've had because I feel like it really does mean what I was always told it means.
I don't know where this post is going other than that I think jobs need to stop being so incredibly toxic that workers would rather pass out, SH, or unalive themselves than be at work, causing them to frequently change jobs.
And also is this a more common experience than we are led to believe?
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sm-baby · 2 years
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HAHAHAhah *starts sobbing*
TW: Workplace Abuse, Implied Domestic Abuse
Word Count: 1,849 words 10,151 characters
Silvia, I'm so sawry... Silvia I'm so sawryy🥺!! uwa-😭 *solemnly caresses a picture of her inside a pendant* SILVIA- 😭😭
My god.
She didn't think it would happen.
      Silvia Blanca became a white servant fully knowing its repercussions. The people weren't too nice to their workers but they fully stayed because they would have a comfortable wage to go home to. Silvia understood that certain accidents may happen in the workplace. But she brushed it off for the pay, thinking to herself that she will simply not make a fuss, not be difficult. After all, she had been working for quite a few years now with a lot of experience. 
     if only she had paid attention to the red flags a little more... 
The living room was deathly quiet. Three maids stared in horror at the sight that took place in front of them. They all tried to look formal and submissive but ended up looking stiff and flinched at the man in the room. 
     The Sir had his hand up, almost hurting from the strike he left on another one of the fourth maid's cheek. She had almost stumbled back, into the pieces of the shattered vase that she had broken. 
     Her head was turned completely from him because of it, and she had been left frozen since. The bruise was starting to form as it burned her nerves… it stung yet felt numb at the same time… She didn't know how to react… or if she could react.
     " Look at me." The loud voice of the angry man said.
     Silvia, the maid, turned her head back at the man, hands politely behind her, and head hung low. 
      " LOOK AT ME." He grabbed her arm, aggressive enough to break her stance and shove her down. 
     Silvia gasped as he forcefully grabbed her scalp to turn her head up
     " This thing that you just broke costs more than your life. " The man pointed at the broken vase on the floor. 
     Silvia's eyes were more than fixated on it as he wanted her to be. But all she saw was an array of mistakes and danger, not a vase. Her instincts were there but all she could do was freeze for the moment…
     " This will be taken out of your paychecks, you hear me? " 
     Tears started forming in the corner of her eyes.
    " You're not deaf, I SAID, DO YOU HEAR ME? "
     Silvia nodded most desperately, closing her eyes shut, sitting in agony and fear about the situation. The man growled and shoved her back, throwing her completely out of balance.  
     Before she could even compose herself, the head of the residence turned to the other maids and told them to clean up the broken pieces. And they did with much shiver, while the fourth maid still stood in shock behind them. They hadn't dared to turn to her until the sir was completely out of the room.
     " You're lucky my son is in charge of you. If it were my way you'd be blacklisted." He said as he marched out of sight. 
And as soon as he was out of earshot, Silvia had started to sob quietly in place, face wet with violated tears. Her cheek swelled up more and more. 
     Near the end of clean up, they turned to her to rub circles around her back, themselves upset for her and the financial consequences of the situation. 
      "I told you we shouldn’t have told him!" 
     They whispered to each other.
      "He asked us! What were we supposed to do??"
     "Uhm? Lie?? Tell him that, no sir, it was broken when we found it…!"
     They whispered and apologized to the sobbing witch in front of them. The thing is… Silvia couldn't blame the sir for being mad at her. Breaking a vase is one thing, but trying to hide it? Maybe she did deserve that reaction. After all, she wasn't an angel either. 
The next day, she was left to do errands for the junior of the household. 
     The Mister, 160 years old, decades older than Silvia, and the only son of the residence. He was the one in charge of paying and hiring the servants in the household. She caught him in the middle of doing busy work in his office; what with his messy long hair and reading glasses, barely even that neatly dressed. 
     "Mister, Your father would like to inform you that-"
     "Don't tell me." The Richman interrupted. "I don't need to hear it. "
The Mister heard all about what happened the day before. What the maid had broken was a family heirloom from his father’s side of the family. He didn’t think his father cared for it much, but that afternoon he noticed his father was more than irritable. The mister retreated into his office for the rest of the night until he felt safe again.
     "Lucky for you, my family doesn't need the money.”  He wrote a quick check on his desk, “I'll be paying for the damages."
      He seemed dismissive of her. He hadn't even made an effort to make eye contact… didn't bother to react to her presence. The businessman just looked tired and didn't seem to have much sleep. 
     "And, " he finished writing the check and stretching his arm out to hand it to her. "An extra."
     "Wh… what for? "
     The first time he made eye contact with her, all she saw was a face, serious and tired as ever, bags covering his eyes. "...To keep your mouth shut about what happened here. "
     Silvia, though hesitated, took the money in her hands, and nodded. 
"What did I tell you? My husband has quite the temper. " Another noble in the household, the wife and mother, hair long and white like her son's. She was sitting in her bedroom in front of a vanity doing her makeup before leaving for the day, fluffing powder on her cheek, her pink pearly necklace hung by her neck. 
     Silvia stood idly by, holding the leash of her lady's resting sheep on the bedroom floor. 
      "Your husband hit me."
     "Hm." The lady scoffed and looked at the reflection of the maid in the mirror." You should not have broken that vase then." 
     Silvia's grip on the leash got tighter.
     "Honestly, how hard is it not to touch it when cleaning?" The lady put a hand on her head, almost disappointed or annoyed, before returning to her makeup. "You know how men are. Had it been for the fact that you were a maid, he would have done much worse. " 
     The maid bit her tongue, a skill she learned after years of doing this service, and with her argumentative and competitive spirit, it wasn't too easy for her. She was tired and upset, she felt like a child being scolded by these people when she was a mature young woman. Despite Silvia's passion for her career, there are times when she wished she could just lie down and not hear from anyone for a while.
     The Lady was preparing to spend the day outside, away from the household, accompanied by her sheep and a servant beside her. When it came time to leave, however, The lady excused Silvia and brought a different servant with her.  The bruise on the maid's cheek was more than visible, it wasn't exactly an attractive trait to have if other nobles came across her. She could only imagine the whispers of gossip! 
Silvia spent a few days being a hidden servant when visitors came around the mansion. She would do her work but would stay in the servants’ hall until they left.
     During their meals, the maids and manservants would turn to her asking what happened. Word spreads fast in the mansion, but there are some clarifications they’d like to ask. She answered all of them and brushed off the situation, some servants were supportive of her while some minded their own business… using her as an example for their future endeavors. 
     After a while, they were taught to move on, and some objectified her as “The poor maid who was assaulted.”
     She hated that reputation. 
     She hated that she was known as that among her peers. She was more than that and she knew it! She was ambitious, strong, and resourceful, and that's not how she wanted to be remembered!
Like she said to the son of the family, she chose to keep her mouth shut about the incident. She took the money which-- she didn’t quite need, but it was an incredibly handsome amount. There was a part of her that felt bad for taking part in the white coven’s antics, but that's just how it is.
     Admittedly, she wasn’t eager to spread the news about it either. For the sake of her reputation and future work. Ever since she left she hadn’t heard of the incident again. It wasn’t the last time she was violated in a workplace environment, each time someone laid a hand on her it ached that she had to keep it to herself. 
     She grew a resentment for the nobles in the white gates. For new hirees, he’d be seen as a cold and strict housekeeper who would punish you for the smallest imperfections, but ask any maid and she will tell you about a woman who cares. A woman that-- once she was put in a higher position where she can afford to make mistakes-- took the blame for those who made their own.
Silvia opened her eyes and found herself, 30 years later,  in the queen’s castle. The servants’ hall was where the Maids and Manservants celebrated after serving a successful party for the nobles. 
     Silvia had a glass of wine between her fingers. She could hear all the people she worked with letting loose, taking off their bows and heels for the day, slouching, and letting themselves be tired. She turned to her right and saw all of the wine the queen gifted them that day, she turned to her left and saw the… people… have a toast.
     Slowly, she felt her shoulders unstiffen, and her jaw unclench…
     That’s right… she wasn’t where she was all those years ago anymore… 
     Servanthood was infinitely less stressful in the castle than it was down at the coven. That’s why so many aim to be her highnesses’ servant. It’s why the castle is often compared to heaven… Her majesty, though distant with her workers, was a little more patient with them and treated them like her children than animals. The workers themselves found a sort of support system and a family within the castle.
     Silvia slightly flinched when a maid tapped her shoulder but calmed down at the smiling look on their faces. The maids looked eager to share with her the wine they found and the gossip they heard from the attendees of the party. Silvia smiled and joined them…
     So many sacrifices for a moment like this. Although there were so many days left to come, she can’t help but think to herself that she made it… 
     God… She was a happier and more fulfilled woman… 
     She made it…
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spoiledsummerdasies · 6 months
Nothing makes me sadder than seeing someone get so SO close to breaking away from a toxic and harmful situation only to be sucked back in. Weather it be a relationship, a friend group, a workplace etc. it’s so sad. It just goes to show that people can be swayed by emotions so easily, and it’s not their fault at all. I just want to grab them by the shoulders and shake some sense into them, but I know it won’t do anything, that’d they’ll get defensive and double down because being too confronting often scares them into thinking the bad situations they’re in is the RIGHT situation.
Idk, it just makes me sad seeing someone get so close to the light, only to have someone else snuff it out right before they reach it.
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blue-bower · 4 months
Vent time. Buckle up.
I never thought I'd see the day where I would walk out of a job. I tried to leave with patience, grace and gratitude. I tried to stick it out for the sake of my coworkers, who I genuinely love. I thought it was only fair to them, after having endured the constant mental stress for more than two years.
But no job is worth a decline in mental health. No job is worth having panic attacks on the clock day after day; being so worn out physically and mentally that we no longer have the time or the drive to do things we're passionate about. No job is worth being gaslighted and guilted into thinking we should prioritize the corporation over things that actually feel fulfilling in our lives.
To recap: I worked at a massive vacation resort, in a tourist town with a barely sustainable housing economy, therefore a barely sustainable and adequate staffing situation. And that was only becoming more and more apparent as the last couple years passed. It made me hateful, constantly angry, a nervous fucking wreck, and suicidal. If it weren't for the support of my closest friends, I...honestly might not still be here anymore.
I liked working there the first year. Sure, I had heavy new-job anxiety, I'd never worked in the business before. It was terrifying, but I had enough help and support along the way that I picked up on things pretty quickly. Too quickly, apparently. They started recommending me for Supervisor six months in. They promoted me twice; first time was to give me official permission to help in other areas around the resort, then again to focus more on back-office work. Both of which gave me the time I needed away from the front desk, away from screaming entitled old Boomers, away from the endless drama perpetuated by some of my coworkers.
But eventually, once we started losing staff and had some absolutely baffling upper-management decisions pushed on us, I was getting pulled to the front desk way more than I could mentally handle. My pleas to get back to what my role was actually designated to do and was most suitable for the sake of my mental & emotional needs constantly fell on deaf ears. Because why the fuck would a major capitalist corporation treat a neurodivergent, anxiety-ridden, nonbinary mess of a human being with respect? At the end of the day we're just numbers. Unless we're bleeding out and dying on the job, we're expected to get the fuck over it because "everyone's in the same boat, it is what it is."
I recognized a year into the job that they were starting to take advantage of me. I was falling into the same pattern of doubling and tripling my own workload out of the deep-seated need to impress my peers, to feel like I'm worth something, that I had at my other job. But I continued to let it happen, because I kept telling myself that having a job like this on my resume could land me a job in many fields. I wanted to prove to myself and everyone that I could do it. I basically developed Stockholm Syndrome. And I'm ashamed of that fact.
"It is what it is", once again, almost drove me to permanent depression and mental break. It made me backtrack on so much of my progress with improving my mental health. It drove me to start taking edibles; first once a week, then twice a week, then every other night. It's taken everything in me to break the habit before I started taking them every night. (Which yeah, idgaf what you do for recreational purposes, and I don't have the intention to fully give them up since they genuinely do help me get a lot of good story concepts written, but I learned the hard way after a few bad trips and bad chest palpitations that I still need to be careful.)
The point is: Defeatedly accepting "it is what it is", instead of DOING something to CHANGE how it is, is how people end up trapped in toxic environments to begin with, and try to pull other people down with them. Misery loves company, after all. Jobs are shitty no matter what, so might as well keep drinking poisoned wine instead of seeing if anywhere else has at least slightly less bitterness and toxicity, right?? Is it better to force everyone to stay on the sinking ship while panicking and trying desperately to patch up the holes before you drown, because you'd feel guilty if you left your crewmates behind? Or is it better to abandon ship and swim safely to shore, trusting that they know how to use the life rafts or send an SOS for a rescue ship?
It's all well and good to care about the people in your life, whether it be friends family co-workers partners etc. It's common for people, especially people with Golden Child and Impostor Syndrome, to just, naturally fall into the habit of taking way too much on our shoulders because we just want to be helpful. We're proud of being the Jack of All Trades, proud of excelling in areas that are needed in the workplace. But at some point, we've got to learn to set our boundaries, or we'll be so weighed down that we'll crumble and break.
We also need to trust that the coworkers that we genuinely enjoy working with, that are just as privy to the bullshit, that they can take care of themselves if things become too much. We should listen to the advice of people who have struggled through similar stresses and traumas. We owe it to them for having struggled together. I owe it to the awesome people in my life to help me finally make a decision that absolutely terrified the anxiety demon constantly looming over me, but ultimately freed me from the massive weight on my back.
I'm taking a good two-week gap before jumping into my next job. I'm anxious about the future of course, shit is so goddamn expensive these days, but I need to remind myself that I have plenty of opportunities to at least land a decent job long enough to save up and pack up for my eventual plans to move further inland.
I've learned an important life lesson; one that I thought I'd already learned, but didn't fully realize how much of an absolute monster the working world can be. It taught me how to be more courageous and confident in myself; how to stay true to myself no matter how much society tries to make me repress it. My main hope going forward is that I end up finding a job where I can let my true self shine.
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the funniest thing that came out of the Ned Fulmer Cheating Scandal was all those tweets like, "used to work at Buzzfeed...during my five-minute break they recruited me to eat greyhound meat in a blindfold and a thong" or "you have to understand, Buzzfeed was our slave-driver. But I learned how fruitless yet imperative it is to fight for one's freedom" we were all like
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mordcore · 11 months
just saw someone say "bullying ≠ a lifetime of abuse" and i just gotta mention: what a load of crap. bullying is abuse. and if you're bullied for a lifetime you have a lifetime of abuse. plain and simple.
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jilyarchive · 1 year
Every Breath You Take
Title: Every Breath You Take Author: LashFlashingLeda Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 16 [WIP] Word Count: 58,279 Summary: Lily’s new job is a dream, but the only drawback? She’s working with James Potter, the man who broke her heart. He’s changed and wants her back, but her past has followed her to her new home and being with James might mean risking his life.
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bitchesgetriches · 5 months
How Abusive Workplaces Mirror Abusive Relationships
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wandering-night19 · 1 year
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I really wanted to write/post something for nurses week, so I stole a piece from a bigger AU I’ve been working on. Enjoy some Nurse TK and Doctor Carlos.
you dream of some epiphany
2.2k . Carlos Reyes/TK Strand . Teen
TK feels like there should have been a warning. He should have known this was going to happen. He’s been doing this long enough that he usually has a pretty good read on patients.
Read on AO3
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sm-baby · 2 years
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reity · 1 year
wtf am i listening to.
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iressails · 1 year
Bayliss is looking extremely bad post shooting of homeless man. Eat his gun bad. He's unmoored without Frank, without his stabilitising influence, without his framing of his world in primary colours. All of Bayliss's stuff about being true to all the parts of himself, trying to reconcile his profession with his sexuality and spirituality and being left with just the former because when it came down to it he fired his gun and killed a man.
He's deleted his website, deleted parts of himself for his job, and I don't know if he has much left. Not with Frank being gone. (Where even if Frank? Did he ditch Bayliss after he left the department? He must have.)
I noticed he had a bit about surviving child abuse on his website, it seems it was ignored/shut down too so he's pushed that back down. Again? Same thing his father did, denied and voiceless again. JFC this is so depressing.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
we've seen this man mistreat his fellow creators to save his ass. we saw it with the finale. we saw it when he went on that stream with technodad. we've seen it with him demeaning Q's work in the recent tweets and spaces. This man is not above being a dick to CCs close to his age, I don't understand why it's so hard to understand that he'd be even worse towards an 18 year old.
I guess my manager's abhorrent abuse and ableism isn't too bad because I'm a legal adult while she's my senior by several decades :)))
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