#will halstead x sylvie brett
5 + 1
Square filled: 5 + 1 for @resanoona’s fiesta bingo
Ship: Halstett (Will and Sylvie)
Summary: 5 times Will tells Sylvie he loves her, and the 1 time, he doesn’t.
Author Notes: Wrote this in like an hour, so any mistakes are 100% because of that. Also this is my first Halstett piece! Enjoy!!
1. The first time he says it, they’re lying in bed, his fingers running through her hair as she traces the space between the freckles on his shoulders, the soft morning light peeking through the bedroom window. He presses a kiss to her lips, soft and sweet, and feels her hand cups his cheek. “What was that for?” She asks as she rests her head on her free hand. “Because I love you,” Will replies, as he sees a smile come across her face. “I love you too.”
2. The second time he says it, he blurts it out as he runs out the door, trying to make it to work on time. It’s Sylvie’s day off, and they spent just a little too long laying in bed that morning. “Hey, hun, don’t you have work today?” Sylvie asks as she watches Will's eyes widen in panic and can’t help but giggle. He hops out of bed and rushes to the shower. She gets out from under the warm covers and heads to the kitchen to start the coffee. She’s just finished pouring her cup when Will rushes out, hair still wet. “Got your coffee and a bagel already in your bag.” “Thanks, dear. Love you!” He shouts as he runs out the door and to his car.
3. The third time he says it, it’s after he finds out that the ambulance had been run off the road. He’s understandably worried and asks Goodwin if he could head to the station. He gets permission and bumps into Severide as he gets there. “Halstead, she’s fine. I won’t tell you not to worry cause I get it. She’s in the common room.” He says as Will gives him a nod. “Sylvie?” “Will. I’m safe; I’m ok.” “I know. My heart knew that, but my brain didn’t. I needed to see it in person.” “I knew you would.” “I love you. And this scared me. Don’t do it again.” He says, voice thick. “Love you too. I’ll try not to.” She replies as she pulls him into an embrace.
4. The fourth time he says it, it’s their wedding day. The ceremony was simple, beautiful, and them. It’s while they’re dancing on the patio at Molly’s that the first I love you as husband and wife is said. They watch as their friends and family celebrate with them, couples dancing with each other around them. “Will?” “Hmm?” “Thank you for this. For all of this.” “Always Mrs. Halstead. Anything for you. I love you.” “I love you too, Mr. Halstead.” She whispers, laying her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
5. The fifth time he says it, they’re both sitting on the cold tile of the bathroom floor. He grabs Sylvie’s hand and plays with her fingers, trying to calm himself. The phone timer goes off and makes him jump. “Love. We’re going to be fine.” Sylvie says, squeezing his arm as she grabs the test off the counter. “I know. This is just nerve-wracking.” He replies as she hands him the test. He flips it over, and tears fill his eyes. “Are we?” “Yeah. We are. We’re going to be parents!” “Oh, my lands. This is happening.” “It is. I love you, Sylvie.” Will says as he helps her up from the floor, catching her as she wraps her legs around him. “Love you too, Will.”
6. The sixth time he says it, they’re in a hospital room. He watches his wife sleep; she deserves it. She’d been in labor for the last 24 hours, and he was glad she wasn’t in pain anymore. It had started early in the morning and had only progressed late into the night. It was at 3 AM when Austin William Halstead was born, and Will couldn’t believe it. His son was here, and he couldn’t be prouder. He looked at the time and saw that it was 5 AM. He heard small noises coming from the bassinet near the bed. “Dad’s coming, Dad’s coming.” He says as he lifts the newborn into his arms. “Hey, dude. I’m your dad. That pretty woman who’s sleeping is your mom. We’re pretty excited you’re finally here. We love you both so much. I love you.” He says to the newborn knowing that he doesn’t understand a word.
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bellarkeselection · 4 months
Oh my, you're so right. There are not enough Will Halstead fics in the one chicago fandom. I would have an idea for this fine man. Maybe you like it.
It's the best fiends to lovers trope... I'm obsessed with this kind of stuff. They're both idiots in love but are too afraid to destroy their friendship when they would tell the other how they feel. Will is super protective of reader. Reader has a chronic illness (cause I NEED to see him in worried protective doctor mode) like a heart desase or asthma or epilepsy. So he always watches out for her helping her when she feels sick... One day he gets hit on at Molly's and reader sees him flirting with a girl. He starts to date the girl. The girl is super bitchy and is jealous of reader cause she's Wills best friend. So the girl tries to drive a wedge between reader and Will, maybe weave some lies, hurts reader mentally etc so that reader distance herself from Will cause she's hurt of what his girlfriend said to her or how she treats reader. That lead to huge emotional stress which flares up her illness. Reader is feeling bad both emotionally and physically. And it gets dramatic in some kind of way. Maybe Jay or another character notices reader getting worse and tells Will. And first he doesn't belive it, cause his best friend would tell him of she's super sick, wouldn't she? Until reader is admitted to Med or is found unconscious in her apartment or something else.
Sorry for my long rambling. This is just an idea maybe you like some parts of it.
Idiot Friends in Love
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Okay so this is one of the longest requests I have gotten for Will so far. I honestly enjoyed writing this so so much and I truly hope I did as much as you asked for 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗
When people talk about having a best friend you have to remember that no relationship is going to be the same as someone else’s. But when my friends think of a best friend duo they look at me and Will Halstead. We’ve been in the others life from the time we were five years old and haven’t left each other’s side since then.
He had went onto to become a doctor and I had persuade working in the same police department as his brother Jay had. Years ago when Will had a fight with his dad about wanting to go off to college I was there for the aftermath when Will stormed out. He told me the main reason he wanted to become a doctor was so that he could help people, especially people like me. I was born a few weeks earlier at the end of my mom’s pregnancy which gave me underdeveloped lungs and asthma.
Walking into Molly’s bar wearing some ripped blue jeans shorts and a white tank top I was looking for Will until I finally found him up at the bar. Striding over I was about to say something until I saw him with a blonde that I couldn’t really stand to be around. Her and I had gotten off to the wrong foot and she basically always made a point to lead my best friend away me. Heading to the bathroom I leaned my body into the wall just needing a minute to myself except to my surprise the very girl I didn’t want to see came up to me. “How long do you think he’s going to be there to babysit you hmm?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked her sensing some annoyance in her tone.
The blonde named Brooke snapped. “I mean he can’t babysit you and be your best friend forever. He is an ED doc and now spends most of his time with me.”
“Did he tell you this?” I questioned her knowing my friend was very busy as was I since I was doing everything I could to someday become a paramedic for Firehouse 51 with my friend Sylvie Brett who had recently joined the team.
Brooke rolled her eyes like I was an idiot or something. “He’s just spending time with you because he’s a doctor and feels it’s his sworn duty to protect you and make sure you’re well.”
“Will and I have been friends since we were five years old. So, I think you’ve got your thoughts mixed up.” Responding to the girl I had faith in my friend way before I would ever believe what this woman was saying.
She throws her hands away from her sides. “I’m just saying he clearly doesn’t have feelings for you like he does for me.”
“How would you know huh. Can you see what he is thinking inside his head cause I certainly can’t.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve seen your little asthma attacks the first time I met you at this bar. Do you seriously think that he’s gonna want to be with somebody with a disability.”
“I’m done talking to you.” I began walking away from her until she yanked me back by my forearm.
“Just face the facts and realize you’ll just be another patient to him and nothing else.”
Yanking my arm from her grasp I stomped away not bothering to talk to her or Will for the night. The next few weeks I had basically been avoiding Will’s phone calls or texts figuring that she was right that I would always be a patient in his eyes. I decided to take a walk and see Brett so headed to the firehouse seeing her stalking supplies inside the ambulance. “There’s my favorite paramedic.”
“Hey Y/n! I wasn’t thinking I would be seeing you today. How have you been?” She climbed down out of the ambulance coming over and embracing me in a hug.
I wrapped my arms around her hugging her back. “I’m good. How are you and Casey?”
“We’re doing good. I’ve been meaning to ask how are you and Dr. Halstead. I’ve been meaning to ask lately.”
I raised a brow at her question. “Me and Will. I – I don’t understand.”
“Oh please. There’s something clearly going on between you two.” Brett rolled her eyes like I just said something completely ridiculous.
I raised my hands waving them in front of my chest not believing that there was something going on between me and my friend. “I don’t think you understand the relationship that he and I exactly. We are just friends and nothing more. Besides I’m fairly certain he doesn’t think of me in that way.”
“Pfft I’m sorry but that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” She made a noise snorting out a laugh. “Have you missed the signs where he sends you those lovey doe eyes, looking out for you, and I’ve never seen you hanging around anyone else but him since the day I met you two.”
“Look Brett, I appreciate you being hopeful. But there’s never going to be anything romantic going on with me and Will.” I felt my eyes beginning to water and I ran my fingers through my hair slowly feeling a tightening in my chest. I grabbed my chest gasping for air not expecting this to happen. “I mean why would he ever go for me. He has a girlfriend, regardless if she’s a bitch. But it’s fine – argh!”
Brett rushed forward catching my body before I could hit the concrete. “Y/n! Hey, hey, woah, woah. Kelly! Casey! I need some help out here.” She shouted before my eyes got heavy and I loosened my grip on her arms passing out on her.
I’m not sure how long I was out for by the time I slowly blinked my eyes opened and saw some bright lights that clearly looked like the hospital lights. I sucked in some breaths feeling a mask over my nose and mouth meaning asthma medicine was getting pushed into my body. The curtain drew open and I saw Rhodes enter the room carrying a chart underneath one arm. “Hey Y/n, you’re breathing seems to be doing better. I’ll just slowly take this off now.”
“Thanks Dr. Rhodes – uh where’s Brett – at?” I coughed after he pulled the mask down from my face and helping me sit upright more on the pillows.
He glanced towards the curtain answering my question. “She’s outside by the nurse desk. Will is actually with her too.”
“He is?” I asked leaning up feeling hopeful for a brief second.
He nodded walking out into the hallway waving them inside the room. Brett came in and smiled brightly hugging me and I hugged her back pulling away letting my best friend have my attention more than her. “I’ll let you two talk for a bit. Come talk with you afterwards.” She stepped outside the room back into the hallway leaving the two of us alone.
“I was so worried about you when I saw Brett bring you in like that. I mean I thought we had a better understanding going here. That – that we – “He stuttered out his words frantically running a hand through his auburn curls. “You’re my best friend so I thought you’d tell me if something bad was really going on with you.”
I did my best to lie, biting my lip unknowingly. “Will, I just had a small episode. You know flare ups can happen from almost anything.”
“I’m aware of that. But that’s not the point.”
I snapped. “The point doesn’t matter.”
“Yes it does matter.”
Shaking my head I wished he wasn’t so argumentative like I was. “No it doesn’t. Look I’m fine now so we don’t have to have this conversation anymore.”
“Yes, enough of this. Okay I know you’re lying o me about something and I’m hurt that you didn’t feel comfortable enough to talk to me about it.” He raised his hands in the air.
I rolled my eyes wishing this wasn’t happening right now between us. “You don’t need to know all of my business, William!”
“We’ll excuse me. I thought us being childhood best friends meant we were much closer than you think we are!” He raised his voice at me in frustration.
Clutching my hands into fists punching the hospital bed sheets shouting up at my best friend with some tears falling down my face. “Gosh damn it Will just stop it. I don’t want to be your friend who is always a patient in your eyes. I know that’s all I’m ever going to be!”
“What. Who, who told you that?” Will made a confused face at me.
I scoffed. “That blonde girl named Brooke you’re dating. She told me facts that you clearly aren’t comfortable saying to my face.”
“Why would she say those things. We’re not together anymore.” He responded.
I parted my lips thinking he was joking. “You’re not. Why – why not?”
“She just liked the idea of dating an ED doc. I broke up with her last Friday. That’s what I was wanting to talk with you about in my multiple phone calls. But I guess I got my answer when you never answered.” His gaze lowered down to the floor and he went to leave.
I gently called his attention. “Will, wait a sec. What was the calls about?”
“They were about my feelings for you.”
Sucking in a shacky breath I wasn’t sure how to feel about what he was about to say. “Will, are you saying that you think of me more than a friend?”
Rather than giving me a verbal response he strides forward climbing up onto my bed with his legs on either side of mine. He gently grabs my face in his hands crashing his lips down onto mine not giving me a chance to say anything. It took me a minute before I ran my fingers up his arms wrapping my arms around his kissing him back.
Threading my fingers through his hair, tugging on it hearing him moan into the kiss. I thought this was a dream for a brief moment until he broke the kiss resting his forehead against mine. “You’ve always been more than a friend to me. I just - didn’t want to say anything and ruin what we have if you didn’t feel the same. And don’t ever think for a minute that you’re just a patient to me. You’re anything else but that Y/n.”
“It’s crazy that my reasoning for not telling you how I felt before now is the same reason as yours. It’s a relief we both come off as idiots in love.” I smiled chuckling resting my other hand on his cheek.
He sent me a cheecky grin. “Well can this idiot in love officially ask you out on a date tonight?”
“Yes, yes I’ll go on a date with you.” I leaned forward beginning the next kiss we shared. We were entirely too worried for nothing and it wasn’t too long after a few dates that Will was already working on having me become his Mrs. Halstead.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 2 months
Hank Voight x Fem!Reader - Pt. 2
Request for @maximeseveridecaseyc - I hope you like it!
Synopsis: Part 2 of THIS request - Reader and Voight are taking the next step in their relationship! :)
Eight months went by, your relationship with Hank growing deeper and more passionate every day. Your bruises had healed, and you’d naturally gained some weight, but it was good weight. You were happier and despite still having nightmares, Hank stayed by your side. You often spent your days in his house, as you felt safe there. He urged you to go out on your own, because he didn’t want to restrict you. When you did leave, you went to Molly’s and worked a weekend shift, especially when Hank was wrapped up in a case.
One day, Hank came home to you, a wide smile on his face. It was rare to see him in such a good mood due to his line of work. You walked to the door and greeted him.
“Hey baby,” you said softly, waiting for him to strip his outer jacket and shoes before wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
He looked down at you, his smile only growing. “Hey there,” he replied. “How was your day?”
You laughed. “It was good. Looks like yours was too.”
He kissed you again, rubbing your waist. “Even better now that I’m home with you.”
You smiled, putting a hand up to his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb. “Seems like you’re extra happy today.”
Hank hummed, turning his head to kiss your hand, using one hand to take it and hold it. “Come on, let’s eat dinner. I’m just so happy to see my girlfriend.”
You laughed, using your free hand to rub his chest before he whisked you away to the kitchen. The two of you decided to cook spaghetti. You and Hank worked together on the meal, Hank playfully getting some sauce on his finger and pressing it to your nose. You gasped and laughed, getting him back by saucing him in the cheek. You both laughed, the happiest people in the world in those moments. The rest of the world didn’t exist as the two of you laughed and wiped the sauce from one another’s faces.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, pressing your face into his chest. “You know, when I first met you, I never thought that you’d be such a softie.“
Hank couldn’t help but blush when you called him that. “I hope you don’t go around telling people that. I have to keep my hard-ass reputation.” He laughed, stroking your hair as he held you close.
“No, it’s just for me,” you whispered, pulling back and kissing him deeply.
Hank smiled down at you when you parted. “Yeah, it is.” He reached into his pocket, pulling something out after a moment and keeping it hidden in his hand. “Look, (Y/N), you’re the first person to make me happy since Camille passed on. I want to make sure you stick around. I know it’s really informal but… I want to ask you if you’ll marry me.” Hank opened his hand to reveal a simple engagement ring.
You blushed deeply, gasping softly when he asked, tears welling in your eyes. How could you say no to him? He made you just as happy. You slowly took the ring from his hand, nodding as you looked up at him, slipping it on your ring finger. “Yes… Yes, Hank, I’d love to marry you.” You pushed closer into his embrace as he pulled you as close as possible, kissing you deeply, passion and love pouring from his soul, directly into yours. You felt completely fulfilled by this moment alone.
You wrapped your arms tightly around Hank, practically jumping into his arms. He smiled and pulled you up, setting you up on the counter as he turned off the stove. “You know, I didn’t plan to do this until after dinner, but it was so… perfect.”
You smiled down at him, carting your fingers through his hair and rubbing the nape of his neck. “Yeah, it was perfect,” you affirmed. “I couldn’t think of anything better.”
The next day, you went with Hank into work, as you sometimes did, especially because you liked to visit the intelligence unit, who had come to be your close friends and practically family.
It was Antonio who noticed it first. He was a father, and he had taken on something of a parent role to you as well. He looked at your hand, then met your eyes and smiled. “Congratulations,” he said softly, so the others wouldn’t hear.
“Thanks,” you whispered with a nod as you walked over to see Erin and Jay in the break room. “Hey guys.”
Erin smiled when she saw you. “Hey, (Y/N)!” She walked over and gave you a gentle hug. “You seem different.”
You shrugged a little. “What do you mean?” You smiled at her as Jay handed you a cup of coffee, which you held with both hands as you sipped.
Erin hummed, looking you over. “You look like you’re glowing.”
“Well, I had a good night last night,” you said with a small laugh.
Hank came up behind you in the doorway, a rare smile on his face. Erin didn’t see him smile like that often, meeting his eyes for a moment before Hank looked down.
Erin’s eyes turned to you, gasping when she saw the engagement ring on your finger. “No way,” she said with a laugh. “Hank, you sly dog.”
Hank shrugged. “What can I say?”
Jay laughed. “Congratulations.” He walked over, giving you a small hug, then shaking Hank’s hand.
Erin came over and hugged you tightly. “I’m so happy for the two of you.” She smiled, then hugged Hank as well. “I’m glad you make each other happy.”
You turned to look at Hank as he hugged his foster daughter, a bright smile on your face. “Erin, I’d love it if you could be my maid of honor.”
Erin turned quickly to you, smiling. “I’d love to, (Y/N). Anything you need, let me know.”
Hank chuckled. “We talked about it last night. We decided we’d just have a small wedding and elope. Just close friends.”
Antonio walked in, smiling and shaking Hank’s hand. “Congratulations - both of you.” He hugged you tightly, kissing your cheek. “You both deserve it.”
You smiled and hugged Antonio tightly. “Walk me down the aisle?”
Antonio pulled back, looking at you with a look of surprise. “Me? Are you sure?”
“Who else?” You asked with a smile.
Three months later, you were dress shopping. Your wedding was set for a month out, making you both excited and nervous. It wasn’t a huge ceremony, but you wanted it to be just right. Hank was the love of your life, your first true love and the man who ultimately treated you like you were worth more than a passing glance. You weren’t a body with Hank, you were a person.
“(Y/N),” Erin said, gently putting a hand on your shoulder. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” you said, walking with Erin into the store, Jay right behind you.
When you walked in, you were greeted by a man and a woman, both of which would be assisting you.
After trying on eighteen dresses, you were exhausted. None of them were quite right. You liked a few, hated a few others, and were indifferent on the rest. You were upset that you couldn’t find one you loved and were going to settle on one of the ones you thought were okay instead. That’s when Jay popped out of the aisle. “Hey, (Y/N), try this one.”
“I’m exhausted, Jay,” you groaned. “It’s fine, I’ll just pick one of these.”
“No, I’m serious, this is the last one. Try it.”
“Jay…” you whined. “Come on…”
Erin walked over to Jay, looking at the dress he was holding, then nodding. “Come on, (Y/N), one more.”
You looked at the both of them, then sighed. “Fine. But this is the last one. Then I’m leaving.”
You got into the dress which fit you well in all the right places. You bit your lip as you looked down at it, wondering if it actually looked as good as you thought. When you walked out and stood on the podium, you looked at Erin and Jay on the couch first. “Does it look okay?”
Jay smiled brightly, nodding. Erin gasped and stood up, walking over to you. “(Y/N), you need to see it for yourself.”
You bit your lip as Erin helped you move around to the mirror, your eyes closed tightly. When you finally got the courage to open your eyes and look, you blushed, then tears welled in your eyes. You put your hands to your face, gasping as you started to cry. “It’s… perfect.”
“Told you,” Jay said, standing and joining Erin. “It’s always in the last place you look.”
You laughed, shaking your head and wiping the tears from your face. “That’s only lost things, silly.”
Jay shrugged and chuckled.
You and Hank had decided at the last minute to have your wedding on the steps of the 21st district. Seeing as it was a weekend, the foot traffic could be routed through a different door. Trudy was able to take care of it for you. She was so happy for Hank that he had found someone new since Camille had passed. You, Erin, Stella, and Sylvie were a block away at Sylvie's apartment. The girls had personally taken care of your hair and makeup, styling it so that your face was perfectly framed. As you finished assembling your dress and got your shoes on, you looked in the mirror, biting your lip. Everything was perfect, and you were glowing. The engagement ring on your finger was sparkling brightly, and you couldn't help but smile, thinking about Hank, hoping he thought you were beautiful too.
A knock came to the door. Erin walked over and cracked it open, then allowed Antonio inside. Antonio stepped in, nodding to the three bridesmaids, then to you with a small smile. "Beautiful."
"Thanks," you said softly, nodding back at him. "Is everyone ready at the district?"
"Yep, just waiting on you." He walked over, offering his arm. You took it, the two of you walking downstairs and out to his car. Erin, Stella and Sylvie got into another car, driving ahead of you and Antonio so they could get set up. Toni sat in the driver's seat beside you, waiting a few minutes before he started driving. He looked at you. "Hey, how are you feeling?"
You took a deep breath as your eyes shifted to his face. "Butterflies. Lots and lots of butterflies."
Antonio chuckled, gently taking your hand for comfort. "Hank feels the same way - he just won't say so."
"How do you know?" You squeezed his hand.
Antonio laughed. "I haven't seen Hank so frantic in my life. He knows this is a small event, but he wants to make sure it's right. For you. He understands you haven't been married before and he wants you to have a good day."
You smiled softly, thinking about Hank being frantic. You could barely imagine it. The level-headed man you'd come to love, hard on the outside and soft on the inside, how could he be so frantic? You looked out the window as Antonio drove you to the district, the butterflies in your stomach getting stronger with each passing minute.
When you arrived at the district, Antonio kissed your cheek, then got out and opened your door for you, handing you a bouquet he had grabbed from the back seat. It was made up of your favorite flowers. He helped you out, then the two of you walked across the street. At the top of the stairs stood Hank, Alvin and Jay beside him, a third spot left for Antonio. Chief Boden from Firehouse 51 was officiating your wedding, standing in the middle with a small smile. Erin, Stella and Sylvie had since taken their places on the opposite side of Al and Jay, a spot left for you. Each had a grin on their face, except Hank.
Hank's eyes moved all over you. He examined every part of you, from bottom to top. When his eyes finally met yours, he nodded a little, swallowing hard. You wondered if he wanted to back out, but as Antonio led you up the steps toward Hank, you could see he actually had tears in your eyes. You teared up as well, seeing that he was crying just looking at you. The two of you were overwhelmed with emotion as Antonio let you go and into Hank's arms, taking his spot beside Jay. Hank hugged you, mumbling in your ear. "You're beautiful... Inside and out... I can't wait to make you my wife."
You sniffled, trying not to rub your makeup on him. Al handed you a tissue, as if he knew you would need it beforehand. You took it with a silent thanks, pulling away from Hank to dab your eyes, then holding his hands. You barely listened to Boden until your part came, Erin handing you the wedding band for Hank, and Al giving the one for you to Hank. You repeated the words Boden asked you to, then Hank to you. The two of you were still dabbing your tears every so often, voices barely a whisper, as it was all either of you could muster without breaking into tears.
After you exchanged rings, you exchanged vows, promising to love and support one another - no matter what came your way. Each of you promised that your marriage meant more than just a body to sleep beside. Your marriage was the most important thing in your lives, come what may.
After exchanging the rings, Boden talked a bit more before the two of you were finally allowed to kiss one another. Hank pulled you close, a soft yet desperate pull. He touched his nose to yours, finally letting tears stream from his eyes. "I love you," he whispered softly before closing the gap and pressing his lips to yours, kissing you with the same passion, love and energy you had felt the first time he kissed you. You returned it all, holding onto him lovingly, clutching his jacket for life, as if he might leave if you let go. You finally had something good, and it was yours to keep. Love.
When the two of you finally parted, you whispered back, breathless. "I love you too." Finally, the claps and cheers of your wedding party and audience came to your ears. You smiled and faced the small crowd of friends, waving with your free hand, holding your bouquet in the other. You threw it out into the crowd, Kim catching it. She blushed as Adam laughed and put his arm around her shoulders. Then, Hank walked you down the steps, smiling like a fool. The two of you got into his Dodge Durango and drove away, waving. You went to his house, practically already both of yours. The two of you changed into something a little less fancy, but still nice. Then, you shared a few moments together, gentle and loving, before leaving and heading out to Molly's for your reception.
When the two of you arrived at Molly's, the party was already in full swing. Trudy and Erin made sure everyone was having a good time. You and Hank walked in, everybody clapping and hollering. Hank held your hand, smiling and even blushing. It was a blush he would pass off as it being too hot. Only you and a select few others knew that his blush was real. The two of you walked around, talking with everyone. Mainly though, Hank did the talking while you just enjoyed holding his hand. The two of you had some casual drinks, but you were already exhausted and looked forward to spending the night in his arms, leaning into him. He cast his arm around your waist and pulled you close, allowing you to lean further into his embrace. His embrace was the best place on the planet, and you never wanted to leave it.
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amsgrey · 2 years
warnings: bad writing lol
synopsis: You wipe out while doing Girls on Fire, Kidd makes Kelly call your brother.
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The first time you were introduced to Firehouse 51 was when Jay took you to a game and Kidd and Severiade were there. It was almost like Jay and Severiade were copies of each other, with the same sense of humour and attitude. Kidd had taken you under her wing, explaining what was happening at the game while Jay and Severiade cheered. When the game ended Stella encouraged you to drop by the Firehouse sometime to meet everyone else, seeming that everyone at Med and the district were all close.
You took Stella up on that, stopping by when they were on shift with baking. Normally you would take it to Jay or Will at work but they were both too busy today to stop and talk. When you wandered through the doors into the break room, immediately Stella jumped up to greet you.
In her Milwaukee accent, she declared, "This is Y/N Halstead! She's welcome here whenever." She said the last bit to you, grinning. She quickly went around the room rattling off the names of everyone.
You smiled, holding up your container, "I bought brownies."
Cruz got up from the table and mockingly raising his hands like he was thanking the lord, "You're a saint."
It became some kind of routine, often you would bake something a week, dropping it to the district and to the firehouse. They were always excited to see you; soon it became exactly how intelligence treated you. Like you had gotten a bunch of aunt and uncles overnight, who all cared about you.
Eventually, Stella convinced you to join Girls on Fire, roping Kylie into convincing you it was a fun program. Kylie told you about how Stella annoyed her until she committed to staying in Girls on Fire and now she was helping run it. When you joined, you loved it. It was nice to be around other girls who were like you and also be training in a fun way.
When Jay would pick you up after, he was always amused by how excited you were to tell him about what happened. Will was also impressed with the first aid they were teaching. He teased you about how he had tried to teach you and you didn't care, but now when it was someone else you were interested.
"That's because you suck at teaching," You replied.
Girls on fire was normally cancelled when it snowed, but today it had been on and off so Stella said she'd find something to do on the apparatus floor. Boden allowed Stella to park the squad and truck rigs on the driveway so you could use the floor. After a while of running around in turnout gear, you all started to complain about being overheated. Kylie had said something smart about getting used to the feeling if you wanted to actually fight a fire. Kidd had agreed, but opened one of the doors anyway so that there was some airflow.
There was a little snow here and there, but mostly clear. Jay had said that morning it was typical spring, somewhere in the middle of everything. The group was doing hose drills when your partner lost control of the spiralled hose. It slipped out of her hands and down the driveway. You all laughed and you went to grab it. Your partner had mixed up the couplings, meaning you could easily do a shoulder roll as you gathered up the hose. Kidd cheered on your technique, explaining what you were doing as you went. You held one arm around the hose and jogged back towards the group. As you headed back, you hit black ice. You felt yourself falling face first and threw your unoccupied arm out to stop your fall. When your palm hit the ground, your wrist buckled and you could almost feel the break.
You dropped the hose, immediately snatching your wrist to your chest and letting out a string of hushed curses.
Kidd came jogging over, "You good?"
You groaned, "Peachy," you gave her a thumbs up with your good hand.
Kidd chuckled, she offered you a hand up. You let her pull you up, groaning with the jolt in your wrist.
"Let me take a look," Kidd offered, she gently rolled up the sleeve on the turnout coak and looked at your wrist. It had swollen up to twice its size and turned bruised.
You screwed up your face, "Just my luck."
"I think you broke it," Kidd chuckled, amused by how irritated you looked. "Might have to get you to med,"
She walked you back towards the Firehouse, now more careful of the ground. When you got inside, Brett and Violet were waiting with Boden and Kelly. Boden gave permission for Violet and Brett to take you to Med, seeming it was easier than calling your brother. Violet and Kidd helped you out of the turnout gear then jumped into the back of the ambulance with you.
As you were pulling out onto the street, Kidd asked if you had your phone.
"Crap," you cursed, patting your pockets, "I left it in my bag at the station."
Violet laughed, "Worrying about breaking your phone but not your wrist?"
Kidd laughed, "I'll call kelly."
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Jay answered his phone on the second ring, "Halstead."
"Hey Jay," Kelly spoke from the other end, "Kidd asked me to call you-"
"Is everything okay?" Jay interupted.
"Uh-" Kelly hesitated, the silence allowed Jay to hear the blearing of the dispatch bells through the phone, "Kidd, Sylvie and Violet took Y/N to Med- look, I gotta go, I'm sorry. Kidd will meet you at med." Kelly rushed through his words, hanging up so that he could respond to the call.
Jay slowly put down his phone, a frown. If you were hurt you would have called him, but why would Kidd be taking you to Med if you weren't hurt?
"Who was that?" Kevin asked as he walked past Jay's desk.
"Kelly Severiade," Jay responded, "He said Y/N's been taken to med."
"What?" Hailey quickly walked over, "Why?"
"He didn't say," Jay came to his senses, grabbing his keys and phone, "Just that Kidd was taking her to Med with Sylvie and Violet."
Voight caught the tail end of the conversation, urging the team to pack up so they could all go to Med for support. He could tell from the look on everyone's faces how they were all quietly worried.
Jay had to hold back the urge to flick on the lights and sirens. and speed across town to Med.
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Will could hardly control his laugh when he watched you walk into Med, cradling your arm.
"Laugh it up, William," You scolded, letting him help you onto the bed in an exam room.
"I will," He chuckled, gesturing for you to give him your arm so he could look at it.
You pouted, "Can't I have a decent doctor?"
Will rolled his eyes dramatically.
"I doubt you'll find one here," Maggie said as she walked in, coming to stand at your good side with a hand on her hip, "What have you done to yourself?"
You grinned sheepishly, unable to find the words.
Kidd came to your rescue from the doorway, explaining how you managed to wipe out and land on your wrist. And then going on to explain how you left your phone in your bag so you couldn't call Will or Jay before.
"Let's get an X-ray for that wrist then," Will said, watching Maggie type it into her tablet, "It's probably broken so we'll put a call into ortho to get it casted."
Maggie nodded along, putting her tablet away and propping your wrist on a pillow and placing an ice pack over it.
"Ortho is backed up, it might be awhile before they get down here."
"You can use that time to think of what colour cast you want," Will said with a playful grin. He let you know that he would have to check on a few different patients but he would be back to see the X-rays and check on you later.
Kidd took a seat next to you, smiling and asking how you felt.
"Like an idiot," You replied, "You always warn us to be careful and I had to go breaking my arm."
Kidd laughed, "Hey, at least you got us out of the firehouse for a bit."
You smiled, watching Sylvie and Violet come over to the door after stocking up the ambo and making a hot coco trip.
Sylvie put a cup on the tray next to you, "Hot coco for you."
"Thanks," You replied, cradling it with your good hand.
Violet jokingly ruffled your hair, "Anything for our favourite patient."
You laughed, bidding your goodbyes after they said that they had to leave for the firehouse. Kidd asked you to keep her updated and even if you couldn't do girls on fire, you should still come along. You said you would, you could stand on the sidelines and cheer like her and Kylie.
You were left alone for a little while before Will finally returned with the X Ray tech.
Will showed you the Xray on the screen, "Well it's definitely broken."
"Oh thanks, doc," You scowled, "I couldn't tell."
Will laughed, taking a seat and leaning on the bed while you spoke with the Ortho resident. The resident offered you your pick of four colours and you had made Will choose because you couldn't. Will had immediately chosen Black and you scoffed, 'No way.'
You almost hit the roof when Jay came running into the room. He looked terrified and completely out of breath. He stood staring at you and Will for a moment, then the rest of Intelligence came barreling in after him.
"Hello," You said slowly, confused why they were all there.
"Kelly called," Jay said.
"I forgot my phone at the firehouse, Kidd didn't have your number," You said sheepishly.
Jay let out a sigh, "I thought you were seriously hurt."
Will was laughing quietly, "Why didn't you call me?"
Jay frowned, "I tried," He argued, "You didn't pick up."
Wills smile fell, "oh,"
You burst out laughing, "Wow, one job big brother."
Jay turned back to his team, telling them they could go seeming you clearly weren't about to die. He came around the bed and took a seat at the end.
He gestured to your arm which was now cast in bright yellow, "What happened?"
You waved your casted wrist around, "Broke my wrist."
Jay shook his head in disbelief, "How did you manage that?"
"I slipped on black ice," You shrugged.
Jay looked a little disappointed, "Of course you did."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
Will smiled, "He only means you aren't always the most sure footed."
You faked being offended, "Are you calling me a clutz?"
"Yes," Both your brothers replied.
Will and Jay laughed as you crossed your arms and sunk into the bed with a pout, "Thanks a lot."
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
11 - Must Answer the Call
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Part 12
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
Comment your thoughts down below or in a reblog post
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One Year Later
Running as fast as my feet could carry me I abandoned the building that was on fire falling down onto the ground tripping on some wood that had fallen off the house because of the fire. I groaned blinking my eyes seeing Casey rushing to my aid where he yanked me up before our bodies got thrown forward by an explosion of flames. “Easton! Ugh – are you alright?”
“Yeah. I – I think so. How are you?” I forced myself to my feet as best as I could offering him my hand helping him off the ground. Brett and Dawson had already left in their ambulance with the patients that needed o go to East Mercy hospital.
Casey removed his firefighter helmet from his head running a gloved hand through his hair. “I’m okay. I’ve been in tougher situations than what we had today.”
“Hey chatty Kathy’s let’s get back to the house. Mill’s has food going in the oven and I’m hungry!” We turned our heads in the direction of the fire truck that Kelly was climbing in the backseat.
Casey and I made our way back over to the fire truck where we made our way back to the house. Climbing out of the passenger seat my boots hit the stone concrete floor. I hung up my firefighter gear just walking around in a fire house 51 shirt, some blue jeans and my brown boots about to go get some food until my phone rang off inside my locker when I walked past it. “Hey, Halstead. I wasn’t expecting to hear a call from you this early in the day.”
“Are you Ms. Mallory Easton?” A computer operator voice responded through the phone.
“Yes. This is she. Who is this?”
“You’re call is now being transferred.” The operator answered back.
“Ms. Easton, this is Lieutenant Griffin. I have been trying to reach you for a while now.”
I ran a hand through my hair nervous to hear his voice after all this time. “I apologize for that, sir. I have gotten a new job with Firehouse 51. So, I haven’t been seeing your phone calls recently. Um, what exactly do you need to tell me about?”
“I must inform you that we need you and Maxon back for deployment.”
Slowly lowering myself down onto the wooden bench in front of my open locker I couldn’t believe what he had just said to me. “Sir, I - I have no clue what to say. I thought I was done – that I had finished my tour.”
“When Dr. Owen sent you home we believed that we had cleared everything from here. Unfortunately we had some new information come in from one of our guys. Somebody is planning on attacking the US soil.”
Sucking in a breath I felt like I was frozen in some sort of nightmare. I was finally with my best friend. I had found some more friends and gotten a new job that I was beginning to enjoy here. Now it might all get taken away from me. “Sir, how soon would I have to be deployed out?”
“I’d give it would be three to four months at the most.” He responded through the phone with a very heavy sigh meaning he didn’t care for the answer he had given me either.
“Lieutenant Griffin, when do I need to let you know that I have everything squared away on my end?”
He corrected my statement. “You have to remember Ms. Easton. This is the military you don’t have to give us notice. If we need you you’ll just have to follow the orders you’ve been assigned.”
“Yes, I understand sir. I’ll figure this out.”
He hung up the phone without another word. “I’ll be in touch. Good day.”
Sitting my phone down beside me I hit the lock button on my phone then turned it back on to show the lock screen that Will and I had taken with Maxon on our one month anniversary where we had went and done the tilt at the John Hancock Building.
“Two tickets for the 360 tilt.” Will handed asked the cashier woman at the front desk the money.
I was standing behind Will and Maxon was sitting beside me while I held his leash attached to the collar loosely in my hands. “Oh, I’m sorry ma’am. But he can’t be up there unless he is a service dog.”
“He’s actually a former Army veteran K-9. I think he meets that criteria.” I corrected her statement with a smile.
She nodded seeing Maxon wagging his tail happily at her. “Ah I see. Have a good time.”
The three of us entered the elevator with a few other people who were going up with us. Once the doors opened I led Maxon forward until we reached one of the windows and he put his paws on the glass wagging his tail happily. “Pretty neat isn’t it, Max?” He barked in response to me.
Will joined us looking out the window seeing all the city buildings from this high up. “And here I thought the hospital balcony had a view.” He chuckled in awe never being up this high.
“This is the second time I have been able to enjoy being this high off the ground. When you look out the side of a helicopter it’s not the same since you’re going off to war.” I held my mouth opened just living in the moment with the building lights shining all over the nightly windy city.
An idea popped inside the ED doc’s head where he took out his phone nudging my arm. “Let’s do a picture up here.”
“Yeah but you’re getting in it too.” I told him bending down on a knee to be level with Maxon.
Will held the phone up wrapping one arm over my shoulder. “One, two, three. Got it.” He hit the camera button a few times showing me the picture of the three of us.
“We’re pretty good together. Happy anniversary, Mal.” Will leaned down kissing me softly on the lips with a smile.
I smiled into the kiss leaning up on my toes, wrapping my fingers around the tea shirt he was wearing. “Happy anniversary, Will.”
Hearing footsteps entering the locker room I bent my head down into my knees trying to still process that phone call. I wasn’t prepared to get deployed out after getting the leg brace. And now Will and I were in a really good place, so what was he going to think now. “Hey Mallory, Mills wants to know what type of pizza you want. Woah, hey what’s wrong?”
“Huh – oh it’s nothing Brett.” I attempted to lie hoping she wouldn’t pick up on it.
She slowly came and sat down to me. “If you’re crying then it’s clearly not fine. I’m you’re friend you can tell me anything.”
“I got deployed, Sylvie.”
She covered a hand over her mouth in shock. “I’m sorry. Are you going to tell Will?”
“I don’t have much of a choice in the matter. I just know I need to tell the truth of something we’re gonna have to deal with together.” I responded to my friend.
She noticed me slowly getting up and grabbing my normal gear to go home for the evening. “Where are you going, Mallory?”
“In case the Chief or Casey ask where I went. Just say I had an emergency come up but I’ll be back tomorrow.” Shrugging on my jacket I bolted out of the room and to my car needing to see my boyfriend sooner rather than later.
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strwbrrykss · 3 months
I'm going to clear out my inbox and start accepting prompts from THIS LIST HERE
They can be for any of the characters (and fic pairings we've talked about) I write for, if you're unsure, ask first 😊 I'm sooooo excited to get back into drabbles etc!
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squadmuse · 3 months
A/N: Yet again a huge shout out to @deanstead for being such a great person and helping me out!! Hope everyone loves this… I’m a sucker for dad!Will and it’s my first time ever writing him
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It was pandemonium.
Even with Jay’s entire body covering you, all you could hear were screams and cries for help and the shrill sound of the ambulances rushing to the scene alongside the police cars.
Everything seemed like it was starting to blur when the blue eyes of your brother-in-law swam into your view as he pulled you up off the ground and started checking you over.
“Y/N, please tell me you’re okay!” said Jay worriedly, looking everywhere twice to make sure you had been not been hit by any of the flying bullets that had cut through the sky. “Are you hurt, does the baby feel okay?”
You tried to steady your breathing as Jay held your hands, but it didn’t seem to be helping even though you had someone as patient and calm as your brother-in-law. “W-What h-happened?” you asked shakily, looking around as best you could. Mama Garcia’s restaurant was ruined, the windows were shattered and there were quite a few injured people sitting or laid around being attended to.
“Gang drive-by shooting, don’t worry about it, I’ve got Voight looking into it,” he stated as he followed your own gaze, and he pulled you away. “Hey, let's get you two away from this and checked out.”
Nodding, you agreed and walked out the door with Jay slowly guiding you. As you reached the ambulance, you were relieved to see the kind face of your best friend Sylvie there.
“Oh I didn’t know you’d be here, Y/N! I’m going to check you both over real quick,” said Sylvie quickly as she started checking your vital signs and blood pressure readings with efficiency and calmness. Jay still stood beside you diligently, his eyes following every move that Sylvie made.
“Are Y/N and the baby okay, Sylvie?” asked Jay seriously. He didn’t like how long it was taking your best friend to clear you, even though he knew she’d never rush a diagnosis. Sylvie shook her head at his words.
“I’m going to send you to Med, okay sweetheart,” smiled Sylvie gently. “Your blood pressure is still high, and I want to get scans too.”
Now it was your turn to feel worried, and you clamped down on your brother in all but blood’s hand tight. “All I’ve got is a sore back, and I’ve had that for the last week or so, we’re both fine,” you reasoned, looking between the two. Both of them shook their heads. There was going to be no fighting these two that you knew already. Jay Halstead and Sylvie Brett were seriously stubborn people, but you loved them all the same.
It didn’t take long for Sylvie to load you into her rig, Jay helping out as much as possible as Violet pulled Ambulance 61 out to drive. Sighing, you looked over at your brother-in-law who was staring at the floor.
“Jay… this wasn’t your fault,” you said softly, reaching out to hold his hand. He smiled a small smile yet shook his head.
“I know that, but I should’ve just brought you the food home, then you two wouldn’t be on your way to Med,” he reasoned, squeezing your hand gently.
You shrugged your shoulders. “It was my choice, and if you hadn’t been there then we’d both probably be dead right now!” you stated, but it didn’t do anything to calm Jay, and made him shudder violently.
“Don’t say that, I’ve already got to answer to Will when we arrive!” he replied tensely as he ran his hands through his short brown hair.
Both you and Sylvie looked at Jay in surprise.
“You haven’t phoned Will yet?” asked Sylvie, first from where she sat entering information into her iPad.
Jay shook his head. “It’s not that I’ve not tried, the git isn’t answering his cellphone,” he replied, and he ran his hands up and down his thighs anxiously.
“He might just be busy then, but Will will be grateful that we had you there, Jay,” you stated, holding onto one of his hands to stop him fretting. Even before you were pregnant, Jay had been extremely protective of you and now that you were, he would get bouts of anxiety over anything happening to you both.
Sylvie hummed quietly. “I can always send a message to Maggie, it goes direct through the system, that is if you’d like?”
You and Jay nodded, so Sylvie quickly went ahead and did it. At least then Will wouldn’t be surprised at the ambulance bay with your appearance.
It was as you were quietly talking away with Jay and Sylvie about the baby when you felt a pain like no other, and you couldn’t help but cry out.
Instantly, both of them were at your side and Sylvie was right away checking your vital signs and checking your body. “What’s wrong?” asked Jay as you clenched down on his hand again.
You couldn’t answer him as you could only clench your teeth as Sylvie poked and prodded with different machines and her hands. A broad smile lit up her face and she looked quite happy.
“I think someone is going into labor!” she said excitedly.
You sat there in shock before turning to look at Jay… but you couldn’t help the giggle that slipped from your lips as you saw his expression. He had turned white, and his mouth literally hung open. It was like nothing you’d ever seen before on Jay Halstead’s face.
“Please tell me you’re joking, Sylvie!” you said with your eyes wide. You did not want to give birth in an ambulance, and especially without your husband at your side. She shook her head.
“Contractions are coming fast, sorry!” smiled Sylvie as she inserted some low level pain medicine into you. “But we’re nearly there, and then you’ll be up in OB.”
Shakily, you nodded and closed your eyes.
Today had turned out to be one of those days.
Unsurprisingly, Will was the first person to open up your ambulance.
“Oh god, Y/N! What happened?” exclaimed your husband as he helped take your gurney out of the ambulance. He looked like he had run a marathon and his hair looked even crazier than usual.
You sniffled. “I don’t know Will! One minute Jay and I were having lunch together, then there were bullets flying everywhere,” you replied, cuddling into Will best you could as he and Sylvie rushed you into Med, with Jay following close behind. “I’m so sorry!”
Will shook his head affectionately, and smiled softly. “Hey, hey, I’m just glad you and our little guy are safe, that’s all that matters okay?” he stated, caressing the side of your face. “Jay and you have nothing to apologize about.”
Sighing, you nodded, watching as Will added even more monitors to you as Sylvie removed the ambulance ones. You smiled as she went to leave.
“I’m coming back, okay!” she giggled. “I’m not missing anything about this baby, and especially not the birth!”
You chuckled. Sylvie had been absolutely thrilled when you had announced the pregnancy and thrown herself into helping plan and organize the baby shower, gift registry, nursery, outfits and more. “Wouldn’t dream of it!” you replied, watching as the blonde walked away back to the rig with Violet.
“Anyway Mama, it looks like we’re going to get you up to Obstetrics,” grinned Maggie as she entered your treatment room. “Baby Red is on the way!”
Will and you both chuckled. It felt like the entire Emergency Department was excited about your and Will’s little one’s imminent arrival, as they had been for months, much like Sylvie and Jay. “Here’s hoping it’s an easy birth,” you said, leaning against Will’s side.
Now it was Jay’s time to chuckle and you turned to look at him. “Oh, you haven’t heard the story about Will’s birth?” he asked, and you shook her head. “Well apparently Mom was in labor for twenty-four hours, but you’re much less stubborn than my brother so you’ll do much better.”
Oh, sweet shiitake mushrooms.
It had not been quite so twenty-four hours, but after twenty-three hours, you and Will had finally become parents.
Madeleine Theresa Halstead had been born, screaming at the top of her lungs and covered in blood and fluids, but she was the most beautiful thing you and Will had ever seen in your lives.
Will had cried as he had cut her cord and brought her over to you. Your daughter was absolutely tiny, with minuscule fingers and toes and the cutest little nose too. Coming in at 7lb 8oz, she was absolutely perfect.
“Here we were thinking she was going to be a little boy,” chuckled Will softly as he sat beside you in your hospital bed. You had been moved into a private room, and it was just what you, Will and little Madeleine needed. “Somehow Gabriel Patrick Halstead doesn’t quite fit.”
You smiled, but you hadn’t stopped smiling ever since you had brought your daughter into the world. “Jay knew, somehow,” you whispered as Madeleine slept in your arms, swaddled in the blanket that you had knitted months ago.
“My brother, the pregnancy guru,” laughed Will as he kissed your head, watching to make sure Madeleine didn’t stir. “We still good on who we picked for godparents?”
“Of course, they’re perfect.”
Will nodded. “I think Maggie has had everyone gather in the waiting room. Do you want to bring them in?” he asked. You nodded silently and watched as Will wandered out the door.
Cuddling Madeleine closer to you, you sighed. You had never felt so much happiness and love as you had for your little girl. “You’ve got a great daddy, Maddie,” you whispered to her. “We’re so lucky to call him ours.”
Madeleine grumbled softly in her sleep, and you could only whimper a soft noise as she somehow made the same face as Will, her father, did whenever he was asleep. It seemed she even had even inherited his auburn hair also.
You were still absolutely enamored with your daughter when the door to your room opened up again and a small group of people slowly made their way in alongside your husband.
Jay was there, grinning. It seemed he had bought the biggest pink teddy bear he could find. It was easily four times the size of his niece, your daughter. Sylvie was there too, bubbling away with anticipation about getting to meet your daughter. Matt was at her side, grinning happily as he held onto a big pink balloon and white bunny rabbit toy. Maggie had come and so had April, Connor and Daniel, some of your and Will’s closest friends at work. It seemed that word had spread fast that the newest Halstead had been born, and the first Halstead girl in three generations to boot. Cindy and Christopher Herrmann were there, also bearing gifts, and so were Kim and Adam with their little girl Makayla, who was asleep in her father’s arms.
Will quickly sat down beside you, and you softly placed Madeleine into her father’s strong arms.
“Everyone, we’d like you all to meet our daughter, Madeleine Theresa Halstead,” said Will proudly, as he smiled down at his little girl in his arms. The little group cheered so softly and one by one made their way to meet the newest member of their family of sorts.
“Congratulations, she’s absolutely adorable,” grinned Jay as he hugged Will, taking care not to hurt his niece any way. “Mom and Dad would be so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Jay. I just wish Madeleine could’ve met them.”
“She’s going to know them in a way, we’ll make sure of it. It’s a nice touch to give mom’s name to Madeleine as her middle name too.”
Madeleine had woken up in Sylvie’s arms, and yet she had not made much of a noise. Her little gaze seemed to be enamored by your best friend and you giggled. “I think that means she likes her godmother Auntie Sylvie!”
Sylvie’s eyes bugged out of her head at your words. “Oh… you chose me?” she asked softly, tears pooling in her eyes at the fact you and Will wanted her as Madeleine’s godmother.
Will nodded. “If it hadn’t been for you and Matt actually getting us two together, we’d not be here,” he told Sylvie, who nodded, before carefully passing the baby to her boyfriend, who expertly held the baby with a smitten tenderness. It was true, even though you and Will worked in the same hospital department, it had taken so long for either of you to make a move that Sylvie had taken it upon herself, roping in Matt too, to get you both together.
Sylvie hugged you tight. "I already love that little angel so much. She's so precious!" she smiled, wiping her tears. "Who would've thought that what I did would cause all this?"
“That one day was all it took, and now look where we all are.”
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poppadom0912 · 1 year
Uncle and Niece
Characters: Will Halstead x Daughter!Reader, Jay Halstead x Niece!Reader, Adam Ruzek, Kelly Severide, Sylvie Brett, Antonio Dawson
Warnings: Nothing
Summary: Everyone is introduced to the uncle and niece duo.
A/N: The ending of this was very rushed because it got really awkward and I didn't want it to get to long. I dont really like this but I am posting this in celebration of me getting my first job!!!!
Jay hummed to himself, idly scrolling through his phone reading some messages while he took the occasional sip of his coffee. He managed to get a full night sleep without getting woken up by someone calling about a crime scene, allowing him to wake up earlier than usual.
Making sure everything was clean and clear, Jay clipped his gun and badge to his belt, slipping on his jacket but before he could open the door on his own accord, his doorbell rung, confusing him as to who would be at his apartment at this time.
With caution, Jay opened to door and was surprised to be met with a frantic looking Will. The doctors hair was a total mess, bags under his eyes, his coat haphazardly put on over his scrubs, his bag just about sitting on his shoulder with his hand clutching a smaller hand.
"I am so sorry but I need a really big favour man." Will said, panting as he just about managed to get all his words out. He looked like hell but his little girl on the other hand, no a single hair of hers was out of place.
Looking back and forth from the father and daughter duo, Jay eventually connected the dots, sighing as he did so. Going through all the possible scenarios in his head as to what the worse would happen if he went forward with this really big favour.
"The daycare at Med isn't open and no one is available to babysit but I had no idea you were working. You know what? Leave it, it's fine, forget I ever asked." Will rambled, only now noticing that Jay was leaving for work.
"Dude, it's fine." Jay shook his head, huffing as though he was hurt at Will trying to leave. "I'll take her to work with me. Everyone will love her and it'll be our first official time hanging out together."
"You sure?" Will replied, apprehensive as he let go of Faith's hand, letting her hold Jay's instead. "I owe you man."
"Nah, it's fine." Jay shook his head again, smiling down at his niece. "We'll have fun at the precinct."
"Alright Faith, be good for Uncle Jay Jay, okay? Make sure he stays out of trouble." Will said, bending down so he was eye level with his daughter. A smile she inherited from him plastered her lips as she bid her goodbyes, pressing a loving kiss on his cheek as she waved him away.
"Bye daddy! I love you too much!" Faith shouted down the hallway, watching Will hurry into the elevator, not wanting to be late. "I love you!"
"I love you too baby!" Will shouted in reply, enthusiastically reciprocating her wave which totally contrasted his completely messed up appearance.
With the elevator doors closing, Jay and Faith were left alone for the first time in both their lives. Looking down at the three year old, the three year old craning her neck to look up at her thirty something uncle, she gave him a toothy grin sending this weird feeling in Jay's gut. All of a sudden, he felt this strong urge to protect this little being with all his livelihood no matter what the universe sent this way. It was weird.
"Okay, let's go to work."
For the entire car ride, without being prompted to, Faith was rambling on about anything that came to mind and Jay was intently listening even though he struggled to make out a few words. Faith spoke about her toys, her amazing father and how excited she was now that she was three since it was her birthday a month before Will suddenly showed up in Chicago.
With her much smaller hand in his, it was weird as to how something so small could exist but it was a miracle it could, the uncle and niece duo walked into the 21st precinct. Jay patiently held her hand at all times as she took one step at a time, the steps were much bigger than the normal ones she was used to but she denied any of his help.
Before Jay could make a clean escape, making a dash towards the metal gates, he was stopped by a very familiar voice causing him to come to a halt, screwing his eyes shut at the impending doom he was about to face.
"Chuckles, what do you have here?" Trudy projected, her hands on her hips when she noticed the tiny human being accompanying one of her detectives.
"Sargent, this is my brothers daughter Faith. Remember Will? The doctor?" Jay replied apprehensively, crossing his fingers he wouldn't get reemed in the middle of the district.
"Sure, anyways, Faith is an amazing name for such an adorable girl." Trudy, shrugged it off, leaning over the desk as she started gushing over the toddler. "I see your uncle missed out on those beautiful red locks, disappointing really."
Faith smiled, giggling despite not understanding what Trudy meant but Jay did and he felt slightly offended. "Okayy and that's enough for one day, we'll be upstairs if you need us sarge."
"It's time to say bye now Faith. Say bye Trudy!"
"Bye Bye!" Faith smiled, waving at the older woman who unbeknownst to her had become the most amazing person in the three year olds eyes.
Whoever came up into intelligence, their footsteps could be heard against the wood flooring, allowing all the detectives to know who was coming up based on the force or speed but this was confusing.
There was definitely more than one person, one being bigger than the other but both going at the same slow pace. No one was able to make out who it was till they made an appearance.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, Jay and Faith made it to the top of the staircase and were in the bullpen. For Jay, it was nothing amazing and he was here everyday, it was basically his second home but for Faith, it was both scary but amazing.
"Woah! Who's incredibly adorable kid did you kidnap?" Adam teased, a smirk on his face, being the first to notice the little girl that no one knew. Getting up from his spinning chair, he set down his coffee and leaned against his desk to get a better look at the duo.
"Jay, you never told us you had a daughter." Erin said accusingly, also smirking as she joined in the teasing. She was slightly shocked but easily hid it along with her confusion and slight irritation.
"Her name is Faith and she's my niece." Jay said with some pride, introducing Faith to all his colleagues. "My brother put me on babysitting today, so I expect all of you to be on your best behaviour."
"Sir yes sir." Adam's smirk didn't falter, walking towards the pair, bending down so he could offer his hand. "It's lovely to meet you Faith, I'm Adam."
"Hi." Faith replied, taking his hand confidently but she didn't move, simply holding it. She smiled at him, flashing a toothy grin in his direction. "Are you a superhero like Jay Jay too?"
"Indeed I am, aren't you smart?" Adam said rhetorically, pushing himself up so everyone else could talk to you. "We're gonna get along great."
"So Adam's already introduced himself." Jay rolled his eyes, pointing at Adam who stood proudly with his hands in his pocket. "This is Antonio, Erin, Al and my boss is Hank. They're all detectives like me."
At his last five words, Faith's whiskey coloured eyes automatically brightened and everyone noticed. She shuffled on her feet, her eyes sparkling in wonder as she looked at them all.
"Hey, you wanna hear a funny story about your uncle cause I've got too many." Antonio spoke up, smiling at the widening smile on the three-year-olds face at the mention of stories. Without a second thought, her hand was out of Jay's grasp and she walked straight to the Latino who picked her up, sitting her on his desk.
Besides Hank and Al, Antonio had the most and probably best experience with children and it definitely showed.
With a soft smile, Jay watched as the senior detective divuldged into a most likely embarrassing story before he walked away, slipping past Erin and moving towards Hank who he had much to explain to.
Thanking all the forces in power today, Jay's brows scrunched in confusion at the purple hair tie that had somehow ended up around his fingers, a cute plastic flower cheaply glued to the front of it.
Throughout the day, Faith had been given a tour of the bullpen and even had the chance of manning the front desk with Trudy when intelligence went out.
It was just after lunch and Faith had woken up from a very good nap, the painless indentations on her face proving such. But, her hair had gotten completely messed up and Jay was now stuck.
Faith giggled at the confusion painting her uncles face, the adorable sounds washing away any of the impatience Jay just had. It was crazy how the toddler made him feel, even though she wasn't his own child.
"You know what, you look great Faith." Jay shrugged, tucking her red curls behind her ears, patting down the uncontrolled frizz all around before picking her out of her carseat and gently setting her on the ground.
For the billionth time today, Faith found herself in awe of the firehouse. She had only ever seen them in her cartoons and despite her excitement, she could feel the nervousness bubbling in her stomach at how big everything was in real life.
As if sensing her miniscule amount of anxiety, Jay scooped the toddler into his arms dramatically and walked up the apron and into the firehouse where he could see squad sitting at their table.
Jay's sudden action shocked her, sending butterflies in her stomach as she shrieked, laughter easily following suit when he wouldn't set her down despite her poor pleas.
The sound of childish laughter interrupted any conversation happening at the squad table, all their heads turning to find the source and to say they were confused was the least they could say.
"Hey man, you good? Whose baby did you kidnap?" Kelly asked, getting up from his chair, giving the detective a typical bro hug while minding the toddler perched on his hip.
"You remember my brother right, he's a doctor at med." Jay said, continuing when the lieutenant nodded. "This is his daughter Faith. Faith, this is one of my friends Kelly, he's a firefighter. Can you say hi?"
"Why do you have a girls name if your a boy?"
Her innocent question shocked them all. Jay's eyes went wide as he stared at his niece, Kelly was a mix between laughter and shellshock while the three squad members immediately began laughing.
"Faith, I what-"
"Oh my gosh! Who is this beauty?" Sylvie said, preening at the sight of the girl as she exited the ambulance. "She looks exactly like the new doctor at Med you know. Oh yeah, did you know that he has the same surname as you Jay, crazy."
"That's my brother Sylvie and this is his daughter Faith." Jay replied with ease, a smile on his face at the rambling paramedic.
Before she could address the fact that he had a brother, she frowned as she cast eyes on Faith's unruly hair.
"Does she have a hair tie?"
"Yeah, it's here, why?"
"Give her here."
And with that, the blonde paramedic disappeared into the firehouse with his niece and her cheap hair tie gone from his wrist.
"Boden's waiting for you inside his office Jay."
"Oh yes! I actually have work to do. Thanks severide."
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sevcasejay1chicago · 1 year
Matt Casey x Darden’s sister
Andy Darden died years ago, when gabby Dawson left Chicago, Darden’s sister shows up again and take over for Dawson when she left.
Now it have been three years ago since since Darden’s sister started to work on Ambo 61, and she is now dating Captain Matt Casey.
Darden’s sister is best friend with Sylvie Brett and Stella Kidd.
When Griffin Darden shows up at the firehouse alone and tells Y/n about the situation at home with no Heather and Ben who is having a hard time. Y/n has to take the hard decision to leave Chicago and move to Portland to take care of her nephews.
Casey and Y/n decides to have a long distance relationship, Casey comes to visit her in Portland a few times.
When it is up for the Stellaride wedding, Y/n comes back to Chicago with Griffin and Ben. Everyone is happy to see them, but Y/n get surprised when she sees Dawson at the firehouse.
Something that firehouse 51 doesn’t know is that Y/n is gonna move back to Chicago with her nephew’s, and that decision will make Matt Casey really happy and they can continue with there relationship.
Best thing to ever happen to me- Matt Casey/ Darden sister
Summary: You replace Dawson on ambo and start dating Matt Casey. It’s been three years and now your nephew needs your help.
Warnings: mentions of attempted kidnapping
Authors note: This is just the first half of this request. I decided to post this tonight and work on the second half later on. ❤️
You never thought you would be able to work at 51 after your brother, Andy Darden, died with this firehouse years ago. You haven’t even been able to bring yourself to visit, though you have still kept in contact with the crews, which turned family, after all these years. When Gabby Dawson left, Chief Boden knew exactly who needed to fill Gabby’s spot, so he called you. It took some convincing, and a few drinks with Matt and Kelly, before you finally caved. As soon as Brett joined your small table at Molly’s and began conversing with the three of you, you couldn’t say no. Andy’s death isn’t the end of the story for this firehouse and you were going to make sure of that.
Now, three years later, you are still riding ambo with Brett and have been dating Captain Matt Casey for about two years. There had always been something between you and Matt, but Matt stayed away from any relationship with you, other than being your friend, out of respect for his best friend and your brother. Now, Matt is the only person that can calm you down and make you feel safe. Once you figured that out almost three years ago, you knew that there was no need to deny yourself true happiness.
The last run had you more than shaken. Someone attempted to take you and Brett hostage on a call. They lured you both into the house and managed to knock Brett out, but you were able to call for help and hide until Jay Halstead and the intelligence unit burst through the door.
After intelligence took both of your statements, you went on autopilot and drove Brett and the ambo back to the firehouse. Once you debriefed Boden and made sure Brett was okay, you hid yourself in a supply closet off the the bunk room. You figured, since it was also close to the laundry room, nobody would hear you over the roar of the machines as someone ran a load through. You didn’t even consider that someone might walk in and open the door.
“Darden?” Cruz asked, kneeling down to get a better look at you. “Hey. What’s wrong?” He asked, trying to reach for you. As soon as he made contact, you screamed, throwing yourself away from the intruder and kicking your legs wildly. “Woah. Hey, it’s just me. It’s Cruz!” He tried calling out to you again, but it was obviously no use.
“What’s going on?” Matt asked, running in as soon as he heard you scream. His office was on the other side of the wall, so it only took him seconds to respond.
“I don’t know.” Cruz said, standing up and backing away to reveal you curled into yourself as you rocked back and forth, sobbing uncontrollably and borderline hyperventilating.
“Y/n?” Matt asked, coming to take Cruz’s original spot. “Hey sweetheart. It’s me. It’s Matty.” Matt called, sitting down arms length from you.
Your head slowly rose as you heard Matt’s voice through the call that kept replaying through your head and the what if’s. “M-Matt?” You whispered, throat choked with tears.
Matt smiled and nodded his head. “Yeah. It’s me.” Matt said, not daring to move yet. He could tell that you were terrified. Something happened and it shook you to your core. It’s been a while since he’s seen that look, but he knows he’s on thin ice right now. You could completely shatter at any moment.
You breathed a slight sigh of relief as you realized that it was okay. Matt was here, so you were safe. You reached out, tentatively at first, but then launched yourself into Matt’s arms as soon as your hand touched him. Matt caught you easily as you scrambled into his lap, burying your face into his neck.
“Shhhh. It’s alright. I’ve got you now. Breathe.” Matt shushed, rubbing your back and slightly rocking back and forth. He could feel you trembling as your ragged breaths fanned down his neck and onto his collarbone. “Cruz. Go get Kelly and a blanket.” Matt instructed, seeing him still standing a few feet away.
Kelly came in with a blanket and a water bottle not too long after. “Cruz said Y/n is having a panic attack. Here.” Kelly said, crouching down and wrapping you in the blanket.
Matt felt you cringe into him as Kelly accidentally brushed against you. “Hey. It’s alright. It’s just Kelly.” Matt tried to sooth, but you were having none of it and shook your head, gripping onto Matt for dear life. Matt sighed and looked to Kelly, who sat down a few feet away from the both of you, texting the chief to tell him that you and Matt might be a while.
“He tried to t-take me and B-Brett, Matt.” You whimpered, sniffling and shoving your face further into Matt’s neck.
Matt looked over your head and at Kelly for an explanation, but Kelly was in the dark too. “Who did sweetheart?” Matt asked, kissing your head.
“T-the last call. It was a t-trap. I got us h-help, but he h-hurt Brett t-trying to t-take us.” You explained, getting as close to Matt as possible.
Matt and Kelly shared a look before Kelly slowly stood, walking to the door to go check on Brett, who he saw laying on her bunk when he was coming in here. Matt said nothing as his best friend left, just let you get your emotions out as he cradled you in his lap.
You later told him that even though you knew Joe and Kelly meant no harm, you felt the safest with Matt. You were terrified that they would take you away from him or vice versa, so you clung to him. You had finally found your safety and you weren’t going to let that go.
You were sitting in the common area with your best friends, Sylvie Brett and Stella Kidd, when you heard a familiar laugh as the doors of the apparatus floor opened. Kelly had an arm slung around the shoulders of your oldest nephew, Griffin Darden.
“Griffin! What are you doing here bud?” You asked, smiling as you stood and approached your nephew.
Griffin threw his arms around you and buried his face into your neck, finding comfort in his aunt. Everyone watched and Kelly exchanged a look with Matt, who had come in to see what the commotion was all about. Kelly, Matt, and you could tell something was wrong, but you weren’t about to push the subject in front of the rest of the fire house.
“What? Aren’t you happy to see your favorite nephew?” Griffin joked as he finally pulled away. When he spotted Matt, he moved around you and jogged to his favorite adopted uncle, throwing his arms around him as well. “Hey Uncle Matt.” Griffin whispered, finally feeling at home.
“Hey bud! It’s good to see you. It’s been too long.” Matt greeted, hugging Griffin and locking eyes with you.
Once everyone got a chance to say hello, or got a proper introduction to Griffin, you lead him to Matt’s office with Matt taking the lead. Once the door was shut and the blinds were closed, Griffin sank down onto Matt’s bunk, face turned to the floor.
“Alright bud. Real talk. I’m glad you’re here, but what’s going on?” You asked, coming to sit next to your nephew as Matt leaned on his desk.
“I, um Ben and I, we need help.” Griffin whispered, playing with his fingers. “Mom. She, uh, she’s been gone for a while and Ben is having a hard time. I can’t do it Aunt Y/n. I tried, but I'm failing.” Griffin cried, leaning into your side.
“Shhh. It’s alright. You’re here now.” You soothed, rubbing Griffin’s back. “Im gonna help you and everything is going to be okay.” You assured, looking to Matt for support.
“We’ll figure it out bud. You did good.” Matt praised, coming to kneel in front of you and Griffin. “You’ve done the hard part, which is asking for help. Everything else will fall into place now.” Matt assured, a hand resting on Griffin’s knee and the other clutching yours.
After Griffin finally calmed down, you and Matt convinced him to lay down for a while. The exhaustion was prominent in the poor boy and you were sure he hasn’t been sleeping in favor of trying to keep his brother out of trouble. You and Matt leaned against his desk and looked through your phones or files until Griffin fell asleep. Once you were sure that your nephew was finally knocked out, you pulled Matt out of the room and to Kelly’s office.
“Hey Kel. I know this is your office, but can we borrow it to talk and could you possibly go sit in Matt’s office with Griffin? He’s asleep, so you can do your paperwork or whatever.” You said, pleading with Kelly through your eyes, though he was going to cave as soon as you asked.
“Yeah. Just let me know when your done.” Kelly affirmed, standing up with a pile of files in his hands. He walked out of his own office and into Matt’s, quietly shutting the door behind him.
Matt shut Kelly’s door before turning to you. You were pacing in the small space, hands shaking as they ran through your hair. You were in deep thought and Matt knew you wouldn’t hear him if he didn’t get your attention first.
“Y/n? Sweetheart?” Matt asked, slowly coming to stand in your path to halt your steps.
Once you finally looked up to meet Matt’s eyes, you had tears in your own. You spoke before you lost your nerve. “I have to go back with him.” You shook your head. “I have to go back and help Ben and Griffin. I can’t ask you to go or to wait or whatever. It’s my family’s choices that have led us here and I can’t have my crazy seeping into your life.” You rambled, pacing again before Matt caught you and brought you into a hug.
“Hey hey hey. Breathe.” Matt shushed, just like he did all those years ago. “We will figure this out. It’s going to be okay.” Matt assured, rocking back and forth with you.
“Matt. I’m scared.” You whispered, burying your face into his neck. “You know I don’t do well with change, but I have to do this. I mean, I have to do this, right?” You asked, stepping back to look at Matt.
Matt smiled sadly down at you before placing a kiss to your forehead. “Yeah. You do, but I’ll wait. I’m not going anywhere. We can make this work. It’s only for a couple years right? Then they will be old enough and you can come home or whatever happens then. Yeah?” Matt assured, brushing hair away from your face.
You nodded, leaning in and inhaling the scent that made you feel at ease. God, how were you doing to do this without Matt? You had no time to think about it before the tones sounded and you were being called on a run.
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Halstead Sister
Halstett (Will Halstead x Sylvie Brett)
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 2 months
Hank Voight x Fem!Reader - Pt. 1
Request for @maximeseveridecasey - I hope you like it! Part 2 coming soon.
Synopsis: Reader is a bartender at Molly's with a boyfriend who is bad news. Hank Voight is investigating the case, but soon becomes smitten with her.
TW: Reader is victim of abuse
You were tending the bar at 2PM on a Friday. You weren’t sure why the bar was open that early, seeing as the only customers you had were the old men and day drinkers who had nothing better to do. Herman, however, seemed convinced that it was bringing in enough revenue. You didn’t mind, so long as you got a paycheck. You were saving money so you could leave Chicago, and moreover, leave your boyfriend.
It was getting hard to hide the bruises from Herman, Otis, and Gabby. You often wore long sleeves despite it being summertime, and the makeup had on often sweat off in the middle of rush hour, revealing the bruises on your neck and face. If anyone asked, you quickly made up an excuse and changed the subject.
Your thoughts were broken by the little bell ringing as the door opened. A man in his mid-fifties walked in and looked around. You figured it was another day drinker, or one of those people who stopped in because they were meeting up with someone. Nevertheless, you walked over as he sat at the bar. “Hey there, what can I get you?” You smiled.
He hummed, looking you over, then set something on the bar. “Guess.” He pulled his hand away, leaving a badge in its wake.
You looked at him when you heard his unique voice. He sounded like he smoked eight packs a day, yet he didn’t smell like smoke. You glanced at the badge, then sighed, turning and grabbing two shot glasses, putting one in front of him, and one in front of you. Then, you grabbed your liquor of choice and poured two shots. “On the house.” You took your glass and held it up. The man seemed intrigued, but matched you, clinking your glasses together before you both took a shot. “What can I do for you, sergeant?”
He laughed, looking at you as he set the glass back down. “Do you know me or something?”
You shook your head, putting one finger on the star still sitting on the bar. “It says so on your badge. Dead giveaway. Should’ve used someone else’s.” You shrugged and took care of the glasses and liquor before leaning down on the counter, a cocked eyebrow. “What do you need?”
“Do you know Gregory Sanders?”
You stopped at the name of your boyfriend. You sighed deeply, standing straight again and grabbing a cloth to wipe off the bar. It wasn’t dirty, but you wanted to busy yourself. “I don’t think you’d be here if I didn’t.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“You still haven’t introduced yourself, Sergeant.”
A corner of his mouth pulled him to smile. “Hank Voight.”
“(Y/N) (L/N),” you replied, not looking up as you obsessively found something to do with your hands.
“So, tell me about Greg.”
“What do you want to know?”
Hank watched you struggle to find something to do, seemingly amused. “What does he do for work?”
You scoffed. Considering your boyfriend was a full-time gun dealer, it almost made you laugh. “Nothing. I bring the paychecks.”
“Yeah? That might be true to an extent, but you should see his bank statements.”
“I have nothing to do with that.”
“That’s not what I asked… Besides, it’s not you I want. But I could arrest you and bring you in for drinking on the job.”
You scoffed again, rolling your eyes and leaning down on the bar again to look into his eyes. “You could. But you can’t charge me with anything. Go ahead, I’m sure my bosses will be ecstatic that I have to close the bar because of you. Just make sure your house doesn’t catch on fire anytime soon if you do take me in.”
“Right, because this is the firefighter bar?” Hank hummed. “I know those firefighters. I’m sure I could smooth things over.”
“You said your name is… Voight?” You laughed softly when he nodded. “I doubt that. They kind of hate you.”
Hank matched your amusement, chuckling as he pulled a card out of his jacket. “Maybe that’s true too. You’re pretty smart, I’ll give you that.” He slid the card over to you on the bar, then grabbed his badge and clipped it back to his belt. “Find me if you feel like talking.”
With that, he got up and left the bar. You looked down at the card, which was his business card. Taking it, you put it in your jeans pocket just as someone else came up to the bar. You looked up, but frowned when you saw it was Greg himself. You walked over and grabbed his beer of choice. You hated it when he drank, since his tab usually came out of your paycheck. You set it in front of him after opening it. “Hey baby,” you said softly. “What’s going on?”
“Who was that?” He asked. “Travis told me a cop was here.”
“Yeah he was a cop,” you replied with a shrug. “A lot of cops hang out at this bar. It’s owned by firefighters. First responders are all a club.”
“A sergeant?”
You scoffed. “So? Just means he’s allowed to day drink more than the foot patrols.”
He grabbed your arm, squeezing it tightly, right where he had left bruises previously. You gasped and let out a small yelp in pain but couldn’t escape his strong grip. “Shit, that hurts, Greg,” you whispered as your body contorted in an effort to escape him.
“What the hell did you tell him?”
“Nothing, I swear! He came in, asked about you, and I told him I have nothing to do with whatever you do on a daily basis. That I work to support us both!”
Greg squeezed harder, then finally let go, making you recoil and rub your aching arm. You bit your lip as tears brimmed your eyes.
“You better not talk to the cops. You know what will happen.”
“I know,” you whispered.
Greg took a deep swig of his beer before getting up and leaving, Travis leaving with him. You sighed, grabbing the still-full beer and swigging some yourself before putting it below the counter to drink later.
When work got out, things really ramped up at the bar. You got busy. Greg didn’t hang out when the bar was busy, because there were so many cops around. You started to sweat again, especially due to the long sleeve and pants you were wearing, rolling up your sleeves to reveal the fresh bruises in an attempt to cool yourself. Nevertheless, your makeup betrayed you and once again showed off the bruises on your neck and your cheeks. You wanted to get to the bathroom to touch it up, but not before Sylvie and Stella caught you. The two looked you over with a frown.
“(Y/N), who does this to you?” Sylvie asked.
“Nobody,” you replied quickly. “I’m just clumsy, you know?” You quickly poured them another shot of whatever they were drinking.
“Come on, (Y/N), there’s twenty cops in this bar who would be happy to help you,” Stella protested.
You sighed and shook your head. “Stella, Sylvie, I appreciate your concern, but I’m fine.”
“Whoever you’re protecting isn’t worth it if they do this to you. They won’t hurt you if you tell us,” Stella protested.
You scoffed. Of course, Greg would hurt you if he ever found out. He would probably kill you. You shook your head and walked away from them to tend to someone else at the bar.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Erin said with a smile as she walked up with Jay. You knew the two pretty well, as they were there with the normal crowd most nights.
“Hey Erin, Jay,” you nodded to each of them. “What’s the choice tonight?”
“Just beer,” Jay said with a smile.
“Coming right up.” You grabbed two beers and popped them open, setting them in front of the two. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
“Actually,” Erin said, reaching out to take your hand. She didn’t want to touch your bruises, so she pulled you gently by the hand to come closer. “You okay?”
You sighed. “Yes, I’m fine. We have this conversation a lot, don’t we?”
“You have new bruises a lot,” Jay replied softly. “We’re just making sure you’re alright.”
“I’m clumsy,” you said with a shrug. “Besides, one of your cop buddies came around today.”
“Yeah?” Erin asked.
“A sergeant,” you replied. “Voight, I think was his name. I guess he’s investigating someone. Thought I had something to do with it. Threatened to arrest me, too.”
Jay and Erin looked at one another, then Jay swigged his beer. Erin hummed and looked back at you. “Voight is our boss. He’s the guy who practically raised me.”
You took a sharp breath. You’d just wanted to change the subject. Now you didn’t want to talk at all. “Sorry I said anything,” you said softly. “I don’t want to get in the way of your investigation.”
“(Y/N), we’re investigating Greg Sanders. You were identified as someone on his contacts list.”
You sighed. “Like I told Voight, he’s my boyfriend, but I don’t have anything to do with whatever he does. All I know is I work when the bar is open, and sleep most of the other time. Greg comes home sometimes to get his… fill. We have sex, I fall asleep then get up for work. That’s it.”
Jay looked up at you. He had those puppy dog eyes that could make the hardest person melt in an instant. “We think he’s pretty rough with you, considering the bruises. We just want to help you, especially if you don’t have anything to do with his… dealings.”
You shrugged and turned away as someone else came up to the bar, letting the conversation end there. You got busy again, filling and re-filling drinks, running and paying tabs, and keeping it as clean as possible.
When the bar finally closed for the night, you swept the floor and made sure everything was clean for the next day. It was Saturday, your day off. Christopher walked out from the back, handing you an envelope. You opened it and counted out enough to cover the tab your boyfriend had run up that week, which had been more than half of your paycheck. You sighed as you handed it to him. “For Greg’s tab.”
“You know, he should pay for his own drinks,” Chris said softly. “Is there a reason you’re still with this guy?”
You shrugged as you continued to sweep the floor. You knew he’d kill you if you ever broke up with him. That’s why you had to leave Chicago. You knew this week’s paycheck wouldn’t contribute much to your sad savings for the trip away. You had barely $100 saved up and you’d been saving for three months.
Chris sighed. He tried multiple times, like many others, to reach you. You simply wanted to leave Chicago and go somewhere nobody could find you. “Alright, just let me know if you need anything. All I’m saying is you deserve better.”
The next day, you woke up in the afternoon, due to being up until last call. What really annoyed you, though, was an obsessive knocking at your front door. You groaned and threw on some clothes, yelling down to the door. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” You rolled your eyes and muttered under your breath a curse at whoever was on the other side of the door. When you finally opened it, you were shocked to see Travis, who pushed himself past you and inside. “Travis? What the hell is going on?”
“(Y/N), it’s not my fault, I swear it.”
“What? What’s not?”
“There’s a cop and he’s pissed.”
“What cop? Where?” You looked back to the door, which was still open, seeing Hank Voight standing on your porch now. You hadn’t seen him before because of Travis’s frantic nature. “Sergeant Voight, what’s going on?”
Voight pushed into the house with you, shutting the door behind him. “You’re both going to come with me. Either we can do this quietly, or I can bring three squads down and make a big show of it with the cuffs.”
Your eyes landed on Travis. “What the hell did you do? Does Greg know?”
“It’s not my fault! He threatened me!”
You scoffed and looked back to Voight. “I know my rights.”
“That’s the wrong answer, (Y/N). I’m trying to help you.”
“I don’t need your damn help or anybody’s. I’m not going anywhere, so go ahead and drag me out in cuffs. I’d like to see the warrant for my arrest.”
Voight looked you over, then turned his gaze to Travis. “Come on, big boy.”
“I-I didn’t do anything! I brought you here! What more do you want from me, man?!”
“You have a warrant, Travis. Failure to appear in court for your weed possession.” Voight walked over and grabbed Travis, pushing him against the wall with his hands behind his back. “I’m taking you to the station and booking you.”
You rolled your eyes. “What’s the deal, Voight? Cops always make a deal when they try to threaten people with petty things like this. Especially when they’re of your rank and position.”
“Deal is, you both come quietly, or I force you both with me.”
“Why?” You crossed your arms. You hadn’t realized it until then, but you were wearing a short sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts, which showed off all of the bruises on your body. You also didn’t have any makeup on.
Voight brought Travis over, then leaned in to very quietly whisper in your ear. “There’s bugs all over your house. Can’t talk here.”
You let out a breath. “Cameras too,” you muttered before recoiling away from him. “You’re going to have to arrest me, then!”
“So be it,” Voight said with a nod, then took out a radio to call for squad backup. He put cuffs on Travis and led you out to the front porch with him. A single squad came for backup, the two cops taking Travis and cuffing you. Voight put you in his own car, the others taking Travis in theirs.
As you rode with Voight, you looked up at him from the back. “What is this?”
“I know he hurts you,” Voight said. “Erin and Jay are concerned. They wanted me to get you out of there. From the looks of your body, I’m glad I did.”
You blushed, suddenly feeling exposed as you tried to cover yourself, which was impossible due to your cuffs and choice of clothing. “I’ve never told anyone what he does. They don’t know what's going on.”
Voight sighed, glancing to the rear-view mirror. “Plus, your boyfriend is a felon. Drug running across state lines? I’ve heard that he even took a few loads to Canada.”
“Look, I don’t have anything to do with what he spends his time doing.”
“That’s why I have to protect you. For all he knows, you were arrested. In reality, you’re in protective custody until I put the cuffs on him and put him away for life.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, right… If you really wanted to help me, you’d get me out of the state instead.”
Voight didn’t say anything back, driving you to the district as you looked out the window, wishing you could just start over.
2 Weeks Later
You were put into protective custody by Hank and the others. Erin often came to check up on you, sometimes with Jay. You always brushed it off and made snide remarks, but it was only because you were afraid he would find you. You were confined to a safehouse on the outskirts of the city for over two weeks before a firm knock came to your door. It wasn't Erin, seeing as she usually brought her key and knocked softly. You were terrified, grabbing a knife from the kitchen and trying to peek through the front window. You could tell it was a man by the way he was standing and the firmness of the knock. You couldn't see his face, though, and that terrified you. You took a breath and positioned yourself behind the door, holding the knife up, then unlocking it and opening it, peeking around to stab whoever may have walked through.
His reflexes were faster than yours. He grabbed your wrist which was holding the knife, but his voice made you stop when you began to struggle. "(Y/N), (Y/N), hey, it's just me, it's Hank."
You let out a breath, dropping the knife as you trembled. You pulled your hand away, panting as your adrenaline pumped. "I-I'm sorry, I thought you were-"
"Don't worry about it," he replied. "I didn't mean to scare you." He gently laid a hand on your shoulder, then pulled you a little closer to him. It was subconscious, but you followed him without protest. He shut the front door and led you to the small sofa, sitting beside you and rubbing your back to calm you, one hand on your knee.
You looked down. Again, you'd been wearing shorts due to the heat of the Chicago summer. Your skin looked much better, still pale, but at least the bruises were fading. You gently set one hand on top of his on your knee. You looked up at him as you finally calmed down. "Why are you here?"
"I came to tell you that you're safe now," he said softly, still rubbing your back with his free hand. "I put Greg in jail, along with everyone in his crew."
You looked into Hank's eyes. The chocolate orbs surrounded you, comforting you. You couldn't quite explain it, but they made your soul feel warm, like how hot chocolate feels on a cold winter's night. You blinked once, then looked down. Tears welled in your eyes. "Is it... really over? He won't get me if I leave here?"
"That's right," Hank replied. "He won't." You took a breath, nodding as the tears threatened to spill. Hank gently reached his hand up to cup your chin with his fingers, making you look up at him. "Hey, don't worry. I said I'd protect you and I still mean it."
You smiled softly, looking over his face. He was an attractive man, something you hadn't quite noticed until then. He matched your smile, bringing his other hand up to stroke a piece of hair from your face. "Let's get dinner to celebrate. Tonight."
You blushed. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, then I'll help you move your bags from here to wherever you want to go. I hope you're not still planning on leaving Chicago."
You hiked your shoulders, sighing softly. "I don't know anymore. I just want to start over and put all of this behind me."
"I'll set you up in my guest room."
Suffice to say, you didn't spend the night in the guest room. The spark you and Hank had over dinner was enough to light an entire forest on fire all at once. You found that you came from similar backgrounds, born and raised in Chicago. You even went to the same school, albeit you were several years younger than him at the time. When Hank got you to his house, the night ended with some bourbon and a lot of gentle kisses. You weren't drunk by any means and Hank had taken his sweet time with you. He made you feel truly loved for the first time in your life. After years of abuse, Hank's love was refreshing.
The morning came all too soon when Hank's alarm went off at 5:45. You whimpered softly, Hank groaning and rolling over to shut it off, leaving you cold for a moment before he came back to embrace you. You hummed as you pressed backward into him, loving how his strong arms wrapped you up. He chuckled softly, pressing kisses to your neck as he rubbed your waist. "Good morning," he muttered into your skin.
"It is with you holding me," you replied softly, smiling. The time you'd spent with Hank was some of the best time you'd ever had on Earth. He made you happy.
"Mmn, too bad I have to get to work," he said softly.
"You have some time, don't you?" you asked, turning around in his arms. "Work doesn't start until eight."
"Yeah, but I have ComStat at seven in the Ivory Tower. The life of a Sergeant." He shrugged, nuzzling his nose softly against yours with a gentle smile.
You matched his smile, even giggling a little. You pushed yourself closer to him, connecting your lips with his in a gentle kiss. The passion and love flowed from both of you as he pulled your waist closer.
"Mmn, I think it's going to be a good day, seeing as I'm waking up like this," Hank said, one hand reaching up to cup your face, stroking his thumb over the apple of your cheek.
"I think so too," you replied, still smiling, wider and brighter than ever as you rubbed his chest.
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amsgrey · 2 years
Why would i lie to you?
AUTHORS NOTE: I started hating this like halfway through and I just kept going? but I hate this so if y'all do too I couldn't even blame you. This was supposed to be a request but I don't even like this enough to say it is.
synopsis: You and Gallo are targeted after accidentally coming across something you shouldn't.
warnings: some VERY bad writing, canon-typical violence, mention of kidnapping, head injury, very bad medical understanding, kind of meh ending
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Working in CFD meant every shift had the potential to be crazier than the last. You were always expecting something crazy to happen that would spin the entire day into chaos.
The last thing you were expecting on a seemingly random Tuesday was to walk straight into a drug den. You and Gallo were ordered to clear the house next door and ensure no sparks would ignite the abandoned building. You both had to pry the door open, making your way through the front room to check the side for any signs of smoke. As soon as you made it through the front room you were greeted by the sight of enough fentanyl and cocaine to kill the entire house.
You quickly stopped Gallo from barreling in after you, aware of all of the powders around the room.
"Is that...?"
"Yeah," You whispered, hands shaking as you radioed Kidd.
"Hey Lieutenant, do you copy?"
"I Copy, what's up Halstead?"
"We're gonna need CPD and decontamination down here," You replied, "I think we just found a trap house."
There was a pause, you and Gallo looked at each other nervously. You could hear Severiade ordering what you asked for, no doubt also radioing Boden.
"Are you and Gallo okay?" Kidd finally said.
"Yeah," Gallo nodded, "We're good, Lieutenant."
"Gallo," You caught his attention, pointing out the powder on both of your turnout gear, "We need to get out of here."
Gallo nodded, clearly trying not to breathe too deep like you were.
"Lieutenant, we have an unknown substance on our turnouts," You informed, "We need might need Brett and Violet standing by, from the looks of this set-up, I think it's Fentanyl."
"Okay, Copy that," Stella rattled off what she wanted you two to do. She ordered you both to leave the house, following Cruz and Severiade to the hasty decontamination that had been set up. Cruz had all but said that it was CFD policy and you two would be fine, but everyone was still on edge. You and Gallo had to strip down to your underwear, washing any exposed skin that wasn't covered by your turnouts.
"Hey," Kidd entered the tent as you and Gallo wrapped yourselves in Towels, "CPD just confirmed it was fentanyl in that room. They're calling in intelligence."
You and Gallo shared a look.
"Well, do we get to have some real clothes? Or do we have to wait around in towels?" You finally asked.
Kidd shook her head, "Protocol says we have to take you two to Med to get checked out-" You and Gallo groaned "-I'll bring you some clothes there."
"We really have to go to Med?" Gallo pressed, both of you trailing behind Stella as she headed for 61.
She scoffed, "Uh yeah. Now get in."
Violet chuckled from inside the rig, pointing at the two spots next to her, "One of you get the gurney."
"Not me," You snapped, playfully jabbing at Gallo before climbing to sit next to Violet. Gallo grumbled about it being unfair, but climbed into the rig and sat on the gurney anyway.
When you walked into Med, they were already waiting for you. Maggie and Will stood at the ambulance entrance with stupid grins when they saw your frustrated pout.
"You always find trouble?" Will joked, gesturing for you to sit on the edge of the bed in Bay 3.
"I just thought I'd come to see you," You told your brother, giving him a massive fake smile.
Will rolled his eyes as he ran through his checks, "How do you even accidentally find a drug den?"
"Yeah, I'd like to know that too."
You and Will looked over to see Jay leaning in the doorway, an amused smile on his face.
"We hadn't caught up in weeks, so I thought Halstead Reunion, ya know?" You replied, laughing as Jay tried to ruffle your wet hair.
"You look like a drowned rat," he laughed, wiping his hand on the towel around your shoulders like it was disgusting.
"Wow, that's the thanks I get for doing your job for you?" You retorted.
"Settle down, Children," Will waved Jay away when he started getting in the way.
You had to sit for almost an hour waiting for Med to go through the checks. When they were done, Kidd gave you CFD sweats to change into. When you were sufficiently dressed to look like a cadet, you joined Kidd and Boden to see what CPD wanted you to do.
Gallo looked a lot better than you did, his hair had at least dried and the sweats were his size. You, on the other hand, did in fact look like a drowned rat. The sweats Kidd had given you were much too big. You had to tie the sweatpants to keep them sitting comfortably. Both you and Gallo had Truck 51 shirts on, the goat emblem on the chest making you look like candidates.
Will had given you a towel, helping you dry your hair while you waited. You looked less rat-like but still felt extremely uncomfortable. Will had jokingly said at least you weren't overdosing on narcotics and immediately apologized when you gave him a shocked frown.
"Alright," Jay said as he and Hailey walked up to your little gathered group, "We need you two to come down to the district with us, and go over what you saw one last time on record."
"Alright, then," Boden nodded, giving you and Gallo his 'please behave' look he reserved especially for the two of you. "Keep me updated."
"Will do, Chief," Jay replied, letting Hailey lead the way back to their car.
As you were walking back to the car you started giving Jay shit, "So, do we get badges now? Seeming we found you your case?"
Jay scoffed, "Yeah sure."
He opened the back door for you to get in, smiling smugly. He definitely got too much amusement out of putting you into the back of his car.
You narrowed your eyes at him, "Don't smile at me like that, Chuckles."
Hailey laughed, looking back at the two of you from the passenger seat.
When you were done at the Precinct, Boden had called and informed you and Gallo were off for the rest of the shift. Jay offered to give you a ride home, all but demanding it. As you were headed back to your apartment, you asked him about the case. He waved you off with a lie about it probably being something gang-related and an easy case. You didn't really care enough to press him any further. You had learnt a while ago that pressing Jay for information about the job wasn't worth it - he tried to hide most of the danger from you. At some point, you got so used to it that you always assumed whenever he was quiet it was worth just not asking anything more.
Eventually, he even stopped pressing you about the dangers of your job, it was a weird unspoken recognition between you and him. Not to ask too much.
When you jumped out of the car you wished Jay luck in the case, wanting nothing more than to go home and wash the day away. You were leaving the shower when your phone lit up. Clearly, Gallo had the same thought as you, what an awful way to spend the rest of an on-shift day.
Want to grab a drink?
You laughed, responding; only if you bring it here cbf going out.
Gallo let you know he would be at your apartment soon, no doubt bringing enough beer for you two to drown your sorrows about being benched.
Gallo arrived with a six-pack, putting them in the fridge and bringing two over for you both. He sat next to you on the couch, both of you silently watching the game and just trying to decompress from the day.
"I hate this," You finally muttered, sick of sitting doing nothing while your friends were at work.
"Me too," Gallo replied, looking as forlorn as you felt. After another moment of silence Gallo said, "When I was coming here, it was so weird, I could have sworn someone was following me."
You laughed, "Following you?"
Gallo turned to face you, looking extremely serious, "Yeah, following me. This black ford was behind me up to the store, I thought it was nothing but when I headed here it was two cars behind me, again."
You mirrored Gallo, turning to face him as he spoke. Any sense of drowsy self-pity had vanished and now you were growing concerned, "It followed you all the way here?"
Gallo shook his head, "No. It pulled off a couple of blocks before me, I figured it must have been someone taking the same route, but..."
"it just felt strange," Gallo confessed.
You put your almost untouched beer on the coffee table, walking around the couch to grab your phone off the kitchen counter where I was charging.
"What are you doing?" Gallo asked, frowning at you, "You think it really was following me?"
"I don't know," You told him, "But I'd feel a hell of a lot better if Jay came and told us for sure."
You searched through your phone for Jay's name, quickly calling him and walking back to Gallo. As you heard it start to dial, you heard the unmistakable sound of a car screeching to a halt.
"Tell Jay what's going on," You ordered Gallo, shoving your phone at him for him to take. As Gallo rambled off what was going on to Jay, you slowly approached the windows. You pressed to the side of the window, trying to not be seen by anyone outside. You gently parted the curtains, glancing through the gap to see four armed men getting out of a black crossover.
You ducked away from the windows quickly, grabbing Gallo's arm and yanking him along with you to your ensuite. He handed the phone to you with a breathy, "Jay wants to talk to you."
You nodded, grabbing the phone off him, then pushing him into the bathroom, "Stay in here, get low and lock the door."
Gallo protested, "What about you?"
"I'll be fine, just do as I say," You snapped back shutting the door quickly and as quietly as you could.
"-Y/N? What's going on? Y/n!"
You held your phone to your ear with your shoulder, making your way back out of your bedroom and into the lounge to get a vantage point on the car in your street.
"Jay, there are four armed men outside," You weren't sure why you were whispering, the men hadn't even approached the windows so they wouldn't be able to hear you.
"Patrol is 5 minutes out, we're not far behind, okay?" Came jays response.
"Okay," You whispered. You ducked around your couch, using the furniture to hide your figure as you tried to look for a license plate on the car.
"Shit!" You cursed, barely having time to press yourself flush to the ground before three of the men unloaded their magazines into the front of your apartment.
"Y/N?" You could hear Jay's concerned voice coming from your phone, but it had skidded out of sight when you hit the ground.
The rain of bullets left your ears ringing, all around you were shrapnel of your apartment. Tiny fragments of glass mixed with the ripped-up wood of the floors, essentially creating one hell of a scene.
You dared raise yourself off the ground, getting to your hands and knees and psyching yourself up to crawl to the kitchen to hide behind the counter. The ringing in your ears subsided briefly for you to hear the crunching of footsteps approaching. The footsteps belonged to a pair of dark military-style boots. Before you could think too much about the fact, one of the boots came down on your back, kicking you to the floor and winding you.
You let out a puff of air at the force, gaping and hiccuping trying to regain your breath. The pair of boots were joined by another and you were hauled to your feet.
"Where is it?"
Both of the men were dressed in military-style tactical gear, all black aside from their vests which were camo. Their faces were covered by goggles and balaclavas. It was no doubt meant to be intimidating, but all you could think was what the fuck did they want with you.
"I don't enjoy repeating myself, where is it?" The man on your left snarled, he had a tight grip on your arms while the man on your right loosely trained his rifle on you.
You didn't know what to say, this was all so absurd. Instead of replying to the man you just laughed, a laugh of shock and surprise. The two men looked at each other, and then one of them punched you straight in the stomach.
"Jesus Christ," You swore, doubling over and struggling not to empty your stomach on their boots, "I don't know what you're talking about, okay?"
The sound of police sirens and the bright flashing lights were surrounding you at once. You could hear the patrol cops shouting orders at the men outside your apartment, then the repeated sound of gunfire.
"Last chance," He warned, "Tell us where it is, or we'll kill you."
You almost screamed when the man's chest exploded, his blood spraying over your face and chest. At least you were expecting it when the second man went down too.
"Chicago PD!"
In your line of work, you had been covered in other people's blood more times than you cared to count - but this was different. As you stood shell-shocked, a swarm of officers filled the room. The ringing in your ears grew and grew, all you could do was stare at your shaking hands that were covered in the men's blood.
Someone was grabbing your arm, pulling you towards the door and away from the bodies. Your legs shook so badly that had to support you as you walked. Your vision was blurring from tears that clung to your lashes, every step you took felt like you were slowly sinking into the pavement. You were led through the sea of CPD to an ambulance then gently sat on the back step. You could hear the rustle of action going on around you now, but the blood rushing in your ears drowned most of it out.
Someone was gently taking your face in their hands, guiding you to look up at them. Hailey smiled down at you, slowly talking you through the wave of panic that held you. She wrapped a thick blanket around your shoulders, tucking it under your chin as you sat immobile. Hailey sat down next to you, grasping your hand tightly in hers and rubbing a soothing hand up and down your back.
"Just breathe, you're safe," She kept saying, whispering it quietly into your ear as she soothed your hair away from your face.
Once you finally felt like the world had stopped shaking and the ringing in your ears subsided you realized what was really going on.
You let out a small sigh, turning to Hailey with wide eyes. You wanted to ask what the hell had just happened, to swear and shake the anxiety out of you. Instead, you just looked at her, distraught.
Hailey knew what you were trying to say. She smiled softly, her tone was so soft it almost made you feel warm and safe, "Don't worry about that right now. What matters is that you're okay."
You nodded, letting her pull you into a tight hug and hold you there for a moment. When you both pulled away, she waved over the waiting paramedics, who gave you a few damp wipes to clean your face.
Hailey helped you wipe the blood off your face and neck, watching you struggle to not be ill at the idea of someone else's blood covering you. She kept you calm and held your hand, reassuring you that everything was alright the whole time.
When you were done clearing your face, she took both your hands and started whipping your arms and hands. As she did, your eyes wandered to the scene around you. There had to be at least 6 or 7 patrol cars all parked haphazardly around the street. Uniformed officers were already setting up the tape and directing crowds and media away from the debris field. You could see Gallo sitting in a different ambulance, he looked unharmed, probably just as shaken as you were. Kevin and Kim were standing by, talking to him and the paramedics.
Voight was standing with the rest of intelligence and Trudy, commanding the uniformed officers and lab techs around the scene. As you looked over you spotted Jay, who was standing with his arms crossed over his chest. He glanced over as you were looking, making eye contact and breaking away from the group.
Voight and the others watched him approach you and Hailey. When he got up to you, he quickly pulled you into a hug. He was squeezing you so tight it was almost constricting. You didn't have the heart to tell him that. When he pulled away he forced you to sit back down next to Hailey.
"Are you alright?" He asked gently.
You couldn't find the words to reply, just shaking your head.
Jay grimaced, nodding in understanding. "Hailey is going to go with you to Med, yeah? I'll come as soon as we finish here."
You nodded, your voice still having not returned. Jay pressed a kiss to your hairline, helping you to your feet and into the ambulance. He sent you one last smile before he shut the doors and watched the Rig pull away.
"She okay?" Voight asked as he rejoined the gathered officers.
Jay sighed, "I don't think so, she's really shaken."
Kim nodded, "Gallo told us what happened, she locked him in the bathroom like she knew they would open fire on them."
Jay remembered all the times he told you when you were younger - the safest place in that situation is in the bathtub. Seeming you didn't have one, the bathroom had been your attempt to make do with little resources. The team kept looking at him like they were expecting him to snap, such a brazen attack on his sister with so many witnesses meant there was something bigger at play here. Jay wasn't angry - he was seething. The white-hot fury that slowly burns away at your heart, that would make you act like never before.
Will was feeling something similar when he watched you walk into med for the second time that day. This time, however, he knew you were hurt. Hailey was holding you up, tightly gripping your forearm and steering you into the ED. You had refused to be wheeled in on the gurney, adrenaline coursing through you still, making you unable to feel the pain.
Will dropped his tablet on the desk, running over to you and taking your other arm as you pitched to one side.
"What the hell happened?" He asked, taking in the smudges of blood on your skin and the stains over your shirt.
Hailey answered for you as you fought to stay present, your mind wanting to swallow you whole and ignore the outside world.
Will helped you into the bed, the deja vu of the situation made your skin crawl.
"Hey, what's going on?" Dr Marcel asked as he wanted in, a nurse on his heels. Will looked at you to explain, but you were replaying the night before you. Watching your apartment rip apart again, hearing the crunching of footprints over and over.
"Y/N?" Will grabbed your hand, smoothing your hair back as he tried to calm you down. The monitors started to beep as your heart rate rose and oxygen levels dropped. "Try to breathe, squirt."
You shook your head, unable to slow your breathing or gather any control to do so.
"Can we get a cannula on her please?" Dr Marcel ordered. You could feel the tube being placed on your face, looped around your ears. It made you uncomfortable but there was nothing to do about it.
You gripped Will's hand even tighter, choking on sobs and your own gaps for air. Will watched helplessly, trying to calm you to no avail.
"Will," Crockett spoke, ".5 of versed?"
Will knew the last thing you would have wanted was to be sedated but your oxygen stats were dropping, even with the cannula. He nodded to Marcel, letting him know to go ahead.
He prepped the meds quickly and behind his turned back, when you caught on to what was going on you were already too far gone in your own panic attack to protest. Eventually, the versed did its job of calming you down enough to allow you to relax and feel safe.
"Sorry," You croaked, throat raw from the earlier events.
Will smiled, "You just had to see me again, huh?"
You laughed a little, the movement sending an ache through your stomach, "Don't make me laugh," You pouted holding your abdomen as if it would help.
Crockett watched you two with an amused grin, now that you had calmed down, he asked where you were hurt.
Will had to give you his stern 'I'm the eldest so you do as I say' look, knowing how you and jay both resisted hospitals greatly.
"My right side," You explained to Crockett, gesturing to your right ribs where you had been cruelly sucker punched.
Crockett gently lifted your shirt off the area, even through his gloves you could feel how cold his hands were. He pressed against one of your ribs, causing you to let out a strangled, "Fuck," at the sudden pain.
Crockett smiled sheepishly, "Sorry."
You scowled at him, "Yeah, sure you are."
"Glad to see your humour is still intact," Crockett joked, laughing at Will who looked less than impressed at the two of you bantering.
You smiled at your brother, trying to reassure him that you were fine now. Even though your mind was still full of fog. Every time you stopped to think about it, you were brought back to the events in your living room.
When Dr Marel finished his prodding, he said he would get you on the waitlist for a CT, but that it might take some time. You had to bug Will to go back to his shift, promising that you wouldn't pull a Jay and try to break out. He had only agreed after Hailey promised she wouldn't let you leave either.
"How's Gallo?" You asked Hailey, having not seen him since the ambulance.
Hailey smiled, "He's alright, Sarg took him back to the precinct until we figure out the best way to handle all this."
"Okay," You replied, sighing at the idea that this wasn't all over, just yet.
After the CT scan Dr Marcel assured you and Will - although mostly Will - that you had no broken ribs, but some gnarly bruises that might leave you stiff for a few days. You had grumbled about not being able to go back to work and Dr Marcel laughed at how irritated Will looked.
Hailey had helped you get dressed in some clean clothes, some of your sweats she'd nabbed from your apartment. She helped you put on a zip-up, apologizing at your winces when you had to move too fast. Will had given you a gentle side hug as you and Hailey left, promising that you could crash at his. 
After you got done at the precinct and relayed your statement for the umpteenth time, Jay drove you to Wills. He hovered more than usual, giving you his jacket to keep you warm and letting you know he would go to your apartment and grab some of your stuff. 
“You don’t have to go out of your way,” You laughed, letting him bring you a coffee. 
“I won’t be,” Jay replied, gently squeezing your shoulder, “Working the case remember?” 
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It took a week for you to get back to work, the bruising had gone from purple to green, looking more gnarly than before. It didn’t hurt so much anymore, at least not enough that you couldn’t work. You walked into the firehouse at the start of your shift expecting the ‘surprise’, but it still scared the living daylights out of you. When you walked into the common room, there was no one around. Expecting them all to be gathering in the locker room like they normally did, you thought nothing of it. 
When they all rounded the corner into the room shouting you jumped hallways to the roof. 
“What on earth?” You asked, laughing as they handed you a small box. 
“Ah,” Hermann waved his hand, “Just open it.” 
You laughed, flipping the box open to reveal a plastic police badge. Immediately you burst out laughing, “A police badge?” “Yeah! Seeming you got Intelligence that case, you’re like a cop now,” Gallo joked, playfully elbowing you. 
“Oof,” You grabbed your side, slightly doubling over where Gallo elbowed you. 
Brett was at your side instantly, grabbing your arm and asking what was wrong. Gallo had gone pale, looking terrified he had just hurt you again. 
“Are you alright?” Kidd asked, coming to stand next to Brett with her eyebrows knitted. 
You straightened up, dropping your hands, “Yeah, I’m fine.” You grinned, “Just wanted to mess with Gallo.” 
Everyone laughed, cheering about how it was good to have you back. Gallo grabbed you into a hug, complaining about how that prank was cruel. You sat down to have breakfast with them all, telling Gallo, “It’s payback for that god-awful date you set me up on.” 
Being back to work was exactly what you needed. As much as you loved your brothers, they were hovering a lot and it was nice to get back to a little bit of normality. Your apartment was being repaired, the landlord taking her time and dragging her feet about the ordeal. So, living with Will had meant everything still felt strange. Your truck never treated you any differently though, being back sitting with Gallo and Carver in the truck was the best you’d felt since the incident. 
After a couple of shifts, you’d fallen back into the rhythm of it all, you and Will worked differing shifts so you would often get home to him leaving for work or vise versa. The more you were back on the job the more you started to forget the whole incident. You were at Molly’s one night after shift when Jay and Hailey had come to chill. They had let you know if passing the case was still unsolved and that the police chief had set them up on another case seeming that one didn’t have any leads. You didn’t mind much, it was easier to leave it in the past. Besides, the men who had attacked you and Gallo in your apartment had been locked in prison out of state, you barely had to testify seeming the entire encounter was captured by your neighbour's security cameras. You had gone back to your normal life, responding to fires and car crashes and the occasional ‘how did they get stuck there’ calls. 
“All Units, Structure fire, S Canal St.”
You all jumped into action, suiting up and climbing into the rig. 
“S Canal street? Isn’t that warehouses?” Carver asked. 
“Yeah,” Kidd replied, frowning at her screen. 
When all the companies pulled up the address, all of you climbed out to see the seemingly abandoned area. 
“Where’s the fire?” Severiade asked no one in particular. 
You were all suited up, Truck, Engine and Squad prep with SCBAs with no fire to respond to.
“Spread out, see what you can find,” Kidd ordered. You, Violet and Brett walked around the side of the warehouse to see if you could find anything. As you were approaching the back of the building you saw a door left open. 
“Lieutenant,” You spoke to the radio, “There's a door open on the B side near the back.”
There was no reply, you frowned and tried again. When there was still nothing you turned to Brett and Violet, “Maybe the radios are down?” 
Brett frowned, trying her radio to no response. 
You looked back into the warehouse, trying to decide what to do. 
“Okay,” You sighed, “I’m going to go in, maybe you guys can go back and get the others?” 
Brett looked apprehensive but agreed, telling Violet to go get Kelly and Stella while she grabbed the gurney. You walked into the warehouse, grabbing your tac light and turning it on to look around. 
“Fire Department, Call out!” 
There was no response, the warehouse was so quiet you could hear your footsteps echoing off the walls. 
“Fire Department, Call out!” You repeated. This time you could hear a reply. As you headed further into the warehouse you heard a loud slam. You frowned, turning around to see the door you entered from was shut. 
“Brett?” You spoke into the radio, “Anyone copy?”
You started to get uneasy, there was something wrong here. Turning back to where you heard the victim last, you came around a corner to see a room full of machinery. 
“Fire department!”“Here!” As you stepped into the room, you knew for sure something was wrong. It felt like your entire body was charged with nervous energy, the hair on your arms standing on end. You had got to stop getting into these situations. 
You raised your halligan a little higher, ditching your flashlight and opting for the more weapon-like thing you had. You tried to check every corner and crevice as you walked through the room, but there was nothing to see. Or nothing that you could see. You walked around the final corner where you saw a man lying on the ground, half under what looked like some kind of crusher. 
You took an apprehensive step forward, lowering the Halligan. As you did, you felt the smooth metal of a blade being pressed above your collar. 
“Drop the bar.” 
You did as you were told, letting the metal clang to the ground and offering the suspect your hands. The man who was on the ground got up, simply sliding out from where he was. 
Just my luck.
The man lowered the blade and grabbed our hands, pushing you forward towards a door back to the main warehouse room.
“...stead… do you… rep…” 
You were dragged from the first floor to the basement, zip tied at the wrists and forced to your knees. A man with a rifle stood at the doorway, wearing the same black military tac the men t your apartment were wearing. 
‘Is this about the drug den?” You demanded, “Because I told your buddies when they destroyed my apartment, I don’t know where the police put your stuff.” 
One of the men walked up, your mind immediately started to go over the features you could see from how covered he was. 
6’2”, brown eyes, white.
“I don’t believe you, Lady firefighter.” 
Texan accent. Texan Accent?
“Why would I lie to you?” You snarled, “I really don’t feel like dying in the dirt and I’m clearly not a cop.” 
You could hear the smile in his voice, “I don’t care about the product anymore, love.” 
“Then what?”
“You got four of my best men locked up.”
“Clearly they aren’t the best if they got themselves locked-”
His fist slammed hard into the side of your face, sending your head snapping to the side. You could taste the copper in your mouth from the blood. You licked your lips, feeling the split that started bleeding. 
“Halstead… …are you…” 
Texas reached for your radio, he fiddled with the buttons as if trying to inspect its functions. 
You pointed to the button on the side, “You hold that button to turn it off,” You told him, smiling pleasantly knowing it would irk him. 
“...firefighter Hal… …respond… …you copy…” 
Kidd was sounding more and more frantic in the broken bits you could hear. 
Texas was clearly getting fed up with the interruption, he held down the button on the side. The radio crackled signifying it was relaying to the team. 
“You know, they will call the cops if I don’t respond,” You said, trying to act casual. 
“Let them,” Texas hissed, “You’ll be dead before they get inside.” 
He let go of the button, frowning at it and waiting to see if there were any more responses. 
“...Repeat that…”
“...CPD… the way…” 
“You fucking bitch.” 
You smiled, teeth stained red from the blood on your lips, “You really should know how to use a radio, jackass.” 
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Violet came running around the corner up the Kidd and Severide as they stood trying to figure out where the caller is. 
“We found the entrance,” She told them, “We heard someone, Y/N went in” 
“Alone?” Kidd demanded.
Violet nodded, gesturing to Sylvie, “Brett had to get the gurney, our radios aren’t working.”
Severiade gestured for Violet to lead the way to the door as Kidd rounded up the rest of the company. 
When they all got to the door, they realized it was locked tight. 
Severiade tried opening it, pulling it to no avail. 
“We could force it open?” Stella asked.
Kelly frowned, gesturing to the door, “It’s an old-style security door, the hinges are on the inside.” 
Kidd turned to him, “Something doesn’t seem right.”
“I agree,” Kelly responded, looking up the building for signs of other ways to get in. 
“Can squad get the door open?” 
“Yeah,” Kelly replied, “But it’ll take some time.”
As kelly started barking orders to the gathered firefighters, Kidd stepped back at tried the radio. 
“Halstead,” She spoke into the radio, “Do you Copy? Report.” 
There was no response. 
“Our radios weren’t working at all before,” Violet offered, “Maybe there's some kind of interference from inside?” 
The group watched as Cruz and Severiade made slow work cutting through part of the door, trying to find a way to break into the door. They had to keep replacing the blades to the saw that broke, making the job tedious. 
“Halstead, are you okay?” Kidd tried again 
She sighed, “Gallo, Carver, did you find any other entrance?” 
Carver shook his head, “Only an old garage door, but it’s bolted up from what we could see.” 
Kidd sighed, knowing the best chance would be to get you on the radio somehow. 
“Firefighter Halstead, respond. Do you Copy!”
There was a crackle in everyone's radio. 
“...know… …call the cops…” 
Everyone grimaced at the sharp scratch the radios made.
“... dead before…”
“That wasn’t Y/N,” Mouch noted, it was definitely a male voice who spoke the second time.
“Y/N, can you repeat that?”
“Dispatch, this is truck 51 requesting immediate police backup. We have a possible hostage situation here.” 
“Copy that, Truck 51. Patrol is on route.” 
“Halstead? CPD is on the way, what’s going on?”
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Adam took the stairs two at a time, bounding into the Bullpen and telling them all to be quiet. He turned the volume up on his radio. 
“...Units on the city-wide, any available units to 1399 S Canal St, Truck 51 reported a possible hostage situation with a firefighter.” 
Jay stood up from his desk, grabbed his phone and called you. The phone rang and rang but you didn’t pick up. He frowned, searching through his contacts until he found Stella Kidd's name. He only had her name for emergencies and this was definitely one. 
“Jay?” Kidd answered. 
“Stella, what’s going on, we heard dispatch call for cars to your location.” 
“Listen,” She responded, “Y/N went into a warehouse and the door locked behind them, we can’t reach them on the radio. We got a broken bit of a conversation, she said ‘call the cops’ and a man responded ‘dead before’.” 
Voight immediately ordered the group to tac up and head to the location, knowing how important this was to them all. 
When they all arrived, they joined the firehouse at the side door. By now, Squad had almost got the doors open, they only had to pry them open with the jaws before it would all be a go. 
Voight ordered everyone but Severiade and Cruz back to the trucks, but the firefighters all stubbornly refused. 
“We’ll stay out of the way but we gotta be close, what if they need us?” Kidd had argued. 
Voight didn’t have time to argue, letting them stand far enough from the door that they wouldn't be in the line of fire if there was an offender at the door. 
“Ready?” Severiade asked the gathered officers. “On three. One, two, three.” 
He and Joe pulled the door open, getting out of the way for the 7 police officers to rush inside. 
The team quickly and quietly cleared every room, making it around the basement until they found the stairs to the basement. Voight gave them the clear to make their way down the stairs, letting Kevin and Torres lead the way. At the bottom of the stairs there looked like there was nothing. The room was pitch black, the only light from the teams flashlights.
Kim sweaped her flashlight across the room, "Hey, Adam?"
Adam joined her side, "What is it?"
Kim pointed to a door, a large metal vault door similar to the one outside. It was cracked open slightly, sending a slight draft around the room.
Adam nodded, gesturing for Kim to lead the way to the door. Adam opened it and Kim lead the way into the next room. The room was less a room and more the landing to fire escape.
Kim called out to the rest of the team, they all gathered on the landing, coming to the same conclusion, the suspects had left the building and now they were playing catch up.
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All you could think about was all of the times Jay told you about these kinds of cases, about how he and Atwater found Kim through Kim's persistent efforts. How most of the time victims had to fight to be found. He mentioned once how he responded to a call as a patrol officer, to find a women had jumped out of a moving car to avoid being kidnapped. At the time it was his way to teach you to be careful, but you were freshly 21 and laughed him off.
You really should have payed more attention.
It hadn't been long, definitely less than an hour since Texas had forced you out of a fire escape and into the back of a car. You'd given about as much trouble as you could, kicking him in shin when he'd shoved you into the care. You knew it had to hurt with your uniform boots, but he didn't seem too happy about it.
You had passed at least two blocks and tried to count, but the warehouses made it hard to focus. The driver turned down a street and then into a car junkyard. You would have laughed at the irony had it not meant upsetting Mr texas more.
When he and the driver got out of the car, they stepped away to talk to a new person you didn't recognize. She was at least dressed like a normal person if more fancy than you would have thought necessary for a junkyard.
As a last-ditch effort you tried the radio, "Lieutenant, do you copy?"
There was no reply. You were on your own.
The door was thrown open and you were dragged out of the car. As if they finally remembered they were kidnapping a firefighter, they roughly grabbed your SCBA and threw it to the side, ditching the equipment somewhere near a line of crushed cars. Texas and the driver grabbed you by the arms and pulled you along the gravel until you were towards the back of the yard. You kicked and screamed, trying to break the ties on your wrists or bring any kind of attention.
They threw you on the ground, Texas brandished his revolver and pointed it at you. All you wanted to do was scream and plead, but there was no time. The gun went off and you hit the ground.
The first thing you recognized was the PASS alarm. It was far enough away that it was slightly muffled, but you could hear it clearly through the yard. You hoped that maybe someone would hear it over the traffic noises going on around you. Any sense of fight had left, it was clear this wasn't a kidnapping it was an execution. Now all you could do was lay hopelessly in the dirt.
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"Dr Acher, Dr Asher, we got incoming!"
"Brett, talk to me!" Hannah called as she joined gourney rolling through the doors.
"Y/N Halstead," Brett started to rattle off, "GCS 9, perforating head wound. CPD found her in a car yard, no idea how long she was there."
Will had to hold Jay back from barrelling straight into the room, trying to persuade him that it would be okay without fully believing it himself.
"Page Neuro," Dr Archer ordered, "Let's get a CT and push fluids."
Hannah's face was hovering over you, you could feel a sharp pain in your chest as she performed a sternum rub.
"Y/N?" She pressed, "How are you feeling?"
You groaned, trying to swat her hand away but being held back by the nurses. Everything was moving so fast, it felt like your head had been hit by a sledgehammer. Any sense of time or spacial awareness was gone. It was like an out-of-body experience, but not the fun kind.
When you were next aware of your surroundings, your hand felt clammy. You forced your eyes open and grimaced at the brightness. You pulled your hands towards your face, trying to block the light.
"No, hey, don't," Jay protested, grabbing your hands and pulling them away from the bandages on your head.
You frowned at him, unable to muster up any more energy to fight him. You were half asleep, the feeling of not knowing if your dreaming or not. Jay was at your side, holding your hand. You wanted to tease him about how clammy his hands felt, but talking was too much energy. Hailey was beside Jay, she smiled brightly at you and pulled a blanket higher around your body.
After a while Will came into the room carrying coffee cups, he grinned when he saw you half awake. He gently pulled you into a hug, helping you prop yourself up on the bed.
"I don't get a coffee?" You croaked, attempting a chuckle that ended in coughing.
Will helped you sit up, holding your arm as you coughed like a child.
He and Jay helped you lay back down, Will fussed over the monitors and jay pulled the blanket back up again. You lazily pushed his hands away mumbling about being fine and he was smothering you. Jay ignored you and continued fussing.
You spent 3 weeks in the hospital, Dr Abrams had kept telling you about how lucky you were to be alive - let alone spend such a short time in the ICU. During that time, Will and Jay were almost always around. If they weren't, it would be someone from 51 or all of them.
You had woken up one day to the entire lot of them crammed into the room, somehow managing not to wake you with their rowdiness. They had all teased you about the situation,
"Only you would get yourself in that situation, Halstead," Violet joked, playfully poking your arm.
You had shrugged and proclaimed you wanted the paid time off.
When you were released, Dr Abrams had schooled Will on everything to look out for, warning the both of you to be on high alert. You were expecting it, but still the scolding only made Will more protective.
He always doctored you and Jay, but now it felt like he was less your brother and more a live-in doctor. Staying with him meant you didn't have to worry about your own apartment - which you had essentially been evicted of. And gave both Will and Jay peace of mind. It also meant that Jay could come around whenever he wanted because he had a key.
Will had found you both on the couch one day after his shift. Jay was watching some rerun of a hockey game and you had your legs thrown over his lap, completely passed out covered in blankets.
Even after you had gotten much better, Will insisted that you stayed with him. Jay had teased the two of you were lonely and had gotten used to each other's company and neither of you could argue because he was right. You had been cleared by Abrams to do light duty and got to play Fire Cop alongside Lieutenant Seager. Joe hadn't stopped giving you shit about it. Every time you came to Molly's he'd declared, "The fire cops here!" and envelope you in a massive hug.
After almost 8 months of doing nothing and working a desk job, you finally managed to beg Boden and Abrams to sign off on letting you back on Truck. The company had been functioning without you for so long that you worried they might eventually have to replace you. It took more convincing Jay to let you go back to work than Will. Will knew you were stronger than ever - having come with you to most of your appointments. Jay however, was worried about you getting hurt again.
You had rolled your eyes and said, "what like you do?"
Hailey had to hold in her laughter at the stare off the two of you had.
You'd sworn your brothers and Boden to secrecy, knowing they would accidentally tell the house if you didn't tell them to keep their mouths shut. You'd even gone so far as to bum a ride off Will, not wanting to let them know you were there.
You'd walked into the briefing room when Boden was declaring there was a new addition to Truck. You hadn't known he had set you up for an entrance - which made it all the more amusing for you when you walked into the briefing room and they all but exploded with excitement. Violet and Brett were the closest to you, they both jumped out of their chairs and pulled you into a hug. When you pulled away, Gallo and Ritter were pulling you into their own hugs.
When the hugs and welcomes were done, you felt like you were finally home. Things were back to normal, sure they were different than before, but maybe even better.
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
10 - A Special First Date
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Part 11
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
Comment your thoughts down below or in a reblog post
Tag list - send an ask to be added @annieradcliff @watermeezer @zaidatorcuatomorgado @kmc1989
Getting out of the Uber car I walked inside the firehouse 51 small door since the larger vehicle doors were shut most likely until they received a call for an emergency they needed to attend to. Seeing the back doors of the ambulance were hung opened and I saw some familiar blonde hair moving around. “Sylvie Brett!”
“Yeah that’s me. Can I help you – Mallory, what are you doing here?” She glanced over her shoulder sending me a huge friendly grin on her face.
I stopped walking when I was standing outside the doors with a hand on my hip. I was wearing my old Army jacket that I hadn’t felt like wearing after the day I returned home. “I have a few hours before Will comes and picks me up, so I figured I’d come and hang with you. “
“Awe that’s cool. Although I gotta say that today has been pretty slow. But I do have some good news for you. My boss told me when you come into his office he has an application available for you at the ready.”
“How about right now. I’m free for a little bit.” I suggested hopefully.
She nodded gesturing her head toward an office door. We walked inside the building turning a few corners until we stood outside an office that read Chief on the door. “Chief Boden, I’d like to introduce Mallory Easton. She’s the former Army k-9 officer I have been telling you about.” She lead me inside where I saw a tall black man wearing a white shirt sitting in a desk chair.
“It’s nice to meet you, chief Boden.” I extended my hand to the man causing him to rise from his chair.
He shakes my hand firmly. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Easton. Brett has told me quite about what you did in your friends building. You saved her life.”
“I wasn’t sure if the clot would hold. I just remember seeing some pretty bad wounds when I was deployed. Just followed my basic instincts.” I shrugged my shoulders in response.
“Well, it was very impressive. And that is one of the reasons I am considering hiring you to be on my team.”
I shake my head still making point that he needed to understand regardless if they both wanted me to work here in this fire department. “I appreciate the opportunity. Truly I do. But I don’t have the experience of a paramedic or a firefighter. I know I can take the course to learn but would you mind that I’d be having to learn everything and be on the team at the same time.”
“If you’re considering taking the job you can start taking the courses now. Once you’ve gotten through them you’ll have a job waiting here in a few months.” He explained leaning his back against his desk. “The fact that you are a former Army vet will boost your credibility to get through the programs.”
I parted my mouth open processing if I took the opportunity or not. In all honesty I was spending most of the time when Will was at work by myself. Maxon’s company could only do so much considering he couldn’t talk back. Being in this department would be a good distraction and I could help people that I couldn’t necessarily do when I was deployed overseas. “Fill out the application information for paramedic training and I’ll be seeing you soon.”
“Thank you so much, Chief Boden.” I smiled shaking his hand again before Brett and I exited his office and back outside to the trucks.
Brett paused in her steps hugging me before saying a word back. “I can’t believe you’re going to be working here.”
“Woah slow down, Brett. I’m not anywhere near completely getting the job yet.”
She breaks the hug and I sent her a smile. “I’m just excited for you is all. I’m not worried about you getting to work here. You’ll do fine given the injuries and situations you’ve been through.”
“Thanks for having high confidence in me.” I responded before a car horn started going off and I saw a familiar black car driving up to the open double doors. I knew I recognized the vehicle but wasn’t entirely sure till the driver door opened and auburn hair came into my view with that cheeky grin. “Will!”
He shut the door coming over to us. “Mal. Sylvie.”
“What are you doing here. I thought you didn’t get off work until 5. It’s 3:50.”
He shoved his hands in the jacket he wore over his red hospital scrubs. “Natalie agreed she’d take on the rest of my shift for me. Plus I knew I wanted to surprise you.”
Brett chimed in. “Hey if you need somebody to watch your dog for the evening I’d totally be open for it.”
“That would be great. Thanks, Sylvie.” I hugged her back too as a thank you.
Will held out his hand for me knowing we both needed to change clothes before going on our first date tonight. “Are you ready to go then, Mallory?”
“Yep.” Placing my hand in his we started walking back to the car. “We’ll drop Maxon off here!”
Sylvie grinned calling back to us. “Treat my girl right, Dr. Halstead!” She watched us drive away from the firehouse feeling excited just like the both of us were about the upcoming evening.
5:30 rolled around by the time we had gotten back to our apartment building and changed clothes. I had slipped on some black leggings underneath a short orange shirt that fell almost down to my knees. Will was in some jeans, a green short sleeve shirt with a black jacket thrown over it.
“So where are actually going now. You haven’t told me a single thing about the plans.” I asked as we made the drive further into downtown once we had left Maxon with Sylvie.
Will had one hand on the steering wheel when he glanced over at me in the passenger seat. “If I told you what we were doing it would ruin the surprise.”
“You are terrible at keeping secrets around me.”
He scoffed with a chuckle. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mallory.”
“The first night Maxon and I spent in your apartment you attempted to blame Maxon for eating the last of the Oreo’s even though dogs can’t have chocolate.” I sent him a glare knowing I was right. “When in reality you felt guilty that you did it and fessed up telling me the truth two seconds later.”
He rolled his eyes recalling the moment. “That is completely different. This time I want this to be a surprise so you’ll just have to wait.”
The drive didn’t last too much longer before he parked the car outside of a restaurant I hadn’t been to before. He came around helping me out of the car so we walked inside arms linked with one another. The hostess led us to the nearest booth where we sat across from each other. “The waitress should be with you shortly.”
“I can’t believe you brought me here. I wasn’t expecting you taking me someplace like this. I thought you’d be taking me to Molly’s for drinks and dinner.” I chuckled picking up the menu seeing that they had pretty much everything on there you could think of getting.
Will picked up his own menu looking it over. “We can go to Molly’s another time if you want. But I’d thought since this is our first official date it should be something a little more special.”
“What can I get you two to drink tonight?” The waitress with her brown hair tied up in a bun while carrying a notepad in her hands.
Will and I responded at the same time. “Angry Orchard.” I snorted a laugh out seeing a huge grin get plastered across his face.
“Okay, I’ll be back to take your orders.” The waitress slowly walked away with her eyes lingering on my best friend and I watched her sway her hips back and forth trying to seduce him making me gag at the thought.
Focusing back on the menu I saw that they had a Mac and cheeseburger that sounds pretty good. I knew we were at a somewhat fancy restaurant but they still had it listed on the menu so I should give it a try. “What are you gonna get, Will?”
“I’m not really that picky. We can split something if you wanted to.”
The waitress came back taking out a pen. “What can I get you tonight?”
“I’ll have a Mac and cheeseburger with fries. Oh uh – were gonna share that.” I handed her back the menu and she scribbled something down walking away. She came back a few minutes with two plates in her hands sitting it down in front of me.
Will cut the burger in half and we both silently ate. I take a few more bites before I saw some of the cheese coming out from under the bun and the next thing I felt was Will’s hand brushing against the tip of my nose. “You got something right there, Mal. There you go I’ve got it.”
“I guess you can’t take me anywhere, Halstead.” I chuckled watching him lick the cheese off his thumb.
We finished eating the burger and fries with him paying the bill where I thought we were about to go home for the evening yet that wasn’t accurate. We drove for a few minutes until I recognized the parking lot and building we were pulling up to. “Will, why are we at the hospital?” I asked shifting around in the passenger seat.
“I wanna show you something and don’t worry I’m allowed to take visitors in.” He unbuckled his seatbelt getting out first and I followed him towards the front sliding doors of the hospital emergency room.
We walked into the building going directly to the elevators. He hit the button that said up and then the one that was labeled roof. I kept trying to figure out what he was wanting to show me that was up there. The elevator doors slid open where I started to step out yet he covered my eyes with his hands causing me to laugh. “Will Halstead, what are you doing. If you want me to see whatever is up here, you gotta remove your hands.”
“You’ll see what I want to show you in a second.” He responded slowly walking the both of us forward out of the elevator.
I chuckled holding my hands out feeling my fingers touch the edge of a metal railing. “Don’t you dare let me fall over the edge of this thing.”
“I’d never let that happen. Now open your eyes in three, two, one.” He lowered his hands where I blinked my eyes a couple of times seeing all the building lights at the ground. From how high we were off the ground everything looked so small from here.
I dropped my mouth open twirling around on my feet seeing my best friend flashing me a huge grin on his face. “This is amazing. I’ve never seen the city from this high above before from the time I have been living here.”
“I’m glad you like it, Mallory. My boss pointed out to me that you could see the whole city from up here and maybe share some drinks. Like I told you earlier I really wanted this to be super special cause you’re special to me, Mallory Easton.” Will closed the gap pressing our chests together wrapping his arms around my waist, nuzzling his nose down onto mine.
I giggled nuzzling my nose back with his own, wrapping my arms around his neck. “You sure know how to show a girl a good time. And you’re special to me too.” Leaning up on my toes I captured his lips with mine, threading my right hand into his ginger curls. He leans closer deepening the kiss enjoying the moment.
Unknown to us my phone was vibrating in my purse that he had set down on the table near where we were standing. The caller was someone I wasn’t expecting to hear from since I had returned home.
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deanstead · 2 years
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Posting the masterlist under the cut for all the fics under this so far! Bingo has been extended to 31 Jan 2023, so I'll continue to update as new fics come in as well! If your fic is not here, please let me know! Enjoy!
Supernatural Elements: There Will Be Peace (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Kids: A Girl (Will Halstead x Reader)
Snowed In: Snowstorm (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Fight that ends in a kiss: Hate Fighting (Adam Ruzek x Reader)
Hurt Feelings: News (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Fake Dating: Private Life (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Waking Up Next To Each Other: Our Little Secret (Adam Ruzek x Reader)
College AU: Change (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: Vows (Connor Rhodes x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Bad Feeling (Matt Casey x Reader)
5+1: Five Times, and then One (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Neighbors: Spare Key (Connor Rhodes x Reader)
Kidnap/Hostage: Coming Home (Halstead!Sister)
Free: Christmas Surprise (Jay Halstead x Reader)
First Fight: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (Will Halstead x Reader)
Facing Fears: Unknown Threat (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Road Trip: Interstate Intimacy (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Woke up next to each other: Wrong Door (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Supernatural Elements: Thinning Of The Veil (Jay Halstead x Reader)
5 + 1: Five Times and a Date (Matt Casey x Reader)
Free: I Only Want To Be With You (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Fights that ends in a kiss: The Red Strokes (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: In Sickness and In Health (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Weddings/Proposals: Suspects and Surprises (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Hurt Feelings: Free Will (Will Halstead x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Chasing Shadows Away (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Kidnap/Hostage: Sacrifice (Dean Winchester)
Free Space: The Way You Look In Black (Dean Winchester)
5 + 1: A Guardian Angel and Her Knight (Jake Seresin)
5 + 1: 5 + 1 (Will Halstead x Sylvie Brett)
First Fight: First Fight (Rheese)
Free Space: Quiet Nights (Brettsey)
Fake Dating: What Are We? (Will Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: Sicker than a dog (Halstead!Sister)
Bodyguard AU: Bodyguard (Upstead)
Facing Fears: Positive (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: secrets, soup and sassiness (Halstead!Sister)
High School/College AU: there for her (Upstead)
Supernatural Elements: Prince of Hell (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Stay Awake (Burgstead) // Stabbed (Halstead Brothers)
Hurt Feelings: Not Pretty (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Free Space: Happy Birthday (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Road Trip: Optimal Road Trip (Halstead!Sister, Upstead)
Coffee Ship AU: Coffee Shop (Intelligence)
Neighbors: Start of Something New (Derek Morgan x Reader)
First Fight: Journey To The Past Ch 15 (Bryan Kneef x Reader)
Hurt Feelings: Journey To The Past Ch 16 (Bryan Kneef x Reader)
Sick/Illness: Dunbar Magic Hot Chocolate (Heather Dunbar x Reader)
Snowed In: Washington Whiteout (Elizabeth Keane x Reader)
Forced Proximity: Learn to Share (Emily Prentiss x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Iowa Chill (Heather Dunbar x Jackie Sharp)
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samrsgyi · 1 year
My master list
One Chicago:
Chicago fire:
Kelly severide
Stella kidd
Sylvie Brett
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Blake gallo
Chicago PD:
Jay Halstead
Erin Lindsay
Kim burgess
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Hank voight
Hailey Upton
Chicago Med:
10 Cloverfield lane:
(No frank that bitch is disgusting)
Cloverfield Paradox:
Ava Hamilton
Mina Jensen
Ernst Schmidt
Life (2017)
9-1-1 Lone star:
TK( Male!Reader or GN!Reader, he's gay people)
Carlos(Male!Reader or GN!Reader)
Station 19:
Demon slayer:
A/n- FORGOT TO MENTION!!!!! For Chicago fire I will do Stellaride x reader any gender. It's gonna be poly remember I am taking requests. I could also do brettsey x reader. On Cloverfield poly relationship I could do Beth x Rob x reader. Jason x lily x reader
Hud x reader x Marlena. For demon slayer! (This one is not really poly but I'll give it a shot) Uzui x his wives and reader. Tankana x reader. ZenNezu x reader. AoIno x reader. I can make all these poly platonic or affectionate if only you guys want.
That's it. My hands hurt so bad.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
One night stand
Characters: Will Halstead x Sibling!Reader, Jay Halstead x Sibling!Reader, Sylvie Brett, Sarah Rheese, Ethan Choi
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, fainting, pregnancy.
Summary: Your brothers aren't exactly over the moon when they find out your pregnant and you don't know who the dad is.
A/N: I know that I've put out several halstead!sister fics but I promise, the next one will be different because I have lots of requests and drafts coming together.
You were going to blame the hot weather. No matter how many Chicago summers you lived and are still living through, you would always despise heatwaves. You were a winter baby through and through.
Jumping out the ambo, you harshly swallowed when your throat suddenly felt dry, slamming the passenger door shut when the room started spinning.
Leaning a hand against the ambo which was hot to the touch, you didn't even wince despite the fact that you probably could've burned yourself by doing so.
"Y/N, you okay?" Sylvie asked, cautiously rounding the ambo to your side, noticing you weren't as energetic as usual. You hadn't followed her into the common room like you usually did, running past to get coffee before her so you wouldn't have the job of brewing another pot.
You hummed, screwing your eyes shut as you tried to keep your breaths steady, breathing in and out deeply. You tried brushing her off, trying to say you were completely fine but you struggled to even form words.
Wanting to be stubborn, you attempted to push her away but you failed. You ended up pushing the air away and that only further convinced Sylvie that you were anything but okay.
"Alright, let's get you in the rig." She said, wrapping an arm around, basically supporting all of your weight.
"Ladies! Lunch is-" Cruz cut himself of, freezing in his steps when he saw your pale self being supported by Sylvie who was struggling to walk with you on her side.
Without being asked, Cruz went to your empty side and easily carried you, taking you off of Sylvie so she could open the doors of the rig. But, before Cruz could sweep you off your feet, you lost all feeling in your body and everything went black.
Ignoring his awaiting patients chart, Will nodded to what he was being told, immersed in Sarah's story she retolled of what happened while she was in med school. Her experiences were interesting to say the least.
Before Will could reply, their conversation was stopped by Maggie who was shouting for him as she walked towards the ambo bay doors. Jutting his head towards the charge nurses direction, Sarah followed the attending, copying his actions even when he came to a sudden stop, bumping into his back courtesy of Maggie.
Will was now being told not to pursue any further, Maggie's hand in his face as she looked down at her brick, her eyebrows furrowed in conflict.
"CFD's in the house." Maggie said loud enough for the two doctors to hear. None of this wasn't new, firefighters came in all the time with burns and smoke inhalation, what was different this time?
"Rheese, your with Dr Choi. Dr Halstead, pregnant woman in five." Maggie said, pointing the doctors in their respective directions. Sarah complied, following after Ethan who was jogging towards the bay doors but Will stayed standing.
"Maggie, what's wron-" Will stopped himself. It suddenly dawned on him why he was no longer going to treat the patient coming in. "Don't tell me it's Y/N."
Will didn't even need to see the empathy that Maggie was sending him because when the bay doors opened he only saw one paramedic and a gaggle of firefighters following behind her and you were nowhere in sight. No, instead your red hair was splayed underneath you on the stretcher.
"She was fine but suddenly felt dizzy and couldn't keep upright before going unconscious." Sylvie's voice cracked as she started to relay, leaving out bits of information since everyone already knew who you were. She had no idea what was wrong with you and when she couldn't find out, all she could think of was losing you.
Reading off vitals, Ethan got to work, shouting around orders causing everyone to fly around. It was organised chaos to anyone who had any idea as to what was happening.
Will was being held back by Maggie who stood by his side, both looking into the treatment room wanting to know what was happening to you. You had yet to regain consciousness but that was yet to be deemed a good or bad thing.
"Jay." Will whispered in realisation. "I need to call Jay."
Despite his declaration, Will found himself glued to the spot, his eyes solely on your lifeless figure on the bed.
"I've got it." Maggie assured the redhead, patting his arm as she reached for her phone and scrolled for the contact of detective Halstead.
"Jay? Hey, it's Maggie..."
When you awoke, you knew exactly where you were based of two tells: the incessant beeping and the strong smell of everything sterile. There was only one place in the world that could be so recogniseable without gaining full consciousness.
You groaned, screwing your eyes shut the second you pried them open when you were met with blinding lights. You noticed how your body felt much lighter than before, your head no longer pounding but your throat felt like a desert.
"And the sleeping beauty awakes, at last." Jay says whimsically, a cup of water in his hand with a plastic straw meant for you.
Your reply was simply a groan, swallowing the water and relishing in the relief it brought you. This heatwave and your back to back calls were definitely the cause of your dehydration.
"Will's gone to get Dr Choi." Jay said, sitting back down in the chair he'd been occupying since his arrival. Linking your fingers with his, Jay tried to forget the moment he found out you were brought the med, the heavy sensation in his chest was one he never wanted to feel ever again.
"Hey, it's good to see you awake." Ethan entered the room, following after Will. The three men were still in their work attire, letting you deduce you weren't out for too long.
"You okay with me saying everything now?" Ethan asked despite already knowing the answer, having seen how close-knit the Halstead siblings were, especially when it came to any of their healths.
You nodded without hesitation, tightening your grip around Jay's hand. Fear was coursing through your veins. This could literally be anything and everything. There were no symptoms and it was all so sudden.
"You were a little dehydrated and there's no concussion seeing as Cruz cushioned your fall." Ethan started with, looking back and forth from each sibling before letting the news loose.
"Your HCG levels are also elevated."
And just like that, your world was flipped upside down.
"I'm pregnant?" You asked, shocked at the revelation. There was no way you could be pregnant. You had no symptoms and the last time you has sex was- Oh, nevermind.
With short and quick congratulations, Ethan was out the room, closing the curtains behind him, finally leaving the three siblings together, all three of them wide awake.
The tension and awkwardness was pulsating. It was so thick you could probably choke on it.
"I'm gonna keep it." For some reason, that was the first thing you said. Even without seeing the life living inside you, you felt the sudden need to defend it, fighting to the death if you had to.
"What- Why wouldn't you?" Will stuttered, looking at you in confusion. "It's your kid, of course you'd have it."
"That does raise the question though." Jay said with one brow raised, looking at you expectantly. "Who's the lucky man's record I'm going to have to look for."
You huffed, pushing Jay's smirking face away from you. You knew that Jay would do exactly that and much more. He'd probably try and get Voight and the entire unit to intimidate the man so they could question his credibility.
"Ummm." You thought hard. In all seriousness, who was the dad?
"I don't know." You shrugged, lips pursed as you pondered, ignoring the concerned faces of your older brothers. "I did have a one night stand a little over a month ago when I was a little too drunk."
"A one night stand?"
"Y/N M/N Halstead!"
You winced, screwing your eyes shut at the volume of your brothers. Their shock and possible anger was easily validated, they did just find out their baby sister was pregnant via a one night stand. The father was a ghost.
"It's fine." You shrugged them off, ignoring their scolding as you insisted. "I can raise a baby, heck, I'd raise an amazing child." You boasted with a little bit of pride.
"And my big brothers are going to be just the best uncles." You said with an amused smile, your voice imitating a mother playing with her kid.
And with nearly three decades of experience, you successfully had Jay and Will convinced, caving despite the strong Halstead stubbornness you all seemed to inherit from your pops.
"Baby Halstead is going to be just fine."
Of course baby Halstead would be fine. Actually, she'd be more than fine with her mum being a paramedic and her biological uncles being a detective and doctor. Not to forgot the aunts and uncles from intelligence, the firehouse and the ED.
Baby girl Halstead was going to be the most protected daughter in all of Chicago because hell would rain down the second harm came within five metres of her.
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