#we’ll see what happens next
nerdishpursuits · 1 day
Mind you. Marta’s only been the CEO for a week or so, if we’re considering the show’s timeline. And in the unenviable position of having to clean up after everyone’s mess. So it kinda cracks me up that but one day ago, Fina was telling Marta that she’d have patience, of course. That to love, also means knowing when to yield. When to compromise. Looks to me like that’s going to be tested.
Would Marta, on a whim, cancel their date night in Madrid, after all the planning she did and how enthusiastic she was about it? The answer is no. If anything, it must be killing her, to be letting Fina down in what feels like a sequence of failed plans together. I don’t think, for one moment, that Marta wants Fina, and their relationship, to be sacrificed at the alter of corporate interest. The look on her face, when she told Fina she cannot go, was one of profound sadness and frustration with the unjust hand she’d just been dealt.
As repetitive as this particular storyline feels, there’s also the truth that, often, things don’t go as planned. Marta accepted the reins of the company and everything that entails. Now, as the CEO, she has to answer to clients and continue to secure employment for the workers. Not to mention that, as a woman in charge, there’s even more pressure to ensure everything runs smoothly. It’s 1958: she’s going to be tested, and contested, left and right. Should anything go awry? She’ll be blamed first. Because in that kind of a social climate a woman cannot be entrusted to lead, lest the consequences be dire. She’ll be seen as either weak, or hysterical, or unprepared, or not decisive enough. She’ll be accused of lacking business acumen or of being too lenient. Even as the most prepared person in the room, they’ll always find her lacking, somehow. Marta’s life right now? It’s a walking nightmare and a hotbed of endless, bone-deep stress.
Is the situation ideal? Hell no. Marta’s is in such hot water right now. She’s basically, single-handedly, trying to keep the company afloat and save them from disaster. A disaster caused by Luis, who refused to comply with contractual obligations. Which, in turn, has landed them in a difficult situation with one of their most important clients.
But lo and behold: does anyone hold Luis responsible and drags him off of his high horse? No. Does Andres step in to help his sister? Of course not (he’s too busy chasing after his own personal interests). And so many others are just waiting to see Marta fail. The Merino who, for some misguided reason, have decided to paint a target on Marta’s back, as if she’s solely responsible for their suffering, not Damián and Jesús. Jesús himself, who is all but salivating at the thought of Marta failing, incessantly plotting against her. And countless other men in positions of power, who will want to get their way in negotiations and business deals. Marta couldn’t find herself in a more impossible situation, work-wise, if she tried.
That being said. Do I think Fina is wrong in feeling utterly despondent and like Marta is failing to choose her too? No. I think it’s perfectly normal to feel discarded at this point, to feel … invisible. But I also remember it’s only been one week or so. There’s no way Marta can assume leadership and organize it all in such a short period of time. That’s impossible. Were they both counting the minutes until their date night? Definitely. And I hate that, once more, we don’t get to see them go to the opera together, sharing much needed time as a couple. Do I think Marta needs to find better work-life balance? No doubt about it. Does she need to delegate? Yes: if only there was anyone she could delegate to, anyone she could trust. Also, let’s not forget there’s tasks she can only handle herself, by virtue of her position. To say nothing of the current impossibility of coming home to Fina after an exhausting day at the office. Which further complicates things, because they get so little time together.
In the end, patience is needed. Fina’s a bit of a powder-keg, and we love her for it, but she needs to remember her own words. Marta’s spread too fucking thin right now and she’d never cancel on her by choice. Marta herself told her she’s the most beautiful thing she has, the rest only a string of endless problems. That she’d never set them aside, if she could help it. And never willingly.
Do actions need to match words? One hundred percent. And they will. Marta is a woman of her word. We all know she wants to be with Fina just as badly. It’s just that some fine-tuning is needed, until a semblance of balance is found. That being said: they’d both benefit if Marta showed Fina, first-hand, all the shit she’s dealing with. A sort of A Day in the Life rundown. They need to find solutions together. Hopefully, they’ll do just that at some point.
At least we got a really great conversation between Isidro and Fina. And he’s right too. Fina doesn’t cease to be Fina if something has come up for Marta. She has a life too. And she shouldn’t put it on hold, but live it. Are Fina and Marta better off together, unstoppable as one? Always. But they are their own persons too, and formidable ones at that. They’ll find a way, eventually. Until then: drama galore because the show must go on.
Things will get better. And, as always, when in doubt? Marta and Isidro still haven’t had their famous conversation. So nothing’s lost. As much as Fina wants to set fire to the company right now? It feeds them all. And keeps roofs over their heads. Many people depend on Marta doing her job well. They just have to keep it together, for a little longer. The sun will shine again. And the stars too. They always do 🤗
P.s. Fina defending Jacinto? Expected nothing less from her. Let a beautiful friendship commence!!! 🥳
P.s. 1 How is a woman of Carmen’s calibre married to a troglodyte like Tasio? Make it make sense. Love may be blind but this kind of a situation never ceases to be a conundrum 😤
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ao3-crack · 1 year
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dredgesnails · 6 months
i don’t think jimmy’s broken his canary curse. i think it’s just been evolving, slowly, and he’s figuring out how to work with it instead of trying to fight it. hear me out:
3rd life - flower husbands. jimmy dies first. scott is 10th out in the series, the only time he places outside of the top 5
last life - the southlanders. jimmy is first out. mumbo is out next in quick succession. impulse dies shortly after. the only southlanders to make it into the top 10 are grian, who killed jimmy and mumbo (and still only ranks 7) and martyn, who left the southlanders for the shadow alliance
double life - ranchers. jimmy dies first, and takes tango out with him. tango is the one responsible for their first death, though
limited life - bad boys. joel wants to sacrifice himself for jimmy, but jimmy dies first before he can. joel still dies shortly after, and grian becomes a nosy neighbour, surviving to 6th
secret life - big dogs. jimmy dies second, but lizzie might be falling forever in the end so maybe he does die first. martyn is the first to yellow and red, and he dies 11th. the worst he’s ever placed. (also, mumbo dies only moments after jimmy again*)
real life - (do they have a name??). jimmy and ren’s groups get into a fight in the mines. jimmy is the only one who makes it out without dying at all. his allies are out of the series.
the canary curse isn’t about jimmy dying first. or at least, it isn’t really anymore. at first he was used to signify it, the canary dying first to warn everyone of danger ahead. but the canary has learned how to escape the coalmine now, and his friends are still stuck inside. they might survive if they have friends on the surface or they’re willing to betray their allies, but if it’s just been them and their canary to warn them of danger? then they’ve doomed themselves.
*mumbo might also have his own unique “killed ten seconds after jimmy by the same person/thing” curse, which is different from the general jimmy “bad luck charm” solidarity curse
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i used to do edits for the first session of every life series (within a week of them coming out) and while i stopped doing that after limited life, i kinda miss it and might do it again for next season, we’ll see. regardless i’m still a big fan of this one.
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mirroredmemoriez · 18 days
Crack AU type idea-
Cecilia Pederson as an apprentice, but she’s just used as a “cash pig.” This woman is not there by her own free will, its 100% blackmail.
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They let her keep the money in theory, but it has some terms- Such as the fact she will be funding into Jigsaw’s back pocket as compensation! She’s basically had to get into stock and maybe even real estate to actually acquire money that isn’t through a scam.
She has enough to live off of, but it’s not as luxurious. Amanda is basically in charge of watching her banking and they’re always two seconds away from a fist fight. John would never want Cecilia being involved in the trap process, lest someone get the Gabriela treatment. He full well knows that testing this horrible woman didn’t do shit, she’s just loco and thirsty for cash- So he might as well isolate her from society and take her money! Amanda is already becoming progressively more unhinged, so outright admitting to her Cecilia’s test didn’t help her whatsoever likely wouldn’t be a good move.
However, unlike Mark where she can constantly ask, “When’s your test detective?” Amanda was literally physically there whilst Cecilia was tested…. She still hates that Norwegian lady though and constantly attempts to make her life a living hell anytime they have to be around one another for any amount of time. Cecilia makes fun of Amanda’s haircuts and acts as though she cannot see her because of how short she is.
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And don’t even get it twisted- Cecilia is constantly trying to think of ways to get out of being blackmailed…. It’s just a matter of getting that freaky somehow a hacker lesbian off of her case. They’ve basically said hey! If we go down? You go down with us, we recorded your game!
How this ever ends? No clue- Someone dead most likely, it’s still Saw after all. But in the mean time, they’re all constantly bickering, fighting and trying to find ways to fuck the other over. John is tired but letting some God take the wheel when it comes to Amanda not putting shit like cyanide in Cecilia’s coffee.
I think the funniest thing within this idea, is for whatever reason them having to try get Cecilia to be fine to wear the pig mask….
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tothepointofinsanity · 10 months
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Season’s greetings.
I initially wrote a long introspective paragraph on how I feel about drawing new things moving forward, but then I remembered that this is my blog and a great mutual once told me I should do whatever I wanted with my own space.
Tldr: I don’t purely draw pmmm content and cannot guarantee that I will continue to consistently post about it. But if you somehow want to stick around for reasons beyond to me, then feel free to do so. Even if not, that’s fine - may we meet again as fish in the ocean. (*゚▽゚)ノ Madokami bless this fandom.
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sweetandglovelyart · 9 months
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Knightfall in Dream Land - Page 5
Meta Knight loses a battle and his wings to Nightmare.
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5hrignold · 5 months
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opiumvampire · 1 month
at the risk of sounding incredibly pathetic I have been thinking recently about how much I miss being in a close friend group of girls. like my entire childhood through highschool i was always one of a pack of like four girls and then when I went to college my friend group expanded to like. everyone in my year bc there was only like 13 of us. but only like three of those people were girls and i was never Super close with them and then when covid hit the group sort of splintered. like i have plenty of Girl Friends but theyre like joefferry’s friends first or my guy friends’ girlfriends or we just dont see each other often enough to be like Close Close. idk ive been reading a lot of books featuring women friend groups and Im like…. wah :(
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arlo-venn · 4 months
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Arlo did a pretty good job for his first time at the vet since CareCenter threw a towel over his head and tackled him to the floor and I am very proud of him
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
I’m looking at my new outline for the next chapter of Pas de Deux and just. Crying. There’s so much that needs to happen 😭
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baura-bear · 4 months
Call me crazy but where’s our uksies update
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comixandco · 6 months
my favourite part of season 5 is still the reveal that Gabriel and Tomoe thought Adrien and Kagami made the perfect pair and wanted them to be together because it completely flips their relationship
Kagami and Adrien sneaking around and finding the slightest gaps in their schedule and giving their bodyguards/parents the slip to spend time together and feeling so clever that they’ve gotten away with it their parents don’t suspect a thing
only to smashcut to Gabriel and Tomoe doing an evil pound it because their ship is canon
#miraculous ladybug#ml s5#gabriel agreste#tomoe tsurugi#adrien agreste#kagami tsurugi#it’s the illusion of free choice™#it was a very clever plan tbf like if they told them to date it would be awkward and forced. but put them in the same room together and see#what happens… let them think it was all their idea… boom success!#then the next step is saying ‘yes i only just found out you’ve been dating kagami and i have decided to give you my permission to date her-#what do you mean you broke up a month ago and your dating the baker girl who made a hat for me one time?’#on the flipside though it probably wouldn’t have worked out in the long run bc kagami likes the thrill of a secret forbidden romance like#that’s partially what drove her to felix imo so if tomoe said one day ‘it’s come to my attention you’re dating the agreste boy. i approve o#of this match and have organised a date for you two on friday.’ you Know kagami would immediately go#‘oh no.. okay um so now i’m kind of feeling that everything about him that was attractive to me before isn’t really there anymore…’#also on the flipside like looking at it on a more deeper/serious level like it just goes to show how much control tomoe and gabriel have o#er their kids to the point that they would be willing to manipulate them into a relationship and then when#the two of them tried and realised it wasn’t working. instead of admitting they don’t know their children as well as they think they do#or acknowledging that their children are actual people who have their own feelings that don’t always match their parents#or coming to terms that their children aren’t extensions of their legacy and will that they can puppet however they want#instead they say ‘okay we tried the hands off way now we’ll just have to force them’
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melodicmercury · 1 year
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personally i think for the first time elquackitys plans actually succeeded, elquackity 100% wanted the others to find him
even whilst he was building the place with the warp pad, he said “can you get in” which is implying that he wanted them to find him, potentially because now 3 of the eggs have been roped into it and he has what would be seen in his eyes as a fair reason to go after them, and he could just as easily say “i warned you guys”
because realistically, what would have he done with dapper in that situation. arguably the worst torment for a lot of the parents is the sheer idea that elq can get to the eggs without them even knowing
elquackity is playing chess right now and the rest of the server isnt even aware theyre on the board
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4e7her · 1 year
hi. hello. i’m alive (mildly)
yandere stardew fic w male farmer. again. don’t ask me why i made a new one instead of continuing vapor i don’t know either
he has a cat named flamethrower. enjoy
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hairclips · 1 month
guys i no longer have feelings for hookup/fwb i am FREE 🥳🥳🥳
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