#if anyone wants more info on this au
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a proper introduction to my post-embrace-the-void AU! hive knight and hornet are queerplatonic roommates and hornet's extended family live with them
there's a lot of words here, too many to put in the alt ID, so all the text is below the cut here:
??? (the hollow knight)
tends to be a homebody
severe separation anxiety
still trying to learn the whole "having opinions" thing
does most of the housework
do not approach from blind side
resin (hive knight)
somewhat weakened from being infected
helps hornet hunt sometimes
loves physical affection
craves meat
primary provider of food (hunter and trapper)
has undergone her fifth molt
disaster bi (doesn't know it yet)
doesn't eat as much as she should
barely sleeps
ghost (the knight)
god of gods, lord of shades, agent of daily chaos
had its first proper molt
handles finances
avoiding problems (godseekers) at all costs
moss (greenpath vessel)
kinda showed up one day
best helper
demands uppies
sould molt soon…?
follows ghost and THK around most
ember (grimmchild)
still a baby
ritual incomplete
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kiwibirbkat · 1 month
You can pry Marcy streamer AU from my cold dead hands
Marcy Wu Streamer AU!
Started streaming as a backup while waiting for her webcomic to blow up
When their account gained traction they used it to help advertise their comic
They do both for a living now
They game on it and sometimes do vlog type streams
She does a lot of charity streams (angsty charity week fic anyone???)
Annual subathons
Lives with the girlfriends (Anne and Sasha)
Sleep schedule? Non-existent!
Anne and Sasha are fan favourites even if they do end some streams early to force Marcy to sleep
She does sub only drawing streams for their comics especially after a hiatus
Or they do public drawing streams of intermission episodes
Anne and Sasha sometimes come onto a stream with them
Marcy has a lot of guilt from Amphibia still :(
(And scars)
Not fully disabled but they need a walking aid sometimes and a wheelchair if the pain gets really bad
They still have traces of Darcy her head but they can't control her they just give advice
Or complain that Marcy won't kill anyone
They can't go to Amphibia but they can call/text through dimensions since Anne gave sprig her phone and Polly figured out how to make more
Marcy refuses any type of therapy (they don't think they deserve help)
But she will break down crying in their girlfriend's arms sometimes
She/they (realized she liked they/them pronouns after everyone referred to Darcy as they seeing as they were multiple minds)
Anne has a pet cat that looks like Domino and she lives with them
Marcy has that gaming posture (atrocious)
They post all of their VODs on YouTube
Marcy has crocheted all of them plushies of their family in amphibia (Sasha with Percy, Braddock and Grime, Anne with Sprig, Polly and Hop-pop, and Marcy with Olivia and Yunan (and a secret andrius plush that they can't look at most days))
None of them have their powers but they do have traces of energy, which is why Darcy stays in Marcy's head instead of just shutting off
Marcy dyes some of her hair green in reminder of when they had cool anime powers
Also, she's worked a lot of aspects of Amphibia into their comic so they have an excuse to make Amphibia merch
Most of their fans are worried about her because she's always up so late
Marcy speaks Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Portuguese, and Ukrainian and voice over all of their streams in these languages to post them on their separate VOD channels
They're trying to learn more (Greek, German, Russian, ect.)
Because of Darcy and her wit powers they learn easier (super brain)
All of her fans theorize on why them and their girlfriends went missing for like a year seeing as frogvasion has been wiped from the media
The calamity trio know most of the Disney protags (Dipper, Luz, Molly, Star, and the other people in included in those franchises)
They all live in the same world (-star, Marco and Tom but dimensional scissors yk?)
Luz reached out to Anne for help building a portal, Dipper and Mabel met Molly while ghost hunting
They have all separately run into Star while researching energy levels that came from Stars weird dimensional travel
Therefore Marco added them all to a discord server and the rest is history
They sometimes guest star on Marcy's channel
June has programmed Marcy a game before
Sasha is planning to propose (shhh don't tell Anne and Marcy)
Marcy has cut contact with her family (I don't care what cannon says her parents aren't good people)
(She would not cling onto any sort of affection this much if their parents loved them)
(Fight me)
Marcy hates going to the doctor or bathing (the bath reminds her of the rejuvenation tank and she just generally distrusts the government after Anne told them about the whole thing with Mr X)
The only doctor they trust is the dentist for some reason???
When asked Marcy just shrugs
And the vet but they aren't the one getting tested at the vet and she cares about Domino 3 too much not to go to the vet
Marcy Wu=autism
Marcy has severe anxiety
Marcy has depression
Marcy streams from bed sometimes just because they're in too much pain to walk and their girlfriends aren't their to put them into her wheelchair but she has that grind set for their stream dates
Marcy has crocheted enough Olivia and Yunan plushies to give a small army
They give them away during giveaways as beta designs for some of her characters
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kiwisandcoconuts · 5 months
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Posting Yellowjackets fanart on main I fear...
Refrences 1/2 for YJ Animorphs AU!
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verocitea · 7 months
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CA Tails redraw/rework! Lightly reworking the plot atm…
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babybirbb · 3 months
Just started watching suits recently and was wondering if you had any good fic recs, particularly AUs. The nature of the show really lends itself to Selkie fics imo but also I just love selkies
anon i need you to know that as soon as i saw your ask i immediately went scouring through the AU tag on ao3. i’m not gonna lie, i'm not usually an AU reader but i wanted to challenge myself to provide some recs as unbiasedly as possible.
at first observation, i noticed a lot of the AU fics were still in some way canon (divergent and adjacent)-- usually splitting off somewhere along the show or a situation where Mike or Harvey is still a lawyer, while the other was not. i will say i skipped over smut-based (omegaverse, bdsm) and lengthy fics (under 20k is nothing, anything more than 50k is pushing it for me) cause i just did not have the brainpower to even try to get through them :/
so of course the ones i ended up liking were mostly canon divergent/adjacent but i tried my best to get you something different. what i managed to dig up for you is under the cut and i really hope you like them anon (also fyi these are all pretty much marvey fics, hope that's okay!) <3 also thanks so much for the ask! i enjoyed this little scavenger hunt haha!
As the World Caves In by SupernaturalIdjit16 | Mature - Zombie Apocalypse, Warning for the usual triggers that come with zombie apocalypse. It’s not a complete work but it literally got updated today!
Here at the end of all things by tattooedsiren | Explicit - Apocalypse, Hurt/Comfort, Mike and Harvey protecting each other, Mike does shoot someone and goes a bit into the psychological aftermath, light smut towards the end
The Haunting of Penthouse B by Skara_Brae | Teen+ - Supernatural Elements, Happy ending, Mike’s a ghost…or is he?
Meet Me at Midnight by butdaddyilovehim | Teen+ - Superheroes/Superpowers, Protective Harvey, he's also Batman…need i say more?
Complications by LearnedFoot | Teen+ - Canon divergence, Fake/pretend relationship, Harvey decides not to hire Mike, instead asks for his help to spite Jessica, of course they end up falling in love
The Touch by FrivolousSuits | Teen+ - Magic, Angst, Soulmate inspired, it’s also from Donna’s pov which was super fun and interesting, as was the nature of the magic
TBR list:
Wear My Name by Lunarflare14 (Teen+) and whatever the question by tattooedsiren (Explicit) - These are both Fake/Pretend relationship AUs based/inspired by The Proposal movie! (a very good movie imo)
The Game by FrivolousSuits | Teen+ - It’s a Hunger Games AU so i am intrigued, just haven't gotten around to reading it yet
Ocean Dream by Blue_Five | Mature - i apologize for being unable to provide you with a selkie fic so the best i could do was the incomplete merperson au... i hope it's enjoyable...😅
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miramisaki · 5 months
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38(???) days until Charlie...
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themurphyzone · 5 months
Ok you know what the whole Jim Starling is Drake Mallard's father AU concept is living rent free in my head and I'm 3000 words into a WIP about this. I have so many ideas on what I can do here it's not even funny.
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trohpi · 7 months
heres a super short snippet of my trans girl reg waterlily wip bc they consume my every waking thought <3
warning: theres some internalized transphobia here! proceed with caution
“Sometimes, I feel like a girl.” The words spill out unbidden, her voice a mere breath in the quiet. Lily hears it anyway, she always does.
“Sometimes?” Lily asks, her voice careful.
“All of the time,” Regulus admits in a whisper, shame dripping from her voice. Her hands tremble where they grip the hem of her nightshirt, and yet she doesn’t dare look up from the table to meet her friend’s eyes. If she does, she’s sure the disgust marring Lily’s delicate features would be the end of her.
“Well,” Lily says after a bout of silence. “That explains some things.”
Regulus bursts into tears. They’re hot and sticky as they carve their way down her cheeks, and suddenly she’s drowning. Drowning in tears, drowning in emotion, drowning in all of it. It feels as if her chest has been cracked open, blood and bone and sickening secrets spilled out for everyone to see. She sobs and her lungs ache with it.
“—eathe, just breathe,” Lily is saying, though her voice is muffled by the rush of blood in Regulus’ ears. She shakes her head and the sobs only increase. Suddenly, familiarly icy fingers wrap themselves around her fingers. The shock of cold startles her and all at once she’s no longer drowning.
“Hey.” Lily lifts the other girl’s hand and presses it to her chest, right above her heart. “Feel that? Focus on that, on me.”
And so she does.
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i93bpm · 11 months
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OOT/FF7 ART FINALLY....... this is specifically supposed to show off a main thing that'd frequently happen in it where sephiroth and ganondorf sneak off at night just to talk to eachother (sephiroth isnt supposed to do that. bc of rules for soldiers ill explain soldier stuff another time) but yeah. hope u guys enjoy this vague post bc its all youll be getting of this au for the next few weeks probably. sorry..
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and bonus drawing of genesis, angeal and sephiroth playing some card game Smile
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fidgetspringer · 1 year
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- Marten & Nohren -
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
THE SEQUENCE OF ALL THE CHARACTERS SHARING INFORMATION IS SO FUN!!!!!!! esp the spotlight on hinako I love her a lot I’m glad she’s getting attention 🫶🫶 i feel like hinako didn’t want kids but would still fight to death to keep them safe ESP SINCE SHE’S A COP/INVESTIGATOR TOO i hope we learn more about her in t3…..
OUGH Hinako deserves so much attention!! I makes me crazy that we simultaneously know nothing important about her, and also she's the minor character/victim we know the most about: she has a full appearance, several outfits, we see her doing domestic tasks, we know her career and see her working, and we know her full name. (I also find it really juicy to have these two cop/investigator character in a murder "mystery" series that are completely detached from their usual role; it was fun to give that back to them in the au.) It's so interesting because originally I thought she was the one to want kids and Kazui held her back, but with recent info it definitely seems like he wanted a family more than her... And you're right -- that doesn't stop her from kicking anyone's ass who stands between her and protecting these kids 😤😤😤
And ah thanks!!! It was so fun trying to map out potential investigation methods >:3 The group is very limited because they're basically in prison (even if they're going free at the end). But at the same time, there's ten sets of skills and connections and knowledge which definitely helps. Plus, ten bodies in general is helpful -- you can have a lot of distractions and actions going on at once with so many people... I was so focused on thinking who could go in and out of the facility, but I wanted to add that Muu's parents help a lot too! They can't do much information-wise, but with their money they can pull some strings on the outside.
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oddogoblino · 1 year
Aha! I've made a sonic au:
"Words Hurt" AU
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Due to an unfortunate accident with machinery the humans tried to bring to Mobius, some mobians began to take these zombie-like forms & states of mind. Instead of purely craving brains though as one would expect, these mobians feed off negative energies and meat. They're still rather sentient but when if they haven't eaten in a while or just get a bit too angry, they go into feral, more stereotypical zombieish mindset and try to hunt anything alive.
In response, uninfected mobians have shunned any infected mobians to some unclaimed land/forest that eventually became a town/city of its own just called "Unhappy". Uninfected mobians will usually refuse to interact let alone help the infected mobians due to the unpredictability of their agitated nature, causing issues for how they could survive without the uninfected's support. This resulted in a team/organization of mobians called the "Ameliorate Conglomerate" being created by Vanilla Rabbit and her daughters, which has been a team of mobians who work to both help the infected via delivering foods and water to them while also assisting in building shelters and providing medical care.
Where Sonic comes in:
Sonic is one of the members to this organization due to personally having lost his parents at a young age due to this illness. He acts as mostly a delivery boy for these mobians due to his natural superspeed abilities, taking boxes and whatever else isn't too heavy for him whenever he's asked to and has the time. He still fights eggman though, so sometimes he kind of spends too much energy in his everyday life just trying to support everyone.
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Norman ratri fuckery or maybe Norman in lambda scenario if im understanding this right!
For an AU with greater canon divergence, I like tinkering with the idea of Peter being more hands on in interacting with Norman to better contrast with Emma and Ray getting Lucas and Yuugo for father figures.
22194 has been a child of interest since he scored a perfect 300 on his first test at age four. Potentially even earlier than that, if, like Ray, the demons kept track of his pedigree and his mother was also a full scorer. Regardless of exactly when it started, he continues to capture the attention of researchers and the demon nobility alike, so by the time Legravalima gives approval for him to be sent to Lambda so she can avoid handing him over to the demon god, Peter was already aware of his general existence.
He's thrown for a loop when he meets him in person though. The only potential photographs he would have of Norman would be from when he was an infant at headquarters. His incredibly light/white hair on its own wouldn't have been enough to give him much pause, but now that his features have had more time to develop, Peter's a bit startled at the Ratri ones he can pick out.
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(@bon-nii's comparison of James and Norman from chapters 173, 152, 126, and 154)
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(Chapter 74)
There's a bit of vanity in him saying he's too young to be Norman's father (never mind he was eighteen when Norman was born), but combined with the boy's looks, the phrase sits at the back of his mind, nudging him until he can't ignore his curiosity any longer. He looks into the genealogy records at Grace Field headquarters until he can't find any recording of a sperm donor, which isn't more than a few generations back. Odd, given that Grace Field is the top premium farm, but sometimes such documentation snuck through the cracks, and it wasn't unheard of for the occasional scientist to consort with the Sister candidates prior to the refinement of artificial insemination.
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It's one of Norman's blood samples that confirms someone from the family—either from the main one or the branch Andrew's from—fathered a daughter with a Sister, and that daughter went on to have a daughter who then bore a son.
Pulling this bit from an earlier post:
…I still have trouble wrapping my head around the idea of Peter knowingly and willingly [putting a Ratri child in the farm system] on the basis of viewing them as an extension of the clan rather than as individuals, so it’s almost like it’s a worse reflection on him not being able to restore the honor of this wayward branch of it by “salvaging” the traitor’s children and raising them “correctly.” He places such great value in being a Ratri and displays such disdain when speaking of the cattle children as food, it’s hard to see him sullying the line in any way by condemning a member to the fate of the latter as opposed to just outright killing them, even if said member was an infant. That’s still Ratri blood—his blood—that would be going into the farm system, and he would never let anyone as lowly as food have any sort of claim to such a noble and prestigious status. […] However, I’m more inclined to entertain the idea of another family member taking advantage of their position as a Ratri to have a dalliance with a Sister candidate, as @officersnickers brings up in this post. It’s not something Peter would ever approve of, but what’s done is done, and importantly there was no explicit denouncement of the clan in this act, which I feel he would take personal offense to. There’s nothing he can do to save these children—the one-drop rule thoroughly entrenched in his mind, and their blood is thoroughly tainted—but maybe their Ratri lineage will win out and they’ll be able to rise above their pitiful status, so he does keep tabs on both as he approves of them being sent on their separate ways in the system.
This is where one has to make the concession that Peter cares more about having an heir and/or believing a child's Ratri heritage trumps their fate of being born into the farm system. Shirai never confirms if he has a partner, but regardless, no mention is made of biological children of his own or if he knows of any potential ones on the way.
And maybe that's getting to him as the thirty-sixth head of the Ratri clan who's going to turn thirty next year, along with this boy looking so much like James. He knew his brother had no children, and despite his traitorous ways knew he'd never father one with a Sister for a variety of reasons. Yet here is this distant relative whose genes were still so prominent even after being diluted with multiple generations of cattle blood (him being vain enough to include Norman's intelligence as being another gift of Ratri inheritance). He decides to take it as a sign and as a duty to reclaim and "salvage" this wayward line of the clan.
Norman knows something's off when he doesn't receive all of the drugs he normally does for the day. Everything else proceeds as routine until dinner, when he's escorted not by scientists or demons, but men dressed in suits to an area of Lambda he's never been to before. They arrive in a lavishly decorated room with Peter seated at a relatively small but well-furnished dinner table. Norman's never seen so much food meant for one person, but as Peter invites him to have a seat, he realizes it's meant for two people.
There's some small talk regarding the spread, Peter's recommendations and whether Norman's favorite dish is there. By sheer coincidence there is some chickpeas and meat stew present, and while Norman is still wary of the entire situation, he doesn't refuse the bowl placed in front of him by the butler. It's the most delicious thing he's ever tasted. Peter makes sure to clarify one of his personal chefs made it.
This segues into a brief discussion about the daily tests Norman's been taking at Lambda. He confirms they're harder than the tests at Grace Field, but he enjoys the challenge, the tiniest bit of smug pride seeping in in the event Peter had any ego tied up in his being bested by one of these tests. The proud tone in the response throws him off before his brain registers the words "as to be expected of a Ratri." Peter then apologizes at the small but still noticeable change in his expression, lamenting how he probably should have started out with that to ease any of Norman's worries.
He goes on to explain how he discovered this, interpreting Norman's silence as positive before moving on to provide a brief overview of how the Ratri clan came to be the mediators between two worlds and then explaining how his life will change now that he'll be staying in the Ratri visitors' quarters for the remainder of his time at Lambda. The process to remove his tattoo and brand will begin the following day, and he'll be weened off the remaining drugs he's been given.
Norman knows it's beyond his consideration, but he still can't believe the gall of this man.
As for what [being a Ratri] would mean to Norman, he’s never indicated any sense of loss related to not knowing members of his immediate birth family or fretting over his origins, but for him to be related to the clan that’s perpetuated this system of abuse over a millennia and with how his rigid sense of morality lent itself to the idea of exterminating every single demon, if he was in a particularly negative thought spiral, it might eat at him on some bad days.
Where Peter expected rapturous or reverential awe at being a long-lost member of the clan, he felt sick. He never knew his birth mother or other forebearers, but imagining everything those women had to endure after seeing what it turned Isabella into, all being said so casually without a hint of guilt over the horrors his clan perpetuated like he's discussing the pedigree of a thoroughbred animal instead of a human being, it's nauseating.
And his neck tattoo…the Lambda brand he wouldn't give a second thought to losing, but the tattoo has this paradoxical sense of kinship attached to it that I briefly go over in this post regarding the children still keeping their tattoos years after being in the human world. Even with it being a horrible symbol of their dehumanization under this system, it's been a familiar sight to him since his earliest memories. It's one of the physical markers of his connection with Emma, Ray, and the rest of his family, and this man will be flippantly erasing that. How easy it is for him having never bore the grief that comes with it.
This is already long but a tangentially related conversation to this eventually comes up with Peter asking about Emma and Ray. On the surface it's to connect with Norman and learn more about his life at Grace Field, but the ulterior motive is to see if there's any information he can glean about these kids to find and capture them quicker. Norman will give it to him for having the tact not to slip and refer to them by their numbers like he's sure he wants to do, but he's still incensed at their names in his mouth. There's also the chance that Peter might reveal a crumb of information himself about their status (because Norman can't see why he would be asking unless he had something to gain from it, so that has to mean their escape was a success and they were all alive. The alternative would kill him), so he entertains the conversation. He tries not to give any tells, but when he talks about them his thumb might have grazed the spot where his number used to be before covering it up with a cough.
Norman's never taken in by Peter's seemingly genial demeanor, but it's odd how personal and almost…amiable the man can be with him. Still, the love he's offering is contingent on Norman's continued assistance at Lambda (Peter sees it as their shared duty to solve the conundrum of faster high quality meat production) and at least the appearance of respect toward the clan. It's not unconditional like Lucas' and Yuugo's.
The clearest hint of this might be Peter mentioning how much Norman resembles James one night at dinner, building his brother up with the same admiration he displays in chapter 173 before lamenting his fall from grace, stressing the sacrifice he had to make by murdering him but still ultimately going through with it because the clan and balance between two worlds takes precedence above all else.
Alternatively, another scenario that's easier to work into canon is the Ratri clan realizing Norman's lineage when the cattle children arrive in the human world, also prompted by the databases at Grace Field sparking further investigation with a DNA test. Once it's confirmed, they keep pestering Norman about leaning into this kinship and actively working for them, along with having his family and friends seemingly on good terms with the clan for some PR optics. Norman finds the idea insulting and revolting, but he can't ignore the benefits that would come with it.
Like some other fans, I greatly dislike Norman becoming a CEO during the final major timeskip, as well as Lambda sickness being conveniently treated with no chronic aftereffects and absolutely no issues with them integrating into human world and being welcomed with open arms by everyone. I understand Shirai wanted to wrap up the series on his own terms after years of dealing with the strain that is weekly manga publishing, and he needed an explanation for how the kids could easily fund their expeditions to search for Emma, but oof, do I hate it lol. All of these remain a concern for the cattle children here, and while the Ratri clan wouldn't outright abandon them if he refused, Norman wouldn't put it past them to drag their feet on certain matters. Their finances and prestige shield them from any misguided resentment some people may hold for them. Their connections are a boon for securing future educations and careers. And god would it expedite the search for Emma.
I like to imagine a late night benefit-cost analysis between Norman, Ray, Don, and Gilda taking place at some point after they've settled in enough. The other three reaffirm that if Norman felt it was going to kill his soul to work for the Ratris, his friends and family would stand by his refusal, but they would be remiss not to acknowledge the pragmatism in further solidifying the relationship (particularly poignant coming from Ray, though not completely analogous situations). The conversation drifts off for a bit before Norman, looking exhaustedly across the table they're seated at with his hands on his knees, states, "I want her back with us."
Working with the clan would be odd in so many ways with how they would laud his status as a cattle child and how he was taking the lead on amending relations between the Ratri and the cattle children while never wanting to fully interrogate what that meant. There's a hierarchy with Norman at the top and the mass production farm children at the bottom in many of their minds. At one point in private after a publicity event someone says offhand, "you can cover that up now, you know," referring to his ID. Even in the winter he tries to make a point not to wear scarves or turtlenecks when he knows he's going to be around them.
I hate the idea of there being one good and upstanding Ratri member that befriends him just because it's too convenient, and if we're being real Norman would never let down his walls enough and let them into his personal world after everything he's been through, but I do like the thought of him maybe getting along with a few scattered members, probably younger, who recognize the terrible fate that befell the children from another world and are genuinely amiable with him without beholding him to form a meaningful friendship with them. A small attempt at a personal level of atonement that he can recognize and appreciate while still maintaining that mental distance. I also think he'd appreciate the very youngest children of the family who could give him insight into what the adults might really think of him and his friends with their uncensored commentary lol.
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If you see this you are obligated to reblog and put your niche AUs in either the tags or as text.
And by 'niche' I mean something like a show many people don't watch or a random book from the library or something. Basically something that as far as you can tell, hasn't been created before.
I have hand selected three of my personal collection, but I have many more rattling around the brain. Under the cut because I love to ramble :)
Jinxed: This is based off the book 'Jinxed', which is set in a world where little animal robots replace phones called bakus. There are at least 4 tiers to these robots, although there might be more because I haven't read the second book yet- The current idea I have is that the Hermits are a friend group from one of the schools, and the traffic gang are sneaking out to take part in illegal baku fighting. That's it I haven't fleshed this out but robot animals and cool technology and maybe some angst. The angst comes in the form of the Watchers who run the fights slowly manipulating the kids.
Children of Stardust: This is based off a random book I grabbed off the library shelf. It's so good. It takes part in a galaxy that gives away powers in the from of kobastickers. The reason it's on the list is because the Saba guild the main character belongs to gives off Hermitcraft energy. The kids gathered so many lawsuits and the one in charge of them just does not care. There's also this place called the City of Children, where all the adults just vanished and now it's run by kids. Idk cool space adventures filled with chaos.
Skyborn: This one is based off the book series Skyborn! It's a three part series that takes place in a universe where everyone is a bird hybrid. Fellow bird/avian likers come get your dream universe. This one you could pretty much either just use the given universe or filled in the canon characters! If we're going with filling in canon characters here's some ideas: Ellie - Gem. A sparrow who wants to join the elite guard and when she doesn't she joins a band of thieves? I feel like Gem would be a great Ellie :) Gussie - Mumbo. I have nothing to say except vibes. And also the fact that Gussie was from the high clans but then ran away to work on inventions. This role was made for Mumbo. Twig is Bdubs I will not explain. It is simply the vibes. Nox... is harder to place. Etho might work, but that interferes with another idea I had. Basically to get a Nox grab a traumatized guy who would be a crow hybrid and is bad at feelings. Scar and Grian are that that prince and guard that might be in love. You can take this a /r or /p but they'd be great. Anyone else I'd say are background characters or cameos! There are a lot of possibilities! This universe is filled with potential angst and fluff, with so much cool world building! I'd also recommend checking out the books if you don't mind them being targeted for kids!
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teruthecreator · 2 years
ALSO before i go to bed lemme kno if any of these ideas entice you and i might start working on them soon >:-)
* = one-shot
** = chap fic
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randomboiplush · 1 year
traitor lord and mantis lords cyber au
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Traitor lord is the current ver. I'll draw the Infected ver. eventually, also asks for anyone(I have designs for) in the cyber au are still open!
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