#western political hypocrisy
focusonmy · 5 months
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hussyknee · 10 months
I woke up to the news about Refaat Alreer. I still feel cold. Imagine seeing someone talking on your TL every day, narrating what the genociders are doing, counting the dead and telling their stories, amplifying his colleagues in Palestinian activism and academia, advocating and pleading endlessly for a ceasefire, delivering blistering witticisms about Zionist propaganda and then...he and his whole family are dead.
Two of my favourite tweets by him, calling out the craven Western media for never naming Israel.
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It feels like a funeral today. My whole TL full of his students and Palestinians mourning Refaat alongside writers and journalists and academics from all over the Global South. The only people who matter to us is us.
Meanwhile, Zionists are attacking us under our mourning tweets, circulating the tweet where he laughed at the monstrous lie of Hamas cooking a baby in an oven during Oct 7th, one of the lies that fuelled the slaughter that eventually killed him too.
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This was his last tweet.
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USAmerican disability activist Imani Barbarin's tweet today was partially motivated by Refaat's death.
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I need to go offline for a while.
I leave you with Refaat's last poem that was his pinned tweet for over a month. When a storyteller dies, generations are robbed of universes. When a poet dies, the world loses a piece of its soul.
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You can find Refaat's book "Gaza Writes Back" in my gdrive folder of Palestinian literature. I don't know where the royalties will go now, but please also try and find it in a bookstore or library.
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ohsalome · 1 year
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lavender-not-fruit43 · 2 months
Can twitter like… Don’t fucking treating Ukrainians and Syrians like a punching back for five minutes??? Or do they live in world where palestine is the only country that exists in their minds and eyes??? God dammit I’m so so tired of this shit if it will getting happening again and again then I’ll just fucking straight up deleting all of my accounts here. Hospital literally got bombed days ago and y’all still think ukraine getting bazillion support of it??? I fucking hate y’all I can’t take this shit anymore
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nastylittleman · 1 year
One of the best explanations as to why the whole "US is threatening poor russia by expanding eastwards" narrative is a complete bs and an extremely harmful, egocentric and hypocritical take.
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
Liberal mental gymnastics are ridiculous, you hear them saying things like "yeah, empires often justify their aggression by saying their enemies committed horrible crimes, except for this Totally Real Thing our enemy did that Totally Really Happened and if you question it you're Evil And Bad and go to prison"
Has "40 beheaded babies" taught us nothing about these lies, and the fact that the lies have been going for 79 years straight?
My stuck-in-second-wave-of-feminism white Professor back in University made me quickly realize very early on in my feminist studies journey -that many liberal white women, for instance, are still very much complicit in and reinforcing systems and structures of oppression -like white supremacy and imperialism/colonialist agendas. They have done so in varying capacities (some more extreme than others) all around the world, and still continue to do so.
My previous professor, just to give you a little more context, was a proud liberal who just wanted an 'equal piece of the pie' that men have had for centuries. I have and will always encourage white folks to interrogate the ways in which they view or conceptualize equality in all respects, because white women still make more than Black, disabled, Indigenous, and Brown women in a majority of fields -there is a racialized pay gap -not just a gender one. There are also SO many intersections and intricacies to conversations about issues around the world, and many liberals (especially politicians) will still use carefully crafted rhetoric to make it seem like they just want the best for everyone, when in reality it's not -it's how they can maintain/keep their empire in power. It is no different when those very empires work so hard to make it seem like they really are the 'good guys,' and that there really is 'evil' in this world that must be stopped because 'don't you care about living in a free, democratic country?'
I think of how often when all political parties (because most do this) talk about the history of voting or any social justice movements, they often do so in ways that erase SO many atrocities 'their empires' committed during these time periods or how often stories are watered down and we don't see many elements of what actually happened (especially currently as well -like US imperialist military violence).
I think of how many suffragettes in the west supported eugenics or were incredibly racist, or the many white women who were either directly involved or with whom supported racial segregation before, during, and even after the Civil Rights Movement in the US (who are still alive today and are grandparents to racist bigots no doubt). These are just a handful of examples, but liberals are no exceptions -they, too, will do everything to make it seem like they are a lesser evil in specific cases and contexts like we have seen over these past few months. They could just be accountable -that would be the bare minimum, and demand a ceasefire (again, bare minimum) but they will go around in circles trying to justify imperial and colonial violence, ironically in many ways, because they still are empires at the end of the day, and want to keep their power in place, and it's beyond horrendous.
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nando161mando · 6 months
stonetoss is still Hans Kristian Graebener and he still lives at 4910 Hennington Drive, Spring Texas 77388
spread the word
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Oh the hypocrisy of the West knows no bounds!
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Former Israeli Government Minister Shulamit Aloni on Democracy Now
On 14 August 2002, former Israeli minister, Shulamit Aloni, said this on the US news program, Democracy Now:
"It is a trick; we always use it. When, from Europe, if someone is criticizing Israel, we bring up the Holocaust. When, in this country (USA), people are criticizing Israel then 'they are anti-Semitic'..
"And the organization is strong and has a lot of money and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country..”
She continued, “They have power, money, media and other things and their attitude is Israel my country right or wrong... They are not ready to hear criticism. It is very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the Jewish people and that 'justifies' everything we do to the Palestinians...."
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the-lady-maddy · 4 months
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hussyknee · 10 months
Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, co-founder of Jewish Voice for Labour, has been speaking out against Israel since she was 19 years old. Here she speaks eloquently about the deplatforming, persecution and erasure of anti-Zionist Jews by the media, the Western gentile political establishment and their own community. It's an extremely worthwhile 9 minutes of your time.
Naomi was expelled from the Labour Party last year for supporting Palestine, supporting groups that supported socialists deplatformed for their support of Palestine, and supporting Jeremy Corbyn who supported Palestine. Always remember that the reason the entire UK political establishment embarked on a long campaign of character assassination against the most popular Labour leader in years, that ended in a landslide conservative victory with Boris Johnson as installed as PM, was all because of Israel.
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ohsalome · 1 year
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lavender-not-fruit43 · 3 months
I fucking swear to god if I’ll see someone again saying that ruzzia is a real country and saying israeli is not then I’ll just cut of my hands and jump from balcony and I’m not joking I am dead serious
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I feel like the terms "illegitimate state" and "legitimate state" are misleading. I can't think of a single state that isn't built on some kind of bullshit. It's all essentially drawing lines on a map that "create" invisible, intangible ones on the ground, and playing geopolitics with annexed territory and history, from now to hundreds of years ago.
I'm not saying to not call out a state for unethical behaviour. But, if we single out one state for unethical behaviour by calling them an "illegitimate state" while pretending others with atrocities are "legitimate", we become hypocrites.
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troythecatfish · 28 days
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Liberals just want a different aesthetic for U.S./Western imperialism, rather than opposing it. They are fine with continuing to bomb, occupy, sanction, and coup countries to "save the LGBT people living there," or to "stop the genocide against Uyghurs" (pay attention to what's going on with this CIA talking point), or to "save the women suffering under patriarchy"...Or the generic "spreading democracy." It's all the same imperialism but the packaging & marketing are what may at times be different than what we might hear from conservatives.
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