#v: game of thrones
idolbound · 10 months
On one hand I can't believe GoT is giving me a bit of Meredith muse, but also I can absolutely believe it.
Kirkwall should've been able to convey the intense political workings of the city-state in the game had they not been rushed to finish it. Between the ways that the Templars are deeply embedded as an armed force (e.g. when the active Viscount during Meredith's time as Knight-Captain decided to block Orlesians from achieving passage on the Waking Sea , the Chantry ordered the Knight-Commander and his Templars to pressure the Viscount to open it. This led to the Viscount sending mercenaries, capturing and hanging the Knight-Commander, which forced Meredith to lead her templars to go after the Viscount and arrest him. This chain of events led to Grand Cleric Elthina naming Meredith as the succeeding Knight-Commander, which created a strong political alliance between them aka the only person who could truly 'command' Meredith).
I've written about it before, but the way that Meredith knows full well the sort of armed force she has at her command is the exact reason after the Viscount is killed by the qunari that she refuses to allow the people to fill his seat and declares marital law - she wants that power, and it is her opportunity to lead the city in her image (paired with her paranoia, enhanced by the red lyrium idol sword).
These are all very calculated moves, and so I do think Meredith would do the same in a GoT verse, even if her position is not all powerful. She waits for the opportune moment to seize control, whilst still using other methods to aid her (some kind of magic, I've not yet figured out as I'm only on season 3 now).
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xdragonsofavaloria · 1 year
The Great Hunt-Drabble
(I’m not really good at writing canon characters, and this is my first time writing anything in the GoT universe with my characters, so hopefully Petyr Baelish and Sansa sound/is written okay).
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“Are you sure you want to host this hunt, Your Majesty?” Petyr Baelish asked as he and Cassie walked the old hunting forests near the castle. He was in hiding after he and Sansa left King’s Landing after the death of Joffrey Baratheon, and he wheedled in way into the Avalorian court, hoping that the Morrigantes family wasn’t like the Targaryens. So far, he was surprised by the fact that they haven’t shown any madness yet, though a a part of him was confused by the Queen not having anyone a husband. “Nearly everyone in the kingdom would be coming, and, well...” he paused, wondering if he should say this now instead of never. “Things might get a bit...hairy.” 
The Queen next to him nodded as she kept looking around, stopping every once in a while to listen to the birds and the wildlife. It was about time that the castle was full of the many families that come for a hunt, drink, and to have a good time. In fact, it was her own brother Alek that suggested it after coming through these lands. “And if these councilmen don’t like it, I’ll shove my axe up their uppity asses-” before his wife hushed him. 
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“I’m quite positive that I want to host a hunt, Lord Baelish,” Cassiopeia answered, turning to him. “We haven’t hosted one in years, and the last time we did host one was when my father wanted to, and my brother Alek hosted one after he was married to Serine. If you’re worried about things being hairy, then I think you don’t need to show up...unless,” she said, taking a step towards him. “Some of these families that might make things ‘hairy’ might know you and would kill you for sport?” 
Damn, she’s good. 
Baelish bit his lip as thought of his answer before the Queen turned around and started to walk again. He ran to catch up to her, hoping to make her change her mind. “That is true-”
“And the Lady Alayne? Do the people I’ve invited coming here know her as well?’ she asked curiously. Cassie knew who Alayne really was-Sansa Stark-and she’d already pledged her allegiance to her anyway, but she wanted to hear it from Baelish’s mouth, since Sansa told her so many things about him. Already Cassie wanted to protect her from her and her enemies, and help her get back to Winterfell. 
Baelish lips curled up into a little grin when she asked about Sansa. A lie formed on his lips, to try and calm the dragon queen, to make sure she wasn’t suspicious about them. But none came to Littlefinger, and right then he felt cornered by a dragon who was very protective over little Sansa. “Yes,” he bit out. “They would know who the Lady Alayne is and would do anything to bring her back to King’s Landing.” 
“Not if she becomes my daughter.” 
“I’m...sorry, Your Majesty?” now he was confused. 
“Princess Alayne Samantha Morrigantes,” Cassie answered. “They won’t hurt her if I told them that she’s my daughter.” Of course, she talked all about this to Sansa the night before, and she agreed to it. And seeing the look on Baelish’s face, the ashen look on his face as soon as she said the name-and it was perfect, since Phoenix had already loved her as if she was his sister. “My son loves her already, and she seems happy here. You don’t want to take that away from her, don’t you?’
Baelish opened his mouth, trying to come up with something. But nothing came out of his mouth, and he felt like the rug was taken out from him. “No,” he answered simply. 
Cassie smiled as they kept going, finding the forest satisfactory to her-and making Petyr Baelish squirm was the highlight of her day. 
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“Did he agree?” Sansa asked that night when dinner was over, and she and Phoenix was in Cassie’s room, playing. “Did he say that I can pretend to be your daughter?’ She was holding her breath all day, hoping that she would no longer be under Baelish’s thumb. She quite liked being in Avaloria, she felt safe and happy. In fact, she’d never thought she’d laugh again after everything she’d went though. 
Cassie smiled at her and nodded. “We do need to christen you as the princess,” she said, not being able to finish that statement before Sansa hugged her. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she said with a smile, feeling like a weight has been lifted it from her shoulders. 
The Dragon Queen laughed as she stroked her new daughter’s head. Even if its for a little while, she at least had a daughter. When she opened her mouth to welcome her to the family, her son did it for her, running up and hugging her side, making her laugh. 
“So so so Lady Sansa’s gonna be my sister, mama?” he asked. “I gotta call her, call her Princess Ala, Alayne in public, right mama?”
She nodded laughing. “Of course you do. Only in private you call her Sansa, okay?’ Cassie told her, picking him up and kissing the both of them on the forehead. 
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afraidofchange · 6 months
pull + rama
@n1ghtwarden - gestures | for Rama
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Days since such a hard fought loss weigh heavily upon Rama; drawn to the competitive air of a King's Landing tournament, she had not once expected to be unseated from her horse, nor did she expect to be beaten so greatly by another woman. Surrendering a chance at the title of victor for the day, she'd left without grievous injury (competitive, sure, but not stupid enough to die here, rather than return to the warm, arid climate of Dorne).
Yet, the very thought of a woman so strong, so skilled, and so beautiful has not left Rama Wolfbluff's mind. A part of her fears never coming across her again, slipping a subtle want amidst her evening prayer (however inscrutable it may be) in the hopes of encountering her just once more before the long journey home.
And perhaps, the gods shall consider it.
Two nights pass before their eyes meet again; from across a tavern in River Row. Unlike the tournament, no anger nor competitive spirit lingers here; a few coins from Minthara of House Baenre buys a peace offering in the form of an ale, acting as a mere invitation to the table - and then, to her rented room.
Much like battle, strong hands rip and tear at clothes; unlike armour, material is stripped away with ease. Minthara's hands grip at her sides, down to her thighs as her robes are discarded. Teeth eagerly sink into bare flesh at the back of her hip and the top of her ass, peppered with kisses between each bite. Gradually, the slithering of a wet, warm tongue teases along the backs of her thighs and travels upwards between them, eagerly tasting between the folds of her cunt. Rama grunts, parting her legs further; gods, how she wants more and more. Moans punctuate the cool night air, drowned out only by the sounds of patrons in the tavern below.
But almost too soon, the other woman's hands force Rama forward from resting against the bedframe down into the mattress. The haze of ale and desire mix in the pit of her stomach; the sound of leather and metal clink together and the very thought makes her skin quiver.
She needn't look back to know what now adorns Minthara's hips; it is no weapon of great lethality, but a tool of pleasure, of the utmost craftsmanship. Only a faint memory of such a thing from many years ago lingers in the back of her mind, but it soon dissipates as her former tourney competitor presses up against her body again, leather-made cock between them.
"Have you ever enjoyed such a pleasure from another woman, Ser Wolfbluff?"
Golden brown eyes cast a longing glance over a broad shoulder; bare all for Minthara to admire, to want, to fuck. Her tongue swipes over the front of her teeth, wetting her lips. A sharpness lingers on every word. "Years ago... make me forget her."
Satisfied, as it were, a careful hand slides the appendage along the inside of Rama's thighs with fingers parting her lower lips. Aroused and eager, she finds her entrance and slowly, gradually pushes in. Such a full feeling draws a low, guttural moan from Rama, acclimating to such a feeling with the first few, slow and purposeful thrusts.
"Good..." Minthara purrs quietly, hands reaching to grip Rama by the hips, pulling her onto the cock further, deeper. "Take it... take it all." Everything else begins not to matter - thoughts of the the tournament, this dreaded city, her former lover - all of it fades away by the sound of skin upon skin and the sheer pleasure coming from within.
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aemondstark · 4 months
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GAME OF THRONES — "Battle of the Bastards" 06.09
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satsuha · 7 months
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🎉 happy anniversary 🐙Ⅱ!! 🍻
can't believe it's been a year already!! i love this game to bits
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"As swift as the wind he rides, and behind him his khalasar covers the earth, men without number, with arakhs shining in their hands like blades of razor grass. Fierce as a storm this prince will be. His enemies will tremble before him, and their wives will weep tears of blood and rend their flesh in grief. The bells in his hair will sing his coming, and the milk men in the stone tents will fear his name." The old woman trembled and looked at Dany almost as if she were afraid. "The prince is riding, and he shall be the stallion who mounts the world."
"The stallion is the khal of khals promised in ancient prophecy, child. He will unite the Dothraki into a single khalasar and ride to the ends of the earth, or so it was promised. All the people of the world will be his herd."
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begging hbo to make the opening sequence for dunk and egg (at least for the hedge knight) some sort of puppet show or at least involve puppets of some kind
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azoraahai · 1 year
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DAENERYS TARGARYEN in Game of Thrones 4.04
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Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Damianos (“Damen”) of Akielos/Laurent of Vere - Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat
Rhy Maresh/Alucard Emery - Shades of Magic by V. E. Schwab
Addam Saint Nicholas/Rune Saint John - The Tarot Sequence by K. D. Edwards
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard - All For The Game by Nora Sakavic
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theflorasdiary · 2 months
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keep this man away from all the asoiaf things out there!
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thatscruelsummer · 1 month
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Princess Rhaelle Targaryen and Lord Ormund Baratheon
art trade with @salialenart ❤️‍🔥
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idolbound · 10 months
Meredith (Lannister) Stannard can have bangs, as a treat.
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novembermorgon · 3 months
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jocasta-joy . i missed you
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aphrmoosun · 2 months
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"A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms." (2025)
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from-ib-to-asshai · 18 days
saw a reddit post earlier ask this so i thought i would ask the same question here:
please leave your explainations in the tags/comments!
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rynnthefangirl · 2 months
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+ w/ Daenerys
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