#vincent x reeve
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evedoll2038 · 2 years ago
Part 2 of dads being proud of their daughter lol
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Look at them. 😭♥️
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I love this pose Vincent makes. He's like "wow...I love that man 😏😌"
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getvalentined · 5 years ago
Fandom: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII Rating: Explicit Relationships: Reeve Tuesti/Vincent Valentine Characters: Vincent Valentine, Reeve Tuesti Additional Tags: Body Horror, Interrupted Blowjobs, plot with a side of porn, Hojo is here in spirit as an eternal cockblock, Breakup, i guess, are they even TOGETHER?, is Vincent ever WITH anyone?, No, No he's not, because of shit like THIS, Hurt No Comfort, I love Reeve by the way, but like, boy has OPTIONS, VINCENT IS NOT A GOOD OPTION Summary: Limit breaks are triggered by a buildup of adrenaline and other endorphins in the body, causing a temporary shift in brain chemistry. For Vincent, this includes a shift in physiology. Whether he wants it or not. (AKA the fic where Hojo continues to cockblock Vincent from beyond the grave.)
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calsyee · 7 years ago
ok so i’m at the point in FF7 where cloud is recounting the nibelheim incident to the party, and i feel here is a good place to pause and delineate my current FF7 ships:
zack/genesis, in a specific au i’m writing
(so far i’ve seen ACC, and watched cutscene movies for CC and DoC, so, like, i have a lot of really gay feelings about zack fair, ok?)
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albedosoyna · 7 years ago
Tropes - Accidental Baby Acquisition - Reeve and Vincent
Vincent has a soft spot for kids 
From this list.  Do you want to add to it?  Send me an ask.  I write FFVII and FFXV.
Vincent was not wearing his cape.  Reeve frowned and was about to ask why, 
The gunner turned around and he saw that the cape was now wrapped around a ... baby.  Vincent had it firmly held in his left arm and the right was brushing at the fluffy looking dark hair on the child's head.
“Where did the baby come from?” Reeve asked.
Vincent red eyes turned to him and he frowned.  “He was just ... left.”  He motioned in the general direction of the church where Aerith’s flowers grew.
“He was cold.”
“We need to get him some food.”
Vincent sighed.  “I know, but I imagine what it would be like to have held ...”  He couldn’t finish the sentence.
Reeve put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed.  “Let’s get the baby taken care of.”
Vincent nodded as they walked back into the heart of Edge.
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howlingday · 2 years ago
(Jaune Strife AU) Uncle Vincent decided to stop by and he terrifies everyone. Everyone except the Arcs, even little Adrian is chill with the half-vampire adopted relative. Terra just thinks her in-laws are weird like that.
"Sorry I'm late." Jaune huffed as he passed through the doors.
"About time you got here, kid." Uncle Barret chuckled. "Any later, and he would have grown up on ya!"
"Oh, be nice!" Tifa slugged Barret in the arm. "Jaune, we're glad you made it."
"Yeah!" Aunt Yuffie nodded. "Besides, it's not like the little guy was going anywhere."
"Especially not with how tall, dark, and creepy is holding him." Cid gruffed.
Jaune looked to where his sister and her wife sat at a booth, with his Uncle Vincent sitting between them. In his arms lay a chubby baby who seemed to be watching the pale male with interest.
"Coochie-coo." Uncle Vincent cooed, wiggling his clawed finger at the babe.
"Be careful, Uncle Vincent." Saphron worried.
"He's fine, Saph." Terra waved. "I'm sure your uncle know how to hold a baby."
"When will it be my turn?" Red XIII asked from the other side of the table.
"Uh, well..." Terra scratched her cheek, unsure of how to answer the question.
"So, how's it feel to a grandpa, Cloud?" Uncle Reeves asked, holding a stuffed toy in his arms.
"Not bad." Cloud replied. "Never really thought I'd make it this far, though, having my own kids with their own kids."
Jaune walked up to the table, where his sister and sister-in-law looked to him. He smiled and waved at them, and they all gasped at what happened. The baby reached out with his tiny hands and waved back.
"H-Hi there, uh..." Jaune continued to wave as his face flushed. "What's his name?"
"Adrian." Tifa answered behind her son. "Adrian Cotta-Arc-Strife."
"Kind of a mouthful." Jaune chuckled. "I'll just call him Adrian."
"Well, that is his name." Terra giggled.
Adrian giggled, too, and Jaune felt his heart melt.
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neoarchipelago · 4 years ago
I have officially reached 700 followers (and more) First of all thank you all so much! I'm incredibly honored.
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So now the fun part, I'm opening request for HeadCanons and blurps for a short while for these characters:
Laszlo kriezler
John Wick
Keanu reeves
Father Vincent (warrior nun)
Please precise if you want it to be NSFW or not !
Enjoy my loves!
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omegaandchaos · 4 years ago
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Vincent protecting his boyfriend Reeve
Dirge of Cerberus
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tofadeawayagain · 4 years ago
Day 4 (belated)!
This one is actually an entire series. The character development contained therein, the continuity of the characters/retention of the characters’ canonical attitudes, and the brilliance of the writing make this series one that I visit over and over again.
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cloti-fics · 5 years ago
Harmonies for the Haunted | Chapters 1-23 | Author: Marjorie Franklin
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Why anyone still liked him after everything he had put them through was beyond him. Perhaps they were used to him being broken. Perhaps by this point, it was simply a character trait. However, he wondered if Tifa would really forgive him this time. Cloud had pushed and pushed, and he knew that at some point, she would stop coming back. Surely, even Tifa Lockhart had her limits.
Romance/Angst — Rating: M
Pairings: Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart
Other Characters: Marlene Wallace, Denzel, Zack Fair, Yuffie Kisaragi, Barret Wallace, Vincent Valentine, Aerith Gainsborough, Cid Highwind, Reeve Tuesti, Red XIII/Nanaki
Fandom: Advent Children Complete
Read on AO3 | Read on FF.net Completed work!
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unbiddenrhythm · 5 years ago
Rating: General
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Final Fantasy VII, Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Dirge of Cerberus
Relationships: Reeve Tuesti/Vincent Valentine, Reeve Tuesti & Reeve Tuesti’s Assistant
Characters: Reeve Tuesti, Vincent Valentine, Reeve Tuesti’s Assistant
Additional Tags: Drabble, one-shot, exercise in writing BROTP, Fluff
Notes: A break from my regularly scheduled program of Reeve x Assistant to bring you Assistant being the world’s best wingman.
Summary: Reeve doesn't understand he's being asked on a date....his assistant has his back, though.
(also...is this the start of a new OT3 for me? Very possibly.)
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unbiddenrhythm · 5 years ago
I’m actually kind of jealous when I start thinking about the amount of time wombywoo got paid for to look at/draw Reeve!
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Another commission from the marvelous @wombywoo! My friend loves this pair and asked me to post it for her.
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evedoll2038 · 2 years ago
Suffer. 😏😈 (and if y'all wanna check out my tiktok I got a bit more stuff on there simpforfrpaul)
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getvalentined · 3 years ago
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Another Curaga request from June—even more Genesis! Postcanon, catching up with Tseng, not flirting at all. Really. They're both spoken for, why would anyone be flirting? It's fine. It's fine. (Had a good time sneaking in background Tseeve and…whatever Vincent/Genesis is called. VinGen? Valensodos? Vinesis. It's called Vinesis.)
This one was super fun all around because it gives a really different sense of scale than usual for these two. Genesis usually looks on the smaller side because of who he hangs out with; conversely, Tseng usually looks like he's on the larger side because of the company he keeps, when he keeps any at all. But Genesis is at least 6' tall and built like a SOLDIER. Tseng is…not either of those things. Next to each other, the framing is really different!
✨ Learn more about Curaga requests via the Directory.
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tim-hoe-wan · 3 years ago
Best superhero/villain casting in your opinion? Doesn’t matter if it’s Marvel or DC.
Won’t comment on the DC tv series cause I don’t watch them. Only listing the casting which I think or can’t imagine anyone else pulling off the role just as well.
Christopher Reeves - Superman
Michael Keaton - Batman
Hugh Jackman - Wolverin
RDJ - Iron Man
Sir Patrick Stewart - Professor X
Ryan Reynolds - Deadpool
Michael Fassbender - Magneto
William Dafoe - Green Goblin
Alfred Molina - Doc Oc
Chadwick Boseman - Black Panther
JK Simmons - J Jonah Jameson
Dafne Keen - X-23
Dan Stevens - David Haller
Aubrey Plaza - Shadow King
Michael B Jordan - Kilmonger
Paul Rudd - Ant-man
Tom Hiddleston - Loki
Elizabeth Olsen - Scarlet Witch
Charlie Cox - Daredevil
Vincent D’Onofrio - Kingpin
Kevin Bacon - Sebastian Shaw
Evan Peters - Quicksilver
Josh Brolin - Thanos
Anthony Starr - Homelander
Margot Robbie - Harley Quinn
Lauren Ridloff - Makkari
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acedesigns · 4 years ago
Final Fantasy VII Masterlist
Here is my masterlist for all of the Final Fantasy VII Fanfiction I’ve written. All of which are X Reader with it being gender-neutral unless stated otherwise.
Other Masterlists
Peace of the Present
Cloud Strife
A Beautiful Swordsman
Dating a Neko!Reader Headcanon
Back Pain
Who Do You Like? Part 1
Who Do You Like? Part 2
Reno and Soldier S/O Headcanon
Reeve Tuesti
A Fortune
A Long Day
Rufus Shinra
High Expectations
A Little Longer
Like a Cat: Part 1
Like a Cat: Part 2
Like a Cat: Part 3
Wrong Number
Sephiroth with severe C-PTSD Headcanon
S/O Was There When He Discovered His Past Headcanon
Tifa Lockhart
Pull-Up Queen
Thank You
Tseng with S/O Headcanon
Vincent Valentine
The Light
Ultimate Big Punch
Vincent Finds Out Reader’s Pregnant (Reader has a Uterus/Headcanon)
Dating Vincent Headcanon
Vincent with S/O Heacanon
Zack Fair
Flare Up
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goodbirb · 2 years ago
I don't really understand the vincent x reeve ship but one thing I know for sure is cait is included in this relationship no negotiation he sleeps between them
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