#classic cocktails
puddinginthemix · 5 months
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Research for the latest chapter of Happiness: decided that Present Mic's favorite drink is the Million Dollar cocktail. Don't forget the egg white or the pineapple wedge. So fluffy!
P. S. Every time a chapter features a new minor character that person becomes my latest precious baby
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drinkacefahz · 2 years
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One Hundred Pictures | ABV:  25.12% | Yield: 3.45 fl oz |Classic
“Perhaps I’ll die and haunt you... What is it? Is it that funny? Stop it! It’s so annoying!”
The companion to the Shinigami cocktail. This riffs on the The White Lady, following Hidetsugu Ueno's methodology as close as possible. We enhance it with some common seasoning techniques. If you study cooking at all, you’ve probably encountered the “flavor triangles” or “flavor hexagon”. Subtle and small amounts of certain ingredients even out the flavors of a sour -- namely, that a touch of sweetness and a touch of salt both do distinct things that either enhance the sourness or balance against it. Sweetness, sourness and saltiness in a balancing act, perhaps contains elements we see in Miyokichi, Kikuhiko and Sukeroku... 
The Barley shochu adds further aromatics and also being a common grain calls to mind the hardships faced in her life, perhaps seeming out of place next to such glamourous ingredients -- but it felt incomplete without it. The Bermutto is a way of evoking a common death-associated ingredient, Absinthe, which of course contains grand wormwood, but with a most regionally appropriate ingredient. It and the Campari -- red like blood, red like her lips -- impart a distinct bitterness. Like Miyokichi -- Yukie -- this drink has many faces. 
Into the shaker goes:
 1oz or 30ml Japanese Gin. Here I used Hyogo Dry 135 East
.5oz or 15ml Barley Shochu
.5oz or 15ml Cointreau
.5oz or 15ml lemon 
1-2 barspoons* Oka Sake Bermutto 
1/2 dropper 4:1 saline solution [1 gram salt=1 milliliter water] 
 6 drops 2:1 simple 
 Vigorous hard shake. Shake or rotate your wrist while pouring to integrate ice chips in the drink. Gently drop in cherry, with as little syrup clinging to it as possible. Lastly, pour a small amount of Campari down side of glass to sink. Serve. 
*Some jiggers have an additional mark under the quarter-ounce, which can be used to approximate an eighth of an ounce, which is in my estimate about 2 barspoons worth of liquid.  Barspoons naturally are not a standardized measure, but we do commonly use them. 1/2 dropper is about .5~1ml. Obviously if you wish to measure using teaspoon/milliliter measures, feel free.
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Melissa's Sidecar
The Ritz Hotel in Paris, France, claims the Sidecar as their cocktail, saying it was created around the end of World War I.
Once in a great while, I try to surprise my husband by making a new cocktail since he is the resident bartender. I found this one when looking for classic cocktails. It’s citrusy and sweet with the brandy but has plenty of kick.
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The Martini
Classic 1950/60′s Martini 2 oz dry gin 1 dash of dry vermouth (1/4 oz olive brine to make it dirty) garnish with two olives
1940s Martini (not pictured) 1 3/4 oz dry gin 1/4 oz dry vermouth garnish with two olives
1930s Martini 1 oz gin 1 oz dry vermouth 1 dash of orange bitters garnish with lemon peel twist
Pour the ingredients over ice, stir for 20-30 seconds (or shake for 10 if you are serving James Bond), strain into chilled martini glass
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Inspired by Labor Day, I decided to have a classic 3 martini lunch a la the 1960s/Mad Men era.  This classic cocktail has been popular for a long time and has changed over time to have little to no citrus and include more and more of the good stuff (a.k.a. gin). I like my martinis like I like my pants, hands, and sex: full of olives
007 rating: Classic 50/60s gets 9 out of 10 licenses to kill, 1940s gets 6, and the 1930s gets 4 and a lethal slap in the face from one of the characters from the old video game Goldeneye (I know it was the Great Depression, but come on y’all, no excuses).
History of the drink according to post-drink me: The martini, much like me, has a murky history full of rumors and not so much intrigue. The recipe started being published in the late 1800s in that Jerry book but where it originated is still debated. My favorite of the most popular theories behind the martini origin is that a miner who had come to California during the gold rush struck gold near the city of Martinez.  When he came to the bar, a’ hootin and a’ hollarin’ as old timey prospectors are known to do, he ordered champagne to celebrate his new fortune.  I imagine the piano player slowly stopped playing and the cigarette tumbled from his lips as the bar went silent.  This was a bar in Martinez in the 1800s - they didn’t have much to celebrate and alas no champagne, or maybe it was the other way around, chicken and egg thing.  Anyways, the bartender improvised and made a drink with what he did have which was gin, vermouth, some maraschino cherry juice or liquor and they called it “The Martinez Special” which was later shortened to the martini.
Another alternative was that a miner headed down to Martinez ordered a drink in San Francisco before heading out on the road and the bar tender created it there.  I dunno.  San Francisco has so much.  Let Martinez have this drink.
A super boring alternative was that the name comes from the company that makes dry vermouth, Martini & Rossi, and was eventually shortened to Martini.  Boooo. Hissss.  Come back when you have a pick axe and a player piano and then we can talk.
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bourbontrend · 3 months
Calling all whiskey lovers! 🥃 Discover how to indulge in the best bourbon whiskey in India without breaking the bank. Explore our guide on Bourbon Trend to find affordable luxury that tickles your taste buds with rich caramel and vanilla, making every sip a celebration. Cheers to high-quality bourbon at friendly prices! #BourbonWhiskeyIndia
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deanptailor · 7 months
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Classic Old Fashioned? Don't mind if I do!
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typeandcompany · 1 year
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Another Midjourney test I was doing over the weekend was could it create some David Shrigley-esque paintings?
I started with asking about general things, but when I asked it to include typography and include emotions - like saddy avocado, angry vegetables and classic cocktails did it get to a weird Shrigley world. The veggies with attitude feel a lot like the Mr. Men books by Roger Hargreaves.
The nonsense letters for the cocktail paintings are very fun - I imagine it for the last set of 4 posters like:
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mapsoffun · 2 years
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One of the unexpected gems we found in Tampa was Hotel Bar, which happened to be right across the street from our hotel. The concept is that they make cocktails that originated in hotels from all over the world, from the Tequila Sunrise that originated at the Wright Bar in the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix to the Vieux Carre from the Carousel Bar in the Hotel Monteleone in NOLA to the Corpse Reviver no. 2 from the American Bar at the Savoy in London.
They also have fun cocktails of their own that they serve during happy hour from 4-6, like a smoky take on the Paloma made with mezcal and a classic Old Fashioned.
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oxfords---notbrogues · 7 months
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drinkacefahz · 1 year
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Hot Buttered Rum | Toddies and related drinks, Built in Glass, hot
“After a man’s had two—three drinks of hot buttered rum, he don’t shoot a catamount".
the 17th was apparently Hot Buttered rum day and since I’m a little under the weather it feels like the perfect drink. Here I present a historical recipe as closely as can be interpreted  -- from Professor Jerry Thomas’s own bartending manual, as well as a modern, less  oily and slick version that uses that fantastic fatwashed rum I hope you tried out from the Financier Cobbler.  Feel free to add more sugar to suit your taste. It’s an art, not a science. Also, you can use about a little extra sugar if you like sweets.  
For your vessel, using an Irish Coffee mug, or anything heatproof. Ideally, pre-warm the cup by filling it with near-boiling water as you prep your ingredients. 
Jerry Thomas’ Hot Spiced Rum
2 teaspoons of Demerara  or Brown Sugar or to taste
1 tablespoon of high-quality butter, softened(I used Kerrygold)
quarter teaspoon ground allspice 
quarter teaspoon ground clove
2 fl oz or 60 ml. Rum. I like this most with a rum in the 5-10 year age range, particularly a relatively mild Jamaican rum like Appleton Estate Signature and Appleton Estate 8, or a leaving Jamaica,a Demerara like El Dorado 5 or 8-year. Mount Gay and Doorly’s/Seale 10 or Mount Gay Eclipse from Barbados also excellent. 
Mix sugar, butter and spices together in base of warmed glass. Add a little hot water and stir to slightly emulsify the butter, then add rum and stir a little more. Then top with more hot water. Garnish with cinnamon, nutmegs, star anise, anything you want. 
Hot Butter-washed Rum 
2 Bar spoons(or heaped teaspoons) Demerara or Brown Sugar 
2 fl oz or 60 ml Brown Butter Rum
Hot Water [near boiling]
Garnish with Clove, Star Anise + Cinnamon Stick 
Place first two ingredients in vessel. Then add the near-boiling water and stir. before garnishing. 
 Which do you prefer? 
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Mel's Classic Margarita
Is it the salt, the freshly squeezed juice, or the tequila that makes me love you?
Is it the salt, the freshly squeezed juice, or the tequila that makes me love you? There is a lot of folklore about who created the classic margarita. Some say a Mexican restaurant owner threw some lime juice into tequila for a persnickety showgirl around 1938. Others say a Texas socialite named Margaret impressed guests with the new cocktail at a house party in 1948. There are more stories as…
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datshitrandom · 6 months
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Darren Criss | 2023 | PHOTOSHOOTS
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bourbontrend · 3 months
Ready to kickstart your whiskey journey but not sure where to begin? 🥃 Explore the essentials of building your beginner whiskey collection with our latest guide on Bourbon Trend. Dive into the world of whiskey tasting, discover unique styles, and find out how to choose the best bottles for classic cocktails and sipping neat. Your adventure in whiskey collecting starts here! #BeginnerWhiskeyCollection #WhiskeyLovers
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viridian-pickle · 5 months
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thesixthduke · 8 months
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