#wizard afterlife
w-stachu · 1 month
✨️ S. P. E. W. headcanon ✨️
Hermione came up with the idea of founding Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare after finding an old diary in the library.
In this diary were many ways to free the house elves from the abusive families and some drawings of happily living elves. She also found a photo of several young wizards, some of the faces seemed familiar to her.
She had no idea that this diary belonged to Sirius' little brother. During his last year at Hogwarts he hid it well in the library.
Regulus loved watching her actions from the afterlife ^^
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henry danger meme going around on tik tok (wolfstar’s version)
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this is so stupid (expect at least 2 more)
jegulus version
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 15 - Afterlife
@wolfstarmicrofic July 15, word count 510
He remembered falling. He seemed to fall forever into the darkness, and then everything was white. He remembered Harry’s smiling face and Bellatrix’s shouted words. Then nothing. 
Where he was now was just endless white. He’d tried finding the end of it, but it just went on and on. Eventually, he sat down. The floor being the only solid thing he could find. 
He stayed there for longer than he knew how to count. Oddly, he never got hungry or thirsty or had any other urges. He was still able to transform into Padfoot, which he’d checked once he’d stopped looking for the end of the white. He got used to the white and began to find it quite calming.
He was dozing sometime into eternity when the white changed. A small dot appeared and it slowly spread. He was transfixed as he watched grass and trees sprout out of nothing. Blue sky and sunshine flooded the white in front of him. But hard as he tried he couldn’t move any nearer to it. He sat down and huffed. 
He watched the trees swaying in the breeze he couldn’t feel. The sun moved slowly across the sky and just as it was setting someone cleared their throat. 
“Hello, sweetheart,” Sirius’s eyes welled up as he spun around at the familiar voice. His voice caught in his throat as he stumbled forward to the figure surrounded by the white. Sirius fell into Remus’s outstretched arms and inhaled the familiar scent of chocolate, cigarettes and cedar wood. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” He wept into Remus’s shoulder. Remus’s arms tightened around him, and he kissed the top of Sirius’s curls. 
“I’ve missed you too, sweetheart, so, so, so much.” Remus sighed, stroking his hand up and down Sirius’s trembling back. “That looks nice,” Remus tilted his head towards the forest. Sirius nodded. 
“It arrived just before you did. It’s only been completely white for me before now, but I can’t get to it,” He replied sadly. 
“Well, maybe we can try together?” Remus smiled down at him. Sirius noticed that Remus's face was no longer marred by the deep claw marks that had criss-crossed it since he was a teen. Remus took Sirius’s hand and began to lead him forward. 
Sirius looked at the darkening trees and caught sight of the full moon rising above them. 
Remus dropped his hand and was gone. In his place was the wolf, but the change had been instantaneous, with no pain and the wolf didn’t seem at all bothered that there was a human standing beside it. 
The wolf turned its enormous head to look at him and Sirius’s breath caught. Remus’s eyes stared back at him. He knew it was Remus looking at him and not the wolf by how kind the eyes were. He transformed into Padfoot, and they walked into the woods together, where they were met at the tree line by a magnificent stag and a tiny doe. All four of them walked into the forest and disappeared into their forever. 
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 3 months
lily evans is the sabrina carpenter of the marauders fandom.
explanation: all because i liked a boy
"Now I'm a homewrecker, I'm a slut I got death threats filling up semi-trucks Tell me who I am, guess I don't have a choice All because I liked [a boy]"
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crimsonlovebartylus · 2 months
Barty to Regulus: I'll tell them put me back in it. Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah, If I could hold you for a minute. Darling, I'd go through it again, ah, ah.
because I genuinely believe that if Barty had to relive all the good and the bad to be with Regulus just to be able to touch, hug and kiss him again. He would do it.
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shipspainfulships · 2 months
Y'all ever stop to think how fucking tragic Regulus and Barty's deaths were!?
One got drowned by the inferis and got turned into an inferi himself.
And one got his soul kissed away by a dementor.
Those fuckers will never see afterlife. James and Lily are never gonna see their Reggie ever again. Sirius won't ever get to see and hug his baby brother who actually died betraying the dark lord.
Evan will be forever waiting for his lover to come... he will never show up.
Evan, Pandora and Dorcas will wait for their friends; the sadboi and the crackpot of the group to cross over.... Come to them... They will be forever waiting... Only to be met with disappointment
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claypotsstuff · 10 months
Last words…
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wolfclaire · 3 months
Chapter 80 of Alone together? is out now!
It was time for celebrations. After working tirelessly with bits and pieces of old code, reading and triple-checking every single line and letter of chunks of new code, it finally worked how it was supposed to. It was time for happiness. All new guests were slowly waking up from their slumber and pain-induced coma. They were confused; some suffered from slight memory loss, but they were awake, and they were alive. It was time to heal every wound the evil man did to them. Every physical scar, every wound, every mental trauma.
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neoyi · 5 days
Can Resh’an and Specter kiss? I think they should kiss. They deserve a kiss please
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beans-core · 5 months
RIP james potter, you would have loved calling your friends pookie
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w-stachu · 1 month
✨️ Marauders headcanon ✨️
Whenever the Marauders wanted to move somewhere quickly, they choosen Knight Bus, it was their favorite means of transport.
James just laught at his son from afterlife, when he first time was in Knight Bus.
This picture is giving that vibe :)
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everybodyloveshippos · 5 months
so in passage to dawn, harkle forgets everything about his time on the sea sprite and wakes up at home
and robillard considers paying harkle a visit later, without knowing this
i think it would super funny (and a little sad) if he gets there and harkle is just like hi! who are you? and robillard is just like????? why does he not know who i am . is this a bit. what is wrong with him
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euphorictruths · 2 years
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Dream Weaver- Tara-Rieke Elledge
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summer-fire · 10 months
Muppet ass bird movie
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
"Something very fundamental seems to have gone wrong, you see. You're dead in every sense but the, er, actual. I mean, the cards think you're dead. Your lifeline thinks you're dead. Everything and everyone thinks you're dead."
"I don't," said Keli, but her voice was less than confident.
"I'm afraid your opinion doesn't count."
"But people can see and hear me!"
"The first thing you learn when you enroll at Unseen University, I'm afraid, is that people don't pay much attention to that sort of thing. It's what their minds tell them that's important."
Terry Pratchett, Mort
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polaris101 · 11 months
i think the game should end kind of like how avengers endgame ended, where the wizard fucking dies.
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