#with Hera he was just courting death
laurelslegacy · 3 months
Rebel’s shorts:
Will it turn into a whole story? Oh likely, most likely a lemon chap.
Just been moving and not really able to work on anything at all sans packing.
Way too hot:
“AGH!” It was accompanied by the crunch of yet ANOTHER datapad being destroyed,the string of curses in a wide range of languages accompanying it.
Kallus took a slow deep breath “What is wrong Garazeb?” clearly the use for the full name paired with the lack of compassionate tone was telling to his lack of care. Then again there was FEW creatures that could handle this heat, humans least of all but all furred beings had been relived and yet there was Garazeb, one moment BOASTING how Lasat were from a desert planet and now unable to handle the heat of Yavin 4. Having collapsed three times from heat exhaustion and included at least two hours of IV hydration its was quite clear Zeb was not handling the heat. They had not taken into account the thickness and the weight of the wet heat felt.
Kallus was as sympathetic as he could be. His furred lover had to hate this place, yet never quite expressed it. On the Glimmer Kallus did his best to keep it cool but that required fuel…
He found that Zeb more often than naught had a few frozen packs with him. Happy to snuggle in close so long as he had the pack with him.
But there was the “incident” after many arguments and lectures-
Teeth bared and the desk thrown with inhuman power, Zeb snarled.
“Back down” was the Green Twi’lek’s command. Hera Sendulla had her eyes squarely on Zeb, nearly half his size but her command was not wavering.
Zeb’s nostrils flared, he growled but backed down.
“Go see Kallus.” was her only command. There was a growl, deep, dark.”Go see Kallus.” she reiterated and with a snort Zeb relinquished.
The story was told by Sabine later, Garazeb had returned with a water soaked blanket in and Dropped it on the Twi’lek yelling “that’s what it’s like!”
And the response, well she had suspended Zeb for a week on the Glimmer.
“Some of us still have work.” Kallus rose naked from the shared bed, ice packs scattered about like confetti to keep the two cooler. Zeb grumbles “and I expect supper to be ready.”
“ I ain’t yer maid.” The grumbled sounds of an already panting and heated Lasat came from the bed.
“Actually “ Kallus paused to pull up a foot and adjust his blaster straps “ as you are kicked off the Ghost, you are.” It earned him a gutheral growl Kallus only chuckled at.
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in7ernt-ju1ce · 7 months
Random HC:
(That I have collected over the past months and years)
Jason had a wolf plushie.
Leo has abandonment issues.
Once Piper gets the go ahead for cuddles, she will not let go.
Leo makes custom jewellery for Piper and Jason.
Jason bites people to show affection, wolf boy.
Luke awakened Percy’s bicuriousness and beckendorf was his bi awakening, Jason was amnesia bi awakening.
Jason went mostly blind after Hera’s true form showing- His eyes look pale blue now, his eyes only work by seeing electric currents now.
After Leo’s rebirth, he can only see through heat vision and a ‘special’ mechanical sense he has.
Will is naturally good at flirting due to Apollo, but is also one of the easiest campers to make blush.
Jason naturally plays rougher in games so Leo and Piper, occasionally Percy, become damage control.
Leo is terrified of loud noises and large fires (e.g: wildfires) due to his mother’s death and his own.
Jason didn’t stay died- Juno/Hera commanded the court which ruled in favour of bringing him back.
Leo and Nico are best friends.
Leo and Will are Texan best friends.
Percy doesn’t actually go deep into the water much anymore due to fear of drowning from SoN.
Annabeth can’t look Jason in the eyes anymore without guilt- mainly because of how much he looks like Luke.
The Stolls took a break from pranks for a while, becoming too nervous to mess up with the highly traumatised, yet powerful, demigods.
Leo, Percy, Jason and Nico don’t like physical touch from most people, reacting aggressively or hypersensitivity from it if it from strangers or someone not in there inner circles.
Jason’s love language is physical touch, but now is he normally just does small acts of kindness instead.
The Seven hate fireworks.
Jason is overly flirty with Leo, but doesn’t flirt with anyone else.
Percy has a siren singing voice, but only in water.
Reyna didn’t recognise Jason at first because of his personality being completely different then before Juno/Hera.
If you yell ATTENTION at Jason Grace he just, bolts up. And pulls a salute, it’s like a reflex action. (Head cannon from other user: @florencethefrog245 )
Leo had a weird distrust in Squirrels, for no other reason than “they seem suspicious- always watching 😐”.
I will probably add more and update this post- but feel free to repost and add you own.
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bones4thecats · 10 months
Hello!! I hope you're having a nice day. I have a request if you don't mind. How about the reader being a woman who has spent her entire life fighting in her own region without any help, entirely alongside her own people, and is often called the 'Barbarian Goddess'? The reader lost both his father and brothers in the war between the Gods and the Titans. So it has nothing to do with normal Goddesses. How about a woman who is no different from men sometimes? The only thing she thinks about and cares about is her own people, and she is ready to quarrel with all the Gods when necessary. You can write with any character you want <3
A/N: I decided to choose a character that I haven’t written anything for, and I also wanted to write something for Poseidon. I’m going through my Poseidon and Adamas faze again T-T
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🥀 He had heard about you from the meetings he had to go to with his brothers
🥀 Mainly hearing stories about you from Zeus that his wife, Hera, had told him about you, Adamas was quite intrigued when he heard you were going to appear at the next Gods’ Council meeting
🥀 The doors slammed open and he watched as you walked through being followed by three of your fellow Gods, they held their spears close to their forms as your staff stood proud and high like you
🥀 Adamas had to admit, hearing you stand up to Poseidon’s strong words was hilarious, nobody had expected that to happen
🥀 It took a while, but after you guys formed a close relationship, he loved to come over when his work finally slowed down and he would watch you train your members of the army
🥀 When the God of Conquest had supposedly died from Poseidon, you were alerted of his true condition by Hades, who knew how close you both were
🥀 You were with him when he came back and was renamed into ‘Adamantine’, and you married him down in Helheim with Hades being one of the only witnesses
🥀 Adamantine got angry when Hades died, and you had to hold him back from jumping down and killing Qin Shi Huang at that moment, thankfully, your years of fighting wars by yourself got you strong
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🔱 Poseidon didn’t exactly like you at first because of how devoid of care you were for any other Gods
🔱 You stood up to him while in a Gods’ Council meeting, and you just standing up and basically scolding him for speaking in such a bulldozing manner
🔱 He and you eventually found some middle ground when the Gods vs. Titans war happened and Zeus fought his and his brothers’ father to the death
🔱 You smiled as the children from your land ran up to him and handed him flower crowns in celebration, Poseidon just looked at you while they handed Zeus the crowns and his heart skipped a beat as your smile lit up his mind
🔱 Why was he feeling this way?
🔱 Poseidon would spend more time in your region than in any other besides his own, and when the news got out that he was courting you, everyone erupted in laughter, why would he court a Goddess who was known for being a barbarian?
🔱 But when they found out it was true? 😱
🔱 He knew that everyone knew about your engagement what it happened as well, Hermes and Zeus couldn’t keep a secret for the life of them
🔱 Well, Hermes could, but Zeus couldn’t
🔱 The children that you were teaching to become warriors in your army for any eventual threat loved to mess around in the water that Poseidon would summon for them, holding it above their heads in bubbles and letting it explode to rain on them
🔱 He may not be the best example of the perfect man, but underneath the whole cold exterior, he was the God that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with
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dandthegods · 1 year
The Gods are everywhere, you just have to look. They’re not trapped stagnant in the myths and stories, nor in the stale histories of cultures long past. Omnipresent in their own ways, the Gods can connect with anyone at any time. 
Athena can be found walking the aisles of a Harvard library, in the study room with a first generation college student, or in between the cardboard pages of a child’s first board book. Knowledge isn’t limited to the elite or the privileged, and neither is Athena. 
Apollo can be found in the galleries of prestigious art museums, in the bedroom of an aspiring anime artist, or in the imagination of a child scribbling with crayons. He is on the stage of a sold out stadium as well as in the back row of the cheapest seats. Art and creativity isn’t limited to those with influence or connections, and neither is Apollo. 
Hephaestus can be found in the offices of any corporate building, under the machinery of a blue collar factory, or in the joy of a teenager as they receive their first paycheck. He is found in the Paralympics, boosting the athletes onward, and he is also sitting with the hospital and rehab rooms of those recently disabled. Hard work is not limited to anyone’s status or abilities, and neither is Hephaestus. 
Aphrodite can be found on the covers of fashion magazines, in the dreams of an hopeful makeup artist, and in the playfulness of a child playing with their mother’s lipstick. Aphrodite can be in the appeal of sexy fishnets or the allure of a well tailored suit. Beauty and love are not limited to one’s gender or skills, and neither is Aphrodite. 
Hermes can be found flying alongside the highest reaching airplanes, the fastest driving cars, and on a seat on public transit in rush hour. He is the luck that saves the lives of a vehicular accident, and the thrill in that first payment on a used car. Luck and speed are not limited to how far or how fancy your transportation can go, and neither is Hermes. 
Zeus can be found behind the bench of a supreme court case, in the office of an overworked pubic defender, and in the thunderous laughter of a new father. He is in the welcoming smile of a stranger to those in need, and in the homeless being invited in. Justice and hospitality are not limited to one’s power or status, and neither is Zeus. 
Hera can be found in a fabulous wedding with hundreds of guests, in the celebration of a long lasting marriage, or officiating the ceremony in a courthouse. She is in the “I love you”’s before bed, the hands held in the car after a first date, and in the hospital room of an elderly couple saying goodbye for the last time. Love is not limited to the length of one’s relationship, and neither is Hera. 
Artemis can be found in the fields and forests of nature, in the calm breath of a hunter, or in the tears of grief for a lost pet. She is the courage in the voices fighting for respect and in the cheer of progress made. Equal treatment peace is not limited to those who hold the power, and neither is Artemis. 
Hestia can be found in the jingle of a first-time homeowners’ new keys, in the shared dinner of a multi-generational home, or in the exhausted smile of a single parent. She is the warmth of a household and the love shared within its walls. Family and support is not limited to those you share blood with or in the size of your dwelling, and neither is Hestia. 
Ares can be found in the measured steps of a solider over seas, in the joyous tears of a spouse when their loved one comes home, and in the flag wrapped around a coffin. He is in the voices of those calling for change, in the recovery rooms of the wounded, and in the minds of those struggling with trauma. Safety and wellness are not limited to one’s demographics and neither is Ares. 
Hades can be found in the grief left behind after a death, in the weight of responsibility of leaders, and in the darkness of winter. He is with those who cry and fear for their lives, and in the scars left behind the pain can be too much. Loss and recovery is not limited to those strong enough to withstand it and neither is Hades. 
Persephone can be found in the joy at the first warm day, in the love bridging distance between lovers, and in the will of those daring to strive for their dreams. She is the wonderment of a child at a honeybee, and the beauty found in the darkness. Energy and strength is not limited to the times of light and color, and neither is Persephone. 
Demeter can be found in the engines of the machines in a field, in the bounty of a community garden harvest, and in the first sprouts of an amateur gardener. She is the change of the seasons and the rebirth of the new year. Change and plenty are not limited to those with capital or land, and neither is Demeter. 
Dionysus can be found on the floats of a pride parade, in the movements pushing for equality, and in the bedroom of a closeted teenager. He is both the euphoria and dysphoria felt by some in their bodies, and in the community embracing those who feel lost. Rights and identity are not limited to those who one loves or how one looks, and neither is Dionysus. 
Poseidon can be found on the decks of a ship in a storm, on the docks with a father teaching his son to fish, or in the serenity on a sandy beach. He is the joyful screams of children running from the waves and the persistence in one learning how to swim. Power and possibility is not limited to the oceans and or one’s skills, and neither is Poseidon. 
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kitakikikitkat · 22 days
So I’ve been listening to God Games from Epic the musical, I haven’t listened to all of Epic the musical songs.
Anyways every time I listen to it I think of an au where it’s tgcf x svsss crossover. Where Odysseus is Luo Binghe (maybe after Shen Qingqiu’s death he causes too much chaos and like the martial gods are like woah there sunny boy we gotta have a talk or something) and Athena is Shang Qinghua and he’s like trynna help out LBH (bros his son so he gotta help him out plus bros the protagonist). I’m not sure about that I just thought the role fit SQH or made more sense in my mind (he doesn’t necessarily have to be like the god of wisdom in this crossover just LBH’s advocate or something along those lines).
I’m not sure who Zeus would be though, in my mind the timeline this takes place in is after the ending of tgcf where Jun Wu isn’t the heavenly emperor anymore (I haven’t read all of tgcf yet so I might be wrong on a few details, I have gotten a lot of spoilers about tgcf so I know the gist of how the story goes so I mean no offense if I get any details wrong). Plus mind you that the martial gods who will be deciding whether LBH should be released will be those who are in the upper heavenly court, I’m not thinking if the Greek God would fit the character more like they’re going to be judges of some sort mind you. Like they’re considered “high up” enough to be like “oh your opinion as a judge like martial god is important we gotta see what you say” kinda thing (and the tgcf/svsss characters I put to the epic the musical characters only fit for this song).
Anyways I thought Apollo would be Shi Qingxuan (in this au crossover he’s still there let me be delusional and not remember the unfortunate beefleaf ending) or let’s just think that maybe SQX somehow became a god again (because I really want them to still be a god and madly in love with He Xuan and get their happy ending because I can’t accept the beefleaf ending).
Anyways and then I thought Hephaestus would be Pei Ming (I don’t know why I thought that would be him but then again maybe it would be someone else, I thought he might also fit Ares but there’s a reason why I don’t think he’d fit being Ares but I also thought he’d fit Zeus).
Then Aphrodite would be Mu Qing because of the whole mom thing that happened with him, I think he would misunderstand LBH and how dedicated he was to the washer woman and might think that LBH should have stayed by his mother’s side and all that jazz. Anyways I think the person that just has to be Ares in my mind is Feng Xin, mainly because I love Fengqing and I want FX and MQ to be together, and in the song there’s this lyric that goes “and tell your lover” etc etc so whoever I thought would fit Ares and Aphrodite had to be two people who I shipped.
The person who I can just think would fit Hera would be Hua Cheng, SQH would be like “oh and he really loves his first crush like would do anything for him” and HC would be like “oh shoot release him then” because it just so happen that SQH “forgot” some details (how SQQ and LBH met again) and HC just thinks to himself about himself and Xie Lian and is like “this kid fr is like me I gotta have him be released so he can continue serving/looking after his crush”.
Anyways the part of the lyrics where it’s “is she dead?” Instead of it being Ares (FX) who asks that because Athena (SQH) gets struck with lightning maybe during this time it just so happens that LBH had been here during the whole trial just in a cage (a see through invisible cage that seals him up or something), and he wakes up and wants to ask the martial gods if SQQ is actually dead and if there isn’t anything that he can do to bring him back. SQH is like “what should I do” because if the gods say “oh yeah he’s dead” then LBH could go on a rampage and end up messing up all the progress he made in convincing the martial gods.
Maybe before SQH went to advocate for LBH he sent a letter to SQQ (let’s just say SQQ didn’t take years to get back and SQQ and SQH had met up secretly) so he just sent a letter informing SQQ of all the things happening and SQQ is the one who’s praying/saying “let him go, please, let him go” and it shows this. Because maybe SQQ isn’t dumb and actually knows that he might have actual feelings for LBH (or maybe he’s still dumb and just telling himself that he is just worried over the system punishing him if LBH is punished by the heavenly court) and the only reason SQQ didn’t try and go with SQH is he still thinks LBH hates him and that he’ll kill him if he sees him or just doesn’t want to cause LBH any trouble or pain from seeing him. So the martial gods are like “Ight the truth is he’s still alive” and it shows this like the whole SQQ praying (SQQ is obviously Penelope) and etc like some sort of projection and that’s how god games song ends for this au.
I don’t know where I was going with this, I just wanted to get people’s opinions over this huge delusional hyper fixation plus write it down before I forget this thought process.
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acourtofthought · 6 days
The book Sarah had displayed "The Once and Future Sex" just triggered something for me after looking over the synopsis:
Enshrined medieval thinkers, almost always male, subscribed to a blend of classical Greek and Roman philosophy and Christian theology for their concepts of the sexes. For the height of female attractiveness, they chose the mythical Helen of Troy, whose imagined pear shape, small breasts, and golden hair served as beauty’s epitome. Casting Eve’s shadow over medieval women, they derided them as oversexed sinners, inherently lustful, insatiable, and weak. And, unless a nun, a woman was to be the embodiment of perfect motherhood.
I always thought it was a bit strange how Sarah continually reminded us of Elain's small breasts but seeing the above makes me wonder if it's because she took inspiration from the likeness of Helen of Troy as a pear shaped, small breasted figure which was the ideal of attractiveness during that time period.
It makes a bit of sense as Helen of Troy's face was one that launched a thousand ships with Elain's being a face that could bring kings to their knees.
The Trojan War began because Paris took Helen from her husband, Menelaus and in SF we have Rhys warning Az that his actions, his lack of concern for her mating bond with Lucien, could lead to a battle to the death and ruin the peace of their lands.
On the one hand, the Paris of Homer's Iliad is depicted as a handsome and charming young man motivated by his love for Helen and his belief that she is destined to be his.
It's debatable whether Paris truly loved Helen or whether he believed he did because her love was promised to him:
Still, Paris could not decide, as all three were ideally beautiful, so the goddesses attempted to bribe him to choose among them. Hera offered ownership of all of Europe and Asia. Athena offered skill in battle, wisdom and the abilities of the greatest warriors. Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman on Earth: Helen of Sparta. Paris chose Helen and thereby Aphrodite.
"His belief that she is destined to be his." sounds a lot like Az feeling he should have been given Elain because his brothers are with her sisters.
"Some stories say that Aphrodite put a spell on Helen to make her fall in love with Paris, while others say she loved him without the goddess’ help."
Helen regrets her decision to be with Paris, and her resentment of him intensifies as the war progresses. She is disgusted by Paris's cowardly behavior when he fights Menelaus.
If Sarah went with the first story, she could have played into that with Elain's interest in Az where she felt influenced by what she thought her sisters wanted of her (which Rhys all but acknowledges in the Feyre bonus, about her being worried that she'd disappoint them if she acted out of character for what they expected of her). It's clear that Feyre initially had animosity towards Lucien in ACOWAR and it was very evident that Nesta only started coming around to him later in her book so it's not a stretch to believe Elain thought that since her sisters were interested in Rhys and Cassian, she as the third sister should also try to be happy with the third brother so as not to make waves.
Also, Elain is bothered by cruelty and though the circumstances would be different (since I don't imagine Sarah would write Lucien and Az battling it out to the death), I do think that had Elain actually hooked up with Az she would have later regretted it. I think she would have been bothered by Azriel's threats of Lucien, his indifference to killing him and causing issues between courts.
In Homers account, Helen is eventually reunited with her husband Menelaus.
I also think it's interesting how in what is clearly a negative way of thinking, the above book mentions men who considered woman to be the embodiment of "perfect motherhood" and Sarah chose to write Az thinking of how innocent and pure Elain is in his bonus chapter, how he will taint her.
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magumsilvarum · 9 months
Spirits and their common uses and misconceptions
So today I wanted to talk about a few spirits which, not much is so far known of through literary writing, but more so through celestial knowledge. (each spirit will have its own section)
The Pythoness - many Christian and Judea religions view the pythoness spirit as a demon like spirit that is meant to steer one away from Gods path and imbue one with negative thoughts such as death and sickness through the mind, yet I've personally found and many civilizations prior and after that the story is not as such. In yogic practices there is a certain breathe and practice of the kundalini. Kundalini is the term for "a spiritual energy or life force located at the base of the spine", conceptualized as a coiled-up serpent. The practice of Kundalini yoga is supposed to arouse the sleeping Kundalini Shakti from its coiled base through the 6 chakras, and penetrate the 7th chakra, or crown. This allows for an open pathway as a connection to God, elevated spirits and the spirits of the afterlife, our ancestral spirits, within celestial planes. In buddhism giant serpents were seen as protectors of the dharma, the truth that liberates us, standing strong against any attack. Many psychics, seers, mediums, witches and tarot card readers tend to have a spirit who knows one of two things about divination, prophecy and esoteric knowledge, but the pythoness spirit is looked at more like the all seeing eye or the eye of ra and horus. In greek mythology Leto the great she-wolf was cursed to never give birth upon the land as Hera set her out to be cursed by her daughter and for Gaia to not allow her to give birth to her two children. Through Zeus' interference Leto was able to give birth to both Artemis and Apollo. Later Apollo went to go slay a Snake that had threatened Leto and therefore gained the ability to turn into a snake himself. He declared the island previously known as Pythos to be Delphi and as the God of prophecy later became a hub for those seeking answers from great oracles once a year, known as Pythias. These women were great prophets and witches alike that danced with fire and tamed snakes to dance along with them protecting the island from attacks and monsterous threats as to pay respect to Apollo. These were women and men of wild nature who allows there instincts to guide them through the understanding of the great divine. One with nature they became medicine workers, prophets, seers, musicians, dancers, pyromancers, snake charmers, witches and mages and dream weavers.
These great spirits are revered as a highly elevated court in spiritualist practices, sometimes just perceived as the spirits of tarot decks or oracular objects they are forgotten as being far too complex to be seen as just that. Through the force of light they bring great aid to those they are on spiritual journey's with, they rid of hexes, curses and spiritual illnesses. They guide through prophetic dreams, clairvoyancy, clairsentience, clairaudience and mediumship. They are capable of conjuring powerful spirits and the spirits of the dead (necromancy), as well as a straight line communication to God, gods and goddesses. They move through the celestial tides of the universe and bring forth great health, wealth, abundance, freedom and spiritual knowledge to those they favor. They are quite benevolent spirits who help bring in death or the spirit of change for the better and to rid old stubborn ways of the past. They are great teachers of dark and light magic. They aid in learning and music as well. Helping those with charisma and the ability to enchant and/or charm enemies and others alike. They have such affinity towards chocolates, gold, silver, wine, fire, candles, light, mirrors, divination tools, water, flowers and floral scents, perfumes, snakes and music. There number is 7 and their flower is the rose, particularly the white rose, but other colors are fine as well. They also enjoy sunflowers, as they venerated Apollo, and the Anise star. Their colors are Red, burgundy, gold, emerald green, white, silver, purple, and brown. Yet each is different and might prefer a royal blue for all we know each spirit is different to another so getting to know ones spiritual court is quite important. Stones like diamond, ruby, jade, emerald, citrine, labradorite and amethyst can be given to such spirit as well as Selenite and Amber each representing Artemis and Apollo. These spirits can sometimes be confused with a better known spirit Santa Martha la Dominadora. You may even have both within your spiritual court, but they two hold many similarities.
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Prayer to the Pythoness
O Blessed Pythoness, I invoke your humble yet wild nature into my life, I give you thanks for the visions told and untold and for the sight to see my path clearly. May your connection to God and all living things be great and full of love and respect. May your tides of wisdom bring peace to the land and bestow upon me and my loved ones a blessed hand. Lady of the fire, imbue me with your holy flames may they burn away all evil done unto me by others or by my own hand. May your light charm those who seek no good into doing acts of kindness and greatness and may your soothing voice bring sweetness and riches to the land and seas. You the one who tamed the dragon and serpent to your gracious hand. Tame my enemies and bring good fortune to those in need. Help the world against devastation and may your great cobra bring forth the promise land. Lady of the land and sea, conjure your celestial winds to protect me and bring good news from the heavenly lands. Through the eye of the one who can see I plea to you humbly and in need. As it is. So mote it be. Amen
Say this prayer with Psalm 91 3x and Psalm 4 3x under the flame of a white(or yellow) light end with a Glory be. It will help receive divine messages through divination or prophetic dreams and help transmute negative energy and protect against evil eye.
Oracion a La Pitonisa
O Bendita Pitonisa, Yo invoco tu humilde y salvaje espiritu de naturaleza entre mi vida, te doy las gracias por los visiones contado y no contado y por la vista para ver mi camino claramente. Que tu conexión a Dios y a todas criaturas vivas sea lleno de gran amor y respeto. Que las olas de sabiduria traen paz a toda la tierra y otogar a mi y mis seres queridos tu mano bendicida. Mujer de los fuegos, envuelvame con tus llamas benditas que me liberan de cualquier maldad sea enviado por enemigos o que han nacido de mi propia mano. Que tu luz encandile a los que no buscan el bien y les transformas hacer actos de carino y grandeza y que tu voz encantadora trae dulcisimiento y riquezas a la tierra y los mares. Tu que haz vencido el serpiente y el dragon con tu mano graciosa. Ayuda al mundo contra la devastación y que tu tierra prometida sea traido por tu gran cobra. Mujer de la tierra y mar, protejame con los vientos celestiales y que traen buena noticias del cielo. A través del ojo del que puede ver te suplico humildemente y de necesidad. Como es. Asi sera. AMEN
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paingoes · 3 months
Destroyer - Rupture
(Content: starvation, captivity, violence mention, trafficking mention, death mention, “gay” as an insult, fear, minor emeto)
They’d locked him in his room again. Delta was getting the sickest sense of déjà vu. He was glad the tap was still running and that he’d been stashing food, because the first three days they’d forgotten to feed him. Maybe it was understandable. The Thorn had descended into chaos, presumably. Simon didn’t even come see him, probably in a total tizzy over his ever-dwindling job security. Delta had been locked up alone for a week now. When he’d first been thrown in here, he’d still been splattered with Paris’s blood.
He turned the fan on, letting the cold air wash over him. It helped to calm him down. 
The only access he had to the outside world was with the laptop. Everyone online knew. There had been grainy footage posted of the assassination attempt. Everyone thought it was Nezu. In truth, the Thales bloodlust ran deep — and it ran in different directions. There could have been any number of mercenaries who were carrying out their business against the imperial line. But there was no denying that Paris’s death would certainly be convenient for the general.
Paris’s actual condition was uncertain. He wasn’t dead yet, not officially. But Delta had seen the spot where the arrow pierced him. They were probably just keeping him on ice. He could already see how this would play out. Paris would die. The next person to inherit Δ-107 would be Nezu, who had already made his intentions with Delta very clear. He’d put his brain in a jar, if he was feeling merciful. And even if by some miracle he did not end up in Nezu’s court, the odds still weren’t good. If everyone had really found out about the first “escape attempt”, whoever it was would likely kill or maim him. So that was that.
Delta was sick of Empire. Any lingering loyalty he might’ve had to it would die with Paris. This place was a cesspool collapsing in on itself. He felt disgusted and ashamed to have ever been part of it.
There was no one to betray now, no one to punish him, no one to anger and no one to disappoint. He took a deep breath, sorting through the directory once more. There was nothing to lose. He was dead anyway.
ndhakdvsnnd: EMPIREfile2ndQ.zip (574 MB) ndhakdvsnnd: enjoy guys
His laptop almost exploded.
He had to shut the computer down. In part because it was overheating to the point of burning, but in part because the attention scared him. He forced himself to read for a few hours before opening the machine back up. There were thousands of replies to the thread.
chat is this real
check 92. that would explain all the lights in the sky by scandia.
empire is cooked
We are not doing this shit again 
lol did the hera trafficking conspiracy just get canonized 
I used to work accounting at Empire. this is the same code they used, sooooo 
Nice knowing you OP
Delta reread that last response carefully. He checked his VPN settings, making sure he was still somewhat protected. It was on. He looked briefly through his post history to see if there was anything there that might hint at his identity. But he’d been careful. Before Lemuria, he’d never even acknowledged anything relating to Empire publicly.
His inbox was full. He went through, deleting every single stranger that had messaged him “real?”
There were some people he did recognize, though. A girl he’d been messaging on the programming board was pinging him again. They’d only had a few conversations before, but they tended to run long. She was always nice to him. He trusted her to be cool about it.
katkittykat: whoaaaahhhhh where did u find this :0
katkittykat: u have been practicing ur leet haxx skills !!!!
katkittykat: u set ur proxy up right  ?? theyre gonna try and swat u
katkittykat: dw its a rite of passage :3
ndhakdvsnnd: yes the vpn works. i dont know what that means.
katkittykat: its just an expression 
katkittykat: u should b careful tho im gonna send u smth
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
katkittykat: :P
He clicked the link she’d sent. It was a guide she had clearly made herself, written in the same cheery pink text. It contained instructions for how to finish encrypting the browser and ways to brick anyone who came looking for him. It was a bit above his level, but she must have believed he was capable of it. Besides, he had nothing better to do. It took him the rest of the night to set up. She was still online when he finished.
ndhakdvsnnd: okay i did it
katkittykat: yay!!! are u planning on uploading more
ndhakdvsnnd: i dont know if i will have time
katkittykat: ur not gonna tell me ur source right  ??
ndhakdvsnnd: no
katkittykat: lololol i didnt think so
katkittykat: b safe pls <3
B safe. It was a little late for that. Delta looked through the Empire portal again. It had only been a few hours, but he was happy to see that the leak hadn’t yet been acknowledged. A little flash of fear ran through his mind. He thought about what it would be like when it did eventually get caught. He reminded himself that he was already doomed – and doomed was a binary state. Though logical, it was not a very comforting line of reasoning. He stood up and calmly walked to the bathroom, dry-heaving into the sink. His body knew exactly how to feel about it. It turned itself inside out in protest.
Tags: @catnykit @indigoviolet311 @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @defire @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump @pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump
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antaresr · 6 months
Ok, but listen (and welcome back to another crazy analysis that I came up with out of nowhere because I had a lot of free time)
The Ishtar as representations of the Egyptian gods.
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Bastet's mission was to protect the home and symbolizes the joy of living, as she is considered the deity of harmony and happiness. She is the personification of the warm rays of the Sun, she is the representation of femininity and elegance.
Marik was supposed to be the leader of the clan and protect it, but he wanted to be happy and be out of the tombs, he wanted to live, he wanted to be under the sun's rays, plus his hair is blonde, a color associated with the sun, He is handsome, he is masculine and elegant.
Plus his eyes look like cats' eyes if you ask me, with his outlined like the stripes of tabby cats.
But he was traumatized and filled with anger and wanted revenge, so he created Yami Marik.
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She was a symbol of strength and power. She was considered the goddess of war and revenge, but also the goddess of healing, she was the protector of the pharaohs and guided them in war.
In some cases she was considered an ally and protector of Ra, since she killed those who dared to confront or attack the divine or earthly monarchy.
She had an insatiable bloodlust, to such a degree that she did not distinguish between allies or enemies.
Like YamiMa, he is powerful, the representation of Marik's fight and revenge, he protected Marik from everything that could harm him to keep him safe, he caused death/coma to those who stood in the way of Marik's wishes (Jounouichi , Mai, Rishid, his father).
Plus we've all seen the thousands of references to YamiMa's hair to a lion's mane and both YamiMa and Sekhmet have many names.
And YamiMa only calmed down when he saw Rishid.
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She represented music, dance, joy, love, sexuality and maternal care, and acted as consort to various male deities and mother to their children. These two aspects of the goddess exemplified the Egyptian conception of femininity. She served as a wet nurse for the king and his court, and in this way she fed all the people of Egypt since the prosperity of the country was closely linked to the health, well-being and stability of the king.
She was part of the divine entourage that accompanied Ra as he sailed through the sky in his boat.
Rishid was a fundamental part of Marik's upbringing, he was like a father to him, replacing the biological father as a wet nurse, he wanted Marik's happiness, he loved him like a brother and took care of him like a father, he took the punishment when Marik and Ishizu came out of the tombs, and he wanted to take Marik's place in the ritual to avoid the pain and trauma it would cause him.
He was also part of the Ghouls to continue with Marik, after leaving the tombs, we can assume that he was the one who was in charge of maintaining his mental and physical health.
But his role as a father was also slightly overshadowed by Ishizu.
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She is typically depicted as the generous and selfless mother, wife, and protector who puts the interests and well-being of others before her own. She was considered the divine mother of the pharaoh, who was identified with the god Horus. She as well as the most powerful sorceress Egypt ever saw. With this power she managed to save her son Horus, but she also became the patron goddess of people who practiced magic.
Ishizu is the selfless mother who fulfills the role assigned to her, fulfilling her duty to the pharaoh was important and almost a priority, however when it came to her brothers, mainly Marik, she did not mind leaving her duty relegated in favor of hera brother's well-being.
Just like Isis, she sought help from humanity (Yugi and company) to unite the pieces of her brother and return him to normal.
She is feminine, selfless, protective, maternal, she took care of Marik when they were children, stopping living her own childhood so that Marik could be happy, she helped him see what it was like outside the tombs because that is what he wanted to do.
Furthermore it is quite clear that she is Isis when we remember that her past life in ancient Egypt was called that.
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aki-bara · 4 months
I NEED to know about Puddle Percy!
LMAO. Okay. This one's really weird...
The concept is Percy dies. But not really.
What is death? Is it the destruction of your body or is it something else?
Percy's body is destroyed by a god in a display of power. In a last minute effort to save Percy's life Poseidon ties his soul (for lack of a better word) to some water of insubstantial size.
What do you think it felt like to Thalia to become a tree? Was she conscious of it? Probably not, trees doesn't have senses like humans do.
Here's the thing, Percy is connected to water. He can feel it in a way other people can't. His power allows him manipulate his new form, but he can't perceive things the way he used to.
One thing he does have is his connection to Annabeth. He can communicate with her, and only her through a psychic link. Since Percy's the sort to hold back his true feelings this presents its own challenges.
One thing I'm just now realizing is this can kind of be read as an allegory for chronic illness? Percy loses a lot of independence in the story and becomes very restricted in his abilities. He becomes completely dependent on Annabeth to experience the world the way he used to, and even that is through an altered lense.
The story is basically about Percy struggling to cope with his sudden lack of agency and Annabeth struggling to support him. Obviously the goal would be for him to get his body back, but who knows if that's even possible.
An unedited except can be found below.
They had tried talking Hera up, brought gifts to get in her good graces, bowed before her and begged her to let them marry and still she had refused. They had continued to try and persuade her only to be met with scorn and insults until finally both of them snapped. Annabeth scowled, expression furious.
“We didn't know we needed your approval for the court documents.” She said, not bothering to keep the anger from her voice. This she said in response to Hera's claim that they'd disrespected her too much to make up for it now.
“What you do or do not know is not my concern. Marriage is my domain and I will be respected.”
“What have you ever done to earn respect!”
Hera's eyes boiled with rage. Percy didn't know what Hera was about to do, but he didn't want Annabeth to be the focus of her attention when she did it.
“We just want to get married,” he pleaded, trying to distract Hera from Annabeth's words. “What's so wrong about that?”
“The problem isn't with marriage itself, but rather the ones attempting it.”
Percy tried to push down his anger, but didn't manage it cometely. “You toyed with us for months, never mentioning what you would or wouldn't allow.”
“You and every other half-blood knows the gods demand tribute. Don't act like your wasted time is my fault when it's your own simple-minds that are to blame.”
Percy's blood boiled. It was her fault if they failed because of her meddling. He didn't say that. He didn't want to argue. He only wanted to be married to Annabeth.
“Please, my lady, tell us what we must do to make up for this grave offense.” He tried very hard not to sound sarcastic as he said it, and felt that he mostly succeeded. Despite his reverent tone, Hera's eyes narrowed.
“There is nothing you can do. I will never allow you to marry.”
“Percy.” Annabeth said, warning in her tone. She had also heard the special emphasis the goddess placed on the word 'you.' Whatever reason Hera had for refusing them, it was because of Percy. Annabeth's hand found its way to his wrist, grabbing him, trying to ground him. Her quiet support only made him even angrier.
“It may be only a minor inconvenience, but that's exactly why I can enforce it in perpetuity. Your existence is a display of callous indifference from one who believes he is beyond reproach, but here it's mine. You should never have been born. You certainly can't get married.”
Hera hadn't moved, not once during her entire tirade, but Percy felt as if his entire world had tilted. Annabeth would never be able to get married. No, she could get married, just not to him, because he had the audacity to exist. It's never enough, he thought, a cold fury overtaking him. No matter what I do, it's never enough.
His fingers twitched. He longed to hold riptide in his hand, to press the blade's edge to the goddess's throat. All the while Hera continued to stare down at him with those cold cruel eyes.
“Oh.” She started again, as though she had not already dealt enough damage. “And I would advise you to think very carefully about what I've said before deciding to have any children.”
Annabeth’s grip on Percy's wrist grew tighter, but he didn't even notice. His ears were ringing at the unspoken threat. He ripped his hand free from Annabeth's grip as the water in the fountain beside them exploded. In an instant Percy was at the center of his own personal hurricane. He moved without thinking, riptide in hand. He would kill her. He would cut her, flood her lungs, crush her until she couldn't move anymore.
Hera stepped back, startled, but Percy was quicker. His sword began to cut, golden ichor staining the edge of its blade. Then a flash of light and an unseen force ripped him away. His head hit the ground with a crack. The goddess pressed him into the floor and water fell all around them with echoed splatters.
“Percy!” Annabeth shouted, running forward. She didn't get very far before she was thrown back by an invisible force. Hera was glowing and glaring at Percy with an anger neither of them had ever seen on the goddess's face before. Already the wound at her throat was healing, golden ichor fading away to reveal unblemished skin beneath.
“You think me some weakling you can beat into submission?” She shouted, her voice echoing unnaturally in the open air. Annabeth stumbled back, covering her ears with her hands. Percy tried to do the same, but discovered he couldn't move. A magical wind began to surround him, whipping at his clothes and hair.
“You think yourself unbeatable, but you are nothing before me. Nothing!”
Annabeth tried to move forward again, ignoring the way the wind pushed at her. Her efforts proved useless. Eddys of magical power swirled around Percy, keeping Annabeth from getting too close. Percy was barely aware of Annabeth's presence. As soon as Hera had finished speaking, pain began coursing through him. He remembered the crushing pain of holding up the sky and the searing burn of lava on his skin. Somehow this new experience was both together, and far worse than either alone. Molten heat consumed his senses. Impossible pressure squeezing him in on every side. He screamed in agony.
“Percy!” Annabeth cried, her eyes growing wet with tears. She couldn't see what was happening, but she could hear Percy and the sound terrified her. What would Hera do to him?
“Stop!” she begged falling to her knees, but the goddess didn't even look at her. Percy's consciousness shrank. His felt impossibly light. It didn't make sense. If anything, the pressure should have made him feel heavy. Instead it pushed him into a fire that burned his very existence. It was terrifying. None of the sensations he was feeling made any sense and every last one of them hurt in a way he'd never known before. He was being pressed in, made small, nothing.
Was he dying? Was this what death felt like? He wanted to cry and he couldn't. He was so stupid coming here. Why? He would never see his mother again, would never see his sister grow up. He was leaving Annabeth behind. He couldn't even say goodbye, so he prayed instead. He begged his father to look after them all and for Athena to keep her daughter safe. Finally, he apologized to Annabeth directly. Even if she never knew, he was sorry.
The wind stopped. The magic vanished. Hera was gone, and so was Percy. The only sign either of them had been there was the water covering the floor. The room was still and silent. More unnerving still was the sight of riptide. It sat resting on the ground in pen form. Annabeth stepped towards it, towards the spot where Percy should have been, and sank to the ground. Her whole body was shaking. He was gone.
Annabeth knew Hera was powerful, but never did she think their meeting would turn out like this. Percy had been powerful too. Annabeth had seen it in Tartarus. He nearly killed Ahklys. Still, Hera was no minor deity.
Annabeth reached out with a trembling hand,fingers barely brushing the sword-pen’s barrel. Riptide wasn't returning to Percy. She knew what that meant, even if she didn't want to. Tears fell from her eyes, some of them landing on the puddle in front of her and making its water ripple. She sniffled loudly, not knowing why she bothered fighting back the tears. Percy was gone. Percy was dead.
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asmolfolk · 1 year
Hello, is it possible to request headcanons for Ares from shuumatsu no valkyrie with a wife reader who is a complete badass(like, every gods admire her bcs she’s super strong and multitalented)?
Thank you for your request! I don't know if you wanted a Human or God, but - because it's ROR, I'm doing it as both. I decided to mix this one with another one [One that askes about breaking up with Ares.] May be a little too OOC, because his personality is being dumb-
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You were one of the womans that got lost in history... Or that all your credits were given to a man.
But, don't get me wrong... You were a beast, a master in adaptating and in fighting, but you wasn't a complete warrior... You were way more than just that.
A woman that had to learn from nothing, just some crappy books and some informations...
A woman that needed to marry someone rich, a woman that needed to work [Work, Angelicaaa~]
And you did everything right. They WINNED because of you... You were a symbol for the feminist movement when your history was released to the words - discovered by a historian.
You were a mother, daughter, warrior, friend, teacher...
In greek, those warriors - especially the ones that had connection with gods - were turned into demigods or gods... And that was no different for you. You were called the 'Demigod of Estrategy', since you were very similar to Athena.
And well, out of all the gods - Three of them had their eye on you since the beginning.
Thor, Athena and Ares.
Thor is a bitch in heat when he notices that someone is strong, to be honest, I could see him trying to court you.
Athena was impressed by your abilities, she was quite happy that you were someone so similar to her - But, as a mother, you knew things that she didn't. You were different... But a good different.
And then... Ares.
Okay, let's start out by JUST saying a fact... Ares is a feminist. Yes, yes, not THIS Ares - But since this Ares is pretty blant [Dumb no thoughts], I'm mixing some stuff.
Ares LITERALLY killed Poseidon's son because he force his daughter, he was probably the FIRST god to see that kind of thing as wrong.
Do you think he isn't going to just respect you?? He doesn't care that you are a woman, you are strong, you are intelligent and you know how to take care of yourself... You are what he wanted to fully be.
Expect to have a lot of gifts, and most of them being things that you can use. [Weapons, armors and others]
If Ares know that you have one or more things that you want, you KNOW that you are getting them. He don't care, you are his EVERYTHING!!
He is just so cute with you, omgggg!
Totally the type to just hold your hand and tell you
"You are the most perfect being that was born, in life and in death - If we ever meet it, I want to be by your side forever. I want to be with you even after death."
He quickly answer that gods can actually die before you turns more confused-
Even if Ares is a lil' dummy idiot, he is YOUR dummy idiot.
Always let you take his seat, if you want him to sit on your lap - YOU HAVE THIS MAN LIKE A DOG. Just chilling in your lap while Hermes is having mental breakdown.
Talking about Hermes - Hermes is his lil' bro... And I'm telling you that he JUST CAN'T with you two. He always is holding a laugh when he sees you treating his brother like a dog or baby...
Shut it, Hermes - Or I will do a Sub!Hermes headcanons and I'm going to expose you, you litt-
Ahem... Oh, yeah.
Zeus REALLY have a thing for you, he tried to get into your pants a lot of times... And this old bitch is annoying as shit. You swear, if you see him transforming into a animal one more time - you gonna lose it.
Hera is always with an eye on you, she was hateful towards you even... She almost killed you a lot of times...
But, after you and Ares decided to get together, she became the 'perfect' mother in law. She was quite protective about her son [Some versions say that Hera created Ares alone] and tried everything to make his life good...
So, having someone that respected marriage, was strong, was intelligent and that was 'similar' to her?? Okay, hold on... She loves you now.
Hera sees herself on you, but, you were lucky. She still remember how beautiful and intelligent she 'were', how her life was destroyed because Zeus wanted her.
Relationship with Ares.
Being in a relationship with this dumb idiot would have a lot of highs and downs, one of them being the fact that everyone sees him as a dumb child that doesn't know how to do one thing right. With that in mind, you should worry yourself too much - after all, even tho Ares hates it, he does agree that he is a lil' dummie. He would never give you up, never gonna let you down. He supports and hypes you up every time. He is probably one of the most respectful towards you out of all the gods and would be one of those who wouldn't force himself onto you [Forcing you into a relationship] and he wouldn't mind if you ever break up with him, he would get sad - yes - but if he can still be friends with you, he is happy. In a whole, Ares is a wholesome boyfriend that tries his best with you... Even if his best is... Well, just letting you go.
Espect to have a lot of gifts, praises, kisses... He can sit on your lap or let you sit on his. He doesn't care being the 'babygirl', he just likes whatever you like.
He always tells you anything that he thinks it's important, he still have some secrets - but most of them are just, dumb lil' things that he enjoys or nothing that would affect your relationship.
He doesn't feel jealous - not because he doesn't love you, but because he trusts you... And also bcs he isn't against having open relationships and yada yada - you guys talk with eachother.
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vampirecatboy · 1 year
Hello yes tell us about cthonic gods please
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ok ok so
clarification for those that need it: Cthonic deities in Greek Mythology are gods and goddesses and entities that reside in the Underworld
first off i want to say that Hades game was such a godsend for me, because to have such a popular, well-made piece of media that is all about my special interest is like the best gift an autistic person can get
i'll start with my two favorite boys: Hypnos and Thanatos
they are twins, first of all, two sons of Nyx, personification of night, and Erebus, who is darkness (i don't know if Hades game ever touched on this but Hypnos' mom was literally within shouting distance)
Thanatos hates mortals because they hate him (he is not the god of death he just is death, and not many mortals like death) and he hates the Olympians because they can't die, juries out on if he hates his own twin but there is this really cute painting that shows them asleep together, so i would guess ol Thanny is fond of his brother
now also the thing about Thanatos is that he is the personification of peaceful death, it's the furies who deal with violent death, like he's giving people a peaceful passing and they still hate him. death is death i suppose
also i know Thanatos is a love interest in Hades game, but in actual mythology he had no consorts and no children, truly aroace misanthropic king
now onto Hypnos, the personification of sleep, who did fuck, and had at least three children but i'll get to them in a sec
he lives in a grotto on the river Lethe, the river of forgetfulness, one of the five rivers of the Underworld (the others are the Styx, of course, Cocytus, Phlegethon, and Acheron), he has his own court of minor gods and goddesses, including one of my personal favorites, Aergia, goddess of sloth and laziness, truly a "yes girl give us nothing!" moment honestly
there's also this story that i love, related to a mortal man who was also the lover of Selene, the moon. his name was Endymion, and in the more well known story, he was so beautiful when he slept, that Selene wanted to keep him in a state of eternal sleep, and they had 50 children, somehow, but the version of the story that i like (for reasons that will be very obvious lol) is that it was actually Hypnos who fell in love with him for the same reason as Selene, so he put Endymion into a state of eternal sleep, specifically with his eyes open, because he loved gazing into them (gay ass) no clue if their relationship was ever consummated like with Selene but one can imagine, this is Greek mythology after all
now Endymion wasn't the only lover Hypnos ever had, he also fell in love with one of Hera's graces (attendants?) whose name was Pasithea, and showing some remarkable restraint for a divine man in Greek myth, instead of abducting her or taking her by force, he asked Hera if he could marry her, and she agreed on the condition that he help turn the tide of the Trojan war (which is not my special interest so do not ask me about it, i know nothing lol)
with Pasithea, Hypnos had three sons, the most famous of which was Morpheus, god of dreams, his other two sons were Phobetor and Phantasos, but they all represent different aspects of dreaming, objects, beasts and people. Morpheus was specifically people in dreams, but he was the clear favorite and sort of took up the whole mantle from the other two Oneiroi
actually, addendum because i looked it up to check and the Oneiroi are the sons of Somnus, Hypnos' Roman equivalent, in Greek mythology they are his brothers. the rest of that is accurate though
so to summarize: Thanatos, aroace king, Hypnos, respectful if a bit weird bisexual, Aergia, just hangin' honestly
the twins have been depicted many ways, sometimes old men, sometimes babies, but i think most often they ended up being depicted as epheboi, teenagers
also it is very important that you know that Hypnos has head wings in a lot of his depictions, i forget if they depicted that in Hades but honestly who cares his design slaps either way
onto the most interesting thing for me about Hades game: Zagreus. he's obscure in Greek mythology, like all of Hades' alleged children, Macaria and Melinoe being the two i can remember. some scholars believe Zagreus to actually be Dionysus, because Dionysus also has ties to the underworld, i think in relation to his mother, like he had to rescue her from there or something? kind of a reverse of what Zagreus is trying to do in the game
i.... i think that's all the info i have to dump
i will not advocate for the accuracy of everything in this ramble (especially not the Zagreus/Dionysus bit, the stance among scholars might've changed since i acquired this information lol) but i certainly had fun thank you so much for asking me about this
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gutsybitsies · 2 years
summer camp 2 electric boogaloo
summary: kiddie big 3 kids have to go to get along camp to prevent ww3
There was a reason that children of the Big three made people in the modern times nervous, Chiron thought as he watched the kids lounge around in the Big House. Back in the age of heroes, even mortals without godly ichor running through them could accomplish great feats. But now, this group of children under 13 had the power to destroy towns and when they grow into their own, cities. And if things turn out really, really bad, they could mess up entire continents.
But that'll take a while, Chiron thought as he watched little Hazel, their exchange camper from Camp Jupiter, try to put rainbow stickers on Percy's face. She's having a hard time because Percy kept moving around to try and catch the popcorns that Thalia was throwing at him. Bianca was IM-ing Nico, who was in California, and he's tripping verbally over his excitement at meeting at the other big three child there.
"Jay is so cool! He can fly! He's like Superman!" His chubby 9 year old cheeks glowed in the misty spray. Nico pulled a preteen into view, "Jay, do the thing! Do the thing!"
The kid, Jason, as Chiron knew him by, grinned and held out a finger. Electricity crackled at the tip of his index finger. "Don't get too close like you did last time, Nico."
Jason wasn't complaining about this exchange program, at all. He'd been disappointed when Hazel was chosen to go instead of him, but then Nico came and immediately started following him around like a puppy. And it was nice having someone treat him like a teddy bear instead of, well, instead of the exact opposite. Nico wouldn't know the word respect if someone had spelled it out for him (no, literally, the kid has a really hard time reading and spelling).
Jason concentrated so that the crackle of electricity on his finger started to turn into different colors. Nico screeched in delight.
"We have to keep them friendly with each other, united," Hera had commanded Chiron. "To make that happen..."
"So that's why you will all be flying over to Greece to attend a personalized program just for the Big Three kids, designed to unite you into a cohesive unit."
"Why fly?" Bianca complained. "None of us like planes!"
Percy nodded and pointed to himself. "This guy likes staying on the ground, and the death kids like to stay under the ground, no offense."
Bianca slapped his shoulder. "Offense taken!"
Chiron sighed, "A plane will be the fastest way to get to Greece."
"I can take turns shadowtravelling with Mrs O Leary," Bianca said, definitely overestimating her own abilities. "We'll be able to make it to Greece faster than a plane."
"Maybe we don't care about speed," Percy said. "Maybe we care about comfort and we commandeer a ship and I can get us across the Atlantic in 5 days."
"Bianca, it's not so simple, and Percy, we don't have a ship for you," Chiron said. "When Hestia and Hera envisioned this summer program, it was to keep peace between their three brothers and their children. Everything is symbolic of the bonds of family and the Olympic court between the six of you. Some people are more prideful than others, and would prefer that all of you travel through his domain in order to reach the new summer enrichment program."
"Friendship camp," Hazel said. "You're making us go halfway across the world for friendship camp because they want us to get along. Isn't that why I'm here and Nico's visiting California?"
"And Zeus," Nico started to say before thunder rolled ahead from where Nico was, and he grabbed onto Jason's arms for safety. "I mean, some people insist that we go to this camp on a plane because he says so? Also Bianca!! I have so much to tell you about the Roman camp-"
"That's great, Nico, you can tell me all about it later!" She cut him off before he could go on another ramble.
Thalia gave a frustrated grunt, "Look, I'm not jazzed to be on a plane either."
"That makes Jason the only one out of all of us who's going to be happy about this," Bianca said. Everyone looked at Jason, who looked even more embarrassed.
"Bianca, I don't want to fly," Nico pouted. "I'll puke all over you."
Jason rubbed his shoulders. "I'll carry puke bags for you."
"Jason's the designated flight attendant," Thalia decided. "He'll attend to our every needs. He'll be the one getting the lifejackets and water and snacks!"
Hazel looked on with awe as she watched the rest of the Greek kids make fun of Jason, and as Jason just grinned happily through it all.
Two days later, a private chartered plane picked up Jason and Nico from California and flew over to Long Island.
The plane landed in a makeshift airfield near Camp Halfblood, where Hazel, Bianca, Percy, and Thalia were waiting with their suitcases in tow.
Percy thought he'd see Jason and Nico step out of the plane for a quick leg stretch, but neither of them came down the steps.
The four of the handed off their suitcases to be stowed in a separate compartment on the ship before making their way inside.
Ah, that was why they didn't see Jason or Nico.
Jason had taken up residence on the biggest couch on the plane. Nico was nowhere to be seen, until you realize that he must be the small quivering mass underneath a blanket that was on Jason's lap (or maybe sitting between his legs? Percy wasn't sure, he was covered by a blanket).
"Shhh," Jason gestured, and mouthed, "he finally fell asleep!"
The mass moved a little under the blanket, and Jason immediately started gently petting it while shushing it. "Shh, shh, it's going to be okay. We're all good, I got you."
Bianca gaped at the sight. "I-What have you done to my brother?"
Jason shrugged. "Nico? He was really nervous so I put a blanket over him."
"This is the first time I've seen Nico so quiet and still," Percy whispered back. "Are you Mary Poppins?"
"This is just like how we put a hood on horses so they don't get jumpy," Hazel said. "Wow, Jason's like an animal handler."
"Makes sense because Nico's like an animal. You haven't seen the way he tears into my mom's cookies."
The plane moved smoothly, but Jason noticed the nervous expressions on the other kids' faces. Thalia sat next to him and tried to put him in a headlock, but Jason just whipped out a hand and said "Shhhhh, he's resting!"
It was too late, and Nico had popped his head out of the blankets already. The plane hadn't taken off yet, but it was heading down the runway already.
Nico clambered off of Jason, taking the blanket with him, and scrambled to where Hazel and Bianca were sitting. He gave a hello wave to Percy and Thalia before jumping on his sisters and covered them all with the blanket.
"This way, we can pretend this isn't happening." The other kids heard him say from under the blanket.
The plane jolted as it took off, and someone, definitely not Percy, screamed in nervousness. He inched towards the pile of Underworld kids in the blanket.
"Uh. Is there room?"
Hazel peeked out. "No, sorry. But you can cuddle with Jason and Thalia?"
Percy looked over at the Graces, and Thalia had already started to cling to her little brother like a teddy bear. The plane jolted again.
He ran over to the Graces, and just like Nico had done, jumped on them.
"Maybe we should hood you guys too-"
Nico laughed as he grabbed onto Bianca and Hazel under the blanket. Their ears popped, and Hazel took out some gum for them to chew on. Pomegranate, his favorite flavor. Planes were terrible, awful, no good contraptions. But he'd take it if it meant spending more time with his favorite people in the world.
The end.
(edited to add ao3 link)
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alexversenaberrie · 7 days
This is Hiba’s brother Kanan, another one of my OC Mandalorians you’re free to cosplay or do fan art of. Just like my other OC Mandos.
Name: Kanan Fenn Bridger-Wren
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Year of Birth: 16 ABY
Place of Birth: Knownwrest
Parents: Ezra Bridger (Father) and Sabine Wren (Mother)
Siblings: Hiba (Sister),Minerva (Sister), Eleni (Sister)
House: Kryze
Clan: Wren (Formally of House Viszla but switch affiliation with House Kryze by Countess Sabine Wren, Kanan’s mother, in 10 ABY.)
Titles: Prince of Knownwrest, Ambassador to Navarro, Knight of Kalevala, Captain of “The Ghost”, and commander pilot (During the Age of Resistance).
•Light brown Skin (Middle Eastern X East Asian)
•Narrow but round face
•Jet black hair
•Blue eyes
Notable Skills:
•Combat: Considered prodigal in various combatant skills including hand-to-hand combat, light saber wielding, being skilled in the use of Westar 34, 35, and carbine blasters.
•Athleticism: Like the majority of his family clan, Kanan is very athletic as a result of constant training from both of his parents and from Jedi Master Ahsoka Tano.
•Intelligence: Above-average intelligence. Excelled well at both the newly reestablished Royal Academy as a youth and in training with his clan.
•Weapons Expert: Kanan is extremely talented in the field of weaponry. He can build various types of weapons for different variations of combat. They include blasters, pistols, explosives, and sabers.
•Piloting Expert: Due to constant training under General Hera Syndulla, Kanan is an expert pilot who went on to become captain of “The Ghost” during the Age of Resistance, serving both generals Leia Organa and Poe Damermon in all battles against the First Order.
•Gifted Artist: A talented inherited from his mother and maternal grandfather, Kanan is a gifted graffiti artist who is well known for painting other people’s armor with signets, decals and various colors that symbolizes their personal life stories and families histories. He has also painted his own X-Wing ship with different shades of yellow, orange, blue, and purple with imagery that symbolizes his family’s legacy and his own hopes and dreams.
Force Sensitive: Yes, like his parents and older sister. His force sensitivity has given him the ability to read minds, and feelings which allows him to properly judge people and determine if they’re either worthy of the Mandalorian people’s trust or be avoided at all costs.
Additional Information:
•Although he’s the third of four children born to Sabine and Ezra Bridger-Wren, Kanan is a twin to his sister Eleni, who was just four minutes later.
•He’s named after his father’s late friend, master and surrogate father Kanan Jarrus.
•His force sensitivity was discovered by his father not long after his older sister’s. In response, Ezra, along side his longtime friend Ahsoka Tano, decided to train his two force sensitive children to appreciate their abilities and use them for good.
•During his time at the Royal Academy in Sundari, Kanan built a super weapon he named “Carlac” after the snow-bound planet that once served as a temporary camp for Death Watch. The ice berg-shaped weapon, which was built for use by the Resistance, unlike his mother’s “Duchess” weapon, first identifies anyone who is part of the First Order or is a Sith. Then, it beams ice out of its canon, aiming for the target’s chest, causing them become stunned from an internal hypothermic onset. However, the weapon doesn’t kill them but puts into a coma-like sleep for a few hours, which gives Resistance officials time to transport their suspects to their bases or ships where they are then defrosted and awaken for interrogation.
•He’s kind, loyal, compassionate, giving, caring, and daring.
•He’s openly gay and is currently courting a male Pantoran named Quill Woves, House Kryze foundling son of Axe Woves and his Covent husband, Octavian.
•Has a tight-knit relationship with his family clan.
•With his expertise in combat and weaponry, Kanan is a true force to be reckoned with. Especially when it comes to use his of his lightsaber and various blasters he has on him.
•Although he’s not regarded as the Galaxy’s “best pilot” nor does he think of himself in that regard, Kanan’s piloting skills are a great asset for any given mission if he asks for assistance.
•His usage of the force allows them to see through people’s true colors to determine if they can be trusted or not.
•His knowledge on weaponry and how to build them has allowed him to create different types of weapons that serve both the Mandalorian people and the Resistance.
•His lack of diplomatic skills tends to put him at odds with politicians and generals. This can lead him to get frustrated during debates and arguments.
•Has a reputation for testing his new weapons once but not test them again through additional trials. This has caused problems with some of his weaponry inventions like not working during a mission, or just suddenly blowing up from an undetected defect that could’ve easily been fixed.
•Gets nervous to the point where he begins to suffer from panic attacks.
•Can be reckless while flying ships.
Helmet: A typical Grunt-styled Wren helmet that Kanan inherited from a fallen Clan Wren member who died during a civil war on Mandalore. The hand painted signet on is similar to his late uncle Tristan and serves as an ode to the uncle he never got to meet.
•Chest and Neck Pieces: Inherited from the maternal artist grandfather he never got meet, Kanan’s “galaxy”-styled chest and neck armor is decorated with fulcrum and Jedi “jaig eyes” symbols in honor of his failed namesake Kanan Jarrus, and long-time family friend Ahsoka Tano, who helped train him and appreciate his force sensitivity for the good it can provide to people across the galaxy.
•Pauldrons: Similar to Prince-Consort Din Djarin-Kryze of Mandalore, Kanan’s pauldrons, forged by his future sister-in-law and Din’s daughter Princess Mirta Djarin-Kryze. The “Star Bird” signet represents his parents’s legacy and the role they played in the Rebellion while the “9” symbol represents his code name “Spectre-9”.
•Gauntlets: Similar to Axe Woves in both style and functionality but with classical Clan Wren colors and functions. They were a gift he received from his boyfriend Quill when they first started courting.
•Hand armor: Similar to his mother’s.
•Thigh Plates: Similar to Fenn Rau’s
•Knee Armor: Similar to his late maternal uncle’s but can shoot missiles out of them.
•Shin Guards: Typical Clan Wren-styled shin guards.
•Jetpack: Similar to Prince Consort Din Djarin-Kryze.
Armor Color Scheme:
•Light Gold
•Dull Yellow
•Greyish Navy
•Silver Chalice
•Oil (a shade of brown)
•Payne's Gray
•Blue Rhapsody
Soft Parts:
•Similar to his late maternal uncle’s but with a dull yellow Sasha around his waist.
•Similar to his late maternal uncle’s.
Weapons in Possession:
•2 identical Westar blasters
•1 light saber with a designed that’s mix between his parents’ sabers that’s powered with a yellow kyber crystal.
Ok, he was hard to make as well. I did not know how to show his main skills/role, but then the thing that he is graffiti artist it helped to put a few things on the wall/column next to him :)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Adult life is like, really great beautiful and fun, I'm having a blast -Danny Words: 2,262 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Will I Find My Home' -by Juniper Vale
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VI. Mom Gives Her Silliest Battles to Her Most Tragic Clowns
Boreas is like a scary Santa with purple wings. He likes her and Piper because they're aphrodites and can talk French with no problems. 
Ara wants to like him, but he's got orders to kill them, so he's not such a fun guy. All this talk about gods wanting to exterminate half-bloods is old news, but then the god changes when he sees Jason's tattoo, and he becomes his Roman version.
"My dear," Boreas says happily, "there is no reason for me to kill you. If Hera's plan fails, which I think it will, you will tear each other apart. Aeolus will never have to worry about demigods again."
"I don't suppose you could explain?" Jason asks.
"Oh, perish the thought! It is not for me to interfere in Hera's plan. No wonder she took your memory. You know, I have a reputation as a helpful wind god. Unlike my brethren, I've been known to fall in love with mortals. Why, my sons Zethes and Calais started as demigods—"
"Which explains why they are idiots."
"Stop it! Just because you were born a full goddess—"
"Both of you, freeze. Now, as I was saying, I have a good reputation, but it is rare that Boreas plays an important role in the affairs of gods. I sit here in my palace, at the edge of civilization, and so rarely have amusements. Why, even that fool Notus, the South Wind, gets spring break in Cancún. What do I get? A winter festival with naked Québécois rolling around in the snow!"
"I like the winter festival," Zethes mumbles.
"My point is that I now have a chance to be the center. Oh, yes, I will let you go on this quest. You will find your storm spirits in the windy city, of course. Chicago—"
"Father!" Khione cries, but the god is unbothered by her.
"If you can capture the winds, you may be able to gain safe entrance to the court of Aeolus. If by some miracle you succeed, be sure to tell him you captured the winds on my orders."
"Okay, sure," Jason shrugs. "So Chicago is where we'll find this lady who's controlling the winds? She's the one who's trapped Hera?" 
"Ah... Those are two different questions, son of Jupiter."
Ara notices he's using Roman names now. Chiron said Jason doesn't belong in her camp. A scary thought comes to her as she glances down at his tattoo: there are more like him.
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Lily's got a fascination with the Underworld, her grandmother taught her to respect the dead and the deity that looks after them. I met Hades last summer, and she got really talkative after she found out, showed me some collectible cards, and we play with them when none of us is training.
Lily's quiet, but only because she's got this accent that slips out when she gets excited about things. I said some of the swear words she uses and Silena told me that's Italian. My friend also has dark hair and is a bit too grumpy, which explains why most campers think she's a daughter of Hades.
Lily's sneaky, that's true, but so are the Stolls. I've been to the Underworld, and she doesn't feel like it."If she were," Travis says, "someone would've sent something to get rid of her."
"That's true," I sigh. "Lily hasn't shown any death-related powers either. I mean, she's crazy good at stabbing but she also likes archery!"
"She's a little scary," Travis admits, the lock he's been trying to open snaps and he closes it, handing it to me.
"Not that scary," Connor replies. I didn't know he was listening. "You shouldn't scare Ara, she's gonna think it's no good to be nice."
I frown, nothing would ever stop me from talking to a lonely person.
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"Now go, demigods," Boreas finishes, "before I change my mind. Zethes, escort them out safely."
Ara's mind swirls in overwhelming thoughts as they leave. Romans and Greeks have disliked each other for ages, no wonder Chiron doesn't want Jason around! And to top it all, Boreas also said Hedge is still alive, but he wouldn't tell them where he is.
As they fly away in Festus, Piper speaks French under her breath. "If you knew the truth about me, you wouldn't think I was so amazing."
"What?" Ara looks at her. Piper locks eyes with the girl and remembers she speaks French too. She blushes, turning her gaze away. 
Ara frowns, these three are more frustrating than Percy and Lily...
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Percy thinks Lily might be a Big Three kid. I disagree and he doesn't take me seriously.
"I knew who you were right away," I remind him.
"This is different, Ara."
"She doesn't feel like that place!"
"She doesn't feel that way to you," my friend corrects me. "Didn't you see her fight that Ares kid?"
"She's enthusiastic about training..."
"She broke a guy's leg!"
"Oh fine, she's a little violent," I roll my eyes. "But saying that she's a daughter of... you know, that's insulting for the both of them."
"She'll get claimed and you'll know I'm right—cause she's no Apollo." Percy walks past me.
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"Was it easy for you when you started working in the forges?" Leo asks quietly since Piper and Jason are napping. 
"Not at all," Ara smiles, looking down at her squeaky-clean palms. "I almost lost a few fingers, and my arms were covered in bandaids most of the time... but it felt like I was on the right path."
Leo glances at her with his brows furrowed in amusement. "You were getting injured all the time and you still liked it?"
"You know what I mean!" Ara pokes his back. "Don't you love it when your hands are all tired and dirty but it's because you created something amazing?"
The boy looks down at Festus and pats his head affectionately. "Right... I get it."
"So to answer your question, it wasn't easy—but I was learning, and I was able to see my progress more clearly than with other stuff. I fell in love with it."
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"Didn't believe it at first, but you've got skill, Ara," Beckendorf nods in approval. "And you, Tyson, you like it here?"
"I like how this bends," he replies, folding a huge chunk of metal.
"Silena's happy to hear you're getting better," the boy continues.
I stare at my dirty nails and the callouses on my palms. I thought I'd be disgusted by them, part of me wants to be nice and prim, but at the same time, I feel like a grown-up getting things done. "It feels nice," I open my teddy bag and pull out boxes of apple juice. 
"You'll learn to love it," Beckendorf takes one of the juices. "Or you might discover you're good at it, but it's not your favorite thing. That'd be okay too."
I get a sudden urge to cry. How cruel would it be if I had found something, but it didn't make me happy? "No. I'll make it work. I've made up my mind."
He pats my shoulder, leaving a stain on my shirt that I have a hard time ignoring.
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Ara wakes up abruptly, she would've slept through the night if Festus hadn't decided to practice his free-falling. It's really lucky Jason can fly, otherwise, they would've all plummeted to their deaths.
It's a pity she can't say the same about Festus, who crashed down in a cloud of thick, dark smoke. Leo cries out as it happens and her own stomach twists with anxiety. Ara must've fainted, cause the next thing she remembers is hearing Piper's screams.
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Lily got claimed the other night, and she's not happy about it, I don't know why. Annabeth is the only person that she talks to in her cabin. She's uncomfortable with the idea of not having her sister around, so she's upset when she guesses what we're about to do.
"Percy wanted that quest, so you'll sneak out, won't you?"
"I never said that." 
Not to Lily, at least.
"I know Annabeth will go with you, I wish I could go..."
"We'll be back before you know it."
"You're going to the sea of monsters," she scoffs. "It'll be lucky if you don't die on day one."
"Thank you. Make sure to offer some good food to Hades so he keeps me nice and cozy," I joke.
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Piper whimpers on the catwalk. Leo, Jason, and Ara find her there, ankle broken. "You okay?" Leo sees her foot and winces. "Oh no, you're not."
"Thanks for the reassurance," the girl breathes heavily.
"You'll be fine," Jason tries to calm her. "Leo, you got any first aid supplies?"
"Yeah—yeah, sure..." He pulls out gauze and duck tape from his seemingly empty belt and Ara grabs the items without asking. 
"Stay still, Piper..."
"How did you—" The girl hisses when Ara sits her up. "How did pull that stuff from an empty belt?"
"Magic. Haven't figured it out completely, but I can summon just about any regular tool out of the pockets, plus some other helpful stuff—Breath mint?"
Jason seizes the metal box impatiently. "That's great, Leo. Now, can you fix her foot?"
"I'm a mechanic, man. Maybe if she was a car..."
"I can." The lessons come back to Ara's mind as clear as Michael's voice. "I can't heal you entirely, though..." 
"Wait, what was that godly healing stuff they fed you at camp," Leo asks. "Rambo food?"
"Ambrosia, dummy," Piper huffs. "There should be some in my bag, if it's not crushed."
"That should help," Ara gestures at Jason to get it.
He seizes a Ziploc bag full of ambrosia and gives a piece to Piper while Ara works on her ankle. The girl's hands are quick, she's singing something Will and Mike taught her to speed up the process, and her heart breaks even more. Ara's avoided her memories like the plague, but they keep coming back when she least expects them.
Once she's done, she sinks to her knees in front of Piper, tears falling down her face, and she dries them hastily along with the sweat on her forehead. Jason, Piper, and Leo are staring.
"Nothing," Jason shrugs. "It's normal to cry when you heal someone... Right?"
Ara groans. "I've had a rough couple of..." Days? Months? Years?"I'm worn out."
"Well, I think you were awesome," Leo says. "You've got a nice voice."
"It's useful," she examines Piper. "Feeling better?"
The girl nods. "How did you learn this stuff?"
Ara spots a logo on the wall: a single red eye looks back at her and it gives her a bad feeling, but she can't tell why. It reminds her of Tyson, she would give anything to have him here, a Cyclops is always a great help.
"Lots of practice," she shrugs. "The gods took away all the traces of hard work on my body when I got my wish granted, so you can't tell..."
"You're so cool," Piper looks pale, but at least she's smiling. 
Ara grins a little in return, cleaning her hands on her dirty jeans. "That's... Just doing my job."
She almost says "That's what friends do", but she doesn't want more friends, it would be like trying to fill the holes in her life and that's not right. It's better to keep her distance.
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A loud explosion comes from C.C.'s office and a bunch of men run out of the place.
"Ah," I tense. "Gotta go."
I yell out Percy and Annabeth's names and they yell mine in return, Annabeth finds me and drags me out of the island. We climb into Queen Anne's revenge and I cling onto a barrel when Percy propels us out. After the worst passes, he looks over his shoulder and notices my clean clothes and brushed hair. 
"You were enjoying yourself—It's the first time you've looked like an Aphrodite!"
He didn't mean to be rude, but for some reason, the realization that maybe no boy had ever perceived me as beautiful struck a nerve that had been dormant for eleven years. "Shut up."
Annabeth got dizzy and had to go lie down. My mom was born in the sea, so I handle this well. Besides, I'm a Cancer, so water is my happy place. I think about our quest, Annabeth told me Percy got turned into a guinea pig before we escaped Circe's island. 
"Can I touch you?"
Percy looks at me like I've gone crazy. "Whatcha say?"
"Can I use my empath touch on you?" I clarify. "Or you can tell me how you're feeling?"
He sighs and stares ahead. "Don't know how I'm feeling..."
"Hmm..." I grab his hand. "Oh."
I pout. "I miss him too."
"Yeah, he was..." Percy gulps, he knows who I'm talking about. 
"Your little brother," I look at him, waiting to see his reaction.
He nods briefly, blinking a lot. "He was."
"Was it weird? Having a Cyclops as a brother?"
"Was it weird when you suddenly had like ten new siblings?"
"That's not a real family," I reply.
"What?" He exclaims. "What do you mean?"
I let go of his hand. "My siblings have families outside camp, I just have a bunch of roommates," I try not to think about it, this is a delicate subject and I find it difficult to approach.
"Well," Percy says after a short pause. "Sometimes friends are better than siblings. Look at us!"
I frown. "Dude, we look miserable."
"We're fine," he retorts, but that doesn't help me. His shoulders fall, and his voice softens. "Alright, let's play pretend. You like playing pretend, right? From now on we're siblings."
I snort. "That's not how it works."
"What, you don't want to adopt me? That stings, Ara."
"Stop it."
"You'd rather be Annabeth's sister like Lily? I get it, boys suck. I'll throw myself off the ship—"
"Stop!" I laugh, clutching the back of his shirt as he leans forward.
"C'mon then!" He smirks. "I'll try my best to make you hate me like a real brother."
I laugh and hug him. "Fine. Can't wait to regret it." 
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
round 4 of medieval au incorrect quotes cause nobody can stop me that's why
Shoutout to @accidental-spice for giving me some of the quotes!
Ahsoka: I’m a multitasker! Ahsoka: I can disappoint fifteen people at once.
Caleb: My life isn't as glamorous as my alter ego's wanted poster makes it look. 
Adenn: Pros and cons of courting me. Adenn: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Adenn: Cons. Dear manda, where do I begin—
Ahsoka: You know what? Let’s give it a go! What’s the worst that could happen? Korkie: Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity, and death.
Caleb: Relax, I'm keeping my vigilante life and my private life totally separate.
Merrin: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
Rex: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Ahsoka: Mine just says "Ahsoka no." Rex: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Kelleran Beq: Your daughter started a food fight in the creche today. Alrich: That’s not good. Ursa: Well, did she win?
Omega: Oh, dear... Merrin: This is horrible. Omega: I know, someone was just murdered and— Merrin: No, it’s not that, it’s Cal. Merrin: I can’t get him out of my head, and every time I look at them I have these pains in my chest, and I just know it’s his fault, that jerk!
Ahsoka: Is this a good idea? Ahsoka: Probably not. Ahsoka: Do I care? Ahsoka: No.
Cal: What’s up with Caleb? He’s been laying on the floor for like….an hour now? Zeb: He's just a little overwhelmed. Cal: Why? Zeb: Hera smiled at him.
Ai-kel: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart. 
Merrin: Is something burning? Cal, sighing happily: Just my love for you. Omega, swatting at flames: OUR RESEARCH NOTES ARE ON FIRE—
Ahsoka: Oh, man. I hope that looked cool, because it REALLY hurt.
Barriss: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously
Caleb: What did you get on your shirt? Ezra (age 5): Rust. Caleb: From what? Ezra: Weapons. Hera: Time for more adult supervision.
Ahsoka: Rex always shoots down my ideas and I’m sick of it. Two sentences in and he’s always shouting “are you serious? that’s illegal!” and “you can’t do that!”. Like, c'mon, let me talk!
Cal, furious: What do you mean we have lessons tonight? I have books to read.
Ahsoka: So, he kissed me. Makheta: And you kissed him back?! Ahsoka: No, I kissed his mouth!
Caleb: I love you. Hera: How many people have you said that to? Caleb: Everyone. Hera: What? Caleb: I told everyone that I love you.
Cal: I cannot believe I let you talk me into this. Omega: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.
Ahsoka: I love hearing Rex shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
Hera: What did you get Ezra for his sixth birthday? Sabine: I got him a kitten. Hera: Really? Me too! Caleb: ...I also got him a cat. Zeb: Looks like we had the same idea. Caleb: Luke, Leia, please tell me you didn't get Ezra a cat as well. Leia: Luke Luke's pocket: *tiny meow* *later* Ezra, in his room surrounded by cats and kittens: This is the best birthday ever!
Skira: Helpful grammar tip: “farther” is for physical distance, “further” is for metaphorical distance, and “father” is for emotional distance!
Ahsoka: Be careful, I thrive on negative attention.
Zeb, to Caleb and Hera: Woah dude, premarital hand holding? That’s just not cool or groovy.
Cal: I'm gonna need a skull but you can't ask why. Merrin: Only if you also don't ask why. Merrin: *pulls four pristine skulls out of her bag* Cal: ... Cal, grabbing a skull: This one will do.
Ai-kel: I'm not funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking.
Ezra, age 12, carrying a box: What would you say if—if I, hypothetically, came home with 7 kittens one day? Hera: … Caleb: … Hera: What’s in the box? Ezra: What woul— Caleb: Son, what’s in the box? Ezra: I think you know.
Carthage: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
*Hera holding baby Jacen* Zeb: Wow, I can’t believe one of us actually has one of these. Ezra: I know! I still am one of these!
Ketsu: Sabine, where were you last night? Sabine, climbing in through the window: I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't want to.
Carthage: May I ask you a personal question? Hadrian: If you have to. Carthage: Have you ever been tested for idiocy?
Ezra: This is horrible! This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me! Sabine: Oh-? Even more humiliating than the time when Chopper stole your— Ezra: We are not doing this!
Carthage: We’re having a moment, aren’t we? Sabine: If by 'a moment' you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then... Sabine: Still no.
Ezra: I’m gonna die alone. Leia, rolling her eyes: Ezra, you’re not gonna die alone. Ezra: Sabine and I were each other's if-we-don't-find-anyone-else backup plans, okay? But she got betrothed and now I have to get more cats. Luke: Uh-huh. Why is that? Ezra: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? Ezra: So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Man With The Cats”, you know? Crazy Cat man. Ezra: Then I’ll get even more cats, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY CAT MAN! Leia: Luke: Leia, to Luke: We have to prevent this at all costs
Sabine: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Sabine: I’m in love with you. Ezra: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, remember? Sabine: I know. Ezra: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool— 
Carthage: You tricked me! Sabine: I deceived you. ‘Trick’ makes it sound like we have a friendly relationship.
Ezra, hugging the feral wolf in the menagerie: Every zoo is a petting zoo unless you’re a coward. Sabine: I’m worried about you.
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