#vanilla notes
flowersforvax · 1 year
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vanilla extract might be my favorite new meme
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bourbontrend · 3 months
Calling all whiskey lovers! 🥃 Discover how to indulge in the best bourbon whiskey in India without breaking the bank. Explore our guide on Bourbon Trend to find affordable luxury that tickles your taste buds with rich caramel and vanilla, making every sip a celebration. Cheers to high-quality bourbon at friendly prices! #BourbonWhiskeyIndia
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pachix · 3 months
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gilbirda · 3 months
me after 1.6 dropped
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cromwelll · 1 year
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humhowellujah · 5 months
i'm drunk off two lavender martinis what the fuck do you MEAN dan and phil went on a step by step recreation of their japan trip as a part of a HONEYMOON episode for their sims. be so fr rn be so serious please. dan howell you have 4 minutes to respond . phil, keep it up babygirl. lavender martini recipe in the tags
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
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vanilla extract
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glyphes · 4 months
real subtle there, astarion
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dragonpropaganda · 7 months
you should talk about your thoughts on rw fanon (looking with huge eyes)
Oh god, there's a lot of major misconceptions have concreted into fanon, mostly around ancient society and ascension.
First things first! Ascension is not death! They are entirely separate things treated entirely separately by the text of the game. I can see where the interpretation is coming from, but it doesn't really align with how the text treats either subject. Five Pebbles may want to remove the self destruction taboo, but from his reaction to the rot it's clear that he doesn't want to die. Conflation of ascension and death only comes up as an offhand possibility that pebbs makes on iterator 4chan, when he's going into the possibilities of scenarios that even the other sliverists are doubtful of! (let me make clear that I am not a sliverist by any means)
Ascension is more of talked about as a form of transcendence, yeah? A Bell, Eighteen Amber Beads talks about their sitution as being "To have grasped at the boundless infinites of the cosmic void…", not as them seeking an end to life.
The beta dialogue goes into more detail, mentioning the "infinities of time and space" and the "boundless fractal planes of spirit and reality...", though this dialogue was cut and it's hard to tell how much it reflects the concept as in the released game.
As for the cultural misconceptions... there's A Lot to talk about, but the first that comes to mind is the common conflation of the five natural urges and the christian concept of sin.
It is true that the negation of urges is mentioned by moon as an alternative method of ascension, but much of what we know about the culture of the people who the fandom calls the ancients (which makes discussion of the depths a mess but that's something for another post entirely) points towards the urges not being seen as shameful.
Even the first urge does not seem to be particularly scorned! Being a warrior is presented as a cause for bragging in the Shaded Citadel pearl, being comparable with being an artist and a fashion legend. The second urge, also does not seem to be suppressed. Multiple sources attribute some level of honour to parenthood! The aforementioned pearl also mentions Seventeen Axes, Fifteen Spoked Wheel as being a "Mother, Father and Spouse" without any hint of shamefulness. Nineteen Spades, Endless Reflections expresses pride about having progeny, mentioning it alongside their owned land and esteem among their peers.
After some peer review, an esteemed friend has told me to add a section on purposed organisms as well! This is not so much my area, so I might be a bit off on some things.
As moon says, the majority of purposed organisms were tubes in boxes, and that the primal fauna of the world are almost entirely extinct. A lot of the fandom seems to ignore the first part, and i can't say I blame them, but the evolution of the creatures is so much weirder than people think.
Concept art for the creatures has this interesting quality to it, where the organic parts of the creatures have an almost... melty quality to them.
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In the concept art, the flesh appears as if it's almost defying the machinery to form an animal shape. It's as if it's conquering its own artificiality the way the foliage grows over the (stone, brick and concrete, not mostly metal as some think!) ruins.
Of course, it's hard to really tell how much of this reflects the finalised concept, most of the integration is much smoother in the game, in line with a seamless kind of biomechanical design. There was always an intention of biomechanical strangeness, as shown in this screenshot of the devlog before the term "slugcat" even existed!
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That said, the melty nature of the concept art shows a level of wild change inherent the biomechanical nature of the creatures, as if they truly are the result of these "tubes in boxes" almost revolting against their own boxes.
and considering centipedes... some tubes may not have had boxes in the first place!
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envcry2 · 1 month
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dating reveal misunderstanding
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tyresdeg · 4 months
logansargeant i decided to join the givenchybeauty gentleman society because f1 is all about style and speed together 🤝
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genocat · 10 months
Survivor Notes app !
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nenelonomh · 1 month
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emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence is your ability to perceive, understand, manage and use your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. it involves a set of skills that help you recognise, understand, and influence the emotions of yourself and others.
the key components of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. emotional intelligence is considered a critical factor for success in life because it helps you navigate social complexities, lead and motivate others, and excel in your personal and professional life. some experts suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others believe it is an innate characteristic.
an example of emotional intelligence in action is the ability to approach situations in a healthy, curious manner rather than an angry frustrated one. instead of reprimanding when someone is not acting according to standard, you can ask the person if everything is okay and listen attentively, understanding that there can be external factors affecting the other's behaviour.
by managing your emotions, and remaining calm and supportive during similar conversations, you can create a safe space for the other person to open up, and solve issues without further drama or difficulties. after you learn the change in their behaviour, you can offer support and adjust your actions to accommodate for the other persons needs.
if everyone practised a little more emotional intelligence, the world would wholly be a better place.
but let me stress this: emotional intelligence does not in any way mean changing yourself so other people can operate better. it is not being nice, it is having empathy and awareness.
let's further explore the different aspects of emotional intelligence:
self-awareness: the ability to recognise your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behaviour.
self-regulation: being able to manage your emotions and adapt to challenging circumstances.
motivation: to harness emotions to stay focused on your personal goals.
empathy: the ability to understand the emotions of others and respond appropriately.
social skills: to be able to build and maintain good relationships through effective communication and conflict resolution.
i already touched on misunderstanding emotional intelligence as simply being nice, but there are several common mistakes that can hinder emotional intelligence.
high emotional intelligence can sometimes be used manipulatively, influencing others without considering their best interests. this is not right! while manipulation may yield immediate results, it can have long-term negative consequences. it creates a toxic environment, hinders genuine connection and stifles growth. not to mention that depending on the context, manipulative behaviour can have legal consequences and lead to social ostracism.
emotional intelligence requires openness and vulnerability, and being too guarded can prevent the development of meaningful relationships. being guarded limits self-awareness, which is a key component of emotional intelligence. it does this by not allowing you to fully acknowledge or understand your own emotions.
to end on a more positive note, here is how you can build stronger emotional intelligence:
practice active listening: pay attention to what others are saying without interrupting. listen to understand, not just to respond.
emotional awareness: acknowledge your emotions, especially the uncomfortable ones. accept them as a normal part of life and learn from them.
identify emotions within others: pay attention to body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions to better understand how others are feeling.
understand your stressors: know what triggers your stress and build strategies to manage it. this can help you to remain calm and clear-headed in challenging situations.
healthily channel your emotions: find constructive outlets for your emotions, such as exercise, meditation, or creative activities. engaging in creative tasks allows for contemplation, giving you the space to reassess problems in your life and make plans.
develop empathy: try to see things from others' perspectives. empathy builds connection and trust.
improve social skills: work on communication, conflict resolution and cooperation. these skills are vital for building strong relationships.
self-regulation: learn to control impulsive feelings and behaviours. pause and think before acting. self-regulation leads to better decision-making and letting you avoid impulsive reactions that you might regret later. it enables you to handle pressures and challenges effectively.
self-reflection: regularly reflect on your behaviour and emotions. ask yourself why you do the things you do and how you can improve.
seek feedback. be open to constructive criticism and use it as a means to grow. ask trusted friends or colleagues for their honest opinions about your behaviour.
remember that emotional intelligence is not fixed; it can be developed and enhanced over time with practice and commitment. by focusing on these areas of improvement, you can increase your emotional intelligence, improving your interactions and relationships in all areas of life.
i hope today's post was helpful! ❤️ nene
(photo credit: pinterest)
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scarapanna · 20 days
[WIP] Starting out an army of paper puppets y'all/silly
Been really quiet this last month, figured I should deliver
My totally normal and not hyperfixating self decided to do something different for my next animatic [It technically counts as a PMV but the rough draft is an animatic lmao]. I've never been this meticulous with making doodles so it's gonna be a looong ride/silly
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Genuinely don't know where to put them all once I'm done but it's gonna be a fun thing to have around.
At least 20 pure vanillas are gonna be snuch in my house all curled up in a pile of assets and backgrounds, speaking of...those are made traditionally too!! Here are the ones I've finished
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These are made with watercolours and colored pencils, only seven of these are gonna be made in this way for my sake. The rest are all digital (since they're just not as detailed)
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locosquif · 3 months
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pastel-charm-14 · 3 months
gentle reminder
start your day right
journal or meditate for a couple minutes
eat a healthy breakfast
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