#waiting for diagnosis
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onlyregretspasthere · 10 months ago
Nothing infuriates me more than when I'm talking to my family mentioning I did nothing all weekend because I worked all week and my body is in too much pain and too tired to function and their response is oh we're all a little tired but we still do stuff on the weekend
Like yes that's great for you but not everyone can do that while I may not yet have a diagnosis yet may that doesn't mean my body is not still effected by the problems I'm having - I work an 8 hour day and die when I get home all my joints screaming at me and tired enough that it is feeling as if I ran a marathon while sick with the flu so please kindly shut up 💜
Diagnosis' are hard as fuck to get don't belittle people who are working to get them
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sapphia · 1 year ago
autism screening quizzes will be like “do you take things too literally” and then ask fifty of the worst-worded questions ever dreamt up by man
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pallanophblargh · 9 months ago
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I have a disproportionately loud mess of a head for no discernible reason* so it’s kind of a miracle that I spent the last month and some change willing myself to wield watercolor again. Witness the struggle! A long overdue color sketch for a (super patient) client.
Just watercolor with a boop of gouache.
*they are a mush of small but immense problems??? Executive dysfunction being maximized by meds the main culprit…
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totallyveryallosexual · 1 year ago
Even if I don't have an ADHD or autism diagnosis, treating myself like I have both has been so freeing. I put in noise cancelling headphones when I'm overstimulated. I sit on the floor in the research lab to work because no one in there cares and I like the floor better than my desk. I cut out the tags on my shirts. I use adhd-friendly organizational tips. I let myself stim in public without feeling bad. I was always taught not to do any of that stuff in order to seem "normal" and conform. I finally gave myself permission to do things that make me feel less shitty in my day to day existence. I gave myself permission to be kind to myself.
So reminder to all the people out there like me: you don't have to wait for a diagnosis to implement things in your life that make you more comfortable.
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fennthetalkingdog · 9 months ago
Y'all I just watched Jaiden Animations' video about learning she has ADHD and man... some of that stuff just hit me hard. The having to tie yourself down to work, the being relatively okay in school until college, the wondering if a doctor would just say, "It's a you problem, go away"—geez that resonated. I'm glad she finally got a diagnosis and Adderall and learned how to work best with herself though! I hope things start to turn out better for her as time goes on
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yugiohmangaoutofcontext · 9 months ago
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jonouchi is literally being killed via shadow game mind tricks and all kaiba can think about is how cool marik's ra card is
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milogoestogreendale · 1 year ago
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over a year later but. THE PROPHECY HAS BEEN FULFILLED
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fiddlepickdouglas · 2 years ago
When you finally have access to things like healthcare, therapy, and medication that helps you function and have made a to-do list that includes doing taxes and calling your insurance company and somehow none of it makes you anxious at all. What the HEEEEELLLLLLLL, HOW IS THIS NORMAL????
Where are the very slow tigers that are chasing me??
I'm. I'm not excited about anything on that list but I'm not not excited???? It's just things to do, that I gotta do, and I'm gonna do them because I can? I can!!
I'm making this a good luck post. May you get one big step closer to healing/recovering/getting the proper treatment and diagnoses for whatever is ailing you. Whether that's mental illness, chronic illness, disability, or simply a hardship you have to endure, may good things be on their way to you swiftly ❤️💕
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themanirealityshifter · 10 months ago
let’s go shift to a reality where i can get a diagnosis for whatever flavor of neurodivergence i am-
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emberglowfox · 5 months ago
all fun and games having an oc hyperfixation and having to make all the content yourself until you lose the ability to make anything lol
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scopophobia-polaris · 3 months ago
And if I said I will do $10usd bust commissions
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kirabasai · 3 months ago
so as it turns out not only was i peer reviewed for autism on an ao3 comment, i was peer reviewed for autism on an ao3 comment and they were RIGHT.
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megyulmi · 7 months ago
➠ Shared worship of Bodhisattvas associated with Megumi and Yuuji’s domains:
Since we know that Megumi’s domain hand symbol is associated with Bodhisattva Kannon (Japanese manifestation of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara) and Yuuji’s domain hand symbol is associated with Bodhisattva Jizō (Japanese manifestation of Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha), I wanted to mention a few connections in their worship from the Japanese Buddhist tradition.
To note, Kannon and Jizō are two of the most venerated Bodhisattvas in Japanese Buddhism, who have distinct roles and attributes, yet a notable connection (similarity) between them, reflecting the intertwined nature of the compassionate qualities they embody.
Generally, both Kannon and Jizō are revered for their compassion. Kannon is known as the Bodhisattva of Infinite Compassion, who hears the cries of beings in distress and offers aid. Jizō, similarly, is the protector of children, travellers, and souls in the afterlife, often depicted as a compassionate figure who aids those in suffering. Additionally, they are both seen as saviours and protectors. Kannon offers salvation and relief from suffering, often invoked in times of need. Jizō is believed to help souls in the six realms of existence, particularly in the realms of hell, where he provides comfort and aid to suffering beings.
Now, let’s delve deeper into the intertwined nature of their worship. In this post, I mentioned that the veneration day of Jizō is celebrated on the 18th and 24th days of every month. Traditionally, the 18th day of the month was assigned to Kannon. However, the veneration of Jizō on that day is mentioned in a Japanese version of the Jizō and Ten Kings sutra, the Bussetsu Jizō Bosatsu Hosshin In’nen Jūōkyō (仏説地蔵菩薩発心因縁十王経), a product of the late Heian period said to be based on the Chinese version, the Yü-hsiu-shih-wang-sheng-ch’i-ching (預修十王生七經). According to more contemporary writings, commoners, merchants and townsfolk often held meetings together in honour of them throughout the Muromachi and Edo periods on the same date. In addition to this point, Reigenki (地蔵菩薩霊験記, stories of Jizō compiled by Jitsuei of Mii-dera in the mid-Heian period) and Konjaku (今昔物語集, ‘Anthology of Tales Old and New’) describe many Jizō devotees in the Japanese tales as Lotus Sutra reciters; a further examination of which shows that Jizō is expected to function rather like Kannon, who is a Bodhisattva most closely related to the Lotus Sutra, through the merits and virtue of it. When one thinks of Lotus Sutra, one usually thinks of Kannon, but old recordings show that their worship was shared not only in the manner of date but in the text as well.
The main reason is that the Lotus Sutra itself declares that the sutra will be of special value in the degenerate age and people were seeking benefits in their present lives as well as deliverance in the future. In satisfying such needs, Kannon, closely related to the Lotus Sutra, was an ideal Bodhisattva who would appear in this life, grant the mundane wishes of devotees, and even deliver them into Amida’s Pure Land (a concept of a celestial realm of a buddha or bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism where Buddhists aspire to be reborn). As repeatedly described in the above-mentioned Jizō stories of Reigenki and Konjaku, Jizō would also appear in this present life and help ignorant sentient beings in the age of degeneration. He would guide his devotees so that they would not fall into hell, and he would even save those who had already fallen into the pit. These characteristics of Jizō as a saviour parallel those of Kannon. The merit of the Lotus Sutra and the ultimate goal of these two Bodhisattvas were to assist their devotees’ rebirth in Amida’s Pure Land. Thus it is not difficult to understand why the Jizō cult was so closely related to the Lotus Sutra, why it was so widely accepted by the Japanese, and why statues of Jizō and Kannon often flank Amida Buddha. That Jizō would protect reciters of the Lotus Sutra and function similarly to Kannon is an idea continually appearing in later setsuwa (説話, a Japanese literary genre, consisting of myths, legends, folktales, and anecdotes) collections, particularly from the Kamakura period.
Another detail that ties the two Bodhisattva together is found in the Shijū Hyaku Innenshū (私聚百因縁集) that specifically mentions a sutra called the Renge Sanmaikyō (蓮華三眛経) which states that Kannon had entrusted all sentient beings in the Six Realms to Jizō and that this Bodhisattva consequently had six different names, one for each of the Six Realms where he appears, remains, and saves sentient beings. It shows their cooperation to aid all sentient beings.
The same cooperation can be found in Mizuko rites (水子供養, a Japanese Buddhist ceremony for those who have had a miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion). While Bodhisattva Jizō, a saviour figure devoted to children, has been the dominant figure in these rites, Kannon has also been given a prominent place in a number of temples devoted to this practice, given the long history of identification of Kannon with the needs of mothers and children-both to care for spirits in the ��other world’ and to comfort those in the world of the living who oftentimes are struggling with personal remorse, regret, and guilt.
Whether Akutami Gege had such shared attributes of compassion, salvation and protection of the two Bodhisattva in mind when creating the hand symbols for Megumi and Yuuji’s domains, we cannot know, but it is still significant to find that characters as closely intertwined as Yuuji and Megumi throughout the storyline have elements drawn from the figures who could be considered as closely intertwined despite their distinct individual roles.
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ppeachicetea · 2 months ago
wow the world is so beautiful all of a sudden
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sketchehm · 2 months ago
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greghatecrimes · 6 months ago
I guess I feel kinda chatty since I haven't many chances to post on here in a little while (besides just screencaps and reblogs.) I have a lot of thoughts but unfortunately not enough spoons to get them all written down asap. A lot of them are about Amber-- I've been rotating her and Thirteen as inverses in my brain. She is so under-appreciated. A lot of thoughts re: 'House' and its portrayal of disability and chronic illness, too. Something something this show has been so important to me while being sick/dealing with this chronic illness, and I love it even more now.
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