#what is rejuvenation therapy
shadanga01 · 4 months
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A physical, mental, and emotional forms of well-being with Panchakarma treatment in Gurgaon at our top-rated Ayurveda clinic. Experience the best Ayurveda treatment in Gurgaon, made for rejuvenate your body and mind. Visit us for personalized care and embrace the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda right here in Gurgaon.
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ketuayurveda-blog · 3 months
Ayurveda Rejuvenation Therapy Benefits
Ayurveda is an ancient medical system with roots that originated in India. It incorporates dietary changes, herbal supplements, massage, holistic lifestyle, and Yoga to bring the body back into equilibrium. Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapy is one of the most popular methods to bring the body, mind, and soul to equilibrium and improve quality of life. Ayurvedic rejuvenation or ‘Rasayana Therapy’ strives to bring harmony in body, mind, soul and spirit to heal the body. Let us delve into the Ayurveda rejuvenation therapy benefits that can positively impact your health.
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What is Ayurveda Rejuvenation Therapy?
Rasayana therapy is the concept of rejuvenation therapy that aims to promote mental and physical health by slowing down aging, enhancing vitality, improving digestion, and strengthening the immune system. The rejuvenation therapy involves massages with warm medicated oil, Ayurvedic detoxification treatments, herbal steam baths, and a nutritional diet. Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic is the best Ayurvedic hospital in Rajkot. We follow authentic Ayurvedic principles and Panchakarma therapies to rejuvenate your body and mind for a healthy and disease-free life. To experience the benefits of Ayurveda rejuvenation therapy, book an appointment with us.
Advantages of Ayurveda Rejuvenation Therapy
Enhanced Digestion
The rejuvenation therapy improves digestion by eliminating toxins and boosting metabolism. Panchakarma massage therapy helps to get the digestion system moving to absorb nutrients and improve bowel movement.
Improved Immune System
One of the best Ayurveda rejuvenation advantages is a strengthened immune system. When the body is in equilibrium, the immune system works optimally. This means better resilience against diseases and illness.
Reduced Stress and Deep Relaxation
Hectic schedules and the urge to be head of the competition give us little to no time to take care of ourselves. Stress and anxiety take a toll on mental and physical health. This is why our MD Ayurvedic doctor in Rajkot recommends rejuvenation therapy to unwind, recover, and recharge to concentrate on mental and physical health.
Detoxification Therapies
Ayurveda primarily focuses on the purification and removal of accumulated toxins. This includes a nutrient-rich diet, lifestyle changes, Ayurvedic massage therapies, and natural supplements. Rejuvenation therapies promote mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
Improved Overall Health
Rejuvenation is one of the many Ayurvedic therapies to restore the body’s natural equilibrium to promote overall health. Some modalities used in rejuvenation therapy include massage, medicated concoctions, and Yoga.
Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapy strives to help a person live a stress-free, healthy and happy life. It involves various treatments to cleanse and detoxify the body to bring equilibrium and facilitate recovery. Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic offer authentic Panchkarma treatment in Rajkot. To build resilience and strengthen your immune system, you can opt for Ayurvedic treatments. We tailor treatments as per individual requirements. Call us to book an appointment.
Know More:- Some Amazing Benefits of an Ayurvedic Massage
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ash-says · 5 months
Being in touch with your sensuality:
On today's episode of ash-says we are going to talk about how to get in touch with your sensuality. Personally it's something I am very passionate about and kind of indulgent too.
Sensuality helps me in feeling alive and in tune with myself. I can't guarantee it for everyone but for me it works wonders. It's like the "Amrut" or "rejuvenating water" (for a lack of better terms) for me. Along with that it's the most healthy way for expressing my sexuality and keeping it in control to not let it affect my day to day functioning.
Here are some ways I incorporated in the last five years of my life to be in touch with my sensuality:
1) Exercise: No matter what I am going to vouch for this always. The way it helps me in expressing the surplus energy and controlling my desires is a chef's kiss. Plus helps in tackling the sluggish feeling.
2) Dance: Especially the slow sensual seductive dance. Not only it's a good outlet but above all that it validates the emotions and creates a space to delve in it to create a beautiful synchronisation with the body movements.
3) Art: Create! Create! Create! Nothing better than creating beautiful art or writing poems, stories,etc to voice your passion for the world and it's offerings.
4) Music: I have playlists on Spotify that specifically cater to my sensual mood. It has all the songs that can set a tone for the bedroom (iykyk). Singing to it or dancing works wonders. It's a magical experience.
5) Meditation: You can meditate on those feelings to internalize it and put all that energy in proper use for achieving a goal,etc. This is something I very rarely do because I am a very active person but putting it out here cause it works for some people.
6)Play Barbie: This is my personal favourite. After all I am just a girl. I put on some makeup, wear a bold sexy outfit or a cute dress (depending on the mood) then spend my time reading a romance novel and listening to sensual songs. It's my kind of therapy🦋🦋
7) Be a model: Being all dressed up but not clicking any photos you got to be kidding me!!! Come on girl! Pose and click! You are not going to be this young again. The best thing I do is this. It literally helps in skyrocketing my confidence. I don't click pictures daily but boy when I do, God forbid!!
8) Unlearn the shame: The basic one. You need to own your body first and appreciate it. I know saying is easy but hey you won't get there if you never start.
9) Imitate things that you find sexy: I will explain this with an example, so I find laying on the bed on my chest with my legs dangling in the air extremely sexy so when I am alone I will lie on the bed in that way as a way of expressing. Secondly, we all know sipping wine while reading a book is incredibly sexy while being dressed all slutty but I don't consume alcoholic beverages so as an alternative I drink pomegranate juice. Plus I find pomegranate as the sexiest fruit for obvious reasons.
10) Invest in things that make you feel sensual and seductive: It doesn't need to be costly. Find your sexy and invest!! For me it's aroma candles, jewellery, deep neck tops, skirts, ribbons, art honestly I have developed a knack to turn any ordinary thing into something seductive atp I feel. Everything works for me. So exploreeee!! If you are experimental enough and don't have parental risks you can try out sex toys too.
That's all for today's show on ash-says. Stay tuned for more illegal tricks and explosive opinions.
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soapoet · 1 year
describing your next love...
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...because i'm just as nosy as you are.
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like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: Lucky people by Waterparks
they have a very sunny energy. the kind that peaks out behind the clouds after a fall of rain. rejuvenating, always welcome. they try their best to stay optimistic, for loved ones and strangers alike. it feels a little tragic because there is a darkness inside them that they choose to ignore. their sunny disposition seems less like a mask and more like armour. it's what has gotten them this far. they may have had a rough childhood, and their heart may have been wounded particularly by one of their parents. they struggle with mental health and might be neurodivergent. they're the kind of person to end a depressing sentence with 'lmao', or turn a therapy session into a stand-up comedy show. they cope with their struggles through humour, because if they take themselves and their problems too seriously and lean in too close to where it hurts, the pain becomes overwhelming. their heart is much like a dam, holding back tons of tears of almost biblical proportions. even still, if they opened the floodgates they'd find a way to muster a 'noah, get the arc' joke to force some sunlight through the clouds.
despite their dance around their own feelings, they're encouraging of others expressing theirs, and stand firmly by their side and always have a shoulder to offer if needed. they love to make people laugh, and aren't afraid of making a fool out of themselves if it puts a smile on someone's face. they'll gladly cast themselves as a jester if it makes their loved ones feel like royalty. they're very excitable and fun to be around. at their best they are a firecracker, bursting with an energy so infectious and bright. they're creative and very passionate about their hobbies, often to the point of obsession. it seems like all they do they do with such love. like a show is never just a show, but a whole world of its own to explore and come to know as home. they love the escapism of foreign lands, fictional and real, and something about them makes a simple trip to the grocery store an adventure with many memories to one day share.
you either already know them, or will meet them very soon. especially if you're in a transitional period, moving away, changing jobs or applying to schools, then this is a person you'll meet in this next chapter of your life. this has friends to lovers written all over it. you might be in the same friend group, or meet them through a mutual friend. their hair stands out for some reason. it could either be in the literal sense because it's messy, perpetual bedhead, or they have a unique colour or cut. perhaps they change their hair frequently and have a bit of chameleon vibes in which they become unrecognisable with every change that they make to their appearance. they're average in height but could look taller than they actually are. their posture isn't the greatest, especially if they're an artist of some kind. they have golden retriever energy and may be a dog person in general. for some, they have freckles or dimples, or prominent birth marks. there's a lot of mutual pining involved before anything happens. they're a little bit oblivious, too. someone else might have to step in to spell things out for either of you.
Shufflemancy: Into you by Ariana Grande
being playful and flirtatious can get you in quite a bit of trouble, and they know this from experience. they're attractive, and seem very aware of it, though there is less legitimate arrogance and more playful cockiness involved. they like to make an effort to look good, and have a strong appreciation for a partner who does the same. generosity may be a way they show this appreciation because they understand the time and maintenance this effort can take, and are of the mindset that they ought to reward what they like rather than simply expect it or take it for granted. they're likely involved in business such as investments or trade, or could be working on building a business of their own. they're physically fit, and might frequent the gym or be into sports. they have a lot of stamina because of this, so do with that information what you will.
they could have a bit of a reputation due to an unscrupulous past, and it is one they have done much work to rewrite. they want to settle down, but haven't found someone they could commit to. a big issue for them is the way fun gets sucked out of things too quickly in the relationships they've been in. they're very spontaneous and have a big capacity for romance, but they often find themselves lacking space and time to do anything special. like how you would decide to clean the house to surprise your mother, only to have her call and ask you to do just that, ruining the gesture. similarly, in their relationships they may find themselves cornered, and in the suffocation of their freedom and passion their capacity and desire to impress and to woo begins to fade like a smothered flame, which in turn causes strife. and the nagging that so often followed turns them into a complacent shell of themselves, wherein it's better to nod along than risk discord. they seek an equal. somebody powerful in their own right, who can support them and be supported in return. they want love to be an adventurous undertaking of a power couple ready to seize the day.
this feels like a right person wrong time -scenario. when you meet they're probably in a relationship with someone else, or you are. you could meet at some sort of social gathering or organised event like a fundraiser or a concert. there's a distinct sense of delay here, though the interest is mutual and very persistent right from the beginning. they could hold themselves back from pursuing anything with you at first because they want a clean slate. it may at first to you seem like frustrating indecision and make you question their intentions, even integrity, but they may just be untangling their life and closing chapters. they yearn for the long-term and would like the house and the kids and whole nine yards, but need to make sure their life is upright, straightened, and ready for it. there is a playful glint in their eyes, which may be hazel or brown. there is a distinct warmth to them and a loving gaze feels especially adoring from them. they would make a very good and attentive parent and spouse for the right person. there could be a noticeable size difference between you. if you're softer and curvier, they're more angular and dense, and if you're shorter, they're taller, etc.
Shufflemancy: Great shipwreck of life by IAMX
oh, how charming! they're gregarious, and attract quite a few admirers. though it seems they take few, if any, seriously at all. their popularity may be a byproduct of an important or visible position that they hold. they could be a prominent figure within their community or be very successful in their field of work or hobbies. their schedule is often packed with meetings, events and social obligations. they could travel a lot too, both for pleasure and for work. for their work they may spend extended periods of time away from home. in spite of their sociable persona, they keep their private life very private, under lock and key, and may even be secretive about it to an extent. they may be unapproachable or simply be unattainable by people outside of their established circles. there is an element of social games or hierarchical factors present in their life, and whilst they're good at networking, climbing ranks, or beating records, they may actually find many around them to be uninteresting or outright obnoxious. where they spend their professional hours draws a lot of similar types of people together, and their tastes differ quite a bit. being married to their work in a way leaves few options for them in love since they look for something outside of their norm, which they have little time to explore.
there could be a fear of being taken advantage of. like they can't seem to trust people easily, and expect everyone to have ulterior motives. to use them or get something from them. these trust issues run deep, and either they have been burnt before or have watched somebody close to them fall from grace and are afraid they'll share that same fate. there could also be legal reasons for their caution, as they may have signed contracts or taken an oath that dictates what they can and cannot share, particularly if they work for the government or a big corporation.
this connection might begin online or otherwise have distance involved even if you meet in person first. lots of messages or calls. they revel in good banter and enjoy entertaining more out-there ideas. they feel starved off of deeper conversations because their life seems to revolve around a lot of simple niceties and professional talk with tons of things redacted, edited, and filtered to fit into a very narrow box deemed correct and good and appropriate. it's very tiring and wears them out, even though they won't show it. they really appreciate things that differ from the norm or breaks the status quo in some way. what they consider their type is also very different from what would be expected of them, and their peers would be shocked to hear what they find ideal both in terms of a partner and a life that they would like to lead. their voice seems important too. they have a very attractive voice, could be a great speaker or an artist. their hair is either longer or shorter than average (shorter for women, longer for men), and their physique leans slimmer and angular, not a lot of curvature just lots of straight lines and sharpness.
Shufflemancy: Willow by Taylor Swift
they probably don't get out much. most if their life occurs behind closed doors. they could work or study remotely, and their schedule might be different from the usual nine to five. their friends and family may live at a distance, too, which leaves them few reasons to leave the house. they need mental stimulation and might be a little high-strung, their nerves like violin strings wound too tight. independence is of great importance to them and their boundaries are clear, almost like austere walls protecting a castle. they appear aloof and don't say much, especially around strangers. though their shyness is often overruled by their intrigue. they like to tinker with things and minds alike, and may often step in to play devil's advocate just to stir the pot. especially in their boredom they may seek out discourse as a form of entertainment. they have strong opinions, but are not stubborn or unable to bend. in fact, something they abhor is weak convictions and mindless agreement. they respect admittance of ignorance far more than the parroting of popular opinions if there is a lack of substance behind them. they really do not seem to mind different views at all, and may surround themselves with people of all walks of life and various temperaments and opinions. this is in part driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge. it's as though they've made their quest in life to seek information and learn everything they can in one short lifetime. they are open-minded and curious, and have great respect for anyone who has something to teach them. and they're a great teacher themself! even if they do not literally teach as a part of their work, they might have been told by many that they should consider it because they really have a way of adapting information, hand-tailoring it to their audience, so that even complex things get delivered and comprehended.
where they may be a great source of knowledge and advice to those around them, they aren't the greatest in terms of emotional support. they are a problem solver, and they can't fix tears. they try, but it feels clumsy and awkward. though that can be a little charming, too. they care a lot, more than people might expect. they're just terrible at showing it through big and extravagant gestures and displays of affection. they're more likely to give praise or take on tasks to unburden you. they like routine and solitude and seek someone who rivals the comfort of their peace and quiet. they could die happy if they could simply share a space comfortably with someone without constant noise, buzz, and attention. they could be strangely private about things that don't necessarily call for privacy. like, they might easily drop childhood lore in a casual conversation, but find inquiries about what they did yesterday suspicious even if they didn't do anything special.
because this is a bit of a 'rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair' -type of situation where they're very comfortable in their ivory tower that gets no visitors, it might take a while before you meet them. they're far more social online and you could meet through common interests like online games, subreddits, discord, or through mutual friends. if you already know them, there may be a sense of unrequited love for a while. they rarely act on their infatuations and just wait it out, enjoying the feelings for what they are but do little, if anything, about them. alternatively they participate in very indirect chasing that appears more like making the other person chase them. they have attractive hands, could be ambidextrous or they fidget a lot with their hands. they may be a writer, play an instrument or play a lot of video games. they always appear deep in thought or even a little irritable, even if they're actually not. not so much RBF as simply spacing out. their eyes seem hazy. whichever colour they are it looks desaturated and blurry, like there's mist covering them. blues lean greyish, greens look muddy, browns look more true and lack the amber warmth. they might wear glasses or contacts. regardless of race they're a little paler and may have some health concerns or struggles.
Shufflemancy: I want you to want me by Chase Holfelder
there is something broken here. their home, their heart, or perhaps their mind. it'll be difficult to break through this shell because the exterior is harsh and uninviting. whatever it is that haunts them, it really shows in their relationships. they walk a path seemingly unlit and full of horrors, leaving behind them a trail of broken hearts. pieces of both their own and those of past lovers scattered along the way. to some their love is suffocating, draining and overbearing. when they get attached they latch on with a powerful grip that seems unyielding. they're a rock that could weather the strongest of storms and they're used to being a pillar of strength. but it seems as though their past is full of people who would have needed the room to bend with the winds and were left feeling too restricted. they may have a jealous streak that's rooted in fear of betrayal, likely from past hurts. they could struggle with a mental illness or have history of abusing drugs or alcohol to numb what haunts them.
they really want a partner in crime. someone who is similar to them and understands their turmoil. they have a big capacity to understand and deal with heavy burdens and mental issues in a partner too and aren't easily fazed by emotional outbursts or any type of spiraling mentally or emotionally. they also remind me of the quote 'a hero will sacrifice the person they love to save the world, a villain will sacrifice the world to save the person they love'. they seem a bit like an outcast or a misfit, and those closest to them may also be underdogs and form a very tight-knit group. they're a little bit of a hopeless romantic and have a soft side. if they're musically inclined they might write you a song, or otherwise use writing as a way to express their feelings in a deeper way. their cold and rough exterior is there to ward off the most frail and flaky. they don't want to ruin dainty petals or have their own ripped out by players.
funnily enough they actually look like one themselves. they have that quintessential heartbreaker look to them. the one all the movies deem nothing but trouble. a villain in the story of many but their own and those closest to them. there is a feminine energy close to them that they're very protective of, like a sister or mother. for some they might be providing and caring for a sick relative. they have an unusual job or field of study, and peculiar working hours. they might work a graveyard shift, gigs, or do work that's seasonal or done on the go. music plays a big role in their life and you could meet them at a concert or through another kind of relation to a band or artist you both enjoy. they take a keen interest in the strange, and the mysteries of life. they might study the occult, enjoy conspiracy theories, true crime, etc. they're distinctly cool toned, blondes are dirty and ashy, browns are void of red pigment and lean darker, almost black. blue eyes are very cold and piercing, and brown eyes are very dark and may appear black. they have piercings, tattoos or scars and may bruise easily, or be into those things in others.
Shufflemancy: Trust by Boy Epic
somebody send this person on a mandatory holiday. i really should not have left this one for last, because the energy is really heavy. their life seems unbalanced, like it is all work and no play. there is a jittery energy here as though they are running on fumes and caffeine to fuel a big machine with hundreds of intricately moving parts. they might work in real estate, management, law, IT, or have a lot of people they're in charge of who depend on them. they have impeccable memory and somehow manage to stay on top of things with ease. they like being personally involved and may be hands-on with many of their projects. task management comes naturally to them. it's as if they're playing a game of chess with life and stay aware of every possible variable and reach outcomes long before they show in the present. this spills into all areas of their life and allows them to map out goals with great precision, leaving very little room for uncertainty. they're very stable and competent. but they're also miserable. even though they enjoy their work for its challenges and the heights it allows them to reach, it may seem to them as though they are wearing themselves out without real purpose beyond the accolades. like they're building an empire in vain because there is nobody to share their glory. they want more from life, namely a home. their home is as big as it is hollow and they don't like it there. it lacks a lot of love and light and they wish to bring some of that into it through children and a spouse.
they may come from a big family themselves, even one of good fortune. their discipline and work ethic is likely something instilled in them by a father figure, and there could be a bit of an eldest child complex at play, wherein they have always felt the need to set an example for their younger siblings, but also feel embittered by what they cannot get away with that others so easily can. they could use with a bit of whimsical and carefree energy in their life. they're aware of it too, as they find a bit of chaos oddly attractive in a partner. in previous relationships they may have been with people far too similar to them, allowing them no place of restoration and solace, but instead a constant movement of the goal post. they seek someone comfortable and more easy-going who can help them relax and live a little. they are generous and would spoil a worthy partner rotten, but are also afraid of gold diggers and don't want to be taken advantage of, as they may have run the risk of in the past.
out of all groups, this one leans the oldest. depending on your age they could easily be 5-10 years your senior, and if you're very young it will likely take some time before you meet them. you might meet through work, through coworkers, at a work related event, or if it is a leisurely occasion it's one with a mixture of age groups like a family gathering of sorts. for a few, you could run into them a few times at random whilst running errands and going about your daily routines. either way interest is established quickly, even though they may seem stand-offish or even stiff at first. in actuality they busy themselves with observing, and throughout your interactions, and your interactions with other people in their presence, they size you up and try to figure you out. they could be very taken with you, but they try their best to not show it. they're cordial, but keep their cards hidden. once they decide to pursue you everything happens very quickly. again, because of their game of chess having played out various scenarios while they figured out their feelings and rearranged their life to fit you into it. they're eager to please, and one-on-one you may be surprised by their sensitive and softer side. they're doting and have a lot of adoration once they fall, and out in public where they seem level-headed and collected you can easily distract them and have them stumbling a bit. they're very protective and are bigger or stronger than you. their features lean darker and they may have an earthy look to them, like green or hazel eyes and auburn hair. this one has the strongest indications of marriage.
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detentiontrack · 7 days
Random sashannarcy headcanons because I’m obsessed with them and why not
They do NOT drift apart after amphibia. Anne and Sasha hang out frequently in high school and they have weekly zoom hang outs with Marcy (or more if one of them is having a rough time)
Amphibia only made the relationship between Sasha & her parents worse, so she spends a lot of time at Anne’s house.
All three of them get back into music. They play together and separately
Sasha doesn’t try out for cheerleading in high school and becomes less popular because she cares less about status
When Sasha cuts her hair, Anne is the one who cuts it for her and continues to trim it for her
They take turns visiting each other during school breaks
When they’re old enough, Sasha and Marcy get jobs to pay for plane tickets to visit each other (Anne continues working at thai go)
Marcy copes with her trauma through art. She draws pictures from amphibia and what she saw while her body was possessed by the core
Anne goes vegetarian because she can’t stand the smell of cooking/burning flesh after Marcy getting impaled by Andrias’s flaming sword
Sasha and Anne actually give creatures & caverns another chance, and they all play together!
Marcy frequently calls Sasha and Anne to infodump about her interests. They actually listen and ask questions and validate her this time.
Marcy has a phobia of being submerged in water, and even showers or rain are difficult on bad days. She didn’t remember being in the rejuvenation tank and didn’t know why she had this phobia until a couple years after amphibia when she suddenly remembered.
Sasha is the first to come out as queer after she realizes she’s bisexual during a therapy session about her past relationships. Marcy is the second to realize and comes out as a lesbian during high school. Anne always knew she liked girls, but didn’t accept it herself and come out to others until her senior year of high school.
Marcy graduated high school early and did her first year of college as an architecture major, but she was miserable and realized she wanted to pursue art instead towards the end of her freshman year.
Sasha started therapy immediately after amphibia, took an AP psych class in high school, and knew she wanted to go into psychology after that.
Anne didn’t plan for college at all during high school because she was busy having an existential crisis about literally becoming god after she dies, and she takes a gap year after high school. During that year, she gets really into studying frogs and realizes she wants to go into that field, and enrolls in community college close to home.
Them starting to date wasn’t really a huge thing. After amphibia, they were constantly talking and expressing their love to each other and taking every opportunity to cuddle and hold hands and all that. One summer, during a late night sleepover, they’re talking about their feelings and all come to the conclusion that they’re in love with each other. They have a moment of “do you guys want to be together? Yeah? I guess we’re in a relationship now” and then they move on to talking about creatures and caverns or whatever
Anne continues to do tennis in high school and community college, and that earns her a full athletic scholarship to the university of her choice where she continues to study herpetology.
Sasha continues going to therapy after she gets into a relationship with Anne & Marcy, and even brings them into a few sessions so she can make sure they don’t repeat the same mistakes.
After sashannarcy moves in together, they bring domino and adopt a kitten
During rainy days that trigger Marcy’s trauma, they cancel work or school and have a movie night with soft blankets and good snacks.
Anne can cook very well. Marcy can follow a simple recipe. Sasha is banned from cooking without supervision after the kitchen fire incident.
Mr & Mrs Boonchuy try and fail to act surprised when Anne tells them she’s a lesbian, and then don’t even try to act surprised when she tells them she’s dating Sasha & Marcy (they’ve known she’s a lesbian and in love with them for literal years. They just didn’t want to force her to tell them when she wasn’t ready)
Anne & Sasha go to the public high school instead of St James High School so they’re not known as “the girls who went missing”
They all have to take summer school and catch up classes because they missed so much school
Sasha has chronic back and leg pain from her injury while fighting Darcy. She also has a huge scar from her shoulders to her lower back.
Marcy still has a huge scar on her chest from being stabbed, and she has chronic lung problems and chronic pain as well from her injuries.
Whenever Sasha is anxious, she does Anne’s hair because the repetitive motions are calming to her. It always works out because Anne’s hair is always a mess. Sasha even gets really into curly hair maintenance and learns how to properly care for and style Anne’s hair (as long as there’s no leaves or sticks in her hair, Anne doesn’t care about hair care and won’t do it herself)
Sasha tried to cover up her face scar with makeup for a long time, but finally gave up and accepted it as a part of her
Sasha frequently gets scared of accidentally being controlling or manipulative again, which ends up in her being too passive or adapting people pleasing tendencies.
Anne gets really connected with nature after amphibia and goes on hikes and gets into gardening
Sasha gives up on trying to control her body. Back in her cheerleading days she strived to stay slim and athletic, and in amphibia she wanted to stay strong and tough. But after amphibia, she only exercises when she genuinely wants to, eats anything she wants, and ends up gaining a bit of weight (she’s insecure about it at first, but works through it in therapy and with her girlfriends)
Marcy dyes her hair fun colors often. It’s her way of regaining a sense of control over her body after possession.
Marcy struggles heavily with disassociation, specifically depersonalization after being possessed
They all have nightmares about amphibia for years.
Anne & Sasha are the first people Marcy shows her art to, and if she’s stuck with art/writers block, she talks through it with them. They give her suggestions, but usually she figures it out after talking through it
Sasha cannot handle any type of spicy foods, Anne is constantly trying to build her spice tolerance (it never works and Anne always pulls Sasha’s portion out before adding in spicy ingredients when she cooks for them)
Anne has pet frogs at home and gives them a life of luxury. She spends more on items to care for her frogs than she does on herself.
Sasha gets a dog and accidentally trains it to be a service dog for her chronic pain and PTSD
Sasha & Anne force Marcy to take breaks when she overworks herself on her comics.
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renphousa · 5 months
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Treat Your Eyes to a Spa Day: Unveiling the Renpho Eye Massager
Our eyes are the windows to our soul, constantly working overtime processing information and battling screen fatigue. After a long day, they deserve some serious pampering. Enter the Renpho Eye Massager, your one-way ticket to the relaxation station.
This innovative device goes beyond a simple eye mask. It combines soothing heat therapy with a variety of massage techniques to melt away tension and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Here's what makes the Renpho Eye Massager a game-changer for tired peepers:
Multi-sensory Massage Experience: Kneading, oscillating pressure, and rhythmic percussion work together to target pressure points around the eyes, promoting deep relaxation and reducing tension headaches.
Heat Therapy Bliss: Warmth is a natural pain reliever, and the Renpho Eye Massager's built-in heating pads gently soothe tired eyes, improving circulation and reducing puffiness.
Customizable Comfort: No two faces are the same, which is why the Renpho Eye Massager features an adjustable headband for a perfect fit. Plus, adjustable massage intensity allows you to tailor the experience to your preference.
Sweet Dreams, Anyone?: Looking to catch some Zzz's? The Renpho Eye Massager comes with built-in speakers and calming nature sounds to lull you into a peaceful sleep. You can even connect via Bluetooth to play your own calming playlists.
Portable Pampering: This lightweight and foldable massager is your perfect travel companion. Take it on the plane, to the office, or anywhere you need a quick eye refresher.
More Than Just Relaxation: The Renpho Eye Massager isn't just about feeling good; it's about taking care of your precious peepers. Regular use can help to:
Reduce eye strain and fatigue
Minimize puffiness and dark circles
Improve dry eye symptoms
Promote better sleep
Treat Yourself to a Brighter You: Invest in your well-being and give your eyes the TLC they deserve. Visit the Renpho website today to explore the different eye massager options and find the perfect fit for you. Remember, happy eyes are healthy eyes, and with the Renpho Eye Massager, you're well on your way to achieving both!
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Death Warrant!Au
When the rejuvenating, life-extending effects of ectoplasm to the dead and dying was discovered by planets across the stars, it triggered mass conflicts that left several systems obliterated beyond repair. Hundreds of Billions had migrated to the Realms in numbers that were never seen before by the residence of the dead. They had various forms of damage and disfigurement on their new forms as a result of the ectoplasm being weaponized and used on them. Their very beings were corrupted beyond repair with their minds significantly altered with highly specified obsessions.
• Peoples from the destroyed worlds being so afraid that they lashed out, ripping anything that saw them to pieces out of fear of being attacked.
A serpentine creature of the Realms eagerly stalking them and fed upon their cores to grow stronger.
• Soldiers of these races were hell-bent on continuing to fight and proceeded to attempt subjugate this dimension that was new to them. Their rage guiding them blindly as they left paths of destruction throughout the realm.
A beast, wrongly slaughtered in the early madness of an delicate fledgling world that happened to be rich with ectoplasm followed the warpath and basked in the rage.
Eventually, more creatures like them came to prominence as a result of these strange new victims. Being aspects of emotion that were born from the masses in the war.
The Ghost King during this time period could not sit idly by and watch these newly born ghosts run rampant and terrorize his kingdom. With a heavy heart and a weapon in hand, a call to arms was called and the purge of these beings began. It tooks thousands of years, but when the last corrupted ghost was destroyed, the King took to the realm of living and wiped away all traces of the Realms from the minds of the survivors with all recollections of this terrible war for ectoplasm erased from history.
As his rested his eyes one final time, before the Tyrant would cowardly claim his life, made a major, sacred declaration that all citizens was made:
• If any hostile, mutant ghosts were to be found, they were to captured and examined by the king's council to await judgement. If they are too dangerous to restrain and seek bloody violence, they are to be destroyed.
• Any scientists trying to use ectoplasm for endangering life were to be have their memories erased and put to the sword for their crimes.
• Anyone foolish enough to Defy Death using ectoplasm, the greatest violation of the laws in the infinite Realms, they were to be put to death as and immediately given their Second End.
~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~
When Pariah Dark, the Cowardly Tyrant King, is defeated and Danny fianlly takes the throne after a few centuries of training, the Observers hand him a compiled a list of names who violated these sacred laws.
They have him start with Earth and Danny's jaw hits the floor with what the charges he was seeing. He can already hear the chaos in the meeting room.
• Amanda Waller, Vandal Savage, Darkseid, Granny Goodness, a court of owls(?)...the list is long, and that's just Earth alone!
• Jack "The Goddamn Joker" Napier and a few of the more violent Rouges of Gotham are charged with Veil Destabilization.
Even Jason Peter Todd Wayne...the Red Hood!? Danny can probably work something with Jason, force him into therapy sessions (along with the whole damn family) with Jazz and a couple cleansing sessions and supplements from Frostbite...the others had to go...
The continued slaughter of the innocent, combined with the suffering they endured and the misery felt by Shades who couldn't move on was making the veil deteriorate at dangerous speeds. New pits would form across the city eventually as a result.
Lady Gotham has done everything she can to keep the madness from happening but she can't hold it back any longer. Her core is ready to shatter under the stress and is constantly in agony, but she won't abandon her knights, despite Danny's pleas to save herself.
There's a certain brigade of furry's who may or may not like this news but said brigade had no choice but to take it on the chin. They have children who Defied Death in their ranks and the Realms are not afraid to destroy anyone foolish enough to stop them.
• Lex Luther is charged with crimes against humanity. And several other violations in regards to unethical experimentation.
One sticks out to Danny.
Lex used Danny's stolen DNA from a stray core shard from the Guys in White, who he was was funding in secret, even after they were disbanded, to create a clone comprised of the Earth's resident Kryptonian, the bald bastard, and himself to kill and replace said Kryptonian...the guy who literally helps save the earth time and time again from doom.
...Yeah, Lex is undoubtedly, fucked beyond total comprehension. Anyone defending him was risking all-out war with the Infinite Realms.
But hey, at least Danny was finally having child of his own! The little tyke is only a few years old in the tube, Ellie's visits are far and in-between and Danny's status as a Halfa made him sterile and develop an embarrassingly strong case of baby fever.
He's sure the ghosts from Krypton would love to help out in raising Conner in case Kal-El wasn't really planning on being around the boy. After all, being cloned himself, Danny knows the emotional baggage that comes with being violated to this degree by your enemy.
He just hopes the guy can come around and accept the little guy...
#dp x dc#dc x dp#dp x dc prompt#dp x dc crossover#justice league#danny phantom#my prompts#Death Warrant!Au#I've seen fics were Danny Time Travels to fix things#I've also read were he gains amnesia so he accidentally lives in the past until he remembers who he is#Lex Luthor is a bitch with a very slappable bald head that Danny is gonna smack the soul out of#Danny is gonna hook up Jason with therapy from Jazz and cleansing sessions with Frostbite#When Damien is finally born and with Bruce is the day everyone in the League of Assassins is gonna get wiped off the face the fucking Earth#You don't fuck with the abyss because it'll do more than simply look back#Eldritch Mama Bear!Danny#Conner is gonna be spoiled rotten#If Damien is also partially Danny's kid he wont wait and waste the League the second he can grab him#Being the 'Demon's Head' doesn't mean jackshit when the ectoplasm youve been uskng is the equivalent of used toilet water#Bruce Wayne x Danny Fenton x Clark Kent#Clark was worried his many times great grandfather was hitting on him#But Danny told him that he helped save krytpon and found the house kf El so there no blood relation#Due to amnesia inflicted during his time traveling Danny accidently created the embodiments lf Emotion from each Lantern Corps#Danny's first anniversary gift is bringing Bruce and Clark's parents to Earth to spend tkme with them#Bruce is afraid this will be the last time he gets to see them but Danny tells him he and Clark can tag along for Jason's treatment#Alfred is happy for his boy and is happy to see Thomas and Martha#Conner and Clark bonding with Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van about Krypton culture
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kiwibirbkat · 1 month
You can pry Marcy streamer AU from my cold dead hands
Marcy Wu Streamer AU!
Started streaming as a backup while waiting for her webcomic to blow up
When their account gained traction they used it to help advertise their comic
They do both for a living now
They game on it and sometimes do vlog type streams
She does a lot of charity streams (angsty charity week fic anyone???)
Annual subathons
Lives with the girlfriends (Anne and Sasha)
Sleep schedule? Non-existent!
Anne and Sasha are fan favourites even if they do end some streams early to force Marcy to sleep
She does sub only drawing streams for their comics especially after a hiatus
Or they do public drawing streams of intermission episodes
Anne and Sasha sometimes come onto a stream with them
Marcy has a lot of guilt from Amphibia still :(
(And scars)
Not fully disabled but they need a walking aid sometimes and a wheelchair if the pain gets really bad
They still have traces of Darcy her head but they can't control her they just give advice
Or complain that Marcy won't kill anyone
They can't go to Amphibia but they can call/text through dimensions since Anne gave sprig her phone and Polly figured out how to make more
Marcy refuses any type of therapy (they don't think they deserve help)
But she will break down crying in their girlfriend's arms sometimes
She/they (realized she liked they/them pronouns after everyone referred to Darcy as they seeing as they were multiple minds)
Anne has a pet cat that looks like Domino and she lives with them
Marcy has that gaming posture (atrocious)
They post all of their VODs on YouTube
Marcy has crocheted all of them plushies of their family in amphibia (Sasha with Percy, Braddock and Grime, Anne with Sprig, Polly and Hop-pop, and Marcy with Olivia and Yunan (and a secret andrius plush that they can't look at most days))
None of them have their powers but they do have traces of energy, which is why Darcy stays in Marcy's head instead of just shutting off
Marcy dyes some of her hair green in reminder of when they had cool anime powers
Also, she's worked a lot of aspects of Amphibia into their comic so they have an excuse to make Amphibia merch
Most of their fans are worried about her because she's always up so late
Marcy speaks Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Portuguese, and Ukrainian and voice over all of their streams in these languages to post them on their separate VOD channels
They're trying to learn more (Greek, German, Russian, ect.)
Because of Darcy and her wit powers they learn easier (super brain)
All of her fans theorize on why them and their girlfriends went missing for like a year seeing as frogvasion has been wiped from the media
The calamity trio know most of the Disney protags (Dipper, Luz, Molly, Star, and the other people in included in those franchises)
They all live in the same world (-star, Marco and Tom but dimensional scissors yk?)
Luz reached out to Anne for help building a portal, Dipper and Mabel met Molly while ghost hunting
They have all separately run into Star while researching energy levels that came from Stars weird dimensional travel
Therefore Marco added them all to a discord server and the rest is history
They sometimes guest star on Marcy's channel
June has programmed Marcy a game before
Sasha is planning to propose (shhh don't tell Anne and Marcy)
Marcy has cut contact with her family (I don't care what cannon says her parents aren't good people)
(She would not cling onto any sort of affection this much if their parents loved them)
(Fight me)
Marcy hates going to the doctor or bathing (the bath reminds her of the rejuvenation tank and she just generally distrusts the government after Anne told them about the whole thing with Mr X)
The only doctor they trust is the dentist for some reason???
When asked Marcy just shrugs
And the vet but they aren't the one getting tested at the vet and she cares about Domino 3 too much not to go to the vet
Marcy Wu=autism
Marcy has severe anxiety
Marcy has depression
Marcy streams from bed sometimes just because they're in too much pain to walk and their girlfriends aren't their to put them into her wheelchair but she has that grind set for their stream dates
Marcy has crocheted enough Olivia and Yunan plushies to give a small army
They give them away during giveaways as beta designs for some of her characters
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gravehags · 7 months
ghoulettes and ghouls handling your depressive episode
i’m going through it right now and could use a little ghoulish support okay
Cumulus - Anticipates it before you even say it out loud - she can tell in the way you hold yourself, the tone of your voice, even your smell. When you break down crying, she’s already got a plan. She turns your bed into a cozy little nest and stays by your side, listening to you talk. And if you don’t feel like talking about it, she holds you, humming your favorite song (because of course she knows it) softly in your ear. She’ll always join you in the bath or shower, gently washing your hair and scrubbing your skin before wrapping you in the fluffiest towel.
Aurora - Is devastated when you come to her admitting you’re unwell as she always thought she could read you so well. Gives surprisingly fierce hugs for such a tiny ghoulette and gets angry that your brain would make you feel this way. If you’re into retail therapy (for better or worse) she’s your girl and she’ll spoil you just to see even a hint of a smile on your face. The rest of the ghouls know better than to question the pile of packages in your room.
Cirrus - Out of all the ghouls and ghoulettes, she’s the realest with you. She’ll sit down with you and hold your hands as you speak your negative emotions or negative self talk and then she’ll calmly counter them with the factual truth. You are smart, kind, and capable. Your brain is lying to you and can get fucked. She’ll talk with you until you have nothing left to say and then she’ll reinforce exactly why you are an amazing person.
Sunshine - Like Aurora, was under the impression she could read you and your emotions and is shaken to turn to you with a smile one day only for you to look at her with tears in your eyes. She hates how quiet the depression makes you, hates the way you barely look at anything but the ground. Humor is her go to tactic and she’ll make fun of herself and all the other ghouls just to see you crack a smile, no matter how small.
Aether - Like Cumulus, he senses it even before you get the words out and has already taken you in his big arms. His love language is physical touch and will be present for you in whatever way you need him. If that means a shoulder to cry on then he’ll curl in bed beside you and wipe your tears. Always makes sure you are eating enough and staying hydrated as well as taking your meds if you’re on some.
Swiss - Kind of oblivious since he’s usually preoccupied with what’s going on in his own head but when he notices you eating less, sleeping more, and wandering around with red eyes and tear stained cheeks he kicks himself. He’ll approach you gently, softly, and with a sweet endearment asks if you need to talk. He’s an amazing listener and holds your hands in his the whole time you speak. Sympathetic crier, absolutely.
Mountain - Actions speak louder than words for Mountain, who overhears you talking about your depression with another ghoul. The next day he calls out to you when you shuffle into the kitchen and he asks if you’d like to take a walk with him. He’ll take you on his favorite walk into the woods and hold your hand, instructing you to breathe deep and listen. Being in nature with him is always healing and rejuvenating.
Rain - Like Mountain, he believes in the healing power of nature but his way. He’ll take you down to the lake one night when a full moon illuminates the water and have you strip to your skin and follow him into the shallows. Step by step you follow him until your feet still touchy the sandy bottom but the water reaches your shoulders. When he instructs you to climb into his arms you actually laugh, the sound startling you, but you acquiesce. He holds you in the water under the moon until your fingers are long wrinkled.
Phantom - He’d be oblivious if it wasn’t for the way your lips hang in a frown more often than not these days and he remembers how it was when he was first called from the pit. The loneliness, the isolation…he’s all too familiar with these feelings and shudders to think of you suffering through them. If you want to talk, he’s here to listen but if you simply want another being to exist beside you as you go about your day he’s even better at that.
Dewdrop - An even better listener than Swiss, despite his sharp outer shell. He puts on a big show of being thorny but the instant he catches you hastily wiping tears from your cheeks he’s by your side and guiding you to the nearest quiet room. He doesn’t always know the right things to say but that’s okay, you’re happy he’s around and that he cares. And Satan, does he care. Constantly checks up on you throughout the day, whether it’s by text or popping in to see you in person.
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chuitu · 21 days
August 12 2XXX
Written by: Compiled and edited by Anon
User/s: Surveillance audio recording
ID/s detected:
• Dir. Murata Salli
• Cpt. Jiangguō Guizhong
• Hóng Haí'er
• 'Niko Lynn Doe'
File Corruption: Null¿
"Red! Where are yo- Oh, there you are..." {Niko}
"... What is it, Nezha?" {Haí'er}
"Just checking on you, seems you've outdone yourself again." {Niko}
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"What are you doing up here? I bet it was that commotion about your Captain lacking again huh?" {Niko}
"Don't even start with that... I'm actually glad i don't have my powers, it would've been the last of this place." {Haí'er}
"Pfft..." {Niko}
"Sooo... You're actually one of us now, how was the exam? Lose any parts of your body or scalp?" {Haí'er}
"Exam?" {Niko}
"... Y'know, the Entrance exam? Hunt void entities to pass or be hunted and fail?" {Haí'er}
"... I was just, signed in immediately" {Niko}
"... What." {Haí'er}
"Yeah, apparently the director knew who i was despite my disguise and fake name, and then she just, signed me in" {Niko}
"..." {Haí'er}
"I want to say a slur, but the surveillance recorders might catch it so... hhhhhuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh..." {Haí'er}
"Well besides that, seems like your Captain is at ends meet.." {Niko}
{Crash noises}
"The pillow room? sounds like a... weird way to call a detention room" {Niko}
"Oh it's more than just a detention room, It's basically a sort of torture chamber" {Haí'er}
"TORTURE? That- It's just cruel! I thought this place wouldn't do something like that!" {Niko}
"Oh well, you should've seen the entrance exams... when i get up the ranks i'm definitely changing that first.. Oh and, The torture chamber is gonna be the least of your concerns" {Haí'er}
"Why did you try to comfort me about something so cruel and heinous so nonchalantly?!" {Niko}
"No seriously it's not what it is... plus it's literally only there for when the Captain starts acting up like an immature child.. Like, that guy tried to flirt with me a dozen times, he can't take no for an answer..." {Haí'er}
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"??.." {Niko}
"He's 89" {Haí'er}
"And?" {Niko}
"WDYM 'And' I'm 520 years old, that's like- SO FAR AWAY- I'M HIS SUBORDINATE" {Haí'er}
"... I'm starting to think about something about a script wasn't thought through enough, and was made under 20 seconds while catching up on a deadline.." {Niko}
{Loud banging on the metal door}
"LET ME OUUUT, THIS PLACE IS HORRIBLEEEEE, Where's the spikes?! The stretcher?! Where's the tortureeeee?!" {Guizhong}
"Captain Jiangguō, It's time for your 15th rejuvenation therapy ^^" {Staff}
"Wh... Rejuvenation??? That's not... torture??" {Niko}
"Well to him it is... He's a hardcore masochist... It's concerning i know, that's why he's given therapy... frequently..." {Haí'er}
"... Oh" {Niko}
"Oh right! That reminds me" {Niko}
"???" {Haí'er}
"Did you meet up with Yeva again? I heard she's back in Megapolis a-" {Niko}
"Yeah uh... sure... sure we met..." {Haí'er}
"Aha yeah... I had to help her escape... The celestial court was planning to do something with her... bad things.." {Niko}
"Wh.. huh?" {Haí'er}
"Yeah... At first it seemed fine when they were helping her train to control her flow of energy... but when that didn't work, they forced these, repression binds on her, in the form of shackles on her arms..." {Niko}
"They... The iron shackles on her arms, was that what it was?" {Haí'er}
"You've seen what it did to her didn't you... Yes it, somehow helped with Yeva's chi drain problem.. but it robbed her of being able to express any emotion, they made it so that she would be... some... obedient doll. They were even planning to use her like a weapon, that's when they crossed the line, I had to get Yeva out of the Celestial Realm... She can't return to Chang'e because they know she'd go there first, but she knew that already so.." {Niko}
"...." {Haí'er}
"I assume she went to you first... she must have been so happy to see you again... Father took away her phone the day her training started.. She was really upset when she couldn't speak with you again, or even just a text, She really missed you." {Niko}
"......" {Haí'er}
"Did she say anything while making her way back? I would assume she was scared of being all alone but i know she's a brave one... Red?" {Niko}
"... no..." {Haí'er}
"?... Redson?" {Niko}
"No..no..no..nonono...no" {Haí'er}
"Nephew? What's wrong-" {Niko}
"What have i done?!" {Haí'er}
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Haí'er looked distressed, he contacted The Logistics Unit through his Focus (ps, still working on the name for the earpieces used by Aspirants...)
"hyperventilating ... Tian! I need you to find someone for me!" {Haí'er}
"R-Redson? Where are you going- Red!"
-- End Recording --
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ivesambrose · 2 years
✿ 𝓕𝓮𝓫𝓻𝓾𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 ✿
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1. 2. 3.
Short & sweet, make the best of this month 💝
Services Offered
Thanks for the tip ✨
Gif 1
You'll be finding more comfort in yourself by finally honouring your feelings, whatever they are. You had been running on logic and rigidity for the previous month but now you can feel at ease.
You may be feeling more sentimental as well a little more nocturnal than usual. If you feel like crying, please cry. It's okay.
Intuition will be very high as well.
You may cook or buy comfort foods or clothing that make you feel more comfortable. You might be into soft pastel or muted shades a little more. You'd like to make your surroundings more cozy as well.
You'll have a rather romantic month as well so stay open to this.
If you've been having health issues or were harsh or overtly critical of your body you'll recover and overcome it. There is a lot of emphasis on skin care rituals, spa days or a nice long bath or shower with some aroma therapy that will help you rejuvenate. Please look after yourself and stop skipping breakfast.
Gif 2
It may not seem like it at first but this is going to be a very significant and dare I say, a big month for you. Almost like a bridge that leads to something bigger.
You'll be feeling lucky and more enthusiastic to learn, to travel, to experiment etc you may even get a new tattoo or some of you might get their visa for studies/work or travel.
If you've been the quiet type previous year or month I sense you'll start putting yourself out there more. Maybe indulge in photography and show off your artistic skills or you yourself. Maybe documenting or progress in something too.
You're manifesting something big, more structure, more success in your business or work and stability. You're seeing every little thing as something that adds to what you want. There will be a big ending like you're finally taking off a band aid or simply throwing expired food out. Better boundaries as well.
Your determination and persistence will get you the recognition you seek. I also see you attracting someone because of this but they may be slow to approach simply out of nervousness.
Gif 3
I think some of you felt drawn to the 2nd gif as well. Y'all are my ambitious folk as you should be. I heard "ka ching!" While chanelling for this group so expect some (a lot) of money. You're focused on your reputation, fame, long term goals this month. You might be super busy since things finally start picking up for you.
Some of you working out or joining the gym, you'll start seeing the good results in 6 weeks. Don't rush this.
Something you've always loved as a child or teen is going to end up being the big thing for you. How is none of your business, you have an inner knowing, that's enough.
You'll be quiet about your moves but your work will start speaking for itself. I see some of you practicing something in front of the mirror or saying your affirmations to yourself.
I see new, playful exciting romances as well gifts for you. I also see you getting a lot of your vision board or wish list manifestions all at once.
Visualise your desires before you sleep and most importantly, fix your sleeping schedule and get a good 7 - 8 hours of shut eye.
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shadanga01 · 2 years
what is rejuvenation therapy
Rejuvenation is a type of medical treatment that attempts to restore youthful vitality in older adults by restoring the function of their biological clocks, also known as the circadian rhythm. This helps rejuvenation therapy patients feel younger and more energetic.to know more about this treatment read our full blog today.
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terrence-silver · 8 months
Old man Terry slipping lactation pills in beloved's drinks and food and relishing in the way her body changes and her breasts become heavier, fuller, sore, bigger. I think he would do it as a means to control beloved and to obviously drink from it daily, believing it has benefits or something. When she lactates for the first time and is so confused, he feigns concern and gives her pills that he makes her believe it's for her health but it's to keep her producing milk. His good little calf.
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Of course it has benefits; mother's milk is the fountain of youth. Didn't you hear?
If Cleopatra could bathe in it, Terry Silver can drink it.
If it's good for a newborn, it's even better for an aging, power hungry Billionaire hellbent on quite literally latching unto and sucking dry whatever controlled and highly vetted source of health, longevity and strength he can like a vampire, and what a more fitting place for it to stem from than his very own beloved? Milk. It does a body good. A famous commercial from the 80's and 90's might come to Terry's mind as the idea occurs to him and of course the maintenance of a physique like his well into his sixth decade being alive doesn't come cheap (cheap, and not in the material sense, because Terry's more than willing to dish out cash) in fact, utilizing basic logic, it would be more and more complicated with each passing year; constant training, dedication, therapy, steam baths, devotion to the sport, very specific dietary choices. Yesterday, it was vegan screws and salads, but he so happens to find beloved's milk infinitely more appetizing, inviting and decadent to the degree he can and would induce their lactation through specific pills. Crushed in meals, crushed in beverages, crushed in a fine wine as they toast together over an intimate, romantic fine dinner for two. How very unassuming --- but he's here with an agenda. Terry Silver not only seeks rejuvenation because youth is the only thing money cant buy according to his own words, but he wants to consume in the general sense of the word. Consume beloved until they flow through his bloodstream, his organism, infused with his very bones; the things he breaks stone slabs with with such ease. The things he fights with. When he's in the midst of combat, it's like beloved's right there, alive and infused inside of his knuckles. You are what you eat, after all.
And of course, being Californian upper crust, he'd hear and see things.
He'd hear and see things for decades --- no doubt having participated too.
Celebrities eating their baby's placenta, Gwyneth Paltrow's beauty regimen that includes bee stings, Sandra Bullock's Hemorrhoid Eye Cream, Cate Blanchett's Foreskin Facials and Demi Moore's Leech Therapy. Hollywood's right next door. It would make Terry Silver's propensity for the strange and unusual almost seem commonplace; him drinking beloved's breast milk? Just another Wednesday in The Valley.
But, he cares. Of course he cares with every fiber of his being and his big, black heart. He tracks every change, every reaction, every sore and every bit of swelling surrounding beloved's body, perfectionist, control freak that he is. Their every complaint. Every bit of fluctuating transformation. Every bit of pain. Hell, he'd even bring in (a bribed off) doctor or ten to regularly check on beloved and quell any fears they might have by assuring them this is totally normal. It happens when someone's young and fertile; it is simply their concern he isn't truly surprised by because everything is going according to his plan and if he feigns anything, it's mostly innocence. But, Terry's far from innocent. This is him desiring to be one with beloved in every sense, consuming them, dominating them, wishing to take whatever he can from their youth and in equal measure, no doubt in mind it's a fetish too because the exchange simply turns him on. He is a dirty old man and he deliberately plays into it and just how very dirty and debauched he can be and that all by itself serves as a gleeful kink precisely because it's total filth. Total filth that totally amuses him. Perhaps even more so that he can expertly get beloved to actually allow him to drink from their breasts of their own volition to alleviate their pressure and pain they're feeling and have them thank him no less once it actually helps, perhaps utilizing a few well-learned massage moves of his as a gateway to everything that comes later. Oh, Terry the kindhearted saint, truly! What's best, beloved consented to everything of their own free will. Well, with some conditioning, white lies (in Terry's opinion) and slightly omitted details involved in the process, of course.
But, the ends justify the means.
Sooner or later, he'll sell the story to them in its entirety and have them agree to it regardless.
His good, perfect little calf indeed.
Not entirely out of the question he wont bottle samples and save them up behind a locked glass veneer in a specially refrigerated portion of his private wine cellar only he can drink from.
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quirkwizard · 2 months
Can you make a compilation of your healing Quirks?
I've already covered a few before, but there are still a few more. I'll stick to healing powers and not healing adjacent, like "Placebo", "Stabilizer", or "Toxicant". And I'll throw out the Overwatch healer powers with "Health Blossom", "Gauze", "Exhilarate", and "Medicine Ball". They're healing powers, but I don't have anything to say on them.
Of the healing powers, it depends on what you want out of it. "Magic Beans" may be the best combat one, both healing and rejuvenating whomever eats them. Of course, "Heat Therapy" can fit as well work as an emergency medical treatment with it's built in defensive abilities. "Greenery" can work great for a healing sanctuary after a battle in a clean, relaxing grove. "Sun Kissed" is the flashiest and stylish healing Quirk with the long flowing hair powered by sunlight. And if you want pure capabilities, "Patchwork" may just be the highest level of healing potential of any Original Quirk I've made.
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bloodyymaryyy · 1 month
The fortunate one
Charles Leclerc x goddess reader
Side note : this took not as long as I expected but yeah it took a little under a week so I am proud of it for the time it took and the whole thing ,I like it and I hope you like it too . Please don't be a ghost reader if you like my work because it motivates me to write more and more with each like , comment or even a repost 💞
Also this is inspired by the one and only @strwbrryfire. Thanks for letting me do that , also hello
Warnings : gore and blood : in a scene I have it marked so if you want you can skip .
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It was 16 October 1997 in Monte Carlo, Monaco where a baby was born , born to be a star for sure , they just didn't know it yet , it was way to early to tell either way. That boy had a great potential and a talent few got to have , he was destined for greatness, no matter what .
He didn't wait for long to discover his passion and talent , January 1st 2005 he started racing for a team and from that year he won his first title until 2008 . Moving on the year after January 1st 2009 won another title: the youngest ever french cadet champion.
Charles Leclerc wins Monaco Kart Cup in October 17th 2010 in 2010, Charles Leclerc moved up to the KF3 class and won the Junior Monaco Kart Cup.
Lorenzo's best friend Jules Bianchi was already mentoring him and helping him in his racing career while establishing his own which was cut short in 2015 when he sadly passed away without being able to carry on with his dream to drive for the elite team Scuderia Ferrari in formula one .
Sadnesses veiled all of the families in Monaco and especially the Bianchi's and the Leclerc's , being so close and with a bond like no other , grief took over them Charles significantly more in his family .
Grief t made him seek out for anything that could help him , he tried therapy which didn't work , tried so many things up until one is ay he happened to be in a library browsing through books that peaked his interest even a little because anyone that knew him could say he is not a person to read books especially non school related.
A book with a pretty cover grabbed his attention and took it off the shelf, upon further inspection he understood what it was , a book about a goddess ? They weren't really religious, also not learning it at school got him thinking that maybe it's fictional.
He did decide to buy it though just so he could see what it was about he had a proclivity towards it , a weird attraction like a magnet of sorts.
He delivered a powerful soliloquy reflecting his choice of buying that book which most likely will be left to collect dust in a shelf where all of his books were stored.
After he was done with the errands that holded him up from reading the heavy book that weighted his bag down and returned home , it was lunch time , helping his mum with the food they all it as a family and everyone separated to do their own thing and he did too .
Opening his new book he found that the pages were old , wrinkly , brown and a little torn up just enough so you will be able to read the contents of those pages , just because he had the day free of everything he sat down and read the book starting to believe in the goddess that the book was talking about , there was directions on how to find her , it was rumored that he brought luck , success and granted logical wishes at a cost .
He studied the steps of where to find her and how so he prepared himself and the stuff he had to take with him and a deep slumber took him after his head touched his soft pillow , with excitement for the next day's adventure on seeing if this goddess is actually in existence ,and dreaming of what he could ask her for .
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When he awoke in the morning, he felt inexplicably rejuvenated and vivified, as if a whole decade had elapsed since he had experienced such a nourishing night's slumber.
Getting up and ready for a day full of adventure, he was excited to see it the book is real and had solid information on the divine being, it could be nice to see if it really is of existence or just a waste of time which won't really be a waste of time because he could connect with nature.
When he got downstairs to eat breakfast with his family he told them about him going to hang out with Pierre Gasly his best friend which was a lie , he was not about to let him know of the cosmic enchantress , if she didn't exist he would call him crazy or if she did exist he wanted to have her all to himself even tho it wasn't fair and he was being selfish for gatekeeping it , but what the world doesn't know can't hurt them .
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After getting ready, preparing his backpack with a few last time things like tree bottles of water and some snacks , the book , his phone and his headphones because it would be a very long walk from his house to the forest where the little abandoned temple where the statue of the majestic empress is .
Normal people would just brush it off but not Charles young and stupid doesn't always work in your favor but the sixteen years old boy with nothing to do and what seems nothing to loose he went for it anyway because he was in line to get a Ferrari seat now , a few weeks ago winning the f2 championship and talking with haas in f1 for a seat which was his dream and legacy as Jules got quiescent and wanting Jules to live through him and live his dream also , because they were supposed to drive along side with each other but god and the universe had got another plans for him .
Drawing a map to where he needs to go in his head , he put on his headphones blasting his music , the walk was painful even for an athlete, the sun shown brightly and every second that past the sun got hotter , he was sweating by the time he got to the forest and now the actual problem began . Having to climb small mountains , jump over fallen trees , go down on the way and having to grab into trees to keep him for tumbling down but he somehow made it , worry overtook him for a while for how he is gonna get back up but the moment he felt something else more powerful in him the worry just left his body and something new came about .
Taking two turns and a few minutes in a straight.
There is was
Or so he thought, getting his book out just to be sure it was the correct building and it was ! He actually found it ! He jumped in place a few times in his excitement and headed to the door , knocking just to be sure nothing happened and so he just opened it putting on his whole body because it wouldn't budge and got in the first thing he saw was small pillars Greek like with the details and all there were a few skulls and different bones which freaked him out but didn't back down because that would mean he just did a three hour walk to just leave immediately so no either way he was not that much of a wuss to leave just because there was a few bones most likely humans.... Right?... No he had too much of adrenaline to leave .
Continuing further into the temple the door which he left open slammed shut with so much force that it woke the dead for sure , getting a glimpse of the statue of the beautiful woman that somehow radiated gold , her body glowing gold with a red cloth hiding the lower part of her body , her waist , her privet area and the back of her legs and pooling down at her feet.
She stood proudly with her hands open the left one pointing down and the other upwards , her eyes closed as if she was having a peaceful sleep , her hair fall beautifully around her , there was candles everywhere other lit with a soft glow and others half way done .
Opening up his book to the page where a few spells for summoning her were he thought of what he would ask her for .
In the book it said to kneel Infront of her and place your hands in her stomach and start chanting her name with pauses every three times and she started to move , her fingers started twitching , her eyelids Open and closing finally she opened her eyes and looked down at him , expecting an old creepy guy that had only greed in his heart and eyes but what you saw shocked you , it was a young man , a teenager, kneeling before you with brown hair , green eyes and a beautiful face in general, he finally looked up at her and saw that she was looking at him he jumped up and created space between them and he spoke up .
"You are actually real" he said in awe
" I am indeed" she said monotonously and continued " what is it that you need for me to call me up here ?" She questioned raising an eyebrow at him .
There was a long pause , " I actually don't know , I mean I could ask you for my friend back , but I won't be logical, can I ask you a question first ?"
" go ahead" and with the freedom of speech that she gave him he picked carefully his next words .
"what do you do actually?"
" I can do pretty much everything other than give you back your friend as you said "
"so if I asked you for a little help with my career would you do it ? "
"okay that was easy, I will take that , I need it right now "
" Okay it will cost you mortal "
" Charles my name is Charles" there was again a pause and an awkward silence until he spoke again " what do you want ?"
" I want you to bring me a human alive here and sacrifice them so I can roam the earth again " as she said that her eyes glowed red and her voice got deeper " but for now I will take half of your soul so I can make sure you do that and then I will help you "
Fuck he thought it was gonna be something more simple that kidnapping a human so he could sacrifice it to her but he mentally agreed the moment she uttered the words but so he could make himself feel better he pretended to think about it .
" Okay I will do it , who do you want I will bring them"
" I want (whoever you want) and everything so desire will be yours "
" when ?"
"in a week , this exact hour and day "
" okay I will " as he said that and was about to take a step back to turn on his heel and leave a pain burst throughout his body and a shadow flow out of his body to hers .
" you will take your soul back when you bring her here "
He didn't say anything and left as fast as possible to make a research on the woman the radiant majesty wanted . A voice inside his head spoke that he knew it wasn't his .
" no need I will guide you to her and lend you invisibility for you to get it done without a trace back to you "
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After getting home , nobody was at home because of different reasons and it was great so they couldn't see him like this , dirty clothes, mud everywhere and his hair wild but covered by a Ferrari cap .
He ate whatever was made for dinner because they always ate early dinner , he didn't like that but he had to eat it anyway his headphones on again trying to avoid the fact that he had to do all that and his soul was stolen, a piece of him was missing, it bothered him he didn't know what to do with himself so he sat and played video games until his family come home or until he feels like going to sleep which will be soon so he send a message to the family group chat that he is home for a while now and that he will go to sleep so he won't worry his family.
Tomorrow he had to train anyway so it was perfect, him going to sleep early, he could be well rested for the training. Falling asleep an hour after he thought of how is he going to get the woman because the guilt will eat him alive he knew it , he had this feeling for almost every, either he was in the wrong or not for things that didn't matter much it was like a big monster loitering around, weighting him down and with the urge to vomit out everything, secrets , sins , mistakes and regrets . But with the divine sovereign taking over his soul that monster has gone away and he almost didn't want her to leave at all.
He actually wanted to talk to her , ask her questions about her , everything but he was afraid.
His thoughts now are not his own anymore, there was someone listening to everything he thought, did , talked , it was gonna be hard to even talk to his family, but it wasn't like she is gonna talk to anyone about everything she heard but to have a person hear , see and feel the same thing as you it was one of the oodest experience of his life ever .
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The week went by too fast for him so he was anxious about everything, the moment his family left in an early morning and he was at home he left too , seeking the woman that would be his victim.
He actually was a puppet, nothing he did was of his own move the spirit inside of him just guided him where to go and how to do something so in his conscience it wasn't like he did anything so he was not guilty.
(gore scene)
Getting again to the temple it went by a second or so he thought but it got done after lying her in the bed like piler the sovereign one did the rest , cut up her hands and gathering her blood for the ritual, drawing shapes in her body and crushing her skull with her hands, there was pieces everywhere of meat and blood scattered around the room and on her face , hands and body .
(end gore )
Her soul flew out of her and the timeless paragon left her place off the step and walked towards Charles the red soul left her body and flew right in into him , he felt something fantastic, he felt complete and something new , he couldn't describe what but it was amazing.
" I think we are good here mortal , it was a pleasure making business with you , you know where to find me if you want anything more "
" did you do what I asked ?"
"yes and a little more actually because you deserve it "
" like what ?" He said confused
" you will know when it's time , now leave "
Without uttering anything but a mind full of questions he left hoping it was actually what he wanted but time only will tell from now on .
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After years he thought of going to her again , he couldn't get rid of the thought of her standing in front of him all mighty and powerful, he thought of going to get some help again as he was about to race again for his home country and after years of misfortune either his own fault and many others of wrong calls and strategies from his team he actually found himself days before the race to the very place he stood ten years ago .
The door opened up without having to knock a random stranger that he found on the way there in his arms unconscious his white fireproof and his race suit pooling down in his hips , sweaty, hair messy he went in and laid the body the way he did that day a decade ago kneeling down again in front of her , placing his hands in her stomach as he did before this time with more confidence and determined he repeated her name three times then pausing , then again , then again , then again at this rate his heart beat picked up with the sight of her moving again back to life .
She woke up again , knowing exactly what he needed without having him say it by himself . After getting it done he sat on a bench and she actually sat down with him and talked about everything
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After winning the race he sat in his car , thinking about everything while crying in his helmet, he got out of the car with a newfound strength. His family cheering and crying waiting to congratulate their son and brother, his newest girlfriend shedding a tear , his brothers crying and clapping .
It all was surreal
He done it !
He won
Getting out of his car he stood on his knees and looking up as if praying for her praying for y/n the one that helped him throughout his career, hitting his chest and opening his arms as if welcoming a hug which welcomed one but the world didn't have to know that it was his y/n .
Getting up he jumped into the arms of his family and team everyone celebrated his win even his rival max hugged him where the world didn't know that he had a close friendship with .
The end
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azraelsdeadthings · 5 months
Grounding - What is it and how to do it
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What is grounding?
Ground is bonding and exchanging energy with different elements, but typically, people ground to bond and exchange energy with Earth.
Grounding isn't just used in witchcraft/paganism, it is also used in different types of Therapy, like CBT, DBT, etc.
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Why is grounding used in Witchcraft?
To help discover a safe space within themselves
To be present
To form an energetic or spiritual connection to the Earth
To prepare for any magical working
To rejuvenate your energy
Gets you in the mood to practice
Prepares you to pull energy from the Earth or to raise energy
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What are some benefits of grounding?
Decrease pain, anxiety, depression, stress
Restore balance to the body
Increase energy
Brings you back to the present
Improved self control, focus, self care, and clarity
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How to ground
There are many different ways to ground, and not all ways will work for you. It may take many trials and errors, but you will find a way that works!
Here's some ways that help me!
Stimming (shaking hands, moving my body, fidgeting with sensory tools, etc)
Walking on grass with bare feet
Holding/rubbing crystals (doesn't even have to be crystals that are for grounding)
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