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before-it-felt-like-a-sin · 5 months ago
Dating Vampire Natalie Scatorccio Headcanons
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Pairing: Vampire Nat x gn reader
When Nat was turned, literally no one noticed since she was already so pale and didn't eat much at school
the only reason you found out is because you were out late one night and saw her drinking from a dead deer
She was pretty unfazed by you finding out, since you were chill about the whole thing. She was expecting hysterics, but you barely reacted
after you found out, she started hanging out with you more often because she didn't have to hide that she was a vampire
You were very intrigued by the whole thing, and you ended up asking her all sorts of questions
"Wait can you turn into a bat?" "Don't think so." "Ugh. Boring."
After a while of you hanging out, she ends up making a move and just kissing you after you say something stupid or ask another dumb vampire question
your dynamic doesn't change much once you start officially dating, the only difference is now whenever she wants you to stop talking she kisses you instead of telling you to shut up. you like this option a lot better
Even though you saw her drink that one time, she doesn't like you to be around if she has to eat
A few months into your relationship, she eventually relents and lets you be there
She still doesn't like you seeing her eat, but it bothers her less as time goes on
Once, when she was really hungry and didn't have access to any other blood, you offered to let her bite you
at first she was very opposed, but she started getting so hungry that she couldn't avoid it anymore
I think the first time she drinks from you it's definitely from the wrist instead of the neck
She starts drinking and after a few minutes, you start getting pale and pass out on her
after that she says she's never going to drink from you again (she mostly stays true to this, and if she does have to drink your blood again she makes sure you're fed and hydrated before she does)
She makes you watch scary movies and loves to hear your blood rush when you get scared
like you're sitting next to her on the couch freaking out over this horror movie villain and she's just there listening to your heartbeat
For Halloween she makes you dress as a vampire and she goes as a werewolf because she thinks the irony is hilarious, even though you're the only other person who understands why it's funny
since she can't really be outside for extended periods of time during the day, most of your dates happen at night
she also takes you to a lot of movies since there aren't big windows and the risk of her burning is a lot lower
Since she doesn't have to eat normal food, she often forgets that you need to eat at certain times, and she feels really bad if the two of you are at her place since she doesn't really keep food around
she starts stocking up on snacks specifically for you in case you get hungry and didn't bring anything for yourself
She also rarely takes you out on dinner dates since she doesn't really eat
If you want a dinner date you have to plan it or drop hints at her for like a week straight
I think she would fuck with a night picnic though, she's drinking animal blood out of cute little glasses and you have like... cherry juice so you feel included
since she wouldn't need to sleep, sometimes she shows up to your house at like 3 a.m. and you wake up with her in your bed
the first time it happened you freaked out a but, but eventually it started happening so often that you don't even bat an eye anymore
vampire Nat my beloved
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sonnybunnies · 22 days ago
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it’s a struggle </3
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natjacketss · 1 month ago
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Vampire x Vampire hunter au … let’s get working
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team-avia · 6 months ago
Calling all artists, editors, and writers~!
Join us on a whimsical journey through Novit with My Hunted Darling's Devilish Delights Contest! Let your imagination run wild, and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a chance to win a pretty golden ticket to Novit for your troubles ;)
Much time has passed, and humans haven't been spotted on this side of the cross-dimensional pond in a while… but the barrier between worlds has gone fickle, as such, you can now explore these uncharted lands yourself! That's right, you can be a part of this new world we're building!
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Here's all the details:
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"Devilish Tea Party"
will be the running theme! Draw, write, or edit any of My Hunted Darling's womb-achingly gorgeous vampires using this prompt and use the hashtags #mhd, #my hunted darling, and #mhd devilish delights 2024 when sharing your works online! Be sure to tag us at @team-avia to make sure we see it!
The prizes are as follows:
1ST PLACE = You or your original character can be an interactable NPC in the world of MHD! 2ND PLACE = You or your original character can be featured in one of the backgrounds! 3RD PLACE = Your work will be displayed in one of the backgrounds and the game's gallery!
All of the winner's artworks will be featured in the Gallery, you'll be able to decide how players can go about unlocking your respective artworks!
The competition will last from September 22nd to October 22nd, we at Team Avia will personally look through every creation and pick out the candidates! You, the audience, can vote on your favorite creation as soon as they're chosen!
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discard-celestia · 7 months ago
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poster of lestat de lioncourt as liane de pougy:
based on a poster (under the cut) of french courtesan Liane de Pougy who was openly bisexual, left her husband armand, escaped to paris where she tried acting, had a long-term relationship with a woman whom she wrote a book about after said woman left her, had a long list of affairs, described herself as a terrible mother who saw her child as a doll to dress up, was regarded as one the most beautiful women in Paris, and ultimately became a princess. fascinating woman, really
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Poster for Liane de Pougy at the Folies Bergères, Paul Berthon (c. 1890s).
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enidtendo64 · 3 months ago
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The LottieNat (with some Jackieshauna guest appearance) Vampire and Witch AU, also from the Yellowjackets for Palestine drive!
Vampire hunter turned vampire Natalie and baby vampire Jackie are hiding and on the run and are taken in by a mysterious but empathetic to their cause witch, Lottie Matthews. Together they try to keep Nat and Jackie’s presence a secret, from the town’s mayor foremost arcane knight (and Lottie’s teacher) Taissa, friendly local blacksmith and the mayor’s will they wont they Van, and Taissa’s new student in the arcane arts, young Shauna Shipman
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eepwtf · 2 months ago
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✦︎ ┃ diamond eyes.
❝ time will see us realign, diamonds reign across the sky. shower me into the same realm. ❞
⟡ ┃ rocket skates.
❝ you're red soaking wet, i'm right next to you. you're red soaking wet. ❞
✦︎ ┃ you’ve seen the butcher.
❝ you slowly enter, 'cause you know my room. and then you crawl your knees off, and then you shake my tomb. ❞
⟡ ┃ se(x)tape.
❝ take me for one last ride, i'm out of my head. ❞
✦︎ ┃ this place is death.
❝ no one else has a hold over me, like you do. you open up the covers, you lure me in. ❞
⟡ ┃ risk.
❝ i know what to say to take you, higher, higher. No one else can take you higher, but i will try. ❞
✦︎ ┃ beauty school.
❝ i watch you taste it, i see your face and i know i’m alive. you're shooting stars, from the barrel of your eyes. it drives me crazy, just drives me wild. ❞
⟡ ┃ prince.
❝ it’s a game that we like, we crave. yet nobody wins any way you decide, you try. ❞
✦︎ ┃ rx queen. (demon!user)
❝ 'cause you're my girl, and that's alright if you sting me, i won't mind. ❞
⟡ ┃ pink maggit. (fallen angel!user)
❝ i'll take your oxygen away, i'll set you on fire. 'cause i'm on fire. ❞
✦︎ ┃ teenager.
❝ new cavity moved into my heart today. ❞
✦︎ ┃ digital bath. (fallen angel!user)
❝ you move like i want to, to see like your eyes do. ❞
⟡ ┃ change. (vamp!dean)
❝ i watched a change in you, its like you never had wings. now, you feel so alive. ❞
✦︎ ┃ elite. (vamp!user)
❝ you like attention, it proves to you you're alive. ❞
BONUS TRACKS .ᐟ ⠀ ♪ ݂۫
✦︎ ┃ what happened to you? (fem!user)
❝ the sky is falling down, this night belongs to you. ❞
✦︎ ┃ lucky you. (fem!user)
❝ and if you're feeling lucky, come and take me home, and if you feel loved. ❞
⟡ ┃ passenger.
❝ here i lay, just like always, don’t let me go. ❞
✦︎ ┃ smile.
❝ smile, you’re born again. do you feel love? ❞
⟡ ┃ swerve city.
❝ distant howling out, it keeps you floating around. ❞
✦︎ ┃ can’t even breathe.
❝ i can't breathe and arrive with my style, so watch you watch me. ❞
✦ ┃ be quiet and drive (far away)
❝ it feels good to know you're mine, now drive me far away, away, away. far away i don't care where. ❞
✦︎ ┃ lovers.
❝ the more you wait, the more you burn. before we break...through. ❞
⟡ ┃ when girls telephone boys.
❝ you always sharpen your teeth 'cause you're like that, and you're like that every time you pull heart back. ❞
✦︎ ┃ cherry waves.
❝ the waves suck you in and you drown, if like, you should sink down beneath. i'll swim down, would you? ❞
⟡ ┃ rapture. (supe!user)
❝ i know where you are now, you twist everything else around. ❞
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eepwtf’s note; this is a little a lil cringe but free will & whatnot. also damon and deftones fit so perfectly, he would definitely listen to deftones & kai… i feel like he would also. (he likes men moaning singing beautiful in his ear) i wasn’t going to make this as my bot dump but uhh… yeah my brain doesn’t cooperate with what i want to do so!
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dailyfilms22 · 2 months ago
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dir. Mark Waters
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maiapoetica · 2 months ago
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mirefireflies · 6 months ago
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on desire
little story — khelani / this is how you lose the time war — amal el-mohtar and max gladstone / cherry wine — hozier / dolce, hannibal 3.06 / if my body could speak — blythe baird / wolf OR-7 — natalie diaz / like the light by which god made the world before there was light, interview with the vampire 2.06 / citizen illegal — jose olivarez / crush — ada limón
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mediagifs · 1 year ago
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downtownhannah · 3 months ago
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team-avia · 5 months ago
Interview with the Vampire(s)
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You flipped open to a fresh page in your journal, a newly sharpened pencil in your hand, with two more tucked precariously behind each of your ears, and another one shoved in the front pocket of your lab coat.
The room was dark, save for the lone candle illuminating the desk at which you and your guest sat at. Rain pattered behind the closed window, branches moving in the slight wind.
“I have some questions I'd like to ask you, about yourself, about Novit,” you told the person sitting in front of you. They held a long and delicate looking porcelain pipe in their hand, sweet smelling wafts of smoke pouring from their lips as they exhaled.
“I will answer any questions you have to the best of my ability. Though this knowledge is not something you should share readily with the humans in your world.”
You nodded your head. You understood how dangerous this information could be falling into the wrong hands. But you also knew how big a wave this could make in all the fields of science. You'd be a fool to pass up this opportunity.
Clearing your throat, you pressed your pencil to the page. “For now, I merely need a few details about yourself.” More in depth questions would come later once you knew what to ask about this mysterious new world and its occupants.
“My name is Cordelia,” the woman in front of you spoke, her piercing blue eyes glowing in the dark. She held herself with a sense of importance. “I am the head of this coven, and I own Corville manor. I am originally from a beautiful and serene island country called Yupin, before moving to Piedamonte to fulfill my duties.”
You scribbled down her words.
“I keep the peace between your world and Novit, and have been doing so for many decades. I have seen both the truimphs and horrors of man and I seek to prevent tragedy from befalling either worlds. Though there are those of my kind that seek to bring about chaos. It is why the rest of the coven and I fight diligently to keep them away.”
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The scene changed and another vampire had taken Cordelia's place. This vampire wore a charming grin on their face, long brown hair swept up into a ponytail. “My name is Natalie and I hail from Cuniso, an island nation that curates the pursuit of knowledge. I feel you would love it there very much, given your curious mind.” She flashed you a bright grin. “Perhaps I could take you on a date and show you around sometime?”
You flushed at her words, clearing your throat awkwardly as you turned back to your notes.
“What do you do in the coven?”
“You could call me Cordelia's right hand person. She gives us orders and I make sure everyone falls into line to follow them. I'm a peacekeeper of sorts in the group.” She placed a hand to her chest, proud of this fact. “Someone has to keep Victoriqua in check. You know how Drunians get.”
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“Natalie said they were Cordelia's right hand person?!” the red head's nostrils flared as she crossed her arms over her chest tightly. “I'm Cordelia's right hand person! I was there almost from the start, helping her build this coven, helping her build the defenses to keep the humans safe!”
“Uh, could we maybe move on from-” you began, not wanting to continue listening to this rant.
“I'm going to find her and shove my fist up her-”
“Where are you from?” you interjected loudly. Victoriqua glared at you.
“You're trying to distract me from giving her an ass kicking and it's not working.”
She hurried away from her chair, making it rock back and forth, before she slammed the door to the room shut. You sighed, wondering how badly things would go after this.
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Willow was next and she sat stiffly in her chair, a semi vacant look in her eyes. You could hear crashing noises and muffled screams in the distance and you really hoped that someone would intervene between Victoriqua and Natalie.
“Mind telling me a bit about yourself?” you asked Willow hopefully.
The woman with white hair and dark circles under her eyes, sighed gently to herself. “I am Willow of Prevenio. I have been alive longer than several generations of your family.” Her voice was whispery, scratchy, as if she didn't use it often.
“Why did you join the coven?”
“What other option did I have?” she poised and you scratched your cheek with eraser of your pencil. Huh?
“I must leave,” she said, already pushing her chair back. “The mirrors need a freshening.”
Now what did that mean?
Willow was barely out of the door when another vampire bounded into the room, sitting down hard and fast in the chair, almost crushing it with their strength.
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“I'm Sierra!” she cheered, hand in the air, smiling sharp fangs at you. “I'm from Piedamonte.” She put her hand down. “I'll tell you anything and everything.”
“Are you...okay?” you asked in mild concern, noting the trickle of gold red on her shirt.
She glanced down. “Ah man, I'm gonna have to wash that. It's one of my favorite shirts too.” She looked up at you. “I'm fine. Vic-a-dic and Nat-a-lie we're going at it, so I kinda jumped in to give them the biz and they got annoyed I was getting involved so they chased me away and I had to run around the manor to lose them. Cordelia caught them tho and she gave them a thorough tongue lashing but it's all fine now cuz she made them apologize to me and I wasn't even mad at them.”
“Sounds like you were busy,” you said, noting this down.
“It's always a blast around here, human,” Sierra smiled. “Stick with us, and you'll never be bored...”
The candle on the desk flickered and gave out at this, throwing you both into the dark, leaving Sierra's pink eyes staring unnervingly back at you.
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A little taste to give some more context about the setting and characters in MHD...
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snail-sprout · 2 years ago
I taste blood on my tongue, dare I ask for seconds?
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Based on Vampire Fairy Demon by Takato Yamamoto to go along with my Lottienat vampire/vampire hunter fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49098622/chapters/123872458
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ailesses · 2 months ago
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anidala/vaderdala moodboard - vampire
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jeanrollins · 1 month ago
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Archival interview with Natalie Perrey in Les Frissons d'un requiem (2024)
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