#wet blanket is 100% Zeb would have done to Ezra or Kanan
laurelslegacy · 6 days
Rebel’s shorts:
Will it turn into a whole story? Oh likely, most likely a lemon chap.
Just been moving and not really able to work on anything at all sans packing.
Way too hot:
“AGH!” It was accompanied by the crunch of yet ANOTHER datapad being destroyed,the string of curses in a wide range of languages accompanying it.
Kallus took a slow deep breath “What is wrong Garazeb?” clearly the use for the full name paired with the lack of compassionate tone was telling to his lack of care. Then again there was FEW creatures that could handle this heat, humans least of all but all furred beings had been relived and yet there was Garazeb, one moment BOASTING how Lasat were from a desert planet and now unable to handle the heat of Yavin 4. Having collapsed three times from heat exhaustion and included at least two hours of IV hydration its was quite clear Zeb was not handling the heat. They had not taken into account the thickness and the weight of the wet heat felt.
Kallus was as sympathetic as he could be. His furred lover had to hate this place, yet never quite expressed it. On the Glimmer Kallus did his best to keep it cool but that required fuel…
He found that Zeb more often than naught had a few frozen packs with him. Happy to snuggle in close so long as he had the pack with him.
But there was the “incident” after many arguments and lectures-
Teeth bared and the desk thrown with inhuman power, Zeb snarled.
“Back down” was the Green Twi’lek’s command. Hera Sendulla had her eyes squarely on Zeb, nearly half his size but her command was not wavering.
Zeb’s nostrils flared, he growled but backed down.
“Go see Kallus.” was her only command. There was a growl, deep, dark.”Go see Kallus.” she reiterated and with a snort Zeb relinquished.
The story was told by Sabine later, Garazeb had returned with a water soaked blanket in and Dropped it on the Twi’lek yelling “that’s what it’s like!”
And the response, well she had suspended Zeb for a week on the Glimmer.
“Some of us still have work.” Kallus rose naked from the shared bed, ice packs scattered about like confetti to keep the two cooler. Zeb grumbles “and I expect supper to be ready.”
“ I ain’t yer maid.” The grumbled sounds of an already panting and heated Lasat came from the bed.
“Actually “ Kallus paused to pull up a foot and adjust his blaster straps “ as you are kicked off the Ghost, you are.” It earned him a gutheral growl Kallus only chuckled at.
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