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pinetreepilgrimage · 6 days ago
it killed of me
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pinetreepilgrimage · 6 days ago
this is the funniest thing ive ever read
as much as I hate it, Albatross was one of my past lives. Sometimes I still feel the rage towards my sister in my current life because she bullies me alot but Im gonna be the better person this life and not let it get to me because I can’t have a permanent record on me if I want to get into a good college and become a teacher one day. I want to meet the Fathom of this life.
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pinetreepilgrimage · 8 days ago
and then Snowfall sends LYNX instead of him on the stealth team, when she knows damn well she’d be better off with Lynx helping her manage the ice kingdom. Like they can’t even tell Winter what actually happened to Darkstalker due to them not trusting him enough, does he ever get a break 😭
listening to music and it got me thinking about how absolutely horrible Winter must’ve felt in the time between the end of book 10 and up until book 14 when Snowfall & Co. show up in Sanctuary
poor guy had just gotten genuine friends for the first time in his life, throwing out everything he’d ever known (his life in the Ice Kingdom) to go back to them, and then they just,,, teleport him away? And never try to find him?? He was banished by Snowfall so he couldn’t even be with the brother he risked everything to rescue, he was never told what happened to Darkstalker, and his friends just never looked for him? He built an entire town from the ground up, and only then does one of them visit, and it’s only Kinkajou (maybe Turtle too but I don��t remember exactly)? Not Moon or Qibli? Not even Hailstorm? What would’ve gone through his head, trying to reason out why they never came? Why they never visited? He lost everything for them, and they just forgot about him? And then when Qibli finally does show his face,,, it’s not even to see Winter.
I just feel bad for him,,, I hope my guy gets some better friends <3
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pinetreepilgrimage · 13 days ago
Some things in the Wings of fire series i wish were elaborated on more:
-The kraken mentioned in The Book of Clearsight
-history of animus SkyWings
-if the Night and LeafWing populations could genetically bottleneck in the future due to low numbers
-what BeetleWings looked like in detail, tbh I want to hear more about potential extinct tribes or what dragons looked like between the scorching and now
-Tui saying she avoids giving dragons spider based names becasue she had a potential tribe idea (i forgot where i heard this one so take it with salt)
-non royal Sea and IceWings
-who else might have used DarkStalker’s scroll over the 2000+ years it was lying around
-RainWing history, in general
-the runty SkyWing egg that was mentioned in the prologue of Escaping Peril on the brightest night that was never found
-the origin of NightWing powers (and animus powers, but that seems like too big a question to ask. The better question is about what will happen to it)
feel free to add more
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pinetreepilgrimage · 27 days ago
i’m sure this has already been said before many times but my best advice to autistic people entering the workforce as an autsitic person who did is to never tell your coworkers/management that you’re autistic. My mom told my boss who told my coworkers and everyone started treating me like a toddler. I’m sure there are many workplaces that treat autistic people well but until yours has proven to be a safe place for it do not tell them.
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pinetreepilgrimage · 1 month ago
Queen Battlewinner really had all that aura farming just for her to accidentally kill herself
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pinetreepilgrimage · 1 month ago
“you are a bunch of small minded little lizards.” he said, rising to his full height and spreading his wings. “What did you think? I’d taste a strawberry and decide ‘mm, wow! that’s worth giving up my magic for.’” He looked down at the tiny fruit in his claws and ripped off all the green leaves. “Or did you have Turtle enchant this? Or perhaps another secret animus I don’t know about? It doesn’t matter, you boring ORDINARY creatures. I can’t be enchanted by ANYONE! I’m smarter now. I’ve made myself completely safe. NOBODY’S animus magic will work on me. Which means nobody will ever be able to stop me.” He threw the strawberry in his mouth and swallowed it, casting a dark look at his mother.
“Actually,” said Kinkajou. “There is ONE dragon’s magic that will still work on you.”
He glowered down at her. “You’re wrong.”
“I’m right.” She snapped back.
“Oh really? Who’s?”
She glared right back, and her scales were the color of burning strawberries. “Your own.”
A massive boom sent shockwaves accross the moutaintop as the towering figure of Darkstalker suddenly combusted into thick smoke. In a few seconds the drift parted, leaving nothing but a comical ash stain on the ground where he once stood.
the peacemaker solution was funny as hell but i do think darkstalker should have been exploded/disintegrated
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pinetreepilgrimage · 1 month ago
how did i not realize this, you’re cooking
Okay I actually haven’t picked up the books in a while and refuse to do it just for this ask so I do apologize if I’m wrong abt smth, I am a little pissed off that the dynamic and relationship between Turtle and Moon isn’t brought up or focused on more. When I first read Moons book I thought the romance thing would’ve actually gone with them or that they would at least be closer. Turtle is literally the only person who trusted her after her power reveal, and they both follow the whole I didn’t choose to have my power and being afraid and then learning to overcome that fear. AND they are parallels to Fathom and Clearsight, Darkstalker literally saw a part of them in them and they were like established friends. Why was nothing done with this?
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pinetreepilgrimage · 1 month ago
That’s kinda how i see their relationship in canon ever since I reread arc 1. I think they make great platonic friends given their closeness in book 4 and how she helps Starflight with navigating after he’s blinded. Romantically they’re cooked, she’s so focused on getting with him while he’s still recovering from Sunny rejection. The way Fatespeaker is written to be so much like Sunny is so boring. I feel like Fatespeaker has all of Sunny’s arc 1 naïvity without any of the development Sunny went through on her own to grow. And her character could be so much more than Starflights potential partner. I feel like she should have gotten her own things to do outside of JMA so she could put herself out there and meet more kind dragons. I’m glad that even though Sunny tells Starflight to get with her, he doesn’t. Saying he ‘should’ love Fatespeaker is painful. I know the books tell us that he does have some romantic feelings for her, but they’re not strong. She should get with someone who truly loves her for her and not because she’s an echo of another dragon. Storywise what would it do for either of their characters to get together?
Okay, hear me out-
Semi-loveless and co-dependent Starspeaker AU
Starflight quickly gets with Fatespeaker in order to move on from Sunny, as she advised him to do. However, as their relationship progressed, he still was grieving the rejection he experienced from Sunny more than loving the dragon he’s currently with. He loves Fatespeaker, he really does, but not as much as Sunny. Not as just as his best friend he’s grown up with for years, who’s still living and interacting with him to this very day. He’s been unintentionally using Fatespeaker as a way to move on from heartbreak, but he doesn’t fully realize this and the damage he’s been doing until it’s far too late.
While Fatespeaker quickly gets with Starflight’s due to her rushed, intense, bubbling feelings for him since the day they met. But as their relationship progressed, Fatespeaker realized that Starflight doesn’t love her in the way she wish he does. That’s he’s still dealing with his remaining romantic feelings for Sunny, all while in a relationship with Fatespeaker. That he also is ignorant to why Fatespeaker has faith towards her “visions”, due to him not understanding how could someone ever rely on something so inaccurate and untrue. Not thinking that while Fatespeaker’s visions may not be real, they’re real to her - and that’s an important thing to understand about her. As Fatespeaker’s relationship with Starflight grows, she was at first unaware of it, then in denial about it. But when it came to the point that she had to face that reality, that she finally realized that, well…she didn’t just get with Starflight because she loves him, didn’t she? No. She did it because she was trying to desperately cling onto the first and only dragon who isn’t downright awful to her.
When they got together, their reliance towards each other grew in an unhealthy way. 
Due to Starflight’s disability, Fatespeaker became his assistant within the JMA library. She helped him without taking of the library. She was the only one there to directly help him while his friends were busy with their own duties within the mountain. This resulted in Starflight’s understandably feeling co-dependent on Fatespeaker. But not just for help within his daily life. It eventually resulted in him to feel like he needs stay in his relationship her in order to be a properly functioning individual. He felt like he needs Fatespeaker in order to move on from Sunny in the way she wants him to. Which results in his co-dependency on Fatespeaker to grow in an unhealthy way.
While Fatespeaker feels like she needs to be with Starflight, and to cling onto his relationship with him, in order for her life to be happy. In order to her be worthy of existing, worthy of affection, worthy of love. Fatespeaker was never loved nor respected throughout her life. Starflight was the first dragon to treat her with common decency. Because of this, she instantly emotionally attached to him. She feels like no else can truly appreciate her for who she is. The rest of Starflight’s friends are connected to her, but not like how Starflight is. Even Sunny, the very dragon Fatespeaker instantly befriended the moment they met, became annoyed by her, due to her immense belief to her “visions”. Because of this, Fatespeaker feels like Starflight is the only main thing that makes her life good, better and happy. This results in her to she grows unhealthily co-dependent on him so she can experience happiness and love within her life.
They’re unhealthy towards each other not because they’re intentionally being toxic to one another, but instead due to their trauma, difficulties, as well as their struggles with their emotions and connections with others, they feel the feed to desperately and co-dependently cling onto each other in order for them to gain happiness and stability within their lives, as the ideal image of their love breaks and crumbles apart as their relationship gradually progresses within their lives.
BTW sorry if this confession is weird or wrong in any way, I wrote the majority of this around 3:00 am - 4:00 am when I didn’t go to sleep yet lol.
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pinetreepilgrimage · 1 month ago
Forget? Are there people defending the dragon who built walls covered in spikes to specifically put heads on? She TAXEDERMIED PEOPLE
I feel like people forget how much of an ableist and racist piece of shit Burn is, especially compared to even other racists and ableists in the story
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pinetreepilgrimage · 2 months ago
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pinetreepilgrimage · 2 months ago
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pinetreepilgrimage · 2 months ago
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wings of fire skywing has such wide eyes. here is my rendition of what i imagine they look like
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pinetreepilgrimage · 2 months ago
morrowseer would gamble his life away in slot machines if they were in wings of fire. there’s just something about his stupid, beady eyes that call for the blinding, colorful lights of a device meant to overstimulate you with fleeting, yet addicting highs. i bet he’d spam-click that roll button to get an 80+ rpm (rolls per minute) average to streamline his gambling sessions, maybe even ordering some of his troops to alternate shifts with him when he gets tired. anything to reach that jackpot, right? it’s only a matter of time before that lizard hits big.
unfortunately, his name was never jackpotseer to begin with; it was a fruitless endeavor from the start. but he will never be smart enough to realize that truth. he’ll rot away, hunched over on an undersized stool, as he repeatedly slams the roll button down, gambling more than he’s worth with each press.
what’s the point of a prophet that sees ‘morrow when one’s future has already been assured?
…uh, anyways. nice blog. keep up the good work.
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pinetreepilgrimage · 2 months ago
My other life was a NightWing and my name was Nightbringer I was the daughter of Starflight and Fatespeaker and I was all black and had purple under wings
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pinetreepilgrimage · 2 months ago
I want more allwings that are homunculus abominations
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pinetreepilgrimage · 2 months ago
the art style,, i’m gonna cry its so gorgeous
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canon horsey
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