#patrice de villiers
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Nicolas Pacquot : "Gestion calamiteuse des fonds européens agricoles par la Région, 13 députés de BFC saisissent le ministre"

Nicolas Pacquot, Député Renaissance de la 3ème Circonscription du Doubs, communique : "Dix mois après le transfert, de l’État à la Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, de la gestion des Fonds Européens Agricoles pour le Développement Rural (FEADER), les retards de traitement s’accumulent. Plus de 3 000 dossiers restent actuellement sans réponse. Le fiasco de la gestion des fonds européens par la majorité régionale et la Présidente de Région met en difficulté de nombreux investissements et l’installation de jeunes agriculteurs. Le renouvellement des générations est pourtant un enjeu crucial pour l’avenir de notre région. La région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté est l’une des seules régions de France à avoir fait le choix de centraliser une politique qui aurait pu rester décentralisée sur chaque territoire, en proximité directe avec les agriculteurs et l’appui des Chambres d’agriculture. Les 13 députés refusent que les agriculteurs soient tributaires de l’inaction d’une assemblée régionale lointaine, opaque et sans pilote. Aussi, face à ces difficultés, les députés demandent, en urgence, une audience auprès du Ministre de l’Agriculture, Marc Fesneau, afin de trouver des solutions pour les agriculteurs". Les députés de la majorité en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté : Eric ALAUZET Député du Doubs Benoît BORDAT Député de la Côte-d’Or Danielle BRULEBOIS Députée du Jura Laurent CROIZIER Député du Doubs Benjamin DIRX Député de Saône-et-Loire Philippe FREI Député de la Côte-d’Or Perrine GOULET Députée de la Nièvre Louis MARGUERITTE Député de Saône-et-Loire Nicolas PACQUOT Député du Doubs Didier PARIS Député de la Côte-d’Or Patrice PERROT Député de la Nièvre Rémy REBEYROTTE Député de Saône-et-Loire André VILLIERS Député de l’Yonne. Read the full article
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Instant Eggnog !
Eggnog has virtually the same ingredients as ice-cream – egg yolks, whipping cream, milk and sugar. Legendary bartender Harry Craddock worked this out in the 1920s at the American Bar at the Savoy, when he created the white cargo, blending equal parts gin and vanilla bean ice-cream. He garnished this frosty masterpiece with a grated nutmeg. For Christmas, try this classic with a dark rum or a scotch whisky.
Makes 1 glass good vanilla ice-cream 50ml aged rum 50ml, or whisky (or whiskey) nutmeg
Combine the ice-cream and the spirit in an empty cocktail shaker. Shake without ice. Pour into a chilled cocktail glass and grate nutmeg over the top.
Photograph: Patrice de Villiers/The Observer
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here.
#art#design#cocktail recipes#Cocktails#christmas#christmas cocktail#eggno#egg yolks#harry craddock#ice cream#vanilla#rum#whiskey#nutmeg#patrice de villiers#theobserver
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Balboste (Charlotte Sitbon and Sayaka Kaneko). Photographed by Patrice De Villier
#Balboste#food#art#food art#japanese cuisine#Charlotte Sitbon#Sayaka Kaneko#Patrice De Villier#patterns#satisfying#oddly satisfying#watermelon#cucumber#raddish#strawberries#fancy food#crystals#food design
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**Wed 09 Nov 11**
Brian has contributed to a new cookßbook - Classic Rock November 2011 carries story of a photoshoot of Brian with his favourite food and how photographer, Patrice de Villiers, achieved this incredible shot for the book.
“I was this crazy challenge of putting two slightly incongruous subject matters in the same shot," says Patricia De Villiers of Love Music Love Food, a new cookbook in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust that pictures 70-plus musicians with their favourite food. "I asked them all what their favourite food was, and Brian May came back with grapefruit.
"The concept [for this shot] came to mind straight away, given his interest in astrophysics. Immediately, I had this image of orbiting grapefruit, with Brian as this sort of 'time lord of fruit'.
'But there's an element of post-production; it was shot in two parts.. Brian was holding the one grapefruit, but we had to shoot the threes separately. They were hanging on wires back in my studio, all lit and being shot at certain angles, with my assistant swinging torches around to create the light paths.
'Brian was just adorable. A very gentle soul. Another thing I admire him for is that there were certain people we couldn't even ask to be involved, because there's meat in the book, and for many well-known vegetarians that would just be a big no-no. Brian saw it as an opportunity to say: "Well, I'm a vegetarian because . . .
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Happy Halloween! Bri as the “Lord of Fruit”, by Patrice de Villiers.
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Name: Etienne Marais Age: 32 Occupation: Wine Merchant & Alchemist, owner of Terre Noire Faceclaim: Regé-Jean Page Pronouns: He/him Currently: Taken
Power. It's an unfortunate word, so often associated with ugly things, and you are anything but. You came from nothing, and through sheer will alone you were able to pull the Marais name from shadows and into the light. You are also closely associated with the Underworld, and have several contacts there -- not just because you know how to make money, but because you are an alchemist at heart, with a reputation for brewing concoctions that can make a grown man strong as an ox or fast as a hawk. They cost more than most are willing to pay, but they work, and you can see several opportunities for profit if you play your cards right. Both Alain Gauthier and Calandre Valence have offered to invest, and you've been keeping them both on the end of their ropes, especially about a red wine from one of your wineries in the countryside that can amplify a mage's abilities tenfold. The only issue is that it's highly caustic, and the damage it could do to those who ingest it is almost certainly catastrophic. Most at court don’t like you, as you are tried and true proof that wits will endure over fortune, every time, but this might be a deal-breaker. You don't know if you're willing to have that blood on your hands.
Patrice Cheron: Friends are far and few between in your lifestyle. You had to make them in the beginning of your storied career to get anywhere, had to grovel and roll over on your back to show your belly. You don’t do that anymore -- in fact, now it’s usually you who ends up flashing any teeth at the slightest disruption -- but your difficult attitude doesn’t bother Patrice much at all. Or you don’t think it does; you’ve never bothered to ask. You enjoy spending time with them over a glass of wine, and you can see how much being back in Val Faim is causing them to splinter at the edges. It’s a shame. You’d thought they were stronger than that.
Rosalind de Villiers: Your relationship was brief, fleeting, and by the time the two of you were done (loath as you are to admit it), you told yourself you’d never bother with the mess of relationships again, caught up in too much sorrow to even consider the possibility. You think that the two of you were too alike to each other, so ambitious you would’ve eaten each other alive before you even got to exchange rings. They’ve shared bits and pieces of their world with you, the one they would make for themselves if they had the ability, but you know Rosalind. They don’t have the heart for it. They’re not a killer.
Ghislain Gallois: Before Rosalind, there was Ghislain, but the two of you were only ever friends. You tried to teach them your cutthroat ways, but they just never took. Your love for them went entirely unrequited, and you’d resigned yourself to a life of pining and being mad about it. News of their coming marriage has dismayed you just a little further, even if your particular field of business made them distance themselves from you years ago. You don’t know how you feel about them, now. Are you disgusted, because they’ll never achieve what they were meant to, or are you adoring, because you can recall how things were when the two of you were young?
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Revue de stress #131
Le stress est pour nous, la revue est pour vous. On a laissé dériver nos filets pour ramener toutes sortes de choses à la surface, à voir, à regarder, à lire, à réfléchir et même à oublier.
Onze pour un short, ce n'est pas le titre d'une sitcom, mais l'OL de 1971 qui pose à Gerland (via @OldSchoolPanini).
Un bel hommage, par le dessinateur du Guardian David Squires, à Cyrille Regis, ancien joueur pionnier de la lutte contre le racisme, décédé cette semaine. (via @PhilippeAuclair) Mais aussi cette couverture du NME en mai 1979, sur laquelle il figure.
Philippe de Villiers a accompli avant les autres le rapprochement entre clubs de football et parcs d'attraction. (via @ZenonBedenik)
Un superbe portfolio du photographe Romain Laurendeau sur les supports algériens.
Le 8-0 du PSG contre Caen a littéralement fait le tour du monde, comme en atteste cette image de Sydney. (via @Adridentiste)
Un petit best-of de Rémy Vercoutre. (via @La_SMAcademie)
Les vidéos
C'est une ressortie, mais elle vaut toujours le coup (via @LiberoLyon)
Michel Platini, au sortir d'un Reims-Nancy, et encore emprunté devant les caméras, déplore le système de tirage au sort qui a mis la France dans le chapeau des "petits" et l'a envoyée, pour la Coupe du monde 78, dans le groupe de l'Italie, de l'Argentine et de la mort. Foutue FIFA. (lire l'article sur Chroniques bleues)
Les infographies
La heatmap de Benjamin Jeannot lors de PSG-Dijon ressemble à un hommage à Alou Diarra. (via @1DavidWall)
Dans le gros rapport annuel de l'UEFA sur l'économie du football, ce calendrier des mercatos d'été dans les différents championnats. Oui, c'est l'anarchie.
Et aussi cette courbe de la croissance des revenus des clubs depuis vingt ans. Oui, c'est du délire.
La moyenne de buts par match depuis 1963. (via @SimonGleaves)
La devinette
Joueur couramment appelé par mon prénom, j'ai connu mes meilleures années en étant jeune, comme une partie de mes compatriotes. Si mon rôle fut plus ou moins important dans la conquête de ces titres, mon palmarès est éloquent: trois championnats, deux C1 et deux trophées continentaux avec ma sélection garnissent notamment ma vitrine. Joueur polyvalent, je suis retraité depuis 2011.
La réponse de la dernière fois : Yves Deroff.
Le rébus
La réponse de la dernière fois : Maxwell Cornet (Maxwell corné).
La lucarne de la semaine
Dans les bonus du DVD, découvrez E.T. qui a une érection.
[-> le Diaporama]
Les immanquables
On ne parle pas suffisamment des complots contre le LOSC (droguebierecomplotlosc.unblog.fr).
Le dispositif de localisation des sportifs dans le cadre de la lutte antidopage a été validé par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (lemonde.fr).
"La surface de réparation", film qui dresse le portrait d’un homme égaré qui s’accroche à ses rêves en fréquentant le monde du foot pro (footichiste.wordpress.com).
Lionel Messi et la fondation de charité qui optimise les impôts (mediapart.fr / abonnés).
La phase aller de Ligue 1 en statistiques: possession, expected goals et plein d'autres choses (chroniquestactiques.fr).
Changement de stratégie du côté de SFR Sports (20minutes.fr).
Le fumigène nouvelle génération qui pourrait être utilisé dans plusieurs pays (20minutes.fr).
Comprendre les problèmes des arbitres français (sofoot.com). En Ligue 1, les réactions suivant le geste de Tony Chapron ont en tout cas été plus mesurées qu'à l'accoutumée (lequipe.fr / abonnés)... mais les outrancières, qui se sont multipliées un peu partout, sont également symboliques (lemonde.fr).
"Comment nous nous sommes persuadés que les arbitres français étaient nuls" (slate.fr)
Vers un retour des tribunes sans siège? (20minutes.fr)
Pour réécouter l'émission "Entendez-vous l'éco?" de France Culture sur le thème "Le sport comme bien commun".
Quelle était la moyenne d'âge des cinq équipes de France finalistes d'Euro ou de Coupe du monde? Analyse (chroniquesbleues.fr).
L'OL va bien et on trouvé depuis quand (leliberolyon.fr).
Les clubs de Ligue 1 préparent la création d'une société commerciale dont les contours inquiètent les moins riches (lequipe.fr / abonnés).
Les votes pour les Van Nobel de horsjeu.net sont ouverts!
Le tweet
Neymar au PSG ? Même si je suis gardien et qu'il risque de m'en faire voir de toutes les couleurs, c'est une super news pour la #Ligue1 ??????????
— Baptiste Reynet (@BaptisteReynet) August 2, 2017
L'image du grenier
Février 2012. En réplique à l'invective "negrito" adressée par Luis Suarez à Patrice Évra, ce dernier refuse de serrer la main à l'attaquant uruguayen lors d'un Manchester United-Liverpool. Était-ce à ce moment de sa carrière qu'il aurait dû délivrer le high-kick qu'il garda dans les jambes durant six ans?
La bonne enseigne
Andreas Köpke n'a jamais évolué à Porto – ni à Rennes où cette bouteille a été aperçue dans un restaurant italien. Ce gardien précurseur (il repoussait les ballons plutôt que de les capter) n'a en effet quitté l'Allemagne que pour évoluer durant deux saisons à Marseille… qu'il quittera fâché d'avoir été placé en numéro deux, par Rolland Courbis, derrière Stéphane Porato (et non Stéphane Porto).
Crédits. La lucarne et le rébus sont de Pascal Amateur et la bonne enseigne de @Marcoleptik.
via http://ift.tt/2rojp4A
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Affiches Bonne Maman - Photographe : Patrice de Villiers - directrice artistique : Véronique Erb - Agence : Serviceplan
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Editorial Brief Breakdown
You are commissioned to shoot for the telegraph Magazine.
It must be for one of the following layouts:
Profile Shot
This is a studio shoot with Phase One Cameras software
Workbook must include
Fully annotated lighting diagramsEquipment ChecklistCall SheetSketchesAn estimateA Final Invoice
Provide a call sheet with all the contact numbers of your team (this must be signed off on)
Buy copies of weekend newspaper supplements, such as magazines
Look at both digital and physical copies.
Collaborate with other industry professionals, such as:
MUA’s, models, stylists, home economists, model makers, food, props, fashion stylists etc…
Shoot RAW, use a QP card.
Shoot in colour, but the image may be changed to black & white in post
Edit files with Capture One and import them into the provided InDesign layouts
Deadline: 13/06/2017 – 23.50 via Moodle
Murdo MacleodSeamus MurphyPerouJohnathan GregsonBen GibsonDiane ArbusAugust SanderSophie EbrardEd KashiAbbie Trayler-SmithKaren Thomas Patrice de Villiers, Gareth Morgans, Myles New
Supplements from newspapers:
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Bright side !
The challenge with non-alcoholic drinks is to make them as bold and assertive as spirited ones. Chillies and ginger provide a heat that parallels that experience (a device frequently employed by 18th- and 19th-century spirits counterfeiters).
Makes 1 glass fresh chilli 1 lime ½ salt sugar a pinch non-alcoholic spirit or kombucha 50ml fresh lime juice 25ml ginger 1 thumb, chopped simple syrup 25ml
Rub a cut piece of chilli once around the rim of a chilled cocktail glass, then rub it with a cut lime. Dip the rim into a shallow plate of salt with a pinch of sugar mixed in.
Combine the non-alcoholic spirit, lime juice, ginger and simple syrup in an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Shake, then strain into your glass. Garnish with a fresh piece of cut chilli placed on the rim.
Prop styling Agathe Gits. Drink styling Olivia Bennett. Photograph: Patrice de Villiers/The Observer
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here.
#art#design#cocktail#recipes#cocktail recipes#brightside#non-alcoholic drinks#chilli#lime#salt#sugar#ginger#syrup#shaker#patrice de villiers#theobserver#christmas#christmas cocktail
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Love Music, Love Food: The Rock Star Cookbook @ Photography by Patrice de Villiers
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Mulled gin and juice !
Makes 1 glass:
spiced gin 50ml cloudy apple juice 100ml apple 1 slice, or 1 piece of lemon peel grenadine 5-10ml, or pomegranate molasses (optional)
Combine ingredients in an ice-filled highball or rocks glass. Stir, then garnish with an apple slice or a lemon twist.
You can add grenadine or pomegranate molasses for a seasonal hue.
Photograph: Patrice de Villiers/The Observer
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here.
#art#design#cocktail recipes#cocktails#gin#juice#apple juice#grenadine#pomegranate#patrice de villiers#theobserver#winter cocktail#christmas#christmas cocktail
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Down at Billingsgate market with Roger Barton, then getting down with fish and the great Roger Daltrey. Brilliant interview, watch this and get involved for Teenage Cancer Trust. The book… Love Music, Love Food - The Rockstar Cookbook… is published by Quadrille on September 5th 2011 For more details of the book, go to:http://www.quadrille.co.uk/books/food-and-wine/book/uk_1844009947/love-music-love-food—-the-rock-star-cookbook For more details of Love Music, Love Food, go to: http://www.lovemusiclovefood.org/ For further information on Teenage Cancer Trust visit:http://www.teenagecancertrust.org/
#Love Music Love Food#patrice de villiers#roger daltrey#quadrille#quadrille books#quadrille publishing#teenage cancer trust#music video#music book#youtube video favourite#best books#best cookbooks#pinterest#pinterest books#pinterest craft#pinterest food#pinterest eco#pinterest best boards#pinterest best board#wine books#food books#best cookery books#best craft books#best gardening books#best interior design books#best chefs uk#chefs uk#italian cookery#cupcakes#cupcake recipes
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Winter spritz !
Makes 1 glass:
red wine 50ml sparkling wine 50ml sparkling water 50ml ruby port 25ml
Combine the ingredients in an ice-filled wine goblet. Stir gently. Garnish with an orange twist and, optionally, a cinnamon stick.
Photograph: Patrice de Villiers/The Observer
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here.
#art#design#cocktail recipes#Cocktails#winter cocktail#winter spritz#red wine#wine#sparkling wine#ruby port#orange#christmas#chritmas cocktail
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Negroni punch !
Serves 6: gin 100ml (use cranberry juice for a lower-alcohol serve) bitter aperitif such as Campari 100ml sweet vermouth 200ml chilled espresso 50ml chilled prosecco 350ml
Combine all ingredients in a punchbowl or large pitcher with ice. Stir lightly. Garnish with orange slices, star anise, cinnamon sticks, long orange and lemon twists, and fresh cranberries. Serve in punch cups.
Photograph: Patrice de Villiers/The Observer
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here.
#art#design#Cocktails#cocktail recipes#winter cocktail#christmas cocktail#christmas#negroni#punch#gin#bitter#campari#vermouth#espresso#prosecco#anise#cinnamon#orange#lemon#cramberry#patrice de villiers
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