#Elijah Craig News
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techdriveplay ¡ 8 months ago
Elijah Craig Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey Cocktail
Elijah Craig, known as the ‘Father of Bourbon,’ is thrilled to announce the arrival of their latest creation, the Introducing Elijah Craig Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey: A Modern Twist on Tradition Elijah Craig, known as the ‘Father of Bourbon,’ is thrilled to announce the arrival of their latest creation, the Elijah Craig Straight Rye Whiskey, now available Down Under. This new drop continues…
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lelelego ¡ 2 years ago
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nooo brother elijah youre so sexy don't steal my equipment hahah
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undeadcourier ¡ 2 years ago
thinking about how the theme of letting go (and the related motif of critically examining long-held beliefs/relationships) appears with the companions.
there's arcade and veronica, who were raised in insular environments and surrounded by enemies their entire lives, who fundamentally disagree with the politics of those groups, and who have to find a way to reconcile the love and loyalty they have for the only families they've ever known with their personal ideologies and goals.
while cassidy and crimson caravans aren't major factions in the vein of the ncr/enclave/brotherhood, cass' quest also revolves around whether she upholds the legacy of her family or follows her own path.
boone is disillusioned with the ncr after the bitter springs massacre but still wears his first recon beret, perhaps as a sign of lingering loyalty, or perhaps as penance. he participated in a horrible war crime because he was following orders, because that mindset was drilled into him since he joined the military. he's not as ideologically opposed to the ncr as arcade and veronica are to the enclave and brotherhood, respectively, but the similarity is worth noting.
what makes these companion quests so memorable is that we're meeting these characters at critical crossroads in their lives, where they have to come to terms with complicated attachments, where they'll define themselves by whether they choose to hang on to a legacy or strike out on their own.
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chaosk1ng ¡ 9 months ago
So I love New Vegas and would love to see the Courier in different worlds. The thing is that I have specific things I enjoy with crossovers and things I don’t enjoy. One of the ones it would be cool to see the Courier in is Mass Effect and I’m gonna say it here, I don’t like Mass Effect. The dialogue physically hurts me at times, especially the romance dialogues. I went for Garrus because I was told to romance someone and I thought his design was cool, another factor was the fact he was a sniper. The only thing I liked about Mass Effect was Legion who sadly died in the third game for me. How was I supposed to know that Tali dying on the suicide mission would result in his death no matter what?
Anyway, the point is that the world and concept of Mass Effect is cool but I didn’t enjoy the game besides a few mechanics.
Moving on, there’s not a lot of FNV x ME fics out there and even less with things I enjoy so imma talk about some ideas.
The best and most used way for the Courier to be transported to another world/universe is with the Transportalponder from Big Mt. It could also be because people like Cerberus did an experiment that resulted with something similar to the device that accidentally brought the Courier there. He could be teleported either to the location they used the device or somewhere else which would lead to them abandoning the project seeming as it didn’t work from what they could tell. This could also be used to bring others from NV to ME since they would likely try multiple times if it doesn’t work.
One thing I never see are ones where it’s not just the Courier running around. I wanna see how someone like Joshua or Ulysses interact with this new world. This is also an excuse for me to see different factions bring their problems to a new world. Someone like Caesar or Father Elijah recreate their factions for their own benefit and add more problems to the universe.
I can see Mr House still being stuck in the Lucky 38 and having control of the strip but also having part of his consciousness in this new universe and taking as much control as possible. He would likely recreate RobCo and something like New Vegas, maybe take control of that little area in the Citadel DLC for the third game. Point is that people like Mr House who have intimate knowledge of monopoly or people like Caesar who have the charisma and intimidation to get people to follow him would cause chaos. There’s no way that someone like Caesar who indoctrinated people from groups and settlements that he himself destroyed with the Legion couldn’t pull it off in space. The Brotherhood of Steel would be estatice about all the new and unique tech but would pretty much stay the same. They would probably be seen as terrorists like Cerberus with their racism towards anything that isn’t human and how they take any tech they can find from anyone who has any.
This would take place before the final fight for the Hoover Dam so not only would there be the Courier who is already a legend of sorts in the Mojave in Mass Effect but so are other Factions. There could be some of the companions that get brought there too. Usually Courier is either by himself or has ED-E with him but he could also have someone like Boone (one of my favorite companions) who he can partner with anytime or someone like Christine (another one of my favorites) that he only got to work with for a little before they parted ways for good. They could do their own thing around the Galaxy and do what they feel is right. I can see Boone trying to take down things like the prison that Jack is at in the beginning of Mass Effect 2 since the prisoners are sold like what happened with his wife. I can see Arcade continuing the work of the Followers and treating it like a new settlement for them and putting up a clinic or helping with the genophage cure after learning about the Krogan. He would probably get along with Motrin if they met.
Everyone would be confused as to who these new players are and the fact they have little to no information about them besides the fact that some are human. If someone like Raul and or Lily was brought then they would have a bigger target on their back since no one has seen anyone like them since Ghouls and Nightkin don’t exist, the closest thing being the husks. Depending on how far into the series they are summoned at will affect how they are treated.
With the Dead Space x Mandalorian crossover I ended up shipping Isaac and Din but I prefer to stay away from any type of romance when it comes to crossovers regardless of if they’re in the same universe or not. I’m okay with canon romances but only if they’re kinda like a footnote and not a big part of the plot. So things like EDI and Joker are okay but only mentioned a little.
The Courier doesn’t have to be a companion for Shepard but could appear every once in a while by accident. The two of them working together would be ideal for Courier to get home with the Cerberus plot but not really needed. Courier would likely know how to handle something like this on his own, it ain’t exactly his first rodeo. With Cerberus being him here, he would likely find out one what or another and start hunting them down. The tech they would use shouldn’t belong to any in the eyes of the Courier since he has seen what people do with power and fear what would happen if they bring more people from the Wasteland.
Courier and Shepard wouldn’t get along at first. I see Shepard as paragon and would be seen as naive by the Courier who has seen all kinds of corruption and sees that people like the councils won’t change and see what’s in front of them. Eventually the two would respect each other, Shepard wouldn’t completely agree with what Courier does but would somewhat understand where he’s coming from.
Also imma say this right now, I see it as John being Shepard and will throw hands if I see another crossover with the focus on Shepard being him getting with Tali, Liara or Miranda. I’m okay with Shepard being female but I don’t like romance so no shipping her with Garrus, flirting with him had me leaving the game for hours before coming back to try to get through the rest of the dialogue. Yes, Shepard can probably get with anyone but it feels forced in the games for me, like it was required to end up with someone. Same thing with Courier, I can’t ever see him getting with anyone despite me thinking he could probably pull anyone and not make me extremely uncomfortable since you never actually hear Courier speak.
I can’t see Courier giving away any of his weapons and just taking them whenever he sees them but the image of him letting someone borrow something is hilarious since not only are they old looking but seem like they are impossibly held together with a bunch of scrape. Them witnessing fallout mechanics would be hilarious.
Just “hey can I borrow something from you?”
“Yeah sure, just don’t question where I get it from.”
That or something like bloody mess, “there’s a hostile pinning us from above!”
“No there’s not”
Yeah, the wasteland would bring chaos to the universe and Courier would just tag along for the ride. All he wanted to do was do his job and deliver a package but nooo a dude in a checkered pattern suit shot him in the head and made it everyone’s problem, even in a new universe where the bombs didn’t fall. Also I want to see Courier get kicked out of more Casinos since it’s funny to imagine him being banned from every casino he has ever been in. Imagine the Courier in the Citadel DLC, it’s just Shepard looking as he stands there.
“I thought you would be gambling, your always saying you would spend all your time here if you saw one.”
“I got kicked out.”
“Of which one?”
“All of them.”
“Wait what? We’ve barely been here for like half a day.”
“I kept winning until they kicked me out of all of the casinos.”
“I’m sorry what?”
“You're not getting any of my winnings.”
I’ll probably expand on this thought later but seeing Courier Six bringing chaos to other worlds is beautiful to imagine.
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undeadcourier ¡ 2 years ago
i hadn't considered it until this post, but she's a lot like house here, just on a smaller scale. she controls who stays in novac and feels justified in removing anyone she doesn't like from what she sees as her domain. novac is her vegas (without all the ~debauchery~ of course)
like you said, she's not like the other villains/antagonists in that she presents this like, rustic, domestic charm. if you don't know about carla or how she feels about ghouls, she comes across as a kind of stereotypical sweet old lady who gets upset if you're rude and is a little over-invested in the social lives of her neighbors. she doesn't initially seem dangerous or even necessarily controlling (though she is, as op illustrated).
but her story does tie into a lot of the themes we see with the major players in the mojave—house, caesar, the ncr, (to a degree elijah, joshua, and the think tank)—they're all preoccupied with taking/maintaining control of the area they claim. they use different tactics to impose this control, but everybody wants to rule the world mojave. and they're all bringing these images of their perfect society with them. house and the think tank want to remake the old world. joshua wants to remake new canaan and convert the indigenous populations to mormonism. the ncr and caesar want to subjugate the mojave into their respective empires. jeannie may wants to cultivate small-town rustic charm with friendly neighbors and humble roots—and she isn't afraid to prune any cactus flowers she thinks don't belong.
Y'know what I think makes Jeannie May Crawford stand out so much amongst Fallout villains? Not just the fact she's associated with Boone and one of the horrors he's dealt with, but because she's different than most other Fallout villains, big or small.
[I'm not gonna be going into the cut Ghoul bigotry in Come Fly With Me even though it supports me point, as that is, well, cut and therefore not-canonical actions. Though it is in-line with her other behaviour.]
I know why Jeannie May feels different to me. She's an advocate of Normality. What do I mean by that? Well, it's simple. Her motive for her Big Evil Action is pretty clearly the fact that Carla didn't like Novac and was overall an annoyance to her status quo. The perfection of her town. Her "little desert oasis". Jeannie May is basically the leader of Novac. She owns the Dino-Dee Lite and by extension the entire town. To her badmouthing Novac is badmouthing her and that is a crime she cannot stand. No punishment is too great. Carla and her unborn child deserve to suffer, in her mind. She knows what the Legion do to women, but she didn't care.
But it doesn't just stop there. That's the thing. She doesn't just hate people disliking Novac. Jeannie May also resents the idea of people not being very social as Alice McBride says this "Oh, we keep to ourselves, for the most part. Try not to pry. I think Jeannie May gets bothered that we aren't more sociable, but it's just our way. Ain't that we don't appreciate what she's done, managing this town like she has, but I worry she feels that way anyhow." the McBrides were probably not at risk of the Carla-treatment, but who knows what Crawford would've done to them if she got too upset at their lack of sociability.
Oh, also, the reason she kept the document that got her killed? 500 caps. That's it. In the Bill of Sale it says "Payment of an additional five hundred bottle caps will be due pending successful maturation of the fetus, the claim to which shall be guaranteed by possession of this document." considering Jeannie May is a landlord to so many people that sum has to be nothing to her. The entire 1500 caps was nothing. But she was confident, arrogant. Nobody would discover her actions. Boone's suspicions wouldn't go anywhere (and he'd never suspect her). It was her town and she was safe in it. Everyone was unable to see past her act (except No-Bark if you believe that one thing he says is an indication he knows something is off about her).
Of course, when you're so confident that you'll never be caught, the thought never enters your mind anyone will find out. The only thing that enters your mind is... a .308 round.
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gayelderstourney ¡ 2 years ago
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Bob Zanotto/Helmut Fullbear:
they are married in canon and are epic and amazing. they had sad canon events where bob thought helmut was dead for like 30 years or something but helmut WASN'T dead his brain was still alive and they are reunited in the game first by way of stealing an evil dictator's body and then later on they put helmut's brain in a ball as a temporary fix while they go out to find his body which has been frozen in ice. the game forces you to walk through bob's memory of saying his vows at their wedding ceremony and it's seriously some of the most romantic and heartwarming shit i've ever heard, especially "just when i thought i was turning to seed, you made me bloom again" like my god. i love them
they're gay and old as hell!!!! there's a level dedicated to their wedding!!!
Helmut is voiced by Jack Black and is currently a brain in a ball, and Bob knows him so well that the mental image of him in his drunken mind says things Bob KNOWS the real Helmut would never say. Also Helmut is temporarily in the body of a guy voiced by Elijah Wood-
Craig Cuttlefish/DJ Octavio:
well you see they used to be friends but were on opposite sides of the great turf war. cuttlefish gets a 14 year old to go stop octavios army. also they argue in splatoon 3 which is just part of the 100+ year divorce arc BUT AT THE FINAL BOSS IN THE JAPANESE VERSION THEY SHARE THE ICONIC LINE THAT CUES THE CALAMARI INKANTATION AND IN THE ENGLISH CUTTLEFISH TELLS OCTAVIO TO "HIT IT" AND START THE MUSIC AND MUSIC IS SO IMPORTANT TO THE SPLATOON UNIVERSE YAAAAA ik its grasping but its lovers to enemies
Literally I have seen so many people call this old man yaoi.
Old men divorce!!!
They're old men who made their divorce the problem of every young person in their lives <3. 100 years ago during the Great Turf War between inklings and octarians, Craig and Octavio were the chosen ambassadors of their respective species. They got along well, but unfortunately found themselves on opposite sides of the war. During one of the battles Craig shot Octavio in the heart. The inlkings won the war and the octarians were forced underground. For years afterward both men grew bitter towards each other, and eventually Octavio attacked the new Squidbeak Splatoon (a group of secret agents recruited by Craig). Octavio lost both times and got imprisoned in a giant snow globe (and Craig calls him cute). In the latest game Octavio got over his hatred for Inklings (Craig's species) and used his flying mech to help defeat the BBEG of the game. After the final fight, Craig said something to the effect of 'that old rascal turned out to be not so bad!'.
Alright ok hear me out! These two old men have fought in wars for their races against each other and have the craziest pathetic old man homoerotic tension ever. They like, went from at least respecting each other before the war and then they were forced to fight each other and then when Cuttlefish's side won, Octavio went underground like a pathetic lil wet cat and later on he kidnapped Cuttlefish because of game related reasons and both of them still have way too much homoerotic tension!!! And then Octavio gets owned and then in the second game Octavio decides that "Hey actually, lets kidnap Cuttlefish's granddaughter" and the old man isnt even there cause hes busy being a pathetic old man in the under-underground!!! And in the third game they go fron rival/enemies to reluctantly working together to save the world from actual extinction bc some durry bitch wants to cover it in fuzzy ooze and like, both of them have so much old man ship potential and just- theyre still pining for each other even after over a 100 years man,,,,
I personally headcanon Cap'n Cuttlefish as homophobic, but I see the ship a lot and think it's funny.
They’re both at least like 125 probably a bit older, they are so divorced, like peak lovers to enemies back to lovers, Cap’n Cuttlefish calls Octavio cute in Splatoon one immediately after you rescue him from Octavio kidnapping him? So dysfunctional, so gay, so old
They fought in the Great Turf War which was said to be over 100 years ago, Capn Cuttlefish was, well, a captain I believe (he had some sort of rank even if he wasn't a captain, like he led a battle that's singled out in the sunken scrolls of the first game). they act so divorced in the singleplayer mode like they cannot stop insulting each other specifically but octavio always comes back and like kidnaps or insults captain cuttlefish it's so. and when the great zapfish gets stolen in splatoon 3 captain cuttlefish is like "it's the octarians again i know it" like divorced behavior. also it wasn't this time and octavio gets super weird about it. maybe you should stop using children as props in your drama though.
my favorite war crime divorcees <3
They basically are friends to enemies to lovers. Both of them fought in a war that hurt DJ Octavio so bad he can’t become an inkling.
friends -> enemies -> lovers. what more is there to say
they are soooo divorced
they were so gay their breakup ended a war
Craig Cuttlefish got sucked dry by a bear
they got divorced but then they got remarried . they fuckinf hate eachother but they also make out sloppy style and i do not know how that works because neither of them have mouths in their swim form which they are both permanently stuck in. love wins but also loses at the same time with these fucking losers
they are sooo divorced omg. istg they were dating when they were younger and then war n shit happened and now theyre bitter exes who probably still make out sometimes. Makes it so much funnier that theyre old ass men (both over 100!) and Cuttlefish has grandkids
They were on opposite sides of a war and still fell in love
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daidi-dragan-glas ¡ 2 months ago
Merry Christmas one and all!
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New favorite bourbon! Bought this bottle of Elijah Craig small batch back in the summer of 2022 (just before my cancer diagnosis). I had never had it and had always heard wonderful things about it. But since most of my colon cancer fragmented and attacked my liver, I haven't even had but one beer since the fall of 2022... ONE (and I love LOVE beer and bourbon and scotch).... So, to celebrate being almost a year past my expiration date (doc said at first that I prolly had about 18 months to live), I'm tasting this WONDERFUL bourbon for the first time and I am absolutely in love!
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marcmarcmomarc ¡ 2 months ago
The Owl House: The New Year’s Special
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Sarah-Nicole Robles
Wendie Malick
Alex Hirsch
Mae Whitman
Tati Gabrielle
Issac Ryan Brown
Zeno Robinson
Elizabeth Grullon
Cissy Jones
Avi Roque
Keston John
Matt Chapman
Michaela Dietz
Grey DeLisle
Erica Lindbeck
Ryan O’Flanagan
Kimberly Brooks
Ally Maki
Kari Wahlgren
Gilbert Park & Faust: ERIC BAUZA
Professor Hermonculous: J.B. BLANC
Steve Tholomule & Harvey Park: MATT CHAPMAN
Tibblet-Tibblie Grimm Hammer III “Tibbles”: PARVESH CHEENA
Manny Noceda: WILSON CRUZ
Adrian Graye Vernworth: NOSHIR DALAL
TĂ­a Valentina Noceda: ARIANA DeBOSE
Prima Gabi Noceda: ELIJAH DeJESUS
Masha, Katya, Cat, Usurper, & Bonesborough Brawl Security Guard: GREY DeLISLE
Matt Tholomule: JORGE DIAZ
Gwendolyn Clawthorne: DEB DOETZER
Flora D’splora: EILEEN GALINDO
Dell Clawthorne: PETER GALLAGHER
Long-Haired Bat Kid: KIMIKO GLENN
Eye-Eating Monster, Snaggleback, & Papa Titan: ARIN HANSON
King Clawthorne & Hooty: ALEX HIRSCH
Mohawk Bat Kid: HOLLY @hollowtones
TĂ­o Emilio Noceda: OSCAR ISAAC
Darius Deamonne: KESTON JOHN
Lilith Clawthorne: CISSY JONES
Kikimora: MELA LEE
Eda Clawthorne: WENDIE MALICK
Olive (Gabi’s Girlfriend): MOSCO MOON
Abuela Luna Noceda: RITA MORENO
TĂ­o Mateo Noceda: JOHNNY ORTIZ
Bucket Hat Bat Kid: PENNY @snapscube PARKER
Alador Blight: JIM PIRRI
Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos: MATTHEW RHYS
Tarak, Bonesborough Brawl Commentator, & Tom: KEVIN MICHAEL RICHARDSON
Boscha, Amelia, Bo, & Abominations: EDEN RIEGEL
Hieronymus Bump: BUMPER ROBINSON
Hunter, Derwin, & Male Camp Friend: ZENO ROBINSON
Raine Whispers: AVI ROQUE
Jacob Hopkins & Warden Wrath: ROGER CRAIG SMITH
Female Camp Friend: HAILEE STEINFELD
Greater Basilisk: APRIL STEWART
Hettie Cutburn: JEN TAYLOR
Tinella Nosa & Severine: DANA TERRACE
Hecate & Harper (Gabi’s Other Girlfriend): MORGAN TERRY
Amber, Eberwolf, Villainous Lucy, & Barista: KARI WAHLGREN
Amity Blight: MAE WHITMAN
Terra Snapdragon: DEBRA WILSON
The Collector: FRYDA WOLFF
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quillyq ¡ 3 months ago
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Ok, so I gotta cook thanksgiving things on top of school, but I drew this at work. It's a scene from my fanfic, quickly drawn ROUGHLY and inked at work/while trying not to burn food....
Honestly my favorite scene. I love/miss fangirling with friends and it gave me that nostalgia.
It's a Gravity Falls fanfic, I'm considering a/probably will rewrite, but I still really like this scene a lot.
The excerpt is below if you want to understand what's happening. (It's pretty short)
(I personally think I'm a better writer than an artist, hoping to make them even eventually)
August 15th, 2014.
Las Vegas, Nevada. You were a couple miles away from Nellis AFB, somewhere in the northern tip of the downtown strip. Coiled up in a corner booth, you were drinking Elijah Craig with Major General Schwartz on the opposite end with her martini. You were both dressed in casual civilian attire, you had opted for the more relaxed and casual hoodie and shorts, while Schwartz was wearing a more flattering pencil skirt and button down look.
“We finally get a night out together and you choose to dress like a scruffy divorcee?” Schwartz cackled and sipped her drink. Schwartz was only slightly older than you, but growing older seemed to suit her much more. Her hair was black with faint glitters of silver, sharp angled eyes the color of a rainy sky and high shapely cheekbones. She looked like a villainess but spoke with the loose candor of a close and dear friend, which was true.
You had known her for years, having taken you under her wing almost since you enlisted. She was usually strict business, but always seemed to let her goofy and girly side show to you, especially if it was concerning her 'special interests'.
“Maybe i’d rather be comfortable and not restricted 24/7” You cock an eyebrow and take a sip. Schwartz chuckles deeply in reply.
“It's not being restricted, it's being alert and conscientious. One day you’ll get it youngin’” Shwartz gives you a friendly wink.
“Youngin’? You are not much older than me, need i remind you.” You scoffed.
“Yeah and you’d be closer in rank to me if you’d stop mouthing off and getting into trouble on leave. You’re lucky I could swing this outing with you, I might’ve just saved you a few months in confinement.” Schwartz jabbed back.
You hated that she was right. The last year had been chaotic, and after your last tour you felt like you could snap at any moment. The therapy sessions just left you feeling angrier and counseling was a joke.
“Yeah, yeah…hey, let's talk about something else. Tell me about that weekly world news article you read online” You prodded while giggling. Schwartz responded with puffed out cheeks and a scrowl, crossing her arms jokingly and huffing.
“It’s not weekly world news, (Lily)/(yln), these are real papers being published at a scholarly level, by a collage (though she never heard of it) Since they started popping up, the community for cryptozoological and paranormal study has been on fire!” Her eyes lit up as she spoke, scrolling through her phone,
“Ah! Here it is, “Case study and photographic documentation of the Strigoi”, oh man those things are horrific. They must be in…Romania? Oh man!” She giggled like a schoolgirl. She always got this way whenever she started talking about these “papers”. It was cute, but it was silly.
“Wasn’t he just in Australia or something? Tracking bunnies?” You roll your eyes.
“It was Bunyips, and no, in their last paper they were in Greece researching Centaurs. Australia was months ago” Shwartz huffed, “Also we can’t be sure it's a man. They only ever give out their initials. - S.P ”, She wiggles her fingers while making an “Oooo” face.
“The way they talk about themselves, it is most definitely a man, ” You sip your whiskey, “I can practically hear the jerking when you read them sometimes. ‘By my sheer will…’, ‘ through careful calculations…’, ‘of course, i knew where to…’”, Using a mocking deepened tone in your voice while making a shaking motion with your fist, and then open palming towards Schwartz, who laughs and shoves your shoulder.
“Oh shut up! You’re so crude!” Schwartz laughs, “Ok, maybe it's a man, but it could also be a super cool and hot woman”, she wiggles her eyebrows.
“You think S.P is hot? They’re probably some grease faced punk in a basement somewhere messing with y’alls heads” You could not roll your eyes harder.
“Do not yuck my yum missy,” Schwartz shoves your shoulder gently this time, causing you to laugh again, “Let me keep my Indiana Jones or Jesse fantasy”.
“Ha! Ok, ok, fine,” you scoot up closer and lean your head in your hands, listening intently as Schwartz reads from her phone screen the latest findings and tales of wonder by the mysterious adventurer, -S.P .
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weclassybouquetfun ¡ 2 years ago
Hannah leading the TED LASSO pack.
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Doing tourist tings.
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"We saw you from across the bar and we like your vibe.."
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With TED LASSO ending (and it is ending. I don't care about all the hedging that still persists about, "We told *this* story", the show's done. They need to hush their butts with that) it's time to look towards the future. What is on the horizon for AFC Richmond.
The cast next gigs...Oooh whee, what's up with that? What's. Up.With.That?
-Jason Sudeikis will appear in Charlie Day's directorial debut FOOL'S PARADISE.
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-Hannah Waddingham: Will co-host Eurovision next month, appears in the four part Masterpiece mini TOM JONES
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, will appear in THE FALL GUY with Ryan Gosling, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: DEAD RECKONING Part 2, will have a Christmas special and will do voicework in Dan Harmon's animated series for Fox KRAPOPOLIS (alongside Matt Berry and Richard Ayoade) and voicework in 2024's animated film GARFIELD with Chris Pratt voicing the titular lasagne loving cat.
-Brett Goldstein: Brett will also do voice work for GARFIELD. He's also currently writing series two of Apple+'s SHRINKING
-Toheeb Jimoh can be currently seen on POWER on Amazon Prime. He's currently in rehearsals for his return to the stage in ROMEO AND JULIET for the Almedia Theatre.
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-Nick Mohammed: Unsure whether the series that he created/writes and stars in INTELLIGENCE will be renewed as a series or as a wrap-up film, Nick has other works going. He costars in MAGGIE MOORES directed by John Slattery (MAD MEN) and stars Tina Fey and Jon Hamm; he will do voicework in the sequel to CHICKEN RUN titled CHICKEN RUN: DAWN OF THE NUGGET and he has a role in the upcoming Disney+ historical series THE BALLAD OF RENEGADE NELL which will star Alice Kremelberg (ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK), Frank Dillane, Joely Richardson and Craig Parkinson.
-Jeremy Swift: Will do voice work in the animated cat caper 10 LIVES joining Bill Nighy, Sophie Okonedo and Simone Ashley. Jeremy also joins the Disney Descendants universe for the musical DESCENDANTS: THE RISE OF RED. He currently has a cd out.
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-Phil Dunster: Phil is sticking around Apple TV+ for the time being as he joined series two of their drama SURFACE which stars Gugu Mbatha-Raw (the first season saw her opposite Oliver Jackson-Cohen).
-Juno Temple: Juno was already in the DC universe with a role in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, but now she joins Brett and Cristo in the Marvel world with a role in the upcoming VENOM 3. She also has a role in the upcoming EVEREST about George Mallory's attempt at scaling the mountain. It will star Ewan McGregor, Sam Heughan and Mark Strong. However, before all that, expect to see her in series 5 of FARGO.
-Cristo Fernandez is a jobbing actor. You will hear him in TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEAST as Wheeljack
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he will do voicework in SCOOB! HOLIDAY HAUNT, he appears in four shorts, the feature 3 FLOWERS and it was just announced that he's joining series 3 of Apple TV+'s ACAPULCO and the Disney+ adaptation of ALEXANDER AND THE TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY.
-Moe Jeudy-Lamour (Thierry Zoreaux Van Damme) will costar in the sequel to cousins Stephen and Robbie Amell's film CODE 8. It will be released on Netflix.
New Village People has dropped.
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-Moe Hashim: Moe will costar in Roland Emmerich's gladiator series THOSE ABOUT TO DIE.
-Charlie Hiscock: Will appear in Yorgos Lanthimos' POOR THINGS alongside Margaret Qualley, Emma Stone, Willem Dafoe and Mark Ruffalo.
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-Sarah Niles: Will turn up in the long gestating reboot of THE TOXIC AVENGER starring Peter Dinklage, Jane Levy, Elijah Wood, Kevin Bacon and Jacob Tremblay. She can currently be seen in ITVX's RICHES.
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-James Lance: Always one for voicework, James has lent his talent to the short HANGING which is the writer debut of background Greyhound Joe Street (far right).
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sharkssharpteeth ¡ 1 year ago
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。Muses ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“I'm down pounding my head against the kitchen floor, apologizing for my life and ever entering yours”
- “Against the Kitchen Floor” by Will Wood
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
Listed below are my current fandoms and muses within them. I’m not too picky when it comes to ships, though I tend to lean towards those that are under-explored when the fandom allows (ex: Hadir Karim/Alex Keller). If you want to shoot me a DM or ask regarding a plot ideas, go for it.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Current Fandoms:
The Boys ♢ Brokeback Mountain ♢ Call of Duty (Modern Warfare Reboot) ♢ Detroit: Become Human ♢ Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves ♢ Fallout (New Vegas & 4) ♢ Far Cry (4 & 5) ♢ Gen V ♢ Hannibal (NBC) ♢ House Of Ashes ♢ Legend of Zelda ♢ Moon Knight ♢ Mortal Kombat (1) ♢ Night At The Museum ♢ Outlast (1 & Whistleblower) ♢ Pokémon ♢ The Quarry ♢ Resident Evil ♢ Scream (1) ♢ Uncharted (2 & 4) ♢ Until Dawn
Muse List:
Brokeback Mountain
Ennis Del Mar
Jack Twist
Call of Duty (Modern Warfare Reboot)
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Phillip Graves
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
Hadir Karim
Alex Keller
John “Soap” MacTavish
Vladimir Makarov
Andrei Nolan
Rodolfo Parra
John Price
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Alejandro Vargas
Detroit: Become Human
Colton (RK900)
Connor (RK800)
Elijah Kamski
Markus (RK200)
Gavin Reed
Simon (PL600)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Simon Aumar
Edgin Darvis
Xenk Yendar
New Vegas
Craig Boone
Arcade Israel Gannon
Benny Gecko
Joshua Graham
Vulpes Inculta
The King
Paladin Danse
Porter Gage
Preston Garvey
Robert Joseph MacCready
Arthur Maxson
Far Cry
Ajay Ghale
Paul "De Pleur" Harmon
Charlemagne "Sharky" Victor Boshaw IV
Jacob Seed
John Seed
Hannibal (NBC)
Frederick Chilton
Francis Dolarhyde
Will Graham
Hannibal Lecter
Mason Verger
Legend of Zelda
Prince Sidon
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Steven Grant ♢ Mr. Knight
Jake Lockley
Marc Spector ♢ Moon Knight
Mortal Kombat 1
Johnathan Carlton ♢ Johnny Cage
Bi-Han ♢ Sub-Zero
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Kuai Liang ♢ Scorpion
Syzoth ♢ Reptile
Kenshi Takahashi
Shang Tsung
Tomas Vrbada ♢ Smoke
Night At The Museum
Outlast + Whistleblower
Jeremy Blaire
Eddie Gluskin
Waylon Park
Miles Upshur
Professor Kukui
Chairman Rose
Professor Sycamore
Resident Evil
Karl Heisenberg
Leon Kennedy
Carlos Oliveira
Chris Redfield
Ethan Winters
Scream (Original)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Dwight “Dewey” Riley
Supermassive Games
The Devil in Me
Charles Lonnit
House of Ashes
Nick Kay
Eric King
Jason Kolchek
Salim Othman
Man of Medan
Bradley Smith
The Quarry
Jacob Custos
Ryan Erzahler
Chris Hackett
Travis Hackett
Dylan Lenivy
Until Dawn
Christopher Hartley
Michael Munroe
Matthew Taylor
Joshua Washington
All Entries
Nathan Drake
Victor Sullivan
Among Thieves
Harry Flynn
A Thief’s End
Rafe Adler
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theivorybilledwoodpecker ¡ 2 years ago
Who was Emmet Till?
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I wanted to post this because Carolyn Bryant Donham just died, and people will be seeing Emmett's name in the news. While I hope most people know his story, I know not everyone does. I remember in college the professor mentioning his story as a topic people could write an essay on, and two other students, both at least 10 years older than I, not knowing who he was.
Emmett was a 14-year-old African American boy from Chicago. In 1955, he was visiting relatives in Mississippi. He and some friends were in a grocery store.
The owner's wife, a white woman named Carolyn Bryant, alleged that he grabbed her by the waist and propositioned her. Some people say he merely wolf-whistled at her. And other say absolutely nothing happened.
Four days later, Carolyn's husband, Roy Bryant, and his brother, John Milam, drove to Emmett's relatives house and kidnapped him. They beat and mutilated him before shooting him and throwing Emmett's body in the river.
When his relatives notified his mother Emmett was missing, Bryant and Milam were questioned by police and admitted to the kidnapping...but said they had let Emmett go.
When Emmett's body was found days later, the men were put on trial for murder. Decades later, an arrest warrant for Carolyn Bryant would be found, but it was never served. The all-white male jury deliberated only a little over hour, and they admitted it only took that long because they stopped for a drink at one point. They voted to aquit both men of murder. A separate jury later voted to aquit them of kidnapping.
Jurors would later admit they believed the men to be guilty, but did not think they should be punished.
After the trial, Roy Bryant and John Milam sold their confession for $4k to a newspaper. That was a huge amount of money back then.
There was never any justice done for Emmett. They lived the rest of their lives without serving a day in jail for his murder.
In 2008, Carolyn Bryant allegedly told a writer that she had lied on the stand about what had happened. This was not caught on tape, and she later denied it happened....but I mean...multiple witnesses have said either that nothing happened or that all Emmett did was whistle. I'm inclined to believe she was a lying cunt who made it all up.
Now, Carolyn Bryant is dead, may she burn in hell.
But it's important that no one ever forget Emmett Till. You see, it's not just that he was murdered, suffering what no child should ever need to go through. But these things are still happening today.
James Craig Anderson. Trayvon Martin. Tamir Rice. Ahmaud Arbery. George Floyd. Elijah Mcclain.
And recently, Ralph Yarl could have very easily died.
We've come along way. Some of the murderers get convicted now. But what happened to Emmett Till could all too easily happen again.
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short-black-diamond ¡ 2 years ago
Elijah is the simp
"...wait until the author finds motivation to keep writing." HAH real enemy: Motivation
Now have a drink you deserve, I offer *slide over some fresh water*🫵🫶
- 🍰nom
I'm an even bigger simp for him 🍰-nom you have no idea- *takes fresh water from you* mmmmm flllllllavvoorrrrrrrrr<333 Yes my enemy is having no motivation, but what's more frustrating is that I have a story in mind -all perfect, perfect plot and stuff-, but I then also have to write it down. Also I'm going to do it with the reader cooking-it will be essential for the next part which I'll be writing. Anyways-
Part one
Word count: 4.3 k also I didn't proofread
My golden Boy! -> part two!
{ Last time:
You then helped him take his off too. When you were done, you looked into his eyes and you noticed what a beautiful touch of blue they were.
you also noticed his right brow which was shorter than the left. You wanted to know the story behind it. Otherwise, you found it kinda cute...Elijah was actually kinda cute...and handsome-
'Was Elijah always this good-looking...?'
"What I wanted to ask was---why are you fighting, like--wh-what is your reason?!"
"Do you really want to know?", you said. }
But something seemed...off. Why was your tone so...sad? You sighed as you sat down, petting the spot next to you. Elijah sat down quickly. "I suppose Kublai told you a bit about my past?"
"Yeah, he did.", he answered. 'maybe she doesn't want to talk about it!' "ah, but if you don't want to talk about it, then it's fine! Really!"
You looked at him with a relieved expression. "Thanks. It's just..I don't really know you that well, I mean you must be a good person if Kublai hangs out with you, but like--we only know each other since like, seven hours? So...yeah. I don't really feel comfortable about sharing very personal stuff with people I just met... Sorry-"
"Don't apologize! I'm sorry for asking you that! I should've actually waited for that question..hehe."
You grinned and your sharp canines came to view. Gosh, he'd love to get bit- "All good Eli. And now let's go eat something."
Elijah had to shake his head physically to make his pervy thoughts dissappear and earned a confused but also concerned look from you.
"Hello, my name is Milana Marinova, and I'm so, so glad to take on this tournament as a special guest!", you cheered into the camera. To the people who didn't know you, you were looking more like a pop star, or an influencer, or just...a model. But to the people who watched your fights, you were a source of inspiration.
Craig Gills, the producer and director of the reality TV show of this tournament, shook your hand briefly and found a cookie in his hand magically. "Oh? How'd you do that?", the bearded man asked as he examined the sweet thing in his hand, the microphone holder and the camera man were staring at him in envy.
You smiled at the man sitting in front of you. "I think that you guys will have trouble with dealing with the fighters this season, so I'd like to take some off that weight off your shoulders in which I will cook you some homemade meals and not unhealthy stuff- if that's alright with you guys, of course."
The staff looked at you happily and Mr. Gills smiled. "Why thank you very much, but will you also cook for the fifteen fighters here as well?", he asked. [Actually, you two should be discussing about your past and what you'd be doing in this tournament, but we'll come to that later.]
"Hmm, I think I can do that, but I'll need to go to the market and stuff -not that it bothers me! I'll be able to make new friends by that!- I just think that it'll be a bit hard taking into account their allergies and intolerances - do you guys have any allergies?"
"Peanuts!", the guy holding the microphone yelled. "Pistachios!", answered the cameraman. [ep. 3] "Mine's just strawberries.", Mr. Gills said calmly, to which you smiled again.
"Alrighty! A big nono for Pea...nuts...Pis....ta....chi...os...and strawberries. Great, now I can make a list- please tell me if you guys would have anything in mind I could cook for you guys, otherwise I'd just cook my traditional food, plus european dishes.", you remarked into your notebook and smiled at the men.
The three smiled right back. Then, Mr. Gills looked at his cards. "Ms. Marinova, would it be okay if I asked you a few questions about your fights? And maybe your connection to Kublai?"
"Why yes of course, Uncle Gills. Go ahead.", you answered and put one leg over the other. Your long hair was open today and you felt cute as well so you chose to wear a light blue dress that went down to the middle of your calves. You also wore high heels. You really didn't look like a fighter, more like a model or actress.
"Okay, ahem. For your information, all the questions I will be asking you about are from your fans, Ms. Marinova."
You giggled. "Ask away."
"Alright. Why did the people in russia give you the name 'dewushka yaga'? What does it mean?", he asked, and you chuckled, drying your wetting eyes.
"Oh my, to have this question as the first? phew, okay. Uncle Gills, do you know baba yaga? A russian fairytale witch who lives in a house which stands on one chicken leg? Where baba -which means grandma witch in russian- is, well, a witch who eats small children who got lost in her forest.
I guess when the people saw me fighting against my opponents with my open hair once and it reminded them of the witch, but I don't know why...I think there's still a video-"
"You mean this one?", Mr. Gills asked as he interrupted you, and you looked to the side where a TV stood. There, you saw yourself beating into your female opponent. You were drilling into her while laughing like the maniac you became when you were in the cage and your hair freed itself at one point, springing in all directions all fuzzy and curly and well, with the lights, your hair, the blood on your face and you laughing all crazy it was no wonder the people called you dewushka yaga.
You were cringing at the video. "That's so embarrassing to look at.", you mumbled and Mr. Gills laughed. "Are you serious? You beat that woman -who was undefeatable before- into a pulp before she could even launch herself at you, Milana! And it also fascinated the fans to get to know you more!"
You sighed and buried your face in your hands. "I know, Sir, but still...I just...I feel sorry for them."
"Oho?" "Wha- No! I didn't mean it in a sarcastic way, I swear! It's just...Somehow, whenever I'm in that cage, something in me switches and I'm no longer Milana Marinova but dewushka yaga. It-it frightens me sometimes. Like, I can't even control it, you know? That cage is like a portal to another world, where I become some sort of--monster, who nearly kills everything that moves.", you said, hugging your arms tightly, wrinkling your pretty sleeves in the process as you looked at the ground in front of you with a troubled expression.
Mr. Gills looked sorry now too. "Oh, I'm sorry. Would you still like to keep going? If you want to, we can talk in private and I can summarise everything later."
"Really?" "Of course, it's the least we can do. But I want pancakes tomorrow morning." "Good thing that I make the best pancakes known to earth!"
And with that, you hugged Mr. Gills [new possible father figure?] goodbye and gave micro- and camera man each a sweet they saw you give Mr. Gills earlier. They thanked you heartily. You left, but not before giving all three of them an autograph.
J.J. came into view and you greeted him politely. "Hello, Mr. Jericho." "hello, Ms. Marinova. Thank you for finally arriving here. I suppose your people have arranged your room now?" "Yes, I'm glad we could afford that nearby hotel. By the way, are you really going to let me fight or did you just invite me for personal reasons?"
Mr. Jericho laughed as he put his hands in his pockets, going outside with you. "Ms. Marinova, do you know how famous you actually are? The fans you have are -and I dare say- crazier than you in the cage, and that's saying a lot."
You chuckled at this. "Still...I...I just can't believe I'm actually here. It just feels so surreal...!"
"Well, it certainly is real [I wish], Ms. Marinova. Even when you lose against your opponent here, the fans will still support you."
You halted abruptly. "You think I'll lose?", and a tick mark appeared on your temple. The older man only shrugged his shoulders at you. "Depends. You might be scary, but do you really think you can hold a cup to my fighters?"
"If you keep talking like that, then you'll make me increase my body count."
"What, you horny?"
"No, I kill."
And with that, you went back, leaving a scared Jericho outside.
You were outraged. Not because something happened to Kublai. Or to you. Somebody destroyed -more like tore apart- someting Elijah held close to him.
"Who'd do something like that?!", you yelled as you patted Elijah's back in comfort. His room, which was actually just the fucking cellar with a bed and his bag, filled with tomato cans, had one covered wall. On the wall stood:
"You suck. 8 and 24."
...and a little to the right stood "Can.", for tomato can.
You dashed to the cleaning room to grab cleaning supplies as soon as you saw it, while Elijah looked inside his bag. As you came back, you heard him asking who tore his picture of him and his dad apart and then...you shook. Kublai held you close to him as your eyes were unnaturally wide, your fists turned white, and the handle of the bucket with water you carried folded by how hard you held it.
"Hey, we'll talk to the culprits, Mila. Wanna go outside for a moment?", the mongolese asked as he lay his head on top of yours but you just kep shaking. "If I don't punch something right now, Kublai, then I'll punch someone."
He quickly led you away from the scene and ordered Vasily to clean up this mess. You and Kublai stepped outside where he took you to a big rock which just uselessly stood there as decoration.
"Now, let all your anger out-"
"-I meant as in 'take a breath'...but breaking that rock is also a solution...How do you feel?"
You were panting as you kept hitting the broken pieces of stone, not answering Kublai, and Kublai watched you with a sad expression. 'I wish she'd forget about that incident...'
It took you some moments to finally register that you were outside, and that it started to rain. You looked up to him. "How...how long have we been here?"
He looked at his watch. "For about ten minutes. Wanna talk or walk?", but upon your unsure looking face, which kept looking between him and the rock and the mansion, he crouched down and picked up the pieces you broke.
"You know, Mila, I'm glad that you have found a new person to care about. And I'm even more glad that it's Elijah. Also...when you're about to fight against either Zach or Ethan...please break their bones for Elijah. And me, of course."
You grinned at him sweetly. "You don't have to tell me that, bro. How about...we pay them a visit?"
And with that, you and Kublai left the from you pulverised rock where it was. The next person who'd see it would be suprised to see something like taht and wonder how it even happened.
"Zach!", Elijah yelled as he approached Zach and Ethan playing billard. you and Kublai were to his right, and Vasily and Mario (the one without a right hand/minecraft steve's wardrobe/cool tattoos) on his left.
"Well...if it isn't the bob cyclone of MMA."
"Why the hell were you in my room?!"
zach grinned as he looked at Elijah. "I don't know what-" "Bullshit!"
(the staff would have to cut off all the swearing later.)
Mario raised his voice. "Don't play stupid, zach. I saw you leave Elijah's room earlier."
"Me? I was here, chatting with Ethan and Bokassa about magical horns.", he explained as Ethan snickered. Bokassa corrected him that it was spiritual horns they were talking about and also called him a baboon.
Elijah looked like he could pounce on Zach any second now, but Zach himself didn't pay the russian in fornt of him any mind, too engrossed in guilttripping Mario.
"I'm dissappointed, Mario, I thought we were teammates...", he said, coming a little closer to Mario. "You look right at home with the other guys. I can't help but wonder whose side you're on."
But Mario didn't budge. "Don't get it twisted, Zach. We have the same coach, but we are not teammates."
You were glad that Vasily and Mario had Elijah's back, even when they were not training under the same coach.
However, Elijah took the word again as he walked up to Zach and pointed towards Zach's chest. "Do you know what you just did?"
"No, actually. Fill me in later?"
"You sonofa-"
In less than a second, Ethan grabbed Elijah's arm. You backed away from the wall to walk to to the "Cheetah" (=Ethan's stage name), but Kublai held you back.
"Didn't your mother teach you not to point...? Pretty rude if you ask me." "I guess she had more important things to worry about.", Elijah answered with a frown.
You stared Ethan up and down, but looked at Kublai and stomped a little. He then saw it too. Ethan's houseslippers were covered red. He nodded to you, and you nodded back.
Noone else seemed to have noticed you and Kublai silently conversating, but it was better like that, anyways.
"My issue is with Zach. But don't worry. Your ass whooping is coming soon." 'yes Eli, show 'em who's boss!', you thought, but Elijah looked down on his arm which got--squeezed?!, by Ethan, who loughed like santa (a little).
"Ohoho! We have a shit talker here. I like it!" 'This guy...is really strong!', the russian thought as he glared at Ethan. You were thinking of splitting open his skull, but then Elijah wouldn't get to have that bonus. Ugh, keeping yourself in check used up all your energy on self control.
"Don't fuck our fight up, Elijah, I'm really looking forward to my finish bonus.", then he grinned. "Now be a sport, and wait for your ass kicking...", and Ethan grabbed his arm tighter, "...like the tomato can you are."
Elijah only glared at Ethan with a blank face before yanking his arm back but ready to grab Ethan this time, however, he got held up by V-Cube. "Forget about them, Elijah. Don't get kicked off the show. You can stay in our room until yours is fixed."
You and Jublai stood back as Elijah, Vasily and Mario left the room.
Now, Elijah had trouble doing what Mr. Trevor ordered him to do. Weigh-ins were the next day, and Elijah's nerves were on high alert, but he couldn't focus to save his life. Elijah also couldn't fight against you properly. When you pushed him away, he just let himself fall to the ground. You lost it. "Okay that's it! Eli, you, Kublai, match- NOW!", you yelled as you took him by the hand and yanked him up.
He felt like a ragdoll when he flew in the air a little because of the strength you had.
Kublai made himself ready. Mr. Trevor also looked interested. "That's a good idea, Milana. And Elijah, if you can fight one round against Kublai, you can do ten with all the other fighters here."
"Except for me.", you chimed in.
Kublai sneered at you. "Watcha say??" "Remember that time where I beat the crap out of you?"
"...when was that?"
"That time where you woke up all bruised. you didn't even remember who you were going up against and thought it was a mysterious man, but it was actually me."
Kublai looked at you like the time where you told him that Santa was not real. "...What?"
"Do you need a rematch?", you asked, hald deadpanning at him.
"No, you two will not fight against each other. ...if that happens, the mansion might collapse...Now, Elijah and Kublai, get ready to fight."
"Beat his ass!" "Thanks, Milana!" Both men said. You sweatdropped as they looked at each other.
"Of course she'd mean me, Kublai."
"I call bull, she's my sister, after all!"
"Ugh, beat each other!" "Got it!"
"Do you know who'll win?", Mr. Trevor asked you as Elijah and Kublai went into the cage.
"You or me will have to interfere. In the worst case, I'll have to knock Kublai out.", you said in a tone that knew what would happen. The coach looked at you with a concerned face.
As Elijah put on his red headgear, he saw Kublai without one. "Kublai, where's your headgear?", the russian asked as he pointed towards his own head.
Kublai smiled lazily as he anwered. "Don't need one, I'll be just fine."
And for a moment, Elijah just stood there before tossing his headgear out of the ring. It landed right in front of you. Coach Trevor, Elijah and Kublai were in the ring as you sat on one of the many seats and observed the soon-to-be fight.
Elijah said something to which Kublai raised his arms. You locked eyes with Coach Trevor and made a kicking motion with your leg. He nodded while a droplet of sweat flew down the side of his face.
And when he said "GO!", Elijah and Kublai leaped at each other.
[I'm not going to spoil anything more abt their fight]
You and Kublai were standing on either side of the door, as you and Kublai glared daggers into Zach and Ethan. You smiled sympathetically, but Kublai was staring at them with a bored face.
You took the first word, addressing Ethan. "You were in it too, weren't you Ethan?", you asked as you smiled at him sadly.
Kublai continued. "Your shoes had drops of tomato paste. You were the one who wrote on Elijah's wall."
Ethan grinned as he glared right back at your best friend. "Well, no shit Sherlock."
You gave him another sad face as you asked him why. "I can understand Zach, but what did Elijah ever do to you?"
Ethan snickered as he walked towards you. He put one hand on the wall next to your head as he leaned down to you. "Listen, doll. There's just some things a man's gotta do. If you're free later, I could tell ya more about it.", the fighter said, smirking down at you.
Meanwhile, Kublai was chuckling as you looked up at him with big, doe eyes. "Doll? Do I look like a doll to you?", you asked with a smile, a sweet little blush making your cheeks rosy.
Ethan blushed a little as well as he answered you with a, "Yes, and a very cute one as well."
You then averted your eyes shyly as you whipped around with your upper body from side to side. "Then...could you do me a favor?"
"Can't promise anything when it comes to fighting that Elijah guy, sweetheart."
Kublai smirked at him mischievously, and Zach sensed danger, but Kublai didn't do a thing.
You giggled as you looked up at him. "Ah, no, that's not what I meant. You know, I've been fighting myself too, Ethan. ...If you look up "dewushka yaga", then videos of me should pop up. Please...if you're free later...could you give me some tips on how to improve my skills?"
Ethan blushed even more when you smiled up at him. "S-sure thing!"
And then you bid a good night, but before that, you turned around. "And Ethan, after you've watched that video, I expect you to come. Let's meet in the kitchen, alright?"
Ethan smirked again. "You can count on me, sweets."
And with that, you and Kublai left. "Damn, you sure about her? She's pretty damn close with Kublai.", Zach said as he thought back to your interaction. Kublai not interfering when Ethan stepped too close to you? There was something foul.
"Nah, I ain't too worried about him."
Ethan plopped down on to a sofa and typed down your stage name.
Then he froze. There were thousands of videos with aa frozen picture of you laughing into the camera lika a maniac, your goth make-up highlighting your crazy-wide smiling face.
With hesistance, Ethan tapped on the least intimidating-looking video. Big mistake. The video started with you posing in front of the camera, your tight ponytail holding your dark hair in place. Your dark goth outfit did your body pretty much justice and you actually looked rather sexy than intimidating. But then, there was a cutely dressed girl which he knew, that girl could beat many people, after all.
He was immersed into the video that Zach plopped down right next to him to see what he was watching. The recording went on a bit, interviewing before the fight. You grinned into the camera. "She's cute, but I think that after I'm done with her...plastic surgery wouldn't even be able to give her back her looks."
And the cute dressed girl giggled when the interviewer played out your words for her to hear. "Ohhhh, she thinks she's all that! But no, I'll beat that newbie!"
Uh, yeah, no.
You beat her to a pulp. While laughing crazily, you broke her limbs and smashed her head many times into the fighting grounds. BEfore the guards could pull you away from her not moving body, you bashed her face one last time into the ground, and the ground broke.
Ethan had seen enough. He thought back on how he cornered you and how he called you these petnames. Then he thought about you wanting to see him later. Ethan thought about shitting his pants. "Told ya. Something was foul.", Zach whispered as he went to his dorm.
[the fight day]
"HeY, gUys.", Elijah greeted Joe, Vasily and Medusa.
"Stop moving around, Elijah.", Kublai grumbled, hyper-fixated on binding his hand neatly and perfectly. Just how you would do it.
"Where's Eva?", Vasily asked as he looked around. "She said she'd bring him a lucky-snack for the fight.", the mongolese answered while Elijah sat shaking in his seat.
Mr. Trevor paced around, mumbling something under his breath.
Joe, being the GSM he was, wanted to mock Elijah. "Hah! He's shitting his-" "He's in high spirits!", the blonde interrupted him, not wanting Elijah to feel any more down than he already was. Joe warned V-Cube to watch his mullet as he got pushed down by his neck by him.
You just came in time. "Okay, sorry for the wait! I had to take it out from yesterday! I'm glad I found a lunchbox last minute!", you exclaimed as you took out a spoon and opened the lunch box. Elijah looked inside of it, and saw a salad. A colourful salad.
He frowned. "What's inside?" "Eggs (Egg white and yolk), Peas, Sasiska (=Sausage), potatoes, carrots, pickles and mayonaise! It's also called-"
"Moscowsky Salat?! You made it?! How?!", Vasily interrupted and already drooled at the cool salad. "By preparing it. And now eat at least a spoon, Eli.", you instructed as you took a small portion and held it in front of his lips.
The dark haired russian blushed, not having expected for you to spoonfeed him, but he didn't complain. He closed his eyes as he took a bite, and he fell in love. "More-" "After you've won."
Elijah looked up to you. "This salad is full, Elijah, and it's still cold. Moscowsky Salat is served best cold, so you better hurry up before it gets warm."
He nodded, determined to win and get another delicious taste of the salad you made. "I will!", and he ran to his bag to get his mouthguard. But he rummaged a little too long. "Blyat! I can't find it! I still can't find my mouthguard!"
'Did I leave it back in my room?!', he thought as he stared at his bag in betrayal. [bro the bag never did anything to you]
All of a sudden, Mr. Trevor seemed to have gotten alive as well, because he spawned next to Elijah and scared the hell out of him. "Who the hell forgets their mouthguard?!", he yelled angrily while Elijah screamed in fear.
You looked at Kublai. "Give him your "watching a fight" mouthguard, Kublai!", you commanded and he fished it out of his pockets as Elijah scolded Mr. Trevor to not scare him like that. Mr. Trevor only looked at him like that😠. [I don't know which other emoji would suit best.]
Kublai told him that he could use his special mouthguard and you sighed. vasily came closer to you and tapped your shoulder as you deadpanned at your "older brother" for telling Elijah and Mr. "Uncle" Trevor about his different mouthguards used for different activities.
"Ah, Vasily, what's up?", you asked as you looked up to him with a smile. Vasily stared at your box, as he fidgeted with his fingers shyly. "C-could I have a bite?"
You grinned, showing your sweet fangs. "I actually packed a few more boxes in case more people wanted to eat."
You internally melted when you gave Vasily a box containing some of your salad with an included spoon to which he showed his most precious and cute smile to you while thanking you. Joe looked interested as well, along with Medusa, but you shook your pointy finger in front of Mullet man. "No-no's for you, cause you bullied Elijah. Here, Sir.", you then smiled at Medusa sweetly, who glowed in excitement. Rumsfeld grumbled under his breath.
"This tastes so good! I haven't had this salad in such a long time!", V-Cube cried, munching away happily as Medusa froze when he tasted the salad. "This tastes incredible...! Do you have more of that?"
You just put your pointy finger on your lips with a smile because of Vasily. He had a shitty diet and if he heard that you had more, then he'd eat it all up, gaining even more weight and you didn't want that. Medusa glanced at him, then nodded in understanding.
ALRIGHTY!! I wrote this far, and yeah. I think I'll write more parts of these, but that's it for today. I hope you liked this part, 🍰-nom.
Requests are still open!
Read you in the next post!
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world-of-spirits ¡ 21 days ago
The Complete History of Bourbon: From Kentucky’s Roots to a Global Whiskey Phenomenon
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Bourbon is more than just a whiskey; it is an American legacy that has stood the test of time, evolving from a regional specialty into a globally celebrated spirit. Known for its deep flavors, rich history, and meticulous craftsmanship, bourbon has played a central role in the whiskey industry. The rise of the "Whiskey Company in the USA" over the years has helped propel bourbon to the heights it enjoys today. But how did this uniquely American spirit come to dominate the world stage? Let’s take a deep dive into bourbon's origins, key milestones in its development, and its rise to global prominence.
The Origins of Bourbon: Kentucky's Whiskey Roots
Bourbon's journey began in the late 18th century when Scottish, Irish, and German immigrants settled in the Appalachian region, bringing their distilling knowledge with them. Kentucky, with its fertile land, abundant corn supply, and limestone-filtered water, provided the perfect conditions for producing whiskey. Unlike the traditional rye-based spirits, these early settlers experimented with corn, leading to the birth of what we now recognize as bourbon.
Elijah Craig, a Baptist preacher and distiller, is often credited with pioneering bourbon-making techniques, particularly the use of charred oak barrels that give bourbon its signature caramel and vanilla notes. While this claim is debated, what remains undeniable is that Kentucky quickly became the heartland of bourbon production.
The 19th Century: Bourbon Gains Recognition
By the early 19th century, bourbon had established itself as a distinct style of whiskey. Distillers refined production methods, using charred oak barrels to improve flavor and aging techniques to create a smoother, more complex spirit. The introduction of the Sour Mash process, credited to Dr. James C. Crow, further refined bourbon production by ensuring consistency in fermentation.
As railroads expanded, bourbon began reaching markets beyond Kentucky, making its way to cities like New Orleans, where it became a favorite among whiskey enthusiasts. The term "bourbon" was first officially recognized in 1840, named after Bourbon County, Kentucky. This helped solidify its reputation and differentiate it from other American whiskeys.
The Impact of Prohibition
The early 20th century saw bourbon facing one of its biggest challenges: Prohibition (1920-1933). The nationwide ban on alcohol production and sale led to the closure of many distilleries, with only a handful permitted to produce whiskey for medicinal purposes. This period drastically reduced bourbon production and caused the industry to decline.
However, once Prohibition was repealed, bourbon made a slow but steady comeback. The post-war boom of the 1950s and 1960s saw bourbon regain popularity, particularly in the American South. Brands began marketing bourbon as a premium product, appealing to a new generation of drinkers.
The Modern Bourbon Renaissance
The late 20th century and early 21st century marked a golden age for bourbon. The growing interest in craft spirits, whiskey tourism, and premium aging techniques fueled bourbon’s resurgence. The introduction of "Straight bourbon whiskey" further cemented its standing, with distillers focusing on high-quality aging processes and small-batch production to enhance complexity and richness.
Bourbon’s international appeal also skyrocketed. Exports to Europe and Asia surged, with whiskey connoisseurs recognizing bourbon’s unique flavor profile. Japan, in particular, became a significant market, with collectors seeking rare and vintage bourbons. The rise of cocktail culture further contributed to bourbon's global dominance, with classic "Bourbon whiskey recipes" like the Old Fashioned, Manhattan, and Mint Julep becoming bar staples worldwide.
Bourbon in the 21st Century: A Global Whiskey Phenomenon
Today, bourbon is a multi-billion-dollar industry, with demand surpassing supply in many cases. Innovation continues to shape bourbon production, with distillers experimenting with different mash bills, barrel finishes, and extended aging techniques. From small craft producers to global whiskey giants, bourbon remains a cornerstone of the whiskey industry.
Shankar Distillers - Premium Distillery in the USA has contributed to this new wave of bourbon appreciation, offering unique and refined expressions that appeal to both traditionalists and modern whiskey drinkers alike. Whether sipped neat, on the rocks, or incorporated into classic cocktails, bourbon has solidified its place as a global whiskey icon.
Bourbon’s journey from Kentucky's farmlands to international acclaim is a testament to its enduring appeal and craftsmanship. From early settlers refining their distillation techniques to the rise of modern craft distilleries, bourbon has continued to evolve while staying true to its roots. The legacy of "Straight bourbon whiskey" and its role in shaping the whiskey industry ensures that bourbon will continue to thrive for generations to come. With the resurgence of premium whiskey culture and the popularity of "Bourbon whiskey recipes," bourbon remains a timeless classic, celebrated by whiskey lovers worldwide.
Useful Links
Manhattan cocktail recipe
Best gin in the USA
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mega-bluespower ¡ 4 months ago
Cigar news you can use: Joining hands
 BRADLEY OFFERS A NEW UNCUT SERIES  FEATURING ELIJAH CRAIG    Alec Bradley is delighted to debut its latest  esteemed Uncut Series offering in connection with a private single barrel offering selected  from the rickhouses of Heaven Hill Distillery.  Alec Bradley is offering this unique pairing experience to its customers, which includes the recently released Alec Bradley Safe Keepings Robusto…
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charlotteswebbbbb ¡ 6 months ago
What's the vibe? #67
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In the news...
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Venice Film Festival has just ended. Top films to think about include
Babygirl ft Harris Dickinson and Nicole Kidman, Queer ft Daniel Craig, The Room Next Door - Almadovar's first English full length and Maria ft Angelina Jolie. LFF is also soon and we'll be running through what you need to buy tickets for maybe next week.
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Here's a quick list: Anora (Baker), The Apprentice (Abbassi), Bird (Arnold), Conclave (Berger), Emilia Perez (Audiard), Hard Truths (Leigh), The Ballad of Suzanne Cesaire (Hunt-Ehrlich), Dahomey (Diop), The Seed of the Sacred Fig (Rasoulof), Pavements (Ross-Perry).
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New York Fashion Week is here and there. Seems to be much bigger this time around and something to pay attention to in the future. Will New York have a cultural return - and I'm not talking about right wing adj Dimes Square.... Maybe rent needs to go down?
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*by Elijah
Aside from that, shows to know would be Collina Strada, Willy Chavarria, Tanner Fletcher, Ralph Lauren... performance as presentation, the lines between play and fashion show blur.
This all American feel during an election season....nationalism....what does it lead to when it's not fully fulfilled? Also after years of unbelonging/rejecting symbols of national pride why do young people want to feel a part of their countries even though their countries have made them economically disadvantaged? Olympics overspill?
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Kendrick Lamar is the next artist to perform at the Super Bowl Half Time Show next year in Feb 2025.
Sarah Burton is the new Creative Director at Givenchy. Haider Ackermann is IN at Tom Ford and Clare Waight Keller is in at Uniqlo. Muy interestante.
Dyson are expanding on their product range of hair products to include haircare which include the special ingredient: mushrooms.
Crowd culture:
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In the UK especially, there is the big event/cultural moment for the country to back. Next year will be the return of Oasis. The big concerts at Wembley/The O2 feel massive. The country is in a critical moment politically as much amends are to be fixed such as healthcare, culture, infrastructure etc. It's not very Parklife but I think niche culture is more modern and mono is older and people search backwards to find larger communities.
The Return of i-D:
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Now owned by Karlie Kloss who will defang the publication politically, how does the relaunched publication show that it's different in a market of British based youth mags Dazed and The Face. In its absence, The Face has developed itself much more, its tone more cheeky, more casual, more friendly and its storytelling more niche and local.
A Changing London:
London is an ever changing city. But now post pandemic we know it's ebbs and flows a bit more. Fridays are now definite days for work from home - what opportunities does this leave for businesses? We have off peak travel advantages but I don't think that's enough to get back to the office. I think that this change works quite well if you're a club or pub or a cinema, people feel refreshed enough to get to your doors for 6pm but for maybe sandwich shop owners it's different.
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With even the mention of a 4 day week (maybe albeit 5 days squished into 4) from the new Labour government, where does that leave the issue of British leisure?
The culture of London has changed. The suburbs thrive and localism is popular. (Could be gentrification in small pots and people bringing the small village vibe to London?) How do the big brands/stores survive? Surely, just fine. (They would love some tax free shopping though. Also Harrods customers getting advantages and free gifts from their Middle Eastern banks? *will update when I get photo from bus*)
Things are so bad with renting, they've conceptualised and commodified house parties.......and smoking possibly being banned in pub gardens, what will young people do now? (Live healthier lives perhaps?)
New places:
Ancestral Wines: Import, Wholesale & Retail of Natural & Artisanal Wine in Forest Hill.
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Goen - Japanese Head Spa salon in London
Futur Shock at Fold -
Futur.Shock CIC is the not-for-profit multi-disciplinary art platform embedded within FOLD Night-Club.
It promotes, educates & explores next-generation techniques in interdisciplinary practices & expanded fields of club culture, electronic music, interactive design, architecture, audio-visual performance, & digital art production.
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Things that people talked about this summer: Slave Play, Flooded Garden by Oscar Murillo and London general public at the Tate Modern, artist residencies at clubs (Lord Tusk, Little Simz at the Tate etc etc.)
Slave Play alone shows me young people want to watch something a bit scandalous, related to pop culture, and for the creator to be...a character. That doesn't necessarily mean it's good.
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FKA Twigs???
Good content?
Question: How will femicide and growing misogyny across the world change the behaviour of men and women and what are peoples needs going to be for this?
Also are men becoming more savvy at shopping for their own beauty? - FT
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