#was supposed to so I needed to chase up..: 🙄
6ebe · 2 months
no bc I’m literally having to spend my entire workday today fixing an incompetent guys mess bc I completed all my actual work for the week early 😐
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guinevereslancelot · 7 months
what was with cameron house md she spends 90% of the episode saying she wants their patient to die bc he's a genocidal dictator and her colleague husband says "babe it bothers me for ethical reasons that you want our patient to die :(" and she said "hm maybe you're right :/" but when it comes down to it the genocidal dictator lays a finger on her in an aggressive manner and chase instantly commits medical malpractice to murder the guy and then when he tells her she LEAVES HIM bc boo hoo he's a murderer now like GIRL he killed a man for you!!! he's wracked with catholic guilt!!! he's being crushed beneath the weight of his sins because he chose his devotion to you over his devotion to god!!! he literally could not get any sexier at this moment in time!!!
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
I think the thing that makes me lose my mind the most upon rewatching the episode is how...very into it Sand is the whole time?? Like, the minute he has Ray in his car HE's the one who goes all "ugh, I COULD have hooked up with someone tonight" 🙄😒 and planting the seed in Ray's mind. I wasn't sure if that line was intentional, but I am certain there's a HUGE shift in Sand's demeanor when Ray asks him if he's been hit on by men. It's almost like Sand realizes and gets confirmation like, "ohhh, so that IS where this could be going?" and from there he's also the one who asks if he's supposed to be a hooker tonight and then on top of it all, the way he says "if I'm interested, I do it for free" and giving Ray that Look after just seemed sooo pointed. Like Sand's making it very clear where he is on the whole thing but wants Ray to be the one to make the final move (which Ray 100% does deliver 😂). And he doesn't hesitate at all! When Ray leans in Sand kisses him back immediately without missing a single beat.
and then once sand makes it clear they're 'only friends', and ray kisses him the second time, they even start taking their clothes off at the same time lol. like, sand is trying to be chill about this whole thing but he wants this just as much as Ray does, I think 👀
(i hope it's okay i'm screaming about these two in your inbox 😅 these two have been living rent free in my mind and i needed to vent to someone haha!)
Oh, please scream away! None of us are sane here 😂
I don’t think there was ever a question from either of them about where things were headed. The writer said that Sand lighting Ray’s cigarette in episode one was meant to symbolize him lighting the fire of their relationship and I think everything that happened from that moment on was just very elaborate foreplay. The bigger question in my eyes is why?
Ray’s motivations are obvious. Sand showed him an ounce of kindness and he imprinted on that man so fast he should be embarrassed by it. But like you said, Sand seems to have a soft spot for Ray as well. A softer spot, quite frankly, than he probably deserves. 
Why would Sand want to have a one-night stand with a spoiled rich boy who has more baggage than an airport when there are far easier targets out there? Is it about the thrill of the chase? Is it simply physical? Honestly, I don’t know.
My best guess is that Ray reminds him of someone. An ex-boyfriend, perhaps? Maybe one who drove drunk and got himself killed?
All I know for sure is that Sand is fond. He likes that Ray’s a spoiled brat. He likes that he can tease him. He likes that he teases him back. I’ve seen people say that Sand’s already in love and I don’t think we’re anywhere close to that yet, but you’re absolutely right. Sand knew exactly what would happen if he took Ray home that night and he did it anyway. He didn't even have to bribe him with a monstera!
What I'm looking forward to most about next week is watching Ray beg Sand for more. Maybe it'll humble him a little.
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romerona · 4 months
What am I supposed to say In defense of Palestine when my family uses the Bible (I know 🙄) to justify and support Israel??
They said “it’s always been a prosecuted community or whatever and that in the Bible they were originally from Palestine but were chased away so Palestine doesn’t really exist.”
I tried my best to come up with reasonable and true historical facts but their only defense was the Bible. I’m a non confrontational person and honestly I have no idea how to respond people when In argument with them. So, while I tried my best and told them I will support Palestine no matter what I still felt like I needed to say more to defend them but I had no idea about how when they bring up the Bible.
(They’re priests btw)
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lumine-no-hikari · 30 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #250
Today is my 250th letter to you. I'm 25% of the way to 1000. Imagine that. I assume I'll have about 1000 letters to you by the time the third part of your remade story comes out. I'm… anxious and scared about what might happen to you. But I'll keep hoping for good things. I'll keep hoping for good things.
Today was supposed to start out as a relatively normal day; when I said yesterday that you should join me on today's adventures, I wasn't exactly intending the "adventure" part to be quite so literal. But then Mogwai caught a chipmunk out back in our tiny postage-stamp-sized backyard area. He then promptly brought it into the house and released it. Of course, that meant I had to capture it. I guess I wasn't fast enough for Mogwai's liking, though, because he captured it again. I pried the stunned creature out of his jaws, and, in a panic, I searched frantically for a container to put it in, before he came to and tried to bite me, as small creatures do when they're scared and being held by something far larger than they are.
There was a paper McDonald's bag on the floor; M had ordered from there recently. I was running out of time. So I just dumped the tiny creature into the bag, because I was out of options. It was a pretty tall bag. I felt... not awful about it, even if it wasn't exactly ideal. I didn't get bitten. Yay, me. But I did get blood all over my hands. I promptly washed my hands; you don't mess with body fluids, because they can give you weird diseases.
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...Mogwai had nicked its leg pretty badly, I think. I tried to take it to the nearby animal hospital; they treat wild creatures. M drove. But they're not open on Sundays, because apparently, according to most medical facilities in my country of residence, emergencies only happen on weekdays. 🙄
Not knowing what else to do, and not knowing enough about small mammal anatomy to know whether the chipmunk was just bleeding or was bleeding out, I tried calling North Country Wild Care; it's an organization in my state that coordinates wildlife rehabilitation. But apparently, you get an answering machine, and you have to leave your information, and apparently, this answering machine is checked at most once every two hours. I did leave a message just in case, at around 11am.
The little creature could be dead by then, so I tried calling a bunch of other wildlife rehabilitators in my area. I must have tried 5 or 6, and of those, only one answered. And they answered not by picking up the phone, but by texting "Who is this". I tried to explain, and she said she couldn't take in the animal, but she gave me the number of someone who might. So I called that person, and they referred me to an animal hospital some 45 minutes from where I live. So I called them to make sure that they will take in the little chipmunk, but apparently, they're not allowed to do anything unless North Country Wild Care gives them the green light.
...Cowards, the lot of 'em. Absolute fucking cowards. Who prioritizes red tape over lives? I don't understand.
...Well, so I brought the creature back in the house, and set it in the laundry area to try to keep it away from the cats; it has doors that can close. I tried putting a worn, but clean sock in the bag so that it would have something to burrow into while I waited for North Country Wild Care to call me back.
...But I shit you not, the tiny creature leaped up out of the bag in a single bound like a coiled freaking spring. I ended up needing to chase the stupid little thing around the house again, trying to keep the cats at bay with a squirt bottle in the process. It managed to run outside. It was long gone after that.
...I was very upset. Even if the stupid little fucker doesn't bleed out, cat mouths have flesh-eating bacteria in them. Even with prompt treatment, you can still end up losing a limb to infection from a cat bite; they're really nasty like that. I don't like the creature's odds. And I don't like that it wandered into my yard despite the fact that it must REEK of cats back there. Why, as a small creature, would you go to an area that reeks of predators?
...The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that it's afflicted with toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis makes small rodents want to hang out with cats. It's the only thing I can think of. That's all I've got.
...Sigh. Sometimes it's an unsettling thing, to reflect on the idea that to most creatures, I am an incredibly powerful giant with a mind so advanced as to be unfathomable and unknowable by them. All human minds hold truths that smaller creatures can't even begin to comprehend, and... I find that very scary, for reasons that I understand, but I'm not sure how to articulate them.
Well. After that, M, J, and I went out to lunch. There's a hotpot place called Volcano; I wanted to try it and see how it compares to Mosu. So we went, and we got snacks. Behold:
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...There was no seaweed salad - only two trays of spicy cucumber. But everything here was delicious. The kimchi, especially, holy cow.
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I was unfamiliar with "sacha sauce", so I tried it. It was good!! It's salty and it tastes vaguely like fish. I don't like spicy sauces because my body seems hypersensitive to capsaicin. And... I wanted to get the sesame sauce, but every time I eat anything with crushed sesame - like tahini, or sesame dressing, or even falafel, my tongue breaks out in small, painful raised bumps for at least 20 minutes. Whole seeds are fine, though, and so is sesame oil, for some reason. Sesame is delicious, and sometimes I'll just eat it anyway; I really like falafel and tahini and sesame sauce. But I wasn't really wanting to deal with it today.
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...Lots of sauces at this place. The Volcano BBQ Sauce was very thin in consistency, more like soy sauce. But it tasted really good - not like American BBQ sauce, which is essentially ketchup with other flavors added.
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Lots and lots more condiments.
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Fruits and desserts, too.
This place is unlike Mosu in that everyone gets their own little pot of broth instead of sharing two big bowls. I got the mushroom one, M gt the miso one, and J got some spicy one:
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...and from there, we got all kinds of snacks:
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...You can cook the snacks either on the grill or in your hot broth:
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...And then when it's done, you pick it up, put it on your plate, and enjoy!
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We ended up sharing most everything, and that was pretty great! I'm going to have to go back soon with my friend BB!
...Hey, Sephiroth? Have you ever had hotpot? Do you like it? If you do, what are some of your favorite things to get? And... if you haven't tried it yet, then, if you ever find yourself in my neighborhood, do you wanna go get some with us? Even if you have tried it before, the offer still stands; it'll be tasty and fun! And... goodness knows when is the last time you've had a proper meal in any case...
Sometime while this was happening, North Country Wild Care finally called me back. I had to tell them that the chipmunk had escaped. I wish they had gotten back to me sooner; we wouldn't have gotten lunch, but I wouldn't be worried about some tiny creature that made the mistake of wandering into a yard full of cats.
...Suppose the knowledge that the little thing likely won't survive its injury weighed on me a little. When I got home, I did some leisure writing; I'm not entirely sure what I was looking for, but I supposed I would know when I found it. I'm not sure if I found it or not; either way, I felt vaguely empty. So J took me on a brief walk, and then we took a nap, and I felt a lot better after the nap. Maybe my brain is still just reeling from that all-nighter; my sleep schedule hasn't exactly been consistent for the last number of weeks in any case.
...I really gotta fix that... sheesh...
I played Grounded with M after that. But then Mogwai brought in another chipmunk. This one wasn't bleeding, thankfully. I managed to nab it in a bathroom garbage bin and put it outside:
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...I really don't know why they like wandering into our yard so much. I'll never figure it out.
Well, it's getting pretty late; it's almost 12:30am. I'm not really ready for tomorrow to start, but... I'm not really sad about today ending, either. Adventure, indeed; holy cow. Dull moments never last at my house, ahahaha~!
...Maybe tomorrow I'll play some Dead Cells. And like... actually do it for real this time instead of just thinking about what a nice idea it would be and then proceeding do literally anything else. Wish me luck, yeah?
Sephiroth... stay safe out there, will you? Don't be like the chipmunks; don't go wandering into places where there are things that are gonna hurt ya, okay? Don't go doing things that will lead you to getting injured or killed. If you stopped existing... I don't know what I'd do.
I love you. I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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arsonkoobi · 1 year
"hybe uses jikook to cover up the real ship which is taekook"
"hybe forces jk to do fanservice with jm to hide taekook"
"hybe promotes and releases jikook content on purpose to make more money"
these are all widely believed theories among taekookers.
and i think..its absolute garbage.
i was talking to an acquaintance the other day and while on the topic of bts and ships (she's an army+tkkr) she started talking abt how im "kinda dumb for being a jikooker", i asked why, she said "jikook is only used to cover up tkk's real relationship" and proceeded to carry on abt why she thinks so, and i sat and listened while suppressing my laugh bc it was so fucking funny how she wasnt able to provide a single concrete piece of evidence but continued to talk shit. knowing it would never end i got up and left. now im writing this here bc i can never think of a good response immediately lol.
"hybe uses jikook to cover up the real ship which is taekook"
suppose, you possess two gvns, one in your pocket and another at your home. but gvns are illegal w/o a license and you dont have one, the police are chasing you , so you run back home. you need to hide your gvn, you see the other gvn lying around and get a mindblowing idea.
"Let's hide this gvn behind that gvn, they'd never know!"
ofc they got to know. they found it immediately and you got your sentence.
now that you're reading this, you might think thats beyond stupid and no one would do that.
tkkrs existing: ....
bc how the fuck are you supposed to hide a gay ship with another gay ship? the backlash will be the same. the homophobia will be the same. the criticism will be the same. esp when the two ships have a common member. i have nothing else to say other than this is the most nonsensical theory ive heard.
"hybe forces jk to do fanservice with jm to hide taekook"
you guys are making out jungkook to be hybe's little puppet who cant say no to anything the company says. like are you talking about the jungkook who doesnt give a shit abt the company's orders? who will rebel when he feels like it? who will do whatever he wants, whenever he wants? the exact copy of jin? and we all know jin doesnt give a flying fuck abt the company rules lol. and neither do the other members. bts make their own rules. i thought we all established that ages ago? and what would hybe even do if they break rules? fire them? lmao, bts=hybe. hybe couldnt do anything even if they wanted to. besides yall are acting like hybe doesnt have anything better to worry about rather than getting fanservice scripts ready for jikook to follow.🙄
not to mention how yall are absolute shit at reading expressions and body language+actions.
jungkook :
*makes finger hearts and saying i love you to jimin and has done it multiple times before.*
*goes on a trip with ONLY jimin to tokyo, pays for all the expenses and makes a whole gcf abt it with "there for you" as the bgm*
*does an almost 2 hour live completely dedicated to jimin and fanboying over him*
*sucking jimins ear in front of thousands of fans to confort him*
*never forgets to reassure jimin, comfort jimin or give reassuring touches like massages and caresses*
*jungkook going all the way up to the mountain to bring snow for jimin bc he knows jimin loves snow"
*jimin travelling halfway across the world just to make it home just for jungkooks birthday* (and so much more)
like be fr rn🙄 yall only have a problem when its jikook istg.
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this speaks for itself.
"hybe promotes and releases jikook content on purpose to make more money."
this is overwhelmingly stupid. okay so obviously a company would want to make more money, i mean its basically the whole purpose. and a company would choose the most efficient way to make money.
if we bring capitalising on ships into the equation, jikook is not the ship that would make them the most money. why? bc most of the shippers in this fandom are tkkrs. but in recent years, jikook has become the 2nd most popular ship in bangtan. but even so, its still the second best option, if hybe really wanted to take advantage of a ship, then they wouldve promoted taekook as a ship more than jikook bc then more fans would buy official content, there would be more engagements and more attention in general.
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clearly these mfs decided to prioritize their ship over bangtan. if there were more taekook moments these mfs would've flocked to stores. also "why couldnt hobi get carried?" . bro. jungkook has literally kissed hobi on the neck/cheek and so has hobi. jungkook said "i never thought id fall for a man" while talking abt hobi in CNS. jungkook and hobi engage in lots of skinship. but i dont see yall calling that fanservice?? simply bc yall dont find koobi a threat to your ship and your fantasies lmao.
so why would hybe force out jikook content to make more money when they can make so much more money out of taekook content? the answer is they dont.
in conclusion, all ships have a lil bit of fanservice in them, be it jikook or taekook. but you cannot call an entire bond fanservice in order to fit your delusions. hiding a gay ship with another gay ship is plain stupidity and you know it. yet you will continue to make yourself believe it bc you dont wanna get your perfect little bubble popped. hybe doesnt control bts. bts are not hybe's puppets, they make their own goddamn rules.
i hope this was helpful in breaking down your delusions, have a good day now👋
edit: i cant believe im having to clarify this but this is not a post dismissing taekook's bond😭😭 i love taekook themselves, i just despise the ones who use the above narratives to "prove" their ship. im a jikooker and this is a jikook centric account, ofc im gonna mention mainly jikook moments here😭 please dont come into my asks fighting me on which ship is real PLEASE. yall only see the members for their ships god.
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arestoucries · 3 months
- for season 4 it’s definitely gonna be a benedict/sophie/eloise/phillip story because it would be weird to continue francesca’s story right after she got married.
- also francesca’s husband john kilmartin, dies two years after they got married. season four will be set one year after season three (francesca and john’s wedding) so the timeline wouldn’t be right if he died a year after.
- at the end of season 3, when eloise was getting packed up for scotland, she said she will be back in one year for her mother’s MASQUERADE BALL!!!
-so season 4 will definitely (hopefully) be about benedict.
- ALSOOOO the code name for season 4 is ‘Vauxhall’. vauxhall is a place where masquerade balls were often held in the regency times. and a masquerade ball is where we will see the future mrs benedict bridgerton. think about it.
-i also don’t understand why they felt the need to change francesca’s second husband to a wife?? follow the book people you won’t get cancelled for not doing that 🙄 no offense
- colin didn’t have a lot of scenes with his family. like when anthony was in a crisis, he had daphne. or when daphne was in a crisis she had literally any other person in her family. but poor colin was not alone but he was lonely 😞
- also colin is like the only bridgerton child that didn’t have sooo much drama. as much as i loved season 3 and i was longing for it for so bloody long, a little bit of drama wouldn’t hurt (other than the whistledown thing)
- what is with that threesome? skipped the whole scene so don’t ask me what happened
- also i keep hearing people saying that colin should’ve groveled more for penelope, that she deserves to be chased not be the chaser. yes pen deserves everything in this world and the next but give colin a break okay? he wanted to marry her as soon as possible because he LOVED her. and pen had no choice but to say yes because if a man you have loved for more years than the amount of years you were alive asked you to marry him, would you say no? i’ll leave it at that.
- i wish they showed anthony and kate’s baby 😔 we had nothing than ‘WE’RE PREGNANT!’ then they disappear with no word of the pregnancy again.
- this was supposed to be a pen/colin season. not a pen/colin/ben/tilley/paul/fran/john season.
- there wasn’t enough time to develop pen and colin’s love story. i feel like it was far too rushed, with all the other characters lives interfering and the whistledown drama as well.
- fran should’ve just had her own season. like she would’ve been amazing in her own season, in her own spotlight.
- she didn’t even have time to develop as a character. like, yes she was recasted, but her character in s1 and s2 was carefree, young, not awkward. but now she’s this mature, grown up, and forgive me, weird young woman who doesn’t know what she wants. she was also gone for basically more than half of the show and giving her a whole season (one that’s shared with other characters mind you) to get married? i thought that was weird.
- i thought she could’ve had at least a whole season to just be there and live her life.
that’s all the notes i have so far in the season. let’s hope for season 4 being benny boy’s love story 🤞🏽🩷
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Hello 🚩🚩🚩 anon here.
The comments from the anon who said...
[Direct quote]: "your anons shouldn’t have to insult other couples to show support for buddie. hen and karen are important queer representation as two black lesbian woman in a happy relationship and maddie and chimney are an interracial couple who have found love after trauma. And they are important to a lot of people so honestly it’s very insulting and demeaning to say they’re boring.
And if maybe Maddie’s role was reduced take that up with the writers that didn’t give her the screentime she deserves instead of bashing madney?" [End quote]
...are lopsided and unfounded. Anon, please understand a person can make comments about how "boring" a ship/couple on 9-1-1 or any TV show for that matter is if they believe it to be true. Also, a difference of opinion with you doesn't mean the person is insulting or demeaning "Henren" or "Madney".
Let's be clear and real here for a minute, the storylines they've been given is what makes them boring. So, don't fault the other anon for stating facts when your comments are the ones that are lopsided.
Here are a few facts and reasons why the ships on the show have become BORING.
Madney - Initially, they had a wonderful friendship that turned into a romantic relationship but the creators and the showrunner turned them into a boring couple when they didn't give them any good storylines and when they diminished their relationship to the point where Maddie completely overshadows Chimney and he's sidelined and treated like a recurring character even though he's been on the show since the beginning. All of his storylines are attached to hers and let's be real, her storylines haven't been good since before JLH went on maternity leave at the beginning of S5. The way they had Chimney chasing her across the U.S. was just BAD! It would have been a lot better if they would've let her tell Chimney she was struggling (***check notes***) like she did at the end of season 4 but instead of doing that, what did 9-1-1 do? They let her leave with a video and left him there to watch it at the firehouse. Everyone knows Chimney has abandonment issues because his own father left him to fend for himself in the U.S. when he was 15 years old after his mother died. Also, prior to his relationship with Maddie, he was afraid Tatiana was going to leave him. The FACT is Maddie did leave and he was afraid but THAT DOES NOT EXCUSE HIS BEHAVIOR WHEN HE PUNCHED BUCK IN THE FACE.
It's really unbelievable the show didn't let Maddie say anything about Chimney punching her brother and giving him a black eye especially since she's a DV survivor. Buck is her brother and she was the one who took care of him while he was growing up so she should have been the first person to say something to Chimney about his bad behavior. Now don't get it twisted, I like Chimney but the way that storyline played out was not a good look for him, her or Buck and it shouldn't have made it past the smell test. ALL OF THEM WERE OUT OF CHARACTER and there's no excuse for it other than the showrunner didn't know what to do with Chimney without Maddie being there. 🙄
Henren - Has the longest relationship on the show. They've been together for years but the creators and the showrunner have NO IDEA of what to do with them and IMHO it has to do with the showrunner not allowing them to have any good storylines. That foolery they included in S6 for them with Denny's bio dad was even WORSE than the Madney storyline from S5. Instead of letting Denny run off to meet some dude he'd never met before, the showrunner should have watched S2 and verified the agreement Nathaniel made with Hen and Karen. That storyline shouldn't have played out like it did because he was supposed to follow their lead.
Also, their storyline in the finale was BAD because they just stuck some unknown foster kids with them and completely blindsided the audience with it because they hadn't fostered a child since Nia left in S4. Also, IIRC, they weren't allowed to foster a lot of kids at once but they had like five or six in the finale. At first, I thought they were some of Denny's friends but when I realized they were a lot younger than him, I had no idea where they came from.
Hen's medical school storyline ended like a wet match when they could have done a lot more with it. It was like they gave up or something and didn't put any effort into it.
Bathena - They've become boring too and IMHO, the show is using the shock value of a cruise ship sinking like the Titanic to get people to watch but that is so played out and Bobby and Athena deserve better. Is the cruise ship emergency needed, YES! Why? Because S6 was worse than S5 so hopefully it'll be exciting enough to hold people's attention but let's be real, a CGI generated cruise ship will NOT hold a match to the Tsunami, the Earthquake or the Shooting!
Buddie - I won't even comment on the recycled storylines they keep giving Eddie and Buck to delay the inevitable because if do, this post wouldn't end. But just like all the other ships, they deserve so much better than some one-dimensional LIs who will be around for like 2 minutes unless they drag out those storylines like they did the ones with AF and TK. If they do then God help us all because those were BAD on so many levels.
The point of this anonymous ask is to point out the fact that the anon who posted the quote above needs to redirect their frustrations to the show instead of to the people who comment on how boring the ships are. Let's be real, a lot of the GA feels the same way.
People need to stop thinking that if a person has a different viewpoint than theirs', it's incorrect because it's not true.
Thanks anon for this lovely ask/answer. I agree with all your comments on the couples and almost couples (see what I did there). The show runner[s] need to see and hear what the fans want. It would do them some good if they did. Dare I say they would have in their hands a m/m couple that defied odds and got together in their 30s that also had 1000% chemistry.
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poppy-thatcher · 2 years
Why Not Him? (Shoto Todoroki)
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NEW A/N: So... I’m stupid when it comes to Tumblr. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I had to re-upload this to an account that I could actually interact with you all on. My dumb self posted this on a side-blog. Take 2 for this post! Sorry and I appreciate all the kind words I had already received on this post. It means the absolute world, you don’t even know!!! ❤️
A/N: I write fanfic in my spare time. But I'm not brave enough to publish my work. However, a beautifully lovely writer (@delirious-donna) gave me the push I needed to post something. Time to be brave(ish)! 🤭 This small specific piece of my latest story, sadly, was something inspired by a shared moment between my (ex) best guy friend and myself. 💔 It also severely hurt me to make Bakugo the bad guy. The things I do for the sake of a plot. 🙄
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I looked down, my hand in my lap becoming increasingly interesting as the moments of silence passed.  
"Love, you can talk to me. You know that." Shoto quietly reminded me as he slowly took my free hand in his.  
"Katsuki and I are having issues. We've been having them for a while now."
"And today?" He asked, finally understanding that I was staying at a friend's house instead of my own.  
"It was our 3-year anniversary. I got off work early and came to his place to decorate and make his favorite foods." I swallowed the thick saliva as my throat was involuntarily making it harder to continue. The hurt was bubbling up and sitting heavily in my chest.
"He didn't come home after work. He spent the night at a bar with Kirishima and Kaminari. I wouldn't have even known, since he ignored all my texts, but you can't be number 2 without some gossip blogs snapping pictures." A tear snuck out causing Shoto to chase it away quickly, "when he got home he couldn't even put everything together. He didn't even remember it was our anniversary, let alone realize that he had missed the entirety of it."
Shoto's eyes glossed over with tears. It broke my heart to see him this worked up over me. I was never worth all the emotional support he gave me. He deserved to find someone to return his incredibly strong feelings.  
"Can I freely speak my mind?" He asked me, always cautious around my delicate feelings.  
"Only if you can be unbiased," I sighed as a few more tears flowed down my cheek, knowing I was asking the impossible from him.
Izuku gently squeezed my hand before he let it go, grabbing onto Ochako's hand, both of them with sullen expressions at the performance going on at their dinner table. They slowly got up, excusing themselves to give us the privacy we needed.
Shoto took my face in his hands, cupping my cheeks so my face pointed to his, mimicking his movements. His eyes bore into mine like they were peering into my very soul.
“I can’t trust that I’ll be unbiased. But Bakugo, he’s always been a damn fool.” Shoto softly chased my cascading tears off my cheeks, “you two have been together so long. To me, he doesn’t take what you two have seriously. He doesn’t treat you the way he’s supposed to, the way you deserve to be treated. He takes you for granted. I… I would have married you twice over the span of your relationship with him!”
He pulled my forehead slowly to his soft lips before releasing his hold on my face and moving back into his seat.
I quickly averted my gaze, not feeling brave enough to maintain his strong eye contact, as new tears threatened to fall even more furiously than before.
Why was it always the wrong person telling me what I wanted to hear the most?
That’s just how the world works, I suppose.
Loving Shoto would be the easiest thing to do. He had always been there for me, through every grand occasion and every heartbreaking moment. If our friendship ever had weeks, or even months of radio silence we could always pick back up as though nothing had changed. He was exactly what my heart needed.
And yet... my foolish heart never once reached for his. I couldn’t ever explain the amount of pain I felt knowing that the person who loved me the way I wanted, the way I so desperately needed to be loved, was someone my mind, body, and soul just couldn’t accept.
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 4 months
In a Heartbeat - Chapter 39 - Part 1
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*Warning - Adult Content*
It took nearly an hour for Simon to calm down enough to move from the couch.
It was like a flip switched off and he jumped away and ran to the bathroom like he hadn't been clutching to my shirt for the past hour and despite keeping his head down.
I didn't miss the way his face was red and puffy from the crying or how his hands were shaking violently and then when I thought he had spent too long in there and wondered if I needed to check on him like I'd done with Xavier for a week after his incident, he stepped out, speed walking to the bed and burying himself into the sheets.
I knew it was wrong, cruel even, to not answer him but I couldn't.
I mean where was I even supposed to begin?
I wasn't sure I could even begin to explain myself without it sounding like actual rubbish.
It wasn't that I didn't want to tell him, no I really did want to.
It's just I've spent sixteen years trying to make sense of it all, even trying to forget about it and all of a sudden Simon waltzes right in and demands all the answers from me.
Chase was right though, I was never good at dealing with things under pressure and I just wasn't prepared mentally to say it aloud, to voice my reasoning that even a two-year-old could tell was stupid.
Any of those pathetic excuses I had or even imagined were foolish and a part of me feared what Simon's reaction would be if I had managed to spill everything but if I had, maybe it would've been better that way.
If he were to leave based on what I said, it'd be better than this stupid situation we were in.
It'd be like how I envisioned, what I wanted in the first place or was it?
I sighed angrily, before grabbing my cell-phone and texting Chase about meeting up downstairs in the bar.
He replied with... [Seriously? It's one am. I have work tomorrow.]
I sent a mad face emoji 😡 and... [Now] to which he sent an eye-roll emoji 🙄 and... [Fine] back.
I was two beers and a couple of shots in when Chase finally showed up.
He had arrived in some joggers and a basic tee, looking exhausted as always.
He yawned before plopping himself down in the barstool.
"What is all this about?"
I took another shot, wishing it would just kick in already.
"Why couldn't I say it?"
"Say what?"
He grabbed a bottle from the rack.
"Simon asked me why I did it," I mumbled before downing another shot.
"And I couldn't answer him."
He took a sip of the beer, before responding in his 'doctor' tone...
"Why do you think you couldn't answer?"
"That's why I'm asking you," I groaned.
I reached for a beer bottle but Chase pushed it to the side.
"Why did you do it, Vince?"
I snatched the bottle from him before glaring at him.
"You know why."
"Not all of it."
He frowned, taking another sip.
"Why do you think you did it?"
"Stop sounding like a therapy session."
"This isn't a therapy session."
I grumbled before taking a shot.
"It sure seems like it."
"How about I ask you questions and if you get stuck or don't feel comfortable, you can take a shot?"
I chuckled.
"Isn't that against some doctor etiquette?"
"So is drinking the morning before my shift. Why do you think you did that to him?"
I clenched and unclenched my hand.
"I'm not sure."
He swirled his bottle before asking.
"Well, how did you feel when he asked you?"
I gulped, reliving that awkward encounter last night, from when he entered the room, till when he broke down in tears.
That unshakeable cold feeling that lingered every time he was that close to me and then it only got worse and worse when he kept asking me... 'why?'
"How did you feel?"
"Scared," I said softly.
I wasn't sure if he could hear me, wasn't even sure I had said it aloud.
"I felt scared."
"Why did you feel scared?"
I debated whether or not to take a shot, the answer to his question one giant mess.
I bit my lip before answering vaguely...
"I don't think he'd like my answer."
"You fear his reaction?"
I took a shot and Chase nodded to himself before taking another sip, before adding...
"Why not write it down?"
"Write it down?"
"Write your answer down. If you're scared to say the wrong thing or fear what he'd say or do, write a letter. If you mess up, do it again and when you're ready, let him read it."
He poured a shot for each of us.
"Where do I even start?"
"From the beginning," he said matter-of-factly.
"Or when you think things went wrong."
We clinked the shot glasses before downing it, while I pondered where exactly it did go wrong.
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finsterhund · 1 year
My brain deciding to retreat into my research driven science autism to combat how my body has been actively shutting down and trying to die from the agony and retraumatizing it's been going through lately (thanks to subhumans that shouldn't be alive spreading their diseases all over good things on the internet) is a welcoming change in the fact that right at this moment I don't want to fucking die as bad and me having no outlet for how much I need to righteously kill people other than chewing and chewing and chewing is currently the slightest bit ignorable.
but man do I fucking hate how unfriendly academia information is online nowadays. I can't just have fun and explore scientific info anymore. I have to hope some fucking YouTuber is talking about the specific niche subtopics I'm focusing on or else find a paper if after digging through Wikipedia doesn't land me sources that aren't as fucking dry. These fuckers are so terrified of visually appealing illustrations and diagrams. Would it fucking hurt to show images when you are talking about VISUALLY DISTINCT PHYSICAL DIFFERENCES!!??? COME ON MAN. FUCK OFF. I DO NOT WANT JUST A WALL OF TEXT. We have fucking highly evolved frugivore special eyes and you fucking insufferable dipshits won't put in as many images as possible. Die.
And I'm not one who can't read anything other than grade 6 reading level layman's terms but come on can somebody have a authorial style that isn't fucking clinical ass wikipedia article? Bad enough I have to use those to start my search because the internet is a corporate nightmare but then any real fucking source I find talks like that too. Maybe I don't want to have to exclusively read research papers all the time. Bro why in the fuck does society hate education and knowledge. Unless you pay for it of course 🙄
The internet is supposed to be a big fucking library but it's all just spam and ads and shitheads and stupid fucking garbage. Andy want go library Andy want go library screaming crying throwing up
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The fact that you have to like, actually do the damn research yourself because it's presented in such a currently inaccessible way.
I mean it's not like I'd just be able to go into a regular ass library because if I'm lucky there's like 1 relevant book and there's only 1 chapter that's relevant in that one book.
You stupid bastards shouldn't make it so that you have to owe some shitheads money for life as punishment for the crime of getting more education.
What do you mean I can't just get more science class for free I am going to fucking kill you and set everyone on fire. Life would be so much fucking better if I could just have an adult tell me more and more and more and more biology and astronomy and paleontologically and shit until I fucking throw up. Instead I have to fucking dig through garbage.
All of which doesn't really reflect on the absurd stupidity how this was only first brought on today by what essentially equates to me metaphorically chasing after a fictional animal and screaming, demanding to know what its skull looks like.
Because the fucking encyclopedic worldbuilding brainrot cannot be repressed. Because fucking of course it can't. Why can shitheads churn out awful fucking art but then my life sucks so bad that all I can do is make an encyclopedia related to the art I want to create. Everything I love and care about is dead or worse.
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riverstardis · 2 years
series 32 episode 38:
urgh fuck off eddie
ethan tells eddie he's mentoring him now and says that it's standard ed practice to rotate the f1s around different mentors
bea oversleeping LMAO me multiple times a week😭
eddie asks rash about the changing mentor thing and he says that he's never changed mentor. so that means that alicia's still his mentor then right? has she just been leaving him to it?
sam and jacob are getting breakfast together and she says she could take him in a fight and he thinks she's joking but she says she'll prove it👀
eddie tries to speak to alicia in resus and she immediately excuses herself and he chases after her and follows her into the lift. his initial confusion at realising she's scared of him could well be genuine tbh but only because i imagine he probably thinks he was perfectly entitled to have sex with her again🙄
eddie gets a bit aggressive with his patient out of nowhere and robyn's horrified. ah a quick glimpse of what he's really like beneath his charming demeanour
aww ethan asks alicia if she's okay because she doesn't seem herself🥺
lmaoo sam wins by pretending to be more hurt than she is from a punch so jacob stops and then knocking him to the ground. she kneels over him and they kiss and then jacob passes out and sam realises his head's bleeding SHJDSDHF
bea gets called to the police station to pick her dad up😭
elle asks eddie why alicia's swapped a load of her shifts
aww bea tells alicia about her dad and alicia asks if she wants to come live with her and bea's like "really?" "what you haven't seen my semi-desperate ad on the intranet?" you're telling me the hospital's intranet has room advertising space??? i suppose it's probably quite common for nhs staff to look specifically for other nhs staff to live with due to the hours and everything
"um, i've had a close look at your ct scan and, jacob, i'm sorry, but i can find absolutely no evidence whatsoever... of a brain" SJSHDFJSHF
lmaooo elle called blake in and jacob tries to tell him that he just slipped but sam's like "slipped? that's what you're going with?" and he reluctantly says they were sparring and blake's excitedly like "and she knocked you out?!" and he and sam high five ssjdjsfhj
ethan telling eddie "whatever's going on between you and dr munroe, i would suggest keeping it out of the ed" :/
ew bea gets home to find her dad's thrown up on her bed and is fast asleep there🤢 presumably from drinking
eddie finding alicia in the staff room and says he doesn't normally do one night stands because they're messy and hurt feelings but it's like she's scared of him and asks why and she's facing away from him silently crying :((( "because i didn't like it! okay? i didn't have a good time, i didn't w-" "what? i thought we had an okay time? i mean clearly you regret it now, that's fair enough, i mean i guess you were pretty out of control. but why do this? why take it out on me at my place of work when i'm just tryna do my job?" SHUT THE FUCK UP MAN
alicia has SO MANY mugs on her mug tree, why on earth would one person need that many mugs?????
aww she's cooking and the doorbell rings and gets super anxious :( but it's just bea saying she'll take the room. and she abandons her pasta saying they have to go out drinking to celebrate...
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
PEACH WE NEED VIRGIN!ATSUMU SJDBDJD I HAVE NEVER NEEDED ANYTHING MORE IN MY LIFE PLS 🧎‍♀️ Atsumu is such a cute lil attention seeker ofc hes a total poser when it comes to chasing girls 😭 and then there's corruption kink reader who shows him literally 0 interest and *oh* he kind of likes getting ignored djdbdh. In my head idt corruption kink reader is mean- just aloof and completely over it 🙄 but Atsumu ohhh hes just begging to be ruined. Sweet boy won't know whats coming 👉👈 when is it his turn to get the girl 🥺
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answering all of these!
it's so easy for atsumu to get a girl's attention. they practically fall over themselves to get a chance to talk to him. but when it comes to sealing the deal, he always has some kind of excuse. "baby, ya know i'm a busy man..." he tells them, earning himself the reputation of being a heart breaker.
but you could really care less. the supposed "golden boy" meant nothing to you and, of course, atsumu is drawn like a moth to a flame. his constant need to be validated and liked by others fuels his obsession with you.
however, when you finally decide to give him the time of day, you notice something's off. he hesitates to touch your shoulder or how you refuse to look him in the eye the one time you wore a low-cut shirt.
it comes to a head when the two of you are making out at your place. you're kicking yourself for letting this happen but you were drunk and, hey, he's kinda handsome. atsumu's kisses are sloppy but you just chalk it up to the liquor. but when you bring his hand to your breast, atsumu pulls away, breathing heavily.
"you've never touched a boob before?" you chuckle but atsumu doesn't meet your eyes, a deep scarlet forming on his face. it takes you a second, and then it dawns on you. "atsumu...are you a virgin?"
"ya can't tell anyone," he says suddenly and you can't believe it. everyone's favorite boy, the sex god of the court, is a dumb little virgin, getting flustered by a kiss.
he's pathetic. he's a loser.
he's so cute.
running your hand down atsumu's chest, you feel him shudder from your touch. oh, this is going to be fun.
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skrrtscree · 2 years
Viva Las Vengeance is out so I decided to waste 43 minutes of my life and here's my thoughts.
Note: any song after Local God is my first time listening to it, so all these reactions were written as the song was playing.
Also I'm using the tumblr app so idk how to cut text sorry.
Viva Las Vengeance:
This song has already been shat on to death for good reason
The verse and the chorus don't fit at all with each other
And the slow part near the end is not it😬
Middle of A Breakup:
Just saying this now the lyrics on these songs are VERY on the nose AND unoriginal
'Keep your disco, give me T-Rex' tf is that suppose to mean???
It's meh. Not as painful as the first one for sure.
Don't Let the Light Go Out:
Said it before and I'll say it again: Ed Sheeran knock-off.
Shows that Brendon doesn't need uplifting beats and screehing to make a good song
Well 'good' is subjective but this is one fo the better ones.
Local God:
This song should be in JAIL.
Doesn't flow together AT ALL
It's 2022 Brendon why did you make an ENTIRE 3 MINUTE SONG about a guy you haven't talked to in YEARS???
Star Spangled Banger:
the title is a obvious lie, this shit ain't banging at ALL
Why is brendon sing-talking some parts in the verse?? Could he not fit all the lyrics in??
Good to know that the verse and the chorus not fitting together is gonna be a running theme throughout this album
God Killed Rock and Roll:
I swear the beginning of with the piano this sounds like a cheap knockoff of bohemian rhapsody
The musical flow of this song SUCKS so much its kinda funny. It starts with piano with an accompany of a chorus which is the only decent part of the entire song, then the pre-chorus has a quicker beat and the switch feels so abrupt.
I don't like that it sounds like brendon is trying to chase the lyrics in the chorus
Say it Louder:
Ngl the beat actually sounds good???
'For the people in the back(back,back,back) bros trying to create his own echo💀
None of it sounds out of place so far.. his voice does kind of sound a bit werid though its kind of expected of him at this point
OK nvm, it got slow again around the middle
Sugar Soaker:
The come on come ons do not fit the beat of the chorus. They fit the verses just fine though.
He's definitely making the choruses sound 'fulfilling' when it's just the verse but upped an octave. It just comes off as lifeless..
Wtf were those come ons at the end, its like hes creating dramatic tension through audio
Something About Maggie:
HELP NOT THAT HIGH NOTE FOLLOWED BY ALL THE LOW ONES, yeah that made me actually laugh
'Let him GOOO🤩' 'people say people say run away run away😈'
Sorry but the only ones who wrote a good line about slitting wrists were MCR and that was in 2004 🙄
Also Panic hasn't really been 'emo' since Fever (maybe Vices but that's pushing it) so not only is this line just yeesh it doesnt fit at all.😬
So glad Brendon decided to embrace his snake persona with how he's saying his s' at the end of sentences
'oh yeah'😚
Brendon PLEASE stop messing up the track by switching beats halfway through it
a a a a a a a a
Friendship ended with Sarah, now Maggie is my bestie
Sad Clown:
Title is kinda self-aware, ain't it?
Alright Brendon we know you were on Broadway but that doesn't mean you have to force yourself to sing like that on your songs
Only dogs can hear it I stg
Great he got slow AGAIN out of no where, cause that went so well the last time he did it (viva las vengeance)
All By Yourself:
Another self-aware title damn, he's on a kick with these.
He likes mentioning those posters on my wall. Ironically I have two IDKHOW and FØB posters and none of him lol.
Even with a slow song like this, it still feels like he's forcing himself to sing higher than he has to.
He was right about changing everything all by himself though.
This actually sounds pretty nice, I will admit.
Do it To Death:
What else is there left to say? It sounds the exact same as the other songs..
It keeps teasing me thinking he's gonna say something else-OH SCREW OFF NOW THIS 'shut up and go to bed' SHIT AGAIN
I sat through 40 minutes of your mediocre music just to get jumpscared with a viva las vengeance callback END ME
In short: im disappointed but not surprised. This doesn't even feel like Panic anymore. The lyrics are bland and repetitive, Brendons vocals are truely fighting on their last legs and the songs can't commit to a single beat. It's like he had too many ideas and thought he could execute them all but he couldn't. I can't believe this album is actually real, I refuse to listen to this ever again.
If the studio versions of these songs sound so dogshit, I canNOT wait to hear about the tour versions.
Bonus note: the song spotify decided to auto play right after finishing the album was Famous Last Words which idk whether to laugh or cry.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Unforgotten Night Episode 2
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My brat with a British accent wanted to write this together. Her covering the sub and me covering the Dom. I told her that she was a sadist and this was supposed to be bad. Iffy “noooooo, no, I’m just a special word for someone who wants you to suffer with me” I've since learned that this was much worse than anticipated and the only thing keeping me from alcohol poisoning was the Coconuts Mafia. You will be able to find the lovely iffy’s companion post here.
Once again, we are starting off with a promo poster. Once again, I'm asking you what the fuck is this?! They look like they are standing, and someone tilted the picture. What the fuck is with that chain!? Are you planning to fix a bike after this? The Cullens called, they want their glitter back. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Episode one recap
Kim/sub/cry baby, a normal ordinary office worker, needs to move past a one-sided love. He figures that drinking, crying, and a one-night stand of the tickle slap variety should do it. Kamol/Dom/Ceo Pillsbury Dough Boy Mafia Boss, did creepily follow Kim into a bathroom, asked if he was drunk several times before preforming slap tickle.
Kim woke up to taco bell knock off of an English breakfast. Said Bitch please and put some damn common sense on and ran away. Unbeknownst to him, the mafia boss is "serious" about him. It's true lurveeeee. And I threw up.
Episode 2
Now what is truly sad, is that the Episode one recap had way more to it than episode 2. I shit you not. I thought I was watching previews. The main couple spent almost no time together and we spent more time with a side couple. THAT IS THE ONE KIM IS TRYING TO GET OVER. They are trying desperately to have us think they have chemistry but like the kiss was something that I'd give a frog. Actually I think there is more chemistry with the frog. You decide.
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And somehow Kim magically knows his ex is getting that mediocre dick, so we are getting scenes of bad sex and cry baby. I mean, you guys the two girls fighting over a facial had more chemistry and were half the fucking entertainment.... OF THE ENTIRE EPISODE.
So, without further ado
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That's it... That's the whole D/s element in all its melodramatic glory.
Seriously, most of series was a brief chase with no substance. I was let down by the hate watch! I didn't even get to hate watch because they gave nothing. 🙄 The biggest plus to the show was this shot......wait for it.. keep waiting..... yeah. I got nothing.
If you made it through all that, you a true fan. And iffy and I adore you for it! Thank you 💜
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Dear Fucking Diary: Entry the 3rd - Nightmares and Underwear
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Pairings: Dean x Fem!OFC (Daisy)
Explicit 18 +/Warnings: None in this chapter. Brief (and not too detailed) mentions of emotional and mental abuse as well as some of the residual trauma from it. A smidge of angst as a result. Objectification of Dean's ass.
Word Count: 1,067
DFD: Series Masterlist
Series Summary: I’ve been tasked with writing in this fucking diary like a some teenage girl. It sucks, but who else am I going to talk to about the incredible hottie who lives next door?
Chapter Summary: 3rd Entry: Fuck me, he wears boxer briefs.
A/N:  This series has popped into my head from out of nowhere. It was supposed to be a whole other thing, but then it just morphed into this. (Cause I needed more series to work on! 🙄😄) Hope you like it, I should be releasing a new entry every few days, and I think there will be about 7 or 8 entries. The first entry is short and sweet, but most of the others will range between 1000 and 3000 words. Thanks everyone!! 🥰
The awesome divider at the bottom is created by @talesmaniac89
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I still have nightmares sometimes. They're never easy to define, they're not typical nightmares, no monsters or violence, no one thing that I can write about here.
I can't write:
I was scared in my dream because he was was back and I was caged in again, locked inside myself and his prison of words and threats.
I can't.
Because it's never that simple in my dreams, it's all feelings, like when you're watching a horror movie and nothing is happening, but there's just this sense of impending doom. The camera is pulled in tight to the protagonist's face and you just know something is gonna pop out around the corner.
I spend all night like that in my dreams, just waiting for the jump scare. And it's exhausting; sometimes sleeping feels more tiring than being awake.
That was what happened last night. I woke up with that itchy, unsettled feeling in my stomach and I didn't even bother trying to go back to sleep even though it was only two in the morning.
I tried to paint away the feeling, but I couldn't find the right colors to express the fear. So, I started cleaning.
Sometimes I could get rid of the feeling of disorder and chaos that still chased me if I tried to make order out of my disorganized apartment. It also helped me to put things in my own kind of order, to make things look the way I liked them to look.
After four years of walking on eggshells and praying that he'd be happy with how I'd done things, even knowing he'd always find something to criticize, it felt really good and liberating to clean and organize things to my satisfaction.
Dr. Hailey would probably have something to say about that. Probably something to do with not using external things to find internal validation. Barf.
Anyway, I gathered up my laundry and headed to the basement laundry room; it was the least likely to disturb anyone, since there were no apartments in the basement.
But as I stood in the silent room, dumping my clothes into the washer, I began to realize that this was a pretty stupid idea. It was so quiet and had all the dingy creepiness one would associate with a basement laundry room in the middle of the night.
I quickly poured in my laundry soap and was counting out my quarters when I heard footsteps coming down the hall toward the closed laundry room door.
I froze as the impending doom feeling from my nightmares settled in my stomach.
The door swung open and I let out a gasp of surprise as Dean walked in.
He jumped a bit too, but then held up his hands.
"Shit, I'm sorry!" He said, dropping his hands and taking a deep breath. "I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't realize anyone else would be here."
I nodded, still not sure how safe I was in a room alone with a virtual stranger. But there was something about Dean that made me think I was safe with him.
But then, how much could I really trust my instincts when it came to men? Dr. Hailey would likely say, I couldn't, that I should be hyper aware of red flags.
Dean walked a little further into the room and smiled at me, causing a million butterflies to erupt in my belly.
"So, I never got your name yesterday." He reminded me.
I shrugged. "Oh, it's Daisy." I said quietly.
"Daisy." He said, trying it out. "That's so pretty."
My automatic response to any compliment is to deny it, and so I shook my head and frowned like he was crazy. "No." I said with a scoff.
He tilted his head again as he looked at me. "Yes." he argued with a slightly perplexed smile.
Flustered, I waved a hand toward him. "Well, thank you."
He stood quietly for a minute and I felt like he was studying me. It made me uneasy and I blurted out an observation.
"You have no clothes."
Realizing how that sounded I could feel myself blushing again. His grin was mischievous and roguish and I couldn't help smiling a little in return.
He just moved over to the dryer and opened it. "Yeah, I remembered that I left my clothes down here earlier." He scooped them into the basket he'd left next to the machine. "Just glad no one stole them."
I nodded, trying not to notice that he was filling up the basket with a bunch of underwear and a few pairs of sweats. I was trying to push away the knowledge that he wore boxer briefs. My eyes darted to his legs and perfectly rounded ass. He was bent into the machine, making sure he'd gotten all the clothes and I couldn't help imagining how the boxer briefs would stretch and cling to his muscular thighs and plump ass.
He pulled out of the dryer and caught me staring again so I just started babbling trying to cover.
"Well, at least you left them in the dryer, and not the washer. Cause, you know, in the washer, if you forget them, they can get all moldy and kinda mildew-y. And it's hard to get the smell out. You know. You have to try letting them soak in some baking soda. I tried that once and it worked. But it's easier just to try and remember they're in the washer in the first place."
In my head, I swear to God, I was screaming at myself to shut up. Finally I literally bit my tongue to make it stop moving.
But Dean just kind of smiled and looked apologetic. "This is freaky, right? Being in a creepy basement, in the middle of the night, with some dude you don't really know at all?"
He closed the dryer door and moved back toward the exit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out." he said, apparently mistaking my embarrassed babbling for nervous or scared babbling. "I'll see you around, Daisy."
His quick departure and concern about scaring me made smile. Not many guys realized stuff like that, what it might feel like for a woman to be in such a vulnerable position. His actions had me happily tossing away one or two red flags.
And his parting smile stayed in my mind's eye all night.
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