#Harry Craddock
newyorkthegoldenage · 4 months
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The Savoy Cocktail Book, 1930 (Prohibition or not). Written by Harry Craddock, famous for his Savoy Hotel cocktails. Illustrations by Gilbert Rumbold. He offers advice for drinking a cocktail on page 9: "Quickly … while it is laughing at you!"
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1st and 2nd photos: abe books 3rd photo: abaa.org
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 month
Claridge Cocktail
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This Claridge Cocktail, devised by the wonderful Harry Craddock and appearing in his Savoy Cocktail Book, is a delicious concoction --one wouldn't expect less from Harry!-- with a delightful balance between sweet, dry and potent! Cheers, lovelies!
Ingredients (serves 1):
8 ice cubes
45 millilitres/1 1/2 fluid ounces (3 tablespoons) London Dry Gin
45 millilitres/1 1/2 fluid ounces (3 tablespoons) French Dry Vermouth
22.5 millilitres/3/4 fluid ounces (1 1/2 tablespoon) Apricot Liqueur 
22.5 millilitres/3/4 fluid ounces (1 1/2 tablespoon) Cointreau
Place ice cubes in a shaker.
Pour Gin, Vermouth, Apricot Liqueur and Cointreau over the ice.
Close the shaker tightly, and shake energetically until well-chilled.
Strain cocktail into a chilled coupe or Martini glass.
Enjoy Claridge Cocktail immediately! 
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thebowerypresents · 10 months
Ellie Goulding Launches Orchestra-Backed Tour with Sold-Out Show at Kings Theatre
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Ellie Goulding – Kings Theatre – November 16, 2023
Siren (noun): a woman who sings with enchanting sweetness. That’s the perfect definition for Ellie Goulding, a unique soprano with a vibrato that can hit peaks and a lower breathy register that caresses souls. The English singer has long collaborated with producers in the electronic-dance space, like Calvin Harris and Diplo, but it’s her undeniable vocals that have anchored Goulding’s career for more than a decade. With the release of her fifth studio album, Higher Than Heaven, this past spring, she’s back on tour with a twist: Goulding’s passion for classical music began with her playing the clarinet at age nine and has now inspired three U.S. performances with an orchestra. On Thursday at a sold-out Kings Theatre, she kicked off a minitour with Wordless Music Orchestra to reimagine many of her hits and newer material. 
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Stripping away the synthesized dance beats for strings, Goulding opened with “Burn” in a white-hot floor-length gown. The set was a mix of newer, older and somewhere-in-the-middle material, delighting assembled fans. Her soprano belts carried throughout the venue, and there were times when she pulled away from the microphone and the pureness of her instrument was clearly heard. This was a dream for Goulding, as she basked in the orchestral outro on “New Heights.” While admitting to playing many a rave, Goulding’s always wanted to tour with an orchestra. On Thursday, she opted for ballads and sad songs, like oldie “I Know You Care” and the mature, self-reflective “Woman.” 
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After a brief interval, the full orchestra and soprano returned to really get at some reinterpretations of those dance hits, like the Calvin Harris–produced “I Need Your Love” and the crowd-favorite “Anything Could Happen,” with string arrangements building the tempo. Despite the ornate surroundings, it felt like a club as everyone joined in to sing the chorus on both tracks while bouncing in and out of their seats. Wordless Music made the night, from the harp accompaniment on “Your Song” to the exquisite piano outro on “Dead in the Water.” And Goulding finally capped off the performance with a pair of hits, “Lights” and “Love Me Like You Do” as the encore. —Sharlene Chiu | @Shar0ck
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(Ellie Goulding and Wordless Music Orchestra play Kings Theatre again tonight.)
Photos courtesy of DeShaun Craddock | dac.photography
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therealvinelle · 5 months
I love the Agatha Christie question!
Who are your HP/Twilight faves in the Christie universe? (Who’s the opportunist who knows too much and dies for it? Who’s the conman killer who courts the girl to avoid suspicion? Who’s just trying to take a holiday and gets caught-up in a murder? Who are the dynamic mystery-solving duo who realize they are in love by the end of the novel? etc.).
I mean, that is kind of what The Man Who Would Be King (and secret fic) (both cowritten with @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin) have already become. We have our murder victim, Alphard, a very rich man with a colorful family, and possibly his sister, we have our unlikely detectives in Voldemort, Lily Potter, and Alphard himself. It may not be the center of the story but it's a large part of it.
In other words my answer for Harry Potter would somehow spoil all my present and future fics so I won't.
As for the Twilight version...
I vote we do it wealthy dysfunctional family style, it's most natural.
A patriarch is poisoned
Carlisle Cullen, a very wealthy man with powerful enemies, nonetheless dear to those around him and blessed with more friends than most, is found dead in his office one morning. Cause of death? Murder.
The police, caught on the detail that Dr. Cullen was a vampire and vampires are real, what the fuck is this on the doctor's autopsy table and is he going to wake up again and drink all our blood?, are little use in the investigation. Scotland Yard is soon brought in, and using Chief Swan's connections with the family they get a better picture of Dr. Cullen's life.
His family wasn't looking to inherit him anytime soon, as he was immortal. None of them were having money troubles however, all were independently wealthy.
He had made enemies of a thousand-year-old clan of powerful vampires, who on hearing that his murder is being investigated like this get very upset. Supposedly the victim lived with them in his youth (and inspector Craddock cries when he learns the timeline for this murder goes back to the 1600s. Are they going to have to bring historians in on this murder??), he might have known something
Oh what's that? The victim had a whole network of friends across the globe, who are all killers, and he knew everyone's secrets? ... do we have the budget to investigate this?
The victim was also living next to a tribe of magical shapeshifting wolves evolved specifically to kill his kind. They liked him best and had a line in their treaty that "he dies last". Not sure what to do with this information
Rosalie Hale missing person case from 1933 solved: Carlisle Cullen adopted her. Was she recognised, did someone piece it together, and was Carlisle killed in retribution?
The victim lived a fake life of fake papers. Could be important, except it's the most normal thing about this case.
The police wonder how this man didn't get murdered sooner, and are stretched so thin the investigation is going slowly.
So, Renesmee gets to be our plucky detective du jour, as she decides to see if she can help. Surely there is no harm in her poking around, and she's well liked around the vampire world so there might be answers she can get that human police can't, partly because policemen keep getting eaten.
She slowly narrows it down to the horrible realization that it was someone in the family, and she learns terrible things.
Jasper Hale wasn't Jasper Hale at all! He was a friend of Jasper's in the newborn army who wanted a new life, and who in the wake of Jasper's suden and unexpected death assumed his identity. He had Peter bite his entire face so he'd be scarred like Jasper had been, and vouch for this blond vampire most definitely being Jasper Hale. Peter later had to die because he Knew Too Much, and so did Charlotte, regrettably. Fake Jasper did however not kill Carlisle.
Edward seems a prime suspect, he is an angry and resentful young man who acts out. Everyone thinks he did it, and that Bella should certainly marry Jacob, the safer option. Much upheaval is had, however, once Renesmee is able to clear Edward's name and he meaningfully links arms with Bella. They sail off into the sunset with their inheritance.
Rosalie is a beautiful, cold, intimidating woman, the femme fatale sort who's surely conniving. It's a bit of a mystery why she married that poor fool Emmett, but it's clear to all she doesn't love him. No clear motive from her, other than the money she would inherit, but she's just so suspicious. Her alibi is ambiguous, she claims she was with Esme and Emmett but what if Esme and Emmett are lying to protect their daughter and wife? Superintendent Battle wonders about that.
Renesmee is at a loss.
And then she realizes that it's not Rosalie who acts like she doesn't love Emmett, it's Emmett who acts like he doesn't love her! And Esme's grieving widow act is just that, it's an act!
Renesmee realizes that Emmett and Esme are lovers, and killed Carlisle together. Esme committed it while Emmett tricked Rosalie into giving her an alibi. Renesmee realizes this once she has a "But Rosalie couldn't have seen Esme from that angle!" moment.
The plan was too pin Rosalie for the murder, see her hanged, and then in due time the mourning widowers would marry, happily entitled to all the money they couldn't have touched if they'd divorced. Also Rosalie was Catholic so she wouldn't have agreed to a divorce.
The two lovers are confronted, and Esme pulls out a tiny pearl-studded gun from her shoe, says "We tried, my love. I regret nothing" before shooting first Emmett, then herself.
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compneuropapers · 6 months
Interesting Papers for Week 14, 2024
Testing predictive coding theories of autism spectrum disorder using models of active inference. Arthur, T., Vine, S., Buckingham, G., Brosnan, M., Wilson, M., & Harris, D. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(9), e1011473.
Distinct context- and content-dependent population codes in superior colliculus during sensation and action. Ayar, E. C., Heusser, M. R., Bourrelly, C., & Gandhi, N. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(40), e2303523120.
Unique functional responses differentially map onto genetic subtypes of dopamine neurons. Azcorra, M., Gaertner, Z., Davidson, C., He, Q., Kim, H., Nagappan, S., … Dombeck, D. A. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(10), 1762–1774.
A role for cortical interneurons as adversarial discriminators. Benjamin, A. S., & Kording, K. P. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(9), e1011484.
Bidirectional synaptic changes in deep and superficial hippocampal neurons following in vivo activity. Berndt, M., Trusel, M., Roberts, T. F., Pfeiffer, B. E., & Volk, L. J. (2023). Neuron, 111(19), 2984-2994.e4.
Neural mechanisms for the localization of unexpected external motion. Chinta, S., & Pluta, S. R. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6112.
Balancing true and false detection of intermittent sensory targets by adjusting the inputs to the evidence accumulation process. Geuzebroek, A. C., Craddock, H., O’Connell, R. G., & Kelly, S. P. (2023). eLife, 12, e83025.
Hippocampal activity predicts contextual misattribution of false memories. Herz, N., Bukala, B. R., Kragel, J. E., & Kahana, M. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(40), e2305292120.
Prefrontal cortical regulation of REM sleep. Hong, J., Lozano, D. E., Beier, K. T., Chung, S., & Weber, F. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(10), 1820–1832.
Distinct spatial maps and multiple object codes in the lateral entorhinal cortex. Huang, X., Schlesiger, M. I., Barriuso-Ortega, I., Leibold, C., MacLaren, D. A. A., Bieber, N., & Monyer, H. (2023). Neuron, 111(19), 3068-3083.e7.
Visual perceptual learning modulates microsaccade rate and directionality. Hung, S.-C., Barbot, A., & Carrasco, M. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 16525.
PET-measured human dopamine synthesis capacity and receptor availability predict trading rewards and time-costs during foraging. Ianni, A. M., Eisenberg, D. P., Boorman, E. D., Constantino, S. M., Hegarty, C. E., Gregory, M. D., … Berman, K. F. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6122.
Mixtures of strategies underlie rodent behavior during reversal learning. Le, N. M., Yildirim, M., Wang, Y., Sugihara, H., Jazayeri, M., & Sur, M. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(9), e1011430.
Dissociating the contributions of sensorimotor striatum to automatic and visually guided motor sequences. Mizes, K. G. C., Lindsey, J., Escola, G. S., & Ölveczky, B. P. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(10), 1791–1804.
Phase information is conserved in sparse, synchronous population-rate-codes via phase-to-rate recoding. Müller-Komorowska, D., Kuru, B., Beck, H., & Braganza, O. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6106.
A computational theory of evaluation processes in apathy. Rigoli, F., & Martinelli, C. (2023). Current Psychology, 42(30), 26163–26172.
Memory-related processing is the primary driver of human hippocampal theta oscillations. Seger, S. E., Kriegel, J. L. S., Lega, B. C., & Ekstrom, A. D. (2023). Neuron, 111(19), 3119-3130.e4.
Human-like scene interpretation by a guided counterstream processing. Ullman, S., Assif, L., Strugatski, A., Vatashsky, B.-Z., Levi, H., Netanyahu, A., & Yaari, A. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(40), e2211179120.
Measuring uncertainty in human visual segmentation. Vacher, J., Launay, C., Mamassian, P., & Coen-Cagli, R. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(9), e1011483.
Thalamocortical control of cell-type specificity drives circuits for processing whisker-related information in mouse barrel cortex. Young, T. R., Yamamoto, M., Kikuchi, S. S., Yoshida, A. C., Abe, T., Inoue, K., … Shimogori, T. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6077.
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cerealdigitalgallery · 5 months
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Linda Craddock & Peter Deacon by Harry Kiyooka
Nickle Galleries, Mohkinstis, Canada
February 2024
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cocktailcatalog · 9 months
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Rolls Royce
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bluseum · 2 years
also why is everyone in the skellington book called [place name] [latin word] [adjective]
Derek very evidently names characters like any good lazy D&D player, random name generators and dictionaries. He doesn't seem to see a problem with
Adam Brate
Adedayo Akinde
Adrian Sykes
Adrienna Shade
Alan (Boyle Solutions)
Alan Brennan
Alena Metz
Alesha Walsh
Alexander Remit
Alexander Slake
Alice Edgley
Aloysius Vespers
Amity's Wife
Anathem Mire
The Ancients
Annie Brennan
Anton Shudder
Arabella Wicked
Armiger Fop
Arthur Dagan
Ashley Hubbard
Auger Darkly
Auron Tenebrae
Aurora Jane
Axelia Lukt
Azzedine Smoke
Baron Vengeous
The Beast
Bennet Troth
Benzel Travestine
Bernadette Maguire
Bernard Sult
Bertrand Solus
Beryl Edgley
Billy-Ray Sanguine
Binder Firm
Bison Dragonclaw
Black Annis
Brides of Blood Tears
Bubba Moon
Burgundy Dalrymple
The Butcher
Byron Grace
Cadaver Cain
Cadaverous Gant
Caius Caviler
Cameron Light
Carol Edgley
Carol Edgley (Reflection)
Cassandra Pharos
Cathy (The Button)
Charlie Smith
Child of the Faceless
China Sorrows
China's Assistant
China's Grandmother
Chrissy Brennan
Christophe Nocturnal
Clement Gale
Clerihew Montgomery
Coda Quell
Colleen Stint
Colm Muldoon
Conor Delaney
Corrival Deuce
Cothernus Ode
Craddock Sirroco
Crepuscular Vies
Creyfon Signate
Crystal Edgley
Cu na Gealaí Duibhe
Daffyd Maybury
Dai Maybury
Damocles Creed
Darian Vector
Daveth Maybury
Davina Marr
Davit Maybury
Davon Maybury
Deacon Maybury
Death Monkey
Dedrich Wahrheit
Delafonte Mien
Desmond Edgley
Detective Harris
Dexter Vex
Dionysus Pertinax
Doctor Whorl
Donegan Bane
Doran Purcell
Dreylan Scarab
Dubhóg Ni Broin
The Dullahan
Eachan Meritorious
Eamon Campbell
Eamon Pearce
Ed Stynes
Eddie Sullivan
Edgley Tempest
Eliza Scorn
Elsie O'Brien
Elwood Satchel
Emmeline Darkly
Emmett Peregrine
Category:End of the World characters
The Engineer
Ephraim Tungsten
Erskine Ravel
Esryn Vanguard
Etta Faulkner
Evoric Cudgel
Faceless Ones
Father Reynolds
Fergus Edgley
Ferrente Rhadaman
Filament Sclavi
Finbar Wrong
Fintan Muldoon
Fletcher Renn
Frightening Jones
Gary Price
Gavin Praetor
Geoffrey Scrutinous
Gepard Voke
Geraint Mizzle
Ghastly Bespoke
Ghastly Bespoke's father
Ghastly Bespoke's mother
Gleeman Shakespeare
Gordon Edgley
Grace Kelly
Gracious O'Callahan
Gratio Erato
Gregory Castallan
Gregory Day
Greta Dapple
The Grotesquery
Gruesome Krav
Hansard Kray
Hayley Skirmish
Hidalgo Bolt
Hieronymus Deadfall
Hokum Pete
Hollow Men
The Hound
Ian Moore
Illori Reticent
Isidora Splendour
Jack Irons
Jackie Earl
Jajo Prave
James Hubbard
Jaron Gallow
Jason Randal
Jenan Ispolin
Jeremiah Wallow
Jerry Houlihan
Jerry Ordain
The Jitter Girls
Johann Starke
Kallista Pendragon
Kalvin Accord
Kathryn Ether
Keir Tanner
Kenny Dunne
Kenspeckle Grouse
Kierre of the Unveiled
Kitana Kellaway
Laken Cross
Lenka Bazaar
Liam Muldoon
Lightning Dave
Lillian Agog
Lord Vile
Lorenzo Mult
Luke Skywalker
Madame Mist
Madcap Fenton
Martin Flanery
Maverick Reels
Melancholia St Clair
Melissa Edgley
Mellifluous Golding
Mercy Charient
Merriwyn Hyphenate-Bash
Midnight Blue
Militsa Gnosis
Minion One and Minion Two
Miss Nuncio
Morwenna Crow
Mr Chou
Mr. Bliss
Mr. Fedgewick
Mr. Jib
Murder Rose
Muriel Hubbard
Myosotis Terra
Myron Stray
Nathanial Quiver
Nefarian Serpine
Nestor Tarry
Nj Maverick
Oberon Guile
Octa Gregorian Boona
October Klein
Omen Darkly
Oscar Nightfall
Palaver Graves
Parthenios Lilt
Pat Hanratty
Patrick Slattery
Patrick Xebec
Paul Lynch
Peg Muldoon
Persephone Grief
Pete Green
Phil Lynott
Philomena Random
To name a few
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Hi Frank, I hope you're doing well! Have you been practicing mixology lately? Do you have any fun drink ideas that you've been dying to try?
Have a nice night 💖
I haven't been practicing mixology per se, but I did have a really enjoyable time trying to make my dad's gin and tonic. So that helped.
My favorite drink idea I've wanted to try is probably the "soda water" recipe in Harry Craddock's Mixed Drinks Book (pdf). I'm really tempted to give it a try someday. I've seen a lot of "cocktail recipes" for this idea on the internet that seem more complicated than I'm confident I could actually follow. (To make it in the style of a famous drink, like the Martini or the Bloody Mary, you'd probably want to make them with spirits too and not just water, and some of the ingredients have to be weighed rather than measured.)
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harryd97 · 2 years
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The RAC special cocktail, from Harry Craddock’s 1930 Savoy cocktail book. Gin, dry and sweet vermouth, grenadine and orange bitters 🍸
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lemagasinposh · 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The Savoy Cocktail Book collectible book Limited edition 1999.
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askwhatsforlunch · 7 months
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The Blinker, a 1934 Harry Craddock concoction, is the perfect blance of sharp, sweet and suave, making it an excellent cocktail to toast the wonderful news that in less than three weeks, I will be with my girl in Aotearoa New Zealand! Happy Friday to all of you, too!
Ingredients (serves 1):
8 ice cubes
half a small, juicy pink grapefruit
60 millilitres/2 fluid ounces (4 tablespoons) good Single Malt Scotch Whisky
15 millilitres/1/2 fluid ounce (1 tablespoon) Grenadine 
3 fresh raspberries, to garnish (optional)
Spoon ice cubes in a shaker.
Squeeze the juice of the grapefruit halve, and add two tablespoons to the shaker.
Add Whisky and Grenadine, and close shaker tightly. Shake energetically until well-chilled.
Strain into a chilled coupe glass. Skewer raspberries on a cocktail pick, if desired, and garnish.
Enjoy Blinker immediately.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Birthdays 6.16
Beer Birthdays
Max Emil Julius Delbrück (1850)
Charles F. Wiedemann (1857)
Max Henius (1859)
Harry MacElhone (1890)
John Mitchell (1929)
August A. Busch III (1937)
Ken Allen (1939)
Tom Dalldorf (1942)
Martyn Cornell (1952)
Matt Younts (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Jack Albertson; actor (1907)
John Cho; actor (1972)
Phil Mickelson; golfer (1970)
Adam Smith; economist, philosopher (1723)
Frank Thorne; comic book artist (1930)
Famous Birthdays
May Anderson; Danish model (1982)
Billy "Crash" Craddock; country singer (1939)
Edward Davy; physician, scientist (1806)
Jim Dine; artist (1935)
Nelson Doubleday; book publisher (!899)
Lamont Dozier; songwriter (1941)
Geronimo; Apache leader (1829)
John Griffin; writer (1920)
Otto John; German archeologist (1813)
Stan Laurel; comedian, actor (1890)
Ron LeFlore; Detroit Tigers CF (1948)
Murray Leinster; writer (1896)
Ian Matthews; rock guitarist (1945)
Barbara McClintock; scientist (1902)
Laurie Metcalf; actor (1955)
Thomas Mitchell; Australian explorer (1792)
Joyce Carol Oates; writer (1938)
Irving Penn; photographer (1917)
Sappho; Greek poet (c. 630-612 B.C.E.)
Erich Segal; writer (1937)
Tupac Shakur; rapper (1971)
Gino Vannelli; singer (1952)
Georg Wittig; German chemist (1897)
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8dpromo · 3 months
Sound Of Alchemy ft. Zumbi - I'll Be Alright (Mi Casa Productions)
8DPromo · Sound Of Alchemy ft. Zumbi - I'll Be Alright (Mi Casa Productions)
In their latest release, the European electronic music project Sound of Alchemy (S.O.A.) presents “I’ll Be Alright,” a stirring single that encapsulates the essence of resilience and hope. Created by accomplished DJ and producer Javier G Alba, S.O.A. continues to captivate audiences with their signature blend of house and synthpop, elevated by cinematic elements that have become their hallmark. “I’ll Be Alright” showcases the project’s evolution, as S.O.A. collaborates with the soulful vocalist Zumbi to deliver a track that resonates on both the dancefloor and an emotional level. Zumbi’s compelling vocals intertwine seamlessly with the dynamic, layered production, creating an anthem that speaks to the heart while moving the body. The result is a testament to the power of music to uplift and inspire, even in the face of adversity. Complementing the original mix is a remix by none other than AJ Mora, a legendary pioneer of the electronic dance music community. Mora’s take on “I’ll Be Alright” elevates the track to new heights, infusing it with his signature style and innovative underground house music beats. With “I’ll Be Alright,” Sound of Alchemy and Zumbi have crafted a single that showcases their artistic prowess and serves as a beacon of light as it makes its way onto playlists and into club rotations across the globe. This release solidifies S.O.A.’s position as an electronic music innovator, leaving fans eager to hear what the project will alchemize next.
Piiit (So Watt) – “Simply beautiful.” Rory Hoy (Howlin’ Records) – “This is a lovely release.” Wilbour Craddock (Groovewest) – “The AJ Mora Remix is a track that will get some dance floor notice.” André Bisseck (sHIFT radio show) – “Nice tracks, will definitely play them.” Simon Kirk (Proton Radio) – “Really like the tougher drum led vibe on the S.O.A. Dub Push version.” Harry Frank Towers (KVBE FM) – “Love this track. So ethereal and funky at the same time.”
Available Now From: Beatport, Traxsource, Apple Music, And Spotify.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"JAILED WHEN COAL 1,500 POUNDS SHORT," Toronto Star. October 19, 1943. Page 2. --- Father of Three Children Must Serve 30 Days ---- COURT SORRY, BUT - ---- A Police Court, City Hall, Magistrate Browne "I feel sorry for you, but I must consider the citizens who order coal and do not get the amount ordered," said Magistrate Browne to Edward Cole, father of three children, up for sentence for stealing a quantity of coal from his employer. He was sentenced to 30 days.
Evidence of A. W. McCraney, coal dealer, was that accused delivered a load of coal about 1,500 pounds short.
Frank Oldstein, who admitted registering bets in his apartment on Homewood Ave., was sentenced to 10 days and fined $200 or two months.
Three hours after he stole a radio and club bag from a department store, Harry Daly was in court. He pleaded guilty and was remanded to Oct. 20 for sentence. Detective David Foster said Daly entered the store with the employees.
Angus Tannahill, 17, pleaded guilty of stealing a purse and $35 from Mrs. A. Forbes, G. A. Lowery. C.P.R. investigator, said accused and complainant were employed by the C.P.R.
"When arrested he had $31 of the money," he said.
Magistrate Browne remanded him until Oct. 27 for sentence.
For stealing a bicycle, Frank Papania, who has a record, was given three months.
Ronald McMenemy was fined $20 or 30 days for assaulting B. Woolfish, and $10 or 10 days for assaulting H. Dixon, and paid the fines. "Apparently you have a bad temper," said Magistrate Browne.
Woolfish said accused pulled him from his wagon and struck him in the face. Dixon said accused struck him in the eye.
RENEW $3,000 BAIL ---- "B" Police Court, City Hall, Magistrate Gullen Charles Platten, charged with breaking and entering a groceteria on Yonge St. and theft and having burglar's tools, elected trial by higher court.
Benjamin Atkin, manager of the store, said the store safe weighing 1.000 pounds, had been moved, but $1.800 had not been touched. Entrance had been effected via a rear door.
P.C. William Hogg testified he heard a noise which caused him to run around to the rear of the building. "I saw two men run from the rear door," he said. "They crossed the T.T.C. loop on to Doncliffe drive where they separated, one running north. I followed this man, who ran into the side drive of No. 5. jumped a fence into No. 7. where I fired a shot in the air calling on him to stop. He ran on to the lawn of No. 8 into a back yard where 1 fired a second shot into the air and the man stopped, raised his hands. But when I got about two feet away from him after telling him to keep his hands up, he made a flying tackle at me and grabbed my gun arm, causing the revolver to discharge, the bullet entering about his waistline. Accused called out, I am shot. Detective Craddock came along at this time and accused was taken to hospital. From the time I left the rear of the store this man was never out of my sight at any time."
"I have heard sufficient evidence for accused to stand his trial," said the court.
Bail of $3.000 was renewed.
'A REAL BAD BOY' --- County Police Court, County Building. Magistrate Keith. "You're missing much a free man enjoys," said Magistrate Keith, remanding Tim Syluk, 18, for sentence to Friday on eight charges of breaking and entering and one charge of receiving. "You're in for a very hard time, I'm afraid."
"You're right, your honor," said accused.
Syluk pleaded guilty to all charges. Det.-Sergt. W. McClellan testified that most of the offences occurred at Highland Creek. "Accused co-operated freely in identifying the stolen goods," the officer said.
Crown Counsel G. Gardhouse said accused's record dates from 1940. a continuous list of convictions for housebreaking and petty thieving.
"Gosh! The way you read it makes me sound like a very bad boy," said accused.
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Ainda que não seja tão conhecido quanto drinks como Manhattan, Sidecar ou Dry Martini, o Bobby Burns é um coquetel clássico que remonta ao início do século XX. Semelhante ao Rusty Nail ou Blood & Sand, tem a rara qualidade de ser feito com blended scotch whisky. Encorpado, levemente adocicado, envolvido pelo licor e uma boa dose de blend scotch whisky. Adaptado do livro de Harry Craddock "The Savoy Cocktail Book", de 1930, que pede partes iguais de vermute e scotch com 03 dashes de bénédictine. Craddock fala sobre o drink: "um dos melhores coquetéis de whisky. Muito pedido no dia de Santo André". Ingredientes: 30 ml de blended scotch whisky 30 ml de vermute rosso 10 ml de bénédictine Gelo Modo de preparo: Em um mixing glass adicione gelo, o whisky, o vermute e o licor. Mexa bem e coe em um taça coupe resfriada. Finalize com twist de casca de limão siciliano. Voilà... Cheers!!!
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