#warriors fire and ice
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monsterwapo · 27 days ago
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Well if you're gonna spend all your time with your RiverClan girlfriend, maybe I'LL get my own, and she'll be better because she'll be ThunderClan and a little jerk.
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splint-er-exe · 9 months ago
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She really pulled the "my dad is president card" at every opportunity she could. RIP Silverstream, you would have loved to go to human middle school.
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muzzable · 29 days ago
Honestly Sandpaw was pretty funny in Fire and Ice. Basically half of the time when she showed up it was to flirt with oblivious Fireheart who hasn't realized due to being focused on his own problems like Graystripe spending all his time with Miss RiverClan, Cinderpaw's injury, and spending time with Princess to alleviate feeling like an outsider in the Clan. The other half of the time she's leaving Dustpaw hanging when he tries to set up a mean joke at Fireheart's expense and Sandpaw is too busy staring into Fireheart's eyes to notice or respond I guess. And then it gets to the point Dustpaw has to settle for hanging out with Longtail.
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zzz0mbiezz · 2 years ago
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Into the wild/fire and ice windclan!
Tallstar was drawn way back in April hence the different style :”)
Do not trace, steal or repost my art
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sapphanimates · 1 year ago
you ever wonder about fire and ice? like.. the book? why is it called that?
i understand fire, thats obviously in reference to fireheart, but what is ice refering to?
leafbare? it is winter throughout the book, but it isnt that significant to the plot.
princess? she is seen as a kind of parallel to fireheart in the book; its always how i interperted the book's title when i was younger.
yellowfang? its not likely, but she is on the cover (supposedly?).
cloudkit? cloudkit.... he's white... was he originally going to be called ice instead of cloud? is the title in reference to an earlier draft of the character before they settled on a name?
doubt it. either way, the book's title is weird.
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maplemouse-warriors · 2 years ago
Twin Flames Rewrite: Fire and Ice
Prologue: A description of WindClan’s temporary living area; at the end we learn that this is Firepaw’s point of view.
The morning after her warrior ceremony, Wildflame tells Bluestar her concerns about Tigerclaw in Bluestar’s den; Bluestar tells her she will need more evidence than that and while she appreciates her concern, Tigerclaw is a loyal warrior, and Redtail wouldn’t kill another cat. Wildflame promises she will come to Bluestar with more proof. She then says she would like to go to find WindClan and bring them back to their territory. Bluestar seems disappointed, and says that she had hoped Wildflame would want to remain in ThunderClan, but understands that she wants to return to her family.
Wildflame says that she will always be grateful to WindClan for taking her and Firepaw in and starting her on the path of a warrior, but ThunderClan is her home now. She wants to make sure her brother is okay and right ShadowClan’s wrong, and then come home to ThunderClan afterwards.
Bluestar is happy to hear that! She says that she will consider letting Wildflame go find WindClan, but that it is not a decision that one Clan alone can make. Wildflame is upset but understands why Bluestar has decided this.
Wildflame goes to find Dustpaw, and pulls him aside to tell him that Ravenpaw is alive. He does not believe her, stating that “Just because you don’t want to believe your brother is dead doesn’t mean I have to ignore that mine is.”
We get some WindClan slice-of-terrible-life. Firepaw is doing everything he can to help the WindClan cats, and we see how very involved he is with the Clan’s day to day life in a way we don’t with Wildflame. He especially enjoys keeping Whitekit’s spirits up, and the two often play games together.
At the Gathering, Bluestar says they need WindClan to return; the other Clans reluctantly agree. The next morning Bluestar announces that Wildflame and Graystripe will be going to retrieve WindClan. Wildflame immediately and publicly argues that Sandpaw should come instead, as Graystripe is recovering from an injury still and Sandpaw is a better tracker. Bluestar is displeased that she did this but agrees, and says the two will leave immediately. So they do!
Wildflame spends almost the entire journey to WindClan trying to get Sandpaw to either like her or listen to her; she is only slightly successful at both. They argue often, and Wildflame does her best not to stoop to petty insults like Sandpaw is doing. In the end, while Sandpaw doesn’t think Wildflame is right, she no longer believes Wildflame is lying to try and hurt ThunderClan.
More WindClan slice-of-terrible-life. Whitekit insists that she will be Firepaw’s apprentice, to everyone’s amusement.
Sandpaw and Wildflame find WindClan and bring them back to the moor. Wildflame is overjoyed to see Firepaw again, and the two quickly catch each other up on everything they’ve been doing. Firepaw is concerned for Wildflame’s safety as she is going against Tigerclaw, but she reassures him she’ll be alright. He asks how she will continue her investigation when she returns to WindClan; she tells him she is remaining in ThunderClan. He is sad but can see how much she cares for her new Clan.
She talks to Tallstar about her desire to stay in ThunderClan. He is also sad but understanding, and wishes her well.
When WindClan returns to their camp, Firepaw is rushing around and helping the Clan, and the warriors are disheartened at how much work must be done to reassemble the camp. Tallstar takes the opportunity to lift everyone’s spirits by making Firepaw a warrior, Fireheart, as well as giving him Whitepaw as an apprentice. They are both overjoyed about this, with Whitepaw saying “I told you so!” to just about the whole Clan.
Wildflame and Sandpaw are escorted home. They take a shortcut through RiverClan, and are attacked by a patrol. Whiteclaw dies, and Wildflame saves Sandpaw’s life, to Sandpaw’s confusion.
When they return to ThunderClan, Sandpaw is named Sandstorm. Dustpaw is shown to be very upset by this, as he is now the only apprentice, despite being older than the three new warriors.
In ThunderClan, Graystripe and Silverstream begin meeting. In WindClan, Fireheart begins investigating Onewhisker’s strange behavior/disappearances.
Morningflower moves to the nursery. She privately claims Queen’s Rights to Tallstar, and confides in Ashfoot and Fireheart that the kits belong to a RiverClan warrior. Fireheart promises to help her raise the kits, and does not correct the rumors that he may be the father.
Brackenpaw is apprenticed to Graystripe, and Cinderpaw is apprenticed to Wildflame. Sandstorm helps Wildflame train Brackenpaw when Graystripe is busy.
Graystripe and Wildflame save Mistyfoot’s kits from floodwaters, and begin secretly feeding RiverClan. They are soon caught and put on apprentice duties.
Brokenstar and a group of rogues attack ThunderClan’s camp. Brokentail is blinded and kept captive in ThunderClan. Dustpelt is made a warrior.
Gorsekit, Quailkit, and Storkkit are born to Morningflower. Fireheart loves them immediately and vows to do everything he can for them, and stays with Morningflower in the nursery that night.
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lockede-x-it · 2 months ago
weird as hell that cinderpelt is denied becoming a warrior after her leg got mangled on the exact same book that deadfoot is introduced. do you think she was pissed as hell when she found out that another three-legged cat is the deputy of windclan
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pinetreepilgrimage · 1 year ago
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The Prophecies Begin, or, The Streams Begin
Here’s the complete cover series, 1-6. Which one is your favorite?
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poorlydrawnwarriorzzz · 3 months ago
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Feathertail and Silverstream!
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haveyoureadthisbook-poll · 3 months ago
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Look at tumblr's 2024 year in review here
Movie version of this poll
tv show version of this poll
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beebslolz · 5 months ago
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Beatora in a nutshell
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mellysanders · 7 months ago
Related to people saying they picture asoiaf as looking like 90's fantasy TV-
I want an asoiaf adaptation that looks like a Roger Corman low-budget, absolute piece of crap 80's sword-and-sorcery movie. That's the aesthetic I think we deserved
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I want that Mystery Science Theater 3000-ass look
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niftys-pet-alligator · 2 months ago
The angriest a man has ever been with me was the time I told a guy I wasn't interested in reading the Game of Thrones books because I'd already had a Warrior Cats phase and they seemed pretty similar
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mynameissoot · 4 months ago
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she's a turkish angora :]
this one was trickier than i thought because as much as i want to apply warriors lore to this au, i had to decide if i wanted to keep birthright succession (ultimately decided to keep it because of how relevant it is to the story) (will change if i work out a better system) (same thing with the dragons)
ALSO, in this au all targs have the suffix "fire" :] (which is why aerys is called wildstar)
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lovesick-joey · 9 months ago
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I'm back!
you will not see me posting more lovesickjoeydcwarriors on this blog anymore- I'm going to start posting that on a separate blog @batglare101
Justice League OG || Gotham Rogues || Batfam || Young Justice
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once-a-kittypet · 1 month ago
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First Mention: Fire and Ice (chapter 11; page 130)
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